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>>> Collection Smokers | Suits & White collar_B&W*
[ Model : Rutger Schoone by Stefano Galuzzi ]
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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King of Pentacles. Art by Shiloh Schoon, from The Pixel Artist's Tarot.
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thevibraniumveterans · 4 months
STAR WARS — The Acolyte
EP 1 — Lost / Found
Very interesting case of a mistaken identity in a murder accusation
The Jedi are at their most powerful and believe they are not in danger, but this is proven false, though they do not know it yet.
It is also curious how three months ago, when SW.com released the official character descriptions, they tell us “Mae gets swept up into a sinister mystery—one that puts her into the center of a conflict in unexpected ways”, but it’s not Mae, because there is a plot twist.
All in all, amazing first episode.
Also, clever marketing gimmick about Mae.
(spoilers in my notes below!)
- Opens with ominous music and summary text in blue, signaling this takes place in the distant past.
- Jedi are at their best; something is stirring.
- The classic pan down… on a location named UEDA (interestingly, that’s also a Japanese surname, pronounced you-ey-dah.)
- A hooded character, Mae, walks into town; does the classic ask-pay-and-search for person of interest.
- Mae finds Master Indara and requests combat. Mae is turned down but that’s not stopping her, so she attacks the patrons at India’s table with impressive unarmed combat skill.
- Indara rises to Mae’s challenge; Mae has a knife, but Indara bests Mae, who lets up the stairs and holds a young woman at knifepoint before disappearing. Mae is mysterious, an “unidentified Force-user”, according to Indara.
- Mae is swift, but Indara is faster at dodging. Mae wants to kill Indara - for as-of-yet unknown reasons, and Indara issues the younger woman a warning. Mae distracts Indara and Force-throws a dagger, which pierces Indara’s chest. She bleeds, and falls.
- Mae collects her other dagger, and leaves.
- Something beeps, and Mae awakens in a room. (Short sleeves and shorts also exist in SW, who knew.)
- She greets Pip, her droid. An alarm blares. Later, dressed, Mae walks out and is addressed as Osha, a pseudonym. After a short conversation with Fillik, she heads out to make some repairs.
- There is a small explosion, resulting in an equally small fire; it triggers one of Mae’s memories of pleading for her mother’s help.
- A ship flies past, carrying two Jedi - Knight Yord Fandar, and Padawan Tasi Lowa. They seek a former Jedi named “Osha Aniseya”. (Seems like Mae is a pseudonym (no) and Osha is the real name (yes). (Side note, I am half wrong, but at this point, I do not know this.) Yord is given Osha’s bunk number on the bigger vessel.
- Osha returns to her room, and Yord is within. They may have been friends previously. Osha reveals she’s been a “meknek” (mechanic?) since she “left the Order” about 6 years ago, having joined aged 8.
- Tasi notes that age and emotional state was a concerning factor during Osha’s admittance; much like Anakin in the future. She had mourned the loss of her mothers and her sister; Master Sol had brought her to the Order.
- Yord and Tasi have sought Osha because of Indara’s murder on Ueda. Osha tries to bluff, but it does not work; she is brought back to Coruscant.
- In the Temple, Sol is carrying out a lesson to a room half full of younglings when Master Vernestra “Vern” walks in. Sol greets her, and in more words, says that he knows Indara was slain.
- On the prison ship, other convicts cause the ship to exit hyperspace, and jettison into space. The ship careens, the last prisoner escapes in a pod, leaving Osha alone. It’s become dangerous.
- The ship crash lands on an icy and rocky outcrop, on a planet called Carlac.
- Back at the temple, Jecki informs Sol that Vern requests him to be “at the detainment level”.
- Jecki and Sol exchange a version of the old saying that goes, if you don’t learn from history you’re doomed to repeat it.
- Sol tells Vern, “If she is guilty, it is my failure.” The vibe is like a parent taking all responsibility for the child they did not succeed in rearing.
- On Carlac, Osha wakes up. There is a figure at the door; said figure walks away, Osha is intrigued and follows.
- Sol is bringing Jecki to Carlac to find Osha. Sol also wants to bring Yord along too.
- Back on Carlac, Osha follows the figure, only for said figure to turn around and reveal herself as Mae, Osha’s sister. Her twin sister.
- Suddenly the scenery around her changes, Osha is on Brendok. Turns out Osha is going through a memory, an old memory. Mae had stated, “You’re with me. I’m with you. Always one, but born as two.” This is interesting…
- Mae continues, “As above sits the stars, and below lies the sea, I give you you…” and Osha finishes, “…and you give me me.”
- For this part of the memory, Osha “reverts” to being her younger self to communicate with her sister Mae, who admits to killing Indara.
- For the second time, Osha awakes, but this time for real. She must have experienced either a clear memory or a very powerful Force vision.
- On the ship carrying Sol, Yord, and Jecki, Sol recounts how Osha’s twin sister murdered her who family, leaving Osha alive. (This means the conclusion Osha came to, was half the information Sol knows. Osha knows Mae killed Indara, Yord believes Osha killed Indara, Sol does not want to believe this but needs to bring Osha in.)
- Yord admits to not knowing Osha was a twin, or even had a twin. Sol believes Mae is dead, saying “I saw her die”, which may be the case. Just because Osha communicated with Mae in the vision, does not necessarily mean Mae is alive. But Sol is about to be proved wrong.
- The three Jedi arrive at Osha’s downed ship; she has gone off somewhere. They track her to a cliff edge and beckon her. Osha trips and falls off the ledge but Sol saves her from falling.
- Osha tells Sol, “Mae is alive”. Sol says he believes her. For him, it makes sense - he had brought her in, taught her, and therefore, knows her enough to know Osha must not have killed Indara, and that it confirms for him that since Mae is identical to Osha, and Osha wasn’t even in the right place to have killed Indara to begin with, it begs more than enough reason for Sol to believe her. But that will not be enough.
- Elsewhere, a stranger speaks to Mae, who walks across a rocky beach. She reaches a hooded figure standing on a ledge, who ignites a red lightsaber.
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puppybong · 9 months
kleine tegenslag maar het is oké
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l0serdevil · 1 year
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first artfight attack for a friend! i love red/pink lighting too much…
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indizombie · 2 years
A dog's nose has a few different features that make the animal a super-smeller. Its front part of the nose serves to humidify the incoming air which aids olfaction, and the air is then pumped to the lungs, and in part, into an olfactory chamber packed with receptors to catch odorants. And that's where dogs outclass the human nose: dogs have 20 times more olfactory receptors than humans that send signals to their brains. When the dog exhales, the air goes out through the two side slits of the nose, not through the nostrils as we do: this is why dogs can sniff in a continuous cycle, catching large volumes of air and odorants. "There are animals that see a lot more colours than we do," said Adee Schoon, an independent Dutch biologist who has been working with scent detection by animals for the past three decades. "If you take that analogy and use it with dogs, you can see that we are definitely odour-blind compared to dogs." Most dogs can navigate the scent world in ways we cannot fathom, but it takes special individuals and a lot of training to become detection dogs. Schoon used to work with detection dogs in forensics, in particular rape cases for the Dutch police, to identify rapists by their semen. She says to think of detection dogs as highly trained specialists who recognised scents in the way humans recognise people's faces.
Agostino Petroni, ‘The plan to save Italy's dying olive trees with dogs’, BBC
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infinitesexykittens · 2 months
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 months
A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) Review
Sam had been in a hospice outside of New York City and is convinced by Reuben to go with him and a group on a trip. When they are on the trip everything is about to change when the invasion begins. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) Review
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erikvelema · 3 months
Het gaat er niet om, maar toch…
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greppelheks · 5 months
holy shit wat is basic fit kut
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channeledhistory · 5 months
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Note: While this song is originally in Dutch and Flemish, the link provided by the submitter for the original song did not work. They provided both the original and the English translation, which is the one linked here because the link to the original was down. If you have heard either version, please vote "yes."
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puppybong · 9 months
im spending saturday & monday at my parents for the holidays
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robertpennekamp · 1 year
Grof Afval Amsterdam
Grof Afval Amsterdam Grof afval Amsterdam , Robert Pennekamp, 20124Grof afval Amsterdam, Robert Pennekamp, 2014Grof Afval Amsterdam, Robert Pennekamp, 2014 Het is overal. Je komt het overal tegen. Maar toch wordt er, mede door de Fijne Fijnerikken, veel gebruik van gemaakt. Fijne Fijnerikken De Fijne Fijnerikken zijn een stelletje vreemde vogels. Vaak hangen ze rond bij grof vuil containers. Vaak…
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dutchjan · 1 year
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May 28, 2023
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overyourheadcomic · 2 months
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My totally unbiased OYH propaganda.
im so glad for the LUCY AND SCHOONER PROPOGANDAAAAAAAA. omg these are sooo charming!!!
I think Schoon would win via annoyance...she would just be confused by his unruly amounts of silly
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