#scaralumi fics
viatrixia · 1 year
[2/3] Traveler's Purpose
pairing: scaramouche x lumine [ft. childe] words: 2, 759 genre: fluff, tsundere!scaramouche, fight scene note: cross posted on ao3
series : part i. part ii. part iii.
In which Childe crosses paths with a certain blonde fighter who he has been dying to meet again. Except she’s not alone.
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“Lumine, I left you for one hot minute and you picked up a street rat as your new pet?”
“Ajax, I don’t want to fight you but I will if you insist on taking Scaramouche with you.”
The thought of a foreseeable battle against this otherworldly warrior excites him. Before this, he didn’t think there was anything that could rile him up as much as a one-on-one, all out fight between him and Lumine. But seeing Scaramouche’s tilted smirk brings up emotions he can’t explain.
The traitor he is seeking is standing behind Lumine and far too close for his liking.  Scaramouche is milking every drop of privilege that comes with being the Traveler’s new companion.
“L-Lumine. Please be careful…” Paimon stammers. 
Even the ever chatty floating intelligence senses the tangible tension strum in the air. She occasionally bears witness to Lumine’s battles but none were easy to watch. Sometimes the fights end up drawing blood, sometimes it ends with Lumine fainting for days and other times she comes out barely alive.
Yet Paimon understands more than anyone how alive Lumine becomes as she dances with her sword in precise yet languid movements. Lumine shines the brightest when she fights for the people she holds dear.
Tartaglia regrettably knows this too.
And currently, the person she is defending so fiercely is none other than this miscreant deserter. The idea of Scaramouche being in such close proximity with Lumine leaves a foul taste in the Delusion bearer’s mouth.
“I’ve fought a lot of strong people since our last battle and lost to none… Shall we see if I’ve improved?” Childe’s voice deepens as he feels the claws of darkness wrap around his body in an almost suffocating fashion.
His long fingers trace the hard ridges of the scarlet mask bestowed upon him by his Archon. In one swift motion, he pulls the mask onto his face.
Invisible hands which only he can see reach out to him as though appearing from a tear in another space; from the land of darkness to pull him back into the deepest pit of hell. Yet they never do–they only ever hover over, whispering an impending premonition; a prophesied end to his legacy. 
The day Tartaglia, the war weapon of the Cryo Archon, falls from grace will soon come, but that day is not today.
With one swing of his double edged spear, the hands and the voices disappear as thought blown away by the sheer force of his Delusive powers.
Wind currents softly blow in the air, causing Lumine’s hair to sway gently against her skin. Tartaglia knows that this isn’t an ordinary breeze. She’s calling for the winds to aid her in this fight. The violet sparks in between her fingers tells him that there’s more elements at play than he initially thought.
‘Has she mastered using more than one element at the same time?’ He muses in amazement.
“It’s not too late to hand over the traitor.” He says as his own spear hisses with an electrifying whir. 
“Tell the Tsaritsa I said ‘ kindly, fuck off’ .” Lumine’s liquid gold eyes glistening underneath the azure skies. Her other hand comes to grasp the hilt of the sword in a secure yet combative grip. Wind currents propel her forward as an electrifying violet glow engulf her blade.
“So that’s how it’s going to be.” Childe blocks her attack with an easy gait and thrusts forward with his lance only for Lumine to evade him by a few millimeters each time as though she’s memorized his favorite moves since their last fight.
One strike could cost Lumine her life yet the lustrous glint in her eyes only gets brighter. A whirlwind forms underneath Lumine’s palm, pulling fallen twigs, pebbles and blades of grass within its core. Once the whirlwind begins to make a screeching sound like that of a thousand birds, does she release her hold, directing it towards her masked opponent. 
The whirlpool creeps towards Childe as it grows in size. Tree branches sway. Any signs of forest creatures that peeked through hallowed trunks have long run for shelter. 
Childe curses underneath his breath. This isn’t looking too good for him too fast. Everything around him is being sucked into the maelstrom gifted to him by his favorite Traveler. 
His eyesight is hindered by the green and brown and dirt flying around everywhere. He can feel himself getting pulled into the turbulent force.
“Maybe I spoke too soon.” He joked, nervous laughter and wildly beating heart.
“That, you did, Ajax.” Lumine smiles as she lurches into the heart of the vortex, completely ignoring the cut on her cheek and exposed skin from a flying tree branch and pebbles.
“Lumine!” Both Paimon and Scaramouche screams at the same time–even for an Anemo bearer and a floating creature, anyone in their right mind would think that jumping headfirst into a turbulent maelstrom is suicide.
All of a sudden, streaks of lighting begin to strike from the core of the whirlpool before it completely disperses, sending the stones and branches flying into every direction. Scaramouche lifts one hand up, creating his own wind current to block an arm-sized tree branch flying in his direction. For a moment, everything comes to a standstill as though time has stopped.
It takes a while for Paimon and Scaramouche’s eyes to adjust to the scene before them. In the midst of the chaos, Childe has morphed into his Foul Legacy, barely blocking the electrified strike of Lumine’s blade. 
“Is that all you’ve got?” Childe bellows, leaping backwards to create a distance between them and summons an explosive wave of ocean within a five mile radius.
“Shit.” Lumine curses, darting to her left, barely dodging the full effects of the Delusion bearer’s Riptide effects.
She feels a searing hotness on her arm where the wave managed to touch her, the violet markings of Childe’s Riptide beginning to etch in her skin. Not that she doesn’t know that evading it is impossible but it’s better than taking on the full force of its waves.
“Surrender is a valid option, Traveler.” Childe offers, arms outstretched on both sides like a saint welcoming a sinner into his embrace.
“As if!” Lumine vehemently shouts.
“You never do know when to give up.” Childe sighs as a hydro whale manifests behind him, twirling forward as though the entire air space is its domain.
Lumine’s free hand hovers over the ground as the earth begins to quake and rises into a wall, blocking the whale’s attacks. She sends a whirlpool in the whale’s direction, breaking down the water molecules into tiny droplets and redirects it towards Childe.
Having faced the same move once, he easily cuts through the vortex with his arrow. Yet once his vision clears, he realizes that the Traveler has managed to evade his line of sight. Childe’s heart begins to race–if there’s one thing he’s held onto as a fighter of the Fatui, it’s that one should never lose sight of one’s opponent.
And for that, he pays the price dearly.
“Surrender,” Lumine’s soft yet stern voice whispers in the wind yet she is nowhere to be seen, “is a valid option, Ajax.” 
By the time he notices a shadow over his head, a gust of wind comes crashing into him in every direction, sending him off balance. Childe barely manages to pull his arms over his face as the glint of Lumine’s sword blinks in his face. And he finds himself on the ground, armored gloves shattered and mask sporting a diagonal crack across his face. The skies remain an azure blue color, as though undisturbed and unobstructed by the fierce battle that occurred underneath.
It hasn’t hit yet but he’s sure that at least one of his bones is broken and though he doesn’t feel the sting, he’s lucid enough to feel the warmth in his left arm which he thinks is caused by a ghastly cut.
The bright skies get obscured by a shadow–a goddess with liquid golden eyes as she bends over.
“Are you still alive?” 
This goddess has a way with words.
“What a morbid thing to say.” Childe wants to laugh but it only comes out as a wheeze.
“Can you stand? You don’t look too good.”
Childe grunts, causing Lumine’s face to contort in worry.
“Need a hand?” She extends her left hand that’s covered in fresh cuts.
“Thanks.” Childe reaches out… only to be forcefully pulled by a different, more masculine hand.
“Don’t mention it.” Scaramouche grunts, grimacing as if he’s touching dirt.
Childe almost wants to puke but instead he wills himself to smile at his former comrade-turned-traitor. He barely has the energy to keep himself standing. That, and he has a feeling that if he swings the first punch, he’ll end up giving Scaramouche a reason to send him flying halfway across Sumeru’s forest and Lumine won’t fault him for it.
The golden Traveler blinks, watching the two interact, her extended hand falling to her side since it’s clearly not needed anymore.
‘They’re more civilized than I thought they’d be. Maybe deep down they still think of each other as comrades!’ The thought makes Lumine smile unknowingly.
Scaramouche turns on his heels, hands cupping Lumine’s face ever so softly–it’s almost as though the person who was grimacing at Childe was just a mirage; a trick his mind is playing on him.
“You’re hurt.” He says curtly though there’s no mistaking the warmth in his touch.
Lumine feels her body turning into a statue. Her cheeks, where the Wanderer’s hands are, are hot and red for some reason.
“B-but not as bad as Ajax. C-come to think of it we should get him treated–”
“I’m not talking about Tartaglia.” Scaramouche cuts her off. “I’m talking about you. Just because one person got bulldozed by a sumpter beast and another got struck by a boar, doesn’t mean one deserves less medical attention than the other.”
Lumine thinks that if there’s such a thing as dying from voluntary suffocation, then this must be it. Her breath hitches and gets stuck in her throat. She can’t seem to remember how to breathe.
In that moment, a disgruntled groan erupts from Childe’s lips.
“Ow–ugh–ow-ow-ow-ow-ow–I think my ankle is broken.” 
Lumine being Lumine takes a second to register what’s happening and in a blink of an eye, she’s on Childe’s side, placing his arm around her shoulder and supporting his weight. 
“Lean on me, I’ll help you walk…” She instructs, the boulder lying five feet away being their destination.
Once Childe is seated on the sturdy slab of rock, Lumine kneels down with her flying companion panicking. She begins taking off Childe’s left shoe where purple and red mars his ankle.
“I’m no healer but I know enough to relieve the swelling.” Lumine murmurs, face scrunched into a mixture of guilt and worry.
“I think I have a gash on my arm too, Lumine.” The ginger haired Fatui whimpers.
“Paimon, light a fire and boil some water… Scaramouche, can you hunt for fowls and gather some sweet flowers?”
“F-fire? The last time Paimon tried to light a fire, she almost burned down the entire forest b-but Paimon can do this–after all, Lumine taught Paimon how to light a fire properly after that time.” The silver haired creature nods once she sees the dire expression on Lumine’s face.
Scaramouche’s eyebrow twitches as he stands in his original spot–the spot Lumine left him in–and places a hand on his hip.
In the midst of the chaos, he notices Tartaglia’s sneaky grin directed at him. It takes everything in Scaramouche not to march over there, grab the grinning ginger by the collar and send him flying all the way to Sumeru City where there would certainly be a doctor to treat his overexaggerated wounds.
But the Anemo vision bearer steels himself. If he did that, Lumine would be wrought by a greater sense of guilt and would likely go all the way to the City to search for Childe just to make sure that he’s alright and is getting treated.
Scaramouche sighs, willing the winds to propel him upwards to a level where birds would most likely be. 
“If she’s going to be this bothered, she shouldn’t have challenged him to a battle. I could take care of it myself.” He mumbles to himself.
Scaramouche eventually catches three dusk birds, holding them upside down by their feet while his other hand holds a handful of bright yellow flowers in a death grip… it would be a lie if he said he wasn’t envisioning gripping Tartaglia’s neck like how he’s gripping the flowers. But nobody needs to know that. Especially not Lumine.
By the time he returns, Childe has somehow stripped down to his pants, revealing his chiseled upper torso whilst Lumine is tending to his wounds.
Scaramouche’s heart fills with pride as he sees the bruises on the ginger’s body. Lumine may seem too compassionate for her own good but she never pulls her punches, even when she’s up against someone she shares a camaraderie with.
“Ah–I’m really not joking, it hurts.” Childe grumbles as Scaramouche gets closer.
“Then I take it, you'll send my regards to the Tsaritsa.” Lumine says calmly as she holds a hand over a bruised spot on Childe’s shoulder, water forming underneath her fingertips. It seems she too has sniffed out Childe’s over exaggerated wolf cries. 
At the mention of the Tsaritsa and Lumine’s unwavering conviction to stand by her new found companion, Scaramouche feels the familiar electrifying spark run through his body.
There’s a boiling pot several feet from them but he ambles towards the two fighters and drops the dead carcasses onto the ginger’s lap. Blood and all.
“Eat. They’ll help you recover faster.” Scaramouche smiles a sickly sweet smile.
“You’re fucking with me.” Childe plainly says, glaring at the dark haired boy as though he’s on his last string of patience.
“They need to be cooked first.” Lumine pushes herself up from her kneeling position and picks up the hunt.
She says it so casually because she’s used to explaining the basics to her new found companion thinking that he was simply ignorant of the way humans live. Scaramouche never bothered to correct her or tell her that he too, once lived amongst the mortals and did mortal things. He loves hearing her explain things to him.
Lumine finds a riverstream closeby and begins plucking off the feathers of the birds. Scaramouche crouches next to her, staring at her apt fingers moving swiftly like a seasoned hunter.
“We’re not taking him with us, are we?” He asks, eyeing the half naked Fatui who’s watching them from where they left him like a hawk. Gone is the playful boyish side of him now that Lumine’s not looking.
“You’re giving me too much credit than I deserve.” Lumine moves on to the second bird.
“I’m not that generous. Just because I caused most of Ajax’s wounds and proceeded to treat him doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten the threat he poses on you.” 
Then her golden eyes shine dazzlingly underneath the sun as they meet his. As though she’s saying that she full well remembers the purpose of the fight and he is her purpose. Scaramouche can only blink, for if he tried to speak words would fail him over and over again because there are no words that could describe what he’s feeling right now. 
Before he can make heads or tails of the pulsating sparks coursing through his entire being, Lumine is already standing up and heading towards where the ginger Fatui is.
The corners of Scaramouche’s lips tilt into an unrestrained smile. He pushes himself up, following a few feet behind Lumine.
And his smile widens, hinted with a trace of smugness, when he meets Tartaglia’s arched eyebrows.
“Ah, Scaramouche, can you help take off the lid?” She throws her glance over her shoulders where said boy is.
“Sure thing, Lumine.” He easily agrees.
“Oh, I forgot to wash the sweet flowers.”
“I can–” Ajax chirps up.
“Don’t worry, I got this.”
“Thank you, Zephyr.”
Lumine beams, kneeling in front of the pot and placing the fowls into the boiling water, unbeknownst to her, Tartaglia’s expression darkens when he hears Scaramouche’s nickname whilst the owner of said nickname makes a quick turn, finger on his cheek and pulling his lower eyelid as he sticks his tongue out at the ginger.
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majunju · 2 years
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p5 au
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kusuguricafe · 1 year
Down Bad for Wanderer
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A/N: I finally did something with it hehe, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Lumine teaches Wanderer about tickling and shenanigans ensue
Characters: switches Wanderer and Lumine
“Hey, are you ticklish?” Lumine asked innocently.
“Ticklish?” Wanderer replied, perplexed.
“...You’re kidding, right?” Lumine asked.
“No, I’m not.”
Lumine put her hand on her chin. “You were never tickled as a kid? Aether and I had tickle fights all the ti—”
“It’s not like I had a childhood, you know. I was ‘born’ in this form.”
“Oh, right… Well, would you like to find out?” Lumine grinned.
The two of them had taken a trip to Mondstadt, as Lumine felt it appropriate to show the new anemo user around the City of Freedom. A feather had brushed up against the anemo boy’s neck whilst he was showing off some of his new combat skills, causing him to stumble backwards in the air a bit. This piqued the traveler’s curiosity.
“That depends,” Wanderer replied. “Can you give me some sort of explanation first? I’m not just going to let you trick me.”
“Of course. Let’s see… It’s sort of like, well, uhh…”
“Spit it out.”
“It’s hard to explain! If you touch certain areas in a specific way it uh, tingles? No, that's not right. It feels… funny. Most people find it annoying, but others really enjoy it. Ugh, can I just show you? I promise it won’t hurt.”
Wanderer narrowed his eyes.
“Fiiine,” Wanderer rolled his eyes.
Lumine cheered a silent “Yes!” and began walking towards a nearby Statue of the Seven.
“We can go sit under that big oak tree,” Lumine pointed.
“Whatever you say.”
Lumine sat down in the shade of the tree and patted her lap. “You can sit here, if you want.”
“No way,” Wanderer said, taking a seat beside her instead.
“May I touch you?”
Wanderer paused for a moment. His expression changed from shock to worry to embarrassment in seconds. “Yes,” he finally said.
“Thank you,” Lumine smiled. “We can use a safeword, if that would make you more comfortable? How about… Dango?”
“Turn your back towards me, it’ll make it easier.”
Wanderer’s eyes widened.
“Aw, c’mon! You can trust me, right?”
He hesitated, then slowly faced the other way. Lumine took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him. He started.
“Hey! I never said you could hug mehehEEHEHEHEHEHE w-whaaAAhahahahaha!? Whawhahahat ahahare you d-dohohoing??”
“Tickling you!”
“W-well c-cut it ohout!!”
“You know the safeword if you actually want me to stop~”
Oh. Right. How had he already forgotten? He had been persuaded to agree to this somehow! It wasn’t that bad—er, well, actually…
“Ahahaha! It feels weheheird!!”
“Not bad though, right?”
“I d-don’t knohow!”
Lumine was scribbling her fingers across his tummy and up and down his sides, making him giggle. In an attempt to find a more sensitive spot, Lumine dug her fingers in between his ribs, but Wanderer slowly stopped laughing altogether.
“Eh? Not ticklish here?”
“A-am I supposed to be?”
“Most people are, but everyone’s different. Don’t worry abou—”
“Do you have any idea why?”
The hint of shame in Wanderer’s voice pained Lumine. “Well… People are generally more ticklish on areas of the body near important organs, or where there are a lot of nerves. It’s sort of like a defense mechanism, in a sense. Actually, now that I think about it, I suppose it would make sense for your ribs to not be ticklish, since you don’t need to breathe, and you don’t have a—”
“Don’t remind me.”
“Ah, I’m sorry! Let’s try a different spot. How aboout… Riiiiight… Here!”
Lumine emphasized “Here!” with a squeeze to Wanderer’s hips. He squeaked, and Lumine responded with more rapid squeezes.
“Hehe, found a good spot, then?”
What a strange sensation! It was almost tortuous, the way Lumine’s nimble fingers wiggled around in just the right places… yet somehow pleasant at the same time?
“Aw, I think somebody likes this~”
“Oh, will I?” Lumine quickly grabbed Wanderer’s torso, pinning him down onto the grass, and changing positions so that she was now sat on top of his legs. Wanderer’s hat fell off and landed behind him. Lumine laughed mischievously.
Lumine was now expertly squeezing Wanderer’s thighs. “Jackpot!” she triumphed.
Wanderer was seemingly having a difficult time controlling his reactions now. His cheeks were bright red, he was wearing the widest smile Lumine had ever seen on him, and was pounding the ground with his fist while the other hand swat wildly at her.
“You look adorable—” Oops. Now it was Lumine’s turn to blush.
“I didn’t say anything!” Panicked, Lumine whipped around and grabbed hold of one of Wanderer’s sandals, taking it off and scratching underneath his toes.
She let go, but didn’t get off him just yet. Wanderer laid there panting for a moment before he was able to say anything.
Lumine wiped the nervous sweat off her forehead before turning back around to face him. “Have fun?” she asked.
“Get offa me, worm,” he ordered, but he couldn’t hide his slight grin.
“Oh, right.”
The two sat in silence, not-so-secretly enjoying each others’ presence.
Wanderer finally broke the silence, saying, “So… Can I do that to you?”
Lumine froze. It was only fair… “Uhm, sure! Go ahead.”
Wanderer scooched closer to her. He gently placed his hands on her waist. He had never touched her like this before. He flushed and, upon realizing he had absolutely no idea what he was doing, flushed even harder. He was avoiding eye contact. He gently squeezed her sides a few times. No reaction. Surely it can’t be that hard. He tried again, a bit firmer this time. Still no reaction. What gives?
“Am I doing it wro—” he cut himself off when he finally looked up to see her expression. Lumine was as flushed as he was, eyes squeezed shut, clearly not breathing.
“Oh. I see how it is.” Gaining some confidence back, he reached for her hips and tried his best to replicate what he had felt her do.
“WHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” the dam finally broke.
“I’ve got you now!”
“NAHAHAHAA!!” Lumine squealed.
He suddenly remembered what she had said earlier and began digging into her ribcage. She practically screeched, making Wanderer wince, as his thumbs dug into two small spots at the bottom of her ribcage.
“Hehe, how d’you like it, huh?”
He was ruthless! But really, what did she expect?
Lumine reached out desperately for something, anything to help her, and she felt something soft on the grass. The feather from earlier! Thank Barbatos, the wind must have blown it over here! She grabbed it and brushed it up against Wanderer’s neck.
“EEHEHE!” Wanderer pulled back his hands in surprise. What was that?? The unbearable sensation appeared again, this time on his ear, and he burst into giggles.
“What the—stahahahahahap!” He covered his ears and closed his eyes, and then suddenly felt the sensation move to his toes.
“NOHO! LUMINE!!” he opened his eyes, catching the culprit red-handed.
Lumine responded with his signature taunt, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Why you… C’mere!”
“No!!” Lumine got up and sprinted as fast as she could away from him.
Wanderer caught up almost immediately, using his anemo boosters to fly after her at top speed. He tackled her to the ground, causing the two of them to roll down a hill a few feet. Lumine was already laughing as Wanderer pinned her wrists to the ground, straddling her. He experimentally scratched underneath her arms and—
“Nuh-uh.” Wanderer was thrilled with his discovery.
Lumine would have said the safeword by now, but truthfully, she was having the time of her life. No one had tickled her like this in a long, long time. She’d missed it.
“What d’you have to say for yourself now, huh?”
“You’re tougher than I thought.”
Wanderer moved down her legs a little so that he could reach her thighs. Feeling bold, he slid his hands up her dress ever so slightly and skittered his fingers across her inner thighs.
He felt like he could never get enough of the way she squirmed beneath him, but he was also quite embarrassed at the scale of the reaction he had caused. The sound of her bright laughter and the way she twitched under his touch…
Wanderer snapped back to reality. He apologetically rubbed where he had been tickling, thinking it would maybe help to make the sensation go away.
“Stihill, still tihihickles!”
He pulled his hands away entirely.
“Thahahank yohou.”
He stood up and offered her a hand which she happily took.
“That was fun,” Lumine admitted. “Let’s go back and get your hat.”
“Oh, right, yeah.”
The pair walked back to the Statue. Lumine picked up Wanderer’s hat and put it back on for him.
“There you go,” she beamed.
“Thanks. And uh, thanks for showing me that. Tickling.”
“Haha, of course! I should get going now, so I’ll see you later, okay?”
Lumine snuck under Wanderer’s hat to give him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hey, wha, you can’t just—!”
“Lumine! You get back here right now!”
“You’ll never take me alive!!”
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kyrstin · 11 months
some more miscellaneous genshin fic recs
dearest wanderer, by caniculeo (kazuchilde, t, 10k)
Kazuha is still grieving Tomo, but he forges a relationship with another foreigner in Liyue.
my lady (your unbinding), by labitgray (ayalumi, g, 3k)
Lumine fights for Ayaka’s hand in order to remain by her side.
Credit Where It's Due, by kuromandick (albeqiu, e, 8k)
Xingqiu seduces his alchemy professor.
patience and pain, by twilight_ish (kazuxiao, m, 3k)
Kazuha and Xiao share their first kiss. Xiao reacts predictably.
I Just Wanna Be With You (Doing What You Do, Always), by LONEMOON (chiscara, 3e, 20k)
The Wanderer reunites with Childe five years after giving birth to their son.
Obligation and Affection, by Grimalkenkid (scaralumi/dottoscara, e, 4k)
(Trans) Scaramouche’s past relationship with Dottore and his much happier one with Lumine.
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maryssong-ohmymymy · 1 year
scaralumi fever is very high if anyone sees this recommend me fics
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tinylethologica · 10 days
Hello, i love your " False awakening" fic and was wondering if you feel like ever continuing it. It has a lot of potential. Of course only come back to it if you feel like doing it
hm, i do think it has the potential for a sequel, but i also feel like the way that i would go about it would be similar enough to canon, if that makes sense? it would probably be lumine breaking out of the cycle, defeating him, him erasing his memories etc etc
like i love the way that canon wrote how they continued their relationship enough already, and i don't know if i'll bring anything new to the table other than rewriting canon into fic format and adding new bits (especially intrigued by the idea of wanderer and lumine travelling together,,, i feel like i'd write maybe wanderer ends up all the way in the desert or in port ormos or something, and lumine finds him, brings him with her to inazuma etc etc), but the overall way their relationship progresses, i'd keep the same as canon. i'm just quite in love with how canon had the hate-acceptance thing going on.
though of course, if i was to continue it in the same vein as canon, it would still carry a lot more baggage oweing to the dream they were both dreaming,,, lot more angst lol. especially the aftermath of waking up, which interests me. so yeah, while i don't think i'd write a sequel, i was quite into the idea of an epilogue afteward perhaps? but i'm a bit burnt out from genshin (and fandom in general to be honest), so that idea will have to just remain brainrots here haha. but i'm very glad i saw this ask, and that you liked the fic so much!! honestly made the sleepless nights writing that fic so worth it,,, i think it's probably one of my favourites to date so far for this pairing
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earinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scaramouche/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact) Characters: Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: scrlmiweek 2022, No beta we die like Signora, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Canon-Typical Violence, Fantasy setting, Developing Relationship, Ambiguous/Open Ending Series: Part 1 of The only true star, Part 1 of Scaralumi week 2022 Summary:
She's going to kill him, she swears that one of these days she will finally put an end to his life. He hates her, and one of these days he will bring her end. The fact that none one else has been able to bring their walls and shields down in the same way as each other has done, is something that doesn't matter. The fact that it seems as if destiny and the world itself are against the thought of them killing each other, is also a detail that is unimportant. She will kill him. He will be the one to kill her. The world itself laughs at it. It will never happen, it knows.
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realvicoba · 8 months
Being human hurts.
To see, to consume, to feel, it's all too much, yet too little.
Why does one cling to something if it is worth nothing?
A trilogy of fanfics about being alive, grief, love, and deep trauma, written across the timeframe of my year.
(you need an ao3 account to read them. The third part is only available to everyone for a limited amount of time!)
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y0noirs · 1 year
Between her and the Balladeer, there is far too many differences to settle. Try as she might to be as forgiving as possible, there’s only so much that Lumine can take. But the distance between enemies has always been smaller than one would expect.
part ii - riposte
words: 18370 (+9402) (jesus christ) characters: lumine, scaramouche, paimon, nahida tags: enemies to lovers, slow burn, canon compliant, character study, spoilers for various events, archon quests, and world quests notes: i have GOT to stop writing these ridiculously long fics. other than that, its 3am, so i’m leaving all my thoughts in the end notes. at least this was fun to write!
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dailyscaralumi · 2 years
You like scaralumi / lumiscara? Then read my silly little fanfic!!
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viatrixia · 1 year
[1/3] Balladeer's Deception
pairing: scaramouche x lumine words: 2, 741 genre: fluff, tsundere!scaramouche, fight scene note: cross posted on ao3
series : part i. part ii. part iii.
Scaramouche realizes that flicking his wrist and sending Paimon flying several miles away in the heat of a battle just to get Lumine to himself might not turn out the way he wanted.
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“Hey, watch it!” Scaramouche screams, barely dodging a mitachurl’s axe that came flying his way just as he was dealing his last blow against a group of hilichurls.
“Oops! Sorry!” Lumine hurriedly apologizes, a sheepish grin on her lips before she turns back to the axe-less mitachurl.
“Eeep! That axe almost got Paimon’s head!” Shrieks the floating silver haired lackey.
“You’re a whooping 20-feet away. You’re more than safe–Actually, what do you even do for the Traveler?” Scaramouche frowns.
“Hey! Paimon helped Lumine a lot throughout our journey! Paimon introduced Lumine to so many yummy recipes for us to cook when we had to sleep in the wild–”
“Yeah, yeah.” Scaramouche rolls his eyes as he picks his suddenly itchy ear.
He sits crossed-legged mid air, tuning out Paimon’s rambling and focuses on his blonde companion’s lithe figure side stepping the mitachurl’s bare-handed attack. Lumine has fought an ancient dragon, an underground lizard, faced off Abyss Heralds and even gone against an archon–Scaramouche’s own mother–yet there is no mistaking the excited grin on her face as she finishes off the mitachurl.
Lumine loves fights; she loves the breeze that caresses her skin as she lurches to deal a fatal blow on her enemies; she loves the weight of the sword as she swings it with reckless abandon; she lives for the thrill of not knowing whether she would end up beaten and bruised or victorious in a battle. 
Her feet touch the ground, soft wind currents cushioning her landing whilst a loud thump echoes in the air as a mitachurl thrice her size crashes against the cold hard dirt. The groan that follows after almost sounds like a begrudging acknowledgement of Lumine’s victory and a promise that next time, the outcome won’t be the same.
“It was a good fight for me too, friend.” Lumine agrees, her hand on her chest as she gives a final bow to the fallen mitachurl.
Scaramouche left eyebrow rises, “you understand those things? But then again, you understand this floating thing too.”
“H-hey! Paimon is Paimon! Paimon is different from those mean hilichurls!”
“The churls are living breathing beings as any other.” Lumine begins and Scaramouche rolls his eyes.
‘Here we go again.’ He complains mentally.
“And as living beings, we’ll always find a way to communicate…” She rambles on about how any opponent, human or otherwise, deserves to be honored in any fight as they walk (or she walks, whilst Scaramouche and Paimon floats along).
They end up getting ambushed by a group of fungi as they wander the seemingly never ending forest path–if this trail even leads anywhere. Scaramouche may or may not have flicked his finger and caused a wind current that flew a frantic Paimon a few miles away. 
But Lumine being Lumine gets worried that they haven’t found Paimon after 10 minutes of search and rescue post-fungi battle.
“She didn’t wander off and get lost, did she?” Lumine muses on her own, standing in front of a small stream with her arms crossed and her thinking face on.
Scaramouche isn’t too worried. The winds whisper to him of Lumine’s little companion’s safety–well, Scaramouche’s standards for Paimon’s safety aren't all too high. It’s enough that she’s not getting chased by a sumpter beast or eaten by a Rishboland tiger.
Never mind that he can faintly hear Paimon’s cries as she calls for Lumine.
“Or… have the fungi evolved enough to know how to kidnap hostages? At times like this, I really wish I have Tighnari’s knowledge of the forest, maybe it’s best to ask him for help to track down Paimon…” Lumine continues with her musing, not realizing the deepening frown in Scaramouche’s face.
‘Tighnari? That half-bred dog that was hanging around Lumine last time?’
“Fine,” Scaramouche sighs under his breath, coming up behind Lumine without her even noticing her presence.
‘She’s an excellent fighter but she lets her guard down too easily in the presence of an ally.’ He muses to himself but doesn’t think to bring it up because in some ways, his heart melts at the thought of her trusting him this much. 
“Hold on tight.” Scaramouche wraps an arm around Lumine’s body and the two lurch towards the sky. 
The motion is so sudden that Lumine ends up unconsciously clinging to Scaramouche, her arms tightly hugging his neck, her chest flushed against his and her natural scent overwhelming his senses.
She smells like the wind in a flowerfield.
“Whoa…” She breathes out at the magnificent sight of the expanding greenery beneath them; trees that grow up to 200 ft and vines that climb up old damp barks in symbiome
“So this is the power of a god.” She murmurs seemingly to herself before turning to said god who’s holding her with a sparkle in her eyes, “we can find Paimon easier this way.”
Scaramouche resists the urge to grimace as though the name of the flying anomaly physically hurts his ears. But if it makes Lumine that happy to be reunited with that floating creature…
“The winds are saying she’s somewhere north,” He says simply and lets the current lead them towards the deeper parts of the forest where it’s known to host streaks of Rishboland tigers.
“Isn’t that where the Rishboland tigers live? Do you think Paimon’s alright?” Lumine’s eyebrows join together.
In the distant rainforest, a fairy-like creature shrieks as she levitates just inches higher from her original position, enough to escape a Rishboland tiger’s claws but barely. She whimpers, “L-Lumine, where are you when Paimon needs you most?! Save Pai-AH!” She survives the wild creature’s claws for the second time with her wits and her will.
The traveler, unaware of the struggles that befell her companion, continues to worry, “if they get to her first, it’s going to be hard to find another emergency food…” 
The screws in Scaramouche’s brains came to a stop as though needing oiling. When the blond traveler’s words finally sink in, Scaramouche bursts out into laughter. He knew the duo had a running inside joke about food but he’d never, in a million years, thought that the soft, too-selfless-for-her-own-good traveler would refer to the floating creature as rations especially given how she’s been the peacemaker between him and said emergency food all this time.
“Just when I thought I knew you…” Scaramouche mutters to himself, knowing full well that the gust of wind blowing past them would mute out his words.
They reach an area where an ambush of Rishboland tigers crowd around, their tails languidly moving from side to side, some watch with curiosity while some leap into the air, their paws extended towards a floating object from afar.
“A-ah, g-good kitty…” The floating object stammers as a tiger larger than the rest–supposedly the alpha–approaches it in a calm yet intimidating fashion.
“C-c-c-ome on, P-Paimon isn’t even that delicious.” The object barely manages to form a coherent sentence.
Almost as Celestia finally looked upon her with mercy, Paimon hears a familiar stern yet warm voice calling her name. A second after that, something white falls from the sky in front of her, forming a barrier between her and the alpha.
The familiar blond before her almost makes her want to cry.
“L-Lumine…” She sobs.
“Stay back, Paimon.” Lumine instructs, a wind vortex slowly forming under her palm.
In a matter of seconds, she directs the vortex towards the approaching tiger and the rest of its kind flying into tree branches and dispersing away with a menacing hiss.
“Whew.” Lumine sighs, wiping off the sweat from her forehead as she sheathes her sword.
Paimon comes running into the blond’s arms, sobbing like a child who had a nightmare. Lumine’s face falls at the thought of Paimon having to fend off the tigers all by herself. 
Scaramouche does not not feel emotions. If he truly felt nothing as a puppet, then he would not have agreed to join the Fatuis nor hold resentments for his mother. But to say he swore off picking on the silver anomaly would be a lie. He holds no remorse for what happened to the floating intelligence. She didn’t even have a scratch on her body–all that was just an act to get Lumine to hold her in those sturdy yet gentle arms, he’s sure of it.
It takes a while for Paimon’s cries to fall into sobs and then finally, soft sniffles as she falls asleep next to Lumine in front of the fire. All the while, Scaramouche discreetly grumbles to himself about how sly the floating creature is–she managed to monopolize Lumine all to herself. 
The last thing he remembers is seeing the sight of Lumine’s wavy bangs swaying against her face and the orange hue of the fire warming her pale skin. Her golden eyes appear more amber as she soothes Paimon with kind words, her hand patting the silver haired creature’s back gently.
But the crackle of the fire slowly turns into a mechanical sound of rusted screws dragging against a rough surface while thunder echoes from somewhere in the distance. The fire he was staring at is long gone and in front of him, is nothing but endless darkness.
Scaramouche sighs. He’s been here one too many times.
“Why… did you abandon us?” A scratchy voice asks from every direction.
Scaramouche doesn’t bother answering, he doesn’t even react.
All of a sudden, light pierces through a hollow from the ceiling, revealing the crouched body in a white yukata standing 20 feet from him.
“You… you promised you’d make them pay!” The vassal’s head snaps up, its black, pupil-less eyes somehow manage to stare right into his violet ones and send shivers down his spine. Its deep purple hair brushes against its porcelain skin, its body making cracking sounds with every movement of its joints… as if it wore itself out all these years. 
He wished that the times he’s seen this… this thing has made it easier for him. But it never does. He’s staring right at himself–or, the part of him that crawled out of the failed experiments belonging to his mother. Lost, vengeful and devastated.
“Things… things are different now…” He finds himself trying to appease this creature’s wrath.
“Ha! How different do you think it is? Until their mortal bodies fall and decay? How many times must we be abandoned for you to see?”
“Lumine isn’t like the others.” He finally says, stern.
The creature scoffs. “She is a creature of another world, once she finds her kin, she will waste no time in setting course to another world. And we –we will be abandoned yet again.”
The creature cackles, its joints cracking as it tosses its head back.
“Scaramouche. Scaramouche– Zephyr !” 
The wanderer’s eyes snap open to find a pair of golden pools staring at him, distraught. The scent of wind in a flowerfield pierces his senses, forcing him to focus only on the woman in front of him. He feels warm–too warmed by the fire that seems to still be dancing in full vigor. The resounding laughter is now but a distant echo in his mind. 
“What, did you have a nightmare? Want me to cuddle you to sleep?” He wants to smirk like he usually does but for some reason he feels too tired to do that so it ends up looking as if he is genuinely asking.
That turns out to be a mistake. Lumine’s worry stricken face morphs into one that of anger.
“Worry about yourself! You were thrashing in your sleep, your face was so scary… and… and you were saying my name.” Her expression returns to anxiousness as she recalls the scene that woke her up.
“I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“That’s not the point here, Zephyr.” She seldom uses the nickname she gives him though he wishes she would.
But that makes this situation even more dire than he thought.
“I must’ve scared you, sorry.” 
“That’s not it either.” 
Lumine’s face contorts into an unexplainable cypher, she looks as if she wishes to say more but instead she sits next to him, raises his head and places it on her lap. Scaramouche freezes as if he’s been hit by the icy frost of cryo slimes.
But he recovers a second later and curls his body into a fetal position–he may not be able to ugly-cry like a certain floating intelligence but if a showing his vulnerable side after a nightmare is what will raise pity for him in Lumine’s books, swallowing his pride and acting like a scared little puppy is a small price to pay for salvation.
He thought being able to lay his head on Lumine’s soft thighs is the most he’d get out of the nightmare but her lithe fingers begin to stroke the strands of his hair. Every time her finger tips touch his scalp, he feels an electrifying current run down his spine and settles deep within his bones. Perhaps, if he had an organ to pump blood to his veins, this would be equivalent to what people would describe as a racing heart.
“You know… you don’t have to act tough anymore… you don’t have to hold it in. If something annoys you, you can vent to me. If something makes you sad, you can cry with me. If something disturbs your sleep, you can wake me up and I’ll do everything I can to soothe you.”
“I’m no child. Some nightmare isn’t going to make me cry and weep and ask you to check every shadow for monsters.”
‘Because the real monster is within me.’
“Still, isn’t it nice to have someone lay with you to talk to on nights like this?”
“Well, every night is ‘nights like this.’”
Lumine’s fingers go motionless at his words but he simply murmurs ‘don’t stop, it feels nice’ and the gentle motion of lithe fingers combing through his hair resumes.
“When did you start having these nightmares?’
“I was already having them after I became transient but it got worse after achieving godhood–the ghost of my past self seeking a promise I made to myself long ago… It makes sure I don’t forget.”
They fall silent for a moment, only the sound of running water nearby and the nightly creatures fill the air.
“Sing for me, traveler.” His way of speaking makes it sound like an order but the subtle tremble in his voice tells her that it isn’t easy for him to open up to her like this.
These are the things only Lumine knows about Scaramouche.
“I’m not much of a balladeer… so don’t blame me if one of your eardrums bursts.”
Scaramouche makes a sound between a chuckle and a scoff, as though agreeing to her terms.
So she begins to hum a tune; one that reminds her of the folklore she heard somewhere in the past about wandering souls finding one another through the whispers of the winds. Her melodic voice seems to calm his nerves and soothe the knotted strings within the hollow of his chest. The owls and crickets accompany her singing like an orchestra. Squirrels peek from within the tree trunks as though curious which of its forest dwelling kin owns such an angelic voice.
The mellow, tilting song comes to an end with the story of the wandering souls returning to the winds as they reach the end of their lives.
“Hmm. Not bad.” Scaramouche remarks.
“Why aren’t you asleep yet? I’m not singing another song.” Lumine responds, a playfully annoyed tone wrapped around her words.
“I’m scared of falling asleep. I need something to hold… like a life sized pillow–ow.” 
Scaramouche’s head hits the hard ground as Lumine abruptly stands up, looking down at him with an unfazed expression.
“Seems like you’ve calmed down enough to be cracking jokes, I’m going to sleep.” She walks across him to her original spot and lies down next to a snoring Paimon, her back on him.
Scaramouche folds his arms under his head as a makeshift pillow, staring at the vast galaxy–the skies may be fake but they Celestia did an excellent job at replicating the intricacies of the stars and the cosmos.
He lets his eyelids flutter shut as he trails off, “perhaps another time…”
To get the traveler to agree to let him hold her while they sleep, he means.
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what if I... started shipping aebedo... all because of a really good fic that had them as a background couple... aha, ha just kidding.. unless..?
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majunju · 11 months
hello just wanna put it out there that your art singlehandedly made me the scaralumi/wanderlumi die hard stan that i am today. majority of my fics are inspired by your art thank u for your service
OMG…. OH IM SO FLATTERED ;__; im glad my art was that influential on ur brainrot ❤️ if u don’t mind plz link some fics for me id love to read them!! (if i already haven’t 💀💀)
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chickenparm · 1 year
Trivial Lessons Pt 3 (ScaraLumi)
Scaramouche isn’t as worldly as he thinks he is. Lumine is the only one he’d considering learning from.
AO3 LINK Previous Part | Next Part (To be posted)
Scaramouche/Lumine 1,859 Words - SFW No heinous tags - just a mountain of fluff and Scaramouche getting the physical affection he deserves.
Scaramouche expected his request to be put on the back burner. It’s suited for a project that Lumine can fiddle with occasionally, entering his space infrequently to send his mind spinning and his nerves buzzing with far too much nervous excitement to be considered healthy. 
Loneliness doesn’t have the spare moment to begin settling on his shoulders before he’s dragged from its clutches. It would be well within her right to push the matter down on her list of pressing matters, yet as he follows her out into the jungles of Sumeru while marveling at how deftly she hops over root and vine, it’s obvious that he’s risen higher on the list than he ever could have expected… though not for wanting. 
And that very want clutches at the bottom of his lungs, making it difficult to breathe as they make it to a flat section of grassland. The trails of her cape whip with how she turns to face him, walking backwards with her hands clasped behind her back. Even blind to where she’s going, she seems to be so sure of her own footsteps. 
“Sorry it’s so sudden. I know you’ve probably got better things to do than follow me around-”
“I don’t.” Scaramouche responds smoothly, as if he were stating that the skies are blue and the grass is green. For the first time, Lumine nearly stumbles over nothing at all, though she rights herself easily before Scaramouche can even think of reaching a hand to steady her. 
It should be concerning that he's so willing to enter her space on instinct, but it’s all he’s thought about, even before their little agreement. The notion of pressing the pads of his fingers against her skin brings a shortness of breath he’s only ever experienced in his lowest moments. To have it be associated with something that lingers so sweetly is something new and exciting.
As with any pleasant feeling, Scaramouche greedily wants his fill.
Unclasping her hands, she reaches to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. The tips of her fingers brush against the plush of her cheek, pressing in just enough that Scaramouche can catch the lush give of it beneath even a gentle touch. How softly would he need to run his fingers over it before she wouldn’t give way? How delicate could he be?
Hands that have forgotten nearly everything but violence clench at his sides. Time is what he has in abundance now, and it’s best used unlearning habits that are no longer conducive toward his goals. What he aims for now stands in front of him, a surprised little smile on her face. 
“Well, at least you won’t be bored?”
Once, when she’d given him a place to call his own in her home, Scaramouche told Lumine that he would always be honest with her. Others might not receive that same courtesy, but the unnecessary lengths she’d gone to for his sake without asking for anything in return have proven she’s worthy of that. 
It’s with this resolution in mind that his tongue darts out to wet his lips, unnecessary with the thick humidity in the air that coats everything, and rebuffs, “I don’t get bored with you, Lumine. Not now, and not before… this.”
His hand gestures vaguely between them, an offer for her to fill in that prevalent blank with whatever her mind suggests first. It could’ve been their alliance that had once started out tenuous, but lingered worrying close to a dependency he’s ill equipped to rebuke. Or, perhaps he might have been referring to how she’d promised to guide him in something that she was well within her rights to scoff at. 
Both of the answers would be correct. The way her cheeks flush into a pretty peach color tells Scaramouche which one she’s picked - and he can’t complain when her attempt to hide her smile by biting her cheek is a failure. 
Business comes first, despite how he wants to explore the reasons for exactly why Lumine reacts the way she does. The commissions she’d taken on were laughably easy, something she certainly didn’t need his help for. But existing in her presence feels exactly how the air had tasted on his tongue the moment his feet had touched grass for the first time. Crisp, clear, centering when the world is unfamiliar and terrifying. 
Guiltily, he relishes the sensation as the sun hangs lower in the sky and the great tree of Sumeru City looms above them with its sprawling foliage. In its shade, the city feels cooler than the claustrophobic heat of the jungle beyond its walls. The temperature grows cooler as they descend into its roots, beneath where the sun can reach and warmth instead comes from the friendliness of those who frequent the Grand Bazaar.
Not so long ago, he counted himself as one of them. Even with the memories firmly in his mind, his body still feels foreign compared to those who pass by. Zubayr Theater is a hotspot of locals, even though no performance is happening today. Instead, the redheaded little dancer from that very morning approaches in clothing that’s far more casual than what he’s witnessed during her shows. 
“Thank you, Lumine! This helps so much, what a relief.” Nilou makes a show of her shoulders slumping for but a moment before her poise returns. Some payment is exchanged in a satchel that Lumine doesn’t even bother to count, rather she tucks it away in preparation for what she seems to know is coming. 
Nilou’s arms fling around Lumine’s shoulders, squeezing her happily as she stands on the tips of her toes. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do in return. Oh! We’re holding a show this weekend, all three evenings. You should come by if you have time!”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Nilou. I’ll shoot for Friday.”
And Nilou positively beams as Lumine returns the embrace without hesitation. The two of them make a pretty picture - gold and red, the white of Lumine’s dress and the azure of Nilou’s draped clothing. Despite this being an act of two, rather than of one, Scaramouche’s eyes linger only on the actions of the Traveler. 
The ease that she returned Nilou’s affection makes something foul and familiar twist in his gut. Not for the first time in his life has he felt envious - it’s lived in his veins since the moment he had something to covet. Whether it be a friend, a family, a heart, a reason for existing that others seemed to find so easily… Scaramouche understands jealousy intimately. Lumine’s fingers pressed into the fabric of Nilou’s back, her smile wide, her joy clear enough that someone like him with only a foggy grasp on that level of happiness can still understand it. 
When they part, when Lumine falls into step beside him as they make their way to the upper levels for that evening’s dinner, she finally broaches how he’s fallen into silence that’s more consuming than his normal placidity. At the crook of his elbow, her fingers curl tight enough for him to feel through the brace, and she asks, “Want to talk about what’s bothering you?”
No, he wants to blurt, because it’s embarrassing. 
Mortifying that he wants something so… primal. Affection, physical touch, but only from the one person that he could stand to spend any amount of time with. It feels too selfish to demand of her, though Scaramouche is far from benevolent and generous. In another life, one he’s lived before, it would have been so easy to cock his head to the side with wide eyes and ask if she’d treat him as she’d done with Nilou. 
But hadn’t he already done that? In fact, he’d initially requested more. Something this simple shouldn’t bring this debilitating level of shame, enough to make his limbs feel weak and his skin heat. The tunnel to the upper levels is dark enough to hide his flustered state, and perhaps it’s the dimness that gives him the courage to ask, “I want a second lesson.”
“Well, alright. I didn’t want to move too quickly, but if that’s what you want.”
Emboldened by Lumine’s immediate agreement, he bends his elbow to bring her to a stop, trapping her hand despite Lumine making no move to break away. With a steadying breath, he pushes himself over the ledge he’s terrified of. “Can I hold you like that?”
Lumine, always quick to pick up on his meanings, tips her head to the side and looks at him with infinite patience. “Like with Nilou? Are you asking for a hug?”
Yes, he is. But despite the certainty, he can only nod mutely. The bravado is gone beneath her scrutiny, as good-natured as it may be. With a gentle tug, Lumine turns him toward her and steps close enough that the toes of her shoes brush against his own. Even at this distance - so close that he can feel her warmth through the layers between them - Scaramouche’s chest clenches with a need so strong it’s almost worrying. The overwhelming pressure feels unbearable.
“Do you want to hold me? Or would you rather I hold you?”
“I didn’t think there was a difference.” 
And her quiet laughter doesn’t feel like the slap in the face it would have if it came from anyone else on this plane of existence. Instead it has a similar sensation to what he assumes it would feel like to be on the receiving end of the same gesture he’d just observed. Safe, warm, addictive.
The hand on his elbow steadies him, even as his thoughts threaten to race away uncontrollably. Slowly, deliberately even, she explains, “Of course there is. I think it’s simplest to describe it like this. Do you want to protect, or be protected?”
“I can’t choose both?”
“Not always. How do you feel right now, in this moment?” At the crook of his elbow, where the guards turn to fabric to allow movement, Lumine’s thumb passes along skin that’s sensitive enough to feel the movement intimately. “For the first time, how about you let me make you feel safe? Next time, you can decide for yourself.”
Next time. That one little phrase echoes in his brain, louder and louder in a cacophony that bangs against any thought that might have formed in the interim. Its silencing only comes from Lumine looping her arms beneath his, palms at his shoulder blades to pull him closer. Pliable at her behest, he lets her position him exactly where she wants - chin on her shoulder, chest pressed to her own, arms hesitantly looped around her waist. 
Slowly, with more confidence, his clinging grows tighter until he’s certain it must be uncomfortable. But Lumine doesn’t waver, only laughing under her breath and smoothing a hand down the curve of his upper spine, then back up. At his cheek as it presses against the pulse at her neck, Lumine’s heartbeat thrums, lulling him into uncharacteristic peace until his eyes flutter closed in appreciation of such bliss.
Lumine’s heart races freely, fluttering like the smallest of birds in his ear. 
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022
I've been meaning to do this before the end of the year for obvious reasons, but I just didn't have the chance until now! Thank you everyone who had tagged me, you all are so sweet
I apologize in advance, though. My memory sucks and my perception of time is broken sdjfjdhf
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: SPY x FAMILY, Demon Slayer
02. Favorite new ships since this year: SPYxFAMILY - Twiyor, Cynari, ScaraLumi - Genshin Impact
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, SPY x FAMILY, Pokémon Journeys
04. Favorite movie of the year: Hmm, I honestly don't watch many movies, so this one's hard... maybe Turning Red? Haha
05. Favorite character of the year: Scaramouche/Wandered, Tighnari - Genshin Impact. Uzui Tengen, Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer. Seo HyunSoo - XXX Buddy.
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: One of my favorite soundtrack every year will always be Liyue OST - Genshin Impact!
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: sajkhfjdf this year I read lots of new Manhwas and also a few books. Some of my favorite manhwas were Define the Relationship, Perfect Buddy, Actually, I was the real one, Who made me a Princess?, Under the Oak Tree, Love so Pure (side story), Forget About My Husband, I'd Rather Go Make Money, The Marriage Business and mooore.
I didn't like the books I read this year that much, but I guess my favorite was Six Crimson Cranes. Also read some light novels and they were The Marriage Business and I'll be the Warrior's Mother.
08. Favorite game of the year: Genshin Impact and Obey me!
09. Highlight of this year to remember: March 7th when I went to Disneyland JSAFHJ
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022: Tickletober, my 2k milestone. @vqler and @dokidoki-muffin return aaaand... I think that's the most I can remember hahaah
11. Favorite fan art of the year: I have been blessed with so much fanart this year omg, some of my faves were this one, of course because it's the first time someone drew art for one of my fics!
Also this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, but honestly, there are so many aaaa
12. Favorite fic of the year: I read good fics this year, I can't choose, but definitely some of my faves are these beautiful fics I got from my dearest friends in my birthday and Christmas, here, here and here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: The tickly alphabet, this one and the 3 sentence fic
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: Participating in Tickletober for the first time! I didn't finish all days, but I'm happy with the result haha. Also getting to finish my 2k milestone event!
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I think I wrote a lot this year, but one of my faves to write was this Koi ga Ochitara one because I've been wanting to write one with them for sooo long!
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Probably not the "most", but this Mafuyu x Ritsuka x Yuki one?
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: Omg these three Tickletober fics because they don't have a large popularity in the community, but they got more attention that I expected!
Koi Ga Ochitara, Junai Drop Out, Sign
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: I think I did write more this year, so that was nice!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: I'd like to work on this little AU idea thingy I have been neglecting because I feel unsure to write and post, but we'll see!
20. Goals for next year: As for this blog... maybe getting into more fandoms to keep writing haha. Also, Ginny girl is trying to write less trash, but I'd like to keep collaborating with her, because I just love how well we write together aaaa
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most: MAHOUTSUKAI NO YOME SEASON 2! Aaaand more Genshin updates and also Obey me cards that I can actually get LOL
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Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
Goodness, here comes the fun part haha:
@otomiya-tickles of course my sweetie girl precious baby boo. I already told you this, but thank you for making my 2022 a loooot better, thank you for your endless support and your love! You are the best and I'm so happy to talk to you every single day! You are so so talented and smart and amazing and I love you!
@ragewerthers my frieeeend, I always have so much fun talking with you! From just daily life activities to our endless hcs about our precious Toshi *teary emoji* you definitely did my 2022 a lot better too and I hope we can still talk lots this 2023!
@wertzunge Maaaax, I think this year we talked more than any other time haha, I'm happy we're both excited about Mahoutsukai no Yome sdbfhsdf I already said this to you, but I hope we get to talk some more this year as well! Thank you for your friendship!! (Also thank you for your kind support during commisions!)
@vqler @dokidoki-muffin we barely interact with each other BUT I wanted to say that you both are amazing and super talented people and I admire your abilities and your creativity and it's so so nice to have you back in the community! You both are GREAT and I get excited every time I see art from you both. Such talented people, let me give you a respectful kiss on your forehead.
@ticklystuff omg hi! I know we don't talk much, but I just wanted to say that I really like you and you are so so so so SO good at writing ome such talent! I love seeing you in my dash and seeing all the cool amazing stuff you write aaaaa I think of you every time I see Childe, no lies. Thank you for being amazing!
@happyandticklish Queen of writing. No words just admiration. Honestly, you are so so so GOOD. I wish I could write like you and you're so kind and amazing help askdjskf We've talked a bit before and I apologize for my awkwardness aaaaa Thank you for showing us all how cool you are and for being a cupcake!
@myreygn Reeeeey! I honestly get so so shy when you mention how you fangirled when I followed you back ahahaha, thank you for always being so supportive with me! You are amazing and I like chatting with yoouuu! I hope we get to talk some more during 2023!!
@thornoisdono Thank you for the generous support in kofi aaaaa, I love every single fic you requested and hopefully, you'll see them up in the next couple of days! Thank you!
@intheticklecloset @zeke-ism @lovelynim @xsezzie @bloominggiggles @ticklish-v-93 @soft-tk-fluff @chibimochii @nnainai @tickles-tea @looneytickles @tiredleekaz @ssnicker-doodless @spongeboblevel25 @justmaybee @itslittlegiggle @tiklart @lovelymessybubbly @italeean @ticklishfanart - whether we had talked before or not, I'm so thankful for you all! I love seeing and interacting with your content. You all are amazing and make my stay in tumblr so much better! I'd love to get to know you all more this year, but I'll be always be awkward, but I want you to know that you are some of my favorite blogs EVER.
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earinx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scaramouche/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact) Characters: Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: No beta we die like Signora, scrlmiweek Twitter's Scaralumi Week 2022 (Genshin Impact), scrlmiweek2022, Only One Bed, Misunderstandings, Rumors, Fluff, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship Series: Part 6 of The only true star, Part 6 of Scaralumi week 2022 Summary:
While annoying the truth is that he has never felt truly bothered by all of the rumors that circulate all over the place about him. It was bound to happen, after all, as far as the world was aware he was no one, he was but a mysterious person that suddenly appeared. The fact that he was always by the side of the famous Traveler only fueled the curiosity about him.
They never bothered he was sure, even the ones that would claim that he was involved in a relationship with the Traveler were easy to ignore and forget about.
And then thanks to those rumors on one of the rare nights that they find themselves searching for refuge inside an inn they are assigned a room.
With only one bed.
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