#sc gaster
soul-collectors · 2 months
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"Return to sender" [SC; Maker timeline] (PT.1)
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Gaster learns of his impending demise :)
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isaacz · 4 months
I'm wing gaster the royal sc
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darktapufifi · 2 months
AU Shitpost Pt.2
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Sans the Spacerider & Sans the Spelleton
(Not cannon ocs)
SR Sans definitely doesnt do his job very well
SC Sans has a bone wand with a swiss blue topaz core, and his familiar is a gaster blaster named Blaster Gaster (just for the sillies)
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Z & Billy watching microwaving noodles
Based off of a small Shitpost interaction between the two sillies
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Howlin' , Billy, & Kaiza enjoying their Al Dente Water Pasta
With a (non-cannon) immortal box of biscuits as a special treat, based off of a shitpost interaction between the three, it was super fun
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Space Riders made in Royale High
Hyperfixation shifted to being a completionist in Royale High so I decided while bored one night to use the new items I had gotten to make some goobers (Eve slays though)
Featured characters:
Space Riders AU, Z, & (Space Riders) Picky Piggy — @onyxonline
Howlin'Dreams — @nightmarevibez
Kaiza Koizumi — @itzsharks-3am-thoughts
Sans the Spacerider, Sans the spelleton, & SillyBilly — Me
Eve Ewe — @lavendersartistry
Sunny Yolk — @novalizinpeace
Beau — @thedeadchildrean
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sooo I'm new here and I can't find all the posts. What IS this au?
I deleted old irrelevant posts, sorry.
So, it's a sort of dystopia with Japanese mythology and references to the 30s.
And I haven't come up with a name yet...
I will be glad if you offer your variants:)
Parappa is 17 years old. Rapper, karate player, athlete, and just plain handsome. And he and Sunny start getting into Japanese mythology, and even learn how to exorcise evil spirits. Meanwhile, in the country where Parappatown is located, there is a coup d'état, as a result of which Gaster and his f#sc!st party rise to the presidency and parliament. Parappa and his family are going to flee the country because PapaRappa was a friend of Potter, who was recognized as an extr#mist and executed, so the fate of the former general could reach and them....
!!! I DO NOT SUPPORT f#sc#sm and n#z#sm, and have a negative view of these ideologies. AU itself presents them in a negative light !!!!
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sharedcontrolau · 2 years
Ok so i have seen a post where Kris summoned SCplayer and then i realise kris is still trying to summoned demon even now, amd Gaster who in this au is SCplayer father, and gaster in both utdr have had connection with the devil,And a post somewhere talk about Kris actively search for the mystery man behind tree so SC can meet their father, Combine all of that and we got hmmm hey what if just summon that oldman here instead?
That would be hilarious actually.
“yeah, dad’s stuck in the Void right now. i can still talk to him every now and then, but not as much as i’d like.”
*Wait, me and Catti summoned you with one of those spells you find online. Hey do you think-?
And then smash cut to Catti, Kris, and Player trying to summon an old man.
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gasterofficial · 2 years
considering blue ghost fireflies only live in western north carolina i am now imagining gaster with a southern accent. "might could"-saying ass
im from upstate south carolina right on the border between sc and nc so yeah gasterofficial gaster is canonically southern.
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e-icreator23 · 2 years
*Viper does sign language*
Liu: he said who are you and where am I *holds moon and hugs him*
Sc gaster: I forgot that he is deaf so he only speaks in sign language
*they nod and sign that they are friends and at someones house but they are nice. Moon whimpers*
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cloaked-saurosuchus · 2 years
Here, have a hypothetical battle scenario for Razzmatazz!Gaster bcs my brain went Off yesterday and I just couldn't help myself. oops
This is technically an expanded version of something I wrote down yesterday on my main but this. it's better bcs it's not midnight. Anyways:
The general premise is that in this hypothetical scenario, Gaster isn't voided by the time Frisk falls. The house in Snowdin is his, but his bros crash at it so often they might as well live there as well (technically they live in New Home, but.). He's retired as a Royal Scientist a few years back but still hangs around the labs a lot, to his brothers' dismay. Cause they as well work there and he is a Menace. Papyrus nor Sans are sentries, but Papyrus uses the forest as a testing grounds for his things so it. Doesn't really change much.
Actual battle scenarios:
Pacifist and low-kill neutral runs:
he can be found hanging around in Alphys' main lab, and makes a few jokes, but is not that talkative
you call Papyrus when he's in the room. Papyrus will comment on how he should be home instead, to which Gaster chimes in 'What, it's not like I missed anything interesting'. Papyrus lets the playdate thing slip and Gaster gets the Dumbest grin on his face
he then challenges you to a battle for 'breaking his little siblings heart, how could you'. The battle itself is a Joke as he only uses one (1) bone bullet per round, but he's grinning the entire time. To spare him, you have to play along with his theatrics up until Papyrus Breaks and hangs up in embarrassment.
Every time you talk to him after that, he doesn't say anything, but is grinning like an idiot.
when you exit out of this dialogue box his portrait changes to a sadder one just for a second
If you manage to whittle down his hp enough during the pacifist battle, he starts looking tired and comments that "It's just a joke kid, you don't have to take it so seriously", which eventually transforms into his smile dropping and CHECK text changing to * Is not having fun anymore. Let's just end this. You can either spare him at this moment or attack, which will catch him off guard and kill him. Papyrus' doesn't answer his phone anymore if you do.
Neutral runs with higher kill counts and/or Papyrus killed, he's nowhere to be seen. Ending Sans mentions he's "Like right after..." and trails off, not finishing that sentence.
No Mercy runs:
(this is a straight copy-paste from my midnight post)
He’d attack you just outside Snowdin Town, and wouldn’t be possible to spare (the only way to spare him is to never fight him at all). He’s Determined (and very much looks like it) to not let you through once the battle starts, and if you try to spare him, he just straight up kills you. He doesn’t talk at all, but looks to be pushing himself the entire time, huffing and wincing with every attack.
The battle lasts 4 rounds.
He sends out a mixture of bones and blasters, most white, some red. Red attacks knock you out into the menu, making dodging difficult, as you can only move between fixed positions on the buttons. They deal absolutely 0 damage, though.
First three rounds are fairly standard and fast-paced, but consistent. If you try to attack him, he blocks you by hitting your attack cursor with a red bone right before it connects, sending you into the menu and wasting your turn. He ignores anything else.
On the fourth round, he summons a large red blaster that has a 100% coverage, so he knocks you out into the menu, and then attempts to summon a similarly large standard blaster to finish you off, but the construct sputters and falls apart before it does anything.
You then get to watch a monster collapse, fall down and dust on his own from overexcertion, from the front row, joy!
You get no EXP as you never landed a hit.
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badmemoryneko · 4 years
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a self insert handplates? minicomic
i actually came back to sewing not too long ago,but i never learned how to close any stitches properly.I kinda just make it on the run and if it opens it opens.
anyway the fellow whose hair looks like bunny ears is my sona.
handsplates gaster is by @/zarla-s 
(if you dont like self insert in pre existing worlds,please just block the hastag:au self insert)
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insert-this-fire · 5 years
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A scene from chapter 6 from side character where QT (the reader) see’s green for the first time. I really wanna thank @peridecoraaaaa for drawing so much fanart of side character. Much which i can’t share due to it being possible spoilers! (or more than likely spoilers cause they kept giving me ideas...) 
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supercozine · 5 years
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Summer time , Family time
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soul-collectors · 1 month
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"Tea break" [SC; Maker timeline] (PT.2)
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Gaster and Asgore moment???? gasp-
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
EDIT (12/2/2022): Be sure to check out the newest (and final) version!
* Moonstache EX pulls the strings!
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition to the AO3 link being updated with lots of new material, you can also find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route requirements over on Google Docs! The art was made by @asterofthedeepforest. Be sure to support his Ko-fi!
The Badge Seller / Moonjumper’s Theme
Oh It's You + Your Contract Has Expired (modified)
Main Theme / Title Screen
Welcome To Mafia Town (modified)
Killing Two Birds (modified)
How Rude! (2:10 - 2:18)
You can also listen to this track in high quality on my SoundCloud here! The rest of the description is underneath the Read More.
Moonjumper replaces Gaster. In the TimeWarp route, after Hat Kid's (well) TimeWarp attack creates a schism in the space-time continuum, Moonjumper is FINALLY able to properly break through back into reality... by overwriting Mustache Girl's soul with their own, becoming Moonstache EX in the process. Skin so blue, eyes shot red, they'll make Bow wish that she were dead.
Commissioned my boi Kristian (Wisteria Bird Studios,) I made changes, etc etc. I'll be perfectly honest tho; if I listed off the entire changelist for this version, this description would be too boring for its own good (cuz even between v5 and now, there have been a TON of adjustments!!) so I'll keep this short and mention the two most obvious ones. (If you do want me to go in depth with any other changes tho, feel free to leave your questions in the replies!) Ye I lowered the track's pitch by one semitone for shits and giggles. Wound up liking how it sounded more, so I ran with it. And also, with big thanks to Adamant's "How to recreate BIG SHOT" series being available to use as reference, I made some sweeping changes to the backing on this track to give it a better overall sound. That's defo just the tip of the iceberg tho. Am p happy with how this version turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy the new mix! (P.S. I do have an idea or two for new Time’s End tracks that aren’t just updates to stuff like this, and some tracks I commissioned for the AU are in progress.)
And for those wondering why the SC link in the first part of the description is the same as the one on the now outdated v5, yeah. I finally had enough of reuploading this from scratch all the time on SC and losing every single stat, so I decided to get a temp SC Pro subscription and replace the file on the original upload.
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butterscroch · 7 years
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Meet Source Code.
I have an idea. If there are Sans’ that destroy and create universes and others that protect and harm, where is the one that fixes them? So welcome my little amalgamation to the multiverse. You were made to fix universes,
So I made Source. If people are interested I will give him some backstory, like a comic. 
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handspeake · 3 years
Gaster can't help but stare. A tired stare, a knowing stare, a kind stare. He has no reason to blink, so he does not. Simply waits for Spamton to see him, notice he is waiting in the reflection behind him.
The phone calls are fun, but he'd like this experiment to go off without hitch, and the subject's metaphorical brain melting into an intangible puddle is not what he cares to see. Perhaps later, after he had learned what he can.
" *That lightner. The little red soul of theirs. It's strong, is it not? "
It was. All by themself they had taken Spamton down, though, it had taken a few tries. Gaster would know. Gaster watched. Even with all the knowledge he gave, it seemed it wasn't enough.
For however poor luck it had been for Kris to absolutely demolish Spamton, knock him back into place -- it was everything Gaster could ask for.
The perfect opportunity.
" *It was an unfair fight. You could never have won, and it was cruel of them to act such a way. "
Fuel the fire, poke the embers of hate and breathe life back into the desire to succeed, to surpass, to survive. Does he want vengeance? Retribution? Perhaps to be as unstoppable as one can be?
" *Would you like to try again with better odds, little virus? "
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" *I can show you how... "
@scamton // SC.
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gasterofficial · 1 year
omg i live in SC too... i havent found a UTDR in the wild without having to Convert Them into fans, that's actually so cool
me neither UNTIL a girl in my bio class last semester recognized my spamton pin AND knew who gaster was. also she liked my drawings i did during class because i have adhd and this was boring intro biology :) if you're ever in the upstate blow a kiss into the wind and i will receive it
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