streetwitnessingorg · 1 month
Big Bang Theory and Ex Nihilo
Creation Science and Evolution – Cosmology – Big Bang Theory and Ex Nihilo – Creation from Nothing Evolution – Big Bang Theory – Inflationary Cosmology Creation Science and Evolution – Cosmology – Big Bang Theory and Ex Nihilo – Creation from NothingOverviewInflationary CosmologyPhilosophical Concept of NothingSomething from Nothing Violates ScienceProblems with the Big Bang TheoryJames Webb…
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vinodpandey7posts · 3 years
What’s the problem with science? Here we are going to tell you our top 5. We are used to talking about all the things that are awe-worthy about science, but science isn’t perfect. And, everyone should understand how. So, here's a list of the big problems in scientific research:
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fylgjarefr · 7 years
My lab is a mire of cortisol
Two of my coworkers are working on getting two separate papers ready for journal submission, so the entire lab space has turned into a mire of cortisol. It's been affecting my sleep--I had nightmares every night for two weeks. Hell, this week my supervisor and I both had similar imposter syndrome dreams on the same night! Everytime I mention this to scientist friends, the response is always, "Yep." It just comes with the territory.
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newtontuition-blog · 6 years
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A charged atom is an ion . . . #science #scienceteacher #sciencememes #sciencemajor #scienceproblems #scienceexperiment #scienceporn #sciencefacts #sciencetips #chemistry #ions #lovequotes #cheesypickuplines #pickuplines #nerdypickuplines #pickuplines101 #nerdypost #bookworm #bookwormproblems #nerdyquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BnlHwhSh1zp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xdgj9a49e10j
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leatherboundshorts · 6 years
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From the official GraphPad, a real statistics software company. WHO WROTE THIS????? 😂🤣😂🤣😂
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jet-bradley · 7 years
I still think the best concept is Arcanist and Stormcatcher having this really awkward friendship where they're like day and night but they can relate over the strangest little details about their lives, such as:
Math woes
Extremely precise instruments breaking down occasionally and the absolute CHAOS that ensues because suddenly observations/experiments have to be rescheduled or even cancelled
Staring at huge sheets of data running on next to no sleep going "yup. This is what I've dedicated my life to"
One occasionally discovering something that's relevant to the other's field and forwarding a link going "hey this might interest you"
Getting called nerds by the other deities
And when it comes down to it they definitely piss each other off so they don't talk much but when they do it's always over some sort of mutual #scienceproblems shit and even though they aren't sharing life secrets or whatever they respect the other's work for their individual field
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Hoarders, PhD edition
I just want an episode of Hoarders in the academic lab setting. The PI stands protectively in front of an entire freezer full of used primary antibody, insisting “we might use it again someday.” There’s RNA samples from before the grad students were born. There’s close-ups of long-suffering grad students demonstrating their daily routine of maneuvering more samples into a full freezer. Literally just day-to-day lab life, but on Hoarders.
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spookyscarysnails · 8 years
I just spent like an hour trying to figure out where the μ in my calculations went... Turns out it was there all long... disguised as an m... *sigh*
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bionerding-blog · 9 years
Journal Entry 4
Entry 4 July 1, 2015
Odd dreams.
I had this odd dream last night - waking up and realizing that it wasn’t real was a surprised. 
I had caught lots of frogs from the wild and had to transfer them into containers so they don’t escape. But I only had once container with a not so strong cap. So I stepped out of the room to find another container, but all the frogs had escaped and jumped all over the house. In the sink, in the toilet, on the bed, on the table, EVERYWHERE. I caught each of them with my bare hands - each slimier skin than the last. 
I’ve been working with frogs this summer. Experimentally infecting them with parasites and looking at the immunological response produced. In working with these frogs - there is also a lot euthanization involved. Honestly, I feel terrible about it because when I’m necropsying them I need their little hearts to be beating in order to obtain blood from them. I know that although my lab has the protocols and husbandry clearance to be able to work with these frogs - I’m riddled with this sort of guilt. When you raised your experimental animals from it’s infancy, it’s hard not to emotionally invest. I understand why scientist don’t name their animals now.  By giving it a name, they are given an identity. And when something has an identity, it’s easier to see it as a living being.
I understand that for the sake of science, we do experiment on animals out of necessity. That there are protocols set in place to ensure the least amount of suffering is inflicted. But what really scares me is that I’ve become emotionally immune as the number of necropsies I do increase. So far - I can’t keep track of how many frogs I’ve euthanized. At least 30 adults frogs and 30 young frogs. I was so terrified when I first began, feeling squeamish as I did the ventral incision and saw the guts spilled out. But unfortunately it has become normal. Making the incision to get to the heart, to puncture the upper atrium and allow for the blood to be pumped out of the heart and sucked up by a capillary tube. 
I might have aged 10 years in the past month having to deal with death everyday. 
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free-running-wolf · 10 years
For those of you taking chemistry next year... Or just starting out chemistry... May lord have mercy cause it is the hardest class I have ever taken... Not including physics... Just know that it's gonna involve a lot of math and a LOT of practice
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waitinginthelab · 11 years
Winter (noun):
1) the coldest part of the year, occurs after autumn and precedes spring.
2) the season in which skin cracks and raw knuckles are perpetuated by dry air, and washing ones hands >50 times a day due to laboratory work
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jingle-bra · 11 years
Fuck you periodic table I don't give a rats ass about how many protons you have :-)
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kiritheyoungblue · 11 years
I need to make a Whatshouldwecallgradschool submission.
Entitled: "When I need to double check a reference and I already have the pdf saved"
"When I need to double check a reference that I use constantly and for some bizarre reason DON'T have saved"
Like seriously, WTF Kiri?  You'd think by now in the middle of the thesis writing process you'd have remembered to save this one damn paper but no it's not on your computer.  I bet it's printed out in hard copy form on my desk at work.  Which of so much use to me right now.  It doesn't help that the full thing is behind a paywall.
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ASIH Joint Meeting
Going to New Mexico in 3 days to present my research at a National meeting and I don't even have my research poster finished let alone printed!!! Freaking out!!
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