zedecksiew · 2 years
The Zone has different rules
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Posting about this mainly as a reminder to self that it is a thought I want to think more on.
Also because it dovetails with notions Liam and I discussed over on Toa Tabletop, about how you can portray subjective fantasy worlds in TTRPG play---essentially: Oh, the party visits a culture with different mores / cosmology / etc? The actual rules of the game change.
Over on cohost, Amanda Franck poses the following question:
How do you make rules/problems for a place that is supposed to be inexplicable & mutable & impossible to understand (like fairyland or dreamland or roadside picnic zone)? ... My experience in playing through a few of people's dreamworlds where anything can happen has been mostly bad, because it's hard for all the players to understand the physical space that they are in, and frustrating to try to interact with a world that doesn't respond in a sensible way.
To which Scampir proposes:
If i really wanted to get the point across that an area was under the influence of different logics, I would just use a different game for that area. Maybe a smaller game just so it can be quickly integrated.
(Attribution to make it clear I'm building on other folk's ideas.)
So here's my idea:
Say you are running a campaign using D&D or retroclone. Your players encounter Faerie / the Dreamlands / Area X / the Zone.
When they slip into its borders, you tell them things are gonna getting weird. But you don't give them new character sheets. You just start organically calling for resolutions and mechanics from a game that isn't D&D.
Maybe a dice-pool game like RuneQuest or WFRP. Or Blades in the Dark:
GM: "So you rest? Okay, tick your healing clock."
Player: "Wait, wtf's a healing clock?"
This does a few things:
Discombobulates players. They have to figure out the ways in which assumptions of reality differ.
The choice of new ruleset you use signals the specific ways that this specific Weird Zone is weird. (Use a game with more story-game mechanics and you imply that the Weird Zone has a different relationship with causality.)
Players learn / jot down / use new mechanics on the same old character sheet---implying that the Weird Zone changes their characters.
Abilities / mechanics they pick up remain when they leave the Weird Zone, and return to boring normal D&D rules. A signal that the Zone has changed them in uncanny ways.
Player: "Hey, I've still got this '+1d to gather info' ability, right? And this counts as a gather info situation? Can I roll two d20s and total them?"
GM: "Yes."
So yeah: bashing incompatible game systems together.
Maybe that's a fool's errand. But I feel like it should be possible to create a procedure for ruleset mash-ups, so that there's a process to follow? Best practices for how it happens.
Consistency at the layer of play culture, even if there isn't consistency at the layer of mechanics.
I'd like to pursue this more, because---as mentioned above---I'm interested in portraying subjective fictional worlds, and this "different place, different rules" thing seems like one way to do that at a conceptual level.
Also I like it because jury-rigs and mash-ups seems quintessentially "rulings not rules"-sy, to me. It seems to be in that OSR-y spirit.
( Image source: https://sciencefictionbookart.com/roadside-picnic-arkady-boris-strugatsky-1979/ )
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Artist: Armand Baltazar TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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homunculuslover · 9 months
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Another c0mm!ss!0n, this time for
@jack_scarecrow This is my second piece with Cassette Beasts. This time, my sweety
@pureheartbat with Scampire. I love Scampire. They're such a cutie~ Thanks again. C0ms are open.~
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pombomb · 3 months
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gamebyle · 7 months
Random Cassette Beasts sprite edits
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gameplayerfoxy · 9 months
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Decided to make some pixel arts of some monsters in Cassette Beasts
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disasterkitkata · 11 months
Cassette Beasts is wild- anyway have this colored never gonna finish wip of my sons Patch and Rogue (in that order from left to right)
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itsmewahoo · 1 year
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having fun playing Cassette Beasts and really loving the Scampire line a lot! just some silly little vampire thieves
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psychangels · 4 months
hfr cassette beasts au, because i've been playing it recently.
no real thoughts here in terms of story things, just monsters :]
chai has an arkidd, mascotoy, and rockertrice
peppermint has a kittelly, velocirifle, and triphinx
macaron has a southpaw and a lobstacle
cnmn has a weevilite and a binterloper
korsica has an aeroboros, kirikuri, and queenyx
rekka has a southpaw and a manispear
zanzo has a binterloper, adeptile, and fragliacci
mimosa has a decibelle, miss mimic, and djinn entonic
roquefort has a scarleteeth, fortiwinx, and spitzfyre
kale has a scampire, jellyton, and draculeaf
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hollowboobtheory · 8 months
guys I'm plot bunnying does anyone want the scampire au
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decibelcoatl · 5 months
Monsters of Cassette Beasts and Gender Ratios - A Personal Headcanon
So I'm more or less halfway through Cassette Beasts (the main game, at least, still have yet to reach post-game so NO SPOILERS), and I've had this running through my head for a while now. Even though there are no genders at all, I still wanted to put in some genders of my own anyway just because I can.
Please not that these are all my own personal opinions, so take it all with a grain of salt if you will. Additionally, I did not include any monsters from the Pier of the Unknown DLC, as I have not gotten around to getting it yet. Fret not, however, for once I do get the DLC, I will make sure to update this ASAP.
Full list under the cut below.
#001-#005 (Springheel, Hopskin, Ripterra, Snoopin, Scampire): 75% male, 25% female
#006-#010 (Carniviper, Masquerattle, Jormungold, Mardiusa, Aeroboros): Mardiusa is female-only, while the rest are 50% male and 50% female
#011-#013 (Traffikrab, Weevilite, Lobstacle): 50% male, 50% female
#014-#018 (Candevil, Malchemy, Miasmodeus, Vendemon, Gumbaal): 12% male, 88% female
#019-#023 (Bansheep, Wooltergeist, Ramtasm, Zombleat, Capricorpse): 88% male, 12% female
#024-#025 (Sirenade, Decibelle): 25% male, 75% female
#026-#027 (Dandylion, Blossomaw): 50% male, 50% female
#028-#029 (Macabra, Folklord): 50% male, 50% female
#030-#033 (Dominoth, Wingloom, Mothmanic, Tokusect): 50% male, 50% female
#034-#036 (Squirey, Manispear, Palangolin): 50% male, 50% female
#037-#038 (Kittelly, Cat-5): 50% male, 50% female
#039-#040 (Puppercut, Southpaw): 50% male, 50% female
#041-#044 (Bulletino, Velocirifle, Artillerex, Gearyu): 50% male, 50% female
#045-#046 (Diveal, Scubalrus): 50% male, 50% female
#047-#048 (Nevermort, Apocrowlypse): 50% male, 50% female
#049-#050 (Clocksley, Robindam): Male-only
#051 (Thwackalope): 50% male, 50% female
#052-#054 (Allseer, Khufu, Triphinx): Gender unknown
#055-#056 (Braxsuit, Flapwoods): 50% male, 50% female
#057-#058 (Sanzatime, Fortiwinx): 50% male, 50% female
#059-#060 (Salamagus, Pyromeleon): 50% male, 50% female
#061-#062 (Muskrateer, Ratcousel): 75% male, 25% female
#063-#065 (Padpole, Frillypad, Liligator): 50% male, 50% female
#066-#068 (Elfless, Grampus, Faerious): 50% male, 50% female
#069-#070 (Brushroom, Fungogh): Male-only
#071-#072 (Boltam, Plasmantler): 50% male, 50% female
#073-#075 (Busheye, Huntorch, Hedgeherne): 50% male, 50% female
#076-#077 (Terracooka, Coaldron): 50% male, 50% female
#078-#079 (Stardigrade, Galagor): 50% male, 50% female
#080-#081 (Mascotoy, Mascotorn): Gender unknown
#082-#083 (Binvader, Binterloper): Gender unknown
#084-#085 (Twirligig, Kirikuri): 50% male, 50% female
#086 (Jellyton): 50% male, 50% female
#087-#088 (Spirouette, Regensea): Female-only
#089-#091 (Jumpkin, Beanstalker, Draculeaf): 50% male, 50% female
#092-#095 (Pawndead, Skelevangelist, Kingrave, Queenyx): While Pawndead and Skelevangelist are both 50% male and 50% female, Kingrave is male-only whereas Queenyx is female-only
#096-#097 (Burnace, Smogmagog): 50% male, 50% female
#098-#099 (Faucetear, Fountess): 25% male, 75% female
#100-#101 (Cluckabilly, Rockertrice): 75% male, 25% female
#102-#103 (Pondwalker, Sharktanker): 50% male, 50% female
#104-#105 (Pombomb, Spitzfyre): 50% male, 50% female
#106-#107 (Icepeck, Cryoshear): 50% male, 50% female
#108-#109 (Sparktan, Zeustrike): 75% male, 25% female
#110-#111 (Kuneko, Shining Kuneko): Female-only
#112 (Djinn Entonic): Gender unknown
#113 (Arkidd): Gender unknown
#114 (Undyin): Female-only
#115 (Spooki-onna): Female-only
#116 (Khepri): Gender unknown
#117 (Averevoir): Gender unknown
#118 (Glaistain): Gender unknown
#119 (Miss Mimic): Female-only
#120 (Anathema): 50% male, 50% female
#121 (Pinbolt): 50% male, 50% female
#122 (Diveberg): 50% male, 50% female
#123 (Adeptile): 50% male, 50% female
#124-#125 (Trapwurm, Wyrmaw): 50% male, 50% female
#126-#127 (Ferriclaw, Auriclaw): Gender unknown
#128 (Picksie): 50% male, 50% female
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markrosewater · 2 years
Hi Mark!
In your "Making Space, Part 1" article, you said
"In order to make the sticker sheets work within the rules, we had to make one concession. Up until that point, a sticker stayed on a card until the game ended no matter what zone it went to. (It worked a lot like "perpetually" in Alchemy on MTG Arena, but it existed before that mechanic had been created.) The rules can't handle permanent changes in hidden zones, so we changed stickers to fall off and go back to the sticker sheet if a card went to the library or hand."
But in Mooney's "A Sticky Unfinity Design" article today, he said
"One of the unique aspects of stickers is that they, well, stick! Your stickers will remain on your cards as they move from the battlefield to your graveyard or exile."
He then showcased a card (Scampire) that depended on this ruling for its functionality. So now I'm confused. Do stickers remain on permanents as they change zones, or not?
Stickers stay on when changing zones as long as the new zone is still public. That means stickers stay on in the following zones: battlefield, graveyard, exile, command. They return to the sticker sheet if they go to the hand or library.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Artist: Armand Baltazar TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ahcoffeebeans · 1 year
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my good ttrpg friend scampir is playtesting their star wars game so naturally I made a groupshot for our playtesting group. we shall be named this Wednesday
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millipedish · 1 month
Thought I'd make a list of all my bootlegs, but I gave some of them nicknames and some others are just special to me so I have no intention of trading. So I thought it best to list them out:
Adeptile in earth Aeroboros in orange and astral Allseer in plastic and ice Anathema in earth Acrowcalypse in fire and lightning Arevevoir in fire Beanstalker in water Blossomaw in glitter, water and metal Boltam in poison and plant Bulletino in fire Capricorpse in glitter Carniviper in water and beast Cat-5 in beast Charlequinn in beast Cluckabilly in glitter Dandylion in poison Dominoth in plant(2), plastic(3), fire, astral, glitter and earth Draculeaf in fire Elfless in water and plastic Folklord in plant Frillypad in water Fungogh in metal and earth Galagor in fire, plastic and air Glaistain in poison, metal and air Grampus in glitter Hedgeherne in plastic Hopskin in astral and glass Huntorch in lightning Jellyton in ice and beast Jormungold in air(2) and glitter Khufo in water and glass Kuneko in glass Lobstacle in earth and poison Macabra in plastic, air and plant Manispear in metal Masquerattle in beast Mothmanic in water and astral Nevermort in water and plant Picksie in water, plastic and metal Pinbolt in glitter Plasmantler in metal Pombomb in plant Puppercut in metal(bootleg), plant and water Ratcousel in glass Scampire in glitter Shining Kuneko in Astral(bootleg) Smogmagog in poison Spitzfire in glass Spooki-onna in astral Springheel in fire Squirey in plant and fire Traffikrab in metal, beast and ice Undyin in fire Velocirifle in earth
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zimzagoon · 4 years
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I recently discovered Kitboga so behold, Daniel the Scampire
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