#school is whooping my ass
thesafecafe · 2 months
Am I recording my midterm tomorrow that's due tomorrow? Yes, yes I am
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emprcaesar · 6 months
was purposely late to class today because the wind is like 1000 mph and it’s down pouring I get into class and it smells like fucking cigarette smoke lemon and fish and there is a yellow hue because my teacher put yellow tissue paper over the lights because the fish like it (HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT DID THEY FUCKING TELL YOU. THE JOKE IS THEYRE FISH AND THEY DONT KNOW FUCKING ENGLISH)
AND I had a TEST!!!!
I think I’m in the twilight zone I feel like rod serling is going to appear and make shit go awry.
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shoresalt · 2 months
i stood in front of the mirror today and i watched my face morph and shift and change. i never recognize myself
and i went to school but came right back because i couldn't do it. and i went to the mirror again and my face looked different
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
after a shower, you usually like to lay in the bed naked for a while. you forgo the towel because, damnit, you’re in your own home now with your two pro hero boyfriends. you’re more protected than you would’ve ever imagined.
it’s become a routine between you all though, one no one usually protests. it can either end in naked cuddling or something more, and it’s fine with you either way. nobody really complains except Bakugou, but you know that it’s only because he wants to lay in the middle secretly.
as you lay in bed, air drying after your shower and scrolling on your phone, you hear the door open. you can hear Kiri and Bakugou talking amongst themselves, probably surprised that they had gotten off at the same time before they start seeking you out. and what a sight they’re greeted to.
Kirishima grins automatically, hurriedly taking off his mask before he dives for the bed. you screech when you see his hulking form damn near flying over you before he lands on you, knocking the breath from your lungs. you can hear Bakugou chiding him about almost breaking the fucking bed, and your own protests are smothered in his hairy chest and your own giggling.
by the time Kiri rolls off of you, he’s already started shimmying out of his pants and kicking them off. you roll on your side to watch him, grinning and laughing all the while, hearing Bakugou bump about in the bathroom.
In seconds, is Kirishima naked, despite still being covered in grime and soot. he drags you into his embrace even though your protests are smothered once more. both of your fronts are pressed together and you wiggle your arm out to wrap around his neck.
“Why are you naked?” Bakugou asks with a frown when he emerges, standing in his own boxers with his hands on his hips. you look over your shoulder at him and he’s so obvious to read.
“Just showered.” You mumble against the thickness of Kiri’s biceps pressing into your mouth, grinning. Bakugou clicks his tongue at you before rolling his eyes to the redhead.
“What’s your excuse?” He directs to Kiri next, who smushes his cheek against your own and squeezes you even closer.
“You know how much I love skin to skin, Kat.” He says with a wistful sigh, making you chuckle softly. Bakugou only snorts before he strips out of his own boxers and starts climbing into the bed behind you.
“Not a damn baby,” he grumbles, despite how he pulls you both in to cradle you against him. Kirishima pecks you both on the lips, proclaiming,
“You’re both my babies.” He whispers. Bakugou kicks him in the shin, and you know it’s because he must be flushed all the way down to his chest. you can only laugh, and squeeze your boys even closer to you.
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yokohamabeans · 9 months
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Yak*za = Yakuza: Censored it here because the original text also censored the word yakuza, (ヤ○ザ), likely for comedic effect.
ABOUT HIS DAY IN THE LIFE—Not much of a big deal, but I personally found it amusing that he ran and hid in the toilet. Toilets in Japan, and the Haitani's apartment for that matter, are separate from the bathroom (where the bath and washbasin are located). So Rindou was probably hiding out on the toilet bowl lmao!!
Seiza (正坐) = Formal, traditional way of sitting in Japan, in which one kneels and sits on their heels. People sit in seiza to show respect, and sometimes as punishment (as it is hard to sit this way for long periods of time).
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surreal-duck · 9 months
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these things again
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josephtrohman · 3 months
so last minute but i don’t think i’ll be watching tonight yall (maybe ill tune in for 8ball/medley) hopefully nothing too crazy happens 😩
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 2 months
🎼📚🎨🍻? (for the ask thing :))
Ok So for the song one; it's Starships by Nikki Minaj because every time I hear it I start to chuckle. Like oof- it means nothing to everyone else but like everything to me lmao
Fav fanfic and fanart go to @indignantlemur ! Their fanfic and fanart are top-notch lmao. <3
uhhh and Quarks. I'd love to go to that bar, just for shits and gigs Honestly, I wanna be friends with Kira and Odo, but Quark deffo makes that list as well.
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cyberbvnniee · 5 months
I made dean’s list twice in a row y’all 🥹 I’m hoping to finish this last semester just as strong 😭😭
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angel-of-filth333 · 10 months
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oleander-comic · 9 months
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thesafecafe · 28 days
Literally cannot wait for school to be out, I'm TIRED
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akaisenhatake · 11 months
i see everyone drawing the hpma main casts including cassandra but they never drew the frey twins along with her
gimme frey twins content why u so mean 💔 💔
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bonesrbleaching · 1 month
AWWWW THANK U... not particularly SAD just a little bored. oh well i just need to graduate i just need to graduate i just need to graduate i ju
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midgezra · 4 months
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sorry guys i forgot that i had tumblr
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tragedytells-tales · 8 months
Oh good heavens- when did y'all get here-
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