#Maker timeline
soul-collectors · 2 months
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SC; Maker Timeline [PT.4]
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Does it ever drive you crazy? 🥺
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cacw · 6 months
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meet your maker
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saltyspecs · 5 months
I've been thinking some binggeyuan Thoughts.
So, people usually write any binggeyuan as after the bingge vs bingmei extra which is super valid and narratively makes a lot of sense, but I've been thinking about dropping a bingge from earlier in the PIDW timeline into Shen Yuan's world. I'm talking like. Reverse transmigration straight from the abyss.
He finds Xin Mo, his seal gets fully broken, but instead of getting out of the abyss to get his revenge plans started he gets yeeted into modern day China, nothing but the clothes on his back and a system to guide him through it. He's bitter but he's also been fighting tooth and nail to survive for *checks watch* five years. He's like. 3/4 black lotus. Xin Mo hasn't quite had the time to sink its claws in.
I really do just have the mental image of Shen Yuan picking him up from out of an alley cause he looks like he got mugged. like a dirty kitten.
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girlboyburger · 6 months
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with my move around the corner and life feeling sort of real again, i'm having Regular Thoughts about hobbies i've been meaning to revisit...
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feelo-fick · 5 months
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chilaios or something idk ive never heard of these people ever (<- lie)
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Oh, Maker
"The humans are strange and graceful as they explore the garden, explore themselves, explore each other. The trouble is, the humans stare back, which makes him uncomfortable; there’s nothing particularly interesting about him. And, though he rarely admits it to himself, the humans make him lonely; he has no Other to explore." Or: how many times can you take a bath with your best friend before you kiss him?
Length: 57,034 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, At Home, Angst, Romance, Slow Burn
Triggers: None/ Religious Trauma themes
Read it here, fic by voluptatiscausa
*Minor Spoilers* I've had this fic bookmarked for months, I love this author and all the stories of theirs I've read. But my ADHD often has me piling on more without diving into what I already have saved. So, when I was about to begin the author's latest fic, I paused. I realized I needed to prioritize this story first, and appreciate it fully. And now, I want you to do the same!
This is a pre season 2 "through the ages" story, visiting some of the historical settings we're familiar with and adding new ones as well. We watch as the weight of the world hangs on Aziraphale and Crowley’s shoulders. The impossibility of alleviating human suffering, the pain of being abandoned by their Creator, their Mother, and the lingering desperation for her approval. So when they've burnt out, they turn to each other. They comfort each other with warm intimacy through baths, manicures, brushing each other's hair, each taking care of the other and showing us how holy love can be. It's gorgeous and heartbreaking all at once. Their love is so true, even if they have trouble believing they're worthy of being loved and desired. “It’s because love can’t be earned, sweetheart. It’s given.”
The beauty of fanfic is that it can exceed the canon. This is not just in character; to me it's more in character than the canon itself. The book and show are comedies; they don't have time to dive this deeply into their characters' motivations and histories. And, of course, that's not a bad thing, especially since it brought us all here. But when I read something like this, something that brings a real depth and understanding to the characters, I'm amazed. This isn’t the only fic I’ve felt this way about, but it’s a prime example of that feeling. It’s just that, when I read a story that specifically focuses on their entire 6,000 years together and all the history they’ve gone through, I get frustrated that those moments are played for laughs in the book/show. The Flood, the Crucifixion, the Spanish Inquisition all throw away lines that don’t stop to dive into the wealth of story that’s possible there. I get why it doesn’t linger, I do, but fic narratives are so much more interesting to me than what the canon alone can provide.
This is a deeply moving and powerful story. Full of musings on shame, desire, religious trauma, and the beauty of the world we live in. Life is a terrible and wonderful thing. While this is mostly safe for public, I really suggest making this an at home read. It's a bit heavier, something you want to be in the right headspace for, and it features very rich prose. Never dense or hard to follow, but very beautiful, and you'll want to give it your full attention. I realize I may have made this seem like full angst, but it’s not! There's some wonderful loving fluffy moments to be found as well. Be sure to check out the other works that belong in this series! They are devastatingly good as well. Pair with some fruit for the full effect!
Read it here, fic by voluptatiscausa
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drivebyanon · 4 months
Does anybody have a timeline of events of Season 7? I see keep seeing that Bucktommy have been seeing each other for 3 months which seems right (and I hope so) but for the life of me I can’t figure it out and I’m like…
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theauking · 4 months
My interpretation of the Super Mario Timelines.
Before showing the timelines and explaining some strange decisions, just know Mario does not and never will have a cannon timeline. This I all just for fun. Read timelines from left to right for each row. (Example: Mario Land 2 takes place after Mario Bros 2.)
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Now a few explanations and addendums; * Galaxy 2 is In Universe Fiction because it's Rosalina retelling the events of Galaxy 1 as a bedtime story to her Lumas. * Maker 2 is part of a main timeline due to its story mode.
* Mario Kart DS is the only sports game in the main timeline due to Queen Bee and a lack of Waluigi. * C+B is because that game crosses over two timelines. * The Donkey Kong games take place in Timeline K.
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reliquiaen · 6 months
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Okay, a few years back I made this graphic to explain the Great Cycle. Now that I've mulled over DD2 for a few days, I'm updating it. Some of the same assumptions as before remain: The Dragonforged fought the dragon, his weapon broke, he tried punching it (lmao), but he did survive without killing the dragon, possibly there was a second Bargain offered in the face of his determination. So you don't have to kill your dragon to survive it. Also still assuming that different classes become different types of drakes because I just like that detail, even though we see nothing to confirm it in DD2 (except maybe for the wyrms in the post-game, I hope that's what those are, just a bit redesigned).
But this time, I'm making some NEW assumptions: A Great Dragon can be manifested directly by the Seneschal's will (I'm guessing this is why our DD2 dragon doesn't have a name, I suspect this dragon was created after Rothais defeated his - he didn't become a dragon OR Seneschal so it had to come from somewhere). The challenge a Seneschal poses to the Arisen can be anything; Savan gave us the opening of the Everfall and unleashed a ton of powerful monsters upon the world; but Pathfinder gave us what the world would look like without a Seneschal to oversee things. My assumption is that the Colossal Dragon that appears out of that final red pillar of light IS the Pathfinder (possibly using his will to force order back upon the world) and when we kill it, our Arisen becomes Seneschal (because Pathfinder says he won't be there to see the new world that's forming). So the challenge can be anything, not just the Everfall. I'm curious what happens to our pawn after that fight, though. And it's a much better Seneschal fight than the one against Savan, sorry Savan.
I'm also assuming that (given we see the Pathfinder rewind time and rewrite the world) the Seneschal can simply will the world into a state of being that suits them. This includes wiping memories of events. Though I like to imagine that our Arisen-turned-Seneschal didn't wipe memories of themselves or of the apocalypse-world. There was an entire plotline going through this game with Rothais and Phaesus where mortals are trying to get rid of the Seneschal and so it makes sense that they need to remember what would happen without the Seneschal's presence.
Anyway, thanks. I'll probably have more thoughts later, but this is the part that gets me most. I like to know how things work so I wanted to sort the Cycle out.
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stormbreaker101 · 3 days
Making a Digital Visual Timeline (in Python)
I have been on the hunt for a digital timeline I could easily use to store pivotal dates on and see the distance between them, as well as keep track of which events are in which story. And ultimately, I couldn't find a single website that satisfied me, so I made my own program. And swag bitches don't gatekeep, so I'm sharing how I made my timeline, in case anyone is running into the same struggles.
All you need to get started is any sort of program where you can write in Python (I use Thonny but anything that runs Python 3.10 works), and then import the Matplotlib library. If you use Thonny, this video tutorial is super short and straightforward. If you use something else, no doubt there are other video tutorials on how to import libraries on your given platform.
Then, copy in this code, making sure not to miss any indents or capitalization. I wanted to copy-paste the code directly into the text, but Tumblr doesn't register indents, so you have to copy from an image, sorry.
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If you run this code as is, you should get this scatterplot.
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Under the cut is further explanation of the parts you can and should change in order to make the timeline your own.
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The Dates in the square brackets [] on lines 9 and 14 are formatted as Year/Month/Day. So if I wanted to make a point on September 2, 2009, I'd write it as [2009, 9, 2]. Each date must be enclosed in its own square bracket and separated by a comma.
The captions on lines 10 and 15 can be whatever you want, just keep them in quotations, and keep each quote separated by a comma. I like writing the date on the caption as well just for ease of reading.
Importantly, the number of Dates in any group's DateList line has to be equal to the number of Captions in the Captions line, but there can be a different number of Dates and Captions between groups. (So like, Ex1's DateList and Captions both have 4 items, but Ex2's DateList and Captions both have 3 instead.)
The YVals on lines 11 and 16 can be any number (though keeping the numbers relatively low, like from -5 to 5, is better). These just determine how high or low the dots appear on the timeline, if you want to keep different plots visually separate.
There is a LOT of freedom of choice for colors (lines 12 and 17) in Matplotlib. I recommend using the CSS colors, because you just have to write the name in quotations.
You can make more than 2 groups, and you can change the names of the groups. But if you do, you have to also adjust this part of the code below:
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Whatever you name your Ex1 and Ex2 lists, put them into here. Additionally, you have to keep the lists consistent. If for example, dateListList was [Ex1_DateList, Ex2_DateList] and CaptionsList was [Ex2_Captions, Ex1_Captions], the code will either encounter an error or graph the wrong captions to the wrong dates.
Lastly, you can edit what parts of the graph appears using these 2 lines to control the X-axis and Y-axis of the plots respectively. You have to keep both pairs of parentheses for each line.
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These numbers are relatively small because I chose small numbers as the example Dates. When I use this code for myself, I often switch between a view of (1950, 2050) to see roughly everything in the modern era, or (400, 2400) if I want to see some of the older historical events I've included as well.
These are just the parameters you HAVE to adjust to actually control your own timeline. You can ABSOLUTELY do more if you want to (just make sure to save backups :P). And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Happy timelineing!
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soul-collectors · 2 months
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Bonus for SC; Maker Timeline Pt.4 :]
(Original Pt)
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latibvles · 4 months
do u think when they made 100thbg.com they anticipated it was going to be the lifeline for a 20 year old English student trying to write sexy pilot man fanfiction but having 5 different sources telling her different things about the training
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Hi, I love your blog! Thanks for keeping us all a little bit safer and more grounded online <3
While scrolling I noticed that the third source on your flamingo post (reliable) wasn't hyperlinked/linked? Feel free to ignore this, I don't want to come across nitpicky or pushy!
Hope you have a great day.
hi, thank you! and don't worry, I appreciate this kind of thing being pointed out. Unfortunately since it's been a while since I fact checked this, I can't remember what the source was. Hopefully with my new way of formatting sources, if I miss a link it will be easier to find later. I'll have a look and see if I can find the source :)
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stlispenard · 2 months
the vc genealogy is actually hilarious because it's mostly everyone (lestat) making babies until the 1860s something (except for marius who makes bianca and armand in the 15th century) and then suddenly in the 90s and early 2000s there's another random baby boom
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moonypears-blog · 3 months
I was making a history timeline for my OC's, partly just to get it down and partly to help with the family tree I'll be making. I ended up choosing "World Anvil." it took me a while to figure out how to use it, and it took extra time because I am terrible at maths, so years and such were a struggle. (No one told me making characters/worlds required so much math) Eventually, I got the hang of it and I liked how it was shaping. Over half way through, I was told I couldn't add any more events without a premium subscription which I'd need to pay for. So, then I had to transfer EVERYTHING I got down on word anvil into a Google document and finish it there because I'd been doing it for over two hours and wasn't just giving up.
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