#scavenged punk au ask
madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: How is Natsu dealing with no longer being the loner as he always has Erza and Mirajane on his side? Is it especially bad when they act like they are his wives?
“Annoyed by their behavior,” The pink-haired scavenger said in a blunt voice. “But….” Gazing over the duo’s who was middle of taking apart the machine. “…I guess it isn’t so bad to have company.”
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ye-olde-sodor · 1 year
So what exactly is everyone doing in the CotL au?
If you haven't read my first CotL related fanfic, you can do so here. But for the rest of us that have, you'll know that Thomas is a bartender at a local pub! Which begs into question...what do the other engines do in this au?
Thomas is, as I've said, a bartender. He caters to both the diesels and the human workers while also keeping them in line. If you ask him, it's like keeping the trucks behaved, but on a larger scale. Thankfully those 80 years of working experience can come in handy for tough situations...now if only he had that same amount of experience when it comes to fist fighting and bar brawls.
Edward is actually the stationmaster for Tidmouth! Not a lot of people know this, primarily because he likes to stay out of sight and out of public as much as possible. He only shows himself if he absolutely has to, such as with fights or if Gordon wants to speak to him. If a fight were to somehow occur, his mere appearance alone is enough to end it. It's not because they're scared of him, but rather out of respect for him.
Henry is jobless, as he's a part of a secret uprising group that consists of Bear and Boco. They've become known as the Great Greens and have the reputation as your stereotypical street gang despite their actual intentions. Bear says they should probably ditch the "punk" look but Boco is insistent that it'll help attract new recruits. "The trendier we are, the more likely that people will like us!"
Gordon is the leader of the patrol squads meant to reinforce the midnight curfew. After having Gold Dust thrown at him, he's become more active during the night, making him the perfect candidate for the job, (minus the whole werewolf thing).
James works at the same bar as Thomas, but only on certain days. He's been known to provide shows during the weekends, mostly karaoke, his own music, etc. He's pretty good at it, as many look foreword to his shows!
Percy is, like Henry, without a job. This is because he hops around different jobs and scavenges for things. If he can't find a job, he'll scavenge whatever he can find and bring it back to the Farquar Sheds for Thomas, Toby, Henrietta, and Diesel whenever he visits them.
Toby keeps guard of Farquar's near abandoned station, serving as its honorary station master. He typically does this with his wife, Henrietta, by his side. Even with the introduction of magic and so called gods, these two lovebirds are staying side by side!
Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, and Toad are imprisoned in the Vickerstown Castle that was created by D/10. While Oliver and Toad escaped, the others are still trapped. Just like old times, the duo are on the run, but don't have the luxury of bring able to escape back to the UK this time.
Emily, Rosie, and Molly hop jobs just like Percy. On occasion, they even bump into each other! Unlike Percy though, they don't have a permanent place to stay, and typically stay in apartments and abandoned houses.
Diesel is the "Royal Magic Researcher" to D/10 and is a double agent to Thomas and Percy in secret. He uses the resources he gets from 10, and relays whatever he learns to both 10 and to his friends. So far, he's determined that "Gold Dust" can grant anyone powers. He's still experimenting with the dust, so it'll take some time to fully understand it.
As for everyone else...I'm still working on it. If you have a favorite character and want to see them in this au, let me know what job you think they would have! Not only will that help me out but it'll make this au more personal with everyone!
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emersonfreepress · 4 years
What would the ro's be like in a zombie au?
whyyyyy anon whyyy. I'm actually gonna write this in like.. slightly different terms, you'll see. any time I even briefly think of a zombie au I'm just like
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i don't even allow myself to entertain it for very long because getting into that would be the worst thing ever for my productivity with the alpha omg 😂😂 so I'll put like the ideas that pop into my head for writing a zombie au, to work some of that creative frustration out 😆
so in this very general, absolutely noncommittal idea of mine, the main cast are older and the setting is in and around a civilian settlement led by the Emersons.
and as a refresher, i like my zombie aus to have fast zombies and fast infections ^ ^ 28 Days Later/Train to Busan style babyyyy, we the Sprinting Dead up in this bitch 😆
= = =
Gabe is, predictably, looking for what's left of his family. Following rumors of safe havens and bunkers and such. Starts the story as someone who tries to be diplomatic, if not outright pacifist, but as times get tougher and resources dwindle, he'd become one of the most cutthroat motherfuckers in the wasteland. Low-key though, low-key. People won't trust you if they know you’re capable of throwing them to a horde for strategic reasons. Like if Rick turned into Shane (for those of us familiar with early Walking Dead--idk did that happen eventually? i gave up before we even met Negan lol). The end justifies the means :) Damn, I can legit see Gabe going full evil in a zombie au omg 😂😂 i want to write it so fucking bad
Preferred weapon for zed encounters: rifle
Preferred weapon for human encounters: handgun
Faith in humanity: fucking zero
Zombie kill count: plenty; the type to kill every zombie he has spare ammo and time for
Human kill policy: When it benefits him or the people he’s looking after
Survival rating: B+; he can make it out of some pretty dire situations through sheer will to live and ruthlessness
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Kile has arrived--clearly, this is the timeline they belong in. They start their journey with Gabe (and their doggo) and stick to him like glue, even reluctantly so when Gabe eventually has them join the settlement. This can only go one way, though: Kile's just too much of a wildcard for the group and hates being told what to do. (Especially now that society has fallen, wtf) They'd make their exit alone and unannounced aside from a brief head’s up to Gabe. It's slightly bittersweet, but also? They get to loot and hunt and sneak around and kill fucking zombies, all by themself. Kile is a loner, a hiker, and a hunter to begin with so they do beyond fine on their own. However, once the inevitable violent human threat comes for the settlement, Gabe is sent out to convince Kile to come out of isolation, just this once please, to be the camp’s super soldier help defend the camp.
Zed weapon: p much anything they can get their hands on, ranged or melee, blunt or sharp, w/e; improvised weapons
Human weapon: hunting knife
Faith in humanity: never had any to begin with
Zombie kill count: lol infinite?? any zed they come across is double-dead if they have the time for it
Human kill policy: at Gabe’s direction or when provoked enough/threatened
Survival rating: A-; they trust no one, live in isolation, and prioritize survival above all else. only reason it’s not higher is they would risk their life for Gabe or their furbaby and also... their own Rambo-esque antics def attracts the occasional horde lmao
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Jack... this poor boy, he doesn't deserve a zombie au 😂 He's one of those people that first believes zombies are just sick people, too squeamish to keep up with TV news coverage at the onset and too upset to consider anything else. He'd hunker down at home, staying holed up even while his neighbors evacuated, and probably be discovered while the main group is looting the same place as him. When people try to tell him the real state of the world, he'd be in denial until he absolutely couldn't be anymore. idk, probably after Kile shooting a bunch of non-lethal holes thru a zombie to make a point (attracting more in the process lol).
He’d almost immediately join the medical team at the settlement and as word spreads about how easy he is to talk to, he quickly becomes the literal on-site therapist. It's a role he embraces but... idk if it's an emotional burden he can bear. He's very emotionally resilient! But he ain't a professional lol imagine a whole settlement of traumatized zombie survivors seeking you out for counseling, yikes. He also can't say no to a person in need, so instead he quietly spirals into a very private depression while continuing to help others!!
Zed weapon: Oh gosh, do I really have to?
Human weapon: ...Kindness?
Faith in humanity: Unrealistically high
Zombie kill count: Single digit
Human kill policy: Not ever, unless completely unavoidable and to defend the defenseless
Survival rating: C...? idk, that feels generous. D+. To be protected at all costs!!
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Jessie also had the initial reaction of hoping zombies could be saved, but she woke up from that dream swiftly. The science-minded person that she is, esp with her interest in biology, leaves her determined to find anybody who's got the intellect, expertise, and resources to start doing actual work toward a treatment, cure, vaccine—anything. Nothing would get her to finally unabashedly embrace her love of science (and innate leadership skills!!) faster than a zombie apocalypse! In fact, it’s thanks to her that the Emerson settlement’s got a small but growing team of scientists doing as much research as humanly possible to best educate the others on the outbreak and zombie behavior. Def no zombie experimentation going on though lol. ...Not yet, at least.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: rifle
Faith in humanity: High! We’ll find a solution! Don’t give up hope!
Zombie kill count: Double digits, but less than 30
Human kill policy: Only in unavoidable self-defense or defense of others
Survival rating: B! She has experience with ranged weapons, farming and gardening skills, first aid, camping experience, and a can-do attitude with a healthy dose of realism!
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Rain remains cargo as I said in the last post about this 😆 They'd be very good for keeping clothes repaired and making useful modifications in the settlement, but their life up to this point has been very sheltered and privileged. We're talking somebody with a chauffeur and a personal chef before the outbreak! They would contribute to quality of life and homemaking efforts more than anything—an overlooked aspect of these scenarios tbh! After as many months of dragging their feet as possible and being nigh impossible to track down when you need them, they eventually become involved in meal planning and even help out with medical stuff if they're asked.
Zed weapon: how do you reload this thing again?
Human weapon: switchblade or other concealable sharp-pointy
Faith in humanity: Very low
Zombie kill count: 0! Can you believe it!
Human kill policy: Well if it’s you or me, of course I’m choosing me.
Survival rating: C. Being so tiny helps them find good hiding spots and their self-preservation is high enough to keep them from unnecessary risk-taking. Plus they're very stealthy! Self-defense is a major issue though, so hiding is always their best option.
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Rupan/Rohan scouts for and leads scavenging missions and is Curt's right hand on the recruitment team. The two of them together are the perfect combo of diplomacy, debate, and deception--although R is more honorable about the last one and will only deceive for strategic reasons. When they aren’t looting and recruiting, they’re doing peacekeeping inside the settlement. Most social disputes end up getting brought to them for mediation and they’re pretty dang good at making and enforcing calls. One day they’ll wake up to realize they’ve basically become a sheriff and feel the need to puke their guts up and do something, anything, to reassure themself they’re still punk 😂
Zed weapon: SMG
Human weapon: shotgun
Faith in humanity: Believes in fundamental goodness but knows better than to trust first impressions
Zombie kill count: decent, more than 40; you won’t catch them having a field day tho, they’re trying to gtfo of most zed situations
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. And they aren’t, at all, immune to a revenge rampage either...
Survival rating: B-. Can handle themself both with humans and zeds but is vulnerable to hostage situations and truly difficult sentimental/interpersonal decisions!
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Vivian/Vincent manages inventory and stock and they run it so efficiently it’s scary! They're the perfect pick: a hawk-eyed tyrant and tattletale 😂 Despite constantly butting heads with just about everyone on every imaginable thing, they quickly become an important part of the inner circle of decision-makers for the settlement at large. Terrible at stealth, jumpy, and squeamish at the sight of blood and gore, they literally never go on missions unless they're 100% needed for their expertise on a supply run. (They would deny all of these shortcomings are that big a problem, meanwhile R is definitely acting as their bodyguard lol.) When they do tag along, they're prone to becoming the damsel in distress. Seriously, it happens near every fucking time. It's like they just attract only the most improbable and perilous zombie attacks and hostage situations 😆
Zed weapon: shotgun
Human weapon: handgun
Faith in humanity: Medium; seeing people work together at the settlement helps restore it a bit
Zombie kill count: Double digits, under 25
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. Well, no, not by me! Get one of the ruffians to do it!
Survival rating: C-. They’d be higher if they weren’t such natural zombie bait.
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Heidi is running the settlement, well-organized to the degree of actually managing to bring bureaucracy to a post-zombie apocalypse settlement 😂 People are free to come and go, but getting in if you don't live there requires trading something of value (fuel, med supplies, food, etc), temporary surrender and registry of firearms and explosives, and you gotta GTFO at the time and date specified upon entry! You can stay long-term if you contribute to the community in a tangible way—and each person admitted is approved by Heidi personally. Yes, every individual. No, she has no free time. And she is not known to be lenient with rule breakers—you want rule bending, you’ll have to go to Curt for that. People kind of hate her, but it can't be denied that she runs a tight ship. She kind of throws herself into the work to avoid the harsher reality at large and hasn't left the settlement in a long time. She's out of touch with how bad things have gotten in the wastes, but she knows better than to take reports at anything less than face value--even when she's skeptical.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: handgun; dagger
Faith in humanity: Medium. It fluctuates, honestly
Zombie kill count: Double digits, less than 20
Human kill policy: Violent threats must be taken out if they can’t be reasoned with. Spare those who surrender, eradicate those who don't, keep an eye on the newbies. Not tryin’ to nurse any vendettas around here lol
Survival rating: B. She's good with a firearm, masterful at persuasion, and savvy enough to calculate risks appropriately. Also far tougher than her prim exterior and demeanor suggests!
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Curt leads the recruitment and reconnaissance teams! When a new person or group shows up in the area, Curt's the one who stalks watches them, decides if they're worth approaching, and if they should be approached with an invitation, a simple acknowledgment/announcement of their presence, or an outright armed warning to leave the area. He also keeps tabs on morale and general confidence inside the settlement, alongside R. When he isn’t leading those efforts, though, he’s flirting with settlers and squirreling his way out of manual labor and other chores. He’s also secretly growing weed at his place--don’t tell Heidi or Vi ‘cause they’ll wanna yell at him and ration it UGH.
Zed weapon: SMG, explosives
Human weapon: handgun, dagger
Faith in humanity: Pft, sorry, what now?
Zombie kill count: ...way more than you’d expect
Human kill policy: I don’t start confrontations, but I sure as fuck end them.
Survival rating: A! He’s good at playing hapless idiot when it suits him to be underestimated, good with firearms, and capable of being ruthless and decisive in life or death situations! Plus he has no qualms about ditching the settlement if he decides it’s not working out for him. Just don’t tell Heidi lol
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Good Business: Part 15
Fandom: Marvel (Mob AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a ruthless mobster. He’s also referred to as Big Buck due to his towering strong frame as well as his round stomach. You’re the owner of a small diner, a place that Big Buck decides to visit. Based off this drabble.
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It felt weird not having Bucky being part of your everyday life. Everytime the door to your diner opened around his usual time, your heart would skip a beat only for it to fall to the pit of your stomach. You missed him. Terribly so. 
It felt like how your life was before him, except worse. Everything seemed so dull and boring now. When you had Bucky, he brought out a fire within you. He brought excitement and challenges and ease and love. 
It’s been two weeks since you last saw him. You’re wondering how he’s fairing. 
Bucky looked like a mess, Steve thought. He had bags under his eyes, his usual neatly trimmed beard has grown a lot more. His eyes look red and tired. 
“Any news?” Bucky asked. 
Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair, “We sent in a false tip through the vine. Said you were in Jersey, so Rumlow’s sent some of his men out there.”
“My family?”
“Currently enjoying their time at Disneyland,” he replies with an amused smile. 
Bucky chuckles, “Good,” then he swallows down, “And Y/N?”
With another sigh, Steve responds, “Not good. I mean, I hear she looks okay, but really isn’t. She’s hiding it real good, but Sharon says she’s completely heartbroken, Buck.”
“Has anyone talked to her about me?”
Steve shakes his head, “Not that I’ve seen or heard. Which is good, right? She’s not being pulled into any of this.”
“Yeah. I suppose. Well, thanks for the updates.”
“What about you, Buck? How are you doing?”
“As best as I can be. Just trying to live my life and be safe. All that shit. I still hate that Sam came with me instead of you. That little shit just won’t stop fucking with me and I’m very close to putting a bullet through his brain.”
Steve snorted, “No, you won’t. Act all Big Buck you want, but you care about the guy.”
Bucky hummed, “Maybe, but he doesn’t have to know that.”
The two brothers chuckled with each other. Feeling a sense of ease and familiarity in the moment. But as quickly as it appeared, it faded. 
“Just a few more weeks, Buck. We’ll finally get him and he’ll be gone for good. Then you can come back home and propose.”
“Now wait a minute-”
“Bye!” Steve quickly ended the video call, causing Bucky to snort. 
“Punk.” he set his phone back onto his desk and looked back on the papers spread before him. 
There were papers pertaining to some of his legal businesses and some for his not so legal businesses. But the papers he was currently paying attention to were the letters he’d been writing to you since he broke up with you and went into hiding. 
Dear Sweet Cheeks, 
Going into hiding fucking sucks. I can’t go out without security detail, I have limited contact with people, and worst of all, I can’t see you. 
I fucking miss you so much. I’ve probably said this twenty times now with all the letters I’ve written before, but it’s true. 
I’ve never met anyone that’s made me feel so alive and loved. 
I know this must suck, not knowing if I’m alive or dead, but I promise you, sweet cheeks, I’ll make it back to you. You’ve brought so much light to my dark and dangerous life, I don’t know how I could go on without you. 
Just a few more weeks and I’ll be back in your arms. 
Forever yours, 
Rumlow fucking hates how he’s been going on some dumb ass scavenger hunt. He knows Big Buck is hiding somewhere and he’s doing his fucking best sending out his men and spies to try to get word of where Big Buck really is. 
“Sir, we may have a lead.”
“This better be fucking good, Rollins,” the mobster sneered. 
“People around has seen Barnes with a girl. She owns a diner. Want us to make a visit?”
“Were they serious?”
Rollins nodded, “Seems so. Heard they’ve been together for months.”
Rumlow hummed, stroking his stubbled chin, “Send in our guys from the NYPD. They owe me a favor.”
“On it,” Rollins mumbled and saw himself out of the office. 
Rumlow grabbed his letter opener from his desk and flung it towards the hung up picture of Barnes hung on the wall, “You’re dead, Barnes.”
You’re serving up a table’s orders when Sharon rushes up to your side, “There’s some PD guys asking for you,” she whispers in your ear. 
Your heart stops for a moment. They were here to ask you about Bucky. You nodded, finishing with handing out the orders and walked away with Sharon at your side, “Look after my tables for me?”
“Of course.” she takes your pad and pen and then scurries off to check on tables. 
You take a deep breath and slowly walk over to the two officers waiting for you by the counter, “Hello, officers. How can I help you?”
One asked, “Y/N L/N?”
You nod, “Yes?”
The officer stepped forward, “Will you come with us to the station?”
Your brows furrowed, “Am I in trouble?”
He shook his head, “No, ma’am. We just need to question you about some information pertaining to James Barnes.”
You sighed, “I don’t really have any information.”
“You two were dating, yes?”
“Yeah, but only for a few months. We broke up two weeks ago. Haven’t seen or heard from him since.”
The officers look at each other and then to you, “Regardless, we still have some other things we’d like to talk to you about. We can even give you a ride to the station if it’s more convenient for you.”
“Alright. Lemme just grab my things.” You turn around and head to the back where you grab your purse, jacket, and phone. You feel like there’s something wrong. You don’t know why, but the officers are giving off a strange vibe to you.
Before you head back out, you message Steve with one word: SOS.
Good Business Taglist (CLOSED): @cametobuyplums @sergeantrosabellaswan @asadmarveltrashbag​ @youcanhaveyourspacecowboy​ @reniescarlett​ @j-the-smol-otter @buckysknifecollection @lowkeysebby @rinthehufflepuff @134340-cm @snoot-snoot-toot @seabassali1328 @bluebellhairpin @emzy106 @viarogers @feelmyroarrrr @vxidnik @jasura @jade-cheshire3303 @yknott81 @baliebay19 @jessieray98 @fandommemporiumm @iluvsumbucky @bucksandroses @lecoindenox @ylva-stark @booktease21 @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @cheyenne222222 @momobaby227​
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord AU - Char Breakdown
Seifa A’rosk / Seifa Ur-Machina / Saint of the God King’s Mechanica
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Bless u @nikyri-art​ and @lazulizard​ for the art! List of character traits and world-building facets for this character within my story. The Leech Lord Au is the one all other twins content I’ve written is set in.
Troy’s is HERE Tyreen’s is HERE
Note, ye asked and ye received. Literally my first OC ever, no clue what I’m doing, constructive feedback is 100% welcome.
Physical Details:
Right handed.
Very short, 4′11″, and rarely seen out of heeled boots.
5 years older than the twins, in her mid twenties when she came across the scabby looking rat who introduced herself as Tyreen.
Long auburn hair she usually wears in waves.
Right side shave, warm blue eyes, septum/eyebrow/labret facial piercings
Average bodyweight, hourglass shape.
Saint sigil tattoo between her shoulderblades.
Couple of small scars across torso, stab wound near navel, nicks across left ribs. 
Visible facial scar is paper thin and streaks across her right brow into her hairline. Tells everyone this was from a knife fight, but was actually from an echodevice she was trying to scavenge components from blowing in her face a decade ago. Figures she might as well try and get some intimidation points out of it.
Relaxed punk aesthetic she carries into her engineering uniform.
Usually covered in homemade jewelry.
Sei is a migrant junker/mechanic, and has been running a solo career as one since her late teens.
She has no memory of family, and doesn't care in the slightest. Figures she was probably sold into child labor before she was old enough to remember who they were. Loses no sleep over this and rarely gives it any thought.
Grew up traveling with her "Boss" (head of the scavenging ring who managed herself and the other skinny little kids she was raised with) between different rim planets including Pandora, scrapping and repairing tech while scavenging the thousands of ship husks dumped during the corporate wars.
Spent her formative years constantly surrounded by other children and teens who helped each other get each other through what should have been a relatively lonely existence, and developed a close family bond with many.
Retained contact with a lot of them in adulthood. They operate a network of mechanics and engineers across the system, a few of which come to work within the COV Mechanica when they realise she can offer safety.
Spent her childhood and teens learning the art of the deal from her boss, accompanying him on trade runs, market dealings, debt collections, anything and everything he figured would help her in the long term. Learned everything she could while accompanying him as a kid, like a filthy little sponge in too-big overalls and a runny nose.
Engineering and mech skills have been honed from years of pulling apart and crawling into junked ships, repairing and reselling on components for profit.
At 19, she had saved enough to purchase a shitty little rehashed transport ship from her Boss, and set out to start her own trade. They've kept in touch and are on friendly grounds. Still calls him Boss. Never actually learned his name, it didn’t matter.
Seifa spends years migrating between outer planets, building a reputation with her bartering and trade skills. Playing idiot traders like instruments, flirting her way into high profit deals, and starting bar fights. She doesn’t take part in them mind you, she’s a lady. She just starts them. 
It’s an easy way to get a group of “eager investors” to weed out the lesser competition, and leave you able to playfully manipulate yourself into the good graces of someone who’s too horny and pumped up on the hormonal rush of the fight to realise that they are the mark.
Moves to the next planet once she's outstayed her welcome, but always makes more friends than enemies.
At 25, finds a terrified and not remotely intimidating girl in a Pandoran junkyard, who pulls a gun on her. Tyreen tries to mug her with a shitty SMG that's clearly out of ammo, has a jammed trigger, and gets laughed at in response. Gets called a weird, stupid kid. Gets interrogated about how she is too old to be on Pandora and still alive if this is how clueless she is, so what’s going on? 
Ty breaks down into tears and begs to please, please get her some medicine. Her "Brother is so sick” and he's “all she has now”, and they've “no money, no supplies. It wasn’t meant to go like this, it shouldn’t have gone like this but they didn’t know what it would be like.." and in a rare moment of empathy likely routed in years of being around kids this stupid, and clueless, and dumb ... Seifa helps.
Traits: ✓ Positive x Negative:
✓ Confident, both in her appearance and knowledge.
Sei is a jack of all trades, master of none. Her range of knowledge is broad and useful, and her confidence stems both from her well maintained physical appearance, and general competency in most situations where she needs to be.
✓  Socially skilled, fast learner, adaptable. 
She’s been learning on her feet as long as she can remember, and is highly socially skilled, though a lot of her “nice” interactions can be a veneer. She holds people at arms length without them realising she’s not being as open and friendly as she appears.
✓  Self sufficient, reliable, trustworthy.
An adult lifetime of needing to rely solely on herself has left her highly sufficient, and very dependable. Seifa is the kind of person you call when you need something done, and don’t need to ask questions about how she gets you your results. You’ll get what you need.. just don’t hassle her about how she achieved it. You’ll be told to piss off, very clearly.
✓  Excellent negotiator, skilled in controlling conversations and manipulating others from years of trading for a living.
Seifa has been learning how to argue, shift conversations towards her own goals, and turn competitors on each other since she was barely able to carry a wrench. She’s an excellent dealer, and can drop into one of her many characters instantly when they’d help shift a contract towards her gain. Floozy giggling newcomer? Got it. Clueless naive big spender? No problem. Trade baroness about to crush your knuckles? Game on.
It’s something the twin strays she rescues are very interested in learning from her.
✓  Naturally friendly, and deeply caring for those she bonds with.
Sei is generally easy to get on with, between her decent set of social skills and ability to quickly read people, she comes across as quite friendly and overall pleasant to most people. She’s very slow to become genuine around others or show her caring side, an understandable side effect of the kind of life she’s lived, but her close friends are very close, and see her as one for life.
✓  Lawful Neutral.
 Morals are decent ( for a Pandoran) , and is always willing to help someone if it's not too much hassle or won’t put her out. Like the majority of people living on this rock however, she won’t put strangers before her own safety or wellbeing.
x  Very vain.
Sei will sacrifice functionality for style in the Mechanicum without a second thought, and will become frustrated and snappy if unhappy with her appearance and forced into social situations. She’s had a lifetime of curating her looks and using them as a tool, and hates being seen “out of character”.
x Self focused. 
She won’t risk harm physically or to her reputation for someone she has no stake in. Fact of life on Pandora is that people who do that don't tend to live very long, and she’s highly aware of that. Close friends and children are about it when it comes to who she’d take a risk for, and bandits slaughtering each other or ransacking towns is unlikely to be something she’d be very phased by. It’s not that she doesn’t care, she just doesn’t allow herself to.
x Irritable, easily brought to frustration or insulted. Holds grudges badly.
Seifa manages her collected and cool outer demeanor by pushing it over her emotional state. It’s a defense mechanism she’s learned from a lifetime of being in situations where emotion = weakness. Her high personal opinion of herself and pride in her skill means she takes to being insulted very easily. A subordinate who doesn’t show her respect won’t stay in her department long, and an equal who treats her like an underling? She will Never. Let. It. Go.
x Snappy and unpleasant when stressed or overworked, unable to handle emotion based arguments.
Seifa’s response to stress or frustration is to become overwhelmingly in control of the situation, and fiercely logical. Her social niceness evaporates and she defaults to the simple level of “Get this shit done NOW, and don’t question me” when it comes to dolling out required tasks. This is a bad thing to couple with arrogance. She is also completely incapable of arguing with someone who uses emotion instead of logic as their drive, and so while she is able to communicate with Troy very well even in heated times as they both default to logic, arguments between herself and Tyreen can become vicious, as neither is capable of expressing themselves in the other’s language when frustrated.
x Loyalty to close friends can overpower her better judgement in situations.
She’s completely aware of the hypocrisy of this weakness considering the front she likes to portray, being cold and unaffected by problems, but has never been able to stop herself from making this same mistake. Over and over.
x Noticeably arrogant, no respect for the chain of command.
Relying on her gut for survival through her life left her with an inflated sense of worth for her own opinion, and she finds it very hard to really convince herself that others may be the better option, or have more value than her own. This means she can also easily forget her place if she thinks a superior is in the wrong. Has earned her a stab to the abdomen and a broken wrist in the past. Both healed, both scarred. Her arrogance towards the twins, being that they are younger and far less experienced than her in general life, has caused multiple confrontation. She know’s it’s a problem, and she’s trying to get better. She really is.
Personal freedoms.
Self reliance.
Feeling admired and appreciated.
Close companionships with friends who see her as an equal.
Her advice being heeded.
Growing plants.
Tinkering with smalltime tech and gadgets.
The safety of the COV meaning she can finally settle in one place.
Being wanted, physically and emotionally.
Gaming, watching movies, appreciating art. 
Crafting jewelry from scrap
Having her gentle, caring nature be valued.
Bullshit. Can't stand people who don't communicate logically.
Being spoken down to.
Her appearance being mocked or intelligence belittled.
Social sycophancy.
Being lied to, having her trust broken when she so rarely gives it.
Unfairness, aimed at her or those she feels protective over ( friends, underlings )
Pointless violence.
Risk taking.
Most things considered *edible* on Pandora.
Men. -
Asks are Open!
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Metal Heart [TEXT VER.]
So, this was an AU that I had posted on my Twitter because I hadn’t known how to format it coherently on Tumblr. But it’s here now!
This AU was inspired when I listened to This Audio after having gone through an Astro Boy phase. I left it unfinished, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to write the story out, so you’ll find out the ending and the Ladrien plot later.
OKAY so https://maximilian-alexander.tumblr.com/post/181533777041/bassiter-something-about-us-by-daft-punk-except … this song inspired me to think up a Robot post apocalyptic AU with Marinette working in her little workshop and Chat Noir being the robot she created. A Ladrien ver. happens in the far future, after Mari grows old and dies blah blah blah
Mari makes a Chat Noir robot, but he doesn't have a built in suit or anything like that he just nakey lmao bc I want him to wear street clothes. Mari's in a post-apocalyptic world where machines have taken over and pretty much EVERYTHING is littered with trash and scrap metal.
She's lonely af and hey, turns out she's a genius with technology. (I also wanna point out this is partially inspired by Astro Boy.) She listens to that song while working on creating Chat Noir, stealthily hiding away from the outside world filled with murderous anti-human robots
Her attempt at making Chat Noir is a HUGE success, and she pretty much bawls tears of joy when he wakes up and looks around like an actual human being. He's not really a newborn, she programmed him with a healthy amount of maturity and worldly knowledge.
Chat Noir is very protective almost immediately. He's a robot in a 15 yo boy's body looking at this tiny 13 yo, lonely robotics prodigy, in a world where his kind would typically murder her at first glance. He doesn't understand it. He has human emotions. Mari's so nice.
Frankly, after two years of spending time with Marinette, he doesn't WANT to understand the other robots. He doesn't care. He thinks they're filthy and dumb. Mari's a gift, and if any of them come so much as a 50 foot radius near her he'll take his steel claws and SHRED THEM.
After those first two years of spending time together, Marinette's food supply runs short. She won't be able to make it another year with what they have. She'll be lucky if she'll make it for another month. Chat Noir runs on sunlight. He'll be fine. But... She won't.
Marinette is ready to accept her fate. She's happy her last two years on earth had been filled with childish duets, silly dancing, games, etc... She's glad she spent them with Chat Noir. He, on the other hand, is devastated. He doesn't want to be alone. He CAN'T be without her.
He starts going out frequently, scavenging for food he can find her. He rations out her food to make it last longer, even though she tells him it'll be useless. He's going mad— all the abandoned food marts etc have already been ransacked by other survivors. There's NOTHING.
He goes out farther. He travels into the danger zone, littered with machines and dead bodies. One machine catches sight of him, identifies his human-like body, and nearly destroys him. He comes back to Marinette with half the skin on his face melted off, showing the metal parts.
Despite how absolutely horrified Mari was of that incident, he keeps going out, farther and farther, destroying enemies along the way. He eventually takes out all the robots in the danger zone and is able to move past it— and he finally finds it. He finds what he's looking for.
Seeds. Plants. Soil, too. And unraided markets filled with canned foods. He stuffs as much as he can into a duffel bag he found laying around and comes back home. Marinette is surprised, and touched. She remembers back to when she used to garden with her mother. She teaches him.
Soon they have thriving plants with tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Soon they have a couple of fruit trees growing outside. Chat Noir is ecstatic. Marinette is happy, too, but she doesn't know how to tell him that this can't last. That eventually, she will die.
Be it starvation, dehydration, disease, or even being discovered by one of the machines outside, she will die. She won't make it to old age. She lets him have this moment, though.
She builds a new body for him a year later, this one a couple years older, about 17-18 years old. He loves it, he loves the fact that he'll /technically/ be able to grow with Marinette. She transfers his memories into the new body, and he takes a while trying to get used to it.
More years pass by, Chat Noir upgrades to another body, and things are comfortable. They still listen to that song Marinette was listening to when she first made him. It's her favourite. It's his favourite too, but mostly because it's hers.
Chat Noir starts finding other forms of entertainment, because Marinette is busy working on his next body and he already went on a raid for more nonperishable food. He finds an abandoned library and falls in love with science journals and, most importantly, romance novels.
His typical experience with humanity is almost solely based on Marinette. He had thought that, possibly, they were all the same. That they all were kind and fun and wonderful. Reading helped him realise that his initial presumption was mistaken.
People could be cruel. People had different quirks, and personalities, and different ways of going about certain situations. People even loved differently. There's platonic love, sibling love, parental love, and romantic love. He finds himself very interested in romantic love.
He wasn't all-knowledgable. He wasn't programmed with everything, only with the capacity to learn whatever he wished. He already knew about cuddling and hugs, at least— Marinette had mentioned that she had gone YEARS without being affectionately touched before she had made him.
Kissing was new, though. Holding hands was also new, they certainly never did that unless one of them was trying to drag the other somewhere. Sex was new, and very strange, but the way it's described in romance novels in comparison to health books made it sound intriguing.
It sounded intimate. He's surprised that there's ways to be even closer to someone than he already is with Marinette. He wonders if she'd be interested in a romantic relationship, although considering he was never programmed to know about it, he doubts it. He wishes, though.
Kissing, at least, he knew could be platonic. Pecks on the cheek, or on the forehead. He wants to do anything he could to get even closer to Marinette, to discover things about her that he didn't already know. The first time he kisses her cheek, she's surprised, but happy.
Kissing becomes a regular thing. Chat does it more and more frequently as days go by. Marinette has no idea where he learned it from, but she isn't complaining. A part of her is really happy that he chooses to do it, even though he isn't programmed to.
At some point Chat Noir is almost painfully aware that his feelings for Marinette are not at all platonic. He constantly wants to hold her, to sing to her, to cuddle her and kiss her and he fantasizes the image of her lips on his own. He's absolutely in love with her.
He has no idea what to do about it. He reads even more romance novels in hopes of some advice on how to win her heart. He makes the mistake of reading a shoujo manga. He comes back home and starts flirting with corny jokes and a fake rose and Marinette is dying of laughter
Chat Noir mopes for a long while after that attempt because he tried really hard to win her heart he DID okay, it's not his fault that Marinette obviously does not appreciate the fine art of humour and flirting
She slowly eases him out of his little self pity party by bribing him with video games. She absolutely decimates him in those games but he has to admit that he loves playing with her, especially when they work together on hard mode to defeat the computer AI.
He makes another attempt much later after reading a well-written romance novel. This one details a romantic dinner with a candle-lit atmosphere under the moonlight. He loves the idea, so he gathers up candles and fake flowers and a tablecloth. He finds two unbroken wine glasses.
He looks for a safe place on the surface where he'd be able to spot any danger at night. Marinette rarely ever ventures out in fear of being killed by a wandering machine. He doesn't want her to be scared on his romantic dinner date, so he needs to find the perfect spot.
He finds a place, a little far off but perfect. In the books he's read, it's called the Eiffel Tower. There's an apartment at the very top, and from the looks of it, it's been long abandoned. It used to be in the center of the danger zone, but Chat took care of that years ago.
It's safe and has a magnificent view. Mari would love it. He sets everything up, and even manages to find a bottle of aged wine in the luxury apartment. He also finds some music that he's never heard before, something by some guy named Jagged Stone. The ballad's his favourite.
He comes back home with a really wide grin and Marinette is super suspicious the entire time. He says that he's setting up a surprise for her and she's going to love it. She's wondering if he's read another shitty shoujo manga again and is a bit nervous.
Aaaand this is where I left off. That’s the end, folks! Sorry.
I still remember how this AU ends, which later becomes the beginning of the Ladrien version of this AU. It’s sad, but a happy kind of sad, if that makes sense? Spoiler alert— Both Chat Noir and Marinette live long, happy lives together.
Anyways, for once, I feel like this is an AU I don’t want anyone using without my input. I’ll always be in love with this AU, and I may very well write for it in the future. In fact, I have a clear vision on how I’d write both the Marichat version and the Ladrien version at the same time. It involves Adrien sobbing. Hehehe.
If you guys want the general outline on how everything turns up, and how the Ladrien spinoff fits in, just ask and I’ll make a separate post about it. I remember crying when I was daydreaming about it the first time I thought of it. It may be a tearjerker for some. 
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Three {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One} {Part Two}
Chapter Thirty-Two → in which the Baudelaires make camp
“I feel like we weren’t supposed to do that.” Violet said, as they walked away from the beach. 
“It’s bullshit.” Nick said. 
“Bullshit!” Solitude repeated, and Babbitt chirped their approval. 
“Ishmael says nobody goes to the far side of the island. We could hang there.” Lilac said carefully. “Find all the shit he’s thrown away.” 
“We probably shouldn’t walk that far. We’ll want to investigate the shores when storms hit, and you probably can’t travel far at the moment.” Violet said. “There’s a grove of trees over there, we can set up camp at least for the night. Maybe explore a little farther in the morning.” 
“Good plan.” Lilac nodded. “Maybe we should’ve stolen some extra bandages.” 
“Would that be wicked?” Solitude asked. 
“I don’t care.” Sunny huffed. 
“I’m with Sunny on this.” Klaus said. “Too much shit has happened to us. Let’s survive, and have existential crises once we’re safe.” 
“We’ll need to find out when the tide comes, so we can get off this stupid island.” Lilac said. 
“I doubt Ishmael would let us use their outrigger, but perhaps we can build a boat.” Violet said. 
“In a few days?” Solitude asked. 
“We’ve done harder things.” Violet said. 
“True.” Nick said. “In the meantime, we can get coconuts for food.” 
“Cook with this.” Sunny then pulled, from her pocket, a small metal utensil. 
Klaus looked at her in surprise. “Where’d you get a whisk?” 
Lilac smiled a little, leaning onto Violet’s shoulder. “It looks like Friday’s not as into the rules as Ishmael would want.” 
“Ishmael’s a punk ass bitch.” Nick said. “And I am not dealing with him, thank you very much.” 
“You won’t have to.” Lilac assured him. “Come on, let’s find some place to sleep.” 
In the small clearing between the trees, Violet settled Lilac beneath a tree, before she and Nick ran off to scavenge the beach. Klaus, Soli and Sunny managed to gather enough driftwood to make a decent firepit, and Klaus used his glasses and the rapidly setting sun to set a fire using the scientific principles of convergence and refraction of light. Violet and Nick soon returned with a small bowl of random items, their broken sail, and some of the towels they’d used as a drag chute, and then the two of them climbed the trees to get them coconuts, while Klaus and Lilac figured out how to set up the fabric as a tent.  
“Think you can make something of these, Sunshine?” Lilac asked, as Nick and Violet brought back several coconuts. 
Sunny nodded, as they placed them in front of her. “Crusoe,” Sunny said, which meant, “We can drink the milk inside, so long as we don’t allow it to ferment, and I can make us toasted coconut flakes, if you give me some room around the fire.” 
“Take all the room you need, Sunny.” Lilac said. “We’ll need some form of clothes. I may be able to sew some of this fabric into something, at least until we can wash these.” 
“I bet some clothes wash up on the shores.” Violet said. “But I think the first thing we should do is get fresh water. I can probably make something to catch rainwater, or build a solar water still, and an irrigation ditch if needed.” 
“I read somewhere that if we get to the center of the island, we could dig a well and hit freshwater.” Klaus said. “But I could be wrong.” 
“At least we have coconuts.” Solitude said. “Maybe Babbitt can find us something.” 
Babbitt was lying on the edge of the tent, and looked like they’d rather sleep than do anything useful. 
“Sandstone,” Sunny said, meaning, “Can someone get me something like a bowl?” 
“We found this on the beach.” Nick dumped their small amount of potentially useful items from the round, cracked bowl, and then held it out. “Will this work?” 
“Sure!” Sunny said. She bit a hole into the coconut, and then held it over the bowl as the liquid inside splashed into it. 
“Perhaps we could find or start a garden.” Lilac said. “Or go fishing.” 
“I bet the islanders would’ve been able to tell us how to get food.” Violet sighed. “Shame they’re all following Ishmael.” 
“As soon as this stab wound stops trying to kill me,” Lilac sat up a bit, pushing her hair back, “I’m going to walk in there and kidnap Friday. That little girl deserves better.” 
“I think everyone in that colony deserves better.” Klaus sighed. “But nobody ever listens to us, so the best thing we can do right now is protect ourselves.” 
They all nodded grimly, as Sunny finished draining the coconut and started shredding it with her teeth. The sun was starting to set, and they knew that soon it would be nightfall. 
“We’ll go to the other side of the island sometime before the tides change. Maybe we’ll be lucky and there’ll be a boat there.” Violet said. “But not until you’re well enough, Li.” 
“It shouldn’t be long.” Lilac hesitantly said, curling up. 
“Don’t worry.” Violet sat beside her, putting her head against her big sister’s. “We’re not leaving.” 
Lilac smiled slightly. “I know.” 
And she did know, which gave her a very good feeling. 
It was a few hours later when Friday came. 
Sunny had finished cooking her toasted coconut flakes, and Klaus had decided the best way to avoid talking about their multitude of issues was to start explaining Beowulf to his siblings, as he and Nick were the only ones who’d read it, but Nick was starting to like hearing Klaus talk about things. 
“So that’s when Beowulf’s like, ‘since he doesn’t use weapons, I won’t either.’” Klaus said, bouncing Sunny on his lap. “And everyone’s like, ‘sounds legit.’” 
“Let me guess, it works out.” Violet says. 
Klaus nodded, smiling as Sunny laughed. “Rips Grendel’s arm clean off.” 
“Rips his fucking arm off?” Lilac asked, as if they were at a third grade sleepover and he’d just told her about two people in their class going out. 
“What? Think that’s too violent?” Klaus asked. 
“No, we’re just taking notes.” Solitude giggled. “For when Olaf comes.” 
Nick smiled slightly. “No, no, use the magic sword.” 
“What magic sword?” Violet asked. 
“Keep going, Klaus, get to Grendel’s mom.” Nick said. 
“He’s got a Mom?” Solitude asked in disbelief. 
“Everyone’s got a mother, Soli.” Violet leaned over to tickle the young girl’s stomach. “Even big scary monsters.” 
Nick’s smile faltered. “Even… him.” 
They all looked at him very sadly. And then, Violet said, “When, um… when were you going to tell us about the opera?” 
Nick curled up. “I don’t know.” 
Violet bit her lip, and then put a hand over his. “We get it.” she assured him. 
“Bit of a hard thing to tell someone.” Klaus said. 
“Ye.” Sunny agreed, curling up against Klaus’s shirt. 
They were silent again, and then Lilac said, “Um, speaking- speaking of hard things to tell- oh.” 
She looked over their shoulders and gasped a little, and they turned, shocked to see Friday peering out from behind a tree. She looked very cautious, but also very curious as she blinked at the kids. 
“Hello.” Violet smiled. “Do you want to come over?” 
Friday nodded, and then walked out; they could see, now, that she held something in a bundle. 
“I snuck you some stuff.” Friday whispered. “When Mother and Ishmael weren’t looking. I figured you might need some help if you’ll be camping alone.” 
Lilac smiled and held back tears. “That was very considerate, Friday. Thank you.” 
Friday knelt beside them and untied the top of the bundle, causing a blanket to spread out, revealing several things inside. “There’s that book knife Ariel brought, I thought you could use it to cut food or something. And that cheese grater, I thought you expressed interest, Sunny. I have some food that Alonso snuck me, and some empty conch shells you can carry liquid in. That’s all I could get.” 
“This is amazing.” Klaus grinned. 
“Thank you, Friday.” Nick said, as Solitude clapped. 
Friday adjusted herself uncomfortably, and then she said, “I heard a- a bit of what you said. What’s a cult?” 
They glanced at each other, and then Solitude crawled over, putting her hand on Friday’s knee. “It’s a group that thinks they’re a religion or something, but is detrimental to the people.” 
“I don’t know what that means.” Friday said. 
“It means a group that traps you and convinces you that if you leave or disobey, you’re worthless.” Klaus said, putting his hands over Sunny. “It’s a very bad thing.” 
“We just got away from one, on the mainland.” Violet said. “We’re not in any rush to- to commit to another.” 
Friday paused. “But the island’s nice. We’re all happy here.” 
“Only because you don’t know anything different.” Nick said. He also put a hand on the small girl’s shoulders. “Good societies encourage curiosity and learning and free will. Ishmael may say he’s not forcing anyone to do anything, but from what we’ve seen, he pretty much is. Puts shame on them if they want anything of their own, or want anything different.” 
Friday bit her lip. “They saved my Mother. She and my father were in a shipwreck when she was pregnant with me, and then he got eaten by a manatee and she crashed here.” 
“Manatees are herbivores.” Klaus said. 
“What’s a herbivore?” Friday asked. 
“It means that they only eat plants.” Nick said. “And technically, they sometimes eat fish and clams, but never people.” 
“Oh.” Friday stared very hard at the fire. 
“I’m sorry.” Lilac said carefully. “If… if it helps, we’ve found out a lot of bad things about our family recently.” 
“Ishmael says that you’re all liars,” Friday looked up curiously, “Who want to cause trouble because you hate peace and stability. How do I know you’re not lying to me?” 
The Baudelaires glanced at each other, and then Nick said, “I guess you’ll just have to decide for yourself.” 
“Decide for myself?” Friday blinked. 
“Yeah.” Nick nodded. “Decide what you think is right, who you think is lying, what you want to do.” 
Friday bit her lip, and then admitted, “I guess I haven’t been happy. I mean… I’ve been… sneaking things.” She reached into her pocket, holding out her sunglasses. “Mother and Ishmael told me to get rid of them. But I like them. I never liked the bright light.” 
“I never did, either.” Lilac said. 
“And… I found this and didn’t even show Ishmael.” Friday whispered. “Finn found one a year ago, and Ishmael almost raised his voice. I think it might be a toy.” 
“Really?” Nick asked. “What is it?” 
Friday smiled, and reached into her other pocket, and pulled out the spyglass. 
The Baudelaires froze, staring. Klaus reached a hand to his pocket, and said, “I must have lost it in the storm.” 
“Hope we didn’t lose anything else important.” Violet said, reaching into her pocket. “Ribbon’s still here.” 
“I have my markers.” Nick said. “Friday-” 
“Do you know what this is?” Friday asked. 
“Um, yes.” Lilac said. “It’s a spyglass. It’s used to look at things from far away, but this one was made by… the, um, cult we escaped from, so it can do other things.” 
“We’re not sure of all it can do.” Klaus said. “But we know it can heat things up.” 
Friday looked interested. “Maybe it can make fire.” 
“It’s probably dangerous.” Violet said. 
“Everything’s dangerous.” Solitude said quietly. “But this could be useful still. We could take the risk, even if this came from somewhere bad.” 
They sighed, and then Friday said, “Are… are you gonna be here tomorrow? Are you still gonna sleep here?” 
“Maybe.” Violet said. “We won’t move much until Lilac’s more healed.” 
Friday hesitated. “Can you tell me about the books you’ve read tomorrow?” 
The Baudelaires smiled. “We’d love to.” Violet assured her. 
“And you can drink non-fermented liquids.” Nick said. 
“Only if you want to come, though.” Violet added. 
“I do!” Friday said. “You’re the most interesting thing that’s happened in a while!” She paused, and then handed Solitude the spyglass and sunglasses. “Can you hold these for me? So I don’t get caught.” 
Solitude nodded seriously. “Yup!” 
“Then I’ll come back for em!” Friday giggled. “Alrighty, I’ll see you guys!” 
“See you soon!” Lilac said. “Stay safe, it’s getting dark.” 
“I’ll be fine.” Friday climbed to her feet. “I know this island super well.” 
She waved, and then ran off. 
As soon as she was gone, Violet said, “Did we just adopt a child?” 
“Seven Baudelaires.” Sunny said. 
“Okay, don’t get ahead of yourselves.” Lilac said. “We’re just being nice, trying to break her out of Ishmael’s bullshit. Maybe she’ll get bored of us and go back.” 
“Not likely.” Violet said. 
“Maybe she’ll leave the island with us.” Nick said. 
“Pretty sure that’s kidnapping.” Klaus said. 
Nick’s face fell. “You’re right, we don’t wanna kidnap.” 
“It’s her decision.” Violet said. “And she said whoever wants to leave the island can.” 
“That’s true.” Nick said. “It’s not kidnapping if you’re taking a child out of a cult instead of into one.” 
“That’s not how it works at all.” Lilac, despite herself, started laughing. 
And then all six Baudelaires were laughing around the fire, and they felt lighter than they had in a long time. 
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malliebuu · 6 years
Mallie’s Reylo Fanfic Rec List:
This is in no particular order and not limited to! There are so many talented writers out there! These are stories that have really stuck with me, so I am sharing them with you all! I will add as I go.
The Inheritance of the Resistance by @waterlilyrose
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The discovery of a new unknown Duchess of the House of Kenobi brings new life to the Rebellion Court. Having lost their old Queen Leia, Rey and Han are forced into a deeply unconventional but quietly happy marriage. Having never had a family of her own, Rey sees Han as the father figure she always longed for.
So when the disgraced Prince returns to court to make amends with his aging King, how will he take to the girl who is now effectively his stepmother?
Medieval/Tudor Reylo.
Review: This has Tudor vibes - it is unreal. I love history, so naturally historically AUs are right up my ally. I was quite impressed by the setup and dynamic. The author uses Star Wars terms in place for the historical ones. This doesn’t follow the Tudor chain of events, but veers in it’s own original direction. Ben and Rey for this interesting relationship and it is quite troubled because Rey is actually married to Ben’s father ::gasp::. Love this fiction. So beautifully heartbreaking! (complete) 
There Shall I Be By philcollins
Rating: Not Rated (Mature if anything)
Summary: AU in which Rey, our lonely scavenger from The Force Awakens, meets Kylo Ren under very different circumstances - he's a shepherd on Jakku. Rey inherits an estate on the moon Ceathea and Kylo follows her there, works for her there, and soon encounters his hated old foe, Uncle Luke Skywalker. Will Rey ever accept Kylo's love? Will crusty old Luke Skywalker come between Rey and her true love? More familiar faces will make an appearance in this Force-free story of love, longing, angst, and anger.
Review: This story was so heartbreaking, but so good. A mix of pining, angst, drama and uncertainty. This story I read nonstop and was quite heart broken, but these two stubborn people just need a little extra time in order to figure out they were meant for one another. This story had me sighing and talking aloud with frustration! So well-written! (Complete)
The End of Father Kylo By Sweet_Solitude
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a filthy youth and almost suffering a great loss, Kylo turns to priesthood and leads a virtuous life. That is until he meets a girl who turns his world upside down and reminds him that he has a functioning body below his waist.
Review: Again, this one was found during my priest Kylo fazes. Don’t judge me! This has everything you would think when you think of the church and priests, though there is a little bit of something else. Yes, I am going to hell. I know this. Smut, smut! Love this kinky one-shot. If you aren’t offended by this, give it a read. ::fans face:: (one-shot)
Fault Lines By Devil Betty
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Rey has always dreamed of a family. She starts to believe she could have it when she moves in with her new foster mother, Leia Organa. Then Leia’s son, Ben, moves back home and threatens to ruin the life Rey is trying to build. Nothing will prepare either of them for the truth. Some family secrets should stay hidden.
Review: This story is a “page-turner”. It has a simple setting, but so much happens and the dialogue between both Kylo and Rey are so intriguing. The chemistry is unmistakable and the lemons are to die for. Unfortunately, this is one minor thing that has a draw back, and both character experience a major revelation that hurts them both. Please read warnings before reading!!
Spit and Sweat by bunnystealsyourcarrots
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In 1975, Finalizer played a gig at CBGB. The punk band gave their best, the crowd went wild, but a young girl named Rey wanted more.
God Save Them All.
Review: AH! This AU I really couldn’t get enough of because it involves our lovely Kylo and Rey, but is also peppered with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll! I mean...no on the drugs, but in all seriousness, I LOVE Rock-n-roll! So, naturally I honed in on this like no one’s tomorrow! The chemistry between Kylo and Rey is off the damn charts! Ugh, the sexual tension! I absolutely love how this starts as a childhood crush and as she gets older Kylo sees her and is completely blown away! (Uncomplete)
Love and Comfort, Sex and Wondering If This Could Be Our Turn By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Anonymous Prompt: Ben and Rey are in college and best friends, and very much in love, they just don't realize it. Rey is tired of people making jokes about her being a virgin, so she asks Ben to help her out.
Review: Virgin Rey has a little delima. Ben is there to help guide her. This is actually a very sweet and sexy story! Give it a read! The author is a fantastic writer! (One-Shot)
nolite te bastardes carborundorum By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Born on the fringes of a dystopian dictatorship, Rey has lived most of her life in the shadows until desperation drives her into the hands of the government. Her unblemished womb is her only salvation, which leads to her being placed as a Handmaid in the household of Commander Kylo Ren and his infertile wife.
Her task? Produce a healthy child for the Commander, or be banished to a life of hardship and almost certain death. A Reylo Handmaid’s Tale AU
Review: I loved The Handmaid's Tale, so naturally when I visited this story, I was drawn to that aspect. There is non-con in this, so please beware when reading. If you do not know the Hulu original series, refer to their site for a detailed description. The author, in response to this TV show, stays true, but brings originality and this is really a wonderfully written piece. The author is extremely talented! (Unfinished)
Innocents Lost By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “That’ll scar.” Han stood behind him, nervously. He’d always been nervous around him, first, because he was a baby, and Han didn’t understand babies, and then, because he had the Force, and Han didn’t understand the Force. “Girls like scars.”
“It’s not like it matters.” Ben looked out at the thousands of spires. “I’m going to be a Jedi.”
Han grunted in sympathy, and then sat next to him, swinging his legs off the side of the tower. The urge to feel alive, to take risks and taste danger – that was what he’d inherited from his father. “Heard you got off the hook.”
“Not exactly. Community service.”
“Better than a detention block.” Han leaned back on his hands.
Ben scoffed. “It’s asinine.”
His father shifted, looking up at the stars, through the hazy, translucent atmosphere of Hosnian Prime. “What do they have you doing? Picking up orbit pollution, or something?”
“Worse.” Ben snorted. “Teaching orphans to read and write Basic. On Jakku.”
Han winced. “Only slightly better than a detention block.”
Review: Love this story! I flew through it. Very well-written! Ben has to do community service as punishment and meets little Rey on Jakku. This forbidden relationship is beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. I love this first love adaptation! The author went above and beyond with these two! (complete)
Daddy Dearest By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When single father Ben Solo moves into his new apartment in Bespin with 5-month old daughter Amy in tow, he hopes to hell and back that this life will be better than the one they left behind in upstate New York. It's not long before his life becomes a cycle of work, Amy, work, Amy. One night, while trying to fish his keys from his pocket without waking his infant daughter, Rey, his next door neighbor, offers a helping hand.
Review: Daddy Ben! He is a great dad who falls for the babysitter. Interesting read; well written! You feel so sorry for Ben, but also Rey is a God send! Sweet interactions! Give it a read if you want some light hearted, fluffy interactions. Not much for fluff, but this was really a nice read! :3
Stigmata By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Fifteen years after tragedy tore them apart, a priest and his sister band together to protect a homeless girl who appears to have been touched by God. Too bad his excommunicated nephew seems to have other plans for her.
A Reylo slow burn Modern/Religious AU.
Review: After the priest hype came out, I searched merely to humor myself. I found a few fictions that really had an interesting plot. This is one of them. Focused on Christianity and different groups within. Kylo and Leia are curious about this young girl who turns out to be homeless and has a curious development. She has formed the stigmata. This really is different than anything I have experienced. I usually don’t go for stuff like this, but there is enough angst and romance to fill my needs. LOVE it!
World In My Eyes By Sasstasticmad
Rated: Explicit
Summary: "The bond should be dead," Rey says through gritted teeth. "Just like you.”
"The bond is only this strong because of you," Kylo Ren tells her. "You're the one who touched me. You took my hand and let me hold yours. This is your fault, not mine. (A post-TLJ force bond fic)
Review: This is after TLJ. I was obsessed for a while, which I am sure comes to no shock to anyone! Everyone was wrapped up in the force bond, which sasstasticmad delivers VERY well! There is so much continued tension between Rey and Kylo. It is quite interesting to see these two continue their interaction from opposite groups. The Resistance Vs First Order. (incomplete)
Wolves By @albastargazer
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi is a human beta until one fatal night and everything changes. With the existence of werewolves turning her world upside down, she is left with only her boss, Ben Solo, to help. Little did she know he is an Alpha wolf and the next leader of his pack, intent on claiming his rare omega.
Review: A/O/B dynamic. This story really is amazing. I have always had a soft spot for werewolves and I haven’t really had the pleasure of finding one that really stuck yet, of course, that was until I stumbled upon this little number. The dynamic between Ben and Rey is quite interesting. A horrible event leads Rey down an interesting path. Ben takes charge and attempts to help Rey. Interesting revelations emerge, however. (incomplete)
Hatchling By g_girl143 @gwendy85
Rated: Teen
Summary: Rey's leads a predictable life as a general labourer at Niima Junkyard until an unexpected visit from the daughter she doesn't even know exists turns her world into a tailspin.
Review: This is simply the sweetest story. I binged it in one sitting. So sad that it doesn’t update as frequently, but when I do get an e-mail I am jumping for joy! This author really is talented. Love the way this dynamic is set up. There are so many intriguing questions-- you are left wanting more. So bitter sweet it isn’t complete! It really is something I haven’t seen done before. Really hope that it is completed someday! So much potential! I cannot wait to see what becomes of this new found family knit that develops on a whim, no thanks for Rey’s surprise daughter! ;)
Kismet by @ladylionhart
Rated: Mature
Summary: Sometimes, what seems like a simple mistake is truly the first step of a fateful journey.
- Or the one where a single text message sent to the wrong number completely changes the lives of two people and those around them.
Review: Easily one of my all time favs! This is such an amazingly written, intriguing AU. It really begins like none other via text. Both parties, shockingly, continue their witty bouts of conversation until they both begin to develop feelings for one another without actually seeing one another. When they finally begin to interact on a level far from platonic, it heats up fast and you are left needing more! LOVE!
Summer Heat By @isharan
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A lonely young woman arrives at the cottage she inherited from her grandfather on a remote lake in northern Ontario, to find her neighbor is a rare Alpha, a relic of the old days when humans were ruled by their designation. Across a long hot summer, they connect over their shared history, and she finds that the past may not be as far away as she assumed.
Review: ::Bats lashes:: What can I say about this one? Well, I am slowly dying because man is this a slow burn! This is an A/O/B dynamic, but it is so well written that it isn’t just a heat and commence screwing each other’s brains out. No, this really has amazing storyline that has you asking questions or attempting to figure out the author’s train of thought. Gosh, there are so many good things to say about this fic! Ben is absolutely a dream in this fiction too. I cannot even begin to describe because I just wouldn’t do it justice. This fiction killed me in a good way! (Incomplete)
Serotonin and Dopamine By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: He could lie and say it was because he was gentleman, but that wasn’t quite true. “I – well, I want to take advantage of you. But I know better.”
Rey looked at him for a long moment, and Ben thought she might slap him. She didn’t. She started to laugh, shaking her head as if she couldn’t quite believe it. Finally, she said, smiling, “Goodnight, Ben.”
Ben turned and walked slowly back to his car. He heard her door creak open, but he didn’t hear it slam shut. It felt as if he was walking away from his chance, from his chance to have something good and uncomplicated and nice.
Ben turned around, and went back to the door. Rey waited for him, biting her lip. He took off his stocking cap and held it in his hands in front of himself. His ears were cold without his hat, but he was in the posture of remorse and penance. "I'm sorry. I'm an ass. Can I kiss you again?"
Review: This fiction was different and reeled me in because Ben was different. In this fiction he has mental disorder that makes it difficult to form relationships. Though, Rey takes to him and Ben to her in the sweetest of ways! I really liked the development in this story. The author delivers fluffy feels too. I am not usually one that enjoys a ton of fluff, but they did right by it! (Complete)
An empire to be won By Bitterbones @dvrksister
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The grin of satisfaction that split Rey’s face was utterly demented. “In three days time I will be wed to her son.” Rose blanched at the word son, apparently having been unaware of the familial relationship between her beloved general and the scourge of the galaxy.
Rey chuckled and continued, “It will be televised across the galaxy, and I’m certain that she will be watching; supportive mother that she is. Tell her to look on her son’s face, and see that he is gone. Tell her that the mark she sees there is my own, that it is an engagement gift from myself. And tell her that where she failed to save Ben Solo, I will raise Kylo Ren.”
[In which Kylo and Rey are betrothed as children and separated for their respective darkside trainings. Their reintroduction as adults is explosive, to say the least.]
Review: Cold Showers. I swear, these two, from the beginning, have so much sexual chemistry I had to fan myself when reading. Holy shit, this was tense. I LOVE her Kylo. This is an arranged marriage fiction, but even so there is so much going on in the world she so wonderfully weaved as well as the character interactions. You will be flying through each chapter begging for more! (Incomplete)
Eunoia By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rate: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi, an underachieving college student becomes tangled in a twisted web with her astronomy professor, Kylo Ren, who is hiding a dark secret. (Unfinished)
Review: Violent, dark, heart wrenching, Eunoia is the cream of the crop for dark fictions. I am a huge horror fan, so naturally I was curious to read something dark and dreary in regards to Reylo. The author doesn’t hope back, which I am quite pleased about. She really builds her word and characters fantastically. The dark character of Kylo really stays completely vile. Please only read if you can hand reading explicit content. Contains non-con!
The Quietest Evening By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rated: Mature
Summary: Every so often, a girl disappears. No one knows where they go or why they’re taken, but they're never seen alive again. Rey, the police chief’s daughter, is next.
Review: This story is one of my favorites from MR. This one wasn’t nearly as graphic as the others she has written, but I really like the storyline she has built here. It was dark, contained secrets and revelations that had my jaw dropping. I really was at the edge of my seat for this one. It really got my heart pumping! If you are looking for a dark, angsty thriller this is the story for you. Please be aware there are triggers and non-con! (Completed)
Nobody Knows By hernamewasalice @hernamewasalicewriter
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Nobody knows that the loving wife of Ben Solo was kidnapped as a teenager. Nobody knows. Not their family or closest friends. Not even their twelve year old son, Benny.
Review: Amazing story! This is another extremely dark fic, but more so the past that is associated with Rey and Kylo. Kylo has so many secrets, so does Rey. They look like the perfect couple, but really they have a more sinister start. There are parts that are tender and sweet, but the reality and hard truth of it all is quite painful. Author has an extremely fantastic beginning where she pulls you in. It is seen through the eyes of their son! So good! Recommend! Please be warned, however, there is non-con and violence! (Unfinished)
453 notes · View notes
cliffyluke · 7 years
Masterlist re-post
Agreeing On A Baby - Ashton//Calum//Luke//Mikey
Telling Him You’re Pregnant - Lashton//Malum
He Has Trouble With The Crib - Ashton//Calum//Luke//Mikey
Pregnancy Texts - Ashton//Calum//Luke//Mikey
You Go Into Labor While He’s Away - Ashton//Calum//Luke//Mikey
He’s Away From You And The Baby - Ashton//Calum//Luke//Mikey
He Bakes; The Fire Department Is Called - Cashton//Muke
You Make Him Sleep On The Couch - Lashton//Malum
You Get Your Period At A Party - Lashton// Malum
He’s Sick And Feeling Needy - Cashton//Muke
You Have To Spend Christmas Apart - Cashton//Muke
You Accidentally Send A Racy Pic To The Wrong Boy - All
Drunk New Years Eve Texts - All
He Admits To You Giving Him A Boner - All
Bath Bomb - Muke
He Finds Out You Faked An Orgasm - Malum//Lashton
Accidentally Sending Them A Pic Of Your Wedding Dress - All
His Comfort After A Break Up Ends In Him Telling You He Likes You - All
Accidentally Sending Him Messages About Him - All
You Find A Scavenger Hunt He Set Up Around The House
You Break Up Before Tour But He Misses You
You Leave His Shirt/Jacket Smelling Like You
He Hurts You During Sex And Wont Stop Apologizing For It
Night Before Your Wedding
Getting Him A Puppy For Christmas
Bad Boy Calum Gets Good Girl You To Sneak Out
You Leave His Shirt/Jacket Smelling Like You
Telling Him His GF Is Cheating/He Accuses You Of Being Jealous
Telling Him His GF Is Cheating/He Accuses You Of Being Jealous Pt. 2
Frustrating Cal While You’re Sick
He Admits To Having A Crush On You When You Mention Girls On Tour
He Cheats
He Takes An Ex To An Award Show
You Think You Hear/See Something While He’s Out
Bringing Dogs Home With Him
Getting Calum’s Attention Using Luke
Sexting Him While He’s In The Studio
He Gets Impatient While You Wrap His Gifts
Drunk Texting Him Thinking It’s Bestfriend!Ashton
You’re In A Girl Group And Go MIA Before A Show
You Hear Them On The Radio While He’s Away
He Cheats
Morning After Your First Time
You See A Picture Of Him Out
You Leave His Shirt/Jacket Smelling Like You
He Uses Your Feminine Shower Wash
You Overhear Luke’s Ex Talking About Getting Him Back
Just Saying
He’s On Tour & Wont Let You Sleep Until You’ve Talked On The Phone
Bestfriend!Luke Gets A Girlfriend And Ignores You
Bestfriend!Luke Spilling His Feelings/Not Believing Him
Wrong Number
Fam Day While He’s Away
Getting Him To Cave With A Photo
Getting Shit For Being Older Than Him
Bestfriend!Luke Finds Out Calum Has A Crush On You
Post-Beard Banter
He Tries To Be Funny
His Hair Dye Stains The Bed
You’re Famous And Someone Catches You Cheating
You Leave His Shirt/Jacket Smelling Like You
He Goes To Buy You Pads
He’s On Tour And You Have A bad Dream And Can’t Sleep
Talking About Dyeing Each Others Hair
Night Before Your Wedding
Blue Hair Michael
Missing Holding Hands While He’s Away
You Lose Him At A Party
He Locks You Out Of The Tour Bus
You Want Him To Bring You Your Charger
Storm Makes The Power Go Out So He’s A Little Shit
He Gets Insecure With Everyone Talking About His Tummy
You’re A Youtuber
You were FWB, He Drunkenly Texts You One Night
You Think You’re Gonna Give It A Go But He’s Really Talking To An Ex Again
You Think You’re Gonna Give It A Go But He’s Really Talking To An Ex Again Pt. 2
You Meet At A Concert
He’s A Dick Around The Other Boys - Cashton//Muke
He’s A Dick Around The Other Boys Part 2
You’re His Doctor/He’s Your Doctor
He Has a Child From a Previous Relationship; They Call You Mommy For The First Time
Staring At Your Boobs
You’re Uncomfortable Eating Around Him/The Boys; He Confronts You
You’re A Vocalist In A Band With Boys; He Gets Jealous
Slow Dancing
His Reaction To You Being Pregnant
You’re Best Friends, He Reads Your Diary
You’re His Best Friend And Find Out He Has A Crush On You
You’re Stressed; He Wants To Cuddle, You’re Snippy With Him
Fluffy Punk!Michael
Getting A Kitten Fluff
Finding Out You’re Bulimic
You’re Best Friends, He Asks You Out With Kittens
You’re Best Friends, Everyone Thinks You’re Together
You Have A Fight That Ends In A Make Out Session
He Tells His Friends You Had Sex When You Didn’t
Daddy Michael Is Worried About Having Twins
Target!Michael Series
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
GameStop!Michael Mini Series
Part One
Part Two
Another World
You’re Pregnant and Grumpy
He Fakes an Orgasm
He Fakes an Orgasm Part 2
Hoping For The Latter
Fire Alarm AU
One Of The Good Ones
Anniversary Dinner
You’ve Been Arguing A Lot
It’ll Always Be You
He’s Your Best Friend’s Brother
Luke Flirts With You With Ash There To Get A Rise Out Of Him
He Comes Home From Tour; You’re Asleep On The Couch In His Shirt
He’s Upset The WWA Tour Is Ending
He Soothes Your Nerves About An Upcoming Surgery
You’re His Celebrity Crush
You’re A Song Writer Helping Working With Them; He Thinks You Like Ash
He Gets Distant
First Kiss
Neighbor Calum (Complete)
Stranger Calum (Complete)
Apartment 105 (Complete)
Wrong Number (Complete) {most recent}
Temporary Nanny (Complete)
13 notes · View notes
noodlecupcakes · 7 years
I Own You
Summary: For @noodlecupcakes 21st birthday here’s a little smutty piece featuring Possessive!Negan and her f!OC Roxy who looks like Amber Heard and is a general badass. This is set in a Mobster!AU where Roxy misbehaves a bit and Negan has to remind her who is boss and who wears the pants in their relationship…without either of them wearing pants.  
Word Count:   6892
Warnings: Foul Language, Sexual Imagery and Language, Negan being Himself as Always, Outright Smut, Daddy Kink, Jealousy, Spanking, Knife-Play, slight Choking Kink, Hair Pulling, a gratuitous Ezekiel cameo
Author’s Note: Happy Birthday to you and America!
Author: @genevievedarcygranger
Tagging: just for those that I think would be interested @purplemuse89 @backseat-negan @ladylorelitany @ofdragonsanddreams16 @alyisdead @collette04 @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash
Today was going to be a damn good day, and a productive one at that. After so many years of gang wars, it was all about to end with Negan on top – just where he belonged. Negan and his crew, the Saviors of Staten Island, had brought New York City to its knees. Through hard work and a lot of illicit activities, he subjugated four rival gangs: the Alexandrians in Brooklyn, the Hilltop in Manhattan, the Scavengers on the New Jersey side, and Oceanside in Queens. All of them worked for him, and hell, he even had most of the cops on his paygrade. The only rival gang left was the Kingdom of the Bronx – and today their leader Ezekiel and a small entourage were coming here to form a partnership with Negan.
The formalities would take place in a private meeting where Negan planned on passing Ezekiel a contract demanding half of their shit. He’d muscle, threaten, persuade, however the fuck to get Ezekiel to sign it, and then afterwards there would be a swanky ass party. After that it would be smooth sailing for Negan running this city – easy peezy lemon fucking squeezy.
Life was good for Negan now, but it hadn’t always been this way. He used to live a simple life before, married to his first wife Lucille and running a restaurant that the Savior gang would frequent often. Back then the Saviors were petty punks and nothing much else. But then, Lucille got cancer, and Negan didn’t have the money to pay for her treatments. He joined the gang to pay, and it did pay – handsomely.
It didn’t matter, though, because she died anyway. Left with nothing else, Negan abandoned the restaurant and threw himself whole heartedly into the gang, getting reckless and taking risks because he wasn’t afraid to die. It was his fearlessness that helped him swiftly climb the ranks, and soon he became addicted to the money and the power and the status – and then he met the second greatest love of his life: Roxy. Roxy was a lot like him in a way, hungry for power and a lustful bitch for revenge. For a while they fucked around together, and it was with her help that Negan obliterated this gang called the Walkers. Once the Walkers were gone, Negan realized that he had fallen in love, and when he became the leader, the first thing he did was marry Roxy. Both she and his position as leader of the Saviors renewed Negan’s vigor for life. Negan and Roxy been together and rule together ever since for the past five years.
One of the first things they did after returning from their honeymoon was get to work, and soon the other rival gangs were falling like dominos. Negan was no fool, he knew that none of this would’ve happened without Roxy’s help planning. For that he owed her everything, and she owed the same debt to him. Life’s been good to him so far and everything between them was going swimmingly. Life was perfect…well, almost perfect.
As it was, Roxy was more than a little pissed at him currently. The other day one of the girls from the escort service they ran – some chesty girl named Ruby – had come onto him. Ruby had had her hand done his pants and wrapped around his dick before he could push her off, but not before Roxy could walk in and catch them. Roxy was furious, but rather than making a scene right then, she stormed out. Negan tossed Ruby out on her ass and had sent Simon to bring Roxy back, but she refused. Embarrassed, Negan gave Roxy her space, hoping that time would cool her off so he could explain himself.
He hadn’t seen her in nearly three days, too busy giving her time and organizing the party and agreement for Ezekiel. He was starting to miss her, and not just for the sex, but actually missed her. She was his wife and he loved her after all. Ruby meant nothing to him and he never intended to cheat. His wife was his everything and no other woman could compare. In fact, Roxy to Negan meant more than everything he worked so hard to achieve, and he’d give it all up for her. That was a dangerous attachment to have in this business, but Negan was confident that Roxy could handle herself and that Negan would never allow anything to happen to her anyway. She was his lady.
Negan was just doing one last brief scan of the contract he was going to sign with Ezekiel when there was a knock on his office door. Sitting back in his chair, Negan snatched off his reading glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, who the fuck is it?”
The door swung open silently on its hinges, and Dwight popped his head in, looking at Negan with his good eye. “Ezekiel is here. Should I send him up?”
Stowing away his glasses in his desk drawer, Negan impatiently answered, “Yes, yes, go ahead. Shit, he’s early isn’t he?”
“Yeah, but Fat Joey already has the food ready.”
“Thank fuck for Fat Joey’s appetite,” Negan breathed a sigh of relief, “Have Simon mix the drinks and keep an eye on everything for me Dwight.” He stood and pushed his chair back under his desk, moving the mirror on the wall to give himself a look over. After all, he had to look well put together for the ‘King’ Ezekiel. Before he dismissed Dwight, Negan cautiously asked, “Is Roxy here, D?”
Dwight didn’t even hesitate, “Yes, she’s the one who greeted Ezekiel at the door. She’s keeping him entertained right now.”
Negan nodded, glad for Roxy’s help, though he had a feeling that all wasn’t quite forgiven yet between them. He still had to apologize to her. “That’s fucking good. Well, D, send the fuckers up.” Pleased with everything so far, Negan pulled out his box of Cuban cigars. If Ezekiel signed the contract promptly, Negan might even share one with him.
Not soon after Dwight left, he came back with Ezekiel in tow. The king’s entourage would wait outside with Negan’s men. While Negan and the Saviors had a certain street style like a biker gang to identify themselves, Ezekiel and his crew wore a medieval crest of an eagle and had tiger stripes on their sleeves. Given the importance of the meeting – and the fact that they were the top men rather than the underlings – everyone was dressed to the nines today. No real reason to show their colors if they planned on working on a truce together.
For that reason, Negan was dressed in his nicest suit – sans tie – in black on black on black. It was a slimming color and it worked for him, given him a lean and mean but undeniably handsome appearance. Ezekiel was dressed nice as well in a three-piece brown suit, also without a tie. The top few buttons of his white shirt were undone, giving him a casual appearance, but it was the feathers in his hair that solidified his eccentric aesthetic. After both men sized each other up, Negan finally donned the role of a gracious host and greeted his guest, “Ezekiel, looking fucking sharp as hell. Find the house, okay?” He stuck out his left hand for a handshake.
Without missing a beat, Ezekiel took his hand, not choosing to comment on the fact that it was the wrong one to shake or that Negan didn’t use his self-appointed title as ‘King’ either. “Negan, your wife is charming, and your home is lovely. Of course, it was no trouble to find it. It’s the biggest in the neighborhood with Rottweilers and men on guard. One would even call it a fortress. But every man’s home is his castle, and a castle isn’t complete without a queen. Roxy is quite the queen.” Both men’s testosterone skyrocketed as they kept their grip firm in the handshake, still trying intimidate each other despite this being a peace accords of sorts. “Is that suit John Phillips?”
It took a tremendous amount of self-control on Negan’s part not to clench his jaw so hard as to crack a tooth when Ezekiel mentioned Roxy first thing. While most men might consider it a compliment to themselves to flaunt their wives like arm candy and jewelry, Negan had a possessive streak the size of Kansas. He’d nearly beat a man to death for even looking at his wife – but he did gut a prick for refusing to leave her alone at a bar. The body would never be found, but if it was, all the intestines would strangely be missing. Not Negan’s problem. Instead of immediately snapping at Ezekiel, Negan played nice and masked the tick in his jaw by smiling at the man. “Yup. Roxy is the love of my life, and home is whenever I’m with her. And fuck yeah, it’s John Phillips. I have two others, too.” Finally releasing his hold on Ezekiel, he moved away to his desk again, resisting the urge to wipe his hand on his pants. Casually, he passed the contract to Ezekiel. “So, I’d offer you a fucking drink, but that’s gonna come later after you sign this.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, hiding his fists.
Swathed with his own put-on airs, Ezekiel glanced over the contract once before he looked back up at Negan. “May I sit?”
“Shit, yeah, you can.” Negan withdrew one of his hands from his pockets and gestured to the armchair in front of his desk. Ezekiel bringing up Roxy had thrown Negan off his game, and it wouldn’t do for him to be distracted. Negan sat heavily on his desk, sitting back on his hands, attempt to effuse confidence. Really, he should have apologized to Roxy before this meeting with Ezekiel that way he could be sure that they didn’t make a scene. They had to give off the appearance of a rock-steady power couple, and Negan had to admit that when they weren’t united, accomplishing their private goals often meant impeding the other. This could be difficult.
Crossing his legs, Ezekiel took his time reading over the contract, and Negan let him, impatience simmering just below his deceptively calm surface, though not palpable yet. Finally, Ezekiel looked up at Negan, and Negan braced himself for negotiations. “You know, Negan, your wife Roxy really is quite the charmer.”
Nothing could have prepared Negan for that. Ezekiel’s casual remark was so singularly disarming that Negan truly was knocked off balance, not expecting a comment like that at all. Tamping down on his temper, Negan took ahold of what was left of his patience with both hands and charged forward, “Yes, my wife is a wonderful woman. She completes me.”
“Not only is she a beautiful woman,” Ezekiel blithely continued, seemingly unaware of Negan’s discomfort, “but I was under the impression that she was managing most of your business. I would even go on to say that I’ve heard she handles some of the unsavory business matters as well.” If Ezekiel knew he was treading into dangerous territory, he didn’t let on.
Still, Negan tried to warn him as much as he said a little too sternly, “If what you are implying is that my wife can’t handle such affairs, then you are sadly mistaken, Ezekiel. Zeke. Can I call you Zeke?”
Unsurprisingly, Ezekiel ignored the comment. “No, that’s not what I’m implying at all, Negan.” Ezekiel rolled his ankle is a slow clockwise motion, completely at ease and acting far too comfortable in Negan’s home for his liking. “I had never met Roxy before today. Of course, I had seen her face in news articles fairly regularly. Charity works, art museum opening, the police gala, tree-lighting ceremony around Christmas. She was always a pleasant, pretty face to see when the newspapers had more ghastly headliners.” He paused, and Negan forced himself to unclench his jaw again, the tendon muscle in his neck relaxing. “When she met me today it was with open arms and the reception was with such warmth that I realized something vital that newspapers unfortunately lacked.”
It took everything in Negan’s will power not to suck his teeth and darkly mutter, “Your name in the obituaries?” Instead Negan just tilted his head, feigning curiosity and simply asked Ezekiel, “Oh yeah? What?”
“Your wife’s beauty goes beyond a simple picture,” Ezekiel answered and then smiled so wide as if he told the funniest joke. Negan mirrored the smile, though not as wide, and it lacked his teeth, as he was afraid if she showed them it would be perceived as a snarl – not far from the truth actually. “Truly, Negan, you are a lucky man to have a woman whose beauty cannot be described in a thousand words or less like a picture does.”
Feigning humility now, Negan looked down at his shoes, picturing in his mind’s eye grinding his heel on Ezekiel’s face until the smile was destroyed. “Yeah, I don’t know what I would do without her, she’s been a tremendous help for the business and she’s a joy to have around.” Negan looked up and caught Ezekiel’s eye. “I love Roxy, would do anything for her. She’s my better half.”
It was like that was what Ezekiel had been waiting for all along. He gently tapped his palms on the arms of his chair as he exclaimed, “Yes, I agree whole-heartedly!” Much calmer, her stated plainly, “She is your better half.” Ezekiel held out the contract at arm’s length to Negan and dropped it, allowing it to float and flutter to the space of floor between them. “Clearly, you didn’t let her have a hand in this contract because the contract lacks sense. You couldn’t possibly expect me to sign that and half of my Kingdom over to you so easily.”
As Negan’s hazel eyes tracked the contract’s journey down to the ground, they shifted from ice to raging fire in an instant. When he looked back up at Ezekiel, he was outright glaring, and didn’t bother to hide any of his frustration now. “I don’t give a shit if you don’t think it’s fucking fair. Fair is whatever the fuck I say it is, and I say I want half your shit or we’re going to war, buddy. What the fuck is it gonna be?”
Nonplussed, Ezekiel coolly retorted, “What’s going to happen is this: you are going to summon your wife, and I’ll cut my deal with her. Clearly, she’s the more reasonable one between the two of you. The pretty face for the public, the muscle, and now, I see, she’s the brain behind this operation as well.”
“Oh, you want me to fucking summon my fucking wife?” Negan growled and pushed himself off the desk as he marched to the door. “You fucking asked for it, dumbfuck.” He jerked open the heavy door to his office and it slammed loudly against the wall causing everyone waiting outside to jump in their skin. It seems almost everyone was waiting on them with bated breath. Negan’s most trusted lieutenants were ambling about, keeping an eye on Ezekiel’s entourage. “Dwight!” Negan barked at the man, “Fetch me my fucking Lucille!” The door slammed closed and Negan whipped around to face Ezekiel, who had not moved from his chair. “You’re fucking in for it now you dipshit!”
Ezekiel didn’t even bother to turn around his chair to look at Negan as he addressed the man, “Is Roxy not your wife? Who’s this Lucille?”
“Roxy is my second wife,” Negan explained, and then there was Dwight – good, ol’ reliable Dwight who hustled and moved his ass to fetch Lucille off her ceremonial place on the mantle. Negan snatched Lucille, his wooden baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around the business end, away from Dwight and pointed it at the back of Ezekiel’s head, taking aim. “Lucille was my first wife. She’s dead now.” Dwight quickly left, and Negan strode forward until he was in Ezekiel’s line of sight. He twirled Lucille around with practiced ease, enjoying the reassuring weight of her in his hand. “This is Lucille and she – is – awesome!”
For once, Ezekiel looked impressed as his eyes focused on the weapon held inches in front of his nose. Without looking away from it, he raised his voice and called, “Jerry!”
Now it was Negan’s turn to ignore what Ezekiel was saying as he started monologuing, “Now you said you wanted to fucking negotiate with my fucking wife, well here she fucking is! Ain’t she a fucking beauty? Fucking gorgeous, isn’t she? I love her, but she can be a bit of a jealous bitch when it comes to Roxy. Now since I’ve married Roxy and became leader of the Sanctuary, I had to retire Lucille. I only bring her out for special occasions now, ceremonial shit and stuff, you get it. See, look at her one fatal flaw.” Negan shoved the bat closer to Ezekiel’s face, narrowly missing cutting the man’s cheek with the barbed wire. He twisted Lucille in his grip, turning her over until her blemish was dramatically revealed – a single bullet lodged tight in her. “Some fuck shot my Lucille, and I had to kill them. But that’s what I fucking get for bringing a fucking bat to a gun fight like a stupid fuck.”
“Now, Lucille is my fucking thirsty girl, Zeke,” Negan swung her through the air and the air whistled through her barbed wire, sweet music to Negan’s ears. God, he missed carrying Lucille around; the reassuring weight of her in his hand; the smooth wood grain against his palm; the coolness of her polished surface rapidly warming up in his grip. “She’s a fucking vampire bat.” Negan swung Lucille again and he allowed himself to toddle on one foot, gloating over Ezekiel, displaying his power like a cock strutting through the hen house. If Negan were a peacock, Lucille was the only feather he would need. “And right now, she’s fucking thirsty for fucking blood – your fucking blood, Zeke.” Negan gestured with her at Ezekiel. “Don’t you know it’s fucking rude to deny my pretty lady a goddamned drink. You got something fucking better you can fucking offer her?”
“Negan, stop it,” came a cool, feminine voice. Negan jerked around, deeply surprised, and there was Roxy in all her glory. She had her blonde hair elegantly curled and pinned up around her pretty face, skin fresh and flawless, lips painted blood red and eyes just sparkling and demanding a blood sacrifice. Roxy wore a fashionable – and almost needless to say expensive – evening gown that Negan had yet to see her in. The gown had slit up the side to her hip, and if Negan squinted, he was sure that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her gown was a flattering shade of deep purple. Royal purple, Negan belated realized.
“Stop your posturing,” Roxy continued, “You’ve scared him enough. Offer him the contract again, he’ll accept it this time.” Her eyes slid away from Negan towards Ezekiel, frozen in place in his armchair. Negan watched in fascination as Roxy’s face bloomed into a smile when she locked eyes with Ezekiel, and Negan felt jealousy pour into his heart like hot, boiling lava. “Won’t you accept the contract now? Surely, you can see how reasonable we’re being?”
Quickly, Ezekiel was out of the chair and standing before Roxy. He caught her outstretched hand and brought it to his lips, brushing them sensually over her knuckles before he pressed a lingering kiss to the back of her hand. “Roxy,” he greeted smoothly and Negan choked on his spit. “Thank goodness you’ve arrived. Your husband has quite the temper.” He shot a look at Negan as he continued, “For someone such as you, I thought you’d marry a prince rather than a dragon.”
“Oh, Ezekiel,” Roxy simpered at him with sweet smile dripping with sugar and honey.
Ezekiel said, “Be that as it may, Roxy, you deserve a king rather than a prince or dragon…or troll.”
The grip Negan had on Lucille was so tight he felt like one flex of his knuckles would snap her in half. As it was, he could do nothing, watching this play out before him like some sick, twisted nightmare. Negan knew Roxy was doing this on purpose to make him jealous, he could see it in her eyes, he could see it in her smile. This was all one big act, a show, and she was succeeding too well. It hadn’t escaped Negan’s notice that Ezekiel was still holding her hands, and Negan nearly brought Lucille crashing down Ezekiel when he saw the man’s thumb sweep over her knuckles.
“Ezekiel,” Roxy tittered, and Negan had never heard her laugh like this for. He marginally relaxed, more reassured than ever that this was an attempt to get him jealous. “Ezekiel, you flatter me,” Roxy managed to convey through her giggles, “But I suppose that was enough excitement for tonight. Why don’t you sign the contract now, and I’ll change just one thing about it.”
“What would you like to change about it, Roxy?” Ezekiel inquired and he turned away to fetch the contract from the floor. When he bent over, Roxy eyed his rear, and Negan eyed Roxy eyeing Ezekiel’s rear with bridled rage in the form of lava bubbling through his veins.
“Oh, just a stipulation that all drugs sold in your kingdom cannot be sold to minors – and to us that means if they can’t drink, they can’t buy your drugs, no matter how much money they offer,” Roxy informed him, “Additionally, I’ll make you a promise that so long as you give us half of everything, no Saviors can enter the Bronx without your permission. Not even when they’re off the clock.” Roxy practically glided across the floor to Ezekiel, and when she walked it expose one long, long leg from her delicate ankles to her creamy thigh. She took the contract and place it on the desk. There she took Negan’s ballpoint pen and slashed it across the page, adding her adjustments in a footnote. Holding the pen in front of her face vertically, nearly kissing it with her sinfully red mouth, Roxy asked Ezekiel in a teasing sort of tone, “Do we have an accord, my king?” Negan tasted ash in his mouth and he wished he could breathe fire so he could burn Ezekiel down where he stood.
Unaware of Negan’s murderous thoughts, Ezekiel stared at Roxy. He was as equally surprised as he was pleased with the offer. “Well, how do you know I’ll deliver half to you if no Saviors are permitted in the Kingdom?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Roxy said and glided back across the room, once again showing off her flawless leg. Negan watched her progress, getting twitchy with Lucille the longer this carried out, but he was ashamed of himself for losing his temper so quickly and falling for Roxy’s mind games. He was going to let her finish this out since that seemed to be her goal from the very beginning, and as soon as Ezekiel finished putting pen to paper, Negan intended to confront Roxy. Well, actually, he intended to do more than just confront her. He just hadn’t decided what yet.  
The abused office door was gently opened by Roxy this time and she curled her fingers in a come-hither motion at some man that Negan couldn’t see from where he stood, but it didn’t matter because Negan instantly hated him for it. The man entered the office anyway. “This is Gavin,” Roxy introduced him to Ezekiel and explained, “He will be the one primarily doing business with you. Only Gavin and a few of his most trusted men will be allowed to enter the Bronx with impunity. He is one of the most reasonable and level-headed man I know.” Roxy assured Ezekiel, “You can trust him.”
“Gavin, if you come with such high praise from Roxy, then doubtlessly, I intrinsically trust you!” Ezekiel proclaimed. “Where do I sign?”
Negan couldn’t believe it. Roxy had done it. Everything she did is exactly what Negan would have wanted and negotiated for, too, if he hadn’t let himself be driven mad by jealousy. He watched in silence as Roxy passed Ezekiel the pen, swatting at his chest playfully. Ezekiel signed and Roxy cheered, looping her arms through his as she led him out of the office. She was telling him about the party they had planned and was encouraging everyone to head down and enjoy Fat Joey’s cooking and Simon’s expertedly crafted drinks, but Negan couldn’t hear her over the dull roaring in his ears.
Before she could leave, Negan caught her by the elbow. “You go on and start the party without us,” Negan addressed Ezekiel, “please, excuse us. I need to have a word with my wife.” Before Ezekiel or anyone else could say anything, Negan slammed the door shut.
His wife Roxy jerked her arm out of his grasp, but Negan wasn’t going to stand for that shit. He whipped around and was on her in an instant. “What the fuck are you doing trying to cut my damn legs out from under me? You wanna castrate me and keep my huge ass balls in your fucking purse?”
“Did you at least have the curtesy to fire that whore?” Roxy asked cuttingly, standing with him nose to nose.
“Fuck, Roxy, there was nothing between me and her.”
“Then why the fuck did she have her hand down your pants, Negan?” Roxy jabbed her finger into his chest, not believing him for one minute.
Frustrated, Negan pulled away and put Lucille aside on the armchair that Ezekiel had recently vacated. Pulling himself together, Negan scrubbed his hand through his short beard before he turned back to Roxy to explain, “That was her shit way of trying to convince me she deserves a fucking raise. It didn’t fucking work, and yes, I did have Sherry fire her presumptuous ass.”
“Her way of getting a pay raise was to get a literally raise out of you?” Roxy shook her head.
“Roxy, baby girl,” Negan began placatingly.
“No, don’t call me that, I’m angry at you.” She crossed her arms, and Negan could tell that she was fighting the urge to pout.
“Baby girl,” Negan called her anyway, “you know you’re the only woman for me. There is no other woman.”
She held on to her grudge for only a moment longer, and then Roxy came to him with a breathy sigh of relief. “Negan,” she lovingly called and wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace. Tilting her head back, she looked at him with soft eyes. “I forgive you, but if I catch you with another woman, I’ll cut off your dick.”
Despite knowing the severity of the threat, Negan laughed it off. “There’s my girl.” He caught her by her chin and brought their mouths together in a loving kiss. “Speaking of you being my girl,” Negan growled lowly to her, “What was that shit you were pulling back there with Ezekiel.”
Feigning innocence, Roxy batted her eyelashes at him. “Oh, it was nothing, Daddy.” At the invocation of his pet name, Negan knew he had the go ahead.
“Uh huh, I don’t fucking think so, baby girl.” His hand slipped down and wrapped around her pretty throat. “You’ve been a bad girl, and I think you need a fucking reminder of just who you belong to.” Negan’s other hand around her waist slipped inside the slit of her dress and confirmed his suspicions: no panties. “Good girls wear panties, baby girl, so where the fuck are yours? I know I bought you a cute little lacey black pair very fucking recently.”
Playing the part, Roxy gasped back to him, “I lost them, Daddy. I’m sorry.” She fanned her eyelashes at him again, coy.
“Oh, no the fuck you’re not. Not fucking yet you aren’t, baby girl.” Releasing her, Negan stepped back and imperiously pointed at the desk. “Fucking strip for me, baby girl, and then lay yourself across the desk and spread your legs. You need some fucking punishment, and I wanna see what’s mine.”
Stifling her excitement, Roxy was torn between wanting to strip her gown off as fast as possible or put on a little show for Negan. She went with the latter option, but as soon as Negan cottoned on, he immediately shut that shit down. He wagged his finger at her. “No, baby girl. No bullshit. I know what the fuck is under there because it belongs me. You’ve worn my patience out.”
Shivering a little, Roxy knew she was in for a rough night, and she was looking forward to it. “Yes, Daddy.” She did as she said, leaving her evening gown pooled on the floor. Stepping up to his desk, she draped herself across it, the contract pressed against her breasts. Roxy made sure to push her rear up and out, spreading her thighs just wide enough to allow a little peep of her already glistening pussy underneath.
Surprisingly, Negan kept her waiting, and Roxy could hear him rummaging around in one of his cabinets. She wondered what he could possibly be looking for since she couldn’t remember if they kept any of their toys stored in his office. But then there was a sharp pain on her ass as Negan brought the flat of his hand crashing down. “Fucking count for me, baby girl.”
“One!” She managed to gasp out, and she lifted her arms so she could grasp the opposite end of his desk.
Again, Negan brought his hand down hard, but on the opposite cheek this time, spreading out the pain so it wouldn’t become too intense.
“T-two!” Roxy stuttered out, louder this time.
His hand came down with a crack, lower on her bottom this time, achingly close to her pussy.
“Three!” Roxy groaned, biting down hard on her bottom lip, eyes rolling back.
He switched to the other cheek again, spanking her harder, not pleased with her volume levels. “Louder,” he ordered her.
“Four!” Roxy made sure to shout, and her pussy pulsed, dribbling out signs of her arousal.
Negan paused to admire his handiwork so far, taking his time on where to land his next strike. The anticipation nearly killed Roxy and she jumped when he finally spanked her.
“Five!” She cried out, and tears began to form in her eyes.
This time Negan smoothed his hand over her stinging ass, his touch gentle. “You’re doing great, baby girl. Already halfway there and you’re taking it like a champ.” Then he cracked down again.
“S-six!” Roxy’s voice was watery and the tears spilled down her cheeks, smudging her makeup, though she hardly noticed that.
He spanked her again, brutally hard, but he knew she could take it.
“Se-seven!” Unintentionally, she flinched away, overly sensitive now.  
“No, baby girl, none of that pussy shit. You can handle this. Don’t you fucking hide from me.” Negan waited for Roxy to move back into her previous position. “Don’t make me start over, baby girl. You’re not gonna fucking like that, and I’m getting a little fucking impatient over here.” Obediently, she spread herself again. Roxy knew that if she wanted to, she could invoke their safe word, but she wanted to push herself. Pleased with her, Negan spanked her three times in quick succession.
“Eight! Nine! Ten!”
“Great job, baby girl. Knew you had it in ya.” Negan gently traced his fingers over her tomato red ass. His fingers dipped lower and traced teasingly around her wet labia. “Seems like this wasn’t in fucking punishment for you. My naughty, dirty, baby girl. You’re kinky as fuck and so damn good getting wet for me like this. Do you think you deserve my fat dick, baby girl? You think you’ve been a good girl for Daddy?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Roxy eagerly whined, pushing her rear back into his touch. “Make me yours, claim me.” She dared to look back at him over her shoulder, and gave him her best ‘fuck me’ eyes. Her mouth dropped open and she swept her tongue across her bottom lip, moaning at him. While her back was turned, Negan had untucked himself from his suit and now his dick was hanging out, thick and heavy and needy – just like how she liked it. Immediately her eyes were drawn to it, but then Negan lifted something shiny in his hand. Then Roxy finally saw what Negan had rummaged around for earlier
It was Negan’s knife, serrated edge and obscenely huge. When Negan and Roxy first started working together, she accused him as using that knife and Lucille as compensation for something. She couldn’t have been more wrong about that. Roxy had fond memories of the knife. It saved their lives more than once, and on one very special occasion, Negan used that knife to gut some creep that wouldn’t stop hitting on her. That’s how that knife earned that fond nickname the Pig Sticker. Like Lucille, though, the Pig Sticker was retired once Negan took his place at the top. Roxy couldn’t think of a single time where the Pig Sticker had to be used again. Now, though, she had a faint idea of what kind of special occasion it was going to be used for.
Waving the Pig Sticker in the air, the blade flashed and so did Negan’s smile. “That’s right, baby girl.” Stepping up to her, Negan simultaneously teased Roxy by rubbing his dick between her sopping wet pussy lips and ever so carefully dragging the flat of the blade over the curve of her rear. The cool blade soothed Roxy’s heated cheeks, and she couldn’t help but push herself back into Negan and against the Pig Sticker. “Ah, ah, ah, baby girl. You gotta be extra still for Daddy when I have this.”
Gnawing on her abused bottom lip, Roxy nodded her head. “Yes, Daddy.” Holding still was going to be hard to do when he was rutting up against her like that. Honestly, Roxy wasn’t afraid if the Pig Sticker would accidentally nick her either. Still, she did as Negan said because she knew otherwise he wouldn’t fuck her. She had to be a good girl for him.
Humming gladly at Roxy’s docile nature, Negan dragged the blade up her spine on the serrated edge side. The teeth were just barely pressed against her skin, enough to caress, but not deep enough to cut her. Part of Negan was very tempted to cut a small ‘N’ right on her shapely rear, but now wasn’t the time for that. Maybe later he’d take her out to get his name properly tattooed on her. Tucking that idea away for later, Negan gripped her hip with his free hand hard enough to bruise and teasingly dipped the mushroom tip of his cock in her entrance. “You ready for me, baby girl?”
Throwing her head back, Roxy whimpered, “Yes, Daddy, please fuck me. Please.” Normally it would take a lot more for her to beg, but she had missed Negan as much as he missed her. Besides that, she was too on edge, desperately in need of release that only he could deliver. Touching herself hadn’t been enough these past few days.
Not able to tease himself as well any longer, Negan thrust inside her to the hilt, and groaned at the feel of her hot, velvety walls around his cock. She was so tight and yet, squeezing him just right. And he himself was so thick and long, able to hit that special spot within her right on the head of his cock every time. They were practically made for each other.
As he started to move, he situated himself where he was bent over her partially. He grabbed ahold of her hair and pulled her back until she her back was bowed inward. The Pig Sticker was held up to her throat, just held there, hovering, though Roxy could sense its close proximity. Negan quickened his pace and began muttering to her desperately, forced to raise his voice to be heard over the sound of her guttural moans.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard, baby girl, that you’ll be ruined for any other man. You are fucking mine, you hear me? Fucking mine. You don’t look at anyone else, you don’t need anyone else. I’m the only one who can meet your fucking needs. No one can fuck your pussy this damn fucking good. Shit. Fucking scream for me, baby girl.”
Right on cue, Roxy’s already hoarse voice started screaming at the top of her lungs, “NEGAN! OH, GOD, NEGAN!” Over and over again she chanted, and with Negan’s encouragement she didn’t stop. His name was shaped like a prayer, a desperate plea for that sweet release, a litany of all she knew how to say.
“That’s fucking right, baby girl,” Negan grunted in satisfaction and slammed into her harder. His bony hips smacked against her still sore ass, deliciously mixing her pain with her pleasure. The Pig Sticker never wavered, and Negan pulled harder on her hair until her hair follicles were screaming in agony, too. “Scream louder and let everyone know who the fuck you belong to. Who the fuck do you belong, too?”
“Negan!” Roxy screamed one final time and then her shouts were wordless and mangled in her throat as she came without him even having to touch her on her clit. Her pussy spasmed around him, and it triggered his own orgasm, though he fucked her through both of theirs. She milked him for all he was worth, and Negan didn’t stop until he had completely emptied his balls inside her.
“Fuck, baby girl,” he cursed softly at her. He pulled the knife away, dropped it to the desk with a noisy clatter too loud now in the near silent office, so at odds with how it was just moments ago. When Negan let go of the strong grip he had on her blonde hair, Roxy immediately dropped forward on the desk, breathing heavily, altogether a sweaty mess.
Negan inhaled deeply through his nose, enjoying the stench of sex, and then took a wobbly step backwards to examine what is his. had properly ruined her meticulously styled hair, and there was no saving it. Her ass was still blushing prettily for him, and there would probably be bruises on her hip the size of his fingertips from where he grabbed her earlier. Negan’s come mixed prettily with Roxy’s, now starting to drip out of her fucked cunt since he had slipped his flaccid cock out of her.
He made a noise of contentment, slipping his hand down and pushing his come back inside her. Roxy weakly rocked her hips back into him, making small mewling noises. Negan didn’t stop finger-fucking her until she had another orgasm, albeit smaller, but an orgasm nonetheless that caused her thighs to quiver, and she collapsed fully on the desk now, unable to stand on her own.
Pleased, he removed his hand and walked around the desk to where her head was lazily lolling to the side. “I need you to lick me clean, baby girl.” Expectantly, he held his fingers to her lips, and she sucked them into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks and cleaning the fluids off. Then Negan pushed his dick in her face, and Roxy cleaned that with kitten licks until her lipstick was smudged all over her face. Negan made sure to tuck himself away before he could get fully hard again.
“Alright, Roxy, you need to be a big girl for me and put your dress back on. We’ve got a party to go to.”
A little shocked, Roxy looked up at him in disbelief. Negan actually expected her to go downstairs and face all their guests while his come was still in her, drying on her sticky thighs. Her make-up was ruined, her hair unsalvageable. There was no way she’d be able to sit and walking was going to be a problem, too. But he was going to flaunt her and call her beautiful anyway, even if she looked like a disaster. He loved her.
“Okay, Negan,” Roxy said with a smile and pushed herself up off the desk.
“Atta girl, Roxy,” Negan said to her with a smile just as big. He leaned over and kissed her, his whiskers tickling and burning her skin. “I love you, my wife.”
“And I love you, my husband. I’m yours.”
“You’re mine.”
“I belong to you.”
“You belong to me,” Negan agreed, and kissed her again. Then he whispered so low and almost darkly that Roxy felt arousal pool in her stomach again, “Don’t forget, baby girl, I own you.”
Gulping, she nodded in agreement, and then kissed him back. Then she pulled away before it could get too passionate again. They had a party to go to with guests waiting them. Roxy gathered her confidence. She would not be ashamed of anything. They would know that she was Negan’s.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: How does Erza and Mira react to Natsu bringing in a new girl in Lucy to the group after saving her? Do they accept her or are they hesitant at adding someone else into this?
Erza and Mira accept her as part of the family...even if they're wary about the presence of Lucy, who has proven to be quite the golden-haired beauty.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: How does Cody meet Gwen and Courtney and Lindsay in the Wasteland? (Could be at the same time or could be separate times)
Courtney: He meet her during one of his scavenger hunt
Gwen: Save her from a Raider raid.
Lindsay: Got hired to protect her by her father.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: What was Lindsay's father's reaction when he first meet Cody? What about Lindsay when she first sees him?
Lindsay father respect the kid for his skills and competence as scavenger and mercenary.
Lindsay find him kind and funny despite his dark, ruthless and cynical behavior
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: What would Eva's reaction be to Cody dedicating his fight in the arena to the beautiful war godess while pointing to her? Would him a blowing her a kiss make it better?
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: How does Cody meet Eva in this AU? Does it involve fighting her in some arena or something like that?
Cody meets Eva during the underground fighting arena where he saw her take down five Uber-Aberrant Lord with the deadliness and grace of Bronze Age Barbarian Warriorness, which lead him to hire her service as backup.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Prompt
AU: Apocalypse- Scavenged Punk AU
Summary of the Question: Cody and his three lovely ladies go to a shop to trade items for somwthing that they need. Cody is the one making the trade since he has done this before. But when he starts flirting with the lady they get angry and put a stop to it. They won't allow any cheating from him which confuses the geek. When he tries to point out that he ain't cheating since there is no relationship Gwen shoves his face into Lindsay's cleavage to shut him up as Courtney quickly does the trade and threatens her to not steal their boyfriend before they drag Cody away from the "skank".
Theme: (Flirting) (Jealousy)
Gwen: *Glaring at the 'skank* As much as he likes to respectfully declined your off from a skank yourself offer.
Lindsay: *Hugging Cody* Yeah! You said it Glora!
Cody: Oi! I not even in a relationship with you tw-
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Cody: Never mind!
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