neeliepsrecs · 3 years
Author: sc010f
Rating: Acceptable
Length: Mid-length, 37,847 (17 chapters)
Era, Publish Date: DH, 26.12.2009-06.02.2010
Categories: Memory Loss
Genres: Drama, Hurt/Comfort; Post Hogwarts (AU)
Summary: Struck by a curse during the final battle, Hermione struggles to grasp what is reality and what is not. Is the curse merely revealing the truth that has been hidden for seven years? (author) Hermione shifts back and forth between two alternative realities. 
Awards: OWL Round 5 Best New Magic 🥈
→ Ashwinder
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itislove · 5 years
Johnlock Fic Rec 2019 Part 2
Don’t worry, I have not abandoned the Mothership! I’m Davy Jones and Johnlock is my Flying Dutchman, so no escape for me!  Part 1 can be found here.
That Sudden Flood of Joy by apliddell, Explicit 7k
Twice by arden_scott, Explicit 4k
Rolling in the Deep by BakerKeen, Explicit 4k
Seeing Things through by berlynn_wohl, Explicit 4k
Observe, Control, Delete by Chryse, Mature 9k
The Naked Truth Teen and Up 1k, The Only Emperor  GA 12k by coloredink
Old Habbits by hubblegleeflower, GA 1k
Among the Secret Things by Kate_Lear, Explicit 26k
Company by lookupkate, Explicit 6k
For His Own Good by mamishka, Explicit 8k
I Never Really Knew by MaryBarton, Mature 22k
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b, Explicit 20k
Not Packing by miraculous_lovesquare, Mature 3k
Let You Kiss Me by out_there, Mature 8k
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition by Patternofdefiance, Explicit 9k
Standard Deviation by sc010f, Explicit 2k
Sherlock, Sugar Daddy John and the no good... by Sexxica, Explicit 6k
The Personal Touch by sherlockian4evr, Explicit 3k
Pattern Behaviour by SilentAuror, Explicit 14k
A Touch before Sleeping by Silverbuttons, Explicit 8k
Beg for Mercy (Twice) by Solitary_Endeavor, Explicit 7k
Bound by Their Wrists by sonicmekhanlock, Teen and Up 8k
This goes against British Army regulations by starrysummernights, E 7k
One for All by tenderly_wicked, Explicit 4k
Fit to be tied by testosterone_tea, Explicit 14k
I Love You (Is all that you can’t say) by theSeventhStranger, Teen 3k
The ABCs of Sex with Sherlock Holmes, Explicit 6k; The Silence After  Explicit 25k by wendymarlowe
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pwoops · 5 years
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Jeff Troy aesthetic
↳ from Now I’m a Believer by sc010f for the @omgcpreversebang
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omgcpreversebang · 5 years
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Now I’m a Believer 
Written by: sc010f Art by: pwoops Rating: M Pairing: Kent Parson/Jeff Troy Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Summary: Jeff has never believed in luck. Rituals aren’t superstitions - rituals are ways of focusing the mind. Jeff has never believed in God, really, either. If he’s ever believed in anything, it’s been hockey. He loves his mom, but love is different from belief, and later he loved Tristan, and probably believed in him, too.
These days, though, Jeff knows better than to believe in anything other than himself. He exists, he breathes, he works, and he still loves his mom, but love is different from belief. It’s not hubris, it’s just a fact.
A lifetime of hockey had been taken from him, but at least he gets to keep his music.
Find the story HERE And the art HERE and HERE
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flexitarianfandom · 6 years
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thesignsofjohnlock · 6 years
Small Penis – the fic recs
A Small Misunderstanding by Hyliare, Omegaverse and tiny peen. 14 k, explicit. This fic takes a slightly different look at Omega Sherlock and Alpha John. The two are bonded, but Sherlock isn’t ready for sex – between worry about his small penis, and his fear of losing control. John lets him explore sex however it feels comfortable for him. Very sweet!
Jerk by fireofangels, 1 k, mature, Sherlock has a micro-penis  and is ashamed of it, which is why he refuses to have sex. John finds out. (Locked to AO3.)
Shameful by General_Button, 4 k, mature. Sherlock has a shameful secret that John thinks really isn’t shameful at all.
All over by fireofangels, 1 k, mature. Sherlock has a tiny penis and a raging humilation kink / Sherlock has a normal penis but likes John to pretend it’s tiny for his humiliation kink. (Locked to AO3.)
This Play Between the Sheets by Lorelei_Lee, starrysummernights, 4 k, explicit. Sherlock has a small penis. Not really small, but smaller than average. John doesn’t mind and Sherlock doesn’t either. So everything should be roses and sunshine for our happy couple. But, well… Sherlock has not only a small penis but also a raging humiliation kink.
Standard Deviation by  sc010f, 1.8 k, explicit. John’s insecurities regarding relative size are brought into the open. Sherlock’s reaction is… Sherlockian. (John has a small penis.)
Little Wee by cwb, 3 k, explicit. (Locked to AO3.) John and Sherlock start to tease each other about whose penis is smaller. Measuring, silliness and eventual smut must ensue. (No one’s penis is really that small, but it’s good fun.)
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cerulane · 7 years
Dans sa jeunesse, John a posé nu pour se faire un peu d’argent. Le tableau, qui a pris de la valeur, a été volé.
Petite fic humoristique sans prétention. C’était amusant.
Lu en Aout - publié le 04/10/2017
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pyrzqxgl · 9 years
I'm so excited! I was tagged!
I was tagged by @treesofyavanna to answer questions! I hadn’t seen the eleven questions game, that a recall so I looked it up. This is what I found for rules:
Always post the rules. Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new questions. Tag 11 new people. Message the people you tagged to let them know you tagged them.
Here are treeofyavanna’s questions and my answers:
1. What’s your favorite thing to do on a day off?
Right now, play minecraft, occasionally watching videos from YouTube with my family. But I’d love to spend a day in a nice hotel with my wife. Something with an in room hot tub like we had part of our honeymoon.
2. Most recent book you’ve read?
The End of All Things by John Scalzi.
3. What is your current obsession?
Minecraft. I bought a server last year and I play on it with my wife and our kids.
4. Tea or coffee? Coffee. I’ve been a coffee drinker since I was two. But I drink tea too. Sometimes at the same time sipping each in turn.
5. What was your first computer?
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. I had no premade media for it. It new basicA so i learned to program a bit. I used my mother’s cassette recorder to save the programs I wrote. The biggest of these was one that played when the Saints Come Marching home while ASCII art I made scrolled onto the screen. I bullied my cousin into giving me a list of notes for the song and used a chart that came with the computer to translate notes into frequencies.
6. Favorite cuisine?
Indian! I first had it at the Kabob and Curry in Providence, Rhode Island which remains my favorite restaurant. I like not just Indian cuisine as filtered through the UK which most restaurants seem to have but other takes on it like the vegetarian place across the street which I just order meals for the number of people eating and then order some extra samosas and Roti. I don’t know the names of the dishes I’ve had from there, but there has never been one I did not like. Udupi Palace, another vegetarian place had what appeared to be whipped spinach that was so good I nearly begged for more.
7. If you had to be on a reality TV show, what kind of show would you be on, and how would you try to win?
I really don’t watch much reality television. Most of it seems like it would be toxic to participate in. It seems often to include all the worse elements of middle school. I’d select something where I could sit down for most of it, if possible. As for how I’d try to win, I’d pay close attention to the rules and do my best.
8. Cats or dogs? Or neither? I’m allergic to both, I love them both, but if I could not be allergic, it would be cats. I’d like a pair of cats.
9. Can you play a musical instrument? Not well. I took the flute, which is stupid for an asthmatic. Even so, breath control was the easiest part for me. I could sound the notes correctly, but I am tone deaf. I have no memory for melody and I never could hear if I was playing the correct notes. I understand the theory but it never got any easier and I never got past the first three note songs you start with. 10. Over-the-ear headphones, or ear buds? Or neither?
Neither. Over the head headsets are best, but failing that in the ear headphones. 11. Fire, earth, water, or air?
Earth. I represented earth in a friend’s wedding as I am the earthiest person she knew.
My questions:
If there is a new person in your life, someone who you will spend a lot of time with, what book would you like them to read to give them a shared context?
Which do you prefer, odd or even numbers, or do you not have a preference?
What color is Tuesday?
Popping zits: fun or gross or both?
Is there a fandom that brought you to Tumblr and are you still in it?
Is there a color you would like to wear, but don’t and why not?
What’s your favorite food texture?
Is there a food texture you can’t stand?
Name your favorite famous person who shares part of your name. If that is too revealing, name the category of famous person.
Famous person you wished did not share part of your name? Again, if that’s too revealing just list the category.
What author surprised you the most?
I am tagging:
@deadcherryboy, @mollybellee, @naiadkitty, @theyaylady, @gooberascendant, @televised-flowers, @c3mf, @luffykun3695, @sc010f, @biancaicaras,@ythell
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mazarin221b · 9 years
sc010f replied to your photoset:Tagged in the phone aesthetic meme by...
Eeeeeeee! YOU GUYS!!!!!!! :D I love seeing pictures of people I love from the internet.
Me too! THATS WHY I TAGGED YOU (if you are comfortable!) I love seeing things from my lovely friend’s lives if they like sharing them. <333
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moonblossom · 9 years
@minnescorpio replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
I LOVE the Cat Who series!!! I started reading them when I was in middle school! Koko is a kick ass cat. I would totally read your conclusion!
@seekingidlewild replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
Aw, I used to love those books so much!
@mindfluffy replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
Do it! I love those books, and I’ve gotten my 12yo daughter reading them :)
@kpe123 replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
do it! Those books are great fun.
@sc010f replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
You totally should!
@random-nexus replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
YOU SHOULD!!!! *Ships crate of Muse treats immediately*
@doctornerdington replied to your post: So one thing you might not know about ...
Do ittttt!
Ahahaha, wow. I had no idea they had such a huge following! You guys have convinced me. Once I get a few of my fic projects out of the way, I’ll start plotting this out. I already have a few ideas.
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neeliepsrecs · 3 years
Pen names: sc010f, Scoffy
Accounts: Ashwinder, The Masque
Real name:
Location: Florida, United States
Additional information: 
Recommended fanfiction: Meadowlark
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pwoops · 5 years
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Now I’m a Believer by sc010f
Jeff has never believed in luck. Rituals aren’t superstitions - rituals are ways of focusing the mind. Jeff has never believed in God, really, either. If he’s ever believed in anything, it’s been hockey. He loves his mom, but love is different from belief, and later he loved Tristan, and probably believed in him, too.
These days, though, Jeff knows better than to believe in anything other than himself. He exists, he breathes, he works, and he still loves his mom, but love is different from belief. It’s not hubris, it’s just a fact.
A lifetime of hockey had been taken from him, but at least he gets to keep his music.
For the @omgcpreversebang! Thank you @sc0f01 for the amazing fic to accompany the art! It was a pleasure working with you!
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cooperwest-wtr · 9 years
sc010f replied to your post:I kind of like Bug? He’s endearing in a totally...
I’m sorry, I’m not creeping on you, I promise - I’m just so glad there’s another person I follow who is into Sense8!
Totally cool! There just needs to be MORE OF US!
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twistedingenue · 9 years
Darcy/Clint/Phil? Or Laura/Clint/Phil? ;)
this came in as a smut prompt, but apparently, that didn’t happen.
Clint doesn’t call this post-mission cuddles, because it’s not. It’s just that he has this tendency to fall asleep any moment he can, including his head tipped back on Coulson’s shoulder, his back making contact with various parts of the man’s body. He can’t control the contortions his body does while trying to sleep against a person when they are sitting on a bench in a tiny airplane, rumbling somewhere over a plains state.
It’s probably a plains state. It looks like wheat from up here.
But they are post-mission cuddles. Coulson isn’t very hands-on. Not with him and their relationship, a strange carved-out sort of thing, but after missions there’s always this exception. It’s okay to touch right now, keep your hands above the belt and don’t ruffle any feathers, Coulson understands. Clint needs to ground himself with another person right now, as the adrenaline letdown happens and he crashes.
It’s the best relationship he’s ever had.  He doesn’t even care that there’s no sex and there isn’t going to be any. Okay, that’s a little bit of a lie, but it’s a trade off. The emotional security is better, and he’s got two hands that work just fine.
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Phil says, and Clint can hear the nervousness masquerading as kindness in his voice.
“Every time you say that I usually end up disappointed or end up shooting them,” Clint groans out, “Wait, does that make it sound like I get disappointed because I’m not shooting them? Because that’s totally not true.”
He feels Phil’s back tense up, “It’s not that type of meet.”
Oh, right. Phil has this thing about how he knows he’s not going to meet all of Clint’s needs and that maybe Clint should find someone else for that part. Clint’s not unopposed, but he’s trying to wrap his head around the concept that this isn’t cheating or him fucking up. So Clint put Phil in charge of it, setting him up with men or women that might have what he’s looking for.
Coulson must have very high standards for Clint, and what he believes Clint deserves, much higher than what Clint think — there hasn’t been anyone yet.
“Her name is Laura. She’s an analyst for a logistic company that I met while laying groundwork for another mission. She’s — a little like me, but not quite.”
“I don’t want to replace you,” Clint says quietly, because he does have some decorum. This is an airplane after all. But this is a thing he promised he’d try, so he sighs, “She understands us?”
“Very well.” Coulson leans into Clint, “I like her, and I think you might too. Headstrong, sweet.”
“Alright, set me up.” He doesn’t really think he needs anyone but Phil, but Phil always seems to know more about Clint’s needs than Clint. He can give this a shot.
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roane72 · 9 years
sc010f replied to your post:
Man, y’all, I really really want to like...
I hear you. I, myself, find the acting a bit wooden which is distracting me from the overall violence. That and Daredevil’s Dread Pirate Roberts hood… That’s distracting, too. Gah, I’m such a dork. :P
I mean. There’s a lot that I would otherwise enjoy, seriously. I’m intrigued by Matt, and I enjoy Foggy, and Fisk is over the top scary. But I really don’t need to see someone’s broken arm bone showing through their skin, or listen to someone get decapitated by a car door. The soundtrack is basically full of breaking bones and squelching... bits.
I think I prefer my television/movie violence to be a little less literally visceral. :P
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