#schemin’ hint
dollfaceksj · 1 year
not to be annoying but how long until yoongi and y/n fuck in scheming😩
ahhh. well, as much as i would like them to pounce each other, we have to take the circumstances and situation into consideration. no matter how you look at it, its pretty unethical thats why im dragging it out !
so i’m not going to give you a direct answer, however…..
“Wanting me to get you off like this whilst your boyfriend is waiting for you right outside… You’re so greedy.”
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motherlvr · 11 months
okay so idk if you’ve watched gilmore girls but i would love to see a miles morales (earth 42) w a reader who’s like lorelai gilmore (rambles a lot, is very funny/witty, says a lot of obscure pop culture references a lot and teases people a lot lot) idk i feel like the two would have some very silly interactions 😈 (love ur work btw 😘🙏🏼)
this req was so fun to write, tysm for the req! sprinkled in some stuff so she isn't exactly lorelai, but hopefully i did the prompt justice!
wc: 1.6k
pairing: Earth-42! Miles Morales x (lorelai gilmore!) f! reader
warnings: friends with lots of tension, cursing, this has the iconic "will you just stand still?" scene from gilmore girls, possessiveness
"Lucy, I'm home!" You loudly announced as you swung the door open and let yourself into Miles' dorm. Apparently, both of you were past knocking.
Looking up at you, who had broken into his dorm, he pointed out "You ain't even room here."
"What do you mean? We're like Troy and Annie at this point." Aside from the fact that their relationship was more one-sided and they never ended up together. You were hoping your story would have a different outcome.
Miles was tranquility laying on his bed with his back against the wall before you let yourself into his room. Making yourself at home on his bed with him, you sat next to him. He pulled your legs on top of his and said, “What're you here for, ma?" You thought he sounded like a fellow convict asking you what crime you committed. You stated, "Conspiracy, apparently."
Usually, when you came by, you always wanted to sneak off campus. He was too familiar with you to not know what your intentions were from the minute you stepped in. You couldn't tell if you hated or loved how he could see through you. He narrowed his eyes at you and you defended yourself, "What? I can’t come see my favorite guy? You always think I'm schemin' some diabolical shit."
Shaking his head at you and giving you a small smirk, he asked, "You tryna go out or sum?" "Yeah, bet you'd like that huh." You cheekily teased, suppressing a snort at your own joke.
He already knew why you barged into his dorm, so he said, "Yea, I would. Let's go, ma." He guided you up and you both walked through the door of his room. You had to stifle a giggle as the both of you ran down the hallway and snuck past the security guard. Exiting out of a side door of the dormitory, you both successfully escaped. After all the times you've snuck out together, the route out just became muscle memory.
Walking down the bustling streets of Brooklyn, you felt alive. Holding Miles' arm, you noticed a new bakery had opened up. "Oh, let's go try it out, Miles!" You exclaimed, pulling him along. As Miles opened the door for you, the sweet aroma of newly baked goods filled your senses.
Stepping up to view the large menu that was hung up, you were distracted by all of the options when someone called out your name. It was a worker of the bakery, a friend of yours. Beckoning you over, he greeted you. "I haven't seen you in a hot minute. You look as good as ever." He winked at you. This made Miles' eye twitch subtly. Miles slowly unwrapped your hand that was resting on his arm and set his arm on your waist instead. To which your little guy friend didn't get the hint Miles was sending him.
You giggled at him, "It's been forever. How've you been?" Miles tuned out your whole conversation with him. He stood protectively next to you, as stoic as ever.
As you finally wrapped up your conversation with the other guy, you ordered take-out rather than dining in. Sitting down next to Miles, you waited for your orders. You swore you saw steam coming out of Miles' ears. "What's with you?" You asked him. "Nothin'." He said. It was bullshit, and you knew it.
Your orders came up and Miles couldn't wait to bolt out of there. Picking up the order, Miles wasted no time in putting his hand around your waist and rushing you out the door. "Damn Miles, stop movin' so fast. Usually, I'd be into that, but-" He shut you up before you could say anything outrageous by stuffing a piece of a Churro into your mouth. You muffled a "What the hell?"
As you both sat on the ledge of the student dormitory's rooftop, you watched the sun slowly set. You both sat shoulder-to-shoulder, eating the churros that you had picked up earlier. Miles seemed to be in a better mood than earlier. Swinging your feet over the edge of the building, you said to Miles,
"I was taking this quiz on the internet, right?" Turning his head to you, he asked, "What quiz?"
You responded, "You know, one of those 'What Movie Are You?' quizzes on the internet." Miles nodded his head in acknowledgment and you continued "And guess what it said," He tilted his head at you and hummed, urging you to continue.
"Marley & Me!" You chuckled, "Which is crazy, 'cause I don't even have a dog. Then I was thinking. And maybe I'm reaching here, but I figured out the meaning!" Taking a bite of your churro, you said, covering your mouth. "You're like, my Marley."
Furrowing his brows at you, he said, "Mami, Marley was a dog."
"Yeah, but just overlook that for a second. Although Marley drove John batshit crazy, he brought out the best in John. I'm like John, and you're Marley!" You exclaimed like you had just discovered a new species.
Miles deadpanned at you, pretending like he didn't find you amusing. "I ain't a dog though, ma?"
Honestly, that was debatable in your mind. You replied, "I've said 'down boy!' more times to you than I have to an actual dog."
"Ion know what you mean." He shrugged. But you knew he remembered. He always looked like he was going to attack whatever other guy you spoke to. What was his deal, anyway?
Dropping the subject you said, "Okay moral of the story, I'm trying to say you bring out the best in me." You mumbled the end of your sentence and he teased you, "What was that? The last part." You only rolled your eyes and enunciated,
"Marley was the missing piece of John's puzzle, y'know? Like, what is John without Marley? John's better than me though, 'cause I don't think I could go on if I lost Marley." You tried to subtly say. This had to be the strangest analogy you've ever made, you thought.
He was silent for the majority of your rambling, so you turned your head to glance at him to see if he picked up on your words. But he was already staring at you. "Are you even listening?" You annoyedly deadpan at him. "Course I am. Continue." He said, encouraging you to go on. You shrug and said, "Alright. As I was saying," But as you glanced at him again,
He was leaning into you and the words died on your tongue. Your heart was pounding in your ears. He gently moved your chin towards him, and you anxiously waited for his next move. He leaned closer to your lips, a sly grin slowly growing on his face. You could reach up and connect them right then and there.
And then he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb, brushing off crumbs. He turned his head away from you and resumed your previous conversation. To which you had forgotten what you were previously speaking about. Your eye twitched slightly.
“So, what movie you think I am, ma?" He casually asked, crunching on his churro without a second thought.
Man, screw that.
You'd fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. What was this tomfoolery? "Oh fuck you, Eric Matthews." Angrily mumbling under your breath, you glared at him.
He pretended not to hear you as he swiped his hand over his mouth to conceal a laugh that threatened to come out.
Focusing back on reality, you said, "I think we should head back to the dorms now. You know, in case they catch us up here." He agreed and you both hopped off the ledge and onto the rooftop. Heading down the stairway to the dorms, you walked side-by-side with him.
On the walk back to the dorms, you couldn't explain how the topic of love came up. Then again, you couldn't explain most of your conversations with him. But who would've known love could be so controversial? You told him,
"Love's a bitch. But speaking of love, you ever notice how you can always tell when someone has a crush on someone else?" It was exhausting seeing two people who liked each other just beat around the bush.
You continued before he could even open his mouth, "You know what they say, if someone likes you, you'll know. But if they don't, you'll be confused."
"How would y'know though?" He queried your statement. "The eyes, they never lie." You said.
He found it almost ironic how oblivious you could be. "Yeah? What are mine sayin' then, ma?" He said softly.
You both arrived at your dorm's door. Turning to him, you tried to analyze his gaze. His gaze was intense, like your eyes were the only ones he could see. You swore your heart stopped for a moment. And suddenly, he was getting closer.
"Hey, hey." You nervously blurted out, raising your arms in your defense. "What are you doing?" You questioned, your eyes widening.
His patience was running thin as he sighed, "Mami. Will you just stand still?" He grabbed onto your waist and tugged you into his hold. Your hands lay on his chest, unsure. His head tilted down towards you and you just about liquified in his embrace as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips stopped inching towards yours, they merely hovered over each other. His eyes had a playful glint in them. He was teasing you. If he didn't kiss you right now, you were sure you'd go insane. "Miles-" You started to complain until he cut you off with a kiss.
Your senses were overwhelmed, solely by him. His comfortable and familiar smell, the warm feeling of his lips on yours, and his fingertips that held onto your waist. His breath was tickling yours. You were sure that if he wasn't holding onto you, your legs would crumble completely. Your hands slithered onto his braids, playing with them as your lips moved together.
The beat of your heart played a song so loud you felt like he could hear it. As your eyes fluttered open to look up at him, you knew he could read the obvious affections you held in your eyes. Looking into his eyes, you hummed and pretended to ponder it. Grinning at him, you said,
"I think they're saying that we should do that again."
Lucy, I'm home - I Love Lucy
Troy and Annie - roommates from the tv series Community
Eric Matthews - love interest from Miss Congeniality
the eyes, they never lie - scarface
lmk if you wanted to be added to the taglist!
a/n: i said my reqs were open and then i forgot to turn them back on very sorry LMAO
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bride-of-dracaenca · 1 year
Thank you for responding to my ZORT! Now for my next question:
What is your all-time favorite Brinky moment? =D
Well Anonymous, you asked this perfectly easy to answer, reasonable question that I should have answered a long time ago. So, of course, I had to turn it into something needlessly long that I had to rack my brain and wring my hands over and aaaah anyway. Not your fault, but here since NOBODY asked for it, is:
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(PART II IS HERE. I might do one for the reboot soon, too, if I have time ;_;)
“Where Rodents Dare” – Brain looks sad about Pinky.
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“Where Rodents Dare” was only the second Pinky and the Brain short ever and only the ninth episode of the original Animaniacs. It aired on September 23, 1993, the second week of the og show’s very first run. It was also the very first time I remember seeing mention of Pinky x Brain online.
It’s an incredibly short moment and seems like an extremely minor little bit. After Brain tries to communicate with Pinky via walky-talky, he gets no answer. His ears start to droop and his face falls. It’s really the first clear indication that Brain cares about Pinky and that they have a relationship beyond "angry guy and bumbling sidekick."
With two characters of this archetype, it’d be easy to imagine Brain acting comically happy at the thought of an annoying lackey’s demise and then only regretting the situation when he realizes he needs “dumb muscle” to help him complete the plan. Instead, this little moment seems totally sincere. Brain is elated when he hears Pinky’s voice and realizes that he’s thankfully okay! But Brain quickly hides his emotion when Pinky comes back into frame.
It’s an extremely early appearance of Brain’s tsundere soft side. Pinky’s love for Brain was screamingly obvious from the very beginning, but clear hints from Brain actually start appearing sooner than I used to remember.
“Just Say Narf” – Pinky Sings It! (+Bench Flirting)
Pinky: The friend that everyone wishes they had, but nobody deserves, maybe? Where would Brain be without Pinky’s cheerfulness and support?
Let’s not think about that, shall we?
(Also. Bench flirting.)
“Every Single Freaking Time Brain Praises Pinky” – Not Enough Episodes. NOT. ENOUGH!
“Pinky, that was perfect!” “Pinky, that’s brilliant!” “Pinky, you’re a GENIUS!” YES. YES, BRAIN. WE LOVE TO HEAR IT.
Now let’s hear it some more. MORE! 87 Billion more times! 100 years of Pinky and the Brain – Brain praising Pinky! Saying nice things!
“Hoop Dreams” – Chumsicles
“No, Pinky. Those are a delicious treat to be shared only by you and me.” What’s not to love about this little moment, which involves…the fact that Pinky and Brain like to eat fish heads on popsicle sticks together, I guess? Uuh. I know that might not sound very romantic, but actually, it really is! Brain actually makes it sound really intimate, and it’s all just so weird.
...that's a good thing.
“That One Where I Always Forget Which Skit This Is From” – “Bagels with no cream cheese?!?”
Look so sue me, I constantly forget what this is actually from, okay? But I love this little “old marrieds,” domestic type kind of moment between them in general. Pinky lets Brain know that he’s forgotten to calculate the cost of cream cheese in with their onion bagels. Brain realizes Pinky’s Omnipotent Omniscient Rightness and hastily and rightfully makes a correction. If not, Jobu Tupaki would have smote them right then and there. True story!
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“Brain Storm” – Brain Fixes the Scarecrow
Pretty simple, Brain takes time out of schemin’ hours to re-assemble a broken scarecrow that Pinky’s grown fond of. This is also funny foreshadowing for a Wizard of Oz gag later, I think. Mostly, it just shows that Brain values Pinky’s feelings, and will go out of his way to make Pinky feel better even if he himself thinks that Pinky is just being silly. Pinky’s feelings matter a lot to Brain.
“Wakko’s Wish” – Our Happy Ending
With the 2020 Animaniacs reboot about to end, it’s worth looking back at this – and I might write a longer post about it. For now, very briefly: Wakko’s Wish was kind of the closest thing to “endings” for the Animaniacs’ stories that we got, although I generally agree that Hooray for North Hollywood is better for the Warners themselves. And I know this is an “AU,” but, look – A! continuity is a mess, it’s “AUs” all over.
I do love a lot of the other endings (except for the Mime’s! Justice for the Mime!). It’s especially satisfying to see Buttons finally get rewarded and appreciated, and Rita and Runt finally find a home! But I actually generally like PatB’s ending, too. Yes, Pharfignewton plays far too big of a role but I, like, love her, okay and Pinky’s wish should have been about Brain, instead, definitely. Still, this ending sees them together, happy, and with a cool pet horse! Brain’s fate, having a bit of his dream (a position of some authority) but doomed to work with the Warners, is kind of fitting, in a strange way. The Warners are excellent at knocking people down a few pegs and keeping them in line if needs be, but they also have meta awareness that trying to take over the world is just Pinky and Brain’s skit’s schtick, so they’d probably just find it amusing and humor them a bit.
More importantly, it’s really cute that the very first thing that Brain does with his new authority is to make Pinky’s dream come true! Pinky also encourages Brain and Phar to get along here. After a little speed bump where she briefly eats him by accident, it seems like it might have worked. It’s a positive and peaceful little note to end the 90s franchise story forgetting that other thing, for the moment on.
SPECIAL CATEGORIES: From…That Other Thing – “Pinky’s Dream House” and “Yule Be Sorry”
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Now, my thoughts on that other thing…you know, the THING are a whole…like a whole THING. So, I won’t get into it right now. Confession I'm going to cross out, and had to do a lot of old memory-searching to rediscover: I was a fan of Elmyra Duff at one point in Tiny Toon Adventure's early days, okay? But this isn't the place to get started. But I’m putting these two here in a nice convenient little box for now because I am freaking lazy and I don’t want to get into the pros and cons and TTA and so on, but they’re (the moments) both just AAAAAHHHH so darned fantastic so. YOU KNOW.
"Pinky’s Dream House" is such a sweet episode. Who wouldn’t love Pinky singing a riff on “Somewhere That’s Green” from Little Shop of Horrors, sadly minus an awesome singing man-eating plant (but nothing’s perfect)? It’s a touching look into Pinky’s dreams instead of Brain’s. Also, while I was making this list, I had the weird realization: Brain is seriously tempted to separate from Pinky not by world domination, but by the promise of a “normal” life. In “This Old Mouse” and “The Third Mouse,” he seems to be under the mistaken impression that getting a normal life also means leaving Pinky behind, but without Pinky, winds up unhappy. Here, he seems to have his cake in a frilly apron using a feather duster and eat it (*tee-heeheehee* :3), too, and for a little while, they both seem very happy.
In “Yule Be Sorry,” Brain telling Pinky that taking over the world would be pointless and worthless if Brain lost Pinky’s friendship is something we’ve known for a long, long time. Still, it’s one of the closest things (maybe the closest?) that we get to Brain confessing his true feelings to Pinky. It’s utterly heartwarming. A shame about…the episode itself.
From the Comics – “It’s A Wonderful Narf”
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I do really love the PatB comics, which I bought fresh off the rack as they came out! Still, as much as Sassy Comics Pinky owns every bit of my heart and three-fourths of my spleen, and the ever more obviously gay Brinky subtext owns I dunno Maine and Idaho, the characterization can be a bit spotty and hit-or-miss for me.
One of its Christmas stories, “It’s a Wonderful Narf,” winds up surprisingly touching, though! Especially since it opens with Brain being such a massive jerk to Pinky that Pinky contemplates jumping off a bridge. Urgh. What follows is the usual “It’s a Wonderful Life” scenario where Pinky sees how much colder and bleaker a world without him would actually be, especially for Brain.
The reveal at the end, which is that Brain has staged the whole thing just to show Pinky how much he means to him, is actually pretty darn great. Yes, it’s cartoony zany that he could pull it off, and you just have to roll with the Looney-Tunes-ness. But in a way, it’s more precious than if it had been magic. Brain knows how much Pinky means to him, and goes to great lengths here to show Pinky that.
Of course, he STILL NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE, but…
And now the list proper and YES I CHEATED by grouping some moments together. :P Well...it's not against tumblr's ToS. Yet.
#10: “The Family That Poits Together, Narfs Together” – Chase Me! Chase Me!
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I don’t really have to go too deep to explain why this one is so cute! In an episode about what “family” really means, Pinky initiates the same game his mother and father have been playing with each other throughout the entire episode (“Chase Me”) with Brain by playfully stealing his pencil. It’s a really nice, understated way of showing that the two mice are already a family.
Pinky also says something along the lines of, “I don’t think a family needs to be perfect to be wonderful!” And if there’s a more imperfect pair, well, then.
#9. “Megalomaniacs Anonymous” – Pinky and the Brain Go To Therapy And Talk About Their Feelings And Better Themselves as “People” and Work Out the Issues With Their Relationship
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Okay I actually seriously really love this episode; I don’t mean to be quite so snarky. I just wanted to say well. For people who want this. Yeah, it can happen. It did. Why didn’t it take? Status Quo is God, welcome to the “1990s Zany Syndicated Cartoon Shorts” spot on the Sliding Scale of Continuity. The planet could explode or…I don’t know, be replaced by a Chia Earth, or they could hmmm…have both of their brains fried by a machine, and next skit, BAM, back at the start. Sorry, guys. In some magical place where syndicated, non-arc-series characters are allowed to have actual character development, their sessions, and self-improvement, continue.
#8: “Welcome to the Jungle” and “Snowball” – Saving The Day…Eventually (For You)
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I grouped these two together because they have a few similar elements that I love:
Brain falls into the pits of bleakest despair that mean he’s at the Act II Low-Point three act structure blah blah blah. He’s spurred out of it, of course, by his love for Pinky. And what could pluck the heartstrings harder than a megalomaniac lab mouse rushing heedlessly into danger to save his One True Love trusty sidekick and best friend in the whole, wide world?
In some odd way, the mice actually come together as a team to save the day! It’s kind of rare to see them working together (even if it is in unusual ways) to bring out the best in each other and triumph, but it’s here in different ways. In “Snowball,” Brain supplies the mechanical suit and starts the mouse vs. hamster showdown, but it’s actually Pinky who takes Snowball down in a moment of true Pinky brilliance – one of my favorite things! In “Welcome to the Jungle,” Brain only manages to become MacGuyver and kick Snowball’s fuzzy behind because Pinky went full MacGuyver first – he led the way and inspired Brain.
#7: “Broadway Malady” and “This Old Mouse” – Happier Without You?
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I think people have often noticed “Broadway Malady,” where Pinky seems to be doing pretty well without Brain, but is actually miserable. What gets mentioned less often, in my experience, are “This Old Mouse” and “The Third Mouse,” where Brain seems to be doing pretty well without Pinky (in the sense of making connections with people and supposedly being “happy now"), but is actually miserable.
Both of their reactions reveal a lot of each mouse’s character, and are typical, really: Pinky knows that he’s unhappy (to the point that he sings an entire musical number about it, and to all of Broadway!), and he knows it’s because he misses Brain. Brain, meanwhile, is in denial that he’s unhappy (“I’m happy, do you hear me?! HAPPY!!” Yeeeeahhhffffft reeeeaaal convincing there, Brain), and even if he is (which he isn’t!), it’s only because he misses trying to take over the world. Right?
It's interesting to see what actually drives a wedge between the two mice. In both of these episodes and “The Third Mouse,” Brain is the one who leaves, and it’s usually for something “humble” – having a “normal” job, finding love and settling down, making pretentious obnoxious art according to his own personal vision that nobody else likes (okay, that seems less humble, but compared to being world conqueror?), etc. Pinky, meanwhile, might self-sacrifice for Brain like in the Halloween episode, or stand up for his morals, but only seems driven to actually leave in “Snowball” when Snowball tricks him into believing that Brain never actually cared about him. Which Brain probably doesn’t help with, by…you know…constantly claiming that he doesn’t actually care about Pinky. Brain, you…fuzzy, fuzzy butt, you.
Both of these episodes show how devastated each mouse can get when they’re apart. Brain sneaks into Pinky’s performances mourning their lost friendship to weep silently in hiding as he gazes on; Pinky finds a yam that kinda sorta looks like Brain if you squint at it funny in the right light and becomes instantly obsessively attached. Oh, the angst! Angst! the Musical, even. The end of “Broadway Malady” shows the great lengths that Pinky will go to yet again, but “This Old Mouse” does even more so, as Pinky goes full action hero and defies both fate and the odds to save Brain’s life.
It's pretty notable that in “The Old Mouse,” all Pinky can think about is saving Brain’s life, and all Brain can think about is Pinky forgetting about him and getting himself (Pinky) to safety. There’s really nothing these two mice won’t sacrifice for each other, and for good or ill, they each value the other one more than themselves: here, in danger, the other mouse’s life and safety are the only thing on each rodent’s mind.
#6: “Operation Sea Lion” – In a Disney Film!
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It strikes me as really weird, to be honest, that I put this one this high. What the heck, me? Why?
I guess it’s like this. This is just a really genuinely sincere and sweet episode for both mice. Brain is an unusually really great friend here, trying to help out with Winny despite thinking it’s doomed between her and Pinky – like in “Brain Storm,” what’s important to Brain is that it matters to PINKY. Pinky even rubs Pinky’s back to comfort him and HOLDS HIS HAND <3 <3 <3 :3
As for Pinky, it might seem strange to put an episode about Pinky “pursuing someone else” on a Brinky Moments list. But despite one line here that I really hate about Pinky not knowing where babies come from (way too childish, characterization-wise, for my taste), it actually shows Pinky taking some nice steps. Some of Pinky’s other “pursuits of animals (or socks)” just show Pinky assuming that this or that animal or creature is his “girlfriend,” without obviously being able to communicate with them. I thought it was really sweet that Pinky was actually trying to learn to talk to Winny here, and to hear about her thoughts and feelings. It showed, at least by zany cartoon standards, a bit more of a mature approach to romance, and is nice for me to think about in a Brinky mindset – Brain’s got to be even harder to talk to than an animal from a different species after all. Pinky's got his work cut out for him, and this is great practice!
#5: “Brain’s Night Off” – First-Date Jitters
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Okay, granted part of this is just because I’m losing steam here, but I think some of these speak for themselves. “Pinky and Brain’s Date Night” is adorable – albeit awkward. And I don’t even care one whit what the writers meant it as; I see first-date jitters there, and nothing else. Brain’s corny "snoring barnacle" joke seems like the kind of thing Pinky would usually laugh at, because Pinky laughs at almost everything, and unlike Brain’s unhinged rant outta nowhere in “Das Mouse” about turning into a hawk and eating baby mice alive and seriously what the ever living whatever was that Brain?!?!? ANYWAY. This joke was harmless.
But put the mice in what looks pretty much EXACTLY like a romantic date for all the world to see, and the butterflies come home to roost. In the end, once they get more comfortable, Pinky and Brain prove that even a roll-around in a mashed-potato castle can be the height or romance…provided you do it with the right person. Er, mouse.
#4: “That Smarts” – The Gift of the Magi: Pinky and the Brain Edition
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Okay, so the story The Gift of the Magi always used to make me angry as a kid, and you know what? It still does!
But I get it, okay? The real gift is LOVE. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I get it.
In this case, instead of being out a head of hair and a watch (note: the guy got the worse deal out of that; hair grows back), we have two brain-fried mice sitting in a cage, with absolutely no clue in the world what they’re going to do tomorrow night. Invest in Tesla stock, maybe?
This is another one I want to make its own post for, because it somehow sums up for me a big reason that I ship this! It’s constantly the characters doing what one WOULDN’T expect these archetypes to do!
Brain thinks Pinky is the reason all their plans fail? Well, he’ll just get rid of Pinky, right? After all, Brain only keeps Pinky around because he’s using him to take over the world! Well, no, Brain never considers that; Brain “keeps Pinky around” because Pinky is his best friend and he loves him, even if he thinks (wrongly) that Pinky’s just a hindrance on the world conquest front.
Pinky’s been made smart? Well, clearly, he’s going to turn into a huge jerk and reveal that his friendship with Brain was never real, right? After all, he only seemed nice because he was too darned dumb to know any better and he was also too dumb to form real relationships, he just seemed cluelessly friendly to everything because of his sheer stupidity! Well, no. Pinky’s the exact same Pinky he’s always been, he just knows a bunch of new math stuff now. And Brain’s friendship is more important to him then being good at taking over the world.
Another thing to throw in here is Brain sacrificing his own intelligence instead of asking Pinky to give up his, as short-sighted as that turns out to be. He doesn’t even seem to consider it. Brain chooses to give up what makes him "special" and let Pinky take the lead rather than asking Pinky to give that away now.
There’s more I want to say, but TL;DR: It’s not a show about taking over the world. It’s about two friends who care about each other.
It’s a love story.
Okay, I’m actually going to take a break here and put the Top Three in another post, really just because I’m tired. Hope to see you then!
EDIT: Part II is now over here!
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
HLVRAI Oneshot: Chalk
My muse continues to be a stuggle, Snowcon followers I am sorry XD
Word count: 2687
Summary: Kids were easy to be around. Their minds were simple, focused on entertaining themselves and being happy. It was something Benrey could relate to. But sometimes they could be so damn observant… 
“You love dad, don’t you?”
“uhhh, sounds kinda cringe bro.”
The warm, summer winds blew through the surprisingly quiet neighborhood. Faint sounds of children laughing could be heard, most likely in the park not too far away, and the scent of smoke wafted off the barbeque Gordon was currently cooking food on. 
All and all, a pleasantly calm day. It was one that he could enjoy with his son-
“hey, hey, you wanna play some tic tac toe?”
And Benrey. 
The duo were both seated on the pavement not too far away, drawing on the ground with pieces of chalk that were all sorts of colours. Benrey was wearing a rather large hoodie with some game logos and stickers plastered across it, and his security helmet of course. From his position, Gordon could see that Joshua had drawn several stars, a rainbow, and several other miscellaneous drawings. Benrey had, after being scolded several times to not eat the chalk, drawn what appeared to be colourful smears across the ground, mixing and blending them together. 
It sort of reminded Gordon of Benrey’s sweet voice, the blues that were present and the general colour gradient. He was glad to see everything was calm, nothing bad had happened, but still felt the urge to check. 
“You two still holding up good?” 
“Yeah dad!”
“we’re just doodlin’ passports over here, bro. josh dude gave himself a neat stache.” 
“It’s a rainbow mustache that’s extra swirly.” The young boy sagely nodded. “Benrey says it needs glitter though to look super nice.”
“gotta make it sparkly like your personality, little dude.” 
Joshua grinned and started laughing while Gordon could not stop himself from smiling at the rather wholesome sight. While Benrey was his typical somewhat apathetic self, his words were far more cohesive, and he sounded less… flustered when speaking. His words were less frantic, far calmer. 
Like he was truly relaxed. 
“Alright.” Gordon nodded as he turned his attention back to the barbeque, not wanting the veggies to burn while he was not paying attention. “Benrey just… keep not eating the chalk, please.”
He did not notice the wink that the ex-security guard sent Joshua, nor did he witness Benrey pull out half a piece of blue chalk from his pocket and carefully crunch into it. 
Blue tasted the best, it was like gatorade. 
The young boy laughed once more before returning to his doodling. Benrey looked at it for a moment, noticing the blue, orange, and yellow pieces of chalk that were clearly intended for whatever it was he was drawing, but Benrey decided not to question it at the moment. 
Joshua would more than likely ramble about it at some point, the kid was full of all sorts of words and tended to ramble to whoever was nearby. It was pretty amusing to listen to and gave him all sorts of insight on both Gordon and what the pair’s home life had been like before he crashed into it. 
Breaking into someone’s apartment at around three in the morning was not the best of plans, especially since it ended with Gordon bringing a bat down on the top of his helmet. Not that Benrey had been hurt of course. 
Seeing Gordon’s dismay and shock as the bat snapped in half and flew off to the side, shattering one of the windows, was hilarious. 
Had that been Benrey’s fault? 
Either way, months had passed since that point. Months spent working on building up Gordon’s trust in him, learning how to do human things like buy groceries that were not just soda. 
A shame since Benrey loved that gamer fuel. 
Getting to know Joshua had been… nice, too. The young boy never had the same anxieties that his father felt, never worried about whether Benrey would hurt him or not. He had been happy to make a new friend who was willing to listen to him ramble and play games with him. Of course, Gordon had not been happy with the developing friendship between the two, but as the months passed… 
Gordon had gone from constantly hovering over them, to occasionally checking in on them, and then finally to trusting Benrey.
Trusting him to watch over his son and not hurt him.
The first time Benrey had noticed this change and realized what it meant; it had been impossible to stop the bright pink orbs that left his mouth. Fortunately, Gordon had not noticed the sweet voice, but Joshua had. 
Joshua, who had later told him how pretty the “glowing balls” looked and how it resembled a very nice, peachy pink. 
Kids could be so blunt sometimes, but Benrey appreciated it. He appreciated how simple and straightforward their minds could be and while curiosity was a constant factor when dealing with a kid, it was an enjoyable part of talking to them. 
Like making a baking soda volcano on the ceiling of Gordon’s apartment. 
Fun times, especially with the bout of strangely quietly screaming he had gotten in response. 
Benrey didn’t know Gordon’s face could turn that red. 
He let out an amused chuckle and drew some loops on the ground with his mostly eaten piece of chalk. He loved getting Gordon so riled up, hearing the insults that were thrown his way and how the agitated man would run his hands through his hair, ruffling it up. 
Loved watching his face flush with anger, how his eyes shined with rage… 
Unnoticed to Benrey, several pink orbs floated out of his mouth as he sighed wistfully. When he realized what he had done, clamping a hand over his mouth to prevent any more from appearing, he noticed that Joshua was staring at him, grinning. 
Shit, one of the things he was actually scared of. 
“heyyyyy little joshie buddy, what’s with that look? kinda… kinda looks like a schemin’ look.” 
Joshua’s smile grew a bit wider. “Maaaybe.”
“... kid you’re scarin’ me.” 
The only response he got to that was a giggling laugh that was part cackle, which left him feeling no less concerned than he had previously been. Benrey sighed and refocused on his random doodling. Yep, just going to let this topic drop-
“You love dad, don’t you?”
Benrey looked up and pretended he could not feel the sweat running down his face. Everything was totally fine, he was cool as a cucumber, kid couldn’t suspect a thing… 
“uhhh, sounds pretty cringe, bro.” He shrugged. “and gay.”
“Dad likes all sorts of people!” Joshua huffed. “He likes gay!”
“... that wasn’t-uh... never mind.” Oh fuck, was he blushing? He hoped not. “still cringe, not a pro gamer move.”
“You blushing when dad says something nice about you isn’t cringe.” Joshua bluntly stated. “It’s cute, and grandpa Coomer says gay stuff is cute! Grandpa Coomer’s super smart so it’s gotta be true!” 
“we-well it’s… uh…” Shit, he had no response to that. 
“Dad makes you happy.” Joshua continued to say, now refocusing on his doodle on the ground and Benrey could now see that it was a family of three people. One blue, one orange, and the smallest one was yellow. “Even if you’re weird sometimes, and pour milk in the cereal box before you eat it-”
“fruit loops get super dusty and i wanted to make soup.” 
“Cereal isn’t soup!”
“it is if you’re brave enough.” The change in topic was helping Benrey relax, tension leaving his shoulders as his absent-minded smile returned to his face. Nothing to stress over, everything was chill and-
“So when are you and dad going to go out on a date?”
Nope no more chill nope nope nope-
A date? Benrey had no clue how dates worked, or how they were supposed to work. Besides, his attempts at “flirting” were rarely successful and only seemed to wind Gordon up and, as much as he enjoyed watching the results, sometimes Gordon’s remarks would… sting. 
They would make him hurt, cause him to cringe and recoil from the conversation. Not that such a thing had happened recently, but Benrey knew how unpredictable Gordon’s mood and temperament could be at times. 
“sounds super cringe.” Was the response Joshua got, combined with a tense shrug. “like-like over nine thousand level cringer-”
“That’s an oooooooold reference.” The young boy said as he stuck his tongue out at Benrey. “And you’re changing topics again!”
Oh god, there were now hearts scribbled around the doodles that were clearly supposed to be him and Gordon. What could he say, what was he supposed to say? That he was terrified of fucking up the “Good Ending” he had finally achieved? That he did not want to risk destroying the relationship he currently had with Gordon?
The months of hard work he had put into fixing the damage that had been done because of that stupid, stupid game-
He felt the chalk in his grip crumble and break apart due to how tightly he was holding it, but the thing that snapped him out of his reverie was the sensation of a smaller hand grabbing onto his. 
Indeed, Joshua had scooted over and reached out to hold onto his hand. He looked up at Benrey with a warm smile on his face. 
A smile he had seen many times from the boy’s father… 
“If it’s hard to say it, why don’t you show you!” He suggested, still smiling that same smile. “Dad’ll understand! He gets my drawings all the time!” 
Benrey felt his lips quirk up into the faintest hint of a grin at the suggestion, the tips of sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. “you sure that’s a pro gamer move?”
“Yup! It’s super pro gamer!” 
“well, guess i’ve got no choice.” Benrey joked while rolling his tense shoulders. “joshie, toss me that orange one.” 
“And blue?”
“you know it.”
As the sun started to descend from its zenith, shadows beginning to stretch across the pavement in front of the apartment building, Gordon finished up his cooking. Everything was stacked on plates and brought over to his, thankfully, ground level room and placed inside. Once that was taken care of, he went about cleaning everything up and putting his barbeque away. 
He was so focused on cleaning everything up that he did not notice the large drawing that was progressively covering the pavement thanks to Benrey. It was only after all signs of his cooking had been neatly cleaned up or put away that he turned his attention to Joshua and his… “roommate”.
If he could call Benrey that.
“Time to head inside!” Gordon called out as he walked towards the duo. His walking slowed down as he noticed that Benrey was crouched in front of a large piece of chalk art. His eyes narrowed in confusion. 
Huh, he had not expected Benrey to be the artistic type, aside from spitting balls into the air. 
Joshua jumped up and rushed to his side, grabbing onto his arm, and tugging him towards Benrey. 
“C’mon dad, look! It’s so cool!”
“Alright, slow down there Joshie.” Gordon chuckled as he allowed his son to pull him towards the art. “It wouldn’t be good if… I… tripped….”
His words slowed and eventually stopped entirely as he finally took in the sight of what Benrey had created and it was…
Very abstract in nature, a swirl of colours that seemed to form shapes. Light blues and yellows and greens all circling and intermingling with a core that consisted of a darker, richer blue and orange. 
Swirls and lines that worked together to create faces. His own and Benrey’s. He could also make out what appeared to be Coomer and Bubby in the background, green and light blue seeming to dance together like the pair would, and that warm yellow that encircled them all, Tommy, uniting them. 
As he leaned closer, Gordon noticed smaller details. How Benrey had drawn his hair to be similar to what it truly looked like despite the effort it must have taken. The dark shadows that had been scratched under the ex-guard’s eyes, the white and yellow that mixed together, an attempt to recreate his glowing irises. 
How monstrous he looked overall and yet there was a softness in the lines, and the trail of bubbles that left the drawing’s mouth. 
All a familiar pink. 
Benrey was not as slick as he thought he was, Gordon had noticed the colourful orbs on multiple occasions before he had successfully stopped them. He had never pushed the boundary and asked what they meant since Benrey always seemed so embarrassed, but now…  
“What’s pink translate to?” He asked, crouching down beside Benrey and bumping his shoulder against the other man. 
Benrey was silent, contemplating what to say and how to say it, before he finally mumbled out the answer. “.... s’makes me think.”
“... Pink means you think?”
“yeah,” Benrey shifted and looked up at Gordon, eyes still cast in shadow. “think of you.”
Gordon’s mind drew a blank at that answer, uncertain of how to respond, but before he could even attempt to get the words out the other man took his chance. 
He leaned towards Gordon and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. 
The gesture did not linger, but as Benrey leaned back Gordon could still feel the warmth of the kiss. He reached up and pressed his fingers against his lips and quietly wondered if he was dreaming. 
Benrey sighed, a stream of pink sweet voice floating into the air and waited for Gordon to speak. It felt like an eternity had passed before the other man finally responded to the gesture, voice cracking. 
“Y-You… really? Me? What? But… but you and I-”
“had problems?” Benrey interrupted, eyes fixating on the ground as he squeezed his hands. “no shit. feetman, if-if you don’t wanna-”
“Who said I didn’t?” At that, he looked up and stared at Gordon in surprise. “I was just surprised since you hadn’t said anything about that.”
“i joked about putting our minecraft beds together, bro.” Benrey bluntly stated, causing Gordon to flail as he struggled to explain himself. 
“WELL YEAH! But… but I thought you were joking and shit-”
“Dollar for the swear jar!” Joshua cheerfully interrupted, making his dad groan.
“Okay, dollar later, but first,” He focused his attention back on Benrey, noticing how the other man’s cheeks had darkened and how he kept fidgeting. “... You sure?”
“wouldn’t have asked if i wasn’t.” Benrey quietly commented, now finally looking back at Gordon. “psh, pretty cringe doubting me-”
But he was cut off when Gordon leaned forward and returned the kiss. Joshua cheered and Benrey, completely caught off guard, fell backwards which caused a chain reaction of Gordon stumbling, fumbling, and nearly landing on top of him. 
Gordon’s hands rested on the pavement beside Benrey’s shoulders as Gordon stared into the other man’s eyes. Both were blushing at this point, and a constant stream of pink sweet voice was leaking into the air. 
“dude, you gonna-”
“Are you guys gonna kiss again?” Joshua’s innocent question snapped the pair out of their stupor and they scrambled to get back up. 
“W-Well, probably-”
“later, joshie bro.” That casual smile was back on Benrey’s face, an attempt at trying to look calm despite how much he was blushing. “we gotta… uh… get the meats’n stuff-”
“Yeah, like Arby’s!” Gordon nervously added. “But first…”
He quickly snapped several photos of the drawing Benrey had done on the pavement, also making sure to get several of Joshua’s in the process. Hey, he wanted to be able to look back on it in the future, plus he was certain some asshole would wash it off the pavement soon enough. 
Besides, there was no way in hell he wanted Benrey’s hard work, one of the few examples of hard work, to go to waste. 
“Okay, now we can get the meats.” 
Joshua cheered and raced over to the apartment while Benrey joined his side, an arm brushing against him. In response, Gordon linked an arm with his and smiled at the other man. 
“wow, that… that’s pretty gay, bro. You gayman now?”
“Totally.” Gordon rolled his eyes as he walked arm and arm back to the apartment with Benrey. 
I continue to be on my bullshit while my muse demands domestic fluff for these two. I suppose it’s a good thing for my followers who are in this fandom XD
I hope you guys enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
#9 with indruck?
Here you go! And it’s SFW per your second ask.
9. It’s mid january what the shit are they doing out here without a scarf and gloves and would it be weird if I offered them mine 
Indrid gazes down through the museum skylight. His future vision tells him the security guard will need to visit the bathroom in thirty seconds, giving him ample time to remove the false pane of glass he planted yesterday and slip into the exhibit hall. 
A gust of wind drops a clump of snow down his neck and he scowls at the sky. He can’t get inside that building fast enough.
“Alright Cold, window shoppin time is over.”
A swirl of snow tornadoes across the roof and his nemesis, Ursa Major (secret identity: Duck Newton, forest ranger), steps through it.
Indrid groans, standing up to face him. The hero is in his standard green uniform, boots and mask decorated with constellations. Indrid’s own outfit is all black, save for his trademark red glasses. They were his signature when he was just Indrid Cold, eccentric city planner of Kepopolis, and he has no interest in surrendering them. 
“Go away, it’s of no concern to you whether I acquire some new scientific specimens for my collection.”
“You know that ain’t the case. Besides, if you were rippin off some rich CEO I might be inclined to let it slide. But this is science museum. Y’know, the free one? The one people take their kids to on weekends? You ain’t jackin anything from it on my watch.”
Indrid sighs, theatrically, “Very well. Let’s get this over with. It’s not like it’ll hurt you to be thrown off a building again.”
“Not gonna happen.” The hero cracks his knuckles. 
His bare knuckles. 
Good god, he’s not wearing gloves. Or a scarf. Or any extra layers. How is he not just a hunksicle (no, damnit, he’s not that hunky. He’s beefcakey. No, not that either)?
Indrid stays put as the other man charges him, uses his powers to anticipate the exact moment to step out of the path of the blow. Duck sweeps out a leg, but only succeeds at slipping in the snow. Indrid snickers and Duck whirls on him with a growl.
“Careful, keep that stumbling up and you’ll fall straight through this window and make my job easier. I’d hate to have the chance to pin the robbery on you.”
“I ain’t ever stolen a thing, everyone knows-” he cuts of into a full body shudder. Indrid takes the chance to knock him over with a slight shove, then scurries back. Duck shivers again as he brushes snow from his costume. 
“Bit chilly?” He grins wickedly to cover any concern that might try to show through.
“F-fuck you.” 
“Look, it wouldn’t be sporting of me to fight when you’re clearly incapacitated. And it’s negative fifteen out here right now. Here” he starts undoing the knot in his thermal scarf, “at least take this.”
“I’m f-fine, ext-tra s-strong and all that s-shit.” He stands, tries to take a fight stance, only to sneeze and shiver even harder. 
“I can hear your teeth chattering over the wind. And, goodness,your lips are turning blue, that’s not good at all. Hang on, let me just get out of this.” He checks the pockets of his stealth jacket to make sure there’s nothing important in them, slips it off, and holds it out.
Duck waves it away, “Whatever t-trap this is, I ain’t-t t-taken the b-bait.”
“For goodness sake, take the blasted jacket.” Indrid offers it again and Duck smacks it away. Indrid glares at him over his glasses, “You will be of no use to anyone, be they hero, villain, or civilian, if you die of hypothermia.”
“C-could get me inside by surren--achoo--derin.”
“Not a chance. If you insist on stubbornly staying out here and fighting, at least do so properly equipped. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can both get somewhere warm.” 
“St-top offerin that jacket!”
Indrid frustratedly tries to trap the hero in the warm coat, but succeeds only in repeatedly hitting him with it.
“Just” whap “ take” whap “my help!” whap.
Duck dodges the fabric once, twice, three times.
And promptly steps off the edge of the building.
“Duck!”  Indrid dives forward, grabbing a freezing hand that barely holds onto him.
The hero smirks up at him, “You f-forgettin somethin?”
Indrid remembers his earlier comment about Duck easily surviving this fall.
“Oh damn it all.”
Duck tugs, and then they’re both falling, Indrid twisting in the air in hopes of landing with the upper hand. 
This turns out to be for naught, as they land side by side in a massive snowbank.
Duck sneezes in agreement as the chill seeps through Indrid’s protective layers. It’s dark, the world is in that strange late night that is longing to be morning during which which most buildings have shut off all but a scant few lights. It’s now, his glasses inform him, -25 with the windchill. 
And Duck is barely moving, huddled in the snow and watching Indrid carefully. 
“Look, neither of us is going to get anything done in this weather. And we could both use some warmth. Is there anywhere nearby that’s open?”
“Diner. T-two blocks down.”
Indrid stands, hauling Duck to his feet and pulling him close in hopes of warming him, “Come on then.”
The neon signs on the walls buzz and tinny jukebox plays exactly the kind of sorrowful country song it should at 2 am on a miserable night. The diner is empty save for the single waitress and cook, who chatter in the kitchen.
Indrid sips his mug of tea with eight scoops of sugar, while Duck stirs his coffee with fingers that are only now steadying. Indrids jacket hags around his shoulders, and his scarf is looped around his neck. 
He tries to ignore the affection seeing Duck in his clothing kindles in him, but it’s like the faint music and the neon buzz, a constant background noise that he can’t tune out.
Duck taps his fingers on his mug before asking quietly, “Why not just leave me out in that snowbank?”
“Because I didn’t want you to become ill, or worse.”
“You ain’t answerin the real question.”
Indrid glances out at the dark street, the removes his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose, “I’m not certain.”
“It the same reason you ain’t told anyone else my real name?”
Indrid drops the glasses, surprised by this future, and they clatter on the teal table, “How did you know I knew that?”
“You called me by it up there.” He jerks his head towards the museum.
“Oh. So I did.”
“And you’ve hinted that you knew things about me when we tangled before. But I ain’t had any supervillains hidin in my closet, no one stakin out the station. Which tells me you ain’t shared this with you buddies.”
“They’re not my ‘buddies.’ I work alone.” He can’t hide the scorn that enters his voice at the thought of Kepopolis’s League of Villains. The he looks back at Duck and the world softens, “But you’re right; I’ve kept your identity to myself. I...I like you, Duck. Save for the moments where we’re trading blows, I think we could be friends.”
(More than friends)
“I feel no malice towards you. I did the first few times, but when I look for it now all that remains is a certain fondness. Even when you are a thorn in my side, you are a familiar thorn. The kind that builds up scar tissue, making one stronger and, ah, no, that metaphor got away from me, I apologize.”
Duck considers him silently for a moment. Then he grabs the edges of his mask and pulls it up and off.
Indrid has seen Duck’s face before in visions. But seeing it now undoes him. The strong jaw and soft cheeks, the laugh lines, the signs of worry and wear that Indrid wishes he could soothe away with gentle promises. 
“What do you want from me, Indrid?”
“Nothing. Uh, that is, everything. Ah, no, apologies, that was not helpful.” He sits up straight, musters his remaining courage, “I wish to get to know you better, Duck. As friends and equals, not as enemies.”
“How do you figure that’d work?”
“I could...take a break from my cunning plans? And in return you could tell your fellow heroes not to look for me. I’d really rather not have someone explode through my wall while I’m in my fuzzy moth slippers trying to read.”
Duck gives a startled laugh, and at the sight of the smile Indrid’s heart glows like neon.
“That’s a hell of an image. Okay, fine. You lay of the schemin and stealin, I’ll make sure you don’t get bothered.”
“And we can see each other?” He bounces excitedly in place, which amuses Duck all the more.
“Sure. Come by work at five tomorrow, and we can go from there. Deal?” He holds out his hand and Indrid takes it eagerly.
They pay the tiny bill and part ways, Indrid glancing back only to find Duck doing the same with a fond smile in his direction.
It’s only when he gets home that he realizes Duck still has his scarf and jacket.
Ah well, it’s no trouble. He checks the futures. Yes, in all of them Duck is sure to bring his clothes back to him without prompting.
And in all of them, when Indrid presents him with flowers, he smiles bright enough to chase the last of the dark worries from Indrid’s mind.
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emblyn-ruane · 4 years
Whispers on the Wind
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A gathering in the town square of Keel Harbor had few meanings - a wedding, a hanging, or a funeral.
Darting past a young mother clutching her infant son to her chest, Emblyn slipped quietly towards an empty stall. Surveying the area, her eyes lit upon a small overturned crate. It would be sturdy enough to support her weight and tall enough that she could glance over the crowds. Quickly climbing on top of the wooden crate, she wobbled for a brief moment allowing herself to regain her balance before peering ahead.
She could recognize a few of the men - the blacksmith that lived a few streets over, the sailor that her father would meet at the pub for drinks and her brother’s best friend, a local hunter who gathered food for the families. A sea gull blew across the town square causing Emblyn to nearly lose her balance on her make-shift stool. For a moment, she paused furrowing her brow as she turned swiftly towards the sea.
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A warning.
An eerie hush fell over the harbor as the trio marched towards the gathering crowd pulling a leather stretcher. There was a smattering of cries and screams that caught her attention as Emblyn turned her attention towards the gathering once more. On the stretcher, there was a large lump, in the shape of a body, poorly hidden by blankets and furs. At once, Emblyn could feel the hair standing on the back of her neck.
“Poor Mr. Hines. Leavin’ behind three, I fear.”
Her hazel eyes snapped towards the middle aged baker’s wife whispering loudly towards her flock of busy bodies. The group of women were often front and center at every event that hit Keel Harbor whispering their opinions - unwanted or wanted - loudly for all to hear.
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Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned glancing back at the curly haired mess of auburn curls staring back at her. With a half-smile, Emblyn rolled her eyes towards the heavens. “C’mon off it, just tryin’ to take a look at the commotion.” She grumbled softly towards Ciaran who lightly cuffed her on the back of her head in jest causing her nearly to lose her balance. “Whatchit, boy.”
“Bless, it must ‘ave been hellauv bear to take a beast like ‘im down!”
The miller’s wife widened her beady blue eyes causing Ciaran to snort at her dramatics. “The gulls at it again?”
Emblyn bit her inner lip to keep from laughing at her brother’s pet name for the gossips. Like the birds, they were loud, crass, and annoying. However, they could be, like in this instance, informative on what was going on in the outside world. “As always.” Glancing towards the men and the stretcher again, the smile quickly disappeared from her face. “’Sayin’ it was another bear…Ciaran, las’ week it was a stray wolf…”
Her voice trailed off as she turned to glance at her brother as his face became impassive. Clearing his throat, he shook his head. “Don’ believe it either?”
“The deer…you said they’ve become scarce over the weeks due to the wolves…closin’ in.” Jumping off the wooden crate, she snatched the sleeves of her brother’s jerkin pulling him closer to her . “Ciaran, the winds…”
Her brother’s eyes snapped to her face as the color drained from it. “What did you ‘ear?”
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“’rouble…” A pregnant pause. “Some'hin or someone is coming, bro'her…those whispers ov monsters from the ‘eadlands…” Emblyn was cut off by the sight of the copper haired priestess behind her brother. “Aoife, we were jus' di--”
Tilting her head, her eldest sister scoffed loudly rolling her eyes to the heaven. “Up ‘o your usual schemin’ again, you two?” A hint of amusement flashed in her eyes as she poked her younger brother in the arm. “Off you go, da’s lookin’ for you to help wi'h the hunt.”
Exchanging glances with her brother while Aoife was turned towards the crowd, Emblyn released her grip on his arm turning towards her sister. “C’mon, Aoife, someone hasta keep the rascal in line.” A playful grin crossed her features as she slung her arm over her sister’s shoulders. “He mi’t attempt scalin’ the wall for all we know.”
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With that, she grasped her sister’s shoulder in a quick squeeze before letting go. Sauntering off towards the villagers, Emblyn did not see the worried look passing over her sister’s face. Nor her brother’s uneasy stare towards the stretcher as he rubbed the inside of his left forearm.
“We go tonigh’..” She whispered to herself eager to investigate what was happening to the lands surrounding Keel Harbor. With the whispers of monstrous creatures from the headlands and the warnings on the wind, Emblyn was determined to find the truth of the matter.
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athenasdragon · 7 years
I have an idea for the most ridiculous crossover fic, stay tuned lol
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almondarcade · 7 years
Top 3 kinks I guess from your art: 1) devious boys, 2) just a little bit of body horror 3) all hidden behind a layer of deceiving cuteness With just a hint of salt and a tiny taste of weeaboo 👌
me walking into the club: yall got any real Pointy Boyssome Devious Boys porhapsSchemin Boys
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recentanimenews · 4 years
When Two Anime Dudes Get Side By Side, Watch Out
  If you're an anime villain, there are certain telltale signs that your time is up. Is the anime hero loudly talking about their dreams in a way that's usually reserved for an inner monologue? Did the protagonist just hint that they're about to try out a new form that they're a little nervous about? Did the buff do-gooder reveal that they're sorta half-animal? Oh, you're screwed, buddy. You did your best and we all appreciate your efforts and your schemin', but you're about to clock out of the story arc.
  However, there is one more thing to watch out for if you're an evil leader that wants to conquer a world that's absolutely flush with shonen heroes - Make sure that two anime dudes never, under any circumstances, get side by side. Getting side by side with someone can mean a lot of things. Sometimes ya just wanna hold hands, or you're making room in a cramped elevator for someone coming in, so you're forced out of the usual "Stand at a 45 degree angle in front of or behind the other person to the left or right" rule and now have to be shoulder to shoulder with them. But in a sweet anime battle, two bros standing next to one another can only mean one thing - they're about to do a double attack.
  Now, this has very little practicality in the real world. If you try to punch someone in the face with your buddy at the same time, you're gonna quickly find out that 1) You're probably gonna bump into one another in the process, and 2) There's just not enough room on the human face for that much fist. But anime doesn't have to worry about our normal, fleshy limits, and so we get stuff like Deku and All-Might doing the Double Detroit Smash in the My Hero Academia: Two Heroes film...
    ...or Goku and Vegeta Kamehameha-ing Broly (though Broly pretty much tanked it)....
    ...or Matt and Tai punching alongside their Digimon hybrid things in the latest Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna teaser....
    ...or Luck and Magna attacking the audience themselves in the Black Clover "Guess Who Is Back" opening.
    Even if it doesn't obliterate the final boss villain, the Side By Side Doin' Somethin' is still anime's most powerful attack because not only is it a collection of lasers and/or fists, it's also a representation of true friendship. You have to trust someone a lot to not only fight with them, but sync up with them and their movements in a double attack. That requires a coordination of biceps AND the heart. Performing a big shonen power move at the same time, in the same way as someone else is stronger than any "I love you."
  So if you ever find yourself in an anime with your best bud, show them that you care with a nice double attack against the evil space warlord that you mutually want to destroy.
  What is your favorite double attack in anime? Let me know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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tune-collective · 7 years
Kendrick Lamar: Making Sense of His World, One Bible Verse at a Time
Kendrick Lamar: Making Sense of His World, One Bible Verse at a Time
The Bible’s influence is immense. For many it functions as their life’s compass, by which going in the right direction means to walk in God’s footsteps and all other paths — at best — lead nowhere. That perspective is what Kendrick Lamar cautiously navigates on his third proper studio LP, DAMN.
Similar to Lamar’s debut album, good kid m.A.A.d. City — which closes with an older woman saving a group of roughneck teens with the Sinner’s prayer — the concept of DAMN. is threaded together by religion. Though here on Lamar’s latest, he leans into Bible messaging and scriptures even more.
Throughout Lamar’s career, he’s used a sizable amount of his content to elevate his listeners, to speak for the voiceless and forgotten from his Compton, California home. His previous album, 2015’s To Pimp a Butterfly, broadened his scope, aiming to lift not only the black community in his native Los Angeles, but African Americans from coast to coast who felt disenfranchised, belittled and inhuman in the new era of highly publicized police brutality — one that necessitated slogans like #BlackLivesMatter. But with Kendrick seemingly disillusioned by what has happened in this country since Pimp was released two years ago, the second half of the album’s volatile “XXX” calls up to Christ to lament about the United States.
“Hail Mary, Jesus, and Joseph,” Lamar begins, “The great American flag is wrapped and dragged with explosives.” Later in the song, he expresses his disappointment with Donald Trump being elected president whilst nodding to former White House tenant President Obama. “We lost Barack and promised to never doubt him again,” Lamar raps, “But is America honest, or do we bask in sin?”
The “we” in that last line is key, because Kendrick often includes himself when addressing societal ills. On “Humble” he counts himself among those delighting in life’s trivialities: spending his riches on cognac and lavish cars while bragging about sexual exploits. All that comes before its sobering hook which urges all to practice humility: “Hold up, lil’ bitch,” it orders. “Be humble.”
Kendrick knows better, but he’s still often unable to resist temptation. Awareness of the possibility to be a better person, and choosing whether to actually be that at all times, is the classic plight of man.
DAMN.’s “Yah” features a mention of Carl Duckworth, Kendrick’s God-fearing cousin who often lays Bible passages on the thoughtful rapper. Here, Carl teaches Lamar about the Book of Deuteronomy, which talks of the penalties for breaking the rule of God. “The Lord will send on you curses, confusion, and frustration in all that you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds…” it reads.
How does a sinner like Lamar find redemption? By delving even deeper into religion and understanding of self. On the same track, he notes “I’m a Israelite/ Don’t call me ‘Black’ no mo’/ That word is only a color/ it ain’t facts no mo’.” Another way we often find peace with wrongs committed is to balance them out by good deeds. A song like TPAB’s “Alright,” as empowering as it is comforting to many of Lamar’s fans, might be able to fish Lamar out of trouble waters when his judgment day comes — not to mention the umpteen other cuts in his catalog that boast uplifting themes.
Still, on “Feel,” Lamar worries that while he’s been battling against “demons, monsters, false prophets schemin’, sponsors, industry promises” and more, that he doesn’t have anyone praying for him. “I feel like my thoughts [are] in the basement,” he raps in a state of depression, before threatening that he may “Feel like removin’ myself, no feelings involved.” Whether that’s a suicidal thought or simply foreshadowing of forthcoming reclusiveness is anybody’s guess. But when a soldier hints that they want to go AWOL, it deserves to be noted.
One of DAMN.’s most poignant songs, “Lust,” lists a several weaknesses Kendrick has; clothes, showing off to his ex, and smoking marijuana all make the cut. But by the end of it, he’s citing the Bible’s James 4:4. “A friend of the world becomes an enemy of God,” it says; meaning that in order to attain God’s grace, ignoring your lusts is of the utmost importance. As legendary DJ Kid Capri yells a few times on the LP, “What happens on Earth stays on Earth.” This album encourages its listener to wonder what will happen when they leave this life and pass on to what’s next. Will you be proud of your time on Earth? Will God be proud of you?
A few DAMN. plays suggest that Kendrick probably isn’t quite confident enough to answer Yes to both of those questions just yet. He’s arguably the greatest rapper of his generation. But as he constantly reminds us, outside of the recording booth, Lamar just a mortal man trying to figure himself out.
This article originally appeared on Billboard.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
Will you give us a little bit of hint / lil more teaser for chapter 6? I’m dyinggg (if not memes are welcome)
ch6 in memes
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
I just read the hint of chapter 6 and…A BRAT TAMER? HE’S A BRAT TAMER? 😫
not gonna say much more but… this directly inspired ch6.
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dollfaceksj · 11 months
can you give us a line from ch9?? 🏃‍♀️
“I want you to do to me what you wanted to do to me that day on set.”
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dollfaceksj · 11 months
PLEASE give us a line from ch8! ik that we’re greedy 🥴
“We shouldn’t be doing this. Tell me to stop.”
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dollfaceksj · 11 months
i know WE ARE GREEDY but could you give us a sneak peek of chapter 7 if possible? pretty please!! i can’t get enough of your writing <3333
okayyy but there arent many hints that i can share from ch7 so this is the best i can do. yall are not gonna get more sneak peeks or hints bc theres a lot going on in ch7 and i dont wanna spoil too much!
sneakpeek for ch7 ↓
You are on thin fucking ice, you know that?
Who cares? He has already put his hands on you, he won’t fire you.
Yoongi’s jaw clenches, anger bubbling up the back of his throat. Suppressing the urge to engage further, he addresses everyone around the table with a curt command, “Dismissed.”
You start gathering your stuff as everyone quickly heads out the room, not wanting to be around their boss after being provoked like that. Namjoon throws a glance your way, confused as to why you acted the way you did but you pretend you don’t notice as you rise to your feet, slinging your purse over your shoulder as you follow Namjoon towards the exit of the room.
“Not you.”
You stop in your tracks once you hear Yoongi speak up. You glance at Namjoon and he gives you an apologetic look as he exits the room because it’s clear who Yoongi is talking to.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
hey love <33 can you give us a sneak peek of ch6?? and i want to say that ch5 was so well written! can’t wait for you next updates <333
hi anon! <333 bc u asked so nicely <33 and thanks i was rlly nervous abt ch5! nice to hear u loved it! <3
sneakpeek for ch6 of schemin’ ↓
You stand up and childishly groan once it’s been longer than a minute, throwing your phone onto your desk next to the mix console. You’re like a teenager anxiously waiting for a reply back from the most popular guy in school.
You impatiently tap your foot against the floor as you wait, looking away from your phone on your desk and letting your eyes roam around the studio as if you’ve never seen your own studio before to pretend like you don’t care if he replies or not. Have the walls always been that color?
Then, your phone buzzes. Twice.
You lunge at it immediately, almost tripping over the wheel of your office chair. You tap the screen and watch as it lights up, your eyes furiously scanning the screen and reading the two new message notifications.
Your heart free falls – plummets – into the pit of the fucking Earth.
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