video-perso-schleppy · 5 months
From TELEMANN, we play on our piano the 2nd movement (Dolce) of Fantasy No. 28 from TWV opus 33 for keyboard.
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kittykatinabag · 2 years
Sometimes I doubt if I'm actually bisexual and only like the feminine aspect of people.
Then I go traveling again and share hostel rooms and see girls in their cute summer pajama sets and fashionable outfits and occasionally walk around in bras and bike shorts and I'm like yes, definitely bi.
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goofydog17 · 3 days
whenever my friends ask me to do something for them I want to be like “I would let you take me to the ends of the earth, if you needed me to jump off a bridge I’d do it for you” but instead I just have to say “yes of course! :)”
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imeverywoman420 · 9 months
sometimes you need to look at yourself and think. If i was a schleppy 30 year old man. Would i look ridiculous twirling my hair and talking about how capitalism tricked me into thinking i need to be smart and get a job. Would your dad smack the shit out of you if you were his son and you were like “i dont dream of labor perioddd i wanna live on a yacht with my sugar daddy”. If your boyfriend was super passive and was always like “if she wanted to she would!” And started an argument over things like “would you still love me if i was a worm”. Would you not be like wtf is wrong with you youre mad about that? I have to walk on eggshells with you
ive recently been doing a lot… a LOT of self reflecting on this….. i realized i cannot be Le Strong woman then still subscribe to sexism and let myself Get Away with being of weak character bc im just a girlll and im the victim and like. Im still sexually attractive so its not as pathetic that im rotting my life away. Patriarchy John wants you to just be a girl teehee. If i was a man id be disgusted. Time to change.
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odessa-2 · 11 months
Residing in London and filming two films, without taking a single picture with the fans
Is it difficult to recognize Cait when seeing her in nature, or does she refuse to take pictures with fans?!!
Maybe a bit of both. Schleppy knows how to blend and knows how to duck for cover. She's been practising the run and hide for almost a decade now. She should be close to perfecting it.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Does your statement also apply to Sam when he produced Jin, competitor to Cait Jin!!
The market is for everyone.
Dear Jin Anon,
Learn to spell, madam. Do your homework, as I did for FMN Gin (got exactly what I was looking for, and more). Come back with solid data, not schleppy innuendo.
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orbees · 7 months
arahana babbling that will make about zero sense but it okay 👍
been rotating the arahana werewolficiation lore bc i never rly plotted it out I just know it happens post campaign after she settles down w/ elora and gets married. they live off by themselves in a secluded lil cabin in the mountains but live Not too Far from town. so they're off by themselves but not totally cut off, a way for them to lie low after becoming enemies of the state but still get to be apart of a community. point being: they go into town a lot and basically the idea is that there's an outbreak of lycanthropy and ofc arahanas immediately at the front lines and inevitably gets it too
arahana being at the level she's at, that in itself isn't a big deal its probably pretty easily curable at that point but then I remembered. so another fun #tidbit is that in order to protect themselves from being Scryed By The State they have ~*enchanted necklaces so. it's basically lycanthropy sweeps the town -> arahana being the hero type rolls in to try and save everybody -> gets bit -> elora contacts yuri (cleric, a close friend of theirs and party member) for help -> arahana starts Becoming Werewolf and Runs Off before help arrives -> arahana goes missing for a while with no one having any real way to find her
which rly sets up for something I've always wanted to Explore in Arahana and Elora's stories respectively-- a What If the tables were turned and instead of Elora vanishing on Arahana it was Arahana disappearing on Elora... it's very 👀
I could go on more but I'm getting schleppy so mayhap another time...honk mimi
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yimra · 7 months
Saw a picture where it’s captioned “No longer in this band but still a sick photo” and it’s just an image of like the ironic “dad” outfit and 4 schleppy looking dudes that look like they got the darke syndrome. You know that music front bottoms but even worse
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monarchetype · 10 months
Dreams from the Shore (Metal Gear x Pokemon)
Hal Emmerich, ArmsTech engineer, turns over in his bed. Even under his thick blanket and with toasty pajamas on, the northern Unovan cold had wound its way down through to his core. He'd always been skinny and schleppy, used to the way that winter temperatures could soak through his hoodies into his boney frame. This, though, this northern winter is an evolved form of those chills, with sharper claws and bigger lungs. 
He'd thought he'd grown used to it, and he more or less had. But in the deep midnight of this particular night, he can't get the dead-black waters surrounding Shadow Moses Island out of his mind.
He doesn't have hydrophobia. He doesn't like swimming, but he can be around bodies of water. He doesn't have PTSD or trauma or anything. He'd been perfectly fine with working on an island for the past year now.
So why can't he get the cold waters out of his head?
He turns again. Tries to dig his mind into itself, to let his thoughts drift into that perfect shape of falling asleep. Inhales, exhales. Lets himself be lost in the sensations of the blanket over his pajamas over his skin and the springy old mattress under him.
He moves a leg. The mattress bounces, bounces, bounces into the infinitesimal.
The bounce winds into his brain, a serpentine sensation from his leg to his head, where it joins the black waters in his mind's eyes. Bounce, bounce. Up, down. Up, down. A rhythm. A wave? A pulse?
Up, down. Foot up, foot down. Up, down, up, down, feet touching the water, finding a foothold, pressing down, moving up, Newton's Third Law into eternity, into impossible, as he runs on water.
Feet up down up down up down in an impossible rhythm, no fatigue, only the chill of the wind through his hair. A light pulse with every footstep, just a tiny glimmer in the night-dark waters, fading out as a circle of white for just a moment. Four feet, four pulses, up down up down forward forward forward forward.
Forward across the water, from river's mouth into open sea, forward, forward, heartbeat quartet, pumping blood through his feet into a pulse of light, pumping the light into the water, a glimmer that fades as it sinks into the depths. The light, something beyond. Unknown. Legendary.
He runs across the black waters and purifies with every step, every impossible foothold, every pulse of his heart. And when he wakes up in the morning with the lingering scent of saltward and bouncing sensation, he'll have forgotten the path he ran, the brilliant line he carved across the northern seas, but the waters will know, and the waters will remember.
Far away, a beast raises its head to the planets above, and gives a cry of impending destiny.
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sparksnevadas · 2 years
And with that im schleppy. Goodnight love you
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dxs-6669 · 11 months
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video-perso-schleppy · 11 months
By J.S. BACH, we play on our piano three pieces from the notebook Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena BACH (the BWV 511, the BWV Anh. 131 and the BWV 510) .
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chrisabraham · 1 year
I'm Schleppy McSchlepface today.
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goofydog17 · 3 days
everyone at my job dresses business casual except for me (youngest and most whimsical) who dresses like a particularly schleppy high school senior
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imeverywoman420 · 9 months
hetero pairings in fiction from a male character PoV: literally every type of X fantasy gf and random regular chump dude you can think of. There is a big boobed girlfriend for every mediocre man.
Hetero pairings in fiction from a female character POV: shes perfect and kind of a mary sue. Hes an annoying little brother type character that wears her down. Or shes a hot girl that realizes true love is some balding schleppy nerd. Best case scenario shes falls in love with her low testosterone male friend
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odessa-2 · 1 year
I was surprised by Cait's appearance in tsc grilled live
Unwashed hair looks like it's been since Paris with all Gareth Products and lint covering her old dress!!
I do not understand this appearance of a woman coming from the beauty and fashion industry, and her the latest looks, at Loewe show .
Schleppy is back. I agree. Her hair was greasy. Needed a good scrub and her dress was pilling. I'm sure her dress is an expensive woollen dress and wool has a propensity to pill but it looked too shabby for a dinner and interviews. Something you'd wear running some errands around the local hood on a winters day with a jacket on to cover the lint.
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