#scham writes i guess
scham-wcan · 9 months
"What is wrong with you" for Sppicecream please?
"What is wrong with you?"
Here you go! Sorry for the delay!
"Neo!" Cinder's voice roiled through their Vale warehouse base, the dismal echo of the call returning in quieting reverberation. "Honestly, where in blazes is everyone?" She hissed, red dress flicking and bouncing in emphatic haste as the clicks of blackened glass heels stomped onward.
Cinder's fists crunched in on themselves, golden eyes flicking throughout the normal haunts of the the building. Couches Mercury had dragged in, laid empty. The kitchenette Roman insisted on, dilapidated. Even Emerald's usual lounging spots were conspicuously without the green-haired girl's sudden appearance at Cinder's side.
It almost was beginning to feel like everyone had bagged up and gone off home, which was ridiculous, Cinder knew they had no other home than here. The easiest belief then was that Roman was up to something, the mischievous man had absconded somewhere with her crew and left her alone here high and dry.
"Fantastic..." Cinder growled, now standing in the middle of the lengthy warehouse, just before the cargo lift. Her hands went to her sides, one posting upon her hip as she leaned, the other to her scroll. "You'd best answer you insufferable..."
Mercury's number dialed for a time, no sound or even slight idea of a vibration came from the empty space around her. She could feel the material of the scroll creak under the sudden pressure she applied to it. But then a noise did come for her, the lift's descent.
"You all had better have a good reason for this." Cinder's voice came out as a shrill and venomous hiss. "I go unanswered during a time of need and this whole operation falls apart." Her scroll falling into its holster once more. "Am I to be understood? Or do I need to remind you all why I am-."
Her voice trailed off as the lift finally revealed its top. There stood not the group of her fellows, instead it stood Neopolitan alone. Parasol posed Infront of her before the lift came to a stop. The shorter woman practically bounced off of the platform, twirling the secret weapon in her hand as she bore a sinisterly charming expression.
"Neo..." Cinder lulled, her eyes going thinner as she glared down at the shorter accomplice. "What is the meaning of this?"
A robotic voice splayed out from the woman as she approached, Cinder just now seeing the other hand of the silent assassin rested upon her own scroll. "I thought we could have some fun, alone." The melodic voice of an artificial voice croaked out.
"What?" Cinder growled sharply. "What is wrong with you?" Her hands now both fully went to her hips as she levered herself to domineer over the shorter woman as she strode up to her. "What happened to don't think, obey?"
A moment passed as Neo typed, making Cinder's bravado quake a slight amount as the quiet ticks of typing underscored her. "I think enough for Roman. It is girls night now." Which before Cinder could even rebuke, hiss, or respond, the curved hand of Neo's weapon was thrown up and caught around her neck. Making the taller woman suddenly jerk down.
"NEO." A bout of smoke hissed from Cinder's mouth.
"I have snacks and coffee and CCTV Footage for us. Do not resist." Neo silently chuckled as her 'voice' delivered their evening's plans, continuing as she basically dragged Cinder off towards one of the many side rooms in the warehouse.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
"What is wrong with you?"
Mmmmmnnn I have no idea. F1 AU angst? War AU angst? You decide lol
"What is wrong with you?"
Take your F1 and pine
Every night when she woke up from another gut twisting sleep, if you could even call it that, Cinder saw her car flipping in front of her. The earth, the sky, the earth again, whirling around her like a blender. Before the shock of impact sent her lights out complexly. The one thing she knew for sure was that boiling heat, cooking her like some sort of double cooked food inside of that car and suit.
It had been a decade since that crash, and even now it still spelt a purpose to haunt her. Now it had lured her back to where it had begun, and for whatever reason the beast of those dreams was not done chewing on the meal they were making of her.
Cinder sat alone in the hotel bar, cash unfurling from her pockets as more and more rounds appeared about her. Last call seemingly never came when that much was spent and the tender only had to wash one refilled glass repeatedly.
A cigarette and cup lingered in her hand, switching between the volatile citrusy acid drink, and the bellowing heat as if she couldn't pick which to feel worse about in the morning.
The TV above the liquor beyond the bar however, rightly seemed to know what particular poison would do her the worst.
"And coming up tomorrow is the Mistrali Grand Prix! This time headed by the young upstart to the league Ruby Rose and her mysterious coach and mentor." The broadcast bellowed at a volume which grained against CInder's temples. "Projections suggest for a dual headed race with the primary opponent for this new flame being the SDC's up and coming heir to the throne, Weiss Schnee!"
"Oh gods." Cinder groaned, looking to the keep again. "I don't think I could have handled it if we end up seeing one another again." Cinder drunkenly snickered to herself, swaying on her one arm as she took another drag into an elongated drink. The keep sighing as more cash flopped onto the table, and the cup was taken to be refreshed.
Though over the plights and terrors the broadcasters continued talking about with the track, as well as the sounds of pouring liquid and inhaling smoke, Cinder could distinctly hear the racket of clicking.
"Shit." She grunted, the cigarette leaving her mouth and jamming into a plate beside her from a long since eaten dinner-breakfast. "Keep, hide me." Cinder grumbled, her lone arm raising to try and vault the bar--though even as the tender tried to rush to stop her, another force crashed down around Cinder.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sneering and cold, it felt as though the cold season had arrived in full force directly upon Cinder's scarred head. A glove hand reaching around to Cinder's left shoulder and forcing her down into the chair before turning her to face it.
Cinder, face red in many ways already, now gawked at what the magazines had once called her 'Destined Rival.'
Winter didn't even look that much older than when she had been in the car. She still had those sharpened eyes, a perfect jaw, that stupid bob of white which looked like fresh snow. Of course, Cinder had known she had gnashing teeth as well, so the shouting which she now endured was very much equally reminiscent.
"Have you lost your mind?!" Winter growled, her other hand genuflecting to Cinder's conquest before them. "You're protégée is racing in six hours and you're here getting, what, demolished?"
"She doesn't need me to tell her how to race." Cinder scoffed, turning amongst Winter's hold and taking the new drink as it arrived. "What she needs is for me to stop telling her what to do."
"That is the exact opposite of what she needs Cinder." Winter growled, her hands leaving Cinder's shoulders and crossing tightly in front of her still as she leaned over the darkened woman. "What happened to the racer who got into fights with her mechanics and coaches for telling her the wrong info? Don't you want to stop that from happening to this Rose?"
"Yeah, what did happen to that driver?" Cinder wondered with faux confusion, snapping eventually before motioning to her damaged side. "Oh right, the Mistrali Grand Prix." Sneering at Winter with a scowl. "Is that what you trained your little sis to do too, or are you thinking of mangling a different driver this time?"
"Go to hell Fall." Winter growled, dropping into the chair beside Cinder. "You know as well as I that I wasn't even apart of that crash until you drove into me."
"Hard to drive into second place from first, Schnee." An added curse was blessed upon the surname as Cinder drank heavily again. Setting the cup own when no rebuke came. Turning, Cinder watched as Winter' scowl looked to grow more pink in her cheeks. Eventually forcing a sigh through her burning maw.
"Look, I know we've talked about this at length." Winter sighed, a stray napkin finding its way to the corner of her eye. "But I don't know what more I can do when you won't let me help you." Blue eyes dotted over Cinder's side again. "I could easily get a prosthetic, rehab, anything you need."
"I could use another drink." Was all Winter received in return, along with Cinder clinking the glass for the keep again. "I don't want your help Winter. I don't even need you to be sorry." Cinder murmured low. "The me in the wreck probably needed someone to blame, and you were very conveniently swerving like an idiot." Her breath was beginning to once more taste of keg as she coughed slightly.
A steady breath tore from Winter, "Then what do we do?" She paused for a second before reaffirming her meaning. "What do you and I do? Are we done?"
"I thought you'd move on to someone who's more or less 100%." Cinder chuckled dryly, "Or was that rumour of you and Hill lying to the public." A small wink accompanied her wit.
Her side was quickly met with a loud slap, one which Winter immediately regretted and Cinder laughed off. When she had settled, Winter leaned onto the table. "N-no, there isn't anything there for either of us. You know everyday I still wish we didn't run with that story of hating one another."
"Yeah maybe then you wouldn't have run me off the race." Another smack came to Cinder. "Then if you're available, and I am available."
A small cough echoed from Winter, who Cinder now watched set down the small napkin, now coated in fluid. "What? There's no miss Fall yet?"
"Get bent, Snowflake." Rolling her eye, Cinder let out a sigh, allowing the quiet to continue between the pair of them. "I mean Ruby is going to beat out your sis though, you know that right?"
"I doubt it, the new SDC engine is practically only second to a jet." Winter laughed in reply. "And my Weiss is a top tier handler of it. Your Rose has no chance, but if she had some proper coaching maybe-." Winter sneered, leaning in towards CInder with a revitalized smirk.
A look which similarly grew on Cinder as she turned slightly to get a look at the Schnee. Wanting to savour the twist in emotion she was about to cause. "I found them snogging behind the pit today by the way."
"I mentored her well."
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scham-wcan · 9 months
"You are so fake." with Freezerburn perhaps? :D
"You are so fake."
Sorry for the delay, we'll be rolling these out again!
Hope this is good!
It was supposed to be a normal school day, for once, at Beacon Academy. Until someone had to just open their big fat mouth around Team RWBY's table that their test scores were being released that afternoon.
"I swear," Weiss spat, her hands planting onto the table as she thrusted herself up right. "If we do not have a cumulative average on this team above an eighty!" Her voice trailed off as soon as Ruby similarly sprung up and snatched her partner at the shoulders, shaking her intensely.
A jovial smile hardly matched the brutalist glare of Ruby's partner, as Ruby hurrahed in excitement. "Come on, Weiss. With all of those added 'mandatory' study periods we've been doing, we couldn't possibly come short this time!"
Aside from the duo, Blake had to repress a small smirk as she leaned to her own partner, the golden haired brawler looked as if the cafeteria had become a sauna--and she was sweating like it as well.
"You ready, Yang?" Blake cooed, similarly getting up as their red and white teammates made ready to leave.
Getting to her feet as if she were a new born horse with how shaky her knees had become, Yang groaned out quickly. "The Ice Queen is going to impale me on an icicle today, Blakey." She huffed, "I just feel it in my gut."
The entirety of the walk from the cafeteria and to the mailroom for their scholastics felt like Yang was dragging cement in her shoes, her eyes trailing ahead of her to the bobbing of a furiously determined white sheen of hair. It had gotten to the point where Yang was considering grabbing the folds of white and tearing it through the princess' tiara just to cause the drama now, and not wait for the inevitable.
When they had finally retrieved the letters of their exams, Yang could feel the paper in her hand laughing and practically taunting her.
"Alright, Team RWBY!" Ruby had gathered them all in the quad once more, their collective letters ready to be torn into. "Lets see what Weiss' long hours of torture and planning have made for us."
"Hey!" Weiss spat, her fingers already greedily tearing into the parchment regardless. Blake similarly patiently tore into her own, respecting the folds and bindings far more however.
The sisters were somewhat similar, the pair of them practically unfolding and turning the letter inside out to retrieve the whole page of their results from a bundle of shredded paper.
Her hand's could barely keep still even in an attempt to look calm, each word which Yang read dragging across her eyes in morose anxiety.
"93." Blake commented meekly, flicking the letter in a trash besides them. "History is simple." Shrugging simple as Ruby patted her on the back.
"H-hey!" Ruby laughed, bouncing slightly. "I-I got 90!" The page shaking alongside her as furious pride and the vanquish of horror abandoned the red leader.
Weiss was quick to nod with a breath, looking similarly relieved. "Excellent work you two." Though her tone sounded more as if this was expected, and not briefly actually surprised. That satisfaction was quick to turn to her cold demeanor again as she looked to Yang. "What about you, Yang? Surely all of those hours at the desk must have been spent with actual effort and not you silently on your scroll?"
As the Schnee bore down on her, Yang's eyes had finally dragged herself to glare down at the results. Her tongue dry as sand as she coughed out fervently. "8-83." Her knees, had she not been caught by Blake, would have surely sent her plummeting down.
So weak had Yang's grip on the parchment had been that when Weiss snatched it for inspection, and studied the sheet for another moment, she had only been able to react with a flick of her eyes. "Huh, very good Xiao Long."
The three others of their team watched as Weiss disposed of both her and Yang's sheets, followed quickly by Ruby's.
"I am proud to say that Team RWBY have beaten my rudimentary expectations." Weiss smiled with a proud hum, crossing her arms as she returned to the grouping. Producing another cheer from Ruby as Blake seemed to blink.
Even as she brought back Yang from that self imposed terror, Blake quietly blinked. "Well, Weiss. We shared ours, what was your score?"
"It's unimportant." The question quickly dismissed, Weiss went for her scroll. "Oh, darn, would you look at the time."
"Come on, Weiss." Ruby snickered. "Just tell us the unbelievable score you got so we can be welcomed in your immense presence."
Glancing about the group for a moment, Weiss' crossed arms tightened around her form. "Eighrmyfree." She grumbled.
"What was that?" Yang scoffed, returning to the realm of Remnant once more. "I think you've got a Grimm in your throat, Ice Queen?"
"I got 83." Weiss huffed, "Alright, history of Vale is my worst subject." She hissed, glaring at the sky before dropping her vision back down onto Yang.
"You are so fake!" Yang said with a loud laugh, Blake now releasing her hold on Yang with a roll of her eyes. "I swear those study lessons were just as much for you then as for us."
"Please," Spitting, Weiss glared at the blonde. "If I hadn't helped you, your score would be worse than mine regardless."
"But it isn't worse, you scored the same as I did." Beginning to laugh, Yang summoned up her returning courage and threw her arm over the shoulders of the now roiling boiling Ice Queen. Looking to Blake and Ruby, the blonde gave a gentle point to Weiss. "Look guys, the most equally smart members of Team RWBY."
"I should get a picture." Ruby laughed in tandem.
"Absolutelynot!" Weiss growled, now trying to free herself from the blonde's vice grip.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
“Stay.” with ladybug or fallen petals for the soft prompts
"Stay" -- I'll pick Fallen Petals if that's okay!
The plushness of the bedding lingered beneath her, her arm giving her the lone amount of support she could handle, as Cinder glared into the dark air. This room was too homely, its darkness too inviting, the air too calming. Blast, even the floor in the night was some welcoming cold. All of it was too much, too much for her, for anyone like her.
Even the clothes she wore were too much for her, or rather held too much of her in them. A tank top with some ridiculous cartoon animal upon it, shorts of red far too light to be her own. Even the bandaging on her stump of an arm was dotted with Band-Aids which served no purpose other than having small dotting cartoons upon them--regardless if Cinder had helped choose them, they still burned into her skin.
Her knees and form creaked as she tried her best to get up, to leave, to throw on that dark cloak which ached for her. Abscond through the door in the dead of this hearth of welcome, and be gone before the stars had even shifted to day.
But when that hand slumped against her backside, tired and lazy, wiping away the cold sweat Cinder had not realized had developed there, did she jump. Turning on herself, Cinder watched as the quiet form of Ruby fought to press herself upright.
"Cinder?" Her voice deepened from rest, yet still holding that same pleading and strength which had captivated her before, pointed at her. "Stay." Hand calloused and weak in sleep now slumping against Cinder's forearm. "Please, stay." The fur of the girl's head then slammed against Cinder's back, making the Fall Maiden spur slightly.
"Idiot." She grumbled, but it missed all of its former acid-like taste. Doing her best, CInder turned from her departure, her arm circling up beneath Ruby's. Dragging the pair of them back into the sheets, as Cinder's arm crushed around the reaper. "I'm not going anywhere." Cinder grunted, allowing her golden eye to slip back into rest amongst the warmth of the dark and the comfort at her chest.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s — pretty.” <--- cinwin first date. Who is saying it to whom is your call.
Bonus if you want to have DWR being pests and spying in the background.
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. Its — pretty.”
it got long oops
For all of her bravado and glorious provoking to end her in this pristine situation, Cinder could feel all of the violent heat which made her being sink like a coal in her stomach. Around her lingered the garish garnishing of an upper brow Atlesian rendezvous, and she should have been sick for that and that alone. Instead, she lingered her singular gloved hand stiffly on her glass of mauve wine, fighting to send her solitude golden eye about the setting—even more so did she fear matching the blue eyes before her.
Across from her lingered the staunch and well garbed form of one Winter Schnee, her opposite for the evening. At a double seated table with their names splattered across reservation cards.
A low borne spittle languished from Cinder’s maw as she grunted forth more of her drink into her. “How could I have been so stupid.” She lulled without remorse, purposefully trying to barb her own being with her tone. “How am I sat here, brandishing myself in all the uniform of some…” She finally allowed her eye to swing around onto the Schnee, protesting even further, “Some fictitious ‘welcome party’?” She was quickly met with barks of protest for her outburst from other patrons with a rambunctious hiss, which she quickly met with a snarl. “Oh, plaster your toupee down you snivelling clod.”
Cinder’s reprisal blustered with her retreating into her seat, once she would have smited down such a decrepit protestor, but now she simply brought her glass to her lips and once more lulled the lump of coal in her.
Then, however, did she hear such an odd thing that to her scorched ears sounded like something as utterly captivating as music. But it was no soured violin, no despotic trumpet, instead what she found, was the weird snorting between huffs, all of which were hidden behind a raised gloved hand.
The Schnee… was laughing? Cinder blinked, her expression widening in surprise, the stoic and blistering cold of this—her fellow Maiden—had been shattered without even a smidgen of wine in Winter’s goblet.
Snorting and voluminous laughter fought itself down, as Winter waved her shielding hand. “I’m— HAhaHaha-Sorry, Gods-…” Though if she was giving Cinder time to respond, it passed like malaises for Cinder as she took in the somehow suddenly realized beauty of Winter Schnee before her. “Sorry, I’ve never heard such an outburst against that Colonel, certainly he deserved such but, ahaha-.” Winter forced another row of laughter to stop when she saw her colour of red now matched by Cinder’s expression; though without any noise of amusement from the Fall Maiden.
A coughing sort of fit drew Cinder out of the back of her seat and brought her forth onto the table, elbows and all. “No, sorry, you laughed. I…” Cinder forced her vision aside, now realizing the coal in her had been relit with a hastening of her heart. “I’ve never seen it before. Its — pretty.”
Now the pair of them shared a bleeding colour across their cheeks, small fits of lightning and ash similarly dancing and falling beneath the table.
Whilst a trio of menus, who had seemingly had been watching the exchange with a wary prayer, seemed to jitter, squeak, and almost squawk in excitement. Even more so as throughout the night more small bits gave way to more dialogue, and the sharing of a bottle instead of fearing to touch the fluid.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
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scham-wcan · 9 months
You asked for this...dwr any prompt of your choice from the list.
“Kisses on the cheek”
Weiss pressed her lips quickly onto Maria’s cheek, a result of some nascent joke or quip assuredly which made her heart spur. When she removed herself, Weiss quickly found her action discovered by the young Grimm Reaper.
“Frisky today, aren’t we, Schnee?” Maria laughed, her navy hair batting about her as her land snapped down—snatching Weiss’ in her own.
“I must be getting used to your humour is all.” Weiss sniped, taking the hand with a readied care. Though paused for a moment, halting their walk. “Hold on, is this another blister, here?” Weiss’ eyes flicked to her other side.
“Ruby Rose?” Weiss scowled at their third partner. “What is the meaning of this? First you receive a callous and now Maria a wound?”
Ruby blinked, her hands flying upward in surrender. “I-I-?” Silver eyes from the young warrior flung to her kin compatriot, Maria leaning out from behind the Schnee with a panicked shake of her head.
“I-I!” Ruby stumbled, then winced, “I’m sorry!! Maria and I went to workout during your lecture today!”
“Unbelievable!” Weiss shrieked even before Maria could wince from the betrayal. “I thought you two promised me we three would go together.” Weiss tore her hand away from Maria, crossing her arms in anguish. “You two best know I am not defending neither my Cinder nor Winter from my mother if they ever abscond you with another prank again!”
“Weiss, that’s unfair.” Maria scowled, warning her now rebuked hand in her own. “Ruby and I just want to look our best for you, you know that?”
“Yeah, Weiss. Come on,” Ruby got close to her partner. “Would a kiss make it better?”
Weiss glanced out of the corner of her eye to Ruby. “It would be on par with an apology, perhaps.”
Though Weiss was quickly also taken to Maria’s side, as the third of their grouping came to her side. “Do two kisses equal one formal apology then?”
“They could.” Weiss admitted before her cheeks burned with both love, embarrassment, and her lovers lips upon them. “ALRIGHT FINE NOT IN PUBLIC DOLTS!” Weiss quaked, even as her loves received negligible discipline.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
"You're not in bed. I came looking for you."
This got a wee bit long! Hope you like it!
The racket of the wheelchair was steady beneath, hell, all around her as Winter moved. The hallways were relatively quiet now, their wing had some small distance from the more active parts of the hospital. But even in all that silence, it was easy for Winter to note when something in their room was missing, like the secondary steady breathing of her charred bedmate.
Linoleum flooring croaked and rolled beneath her, with every press she dragged through her wheels she could feel more of the lacking sleep burden her. A croak at the back of her throat only further protested the slight of a workout which this small effort ravished from her.
When she reached the end of the hall, finding the slight light of an evening desk and its lone worker too inconsequential for her search. Instead, Winter pressed further until she found herself on the precipice of the nature room--the slight humidity mixing with the scent she very much better of known by now.
"Hey!" Winter belted into the minimally lit space of flora and rock, rolling down the slight incline of an entrance. Her eyes a flurry as she swung herself around the place, eventually finding the stark form of blue clothes, white bandaging and blackened hair. "You're not in bed." Winter professed, in her mind knowing well she sounded like some form of school hall monitor, though not caring in the slightest. "I came looking for you."
The form of her roommate shifted slightly, Winter feeling the former egoism in her crack as a bandaged arm rose and flecked across her face. "I thought you'd still be resting." Cinder's voice cracked, it never cracked like that.
Immediately, Winter found herself getting closer, pressing herself along the side of the cold bench Cinder straddled. "W-woah, hey, are you okay?" Her hand shakenly rose from her wheel, depositing itself with some trepidation upon Cinder's shoulder--finding it shaking evermore.
Another croaking breath found the wash of black batted aside, finally showing Cinder's scarred face to her partner. Her golden eye bleated with red and wet alike--a visage which almost begged Winter's to do the same.
"I'm fine, just.." The word trailed off, "Getting used to everything is taking some effort." Cinder tried to laugh, that sneering prideful laugh Winter had known before replaced with something far more morbid.
Worry dotted easily on her, it took a moment for Winter to gather her breath. "W-well." She began, her thumb unconsciously moving over the shoulder she now used as her anchor. "We're getting through this together now, right?" She hadn't meant it to come across as a question, as if Cinder needed more uncertainty. "When you need a place to lean, I'm more than willing to be there."
Another sniff and croak eventually brought Cinder's hand up to her shoulder, landing it squarely atop Winter's. "As if you'd be anywhere else." Their hands slowly entwining as Cinder's eye once more met Winter. "My chariot."
"Ready and able," Winter evenly hummed, embracing the hold. "My cyclops."
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scham-wcan · 9 months
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Maybe this for Cinwin, and Winter being very uptight over Cinders wild air not being military standard? 😂
"Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just--" Once more this got longer than I thought it'd be, hope you enjoy!
In the span of time since the end of the war, it had become a point of, at least internal, concern for Winter that she still was dragging on with some less than civilian lifestyle artifacts; to put it bluntly. Needless to say, there were myriads of issues with barking requests and orders in mundane settings, performing a drill line in a line to reach her pre-ordered coffee first--which she only seemed to realize was a bad thing when Weiss informed her so far too late to amend.
Given, that was by far the easiest component of it all. Talking with run of the mill people, those who she had a sort of naturalized hegemony over, Winter could perform herself easily and still quite make do. It was those... others in her day and life which planted firm roadblocks toward any form of decorum or order her military standards would attempt to cow.
Most blatant, was the horrid new addition to their little Grimm clean up institution in old Atlas. The blithering, monologuing, and untrustworthy Cinder Fall--and of course, some devil who organized their schedules placed the pair of Winter and the Fall Maiden on scouting together in the chill of early morning.
"Grand," Winter had spat, crouched down over top of some rather dominating runes in the snow. "I make two manticore and something larger."
A sniveling scoff belted from behind the crouched Schnee, which only flattened her expression even more so. "You obviously cannot count," Winter rose and turned, eyeing down the smattering of blackened hair with Cinder's voice. "It is obviously a Goliath herd, Blödmann." Fighting to ignore the murmured insult, as if Cinder thought a Schnee wouldn't understand Atlesian, Winter was upon Cinder quickly.
"For the gods sakes." Winter hissed, hand delving into one of her uniform's pockets and producing a narrow line of string. "It is out of Huntress regulation to have your hair within a certain standard." The ball of blackened hair seemed to shift, whipped back and forth from the cold winds as well as Cinder's attention shifting onto her.
"And what of it. Schnee?" The moron was all Winter could surmise. Her hands may have moved to fast, they quickly out paced her mouth, perhaps she misjudged the space between the pair for Winter's hands had already risen to Cinder's jawline.
"Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that..." Winter hissed, growling in her militaristic tone as she had done with dozens of hopeful recruits in the past, dragging her hands backward from the now visible Cinder's face--parting a sea of hair as she revealed more and more of pale and broken skin.
"Here let me just-." Winter froze, though she had wished it had been from the cold, instead finding herself now being bored into by one gilded golden eye. A sharpened jawline, angular nose, cheeks subtle with not even a hint of the weather around them. Why was Winter's heart picking up pace as her hands folded Cinder's hair behind her head, haphazardly folding the matting of black into a tail.
When her hands dropped from the Maiden, it was with some unexplained hesitation, though she was quick to take a step quickly aside from Cinder. "Right. There, now you are up to regulation."
That small click at Cinder's lips, the roll of her eye, even the suave and even gate she took away and onward after the tracks, every bit of her served only to cause more lightning to spur inside of Winter's chest.
"Quit being so petulant." Cinder called out, her hair sashaying behind her in taunt toward Winter, going about four seconds before the Fall Maiden's hand tore the string from her hair. "And slow, Schnee." Cinder creased out, thankful her hair now once more hid her own slightly glowing cheeks.
The mottled look on Winter's face was fiercely replaced with a rebuking fervor. "Why you-." Winter stomped, "Wait for me at the least!" She belted, rushing forward through the chopped snow after her blackened partner.
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scham-wcan · 9 months
it's 11 hours too late, but how about ilia/weiss with the prompt “You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”?
"You're not in bed. I came looking for you?" Hope you enjoy!
Ilia had some reserves of course, she couldn't interrupt Blake's wedding of course, but be damned she could not now also start to fancy her teammate.
The air of the reception behind her had now long grown quiet by the time she found herself lingering on the veranda, overlooking the soft shoreline of the beach beneath them.
"Of course its marble white." Ilia muttered, her hands solidly planted on the material around her, the structure the only thing holding her upright she could feel. There had been some drinking, but above all what now was making her uneasy was the practical angel of the ballroom and stage.
She swore she could still hear the clicking of her heels against the flooring, blast why did they all have to be so pretty?
"Uh, hello?" A voice from behind sent Ilia through a spectacle of colours, vibrant and extreme for a moment before she spun around. There, stood the tyrant of Ilia's mind, for this night at least, Weiss Schnee in all of her fancy regalia--she truly did look like an angel.
"S-sorry!" Weiss was quick to fan, "I didn't mean to startle you, Ilia right? Blake's friend?" Ilia tried to reply, though found the best she could muster was a simple and stupid sounding string of words.
"Y-yup! That's me! You're Weiss!" Ilia cursed the smile she wore, she had only hoped the colour upon her at least didn't make Weiss think she was some form of inebriated.
"Ah, I thought so." Weiss hummed, looking thankful. "Blake did say her 'cute' friend was falling behind out here." The Schnee laughed with her hand raised to her lips, Ilia almost drowned in her own raising temperature. Weiss then pointed behind her, her hand falling so naturally onto her hip, "We're all heading out, going to go finally get some sleep after everything, thought I'd make sure one of my fellow bridesmaids got back their alright." A small wink imparted from the woman, and again Ilia had to fight to remain upright.
"How thoughtful of you, I-I'll be right along then-!" Almost as soon as the dark-haired girl stepped away from the marble, however, she found herself seizing forth on unsteady legs. Though she was damned even more so when Weiss caught her by the arm.
"Easy there, we can't have two broken noses from this night." Weiss laughed, hoisting Ilia as best she could up, and into her side. "Come on, Liebling, lets get going."
Ilia, of course, had too much blood in her ears to even pretend she had heard Weiss.
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scham-wcan · 6 months
you have been visited by the rare Smiling Winter Schnee, she only appears to people once every 137 years
write a 100 word drabble or be cursed with winter-less-ness for the next 137 years
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Oh my lord the sight is one of the Ark of the Covenant she is so pretty. Very well you shall have your Drabble.
“I don’t understand what you think you’re going to accomplish.” Winter hissed, hoisting herself from the seat of her vehicle and entering the chilled air of her office’s parking garage. Though that chill lasted little as a breath of heat dragged from the passenger’s door.
Pressing herself to stand and stretch in a manner which Winter typically would be inspired to blush at, had she not been so disgruntled from their morning discussion which had led them to this point, Cinder choked out a small yawn. “If you’re so perturbed by your coworkers consistent inability to do their duties to the point of it ruining our evening plans-.”
Biting quickly, Winter stomped her booted foot for a moment as she rounded the vehicle. “What ruined the evening was your petulant interest in what I was working on that was forcing me to scowl.” Though her scowl turned to a fast roll of her eyes as she already predicted what her partner would berate about.
“Precisely. Anything that gets you to snap like that so soon into the evening and is not me clearly is someone competing for you.” Cinder smirked, wandering blissfully alongside her partner towards the proper entrance to the office. “And maybe I can set them straight, nothing like an impartial review, right, Snowflake?”
“Please, you are anything but impartial.” Winter growled, “Gods, I need coffee for this.” She shrilly cursed herself for not stopping on the way, having been to distracted by the presence of her passenger for any coherent thought. “Did you have to dress so… regally?” Cursing a glance to Cinder as she did so, taking in the blacks and golds with a sheepish anger.
Nodding quickly, Cinder scoffed. “Oh anything to make my presence well known and what it means for your people.” Placing a hand to her chest as she smiled that villainous dastardly smile with which Winter always found a flutter take hold of her chest. “Now, in which corner of this hive of paper and bureaucracy can I find the ruiner of my so few hours of time with my partner in power?”
Holding the watch of that golden eye for a moment, Winter felt the rigid nature in her form melt as she whipped out a quiet lengthy sigh. Eventually allowing it turn to a soft smile as she let their arms connect with a small playful butt against one another. “You are insufferable, you know that?”
“Believe me,” Cinder responded plenty bluntly. “I have been informed of that quality about me rather consistently, now does your office have any locks?”
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scham-wcan · 8 months
Some Cinwin:
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I forgot about this so here we go~
"Babe?" Winter stifled out, "I need a hand." The eldest Schnee daughter was in some form of duress due to her dress, a zipper lingering at the lowest part of her back exposed the naked form of her hind. Winter was furiously attempting to swipe at the flimsy small thing, stopping only when she heard the incoming steps of her partner; offering Cinder a meagre coy smile as she did so.
Cinder, sans her prosthetic, offered a snide smirk and scoff as she approached. "I do always enjoy your poor timing, now what's your problem?" Cinder's outfit had blessed her with a far more simple wearability, which as she had chosen their outfits for the evening made Winter think that some part of this was expected. "Have you tried sucking in?" Her golden flickered with humour as Winter groaned in response.
"Just get the damn zipper." She sniped, turning her form gingerly for Cinder to see the situation she had been enthralled with better. "Before I rip this thing off and just go to this gala in my fatigues again.
"Firstly, you don't wear fatigues anymore those are suits." Cinder clicked her tongue quickly, then pursed her lips tightly with a low lull of a hum. Winter made something akin to a surprised eep as Cinder's hand laid onto the naked space betwixed her open back. "Second, I much prefer the view when this is open. Are you sure we can't just go like this?"
A further noise and red hue took hold of Winter as Cinder's warm hand added a lower pat to her form. Scowling as she pictured the roaring grin Cinder was likely now wearing, Cinder turned her face down as she let loose a lengthy sigh. "Just get the zipper before I replace your hand with both of mine to return the favour." Wincing as she felt the folds of the dress form together. Turning then onto her partner as she grabbed Cinder by her lapels and tugged her into a closer glare.
"Entertained?" Cinder smirked, watching as Winter's scowl turned to another embarrassed sigh as she pulled the Maiden into a kiss.
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scham-wcan · 3 years
I wrote smut for the resident evil college au @iridescentmyths and I have been shot posting about
It’s Alex and Wesker and not a chapter but it’s in the same world
Hope you enjoy!
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