#scleroderma stomach
aelianated-star · 9 months
SOMEONE TELL ME WHY LIQUID NUTRITION/TUBE FORMULA AND HOMEHEALTH COMPANIES MAKE THEIR PACKAGES/BOXES SO DAMN HARD TO OPEN?? Like your customer base is malnourished /chronically ill/disabled people and y’all had the AUDACITY to make the boxes so hard to open that even my able bodied, male family members struggle to open it?? I know it’s expensive (god bless insurance actually paying for something for once bc there’s no way I could afford over 9 boxes a month at 72 dollars a box) and they’re trying to prevent theft, but I can guarantee that nobody who sees these shipments of giant liquid nutrition boxes is going to try and nab it.
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cannabiscomrade · 10 months
It's Gastroparesis Awareness Month
Hi! I have gastroparesis and I'm an insufferable know-it-all so let's talk about it!
Gastroparesis, or a paralyzed stomach, is a condition that causes delayed gastric emptying.
This can cause a range of symptoms and complications:
early satiety/fullness
upper gastric pain
Gastroparesis can be treated by a gastroenterologist, but often needs to be managed by a motility specialist due to a lot of misconceptions about the condition. Providers, especially in the emergency department, will commonly misdiagnose gastroparesis as cannabis-hyperemesis syndome, cyclic vomiting syndrome, gastritis, food poisoning, etc.
There are several commonly known causes of gastroparesis like vagus nerve damage from diabetes, injury to the stomach, and stomach surgery like hernia repair or bariatric surgery. There are also idiopathic cases with no known cause. Other causes of gastroparesis are:
Connective tissue disorders like HSD and EDS (commonly hEDS and cEDS)
Post-viral (like COVID, viral gastritis, mononucleosis/Epstein-Barr)
Restrictive eating disorders
Autoimmune diseases like Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), Lupus, Hashimoto's
Central nervous system disorders
Gastroparesis also has common comorbidities with conditions like:
POTS and other forms of dysautonomia (POTS, EDS, and gastroparesis are a common triad of diagnoses)
SMAS (which can also present with similar symptoms to GP)
Intestinal dysmotility and esophageal dysmotility disorders (known as global dysmotility)
PCOS with insulin resistance
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
Certain medications like Ozempic and other drugs in that class act on the digestive system to delay gastric emptying, which has caused people to be diagnosed with gastroparesis. Some people report that their cases have not gone away since stopping the medication, others report feeling better after stopping. Other drugs like opiates and narcotics can cause delayed gastric and intestinal motility as well, but these are commonly known side effects of those painkiller classes.
Gastroparesis is classed based on severity and graded based on how you respond to treatment.
Severity of delay ranges from mild to very severe, and this is based on your actual stomach retention calculated at 4 hours into a gastric emptying study.
The grading scale ranges from one to three, one being mild and three being gastric failure.
There is no consistent single treatment that is proven to work for gastroparesis, and there is no cure. Treatments can consist of:
Diet changes (3 Step Gastroparesis Diet, liquid diet, oral sole source nutrition)
Prokinetic (motility stimulating) drugs
Anti-nausea medications
Proton-pump inhibitors
Gastric stimulator/gastric pacemaker
Pyloric botox and dilation
Post-pyloric tube feeding
Gastric venting/draining
Parenteral nutrition
IV fluids
Other surgical interventions like gastrectomy or rarely, transplant
Gastroparesis is a terrible disease and I hope that if any of these symptoms resonate with you that you can get checked out. I was misdiagnosed for a long time before getting a proper gastroparesis diagnosis, and all it took was a gastric emptying study. This is ESPECIALLY true if you're having post-COVID gastrointestinal problems that are not improving. I almost died from starvation ketoacidosis because of how serious my GP got in a short period of time post-COVID (I had GP before COVID), and now I'm tube reliant for all my nutrition and hydration.
Stay safe friends!
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Modern bread and gluten
🇬🇧 In English
Bread is all too often responsible for digestive problems (bloating, stomach upsets, unstable transit). And also irritation of the mucous membrane (inside) of the intestine and intestinal permeability (porous intestine), with the molecules that disrupt immunity passing to the liver, resulting in allergies.
Autoimmune" diseases are very varied, depending on the genetic susceptibility of each individual:
digestive diseases: coeliac disease, non-viral hepatitis and fatty liver, pancreatitis, chronic intestinal diseases and ulcerative colitis.
rheumatological diseases
Neuropsychological: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
hormonal: thyroiditis, damage to the pancreas and adrenal glands
bone: osteopathies, decalcifications, early osteoporosis
haematological: changes in the bone marrow, which produces too many or too few blood cells (red, white, platelets)
skin disorders: Lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma
On the other hand, we can't generalize: the real cause of the problem with bread is the genetic manipulation of wheat seeds; we're trying to standardize seeds (like twins), the primary objective being to maximize yields from industrial monocultures. The soil is not fertile, and yields depend on external fertilisers and pesticides.
The benefits of genetic standardisation for the bread industry - simplifies cultivation techniques, - facilitates phytosanitary treatments, - guarantees yields, - enables standardised flours to be obtained (e.g. T 9 index). The convergence of seeds, crops, flour and bread is generating health problems for consumers and farmers, due to the use of toxic products. Their convergence is generating health problems:
Non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system, is a recognised occupational disease in farmers exposed to pesticides in the course of their work.
On the other hand, industrial bread-making processes add other processes and ingredients
Flour is refined using chemical processes.
Intensive mechanical kneading
Very short fermentation with industrial yeasts
All these factors make bread indigestible and harmful:
Gluten becomes resistant to enzymatic digestion
Bread contains no vitamins, antioxidants or polyphenols and is low in minerals.
It is toxic because it contains traces of toxic products.
Ancient grains could be the solution, here are a few examples
Engrain or Petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Starch (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut brand Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
and many other wheats of yesteryear must find their place again, with bakers particularly aware of their role in health. What's more, they will create many new jobs.
In conclusion:
Abandon industrial breads and opt for wholemeal flours made from ancient grains.
Prepare your bread at home
Preferably bake your bread by hand, avoid long-fermented Perrier and opt for long fermentation.
Chew the bread well, the faster it melts in your mouth, the easier it will be to digest.
Find the complete article at LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
Le pain et le gluten modernes
🇫🇷 En Français
Le pain est trop souvent responsable de troubles digestif (ballonnements, maux de ventres, instabilité du transit). Et aussi d’irritations de la muqueuse (intérieur) de l’intestin et de perméabilité intestinale (intestin poreux), les molécules qui de perturbent l’immunité passent vers le foie, et comme résultat des allergies.
Les maladies ”auto-immunes” sont très variées selon les susceptibilités génétiques de chaque individu:
digestives: maladie coeliaque et hépatites non virales et foie gras, pancreatitis, maladies intestinales chroniques intestinales et recto-colite-ulcéro-hémorragique
neuropsychiques: Alzheimer, Parkinson, Sclérose en Plaques, etc
hormonales: thyroïdites, atteintes du pancréas et des surrénales
osseuses: ostéopathies, décalcifications, ostéoporose précoce
hématologiques: modifications de la moelle osseuse qui fabrique trop ou pas assez des globules du sang (rouges, blancs, plaquettes)
cutanées : Lupus, psoriasis, sclérodermia
Par contre on ne peut pas généraliser, la vrai cause du problème avec le pain est manipulation génétique des semences des blés; on cherche uniformiser les semences (comme des individus jumeaux), l’objective primaire: la maximization des rendements des monocultures industriales. Les sols ne sont pas fertiles, le rendement depends des fertilisants extérieurs et pesticides.
Les benefits de l’uniformisation génétique pour la filière du pain– simplifie les techniques de culture,– facilite les traitements phytosanitaires– garantise les rendements,– permet l’obtention de farines standardisées (par example Indice T 9). La convergence semences-cultures-farines-pains est génératrice de problèmes de santé pour les consommateurs et agriculteurs, du a l’emploie de produits toxiques. Leur convergence est génératrice de problèmes de santé:
Le lymphome malin non hodgkinien, cancer du système immunitaire, est une maladie professionnelle reconnue chez les agriculteurs exposés aux pesticides dans le cadre de leur métier.
D’autre part, les processes industriels de fabrication du pain, ajoutent des procedes et d’autres ingrédients
La farine est refiné par des proceses chimiques
La pétrification mécanique intensive
La fermentation très courte avec des levures industrielles
Tous ces facteurs font que le pain soit indigeste et nocif:
Le gluten devient résistent a la digestion enzymatique
Le pain ne contient pas d des vitamines, des anti-oxydants, des polyphénols, il est faible en minéraux.
Il est toxique car il contient des traces de produits toxiques
Les grains anciennes serions la solution, voici quelques examples
L’Engrain ou petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
le Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum) ,
l’Amidonnier (Triticum turgidum),
le Khorasan de la marque Kamut (Triticum turanicum)
et bien d’autres blés d’autrefois doivent retrouver leur place, chez les boulangers particulièrement conscients de leur rôle pour la santé. Ils deviendront en plus créateurs de nombreux emplois.
En conclusion:
Abandonnez leș pains industriels, privilégiez les farines completes et fabriquées avec des graines anciennes
Preparez votre pain a la maison
De preference faites le pain a la main, évitez le Perrier long temps et privilégiez la fermentation longue
Mastiquez bien le pain, si le pain est fondu vite dans la bouche, plus facile sera sa digestion
Trouvez l'article complet chez LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
El pan moderno y el gluten
🇪🇸 En Español
Con demasiada frecuencia, el pan es responsable de problemas digestivos (hinchazón, molestias estomacales, tránsito inestable). Y también irritación de la mucosa (interior) del intestino y permeabilidad intestinal (intestino poroso), con lo que las moléculas que alteran la inmunidad pasan al hígado, dando lugar a alergias.
Las enfermedades "autoinmunes" son muy variadas, dependiendo de la susceptibilidad genética de cada individuo:
enfermedades digestivas: celiaquía, hepatitis no vírica e hígado graso, pancreatitis, enfermedades intestinales crónicas y colitis ulcerosa.
enfermedades reumatológicas
neuropsicológicas: Alzheimer, Parkinson, esclerosis múltiple, etc.
hormonales: tiroiditis, daños en el páncreas y las glándulas suprarrenales
óseas: osteopatías, descalcificaciones, osteoporosis precoz
Hematológicos: alteraciones de la médula ósea, que produce demasiadas o pocas células sanguíneas (rojas, blancas, plaquetas).
Trastornos cutáneos: Lupus, psoriasis, esclerodermia.
Por otra parte, no podemos generalizar: la verdadera causa del problema del pan es la manipulación genética de las semillas de trigo; se intenta estandarizar las semillas (como los gemelos), con el objetivo primordial de maximizar el rendimiento de los monocultivos industriales. El suelo no es fértil y los rendimientos dependen de fertilizantes y pesticidas externos.
Las ventajas de la estandarización genética para la industria del pan - simplifica las técnicas de cultivo, - facilita los tratamientos fitosanitarios, - garantiza los rendimientos, - permite obtener harinas estandarizadas (por ejemplo, el índice T 9). La convergencia de semillas, cultivos, harinas y pan está generando problemas de salud a consumidores y agricultores, debido al uso de productos tóxicos. Su convergencia está generando problemas de salud:
El linfoma maligno no Hodgkin, un cáncer del sistema inmunitario, es una enfermedad profesional reconocida en los agricultores expuestos a pesticidas durante su trabajo.
Por otra parte, los procesos industriales de elaboración del pan añaden otros procesos y otros ingredientes
La harina se refina mediante procesos químicos.
Amasado mecánico intensivo
Fermentación muy corta con levaduras industriales
Todos estos factores hacen que el pan sea indigesto y perjudicial:
El gluten se vuelve resistente a la digestión enzimática.
El pan no contiene vitaminas, antioxidantes ni polifenoles y es pobre en minerales.
Es tóxico porque contiene trazas de productos tóxicos.
Los cereales antiguos podrían ser la solución, he aquí algunos ejemplos
Engrain o petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Almidón (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut marca Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
y muchos otros trigos de antaño deben volver a encontrar su lugar, ya que los panaderos son especialmente conscientes de su papel en la salud. Además, crearán muchos nuevos puestos de trabajo.
En conclusión:
Abandonar los panes industriales y optar por harinas integrales elaboradas con granos antiguos.
Prepara tu pan en casa
Hornea tu pan preferiblemente a mano, evita los Perrier de larga fermentación y opta por los de fermentación larga.
Mastica bien el pan, cuanto más rápido se deshaga en la boca, más fácil será digerirlo.
Encuentre el artículo completo en LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
O pão moderno e o glúten
🇧🇷 En Português
O pão é muitas vezes responsável por problemas digestivos (inchaço, perturbações gástricas, trânsito instável). E também a irritação da mucosa (interior) do intestino e a permeabilidade intestinal (intestino poroso), com as moléculas que perturbam a imunidade a passarem para o fígado, dando origem a alergias.
As doenças "auto-imunes" são muito variadas e dependem da suscetibilidade genética de cada indivíduo:
Doenças digestivas: doença celíaca, hepatite não viral e fígado gordo, pancreatite, doenças intestinais crónicas e colite ulcerosa.
Doenças reumatológicas
neuropsicológicas: doença de Alzheimer, Parkinson, esclerose múltipla, etc.
hormonais: tiroidite, lesões do pâncreas e das glândulas supra-renais
ósseas: osteopatias, descalcificações, osteoporose precoce
hematológicas: alterações da medula óssea, que produz demasiadas ou poucas células sanguíneas (glóbulos vermelhos, glóbulos brancos, plaquetas)
afecções cutâneas: Lúpus, psoríase, esclerodermia
Por outro lado, não podemos generalizar: a verdadeira causa do problema do pão é a manipulação genética das sementes de trigo; estamos a tentar uniformizar as sementes (como os gémeos), com o objetivo principal de maximizar o rendimento das monoculturas industriais. O solo não é fértil e os rendimentos dependem de fertilizantes e pesticidas externos.
As vantagens da normalização genética para a indústria do pão - simplifica as técnicas de cultivo, - facilita os tratamentos fitossanitários, - garante os rendimentos, - permite obter farinhas normalizadas (por exemplo, índice T 9). A convergência das sementes, das culturas, das farinhas e do pão está a gerar problemas de saúde para os consumidores e para os agricultores, devido à utilização de produtos tóxicos. A sua convergência está a gerar problemas de saúde:
O linfoma maligno não-Hodgkin, um cancro do sistema imunitário, é uma doença profissional reconhecida nos agricultores expostos a pesticidas no exercício da sua atividade.
Por outro lado, os processos industriais de fabrico de pão acrescentam outros processos e outros ingredientes
A farinha é refinada por processos químicos.
Amassadura mecânica intensiva
Fermentação muito curta com leveduras industriais
Todos estes factores tornam o pão indigesto e nocivo:
O glúten torna-se resistente à digestão enzimática.
O pão não contém vitaminas, antioxidantes ou polifenóis e é pobre em minerais.
É tóxico porque contém vestígios de produtos tóxicos.
Os cereais antigos podem ser a solução, eis alguns exemplos
Engrain ou petit Épeautre 10 (Triticum monococcum),
Barbu du Roussillon (Triticum aestivum),
Amido (Triticum turgidum),
Kamut marca Khorasan (Triticum turanicum)
e muitos outros trigos de outrora devem reencontrar o seu lugar, junto de padeiros particularmente atentos aos seus benefícios para a saúde. Além disso, criarão muitos novos postos de trabalho.
Em conclusão:
Abandonar os pães industriais e optar por farinhas integrais de cereais antigos.
Prepare o seu pão em casa
De preferência, coza o seu pão à mão, evite Perrier de longa fermentação e opte por uma fermentação longa.
Mastiga bem o pão, quanto mais depressa derreter na tua boca, mais fácil será a digestão.
Ver o artigo completo em LE PAIN EN QUESTION POUR LA SANTÉ PUBLIQUE https://www.professeur-joyeux.com/2023/07/04/le-pain-en-question-pour-la-sante-publique/
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Blog goes on
It’s been quite a tough time since I started this blog. I’ve been talking, thinking, and reading about scleroderma more than I’ve ever done in my entire life. I mean my life after 2003 when I was diagnosed. Before that time, as most of you, I had no idea what that phenomenon meant. I’ve learnt so much, sometimes I think I could start teaching scleroderma at the medical university. I will start with teaching the students that this is a unique chronic disease that is incompletely understood by the medical profession and that each patient suffers from it in his or her unique way. In the most cases the patient gets thick skin caused by extensive production of collagen but sometimes the internal organs may get damaged too. And nobody knows why this happens. I will teach them that there is no cure found yet, but treatment does exist to prevent and treat many of the problems associated with scleroderma. The most important thing is that the patients are approached positively. You don’t have to be a ‘cheerleader’ and ignore the severity of the situation. What the patient needs is a sensitive expert who provides a realistic but at the same time a positive message. Fear and misunderstanding may cause more harm than the disease itself.
I can’t say it’s been very enjoyable to be occupied all the time with the scleroderma subject but at the same time surrounded by so many people who love me and care for me has given me huge courage to go on! Call it a miracle but I’m still full of energy and I’m not planning to give in whatever the doctors have to tell me in the coming weeks. Moreover, I’ve learnt how to breathe! In one of her columns that scleroderma patient Lisa Weber publishes in Scleroderma News, she explains how to breathe through your belly and improve your lung function. She is a real inspiration! I’ve started doing this exercise for about 10 minutes 3 times a day. I just take a deep breath and picture my stomach like a blowing balloon and then exhale until all air gets out. Again, and again. And while breathing I’m shouting at my body ‘Stop producing this bloody collagen! I don’t need so much!’
I hope it will listen.
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pillsblue · 2 months
Folitrax 10mg: Everything You Need to Know About This Medication
About Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
Folitrax-10 Tablet belongs to the antimetabolite group of drugs. It is used in the treatment of various types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, vasculitis, enteropathic arthritis, myositis, and systemic sclerosis.
It can also be given to children who have juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, vasculitis, uveitis, and localised scleroderma. 
Inform your doctor about any pre-existing diseases and the medicines you are taking. Your doctor will carefully review and decide regarding the dosage and frequency of use of this medicine.
Uses of Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
Folitrax-10 Tablet is used in the treatment of: 
Various types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, vasculitis, enteropathic arthritis, myositis, and systemic sclerosis
In children who have juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, vasculitis, uveitis, and localised scleroderma
Directions for Use of Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
Take the tablet with whole glass of water.
Swallow the tablet; do not crush or chew it.
Take the tablet at fixed times each day to maintain a consistent level of medication. 
Side Effects of Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
The common side effects of Folitrax-10 Tablet are 
Managing the Side Effects:
Most side effects are temporary and generally harmless, which resolve on discontinuing Folitrax-10 Tablet. However, if you experience any serious side effects or worsening of any of the symptoms, please consult your doctor.
How Folitrax 10 Tablets 10 Works?
Folitrax-10 Tablet contains the following component:
Methotrexate (10 mg): It is an antimetabolite drug that exerts its therapeutic effects by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, an enzyme essential for folic acid metabolism. By disrupting this pathway, methotrexate hampers the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins, which are crucial components for cell replication. Consequently, it suppresses the abnormal immune response responsible for inflammation in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate's immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory actions contribute to its effectiveness in managing autoimmune diseases, making it a cornerstone in the treatment of various inflammatory conditions.
Interactions of Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
Drug-Drug Interactions
Folitrax-10 Tablet can interact with medicines, including  
Salicylates like aspirin, when taken with this tablet, can increase the effect of this tablet.
Antibiotics like chloramphenicol, penicillin, sulphonamides, and co-trimoxazole may cause methotrexate toxicity when taken togehter.
Diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide may interact with this tablet and cause kidney issues when taken together.
Epilepsy medicines like phenytoin, when taken with this tablet, can increase the risk of seizures.
Gout medicines like probenecid, when taken together with this tablet, can increase the blood levels of this tablet.
Vitamin preparations like folic acid, when taken together with this tablet, can decrease the the efficacy of this tablet.
Antacid like omeprazole and omeprazole-like medicines that control stomach acid may interact and increase levels this tablet.
Anti-cancer agents like cisplatin, mercaptopurine can cause nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity when taken with this tablet.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen may increase the levels of this tablet inside the body. 
Rheumatism control drugs like azathioprine can cause toxicity when taken with this medicine.
Medicines used to treat respiratory diseases, like theophylline can have increased levels when taken with tablet.
Immuno-suppressive medicines like cyclosporine can have increased levels when taken with this medicine. 
Drug-Disease Interactions
Folitrax-10 Tablet can interact with medicines, including  
Liver diseases: This tablet can worsen the liver diseases.
Kidney diseases: This tablet can worsen the kidney diseases.
Peptic ulcer/ ulcerative colitis: This tablet can worsen this condition.
Vaccines: The concomitant use of this tablet with vaccines can affect the methotrexate levels.
Immunodeficiency: This tablet can further worsen the immunodeficiency.
Bone marrow disease: This tablet can cause bone marrow suppression.
Serious blood disorders: This tablet can lower the number of white blood cells leading to risk of increased infection.
Dosage of Folitrax 10 Tablets 10
Daily Dose
The recommended daily dose of Folitrax-10 Tablet should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. The dosage may change based on individual factors such as age, severity of the condition, and response to treatment.
Over Dose
If an excessive dosage of Folitrax-10 Tablet is taken by accident; taking immediate medical attention from your doctor is essential in case you experience any severe side effects or worsening of any of the symptoms. 
Missed Dose
If you forget to take a Folitrax-10 Tablet, take it as soon as possible. However, avoid repeating the dose. 
Tablet should be stored below 30°Celsius.
Store this tablet away from children’s reach.
Do not use this tablet once the expiry date has passed.
Protect the medicine from excessive light and moisture.
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drparthiv · 6 months
What Causes Interstitial Lung Disease?
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Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) can have various causes, and it often results from damage to the lung tissue, leading to inflammation and scarring. Some common causes and risk factors for ILD include:
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): IPF is a specific and often progressive form of ILD where the cause is unknown. It primarily affects the interstitium, leading to the formation of scar tissue.
Environmental and Occupational Exposures: Prolonged exposure to certain environmental and occupational hazards, such as asbestos, silica dust, coal dust, and other toxic substances, can contribute to ILD.
Connective Tissue Diseases: Some autoimmune or connective tissue diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), and lupus, can be associated with ILD.
Drug-Induced ILD: Certain medications, particularly some chemotherapy drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics, can cause ILD as a side effect.
Infections: Some infections, such as viral or fungal infections, can lead to inflammation in the lungs and contribute to ILD.
Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: This condition is caused by repeated exposure to specific allergens or irritants, often in occupational or environmental settings.
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs, including the lungs. It may result in granulomas (small inflammatory nodules) in the lung tissue.
Genetic Factors: In rare cases, genetic factors may predispose individuals to ILD. Some forms of ILD can run in families.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy for cancer, especially when directed at the chest, can cause inflammation and scarring in the lungs.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Chronic aspiration of stomach contents due to GERD may contribute to ILD in some cases.
It's important to note that in many cases, the cause of ILD may not be clearly identified, leading to the term "idiopathic" (meaning of unknown cause). The exact mechanisms by which these factors lead to ILD are complex and can involve a combination of inflammation, immune system dysfunction, and the activation of fibrotic pathways.
If someone is experiencing symptoms of ILD, such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue, or if there are concerns about lung health, it's crucial to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional, typically a pulmonologist, can conduct a thorough evaluation, including imaging studies and pulmonary function tests, to diagnose the specific type of ILD and determine an appropriate treatment plan.
Elevate your respiratory health with the expertise of Dr. Parthiv Shah, recognized as the Best Pulmonologist in Mumbai. As a board-certified specialist, Dr. Shah brings a wealth of experience and a patient-centric approach to comprehensive pulmonary care.
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
The most common cause of digestive disorders
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Many different underlying causes affect gastrointestinal disorders and the digestive system. Bacterial infections, viral infections, and inflammation are the most common causes of gastrointestinal disease. Of course, some digestive disorders may have multiple causes and multiple symptoms. Some digestive disorders are long-lasting and severe, while others go away within a few days and have no lasting effects.
The most common causes of digestive disorders are:
Food allergies and food intolerances Some foods can cause allergic reactions such as lip, mouth, throat irritation, nausea, and vomiting. Stomach pain can also be caused by food intolerance. poor diet A diet high in fat, fried food, and sugar and low in fiber slows the passage of stool through the colon. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to constipation and cause many other digestive disorders. viral or bacterial infection Bacteria, viruses, and parasites enter the digestive tract through contact with contaminated surfaces or through contact with contaminated feces, eating the bacteria, eating contaminated food, or drinking contaminated water. There is a possibility that Salmonella, E. coli, cholera, and rotavirus can cause bacterial infections. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites all contribute to the infection known as the stomach flu. The most common symptom in all these cases is acute diarrhea.  Virus and bacterial infections can both be treated with antibiotics. Dehydration is the most significant risk of acute diarrhea, especially in young children. inflammation and immune disorders Any component of the digestive system may be impacted by autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system of the body turns against and harms itself. Some autoimmune conditions, including systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, and scleroderma, have an impact on the digestive system. Systemic autoimmune disorders cause various digestive and intestinal problems. structural cause Structural abnormalities in the digestive tract (such as pouches in the gut of people with diverticulosis) can prevent the digestive tract from functioning correctly. genetic reasons Some digestive disorders appear to be hereditary. These include colon cancer, Crohn's disease, type 1 diabetes, pancreatic cancer, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and some liver diseases. lifestyle choice Excessive stress, lack of exercise, smoking, and drinking alcohol can affect digestive health. Although the specific causes of gastrointestinal disorders are challenging to diagnose, healthy lifestyles and dietary choices can reduce the severity and symptoms of these disorders. Many drugs, including some antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and some diabetes drugs, have side effects that affect the gastrointestinal tract. It is one of the most common side effects of drug therapy. stomach and colon cancer Gastrointestinal cancers affect the digestive system and include cancers of the throat, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, colon, and anus.  Uncontrolled cell division produces cancer, a malignant growth or tumor that has the potential to spread to nearby tissues. Effects after surgery Surgery can change the structure of the digestive system. It causes problems such as chronic diarrhea, pain, bowel obstruction, and even malabsorption. Functional issue Sometimes, patients may have gastrointestinal symptoms, but all examinations are regular. Diagnosing and treating these disorders that depend on the functioning of the digestive system can be challenging. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of these diseases. old age Aging causes changes in your digestive system, such as less saliva in your mouth, affecting your sense of taste, increasing reflux, and increasing your risk of certain types of cancer. systemic disease Many systemic diseases such as autoimmune diseases, heart failure, genetic diseases, HIV, and diabetes affect the digestive system and can lead to digestive disorders if not treated in time. However, some common digestive disorders have specific causes, such as: Lack of dietary fiber People with adequate fiber in their diet are significantly less likely to suffer from constipation. Inactivity Physical activity Inactivity Physical activity keeps your metabolism high and your body processes running faster. Walking for 30 minutes daily is one of the most recommended ways to prevent constipation. Dosage The most common drugs that cause constipation are: diuretic Narcotic analgesic antidepressants aluminum antioxidant calcium channel blocker Anticonvulsants containing iron milk: Some people become constipated after consuming milk and dairy products.   Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation is common in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Pregnancy Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that make women more prone to constipation. Also, the uterus may pressure the intestines, slowing the feeding rate. Overuse of laxatives Laxatives help with bowel movements. However, if you use it regularly, your body will get used to it, so you must gradually increase the amount to achieve the same effect. If a person becomes addicted, constipation may occur if they stop taking it. Dehydration Drinking plenty of water regularly reduces the risk of constipation. Colon or rectal problems Tumors can compress or narrow passageways, causing blockages. Intestinal or colonic lining, diverticulosis, and abnormal strictures are also known as colonic strictures.
The most common cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The exact cause of IBS is unknown. Factors that appear to play an essential role in the development of this disease include: Intestinal muscle contraction Muscle layers that line the intestinal walls contract as food passes through the digestive system. Substantial and longer-than-usual contractions can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Weak bowel contractions slow the passage of food, resulting in hard, dry stools. Nervous system Digestive nerve problems can cause more gas, bowel movements, or abdominal discomfort than usual. Poor coordination of signals from the brain and gut can lead to pain, diarrhea, and constipation. Intestinal inflammation Some of her IBS patients have increased immune system cells in their gut. This immune system response is accompanied by pain and diarrhea—severe infection. IBS can develop after severe diarrhea (gastroenteritis) caused by bacteria or viruses. Irritable Bowel Syndrome may also be associated with bacterial overgrowth. Changes in the intestinal bacteria (microflora) The microbiome is the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut and play an essential role in your health. Studies have shown that the microflora of people with irritable bowel syndrome may differ from that of healthy people.
Most Common Causes of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
Reflux esophagitis is caused by repeated acid reflux. When you swallow, the circular band of muscle at the bottom of your esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes, allowing food and liquids to flow into your stomach. The sphincters then close again. When the abnormal sphincter relaxes or weakens, stomach acid can return to the esophagus. This constant belching irritates the lining of the esophagus, often causing inflammation.
The most common cause of gallstones
The leading cause of gallstone formation is still unknown. Doctors may consider the following as possible causes of gallstones: Bile contains a lot of bilirubin. Bile has a lot of cholesterol. The gallbladder does not empty properly.
The most common cause of celiac disease
 It is still unclear what causes celiac disease specifically. A child's diet, gastrointestinal infections, and gut bacteria can also play a role in celiac disease, which can occur after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, viral infections, or severe stress. When the immune system overreacts to dietary gluten, it can damage the tiny villi and lining of the small intestine. Damage to the villi prevents them from absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food.
The most common cause of Crohn's disease
 Although the precise cause of Crohn's disease is unknown, it is thought to be brought on by an abnormal immune system response. The body's immune system attacks food, good bacteria, and beneficial substances. During an attack, white blood cells accumulate on the intestinal lining, causing inflammation. Inflammation leads to ulcers and intestinal damage. Factors that can increase the risk of inflammation include: genetic factors family history human immune system environmental factors Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses such as E. coli The most common cause of hemorrhoids In hemorrhoids, the veins around the anus are stretched, inflamed, and swollen.  Increased pressure in the lower rectum can result in hemorrhoids for the following reasons: obesity pregnancy anal sex strain to defecate eat a soft fiber diet chronic diarrhea or constipation sitting on the toilet for too long
The most common cause of ulcerative colitis
It is unknown what specifically causes ulcerative colitis. Diet and stress were once suspected, but doctors now know that while these factors may worsen the disease, they do not cause ulcerative colitis. One is a defective immune system. Genetics also appear to play a role in the development of colitis, so ulcerative colitis is more common in people with family members with the disease. However, most people with ulcerative colitis have no family history.
diverticulitis' most typical root cause
 No known cause has  been identified for diverticulitis, but its prevalence appears to be related to age, diet and lifestyle, and genetics. Diverticulitis usually occurs when a vulnerable colon area is compressed and a pouch forms in the colon wall. Rupture of a diverticulum can lead to inflammation, infection, or both, resulting in diverticulitis. Read the full article
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silverlab101 · 1 year
Oral Thrush: Old School Remedy Head And Neck Cancer Assist Society
Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser is an alternate that might be tried if different treatments have failed or if individuals want to avoid pesticides. When used, the hair ought to be fastidiously inspected for brand new lice for a quantity of weeks to ensure the product was effective. It is typically recommended that therapies be repeated for at least three weekly cycles . After application of these products, a blister forms beneath the wart.
Food, especially fatty meals, slows abdomen emptying and the speed of drug absorption, which explains why taking some medication on an empty stomach accelerates absorption. After an hour sufficient of most medicine could have been absorbed to make re-dosing not essential. However, if vomiting happens between 15 and 60 minutes, it isn't so clear-cut. There are some things you need to keep in mind earlier than deciding what to do on this state of affairs. When these measures do not work to fully resolve a cough after an affordable amount of time, then consultation with your doctor or nurse practitioner is really helpful.
Swimmer’s Ear or otitis externa is an inflammation of the ear canal most commonly attributable to a bacterial infection. It can affect any age group, although kids 5 to 14 years have the best incidence and it is estimated that 10% of people will develop it sooner or later in their life. The rash appears within several hours after swimming and may vary from a mild irritation to a severely itchy purple rash.
Once an individual has a sinus an infection, their corresponding mucosal circulate is usually massive. As it seems, pure aqueous colloidal silver is each antifungal and antibacterial . It kills some bacteria better than others, however it does kill all of them. Double or triple the dosage amount for as a lot as 30 days in order to deal with acute or severe illness.
Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser surgical procedure have all been used to take away the layer of skin with the malfunctioning melanocytes. Results are obtained quickly but are unpredictable and may be temporary, because the melanocytes on the model mouth ulcers remedy new skin may malfunction. Such procedures can also irritate the pores and skin, which might worsen melasma. Some physicians combine gentle exfoliation with topical depigmenting brokers.
This is a theoretical interplay, however until extra analysis is finished, the potential for the interplay cannot be ruled out. There are no identified interactions with meals or different colloidal silver for mouth ulcers natural supplements. Some people with allergy symptoms to grass pollens might need a reaction to elderberry containing merchandise. This has also has some antibacterial and anti-viral properties.
At their disposal, physicians will have a software to use known as the algorithm of drug causality for epidermal necrolysis . For patients taking a quantity of drugs, this software is used to determine the chance of which of the various medicine the patient is on is the offending one. As shingles is a viral infection, the mainstay remedy is high dose oral antivirals corresponding to acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir. These are usually colloidal silver for mouth sores given for one week and may shorten the period of the illness. In some forms of scleroderma, hard, tight pores and skin is the extent of this irregular collagen over-production course of. In other forms, nevertheless, the problem goes a lot deeper, and should severely have an effect on blood vessels and inside organs corresponding to the center, lungs, and kidneys.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Hand is in trap.
 On November 2018, am stayed at hospital with diagnosis as compression ishemic  neuropathy for right median nerve of right wrist with hurt syndrome, as of result protracting   acuting  .2years ago this problem happened, but am felt hurt and cheped.At  hospital for me done injections, droppers applied, after hospital felt better, but after again hurt .In   zoz   for no  1 6, 2019 read post by Neurologist Seliverstova, that read same about neuropathy, but for hip. Asking her a question, ad help , that hot to stop hurt, four fingers on right hand hurt, and on the nighttime, small finger just works, analgesics not help, rubbing too.
A how to live?
 Pressing for median nerve of hand is calling carpal syndrome canal, as anatomic narrowing in wrist. And other calling this neuropathy kind is tunnel wrist syndrome, which very often spreading in adults. Pathology is not dead, but affecting on the wrist work, and patient later loosing ability for loosing with hand doing an simple things. And how this is happens?
    Median nerve for wrist tie with CNS of muscle, answering for targeting and opposition for big finger, bending and bending out direction phalanges and middle fingers. In decreasing sizes for wrist canal is compression having for median nerve, that leading to destroys his blood  supply, as ishemia, like entering in trap,and its true hurt.
Reasons for carpal syndrome are local pathologic processes and in tunnel region, and common systemic diseases as: sugar diabetes, hypothyreosis,as lowering thyroid gland function, ovaries functional destroys, hormonal background changing on climax stage, systemic diseases for connective tissue as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, system scleroderma, polymyositis, gout, diseases for support-mobility apparatus.
And also leading  are big sizes forming for median nerve /neurofibroma, lipoma/.
Diagnosis here are neurologist checking, blood test on glucose level, TTH, elector  physiologic testing is electer  neuromiography for ultrasound nerves median, x ray for ray wrist canals.
And cure for tunnel syndrome depending on from a reason caused and character for local tissue changes in tunnel by ultrasound test and ENMG.For   example  a full cure for sugar diabetes or hypothyreosis are leading to damaging nerve allowing decreasing symptoms his irritation or a full avoiding his. At the same time using pathogenetical cures methods for removing loading a nerve by decreasing tissue edema or decompression nerve. And here using special items as bandages, orthosis, splint  are limiting mobility in damage region. They are comfortable in use and easy wear ,  remove, and buy theirs at pharmacy markets . And effectivity here a using for alfa-lipoid  acid as thioctic acid/octolipen, berlition, tiogamma, tioctacide. espa-lipon, one pill on 600 mg for morning on am empty stomach within month.
In finding neuropathic ache component ,keeping burning aches in wrist, are using  anticonvulsants as gabapentin, pregabalin, which prescribing by doctor s and control. If these remedies no helping in strong aches thus using a cure-diagnostic blockade in a entering in region for pinching as in carpal canal a anaesthetic novocaine, and hormone hydrocortisone. And surgery indications using  is in insufficient effect for conservative therapy and if in patients having: Signs for straight nerve compression by bone forming, fibrosis structures, scar-adhesion processes, tumor or haematoma, stable ache syndrome, lowering work ability, progressing atrophic paresis are few muscles with a lowering professional work capacity or social adaptation.And analgesics, rubbing in data diagnosis are not effectivity, as not removing a base reason a diseases is compressing nerve n wrist canal.
Seliverstova Ekaterina, neurologist M.D.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/b8B5J6V via https://ift.tt/QLAm4oC
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What is Celiac disease?
What is Celiac disease?
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When a person with a genetic predisposition consumes gluten, it can cause a significant autoimmune disease called celiac disease, which damages the small intestine. One in every 100 persons is thought to be affected by it worldwide, although only around 30% receive an accurate diagnosis.
Gluten is a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley that causes patients with celiac disease to develop an immune reaction that assaults their small intestine. The little fingerlike projections called villi that border the small intestine and aid in nutrient absorption are damaged as a result of these attacks. The villi must be repaired in order for nutrients to be efficiently absorbed by the body. 12th World Gastroenterology Conference Dubai, UAE
Celiac Disease Symptoms
The signs of celiac disease are distinct from those of a food allergy.
If you eat food that contains wheat despite having a wheat allergy, you can experience breathing difficulties or watery, itchy eyes. Adults with Celiac Disease Symptoms The following symptoms could appear if you have celiac disease and unintentionally consume something that contains gluten:
· Continent pain
· Anemia
· Having a bloated or full feeling
· joint or bone ache
· Constipation
· Diarrhea
· Gas
· Heartburn
· itchy rash with blisters (doctors call this dermatitis herpetiformis)
· weariness or headaches
Additionally, bone density loss and a reduction in spleen function can result from celiac disease (hyposplenism).
Children’s celiac disease symptoms
The following digestive issues are more prevalent in children with celiac disease:
· Belly bloating or swelling
· Constipation
· Diarrhea
· Pale, rotten-smelling faeces
· Stomach pain or vomiting
· Loss of weight
Best Gastroenterology Conference in Dubai
Among the issues that a child may have if celiac disease prevents their body from getting the nutrients they require are:
· Anemia
· worn-down tooth enamel
· postponed puberty
· infants’ failure to thrive
· irritability or mood swings
· neurological issues including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning impairments (ADHD)
Causes of Celiac Disease and Risk Factors
There is no known cause of celiac disease, according to research. It frequently runs in families and could be influenced by particular genes. It can be brought on by stressful medical circumstances such a viral illness or surgery. A pregnancy or mental trauma might also.
You have a one in ten chance of developing celiac disease if a parent or sibling or other member of your immediate family does.
The sickness most frequently affects Caucasians and those who also have other illnesses, such as:
· Thyroiditis with Hashimoto’s
· Diabetes type 1
· Addison’s illness
· Dwarf Syndrome
· arthritis rheumatoid
· Turner disease (a condition in which a female is missing an X chromosome)
· A number of sclerosis (MS)
· Hepatitis auto-immune
· Sjogren’s disorder
· Dilated cardiomyopathy that is idiopathic
· LgA kidney disease
· Lupus
· Rheumatoid bowel syndrome (IBS)
· persistent pancreatitis
· Psoriasis
· Scleroderma
· Williams disease
· primary cirrhosis of the liver
· Intolerance to lactose
· Colonic lymphoma
· Stomach cancer
Consequences of Celiac Disease
If you don’t receive treatment for celiac disease, it could be dangerous. Potential difficulties include:
Small bowel cancer and intestinal lymphoma are two types of cancer.
· Teeth enamel damage
· Pregnancy loss and infertility
· Lactose sensitivity
· Malnutrition
· Convulsions, numbness and discomfort in the hands and feet, and other neurological issues (peripheral neuropathy)
· Pancreatic illness
· Broken bones
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Diet and Treatment for Celiac Disease Celiac disease is not managed by medication. Altering your diet is the finest action you can do. Avoid eating goods that are normally prepared with grains unless they are specifically labelled as gluten-free, such as:
· Bread, cake, and other baked items made with beer
· Cereals
· Noodles or pasta
· Crackers
· Breading \Pancakes
· Gravies and sauces
These grains contain gluten invariably:
· Wheat \Wheat berries
· Durum
· Semolina \Spelt
· Farina \Faro
· Wheat Graham Einkorn
· Brewer’s yeast, rye, barley, and malt
· grain starch
It’s vital to read the label because common items like toothpaste and prescription drugs might contain gluten.
Your doctor may prescribe gluten-free vitamins and mineral supplements if you are seriously malnourished, and if you have a skin rash they may also prescribe medicine.
Your small intestine should start to recover after a few weeks of following a gluten-free diet, and you’ll start to feel better.
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Get CME/CPD Certification! The Organizing Committee of the 12th World Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference 2022, Dubai, UAE! (#GHUCG 2022) announced the deadline for abstract submission. Conference Date- December 21–22, 2022 Submit abstracts here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
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rhyce · 3 years
I had many life defining moments at the age of 12. That's the age I started drinking, started doing drugs, first time I tried to commit suicide and that's the age I started playing guitar.
If you've read my previous post you'll know I had a rare form of scleroderma. What I didn't mention though was that I had to be on chemo for it. It was a shot of chemo that i would take every morning before school. It would put me in a pissed off mood that would set the tone for the whole day. It would drain me of all energy, made me incredibly hungry, incredibly tired and would leave a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn't get rid of. I would feel like absolute death walking into school, it was like my soul was just drained from me. I would sit in class trying not to fall asleep while hoping no one could hear my stomach growling. I couldn't focus much on my classes but I remember having a shit ton of homework those first few years of middle school. I would be up for hours every night just trying to make sure all my homework was complete. Since there was so much work to do my main focus was on getting it all done rather than focusing on the actual work itself. So my grades were always d's and f's. I eventually gave up on trying to make sure it was all done right around the time that my school realized they were sending out too much homework for us. So by the time I was in the 8th grade the school no longer gave us assignments specifically to do at home but I stopped caring by then and had a lot of work that never turned in. I was largely overlooked in school. It was determined that I had dyslexia and some sort of learning disorder with math but nothing was ever done about that. I could never keep up with what was going on in class anyhow, with the chemo and all the sick days. I had to put on fmla for being out of school too many days for doctor appts and for the days that I was just so completey drained that k couldn't get out of bed.
My anger is what fueled me most days. I was fed up with the constant doses of chemo, being hungry all the damn time, not knowing what was going on in class, the bullying, my home life. There was no one I could confide in. So I write. All the time. I would write in a journal about my life, I would write short stories, poems (one of which was published), I would write out song lyrics that I came up with and guitar tablature for those songs, I would write about any and every thing. Still do actually. I love writing. But sometimes it's not enough, sometimes the weight of the world would get to me and that's when I tried to commit suicide at 12.
It was a botched pill overdose. I can't exactly remember what I took but all it did was give me a severe headache and made me throw up a lot. I never told anyone about it.
Soon after that I started smoking pot with my dad, and then I would smoke pot with my entire dad's side of the family. Aunt, uncle's, cousins, grandparents, everytime there was a family event I would smoke with them from an early age. I also started to drink alcohol around that time, at those family gatherings and with friends. It started out with just beer but quickly moved on to other, harder drinks. By the time I was 15 I had already tried extacy, coke, opiates and shrooms with different friends and people I'd met at parties. I went to parties a lot, it was a fun way to escape the pressures I felt at home. But I stopped going to parties at 16 when I was drugged and raped. That's around the age when I quit being so naìeve and stopped believing that just because people are nice to you doesn't mean they have your best interest at heart.
I'm going to elaborate more on why music and the creative arts, in general is so important to me and I'm going to share a story of something really bizarre that happened to me around the age of 13.
But I will save that for another post, this one is already getting too long.
So that's all for now.
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Some Allergic Reactions to Alcohol
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Allergic Reactions to Alcohol
It is surprising to learn that there are some people who develop allergic reactions to alcohol. The usual symptoms for allergies to alcohol include heart palpitations, headaches and feeling hot and are due to some ingredients found in wine, beer and spirits. To the few who have allergic reactions to alcohol, even an ml of pure alcohol is sufficient to start severe rashes, stomach cramps, collapse and even anaphylaxis.
It is the liver that breaks down alcohol into chemical, acetaldehyde and then acetic acid. When alcohol is not broken down, allergic reactions to alcohol may occur. Besides ethanol, alcoholic drinks have a mixture of grape, yeast, natural food chemicals, hop, barley and wood derived substances. And it is the proteins found in these grains and fruits that cause allergies in some people.
The fining agents like egg and seafood proteins are at times used for removal of unwanted organisms, fermentation and cloudiness by encouraging solids to fall out of suspension. However it is not clear if this is found in sufficient amounts such that allergic reactions are triggered.
As the human body produces small amounts of alcohol, allergy tests for alcohol usually come out negative. It is basically the breakdown products of ethanol like acetaldehyde that come out positive to allergy tests. People suffering from asthma usually find that wine, and not beer or spirits tend to worsen their asthma.
This is attributed to the sulphites like sodium metabisulphite that is added to these drinks as a preservative by inhibiting bacterial and yeast growth. This in turn prevents the wine from becoming vinegar and thus gives wine a longer shelf life. Those suffering from poorly controlled asthma may wheeze on consuming these drinks.
The sweeter is the wine, the more sulphur dioxide found in it. So people suffering from sulphur allergy may react to drinks having sulphites. Moreover, as asthma is also related to enzyme deficiency, an asthma patient may not be able to break down acetaldehyde on drinking alcohol. This in turn leads to asthmatic reactions in the patient.
The body tissues tend to release histamine in allergic reactions to alcohol leading to irritation. Red wines have lots of histamines in it that may trigger wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, stomach upset and headache. So if you have allergic reactions to alcohol, you should consider taking fruit wines with lower histamine levels.
Sometimes the alcohol found in food marinades, tomato puree, mixes, cough syrups, injected medicines and over ripe fruit is sufficient to trigger allergic reactions. These allergic reactions can be controlled by identifying and avoiding the causes, wearing a MedicAlert bracelet at all times and to carry adrenaline as a part of an emergency plan at all times.
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Radiograph : Esophageal Reconstruction with Colon after its Resection
Indications for Resection :
1. Carcinoma of esophagus
2. High grade dysphagia in Barett's Esophagus
3. Caustic injury
4. Dysfunction (scleroderma, achalasia, spasm)
5. Esophageal perforation
6. Recurrent GE reflux
Indications for Reconstruction :
1. Resection of Esophagus / Stomach
Dysfunctional esophagus)
2. Esophagectomy / Gastrectomy Complications
3. Failed esophageal continuity procedures
Conduits for Reconstruction :
1. Skin tubes
2. Stomach
3. Colon
4. Jejunum
5. Combination
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cnzmendoza · 5 years
Discovering the Map to Remission
How an MDMA-assisted therapy trial saved John Saul’s life
His hands felt frozen. It was frigid and windy outside, but 50 degree weather was normal for Sausalito, California. And besides, even if it was warmer, his fingers would still feel stiff and close to paralyzed. 
John Saul struggled to get out of bed. It felt like he had the flu. His body was fatigued, his head throbbed, and even the smallest movements would leave him out of breath. He had felt the same way the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that one, too. In 2012, he was diagnosed with systemic scleroderma, an incurable autoimmune disease that led his body to attack itself. Now three years laters, he had work to do as always, so he had to get up. He popped half a Percocet and started his day. 
He flipped open the San Francisco Chronicle, and his eyes shifted to an unusual article. The title read “Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County.” Two therapists, Dr. Phil Wolfson and his wife Julane Andries, were seeking patients for a clinical therapeutic trial. They were looking for people with life-threatening illnesses. They were looking for someone like John. 
This clinical trial would be part of a Phase II study on MDMA-assisted therapy. MDMA, or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine — more commonly known as ecstasy or molly — is often seen as a party drug. Its ability to produce transcendent bliss and unfiltered connection has made it popular at raves and night clubs, but the possibility of traumatic hallucinations and death have perpetrated the drug’s stigma.
John had never used MDMA before, but he’d dabbled with drugs briefly as a kid. Growing up in La Cañada, California, he would sneak out on a full moon night, make his way to the Pasadena hills near his home, and trip on psilocybin mushrooms. Given that he was only in middle school at the time, he remembers not knowing how to process what he experienced during those trips. “All I knew was that I felt the presence of something different,” he says. “It was something much bigger, almost like another force of life.” 
Though MDMA would be something new for John, he wasn’t fearful. In fact, he was filled with the same curiosity that thrilled him as a young teenager, an eagerness and sense of excitement that had been dormant for decades. “At that time, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. The trial gave me hope that I would have some sort of say in how my life played out.” Now, John hoped that this alternate life force could help in the ways that everything else had failed to do so.
A nonprofit organization called The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) would conduct the trial, as it had raised millions of dollars for research funding. MAPS was founded in 1986 by Rick Doblin, who has spent his entire career researching the therapeutic value of psychedelic drugs. He wrote his Master’s thesis on marijuana use for cancer patients, and in 2001, he received his Ph.D. from Harvard after writing his dissertation on the regulation of medical use for marijuana and psychedelics. 
Collaborating with doctors and therapists around the world, MAPS also designs the studies and works with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to gain regulatory approval and ensure safe, ethical protocols. After a successful Phase I, which is primarily to test out safety regulations, MAPS was now continuing the Phase II study. Other trials in South Carolina and Colorado were aimed at treating post-traumatic stress disorder, and now MAPS was looking to treat anxiety caused by life-threatening illnesses. The purpose of the therapy was not to cure these illnesses, but rather to give people peace and to help them gain control of their hindered lives.
Many people assume that those with life-threatening illnesses have anxiety because they’re in the face of death. “That’s a sure source of the anxiety,” John says. “But, at least for me, death is way easier to accept in comparison to just how hard life is. All I’m thinking is How am I supposed to go on?”
Systemic scleroderma struck John fiercely at age 47.  He had been an athlete all of his life, wrestling since he was 8. He got involved with sports in high school, and eventually went on to wrestle for the division-1 team at Cal State Fullerton. He went to the gym daily, sailed boats, and ran half-marathons. His life as a jock had kept him outdoors, fulfilling his everlasting urge for adventure.
But now, at 50, his joints ached like they were plagued by arthritis, and his hands swelled so much that they were stuck as if holding a microphone. Scleroderma causes an overproduction of collagen in the body, which is typically most noticeable in the hardening of the hands and the face. John’s fingerprints had vanished, and his skin morphed into a waxy, mannequin-like consistency. The extra collagen essentially affected his whole body, but if it were to get into his lungs, heart, or kidneys, he would die. He always had a slight headache and felt chronically dehydrated. His stomach acid raged within, and his bowels were constantly irritated. The skin on his stomach was so tight that he couldn’t stand up straight, and the rest of his skin burned and felt toxic, like he was lying in flames. It hurt just to touch it.
The only thing that could keep him going was his opiates. 
Each morning he would wash a tiny pill down with a glass of water, just to gain enough courage to get out of bed. The painkiller’s effects would only last for about two hours, though, so he would take several a day to numb himself.
John had spent the last several years building up his own yacht-brokering business, and he was thrilled to be in a profession that he loved. Even more so, he was proud to be the owner of a company that was finally gaining some momentum. But as his disease progressed, his body began to mimic the elderly grandparents who made up most of Sausalito’s population. For months now, John had little energy or motivation to live. 
There is no cure for scleroderma, only treatments to lessen the symptoms. For years John tried everything to maintain a normal life. He had a chest port inserted in his body to directly inject antibiotics into his veins, which had been proven to help arthritis. This treatment was beneficial for the first year as it minimized the hardening and aching of John’s joints, but he continued to use it for longer than he should have. He received the antibiotics for another two years, and his digestive system weakened as a result.
He went through every nutritional aspect that he could think of, testing out which foods triggered the disease. Because of a fragile digestive system that would lead to bloating and bowel irritation, he had to cut out foods like red meat and dairy products. He tried to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into his diet, but that could only do so much. 
He tried traditional talk therapy for a brief time, but he found the effects to be short-lived. Exercise, which had been his coping mechanism since high school, also seemed to be completely out of the picture. Even a trip to the grocery store would leave him out of breath, and he couldn’t drive back home until he sat in the car, reclined his seat, and napped for an hour. 
Working from home also took more energy than he could afford to give. He could barely pick up the phone to call clients because his hands were crippled, and their waxy texture didn’t provide much grip. His business was losing money, and he was becoming isolated from his work and friends. The thought of death, and the anxiety of awaiting its arrival, secluded him even more from real life. Perhaps, he often thought, it would just be better to end his life himself.
As he held the San Francisco Chronicle in his waxy hands, he knew that he had to enroll. This trial, he believed, would be his very last chance. 
John reached out to the MAPS trial researchers and got in touch with Phil and Julane. Phil told him that he certainly qualified for the trial, but he would have to go through an interview and some tests before his spot was guaranteed. John drove to the site of the trial, which was only twenty minutes from his home in Sausalito. He went up into the Muir Woods, on the windy road and through the infinite, colossal redwood trees. Finally, near the top of the mountains, he reached Phil’s office.
They told him in order to participate in the trial, John had to have a clean drug test. This meant cutting out the opiates that had been his saving grace for almost four years. “Opiates get a really bad reputation, but they truly kept me alive,” John says. 
Phil and Julane gave him a tapering schedule to manage the withdrawals that were sure to come as he laid off the opiates. When he got home, he looked at the clock. The last time he had taken an opiate was at 9am. He had always known this day would come, but now it was really time. He ripped up the schedule and threw it in the trash. He wouldn’t put another opiate into his mouth. 
The withdrawals were torturous and the pain so petrifying that he couldn’t sleep. In the early hours of the morning, he called his best friend, Jim. His body was on fire. His heart was beating at a million miles per hour, throbbing so hard that it might break through his chest at any moment. Sweat gushed down his face, and his fragile body shook like it was being electrocuted. He felt nervous and agitated as excess energy vibrated throughout his bones. The energy wasn’t the kind that he used to feel after a half-marathon or a boat race. Instead, he wanted to strangle someone, but he also wanted to weep. It had only been 18 hours since his last opiate. 
The opiate withdrawals were so agonizing that it was often hard to tell the difference between physical pain and mental anguish. But this was all he had, so it would have to be worth it.
In the fall of 2015, John was accepted into the study, and once more, he drove up the curvy mountains to the study site. The sunshine illuminated the wooden walls and the burgundy and light brown furniture around the room. The panoramic windows displayed the sea of green and the heavy clouds that were preparing for a storm. By the middle window, there sat a kind of shrine. Two pots of vibrant orchids were surrounded by candles, tiny figurines, and a picture of the therapists’ 16-year-old son Noah. 
Before the initial dosing, John had several therapy sessions with Phil and Julane. They told him that by the end of this process, they would know him better than anyone, and better than he knew himself. He was encouraged do “homework” in between sessions. He would take notes on things that he knew he needed to work on, and things that made him severely uncomfortable. These sessions would help the therapists, and MDMA, guide John through life and death.
His first MDMA dosing took him into another realm. He popped the pure MDMA pill that Phil had created in 1983. He laid on the “tripping couch” with his eyes closed and feet posted up. Ambient music played in the background. About 30 minutes passed, and he was flying. The colors around the room were the brightest he had ever seen. Each element was amplified and begged for his attention. The books on the tables, the paintings on the walls, and the plants around the room all came alive and greeted him with extraordinary personalities. When he closed his eyes, bright geometric patterns would dance around the back of his eyelids. 
Phil and Julane placed their hands on him, and for the first time, John experienced one of the most profound parts of MDMA-assisted therapy: human connection. 
He was wrapped in safety and comfort, and Phil and Julane took on the role of surrogate parents. “It felt like being bundled up and coming home from the hospital after you’re born,” John says. “It just felt that good.”
They told him to go in, drift inside his head, and let the medicine do the work. 
His life began to come alive like a picture book on a coffee table. People in his life would come onto the pages in the most crisp, vivid colors he had ever witnessed. He could take his time flipping through every page, remembering the purpose or the lesson that each person provided him with. Time became abnormal, and he would feel like he had been in the picture book for hours. It would really only be about 30 minutes. 
Phil and Julane would nudge him lightly after some time, and invite him to sit up. They had work to do. They would give him some gentle guidance, but ultimately, he would begin to talk about whatever was on his heart. “MDMA has some kind of intelligence that’s hard to describe, but it knows exactly what to bring up,” says John. 
Marcella Ot’alora, the principal investigator for the Colorado PTSD trial, explains that MDMA activates certain parts of the brain while lessening the activity in others. It effects the amygdala, the part of the brain that elicits fear, by making it less active. It releases serotonin and oxytocin, which establishes a sense of wellbeing, encourages self-acceptance, and heightens the bonding with therapists. Judgement is also not so present, which makes patients feel kind and affectionate toward themselves and others. Ot’alora emphasizes that seeing yourself and the world this way, especially when processing trauma, is a critical component in therapy.
Words would fly out of John’s mouth with the ease of reciting the alphabet. He and the therapists would shed light on the darkest, most uncomfortable parts of his life. They would discuss and analyze, all going down the same road collectively, for an hour or two before John would start to lose energy. He would then lay down again and get lost in the picture book within his mind. This went on for about eight hours, and when the MDMA wore off, he would spend the night at the study-site. John says that this first session felt like he had done 15 years worth of therapy in one day. 
The euphoria that John experienced is one that has stunned scientists and therapists for decades. MDMA was synthetically developed by a German company in 1912, but its use was dormant for several decades after the initial creation. It wasn’t until the 1970s that Dr. Alexander Shulgin, who obtained a biochemistry Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, first began to develop his own MDMA. After some self-experimenting, Shulgin relayed his excitement about the drug to Oakland psychiatrist Leo Zeff. 
Zeff, mutually mystified by the healing powers of the drug, helped Shulgin spread the word to dozens of other psychiatrists and therapists - one of whom was John’s therapist, Phil. Their hope that the drug could enhance therapeutic practices showed promise, but their campaign was short-lived. Although MDMA’s value was becoming known in a small medical community, it was simultaneously gaining fame in the party scene. 
The misuse of MDMA, paired with Ronald Reagan’s war on drugs, led to its placement as a Schedule I drug in 1985. This meant that it would be illegal, had no medical value, was likely to be abused, and lacked safety for use with medical supervision.
Though John was thrilled for what he believed would be a revolutionary therapy, the legalization of MDMA for therapeutic purposes has been difficult to fight for. The recreational use of the drug has resulted in a nationwide stigma. Especially since the rising popularity of raves, MDMA’s recreational use has been fatal for many in the U.S. The deaths related to the drug have also been publicized by the media perhaps more than any other drug in recent times. According to the Los Angeles Times, at least 29 people have died since 2006 because of drug-related causes at raves hosted by LA-based companies. A majority of them had MDMA in their system at the time of death. 
These deaths, affecting people from the ages of 15 to 37, have understandably struck fear and anger into people all over the country. While the effects of MDMA are euphoric and otherworldly, the drug can be high-risk if used recreationally. Death is a possibility without safety precautions and a genuine understanding of how the body and the drug work together. 
MDMA-related deaths have been caused by a multitude of different scenarios. Many people who died from MDMA-related causes were also found to have had other drugs in their bodies at the time, such as cocaine, heroine, and methamphethamines. Nevertheless, ecstasy or molly pills are almost never pure MDMA and can contain mixtures of other unknown substances. 
Because high body temperatures are a natural reaction to MDMA, dehydration and over-hydration have also played significant roles in these deaths. Aside from the dangerous physical effects that can occur when an MDMA dose is not properly monitored, the mental effects can be just as damaging. 
Environment is a crucial component for MDMA trips because, as experienced in the PTSD trials, the drug has the ability to bring up traumatic memories that may have been suppressed for years. Without proper preparation and guidance, the drug can cause mental anguish that can further traumatize people or lead them to take life-threatening measures.
Because of these possibilities for harm, MAPS researchers have put together strict protocols to ensure that their patients’ bodies and minds are protected at all times. This protection comes from a variety of mechanisms, the first being the therapists’ genuine knowledge of the drug and its powers. Their expertise is necessary to monitor the patient’s body, such as their heart-rate and body temperature, to observe any negative reactions to the drug. Because MDMA enhances the way the brain processes its surroundings, a balanced physical setting is also imperative. The trials require a fairly quiet environment, which is void of any external stimuli that could cause negative distractions. To further create a sense of safety and tranquility, blankets are provided and ambient music is encouraged. Perhaps most importantly, it’s crucial for the therapists and the patient to establish an alliance - a relationship that is built on trust and empathy. This is one of the most revolutionary components of the therapy as it proactively guides the patient to build healthy relationships and use human connection as a healing tool. 
The trials have taken place in several parts of the world, including the U.S., Israel, and Sweden. So far, the small sample sizes have been relatively small, and almost all of the trials have been funded by one organization: MAPS. Though the trials have some questionable attributes, the results have been quite promising.
In 2008, Michael and Ann Mithoefer completed the first MDMA-assisted therapy clinical trial. They published the study in The Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2012, which aimed to treat individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. They stated that out of 19 patients that received the MDMA treatment, 14 sustained significant benefits at their long-term follow-up, which occurred during an average of 3.5 years after the dosing. These results were measured by the Clinician Administered PTSD Score (CAPS), which shows the patients’ symptoms, as well as the severity of the symptoms. Two patients relapsed, and three did not complete a long-term follow-up, which results in a 74% positive result compared to 89% without the inclusion of those who did not follow-up. Though the results have been positive, what’s even more promising is the length of time it took for individuals to heal. Before the trials, each patient had received ineffective therapy for an average of close to 20 years. MDMA-therapy, on the other hand, was able to provide long-term healing for the majority of its patients after only two sessions, over a span of two months. 
About a month after John’s first MDMA dose, he was back with his feet posted up on Phil and Julane’s tripping couch. He was lying on his back, staring up at the wooden ceiling. An oil vaporizer produced steam which danced around the room gracefully. The sun shined on the particles, and when the light struck a certain way, the steam slowly curled around the therapists’ faces. 
He was mesmerized by the dancing steam when a thought suddenly struck him. It was a thought that had haunted him for years, one that he had convinced himself was the truth. His lips parted open, but before he could even get a syllable out, everything stopped. Even the faintest sounds had paused. The particles in the air stood in place. Phil and Julane stopped breathing. Time was still. 
John heard a voice, partially in his head but also within the room. He felt an instant sense of guilt, like a puppy that had been caught chewing a shoe. Chills went down his arms all the way down to his feet, and the voice told him, “There’s only truth in this room.”
John knew instantly that the words that were about to come out of his mouth were false. Though he spent much of his life believing them, he hadn’t been honest with himself. Because his parents were so stern, he was always in fear of punishment. Even the thought of getting in trouble was terrifying, so John learned to lie. He became such a good liar that he began to lie even to himself. The voice halted him, and everything around him, to remind him of what was true. In that moment, John began to respect his own personal truth.
John’s dishonesty was one of several uncomfortable topics that the MDMA brought forth.   Relationships, financial issues, self-esteem, and other tender spots were among the others. Though normally John would have been avoidant of these topics, the MDMA allowed him to talk through them with ease. 
Family life was one of the most crucial things John analyzed during his sessions. He was born when his parents were only 19, and he felt that his upbringing lacked the warm affection that he had grown to crave. When presenting unpleasant moments, the MDMA would play short movies of his life back to him, with memories drifting from as far back as the age of five. 
In the midst of his tripping, John saw a memory from when he was six years old. He had been outside playing with friends when another young boy purposely hit him in the mouth with a baseball bat. His lip was bleeding, and he ran home screaming with tears running down his face. John went to look for his father, expecting him to open up for a hug, clean his face up, and feel sympathy for his son. Instead, when he saw John, he stood up and filled the room with anger. He marched toward John, and John quickly forgot all about his bloodied lip. Now he was afraid of his father. He ran out of his house, while his father chased him for three blocks until he reached the house of the boy who hit him. 
“Is this the boy that did this to you?” his father asked. John nodded his head.
“Was it an accident?” John shook his head. 
“Okay,” his father said. “Hit him.”
John obeyed his father and proceeded to harm the boy who had bloodied his lip. Looking back on the memory, John remembered how brutal his father’s lesson was. At the time, he had always seen his father in that way - an aggressive, strict, and hardened man. But looking back, almost 50 years later, he began to understand that this was the only way his father knew how to care for him. Though he didn’t hug and kiss John when he came home sobbing, he taught John to stand up for himself in the way that his own father had taught him growing up. John grew to be what he calls “a gentle fighter,” one who fights with his words and deeds rather than with physical actions, but he came to understand that this self-defense mechanism stemmed from his father. 
After his second session, John was faced with something he hadn’t felt in years. He felt courage. The MDMA, though powerful as it was, did not reveal answers to him in the open. Ultimately, he was left to sort through his experiences on his own. The feeling of bravery had almost become unfamiliar to him, but he wanted to act on it while he could. His body was still rebelling and he hadn’t been active in years, but he thought that now he might have the power to change that. He decided to purchase a pair of running shoes. 
On that day, he went to his favorite old running trail. He was only able to walk and jog about half a mile. He breathed heavily as sweat ran down his face, and he finally made it back to his car. This was nothing compared to the 13 miles he used to run, but he was exhausted. Though his entire body ached, he felt a different kind of high - a surge of adrenaline, mixed with relief and gratitude. 
“It hurt like hell, but it felt like my body was thanking me.”
John’s last session with Phil and Julane was perhaps the most pivotal moment of his life. John was lying down and looked over at Phil for a quick moment. Phil was staring out of the window, with the sunlight shining on his face, illuminating the tears that were running down it. Suddenly compelled by an urgency of strength, John sat up. “Lay it on me,” he told Phil. Their roles were now reversed.
For the first time in his life, John felt competent to hold a sacred space for someone else. Phil began telling him about his son Noah, who had died at 16 of leukemia. He told John about the family’s struggle to accept Noah’s fate, and how MDMA was one of the ways in which Phil and Julane established their own resilience. Eventually, after years of arguing and answer-searching, Phil, Julane, and Noah found acceptance. They understood that Noah would be gone soon, and he was able to die free of anger and full of gratitude.
Phil talked in detail about his son’s last moments, and how those memories triggered his tears. They were a reminder of why he was with John now. They were also a reminder of the goal of these trials: to find solace and fight in the face of death.
In the last hour of John’s final session, he was overcome with anxiety. His body began to shake as MDMA’s final messages were calling him to create an entirely new life. Phil and Julane, sensing his fear and angst, placed their hands on him in the same way that they did in the very beginning of his first session. John felt their gentle touch as he breathed heavily, and their watchful presence calmed him. 
He began to get visits from different entities. He didn’t see them, but sometimes he would hear them.  John compares this feeling to sitting up when you’re half-asleep. You wonder if someone is in the room or if the voices you just heard were even real. Then you realize that it was all just a dream. The entities came to him as if they were an extended version of this feeling - an amplified thought. Ultimately, it was his own heart and brain talking to each other. It was time for a serious meeting.
You’re working in the wrong business, they told him.
He had spent the past eight years building up his yacht-brokering company. At times, during the peak of his illness, it was all that kept him going. But if he continued, it would end up killing him - if it hadn’t already started doing so.
He would spend six months working on a deal, just for it to end when his clients’ egos would get in the way. Their worlds revolved around petty things, and his did, too. It didn’t make sense for life to be like this, especially when he didn’t even know how much life he had left.
You’re living in the wrong place.
Sausalito is a quiet, seaside town which was ideal for John’s business. For John himself, though, it wasn’t where he needed to be. The mornings were always cold and crisp, which only hardened his body more. It was an isolated town, full of wealthy, older folks. He needed to be in the sunshine, and he needed to be around people and places that were full of vitality. 
You need to work on your relationships.
During his sessions, John had seen memories from his earliest years. He was able to analyze nearly every part of his life, including a cold relationship with his parents and a toxic relationship with an ex-girlfriend. He didn’t know how, but he would have to find a way to deal with them. 
Lastly, they told him, You need to help people. 
Today, nearly two years after completing the trial, John lives in Venice Beach, where the weather is warm and the people are wild. He shut down his yacht-brokering business, and his body is now 90% healed. Though the objective of the therapy was not to cure illnesses, the healing powers that Alexander Shulgin raved about when he first tried MDMA have proven to unite John’s mind and body.
His life wasn’t miraculously easy after the therapy, but he gained tremendous insights and tools to work his way through the hard parts. Simply having the mental capacity to get out of bed and aim for something healed John in several ways. “I learned to make friends with my body and to remember that it had been good to me for so many years before I was diagnosed,” he says.  He began to change his unhealthy sleeping habits, he strictly managed his diet, and he began to exercise daily like he once did. He started practicing yoga again, which helped to improve the elasticity of his skin, and he’s currently trained to teach aerial yoga to older clients. Eight months after he huffed and puffed down the trail after his second MDMA session, he also ran a half-marathon. 
John says the integration process is like being in a helicopter, overlooking the world underneath you from a bird’s eye view. Everything is beautiful, and the feeling of ecstasy is truly living up to its name. Suddenly, you’re pushed out of the plane. When you finally hit the ground, you land on a skateboard and you’re flying down a steep hill. Maybe you’ve never even ridden a skateboard before, but you’re forced to find a way to make it down the hill alive. 
As with other psychedelics, the few days after an MDMA dose often come with a dark hangover. Because the brain has been so energized and overfilled with serotonin, the come-down can be bleak. For John, these days were difficult because he had to find ways to integrate the otherworldly awareness into his daily life. However, the darkest days were also the most promising when it came to understanding his experience. “A lot of people don’t like this part of the therapy, but that’s when you really need to look inside,” he says. “You write your thoughts down, take vitamins, drink a lot of water, and try to help your brain rebuild itself.”
During his sessions, John was aware that the feelings of bliss wouldn’t last forever, but the fact that he was able to feel emotions on such a deep level made him hopeful. If it was possible to feel that good on the drug, maybe he could feel the same without it. He’s gotten pretty close, but he finds euphoria in a much simpler form now. He likes to call them snapshots - mental pictures in which he takes the time to grab a moment and absorb it into his brain. It can take form in many ways, like running on his favorite trail, or getting lunch with a good friend and sitting next to a window, smelling your food coming to you. “It’s a cliche. People always say, Oh, live in the moment! It’s really easy to say, but you have to deliberately do it. It’s just a matter of grabbing sincere appreciation of something, even if it means you have to cry your eyes out sometimes.”
John’s integration process is still a work in progress, but he’s using his journey to help others who have come out of the trials or their own psychedelic experiences. After he shut down his yacht-brokering business, he started working on a company of a much different nature. Map to Remission, a play on both medical remission and life repurposing, aims to provide a community and resources to others who have been knocked down by a life-threatening illness. John holds weekly 3-Peer sessions in which he and two or three others Skype call to talk about their integration process. The point of the sessions is not to coach or counsel each other, simply because none of them are therapists or psychiatrists. Instead, they share their own experiences and provide unwavering support.
While he’s getting his company up and running, he’s also involved in other integration circles in Los Angeles. John and his peers work to protect people from using MDMA unsafely or as an escape route. It’s not meant to be used as a way to escape our real worlds, but rather as a way to better understand them. Education is proving to be one of the most crucial steps of the legalization of MDMA-assisted therapy, and John is doing his part to share his journey. The psychedelic community continues to grow rapidly, and John’s body and mind continue to heal in return. 
“It turns out that community is some of the best medicine you could ever have,” he says.
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“What is Dysphagia and How to Deal with it"
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What is Dysphagia?
Dysphagia is a disease where you are experiencing difficulties while swallowing foods or liquids. This is the most common disease found in older adults and infants or can happen to anyone. Dysphagia is a Swallowing disorder involving the oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, or gastroesophageal junction. This disease mostly affects the area of the oesophagus or throat. If you are dealing with dysphagia, there is a chance that you may experience any of the following symptoms:
Acid Reflux
Vocal Changes
Excess Saliva
Pain while swallowing
Bringing Food back up (regurgitation)
Sudden Weight Reduction
Coughing while Swallowing
Choking of food when Eating
Causes of Dysphagia:
Possible Causes of Dysphagia Include:
1. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis  - an incurable process of increased neurodegeneration.  Over time, the spinal nerves and the brain gradually lose function.
2. Achalasia - the lower extremity muscles do not get enough rest to allow food to enter the stomach.
3. Spreading spasm - muscles in the oesophagus contract in an inconsistent way.
4. Stroke - brain cells die due to lack of oxygen because blood flow is reduced. If brain cells that control swallowing are affected, they can cause dysphagia.
5. Oesophageal ring - a small part of the canal shrinks, preventing solid food from passing through at other times.
6. Eosinophilia esophagitis - very high levels of eosinophils (a white cell type) in the blood. These eosinophils grow uncontrollably and attack the digestive system, leading to vomiting and difficulty swallowing food.
7. Multiple sclerosis - the central nervous system is attacked by the immune system, which destroys myelin, which normally protects the nerves.
8. Myasthenia gravis (Gold flam disease) - muscles under voluntary control get tired easily and weak because there is a problem with how the nerves promote muscle contraction. This is an autoimmune disease.  
9. Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonism syndromes - Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that impairs a patient's motor skills.
10. Radiation - some patients receiving radiotherapy for the neck and the head area may have difficulty swallowing.
11. Cleft lip and palate - a type of abnormal facial growth due to incomplete contact of the bones of the head, leading to gaps (cracks) in the palate and the lip to the nose.
12. Scleroderma - a group of rare body diseases in which the skin and connective tissue become stiff and stiff.
13. Oesophageal cancer - a type of cancer in the area, usually related to alcohol and smoking, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. (GERD)
14. Oesophageal stricture - Throat often associated with GERD.
15. Xerostomia (dry mouth) - not enough saliva to keep the mouth moist.
Risk Factor:
Neurological Condition - People with certain disorders of the nervous system make dysphagia much easier.
Aging - Older adults are at greater risk of swallowing food due to common degeneration and sore throat. Also, certain aging disorders can cause dysphagia, such as Parkinson's disease.
Dysphagia leads to:
Malnutrition - This is in the case where people are not aware of the dysphagia and are not being able to treat it. Simply at this moment, they lack enough nutrients for good health.
Dehydration - If a person is not able to drink properly, his drinking of the fluid may not be enough, which in turn leads to dehydration.
Respiratory pneumonia - Food or fluid that gets into your air when you try to swallow can cause aspiration pneumonia because food can bring germs to your lungs.
Weight loss - Due to the difficulty of swallowing food or drink, a person may not get enough nutrients leading to weight loss.
Choking - When food is caught while swallowing; means strangulation. If food completely blocks the airway, and no one intervenes with an effective Heimlich manoeuvre, death is possible.
Diagnosing and Treating Dysphagia:
If you experience difficulty while swallowing you should see a gastroenterologist to find out what is happening. Your doctor will go through your medical history and ask you some questions about the problems you are having. From there, some tests will be done to diagnose dysphagia. These tests include:
Arrium Barium or traditional X-ray
Monitoring Monitoring pH (measuring the amount of acid in the stomach)
In conjunction with providing a diagnosis, your GI doctor may be able to pinpoint the cause of your dysphagia. The reason will determine the type of treatment you receive. Common treatment options include:
Changing your diet and avoiding certain foods
End Endoscopy to remove anything inserted into the throat
Exercise to strengthen and improve the throat and throat muscles
Medication to control heartburn, esophagitis, or GERD
Surgery to remove the blockage Surgery to remove blockages
The cause of your dysphagia will also determine the prognosis. For example, those with dysphagia caused by acid reflux, GERD, or dementia can be completely cured of their condition with medication. Of course, chronic dysphagia can also be effectively managed with regular monitoring and care from a gut specialist.
If you or a loved one has difficulty swallowing a gastroenterologist can find the cause of your symptoms immediately. Ignore swallowing problems. Turn to a doctor as soon as possible to find out what happened.
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These thin strips make the best solution for all those people suffering from dysphagia. This is a revolutionary product that has changed many lives. You can also shop for these on vitalysed.com/ amazon.in or Flipkart.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Hand is in trap.
 On November 2018, am stayed at hospital with diagnosis as compression ishemic  neuropathy for right median nerve of right wrist with hurt syndrome, as of result protracting   acuting  .2years ago this problem happened, but am felt hurt and cheped.At  hospital for me done injections, droppers applied, after hospital felt better, but after again hurt .In   zoz   for no  1 6, 2019 read post by Neurologist Seliverstova, that read same about neuropathy, but for hip. Asking her a question, ad help , that hot to stop hurt, four fingers on right hand hurt, and on the nighttime, small finger just works, analgesics not help, rubbing too.
A how to live?
 Pressing for median nerve of hand is calling carpal syndrome canal, as anatomic narrowing in wrist. And other calling this neuropathy kind is tunnel wrist syndrome, which very often spreading in adults. Pathology is not dead, but affecting on the wrist work, and patient later loosing ability for loosing with hand doing an simple things. And how this is happens?
    Median nerve for wrist tie with CNS of muscle, answering for targeting and opposition for big finger, bending and bending out direction phalanges and middle fingers. In decreasing sizes for wrist canal is compression having for median nerve, that leading to destroys his blood  supply, as ishemia, like entering in trap,and its true hurt.
Reasons for carpal syndrome are local pathologic processes and in tunnel region, and common systemic diseases as: sugar diabetes, hypothyreosis,as lowering thyroid gland function, ovaries functional destroys, hormonal background changing on climax stage, systemic diseases for connective tissue as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, system scleroderma, polymyositis, gout, diseases for support-mobility apparatus.
And also leading  are big sizes forming for median nerve /neurofibroma, lipoma/.
Diagnosis here are neurologist checking, blood test on glucose level, TTH, elector  physiologic testing is electer  neuromiography for ultrasound nerves median, x ray for ray wrist canals.
And cure for tunnel syndrome depending on from a reason caused and character for local tissue changes in tunnel by ultrasound test and ENMG.For   example  a full cure for sugar diabetes or hypothyreosis are leading to damaging nerve allowing decreasing symptoms his irritation or a full avoiding his. At the same time using pathogenetical cures methods for removing loading a nerve by decreasing tissue edema or decompression nerve. And here using special items as bandages, orthosis, splint  are limiting mobility in damage region. They are comfortable in use and easy wear ,  remove, and buy theirs at pharmacy markets . And effectivity here a using for alfa-lipoid  acid as thioctic acid/octolipen, berlition, tiogamma, tioctacide. espa-lipon, one pill on 600 mg for morning on am empty stomach within month.
In finding neuropathic ache component ,keeping burning aches in wrist, are using  anticonvulsants as gabapentin, pregabalin, which prescribing by doctor s and control. If these remedies no helping in strong aches thus using a cure-diagnostic blockade in a entering in region for pinching as in carpal canal a anaesthetic novocaine, and hormone hydrocortisone. And surgery indications using  is in insufficient effect for conservative therapy and if in patients having: Signs for straight nerve compression by bone forming, fibrosis structures, scar-adhesion processes, tumor or haematoma, stable ache syndrome, lowering work ability, progressing atrophic paresis are few muscles with a lowering professional work capacity or social adaptation.And analgesics, rubbing in data diagnosis are not effectivity, as not removing a base reason a diseases is compressing nerve n wrist canal.
Seliverstova Ekaterina, neurologist M.D.
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