#scion au
hywl · 1 year
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naiad-dream-way · 1 year
Could I get away with calling a medic character Pro-tech? Or is that too whack?
Or maybe something else?
All for the next part of the Scion Au
Not sure if I should use Pharma or someone else…maybe could get away with Trepan? I could make up someone for sure.
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shiroesuna · 5 months
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/loveheart critical hit sorry for all the spam today btw I'm just feeling kinda good about tumblr rn so I'm posting my backlog.
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of-the-eventide · 21 days
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"You are nothing more than the Scion's savage attack dog!" "Let me show you how willing I am then to tearing out your fucking throat with my bare teeth."
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ainyan · 2 months
Pirate Ship (Sm. Basement)
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Excalibur, The Goblet, Ward 10, Plot 51
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sylaurin · 2 months
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just playing with some au stuff~
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ahollowgrave · 5 months
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@viiioca asked: Send 🏔to see them in their favourite zone.
Okay, so --
Perhaps not her favorite zone but one she found herself at frequently. She gets lost in thought, hard to draw back out, as she sits frozen like the wave of light before her. Expression awestruck grief as she marvels at her beloved's last act. One last shot:
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juncopandi · 7 months
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ok uh a party finder chat from a few weeks ago planted this idea in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about it. hope you enjoy xx
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66sharkteeth · 7 months
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btw any time i'm talking about college AU, scion still exists. but now it's just jericho's very mean pet monitor lizard that he definitely did not obtain legally and is hiding in his and claude's dorm. he got it as a baby as a kid and it has been his horrible little best friend since. it's official name is "The Scion" because Jericho learned that word when he was like 12 and thought it was really cool.
it still hates claude and still gave him the scars on his cheek. jericho and claude both paid extra to get a 2 bedroom dorm but when claude arrived, he discovered his shitty roommate was already using the extra room for his stupid pet lizard so now he and jericho have to share a room (wink wink).
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Redid my pony Raha cus I want to and I have expanded my ff14 x MLP au lore way too much for me to stop
Compared to my last post about pony graha I majorly changed his crystal exarch persona more. Now he much much taller cus alicorn growth and his horn turned completely crystal in the shape of the crystal tower itself.
He still hid his wings underneath his robe and once his identity was revealed they made him a custom robe for his wings to freely move. Though he can show his wings after that he could not use it much as 200+ plus years of disuse made his wings severely malnourished and weak,hence the long thin and ragged shape. He has frazzled feathers on it too. Very sad to think when one of his favorite pasttimes is flying high above the clouds.
He has also clipped his feathers on his cheeks,chest,hooves and tail to help solidify his disguise and initial plan,without those too flying has been made more difficult even so.
He can only fly a few feet off the ground unless others help him higher by giving him more air.
ARR pony graha retains being the shortest male pegasus of his kind while also having the smallest wingspan for said kind.
Totally did not contribute to why as a younging he strived so hard to be noticed by his peers and to try especially hard to impress the wol
And endwalker pony graha gained height and bigger wings,still slowly growing more taller thanks to his alicorn status.
In the first there would not be any alicorns (most if not all had already passed or banished after the flood) and a lot of ponies there would not even know that the concept of a pony having both wings and a horn can exist.
The rest are just for fun doodles.
Oh and I wanted to add this little tidbit I noticed
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Yeah so how could I not make the crystarium and crystal empire one and the same for this pony au?
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yandere-genji · 2 years
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💎Yandere Yakuza Hanzo Headcanons
• Yandere Yakuza!Hanzo owns the streets of Hanamura, often patrolling with his crew late at night. He has the most important people of the city in his pocket or working alongside him. The Yakuza has infiltrated practically the whole city. 
• When you first arrive in Hanamura, you very quick learn this. You were wise to heed the warnings to stay away from anything related to the organization. 
• But the Yakuza scouts any new residents, anyone that lives in the city is apart of their property. And Hanzo’s men are always eager to talk about a new pretty face that shows up in their territory. Often he pays no mind to them, more occupied by his duties than in chasing a shiny new toy. But once he does catch sight of you, he is fascinated by what he sees.
  • He is on duty every night, yet still finds the time to keep a close eye on you. You’re smart, you don’t hang about the usual places he and his crew would frequent. Many newcomers are quick to dismiss the influence of the Yakuza, but you knew better than that. Still, you couldn’t escape him. 
• You sparked his interest, something most people would kill for. He wanted to absorb you into his organization and gain full control of you. It began with infiltrating your workplace. New hires would try to entice you to joining the Yakuza with all its benefits. But you would respectfully decline and try to avoid any more interaction with them as possible. 
•When that didn’t work, he would send men to bestow you gifts on his behalf. It was certainly a shock, you didn’t know what you had done to receive anything from the Yakuza boss himself. But word quickly spread around the city that he had claimed you, all before you had even seen him yourself. 
• People grew distant from you. Some were taking precautions, others had received unsavory warnings. Before you knew it, everyone in the street stared at you as you walked by, whispering to each other as you passed. It upset you, and you started asking around about Hanzo to anyone who wasn’t afraid to speak to you. Those being people who were already affiliated with the Yakuza themselves and it would not be long until Hanzo caught wind of your curiosities. 
• In the dark of night, you were pulled into an alleyway by a group of well-dressed men. You were panicked, though you already knew you were living on borrowed time. They brought you to a marvelous adorned tea house, pink petal blossoms peppering the gardens. And there was Hanzo, dressed handsomely in western attire as he kneeled beside the table. 
• It was the first time you had seen him, and he already left a memorable impression. You heard stories about how vicious he was, and you could see it on his face. Even in his most relaxed state, his eyes were always angry and alert.  
• Many of your meetings with the Yakuza boss would be like this. When he was not preoccupied with his clandestine operation, he ushered you into a private room (though the privacy was soured by the entourage of men patrolling the perimeter) and the two of you spoke while he enjoyed a cup of tea.
•Declining his invitations wasn’t an option for you. You couldn’t escape him, you were both aware of that. Still, he wanted you closer. What good were you by yourself, you had to be by his side where he could keep you safe. Make sure no one in this world would hurt you and you would always be taken care of. 
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mslettuce · 2 months
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✨ Scion Family Vacation ✨
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naiad-dream-way · 2 years
I need to work on Scion AU again cause the idea of the sparklings I have is like so good in my head.
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shiroesuna · 5 months
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she does this a lot
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of-the-eventide · 2 months
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dinner is far better with good company!
auragust 2024 - feast
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ainyan · 22 days
FFXIV Write - Day 2: Horizon
Thancred leaned against the forward railing of The Seventh Dawn, his body lightly pressed against Kal’istae’s back. She, too, clung to the railing, her feet planted on the bottom rail while she held on to the top. The ship’s rail, built to provide safety for Elezen and Roegadyn sailors, was almost too high for the Hyuran Captain to lean on comfortably, much less the fulm-shorter Au Ra. So he held her in place, keeping her steady so she could gaze out towards the west and the lowering sun.
For safety, of course.
If Kal’istae took any exception to his precaution, she did not show it; her face was lifted into the breeze created by their slow passage westward, midnight strands flitting about her face and horns as she inhaled deeply of the salty sea air. “What did you want to show me?” she asked curiously as she scanned the horizon but saw nothing but the wavering surface of the sea and the reddening disk sinking below it.
“Patience,” he murmured, trying to ignore the way the hints of lavender and starflower that scented the breeze made his pulse quicken. 
Her laugh was soft and low and mingled with the crash of the water against the bow of the ship. “Have you not figured out yet, Captain Waters, that patience is not my strong suit?” But she did not push the matter further, content to gaze out over the water and enjoy the warmth of him against her spine.
It was a start.
“Watch,” he whispered against her horn as the last of the sun sank below the horizon. Against her back, he tensed, and she could feel his arms tighten about her, fingers gripping the railing in anticipation. In response, she clung to the damp wood and stared intently at that single point of red before it winked out.
One heartbeat.
A dull flash of emerald green erupted from the point where the sun had disappeared, briefly illuminating the sky. In the center of that burst of light stood the outline of a great ship, hulking and monstrous and lit from within by that same ghostly foxfire. Kal’istae gasped and jerked backwards into Thancred’s chest, and his arm slid around her waist, holding her close as they watched the spectacle.
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It hung in the air for a handful of heartbeats, then the green faded, stealing with it the silhouette of the ship, and all that was left behind was the deepening twilight, the first of the stars, and the afterimage burning in their eyes.
“Was that the Agrius?” she asked, her voice soft and reverent.
“Aye,” Thancred murmured, not loosening his hold on her; instead, he filled his lungs with the scents of her lavender and starflowers and told himself it was only to settle a stomach made raw by the sight of that accursed ship. “Which ship it is depends on where you are, but here in the straits between Limsa and Ul’dah, it’s usually one of those lost during the Battle of Bahamut. Though this is the first time I’ve seen the Agrius.”
She was silent for a long moment. Then, “Thank you,” she said softly. “Whatever ship it was notwithstanding, that was an amazing thing to witness.”
He was silent for an equally long moment. “You’re welcome.” Suddenly self-conscious, he stepped back, reaching out to help her down before shoving his hands into the pockets of his loose breeches. “I should go make sure we’re still on course,” he said suddenly.
She gazed up at him. “Where are we going?”
His gaze trailed past her, towards the ocean beyond. “Ultimately, Limsa Lominsa. I hope to pick up the trail of the Garleans there. But first? I’ve a stop to make.”
“Where?” she repeated.
His single eye remained cast out to sea. “I’ve business to see to in Horizon.”
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FFXIV Write 2024 (Daily Prompt List)
Day 2 - Horizon
OC: Kal'istae Miurani
NPC: Thancred Waters
AU: The Scions of the Seventh Sea
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