#sc dragon art
stardust-cove · 5 months
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It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, but I painted this months ago for my dad. Unfortunately it wasn’t a surprise because he snuck up on me when I was painting it and gave me critique (not knowing it was his own gift). I’ll be putting this on my Redbubble (bio) and I’m sure it’d make a lovely postcard or sticker design.
Design notes:
When drawing up my concepts for this piece, I sneakily asked my dad what colours would be cool for a dragon and he said he liked Smaug from the Hobbit, so I went with gold, yellows and oranges. In real life you can see a golden outline around the dragon from metallic paint. Though this specific dragon isn’t my interpretation of Smaug.
I wanted to draw a castle in the background but due to time constraints I left the background as it was. And to make the background, I put a bunch of browns and reds on the canvas and mixed them around and I like the outcome.
A general tip I have when figuring out how big you want your dragon to be is to use string to give you a visual guide, as personally I’m bad at scaling things and I’m more of a digital artist, so while I can easily change the size of things digitally, traditionally it’s harder to fix sizing mistakes.
My dad has this painting hung up in his room, and it has my signature on the back :D
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yyshm · 6 months
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art of fishers design or something idk
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I've been looking for you... got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only. Let's see here... it's an update on the jarl's weird project! Look like that's it; got to go.
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bustersw0rd · 1 year
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owed art for a friend
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hallofharmony · 1 year
ok i've been meaning to make this post for a while bc i haven't seen anyone else do this but
sky: cotl terminology!
sky fandom has a lot of terminology that could be confusing if you're a new player or just don't interact with the fandom that much. below is a list of words you might see around and what they mean. let me know if i missed anything ^-^
Sky kid/skid: the little guy you're playing as.
Moth: New players in sky. usually rock the default look. they're called this because the brown cape kinda makes them look like real moths :3
Butterfly: An advanced moth. usually wear base game cosmetics like plain capes and masks. have figured out the general mechanics but not enough to be considered an advanced player.
Veteran: Someone who's been playing for a while. you "officially" become a vet if a spirit from your first season comes back as a TS.
Chibi: player who wears the base game mask that makes them small, known as the "chibi mask".
Ikemen: players that are subjectively considered "handsome". Usually vets that wear rhythm or fire prohet pants, any of the elders' hair and owl hair, among other things. ikejou is the female equivalent.
Ts/traveling spirit: a spirit from a past season returning after a lengthy period of time (at least a year) where you're able to buy their cosmetics for regular candles while they're at home for 4 days.
Sc/season candles: orange candles that are strictly used to buy seasonal cosmetics from current season spirits. you obtain them from doing dailies during season, as well as getting them from candles scattered around the realm
Cr/candle run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting candles
wl/winged light: The little glowy guys that give you wings, increasing your stars
wl run/winged light run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting winged light
wedges/stars: the pattern on your cape that indicates how many winged lights you have
Owl hair: hair that has 2 tuffs that resemble an owl. like the season of rhythm ult hair or the season of performance ult hair
Ult/Ultimate reward: Cosmetics you receive from the season guide when you buy the season pass. Ults are the only cosmetics that don't return after a season ends.
Chibi fall: A glitch utilizing chibi mask. here's how to do it.
Oob/out of bounds: referring to going outside the wind walls and outside the borders. oobing is a big part of sky culture :)
Piggy rocket: a glitch utilizing the piggyback friendship emote, where when 2 players press the piggyback icon on each other at the same time they shoot in the sky, never seeming to stop.
Wind walls: invisible walls made of wind that prevent players from going outside the level to places they shouldn't be.
Krills: fan given name for the big scary dark creatures that roam in wasteland. As far as im aware, they're only ever strictly referred to as "dark dragons" in game and never as "krill" officially
Tgc/thatgamecompany: the developers behind sky.
sky: The Light Awaits: The beta of sky (before the current beta) where tgc allowed a handful of people on to test the game. thought to include this one as i was confused to what it was when i started playing :)
Elder names: again including these because i was also hella confused about them as a new player. but you might see some people use these names to refer to the elders, all of them being from concept art
Daleth: Isle elder
Ayin: Prarie elder
Teth: Forest elder
Sahmekh: Valley elders (sah being the spiky haired twin and mekh being the other one)
Tsadi: Wasteland elder
Lamed: Vault elder
Alef/Resh: Eden Elder/ The king
that last few are spoilers for the end game.
Ac/ ascended candles: candles you obtain after giving winged light to statues in eden. for every 4 statues you get 1 AC
Orbit: the place you end up in after you die in eden, where you go to be reborn.
Megabird: Giant star swirl thing you see at the end credits and hinted at throughout the game. called "megabird" in concept art and made out to be a god. more info
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robezpierre · 10 months
TOTK Light Dragon Crochet Pattern
It's been a while! Here's a crochet pattern for the Light Dragon from Tears of the Kingdom. I'll post it on deviant art shortly.
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Full pattern below cut. If this ends up on P*nterest, I'm going to be very disappointed with one of you.
Stitches used (abbreviations): chain (ch), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc), treble crochet (tr), increase (inc), decrease (dec)
This pattern is complicated – partially because I haven’t written a pattern for anything in a number of years, partially because the Light Dragon has a lot of weird parts. There’s chaining and slip stitching into the chains to make antlers, front loop and back loop work, flattening and working through two halves of a round simultaneously, and a lot of positioning.
I typically work in the round, without joining; if you would like to join, just add a sl st and a ch 1 to the end or start of each row in the round. It may make things twist less.
Head (1 in light brown)
1: ch 3, sc 2 in 2nd ch from hook, sc 3 in last chain, turn work (so that you’re working on the far side of the chain), sc (6)
2: sc, inc twice, sc, inc twice (10)
3-6: sc around
 7: in, sc around (11)
8: sc 5, IN BACK LOOP ONLY inc, in BOTH LOOPS, sc 5 (12) (the empty loop will be used with the white head marking)
9: sc around (12)
10: sc 3, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 2 (14)
11: sc 13, inc (15)
12: sc 7, inc, sc 7 (16)
13: sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (18)
14: sc 8, inc, sc 8, inc (20)
15-18: sc around (20)
19: sc 3, dec around (16)
20: sc 2, dec around (12) DO NOT F/O, continue to body
Begin stuffing here, and continue stuffing as you go
Begin Body
21:  sc 6 in brown, join cream, in BACK LOOPS ONLY, sc 6 in cream (12)
22- 25: sc 6 in brown, sc 6 in cream (12)
26: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, sc 7 cream (12)
Rep rows 22-26  1 time
32-: rep row 26 (12)
Continue repeating row 26 until you’re happy with the dragon’s body length; mine was a total of 89 rounds. Then, continue with the tail
90: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc (14)
91-96: Sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, sc 9 brown (14)
97: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1 (12)
98: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 1, dec, sc 1, dec, sc 1 (10)
99: sc 1 cream, sc 4 brown, in cream sc 1, dec twice (8)
100: sc 1 cream, in brown dec twice, in cream dec twice (moving the stitch marker to after the decrease) (4)
F/O, make sure everything’s stuffed and weave in ends
White Head Marking (One in cream) On one end of the unworked loops from Head/Body round 21, attach cream
1: inc, sc 4 inc, ch 1 and turn (8)
2: inc, sc 2, inc, sc 3, inc, ch 1 and turn (11)
3: inc, sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, DO NOT ch 1 or turn (yet) (14)
4: ch 4, turn, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next two chs, skip first sc in the row (last worked sc from row 3), sc in 2nd sc, sc one more, skip next sc, sc in the stitch next to it (you want the hole, it’s for antlers), sc 4 more, ch 1, turn
4.1-2: sc 4 across, ch 1 and turn (4)
4.3: sc, dec, sc, ch 1 and turn (3)
4.4-5: sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
4.6: sc, dec, ch 1 and turn (2)
4.7 dec, sl st into the open loop from Head row 8, sl st into the side of the head marking until you get back to row 4, cont row 4
4 cont: skip the first sc in row 4 (this is the other antler’s space), sc 4, ch 1, turn, sc 4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc 2, join into a sc in row 4
F/O, leaving a long tail
Spike numbers depend on how long your dragon is; her back spikes are arranged in a large-med-small-med-large pattern, starting with two large spikes and ending with an extra seven large spikes on the tail (two on top, four on the sides, and one of the very end). I would recommend making two large, two medium, and one small spike to start, and laying them out to see how many repetitions of that pattern that you can fit on the dragon, and how many spikes you need. I fit three repetitions, and those amounts are reflected below.
Large Spikes (in light blue) (I made 11)
1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
4: inc, sc 3 around (10)
5: inc, sc 4 around (12)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Medium Spikes (in light blue) (I made 6) 1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
4: inc, sc 3 around (10)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Small Spikes (in light blue) (I made 3)
1: sc 4 in mc (4)
2: inc, sc around (6)
3: inc, sc 2 around (8)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Under-spike gold
I found this easier to follow by working conceptually. You are making circles for each spike to sit on top of. To start, count your spikes, and chain: 6 for each large spike; 5 for each medium spike; and 4 for each small spike. (I had ch 80, but I needed ch 83, see below). Add 2 chains at the end. Those last two chains count as Tr, not as chains to skip/work into. You’ll end up working on either side of the starting chain, mirroring what you do on one side on the other.
For large spikes, skip 2 chs, Tr 5 in 3rd ch, skip 2 chs, sl st in 3rd ch
For medium spikes, skip 2 chs, dc 5 into 3rd ch, skip 1 ch, sl st in 2nd ch
For small spikes, skip 1 ch, dc 5 into 2nd ch, skip 1 ch, sl st in 2nd ch.
Combine the above to match how you want your spikes to sit on your dragon; when you get to the end of the chain, turn your work so that you’re working back up the chain, and mirror your stitches. You should have the correct number of circles, and be able to sl st into the first ch. I had to put Tr 10 into the first ch, since I did not have enough circles, but the ultimate placement worked out.
For the side spikes on the tail, do the following twice: Ch 10, tr 5 in 4th ch from hook, skip 2 chs, tr 10 in last ch, skip 2 sts, tr 5 in the next st (the same st as the initial tr 5), sl st to the first tr, F/O with a long tail. Sew to body, on the sides of the main tail under-gold.
I had to make one circle for the final spike on the tail, by ch 6, tr 5 in 3rd ch from hook, skip 2 chs, sl st into last ch, skip 2 sts on other side of work, tr 5 into next ch (again, where the initial tr 5 is, you’re making a circle), sl st onto first tr and F/O. A magic circle of 6, increasing around to 12, would probably work just as well; so would making the initial golden circles longer to accommodate this spike. I simply lost my spike and didn’t realize it until after I had placed everything.
Hair (make 1 in gold)
1: ch 21, starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (20)
2: ch 4, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, sc, in next ch, hdc in last ch, skip a st of row 1, sl st into front loop of next sc. Repeat across the row. Ch 1 and turn at end. (10 spikes)
3: Working in back loops only, sc across, ch 1 and turn (20 sc)
4-7: repeat rows 2-3 twice
F/O, leaving a long tail
Horns (make 2, in cream and turquoise)
In cream:
1: ch 2, sc 4 into 2nd ch from hook (4)
2: sc around (4)
F/O, and turn so that the right side is out. Leave enough tail to sew onto the head.
Using Turquoise, sl st into the cream starting ch. The horns are made from one long chain with different spikes; after slip stitching a new ‘spike’, you’ll continue slip stitching into the original chain.
Ch 12, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 4, ch 4, starting in 2nd ch sl st 6, ch 5, starting in 2nd ch sl st 3, ch 2, starting in 2nd ch sl st 5, ch 3, starting in 2nd ch sl st 4 and F/O (you should have worked all chs)
‘Bangs’(make 1 in gold)
1: ch 7, starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (6)
2: ch 4, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, sc, in next ch, hdc in last ch, skip a st of row 1, sl st into front loop of next sc. Repeat across the row. Ch 1 and turn at end. (3 spikes)
3: Working in back loops only, sc, dec, dec, sc, turn (4 sc)
4: rep row 2 (2 spikes)
5: in back loops only, dec twice (2)
6: rep row 2 (1 spike)
F/O, leaving a long tail
Sew this to the forehead of the dragon, directly between the horns – the 6th row points out, the 1st row attaches to the hair
Legs (make 6 in dark blue, 3 left and 3 right):
1: ch 6, join in first ch, sc around (6)
2-7: sc around (6) make sure that you’re working right side out!
8: in front loops only, inc around (12)
9- 10: sc around (12)
Flatten the previous row; you will sc through two stitches at once, closing the opening as you make fingers
RIGHT HAND 11: ch 6, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 5, sc through parallel sts in row 10 twice, *ch 9, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 8, then sc into two parallel stitches in row 10* repeat 3 more times, sl st through the last two parallel scs
LEFT HAND 11: *ch 9, starting in 2nd ch, sl st 8, sc through parallel sts in row 10* repeat 3 more times, sc through parallel sts in row 10 once more, ch 6, starting in 2nd ch sl st 5, sl st through the last two parallel scs.
F/O, leaving the leg unstuffed. You do not need a long tail, just enough to tie off and weave in.
Hips/Shoulders/Haunches (make 6 in cream)
You’ll be working directly into the legs, from their starting chain, and crocheting in the opposite direction. Make sure that the work faces out. Try to plan where you start to be where you want the shoulder to be – in row 6, you’ll begin working only half of the stitches, and they’ll be the stitches in front of your starting position.
1: make a slip st, and join into the starting chain for the legs. Inc around (12)
2: sc, inc around (18)
3-5: sc around (18)
6: sc 9, ch 1 and turn (leaving other sts unworked) (9)
7:  sc 6, dec, F/O
F/O, leaving a long tail. Stuff the haunch, leaving the arm/hand unstuffed.
Ears: (make 2)
Inner Ear (brown)
1: ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in last ch, ch 1 and turn (2)
2-4: sc across, ch 1 and turn (2)
5: dec, ch 1 and turn (1)
6: sc, F/O (1) your tail can be short, it won’t be used to fasten anything. I hid mine between ear layers.
Outer Ear (cream)
1: leaving a long tail, ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
2-4: sc across, ch 1 and turn (3)
5: dec, sc, ch 1 and turn (2)
6: dec, ch 1 and turn (1)
7: sc, ch 1, and turn the work so that you’re working on the edge of the work. Sc into the edge of row 7. Lay an inner ear over the outer ear, and sc into both pieces, along the edge. You’re joining the ear parts together. F/O, leaving a long tail to sew the bottom of the inner ear onto the outer ear. For one of the ears, you’ll have to work backwards or upside down if you don’t want two left ears – or you can just sew both inner ears to the outer ears.
Assembly: Stitch the white head marking to the head. I pinned on the hair, and attached the spikes and under-spike gold. To make this easier, I stuffed and attached each spike onto the under-spike gold first, and then pinned and sewed the gold onto the back (be careful to keep it centered). Then I attached the tail spikes, and stitched down the hair. I added the horns, ears, and bangs, and finally pinned all of the legs. I was careful to keep the legs attached only to the cream, not the brown belly, but that was just a stylistic choice that I made. Finally, you can make and attach the eyes; I used some felt and markers, though I’m not overly pleased with the effect.
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i was gonna wait until i finished the bitd and deadlands line-ups before posting these, but i'm not gonna get those done before the final season starts, so might as well bite the bullet now XD woohoo, oxventure d&d designs! i'll go into further detail below the cut for all of my thoughts on these designs and reasoning for smaller details, but for now, just know that i will never draw a cape. i simply cannot do it. hoods and weird draped fabric or nothing XD
okay i put like. waaay too many thoughts into a lot of these small details so im gonna allow myself to geek out here X3 firstly - though they're way too small to read properly, i did the little symbol eye shines i used in my first art for them! dob gets music notes, prudence gets fire, corazón gets hearts, and merilwen gets flowers. i usually draw egbert's pupils pretty thin to resemble a reptile, so he just gets normal eye shines, but i probably could have given him some here... he would get suns if i thought of that
dob - muscular in a wiry and dehydrated way, lol, hence having a more defined stomach/hips despite not being as strong as prudence or egbert. he has sad/down-turned puppy dog eyes at all times because i think the big-eyed endearing look is fitting for him, though i do make them darker blue than his canonical baby blues because i just... like how dark blue eyes look, lol. i'm pretty sure he canonically has the stomach scar, and obviously his facial scar has always been there, but i gave him a couple other ones just to show that hes pretty reckless. and he gets freckles because even though they arent mentioned in the dragon dogma's video, i noticed luke added some and. i like freckles a lot
prudence - i've said this before, but i love the thought of pru getting muscular after the werebear bite <3 i just think she should be a little bit hench. as a treat. once again, the heavy stomach scarring comes from the dragon dogma's video, because i found their design choices in that really fun. i change prudence's outfit the most out of any of the characters, just because her canonical outfit confuses me. i'm really bad at understanding/drawing fantasy wear as is, but her fit... i'm lost entirely XD so i free-balled a bit. her inner sleeves that hook around her fingers are based on jane's various prudence looks, and then the looser outer sleeve is just because i love prudence with a dramatic sleeve. originally the colors were closer to her canon outfit, but it just looked messy without all the details of the original, and then i tried red like jane's prudence looks but it didn't contrast enough with her skin. so i restricted them to just deep purples and black with pops of gold and dark magenta!
corazón - what can i say besides. transgender. LMAO honestly though, besides adding the top surgery scars, i just really like his canon look. i simplified the details, obviously, but i really love his big coat and his tall boots and the earrings and the black-on-black-on-black of it all. i didn't particularly feel like drawing hats when i was doing this, lol, so i stuck with a red bandana instead. the beads that are strung from it are black, red, purple, green, and yellow to match their guild's canonical color associations/the colored name plates they get in later seasons :] because corazón is the sentimental sort, even when he won't say it. also he gets a little cateye for his eyeliner, i dunno if i've ever said why i do that before haha
egbert - egbert my dearly beloved. literally just his canon look except he has la vache mauve on his tunic instead of fire! and the nose spikes i give him, i guess, but i forget those aren't canon. i actually usually draw him in mike's egbert get up, with the black robes and the golden dragon sigil, but i kinda wanted to move away from that to lean more into the end of legacy of dragons, where egbert fully commits to never going back to the dragon d'or. also i just love drawing little cow heads <3 also! i like the idea that rather than typical scar tissue, dragonborns grow thicker scales over places where they've been injured. so the thicker patches of small scales on egbert's body are meant to be scars! including his kidney scar, lol. the larger scales and the ones on his face were always there though, that's just dragonborn biology baby
merilwen - if i said i based merilwen's body on cartoon bears, would you forgive me... i just think it's cute LOL tummy <3 for the final dragon dogma's video reference, that's where her freckles and tattoos come from. ellen was right, merilwen with floral tattoos fucking rules. who am i to deny it. as a hairy woman myself, i also like making merilwen a hairy woman. she's a hippie, she would NOT shave. i also really love the red earrings she wears in her canon art, so i tried to carry that through to some other small parts of my drawing for her, and landed on the bands she has on her pants as well as the odd feather for her arrows. fun archery fact, for those who may not know - in modern archery at least, you usually will have a differently colored feather (or for my arrows, rubber fins lol) that indicate how youre meant to string the arrow! so i took advantage of that to give merilwen some more red, hehe
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zecromgen5 · 8 months
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So here's my end of my Art Trade with @sp1derc1der. This is a piece of Dragon Lysandre from SC's Dracoscaled au. (With a shiny mega Gyrados of course)
If you guys like Deltawings, then you'll like Cider's stuff too. They have some really creative designs in Dracoscaled.
Thanks Cider for doing this Art Trade with me, I had a blast!
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elfboypussy · 5 months
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Fawn/Ever • he/they • 28 • ct, usa
I’m @evildeerboy (main) / @fanghaunt (furry art) and this is my BG3 and dragon age sideblog 🧝‍♂️🐉
⚠️ Spoiler/NSFW Warnings
18+ content will generally be mixed in untagged with other posts. Sorry. But also not sorry.
BG3 Act 1/2 spoilers will generally be untagged, proceed with caution if you haven’t finished them.
I tag major act 3 spoilers as #bg3 act 3 spoilers.
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Main Tags
📝#ever.txt -> personal posts
🎨#my art -> art by me #scraps is wips and napkin doodles
💬#comics -> bg3 comics by me (mostly tav/astarion)
🖼️#sc -> my screencaps
My Tavs/Durge
🧝‍♂️#tav:horith -> Eldritch Knight High Elf #astarith is my astarion/horith posting
🩸#durge:antyraen -> Circle of Spores Druid Seladrine Drow, my resist dark urge run
💪 #tav:grog -> Barbarian Half-Orc, Honour Mode Attempt #1
🔨#tav:jackee -> Wood Half-Elf, Jack-of-all-trades achievement run
⚡#tav:zapple -> Storm Sorc/Tempest Cleric Deep Gnome, multiplayer campaign w my buddy
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banner cred: @drizztdohurtin
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stardust-cove · 8 months
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A nameless dragon from my now defunct e/tsy watercolour dragon series!
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lizzie-bennetdarcy · 10 months
Fic Writing Review 2023!
Tagged by @hippolotamus @stereopticons @mammameesh thank you, loves 🥰
Words and fics:
58,235 words published to AO3
2 fandoms (Schitt's Creek and Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Most recent drop: [Art] Getting into international relations (Firstprince, E, NSFW)
Longest Fic: These violent delights (Firstprince, 14.1k, E)
Top fics by kudos
In my dreams (in your dreams) (Firstprince, 4k, E)
Go back to America (stay, please) (Firstprince, 1k, E)
[Art] I'll take you apart with my teeth, sweetheart (Firstprince, E, NSFW)
These violent delights (Firstprince, 14.1k, E)
[Art] Take my hand, take my whole life, too (Firstprince, G)
My fandom and fic events in 2023
Heaven help me, she's walkin' away (SteviexRuth, 7.2k, T) for @scrarefest
The trail leads back to you (DavidxPatrick, 6.4k, T) for @sc-passions-and-pastimes
These violent delights (Firstprince, 14.1k, E) for @halloweenhuh
Upcoming fics for both @scfrozenover and the rwrb advent event!
Upcoming events and projects for 2024!
Something for the @rwrbnygiftexchange !
Finishing my rwrb soulmate's fic for @thebrownstone 's
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tagging @smblmn @rosedavid @jesuisici33 @jamilas-pen @a-noble-dragon @kiwiana-writes @indestructibleheart @chelle-68 @treluna4 @obsessedwithdavrick @mostlyinthemorning @cha-melodius @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
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Tag games are my weakness, cause I forget to reply! Here we go though!
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. If you don't write, list your art WIPs!
Also, I'm @bucket-tooka, in case you follow that blog. This is my main.
Let's go!
Are You Insulting My Sons?
Wander Ficlet
Death Watch Mara
Everyone Can Learn
Tarre Isn't Drunk Enough For This Shit
Cody & Fox Body Swap
Baby Cod'ika
Lessa's Flight
Mando!Obi AU
OG Din/Mara
Puppies and Kittens
Twin Suns
You Got A Rocket Launcher?
Chaos Befits the Fetts
Fluffy Corries Need Hugs
Tazzy Tooka Amuck
The Orb And Noodle
Fathoms Below
Fox Needs Help
Siren Pirate AU
Dragon Dwobbits
Wet Eyes and Gold Mad
Demon Jaster AU
The Jedi Siren
SC Throne Of Bondage
Smut Thots
How To Unstress Your Mand'alor
Tagging Players (for the first time, please DM if I stepped over the invisible boundary xD): @darknight-brightstar @wanderingjedihistorian @wickedwithwings @raven-the-badger @rexxdjarin @yournewfriendshouse @seainthestars @soluscheese @diminuel @fearmypaintbrush @fishfingersandscarves @goldnightshaade @howdidthisevenhappenanyway @jehanneargentee @jonathananubian @justherefortheclones @katzs-current-obsession @meridiansdominoes @loth-creatures
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mammameesh · 9 months
2023 writing round up
@jesuisici33 and @a-noble-dragon wanted to know what I wrote this year...These are all Schit's Creek unless it says otherwise.
Celebrating the MVP - smutty words inspired by some of @lizzie-bennetdarcy's amazing art
New Beginnings - Jan drabbles. I had so much fun I'm doing Jan (ficlits ths time) in 2024
Five nights at Ray's (and one day away). -Early days of Patrick introspection mixed with smut.
Pie Day - Headcanons for Ruth in fanfiction form
You'll Scuff the floors -Sexy times in the stock room
Perfectly Fine - My Rare fest story
You're the cutest - Tumblr prompt for @ramonaflow
Sing for me? - Tumblr prompt for @heathermaru
May the 4th be with you (Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston) 
In Sickness (9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020))
[Fan Art] Lightning Bolt Sweater (IDK If this counts but I'm counting it)
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?  - My tribute to Tina Turner in fanfiction form.
I'll cover you (9-1-1 (TV)) 
Black Onyx (Schitt's Creek) - A birthday gift for a friend @statueinthestone
Sweet Dreams - Tumblr prompt for @jesuisici33
Tanabata- Fairytale retelling?
Baby kiss my hands  - tumblr prompt for @jettestar
Where it doesn't hurt  - Indiana Jones inspired ficlit.
Button (9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020))
Never Before - smut for @jesuisici33 birthday
This is your song (Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston) - Drabbles for RWRB
Sand Castles - Summer word challenge for @mallpretzles
Strawberries and then something more - Stevie/Ruth's first kiss
Lift me up, Hold me down - smut written for my friend @a-noble-dragon on My SC anniversary.
Stitch and Bitch - My contribution to Passions and Past times.
Drabble Smith 
You'll have good luck. - very short ficlit for @apothecarose
Take my whole drabble too. (Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023)) 
Foliage - Stevie takes Ruth on her first Turkey Shoot
Leather and Lace  - Smutsgiving Drabble
Without a 2nd thought - My long fic that was just supposed to be a summer thing
By the Seashore - My Autistic!David. This is my favorite universe to write in.
Frozen over Piece
I have already tagged some of my mutals. I would love to read everyone's SC work. It really is getting to be a cozy fandom.
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botan-likesveevees · 1 year
Penny headcanons(pkmn vi/sc)
⭐ she's a transfemme demigirl
⭐they go by she/they
⭐when she get's anxious she vapes,even tho she tries to stop it's a habit at this point,but atleast it calms her down
⭐drinks the pokeworld version of red bull and monster energy (i thought of red tauros and dragon energy) and had to go to nurse Miriam multiple times because she drank too much
⭐posts on AO3 religiously,mostly posting fluff fanfics but does have a bit of angst
⭐she's questioning asexual but a proud biromantic
⭐her natural hair is black and she dyed her hair when she was back in Galar
⭐before she went to Paldea she tried the gym challenge,they got actually pretty far but she didn't want the attention of the champion title so she quit at piers.
⭐she was born when the constelation Cassiopeia,hence her codename.
⭐her Sylveon(who i nicknamed Pixie stick /Pix for short) comforts them when they are having a panic attacks,this happened allot before operation star-fall,it has calmed down now but sometimes she still has them
⭐ she listens to lofi, vocaloid and those "early internet" type playlists along with everything Giacomo makes. but sometimes she also puts on some J-rock or even metal after a hard day for example
⭐uses the " :3" emoji constantly
⭐she has an eevee glasses case
⭐ watches pokeworld's version of Evangelion,BNHA, BNA, angels of death and soul eater
⭐ likes pokemon crossing(animal crossing) and her favourite villager is Sasha
⭐likes dark humor but doesn't like it if it goes too far(jokes to straight up covered racism/homophobia) also fluent in sarcasm
⭐even tho she mostly stays at their dorm they actually smell really good and takes good care of their hygiene
⭐she's like kenma in a sense she doesn't like to be noticed by people but still cares about what others think about her
⭐she tried live streaming once but quit after her bullies entered her chat
⭐the reason she doesn't talk much is because she feels disphoric about her voice,and her hoodie is a dysphoria hoodie
⭐ actually not a bad cook,even though she mainly just eats instant ramen she can bake cookies and simple pies and cook basic dishes and they turn out pretty good,not as good as Arven's but that's to be expected
⭐ a Tumblr user,user her account to rant and vent since she doesn't want to "bother" her friends with it
⭐a very good student in academic sense,her best subjects are Math,pokemon biology,english and arts
⭐ she would be a hufflepuff,but with traits of all four houses,she would be put in hufflepuff mainly because how far she can go for her friends and how trustworthy they are
⭐loves to collect pins,patches and stickers
⭐amazing at minecraft buliding
⭐she actually robbed the pokemon bank just to reward Florian and Juliana and before to buy things for the team star crew
⭐feels extreme self gulit about team star and thinks it's all her fault that it ended how it ended
⭐ REALLY fast typer
⭐ made a discord server for team star,then for her,Juliana, Florian, Nemona, Arven and Clive just kinda spawned there aswell
that's all for this post
Hasta La Vistar...!⭐
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fractured-legacies · 1 year
Imprudent, Chapter 3, Questions
Prologue | Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Questions
Our observations have revealed that the planetary population is considerably lower than recorded, and has apparently regressed. The exact sequence of events is as yet unknown. At present, the planetary population is divided into numerous small polities spread across the planetary surface, with observed technological levels ranging from lithic up to pre-industrial. Black powder weapons have been observed, but only in crude artillery pieces, with archers remaining the standard missile troops; the reason for this apparent discrepancy in technological development is unknown at this time.
Stylio of Kasmenarta
Stylio’s eyes opened, but she gave no other movement to indicate that she was awake. On top of her was a soft blanket—some kind of fine wool, by the feel of it, and under her head was a stuffed pillow. It had been some time since she had woken in such softness, but she didn’t let down her guard.
Instead, she reached over to her bag, which was right where she’d left it, next to the bed, and pulled out the bag of sand. Pouring it on the wide dish someone had thoughtfully left on the bedside table, she drew a line down the middle, and wrote with her fingertip, yes and no on it.
Producing a crystal die from her bag, she Breathed out into it. “Are we here in time?”
Then she rolled the glowing die.
It landed squarely on the yes in the sand, the face standing up showing the symbol for safety.
Relaxing as the glow faded, she inhaled and then exhaled, relieving the burning in her lungs. She was not the most skilled at this art, but seeing such an incontrovertible statement was enough to relieve her worries.
Rising from the bed, she looked around as she poured the sand back into the bag; Raavi had put her and Zoy into one of the spare rooms—apparently his sister’s. A smile rose to her face as she gently examined the furnishings. A small altar sat in one corner next to a desk with an overhead shelf filled with books. Perusing the titles, Stylio found her smile growing. A Naturalist’s Field Guide To Center Sea Birds. Songbirds of the Eastern Plains. Fast & Fecund: A Guide To The Small Mammals Of The Eastern White Mountains. Next to at least a dozen similar such titles were untitled spines that turned out to be sketchbooks. Raavi’s sister was still learning, to be sure—the proportions were off in most of the sketches, as were the colorations—but the birds were still identifiable, even without the titles underneath the sketches. And given that she was apparently younger than Raavi… well, that said a great deal about how their parents cultivated their children’s talents.
Good for them.
She glanced at the altar; it held a small carving of a bird-like blue and green dragon, with feathered wings, surrounded by piles of incense ashes.
With a shrug, she turned away and went for the door. She wasn’t Kalltii, and while part of her wanted to snort at their animistic spirit worship, it wasn’t as if she was a deep wellspring of faith herself these days.
Zoy’s bedroll on the floor next to the bed was empty, unsurprisingly; she had insisted that Stylio take the bed, after all. Hopefully her ward had gotten enough sleep, but on the other hand, Zoy hadn’t performed an extensive healing the day before. Meanwhile, if Stylio was reading the quaint clock on the wall correctly, she had slept for close to fourteen hours.
Finding the bathroom down the hall was easy enough. It was well-appointed, with a flush toilet and a bathtub that made her bones itch for a warm soak. But that would be for later.
After she relieved herself and did some cleaning up, she checked herself in the mirror, which was framed by finely wrought colored glass.
Her cheekbones stood out plainly, and for a moment, she let herself feel all of the years etched into her skin. Nearly fifty of them, now. Forty-eight winters and summers. Hair tied up into a bun that stretched out her face from some of the wrinkles. No scars on her face; her skills had seen to that.
She was who she was, and who she had made herself to be.
And hopefully that would be enough.
Going down the stairs and entering the main portion of the household, she found herself smiling at the warmth and life. Several other overwinterers who were staying in the house were present, and as she walked over the threshold into the main room, they stopped what they were doing and applauded.
Smiling back, she didn’t say anything, but motioned to dismiss them. They returned to their games and pastimes, many of them beaming smiles at her as they did so. Outside, it was dark, cold, and the wind whistled past the long row-house, carrying snow with it as it went, but in here, it was lit, cheerful, warm, and cozy, and that was blessing enough.
Making her way to the kitchen, she found Zoy and Raavi waiting for her. The boy—and he was just a boy, for all that he was legally an adult—grinned at her. “Did you sleep well?” he asked energetically, practically bouncing over to the stovetop where a large pot of something was cooking; his braid was swaying like a feral pendulum from the back of his head. “Here, I’ve got some breakfast for you! I hope stewed oats with honey and fruit is all right?”
Zoy caught Stylio’s eye and grinned, motioning with her head towards Raavi.
Stylio rolled her own eyes and nodded back before speaking up. “Yes, that will be more than fine, Raavi. Thank you, dear host. And I slept quite well.”
He got out a bowl from one of the cabinets and filled it up with the aforementioned waking food, and handed it and a cup of steaming milk to her, then sat back, like he was waiting to see what she had to say.
Resisting the urge to laugh—it would destroy the poor boy—she spooned up some of the oats and ate them. They were decent; not terribly exceptional, but quite fair and palatable. Swallowing, she nodded at him. “Quite tasty, thank you.”
“You’re welcome! Do you need anything else?”
Stylio considered for a moment; Raavi was wonderfully straightforward, and she doubted that being subtle would get through easily. “Yes. Can I have a moment alone with Zoy?”
“Oh, oh, sure,” Raavi said, not looking upset at all, thankfully. “I’ve got some projects to work on.”
After he left, Stylio spooned up another mouthful of the oats, and looked at her ward. “So?” she asked in Dormeli.
Zoy scoffed and replied in the same tongue. “I kind of want to put him in a headlock and muss with his hair, to be honest. He’s so earnest, it’s almost sickening.”
Scoffing in turn, Stylio said, “He does seem to be that way. I find it refreshing.”
Rolling her eyes, Zoy leaned in and said, “So… did you do a forecast?”
“I did.”
“And?” Zoy asked, folding her arms and giving a small huff.
“We’re here in time.”
“Well, that’s good, assuming this turns out like you thought it would.” Zoy said with a shrug, her earlier skepticism still showing.
“You didn’t have to come.”
“No, I did, and you know it,” Zoy said, and, leaning back, did a flamboyant stretch, her foot touching the back of her head as she balanced on the other foot.
“Did you do that in front of Raavi?”
“Maybe a bit,” Zoy said with a twinkle in her eye, even as she contorted herself against one of the kitchen counters in a way that still made Stylio’s spine cringe in sympathy, despite the years Zoy had spent as her ward. “He’s nice, but he’s not my type.”
“And that makes it all right to tease him?”
“I’ll be gentle, I promise. It’s this or the headlock.”
With another sigh, Stylio got back to her oats. “Just be kind to him.”
“I am!” Then Zoy leaned in and said, in a much more serious tone, “Besides, I think he’s practically the first man in this kingdom who hasn’t treated me like a criminal of one sort, or another.”
“Yes, I noticed. It’s the hair, dear. You know I could help you grow it out. With the food available here, you wouldn’t even have to deal with that much hunger.”
Shaking her head and sending her golden fringe whirling, Zoy responded, “No. I don’t want to give anyone I fight with a handle on my head to grab. I’ll deal with it.”
Before Stylio could respond to that, the house shuddered as a series of powerful gusts of wind hit, strong enough to make the milk in her cup ripple. A chorus of groans came from the living room.
“How many shingles do you think we just lost?” someone asked.
“Enough. We’ll have to go around and do a check,” another person said. “Last thing we need is to have leaks this early in the winter.”
A smile growing on her face, Stylio looked over at Zoy. “Shingles, hmm? Fortunately, I know someone who likes to climb up high…”
Zoy gave her a disbelieving look, followed by a rueful nod. “I guess. Are you sure?”
“Sure that you get into high places that you shouldn’t like some kind of cat? Only as sure as more than ten years of warding you can make me. I think you’ll be helpful.” She leaned back in her chair and picked up the cup of warmed milk. Lifting it to her nose, she took a deep sniff, followed by a contented swallow.
“All right. I guess it’s better than staying cooped up inside all winter,” Zoy said, and reached over to steal a spoonful of Stylio’s oats with a grin.
Raavi ava Laargan
“Bucket going up!” I called, and started to haul down on the rope. In front of me, the packed bucket filled with shingles and nails went up, but only half as far as I hauled, due to the block and tackle. Not that I minded so much; it weighed nearly as much as I did, so having the mechanical advantage was helpful.
An answering call came from the roof as I kept hauling on the rope, and Zoy’s scarfed face appeared over the edge. Reaching out, she snagged the rope and hauled the bucket over to the rooftop.
Footsteps crunched on snow nearby, and I turned to see Stylio standing there, her arms folded with her hands in her armpits.
“Everything all right?” I asked.
“Oh yes. I mostly came out to keep an eye on Zoy, and be on site in case of any injuries.” She craned her neck to look up at the row-house that had lost a large patch of shingles in the wind. “I just hope that nobody falls on their heads.”
I shrugged. “They know what they’re doing, and they’ll be careful.” The wind whipped up again, making the rope quiver enough that it banged against the side of the house. If I hadn’t been holding on to it, it would have gotten blown away from me. “How are you feeling?”
“Quite fine. Thank you for asking, dear host. But I just worry that they’re choosing speed over safety.”
“Bucket coming down!” came the call from above, and I gripped the rope. The weight settled in a moment later as Zoy or one of the others let the bucket dangle from the block and tackle above. Letting the rope slide through my hands at a steady pace, I had the bucket, filled with broken shingles and bent nails, down in a few moments, and then dumped the contents into a waiting wheelbarrow.
“How many more do you need?” I called up.
“At least another dozen! A whole patch tore loose!”
I winced. This early in the winter? I knew that it was typical for an average roof to be completely replaced every ten or so years, but they’d already used up a whole crate of the ceramic shingles, and we only had so many. And it wasn’t like we’d be able to get more, even though the town that specialized in making them was only about forty miles away on the canal. Shingles were heavy, and the limited winter traffic wasn’t going to be able to transport them—even though the town in question was undoubtedly making thousands of shingles at this very moment, just as we were melting iron and casting glass.
Still… it wasn’t like we had a choice. Well, technically we did. We either fixed the roof… or dealt with water damage and weather damage inside later.
So fixing the roof it was.
I loaded up the bucket and started hauling on the rope. The wind gusted, sending the bucket swaying, and I hurriedly pulled faster before the bucket could smack into a window.
“You know, as attractive as it is, I would think that the curved walls and the waves in the roofs would be more trouble than they’re worth,” Stylio observed after the wind had died down and the bucket had stopped swaying.
“They help divert and channel the winds,” I said as I focused on hauling on the rope. “Same reason as why we build the houses together in a long row shaped like a wedge.” The long streets ran north to south, so that the wind could pass down them unimpeded, and the east-west cross-streets were wide so that the wind coming off of the buildings wouldn’t make giant vortexes.
“I know. I just think that there has to be a better way.”
“Well, unless you know how to make a copy of the King’s Tower and the other crystal spires, we’re going to have to make do with this,” I said. “At least we’re not any of those crazy nobles who want glass shingles for their homes, though.”
Stylio smiled, judging by the way the skin around her eyes crinkled through the gap in her scarf. “Indeed. I’ve seen a few of those. They’re quite the rich man’s folly.”
“Exactly! No matter how much they want it, we can’t make the crystal—”
A shout from above cut me off, and I jumped out of the way just as a hammer and several other tools fell from above, plummeting right where I’d been standing, followed by one of the men who had been up above.
He hit the ground with a sickening thud and wet cracking noise.
Above I heard swearing; looking up, I saw that Zoy and another man were dangling from the pulley for the bucket, with Zoy holding onto the rope for dear life, and holding the man with her legs. Another man was dangling from the gutters.
Even as Stylio rushed to the man who had hit the ground, I tried to think of what I could do to help—but I was too surprised, too stunned to think of anything. It had all happened so quickly—
“Don’t let go!” came from above, and I tried to think of what I could do; the pulley was useless, as I couldn’t do anything with it without dislodging Zoy and the other man, but I could see the man dangling from the gutter was slipping free.
As I stared, Zoy started swinging back and forth, trying to get the man she was holding in reach of the other—but she wasn’t fast enough.
He slipped free, and fell, hitting so close to me and Stylio that I felt the air shift from the impact and some of the snow that was thrown up hit me.
I ran over to him; Stylio couldn’t do anything, as she was already in the middle of singing the spell for the first man, and I tried to assess the damage, even as I identified him. Shattered leg bones, broken ribs… my mother would have been proud of how I tried to focus on the medical emergency, instead of going into shock.
“Raavi…” he muttered. “I… I don’t want to die…”
“You’ll be fine, Beeno,” I said, even as I started to try to sing a spell to stabilize him. But I didn’t even know where to begin. He was just so broken—
“Don’t…” he coughed, with foaming blood coming from his lips, “don’t lie to me. I… I just want to see Biianka married…”
Desperately, I started to hum, trying to come up with something to help him—but where did I even start?
Stylio finished her spell, sending a stream of blue-white Breath into the man lying on the ground in front of her. She turned, and looked over Beeno…
And shook her head.
“But, but, but—” I stammered. “You’re the best there is!”
“Not in time,” she said, and reached down to take Beeno’s hand. “I’m sorry.”
“I just wanted to see Biianka married…” he repeated, his eyes going glassy.
Stylio looked at me. “Who is Biianka?”
“His daughter. She’s engaged to be married in the spring…” I said softly.
Before Stylio could say anything more, though, Beeno seemed to tense, and his lips moved one more time, repeating his plea—but this time, something I’d never seen before happened.
Purple-black Breath came streaming out of his mouth, and his back arched, even as it seemed that the Breath sank back into his body.
“What just happened!?” I blurted.
“I… I believe that Beeno here is a man of uncommon Will,” Stylio said, and motioned towards his eyes.
They were alert and moving.
But his chest wasn’t.
I almost jumped out of my skin, and did go sprawling in the snow. “Revenant!”
“…and the shingle was loose. I stepped on it and slipped. I fell, knocking Beeno and Daagoberht down the roof,” Geerd said, his head bowed as we all stood in front of the Mayor, who sat behind his desk with his hands together, fingers interlaced.
The Mayor looked at Zoy. “And what about the Dormelion girl here? Could she have had something to do with it?”
Geerd shook his head. “No. She caught me, but we couldn’t catch Beeno or Daagoberht before they fell.”
“Hmm. So this was just a stupid accident because you didn’t take proper precautions when repairing a roof in winter?”
“Yes sir.” Geerd didn’t look at where Beeno was seated in a chair, half of his body broken… and still quite dead, even though he was looking around as much as he could.
I shivered; he was the first revenant I’d seen, and it was just… wrong, seeing a body that broken still moving, but not breathing. His skin was purpling like a bruise in just the time it’d taken for us to first get Daagoberht fully stabilized and handed off to the hospital, and then be escorted over to the Mayor’s offices.
“And Beeno ava Leohaart paid the price for your negligence. I was informed that Daagoberht will make a full recovery, which is good… but, well…” He motioned to Beeno’s body. “You killed him.”
Geerd cringed. “It was a stupid accident!”
“Yes. It was. And now I need to hear Beeno’s petition.” Mayor Laarthan turned to Beeno, and in a voice much quieter than I had ever heard from him before, he said, “Beeno ava Leohaart. What is your purpose for remaining past your time?”
Beeno coughed, and his chest inflated slightly. In a rasping voice that I could only describe as ‘broken,’ he said, “I need to see Biianka married…”
Mayor Laarthan closed his eyes for a moment, and then nodded. “You understand what you are asking for, do you not? As soon as your purpose is fulfilled, you will die. Your daughter will have her wedding marked with the final death of her father. Do you truly want to go through with that?”
Nodding, Beeno said, “It’s all that’s left for me.”
The mayor closed his eyes again and drummed his fingers on his desk a few times. “Yes, it would be, wouldn’t it? Well. Given the timespan… it is unlikely that you will go mad before then. Very well. Your petition is granted. But I do not envy your family for their heartache when the sun rises.”
“It’s… better than just telling them that he died in the winter, right?” Geerd offered.
“Ah yes, because knowing that your father will die at the end of your wedding day will certainly not put a pall on that!” snapped the Mayor. He scanned the group of us. “And I understand that I have you to thank for Daagoberht not also being dead?” he said, looking at Stylio.
She nodded. “Yes.”
“That’s two of my people you’ve saved from serious injury and death in the time since you’ve arrived. Believe me, there is a part of me wondering if it was… coincidence. But accidents happen.” He leaned forward. “I just hope that there will not be any more.”
“I understand what you are saying, and I hope the same,” Stylio said. She nodded towards Beeno. “I can help get him ready to walk again, if you would let me?”
The Mayor nodded. “Yes, yes. It’s not like he can heal on his own anymore, is it?”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“All right. Dismissed. And try to keep any more accidents from resulting in deaths. Normally the worst we have to deal with are burns at the ironworks and hot shop.”
“I will do my best,” Stylio said.
“Good. Now get out of my office.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, and went out into the hallway, holding the door open so that they could carry Beeno out.
Stylio frowned as she examined him. “Well, this will be difficult.” She patted Beeno on the cheek. “At least it doesn’t hurt, right?”
“It doesn’t. I can barely feel anything,” he said, and then his eyes narrowed. “I can’t feel anything. Is this what drives revenants insane?”
Stylio nodded. “Yes.”
Beeno shook his head. “Just a few months. I won’t be like this forever, like you hear in the stories. Just a few months. Fix me up, and I’ll help for as long as I can.”
“I’ll do my best, but it will be a painful healing for me to perform,” she said.
Geerd said softly, “I’ll donate some Breath. It’s my fault he’s like this.”
“Nah. I wanted it done fast too,” Beeno said. “Just… just drink a beer for me, all right?”
Geerd nodded, and I looked away as I saw a tear go down his cheek.
“Well then. I think a place where we can work and set those bones and lacerations will be best,” Stylio said. “Raavi?”
“You have been a most excellent host, and I hate to impose, but can I request that you get a hearty meal and a hot bath ready for me back at your home?” She motioned to Beeno. “I’m going to need it when I’m done.”
Grateful for the excuse to get away, I nodded. “Sure, sure! Any requests?”
“Whatever you have on hand. Thank you.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, and went off. Behind me, they were discussing on where best to heal… or would that be ‘repair?’ Beeno, but all I could hear and see was the sight and sound of his body hitting the ground in front of me, over and over…
Stylio of Kasmenarta
As the newborn revenant walked cautiously around the hospital room behind her on freshly repaired legs, Stylio made her way to the main doors. Her head was pounding, random spikes of pain sizzling like lightning bolts up and down her limbs and through her gut. It was not the worst pain she had ever experienced from a major healing, but it was certainly notable.
But for what was left of that man back in that room, the pain he had experienced at the end would have made what she was experiencing pale in comparison. It was a small thing to give him back what little she could of his existence. At least the bones, sinews, muscles, and other tissues remembered what they had been in life, and fitted back together without complaint. He would need to consume some meat and other foods to help provide some raw material later on, and drink water to keep from drying out, but for now, his needs were nearly nonexistent.
Zoy was waiting for her down the hallway. “How are you feeling?” she asked, falling into step with Stylio.
“I have felt worse. Back when we first met.”
Zoy winced. “Yeah, he was smashed up pretty good. Damn it that I wasn’t faster.”
“I just want to point out that you saved one man who would have otherwise plummeted to his death or serious injury, and did so with panache and skill, despite you yourself being in a dangerous position,” Stylio said. “I will also note that nobody has called attention to the method you used, due to the distraction offered by Beeno.”
“What? My legs are stronger than my arms, and I needed both of those to keep us from going splat.”
“Yes, you did. It was still impressive as a show of strength.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I wasn’t thinking of it that way. I was just trying to survive… and make you proud.”
Stylio paused as they reached the doors, turned, and cupped Zoy’s cheek with one hand. “You always have.”
Her ward’s expression softened, and then she pulled Stylio’s hand away. “Come on. You need food, rest, and relaxation after that. Knowing Raavi, he’s probably got a small banquet ready for you.”
“I would not bet against it,” Stylio said with a smile, and allowed herself to be led to the exit of the small hospital, dressed in her coat and winter gear, and then escorted through the streets to their temporary residence.
On the way, she noted that a number of the local overwinterers were giving them respectful looks, which was good, especially as the Kalltii had no reason to feel especially warmly towards Stylio’s own people. There was a great deal of history there after all, most of it etched in blood. So the fact that the ordinary men and women of the town seemed to accept them, even conditionally, was good.
Hopefully it would mean that, when whatever it was that they were waiting for arrived, they would be in a position to help.
Prologue | Chapter 4
Chapter was up a little late this week due to travel. Hope you enjoyed, and remember to share the story if you find it interesting!
My Patreon for this work can be found here.
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
Bestest Friend in the World
Mei is the bestest friend of MK and that will surely never ever lead to grievous injuries no siree
tw for stabbing, blood, major injuries, hospitals, etc.
Ao3 link
Mei Dragon was the bestest bestest bestest friend in the world of MK– and had been since kindergarten. Every afternoon was spent hanging out until her parents and nannies started to disapprove but even that didn’t stop them as MK just started sneaking in and Mei gained the power of puppy dog eyes that the nannies and sometimes even her father couldn’t refuse.
She was ride or die for him since day one too– being part of the Dragon family had its perks like that. She was a formidable foe, so if anyone so much as looked at MK sideways, she was ON it with that White Horse Dragon energy. It helped MK was just as ride or die– they were together through graduations, breakups, get-back-together-s, art classes, PE classes, driving lessons, their Silly Band monopoly turned Multi-Level-Marketing Scheme turned banned from selling to the school turned illegal bracelet selling business turned all silly bands are banned from school forever now, more graduations, and Mei even helped him move into his apartment above their favorite restaurant Pigsy’s Noodles on his 18th birthday.
Ah Pigsy– the old fella’s place was practically a second home to the pair– something that originally bothered him until Mei showed the classic Dragon Credit Card and suddenly she was welcome whenever. It was also a second home in a more sentimental way, that was true– Pigsy practically raised MK since his parents were… complicated. Not to mention Pigsy was also way more sentimental than her old man ever is– even if he pretends he isn’t. The big softie liked to pretend he’d get mad at them but his punishments were always so empty to her (though MK still believed otherwise– even though Mr. Tang really should be proof enough).
In the heat of battle, Mei had MK’s back more than anyone else on the squad. The two were two halves of one whole– two peas in the pod, peanut butter and jelly, daddy issues and heroism, pigsy’s and noodles, Mei Dragon and the motherfucking Monkey Kid!
No duo had ever been so badass or cool or loyal or awesome or as amazing as Mei and MK were. They were one of a kind, truly and infinitely.
“On your right Mei!!!” MK shouted on the battlefield, Mei drove to the left so MK had room on the top of the Pigsy’s Noodles-mobile to jump off and take a swing at the demon in front of the– The Single Horned Rhinoceros King who was on a ramage, having once again escaped the court of heaven, and brought his army with him too.
MK went in for an attack, going for the neck, but his fingers somehow slipped and the second he let go the demon grinned, pulling out a sparkling silver ring which had a force so specific and powerful, the staff went within and disappeared entirely.
“What the heck–?” He said as he fell, more confused about that than the emanate doom of falling onto the ground.
“MK!” Mei immediately drove off to try and catch him, but thankfully Wukong was there and able to catch him on his cloud instead.
“Man, you’d think they’d lock up heaven a lot tighter after how many demons keep slipping through– wait, aren’t you Lau Tzu’s buffalo? What the heck are you doing out again?!” The Monkey King taunted while MK got his wares back.
“Sun Wukong! Here to lose again?” He grinned with sharp teeth and an eyebrow raised.
“Wait, you lost to this guy?! I thought you never lose!” MK looked at his teacher.
“Psh– I didn’t lose per se, not as much as I did against the Samadhi Fire, and the journey was allowed to continue so you know– no real loss,” The Monkey King brushed it off as he always did and Mei couldn’t help but role her eyes with a laugh.
“Besides, taking weapons is a cheaters game, and I know I could easily beat you hand to hand,” Sun Wukong winked with his tongue out.
“As if I care for that,” The Rhinoceros King grinned, summoning a spear of his own.
“Alright– that’s it. MK, give me my staff,” He scowled, and MK laughed as his face turned red with embarrassment.
“Haha, about that…”
“Ugh, not again. You are SUCH a cheater, I don’t know why Lao Tzu even likes you that much,” Wukong scowled at the demon, who couldn’t care less, going in to attack the cloud, and continuing the fight. Wukong dropped off MK with Mei to get the demon away from the mortals while MK and Mei tried to think of a plan while dealing with the army of much more regular sized demons.
“Nice job, butterfingers,” Mei teased, parrying an attack with her family’s sword and slicing through a demon’s chest. “Remember any of Mr. Tang’s stories about this guy?”
“I remember something about Budha and ‘don’t use weapons or fire because he’ll just suck it all up’ I think but honestly my mind is kind of everywhere right now,” He said, trying to fist fight, but he knew his strengths were more in staff fighting.
“Well, does that apply to the Fire of Samadhi?” Mei got a mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she looked back at Wukong and the demon Rhino King.
“Could be worth a shot, I don’t think it was mentioned in the original story,” MK said, grabbing her and summoning a cloud (a newer, shakier ability of MK’s), and taking them right to the demon.
“Kid, what are you doing?!” Wukong said and, having created a sword out of one of his hairs, was currently attempting to ‘empty fade’ the demon, but was blocked easily.
“We’re gonna see if this guy can handle a little heat,” Mei said, feeling the familiar burn in her chest starting to rise.
“Wait no– you probably shouldn’t– Well…” Wukong couldn’t make up his mind so Mei took that as an invitation and after getting MK to get out of the way she unleashed the Fire of Samadhi on the Rhino King, Dragon style.
However, the Rhino King simply laughed and brought out the diamond ring, consuming the flames whole until Mei was left exhausted and weak on MK’s cloud.
“W-Well I guess I’m going old fashioned then,” She grinned, looking at the monkey king, “Two sword fighters are better than none, right Sun Wukong?”
“Sure kid,” He laughed, and she joined the battle, making sure to keep a tight, tight grip on the hilt. MK went back to fighting the lesser demons, which would’ve all been fine if the demon king didn’t order some of them to also start attacking MK and Mei, meaning the battle went from 2 on 1 to 2 on 8 in the blink of an eye, and it was getting harder to keep their ground, even with Sandy and Pigsy running to help them fight too.
“Man, you really are an asshole, you know that Unicorn King?” Wukong huffed as he swept a demon’s leg and stabbed them through the chest.
This made the Rhino King very angry and his attacks against the king started getting far more aggressive than before, swiping faster and faster and hitting harder and harder while demons pulled at his clothes and tried to trip him.
“Monkey King!!” MK leapt from where he was to Wukong’s defense, leaving Mei to deal with even more demons all on her own– which was chill but like– annoying at the same time. She was doing a fairly good job slicing through some of them despite feeling depleted from the fire release, but she wanted to attack the king not just the sidekicks– man it would be a lot better if she hadn’t gotten off her motorcycle, then she could go all… shit what was that guy’s name? Aragorn! Yeah, she could go all Aragorn on their asses.
“Kid I said I got this,” Wukong grit his teeth as he pushed against the Rhino King’s weapon.
“Yeah sure, don’t take my help, that’s something new,” MK laughed as he punched and pulled demons off of Wukong, which succeeded in making things easier for Wukong.
However, demons were still going for Mei and the more there were the more she swung violently and while she usually would have solved this with a lil bit of that Fire of Samadhi, it sure wasn’t going to be back for a hot minute, so all she had was sweaty hands, heavy breathing, and a determination to keep on going.
As the battle waged on, the Rhino Demon took a hard notice of MK and, with a smirk, silently ordered his armies to attack him. MK panicked and Mei realized she had to do something.
She ran through the hoard of demons, slicing only when she had to, and when she got to MK, a demon grabbed her jacket, causing her body to jerk and she dropped her sword with a loud clunk, that was just loud enough for the Rhino King to hear and rejoice at as he brought out the ring once again and took it right off the ground and also destroyed Wukong’s pathetic hair sword while he was at it too.
“HEY!! You give that back you dickweed!!!” Mei shouted on the top of her lungs, smoke flaring from her nostrils.
“Cute how that little dragon girl doesn’t have any fire left,” He said at Wukong, who recognized he was at a standstill once again.
“Yeah, well maybe if you played fair—”
“It surprises me how you always try to see the best in people, Sun Wukong– even when you have no business to,” He pointed his spear at Wukong’s throat.
“Monkey King!” MK cried out, getting on his cloud and going to grab his master away. Mei recognized he needed a distraction and so got on top of a car and started shouting.
“I was talking to you! Hello?!” Mei’s insides burnt as little flames began to spark once again. She ran to the demon, who took his staff away from Wukong just as MK grabbed him and before Mei could blink, he hurled it and—
At first, not much, just her heart beating in her ears as she felt a warm liquid starting to drip down her stomach. She fumbled backward, and a shlink and a tugging feeling left her feeling very, very cold instantly.
Several voices cried out behind her. Mei’s vision was spotty, but she could see MK running towards her as Wukong started to scratch and claw at the Rhino King.
At some point she fell backwards– she knew that because of the massive pain in the pack of her head and a ringing in her ears. She saw familiar yellow and pink blurs as Mei slowly started to close her eyes.
Cloudy light, lots of dust and debris– voices.
“What do you mean you can’t heal her?! Y-you’re a billion years old– th-there’s gotta be something you know–!”
“I-i’m sorry, Bud, I-i know I should, but–”
“MK, let’s just get her to a hospital, okay? It’ll be alright there.”
“Right… Right, thanks Pigsy…”
Jesus christ– Blaring lights.
“I don’t care if the building is half destroyed, she tried to save it– do you know who she is?!”
“Sir please, I’m going to need you to calm down, there are many other patients–”
“I’ll handle this, kid. You and Pigsy go sit.”
“Sun Wukong, I’m sorry I can’t–”
“UGH FINE–! Tang knows stitches I’ll just take her back to the shop–”
“No, my boat is far more equipped, you tell Tang to go there and I can make tea.”
That voice was much louder, causing a rumbling sensation in her left side. She was being held by someone… her brain couldn’t focus on who– trying to caused a throbbing headache.
“Wait, is she awake?! Mei??? Mei!!!”
Darkness again.
Blinding lights again– Jeez, what’s with all these lights?!
A smell of bleach and sterile cotton, as well as a distinct beep of a heart monitor filled her senses.
So she didn’t go to Sandy’s boat after all.
Sandy’s– holy smokes she could think again, thank god
Owowowow– okay not without massive headaches and excitement yet, let’s tone it down.
She stared up, trying to get her eyes to stop being so blurry and while it took a solid while, she eventually got it together and started seeing the perfectly white and blue hospital room with the classic uncanny feeling hospital art and all.
She eventually noticed someone was holding her hand– the one without the heartrate alligator clamp thingy, and painfully turned her head to see it was MK– snoring away with a puddle of drool but with a tight grip on her hand nonetheless. Pigsy was next to him, also asleep and holding a little green bag that said “Get Well Soon!” with a bow on it with his other hand on MK’s back.
Mei smiled, not even noticing her biological parents weren’t even there.
She wanted to look around more, but her insides felt like the Fire of Samadhi and she cringed tremendously in pain, squeezing MK’s hand as hard as she could.
“H-huh? What– I’m– MEI!!!” MK shot up and was thrilled to see her with her eyes open– even if it was only really halfway. He immediately grabbed and hugged her, but that hurt even more than trying to move, and Pigsy pulled him away.
“Remember what the nurse said? Gentle, MK, gentle,” the chef grunted, and MK stepped back ashamed.
“S-sorry Mei– I just– I was so— And now you’re–” He sighed a breath of relief.
Mei smiled and opened her hand and when MK took it she gave it a squeeze again.
“S-so… what happened, exactly?” Mei asked.
“Well, Monkey King went berserk on that demon guy and chased him all the way out of the city and somehow managed to get that stupid diamond ring and managed to turn him back to his true form where he then dropped him off on heaven’s front doorstep and then–”
“You got stabbed in the gut with that guy’s spear and we took you to the hospital. You had to have surgery to repair the organ damage and–” Pigsy had interrupted MK but he suddenly couldn’t speak anymore. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. “You’re still really hurt, kiddo, a-and they still don’t quite know how everything’s gonna heal and you lost a lot of blood and we didn’t know if you’d…”
Oh god…
“W-well that explains the hospital,” She tried to smile, but seeing Pigsy and MK’s tearful eyes made her want to sob.
“Monkey King’s working now to get back all the weapons and stuff, so don’t worry about your family’s sword,” MK informed her after suddenly remembering.
Frankly the sword was the last thing on her mind, but it was good to know it was being accounted for– no need for her family’s legacy to crumble apart like this so soon.
Maybe that’s why her parents were gone.
“That’s good,” Mei smiled tiredly.
God it hurt so much to breathe or– hell, just to live– right now.
“Mei, I am so, so, so sorry I couldn’t protect you– I should’ve done something– I could’ve turned into an eagle and grabbed it or something or–”
“MK, MK, it’s fine, really. I’m okay,” Mei stroked her best friend’s hand with her thumb.
MK went a bit silent.
“Mei, not to state the obvious but like… you aren’t– you could’ve– you nearly—”
“Y-yeah… I…” Mei felt like such an idiot for not knowing what to say.
“It’s not your fault kiddo, and it’s not Mei’s either,” Pigsy glanced at her to make sure she knew that too.
“Easy for you to say, you don’t even have any cool powers,” MK muttered under his breath.
“Yeah, but I was there, wasn’t I?!” Pigsy got a little huffy before sighing. “Look… tensions are high, Mei’s gonna be here for awhile… how about we just spend this time being happy she’s at least awake, alright? Because she very easily could–... not be.”
MK turned back to Mei.
“I’m just– I’m so sorry anyways. I-i– we’re two halves of a whole, you know that,” MK laughed a little and wiped his eyes.
“Yeah I know. You really think I’d let such an iconic duo fall apart like that,” Mei tried to punch his arm but ow.
“Yeah, without you, who’s gonna distract my best and only employee other than that old sap of a story teller?” Pigsy joked a little too, though Mei caught a tear rolling down his cheek.
“If you think this is bad you should’ve seen him in the hospital lobby– sobbing like a piglet,” MK whispered and Mei laughed a little, but owowowowow
“Alright, alright, enough of the whispering,” Pigsy rolled his eyes. “I got you something.”
“Oo! I love me a gift,” Mei smiled. Pigsy handed it to her and MK helped her open the bag and remove tissue paper to reveal a cheap little dragon plush keychain that looked to be from a claw machine and a coupon to Pigsy’s Noodles– 50% OFF???????
“Holy shit– You don’t even treat Tang this good– I-i don’t know what to say– I-i-i–” Mei instantly started tearing up.
“Hey, why can’t I get 50% off, I work there!” MK crossed his arms at his boss/dad.
“Have a near death experience again, then we’ll talk,” Pigsy shot him a look before cutting in front of him to get closer to Mei, offering his arm which Mei began to weep into, ignoring the absolutely godawful pain that flared with every sob. Soon enough MK was crying too, and he went on the other side of the bed and offered his arm too, and soon Mei was just holding onto both of them as best she could, crying her eyes out.
“I-I-I love you guys s-s-s-so much,” She wept.
Pigsy stroked her head with his free hand. “Yeah, love you too kiddo.”
“Y-yeah me too. Like you said– we’re two halves of a whole; the most iconic duo in history,” MK sniffled.
Mei couldn’t say more after that, in too much emotional and physical pain. She wanted to apologize for scaring them like that– for almost dying (maybe still dying, who knows) but she knew they wouldn’t care.
She was okay.
She was awake.
And she was still the bestest bestest bestest friend in the world of MK, with a pretty cool secret-softie pig dad to boot.
Mei was the luckiest dragon girl in the world.
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