#scary and beautiful girl
saydesole · 3 months
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Just patiently waiting 🍁🍂
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sharkface · 5 months
If there are supposedly hordes of trans women sniffing out shy moody androgynous goth boys and turning them into extroverted freaky raver puppygirls explain why hasn't it happened to me yet. Am I not pretty enough
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thatdamnalexus · 1 year
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Mel B , 1997.
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styxx13 · 13 days
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elryuse · 2 months
It Should Be Me
Yandere Yooyeon Triples X Male Reader
Requested by my dear friend on discord. Hope you like it bruh.
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I can't remember a time when Yooyeon wasn't there. We were practically attached at the hip from preschool. She was always the older, wiser one, even if by a year. I remember her pulling me away from a particularly nasty sandbox fight, her small hand gripping mine with surprising strength.
"Don't fight, Y/n," she'd said, her voice firm for someone so young. "It's not nice."
I pouted, but I listened. There was something about the way she looked at me, with that intense focus, that made me feel safe.
As we grew older, our bond deepened. We'd spend hours lost in our own world, building forts in the woods behind my house, sharing secrets, and dreaming about the future. Yooyeon was my confidante, my protector, and my best friend.
Then Nakyoung came along. She was a whirlwind, a burst of sunshine that lit up every room. I was drawn to her energy, her laughter. It was like she brought color into my world. I remember the day she confessed her feelings for me, under the old oak tree in the park. My heart pounded in my chest as she poured her heart out. It was overwhelming, but there was something about her sincerity that made me realize I felt the same way.
We started dating, and it was like a dream. Nakyoung was everything I could have asked for in a girlfriend. She was smart, funny, and incredibly supportive. We spent countless hours together, holding hands, sharing secrets, and making plans for the future.
But somewhere in the back of my mind, there was always Yooyeon. She'd been there for me through everything, and I cared about her deeply. But our relationship had changed. The closeness we once shared had drifted apart. She seemed quieter, more withdrawn.
Now in high school, with Nakyoung by my side, I tried to ignore the growing distance between Yooyeon and me. It was like she was watching from the sidelines, a silent observer of our happiness. Sometimes, I'd catch her looking at me with a longing that made me uncomfortable.
I pushed those feelings aside. After all, Yooyeon was my best friend, and I trusted her completely. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Yooyeon was changing, and I didn't know how to help her.
Little did I know, the darkness that was creeping into Yooyeon's heart would soon consume her, and our lives would be irrevocably changed.
The cafeteria was a cacophony of noise, a sea of students jostling for space and food. Nakyoung was perched on my lap, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck as she giggled into my ear. Her laughter was like a warm sunbeam, chasing away the shadows of my worries.
"You're such a dork, Y/n," she teased, her breath tickling my skin. I grinned, squeezing her a little tighter.
"Only for you, princess," I replied, my voice muffled by her hair.
Just as I was about to steal a kiss, a crash echoed through the cafeteria. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Yooyeon standing there, her face flushed with embarrassment. A tray of food lay shattered on the floor, the remnants of Nakyoung's lunch scattered everywhere.
Nakyoung's smile vanished, replaced by a scowl. "WTF!!! Watch where you're going, idiot!" she snapped, her voice sharp.
Yooyeon's eyes widened in shock. "I-I'm so sorry," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.
A wave of anger washed over me. It wasn't Yooyeon's fault. Accidents happen. I reached out to take Nakyoung's hand, trying to calm her down. "It's okay, Nakyoung," I said softly. "It was an accident."
But she was beyond reason. Her anger was a wildfire, consuming everything in its path. "Don't defend her," she hissed, her eyes flashing with fury. "She's always been clumsy."
My blood ran cold. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yooyeon was my friend, and Nakyoung was being incredibly unfair. A surge of protectiveness for Yooyeon ignited within me.
"That's enough, Nakyoung," I said firmly, my voice low and dangerous. Her eyes widened in surprise. I'd never spoken to her like that before.
Without another word, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cafeteria. We stormed out into the hallway, ignoring the stunned stares of the students.
I dragged her into a small café on the corner, the bell above the door jingling softly. We sat down at a quiet corner table, the soft jazz music providing a much-needed respite from the chaos of the cafeteria.
I ordered two dalgona coffees and a small plate of brownies, trying to calm my racing heart. Nakyoung sat across from me, her arms crossed, her face still flushed with anger.
"I can't believe you defended her," she said finally, her voice laced with venom.
"Yooyeon is my friend, Nakyoung," I said calmly. "She didn't mean to spill your food."
"She's clumsy," she retorted.
I sighed. "Accidents happen, Nakyoung. We all make mistakes."
She glared at me, but I could see the anger slowly fading from her eyes. I took a sip of my coffee, the sweet and bitter taste a comforting contrast to the turmoil inside me.
*sighs* "I-i'm sorry for overreacting," she said finally, her voice softer.
I smiled. "It's okay. But please, try to be a little kinder to Yooyeon. She's been there for me since we were kids."
She nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I know. She's your noona, right?"
I chuckled. "Yeah, she's my noona. Even though we've grown apart a bit since high school, she's still my senior. I look up to her."
Nakyoung smiled, and for the first time since the incident, her eyes held a genuine warmth. "I'll apologize to her tomorrow," she promised.
Relief washed over me. I reached across the table and ruffled her hair. "Good girl," I said, grinning.
As we left the café, hand-in-hand, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The tension between Nakyoung and Yooyeon had been a constant source of stress, but for now at least, it seemed to have eased.
Meanwhile, In Yooyeon's POV
My heart pounded in my chest like a trapped bird. The sting of Nakyoung's words was a physical pain, a sharp knife twisting in my gut. To be dismissed so casually, to be seen as nothing more than a clumsy idiot, it was almost too much to bear.
I watched as Y/n and Nakyoung walked away, their hands intertwined, their laughter like a mocking melody in my ears. They were a perfect match, a fairytale couple, and I was the unwanted extra in their story.
A wave of despair washed over me. I'd loved Y/n for as long as I could remember. I'd watched him grow from a shy little boy into the handsome young man he was now. And yet, I'd never had the courage to tell him how I felt.
I pulled out my phone and found a picture of Y/n from our high school yearbook. His smile was as bright as the sun, and my heart ached with longing. I traced his features with my finger, tears blurring my vision.
"Why didn't I tell him?" I whispered to myself, my voice trembling. "Why didn't I have the courage?"
The answer was a bitter taste in my mouth. Fear. Fear of rejection, fear of losing his friendship. I'd let my fear dictate my life, and now I was paying the price.
But as the tears continued to flow, something else began to stir within me. A dark, twisted feeling that was both terrifying and exhilarating. A part of me wanted to lash out, to hurt Nakyoung for what she'd said. To make her pay for stealing Y/n's heart.
And another part of me wanted to possess Y/n completely, to be the only one who saw him, touched him, loved him. I wanted to be the center of his world, the only person who mattered.
A dangerous smile crept across my face as I stared at the picture of Y/n. This wasn't the Yooyeon I knew, the shy, quiet girl who was always in the background. This was someone new, someone dark and twisted.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside me. I knew what I had to do. I had to get Y/n back, no matter the cost.
And as I looked into Y/n's smiling face, I made a promise to myself. I would have him, even if it meant destroying everything in my way.
The cafeteria was buzzing with activity, a sea of students chattering and laughing. I took a deep breath and walked in, bracing myself for whatever Nakyoung had planned.
To my surprise, she approached me with a look of genuine remorse. "Yooyeon Unnie, I'm so sorry about yesterday," she said, her voice sincere. "I was out of line."
I was caught off guard. I hadn't expected an apology, certainly not such a heartfelt one. I forced a smile. "It's no problem, Nakyoung. It was my fault for being so clumsy."
We stood there for a moment, an awkward silence hanging between us. Then, she nodded and walked away, joining her friends.
As the day wore on, I tried to focus on my classes, but my mind was racing. Nakyoung's apology had thrown me off balance. Part of me wanted to believe that she was sincere, but the other part was wary.
During my last class, I caught a glimpse of Nakyoung and her friends huddled together, their voices filled with laughter. I couldn't help but eavesdrop.
"And guess what?" I heard Nakyoung say, her voice excited. "I'm going to steal Y/n's first kiss!"
The room seemed to tilt on its axis. My heart pounded in my ears as I processed her words. She was going to take Y/n's first kiss? How could she be so heartless?
My vision blurred as anger and jealousy consumed me. I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of there.
I stood up abruptly, my chair scraping against the floor. My classmates stared at me in confusion, but I didn't care. I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher's calls for me to stay.
I ran out of the school and into the fresh air, the cold wind doing little to cool the fire burning inside me. I stumbled upon a park bench and collapsed, my body trembling.
How could I have been so stupid? I'd let Y/n slip through my fingers, and now he was about to be taken by someone else. I was a failure as a friend, as a woman.
Desperation and hatred warred within me. I had to do something, but I didn't know what. All I knew was that I couldn't let this happen.
Nakyoung was going to pay for what she was planning to do.
Back To Y/n's POV
I was buried in textbooks, trying to absorb the dense material for the upcoming exam. A sharp rap on the door startled me. Assuming it was Nakyoung, I quickly got up to open it. To my surprise, it was Yooyeon, standing there with a hesitant smile, holding a bag and a glass of soju.
"Yooyeon Noona? What are you doing here?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice.
She chuckled nervously. "I brought you dinner. And... well, I thought we could use a drink."
I stepped aside, inviting her in. The sight of her, standing in my small apartment, felt oddly intimate. We settled on the couch, the bag of food between us. The apartment was filled with an awkward silence, a stark contrast to the usual noise of our high school lives.
"So, how have you been?" I asked, trying to break the ice.
Yooyeon's smile faltered slightly. "I've been... okay, I guess. Just dealing with the usual final term stress."
We talked for a while, about school, friends, and the future. It felt like we were reconnecting, like we were back in those carefree days of childhood. As the soju warmed my insides, the conversation turned more serious.
"Y/n," Yooyeon began, her voice trembling slightly, "I need to tell you something."
I nodded, my heart pounding. "What is it Noona?"
She took a deep breath. "I saw Nakyoung with another guy today. They were... pretty intimate."
My world seemed to stop. Nakyoung? Cheating? It couldn't be true. I knew her, I trusted her.
"Y-you're lying," I said, my voice barely a whisper.
Yooyeon's eyes filled with tears. "I wish I was. But I saw it with my own eyes."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I felt betrayed, deceived.
"N-no," I whispered again, shaking my head. "It's not true."
Yooyeon reached out and took my hand. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. She's been cheating on you."
Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't stop them. I felt like a fool, a complete idiot for trusting her.
Yooyeon pulled me into a tight embrace, her body trembling against mine. "I'm so sorry, Y/n," she whispered. "I know this must hurt you"
I clung to her, finding solace in her warmth. In that moment, she was the only person in the world who understood my pain.
"You're the only one who's ever really cared about me," she said, her voice muffled by my hair.
I looked up at her, my vision blurred with tears. She leaned in closer, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and desire. And then, she kissed me.
It was a gentle kiss, filled with a tenderness that surprised me. In that moment, the world disappeared, leaving only us. It was my first kiss, and it was perfect, or so it seemed.
But as our lips parted, a cold dread washed over me. I had been betrayed, not just by Nakyoung, but by my own heart.
I was lost, adrift in a sea of confusion and pain.
Nakyoung's POV
My heart pounded in my chest like a frantic drumbeat. It was almost midnight, and Y/n hadn't answered any of my calls or texts. A wave of panic washed over me. Something was wrong.
I raced to his apartment, my mind a whirlwind of worst-case scenarios. I pounded on the door, my knuckles aching. "Y/n! Open up!" I shouted, my voice trembling.
The door creaked open, revealing Yooyeon standing in the doorway. She was wearing a little piece of clothing, Her hair was disheveled, her eyes filled with a strange intensity. My heart skipped a beat. What was going on?
"Yooyeon Unnie? " I stammered, my voice barely a whisper.
She stepped aside, revealing Y/n sitting on the couch, looking pale and drawn. My relief turned to horror as I took in the scene. Yooyeon was wearing Y/n's shirt, and there was an undeniable intimacy between them that made my blood run cold.
"What the hell is going on?" I demanded, my voice rising.
Yooyeon's lips curled into a sinister smile. "It's simple, Nakyoung. Y/n is mine now."
I felt a surge of anger. "You're crazy! He loves me!"
Yooyeon laughed, a cold, hollow sound. "Love? That's a childish notion. Possession is power, and he belongs to me now."
I lunged forward, ready to confront her, but she held up a hand to stop me. "Don't even bother," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "It's too late for you."
She turned to Y/n, her eyes softening. "Darling, why don't you show her how happy you are?"
Y/n looked at me with a vacant expression, as if he were a sleepwalker. He stood up and walked towards me, his movements slow and deliberate.
Terror gripped me as he approached. I backed away, but there was nowhere to go. I was trapped.
Yooyeon stepped in front of me, her arm around Y/n's waist. "He's mine now, Nakyoung," she whispered, her breath warm against my ear. "So go home. This is our life now."
I tried to fight, to break free, but it was useless. Yooyeon was stronger than I thought, and Y/n was like a zombie, following her every command.
As I was dragged out of the apartment, I looked back at Y/n one last time. The man I loved was gone, replaced by a hollow shell controlled by a deranged woman.
A cold despair settled over me. I had lost everything.
The world seemed to darken as the door closed behind me, leaving me alone in the cold, unforgiving night.
The End
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lesbiandehaan · 11 months
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hailey bieber for spooky season '23
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
bard!riz is so important to me bc the kind of character he would be if the truth-fear balance tips all the way to fear esp. bc he takes so much pride in canon in the fact that his parents are brave badass people and he's following their footsteps. but also bc I have so much fun thinking abt bard!kipperlilly
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morsmortish · 2 months
sometimes i sit and wonder about what evan rosier would be like if he was Normal™️ and then i remember that mentally stable evan would be too goddamn powerful for us mere mortals
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saydesole · 3 months
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Must Watch 10/10
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celoewe · 2 months
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Anna Torv was among the voices featured in Scary Girl, a movie made for children with the help of Brisbane-based Like a Photon Creative [x]
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emprcaesar · 9 months
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thanks @yourlipisbleeding for the incredible response to my text message it was very girlcore
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thatdamnalexus · 1 year
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Mel B , 1997.
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bonefall · 1 year
Would Midnight be patient with my fellow discalculia girlies... I love her but am So So Pathologically Bad at math
Midnight teaches advanced algebra to cats, you'll be fine. She'll conjure up a fractal for you, color each part of the equation, show how each part interacts and what it looks like when you change it
She'll take you out to the beach and explain the wind and the tide, compare them to each axis on the formula she showed you, and modify one factor. The wind dies down and the sea becomes as smooth as glass.
"Smoothness for the-waves you-see?" She waits for you to nod, never rushing you along, even the most casual questions are genuine, "Excellent! For this is example of maths I-teach. Nature it-will-happen. Simpleness it-being. You-will-understand."
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere Oneshots
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Joy To My World (Yandere Joy X Male Reader)
Red Birthday (Yandere Irene X Male Reader)
The Bitch In Bali (Yandere Ahin X Male Reader)
Mother (Yandere Yoona X Male Reader)
Pain, Torture, Acceptance (Yandere Nana X Male Redhood Reader)
Hurt (Yandere Jessica Jung X Male Reader)
Love Is Weird Isn't It (Yandere Seo Hyunjin X Male Reader)
Dangerous Game (Yandere CL X Male Reader)
My Crazy Ex Gf Is Driving Me Crazy (Yandere Ex GF Sohee X Male Reader)
Thirst (Yandere Heejin X Male Reader)
Jealous. (Yandere Idol Gaeul X Childhood Friend Male Reader)
Sadistic Lovers (Yandere Asylum Patient Irene X Male Reader)
Don't Go (Yandere Rosé X Male Reader)
Cursed Fate (Yandere Minju X Male Reader)
ISOLATED (Yandere Sana X Male Reader)
Desire To Love (Yandere Lisa X Male Reader)
Remembrance Yandere Ex Wife Chaewon X Male Reader)
Pray And Worship (Yandere Yoona X Male Reader)
Forbidden Boundaries (Yandere Stepsister Yeseo X Male Reader)
My Personal Butler (Yandere Princess Wonyoung X Male Butler Reader)
Forbidden Desire (Yandere Older Sister Chengxiao X Male Reader)
Caught In The spider's Trap (Yandere Sub Karina X Male Reader)
Total Submission (Yandere Dom Jihyo X Male Reader)
The Dark Descent Into Madness (Yandere Stepsister J X Male Reader)
Manager Oppa Is Mine (Yandere Rei X Male Manager Reader)
Cold Skin (Yandere Mina X Male Reader)
Slave 4 Life (Yandere Vampire Princess Giselle X Male Reader)
Deadly Classmate (Yandere Classmate Takara X Male Reader)
Broken Wings (Yandere Younger Sister Kazuha X Male Older Brother Reader)
Devil In Disguise (Yandere Xiaoting X Male Reader)
A CEO Stole My Boyfriend (Yandere CEO Minji X Male Reader X Hanni)
The Predator Within (Yandere DOM FWB Haewon X Male Reader)
The Arranged Marriage (Yandere Winter X Male Reader)
Her Idol Crush (Yandere Yunjin X Male Reader)
My Savior (Yandere Rich Girl Karina X Male Reader)
The Devil Within Her (Yandere Eunbi X Male Reader)
My Obsessive Female Mentor (Yandere Jiheon X Male Reader)
Our Perfectly Normal Lovely Relationship (Yandere Mina X Male Reader)
The Debt-Collector (Yandere Debt-Collector Ahin X Male Reader)
Ruined Photos (Yandere Hanni X Male Reader)
Punishments (Yandere Chaeryeong X Male Reader)
Order Up Anyone? (Yandere Bahiyyih X Male Reader)
Dangerous Melody (Yandere Lily X Male Reader)
Stuck With The Ice Cold Princesses (Yandere ITZY Ot5 X Male Reader)
Injured (Yandere Rei X Male Reader)
Hello Neighbor (Yandere Hayoung X Male Reader)
Want You Back (Yandere Winter X Male Reader)
Classroom Troubles (Yandere Sana X Yandere Sullyoon X Male Reader)
Make U Mine (Yandere Gahyeon X Male Reader)
Snap! (Yandere Gaeul X Male Reader)
My Sassy Senior (Yandere Ryujin X Male Reader)
Perfect (Yandere Xinyu X Male Reader)
Where You Belong (Yandere Aespa Ot4 X Male Reader)
Under Her Guidance (Yandere Professor Arin X Male Reader)
Stuck With U (Yandere Sohyun & Hyeju X Male Reader)
His Innocence (Yandere Mina & Kazuha X Male Reader)
Attention (Yandere Student Danielle X Male Teacher Reader)
Lose My Breathe (Yandere Aespa Ot4 X Male Reader)
As It Was (Yandere Idol Chaewon X Male Idol Reader)
Answer Me (Yandere Yujin X Male Reader)
Odd Atelier (Yandere Jennie X Male Idol Reader)
Nobody But Me (Yandere Seoyeon X Male Reader)
My Stepsisters Is Obsessed With Me (Yandere SNSD Ot9 X Male Reader)
Scared To Lose You (Yandere ILLIT Minju X Male Reader)
More Than Friends (Yandere Jisoo X Male Reader)
21st Century Vampire Princess (Yandere Vampire Princess Karina X Male Reader
It Should Be Me (Yandere Yooyeon X Male Reader)
Guardian Angel (Yandere Haewon X Male Reader)
Here With Me (Yandere Isa X Male Reader)
Mafia's Lover (Yandere Mafia Rosé X Male Reader)
Fuck It, Your Ours Now (Yandere Bae & Lily X Male Reader)
The Fallen Seraphims (Yandere Le Sserafim X Male Reader)
Dangerous Game (Yandere Yujin X Male Reader)
My Boss Wants Me Like... Really Really Bad (Yandere CEO Jisoo X Male Reader)
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soundofclearopal · 2 months
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Scary spice 🤩
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faaun · 3 months
i feel rly sad and conflicted abt one of my best friends on earth but idk who to ask for advice bc i usually would have consulted her in this situation lmao
#shes cool and i dont want to lose her and i know Logically i love her but atm i feel so strange towards her#and idk what to do abt it bc i know in the past ive like...over-communicated a lot and over the last few yrs ive been trying to not do that#bc thats an anxious impulse i think .so like . self control#AND IMPORTANTLY . i may actually be the problem here ?? ok again i love her i dont want to lose her etc but basically ive noticed a pattern#which is that whenever she gets a bf/a man (even fwb) in her life she basically stops talking to me and the limited interactions we do have#become abt him. and while i support her it is acc too much. like we barely talked while she was w her ex bf until he became abusive and#then we talked a lottt like all our convos understandably were abt him . and then when they broke up we kept hanging out so i didnt rly see#the pattern there but still she seemed to centre men a lot in her life like sbe was excited to not date and find herself and then#immediately afterwards started seeing this other guy with whom shes basically in a relationship now#hes nice and all but like . HES ALL SHE TALKS ABT . actually we barely talk atp but when we do its abt him#she sends me reels sometimes but its all abt being jealous abt him etc . and shes bi but she said she doesnt like the idea of dating women#bc theyre scary . and i thought she was kidding in the ohhh women r so beautiful that theyre intimidating way but no she was being entirely#fr . she explained jts bc she was bullied by a girl in the past but like...bro ur ex bf literally abused you like surely you see men are#capable of just as much harm? but obvs who she dates is her own choice . but anyway she has consistently made plans w me then cancelled the#like an hr before . or asked to call me and then proceeded to not do so . when i ask her to meet/call its the same she just doesnt respond#or she cancels ? and while i understand anxiety sucks it feels SO WEIRD STILL . maybe im the problem slightly too bc ik i have no right to#feel this way but it rubs me the wrong way that ik she has so much time to spend w him/calls him all the time despite meeting him just a fe#months ago whereas i just have to like ...be ok w not actually having talked to her for a long time#its gotten to the point where when she says do you wanna meet/call i automatically respond yes and then just assume it doesnt happen . like#there have been several times over the past few months i double booked plans over when we were supposed to call/meet bc i was sure she#wouldnt show up and ive been right each time#like she sends me texts that she misses me or im her best friend etc etc occasionally and then acts rly . contrary to that ?#ive talked to her abt the issue w cancelling on me twice btw. when i was still dating the situationship person she would get sooo mad at#them for not respecting my time and shed tell me i deserve better etc etc and then like . she doesnt seem to respect my time at all#anyway she said she understand and she admits to like...being flaky etc but does nothing abt it#and its not like i can tell her to stop caring so much abt men bc we sorta had convos like that b4 she got This involved w this guy#and apparently it did nothing and the last thing i want is to police her relationships or get in her way#its just AUSHD AUGH#anyway i rly miss her it just doesnt feel the same at all anymore
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