#scanners music taste is amazing
xxjustavexx · 2 years
I wanted to post my HCs of what some of the characters favorite music genres are
Jackie- Mostly into Pop, but also a little bit of country and also really likes oldies, like 60s-70s stuff
Matt- Sure, he likes country, but he’s a really big fan of rock, he really likes bands like Metallica and Evanescence and artists related to their styles
Inez- Really a big indie/rock person (I also HC one of her big favs is Avenged Sevenfold lmao), but is also a really big boy band fan but is too embarrassed to talk about it
Slider- 90s-early 2000s rock/alt, it doesn’t matter what artist, he’d just fuckin listen to it (so ofc he loves Nirvana, BUDDY.)
Creech- DEFINITELY a bubblegum pop person. Also into oldies.
Scanner- Rap (he’s a big Eminem fan), also 2010s alt rock. And metalcore. He’s a fan of Falling In Reverse, Fall Out Boy, Motionless In White, a lot of cool shit because he’s my favorite and HE DESERVES IT, BUDDY.
anyway I’m done
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media reccs? 👀 since apparently you are a man of good taste?
Wow thank you 😏 I have a masterlist of movies that have changed me I often recommend to people, I'll just copy and paste here with quick synopses lol, it's kinda long. I'm not super great at writing synopses tho so bear with me
Dead Poets Society (1989)
One of my favorite movies of all time and a total classic. It's about a group of boys at a strict boarding school who are inspired by their new English teacher (played by Robin Williams) to think for themselves and chase their dreams. This movie literally changed my life lol
Quadrophenia (1979)
This movie is based off of the story behind the concept album by The Who of the same name. It follow the life of a young man named Jimmy who is in a gang called the Mods. Theres this huge gang war between them and the Rockers (I think that's their name, it's been a while since i watched it) and Jimmy questions his beliefs about coming-of-age and his values in life throughout the film
Cabaret (1972)
Based off of the Broadway musical of the same name, this movie is about a British man who moves to Germany during the beginning of the rise of Nazis. He meets a woman who basically turns his world upside down, and it follows their love affair and sexuality and anti-semitism, and it's hilarious and heart wrenching and a beautiful movie
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
This is a super trippy romance film. Basically in the universe of this movie, theres a technology that is developed that can delete memories of an entire person from your mind while you are in a dream-like state, and the main character of this movie (played by Jim Carrey) decides to undergo the procedure after a bad breakup. Its soooo good I highly recommend this movie
It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)
This is an animated film about a man named Bill who is going through brain cancer. Its told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator essentially communicating everything Bill sees, hears, and experiences. This is the movie that got me into film and it is still a complete masterpiece and one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen
The Dirties (2013)
Loved this one a lot back in high school, it's been a while since I watched it. This is a film made in Canada about a high schooler named Matt Johnson and his friend Owen who decide to make a short film for their class about them killing the gang at their school that bullies them, and things take a dark turn. It's a hilarious movie and hits pretty close to home for me in a lot of ways haha
Logan's Run (1976)
Great movie, pretty cheesy though so be warned. This is based off a book with the same name, and it takes place in the future where most of humanity is wiped out except for a small society that lives under a domed structure. No one is allowed to leave the dome, and to control overpopulation, no one is allowed to live past the age of 30. It's really bizarre but I love this movie
Donnie Darko (2001)
Pretty sure this was Jake Gyllenhaal's first big hit when he was super young (I think he was like 19 in this movie but I'm not sure) basically about this kid, Donnie Darko, who is somewhat schizophrenic and has a habit of sleepwalking. After one particular incident he has a near-death experience and starts seeing a man in a bunny costume everywhere who makes him do weird stuff. Another pretty trippy movie with a crazy ending
American Psycho (2000)
Honestly I'm sure a few on this list you've probably seen (most likely this one included) but I didnt wanna leave any out because they're all so good. If you haven't seen this, it's about a Wall Street executive named Patrick Bateman who is a materialistic phony by day and a serial killer by night. I tried to read the book but the inner dialogue was really hard to get through lmao. Awesome movie though huge recommend.
Clockwork Orange (1971)
Yet another trippy one. And fuck it's been a long time since I've seen it so I might get some stuff wrong here. But it's basically about this serial rapist guy who hangs out with this group of goons and they all like to go beat up homeless people and shit, but the main character gets captured and has to go through reformation therapy to make him a better person. It's an extremely bizarre movie but soooo good and kind of hilarious lol
Creep (2014)
Of course this is on my list haha. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a horror movie about this freelance film guy who answers an ad on craigslist to help a man with cancer film a movie for his unborn son. And shit gets weird real fast. One of my favorite horror movies ever, I wouldnt say it's super scary but it's fun as fuck
Hereditary (2018)
If I'm being honest, I don't like a lot of big movies made in super recent years and especially not horror movies (mostly because they're all cheap cash grabs with no substance) but this one is an exception for me. Hereditary is fucking masterful in my opinion, legitimately creepy as hell and well-produced and well written. To put the plot as vaguely as possible without spoiling anything, it's about a family (mostly the mother) who go through some crazy fucked up shit. That's literally all I can say without giving anything away. Super good flick, big recommend
Gattaca (1997)
This list isn't in any particular order, and I love all these movies to death, but if I had to rank them this would probably be on the lower end. It's not a bad movie, it's still great but it's just not as life-changing as the other ones lmao. This takes place in the future where genetic modifications have progressed to a point where you can modify your unborn child's DNA to have the perfect baby. This has led to, essentially racial bias against those who never had that procedure when they were born. The main character was not one of these "special" children, but he wants an extremely prestigious job which requires that of the employee. Through the film, he is trying to fake his identity and fool the company into thinking he is one of these perfect people. Still a great film
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Johnny Depp, man, he is something else. I LOVE this movie. Based off a true story and a book written by the man who lived it, Hunter S. Thompson, this follows the adventure of the writer and his attorney as they go on a drugged-out, psychedelic romp through Las Vegas with the original intention being to cover a story on a motorcycle race, but things go off the rails as they both terrorize the entire city in a way. Just a fun ride the whole way, a great movie
The Truman Show (1998)
God I'm realizing this list is long as fuck. Don't watch all of these movies, it might take you a lifetime lmao. Anyway, this is a classic Jim Carrey movie and another one you've probably seen. But again, if you haven't, this movie is about a man whose entire life has been fabricated and shot for television without him knowing. Super great, super moving, fantastic film 10 outta 10 I gotta wrap this shit up
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
A lesser known Keanu Reeves movie, but fuck I wish more people have seen this. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and it's based off a book which is just as amazing. This movie takes place in the near future, where facial recognition technology has progressed wayyy too far, and drugs have gotten to the point of no return. The plot follows a detective who is undercover in a junkie house trying to figure out who is the top of the drug dealing totem pole, but ends up wrapped in the junkie lifestyle a little too deeply. Seriously, I recommend this movie to everyone who asks, it's so damn good
Fight Club (1999)
Another popular one. If you havent seen it, it's based off a book by Chuck Palahniuk following the story of a man (the main character actually doesnt have a name lol) who meets a guy named Tyler Durden who changes his entire perspective on how the world works. They start an underground boxing club together to help themselves and other men blow off steam and get away from the capitalist consumer-centric lifestyle they are forced into. Big twist at the end, great movie five stars on yelp
Harold and Maude (1971)
This is a weird one. Gotta say. It's about a guy in his 20s who meets an old woman at a funeral and falls in love with her. Sounds pretty ok at face value but theres a lot of really strange subplots and a huuuuge twist at the end (one of the subplots being the guy compulsively fakes his suicide to get his mother's attention) big recommend
Polyester (1981)
This one I cant even explain u just have to watch it its fucking bizarre
Fargo (1996)
Ok lightning round on the synopses, this movie is about a man who wants to commit fraud by hiring guys to kidnap his wife so her father can pay them ransom and instead the husband gets the money but everything goes wrong it's really good
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Another modern movie I actually like, last time I watched this I was on shrooms and it was crazy but it's about this hotel right on the border of california and (Nevada I think?) And all these weird people are staying at it and there are twists at every turn and chris hemsworth is a cult leader in it its great
Memento (2000)
GREAT MOVIE GOD PLEASE WATCH THIS ONE it's about a man who develops short term memory loss after witnessing the rape and murder of his wife AND WHEN I SAY THERE ARE TWISTS LIKE EVERY TEN MINUTES I MEAN IT. The film is chronologically backwards, in that the first scene takes place at the end of the story and works back from there in increments of like 5 minutes. Basically each scene is a segment of time that this guy remembers before his memory loss kicks in and he forgets and FUCK it's so good please god watch it
Almost Famous (2000)
This is another one that would probably be low on my ranking but still a great and fun movie, it's about this kid that wants to write articles about rock stars for the rolling stone (based off a true story btw) and he ends up running away to go ride on a tour bus with some band and gets into all types of shenanigans and its great and sad
Parasite (2019)
Another modern movie I love, fuck this is getting too long lmao. Poor family wants to make money and they hatch a scheme to pretend to be bougie and work for this rich family but shit gets weird and everything goes wrong and it's so good (also literally the only film ever that made me speechless afterwards)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pretty much lives up to the hype, I totally forgot the plot but it's pretty damn good I remember that lmao
The Warriors (1979)
Fun movie, theres a bunch of teen gangs in New York and the leader of all of em is like "hey we should rally all the gangs together and fuck up the cops so we can rule this city" but then he gets shot by someone in the crowd and the gang The Warriors gets blamed so the whole movie is them running from all the other gangs so they can get back to home base and it's just an all around fun time movie
12 Monkeys (1995)
THIS MOVJE IS CRAZY it takes place in the future where a virus has almost completely wiped humans off the face of the earth so these scientists send this guy back in time to figure out where it came from so they can stop it from ever happening but obviously everything goes wrong and yadda yadda yadda it's amazing
Waking Life (2001)
Gonna preface this by saying this film is definitely not for entertainment, it's kind of an arthouse-type flick. It's the type of movie you have to think really really hard about to watch. The basic plot is the main character is stuck inside his own lucid dream, and is walking around listening to all these characters in his dream talk to him about, idk like the meaning of life and consciousness and shit. It's really good if you're in the mood for that type of thing.
Okay I'm finally done, you probably didnt expect this but I've been meaning to put my movie recommendations on this blog anyway haha. I deleted some just cause it was getting wayyyy too long. If u want a shorter list I can just give u like a top 5 in DMs but there u go have at it, every movie on that list is a banger I swear
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thatsbucknasty · 4 years
she used to be mine (iv) waitress au
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
tags are open c:
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chapter 4: it only takes a taste
Time goes by so fast and I swear my uniform shrunk in the washing machine. I’ll have to ask doctor Barnes when I’m gonna start showing cause the girls say I still look normal but my clothes disagree.
Thank god Quentin’s still clueless about the baby and I’m happy about it. I just wish he’d find a job, that way maybe I could tell him and we could save money together instead of me doing all the work while he’s out having all the fun. I don’t mind that he spends a lot of time at the bar with his friends, it actually gives me a breather from time to time. I wouldn’t complain at all if he was buying his six packs with his own money. I’m worried about him though. He comes so late every night and he’s always in a bad mood, always complaining. Let’s just hope tonight his football team wins or I won’t hear the end of it.
“Y/N, did you bring me leftovers again? You bake god knows how many pies every day for the diner but you can’t bring your husband a single one that’s actually still warm and, oh I don’t know, whole?” He puts the plate aside and moves around the table to where I’m standind. God, the nerve of this man!
“You know I’m in a bad situation right now. Being unemployed ain’t easy sugar. I stay here alone all day browsing the tv, it’s taking a toll on me mentally. The least you can do is try and cheer me up a little but you’re always so tired when you come home!”
“Well, Quentin, if I didn’t have to pick up all those extra shifts to be able to pay the bills every month, then I wouldn’t be so tired. But if I don’t do that we’d be out in the street! Just go apologize to Tony, he might give you your job back!”
“Don’t you dare even mention that son of a bitch. He’s the one who should apologize to me! He took me for granted. I gave his construction company the best years of my life. I even quit my dreams for that asshole and this is how he pays me? Hell no! I’m not going back there ever”. I’ve never seen his face so red with anger before, it was a mistake mentioning Tony Stark, he simply hates the man. I’ll just manage things myself, like I’ve been doing, I guess.
“Okay then, but don’t expect me to come home to you all giddy and excited, when I work my ass off while you watch football all day and drink beer all night with god knows who. Whatever differences you two had at work ain’t my fault, Quentin. I’m gonna go to bed now, I don’t wanna keep fighting with you”. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.
It’s been four weeks since my first visit to the doctor and my next appointment’s this evening after work. Wanda really hit it off with Steve and since that day, they’ve been on several more dates. He even comes to the diner once or twice a week and he’s the perfect gentleman to her, both me and Nat are really happy for them. Right now he’s stuffing his mouth with my famous Spaghetti pie while listening to Wanda talk about the differences between disinfectant and bleach.
Nat’s acting strange though. I don’t know what’s up with her but she hasn’t been late to work this whole past month! Sometimes she’s even earlier than me, already helping Sam in the kitchen. Those two don’t seem to hate each other that much anymore, which is odd but appreciated.
Maria’s reception desk has sugarless lollipops in a vase and they look disgusting but I’ve been craving them since the last time I was here. This is my second appointment. I know the basics. I’ve met my doctor and nurse now. Then why does this feel like it’s the first time I’m here all over again? I even shaved my legs this morning and wore my hair down, but why? I open the camera app on my phone to use as a mirror. Is my face too plain? Should I have put some lipstick on? Jesus, it’s just a doctor’s appointment. I can’t help but hear Nat’s voice in my head say “yeah, but he’s a really cute doctor”.
“Doctor Barnes will see you now, Mrs. Beck, you know the drill. The robe’s in the chair”. Maria breaks me out of my trance and I follow her, change and wait for him.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s good to see you back, how have you been feeling?” He has a little more stubble on his face today. Good for him. Gives him an edge.
“Not too shabby. I still get morning sickness, thank god it only happens when I’m at work and not home, heh”.
“Oh, most women would want it to be the other way around”.
“Right. Um, Doctor Barnes?”
“Please call me Bucky, what is it?” He types on his computer and I bite my nails before asking.
“When do you think I’ll start showing?”
“Well, you’re only 6 weeks along, so maybe not for another three months or so. But in my opinion, women look beautiful when they show, motherhood really brings-” And here he goes. Nope. No more talk about that.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. I just, I haven’t told a lot of people and I’m not sure I want to yet. That’s all”.
“Okay, well, let’s check that tiny baby of yours, hop onto the table please”.
I do as he says and he smears some cold gel on my still normal belly, and then starts moving the scanner around.
“There’s the little peanut! You ready to listen to their heartbeat?” Bucky smiles at me softly and I nod.
I find myself feeling excited for the first time. And then I hear it. Steady and strong. And doctor Barnes disappears from my mind. For an instant I just hear that sound and I can’t wait to hold this baby in my arms. Everything feels connected and right.
“I’ll print you some pictures to keep and I made a recording of the heartbeat so you can have it too”.
“Thank you, I have another question though”.
“Did you like the pie?”
He’s blushing again. The rosy tone in his cheeks makes the blue of his eyes even brighter.
“Did I like- Oh my god! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I LOVED that pie! It only takes a taste, doesnt it?”
“Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything as biblically good as that pie. I think I ascended into another dimension the moment I had that first taste. Did you really make it? Cause if you didn’t I need to know the store so I can get some more, now be honest!”
Wow. No one’s ever described my pies with such enthusiasm. I know they’re good but biblically good?
“I really made it”. I smile and tuck my hair behind my ear. Goodness, I’m the one who’s blushing now, but he is complimenting my work! 
“That’s amazing! You know you could win contests with those skills? I am not lying when I say I was transported to heaven”. I’ve never seen a man be so adorably excited over pie. It’s my new favorite thing.
“You know, I can bring you some more if you want? That is if you don’t mind eating more sugar, but don’t worry, I won’t tell your doctor”. His lopsided smile made my insides do a funny thing I hadn’t felt in a long time. This needs to stop.
“Ha, that’s funny. My doctor is my wife, she’s a dietician actually. But we’re getting a divorce, so maybe I’m divorcing the diet as well.”
And I made things awkward.
“I’m sorry”.
“It’s okay, hey, your pies are worth the few extra pounds”.
Sure, act like you don’t know how attractive you are.
“Well doctor, I’m glad you liked my pie. I gotta go now”.
“Oh, great, well um, here’s the recording and pictures. Tell Maria I’ll see you in three weeks. Have a nice weekend, Y/N. And please, call me Bucky”.
“Thank you, Bucky. Goodbye”.
 Something shifts when I say his name and he smiles in a way that makes his eyes light up. He opens the door for me and my stomach does a funny thing when I get a whiff of his scent again, it makes me want to stay there and smell it one more time just to keep it in my mind for later. Those pregnancy hormones must be all over the place.
chapter 5: you will still be mine
pls reblog if you liked it c:
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scarlettwitcher · 4 years
Baby Girl Chapter One
Summary: Y/n tried to avoid her past with a certain Statesmen but when they’re partnered back up for a mission that could cost millions their lives, Y/n must make the right choice. (This is the Kingsman: The Golden Circle movie basically in writing with reader insert. I recommend watching the movie, it’s amazing! It’s on Amazon Prime Video.)
Characters: Agent Whiskey, Agent Gin(Y/n), Tequila, Ginger Ale, Eggsy, Merlin, Champ, Harry, mentions of Poppy, Charlie, and Clara in coming chapters..
Word Count: 2.327
Warnings: Canon typical violence, angst, cursing, fluff here and there, uh guns?
Author’s Note: We’re finally here! I have been working so hard on this series and I have finally finished it! I’m so excited to be sharing this. Shoutout to my lovely @giftofdreams​ for being an amazing beta and friend. Also send my girl @queenxxxsupreme​ some love. After this series, I’ll be working hard on my requests and on my existing August Walker Series. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget it babes. Thanks for all the love I receive daily! If you’d like to be a tag, please send in an ask! As always, thanks for reading, feedback is always welcome/needed. Also, please reblog! I know this fandom is kinda small but I’d love for people to find this fic. I just worked so hard on it and I want it to get the love it deserves. Love to you all!
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The loud sound of rain burned into Eggsy’s ears as he stared at the broken-down building in front of him. He didn’t know whether he should scream, cry, or curse anyone who was listening. He looked up to see a black figure walking towards him, holding a black bag. He immediately reacted, pulling out his gun, aiming it straight at his head. As the figure stepped closer, Merlin's face became visible to him but he never lowered his gun. Slowly the both of them started to walk towards each other as Eggsy gripped his gun harder, feeling it's weight get heavier with every step. “Someone decides to wipe out every Kingsman property, every agent, and somehow, conveniently, you weren't at home.”
Neither of them stopped walking towards each other, walking between all of the rubble of Eggsy’s blown up home. “I could say the same thing about you.
Finally, Eggsy stopped when he was a few feet away from Merlin, his voice cracking from emotion. “What, you think I'd kill Roxy? And my mate, Brandon, and my fucking dog?”
“No. You think I would?” Eggsy kept his gun trained on Merlin as he swallowed thickly. Merlin held up the black bag towards him, opening it up and pulling a robotic arm, holding it up. “This thing hacked us. Clearly, this arm can be remotely controlled. I'm only alive because my address wasn't on the database with the agents. Whoever Charlie's working with doesn't think that mere staff are missile-worthy.”
Eggsy scoffed angrily as he lowered his gun, his voice raising an octave. “This ain't funny. Roxy is dead! Everyone's dead! Gone! Do you even care?”
“Pull yourself together. Remember your training. There's no time for emotion in this scenario.” Eggsy nodded quietly in understanding. “Now, as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then… you may shed a tear in private.”
Eggsy sighed deeply as he nodded. The loud sound of thunder echoed between the two men filling in the absence of conversation. The deaths of all the Kingsman weighed heavy on their hearts. “Okay. What's the doomsday protocol?”
“We go shopping.” Both of the men decided to take the night off and try to sleep. It was a restless sleep for both. First thing in the morning, they both headed for Berry Bros & Rudd; Wine merchants. They walked in dressed to the nines. Merlin approached one of the workers. “We're from Kingsman. We'd like to buy some wine and use tasting room number three, please.” The man in the shop nodded quickly, before taking both of them towards the room. The man left, leaving Eggsy and Merlin alone. “Not one of my predecessors has ever been in this situation before. Thank God.” Merlin walked towards a distinctive place in the wall, recognizing a familiar shape. He pulled out a pendant, exactly like one Harry had given Eggsy when he was younger. “A-ha. Remember this?” He showed it to Eggsy who smiled softly, remembering its significance. 
“Yeah, how could I forget?” Eggsy watched as Merlin turned towards the wall, slipping the pendant into the shape, fitting perfectly into the molding. Loud sounds of locks being opened and gears turning filled the room. The wall slid open, revealing a black safe. 
Merlin pointed towards the safe as he spoke to Eggsy. “Whatever's in that safe is the answer to all our problems.” Merlin got to quickly opening the safe. Pulling the door open, his brows furrowed in confusion as he leaned closer to see what he was looking at. “Huh.” He pulled out a bottle of whiskey with clear big letters that read “Statesman” on the front. He showed it to Eggsy who looked confused.
“Is that it?”
“I suppose that must be upper-class humor.” Merlin looked down at the bottle, analyzing it for a few seconds before looking back up to Eggsy. “I don't get it.”
“Me neither. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?”
“I think we should drink a toast to our fallen comrades.” Merlin served both of them cups of the Whiskey. Eggsy grabbed one and held it up towards Merlin as he grabbed his own cup, doing the same. They clinked their cups together. 
“To Roxy.”
“Roxy.” Merlin oohed in admiration of the taste. Eggsy nodded his approval as well as they served another round, doing what they had previously done again. “To Arthur.”
“Arthur.” They both drank their whiskey before Eggsy stopped in thought. “Mmm. Should we do one for JB?”
“I think we should.” Eggsy pulled out a chair, sitting across from Merlin as they poured more whiskey. They took a drink for every fallen Kingsman. Leaving the bottle almost empty, Merlin started to cry, wiping at his eyes in pain with his handkerchief. “I should have seen it coming. Charlie, the taxi. It's all my fault.” Both men had forgone their jackets and glasses as they spoke.
“No, that's bullshit, Merlin. It ain't all your fault. You're the best, bruv. Honestly, without you, I'd have lost it a long time ago.”
There was a moment of silence between the two as Eggsy placed his hand on Merlin's shoulder. Merlin stayed quiet before reaching for the almost empty bottle. "I think we should drink to Scotland."
Eggsy quickly took the bottle away from Merlin. "I think we've probably had enough, to be honest." He analyzed the bottle as Merlin cleaned his glasses. 
"You're probably right." Eggsy stared at the bottle. Looking closer he saw a small print at the bottom of the back of the sticker, 'Distilled in Kentucky'. The K looked very familiar to him before it clicked. 
"I think we're going to Kentucky."
"Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken."
"No, proper Kentucky. Look." Eggsy placed the bottle on the table as Merlin slipped his glasses on. 
"You know what else I love? Country and western music." Before Eggsy could say anything, Merlin started to sing. Eggsy was annoyed but listened quietly anyways. "Country roads, Take me home, To the place I belong.." The boys moved quickly, getting what few things they had left before flying over to the distillery. They noticed a tour happening as they arrived and they followed behind as the woman spoke. She didn't let them into a large warehouse, explaining something about how the temperature is perfect for the barrels and both men stopped. Eggsy scanned the door with his watch, nodding towards it. 
"Biometric security scanner just to protect a few old barrels of whiskey? Pull the other one, love." 
Merlin fiddled with his tablet as Eggsy watched him. "Got it." The door slid open behind Eggsy. They looked around before skidding in. Eggsy kept his hand up with his watch, surveying the area. They looked around amazed at all of the giant barrels. 
"Are you getting anything?"
"Not yet."
"Fucking hell."
"It's a shame it's not scotch." Merlin's tablet started to beep loudly. "Hang on." He looked at the image, showing underneath them was the base. "According to this, there's a huge underground structure right beneath us." Merlin walked quickly to the end to place his tablet down, grabbing an axe placed lazily on the side. "And if my calculations are correct…" He moved towards the main barrel in the middle, holding the axe tightly. "This is the way in." Without a second thought, Merlin hit the wall with all his strength, denting and making a hole on the barrel. Whiskey gushed out of it and both men panicked. 
"Fucking hell, Merlin. Shit." Merlin moved quickly, covering the hole with his hand. 
“You know, my mama, she always told me us southerners get our good manners from the British.” A man slowly walked towards them, holding a shotgun loosely in his hand as it rested on his shoulder. Eggsy tried to act casual, crossing his arms and leaning on the barrel as Merlin kept his hand on the hole he created. “I was thinkin', ain't that a pity. Y'all kept nothing for yourselves. Y'all ain't never heard of knocking before you enter?” The man turned his head slightly, smirking before spitting to his left. 
“Well, actually we had an invitation. Didn't we?” Eggsy looked over at Merlin as he nodded quickly.
“Oh, did you now?” The man watched them unamused.
“Yeah. It came in the shape of a bottle. We're from the Kingsman tailor shop in London. Maybe you've heard of us?”
“Oh, the Kingsman.”
“Huh. That's where y'all got them fine suits and them fancy spectacles y'all got on?” The man pointed towards them with the end of the shotgun, acting like he knew what they were saying was enough.
“Exactly.” Merlin nodded his head enthusiastically, almost as if he hoped they made the right decision. 
“That's right.”
“Y'all look damn sharp. Let me see if I got it right, here. You want me to believe that it's normal for a tailor to hack through an advanced biometric security system with nothing but a little bitty old watch on?” Eggsy clenched his jaw nervously as Merlin frowned. They were starting to realize their name meant nothing. Merlin looked over at Eggsy with concern as Eggsy rolled his eyes, staring the man down.  “I can promise you,” The man grabbed his shotgun, loading it as he twirled it effortlessly in his hand, aiming it at both of them. “That dog don't hunt.” With the shotgun, he motioned for both of them to get down. “So why don't you go on and get down on your knees and tell me who you really work for.” 
Eggsy raised his eyebrows, mocking the man before looking over at Merlin tight-lipped, as Merlin nodded, silently saying, ‘okay, you asked me to’. He removed his hand as the barrel started to leak again, dropping whiskey all over the floor. The man quickly sucked up some saliva, spitting it across the way on the hole, covering it perfectly.  Eggsy looked at Merlin with disgust before turning back towards the man with the same expression. “That's 1963 Statesman Reserve. You just made it personal.”
The man walked towards both of them, as they ran towards him at the same time as well. Eggsy raised his fist, ready to punch but the man ducked and hit him in the back with the shotgun. Merlin lunged for him next. The man hit him in the abdomen, looping his arm around Merlin’s and used his body weight to throw him against the barrel, knocking him out cold. Eggsy took out his gun but the man used the shotgun to trap his arm between his body and the shotgun before swinging it around and smacking it out of his hand with his shotgun. The momentum of the hit threw Eggsy on his knees as he swung the shotgun into his ribs, swinging it the other way around. Eggsy blocked the hit but still groaned in pain as the hit threw him against the barrel. The man pinned Eggsy’s arm with his shotgun before moving quickly to flip through Eggsy’s watch until he found the stun option. He pulled Eggsy off of the barrel and angled it so he shot himself with the dart. Eggsy stared at him in surprise as the man smirked. Eggsy moved to touch his neck where the dart was as he went limp on his legs. “Who the fuck are you?” Eggsy stepped back once before falling onto his back, blacking out quickly like Merlin. 
“You’re right. You are getting better Tequila, almost as good as me.” The man, Tequila, looked up to the left where you slowly stepped out of the shadows. You licked your lips as you walked over to the limp bodies on the floor. You bent down beside Eggsy and reached out, touching his watch admiring the technology. “I guess you didn’t need me after all.” 
Tequila smiled and shook his head as he nudged Merlin with his foot. “Now darlin’, don’t say that. You know I love having you around.”
“Well, duh. I’m a fucking catch.” Tequila laughed out at your comment before moving to grab Merlin, throwing him over his shoulder as he motioned towards Eggsy with a nod of his head. 
“Can you handle him?” You frowned and shook your head. You were smaller than Eggsy and even though you were strong, you weren’t that strong. 
“I can drag him.” You grabbed his arms and slowly pulled him towards the real elevator, dragging him inside as you huffed. He was heavy. Tequila laughed as he watched you and you glared at him. 
“Did you hear?”
“Whiskey might be coming down this weekend. Something about a meeting.” You visibly tensed as you clenched your jaw. You took a deep breath as Tequila watched you concerned.
“I didn’t know. How long?” You didn’t even realize you whispered this until Tequila reached over pulling you into his arms. The big lug basically swallowed you in his big arms but you didn’t care. You wrapped an arm around his waist before letting out a shaky breath. 
“Just for the weekend. Has he tried to talk to you?” You shook your head as the elevator stopped, indicating you were on the floor you needed. “Good. How about we go to that restaurant I told you about?”
“Sounds nice Tequila. We’ll take Ginger. She’s really been wanting to go there.”
“It’s a date.” You giggled at his remark. You grabbed Eggsy once more, slowly dragging him towards the interrogation room you had. Once Tequila secured Merlin into his chair, Tequila moved quickly, securing Eggsy beside him. You sat in the far side of the room as Tequila took his place in front of the both of them, leaning on the table. He licked his lips, trying not to show how much he would enjoy this as he leaned over, slapping the both of them out of their unconsciousness. This was going to be fun.
Forever Tags: @iwantthedean @authoressskr @sorenmarie87 @reigningqueenofwords @goldenolaf25 @giftofdreams @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel @fictionalabyss @gabby913 @angelkurenai @sea040561 @sleepylunarwolf @smoothdogsgirl @carryonmyswansong @feelmyroarrrr @evyiione @sofreddie @sis-tafics @nitelotus @trexrambling @dancingalone21 @manawhaat @mermaidxatxheart @winchest09 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @lovebodymindstuff @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @chook007 @akshi8278 @evansrogerskitten @bringmesomepie56 @persephonehemingway @blacktithe7 @donnaintx @queenxxxsupreme @whitewolfandthefox @riviawitch3r
Kingsman/Agent Whiskey Tags:  @thesadvampire @le-roman-rose @mcudisiac @someone-take-my-bagelseverywhere @chibi-liz05 @marvel-avengers01 @themandjalorian @floccodineveautunnale @jassiepoohbear @gollyderek @retrobhaddie @wolf-lover74
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hermionefae · 4 years
You Spin Me Round- Dhawan!MasterxFem!Reader
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Warnings: Smut, alcohol consumption, swearing
“Can we go somewhere fun?” You asked as you bounded into the console room. The Master looked up at you with a raised eyebrow.  
“Fun!? I always take you somewhere fun” He muttered  
“I mean somewhere that I’m not going to get shot or chased or anything dangerous” You rested your head on his shoulder and looked up at him, hoping that you weren’t pushing your luck. “Pleeease”  
The Master seemed to think about your request and then said “fine, where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know! Take me to a party somewhere”  
The Master nodded and then grinned as you jumped for joy, clapping your hands manically.  
You watched as he expertly flew the TARDIS and in no time at all you felt the TARDIs shudder as it landed.  
“Where are we?” You asked, barely containing your excitement.  
“This is the planet Elleb, it’s one big party planet, not kidding. Dancing and drinking all day, every day”  
“Amazing, we need to go and get changed right now!”  
But the Master shook his head “you can, I’m staying here”  
Your huge grin faltered, disappointment setting in “what do you mean, you’re not coming?”  
“No, I don’t dance Y/N and I need a rest” he placed both his hands on your shoulders and turned you around towards the hallway, in the direction of the wardrobe “you go, choose an outfit and have fun. Go, go, go” He pushed you slightly and you walked off, still rather disappointed that the Master wouldn’t be coming with you.  
You found the wardrobe and browsed the rails, trying to decide what to go with. You eventually decided to go with something spacey so you found a shiny silver crop top with spikey shoulders and black shiny leggings and black boots. You looked at yourself in the large mirror and you decide that you looked like a worker from the shop Cyberdog in London but that was no bad thing for a party planet.  
You went back out to the console room and saw the Master sitting down with a large book in his hands.  
“Wow” was all he could say. He got up and walked over to you and kissed you on the forehead.  
“Sure, you won’t come with me?” You asked one more time.  
The Master shook his head and kissed your hands “very sure love, you go have a good time and here, have this” he produced a matt black rectangle “there’s plenty of Ellebarian money on there to have a good time, just don’t drink the blue drink. I don’t want to be scraping you off the floor okay”  
You nodded and took the rectangle and skipped off and out of the TARDIS. The first thing that hit you was the wall of sound. Music surrounded you as you looked around. There were loads of different species of aliens, some seemed unaffected by the drinks they were consuming, others were throwing up everywhere. It was like an intergalactic Ibiza. There were loads of what you assumed were bars stretched out as far as your eye could see, you had no idea which building to go into first so you just crossed the street and when into the bar in front of you.  
The music in the bar was kind of Celtic in sound. You picked your way through the full dancefloor to where you could order drinks. A female with orange skin and wild looking antennas growing from her head was serving and came up to you.  
“What’s your poison?” She asked  
“Errrm Gin and tonic?”  
“Ahhh right, give me the house speciality” You asked  
The female nodded and turned around, you watched as she expertly mixed your drink and in no time at all she turned back to you, to your horror the drink she was holding was bright blue. You really hoped this wasn’t the same drink the Master had warned you about but as you had not idea of another drink to ask for you thought you’d better at least try it.  
“That’ll be 10 Elles please.”
You handed over the payment the Master had given you which the girl smiled warmly at, she took it over to a scanner and flashed it. She then returned it to you and watched as you sipped your drink. It tasted nice, like a combination of melons and pineapples and some sort of alcohol that you didn’t know but tasted strong.  
You felt the effects of the drink almost immediately, your head felt light and the room began to blur, some other aliens around you grabbed hold of your arms and pulled you into the dance circle, you had no idea of the steps but they guided you along with them. You laughed and cheered as the song carried on. This was amazing!
The same aliens who’s names you had learned were Jiad and Nikko dragged you out of the bar and into another one down the street.  
“You're human right?” asked Jiad before you three went in.  
“That’s correct” you answered, struggling to keep the world from spinning.  
“You’ll love this place, trust us, it plays only human hits” Yelled Jiad over the outdoor techno music.  
“It’s, how you human say... vintage?” Said Nikko
“Vintage, yeah cool!” You exclaimed and you let yourself be taken inside. You instantly recognised the first song that was playing.  
“Oh my God, its Marylin Manson!” You yelled as you joined the rockers in the middle of the dance floor. Nikko, joined you and Jiad went over to get more drinks. You both jumped and thrashed around to the music until Jiad pulled you away, holding three orange glasses.
“What’s this?” You yelled before taking a sip.  
“It's an orange Delman, don’t worry it's not as strong as the blue one you had before”  
You nodded and tasted it, this time you felt instantly more chilled, the world was no longer spinning but it now felt like it had slowed down a fraction. The music had taken a brief pause but that didn’t stop Jiad “may I have this next dance?” he asked charmingly, holding out his hand. But before you could answer you saw a hand tap Jiad’s shoulder and Nikko was nowhere to be seen. Jiad turned around was hit square in the jaw, he went down like a sack of potatoes and the Master stood in his place.  
“I think you’ll find she’s mine” He growled looking down at the unconscious Ellebarian.  
“You came!” You cheered
“I thought I told you to not have the blue drink?” Shouted the Master, his eyes ablaze with anger.  
“I know! But they haven’t heard of a Gin and Tonic and now I’ve got the orange one now so we’re all cool. Dance with me? Please you’ve come now!”  
The Master rolled his eyes “you are too cute for your own good, and you know that, don’t you, don’t you hmm?” He looked at you for a second and then admits defeat, he takes hold of a passing person’s drink, downs it like a shot of tequila and then says “go on then, one dance”  
The next song begins to play and you squeal in delight “I love this song!” You grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him with you.  
“If I, I get to know your name Well if I, could trace your private number, baby”
It was You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive. You knew the words off by heart as you demonstrated to The Master as you danced together. The Master was throwing some shapes and you had no idea why he said he couldn’t dance. Maybe it was the drink talking but you thought he was brilliant.  
When the chorus came on “You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round round round”
The Master grabbed hold of your hands and you both began to spin in a circle, hoping that neither one of you would let go. The crowd parted and watched as you two spun around in time to the music until you lost nerve and almost collapsed into him. You both were giggling manically.  
“And I would like to move in a little bit closer” the Master sang to you as he grabbed your bottom and pushed you into him, the friction between you two was electric as your moves became flirtier and the Master couldn’t stand it much longer.  
“Come back to the TARDIS” He growled, you knew that was a command that you hand to obey and you let him drag you out of the club, stepping over the still unconscious Jiad as you left.  
You made it into the TARDIS quickly and as soon as the doors had shut behind you the Master attacked your mouth with his own. “Do you know how crazy you make me Y/N? Hmm? Do you have any idea?” The Master breathed in-between kisses as he shucked off his jacket.  
“I think I have an idea” you answered as you pulled off your crop top and all but ripped off his waistcoat and shirt.  The Master frantically peppered hot kisses down your neck and roughly palmed your breasts which made you moan in delight.  
“I want you right here, up against the console do you hear me Y/N?”  
“Yes” you panted  
“Yes what?”  
“Yes Master” you said as you were lifted up onto the panel, your legs wrapped around the Master’s waist.  
“Good girl” he muttered as he pulled down your leggings and underwear and ran his finger along your folds. You watched as he put two of his fingers into his mouth to taste you “mmm you’re dripping for me “he said darkly, his deep brown eyes fixed on your own.  
All you could do was nod as the Master pulled down his own tartan trousers and boxers, he was so hard as he entered you making you gasp. You repositioned your legs, allowing him further entry and he began to thrust. Your hands raked through his black hair and made marks on his back as you fucked.  
After not too long your felt your climax build up and you moaned “oh Master I’m going to cum!”
“Ooooh, are you love, not until your Master says so” he grunted and slowed the pace which made you groan.  
“Please let me cum Master” you pleased with him, looking straight into his eyes.
“Hmmm, perhaps I won’t, perhaps I will leave you right here yearning for me and you will be banned from touching yourself until I come back. Would you like that love?”  
He had slowed to a tantalising pace and you shook your head violently “please, please Master. I’ll do anything, just let me cum!” You whined  
“Anything? Anything?”  
The Master pushed you down so you were lying flat on the cold surface; you were thankful that there weren't that many controls on this side and he picked up the pace once more as well as adding a single finger which twirled your clit. This made you come undone quickly and you screamed the Master’s name so loudly that, if you didn’t know better, you would have said that the whole planet outside would have heard you. This in turn made the Master orgasm as well and once you were both done the Timelord pulled you up and let you wrap your arms around his slightly sweaty back in a tight hug.  
Once your breathing had come back to normal, the Master let you down and you began the task of finding where your clothes had been thrown.  
“So, you’ll do anything?” The Master asked as he walked away from you towards the bathroom “I'll remember that one”  
You laughed nervously, you were so screwed.  
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Police Farce.
From a stinking Santa Claus to Cronenbergian practical effects, surrealist French filmmaker Quentin Dupieux reveals the movies that influenced his latest comedy, Keep An Eye Out.
When he’s not making electronic jams and puppet music videos under the name Mr. Oizo, Quentin Dupieux crafts absurdist comedies that take baffling pathways to bonkers conclusions. They include Jean Dujardin’s unhealthy obsession with a jacket in Deerskin (2019), in which, writes Allain, “every scene topples the scene beforehand in exponential levels of insanity”. Then there’s Reality (2014), which, in its meta-critique of cinema, contains “some of the most genuinely creative uses of time and story structure” that Komodoskar has ever seen.
The QDCU is populated with familiar French faces in unexpected roles, including Adèle Haenel, Coralie Russier, Albert Delpy and Adèle Exarchopoulos, along with the odd American (such as Tim and Eric’s Eric Wareheim). Behind the scenes, Dupieux’s wife Joan Le Boru is his regular artistic collaborator.
“The only way to know you’ll enjoy a Quentin Dupieux film is if you watch a Quentin Dupieux film,” writes Brandon. Fortunately, just when spirits need lifting as lockdowns in many countries drag into their second year, two new Dupieux films are arriving. Coming later this year is Mandibles, about a very large fly and the men who attempt to domesticate it, starring Grégoire Ludig and David Marsais of absurdist French comedy duo Palmashow. And this month, new distributor on the block Dekanalog brings Dupieux’s acclaimed 2018 crime comedy Keep An Eye Out to participating US theaters.
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Grégoire Ludig is interrogated by Benoît Poelvoorde in ‘Keep An Eye Out’.
Starring Ludig and Belgian comedy legend Benoît Poelvoorde (Man Bites Dog), Keep An Eye Out follows a hilariously long night in a police station, as a no-nonsense cop interrogates an average Joe who has just discovered a dead body outside his home, leading to disastrously funny results. In true Dupieux style, Academy Award-winning director Michael Hazanavicius (The Artist) also pops up, as a policeman.
Below, Dupieux shares the five biggest cinematic influences on Keep An Eye Out, revealing glimpses of his family’s taste in cinema, and insights into how his interrogation caper came to be.
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Garde À Vue (The Inquisitor, 1981) Directed by Claude Miller
Once you’ve seen Garde À Vue, it becomes extremely clear that this French classic heavily inspired Keep An Eye Out. In it, a police inspector (Lino Ventura) spends the night interrogating a suspect (Michel Serrault), but instead of going for laughs, as we did in my film, this one is played dead serious. I first saw this film about fifteen years ago, and only remembered its fabulous concept as time went by. I never saw it again, but it has certainly remained with me.
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Le Père Noël est une Ordure (Santa Claus is a Stinker, 1982) Directed by Jean-Marie Poiré
I could honestly watch Le Père Noël est une Ordure every single day. This dark comedy—based on a play by acclaimed theater group Le Splendid—is an absolute masterpiece, and in my all-time top ten favorite films. Every French kid and their family saw this film (which is known in English as Santa Claus is a Stinker) at least twenty times on TV while growing up. This film also had a huge inspiration on Keep An Eye Out, as its carefree mix of fun and suspense is simply pitch-perfect entertainment from beginning to end—and its wild variety of characters are simply amazing.
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Le Magnifique (The Magnificent One, 1973) Directed by Philippe de Broca
Looking back on my childhood, I cannot think of a film that I loved more than this one. A down-on-his-luck espionage novelist (Jean-Paul Belmondo) tries in vain to write his 42nd novel and we’re simply along for the ride, getting to watch what he’s writing come to life. The presence of the typewriter is a key element here, as it is in Keep An Eye Out. Except in Le Magnifique, the novelist finds himself lost in what he’s writing, and begins to interlace his own humdrum life with the unreal events of his spy novel.
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Buffet Froid (Cold Cuts, 1979) Directed by Bertrand Blier
Bertrand Blier, a true master director, gave us a real gift with Buffet Froid, his most surreal comedy. It’s such a fun black comedy-thriller—and packed to the brim with cops, murderers and extremely weird, quotable dialogue. Several parts of the film (which stars Blier’s father, Bernard, along with Carole Bouquet, Jean Carmet and Gérard Depardieu) were shot in a business area called La Defense, near Paris—and, as it turned out, we ended up shooting Keep An Eye Out there, too! Buffet Froid was the first Bertrand Blier film I watched, at age eighteen, and I was absolutely shocked by it.
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Scanners (1980) Directed by David Cronenberg
While Scanners isn’t my favorite Cronenberg film, its very distinct visual style and charming real-world costumes played a large role in inspiring the look and feel of Keep An Eye Out. And, let’s be honest, 1980s latex gore makeup is really hard to beat. We embraced classic practical makeup effects in Keep An Eye Out, rather than digital effects, when coming up with the look of its young one-eyed police detective, Philippe (Marc Fraize).
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French writer, director, cinematographer and editor Quentin Dupieux.
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‘Keep An Eye Out’ is in participating US theaters from March 5, via Dekanalog.
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punkass-parkerps4 · 6 years
I’ll make it up to you
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summary:peter has to go do spidey stuff in the middle of sexy times
Your heels clicked down the hall to your apartment. You had a smile on your face, and you felt confident.you had just had your first day at a new job you were loving, mostly because of the atmosphere of  the tiny office in Hell's Kitchen; Two lawyers posted that they needed a secretary/paralegal and you gave your resume, and the rest was history. Your day was primarily helping the working people of the city, mostly pro-bono cases. For your first day, you dressed modestly professional. The dress was made out of a comfortable material and made you feel attractive but in a 'boss ass bitch' kind of way. You opened the door to you and your boyfriend's apartment to smell of caramelized onion and spices like cumin and turmeric and ginger. You now realized just how hungry you are after working all day. You see peter set your small table with plates of Naan bread and a bowl of chicken tikka marsala. " so I figured you would be tired after your new job, so I used your recipe that you gave me and made dinner," he spoke with a metal fork still in his mouth, chewing on the delicious Indian based food. "thank you, Pete, that was thoughtful." you smiled at his dorkiness. Over dinner, you talk about each other's days what Pete did at work and on patrol. You clean and put away the dishes. As you were walking past the couch peter pulls you into his lap planting small kisses on your face and tickling your sides. you let out  a laugh and beg him to stop; then you feel a hardness in his jeans.all of that bouncing around must have gotten him hard you think before he says "you look so sexy babe, so professional and stuff." you move from his lap to kneeling between his thick muscular thighs. "Yeah?" you rub your hands over his denim covered thighs " So gorgeous baby." he agrees.you undo his belt before pulling it from his jeans and tossing it behind you. One hand rubs his growing erection, and the other undo the button and zipper. He lifts his hips, and you pull his jeans and boxers off swiftly, his hard and veiny cock smacks his lower stomach. He shutters when you teasingly run a finger along a decently sized scar on his thigh. You look up at him while kissing the inside of his leg. his breathing his slightly labored as you reach up to the back of your dress and unzip it. It falls exposing your bra.you free your arms and starts pumping him slowly, teasing. "my spidey senses are telling me that you were planning this all along." he motioned to the lacy bra.you giggled at your inside joke you release him and start kissing up his length, now massaging his balls. You suck on the tip of his pretty cock, and he let out a strangled moan. You pull away and pump him a few times before repeating this time stroking the rest of his dick.you swirl your tongue around the pink tip, and he places his hand on your head, motioning you to take him in deeper. Has moaning softly as the tip of his pulsating cock hit the back of your throat. You're bobbing your head up and down his length. "you're so good for me, sweetheart," he whined.just as he's about to cum you pull away. He whines as you undo your bra, nipples pebbling from the cold air. You take him in your mouth again, tears pooling in the corner of your eyes. "mmnn gonna cum soon" he mewled, his hips buck as he shoots a load of hot cum down your throat, almost making you gag. You remove his throbbing shaft from your mouth with a pop.you move to straddle him on the couch. You kissed him passionately, tounges colliding and fighting for dominance. just as you break apart his phone goes off. "10-34 hostage situation near hell's stacks currently in progress, backup requested." the operator from the police scanner spoke. You both let out an audible groan. This was definitely not the first time you were interrupted during your time together, and it would certainly not be the last. As much as you hated being cock-blocked by the police radio. You loved Peter more and ultimately understood that he had to save lives. You scooched off his lap, and he clumsily put on his suit; apologizing and promising to make it up to you later. He kissed your forehead and was out of the window. Feeling alone and horny; you let a resigned sigh from your lips and go to the bedroom to try to solve this problem by yourself. ____________________________________________________ When Peter returned, he found that his girlfriend was already asleep.  She looked so peaceful sleeping; strands of (H/C) hair wisping around her face.he removed his suit and kneeled by the bedside. He moves the tresses of soft hair behind her ear; she starts only slightly. A soft smile washes across his face; a tightening in his chest; he felt horrible about leaving her in the middle of sex, especially after that amazing blow job she gave him. He slipped into bed with her, her scent embracing him with the duvet. He snuggled up into her side as his hands began to wander. He moved his fingers over her breast teasing the pebbling nipple. Peter smiled as his ministrations elicited a sigh from her parting lips. He switched to the other mound, tweaking the erect nipple, another cry from her still sleeping form. His hand moved southward, caressing her stomach then slipping beneath her pajama pants and panties. His thick, calloused fingers stroked lightly over her lips before rubbing tight circles over her clit, just light enough to not awaken her but give her pleasure at the same time. A louder whimper fell from her lips as she began to buck her hips into his touch. Her breathing was becoming, and he could hear her heart speed up in between soft mewls of pleasure. He knew she was close by the way she was writhing against him.to tease her he stopped his stimulation on her clit and moved to feel how wet she was, soaking her underwear.he moved back to her clit this time pressing slightly more firmly, her legs spread slightly as he began to place butterfly kisses on her bare shoulder. A quiet moan escaped her lips as her body tensed as her orgasm radiated through her body. She awoke to the throbbing pleasure in her lower abdomen and the feeling of Peter's hand in her pants. "mmmm peter" she keened, nuzzling into his touch "want me to keep going, beautiful?" he quired to which her response was a nod.peter ripped the covers from the bed and crawled between her legs.he ripped the clothes off from her lower half. his rough hands spread her thighs and guided your legs to be thrown over his shoulders.he licked a long stripe up her labia before pulling away and asking her smugly "Mmm baby you're so wet, is this because of how I woke you up by rubbing your pretty little pussy?" "Peter please!" she begged. He smirked before returning to lick and suck at her bud. The way he kissed and teased her womanhood had her hips bucking against his face, trying to get more stimulation. He growled and placed his forearm over her pubic bone, using some of his strength to keep her still. She let out a moan that sounded like music to Peter; her hand reached down in peters hair. "Pete, I'm so close. I'm Gonna come." she whimpered as her other hand curled into the bedspread. His name fell from her lips.her next orgasm washed over like a tidal wave, her nether regions throbbed and pulsated as he continued to eat her out through her orgasm.he removed his glistening mouth from her and began to tease her opening with his middle finger. She let out a whimper when he finally pushed his digit into her tight wetness. He curled his thumb against her walls and thrusting his finger deeper, earning him keens from her open lips. Once he felt she was ready, he pushed his ring finger inside her. She writhed and rolled her head against her pillow.her hand moved to his forearm still keeping her hips again. "Peter! I'm gonna cum again-oh!" he leaned down and suckled on her clit to bring her over the edge with a cry of his name. Her third orgasm made her legs clench around his head as she spasmed around his digits, still thrusting inside of her. ____________________________________________________ Peter removed his fingers from your heat and brought the slick digits up to his mouth to taste.you sat up and grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer as he moved up to kiss you, you tasted yourself on him. He licked your bottom lip before your tounges battled for dominance in a heated kiss as you rolled the slick condom onto his shaft before giving him a few pumps.  You let out a squeal as he pushes you back down on the bed.  He teases your slit with the head of his cock before pushing in slowly. "hah, baby you're so wet and tight." he panted in your ear before sucking on the sweet spot on your neck "Pete, please move." you whimpered.  He pulled out slightly then pushed back in; he soon found a good rhythm that you both liked.his hot breath fanned over your throat as he hit your g-spot, causing you to let out a loud moan. His mouth moved across your clavicle and down your sternum before diverting left to take a perked bud into his warm mouth. His tongue swirling around your nipple and his thrusts that hit your g-spot every time caused your hand to clench his bicep, leaving red crescent-shaped indents in his skin. "Peter please, I'm gonna come again." you cried as he gave you another passionate kiss. "come for me, baby," he spoke.your mouth formed an o-shape as your body tensed. you let out a loud cry as you come tumbling from the edge yet again.you feel the fire in every nerve ending as your body twitched from the intensity. Peter pulled you into his lap, still inside you. When you and come down he started trusting up, directly hitting your g-spot.youre sure moaning so loud that the neighbors could hear you.peter his panting in your ear letting out groans of pleasure. "hah.im close, baby." Peter moaned in your ear "p-Pete I c-cant." you whined, the intense pleasure becoming too much. Your hands flew up to his back, nails probably leaving scratches. "it's ok, come for me.i know you can," he assured, snaking a hand between the both of you to rub your clit a loud cry of his names forced itself from your throat. Your whole body spasms as your walls contracts around his hard cock.  He lets out a loud moan as he pushes entirely inside you, releasing into the condom. When you come down, you see your bodies and faces flushed and covered in sweat.  He lays you back on the bed before pulling out and discarding the used condom. He kisses your forehead and says he'll be back.  He returns with a bottle of water, which he opens and hands you. You take a sip and ask him "can you carry me to the bathroom? I need to pee, and I don't think I can walk." he laughs "sure gorgeous, anything for you."
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excuseme-youpretty · 5 years
YuBo: 24, 29, 32, 36, 51, 62, 71, 73, 88, 96
Thank you, baby ♥
24. Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
Although YuBo’s passion resides primarily within the passionate fluidity of dance, he also sustains an unrequited love for music. His previous employment left very little time for traditional hobbies and as such he is not as practiced as he would like to be, however YuBo is a competent piano player. It is not much be he can certainly hold a melody; particularly if that melody has been written by himself.
29. Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more? 
Honestly, YuBo would love to be a Father. Having cared for his baby brother Pip for a number of years he has developed strong paternal instincts. It’s more or less impossible for him to have a child of his own, at least in a biological sense; but YuBo has spent the majority of his life endlessly daydreaming. Why stop now?
32. Do they get stressed out easily? 
He used to. Working in a sex club since puberty had once left very little room to maneuver, especially where relief and pastimes would be concerned. His work was persistent and long and, when added to the reoccurring trauma of losing a loved one to the entire universe, it had resulted in more than one night spent crying frustrated tears into his pillow. Now, however, it takes an awful lot to break YuBo out of his natural zen. When those moments to happen he can always find an immediate relief somewhere within the structure of his cluster.
36. Have they ever rode a horse before? 
Well, apart from the professional grown-up joke I want to make in response to this question, sadly no. He’d be very smol atop a horse, though, and that’s an adorable ass thought.
51. Have they ever shot a gun before? 
I wish. Something tells me he’d look amazing with a pistol. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he once incorporated some weaponry within one of his dance routines once upon a time. That sounds like something YuBo would do.
62. Who, in their opinion, makes the best food? 
Feelix. YuBo isn’t entirely certain what happened to their previous chef, and he’s far too intimidated by their Patriarch to actually ask, but since the dawn of Feelix’s contracted employment YuBo has been eating real real good. He has yet to taste a dish of Feelix’s which doesn’t make his tastebuds ignite with flavour. Thankfully, Feelix follows every cooking request that his cluster has to offer, however impromptu or outrageous, and always delivers the food in a timely manner. The man is a talent. And cute to boot.
71. Who is their ride or die? 
Technically speaking, a ride or die indicates one person. But since the twins are nothing short of a package deal I’m going to go with Kat and 2.8. The twins are completely exasperating, crude, childish and persistently annoying. But they are also the very first people that YuBo will go to in a state of emergency or crisis and he is fairly certain that he would trust them both with his entire life. Hell, there was even a time when that very statement was dangerously close to fruition. And they were both there for him.
73. What attracts them to another person? 
Initially? Hormones. YuBo is equipped with internal scanners which can automatically detect a partner’s sexual compatibility based on their hormone levels. That being said, YuBo’s ability to develop feelings for another being are usually based on personality alone. He is drawn toward pure hearts before gleaming smiles. Souls which shine like diamond. Passion and mirth and trust. He’s a romantic at heart.
88. Do they liked to be tickled? 
Yes! My little YuBo is the definition of sensitive. His ribcage is particularly sensitive, especially where onyx pen-strokes have been inked into his skin. He is also partial to the sensation of feather-light kisses over every square inch of his body. Either works.
96. Who do they like to make jokes with? 
Once again, I’m going to have to go with Kat and 2.8 on this one. Their particular brand of humor may be rather niche and at times completely trivial but it works for the trio. Questionable sanity levels are a common troupe among their bond.
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luliwa · 5 years
tagged by @achapnamedtom
honestly my taste in music has been all over the place lately 😅😅😅but here we go i guess.......
1.)aphex twin-girl/ boy song -it’s like you’re happy but but for all the wrong reasons???? anyways this guy is a genius and this has to be one of my favs from him
2.)Ryuichi Sakamoto- solari- another genius I love this guy so much omg he’s such an amazing and pure person lol i really recommend is documentary “coda” it’s life changing and this song is soooo nicee
3.) tzusing-日出東方 唯我不敗 - I love this song so much the beats are really interesting lol this whole album is really nice tbh
4.)amneasia scanner- AS gardens need walls- really industrial themes....it’s like a nice little trip to hell. 👍
5.) doon kanda- molting-yeahhhhh I really like this whole album as well
6.) arca- desafío-one of his more poppy works but it’s really good
7.)björk-undo- i love my mom 💕💕💕💕💕
8.)candlemass- demons gate- i still don’t know why the hell youtube recommended this to me??? at least they introduced to a pretty nice band
9.)colin stetson-reborn-i searched for this song after having a weird dream about hereditary and this was playing in my dream sooooo yeah.
10.)radiohead-daydreaming- masterpiece. the strings at the end always gives me chills.
i swear i’m not weird😅😅😅
idk who to tag?????? if any of my mutuals wanna do it n tag me that be great
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beckytailweaver · 7 years
look out, I been thinking things
Got to thinking about some Coco things that can be rustled up in the various wikis, compiled from creator quotes, or picked up from the books. Trufacks, headcanons, inferences. Some of the concepts may be used in fic, some may be handwaved for reasons, some are just there to think about.
So, um. Wall of text.
At the end of the film, Miguel's cousins Abel and Rosa are playing an accordion and a violin respectively.  In the novelization, they're playing tambourine and harmonica.  Now, the book's instruments are pretty simple to learn to play and use.  But the film's chosen instruments are both fairly complex and in most cases would require actual formal lessons, especially for pretty ordinary kids who (unlike Miguel) probably had little to no real music exposure prior. I'm not sure how I feel about these two being able to play party music with Miguel in less than a year's time (it took Miguel longer than that to be proficient with his guitar, and with no lessons he's amazing!).  Maybe they've all downloaded Papá Héctor levels of talent, but my gut tells me that unless the Riveras were already so okay with music that they sprung for lessons, the tambourine and harmonica are kind of more realistic at that point. Depends how you view the One Year Later timeline I guess?
Currency in the Land of the Dead: It runs on memories. Basically everything there is a memory (the "spirit copies"), not the real thing. Nothing living exists or grows there except for the cempasúchil marigolds. These flowers grow all over the Land of the Dead and I suspect anything else you might see is either temporary (Día de Muertos gifts) or artificial. There isn't much space for crops in that crazily stacked-up cityscape anyway. With this being the case, it's likely that the dead there don't have much resources such as renewable food (details not really touched on in the film). My mind is proposing that the primary way the Land of the Dead acquires such resources is through Día de Muertos. Not that eating is necessary to the deceased, but it's likely nice, and as they are sustained by memories, then the memories of food and goods lovingly crafted and given to them likely has a strengthening effect. In such a world there's probably little use for money, though it might exist as a kind of IOU currency. My mind proposes that most of the dead would trade in goods from their ofrendas and funerary offerings. Though they don't have nearly as many needs as the living, "wealth" would be measured in how much you got from your ofrenda(s).  Likely the very wealthiest skeletons are those who (like Ernesto) receive such a bounty from so many ofrendas that they can well afford to "hire" other skeletons to work for them and have plenty to pay in memory-goods.
The Forgotten live in shacks with nothing to their names. Firstly because they have no one to remember them and no offerings. Secondly, the skeletons nearer to them on the social ladder would have little to spare in terms of extra offerings (though some likely do, given the stuff found rolling around the shantytown and Chicharron's bungalow). Thirdly, the skeletons "wealthy" enough to hire them are those who would least want to, because they wouldn't want to be reminded of the Final Death that looms for everyone no matter how long—and because who wants to hire somebody they don't know if they'll just disappear and not show up for work? (Once the joints start sliding apart, you know that guy's no good for anything, you can't rely on them to show up and they haven't the strength to make it through a day's work...)
If everything in the Land of the Dead is memory, it's probably a good thing that Miguel didn't stay there for too long. They seem to have water there, at least (no guarantees for sanitation), in the depths surrounding the city and in the cenote seen on screen. However, if the foods available are nothing but memory, I suspect that eating them wouldn't do a living kid much good. They might taste good (or provoke the memory of taste), but likely would not fill him. Same reason Héctor could straight up drink a shot glass of tequila without playing a PotC skeleton joke—it's not "real" liquor. If Miguel doesn't go home, not only will he turn into a skeleton himself, he'd starve to death anyway in a matter of days. (Obviously one can take or leave this quasi-headcanon for purposes of fic, but it is an interesting underworld concept to consider.)
Factoid: The marigold bridges (or at least the magic that runs them) are aware in their own way and work with the ofrenda photo scanner system to prevent unauthorized skeletons crossing. I suppose the borders of the Land of the Dead are so jealously guarded to prevent the dead from escaping to create a profusion of ghosts and "evil spirits" rushing about the land of the living. Obviously not every skeleton is a nice person; Ernesto was there, and it seems everybody—or at least everybody Mexican—ends up there, as it's not a Heaven-or-Hell-Judgment sort of place. The rules would at least keep unsavory sorts from pestering the Land of the Living for selfish or evil reasons; but since rules have to be for everyone to be fair, nobody gets through without a pass, no matter how nice or desperate they are. Me, I'm wondering how things went before the scanner was implemented (it's "technology" and fairly modern). Heck, how did they run the place before photos were invented? That long ago, did you only get to cross over if you were wealthy enough someone painted your portrait? It's all based on ancient Aztec/Mayan magic (if that's what we should call it) going by the temples/pyramids that anchor the bridges. What did they used to do centuries ago in lieu of pictures? Obviously the old magic has adapted to the changes in culture and technology, but I'm curious how this place ran when it was first "built." (Anybody knowledgeable want to weigh in on this? Otherwise I'm gonna have to go drag my mythologies texts off the shelf.)
Héctor the Forgotten: he's barely hours behind Chicharron on the Final Death schedule and he still manages to bounce across half the city with this kid like it's nothing! It's worse once you've seen the film all the way through: you know Héctor's a (more) dead man walking, he's got literally hours left to live, he knows he's terminal, and yet he's still so full of energy and smiles and kindness. It's heartbreaking and it makes him one of the strongest people I've ever seen in fiction. I firmly headcanon (in multiple fandoms) that there is an ancient Power that sustains the wronged dead so they have a chance to see justice done. I suspect that above and beyond his sheer heart, that power was what helped keep Héctor upright and at full speed despite the condition of his bones and the memory-magic holding him together fraying at the seams. Chicharron seemed ill and infirm that close to his end, apparently rather bedridden. Héctor was up and dancing on a stage. Héctor also didn't start getting flashes until after his murder was revealed—to someone who could carry that knowledge to the living world to right those wrongs. The power sustaining him immediately started to ebb. There was probably some loophole for getting to the living world for wronged dead too; maybe to go haunt your murderer or such, to try to get justice.  Héctor might have availed himself of these bylaws, if he'd known he was murdered. But he didn't until it was too late, so he was stuck behind the photowall at the bridge gates for decades. I figured on a source for his marionette-movements as well, beyond the creators' stylistic decisions: If Héctor is pretty much running on heart, emergency power, and duct tape, it's sheer willpower keeping him animated. It's almost less that his body moves, and more that he moves his body. If he's falling apart that badly, just lifting his arm without the will to keep together might have his hand drop off! (Just look at how he sags and stretches whenever subjected to sudden or stressful movements! He almost lost his head the first time Miguel grabbed him—did lose an arm after that.) It's like he partially has to will his limbs to move, like a paralyzed telekinetic—so yes, Héctor's body is a marionette; his mind is the puppeteer tugging on the fraying strings of memory-magic keeping him together. And then he dances.
Héctor was, according to the wiki, creators, and books, 21 years old when he died in 1921. As it is canon his birthday is November 30, he would have had to have died in December of 1921, after having just barely turned 21. Inferring this date for his death gives me a headcanon that after months on the road with Ernesto,  Héctor was tired and homesick and it was almost Christmas and he didn't want to miss Christmas with his girls and that's why he was even more determined to go home. Ernesto probably had some holiday gig planned to play and was even more pissed off. It just makes the murder that much more horrible. (I mean, Christmas, Ernesto. It was Christmas season. And you had to kill the guy who just wanted to be home for the holidays.)  I will probably go cry and write fic now, because that's just the saddest thing ever. (I could be completely barking up a tree with this too—anyone know about Christmas celebration in early 1900's Mexico?  ...it's still a horribly sad thought.)
Anyone has something to say on these thoughts, please tell me if I’m wandering too far afield or if something needs further consideration! I never know if I’m letting my mind run too wild.
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theyogalounge · 3 years
How to Be Happy
What is the secret to happiness? Why do so many people wonder how to be happy?
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The secret to a happy and fulfilling life is gratitude. Gratitude is simply thinking about what we have instead of what we don’t have. Our ability to recognize and feel grateful for the blessings in our lives is an integral part of our happiness
To truly experience gratitude, take it a step beyond just thinking.
For each thing you are grateful for, take a moment to experience what it feels like to appreciate that thing. Focus your mind on what you are giving thanks for until you experience a physical sensation, perhaps a flutter of energy or a wave of happiness.
There is a different, deeper quality to our gratitude when we do this. Taking the time to shift your awareness from words in your head to a physical experience will reveal that feeling grateful is different than just thinking we are grateful.
Opportunities for Practicing Gratitude:
Anytime you catch yourself thinking about something that you do not have, shift your thoughts to gratitude for the things you do have. If you are thinking of a break-up, missing someone, financial problems, an illness (lack of health), or something you desire that is causing you suffering, redirect your thoughts towards what you already have.
When you wake up in the morning and your thoughts start to wander, use that time to focus your thoughts on the things you are grateful for. This will help set your mind to a positive energy for the day.
If you are the kind of person who takes a while to fall asleep, try thinking of things you are grateful for instead of just letting your thoughts wander or counting sheep.
When something upsets you, pause and take a brief moment to be grateful for something. This will take the edge of your negative emotions. If you are with someone who is upset, try gently bringing up things they might be grateful for “At least you still have . . .”
There is so much in this world to be grateful for. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Language, stories, books and the ability to read, to talk and communicate with others. Eyesight, hearing, smell, taste, and the sense of touch that connects us so vividly to the world around us. Our bodies, organs and cells that seem to know what to do on their own. Shelter, heat, gas, lights and electricity, sun that warms the earth and nurtures the plants, the rain that waters them. Animals, pets, birds and their songs. Technology, computers, email, printers, word processors, cameras, scanners, cell phones, cars, planes. Supermarkets, drug stores, toilet paper, toothpaste, soap. Sunsets, the moon, stars, beds, pillows, blankets, pajamas, and dreams. Favorite sweaters, warm and cozy socks. Postmen, garbage men, roads and the people who build them. Coffee, tea, water, bread. Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and all the humans throughout time who risked and even lost their lives figuring out which ones are safe to eat. All the animals who gave their lives to feed human beings. Beauty, art, paintings and paint, pottery, jewelry. The people we love, family, friends, things that make us laugh. Vacations, adventures, parks, the ability to walk, hike, run, bike, swim, and dance. Couches, tables, cups. bowls, plates, spoons, forks and knives. Fire for warmth and cooking. All the trees that decorate the landscape, giving us oxygen and shade. Flowers that add color to our world and feed equally colorful creatures such as hummingbirds and butterflies. Oceans, beaches, and waves that break on shore where we can wet our feet and hear the hushing, soothing sound of the ocean’s music. Music, the humans that made the effort to master instruments and write the songs that move us. Our ability to learn, grow, and evolve. Our ability to change and become masters of ourselves, our minds, and our lives. Our capacity to create, to nurture, and to love . . .
It is an amazing world we live in when we take the time to recognize what we have instead of focusing on what is lacking.
It's time to live your best life! 🥰
For more info and a free Thrive Checklist click here.
Find me on Facebook and Instagram where I share my photos, thoughts and stories about creating the life we desire. Thank you for reading!
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writingdummy · 7 years
love me in lavender
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pairing: jeon wonwoo x reader genre: fluff fluff fluff word count: 2500+ admin: jun a/n: WOO! LOOK AT ME GO! just so you know, this is the least rushed fic i’ve ever made, it just came to be naturally. for the anon who requested this, i love you. also, i changed it up a little bit, i hope you don’t mind~ send in some requests while you’re here! c:
It was three months ago, around this time, that you had seen this boy enter the library. This boy who always came with his stylish round-frame glasses, beanie, and one of three coats you’ve seen. This brown, fur-collared, leather jacket, a black jean jacket, and this one soft pink jacket that you were especially fond of him in. It suited him very well.
That happened to be the first jacket you had seen him in. It was early autumn, and you had literally just started working at the college library that day. You wanted to make money somehow and they just happened to be hiring, so you were in. It was especially nice since they had flexible hours and you could study behind the counter while helping people check out books.
It was the best job you could afford to have with your busy studying schedule. All you wanted was no distractions and a perfect place to study. What better place than the library?
Your whole schedule you had going on for a couple hours had yet to be interrupted when the creaking of the building door sounded in the mostly empty building. The library was a pure glass building, so it was always bright and wonderful. You stood up from the front desk to greet the person that had entered the library when suddenly your world got a whole lot brighter.
He was wearing that bright pink jacket, grey beanie, and glasses, and that was all you really remembered because all he had come to do was return a couple books he had finished. You remember clearly checking which books they were. He clearly had some good taste, since he was reading sci-fi.
From that day on, he appeared in the library at least once a day after 3:00, whether it would be to sign books out, return books, to just sit in the library at one of the round tables and just read for hours before abruptly standing up, putting the book away and walking out or just study.
The first time he had come to check out a book from the library since you started working there was around a week after your first day, and you were really nervous to finally hear what his voice sounded like a book. The way he walked up to the front desk made he seem nervous, but you shook your head and ignored that thought, smiling kindly and disregarding how your hands were shaking ever so slightly.
“Hello…” he mumbled, gently placing the two novels onto the old birch-made desk. His voice was very low and quiet, but also very deep, which made your automatically flustered. “Can I please check these out?”
You laughed lightly, taking the mouse to the computer and shaking the computer awake. “O-of course. Can I have your student number?” You asked. Instead of saying his student number aloud, he pulled out his student ID and handed it to you. You took it and quickly tapped in the numbers that followed underneath his name on the card. Jeon Wonwoo…
“Alrighty.” You continued, taking your scanner and scanning the two books quickly and making sure the titles appeared on the screen. “You’re good to go.”
Your heart sped up at the little, satisfied smile that played on his lips as he scooped the two books up into his arms and looked up to your eyes. “Thank you…” he trailed off,  looking down to look at the nametag that was pinned onto your shirt. “Y/N.” He smiled softly at you before waving and leaving out the door.
Days passed and you guys actually started having small conversations. He told you about he sucked at small talk, but somehow it came out naturally with you. You had to assure him that you, too, were just as awkward and horrible with small talk.
Days turned into weeks when you guys finally exchanged numbers and started texting each other. You were both a lot less shy and awkward while texting and your guys couldn’t help it… you had both started developing feelings for each other.
A month and a half in and you guys had your first phone call, and it surprisingly lasted more than an hour. In fact, it lasted two. Even though you two both talked so much to each other over text, you still had so much more to talk about over the phone. Your favourite thing was to listen to him talk very passionately about his love for certain novels and his hate for others. It was incredibly entertaining… plus you just loved to listen to him talk.
After another 45 days of continuing talking on the phone for hours and the texting for extra hours, it came to this specific day. Why was this day important?
“Hey there.” You heard a familiar voice say as soon as the low thud of the door closing to the library happened. Looking over to Wonwoo, you smiled from ear to ear, leaning on the desk.
“Hello,” you said in response, motioning to the library spread in front of your eyes and behind his back. “How may I help you?” You asked him cheesily, adding an extra weird grin at the end of your statement because if you were going to be extra, you were going all the way.
“I was actually hoping you could answer a question for me,” he uttered in response, slowly walking up to stand right in front of you on the opposite side of the desk. You could tell he was nervous from how much he was licking his lips and the very obvious flush on his cheeks as he leaned forward for his face to be closer to yours. This made you flustered, which was clearly shown by the nervous grin on your face and the awkward giggle that left you.
“Yeah, of course. What do you need?” You asked, only slightly alarmed by the close proximity of your faces.
“Uhm… I was wondering if I could… take you out sometime?” He mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with you, and instead, staring at his fingers which were quietly drumming against the desk. You could barely hear him, let alone process what he was saying.
“Pardon?” You whispered, giggling a bit since there were people in the library looking in your general direction.
“Could I… take you out sometime?” He asked louder than before, looking up, but then getting even more flustered and looking down to his hands. You started to swell. You didn’t know how long you were waiting for this moment.
“Y-yeah! I would love that!” You answered quicker than your expected to answer that. Obviously, you hadn’t told him how long you were waiting for him to ask you that exact question. You probably should’ve taken a second to pretend that you were contemplating whether you should say yes or no, but you didn’t care at this point. The point was, that he actually asked you.
The look on his face made you giggle a bit since he looked a bit taken aback. He didn’t seem to be expecting you to say yes or at least say yes this quickly. He brought his hands together and smiled warmly at her. Although his face was still flushed and his heart was still beating very quickly, he wasn’t nervous. Now it was just the feeling that you gave him when you giggled. It was the cutest thing.
“Perfect.” He said, nodding and turning around to leave.
“Wait!” You called after him, starting to crack up even more. “Where are we going? When should we meet up?”
“Today. Just call me when your shift is done and I’ll come get you.” He said, grinning and bowing a bit before waving and actually leaving. You waved back, then resting your chin in the palm of your hand. Oh wait, he was coming to get your right after your shift! You quickly got back to your studying, so you could at least finish the assignment you had been given by your professor.
After another couple hours of hard work, determination, and the occasional trip around the library to put books away, you were ready for him to come and get you. You pulled out your cell and called him, falling back on the stool that was behind you.
When the ringing stopped, you heard rustling before Wonwoo actually spoke to you. “Hey, you done now?” He asked you. There was jazz-like, soft music playing in the background of his side and you could hear some talking, which you were confused about.
“Yeah… should I come meet you somewhere?” You immediately got curious.
“No. I’ll come get you, just wait five more minutes.” He said, then thanking someone. You heard the sound of plastic sheets being crushed before his voice caught you off guard again. “I’m leaving now. See you soon, bye.” He told you quickly and then hung up. You sighed, laughing at how rushed he seemed. You were glad that you had the last shift of the night so that you wouldn’t have to wait for somebody else to get here before you could leave.
The five minutes he took to get there somehow felt like hours for you, but maybe that’s because you were constantly looking at the time, whether it would be off of one of the clocks on the tall walls of the library or your phone. When he arrived you were staring at the door, which kind of made the scene dramatic!
The thought made you giggle while he was walking in. He had changed?
He walked in wearing his grey beanie, his round-framed glasses, and his favourite pair of black skinny jeans. While you stood in front of him wearing regular jeans, a t-shirt, and an old, knitted cardigan. Little did you know that, to him, that was perfect.
“I brought food!” He said, holding his one hand up with a grey, plane plastic bag full of really amazing smelling food. That happened to only answer one of your questions. You slowly walked over to the roundtable he usually sat at, your eyebrow raising in curiosity at his idea. “It’s a library date.” He said with a chuckle. He placed the food down and placed down what was in his other hand. A little purple pot filled with soil and a little sprout coming out of it. You decided not to question it as you sat down.
“I’m liking this idea.” You said, giggling happily and waiting for him to open the food up. He pulled out each styrofoam container out one at a time.
“Udon. The good kind.” He said. He had gotten vegetarian udon since he wasn’t sure if you ate meat or not, and he could respect that. He was a very respectable man. Your face was warming up and you heard your stomach growl a little. You hadn’t eaten anything since lunch and you were ready to devour this.
“This is literally the best date ever,” you complimented, laughing at Wonwoo as took one last slurp of noodles, and finally the two containers were finished. He laughed a bit with his mouth full, chewing and finishing his bite before nodding in agreement. While finishing all this udon, you two had finally had a really nice conversation, face to face.
It started off really awkward, and you two were simply learning about how the other’s day went, but then slowly and surely, the conversation progressed. The last thing you two talked about was friendship, and how you both had people to call your best friend. You didn’t want to call him your best friend, but you wanted something more. It was clear he felt the same way about you. You loved the way he looked at you with a little smile, and he just always looked so attentive.
“So… what’s that for?” You asked him after the laughing had died down, pointing at the little pot you had seen earlier. He stared at the little pot for a second, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Wait… don’t rush me.” His heartbeat suddenly sped up, and he could feel himself becoming warmer, but you couldn’t even tell. He took a deep breath before sitting up straight and taking the pot into his hand. Out of his giant friend group, he was the most cliched romantic, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued by old Hollywood movies, and the way the guy caught the girl’s attention. He loved it.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us recently. I’m really glad you agreed to go on this date with me,” he started, slowly spinning the pot around in circles on the table. “I was going to ask you… to…” He took another deep breath, trying to calm down his intensely fast heartbeat. “Go out with me again.” He said quickly. You smiled brightly, nodding your head.
“I would absolutely love to. I wasn’t lying when I said this was the best date I’ve ever been on. Not that I’ve been on many dates…” you mumbled, laughing nervously and pushing your hair back a bit.
He chuckled, nodding and pushing the pot towards you. “This is for you… it’s lavender.” He said, his hand retracting immediately to fold with his other hand on the table.
“That’s awfully nice of you.” You looked down at the lavender then back up to him.
“I wanted something to give you that you could look at and think of me. But not something like a keychain or something like that… something special…” He explained, awkwardly motioning to the pot.
Now your heart was racing.
After that conversation, he offered to drop you off at the house you were renting that was just off campus. He wouldn’t let your refuse. The drive home was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. You had some general warmth between the two of you, and it was honestly the best feeling.
You reached the house and you bid him farewell, then waited for him to drive off before running inside your house. You ran into your room and placed the pot on your desk before jumping onto your bed and squealing like a 10th grader who had just had her first kiss.
You had to take a breather before getting into your pajamas and getting yourself ready for bed, and then you took a seat on your desk, crossing your arms over it. You rested the side of your face on your arms so that you could stare at the purple lavender pot.
He was the most considerate guy you had ever met. You were genuinely very into him and he seemed very genuinely into you. You happened to be hesitant when it came to romantic relationships since so many of your friends had, in the past, so many bad breakups and it broke your heart to see them that sad.
But for some reason, you knew that wouldn’t happen with Wonwoo. You knew you were safe. You were suddenly confused when you saw a little bit of white paint at the bottom edge of the pot. You sat up properly and picked it up, holding it high in the air so you could see what was at the bottom.
The message you read made you giggle and your heartbeat louder than before.
“Love me in lavender.
Yours truly, Jeon Wonwoo”
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
oh, hi mark.
Anonymous said: Hello!!! Good work on your other scans! I was wondering if your group has dropped Kimi no Shiranai XX? Thank you!
That was a short 2 chapter story, so it’s been completed!
Anonymous said: We have the same taste in music! ♡_♡ soul sisters
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Anonymous said: Hi! Will your group finish scanlating Ai wa Dekinai anytime soon? Just wondering.. 😖 if you need the raws, I noticed the volume is on Renta but it's all in Japanese so I don't know anything x-x. Thank you for your hard work!
That release was for you babe.
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(I’ll release the next chapter prob in like 2 weeks I have a friend coming to stay with me and since summer’s almost ending it’s time to go out and make bad decisions)
THANK YOU MY LOVE I’M ALSO IN LOVE WITH HER WORKS AND MYSELF. Yes, family affair is still on hiatus! I don’t think she mentioned a reason? A reader was the one who let me know about it and apparently Conro’s just taking a break from writing it so let us wait for its comeback together. 
Anonymous said: Hi, I'm sorry, I'd like to use your translation of the Batsu Game Chapter 3 manga, if there is not any problem 
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Anonymous said: Heeey! Thank you so much for Batsu Game Chapter 3!! It was amazing. I have some questions though, is there rape in the next chapter (since you say it's painful). :( Also, do you know when Chapter 5 comes out? Thank you so much for these amazing manga, btw. Have a wonderful day <3
Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t realize some of you may have taken it this way!! I don’t think it’s considered rape, since the sex was consensual, just that his ex was a huge dick. 
Anonymous said: hi i just wanted to say thank you for all the great work that you do to make these gorgeous bl series available to us non-jp-speaking plebs!!! you're amazing and i hope you have a good day!!!
I live to serve.
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Anonymous said: Hi! I think there was a typo in your batsu game release? i think you meant to write “he” instead of “the”
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Anonymous said: Thank you so much for Batsu Game - Chapter 4!! Really looking forward to Chapter 5. It will be out in the next issue, right? Poor Rutsu, even though I know how the manga will end, I just wanna go hug him. I'm expecting a whole chapter of make up sex from Conro lolol. Thanks again <3 <3
She’s working on the draft right now! Here’s a sneak peek taken from her twitter-
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Anonymous said: Hellooo! Well, I'm new here and I'm not sure if someone already asked you this, but, are you gonna scanlate the extras of the tanko of Rift?? Work on them, pretty please!! *.* Thnx in advance and thnx for all your great projects.
First, let me welcome you to the monkey house. And second, okay... Here’s the thing about Rift... I only bought the physical tanko and I don’t have a scanner in my new place? So I can’t scan the extra chapters orz. If you guys want, I can buy the ebook and work on them, but I’d like to have someone help me clean/redraw? If not, I doubt I’ll work on it alone. Though if yes, gimme a bit bc right now I’m saving up for natsucomi 😅😅😂
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THE WEDDING SHOP – The Home of Gift Lists
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How to Create your Ultimate Gift List
This is where the fun really begins! Forget all the logistical wedmin and the budgeting. This is your chance to put together your dream list of gifts and have the most amazing shopping trip that won’t cost you a penny!  
It may seem a daunting task and you may be unsure where to begin, but this is where The Wedding Shop can help.  The Wedding Shop, voted Best Gift List service 2019 at the UK Wedding Awards, have been helping couples build their gift lists for over 28 years – so they really are the experts.  Their gift list is designed for couples who want unrivalled choice, flexibility and exceptional service all in one place. Nicola Gemmell, Manager of The Wedding Shop, Edinburgh, shares her top tips and expert gifting advice to help get you started with creating your ultimate gift list.
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Believe me, your guests will want to get you something to mark your special day and creating your own gift list full of items you truly love means your guests are choosing from a wide range of gifts that they know are meaningful to you.
Not only does your list take the stress and worry away from your guests in finding the perfect gift for you, it is also a perfect opportunity to upgrade your home essentials or indulge in something that you really love but wouldn’t necessarily buy for yourselves.  Not to mention the fact that it ensures you don’t end up with 5 toasters and 10 photo frames.  Your guests want to get you something that they know you will love and cherish forever.
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First thing – register with The Wedding Shop! We think that compiling your list should be a fun and enjoyable experience that you will love doing together as a couple – this is the stress-free part of wedding planning!
It does take a bit of time to build your dream list, so do allow enough time to really think about what you want and need for the future. Whether you choose to build your list entirely online, via our app or in one of our beautiful showrooms, your own personal Gift Guru will be there every step of the way to offer advice and tips on how to build your perfect gift list. We would advise our couples to make an appointment to visit our showroom so you can be inspired by our gorgeous gifts and utilise the expert knowledge of our team of Gift Gurus.
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Don’t feel under pressure to choose gifts that you think your guests want to buy. If hosting lavish dinner parties isn't really your thing but you love to listen to music, then it makes more sense to pick a Sonos Speaker than luxury dinnerware.  Every gift list is completely unique to the couple, their style and their own personal tastes.  Your quirky picks are what makes your gift list completely unique to you!
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We would always recommend for our couples to be mindful that their tastes and needs may change in the future. Even though you can't imagine ever needing the luxury dinnerware now, it's good to think about those gifts that will stand the test of time and that you will cherish in years to come.
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You will be pleasantly surprised at how generous your guests are, so make sure you have added enough options for your guests to choose from. We would normally recommend adding more gifts than you have guests so there is plenty of choice. It is also good to pick gifts at different price points so that everyone can buy you something you’ll love, regardless of their budget.
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Group gifting lets your guests contribute as much as they wish towards a gift of your choice. It’s a great way to accommodate for every budget and helps couples feel more comfortable in picking bigger gifts.
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Your list is the perfect opportunity to update and upgrade your home essentials; there will always be something that you need. If you’re planning to have a honeymoon fund, why not add some honeymoon essentials like a suitcase or beach towel to your list, as lots of guests like to give something tangible. We also work with some amazing honeymoon and experiences partners to help you plan the honeymoon of your dreams!
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The Home of Gift Lists
The Wedding Shop are the experts when it comes to gifting. With more than 28 years’ experience in the industry, they are passionate about helping you choose your dream gift list and appreciate the importance of creating a truly tailored list that reflects you and your partner’s style. Combine products you love with monthly subscriptions, experiences, honeymoon and cash contributions or even add a charity fund that is close to your heart.
The Wedding Shop’s dedicated APP also allows you to build your list on the go. Using the handy barcode scanner, you can scan any item from a UK store and it is automatically added to your list. Make an appointment to visit their showroom on Dundas Street, Edinburgh to meet with your Gift Guru and be inspired by the thousands of amazing gifts they have to offer.
They also provide free deliveries within the UK (including Saturdays) and complimentary storage for 6 months. What’s more, you will receive a lifetime 10% discount off all brands The Wedding Shop work with, so that you can continue to update your home long after your gift list journey finishes.  They have also teamed up with Amara to offer you 10% off orders directly with Amara for 2 years after your wedding date.    
It truly is the gift list that keeps giving.
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The Wedding Shop | 25a Dundas Street | Edinburgh, EH3 6QQ
0131 558 77 55 | [email protected] | WEBSITE
Member of www.luxuryscottishwedding.com - Scotland’s Luxury Online Directory for Weddings
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ask-third-circle · 6 years
CHAPTER 2 (1600w)
Storby left Ella smiling pleasantly under the temperature-balancing breeze of the supermarket air conditioning. He had wanted to walk around the shop with her, but once she felt the  cooling air from above, she stopped in her tracks and refused to answer to his quiet "cmon", only repeatedly announcing "sooo loooveeelyyy". So he left her to her joy. The two of them were the only ones in the shop. No customers and no visible staff. Only the murmur of adult contemporary pop music whispering out of crackly speakers. The desolation was understandable, because the place closed in 45 minutes and it was a Sunday. It was also understandable because the town itself was closed. The two teens had only seen one other person in the twenty minutes it took to walk to the supermarket. The route included a walk through the so-called high street, but it every shop was scabbed over with metal shutters. The lone person was the only moving object they saw. Not even plastic bags ventured this far out of the city. There was nothing here that could be ruined by litter. Storby inwardly cursed the town and clung harder to his determination to one day flee to a 24-hour city where the lights are always on and nothing ever closes. Storby had placed the single loaf of bread at the very end of the conveyer belt, and even his lazy stroll to the payment end of the counter was enough to overtake the loaf. The teen lifted his eyes up from the ground to give a non-committal 'hey' to the cashier. But then he saw a certain person emerge from behind the counter like sped up footage of plants growing, and a nasty taste in his mouth prevented him from speaking. "h," said Storby. "Hello." said DEXTER, smiling as he pronounced every letter and punctuation mark of the word as well as every syllable. Storby looked over at the distant conveyer belt and tried to psychically urge the bread to crawl faster, so this would be over quickly. DEXTER answered by picking up the bread ready to scan. Storby wondered if him thinking "cmon bread" and DEXTER touching the bread were connected somehow. It was an odd coincidence. He hoped they were not connected. In reality, they were. Storby looked behind him and swept up the entire shop in his field of vision, asking, "Isn't there anyone else who can serve me?" The only other visible person was Ella, who was now flicking through a magazine after having left the doorway where she had been stressing the automatic doors with her presence. DEXTER turned the loaf upside down, revealing the barcode to the scanner. There was a beep from the machine. "But we've already come so far," DEXTER muttered, eyebrows raised. "You can't quit now!" "I can." Insisted Storby. "Undo the sale and let me start over with a new staff member." "I'll have to call the supervisor?" DEXTER said in that voice you do where you raise your voice at the end like it's a question? When it's really just a statement? "Then call the supervisor." Storby growled, with the strain of having to force the energy of an exclaimation mark into a sentence with a full stop. The shop assistant went up on tiptoes and cupped his hands over his mouth to project his voice. "DEXTER," he called. Storby was incredibly unnerved. "That's right," DEXTER said, with a triumphant smirk. "I am the founder of MARKETSUPER, the area manager, the store manager, the assistant manager, supervisor, shelf stacker, cashier, cleaner and the work experience kid. I'm so proud of myself for getting so far in life." Storby placed a pound coin on the counter and backed away slowly, maintaining eye contact and speaking in a quiet, low voice. "Keep the change." He turned to find out where Ella was only when he felt he was out of reach of a sudden lunge. He looked back just one more time, and the shop assistant was still there, attempting to make a card table out of three ten pence coins. Storby muttered,  "What a weirdo." in the direction of Ella, but silence was the reply. He turned his head to look at her, and when he did he found that she was holding the magazine from earlier at arm's length, closer to Storby. "Look." Ella squealed. On the cover - no - gracing the cover with their divine presence - were the members of Stuck Nowhere, their beloved band. Ella's eyes shone with delight. "They finally did an interview!" Storby remained safe behind Ella as they bought the magazine together. He kept DEXTER in his field of vision at all times. The two of them left the shop with their noses in the magazine. Storby was holding it with one hand, the other was around Ella's waist at her request. Ella held the other end of the magazine, and they held it open together, and they walked slowly to the train station, squinting at the article in the dim light cast by the street lamps.
Musick: Your lyrics are poetic and full of hidden meaning. Where do you get your ideas from? Q-T: Not this rubbish again. This is why we didn't do interviews for so long. Our lyrics are just words, ya know? It's about the sound, the noise, not the literal words. We don't have that kind of intention. We're not writing anthems you can quote all over the margins of your school books. Kids are only going to get in trouble if they scribble (INSERT RUDE QUOTE HERE) all over the place.
Ella all of a sudden felt betrayed. For so long, she had looked for guidance on how to live and thrive, and now it was revealed the main songwriter of the banc wasn't using her craft to create deep and layered messages to her fans? Impossible! Since the very beginning, Ella knew there had to be some connection between her and Q-T, some soul mate thing. Otherwise, how else was she able to make strings of words that made complete sense to Ella, the way no other music could? The teen concluded that the interview must have been fake. The band was putting on a show to seperate the real fans from the posers. Storby interrupted her thoughts, muttering "That was amazing", a conclusion that marked his end of the article. When she saw him look at her, Ella put on a smile. "Yeah - I can almost hear their voices. It's like we're really in the room with them." By now, they had meandered into the desolate train station and had stood reading near the brick entrance. A train of one carriage crawled slowly into the station, its light illuminating the rails in front and behind it, and the moss growing oer the other two rails. Ella went to take a step, but found that the magazine was stuck in her boyfriend's grip. The two looked at each other blankly. The train stopped and a bell indicated that the doors could be opened now. Storby whispered, "Who's keeping the mag?" The door in front of Ella opened after she pressed the button. No other doors opened and no one came out of the train. It was probably as empty as the station. The bell signalled the doors were about to close. The urgency revived Ella's excitement. "I'll take the magazine, and you can take this." She leant forward on her tip toes and, eyes closed, gave Storby a kiss. On his mouth. He was so surprised he let go of the magazine, and Ella slipped away just as the doors were closing. She turned and waved through the window, but he was staring off into space. This delighted Ella and she danced to her seat. With a jolt, the train began to move at a person's walking speed, and strolled down the rails. Its light spread across the platform, and then the wasteland, and finally lit up the inside of the tunnel as it passed under the rolling hills of the countryside. Storby stood quite still for this whole time. When he snaped back to reality, he saw that the train was gone.
This is the sequence of events of that night, by the minute: 22:32 A single figure holding a loaf of bread leaves the train station, moving slowly as if pushed only by the gentle wind, singing some chorus about love over and over again, sometimes with chuckling between lines. 01:26 A cat enters the station through a hole in the fence, jumps down onto the tracks and sniffs the ground. There are no cameras at the station so it is seen by no one but the moon. Therefore the cat evaded the £200 fine for trespassing on the rails. 05:13 The first train of Monday morning comes in from the east. One man dressed in a suit, with a briefcase in one hand and a homemade coffee in the other, gets on. He wants to read the free paper presented at most train stations, but he will have to wait until he gets to the city to find it. The train leaves and goes west. 07:38   Two figures, a tall one and a short one, enter the station and wait on the platform. These are siblings. The male turns and looks back through the archway seperating the station from the road, and peers up the empty street. The impending arrival of the train spurs him to ask his little sister, "Do you reckon Storby's coming at all?"
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whatsupsac · 7 years
What’s Up With Your Weekend, 1/19-21/18:
Jessica Malone & India Jones at Porchlight Brewing Co: Jessica Malone rocks it in the brewery as India Jones serves wonderfully seasoned selections so you can experience the best of both worlds of music and food!  Jessica Malone is an award winning singer/ songwriter whose music evokes a sense of wanderlust, self-discovery, positivity and moving forward. Porchlight Brewing Co. 5-9:30PM. Kid Friendly.
We Music, Because We Must: An evening of song with the soaring voice of Carrie Hennessey and piano styling of Jennifer Reason as they perform an exciting concert benefiting the Sacramento Children's Chorus. Ms. Hennessey is consistently thrilling audiences and critics in opera and concert appearances around the world. Ms. Reason Jennifer Reason is a vibrant young performer in consistent demand and hailed as a pianist "in the league of Carnegie Hall. Uptown Studios. 6:30-9:30PM. Free Event - Donations suggested.
Pour Over Acrylic Paint: Learn to paint without a brush! In this fun technique, we will teach you how to combine all your colors into a cup at the same time before pouring it over a canvas and making a unique painting. Participants will create two original pieces during class. Please note, this method takes awhile to dry and you will want to pick up your final piece at a later time! Verge Center for the Arts. 6:30-8:30PM. $40 for Verge members, $55 for non-members plus $15 materials fee. Admission includes to free glasses of wine.
Movie Night at Empire - Iron Giants: Come to Empire's Comics Vault for a FREE screening of Iron Giant. There will be trivia, candy, popcorn and always a good time. Empire Comics. 7PM. Free.
Sac Unified Poetry Slam: The Sac Unified Poetry Slam is every 3rd Friday at Luna's. The show is unpredictable, we don't know who the special guests will be until they sign up. We don't know who the judges will be until the audience arrives. The slam is 3 rounds and the whole evening is a ton of fun. Luna’s Cafe. 7:30PM. $5 to slam and winner keeps the whole pot. Free to attend as an audience member with purchase of food or drink from Luna’s Cafe. Donations encouraged.
Women’s March Sacramento: Nasty women unite!!! In 2017 we marched and made our voices heard. This year we expand our work to engage youth, uplift women leaders, advocate for gender equity and stand together against voter suppression and for fair protection of all human rights. Meet at Insight Coffee Roasters, 1901 8th St. starting at 9AM and at 9:30AM we will head head to Southside Park between 6th and 8th Streets. From the Park, we will walk west on T Street to 5th Street, then north on 5th to Capitol Mall, then east to the Capitol building where the rally will convene on the West Steps.
Milk Money Pop-up at Bike Dog Brewery: Coffee beer from Bike Dog paired with a donut pop-up from Milk Money. These donuts are legit fancy and we've come up with some awesome beer pairings. Limited amounts of coffee mugs available for $10. Be sure to get here early because once the daily donuts are gone... they’re gone! Bike Dog Brewery. $10. 9:30AM-12:30PM.
Black and White Film Developing: In this class you will learn how to process one roll of 35mm black and white film. All of the processes learned can be used at home to develop your own film. The teacher will provide scans from a photography textbook to help illustrate the film developing processes and for your own use later on. This class will have a follow up class on how to create a darkroom print using a wet gelatin silver process. However, the negatives made in class today can be scanned using a digital scanner. Hacker Lab. 10AM-1PM. $50.
2018 Onesie Bar Crawl: The world's biggest Onesie Crawl finally comes to Sacramento. Thousands of Onesies prowling the town center for the most comfortable outing of the year. Check in at Coin-Op. Check In between 3-4PM and Crawl 4-10PM,  $20 Early Bird with Free Drink & Shot, $25 Standard with Free Drink & Shot, $30 Last Minute with Free Drink & Shot.
CK McClatchy Visual & Performing Arts Gala: C.K. McClatchy High School's Visual & Performing Arts Program will be holding a black tie event on January 20, 2018 to celebrate the grand opening of its new 800-seat, state-of-the-art iconic theater and Visual and Performing Arts wing. The CKM VAPA Gala will feature performances in music, theater and dance with a silent auction showcasing spotlight artists and commemorative swag. Please join the next generation of students in music, theater, art and dance for what will certainly be a memorable and historic first night in the new theater. CK McClatchy High School. 6-9:30PM. $45-270.
Russian Festival Part 1 - Tchaikovsky First Concerto: Join the Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera in the first weekend of the Russian Festival featuring masterpieces by some of the greatest Russian Composers! During the first weekend, hear famed pianist, Andrew von Oeyen perform the dazzling Piano Concerto No. 1 by Tchaikovsky. Works by Mussorgsky and Rachmaninoff will also be performed with conductor, Case Scaglione leading the orchestra. Community Center Theater. 8-10PM. $18-40.
Sacramento Audio Waffle: The Loudest Breakfast in the valley returns!! after a 5 year hiatus and the love and desire of noisy people the NORCAL NOISEFEST CREW, THEE INSTAGON FOUNDATION, and THE RED MUSEUM are happy to announce the return of the monthly noisy breakfast series.. Sacramento Audio Waffle. Free waffles and coffee for as long as they last are included with your cover fee. The Red Museum. 12-3PM. All Ages. $8.
SacCirque Takes Over Southside Park: This is a great opportunity to meet and greet, skill share, play and eat! This will be a freestlye skill-share jam; full of acro-yoga, hand balancing, flow arts, juggling, slacklining and more! Look for the Sac Cirque Banner and easy up! This is not an official SacCirque performance but an opportunity for artists to connect. Southside Park. 1-4PM.
Sour Beer & Cheese Pairing: You know all those wine barrels in the taproom? They do more then just look cool, they are home to gallons and gallons of delicious beer slowly souring and aging to perfection. Now is your chance to taste three of those barrel soured beers PLUS our Man with the Golden Plum Sour. That's right! It's sour and cheese pairing time! For $20 enjoy 4 amazing sours specially paired with a healthy serving of artisan cheeses, crackers, olives & a tasting card to guide you through it all. Jackrabbit Brewing Company. 1-4PM. $20.
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