#scary evil wife who only smiles at you and murders anyone who looks at you wrong type of vibe !!
pinkfey · 10 months
thinking about ursula when she’s in love
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#she likes astarion so much.. obviously she loves him but she Likes him she is so fond of him..#she Smiles at him……#when she’s in love she’s obsessed she’s all in. she’s in all honesty easier for him to try to manipulate by act two#which sounds crazy bc.. ursula?? rlly?? ‘easy to manipulate??’ fr?? but it’s true !! only he could do it bc he’s figured her out#because when she’s in love she would do anything for them. climb mountains drown in seas etc#she’s weak for them they’re her absolute princess#not in a doe eyed lovestruck constantly fawning way just a direct and clear ‘what they want they will get’ way#scary evil wife who only smiles at you and murders anyone who looks at you wrong type of vibe !!#and with astarion it’s different. she feels lighter.#she’s always been the protective sort but she truly and genuinely only cares for him and as an acts of service girlie she makes it known#every act of love is more than just reassurance for astarion. he feels free with her he can do literally anything he wants#and she’s tucking a hair behind his ear like great job babygirl LMFAOOOOO#but seriously she loves so wholly and truly that it’s all consuming. it’s monstrous. it corrupts.#with talyss it was too much. ​​siken poem it’s like a religion it’s terrifying. yeah.#but now…… she’s better. it’s just right.#they’re on perfectly equal footing#SHE MAKES ME GO CRAZY. CRAWLING AROUND ON THE CEILING ON ALL FOURS FOAMING AT THE MOUTH.#anyways.txt#ch: ursula
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jeonggukookies · 3 years
too young || five
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summary: you learn about jungkook’s past, and jungkook and his daughter aren’t too happy about that
word count: 4,116
genre: parent!au, single dad!jungkook angst
one || two || three || four || five
As long as you could remember, Valentine’s Day was your favorite holiday. You just loved making cute valentine’s cards, colored paper hearts and making little mailboxes to put your candy in. Not only that, but you just loved your parents spoiling each other on that day whether it was doing cute things spontaneously or putting love poems on sticky notes every where around the house.  
Valentine’s Day was just the day you wanted to be in love, but for the most part, you and your short term boyfriends never made it that long, so it was just mainly you working at schools, doing arts and crafts with the kiddos, spreading the love to them. 
Today was different. 
You invited all parents to come and help their child decorate their mailboxes, and you rescheduled any tasks or meetings that day as you wanted to spend the whole day visiting each classroom to see everyone’s progress and give candy out. 
Wanting to spend the most time with Jules, you visited her classroom last. Her classroom was well decorated for the holiday. The color pink and red along with messages and puns about love and hearts were found everywhere. 
Standing under the doorway, a smile appeared on your face once you saw Jules in Jungkook’s lap. She was laughing with her head tilted back as Jungkook traced his hand onto the cardboard mailbox. “Jungkook, why are you putting a hand turkey on our mailbox?!”
You talked to every student and parent in the class before taking a seat next to Jungkook. “I love the mailbox.” 
“Do you want to put your handprint on it?” Jules asked as she put a heart shape lollypop in her mouth and snuck one into your pocket. “Me and Jungkook have more for you later, but don’t tell anyone.” 
You smiled and grabbed a red marker from the table. “I would love to put my hand on the mailbox.”
“So I have some news,” Jungkook said as you pushed the marker lid off. “I have to leave a day early next week.” 
Jungkook was going on a business trip overseas for a week, and during that week, Jules was going to stay with you. At first you didn’t understand why Jungkook was telling you, but once you realized it, you dropped the marker abruptly. “Wait, that means you won’t be able to be there with me when I meet the girls.”
“I’m sorry, but I promise Jin is going to make sure it all runs smoothly,” Jungkook reassured you, picking up the marker off the table. “We can wait till after you come back if you want.”
You shook your head, not wanting to wait any longer to meet them. It was bound to happen whether you liked it or not. “It’s okay.”
“Are you sure?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows. 
“I promise.” 
After school, you spent the rest of Valentine’s Day making blanket forts and watching movies with Jungkook and Jules, and you knew that you could never get tired of this. 
“Uncle Jin!” Jules excitedly jumped up and down as Jin bent down and wrapped her arms around her. “I missed you!” 
“It’s not as if I didn’t see you a day ago.” Jin pulled away, smiling. “Your cousin is waiting for you in her room.” 
Jules hurried off to take off her jacket and rushed upstairs. “So you’re first meeting Taehyung’s wife first, then Jimin’s and then mine,” Jin quietly explained as he took your jacket along with Jules to put it on the coat rack. “Tae dropped her off first, so you can warm up to her. Jimin’s on his way to drop off Seo-yeon, and Su-ji is still at work and has to pick up tonight’s dinner.” 
He gestured behind him with his eyes where Tae’s wife, Ji-Ho was. You were surprised by her appearance. She looked like a normal human being when the boys had described her similar to the evil queen from Snow White.
"She doesn’t look scary at all,” you whispered in a hushed voice. “Why did you guys try to scare me?”
“Ji-Ho, this is Y/N, Jungkook’s girlfriend. Ji-Ho came early, and we’re just talking about a book idea she has,” Jin said in his normal tone, ignoring the comment you made. “She wants to write a book about being able to forgive and forget.” 
Sitting next to Jin on his white loveseat, you looked and smiled at Ji-Ho who was on the white sofa across from you two, staring at carpet, not meeting your eyes. “I didn’t know you wrote books. Why do you want to write a book about that?”
“The world is a cruel place where people hold grudges over trivial and dumb things. They say they forgive, but never forget. Teaching others and helping them learn to do that will make it seem like you’re mature and able to have peace with yourself,” she explained, now playing with her hands in her lap. “Why hold grudges when you can move on and not give them the power to think about them?”
“I suppose that you can be happier just living your own life when you focus on yourself and forget and forgive.” Jin shrugged his shoulders. 
“Do you think that people who can’t forgive and forget are unhappy people?” You asked. 
“Excuse me?” Ji-Ho asked, finally looking at you. 
“I think what she meant to say is-” You cut Jin off.
“Personally, I think you only need to forgive someone and come to terms that not everyone or everything is going to work out in your favor. Forgetting it is like running away from your problems. It’s not going to go away just because you ignore or forget the feeling; you just will experience it again.” You shrugged your shoulders as Jin muttered an ‘oh god we’re dead’ under his breath. He was shaking in fear, worried about what you were going to say next and afraid of Ji-Ho’s reaction.
Ji-Ho scoffed. “What do you think about forgiving and forgetting then? You think we shouldn’t forgive and we shouldn’t forget?” 
“No, I’m not saying that, and I’m not saying that you’re wrong either because I don’t think we should hold grudges,” you said slowly. “But maybe you can forgive and accept, but you can’t forget, so you can be able to learn and overcome obstacles like that to be a better version of oneself.  Does that make sense?” 
Ji-Ho scoffed, but this time, she smiled at you and looked at you with interest in her eyes. “What is your name again?” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” She released a laugh, which startled Jin. “I think we’re going to get along perfectly fine.” 
Ji-Ho did open up to you right away, talking about her interests and asking all about you as if she wanted to know every single detail. She was a lot like Taehyung, and you realized they truly were a perfect match for each other. They were both kind, observant and funny without even trying. 
After twenty minutes, Seo-yeon and Su-ji arrived at the same time. Su-ji immediately went into the kitchen with some grocery bags as Seo-yeon took a seat next to Ji-Ho, smiling. 
“Hi, how are you?” She asked, not giving you anytime to think or respond before talking again. “We heard so many great things about you, and I am so happy for Jungkook. It’s about time he finally found someone and that we’re able to meet her.” 
Not knowing what to say, you laughed as your cheeks reddened. You weren’t really good at accepting compliments, but a part of you felt happy, knowing Jungkook was surrounded by people who loved him and wanted what was best for him.
“I got a charcuterie board for all of us,” Su-ji said out of breath, coming out of the kitchen. She placed the large plate on the coffee table in front of everyone and took a seat in between the other wives. “Hi, Y/N.” 
Most of the dinner went well. It was basically like an interview where they were trying to see your strengths and weaknesses, but you still felt comfortable with them, talking to them.
“Can we see pictures of you and Jungkook?” Ji-Ho asked. You unlocked your phone and passed it to Jin’s wife as she sat in the middle and could show them. “It really sounds like you two are both happy and comfortable with each other.” 
“It was really nice to meet you all,” you said as most of the plate was gone. 
“You don’t have to lie to them,” Jin joked. “I know my presence is enough for you to enjoy.” 
“No, I do mean it,” you reassured them just in case they didn’t take you seriously. “Jungkook talks about Jules and his support system all the time, and it warms my heart that you guys were there for both of them when they were struggling especially after their loss.” 
“Oh?” The look of displacement was written all over Su-ji’s face. “You know about Sarah?” 
“Yes,” you answered. “Is that a problem?”
“If you want me to be honest, I never thought Jungkook would see anyone after Sarah’s passing,” Jin’s wife absentmindedly said, thinking it was a compliment. In the corner of your eye, you can tell Jin was giving her a warning glare as if he didn’t want her to say anything else to you.
“Excuse me?” If she was trying to make you feel better about yourself, she was surely doing the opposite, but you hardened your face, so she couldn’t see that her words affected you. You knew that’s what she wanted, for you to be hurt. She wanted a reaction out of you, and you weren’t going to give her the satisfaction of getting it. 
“You know, Y/N, from the way you talked about it, your relationship with Jungkook reminds me of Sarah and Jungkook’s relationship,” Su-ji said once she saw the picture Jules took of you and Jungkook laying down, cuddling in the blanket fort during New Years. 
Although hearing the name of Jules’s mother made your heart drop, you kept your poker face on and continued to act like everything was okay. With confidence, you raised your eyebrows. “I’m not sure what that means.” 
“Jin and I actually grew up with Sarah and Jungkook. We always went on lunch dates together while we were still in school,” Su-ji explained with a murderous smile on her face. “Kook’s a romantic, isn’t he? Opening the doors, cooking home-cooked meal, giving his jacket when it’s cold, and writing songs and poems weekly? He did that all the time for girls when we were younger. He did that for Sarah too.” 
Your face softened at what Su-ji listed. They were all things he had never done for you, and you couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing. Did he want to do something new and fresh with you? Or did he just not put in effort and care? 
Most of it wasn’t a big deal. There was nothing wrong with opening the door yourself and being prepared for cold weather. You could have easily just asked Jungkook for a piece of his clothing if you had wanted to. But the thing that bothered you the most was in a span of months, Jungkook has never written anything for you.
He was a songwriter, but somehow, he didn’t have any words for you. 
You knew Su-ji was hurting your pride on purpose, but for some reason, you let her continue and listened to every word she had to say. She stared at the pictures on your phone. “The way he looks at you is almost identical to the way he looked at Sarah.” 
“Su-ji...” Jin warned. “Stop now.”
"It’s almost as if you were Sarah.” Her sharp words cut like a knife. If it weren’t your phone that started ringing in her hands, you would have cried on the spot. You felt a little better seeing Jungkook’s name on your screen. “Oh speak of the devil.”
“Why don’t we call it a night? I’m sure Y/N needs some rest.” Jin suggested as you stared at your phone. “How about you girls go clean, I’ll go get the kids, and Y/N, stays here to talk to Jungkook?” 
The girls, one by one, got up from the couch with their plates, heading towards the direction of the kitchen. As they left, each one of them gave you a look. Jin’s wife gave you a look of resentment, Jimin’s wife gave you a look of pity, and Tae’s wife gave you a look of worry.
You slid your thumb on the screen and answered Jungkook’s call. “Hey. What’s up?” 
“How are you, darling?” His honey voice made you want to cry. All you wanted was to cry your heart out and have his voice and touch comfort you, but he was the reason why you wanted to cry. “Doing okay?” 
“Yeah, the dinner went terrific. I really liked tonight,” you lied, trying not to let your voice crack. “I’m actually not feeling so well, so I’m leaving early with Jules in like five minutes.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay? It sounds like you want to cry?” He could read you so easily. “Is something wrong? If something is wrong, I can take the next flight and be back with you as soon-” 
“Everything is fine. Jules and I are fine.” Lie once again. “Please don’t worry.” 
Jules came down the stairs, holding hands with Jin. She ran towards you with a smile on your face, cheering you up a little bit. “Is that Jungkook?” 
“Do you want to talk to him?” You asked, and she shook her head. “Kook, I’m going to help Jules get ready to go home, and I’ll call you back once we’re there. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, of course. Drive home safely, okay? I miss you.” 
“I’ll talk to you later.” You hung up the phone. 
Jules put her arms out once she saw you grab her red winter coat from the armchair. As you helped her put her jacket on, you hear distant arguing. 
“What were you thinking, Su-ji?! You had no right to do that! That behavior was unacceptable and immature of you.” Jin whispered as he scolded her. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Talking about Sarah and Jungkook like that! Making Y/N feel bad when she did absolutely nothing to you. He paused. “Sarah might have been your best friend, but she would have been extremely disappointed in how you treated Jungkook’s girlfriend.”
“I don’t need a lecture from you, Jin,” Su-ji snapped. “I personally do not think I do anything wrong!”
“I wouldn’t even be having one if you had behaved like an adult!” He argued back. “Even Ji-Ho didn’t say anything degrading about her. She actually liked Y/N and she usually hates everybody at first.”
 “Don’t you think she deserved to know? All I did was tell her the truth!”
“You didn’t help her!” Helping Jules put her black hat on, you tried to listen to more of their conversation. “You’re unbelievable. I am furious with you.” 
“Sleep on the couch then if you just want to defend her instead of me.”
“If something happens between them because of this, I will never forgive you.” 
It doesn’t take long for Jin to come back to the living room with a forced smile on his face. He went closer to where you and Jules were at, bent down, grabbed the white gloves and helped Jules put them on her hands.
“Jules, honey, aren’t you going to say bye to your favorite Uncle Jin?” You asked. “Thank him too.” 
“Thank you Uncle Jinnie for the food and hugs.” She wrapped her arms around him, instantly, making him smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetie.” He let go of Jules and stood up, making eye contact with you as you put your jacket on. “I’ll walk you out.” 
i want to apologize for su-ji’s behavior. i should have stopped her, and i am sorry. you didn’t deserve that. i know you’re going to tell me that it’s okay, but save it. it really was not okay
you know what su-ji said isn’t true right? 
jungkook only loved sarah as a sister
he didn’t love her like he loves you
i promise
It took you a while to respond to Jin’s text. You wanted to believe his words because he knew Jungkook better than anyone, but his wife’s words kept repeating in your head. 
It’s almost as if you’re Sarah.
did he tell you that? 
that he loved me differently than sarah? 
He didn’t respond, and what you’ve learned in the past is that sometimes no answer is an answer.
"Why do you like me?” Jungkook was coming back tomorrow, and before his flight, you called him randomly. “Why me? Out of all people? I’m nothing special.” 
“What are you talking about?” Jungkook asked. “Don’t say things like that. That’s not true.” 
“I mean, come on, when you got to know me, I didn’t have a rough upbringing or had a special talent that made me stand out from others. I was just an ordinary person with parents and a few friends.” 
As you waited for an answer, you opened your laptop and went onto a social networking website. Sighing, you looked up the one person that was on your mind lately ever since the dinner at Jin’s. 
“You talk about how I’m so passionate about my dream and how I’m so amazing for growing up and taking care of Jules, but I think about you like that.” 
“How so?” You breathed out, barely audible. 
“Like I know it’s your job to take care of the kids and to make sure everyone is learning, but you take the time to connect with others and strive to make everything better is amazing.” 
Sarah’s profile finally loaded onto your screen. Her profile picture was her and Jules, smiling on a park bench. Scrolling down, almost all her public and tagged pictures were with Su-ji and Jin’s family, celebrating almost every little occasion together. “Really?”
“And I know you want to take care of everyone and you’re okay with being by yourself, but I hope you know that there are people in the world who do care about you and will care about you.” His comforting words made you want to cry. “I care about you.” 
Before you could say anything, the last picture you stumbled across on was a picture of Sarah and Jungkook together at her graduation. Sarah was wearing her cap and gown, holding a bouquet of roses in her hand. She had the biggest smile on her face as she looked up at Jungkook, who was in the middle of laughing. Although this picture of old, Jungkook almost looked the same and had the same features. The only difference was that he never looked quite as happy with you.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, bringing you back to reality. “What’s up?
Clearing your throat, you answered, “Yeah. I just was thinking.”
“I also love everything about you, you know? I love how you have a different, but such an understanding perspective about literally anything,” he said. “You’re special.”
“I hope so.”
“I’m going to sleep now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” You hung up the phone without saying anything, still staring at the picture of Jungkook and Sarah.
“What are you doing?” A gasp came out of your mouth as you shut the laptop lid as quickly as you could and turned your head to see Jules behind you. The look of confusion was all over her face along with heartache. “Why were you looking at pictures of my mom?” 
“I’m not!” You denied, putting the laptop onto the table. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“You were.” She ignored your question, wanting actual answers. “I saw you.” 
She took a seat next to you, looked at your for a long time and looked down at her fingers in her lap. “I know it’s been a long time, but I know what my mom looks like, and I know you were looking at her.”
“Honey-” Jules ran up the stairs, not hearing your explanation or excuse. 
“I missed you so much.” The moment Jungkook saw you in the airport, he ran as fast as he could with his silver carry on suitcase, wrapping his arms around you. It was the tightest hug you’ve ever received, and you never wanted to let go. “I missed Jules too, but I really missed you.” 
He pulled away and saw the tiny red bag in your left hand. “I got you a gift for White Day.” 
“You didn’t have to.” Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, you two walked slowly towards the exit. “Is this really for White Day?” 
“What else would it be for?” 
“A gift for being insecure?” 
You stopped in your tracks, and he took it as a sign to let go of you. “What?” 
“Well, I don’t know what to think when you asked me things I liked about you, and then Jules telling me you were looking up Sarah.” Not wanting to meet his stare, you continued looking down at the ground at your feet. Once you looked back up, he saw the guilt in your eyes. He scoffed and rubbed under his nose in disbelief, taking your silence as his answer. His tone of voice changed. “I can’t believe you.”
“Why does it bother you, Jungkook? Maybe I was just curious. Is that so wrong?” 
“Except you weren’t! You and I both know that!” His voice grew louder with each word he said. It was the first time he was raising his voice at you, and it was a surprise. He was always the one who always kept calm in the most heated situations. “I told you everything about Sarah.” 
“Not the fact that she was head over heels for you!” You cried.
“Oh my god. Is this what this is about? You wanted to see if Sarah was in love with me?” He shook his head. This wasn’t the Jungkook you knew; he was acting different. “Who even told you that?”
“Does it really matter?” You stared at him. “I was bound to find out sooner or later.”
He shook his head. “No one looks pictures of dead strangers unless they want to know something.” 
“Fine! I just wanted to know if what the girls said was true. They said that you two were madly in love. They said I was practically a replacement for Sarah.  I just had to find out if it was true.” You paused when Jungkook looked away, not wanting to look at you. Not only that, but you noticed there were tears that were about to fall from his eyes. “She was beautiful and looked so happy with you. You looked happy with her too.” 
“Seokjin told me that you didn’t love her.” 
“Is that true?”
Silence once again. 
“Jungkook, I can’t compete with her.” 
He finally looked back at you and grabbed your hands. “I’m not asking you to.” 
“I can’t do this,” you cried, pulling away. “I want to be with you and want you to want me because you love me. Not because I remind you of the girl who isn’t here anymore.”
“Don’t do this,” he whispered. “Don’t say that.” 
“Do you realize how badly it hurt when they told me that?” Sobbing, you covered your mouth holding back any ugly sounds you were going to produce. “I was humiliated and felt like I would never measure up.” 
“You are more than good enough.” 
“What am I supposed to think when they told me that?” 
“Believe me and Seokjin when I say that I have feelings for you.” You knew he was trying to comfort you, but you noticed that he didn’t straight out admit that he didn’t have feelings for Sarah. 
“You’ve never written me a song,” The color drained out of his face as he heard your voice crack; you got your answer. There were tears falling down your face, but he didn’t wipe them like he always did when you cried after watching sad movies. “You have never written me anything.”
He let go of your hands. 
You walked away, and he didn’t even come after you. __ 
lowkey not proofread but i really just want to continue this hehe thanks for reading
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anaiswriterr · 4 years
Evil Lives Here
Pairing: Kirishima x Reader
Rating: T
Warning: This story contains the following subjects that may not be suitable for younger audiences or those who don’t like scary things: murder, blood, gore, language, and emotional feelings. Please be aware of you are easily triggered from these kinds of things and enjoy.
Synopsis: You press your hand hard against the cold glass shield that divides the two of you. Burning hot tears swell up in your eyes, you press a picture of a girl, a young girl who was brutally murdered and found in the woods. Clutching onto the jail phone in your separate hand, desperately attempting to catch your breath. You mutter out the words no wife should ever mutter, “Eijirou Kirishima... did you - do this t-to her?” Your voice wavers, eyes stinging to catch his reaction to the crime scene photo. He’s emotionless, “No.” He couldn’t of done this, there is not possible explanation.. he’s innocent. When the love of your life, the father of your two year old daughter, your best friend ends up being a mass serial killer you suddenly realize the man you solemnly swore to love till death was living a double life.
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- evil lives here - screamtober series part two -
“Do you, Y/N L/N, take Eijirou Kirishima, to be your solemnly wedded husband; through sickness and in health, for poorer or richer till death do you two part?”
The memory swirls in your head, hand in hand with your longtime boyfriend, now husband. Freshly graduated from high school, with barley any money you wore a cheap dress from the nearby thrift store, it was short, tailored just above your knees. The nervous sweat softened your hands against his rough ones. 
“Yes.” You said in a soft whisper. 
Your hands tighten around the steering wheel, you wipe a tear away from your soft skin. Lightly tapping away the stray tears with a tissue, throwing the crumpled piece away at the dash. “Who are you here to visit?” The operator in the Prison Reform entrance asked tiredly, wiping the sleep off his eyes and taking a sip of his cup of coffee. But you didn’t blame him, neither of you wanted to be there especially this early in the morning. 
“Prisoner Eijirou Kirishima, I-I’m his wife.” You duck your head down in shame, after refusing to visit after months and months of healing. You needed to know, at  least for yourself. He gives you a quick stare, later pressing a button to open the gateway. You step on the gas and proceed to enter the parking lot. 
Your hand bare without the wedding ring you wore for years on end, a marriage he ruined. A family he tore apart with reckless actions and lies, a two faced snake this entire time. Living with a monster, loving a monster. Making love to a seemingly loving, caring man. 
You lay your head against the wheel, turning off the ignition. 
“Say cheese, Ruby!” You cheer, counting down the seconds for the cameras timer to go off. “Happy birthday, munchkin!” Kirishima exclaims, pressing a small kiss to her forehead. The flashing light just capturing the happiness in that moment with a single polaroid that joined the cases of other polaroid's that you swore you’d organize into a scrapbook one day. Your daughter clapped her hands in excitement, your lips form a small ‘O’ as you and Eijirou help her blow out the candles, an assortment of cheers and whoops come from the audience of her family. Katsuki Bakugou, her godfather and uncle, is invited to take a separate photo with her in his lap. A small smile creeps onto his lips, allowing the soft spot he carried for his niece to envelop him as he held onto her tiny frame. Laughing at her giggles. 
The golden days of your youth often involved your days with Eijirou, someone you met in your years of primary school. Though you were bullied by some of the other kids, Eijirou found you in particular interesting and fun. Befriending you in nearly a day, which meant you were befriended by Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and oddly enough Bakugou. Eijirou, was different. The one to walk you home to make sure you made it back safe, to make sure you had food, to give homeless people the extra pocket change he had or buy them a meal, he wasn’t the smartest but the most caring. Never a killer, a serial killer at that.
Psychology states that when a person murders it’s a chemical imbalance in their head, the need for more. The need to keep hunting the prey that walked around at night, alone, wishing to go home to their families. They all say he said the same thing, the survivors, those who instead of accepting the fate of death instead chose to fight for their lives and manage to get away. He said the same thing.
“Suspect number one, may you please come forward and repeat the lines that were just previously mentioned.” An officer orders, standing protectively beside a shaking young girl, probably in her late teens. Her hands cold and clammy, pressed against one another.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you to not get in the car with strangers?”
She’s nods her head no, and the officer asks the next person to move forward. The voices don’t match a single one until, Eijirou Kirishima steps up. How did he get in that suspect line, he didn’t know. I mean sure, his friends teased that he looked awfully alike to the description - but those were just jokes - nobody really took it seriously.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you to not get in the car with strangers?”
A panic arose in the girl, nearly jumping off her feet she points. “That man, his voice, it’s him!” She accuses. Not even a minute later Eijirou is placed in handcuffs and escorted towards a holding cell awaiting trial.
You should’ve just taken the first sign and packed your bags, but they say love can blindside you from the truth. And the truth was Eijirou Kirishima was the serial killer that roamed the dark alleys of Japan, living a two faced life. One where he shared with his wife and a beautiful daughter, and the other, preying on the weak. You huff, rubbing your tired, aching eyes. Eyeing the folder a detective handed to you in hopes you’d get something - anything - out of the liar you called husband. The bland folder sitting on top your passenger seat, mocking you with the content inside. The sudden urge to throw up washes over you, you’ve seen those pictures a million times, it’s practically burned into your memory. But this one, the only picture that sat inside the skinny - nearly empty - folder would haunt nearly anyone. You take one last deep breath, and step outside.
The hot, humid, October weather brushed over your skin as you lean forward to retrieve your purse, keys, and the folder. “Make this quick, Y/N.” You mutter, shutting and locking the car door behind you. If there was one thing that Kirishima taught you, it was that you should always lock your doors, and move quickly. You always thought that he meant it to be something sweet, that he cared about your safety. Instead, it was just something he knew most working and busy woman never really took into consideration. Each step feels like your walking on cracking thin ice, liar.
The fuming burning hot anger.
Wake up! This has to be some sort of dream, some nightmare, the lies. The piling lies and deception, an affair you believed. For months you believed he was having an affair, but instead, you learn the awful truth. An affair you could handle, something fixable. But murder, his daughter is known as the child of a killer. You wish you could hit him, kick him, anything. It dwells on you that maybe you he was always like this.
And yet you were the exception - along with many other of his friends - you stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Clutching onto the folder, you steady your breathing.
“Visitor for Prisoner Eijirou Kirishima, serial code 0926.” They call him down, chewing on the inside of your cheek you wait patiently behind a call booth. Tear stricken stained face and raging eyes. Your foot taps against the metal tile beneath you, until your breath is caught.
In a bright orange jumpsuit, his hands are handcuffed together and his ankles are chained to him. You duck your head down into you sleeve in shame, in disgust, but him, he had on a huge grin as he laughed off a joke the guard seemed to tell. He holds out his wrists in front of him before being seated and was uncuffed from the tight metal restrains. You watch him slowly reach out for the phone on his end, the grin he wore still as intoxicating as when he was just a teenager.
Psychopaths don’t have much emotion. 
Except for the inappropriate emotions at inappropriate times they invoke out into the world. 
You don’t immediately reach out for the phone, your mind is wondering off to when the loud banging of the front door woke up your daughter from her sleep after being sick for a week - she hadn’t gotten much sleep and neither did you for the fact of the matter - the loud screams from her room as police officers nearly broke down your door. Red and blue flashing lights dance across the walls of the living room as they peered through the cracks of the window blinds. 
You are brought back to the sounds of three taps against the glass. You reach towards the phone hesitantly, the cord following behind as you pressed it to your ear.
“Please! My husbands innocent! He’d never hurt another person!” You cried as he was pushed into a patrol car, your daughter screaming for her father. “Ma’am, this man isn’t who he says he is.” 
“Long time no see.. where your ring?” His voices makes you seize in the cool metal chair, his cool and calm demeanor taunts you. “I’m not here to make conversation, Kirishima.” You hiss. He ignores your warning glares and smirks, “It’s been a couple months, and I haven’t seen my daughter Y/N. I just want to see my family, I want to see you-” 
“Cut the bullshit, as long as I’m alive you’ll never see Ruby again!” 
You huff pushing passed the tears that pooled at the corners of your eyes, he stares into your  glossy E/C ones. “Where’s Ruby?” 
“Bakugou’s babysitting her.” 
“Somebody else is babysitting my kid, what let me guess you guys are hanging out with each other more? I knew you’d eventually sleep with him.” 
“Shut the fuck up! I haven’t done anything with him, he’s just being a a father figure Ruby needs not some psychopathic liar.” 
He chuckles, “I told you, I didn’t do it.” You slam your hand o the glass in frustration, pressing your hand hard against the cold glass shield that divides the two of you. Burning hot tears swell up in your eyes, you take out the printed imagine in the folder and press a picture of a girl, a young girl who was brutally murdered and found in the woods. Clutching onto the jail phone in your separate hand, desperately attempting to catch your breath. You mutter out the words no wife should ever mutter, “Eijirou Kirishima... did you - do this t-to her?” Your voice wavers, eyes stinging to catch his reaction to the crime scene photo. He’s emotionless, “No.” 
“Hey! Do you need a ride?” A man calls from his car, looking at the young girl who’s barley pushing eighteen. She nods, “I’m kinda lost! I just moved here, do you know where I can find the nearest payphone?” A smirk forms on the adults face, he unlocks his passenger side door, he adjusts his baseball cap. 
“Hop in.” He pats his passenger seat, the young girl was so desperate to hitch a ride she was willing to jump into any trustworthy looking person she could find; Kirishima was handsome and his face painted trust and caring. But inside those deceiving eyes were a need to kill. They pass by the payphone after a five minuet ride, “Hey, I think you passed the-” 
“I know.” He smiles, turning the steering wheel into the direction of the nearby woods. 
“What are yo-”
A chuckle escapes him lips, “Didn’t your mother ever tell you to not get in cars with strangers?”
TAGLIST: @pavlovs-titties​ @explosivefireworks​ @utopiamiroh​ @hikaru-mikazuki​ @strangethingsatthecirclek​ @myheroesaretired​
Next: Aizawa x Reader - Tag You’re It
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The Paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
My work can be found on AO3 (Use the title above)
Please note all this is a series and after the events of Resident Evil 8. Everyone has survived and lived. I’m still open to requests but I’m writing two stories on the side so your request may take an extra day to write.
Requests: Open
Word Count: 4.3K
Being in the chopper held no safety over the male blonde. He could have been dead, free from all this mess but plans had been changed last minute to ensure his safety. And now, he was sat next to his wife, Mia, cradling their child close to himself as he became derealisation. Just under the 24-hour mark, the male had to repeat the worse of his days once again. It seemed no matter what breaks he was given; he was never able to truly escape the grasp of lies being floated around him. Even having his child in his arms, knowing his understanding of being all mold, he felt as though something was still missing- he knew something else was missing...but what?
Light taps had been hitting his shoulder, yet he chose to ignore them. He wouldn't be able to pull out his mind for a while to come, and yet he didn’t see why his thoughts that engulfed him should be interrupted. He had every right to ignore everyone. All the thieving liars. “Ethan, we know your mad.” His wife’s words had reached out to him, leaving him to hold their child closer to his chest. The movement went unnoticed by his wife luckily. He wouldn’t let his baby girl go, not after everything that had happened to them both in this shithole of a village. “Please Ethan, speak to us.” Mia’s voice had sounded desperate, as though she truly meant she wanted to hear him talk back.
“Tch.” The simple sound left his lips as he moved to look upon his once everything, the person he was really meant to truly love yet couldn’t find the lingering feeling of that word at the given moment. To him now, it seemed Mia was nothing but a classic wolf in sheep’s clothing. “And say what exactly,” He sneered, shaking his head as he gazed down to stare at his daughter who was sleeping soundly as she cuddled closed to his sanded coat, she was wrapped in. “And say I forgive, that we can be a normal happy family.” Mia bit her bottom lip, fingers twitching to place on her clearly shaken husband’s arm, yet she didn’t dare to touch him anymore after his words directed at her show no mercy in actually wanting anything such as a civil conversation with her.
“I know I lied- many of us did to you, but we are trying to protect you!” She leaned forward in her seat, trying to capture Ethan’s attention. His eyesight never left the bundle of his girl but his facial expression shifted into furrow brow and a forced small smile.
“Protect me. Everyone says that- even in those cheap romantic movies they say that. How can I be the one to be protected when our daughter here was almost killed for someone else’s sickening needs. That someone you knew clearly well. You're protecting me? Since when have you ever protected me. All this trouble, everything that has happened was all because you let yourself get mixed up in all the trouble you see.”  
“Ethan,” A deep warning tone came from the front of the chopper. A wider male leaned his body to the side to peer over the chair he was sat in. He stared at the two partners that sat on a metal bench with an intense glare that was mostly was directed at the male. “Anger doesn’t get any of us anywhere. We have explaining and so do you.” His words cancelled out any further arguments between the married couple, leaving them all in silence as the mixed of harsh and soft breathing had been heard through the headsets they all wore.
Ethan took a deep breath in and out, calming his racing heartbeat that was making him feel slightly dizzy “Is there anything else I should be aware about,” Thankfully, he was quickly responded back by Redfield, the wider male at the front who wasted no time in explaining everything that seemed important.
“Those...Lords have been found alive and are being taken by other members of my squad to be reported back at the base. Seems you never actually killed them. We are planning to run tests on them and then we will let the higher ups decide what out next move shall be with them.” The mention of those Lords sent a sick bug down Ethan’s throat. Knowing they were alive had him questioning his own safety now. Would they want to kill him for trying to kill them? Because they are mutated like himself would he be placed to go against them, for all of them to become Lab Rats to the BSAA? What would happen to his daughter-
“I do not give any consent for my daughter to be used as some Lab Rat,” his lips became dry as the words left him. No, he wouldn’t allow his daughter to have such tests run on her. She was a baby. A small, fragile, and the only person Ethan felt like needing in his life.
Redfield had moved to face forward, not wanting to respond to the father’s words. The BSAA would surely need Rosemary for a few days to make sure everything for her was okay, was stable and that she could be placed into a society where she could be kept safe. Chris sighed and leaned back, watching as the horizon of the sky lightened up. Soon...soon things will calm down and until then, there was sure to be violence between all parties in this situation. The Lords, Mia, Ethan and of course himself. “I mean it Chris; any sort of harm that comes to my daughter I will have to do things I wouldn't regret.” The tone of venom hadn’t been ignored by anyone that was listening in on the headsets. Ethan had truly changed; he was no longer the sweet loving husband everyone knew of- instead he was rather the hunter, the lion willing to protect its cub.
Ethan stepped into the base of the BSAA. Mia had been moved by other agents to go somewhere else to split the two and to ease the tension both of them brought and Ethan was glad for that move to be made. The shining lights and its agents running about had him questioning how much actually were these people prepared for. Looking around, checking for any danger, Ethan followed Redfield and a few agents into an elevator with Rosemary in his arms still. He had refused to let her out of his sight until he knew she was truly safe. The elevator had taken them up 30 floors in total and the ride had become very uncomfortable for the standing agents. They could feel the anger flying off between the two men only for it to be cut short when they finally excited the cramped space. Ethan had once again followed Chris to a room where more agents stood and two lone white coats around a large office table with a whiteboard at the furthest end from the door. “Ethan, I want you to meet the people who would be working with you.” Ethan sent a short nod to everyone in the room, adjusting Rose in his hold to have a secure hold around her small body.  
A woman outstretched a hand towards Ethan with a bright smile. “I’m Sherley, I’m somewhat a case worker for you. Any troubles you want speaking about; I’ll will send them to our higher ups for the matters to be discussed.” Ethan ignored the hand, choosing to sit down around the large wooden table.
“I apologise for Mr Winter’s manners. He has been through a lot.” Chris responded, sending a kind smile to Sherley who nodded and began to sit down as well, sitting closer to the head of the table at the other side facing Ethan. Chris sighed and shook his head towards Ethan, showing his disappointment in the lack of manners before going to sit at the head of the office table. Other agents and the scientist sat down in the unoccupied seats, however leaving Ethan’s side empty. Raising a finger to his earpiece, Chris sent a quick message to all responsive. “Send them in.”
Ethan glared at Chris, his words finding more questions to raise into the father’s mind. Who was ‘Them’? It seemed he didn’t have to wait long for the familiar voices to catch his ears. Before Ethan could speak up in any protests, a swarm of flies had swarmed in with crackling voices. They were soon followed by the familiar Lords Ethan had tried killing- but leaving them alive. Lady Dimitrescu walked in first, her eyes ignoring the sitting blonde and instead standing behind her three daughter who had placed themselves together in three seats. Next to walk in was Moreau who held a metal container in his hands. Ethan dropped his gaze to his little Rose, who was slightly awake but dropping her eyelids to sleep again. Soon more people had entered, the high pitch doll had Ethan looking up and glaring at the doll with a glare that would’ve killed her. “Keep her quiet, my daughter here is trying to sleep.” The power of his voice sent Angie to be silent, she still knew what Ethan could do if he wanted to- she held tightly onto Lady Beneveinto finding fear for the blonde who had almost killed her and her Lady. They sat closest to Chris, Angie prompting Donna to do so, so she could stay away from Ethan’s murderous glare. There was only one empty seat next to Ethan now, and he could hear the boots of who would occupy that seat coming closer.
“Am I late to the meeting,” The voice had crackled out, stubbing his cigar against the door frame and dropping it to the ground before entering the room seeing everyone together. “Ooo, everyone looks scary,” His sarcasm had left him with an angered Vampire and a sigh from Redfield. Finding amusement in the situation, he plopped himself in the chair next to Ethan and gave him a flashy smile.
“Look at me again and I will make sure to finish the job,” Ethan smiles back, watching as Heisenberg’s face shifted from his flashy smile to a croaked smile. He slowly faced away from Ethan, his eyes landing on his ‘older sister’ who was holding back an amuse smile of her own.
“Maybe the father isn’t all bad,” She cooed, watching as Ethan messed with his daughter’s outstretched hands.  
“So, I’m glad you’re all here.” Redfield spoke, getting rid of any attention on Rose and her father. He stood up out his chair and placed his arms behind his back in a soldier-like manner. “We are all here to discuss what will happen with you all since...you know-” Chris struggled to find the words, what was he supposed to say? What should he call their indifferences?
“Because we are all monsters?” Ethan piped up, his eyes still not leaving his daughter who brought a weird warmth into his heart that only a child could achieve.  
“I wouldn’t say that but because you’re all different from regular people.”  
“Just get on with it, I haven’t got the time.” Ethan had really changed in Chris’ eyes. He was more demanding, only now taking power over any situation and wanting to have control of it. ‘Father Instincts’ Chris had brushed it off as. He was sure Ethan would go back to being the man he first met after the incident at the Baker’s house- well he hoped he would go back to that version of himself anyway.
“Right. So, for starters we are placing you all in a close proximity neighbourhood for safe checking and safety for you all. Any arguments against that?” Suddenly the Lords begun arguing and Rosemary had started to cry. Dimitrescu was stating her daughters would easily die. Moreau was stating he had no home since he was a water base monster, Angie was speaking up for Beneviento stating being close to anyone in general wasn’t good on her Lady’s health and lastly, Heisenberg had shouted out over everyone else that he had no need to be kept a close eye on as he was the safest one of them all- the statement got a lot of eye rolls over from everyone in the room. One by one, Chris had silenced them to the point he could be heard again if it wasn’t for the cries of Rose and Ethan’s gentle vice soothing her down. He raised his hands to his temple to rub away the headache he was getting from the loud noises before speaking again after Ethan had successful quietened Rose. “It’s just for now, other living arrangements may be made later on in time. Please, be the grownups you are in this society and accept what you are given. Now agents, is there anything you want to speak about with the Lords of the Village?”
Ethan watched as his daughter fell asleep, he toned out the agents talk. He couldn’t help the smile that grew on his lips, seeing his daughter so peaceful away from danger now gave him a reason to also feel safe. He will protect her, not the protection Mia had provided him but he would do better for his baby. Ethan rubbed his mutated hand against her cheek, watching her smile in her sleep and rub against the trunks of his loss two fingers. “You’re not a bad father,” A voice spoke next to him. Soon his smile changed to a scowl, he looked over at Heisenberg watching as the rugged man looked down at the sleeping Rose.
“And what would you know about fatherhood?” Ethan snarled back, keeping his voice quiet to not draw attention to himself. Heisenberg released a chuckle that only Ethan heard and leaned back further in his seat, letting himself slouched down backwards.
“I know to be a father you need to place your children first...which is exactly what you did,” He mummed out, looking back at Ethan to see him no longer looking at him and rather back at his daughter. Ethan slowly nodded, giving his face a break from having an angered look at the other and instead rested his expressions.
“If you know little, then why did you try to use my daughter as a weapon?” He questioned the Lord, looking towards him still ignoring the speaking agents who were now speaking more towards Angie than Beneviento. The room felt a little more open now, being settled around enemies was a scary thought at first to the father but now, it seemed as though he may be settling down fine with them seemingly, they all now shared a sort of connection. The Lord had lifted himself out from his slouched position and sat straight, completely facing away from having his chair facing the other side of the table to now be facing Ethan fully. Heisenberg, having his back turned facing Redfield, used this opportunity to talk to the father he so desperately wanted on his side for the fight.
“I never wanted to hurt your daughter, I’m not like that bitch Miranda. I just needed to use her to break Miranda’s powers. I’m not good at socialising with good words, I probably phrased my needs wrongly and I never wanted that. We were supposed to be a team Ethan, you and me destroying the Bitch of Crows.” Ethan fell silent, watching as Heisenberg stared at him from behind his shades.
“You need to work on your social skills.” The point that came from Ethan had Heisenberg holding back a loud chuckle. The father was right but the sudden response of that sentence had put Heisenberg off his serious demur.
“I’ll work on them one day. For now, how about we start over?” His question lingered between Ethan and himself. It took a few short seconds and careful thinking before Ethan had responded.
“Maybe...” Although Heisenberg didn’t get a full ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, he was still pleased either way. He and Ethan could do so much if he agreed. Heisenberg was already strumming ideas in his mind such as them building together, or annoying his ‘older sister’. So much now that he had some of his freedom he could do- and who better to spend his freedom with the man who saved them all.  
“Are we interrupting something?” Chris had spoken up with a raised brow. Ethan shook his head, staring at the other man. Heisenberg moved his chair back to its original position and also shook his head, tilting his hat to cover a little more of his face feeling the eyes on him by the agents. “Okay...so you will be going to the neighbourhood after this meeting and settling in your homes. Please note you may be moved in the future depending how well all this goes. As for you Ethan,” Ethan had physically shrunken back at the mention of his name. Why did he have to be a part of all this? “You need to decided whenever you want Mia living with you since that flight you both seemed a little distance from each other.” The blonde had wasted no time to answer, having no second thoughts.
“I want nothing to do with her.” Chris was taken back from Ethan.  
“A-are you sure? She’s your wife-”
“No. I want a divorce this minute. I can’t handle any more lies Chris. And I certainty can’t stand her own mind games.” Before Chris could ask for further explanation to his reasons, Sherley spoke up.
“I’ll have the papers sent to her straight away Mr Winters.” She had quickly gathered her own folders off the table and left with two agents trailing behind her out of the meeting room. The three daughters had begun to whisper amongst themselves, Ethan hearing the sentence of ‘what is a divorce’ coming from Bella’s mouth.
“E-Ethan. Think about this.” Chris wanted answers, he wasn’t going to be left out. He wanted to protected Ethan and now he was going to make sure that Ethan’s happiness was also something to be thought about with all this.
Ethan looked down at Rose again, not daring to look back up. It seemed Rose gave him the calmness he had been searching for all his life since meeting Mia. “She’s a bad person for me Chris. I believe I’ll be better off without her.”  
“But what about the young one?” It was a scientist that spoke up this time, pointing with a pen at the baby cradled in her father’s arms.
Ethan swallowed, he needed to think. And quick. There were really only two options to that question and he could either be a bad parent, or be the decent guy. “She can have half custody over our child, but I wish for her to not be anywhere near me or my home where I’ll be keeping Rose safe when she is with me.” The agents and scientist were jotting down notes, clearly his every movement was being recorded and Ethan was stuck thinking if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Clicking the pen down, the same scientist spoke back up.
“Okay and that’s all we needed to know. Please remember Lords that you will have tests run on you to ensure our safety as much as your own. There is only so much we can give you at the moment until you complete all tests. Your first tests will start tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day.” They all quickly packed up, leaving Chris, Ethan and his spawn as well as the Lords alone in the room. However, the room wasn’t completely private, a small camera being in the corner watching over the whole table.
“So... this is it?” Angie asked, looking around the whole table. “We will be kept alive?” Hope was evident in her tone, it seemed she was just as glad as the others to be alive.
“You are allowed to be spared. I’m not going to lie, at first the BSAA were going to make sure every last one of you were dead for caution reasons...but it seemed Winters had the better judgement of the matter and the actions has led the organisation to believe you are allowed to live because of his judgement.” Chris smiled as he saw a small amount of red leak onto Ethan’s cheek. He hated having attention brought onto himself, and Chris knew that all too well.
Moreau was the next to speak up. “So, because of him, we are allowed to live?” Chris answered with a nod of the head. Moreau started to jump up and down in his seat, clearly excited at the news. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Mr Winters, I have so much to thank you for! Even if I did follow mother’s orders a lot...”  
Ethan’s face flushed a darker red, only on his ears however as he tried his best to shake off the words of Moreau. “Don’t thank me- who knows what they’ll put you through with the tests.”
“It doesn’t quite matter yet though. You’ve practically gave us freedom we all never thought to ever have.” Dimitrescu leaned back up to stand, after leaning over all three of her daughters in the meeting, placing a hand on her hip as she faced Ethan who was sat down and trying to turn away from all the attention. Dimitrescu bowed slightly, earning a gasp from all three of her girls. As she stood straight back up, she coughed into her closed fist and gave a warm smile. “Thank you for giving us it.”
“Guys honestly, don’t thank me. There is nothing to be thankful for,” His whines came out of deaf ears as Angie was next to scream out appreciative words to be joined in with Moreau after and Dumitrescu daughters. Chris smiled, finding all this amusing and... warming almost.  
‘They really are just people at the end of the day’ He thought, frowning a little at the realisation that they are only like this because of what Miranda had done. True people stripped of their right and humanity all for a small girl to come back... it all failed either way. “As much as I’m sure Ethan enjoys the attention, it's time for you all to head to your new housing area. Leave the meeting room and agents will escort you to cars that will bring you to your neighbourhood. Any requirements you need, state them to the agents in the car and we’ll do our best to bring them to you over time.” Chris nodded his head to the room before being the first to leave. Next to follow was Angie with Lady Beneveinto, next after them was Moreau with a scowling Dimitrescu following behind complaining about the stench he was carrying. Her daughters followed her also, asking if they could have their coats that were taken off them when they set foot into the building.
Left in the room was Ethan with his child and Heisenberg who didn’t make any sort of movement of leaving. Ethan waited a few minutes before starting to get a little annoyed with his presence. “Aren’t you going to go?” He asked, looking towards the Lord who seemed to stare into space. Not getting an answer, Ethan huffed and adjusted Rose to lay in one of his arms before using the other to shake Heisenberg’s shoulder. It worked as the Lord was taken out of his mind.
“hm? What? W-What did you say?” He asked, taking his shades off and placing them into his trench coat’s pocket. Ethan resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
“I asked aren’t you going to go as well, to your new home?” Heisenberg rested his eyes to stare at Ethan.  
“Are you also coming papa?” He asked back, smiling as Ethan groaned.
“Stop calling me that, just call me Ethan.”  
“Okay...Mr Winters.” The lord teased watching as the other was getting riled up. With a kick of the leg, Heisenberg laughed as Ethan laid back on his chair and started to kick one of the Lord’s knees. “You call that a kick? C’mon you hurt a lot more back in the Village.”
“Just go Heisenberg, you got your freedom now go.” Ethan stopped kicking the other Lord, resisting the urge to smile. It felt nice to be playful...even if it was with an enemy of the past. Heisenberg had a kind smile, it wasn’t his usual smirk but something much different, a lot better.
“And do I get the honours of spending my freedom with the man who gave me it?” The question left Ethan speechless. Heisenberg wanted him to be spending his life with. The lack of an answer left Heisenberg's smile to falter a little, seeing the father so hesitant with his words. “It’s aright if you don't want to. I get it, you got a lot going on and I’m sure me being there will worsen things-”
“We are neighbours remember?” Ethan spoke up, standing out of his seat and looking down at the shorter male. “I suppose you can pop around whenever, just don't do anything that will get you into trouble with me.”  
Smiling again, Heisenberg stood out of his seat with much enthusiasm and nodded sharply. “Yes, sir no sir, there will be no trouble with me.”
“You’re an idiot,” was Ethan’s last words as he spoke in a happy tone before he left the meeting room with Rose cradled in his arms just about waking up.
“Wanting to be your idiot.” Heisenberg spoke to no one, plotting more ideas for himself and the father. Maybe after tomorrow’s first test, he could give the blond a visit.
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fixxofvixx · 4 years
Stay With Me - Demon Leo AU - Chapter 24
Hello my dears, I meant to have this out earlier but to be honest, this has been a shit week for me and my family. If anyone is of the praying sort, I wouldn't refuse a few sent our way.🙏
I enjoy writing. It's my escape. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think~💖💖
Your heart did backflips when you heard Leo call the woman 'mother'. You hadn't even met Leo's father but knew he was an evil demon. From what you had gathered from his mother, she was no different. However, she seemed to listen to the will of her son. Perhaps you didn't have to fear as much from her.
"Leo, sweetie, we need to talk about this. Marriage is a big decision. Ravi already sullied the Underworld with that human of his...." Her voice sounded annoyed as she ended her sentence with a sigh.
"Mother, speak again of my wife that way and I'll make sure you have a front row seat in the Underworld." Ravi appeared behind Leo, barely containing his rage.
"Your threats mean nothing to me. What do I have to fear from my own sons? I haven't heard from your father but I am sure he doesn't approve of this."
"That doesn't matter, I killed him." Leo stood, hauling you into his arms as he did. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and buried your face in his neck, hoping he would teleport you both out of this situation. Although, you were sure she could follow.
"YOU WHAT?!" You flinched when his mother screamed. Her voice echoed throughout the meadow. You heard a few birds escape from their trees, flapping wildly to get away.
"He attacked me, we fought, and we both died. Y/N sacrificed her soul for mine and was sent to the underworld. I went to get her back, Hakyeon offered his soul so she could come back here. End of story." Leo explained in a monotone voice and then turned to his brothers. "I'm going back to the house, you're welcome to come.
Ravi and Ken nodded, keeping a close eye on their mother. Apparently trust ran thin in their family.
"Let's go back home, okay?" You nodded and in an instant, you were back on the sofa. It seemed as if it had been a lifetime since you were on it even though it had been an hour or so. The dagger was still sitting on the end table where you had left it. You vowed never to touch it again.
A few seconds later, Ken popped in, as well as their mother.
"Ravi said to let him know if you needed anything, he's going to take those three down." Leo nodded and then looked at his mother.
"So, would you like to tell me why you're here and why you attacked my girlfriend?"
"Leo, dear, don't use that tone with me. You know very well why I'm here. The seal on the palace was broken. I thought that maybe your father had finally come so his senses but apparently it's because you murdered him."
"He came here and started the fight. I only defended what was mine. If the seal was broken, shouldn't you be with your lover?"
You eyes widened at the venom in Leo's voice. The story was thickening and you suddenly wanted to hide in your room.
"You dare!" Lightning sparks went off around the room and you instinctively braced yourself. Leo put his hand on the back of your head as he stood next to you, a gesture of reassurance.
"You know I do."
"At any rate, I couldn't go there because your father had him killed so what was the point. So, naturally, I came looking for my boys!"
"Nice to know that we came second." You could see the tiniest bits of black smoke hovering around Leo's feet and you knew that he was reigning in his anger.
"That isn't the point. What we need to discuss now is why this little idiot is in your forest, living as she pleases!"
"Watch your mouth." You looked up at Leo and saw his fangs descend just before his eyes changed. You squeezed his hand and he took a deep breath.
"But Leo, Cresenda is still waiting for you. She's been loyal all this time! How could abandon her...and your child?!"
You choked on the gasped of air that went down your throat the wrong way at his mother's words.
"Child...?" That one word was all you could manage.
"Yes, he's a lovely little boy! He--"
"Mother! Do you really think I believe all those lies?! He isn't mine!"
His mother ignored him and sat next to you.
"I'm afraid he is, my dear. Do you really think he's lived all this time without creating offspring? I don't know about you but I would hate to be the person that broke up a family." She patted your hand and looked at you with sorrowful eyes. You didn't believe a word of it. Before you could say something, Leo knelt down in front of you.
"If Leo says he isn't his, then he isn't. He wouldn't lie to me."
"Of all the outrageous...! I demand you leave at once! I will not see another one of my sons with a human!"
"I won't leave unless Leo asks me to." You had been through so much with Leo and you'd be damned if anyone would take that away.
"Do you realize what I could do to you? I have developed an art for torture most people have never even dreamt of!" His mother's smoke started to wrap around one of your hands but it was quickly taken over by black smoke. In almost an instant, black smoke swirled protectively around your body.
"Try it and you'll be dead before you even touch her." You looked up at Leo to see that he had gone full demon. His hair, eyes, claws, and even his wings were on display. He looked even more furious than when he had saved you in the town center.
"Leo, you need to come to your senses! Humans are the enemy! Why do you think your brothers are dead?!"
"Because father attacked one of the villages in search of a rumor of a powerful object. The people retaliated and went after the whole family. That's why. The humans didn't start anything."
"But they still think that way!"
"That was over 400 years ago! You have been sealed in the palace for the better part of 250 years. Don't you think that things have maybe changed?"
"But Leo--!"
"Enough. Must I banish you from my forest? We have a happy life here, don't try to destroy it as you usually do."
"You would banish your own mother? After all I've done for you?!" His mother's own smoke began to rise from her feet and her features began to change. Leo grabbed you hand and pulled to up to stand behind him.
"Don't try to delude everyone into thinking that you were a caring mother. You stuck around long enough to give birth to us and then carted us off to the nanny. We all are aware of why you were sealed in the palace. And if you dare to touch one hair on y/n's head, I will not hesitate to put you back in there, or under it. The choice is yours."
"You would turn your back on your own mother and betray the memory of your brothers who died at the hands of humans just to protect this lump of flesh?! You used to be the most ruthless out of your brothers. What happened?"
Although you had been called worse, hearing Leo's mother despise you so much sent a small pain through your heart. You supposed that you were destined to live in this world without any semblance of a mother.
"Out." Leo's quiet voice was scary. In his tone you could hear the pent up rage he was desperately trying to control.
"OUT! NOW!" You flinched as his voice echoed loudly in the house. Ken, who had been silently watching from the other end of the room, stepped forward now.
"Mother, shall we go see Hakyeon? I'm sure he would love to see you." Ken placed a careful hand on his mother's arm.
"Yes, perhaps I should. At least he should see reason. He knows how humans are." After her statement, she huffed and then disappeared along with Ken.
You stood motionless, listening to the ragged breaths coming from Leo. He was seething. His hands were fists at his sides. His black smoke nearly covered the entire living room. Reaching out, you gently ran your fingers over his wings. After a few seconds, Leo took a deep breath and turned to you.
"Y/N..." He stood before you and took your face in his hands. You raised your eyes to see that the fangs were gone but his hair was still misplaced. "Are you alright?"
"Would you believe me if I said I was okay?"
"Not at all. I'm sorry. I had no idea that father's death would release her. Not to mention you had to deal with those hunters. I shouldn't have left so soon after you getting hurt."
"I'm a bit overwhelmed but I will be okay. Your mother seems pretty upset."
"I don't care. I only care about you and this forest. She has no say here." Leo leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled and circled your arms around his waist.
"I think we have a lot to talk about." Leo tensed and you raised your hands to his face now and curled them around his cheeks.
"Were you planning on telling me about your apparent girlfriend who is still pining away for you in some far off land?"
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petri808 · 4 years
The Perfect Pair
@twinstarsweek​ Angel/Demon prompt. Slight Cloak & Dagger reference
Was it weird that a demon could get bored doing demon things? Katsuki didn’t really care that the other demons teased him, frankly he didn’t give two fucks about what anyone else thought. He loved causing some havoc and sure killing despicable humans that deserved to die was like sport. And why not, hastening murderers, rapists, the pure dregs of human existence onto a fast track train to perdition gave him a real buzz. But that didn’t mean he was like the others who enjoyed the ruthless killing of anyone good or bad.
There were a few ways to get out of their realm which were like jobs if you will. To be summoned by a human… he hated this. You could break the rules and leave without a job, but the hell hounds would be sent to drag you back… and they never failed. A higher-ranking demon could assign you a job, such as unleashing a plague or to collect a human that is deemed too inherently evil to live any longer. And the final option is to be hired directly by an angel. Even though this was necessary to maintain the balance, many demons only took this option when no other work was available.
Call him crazy, but Katsuki was tired of being under the leader’s thumb and desperate for a change.
So, one day as he peruses the job board, he notices a new posting that sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest. The pearly white piece of paper with filigree gold corners signaled its source— An angel. His blood red eyes narrow in on the description:
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Kind of vague but intriguing, especially the permanent part. Did it mean if he did a good job, it might keep him out of Tartarus for a long period of time because that was certainly enticing? Katsuki rips the paper off the board. ‘Contact Izuku, huh?’ He grins. Time to find out just who this angel was.
Human’s only had a measly understanding of what lay beyond their corporeal world and none of the supernatural creatures bothered to correct their misunderstandings. Creatures existed for different purposes. Aside from angels and demons, there were elementals, lost spirits, and a multitude of what the humans called gods. Each of these had their own realms where they dwelled like layers stacked upon one another, yet invisible to the corporeal world.
For demons it was Tartarus, angels inhabit Sion, and the other realms lay in-between. But the purpose of angels and demons are closer to the Chinese belief of yin and yang, to keep a balance in the corporeal world. The animals are easy to deal with for those creatures followed the basal instincts of life and death. Humans on the other hand were an offshoot of evolution that has become a bit problematic. In the beginning they followed the rules but over thousands of generations, has forgotten how to maintain a balance with the world around them.
Because of their loss of direction, angels were tasked with coaxing humans back in line. Those that refused are the ones the demons stepped in to deal with. A job was simple enough as long as they worked together… and there in lies the problem. It was rare for an angel and demon to get along for more than a job or two. Eventually their opposing natures caused friction. Katsuki knew that but figured what the hell, it was worth a shot.
He follows the directions on the flyer and finds Izuku at a small cottage in Sion. Their realms were so different from each other’s. Tartarus felt despairing, shadowed, and their homes bitterly heated. But Sion was full of blinding hope, and the homes looked warm and inviting. Even as a demon Katsuki had to admit it was a lot nicer to be there instead of his own home.
It was strange as he stood on the angel’s doorstep. There was a peculiar comfort washing over him that he’s never experienced before. Katsuki shakes his head to push away the weird sensations, chalking it up to the realm’s positive energy. He knocks at the door and stands back, not knowing what to expect.
When the door opens, out pops a smaller green-eyed male with the biggest smile plastered on his face. So, this is what an angel looked like? His skin was a touch luminescent, yet Katsuki could see freckles on the guys cherubic face. He wore all white, ‘no wonder the humans depicted angels in white,’ had tiny horns peeking out from messy green hair, and a pair of fluffy white feathery wings folded neatly behind his back. All in all, the guy was kind of cute.  
“Hi! How can I help you mister demon?”
Katsuki holds up the flyer, “you looking for a partner?”
“Oh yes!” the angel opens his door all the way, “please come in.” He gestures towards a living area, “have a seat. Are you thirsty?”
“Nah, I’m fine, just wanna know what’re you looking for. And by the way, the names Katsuki.”
Izuku takes a seat opposite the demon. “It’s nice to meet you Katsuki,” he smiles and takes a moment to scan over the demon. He’s seen a couple of them before, but it was the first time being up close. He notes the deep red eyes and the scowl that gave the man a scary disposition. Dressed mostly in black and reds, he had pointy horns that rose a few inches out of the dirty blonde hair, and a pair of leathery wings. Wow, these demons really were their opposites in many ways.
Satisfied, Izuku sits forward with his hands clasped in his lap. “Well, one of the things I do is look for people who still have good in their hearts but have gone astray and need help getting back in balance. Some are easy to work with, but others are so lost and broken, it takes a stronger push. So that’s where you come in.”
“To do what exactly?”
“Well, I guess you could say, some humans need to be scared or shown their fears in order to recognize them. That’s what you’ll help me with, then I step in to show them there is hope so they can change for the better. Basically, you’ll help me bring the human back into balance.”
It all sounded easy enough. Maybe not a lot of fun, but perhaps if the human decides to get physical, he’ll get to do some pushing back. Katsuki sits back and tilts his head slightly. “Alright, I’m game. When do we start?”
By the end of the second job, Katsuki had to admit this gig was a lot easier than he’d expected it to be. The other demons made working with angels seem like a real nightmare but Izuku was a total push over. Sometimes the guy was too damn tooth-rottingly sweet.
All the angel wanted to do was save humans from themselves and would pick some rather tough cases. He’s seen others go after little guys, such as drug users that had simply lost their way, but Izuku went for the top, targeting ruthless gang leaders or corrupt politicians. It was amusing at first that this mouse of a creature took such a route. Not that Katsuki was complaining, because scaring guys like those were a lot more fun than the weaklings.
Don’t get him wrong, Katsuki wasn’t doing this because he cared about the humans, that’s the angels forte. It was a job, he was out of Tartarus, and enjoying this new endeavor. In fact, between missions, he chose not to return to his realm. Izuku didn’t mind him crashing at his home, so he took up the offer. Sion was nice and cushiony compared to his own abode.
“So, who’s next on the agenda?” the demon kicks up his feet against the table and sits back relaxed on his chair. The pair were sitting at the angels dining table going over the next mission.
“Hmm,” Izuku closes his eyes, searching the human realm with his mind. “I see a wife abuser or a corrupt businessman.”  
Katsuki swiftly drops his legs and sit forward in his seat. He grins, “let’s get the abuser, those bastards deserve to have the tables turned on them.”
“I agree,” the angel smiles. “There’s no excuse for such behavior.”
“Perfect! I hope he gives us lip cause I’ll really make him shit his pants.”
Izuku was starting to get used to this demon’s rough personality and penchant for swear words. It was very different for an angel made of light, so he preferred to think of Katsuki’s darkness as just a way to peer into these sinner’s souls. Every human is born balanced, but as they grow are filled with both hope and despair for each challenge is an opportunity to gain strength. Some humans rise to the light and overcome, while unfortunately some give in to the darkness and are consumed.
There were legends of angels and demons who combined to affect the greatest changes in the human’s history. Divine pairings they were called, beings that not only worked together to bring balance, but were themselves the epitome of the balance in this world. And ever since Katsuki had arrived, Izuku felt an unusual connection with him. Of course, those stories were called legends for a reason because no one in this current lifetime had ever seen this special pair. But that didn’t mean the what ifs never crossed his mind.
Now some may wonder how an angel or demon could move about amongst humans and not be caught for what they were. There are human sensitives that could ‘see’ their true energy, but to the average person they appeared to be no different than any other human. It was a glamour that hid their otherworldly features, horns, wings, or their unnatural skin glow and shadows, turned off and on when the angel or demon saw fit.
Izuku’s human facade resembled a stereotypical nerd minus the glasses. Mousey messy green hair, freckled cherubic face plastered with a never-ending smile; he was too adorable to be walking around in a dilapidated ghetto type area.
“You know if I wasn’t here, someone might make you their bitch,” Katsuki teases the angel.
“I— don’t understand what that means.”
When Katsuki turns to look at his partner, his face heats up at the sheer innocence Izuku exuded. ‘Shit… c-cute...’ He clears his throat and looks away again. “It means you’d get kidnapped.”
“Oh!” the angel smiles. “That’s why I needed your help.”
Katsuki on the other hand fit perfectly in these areas. A piercing red gaze and scowl matched against his dark clothing choice caused most humans to give them a wide berth when walking on the sidewalk. He imagined passerby’s saw the pair as an odd couple because that’s exactly what they looked like. But odd or not, they worked well together, and he was starting to feel a bit protective over the angel.
He throws an arm around the smaller male’s shoulders, “stick with me and you’ll be fine mouse.”
The close contact triggers Izuku’s body temperature to rise a tad and he feels the heat surge into his cheeks. He couldn’t understand why this demon evoked unfamiliar emotions in him. Well, not exactly unfamiliar. As an angel, Izuku understood the positive emotions like love, friendship, caring, and all those that guided him. It was his affection for humans that drove him to do what he did, but he wasn’t supposed to feel these same sentiments for a demon. “Thanks,” he sputters out.
A few more months pass by as the pair racks up successful mission after mission. So far, only on two occasions did Katsuki resort to turning off his glamour in order to truly scare an individual because Izuku requested it be their last resort. It made the demon laugh when one of the men actually pissed their pants in fear. Well, they should have just listened to reason as far as he was concerned.
They would scout out their targets and figure out the best timing to approach to avoid a worst-case scenario. Izuku was meticulous at planning and that was the only thing that could drive the demon crazy. But it worked so far. Katsuki believed that angels and demons were not as immortal as the legends make them out to be. When they were in their human-glamour state, it also meant they were vulnerable. If it were just him maybe it wouldn’t bother him to push his luck, but his desire to protect this angel was over-riding his natural instincts. He didn’t want to risk Izuku getting killed.
Ugh, this was all making him soft, and yet Katsuki was too attached by this point. An unspoken connection had taken hold, so deeply in fact that the demon and angel shared a bed now. If Izuku was out of his view for too long, he would grow agitated. The angel didn’t help by not forcing them to stay cordial and allowing this unnatural affection to take root.
“We gotta go, we gotta go!” Izuku rushes into the living room one day in a panic. “Our target just acquired another batch of kidnapped girls!”
The demon gets off his chair just as the angel gets to him. Katsuki grabs his flailing arms to calm the panicking man and pulls the man tightly against his chest so he can’t pull away. “Whoa, whoa, calm down mouse! We haven’t worked out how many goons this guy has got working for him yet. We could be walking into a big shit storm!”
“But the girls!”
“I am not gonna let you do something stupid or get killed. Period. End of discussion!”
“Kacchan, we can do this!” Izuku’s eyes water and his lips turn down in a pout. “Together I know we can deal with whatever happens.”
A deep growl emanates from the demon’s throat halting the angels fight, “what part of I can’t risk losing you don’t you understand?! If 50 humans jump us, I might not be able to protect you.”
“I wouldn’t want to lose you either,” Izuku whines as the tears trickle down his cheeks. He believed with his entire soul in them. “I just know in my heart we’ll be fine.”
Suddenly, a bright light envelopes the pair, catching them completely off guard. Katsuki releases the angel in a panic that something just went wrong. Did they break a rule? Shit! It’s because he was getting attached wasn’t it? He shouldn’t be so damn attached to an angel, but he couldn’t help himself! “Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck!”
But Izuku stays calm. There was no pain, no sense of foreboding, or any inclinations what was happening was a bad thing. He looks over his glowing arms and realizes they were both glowing white. “Kacchan calm down.” It was his turn to grab onto the other. “Kacchan its gonna be okay.”
“Are we in trouble?!”
The angel could see the sheer panic in the red glowing eyes. Was this demon feeling true fear for the first time? But fear of what? “I don’t think so. I mean, it doesn’t feel like we are.” He pulls Katsuki into a hug. “Don’t be scared Kacchan, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
“But why the fuck are we glowing?!”
“I-I think it’s because we just became a divine pair.”
“A what?”
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The Mistakes We Made - Chapter Fourteen
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Summary:  When her high school girlfriend comes back to town after two years with a baby and a terrible story she won’t tell, the Librarian has to deal with the feelings she had worked so hard to keep at bay.
Notes: The flashbacks in this chapter happen pretty much immediately after the ones in chapter 11, so you might want to read it again. Or not, it’s not really crucial to the understanding of this chapter. Anyway... this is it guys... The Talk. I hope it lives up to what you were expecting.
Read it on ao3: (chpt1)  (chpt2) (chpt3) (chpt4) (chpt5) (chpt6) (chpt7) (chpt8) (chpt9) (chpt10) (chpt11) (chpt12) (chpt13) (chpt14)
The wind made Maven’s hair sway as she picked a key from her skirt’s pocket. It was a chilly Saturday night, and Mr. Kavindi had asked if she could work for three more hours today, in order for him to go home early and be with his wife on their anniversary. She had accepted, of course, not only because she was very fond of him, but also because she could use the money.
As soon as she had finished locking up the library’s doors, she turned around and saw a woman running up the long white stairs, and she sighed.
“Sorry, we’re closed for today.” The woman coming towards her had flowing red hair and a strong jaw. As she climbed the last step, Maven noticed she was taller than average. She wasn’t from Trolberg, which made her wonder what had happened for her to end up there. At the same time, Maven had the impression of having seen her before.
“Do you work here?” The quick climb ought to have made her breathless, but it seemed like her determination was bigger than her exhaustion.
Maven lifted an eyebrow and crossed her arms, wondering what other explanation the woman had for her having the keys to the library. “I do.”
“And you know Johanna, right?”
The question hit her like a blow to the chest, making her blink in surprise and step back. Ever since she’d seen her being driven away from the town, cheered on by all her friends, Maven had tried her damnest not to think about Johanna. And now this.
“Why do you want to know?”
Taking this as a yes, the woman took a step closer. She’d only seen the librarian once before, and only briefly, but it was enough to remember that this is who she wanted to talk to. “She’s my friend. We began talking at college, but now she’s suddenly stopped talking to me.”
The librarian stared at her for a beat before snorting. “Well, it does seem like she’s making a habit out of it.”
Not wanting to talk about Johanna to anyone, much less a complete stranger, Maven began walking down the stairs, hoping that the redhead would have the sense to understand that she wasn’t in the mood for chatting. No such luck.
“Please, I really want your opinion on this!”
“I truly don’t know what makes you think I even can help.”
Even though this woman was taller, she had difficulty keeping up with Maven’s large strides. “Johanna introduced me to one of her friends. Maybe you know her, she’s called Lucy.”
Maven scrunched her nose. Lucy had always been somewhat close to Johanna, so of course she knew her. She just wasn’t particularly fond of her.
“Well, she mentioned you when Johanna was distracted with something else. Said you were a former friend that worked in the library or something along those lines.”
When they were at the base of the stairs, Maven stopped and turned to the woman. “If Lucy was your source of information about me, you must be here because you hate me. I am, unfortunately, a very busy woman, so please schedule an appointment with my secretary so I can make some time to hear your complaints about my disgusting personality. Have a good night.”
“Oh, come on!” The woman moaned in the face of her sarcasm. “Just hear me out for one second! Lucy is how I knew where to look for you, but I know about your friendship with Johanna because she told me so.”
“My statement about scheduling some time to yell at me remains.”
“You are a smart one, aren’t you?!” She snapped. “Just answer me one question, then I know if you’ll be able to help me.”
Intrigued, the librarian nodded. It wouldn’t hurt to arrive home five minutes later, and she supposed she could give this woman the benefit of the doubt.
After taking a deep breath, the woman asked. “What do you think of Torrin?”
The sound Maven made could only be described as one of pure disgust. “He’s awful. He’s fake and entitled and cares about no one. Why?”
A smile slowly bloomed in the woman’s face, and she suddenly threw her hands up. “Oh, man!” She exclaimed. “I could kiss you right now!”
Not used to having someone agree with her about Torrin, Maven’s mind took a few moments to register the situation. “Don’t take me wrong, you’re a very pretty woman.” She said when she came back to herself. “But I’d rather you didn’t.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “You’re like, the first person who agrees with me. Ever since I’ve met the guy, I didn’t get a good feeling about this. Last time I was in their house, he kept staring at me like he wanted to murder me, it was so creepy. But the Lucy girl said I was imagining things, and I was just at Johanna’s parents’ house and they told me to stay out of this!”
“You tracked down her parents too? With all due respect, that’s very scary.”
“You were the only remaining option. Of people who knew her before, you know? If you said there was nothing wrong with him as well, I’d just give up and admit that I’m paranoid, but seems like I’m not!”
This woman’s enthusiasm and determination were somewhat entertaining to Maven, even though the topic was upsetting. She thought she’d have a good time if she ever sat down to talk to her about something else.
“I can guarantee that you’re right about him, Miss…?” She let the question hang in the air, hoping she’d grant the information.
“Willa. Willa Sandalwood.”
Willa extended her hand and Maven shook it. Her hand was large and calloused, making Maven assume she had a hobby that went beyond graphic design. Maybe something athletic or crafty.
“Willa, Johanna has made her choice. You can rest assured that she knew about all the problems with her current husband. She has simply decided to ignore it, even if I’ll have to agree with you and say she shouldn’t have. She’s chosen her path, and there’s nothing we can do.”
Willa looked down at her feet, her brow furrowed in thought. When she looked up again, she gave the librarian a smile. “Would you mind if we talked about this some more? I’ll even pay you tea if you want to.”
If the chance for getting information, even if just a little, about Johanna’s current situation hadn’t already made her make up her mind, the promise of tea would have. “Alright. I know a nice place”
“Cool!” Walking to the sidewalk, she gently tapped the seat of a red and black motorcycle that had been parked right in front of the library. “Can I give you a ride?”
Maven lifted her eyebrows. “I’m not climbing into a stranger’s motorcycle.”
“Oh.” She looked at the motorcycle with her brows creased, as if she hadn’t thought of that. “That’s understandable. Is it safe to leave it here for me to come back for it later?”
They walked together as Maven led them to the Poet’s Retreat. Just as they turned a corner, she spoke up again, getting genuinely caught up in the conversation.
“So, you don’t trust Torrin, and Johanna suddenly stopped talking to you, is that right?”
“Yep. And I think she did that because he doesn’t like me.”
There were some people in the streets, mostly going out to meet their friends and family. They shot the two of them weird looks as they passed by, probably thinking Willa must be either insane or evil to be talking so comfortably to Maven.
“I just don’t see where I come in this. Why did you look for me?”
She shuddered. “When Johanna talked about you, she told me you were worried for her, but that you shouldn’t be. So I thought you might agree with me.”
“She told you about me?” Maven asked with a tremulous voice, a spark of hope being lit in her heart against her better judgement.
Willa gazed down and rubbed the back of her neck. She didn’t miss the hope in Maven’s voice, so she tried to let her down gently. “She did when I asked her about you, that day you wanted to talk to her after class.”
Suddenly, the librarian remembered where she’d seen the woman before. “You’re the person who was talking to her when she left the classroom, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, that’s me!”
Maven’s pace slowed down as she thought about that. When asked about her, Johanna had said she was well meaning; could this mean she still had a chance at a friendship with Johanna? Should she even want a friendship with Johanna at this point?
“You seem to be the only person left who can talk some sense into Johanna. It’s not asking for much is it? You just need to send a message. Tell her her friends are worried because Torrin has been showing… questionable behaviors. I think you can do that.”
“Yeah.” She breathed, somewhat terrified at the prospect of texting her oldest friend. “I think I can.”
Maven overslept. Hardly a sin, since it was Sunday and the night before had been extremely tiring, physically but mainly emotionally, but once she had woken up and still remained in bed for half an hour more, she knew she was only trying to stall the inevitable.
They would have to talk. For the second time in little more than a month, Maven would have to sit down with Johanna and discuss the things that had happened between them. She was burnt out just by thinking about it.
For two years, she’d done everything she could to forget all that had happened. She had locked up the hurt in a box deep in her mind and pretended it wasn’t there at all. And now, she would be expected to open up this box and calmly go through its contents. She just wanted to stay in bed, read a book and ignore the matter at hand.
But that would be acting like a coward. She’d been choosing the path that hurt less for all this time. Now, she had the chance to allow her heart to ache in exchange of the possibility of moving forward, and she’d be damned if she didn’t take it.
Telling herself that facing this would be the only way to move forward, she pushed the blankets aside and got up, heading straight for the window. She opened the curtains in one swift movement. She’d had enough of living in the dark.
She lit a scented candle she had lying around, wanting to be distracted by its sweet perfume while she dressed herself. She picked dark grey pants and a plum shirt, along with knitted coat with flower patterns that a great aunt had knitted for her. When was the last time she hadn’t had black in her outfit?
Not surprisingly, Johanna was already in the living room when Maven climbed down the stairs. She had Hilda in her arms, and though Maven couldn’t distinguish the words, it sounded like she was talking to her daughter. Whatever it was, it was making the child smile.
“Good morning.” Maven greeted, her voice still groggy from sleep. Johanna turned her head to look at her, and gave her a bright smile.
“Good morning! How are you feeling?”
She walked up to the sofa, smiling at the child as she turned her gaze to her. “Surprisingly well. The cuts are itching, but that’s to be expected, I suppose. How did you sleep?”
“As well as a person taking care of a baby can.” Johanna snorted. “Anyway, I made scrambled eggs. They’re in the counter, so help yourself.”
“Oh, thank you.” The eggs were still warm, so Johanna couldn’t have been waiting for her for too long. While Maven ate, Johanna gracefully questioned her about how things were going in the library and at college, in return talking about what she and Hilda had been up to while she was away at work. Those were interesting little nothings, and both of them knew that it was not going to take them anywhere. Nevertheless, it helped to calm them down for the conversation they would need to have sooner rather than later.
When she finished her meal, swallowing down a cup of tea, Maven took the plate to the sink and washed it. As she turned to the living room again, Hilda had been put in her stroller, where she was joyfully slapping at some toys that hang from the top of it.
“Johanna.” Maven said, calling forth every inch of determination she had to aid her in this moment. “Can we talk?”
Johanna sighed but smiled timidly at her. “Yes, I suppose we should, shouldn’t we?”
Maven sat down on the armchair, so as to give them both some space. She was silent for a beat, before getting herself to ask the question that had haunted so many of her days.
“Why did we break up?”
Johanna fixed her stare on her, her eyes restless. Her face twitched, her eyebrows coming closer for a moment, and funnily enough, it looked like she didn’t know the answer for that either.
“I don’t remember a fight, or a reason. So what happened? Ever since you began talking to Torrin, everything went downhill, but you never told me why.”
Maven stifled back a hiccup. It had been years. This shouldn’t still hurt so much, but goodness, all she wanted was to understand where had she gone wrong.
“It was not your fault.” She answered after trying to read her friend’s expression for long moments. “Not really. I’m afraid the blame of it isn’t even Torrin’s. It’s my parent’s.”
Maven felt surprise hit her, like a bolt of electricity shocking her awake. Not that her parents had been involved in their separation, of course. She’d long since known that, as soon as they learned about the two of them, they had done something. But it was nearly frightening to see Johanna finally admit it to herself.
Seeing the shock in Maven’s face, Johanna’s shoulders slumped. “It seems you were right about that. Looking back, not only did they do everything they could to make me stay away from you, but also to make me believe that I wanted to stay away from you. They drilled into me that you’d been trying to isolate me so that I had nowhere to go for affection but you.”
“Why did you believe?” She hissed, though her anger wasn’t directed at Johanna. Maven clenched her fists and took a deep breath. The last thing she needed was to to snap at Johanna when she’d just began to believe that Maven wasn’t as bad as she thought.
“They made it hard not too. Every time I tried to talk to you, there was a punishment. And every step I took away from you they seemed to reward me and trust me more.”
Maven nodded. She wanted to understand, she really did. So she did her best to stay quiet even as she had to admit to herself that she felt betrayed. Johanna was not a dog to be won over with rewards, so there must have been something else.
“You see, when I got closer to Torrin they gave me my phone again. When we began dating, they let me stop going to therapy, and so on.”
Maven tilted her head at that. She remembered Johanna mentioning therapy one day, but she never explained what that was about.
“They made me see this psychologist after they found out about our notes.” She explained after she, too, remembered that Maven didn’t know what that was about. “But I don’t think the guy even deserves to be called a psychologist. I’m quite sure my parents were paying him to convince me of your bad intentions as well. That, and to try and talk me out of liking girls.”
Maven gasped at that, eyes wide as she stared at Johanna. She had had no idea of the lengths her parents would go to. It was so much worse than she had imagined.
“Maven?” Johanna asked, concerned at the way she seemed to have stopped breathing.
“They tortured you?” It was a wonder Maven even managed to whisper it, startled as she was. She’d heard of the things done to people who were submitted to conversion therapy, and the image of Johanna going through that was making her want to vomit.
“No, no!” Johanna quickly assured, her hands spread in front of herself in a gesture meant to calm Maven down. “Nothing of the sort. Nothing physical, at least.”
“Okay” she breathed, her heartbeat slowing down to normalcy. “That’s… something, I guess.”
Uneasy silence fell over them, too lost in their own minds as the events of years ago replayed themselves on their minds, the blanks being filled. It was only broken when Johanna spoke.
“Maven, why didn’t you try harder?” She asked, her arms now crossed around herself and her gaze towards the ground, sounding miserable. “I understand that I didn’t treat you well, but you already knew what my parents were doing, didn’t you? At least to some extent.”
Maven blinked. Of all the things she expected to be called out for, keeping her distance hadn’t been one of them. “Yes. They never really liked that we were friends.”
“Then why didn’t you make more of an effort to talk to me? One of the things that helped me convince myself that you didn’t really care is that you just… let me go. And it hurt.”
“But I did that because I was respecting you! Everything you did led me to thinking you didn’t want me around!”
“But you knew those weren’t my wishes.” Now looking at her Maven again, only Johanna’s eyes revealed how miserable that had made her feel.
“But that wouldn’t have mattered! I know it wasn’t your fault, but you had begun seeing me like everyone else. There was nothing I could-”
“Stop it” Johanna hissed, sounding more frustrated than angry. “Don’t do that.”
Eyebrows lifted, Maven crossed her arms. “Don’t do what?”
“This! You’ve always done this. You’ve gotten it into your head that if someone acknowledges your reputation, any chances at a relationship with them are over. I understand that you don’t want to insist on people who treat you like an outcast, but don’t you see how so many people have the wrong impression about you because you never tried to prove them wrong?”
“I can’t change who I am, Johanna!” Her heart ached. She thought they were beyond this. She had thought that Johanna didn’t see her like that anymore.
“Thank goodness!” Johanna exclaimed. “Thank goodness you can’t change, because you’re an amazing person!”
Where once she had been sitting straight as an arrow, Maven let herself relax against the back of the couch, her brows drawn together. This was getting too confusing for her to follow.
“You’re a selfless, caring and interesting person. You’re intelligent and dedicated to the people you love, and no one knows this. Ever since you were a child, you just got it into your head that everyone would see you as some sort of monster and there was nothing you could do about it. And so you never did anything. You never tried to make friends, or call people out when they lied about you. You seemed to revel in your reputation.”
“I don’t owe anyone explanations.” Maven muttered under her breath, only loud enough for Johanna to hear her.
“That’s true.” She acknowledged. “But you can’t just give up on people like that. Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson about insisting on them even when they stop caring about hurting you, but the same way it has always been upsetting to see you not fighting for the respect you deserve, it harmed me even more to realize you weren’t trying as hard to keep us together as I was. It made me believe that I didn’t mean that much to you after all.”
Maven’s first instinct was to defend herself, to justify her actions even though she could see that Johanna’s words were not meant to be an attack, and nor was she meant to take it as such. Instead, she took a few deep breaths. It was hard to swallow that she’d had some part of the blame in their separation.
“I hadn’t realized that this was an issue during our friendship.” She said, organizing her thoughts in as clear and concise a manner as she could. “I am sorry that it has upset you before, and I’ll reflect more about it, I promise. But Anna, I did make an effort when it came to us.”
“You did in the beginning.” Happy as she was about how well Maven was handling this, she needed her to understand her pain, to acknowledge it. Maven hadn’t been the only one to feel like the other had disappeared.
“I did until you told me not to. I was respecting your wishes.”
Tilting her head to the side, Johanna made an effort not to frown. Although she knew she hadn’t at all valued their relationship enough after things went wrong, she’d never actually told Maven to stop talking to her. She knew that sometimes people remembered past events differently, but that sounded like a bit of a stretch.
“But I never did tell you to stay away. You said it yourself, at the time you knew most of my behavior was because of my parents.”
As she sighed, Maven hugged her coat tighter around herself, as if it could shield her from the memories. “Please don’t pretend that didn’t happen, Johanna. It hurt me. Quite a bit.”
To say that it hurt her was an understatement. She’d spent nights without sleep because of those words, even going as far as crying into her pillow. She’d believed those words, taken them right into her core, to the point where she distanced herself from everyone she loved for months, believing that she was doing it for them. The only person to have a meaningful conversation with her during that time was her mother, her health quickly deteriorating in the hospital. Meanwhile, Johanna tried to understand what she meant. This could be about the time when Maven tried to warn her about Torrin, but she didn’t think she’d told her to stop talking to her then. “Are you talking about that day in Ericsonberg?”
“No! I’m talking about those messages!”
“When I broke up with you?” From what she remembered, that had been the last occasion in which they texted each other, but Johanna was sure she had been perfectly polite. Of course, she understood why Maven would have been sad about it, but it still didn’t make sense.
“Johanna.” Maven sighed, burying her face in her hands. “Did you really forget?”
She couldn’t believe that something that had cut her so deeply, left her so bitter, had simply been forgotten by Johanna, but she supposed she’d had other things to worry about. When she lifted her face, she found Johanna staring at her phone.
“I can’t find it.” She said. “Our messages were deleted. But I really don’t know when I did that.”
“So you really did forget.”
“Maven, I didn’t just forget!” She ran one of her hands through her curls, clearly unsettled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
Maven’s grip on the phone was hard enough to hurt her palm. Shock alone kept her from crying as she read over the words on the screen time and time again.
“It looks like you still haven’t understood this, so I’ll spell it out for you. I don’t care for you or any of your advices. I know you’re just trying to harm me, like you do with everyone, and I don’t ever want to hear about you again. Quit being a happiness sucking spirit and leave me the heck alone.”
Nothing could have prepared her to hear (or rather, read) those words from her best friend. For half an hour, she was rendered incapable of doing even the most basic of tasks, her textbooks lying forgotten on her desk as she stared out of the window into the overwhelming brightness of the day outside.
Her heart broke a little more with each beat. She’d been a fool to text Johanna. She’d been a fool to even care. She wouldn’t commit that mistake again. Johanna had picked her side, and it definitely wasn’t hers.
She’d saved Willa’s number on her phone, and called her as soon as her mind cleared over. The phone didn’t ring for long, and soon she heard Willa’s confident voice on the other side.
“Hey, good morning, Maven! How are you doing?”
“Forget about her.”
There was a beat of silence between them before the woman recomposed herself. “What?”
“You want an advice? Forget about her. She’s made it very clear how certain she is of her choices. So forget about her, and let her suffer the consequences herself.”
Willa had began protesting, trying to to get Maven to explain what had happened, but the librarian ended the call. Tears stinging at her eyes, her knees gave out under her and she was dragged down. She was left a sobbing mess on the floor, knowing that if the person who knew her the most thought these things, there was no way they weren’t true.
Maven had never been good with being vulnerable, so it showed a great deal of commitment of her part that she opened the messages on her phone, and scrolled down until she found her conversation with Johanna. Never had she felt as exposed as when she handed Johanna her phone, letting her see the words that had haunted many of her nights.
At first, she squinted at the phone, adjusting her eyes to the weak light at which Maven kept her screen. As her eyes began moving, her face gained a horrified look to it. Just as the librarian had a hard time swallowing the message the day she’d received it, she looked like she could not believe what was in front of her.
“Maven?” She said with a tremulous voice. “I- I didn’t write this.”
Maven sighed, admittedly annoyed by the denial. The harm had already been done, it was no use pretending that it never happened. She supposed Johanna felt guilty about it, now that she realized that Maven had only wished to help, but she wished she would just apologize. Maven now knew everything she’d been facing at that time, she could finally put that behind her if only she could hear Johanna say she hadn’t meant it.
“It’s okay, Anna. I’m not blaming you.”
“No, listen to me!” Clearly distressed, Johanna locked her gaze with Maven’s, her eyes asking her friend to believe her. “I swear, I didn’t write this. No matter how confused and hurt I was, I’d never tell you these things. On top of that, I don’t remember ever receiving your message! I never got to read it.”
Damn her for making Maven hope so fiercely. “So, you didn’t mean those things?” She asked, still having a hard time wrapping her mind around it.
“Those words aren’t mine!” Johanna raised her voice, anger burning in her eyes for someone who was definitely not Maven. “Only one other person had my password. He did this.”
A part of her mind wanted to doubt; it told her that if something sounded too good to be true, then it probably wasn’t, that she should ask for proof that Johanna wasn’t trying to make a fool of her. But what would she even get for lying to her? She knew she’d be forgiven either way.
What really did convince Maven was her anger. Johanna was a naturally calm person. She always had the patience to help, to understand. But the way angry energy rolled off of her in that moment left Maven with no doubts that she was telling the truth.
The librarian sat up taller, straighter. She couldn’t believe she, too, had been played by the man. “He didn’t even tell you about the message?”
Relieved that her friend seemed to accept her explanation, Johanna let her shoulders drop, relaxing them. “No, he didn’t. Oh goodness, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She said sympathetically. Her soul seemed to grow lighter, some of the cracks in her heart being mended. She’d spent so long bitter over all that had happened, distressed by the things Johanna told her, and it had all been so pointless. She couldn’t say it felt like all the hurt melted away, like she had hoped it magically would. But it did feel so far away that the pain could barely touch her anymore.
“It’s not.” Johanna protested weakly. “This is awful. No wonder you were so mad at me when I came back.”
It was then that Maven realized just how awful she’d been when she met Johanna that evening at the cafe. How she’d screamed at her for things that weren’t even her fault and lashed out because of her pain, not even stopping to consider that Johanna had been the one who took the most hurtful fall.
“Oh shit, Anna! I’m so sorry.” Her hand went to her face, squeezing the bridge of her nose. “I was such a huge jerk that day. I’m so sorry.”
Johanna got up, and then sat down again, but in the end of the sofa closest to Maven, touching her wrist. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. You had already apologized.”
That was true, but at the time, she hadn’t known just how hurtful her remarks could have been. After listening to the whole of Johanna’s story, that conversation gained many more layers.
“We-” Johanna stopped for a moment, caught by a wave of emotion. She moving her hand to touch Maven’s cheek. “We can’t erase the mistakes we made, but we can try to heal together.”
The look her friend gave her was filled with a mixture of hope and doubt, and Johanna wouldn’t have been able to look away even if she wanted.
“Do you really believe that, Anna?” She asked softly but with her voice filled with pain. She wished for nothing more than for that to be true, but she had to be realistic. Intentionally or not, they’d harmed each other too much.
“What do you mean?”
Maven could see in Johanna’s face that she was bracing herself for pain, and this is exactly what she meant. Could they really heal together if they were always waiting for the other to hurt them? It was extremely difficult for her, to be this close to happiness and to push it away, but it was something she had to say.
“Do you really believe we can heal together after everything that happened? What if I hurt you again?”
Brushing a strand of hair away from Maven’s face, Johanna inhaled deeply. “Yes, I do. And I’m not saying we can go back to where we left off. We’re different now from we were then. But what good did complete distance do to us?”
Maven leaned into her hand, trying to let her gentle touch soothe her.
“None.” She whispered.
“And if we hurt each other, we can apologize and work towards getting better. At least we can be friends, right?”
Tears stinging at her eyes, Maven had to control herself not to let her bottom lip tremble, and she could see Johanna’s situation was not much different from her own. She nodded weakly, afraid that any harsh movements would make this moment break. But then Johanna threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly, even if somewhat awkwardly with the arms of the couch and the armchair between them.
Maven was helpless as she began sobbing, shaking in her friend’s embrace, but it had been a long time since she’d felt so whole. After so long, she finally had real hope that they would put the past behind them and start over again. And maybe this time, she’d even feel like she deserved it.
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unbrckenwallsxinspo · 4 years
Trigger // SELF PARA
When: April 1st, after midnight
Where: Devon and Alyssa’s House
Summary: Kinsley Maxwell decides to play an April Fools prank on Devon, but it goes horribly wrong.
Trigger Warnings: Guns, mentions of death, murder, suicide, and drugs
Mentions: Devon, Ryan, Tavin, Alex, Kinsley 
🖂 Incoming message! From: [email protected] To:[email protected] I found some old pics of Jade that I thought you might like to have.
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A few years had passed since Jade's murder. Devon was now only a couple weeks away from his 25th birth, he was raising their daughter as a single parent, and still lived in the two story cabin home that his in-laws had helped them purchase.  He wished he could say that life was good, but deep down, there was still pain that just wouldn't disappear no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. No matter what he did, he still lived with the memory of watching Jade take her last breath.
It was after midnight in Nashville. He should've been asleep, but instead he was on his laptop, looking at the email that his mother-in-law had sent. Four pics of Jade that he'd never seen before. The first one being when she was only about four months pregnant with Alyssa and went to a late night diner with friends. The second being her with friends at a hotel about a month before she and Devon got married. The third was her wit friends atsome electronics store in a town they didn't recognize. The fourth was one that Devon had taken of her while on a lunch date after their wedding. So many good memories. No more to be made.
A year after she died, Devon tried to take his own life. Months of therapy followed until he finally stopped going. In his mind, he no longer needed the help. For a few years, that mindset worked. Until recently. Lately he'd begun to sink back into a depression, suicidal thoughts and all. Alyssa was the only reason he hadn't ended his life. She was his reason for living. Still, he was haunted by nightmares of Jade's death. He blamed himself for it happening. After all, he shouldn't have tried to escape, then the robber wouldn't have felt the need to fire his weapon. So it had to be Devon's fault, right?
He clicked out of his email and closed his laptop as soon as he saw the seven-year-old in the doorway, clinging to her teddy bear and rubbing her tired blue eyes. "Hey, love, can't sleep?"
Alyssa shook her head and climbed onto the bed, nuzzling her face against Devon's shoulder. She knew how to make him feel safer without even trying. Wrapping his arms around his little girl, he laid back against the pillows, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he looked at the clock on his nightstand. It was 12:30 AM. He'd surely be awake until it was alright daylight out. That was often how his nights turned out.  Good thing he had tomorrow off from work.
"What's up, kiddo?" He ran his fingers through her hair, forcing himself to smile as he lovingly kissed her head. 
"Do you think I'll ever see my mommy again?"
The question was anything but simple. He believed they would see Jade in the afterlife, but he knew what Alyssa really meant, and he couldn't give her the answer she wanted. That broke his heart.
"Someday, baby." He gulped, rubbing her back. He was kind of relieved when she didn't push the issue farther. Normally she had a lot of questions about pretty much anything and everything, but he preferred that she not ask too many questions about her mom. He never had the right answers.
Their brief conversation was interrupted by something outside. Something that Devon didn't recognize. He supposed that it could have been the wind or a trashcan falling over or a bird or something, but it sounded like none of those things. So Devon's fight or flight response was quick to kick in. 
"Stay here. Try to get some sleep." He murmured as he got up from the bed. A few months after Jade died, he purchased a pistol without telling anyone. He kept it in a safe in his closet and only he knew the combination. Maybe right now he didn't need the gun, maybe there was a logical explanation, but that knocking...it didn't sound good, so of course his first reaction was self defense.
"Stay here!" He whispered before he walked into the door, shutting the door behind him. He was about to head downstairs when he heard the familiar ring of his phone, which was coming from Alyssa's room. Huh. He must have left it there when he was putting her to bed earlier. 
He hurried into her room and grabbed the phone, answering with urgency. 
"Hello, friend. Remember me?"
"Who is this?!" Devon snapped as he pointed the gun in front of him, inching slowly out of the room and towards the stairs. 
"You mean you don't remember me? From the Flash Mart?"
Chills went down Devon's spine. The Flash Mart was where Jade was killed. But her killer was in prison! He couldn't possibly be calling. This had to be a joke. A sick, evil joke. 
"Come on, Devon. I met you and that lovely wife of yours for a few minutes. Lovely couple, you two were."
"Whoever you are, you better leave me alone or I'm calling the police!" He yelled before promptly hanging up. He choked back sobs as his shaking hand clutched the gun tighter, walking slowly down the stairs. To his horror, his front door was wide open, wind blowing leaves across the floor. And in the doorway was a tall, hooded figure wearing a hockey mask and holding what appeared to be a machete. A bloody machete.
Devon didn't notice that the man had practically jumped back through the doorway in fear, as a bullet struck the floor and another at the wall. His mind was spinning, but he was focused enough to fight back against the perceived enemy. This was not happening. This was NOT happening.
"BRENDON, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE JASON VOORHEES OR SOMETHING, NOT MY SISTER'S KILLER, YOU MORONIC ASSHOLE! Tavin, seriously, get over here now. Devon's got a gun! Shit shit shit...No, I'm hiding behind the car!"
Devon paused at the sound of Kinsley's voice. He knew this was some kind of prank that she'd come up with, but his mind was racing and his muscles were so tense that somehow he still felt like there was danger. So the gun never left his hands and his finger never left the trigger as he searched the surrounding area for Kinsley's "friend."
"Devon, it was a prank!"
Devon no longer heard a word Kinsley was screaming at him. He was focused entirely on finding the asshole she'd used for said prank. The scary thing was that he wasn't even thinking of the potential consequences of his actions. He didn't think about the possibility that he might hurt or even kill someone. He was definitely not himself in that moment.
"W-where are you..." He murmured, panicked tears in his eyes. The flashbacks were playing over and over in his head, and he felt nothing except a desperate desire to protect himself and his daughter. In that moment, he wasn't at his home. He was back at that convenience store and he was fighting for his life.
He was so deeply trapped in his own mind that he didn't hear the slam of the car door a few feet away. He heard someone call his name and he cried out softly as he whipped around, pointing the gun in the direction of the voices. Then, all of a sudden, he felt a pair of arms grab him from behind, the gun falling from his hand.
"Ryan, did you just forget that he has PTSD?! You don't sneak up behind someone who--" Was that Alex or Tavin speaking? Devon had no idea. He was too busy crying and trying to get out of Ryan's grasp, panicked breaths escaping him. 
"Well, did you want him to shoot someone? Because I don't know about you, but I like liv-Thank you, Devon, for your knee making contact with Ryan Jr." Ryan groaned as he let Devon go, gripping his crotch as if that would relieve the pain Devon just inflicted upon him.
Devon was spiraling. Heavy breathing, sweat dripping down his face, barely holding back sobs as he combed his fingers through his hair. He was going insane, he was sure of it. Maybe he was even dying. At this point, he didn't mind that possibility too much. He just wanted the pain to stop. He didn't want to live in fear anymore and if dying would relieve that fear, then so be it.
"Okay, I got pot, coke, or molly. Take your pick." Dammit, Alex. No one gives a shit about your stupid drugs.
Suddenly, Devon's mood changed from fear and panick to pure anger. "Alex, I don't want your drugs. I want to take that pistol and put an end to me misery, that's what. I'm sure you can relate, right? Besides, we all know that you'd rather keep that shit for yourself."
Alex had a stricken expression on his face now and if Devon were in his right mind, he'd feel guilty. But he didn't. He didn't care if Alex got his feelings hurt. He had just as many problems as Devon did, if not more, and it was time someone called him out on it.
"Dude, that wasn't cool and you know it. Let's just...go inside, okay?" He felt Tavin's hands on his biceps and he relaxed only slightly, shaking with panic and anger as he was ushered into the house. He was close to breaking down again, but whatever. Tavin had seen him break before. In fact, he was the one person that Devon felt comfortable being vulnerable in front of. 
"I'm gonna use the restroom." He gulped, shaking off his friend's hands and hurrying into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. He took the time to look at his reflection. Messy hair that he hadn't washed in days or really maintained at all, heavy bags under his eyes, pale skin that was currently sparkling with sweat, obvious weight loss...clearly life had been kicking him in the ass and he hadn't done a damn thing to make it any better. He didn't see the point.
Momentarily, he saw Jade standing behind him, then he saw a dark, hooded figure drag her away. He sobbed as he threw a punch at the mirror, watching the glass shatter. What followed was a few knocks on the door and Tavin calling his name. Devon figured if he stayed quiet long enough, maybe he'd be left alone. But of course not. Within a few minutes, the door somehow opened. Ryan had picked the lock. Lovely.
"Dude, what the--" Tavin grabbed his hand and said something to Ryan about getting the first aid kit from the kitchen. Then he felt Tavin's arms around him and he finally broke completely, tears soaking his friend's shirt.
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akpechile · 7 years
The woman was standing beside a wooden chair, looking at the dark green of the forest trought the big windows of her house . The sky was grey and the storm was announcing its presence, inevitable, with a thunder.
She shrugged. Her face was quiet but her eyes, deep blue , seems like a strange mix of steel and pain.
…I never thought I could see you again.-she said in a quiet voice, but she was fighting for not to cry. She promised years ago not to cry again. For anything and God , to never cry again because of him.-there were really hard times then. You came one night, with that strange look in your eyes…-she swallowed hard-…you said you were sorry. You said it was me who you wanted all the time. And you were not affraid anymore to face it and you promised never let me alone…never changed me again for anyone else. - she breathed hard and paused only to see the reflection of the tall man with a black suit, who was standing behind her.-You don’t remember that. Don’t you?…because he wasn’t you. Even when it was your body there was someting wrong with your soul,with the look in your eyes. You weren’t inside or maybe you were…for brief moments. I was so damn confused! For a moment you reminded me to Laura’s dad only for that look in your eyes and suddenly it was your eyes again.
He didn’t say a word. He knew he wasn’t there to be the one to talk. He wanted, needed to know what was happened all those years.
Now- she started her monologue again - you appear from who knows where…with a wife and a kid. And how Am I supposed have to feel about it? Chief Hawk called me and told me, you have no past the last twenty five years. How Is it that possible? How can I feel about it? Do I have to feel pitty or sorry or went mad? All this years, Special Agent, all these years I was waiting for you to keep your promise to never left me but what did you did? You left me the morning after of a freaking crazy night. You know? Even when I knew there were something wrong with you, I threw myself away just for a few hours of wild sex and yet most tender for moments with the only man in the Earth who I wanted to be . Ever.
-Audrey…he said in a whisper…I’m sorry…I…
-I don’t care you’re sorry, Special Agent Cooper! -She almost shout turned to face him.-This is stupid! Why didn’t you stayed in Las Vegas with your perfect family? Why do you have to come back? Don’t you see? Or didn’t they tell you? You don’t needed to came to my house and show yourself like a ghost of what you were in the past. I know you changed. I know there was nothing left to lose for me the morning you left me.
Dale’s eyes were bright with tears. Just ten hours before he woke up from the dumbest dream he ever had. He thought a dumbest dream. But it was all true. He was trapped in the Black Lodge for twenty five years with Laura Palmer'spirit and the one armed man among other freaky characters he thought were created by his own imagination. Twenty five years in which he, but not him, did the most evil and stupid things. Twenty five years of his life were stolen, by the spirit of BOB…
The reality came to him like a slap in the face when he walked trough the Police Station and find her less than an hour ago- filling some paperwork in company of a man who later he knew was her lawyer- With her eternal red shoes and red angora sweater, so Audrey.
After the shock came the fear, the reality of the absolute playing with his life. Audrey ran out without a word. He has to begged to Hawk and Andy to bring him to her. Paying none atention to Janey E and her screams of- “Douggie, what do you thing youre doing!Douggie, come here right now!!
Who were Douggie anyways?!!
And in the way to her house,an always serious Hawk told him, avoiding the details and because of his insistence,what was Audrey Horne doing at the Police Station with a lawyer:Trying to do something for her troubled son.
-Audrey…you have to know that whatever I did, it wasn’t me…well, in some ways. There is a big conversation that I want to have with you, because you deserved it. You’re one of the most important persons in my life. I wasn’t here as you said, even when you don’t believe me. It’s your Right. God knows how I wish I could be here then, and make the right things.
-Well, Agent Cooper, I have news for you and seems you have to fix a bunch of things. -she crossed her arms over her chest and looked to one side. The pain in his chest lowered when he saw her doing it.
For a moment it seems that the years marked softly in her face were erased and he was in front of the young and visceral Miss Horne again.
She looked at him, feeling a real and deep sorry and concern of knowing that all he was saying was true. He lost twenty five years of his life in a way so unfair. She wanted to cry maddly. She wanted to cross the distance and hug him and never let him go. But there were, as she said,a bunch of things to be fixed before something, anything could happen.
-Stop calling me that, please,Audrey.-he asked with a soft smile taking two steps closer. She breathe hard again, giving him a look with the corner of her eyes, keeping her arms crossed like a shield. Her expression softened, but still serious,standing there,eyes locked with him. Feeling the warmth and the butterflies again but now with more pain than ever. He was there, with her, not visting Annie at the Psychiatric, that has to mean something.
But She gave up on any hope the very moment she realizes Dale Cooper were not beside her in her bed in a cloudy morning twenty two years ago. And if she has to be true to their former “friendship ” she has to tell him the the rest of the story without him.
-I don’t thing I would. I had the chance to call you Dale but it was gone with you or” your don’t you" twenty two years ago- she was nervous and scary just like every time she has to visit the memory, or the topic.
Dale crossed the gap between them and took the softs and cold hands of Audrey in his,warm and familiar not without a weird little resistance from her.
-Whatever it was. Please tell me. You know that “ bunch of things” that I have to fix and I know you can help me in the way, Audrey.
-I can’t believe this is really happening.-She said like she didn’t heard a word looking at her hands protected by his…But she did, she listen and She failed again, her blue eyes blurred by tears.
-I…was so happy and so scared at the same time.-she began as he knows what was talking about- I didn’t care what my parents would said. I…I really wanted…I really wanted it. But something was very wrong with it. -his look was so intense that Audrey has to look down to keep talking. Suddenly Dale Cooper started to feel dizzy, his heart pounding in advice of what will come next, his sixth sense full awake-He was so little. So beautiful.-her words became a whisper and the tears started to fall freely from her eyes.-I …thought for years that he was yours but He’s not. He is not yours. He became a monster and I am the worst mother in the world because against my own will I left him…and I … I left the town and tried to start again, to learn about mysteries of life and to embrace any religion in order to ask for a miracle or accept the truth. I gave him to my mom and she…she was unable to take care of him, she has to deal with Johnny and Dad left her. I really don’t know what happened . When he was only five years old, I looked at him one day,straight to his eyes, and only found hate and anger, there were nothing else. I can’t deal with that. I knew he was a part of me, but he was not yours, not my Special Agent’s son…and now I lost him forever…-she made a pause to breath, to stop crying, to give herself the strengh of calling him by his name -Dale…he is a murderer…but he is my son, not yours!
.^0^ ^0^ ^0^ This is my firs TP ff attempt ever. And in english, which you all who read it have noticed,it’s not my mother tongue. Accept comments and Hope you like it!
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Dark Side (A Sailor Moon S / Hotaru Tomoe Fanfic)
Title: “Dark Side” Series / Fandom: Sailor Moon (90s Anime) Date Penned: November 2006 Main Character: Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Saturn) Setting: Season 3/Sailor Moon S, though it flashes back to various other years in Hotaru’s life throughout the story. Starts at present time for S with Hotaru at age 12, then in flashbacks/past scenes her age goes in this order: 5, 8, and 11. Then the last scene takes her back to present time.  Summary: They say everyone has a dark side, no matter how pure their heart may be. That includes Hotaru Tomoe. 
Everyone has a dark side. No matter how kind they may be, darkness still looms below the surface. There is a negative energy inside of every human on Earth. Some people just mask it very, very well.
Even a sweet, kind girl like Hotaru Tomoe has darkness in her heart. But some of that darkness isn’t natural at all...it’s downright monstrous.
Hotaru is possessed by an awful being known as Mistress Nine, also known as the Messiah of Silence. Hotaru was gravely injured in a fire when she was only eight, close to the brink of death when her father made a deal with what could very well be the devil himself.
Unknown to her father, this creature put Mistress Nine into Hotaru’s body. He thought he was saving his daughter from death. Little did he know, he had doomed himself and Hotaru to a life of being puppets of an evil force from another world.
Hotaru know lives with the unknown evil inside of her body. She has hint something’s not right about her, but she has no idea how sinister the nature of her curse truly is...
The morning sun rose over Tokyo, Japan. Rays of golden sunlight greeted the dark streets. In one particular neighborhood of the Juban District, this light continued its path. It illuminated the mansion of the Tomoe family.
The mansion was owned by Professor Souichi Tomoe.  Tomoe was a very rich, but very strange, scientist. Some might even say he was rather mad in his experiments and theories. He was also a recluse who kept mostly to himself since he had been laughed out of the scientific community years before. His increasingly dangerous and crazy experiments had caused a horrific accident that resulted in the death of his wife and the near death of his young daughter, Hotaru.
Tomoe had white hair a wore a pair of glasses that occasionally gave off an eerie glow, as if reflecting a sinister being that was hidden deep within this eccentric man. Besides being a scientist, he was also the founder of a school known as Mugen Academy. This particular school was very exclusive, with only truly gifted and brilliant students being permitted to attend. His own daughter went to school there.
Since his wife had died, Tomoe had remained a widower. He lives in his large home with only Hotaru and a rather strange assistant/housekeeper known only as Kaori.
Hotaru, now twelve, was a very frail and weak girl. She had been this way since the accident. She was constantly short of breath and falling into seizures that caused her to slip into unconsciousness. She would later wake from these fits remembering nothing.
Hotaru was considered very weird by her Mugen classmates. She possessed strange powers that could heal any cut or bruise, but the rumors said that there were even stronger and darker powers hidden below her surface. She was called creepy because of these powers that people claimed would actually hurting people and not helping them.
She was also called a bully by many classmates. Despite being a very weak and timid young girl, Hotaru was often accused of hurting other children and instigating fights. This hurt Hotaru deeply. She didn’t know why people were saying such awful things about her. She never wanted to harm anyone. All she wanted was to desperately have friends.
Why would she being called a bully? Hotaru would never even harm a fly...
Hotaru walked out of the mansion’s front door, on her way to school. She was dreading another day of isolation and taunting. But most of all, she was terrified that she might actually be hurting people during her strange fits of unconsciousness.
Maybe she really was the bully everyone called her. There were so many stories going around about her apparent cruelness that she herself was starting to the words of her peers.
I’m such a freak...no, I’m a monster. Everyone’s right, I’m awful. What use does this world hold for a person like me? I just want to disappear forever, Hotaru thought as she resisted the urge to cry.
What was the point of wallowing in self pity? A monster should in no way feel bad herself, right?
Sighing deeply, Hotaru bottled up her sadness and tried to put on a stoic face.
She wanted to mask her self-hatred and loneliness and just blend in with the crowd so badly. She wanted to fit in, to be accepted and loved. She wanted friends. She wanted a father that would spend more time with her and not with his nasty assistant and oddball experiments.
But who cares what she wanted? She was worthless, after all. She just had to go on living her life wearing an uncaring mask. Everyone said she was cold hearted and mean, after all, so why not just give in and start acting the part?
Another day, another chance for me to screw something up, Hotaru thought sadly.
If only she know the truth...
All I remembered was the darkness when I woke up on that day four years ago. I woke up in my bed, only eight-years-old, scared and cold on that frosty October morning.
“Papa...” I whispered in fear.
Last night, I felt as though something awful had happened. I felt like I no longer belonged to this world. I felt like there had been fire, destruction, and death. I felt like I had temporarily slipped away in the world of the dead.
But that couldn’t be. After all, I was here now safe and sound. I had no cuts or scratches upon my body. If I had suffered the horrible trauma I felt in my heart I would surely be worse for the wear, right?
Then what had happened to me to cause this sinking feeling of uneasiness in my stomach?
As I got up and stretched Papa’s assistant, Kaori, came into my room. Her eyes were cold and cruel as they fixed upon me. A nasty smirked appeared upon her face.
“Hotaru, breakfast! Stop lazing about and get up NOW!” She snapped.  
She then walked away as I got up out of my bed to go eat. As soon as stood on my feet, I fell onto the floor. All of a sudden, my chest ached and my head felt like someone was trying to force their way out of my skull. I started to breathe heavily as pain filled every inch of my body.
What was happening?! What was wrong with me all of a sudden?! Before I think of any kind of answer, I felt myself slip away into the darkness...
A year later, and the seizures and pain continued. Papa had decided against taking me to a doctor, despite my desperate pleas for him to do so. He insisted he could take care of me himself. But any of his so-called ‘home remedies’ only helped temporarily.
One particular day, I awoke from another seizure. As I I saw the sight before me, pain, shock, and confusion filled my heart.
My pet goldfish was lying on the floor in front of me, dead. Her bowl was smashed to pieces and there was large puddle of water around her. I felt tears fill my eyes as I mourned her. That was my beloved pet, the only trace of a friend I had ever had.  I was alone again.
Why did she have to die? Who would do something so cruel and awful to an innocent creature?
As I cried, I shouted to air around me, “Who did this to my goldfish? Who?!”
A shadow towered over me and said, “Oh my, you’re saying such strange things.”
I looked up into the cold, blank eyes of Kaori as she glared down at me.
“This is something you did yourself. Hurry and clean it up!” She said coldly.
My eyes filled with horror as I gazed upon my pet’s dead body. What Kaori had just burned a hole into my heart.
I’d never hurt this fish, I loved her. She was my pet, my best...no, my only friend. Why would I ever hurt such a precious creature?!
“B-but I don’t remember this! I didn’t do it, I swear!” I said, my voice now coming out as an anguished scream.
Kaori simply continued to glare at me, giving no reply.
I didn’t do it. I could never harm another living being. I kept repeating those words in my mind, but they felt hollow. Why would Kaori lie about something so awful?
Maybe it was true. Maybe I really was a murderer. Maybe I really had killed my one and only friend in cold blood.
Maybe I truly was the monster I now felt like...
Two years later, I walked into my fifth grade class wearing a rare smile upon my face. I was actually feeling pretty good. I hadn’t had a seizure since yesterday afternoon.
But what I was truly smiling about was the fact I had finally made a friend. His name was Kaoru and he had recently transferred to our class. Despite what the other kids said about me, he talked to me. He actually liked me. It felt amazing to have someone on my side for once.
“Good morning,” I said cheerfully to my classmates.
They all glared at me, their eyes filled with fear and disgust. They were all gathered around Kaoru, who was seated at his desk. His head was cast downwards and had a bandage wrapped around it. I felt worry fill my senses
Despite the stares, I ran over to Kaoru. I placed my hand upon his.
“What’s wrong, did you get hurt? Are you alright?” I asked him worriedly.
He swatted my hand away and jumped out of his seat. At that moment his face was revealed to me.
He was wearing the same look of hatred as everyone else.
I was so confused .What was going on all of a sudden? I know my classmates thought I was freak, but they had never actually glared at me with such hate. And why would Kaoru look at me that way? He was my friend.
“What’s wrong?” I asked my classmates.
“She’s the one who hurt him. It’s so awful of her to ask what’s wrong!” I heard one girl snap.
“I know! She’s so scary! She tries to act all prim and proper, but the truth is she’s nothing but a bully!” A boy said in reply.
Horror filled my heart upon hearing their words. I...hurt...Kaoru? I was a bully? But, I’d never hurt him! He’s my friend! Well, he used to be, at least.  Pain filled my heart as I felt that oh so familiar feeling of hatred for myself consume me.
I turned and ran out of the classroom. I just wanted to get away before I hurt anyone else. I really was a monster...wasn’t I?
I sat by Papa later that day and cried into his lap. His hand stroked my hair in reassurance.
“I...apparently hurt my friend. But I don’t remember even doing it in the first place!” I cried, violently shaking my head.
Papa looked into my eyes. His glasses gave off an eerie glow as he continued to reassure me.
“It’s all right, Hotaru. Calm down. You’re not the bad one. You’re not bad at all,” He said gently.
“But, I’m not able to make any friends! It’s like there’s a different person hiding inside of me. Some kind of monster that’s taking control of me and making me hurt the people I care about!” I said, my voice full of fear.
He didn’t reply this time. He just continued to stroke my hair gently as I cried...
Later that night, I am lying restlessly in my bed. As I begin to toss and turn, I silently plead with myself to just fall asleep already.
But no matter how much I tried to force myself into slumber, my eyes just won’t stay shut.
Please, please, just sleep. Please. I want to sleep and forget this whole day. I want to forget what a horrible monster I am. Please, just let me have this one moment of happiness in my miserable existence.
I plead frantically in my mind, but it’s no use. Not even my own mind and body can cut me a break. I have no control over a single damn thing in my entire life.
I just want control of something. Any kind of control, no matter how miniscule, would be nice. I want to feel stable. I want to feel safe. I want to feel like I can trust myself.
I want to feel normal. I just want to be a normal girl.
I don’t want these weird powers. I don’t want to constantly maintain this fight with my body anymore. I tire so much of feeling like if I stop fighting myself for even one second, that the monster I know is dwelling somewhere underneath the surface of my skin will break free and overtake me. I don’t want it to hurt the few people that love.
I sigh. With my one friend gone now, I guess that’s only Papa. One person cares for me out of billions in the world.
It’s not their fault they don’t love me. All this misfortune befalling me is my burden alone. This is what I get for not fighting harder to contain the monster. Even if I’m fighting all the time, I’m convinced it’s not enough.
You’re so useless. You can fight harder. If you just focus more on controlling yourself, maybe you could finally be normal. Maybe you could finally have friends. You’re a stupid, useless little girl.
I am truly a stupid, useless little girl. I can’t even keep control of my own actions. I can’t even make myself seem normal.
I just want to be normal. Normality is all I desire.
Normal. Just be normal. Be normal.
There is only black around me. I’m in a void. I see and hear nothing.
Did it work? Did I finally get myself to fall asleep? I can’t even tell.
I blink to assure myself my eyes are indeed open.
Blink, blink.
Yes, I am awake.
I pinch my arm, seeing if I feel any pain. Ouch. Ok, I’m definitely awake.
But where am I? What is this place? Why am I surrounded by nothingness? Why...
Before I can question myself any furtherer on my whereabouts, my eyes are unpleasantly greeted by a light. It’s a bright, white, blinding light that encompasses the black. My vision is lost in the flash.
The light fades away. I look around me.
Oh God, I want the blackness back...
I say this because what I see horrifies me.
I’m in a city. While that may not sound too awful on its own, this city is different.
The buildings are wrecked, crumbling ruins. The people stand still, their bodies distorted with fear. Their eyes are filled with pure horror. The sky is tinted a deep, bloody red.
In the distance, I hear an awful rumbling. I do not care to know the source of that sound.
Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see the same light. I turn around.
What I see shocks me...
The light is far way, but it is not the same. This light is faded and fills me with a feeling of grimness I can’t even begin to describe. But, no, the light isn’t the most shocking thing.
It’s the silhouette that shakes me to my very core...
The silhouette of the woman in the distance is totally cloaked in black despite being bathed in that eerie light. Her hair is long, flowing freely around her despite there being nn breeze. Her long, transparent dress does the same thing. In her hand is what looks like the Grim Reaper’s scythe.
I shudder at the sight of that sharp blade as I imagine it cutting into my skin, a deep red liquid falling from my wounds and staining the ground.
Despite every bone in my body aching with fear and my heart pounding out of my chest, I find myself running towards her. Almost like they’re under someone else’s control, my feet are pulled towards this mysterious figure.
Despite me being in her line of sight, she doesn’t notice me. It’s like her gaze is fixed past me. It’s as if I’ve become some kind of ghost, invisible to the naked eye.
Against my better judgment, I call out to her, “Who are you? What is this awful place? What is the cause of all this destruction and horror?”
She notices me now. Her eyes light up. They are glowing with a sickening purple glow. Her body lurches forward as she jumps right into my face. Her face is now directly in mine, allowing me a clear view of this strange woman.
Oh my God, no. Horror fills my body.
That is because her face is my face. My mouth, my nose, and my eyes are all in her possession. My eyes are the ones glowing with that sick, evil purple glow. Those eyes...narrowed to slits, filled with venom.
My eyes...
“W-wh-who are you? Why do you look like me? What is this awful place?” I ask shakily.
Her face twists into a cruel smirk, “Why, Hotaru, isn’t it obvious. I am you. The real you, that is. That monster that you and I both know is dwelling under that stupid mask of kindness you insist on wearing.”
Sickness fills my stomach at the sound of her voice. It’s deep, and filled with a mixture and hatred and glee.
I am unable to speak. I can only shake as her words sting my ears.
She swings her arms around the scenery in a mocking display of joy, “And this lovely scenery...this is all on you. Well, all on us. We are one and the same, after all. This was all done by you. You destroyed the world. Isn’t it beautiful?”
Shaking with horror, I find my voice, “No, no, no...NO! I didn’t...I couldn’t. I’d never do this. This isn’t me!”
Her smirk grows wider, “Of course you did. Stop denying yourself. Embrace your darkness, Hotaru. Give in to the monster lurking inside of your dark heart. Set me free...set us free.”          
My body falls limply to the ground as she begins laughing evilly. My body shakes with even more force.
I pound my fists onto the ground in a fit of terror and rage, “No, no! This isn’t me! I’m not like this! I can fight harder! I won’t let the monster win! I’ll fight it!”
Tears fall from my eyes as I lift my head up. Her face is still directly in mine, and still twisted into that awful smirk.
“You and I both know you can’t fight much longer. You are a monster and you will destroy the world. You can’t deny that fact no matter how you try. We are the same. Just give in now, it’s more fun that way,” She says as her smrik turns into a large, toothy grin.
I shut my eyes, wanting to rid my eyes of her awful, tauting face. I pound my fists harder on the floor. I try with all my might to make the feelings of fight within my heart stronger than ever before.
Sobbing uncontrollably now, I shout, “Never, never, never! I’ll never turn into you!”
Her laughter fills my ears. I still refuse to look into those eyes again. I just continue to scream my lungs out.
“Never, never, never...” I yell out those words over and over, turning it into my mantra.
I will never become that thing. I might be a monster, but I must contain it. I can’t ever let her out. I must keep fighting. I must never give in. I will never become her.
Never, never, never...
I shoot up from my pillow, drenched in sweat and tears.
“Never,” I whisper to myself.
That was not a dream. It was too real. It was a warning. I must keep fighting. If I lose control for even a minute, she will come forth.  
Even if I am the same as that creature, I must never let her win. She will not overtake me. She will not break me. I will not turn into her.
I will absolutely not. I refuse. I will be stronger. I will win.
Even if I’m useless, even if I’m stupid, even in my wife has no worth...I now know I must live on. I must fight her, whoever she may be. Even if she truly is me, I will still not let her have her way.
Something within me has been awakened. It isn’t her. I can tell. This presence still feels dangerous...but somehow noble. Uncontrollable, yes, but it’s the complete opposite of her. I can’t quite explain it, but somehow, I trust this new self.
My heart fills with determination. My life will have a purpose. It will not be for me, but for the sake of this world.
Even if this world has rejected me, I still love it. There’s so much beauty on this planet. I will never let her dirty hands taint it.
“I will fight the silence,” I whisper to myself.
I’m not sure why I just said that or what it could mean, but I feel suddenly strongly about those words. Every part of me is agreeing to that statement at this very moment.
Yes, I will fight this. I will live on. I will contain this monster. I never stop fighting. I am a rock. I will not move or be cracked. I will fight
Fight, fight, fight...my mind is locked in a determined chant.
I will fight all the time. Fight. I will never let this so-called fate happen. I will stop it, no matter what the cost may be to me personally.
With all I believe in, I will fight. With all the might I have in my weak body, I will fight. With all the strength I feel in my heart, I will fight. This fate will not prevail.
But you can only fight fate for so long...
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Jin Namba fanfic: Obstacles part 10
So much has happened today, it was like someone has forced me onto a roller coaster ride without my permission.
-Buzz buzz-
A new message coming from Ayumu?
I open the message:
-Chief, check out the footage below-
I scroll down and the frame shows YN in her hospital room. My finger immediately hits the play button.
The footage shows a nurse entering YN’s room carrying a syringe. Her sneaky behaviour suggests that she was up to no good. The woman proceeds to inject something into YN’s drip. Shortly after the nurse left, YN was in grave danger.
My grip tightens around my phone.
The nurse’s build looks familiar. Who is she? Why did she do that? Is she a accomplice to Asahi Kyobe?
-Buzz Buzz-
-Buzz Buzz-
As soon as I finish the video, Ayumu sends numerous text one after another.
-That nurse is your ex-wife-
-[photo of the nurse’s face]-
I stare at the photo Ayumu sent me, it’s an enlarged shot of the nurse from the CCTV footage. The nurse’s face is clearly visible and so recognisable. It’s Yuriko!
My eyes widen in disbelief. Just …what and why is she doing this?
I cannot believe it. She was someone who I was once married to. Although our divorce has put us on separate terms, I never knew this side of her character. Why would she do something like this? As far as to kill someone?
I feel a sense of disappointment and betrayal. I’m sad that someone who was once close to me has committed a crime trying to steal YN from me. I’m also shocked that she is capable of doing something like this.
My eyes are burning holes at the picture. The once familiar face has become a total stranger. So scary and different. Just what has she become? What happened to her?
-buzz buzz-
-Chief, that evil woman is in the second floor outdoor cafeteria. Goto is standing by too. Call when ever you need help.-
I shove my phone back into my suit pocket.
It’s time to end this once and for all. Eyes filled with determination anger.
Confrontation time.
 Yuriko’s POV:
Ah, the sun finally came out. Just like my mood, sunny and great. I finally got rid of her. A burden off my shoulder. Now, no one can hinder my love for Jin. Now all Jin will see is me. I smile in satisfaction.
After disposing the nurse uniform and the syringe, I sit at the cafeteria leisurely sipping on my coffee.
Jin will be sad, but then I’ll be there for him, I’ll be there to help him through difficult time. He’ll then rediscover how good I am. He’ll then know his life won’t be complete without me and realize that he needs me in his life.
Ah, life will be perfect then.
Then we can maybe have another wedding, have another honey moon. Oh! And then we can start having children and then….
I whip my head around at that roaring voice. It’s Jin!
Ignoring his enraged voice, his name spill out from my mouth in a gleeful tone.
“Long time no see, how’s your day so far?” I ask with a light hearted tone.
“Can’t be worse.” Jin’s reply was blunt and monotone.
“I know you are upset about YN’s death, it must be really difficult for you. If you need, I’ll be here to help you anytime you want.”
“I didn’t say anything about YN. Unless you are the one who committed it.” Jin’s serious eyes turns severe and accusing.
Damn it! How could I be this careless.
Jin’s accusing look is breaking my heart, why is he looking at me like he’s looking at a criminal? I’m doing this for him, for us, for our future!
But there is no way I’m going to admit that to him.
“Ahh…well, you see, I have been visiting YN once in a while to give her some flowers to cheer her up. I’ve seen her condition and the doctor said she isn’t getting any better so I just assumed something has happened to YN if you are this upset….I’m really sorry this has to happen. She was so young too. My condolences.” I said empathetically.
Jin’s stern face did not budge seemly not believing anything I said.
“Just to give flowers or something more?”
“Wha..What are you saying?” I play dumb and put up my most innocent face.
“No point denying! I have the footage recording the whole process of you sneaking into YN’s room and giving her the drug! How could you do that?”
Jin thrust his phone right in front of my face.
I stare at the screen reliving what happened and the joy I felt when I pushed that tiny needle into her IV fluid slowly stealing her life away.
“I did nothing wrong.” I replied calmly without a hint of remorse.
“How could you still say that when you are taking someone’s life.” Jin takes a step closer, intimidating and radiates with rage.
“I merely did what I had to to create a future for us! I’m doing it in the name of love! It’s not my fault! Falling in love is not a crime!”
Surprise passed through his features and quickly replaced with icy cold looks.
“There’s no more us anymore. Our marriage is in the past. We both need to move on.”
Move on? How could he say that? He vowed to be by my side in sickness or in health! He vowed to be with me until death do us apart! He moved on but he left me behind! I was only upset for the moment because he’s always busy with work and made a stupid decision to divorce. But I still love him. I gave him everything, my whole heart and soul and yet how dare he say he’s MOVED ON?!
I snapped.
“NO! You can’t move on! You can’t leave me behind! No one can get in our way of happiness! I’ll get rid of anyone who gets in our way! ANYONE!”
I shout at him, eyes shining with craziness.
Jin refuse to comment on my outburst and looks away. Then, in the coldest voice:
“….You are suspected of an attempted murder of a detective. Out of respect, I’ll not handcuff you, please cooperate and come to the police station. Ms Yamata (Yuriko’s last, idk, I just made it up XD).”
“You can’t do this to me! What crime have I committed?!”
I latch onto Jin’s suit trying to meet his gaze.
“Don’t call me Ms Yamata! I’m Mrs Namba! Mrs Namba!” I shout and continues to shake that fact into him.
Jin’s voice booms above me and the next instant I’m dragged away from Jin.
Goto appears behind me forcefully bends my arm behind my back.
“Mrs Yamato, you will face court and the judge shall decide the punishment.”
I cannot detect even the slightest hint of warmth in Jin’s voice, it’s like he’s speaking to a criminal.
How could he do this to me, while all I considered was our bright future. How can he discard and betray my feelings.
A tear rolls down my face as Jin turns to leave without a hesitation.
A/N: I’m sorry for the slow updates. I just moved house recently so I have alot of packings to do. hopefully I can update faster in the future :) Again, please write some comments and let me hear your thoughts! Would really appreciate them :D
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The first episode of each season of Game of Thrones tends to be more a table setter for what is going to transpire the rest of the season. I know many did not like it, but you need to watch it more than once to appreciate it. While devoid of battles, I think Episode One did a fantastic job of wetting our appetites for what is to come.
We have two scenes with Arya. It opens with, in my opinion, the best opening yet. We are the at the Twins, with Walder Frey presiding over a dinner with, as he says he “gathered every Frey who means a damn thing and to tell his plan for this great house now that Winter has come.” At first it looked like a flashback, but it got strange as Walder was bragging about how brave his men are (as opposed to Jamie’s view of them last season) and how they killed the Starks at the Red Wedding,  killed a pregnant woman (Robb Stark’s wife) and a mother of five (Cat Stark.) Not what we would call brave acts. And also his statement that Winter has come. That never came up with him before. That is when it became apparent to me and my guest, Lord James Doddo, who guessed it first, that it was not Walder but Arya in a magical disguise. He nods to the servants to serve them all not just wine, but the best wine. It was also noteworthy that he didn’t drink any wine and told the girl next to him “not you.” A moment later we know why, the wine the Freys were drinking was poisoned. And just as Sansa did to Ramsey Bolton,  in one swift moment, the House of Frey was dead and its name will disappear forever. Didn’t Arya have the greatest lines? Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe! And then in a speech reminiscent of the one Tyrian gave in Meereen to the surviving master after Grey Worm killed the other two, “When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North Remembers. That Winter came for House Frey.” As she is leaving the hall where the Red Wedding took place, the Starks are avenged and we see a smile coming to her face. Again, just as Sansa did,  she walked away with that little smile after the dogs ripped Ramsey to death. Amazing how the two sisters have so much in common when in the beginning, they were such opposites.
Sticking with Arya, later in the episode we see her again. I think most of us presumed that from the Twins she would head north to Winterfell, but we discover otherwise. She is somewhere in the Riverlands heading south when we encounters a group of Lannister soldiers singing a song which included the lines “Hands of gold are always cold but a woman’s hands are always warm.” Whose hands we gold? The Lannisters! They invite her to eat with them-so un Lannister like!! That is because they are not Lannisters, just regular guys who got drafted into the Lannister army and who have a clear disdain for the Lannisters and King’s Landing. And when they asked what a nice girl like Arya was doing all alone and going to King’s Landing, she said to “kill the queen.” They laughed as if it was a joke, but  we know it isn’t. I just hope she leaves without killing them!
One more thing. In the coming attractions we see a snarling Direwolf. Could that be Nymeria and could Arya reunite with her long lost Direwolf in the Riverlands? Or could she meet up with the Hound? Either would be great but as you know, I always side with a Direwolf! And if Arya makes it to King’s Landing and confronts Cersei, what body will she shape into? Any guesses?
We go from Arya’s life  storm to real one. A blizzard north of the Wall, too hazy to see what it is in until they get closer. It is the Night King advancing with his White Walker, the undead army.  And how scary is it that the army includes 3 giants?? How close are they to the Wall?? We will see, but it must be close.
Then we see Brand and Meera Reed finally arriving at the Wall where he is let inside by members of the Night’s Watch and its presumptive commander, Edd Tollett. Spoiler alert: The Wall did not crash down, at least not yet. But they do so only after Bran gives his warning “We have seen the army of the dead. We have seen the Night King. He is coming for us, all of us.” So chilly especially with dooming music playing.  
We stayed in the North and moved onto Winterfell. Jon is imploring everyone to hunt for dragon glass which as he knows, can kill White Walkers. Some balk at the silly idea of using women to help, but once again his support comes from the mouth of babes, Lyanna Mormont, who carries the day with another great speech. GO GIRL!
But the more serious issue is how to treat those who supported the Boltons against the Starks. Jon is willing to forgive and move forward, but Sansa wants vengeance and their properties forfeited to those who remained loyal to the Starks. Can’t blame her after all she went through. In the end, Jon has the younger Umber and Karstark bend their knees to him and they pledge him their loyalty. Who was right? Here, I think it was Jon because he knows they will need everyone and everything to fight the White Walkers. And who was smiling in the back as they argued? None other than Littlefinger. I thought the back and forth between Sansa and Jon when they were alone outside was very revealing. Sansa acknowledges that Jon is a good and respected leader but he has to be smarter. Smarter than Rob and Ned, both of whom died from stupid mistakes. And when Jon asks if he should be smarter by listening to Sansa, I loved her reply “Would that be so terrible?”
Their conversation is interrupted when they are advised that a raven has arrived from King’s Landing with Cersei’s demand–come to King’s Landing, bend the knee or suffer the fate of all traders. Let’s see-how did going to King’s Landing work out for the other Starks who went there? Not so well. Sansa’s reaction is a bit puzzling. She tells Jon that he has been so consumed with the enemy to the North that he has forgotten about the one in the South. Of course, Jon is right because he has seen the Knight King and his army and that the Lannisters have never ventured that far North. But Sansa is right, she knows Cersei, just as she knew Ramsey and that Cersei will never stop until she destroys and kills her enemies. Jon then says to Sansa that you almost sound like she admires her, Sansa replies “I’ve learned a great deal from her.” And so she has, in a good way. You either win or die in the Game of Thrones. Did you see the look in Sansa’s eyes?? If not, go back and look again.
The beauty of the show is that from Sansa’s and Jon’s discussion of Cersei, we go right to King’s Landing. Cersei pacing over a map with Jamie looking on. Cersei asks what could be a foretelling question “Are you afraid to me?” To which Jamie replies “Should I be?” Here is the point-she doesn’t reply but changes the subject to tell him the Daenerys has named Tyrion Daenerys’ Hand of the Queen. I guess just like now, there are no secrets there! Did somebody hack Stormborn’s email?? She goes on to belittles Jamie, for loving his  brother whom he set free and who killed her father and according to her, their son.  Jamie correctly predicts that Daenerys will land in Dragonstone,  that they have enemies everywhere and are surrounded. And for those who were disappointed in the episode, the dialog here was some of the best with Cersei showing all she is. Win or die. And if they win, a dynasty for a 1,000 years. And as Jamie recoils saying all their children are dead so who is the dynasty for-Cersei makes it clear-for them, but really her. And weren’t you stunned when Jamie confronted the Queen about Tommen’s suicide when she said that her own son betrayed her!! Wow!! I thought Jaime’s was going to implode. Jamie says they cannot win without a strong ally to which the cunning Cersei says “Do you think I listened to father for 40 years and didn’t learn anything?” What is up her sleeve?
No surprise,  we learn right away. Euron Greyjoy and his Iron Fleet. We see Euron’s mighty navy which is huge arrive in King’s Landing.  Jamie is critical of Cersei’s decision to “invite” the Greyjoys as he looks at them like the Freys-treacherous lowlife. He does have a point. The Greyjoys did not take sides in Robert’s Rebellion and sat out the war. Years later, Balon Greyjoy proclaimed himself King of the Iron Islands and had early victories, including burning the Lannister navy. But King Robert had superior forces. The Crown’s navy was led by Stannis and they smashed the Greyjoy navy. On the ground. Ned Stark led the troops and he was joined by Robert as well as Gregor Clegane and Barrister Selmy. When they won, Theon Greyjoy became a ward of the Starks. Just a little history lesson.
And what did Euron come for? Cersei says a queen. Remember last year when Yara told Daenerys that Euron was coming to marry her so she would be his queen and her priceless reaction? Euron’s pitch is that all of each family’s  traitorous members are aligned with the Dragon Queen and that combined, they could murder them together. Not bad reasoning. And the meeting with Euron, Cersei and Jamie is fascinating.  Jamie points out the treachery of Euron burning the Lannister fleet and then how he was there to defeat the Greyjoys. Interesting point is that I could not find any reference to Jamie being there. But Euron, trying to get on Jamie’s good side, marvels at Jamie’s skill as a warrior as he sliced through the enemy. But then Jamie says but they were Greyjoys,  Euron doesn’t care. Could he be as evil as Joffrey? What does Euron want? To marry the queen which we have heard before. But he mocks Jamie as he is there with two good hands. Does anyone think it is a good idea to piss Jamie off? I don’t. Cersei denies the proposal because DUH-Euron is not trust worthy as he murdered his own brother. Touche when Euron says you should try it--most likely referring to Tyrion but Jamie is standing right there and again, look at his face. So how does Euron think he can win the Queen over? By returning with a “priceless” gift. What is that gift? Many have speculated that it is a dragon. But I say in his mind, the only priceless gift Cersei could want is Tyrion. And what if Euron is about to capture Tyrion? My theory is that Tyrion will escape by riding one of the dragons!! What do my squires think of that theory?
For me, they wasted a lot of time and could have been wrapped up in a few minutes. Do we really care that Sam has to do the worst chores? So a few things. One of the Grand Maesters believes Sam about the White Walkers but says throughout history, at the lowest point, people think it is it the end. Like World War One–the war to end all wars. But somehow, life goes on and impliedly, good prevails. Sam breaks into the forbidden area and make a discovery we should have all predicted–that a mountain of dragon glass is buried beneath Dragonstone. Was I right in my preview that Sam could be the key to defeating the White Walkers?? Give out a shout to the Lord of Pinecrest!!! He also says he has to tell Jon. Does this lead to the  meeting we have been waiting for?? Jon and Daenerys? Fire and Ice!
We also find out that Jorah Mormont is a “prisoner” there as his arm reaches out and asks Sam if Daenerys Stormborn has come there. Remember, the Dragon Queen sent him out to look for a cure.
Sansa and Lord Baelish. Littlefinger has come out of the shadows and showing his true colors again. The key to this scene is when Brienne says to Sansa, “he wants something” to which Sansa replies “I know exactly what he wants.” My interpretation: That is what she learned from Cersei. Again, GO GIRL!!
Again, while interesting, a little bit too much time. Did everyone recognize that the farm where the father and daughter died in each other arms was the one where the Hound, over Arya’s objection, stole their horse? The Hound shows real remorse, and along with Jamie, has any other character come this far from apparent evil to good? I liked the conversation with Thoros. After all, if his God is so all powerful, why the f____ doesn’t he just say what he wants? Same question all religions have. The Hound correctly points out that there is no divine justice and then looks into the flames the same way Stannis did at the direction of the Red Priestess. And what does the Hound see? The Wall and the White Walkers marching on the Wall. But there is also a subtle comment-he sees a mountain. Could that be his brother the Mountain?? And what do we make of the Lord of Light? This is the same God that guided Melisandre to burn Shireen Baratheon at the stake.  Is the Lord of Light a “good” God with followers just misinterpreting what he says? Sound familiar??
Daenerys and her fleet finally arrive at Dragonstone. She is breathing hard at the sight of coming home after all these years and her dragons fly to where their ancestors reigned the skies for centuries. Looked beautiful as Tyrian and the Spider looked on. She is overwhelmed as she implants her hand print in the sand. She is home. And how powerful did Dragonstone look? She walks through the castle, takes down Stannis’ sigil and sees what is left of her ancestors’ throne. She then goes to the war room where Stannis plotted with the Red Priestess his war on the five kings.   Tyrion look on as she says “Shall we begin?” Meaning the war to retake the Seven Kingdoms.
While it might not appear that a lot happened, in fact it did. The table has been set. Who is hungry for next week? I am starved.
Please email any comments as the more input I get, the better I feel. And you certainly do not want to make me angry!
Until next week,
Eric, the Lord of Pinecrest
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