#scorpios leos and other taurus my beloveds
slasherscream · 5 months
i'll never date another virgo ever.... if I have any Virgo followers, look away from this post right now...
okay now that the Virgos are gone what the fuck is wrong with them??
however, I do want to date a scorpio.... i want to know what is wrong with scorpios very badly
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grisastro · 1 year
Astro Observations 4 (+ placements I find Attractive at the bottom)
- [ ] Mars-Venus Conjunction (or at least in the same sign) indicates popularity? In my observations, they are a YouTubers, Influencers, content Creators, Insta Models.
- [ ] Sun-Uranus people I’ve met, most of them are LGBTQ, also me (is it a coincidence??)
- [ ] Also Aquarius Risings I know, most of them are LGBTQ
- [ ] Have you ever attracted enemies or people who hated you for no reasons? Do you have any planets in your 12th house??
- [ ] Your chart ruler should never be overlooked. Its position and aspects tell a lot about you. I found one website that really accurate 👉🏻 https://teaandrosemary.com/
- [ ] Is it only me? Who find Aries Rising Men have a ton of sex appeal.. it’s like there’s a fire in their eyes, a warrior eyes, very sexy, very firery. I know one friend who is Aries Rising and also Mars Square Rising together. I wanna F him😂
- [ ] Are Gemini stellium a gossiper?
- [ ] You tend to be attracted to people who share the same Moon sign or at least find them interesting and wanna know more about them.
- [ ] From my observations, People with Venus Conjunct Mars are always in a relationship. They don’t stay single for too long. When they break up with someone, not too long and they will be in the next relationship. Maybe because it’s not so difficult for them to attract love interest since they are really attractive and easy to be around.
- [ ] Is it true for Venus in 12th house native that you just know what it feels like to be heart broken even if your heart never been broken before? Or you just know what it feels like to fall deeply in love or beloved by someone even if it’s never happened before? They said that Venus in 12th house has learned every lessons about love (1-11 houses) from the past lives.
- [ ] I have interacted with 2 persons in my life who has interceptions in their charts, and it felt like there’s an imbalance in their personality, lack of something I can’t pinpoint, I dunno, something missing in their personalities. ( both of them are unaware and not into astrology tho, and I believe that if they were , they would fill the hole by working on something)
- [ ] I think that the Sun sign that easiest to spot is Aquarius Sun. They are everything but generic.
- [ ] In my opinion, I think the most egotistical placement if undeveloped is sun in the 1st house.
- [ ] Also, sun in the 1st house natives, most likely to have the same sign as their rising. People with This placement give off the Main Character energy. Strong character, and people see you as a leader, and of course you have a great leadership skill.
- [ ] There’s always some people in your workplace or school who seen as different and unique. Check if they have Uranus in the 1st house. And if it’s happen to make a Major aspect to the their Sun, their uniqueness is even amplified and more apparent. It may not be so obvious but people will have an idea that they are not like others.
- [ ] Also look at the house that the Sun and Uranus sit in may give you more insight. For example: if they have Uranus in the 1st house and Sun in the 10th house ( which squaring each other), their work could be unique and offbeat. Very outstanding!
- [ ] Not only Scorpio IC that have a tough and traumatic childhood, but Also Aries. ( need to see the whole chart though)
- [ ] Gemini Risings look young and got bright eyes like a child.
Lastly, what BIG 3 combination you find most attractive and/or what placement in a birthchart you find irresistible and why? Share with me 😊
Placements I find charismatic
- [ ] Venus in Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries
- [ ] Mars in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini
- [ ] Moon in Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
- [ ] Sun in Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces, Libra
- [ ] Mercury in Libra, Virgo, Pisces
- [ ] Fixed Risings (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus), Sag and Cappy!
- [ ] Venus-Uranus, Venus-Pluto, Mars-Pluto, Sun-Uranus, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus
- [ ] Venus/Sun/Mars/Moon in 8th house
- [ ] Mars/Uranus in 1st house
- [ ] Uranus in 5th house
- [ ] 11th house Stellium, 8th house Stellium, 5th house Stellium
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anatheyma · 5 months
btd/tpof characters don't seem to have official birthdays so i wanna share my zodiac sign hcs
(i'm not an expert in astrology this is just for fun)
strade: sagittarius
this is a bit awkward to explain since i'm a sagittarius myself. i don't relate to him, but he definitely has to be a fire sign and this one seemed the most fitting out of the three. first of all sagittarians are considered lively, passionate, outgoing and charming - traits that i think fit strade's description. he's carefree and fun-loving i guess you could say, but also intelligent in a way, or at least has a good technical information. gato has mentioned that strade has a fear of being limited or locked up which goes well with the thing sagittarians have with their freedom.
lawrence: capricorn
now that is a capricorn man if i've ever seen one. they're described as critical, sensitive and cautious, struggling with letting people in. capricorns are happy being on their own and fall in love slowly, they have to take time to understand you at first. it's clear that lawrence doesn't trust people easily. to me it seems like he wants to be in control of things, too. on surface level, those antlers remind me of the symbolized mythological creature of capricornus and regardless of his love for plants, i associate lawrence with snowy forests instead of green. (capricorns are born december 22 - january 19)
ren: libra
i'm not only saying this because i tend to be head over heels for libras okay let me tell you something; libras are often extroverted and sweet. they avoid conflict which is why they tend to be people-pleasers and we know ren is one. even when he's older in tpof, you can kind of call him out for not making his own decisions, but instead relying on the chat's suggestions and opinions. maybe he struggles with making them himself... and what's the biggest libra stereotype again? yeah, exactly that. librans are ruled by venus, the goddess of love, so they adore beautiful things. of course he'd want to dress you up all pretty for the live streams <3
mason: taurus
i admit i haven't actually diven that deep into this character yet, but right off the bat he strikes me as an earth sign. taureans love to relax in serene, bucolic environments, which i guess you could call his cabin in the woods. they're also built for endurance and tasks requiring concentration and determination, traits that i assume must be helpful when hunting. mason comes off as resourceful and tough, just like taureans.
celia: virgo
my beloved celia... like virgos, she's hardworking and intelligent, but also uptight and easily frustrated. understandably so, imagine being married to a man when you could run away with me 🙄 anyway, they're also perfectionists at heart and she'd probably enjoy training you with diligent and consistent practice, you're her little mouse after all. oh, and virgo rules the digestive system. hand over those donuts, ma'am!
derek: leo
bet you thought i'd say scorpio because of his tattoo? nah, he has leo energy. he's confident - even arrogant - and fits the leo description of both luxury-loving and drama-loving. leos love to lead, be admired and receive praise and respect of others. i imagine derek's like that due to possible daddy issues. sorry to come for him like that. my opinion might be completely based due to growing up with a couple of brats from upper middle class families who happened to be leos.
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leoascendente · 2 years
Astro observations pt.3 (karmic astrology edition) 🪐
🌠 Bad aspects (opposition/square) in planets means karma, good aspects (sextile/trine) means dharma
🌠 Our south node in house and sign is closely related to our death in a previous lifetime, commonly the previous life to the actual incarnation. Ex: I have my south node in Aquarius in the 6th house, with regressions and astrology I found out that I died in my previous lifetime from health problems (6th house) that were probably unknown for that time (Aquarius). I died like king Viserys of hotd😵‍💫
🌠 Bad aspected Neptune usually means a bad use of spirituality in a previous lifetime
🌠 Chiron tells us about the wound of our soul, the house and sign it is placed tells us the lesson we are repeating from many other lifetimes
🌠 Saturn is the great master of karma, wherever it is placed tells you the most important lessons for this lifetime. Ex: Saturn in the 2nd house or Taurus usually means a bad relationship with money, resources or the physical body
🌠 Jupiter is the lord of dharma, usually tells us what we did well in a past lifetime and the harvest of our good deeds. Jupiter in house and sign can tell you your karmic gifts.
🌠 Chiron square/opposite Mercury usually means blockages to communicate our needs to feel better, this means that in a previous lifetime we didn't let people express themselves freely and we stopped them from doing it even being conscious the help was needed.
🌠 Chiron square/opposite Moon means bad relationship with female figures, usually this placement tends to makes this natives have a really hard time opening up and being vulnerable, is more visible on males. This is because in a past lifetime those were the feelings the native left in their beloved ones' lifes
🌠 This isn't about astrology but numerology. If you add the numbers of your birth year you can know your gender in your previous lifetime, if it's an odd number you were a male, if it's an even number you were a female. Ex: I was born in 1999. 1+9+9+9= 28; 2+8= 10. You take off the 0 and leave the 1, so I was a man in a past life.
🌠 Good aspects of Mars means we made good use of our strengths in a past lifetime, these natives avoided hurting other people unfairly
🌠 Planets in retrograde bring karmic lessons to resolve. Here there's a post about that.
🌠 Long transit planets like Uranus, Neptune or Pluto brings collective karmic lessons. Ex: Pluto in Scorpio broke a lot of sexual taboos, Pluto in Sagittarius exposed the other face of religions.
🌠 Any planet in conjuction with Saturn is a major karmic lesson to resolve.
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Link to the picture here
 © Leo ascendente
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sunn-shinne · 3 months
Who do Capricorn Placements go with best?
(my opinions)
Capricorn Venus' that are confined when it comes to love need a Virgo placement that can help them love. capricorns crave a more stable relationship,someone that's not controlling but someone that's also educated and likes to learn. Virgos are the embodiment of that.
Capricorn Placements and Leo placements are good business and friendship wise. Relationships not as much. As long as a Leo's pride doesn't get in the way or a capricorns restraints,all should be right.
Capricorn and Taurus placements. Capricorns love hard workers that are blunt and honest. Taurus loves the organized Capricorn.
Pisces and Capricorn friendships. A balance to a capricorns pessimist,realistic reality is a dreamy and hopeful pisces. Just don't smother the cap in positivity.
Capricorns with the same placements (ie two cap suns) connect so easily. The communication flows because they both understand what they both want. It builds great friendships. Relationships too.
Scorpios my beloved -- capricorns will never get bored of their favorite Scorpio. Capricorns and Scorpios are so much alike in ways of working and trust. But Scorpios are passionate and are the balance to a reserved Capricorn.
What about Capricorn Placement pairs that just don't work?
Gemeni's and capricorns almost never get along. Gemeni's are too two faced at times so there's a lack of trust. Capricorn is too controlling for gemeni and gemeni is all play no work. Capricorn placements never like instability.
Aries and caps. Ones too fiery and uncontrollable again,too bold and too much for a Capricorn that likes a plan,organization and the expected. Aries are not that. Aries finds capricorns controlling and tend not to get along.
Capricorn suns and Capricorn moons. Capricorn suns are honest but disciplined. Capricorn moons are disciplined in a way there emotions are bottled. Miscommunication with feelings are constant and tend not to work.
Aquarius' flow too much,stress too little for Capricorns. They let life run it's course and think optimistically. Capricorns are too organized , too cautious and stress too much for an aquarius.
Capricorn placement pairings that are ehh
Libra and Capricorns together are eh. Communication isn't perfect and it's not something a Capricorn can stay invested in long due to differences it can't get over.
Sag and cap can get along only if common ground is found. It's hot or miss after that. It's not a bad thing.. there both just so different from each other.
Cancer it's overall okay. Communication is clear though between the two and a cancer respects srhe Capricorns hard work. Capricorns admire a cancers loyalty and imagination. But both signs pessimistic views drives a wedge. So does a cancers insecurity. It's hot or miss
(idk more spitballing. Tell me yalls opinions.)
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suniverseastro · 1 year
The wonderful things of the 12 zodiac signs
Aries: frank, enthusiastic, cheerful, funny, honest, easy to communicate
Taurus: wisdom, listening, calm, love, likability
Gemini: interesting, agile, intelligent, sly, vivacious, attractive communicator
Cancer: funny, caring, affectionate, lovable, role model "mother" of many people
Leo: strong, warm, heroic, cheerful, affectionate, creative, childish, likable
Virgo: delicate communication, dexterity, sharpness, intelligence, careful care
Libra: smart, charming, lovable, sociable, easy to approach, the right way of doing things, at the right time, with the right people
Scorpio: attractive, attractive, manipulative, charismatic, mysterious, fierce, EQ and IQ are all not the right form
Sagittarius: cute, curious, agile, approachable, free-spirited, optimistic, inquisitive, truth
Capricorn: reliable, calm, good listener
Aquarius: cute, clever, humane, sharp, loves to explore
Pisces: gentle, dreamy, compassionate, spiritual, love beauty, love truth, love what is right, healing energy
The planets combine to form an irresistible attraction in the sysnastry chart (applicable to the Sextile, Trine and possibly Conjunct angles) :
Sun-Mars : Magnetic attraction
Moon-Moon: empathize, connect and understand each other as an individual, each carrying the emotions and feelings of the other (Conjunct offers both an almost telepathic connection but can also be overwhelming because the two are easily influenced by each other.)
Sun-Sun: comfortable expressing themselves, easily communicating, sharing, natural trust and support for each other
Moon-Venus: use words of love, affection, full of emotions for each other, very gentle, very affectionate
Venus-Venus: easily understand how to express the other's feelings
Mars-Mars: flames catch each other to create heat fever ect… Any planet with a Sextile/Trine, especially a Conjunct with the planet Pluto forming an aspect (Sextile/Trine/Conjunct) with the other person having the same position as the ones above, this relationship brings about profound, haunting and extremely unforgettable, it can be a fateful relationship or contribute to a small part in each person's life. Eg:
Personal chart of A with position Sun in Leo trine Pluto in Sagittarius creates angle trine with B with position Sun conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius
C has Venus conjunct Pluto creates conjunct angle with B The above example is taken from the fact that B is me and A, C are my two beloved friends (in our chart there are also other angles and some difficult angles but much less). (Here, I do not judge any relationship that is appropriate or inappropriate just by looking at the position on the synastry chart, because in fact there are many other factors such as geography, economy, education, family. , culture, religion, faith… more influence)
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Sending love <3
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lupaeusmoved · 3 months
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: ZODIAC EDITION. bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse. ( repost, don’t reblog! )
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ARIES : tries to do everything at once , doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves , bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty , has entirely too much on their plate .
TAURUS : idealistic , spends a lot of time trying to impress others , doesn’t like to apologize , eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general , a tad codependent .
GEMINI : the most flip floppy people ever , what’s today’s mood ? ,  never apologizes , in denial 90% of the time , their way is the highway , desperately needs a break , they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them .
CANCER : the literal meaning of I’ll give you the shirt off my back , isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them , wants to change but is scared of change , complains a lot but never takes advice people give them .
LEO : no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one , is actually really sad inside , honestly needs a hug , exhausted always .
VIRGO : can dish it but can’t take it , rushes everything , anxious , plans their future but forgets to live in the moment , sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind , talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are .
LIBRA : solves everyone’s problems but their own , is actually really sad and lonely , gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it ,  will do anything to justify bad decisions , honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love themselves .
SCORPIO : easily set off , will give anyone the cold shoulder at any time even without reason ,  keeps a lot in , so observant that they oftentimes find out things that hurt them , too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads , has trouble showing their true selves
SAGITTARIUS : impatient , brash , commitment issues , body issues , doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone , has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed , just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them .
CAPRICORN : scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7 , takes a LOT for them to talk about their feelings , secretly struggling , fake happy ,  needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is , confident but insecure at the same time , wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally .
AQUARIUS : gets heartbroken like 30 times a week , trust issues , can be unmotivated and disinterested , feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked , doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive , confused , expects little .
PISCES : empathetic often to a point of no return , plays the victim , doesn’t know when to say no , cynical , hermit , is very impatient , trusts everyone too much , can be secretly very critical and judgmental , can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction , needs a lot of validation .
tagged by : @salvatoraes my beloved tagging : @wolfskrieger , @esoterium ( bucky ) , @greedaeye ( hubs ) , @lcstinfantasy ( billy ) , @ofcrxwns ( john b ) , @boundforhale , @stilesstylelinski , @irrcdeemable , and YOU
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cecillias-garden · 11 months
Tonight's Tarotscope
Aries - You are in the midst of a transition in life, and that alone is reason to celebrate. There are connotations of gender and sexuality here, and perhaps you may be coming into who you are, but any transition in life is one that can be very positive for you. Enjoy this moment. It's well earned.
Taurus - That nagging feeling you've been having that's telling you to walk away has a very good point taurus. Sometimes staying really is more trouble than it's worth. If it sucks, hit the bricks, and don't bother looking back. Gemini - Embrace your inner darkness Gemini. The shadow self is still a part of the self, and darkness is not always evil. Sometimes cruelty really is kindness.
Cancer - Keep your feet on the ground, and your head out of the clouds Cancer. There is a strong pull towards magical thinking, but what you need now is to step into the real world, and focus on what's right in front of you.
Leo - If you have a beloved object in your life, or something that brings you great joy, this is a good reminder to care for it. Not all that once brought us happiness must be thrown away, even if we think we've outgrown them. It could very well be that it's granting you happiness even still.
Virgo - Sometimes we need to make our own happiness, Virgo, and we can't expect to rely on others for it. Life may be full of hardships, but you're not dead yet! Do something for yourself and allow yourself to find happiness on your own terms.
Libra - Not all is lost right now Libra, but much is. You will have to make difficult choices soon, and there will not be a "right" choice to make. Choose your victory, and the pain that comes with it, and know that you must live with the consequences either way.
Scorpio - Put on your favorite clothes, do up your hair in your favorite style, and show the world your favorite parts of you. You're encouraged to be unapologetically yourself today, Scorpio, so go on and be the person you're dying to be.
Ophiuchus - Things may seem grim right now, but not all is lost. Be on the lookout for a last minute rescue, or perhaps a light in the darkness to cling to. It may well be your escape.
Sagittarius - You'll need to rely on quick thinking, and your own skills to surpass what's before you for now. This is not the time for careful planning, but for knowing yourself, and what you are capable of. Do not hesitate.
Capricorn - You may be confused as to whether the good things you've had lately are truly good, but take a step back and consider your ambitions. What is it you truly want? Do you want anything at all?
Aquarius - The reason you aren't figuring out the solution to your problems isn't because you're dumb, it's because you've been at it for hours and haven't slept well in days. Take a break, aquarius. Self care is an important part of the process
Pisces - Remember to take care of your own problems before you buckle down and take care of everyone else. You may want to help others, but you can't help anyone if you cannot help yourself. Take care of what's important, and you'll be ready to do what you must.
The weekly TarotScope is a horoscope made by drawing cards from my custom-built tarot deck for each sign. Readers should consider all of their placements to build a more comprehensive reading for each week
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captainlexapro · 9 days
👋Hello hello hello ~extremely niche group of~ Canucks fans and astrology nerds!!! I said i was going to do a deep dive into the astrology of this year’s beloved team and, well, here i am. 🤗
I’ve compiled data in charts that make sense to me, did some calculations to see some trends, and then listed some of my own insights/interpretations. We’ll see how accurate it feels/whether it resonates with other fans who are into this kinda shit!! Feel free to share your own interpretations with the class - I am a very, VERY amateur astro enthusiast so i would be SO grateful for anyone else’s insights. 💙 Join in below the cut!
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: this is for fun!!! Please be nice! Again, i’m not a professional so if i’m way off, please be gentle with corrections. Thank youuu 💕
BEFORE WE BEGIN, a clarification about players i used in data collection: I referred to the team’s roster (and the position listed for them) per the nhl’s site, and made the decision to exclude players that played ~10 games or less in order to keep data outliers minimal (and to stay true to the team that most people would think of for this season). Also, my percentages will not add up perfectly to 100 every time bc i wanted whole numbers, not decimals. Ok let’s go!
Let’s do a quick rundown of some of the terminology I’ll be using, so then y’all know wtf I’m talking about.
We are ONLY talking about sun signs (what zodiac sign the sun was passing through during that time of year/on your birthday. This is the same as what sign you say you are when people ask). This is ONE piece of everyone’s chart and, while it is a driving force/important placement, it is not the whole picture. There are other placements that influence us as individuals (moon, mercury, mars, venus). Depending on one’s chart and the placements of those other ‘personal’ planets i just mentioned, the sun sign may not seem very evident in that person. So when i say this player is this sign and it doesn’t resonate, there’s probably some major other planets/signs at play in their chart that dims the sun sign’s influence. But i don’t have access to everyone’s EXACT chart, nor do i have the patience and time to interpret all that, so we’re just doing sun signs. (I’ll touch a little bit on my guesses for what i think is going on in the rest of some of the players’ charts during my interpretation section.)
QUICK REFRESHER: The signs, in order from ‘beginning’ to ‘end’ of the zodiac wheel: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces (i will shorten a bunch of these because i’m lazy and don’t want to write them out every time).
Each sign is within an element and a modality. Every sign is unique in terms of its element and modality combo (ie aries is THE cardinal fire sign. There are other fire signs, there are other cardinal signs, but there is no other cardinal fire sign. Hopefully this will make a lil more sense later on.)
🔥FIRE Signs: aries, leo, sag
Key words/phrases: Very energetic, enthusiastic, inspiring, impulsive, passionate, initiators, adventure-seeking, action-oriented, creative, fervent, hot-blooded, get fired up, restless, always seeking and wanting to get things done quickly
🌿EARTH Signs: taurus, virgo, cap
Key words/phrases: practical, utilitarian, materialistic, conservative, sensual, patient, builders, seek stability, down-to-earth, steady as a rock, good things take time, nurtures/is of service, refuses to be fake or false
💨AIR Signs: gem, libra, aqua
Key words/phrases: communicative, social, idealistic/abstract, mental, objective, seek knowledge, intellectually oriented, live in head, mysterious/harder to pin down, love to talk and think and exchange ideas, less constrained by society’s rules, can live too much in head
💧WATER Signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces
Key words/phrases: emotional, nurturing, responsive, sympathetic, psychic, seek connection, emotionally oriented, dreamy, feeling, protective, sentimental, soft around edges but sometimes rough
💥CARDINAL - The Initiators/Motivators
Signs: aries, cancer, libra, cap
Key words/phrases: meet situation head on, DO something about it, starters, leaders, initiating, assertive/bossy
🪨FIXED - The Sustainers/Creators
Signs: taurus, leo, scorpio, aqua
Key words/phrases: consolidate, preserve, stand one’s ground, lots of inertia, staying power, enduring, patient/stubborn
💫MUTABLE - The Transformers/Refiners
Signs: gem, virgo, sag, pisces
Key words/phrases: flexible, adjust or refine, respond, weave, dodge, go with the flow, following, meandering, adaptable/easily led, complete the cycle
OFFENSE Aman: aqua, Blueger: leo, Boeser: pisces, DiGiuseppe: libra, Garland: pisces, Hoglander: sag, Joshua: taurus, Lafferty: pisces, Lindholm: sag, Mikheyev: libra, Miller: pisces, Pettersson: scorpio, Podkolzin: cancer, Suter: Gemini
DEFENSE Cole: pisces, Friedman: cap, Hronek: scorpio, Hughes: libra, Juulsen: aries, Myers: aqua, Soucy: leo, Zadorov: aries
GOALIES Demko: sag, DeSmith: leo, Silovs: aries, Tolopilo: aries
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Fire: 3 (21%) Aries: 0, Leo: 1, Sag: 2; Water: 6 (43%) Cancer: 1, Scorpio: 1, Pisces: 4; Air: 4 (29%) Gemini: 1, Libra: 2, Aqua: 1; Earth: 1 (7%) Taurus: 1, Virgo: 0, Cap: 0
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CARDINAL: 3 (21%) Aries: 0, Cancer: 1, Libra: 2, Cap: 0; FIXED: 4 (29%) Taurus: 1, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 1, Aqua: 1; MUTABLE: 7 (50%) Gemini: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 2, Pisces: 4
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Fire: 3 (38%) Aries: 2, Leo: 1, Sag: 0; Water: 2 (25%) Cancer: 0, Scorpio: 1, Pisces: 1; Air: 2 (25%) Gemini: 0, Libra: 1, Aqua: 1; Earth: 1 (13%) Taurus: 0, Virgo: 0, Cap: 1
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CARDINAL: 4 (50%) Aries: 2, Cancer: 0, Libra: 1, Cap: 1; FIXED: 3 (38%) Taurus: 0, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 1, Aqua: 1; MUTABLE: 1 (13%) Gemini: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 2, Pisces: 1
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Fire: 4 (100%) Aries: 2, Leo: 1, Sag: 1 ; Water: 0 Air: 0 Earth: 0
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CARDINAL: 2 (50%) Aries: 2, Cancer: 0, Libra: 0, Cap: 0; FIXED: 1 (25%) Taurus: 0, Leo: 1, Scorpio: 0, Aqua: 0; MUTABLE: 1 (25%) Gem: 0, Virgo: 0, Sag: 1, Pisces: 0
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Fire: 10 (38%) Aries: 4, Leo: 3, Sag: 3; Water: 8 (31%) Cancer: 1, Scorpio: 2, Pisces: 5; Air: 6 (23%) Gemini: 1, Libra: 3, Aqua: 2; Earth: 2 (8%) Taurus: 1, Virgo: 0, Cap: 1
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CARDINAL: 9 (35%) Aries: 4, Cancer: 1, Libra: 3, Cap: 1; FIXED: 8 (30%) Taurus: 1, Leo: 3, Scorpio: 2, Aqua: 2; MUTABLE: 9 (35%) Gem: 1, Virgo: 0, Sag: 3, Pisces: 5
🎯POINTS & 🥊 HITS LEADERS (regular season stats only)
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[NOTE: Points leaders - Offense: 80%, Defense: 20%]
Fire: 2 (20%) Water: 4 (40%) Air: 2 (20%) Earth: 1 (10%)
CARDINAL: 2 (20%) FIXED: 3 (30%) MUTABLE: 5 (50%)
 [NOTE: Hits leaders - Offense: 60%, Defense 40%]
Fire: 4 (40%) Water: 4 (40%) Air: 1 (10%) Earth: 1 (10%)
CARDINAL: 2 (20%) FIXED: 5 (50%) MUTABLE: 3 (30%)
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Highest sign representation is Pisces at 5 players, with 4 being on offense. Next highest is Aries, with two each on defense and goalies and zero on offense. More on these two signs a little later but here’s a quick rundown for each:
♓️Pisces key words: responsive, sentimental, sympathetic, unselfish, psychic, vague, escapist, imitative, shifting Pisces players: Boeser, Garland, Lafferty, Miller, Cole
♈️Aries key words: vital, aggressive, courageous, competitive, confident, outgoing, energetic, impulsive, bold Aries players: Juulsen, Zadorov, Silovs, Tolopilo (special mention: Coach Tocchet)
🐺The Lone Wolves (only person on team with sign - remember my ~10 game or less cutoff): Joshua (taurus), Suter (gem), Podkolzin (cancer), and Friedman (cap)
🔥Goalies are fire signs exclusively...which is SO intriguing to me. I suppose I can interpret that as fire signs being energetic and action-oriented and goalies can NEVER let up (they must keep the metaphorical fire going).
♍️Only sign not present ANYWHERE is Virgo. Not sure what that means but it is interesting to note.
Offense is DOMINATED by mutable signs while defense has mostly cardinal and fixed. Element-wise, the D-line has mostly fire, followed equally by air and water, and O-line has mostly water, followed by air. Here’s what I take away knowing all that: 
D-line needs sustained energy and power (going back and forth/ forward and backward), need to anticipate, react, and redirect quickly
Fire: take action, Air: seek knowledge, Water; seek connection Cardinal: assertive, meet the situation head on Fixed: stand one’s ground, patient and stubborn, maintain the energy Defense needs to attack/protect, needs to be thinking ahead, needs to be surveying/observing, get fired up, restart/set the plays/shifts
O-line needs constant fluidity and motion, need to look for openings, creativity
Water: seek connection, Air: seek knowledge Mutable: flexible/adaptable, weave, dodge, complete the cycle Offense needs to be adaptable and constantly moving/adjusting/trying new paths, respond to situation and make new/different plan, feel connection with others and be willing to sacrifice for the greater good/end goal (literally)
♓️Offense has more players and, by natural default, more distribution between signs, elements, and modalities. However, I still think it’s fair to say it’s dominated by those mutable water Pisces players. So the Canucks offense vibe is heavy pisces energy. 
💧🔥This team is primarily water and fire, which is a very passionate, emotional combination. Water is inwardly emotional while fire is outwardly emotional. Both have a creativity innate to them. Both care about others but go about it differently - fire signs are more protective while water signs are more empathetic (not to say each element isn’t both of those things, those traits are just more innate to each). They keep each other in check- fire makes water more active while water keeps fire from raging out of control. They are complementary/equal but opposite. I think pisces and aries being the most represented signs exemplifies this perfectly. 
Pisces is the last sign in the wheel, so sometimes I see it described as being the ‘wisest’ sign (imagine a life cycle - the last stage is the elder who possesses knowledge and wisdom). This is super interesting as aries is the next-most represented sign, which is the first sign/beginning of the wheel, thus they are the ‘babies’ of the zodiac. Again, I would say both signs experience emotion very deeply, though in very different ways. Pisces, mutable water, is deep like the ocean (a more settling/calm energy). Aries, cardinal fire, is reactive like a spark (think energetic jumpstart). I think pisces pulls in/withholds whereas aries pushes out/releases. This can obviously present difficulties, but there is also a balance to be struck, especially in a team environment, that I think can provide a natural give and take amongst players.
💥🪨💫The modalities are well-represented on the entire roster, which I think is good as you need the initiators, the sustainers, and the refiners all to be present to complete the ‘cycle’. It does seem intuitive that the forwards are mostly mutable and the defensemen are mostly cardinal and fixed. Like i mentioned earlier, forwards need to be constantly moving and changing and adapting on the ice. Defensemen i see as needing to sometimes be like a rock/barrier (fixed) and sometimes like an aggressor (cardinal). Now the goalies have all three modalities but are all fire. Honestly, that’s one of the top things that caught my eye and i’m so tempted to look into other teams to see if this is a league-wide goalie phenomenon or just a Canucks thing lol
🎯 The points leaders trends follows the team's overall mutable water (pisces) being the most represented. 80% of the points leaders are offense players, which makes sense. Quinny is up there at number 2, though, bc he’s just special like that 😊
🥊 The hits leaders trends has a couple things i want to note, though. Dak is number one up there as the sole fixed earth sign on the team (the lone taurus). Furthermore, there’s more distribution between offense and defense at 60% and 40%, respectively. It’s the fixed signs that really show up in the hits leaderboard, which tracks with the themes of fixed signs being standing one’s ground AND maintaining inertia. Fixed signs are stubborn and won’t take anything lying down. Get the fuck out of my way type shit.
Side note, Dak has very earthy energy to me and i love it. He seems very genuine and down-to-earth (specifically talking about off-ice Dak. he flips the switch on ice). I wonder how he does with the VERY little earth energy on the team (only EIGHT PERCENT TOTAL?!?! wild. what's up with that). Earth and water signs mesh well (SEE: GARLY WORK WIFE), but not having your specific energy matched can be personally draining on you. 
♎️Captain Quinn being a libra is VERY fitting, especially given the overwhelming water and fire presence on the team. Libra is a cardinal AIR sign.
Libra key words: diplomatic, other-oriented, peaceful, fair, balanced, go-between energy. (the symbol for libra is literally the scales = justice/fairness) Air signs are communicative and social. They compartmentalize their emotions (his thousand-yard stare honestly is very on brand lmao). Cardinal signs are natural leaders and want to DO something about it (whatever it may be). I think Quinn is likely a natural at seeing/understanding both ‘sides’ (water and fire) and can distill what’s necessary and important from all that emotion and fervor i’m sure the rest of the team provides. He can relay from team to coach and coach to team because air signs won’t let emotion cloud their logic when they can help it.  ♈️♎️Rick is an aries, which is noteworthy to me because aries and libra are sister signs. Sister signs have similar overall goals but their methods of going about it are different. Two sides of the same coin. Aries and libra are both interested in fairness (i would throw in the concept of competition here since we are talking about a sport), but aries is more interested in it on a personal level while libra is focused on it at the systemic level. Aries can sometimes get tunnel vision, be short-sighted and combative, and focus on the self. Libra can become vain and a cowardly people-pleaser in the interest of avoiding conflict. Libra can learn from aries to fight for what’s right and lead; aries can learn from libra to control their temper and practice selflessness. I’d love to see more of their aires/libra coach/captain dynamic and whether we can observe any of that playing out.
🔎Remember how I said i had some guesses about what’s going on in the rest of some players’ charts? Well, I would guess that JT definitely has some fire placements in his chart (emotional outbursts but you can tell he cares so deeply). I could see Garly having some air (communicative, social butterfly - the plane interviews come to mind lmao). Zadorov maybe has some earth for sassiness/dgaf attitude. 😆
OKAY, that’s all I got. If you’ve made it this far, YOU’RE AN ANGEL AND ILY. 💙🤍💚 I hope this was both comprehensible and at least a little interesting and that it resonated. This team feeds off energy and vibes and i think it makes sense given their astrological makeup. PLEASE let me know your thoughts!!! I’d love to discuss more!
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The Big Four’s Zodiac Sign+ My Headcanons
OKay so y'all have no idea who I am- because I made this account 2 years ago lol But, I work with like, astrology,, for purposes,,, IRL. Anyways, this boils down to ''I am familiar with astrology and here are my best guesses for our beloved blorbo group xoxo'
The dates are as official as they go, I'm using their fandom wikis or their creator's hints for the dates! AND I'm including their moon and rising signs for the heck of it. But all in all, this is just my headcanons, so like do what ye will of this—
Plus some alternative sign vibes
Rapunzel - Taurus (May 12) ♋+♌
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Her character traits are spirited, smart, clever, kind, playful, and adventurous.
Tauruses are known to be Loyal, Hardworking and Generous. Traits that Rapunzel represents quite well. You might recognize her a little less in negative traits: Jealous, Materialistic and Selfish; However this is where our second sign comes in... I believe Rapunzel's moon sign would be Cancer: Making her negative and emotional traits go moreside along the lines of Pessimistic, Aggressive, Possessive. As far as first impressions go, you might mistake her for a Leo! She stays loyal to herself and comes off as a true romantic, her confidence is natural. Other signs that represent her: Aquarius & Pisces
Jack Frost - Sagittarius (November 22) ♏+♈
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His character traits are fun-loving, lighthearted, high-spirited, rebellious, wise-cracking, and mischievous trickster.
Jack was confirmed by his creator to be a Sagittarius over Twitter some years ago. His main traits are Friendly, Optimistic and Reckless, he can also be immature or boastful. However, you'll find that his ambitious and sometimes Intense as well. I favour his moon would be Scorpio, a secretive and compulsive sign under it all. And the rising? Up to no surprise, Aries is the symbol of all hot-headed characters, even under his cool temper, Jack is Dynamic, warm and independent. All in all, the goof guy and local cool kid jack is a mix of water and fire signs, man really has got a sauna for a personality lol
Jack gets no other signs of choice cuz Sag is just perfect for him, it would make him likely a December baby so like rebirth or whatever I like the concept
Merida - Aquarius (February 12) ♈+♐
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Her character traits are bold, brave, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious, and headstrong.
Logical, Social, and Rebellious: Those are the three main traits that encapsulate Merida. As an Aquarius, innovation is no news to her. She's the reason things change around her. Her moon is in Aries, along her fiery hair, she's got fiery spirits, so you might find her brash, impulsive or impatient. Under that though... there's more fire. At first glance, you might take her for a Sagittarius. Honest and friendly, and characteristically non-judgemnetal.p
Mer could also be Taurus or a Capricorn if you look at it in a very perched up angle?
Hiccup - Pisces (February 29) ♓️+♑️
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His character traits are witty, sarcastic, well-spoken but shy, reserved, smart, kind, progressive, compassionate, empathy.
Hiccup's traits have evolved over the years (and movies) but to the core, Hiccup is a kind person who resonates real well with the sign of Pisces, a sign that represents the compassion, emotional presence and empathy of his personality. On other levels, we find more serious details in his character, those brought likely from a Capricorn moon. The sarcasm, pessimism and whatnot comes from that emotional inner moon. Oh finally, his rising sign is absolutely Virgo.
I think we can pin him down as Virgo or Taurus if not in Pisces, but that’s just me
Ngl imo the only one with a possible different sign is Raps but the others are pretty solid if I say so myself!
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spaceopinions · 1 year
Zodiac LTM Rankings (#1)
A friend and I were talking about which zodiac signs we would successfully be able to spend a whole day with and I thought it was funny. So here’s my list.
BASED ON SUN SIGNS ONLY. (And yes, this list is incredibly biased)
Time I would spend with the signs: least to most 👇
11/12 - Virgo/Cancer
10 - Capricorn
8/9 - Libra/Scorpio
7. Leo
6. Taurus
5. Gemini
4. Aries
3. Sag
2. Pisces
1. Aqua
11/12). Virgo/Cancer
Amount of time I could spend with them: 30 minutes (if held at gun point)
bro. These people complain, complain, COMPLAIN. It’s too hot, it’s too cold, the vibe is off, it’s boring, it’s too loud, it’s too quiet, big or small IT NEVER ENDSSSSS.
Yes, you share a sun sign with Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Ariana Grande, etc. But you are not them, beloved.
You are an average citizen working a job that you hate, yet somehow justify it because of the money or because “they wouldn’t know what to do if I quit”. I’ll tell you what they would do babes — hire your replacement. Speaking of work, thats literally all they talk about. (Depending on other placements) very one-dimensional people.
Always about the problems at work, or at home, or in their love life (they cheated before yes they’ll probably do it again). And normally that wouldn’t be an issue, what are friends for if not to listen to you vent? The issues is that they CAN NEVER RECIPROCATE. You could tell them a family member has a deadly disease and they wouldn’t offer more than an “oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But yeah can you believe my boss wouldn’t let me take the day off?”. Will always find some way to minimize what happened to you. Also, will always want you to dislike the people who have wronged them, but will remain oddly neutral towards those who have wronged you. But again, your problems aren’t as important.
And before someone goes “omg no that’s not true cancer is the sign of the mother, cancer is super caring la-di-dah”. Cancer is a cardinal sign, they are inherently selfish. Cancers are the most “emotional” when something affects THEM. And Virgos… I don’t think they need further explaining. Delusional as Pisces without the entertainment factor.
Only positive is that they will most likely feed you and most likely pay for it. IF you can tolerate them bringing it up for the rest of your life afterwards. Personally, I’d rather starve.
10). Capricorn
Amount of time I could spend with them: 1 - 2hrs. If we’re working on a project together (where they will inevitably takeover)
Represented by The Devil in tarot… need I say more?
No, but seriously. This is a sun sign that needs other fun placements in the chart. Otherwise, you might as well find a dirt road, pick up a rock, and bring it to lunch with you. 10/10 guarantee the conversation will be more interesting.
In my experience Capricorn’s always have this “secret side” to them but aren’t interesting enough for you to want to figure it out. They think they are more eye-catching than they actually are.
Will always repost quotes on social media saying stupid shit like “money on my mind I can’t do nothing else 💯” or “it’s always lonely at the 🔝” or “moving in silence never let them know your next move 🤫” (if you’re announcing your moves then you’re not being silent, dingbat) I always say they’re like Scorpios without the charm or the intrigue.
They might be your boss. They might be your neighbor. They might be that teacher you had in grade school that would never give you an extra pen even though they had a desk full. They’re everywhere, just not remarkable or noteworthy.
8/9). Scorpio/Libra
Amount of time I could spend with them: the length of a part-time shift if we were coworkers and 3 hrs. max otherwise
These two are tied simply because I didn’t feel like putting too much brain power into deciding which I actually liked best.
Some pros are that these people are down for an adventure (planned or spontaneous) and can actually be loyal friends when they feel like it. I have some great memories with individuals with these sun signs. They tend to say things that will stick with you.
Here’s the problem. Scorpios can be too spiteful, obsessed with being a “lone wolf”, and just borderline pathetic. While Libras are hypocritical yet judgmental; and very, very annoying when in a relationship.
Like I said, Scorpios are fun at first. When you’re just getting to know each other it’s like they’re down for anything. Until that fixed energy comes out to play and they get too comfortable. Unlike Sag’s, who get jealous of their inner circle, I notice Scorpios tend to get jealous of others who they aren’t super close too (or at least they’re smart enough to hide it).
The problem is that it’s exhausting to listen to someone shit talk all the time, tbh. About strangers and about people we know. Like yeah, your ex moved on after you had an amicable split 3 years ago. No, I’m not going to pop any tires with you. Gotta let it go. And then, in that scenario, when you decline to go with them. They get into this “nobody is there for me” or “Born alone, die alone” energy. They do not like when you disagree with them and I’m not a yes man, unfortunately. They are vengeful and never wrong. Even if they slapped you in the face, they’ll justify it. “Well why did you do xyz to make me hit you?” Yknow, classic water sign manipulation.
And with Libras, it’s a tale as old as time. They also love talking about other people way too much. And the funniest part is that usually they’re doing the exact same thing but in a different font.
For example, a Libra making minimum wage working in retail will make fun of another person working minimum wage but in fast food. Like idk how to break it to you hunny but…. LMAO. You are not giving Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. Also, respect all people who get off their ass everyday and make it happen. Doesn’t matter what job you have.
OR I had a Libra friend that used to talk shit about college (with multiple friends in school) saying it’s useless and not worth the debt etc., which is cool you’re allowed to have your opinion on it, yet got themselves into $30k+ credit card debt for shopping. You payed a tuition price with nothing to show for it. Used to piss me off so bad. But anyways, yeah, hypocrites.
Also cut us off because of a boyfriend and would only speak to us when they fought but that’s typical Libra behavior, moving on.
7.) Leo
Amount of time I could spend with them: have to test it out, will bring AirPods with noise cancellation just in case
I’ve never been close to a Leo so this is a very distant perspective, but they seem like good surface-value friends. Nice to dress up with, go out, get drinks, do something fun. Talk more than Geminis (quite a feat). But other than that, ehhh.
They also get jealous fast, friendships and otherwise. Leo’s love taking that “king of the jungle” shit seriously. And while I love that for them, we’re not in a Disney movie, this isn’t Pride Rock and you are not the boss. Don’t like to be reminded they aren’t in charge and will throw a tantrum.
Also, never as independent as they like to seem. Someone is always behind the scenes when it comes to them. Another sign that tries to be “secretive and mysterious” but is somehow always shouting their business from the rooftops at the same time.
If I have them on social media, their accounts are most likely muted. (Thanks Instagram!)
6.) Taurus
Amount of time I could spend with them: majorly depends on placements. On average, I’ll say a full-time shift if we’re coworkers or 5 hrs. in everyday life
Taurus’ are simple people. Compared to the chaos of the previous signs it’s like a breath of fresh air.
They will definitely get snacks or food with you. Will run simple errands with you. Will watch movies with you. If you go out of town, you can give them a key and they’ll feed your pets while you’re away. Good people.
Or they can be the follower type (and no being fixed doesn’t automatically mean you can’t be a follower, idk who told y’all that), can be opportunists when it comes to friends. (Loyal to a point)
For example, normally not flaky but if better plans come up with people they like more, they WILL flake. And I know this because I’ve always been the friend watching them do it to other people. People like to pass Geminis or air signs in general as the “fakest” but thats not true lmao. They definitely can be, but there are other signs that do the same shit. And Taurus is one of ‘em, let’s be fr guys.
Also will cancel plans if they’re just not feeling it anymore, which I respect. Can be annoying though if you do it multiple times. And then get mad people don’t invite you out as much.
Overall, they don’t usually leave a super strong impression. They’re dependable friends, though (if they like you).
5.) Gemini
Amount of time I could spend with them: if it’s the good twin, 8hrs. If it’s the bad twin, ill take the first train to hell, pls.
Ah, if it isn’t the worlds most hated.
I rather like Geminis. Or at least, what Geminis could be. Especially in work/school settings (that is where they flourish after all). Gets shit done. Might be a know it all, and will definitely respect you more if you show you’re as smart as them in someway. If you show you’re worthy.
If they know you’re not the one to fuck with, they’ll leave you alone, for the most part, in favor of someone “weaker/dumber”
Geminis pick their battles. And they will always do it when they think they can get away with it (mind games/gossip/etc.) To add to this, they are extremely observant. They don’t use that skill for good most of the time but they are and don’t ever think they’re not. That’s how they getcha, is by playing dumb.
I once read on some Instagram profile that Gemini isn’t actually based off good/evil, but of the two “jobs” they had in Greek mythology. The messenger, Hermes also doubled as the grim reaper. So not good/evil but playful and social vs. solemn and dutiful. I’m explaining it very bare-bones, but once I looked it at that way I feel like I understood the sign a lot more. Because whether you want to hear it or not, they are one of the most complex signs.
Now don’t get me wrong, they’re not super high on the list for a reason. The Geminis that the internet is always complaining about are very aggravating people. Shit starters, followers, gossips, bullies, overall irritating individuals. Let’s just say most of the ones I have on social media are muted (thank you Instagram!) Because they post their entire lives on there. The very definition of “peaked in high school”
They are entertaining, at the very least. And they don’t care if you’re laughing at them or with them, and I respect that. Also, they know how to keep in touch.
4.) Aries
Amount of time I could spend with them: Sometime after they reflect on a situation that pissed them off for the 100th time but before they start the anger-cry nonsense
I find that Aries can be more loyal than earth signs in friendships. Will fight with you. Your enemies are their enemies. Will get you out the house if you’re a homebody or will stay in with you if you insist. Good friends when they wanna be.
Aries are incredibly selfish though. They are good friends, partners, family members, coworkers, etc. until they just don’t want too anymore.
They are less obvious about it than virgo/cancer, and will at least listen to you vent, but deep down they really don’t see anyone else’s problems as equal to their own. They just don’t.
Also, they secretly think they are better than everyone else in their lives. Not necessarily in a secret jealousy way, more like a stated-fact kind of way.
Like - “Grass is green, water is wet, I’m better than you, the sky is blue “ LMAO no that’s literally how they think I’m not even joking.
I won’t say they’re particularly aggressive, but I always notice they have misplaced anger? Or angry at the wrong time. They’ll get worked up about something that happened 2 years ago, yet won’t confront the person/situation that did it. In my experience, Aries pick their battles too (again, other placements depending). Other than that I’d say they’re pretty calm.
They cannot see when they did wrong, though. They would rather forget about what happened instead of work through it or Yknow, apologize.
3.) Sagiterrorist
Amount of time I could spend with them: Until they piss me off enough that I manage to find a way to enter hell by choice
If you seen my last posts, you should know I much I hate to do this. But I have to be honest here.
Sag’s make great surface level friends. I will never get close to one ever again, placements be damned, but damn do they make great conversation.
I could talk about any random thing with a Sag. Good speakers and good listeners (when they wanna be). Charming, intellectual, attentive, again, when they want to be. The artist Kehlani has an album called “It Was Good Until It Wasn’t” and that is how I would describe any interaction with a Sag
They are transactional friends. When they can’t get what they want from you, they get vengeful. They hate when people outdo them (by their standards) and will bring you down in any way they can. Sometimes by influencing outside opinions on you, all while smiling in your face. Always playing both sides.
If you keep ‘em around, don’t keep ‘em close.
2.) Pisces
Amount of time I could spend with them: depends on the length of their delusions
These people can be first or dead last.
It’s simple, though. Pisces are the most adaptable sign. They can be what you want them to be, for the most part. Stay home friend, go out friend, vacation friend, you name it they’ll do it.
Some of them lack a backbone. Some of them have too much of one. Some of them pretend to have one until the last minute.
And all of them play victim like it’s a video game character. Gets really tiring. It’s just never their fault. (Again, classic water sign)
Inconsistent, unrealistic, and so, so much fun when they’re not being terrible people.
When a Pisces loves you, they will ride or die for you. More so than any other sign Tbh. But on the other side, they will (attempt) to destroy you if they feel wronged (which is usually you setting a boundary that they continuously cross, doesn’t take much for them to feel wronged lmao).
And when I say destroy I don’t mean in the cool, femme fatale, sword fights and gun slinging way. I mean in the petty lies, throw your darkest secrets in your face, kind. Tacky and over dramatic. GOSSIP ALMOST MORE THAN GEMINIS lol. But will throw a compliment in with an insult.
Other than that, Pisces are a sign I can immediately get along with. And I like that they will always check in on you. Will also listen to you vent and very much appreciate when you listen to them, as a lot of people in their lives usually don’t.
1.) Aquarius
Amount of time I could spend with them: a full 24 hours (if I’m feeling patient)
Aquarius are so much fun when they’re not being ridiculous. That’s really all I can say LMAO.
The ones I’ve been super close too I’ve loved dearly, and the ones I wasn’t super close too were still easy to talk too. They’re open minded, quick to take your problems on as their own (if they like you), and will catch up with you in some way whether it’s sending a meme or a TikTok, calling or texting, or seeing you in person. Knows what it means to be a friend.
On the flip side, they can be just too caught up in their world. Every time you hang out it’s on their terms, you eat where they prefer, you go where they wanna go, your opinions aren’t really worth much at times. Selfish.
Some will try to do what you want for once but will be in a mood the whole time which is an instant vibe killer. Aquarius have their own world with their own plans and you either fit into it or you don’t.
I respect that, but much like their Sister sign they have trouble understanding that they are no one’s boss.
Also, some (not ones I’ve been close too but like coworkers/acquaintances I’ve had, etc.) try way too hard to be “different”. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand Aquarius is the rebel and all that is lovely, but it doesn’t always apply. Like, they go as far as swearing people are copying them even though they’re just copying trends?
You buy trending items off tiktok, you’re obsessed with y2k, or cottage core, or whatever else the internet says to be obsessed with nowadays. You don’t understand fully tarot but you use an app on your phone to “read” for your friends. You think it’s revolutionary when you don’t style your hair. You have an eyebrow piercing and chunky bleached highlights.
Babe. Respectfully, you are no more unique than Sarah, Jim, and Taylor.
All those things are great but you didn’t invent them nor make them popular. Be fr.
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lilastromama · 3 years
Astro - Observations 🌽💛
A trait that i noticed a LOT in my beloved capricorns (sun) is lazyness, especially in things connected to school or work. Theyre highly intelligent - yet dont use their full potential and thats one weakness they have in my eyes. Its so frustrating to watch because u always know they could do so much better but they never see it in themselves. I dont know if those are unevolved capricorn traits but thats what i have experienced
strong 8th house influence and scorpio placements can make up for a "different" taste in music.
virgo and scorpio moons are similar in my opinion, like theyre extremely intelligent and also calculating / strategic. Theyre private people and are always making sure that u dont know more about them than they do about u
i feel like pisces is the sign that changes most based on in which placement it is. Like i do not vibe with pisces suns and mercuries, but pisces risings and mars can get it for me
i feel like taurus/cancer venus people tend be very controlling and jealous in relationships. Theyre possessive and definetely dont like to "share" whats "theirs"
people with their chiron in the 3rd house most likely got bullied in their childhood
sagittarius moon and risings got the hippie /stoner vibe and im jealous bc of it
I believe that the chiron placement is one of the most important but yet overlooked placements. Its so informative and really does help if u need any further information about someone
if your moon sign matches with their venus and/or mercury, communication shouldnt be a problem
am i the only person that noticed how pisces men often got a weird love/hate rlsp with their father?
air suns love saying it how it is to someones face and being right, it gives them a huge ego boost (their egos actually play overall a big role with them but lets not share the secrets)
libra in the big 3 or in venus give someone an amazing fashion sense and an eye for aesthetic and beauty. Theyre probably the go-to advice giver if people need an opinion based on everything that has to do with looks or decoration
strong earth (especially taurus!) placements make someone very insecure and sensitive to others opinions about them. Theyre constantly overthinkin stuff and thinkin about how they can better themselves
earth and water signs are besties and fire and air signs are besties also u cant change my mind
why do aries and leos share the same vibe? Its not even the same vibe, its just seems like aries stole a little of leos aesthetic and got all the credits
placements which might be into psychology are strong 8th/9th house, scorpio, gemini, taurus, libra and cancer
water dominant people arent crybabies and i hate ppl who let that stereotyoe grow further. Theyre intelligent and yes maybe sensitive, but in the way most people think. Theyre might sensitive to psychic/spiritual attacks/insights, also they tend to be highly intuitive
can we please swap scorpio + aquarius in the elements theyre in, im not okay with it not being gemini, libra scorpio and cancer pisces aquarius
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leoascendente · 2 years
Astro observations pt. 2 ✨
Difficult placements edition*
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🔮 Plutonian women are highly connected to the Underworld. In every case I've seen these are extremely sensitive and intuitive women with psychic gifts from childhood. Many of them can naturally hear or see spirits, some of them are natural channels from higher realms.
🔮 Air moons, specially Gemini and Aquarius are awesome in maths and sciences.
🔮 Pluto on earth houses usually have problems with authority figures. Pluto likes to feel powerful and earth houses mean assertiveness and competitiveness, but Pluto in an earth house percieve authority figures as a threat for their own power and progress
🔮 Air moons or moon in air houses tend to project their insecurities over other people, their biggest lesson is to develop their emotional intelligence.
🔮 Also Gemini and Sag moons are masters of ghosting, be patient with them if you have a love interest with these moons. They both crave unconsciously for their partner of journey in this lifetime, they are very intense when they love but their intensity scares them as well.
🔮 Moons in Pisces with Scorpio Mercuries can see evilness from afar and are highly sensitive but they are prone to create their own negative scenarios in their head and see enemies where there's no danger.
🔮 A bad aspect between the Moon and transpersonal planets cpuld perceive the Mother as emotionally unstable.
🔮 Mars in water signs are prone to emotional manipulation.
🔮 Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces risings have a lot of karma to heal in this lifetime.
🔮 Gemini has the reputation to be 2 faced but that is not true, they are open to receive any kind of knowledge so they keep their mind open to every possibility.
🔮 Libra placements, mostly in the big 3 needs to understand the real motivations of their actions, sometimes is just other people's approval or superficialism.
🔮 It's hard to understand a Capricorn Sun temper because all of them has a different way to express themselves, they have a unique perspective of life but keeping Cap's ambition to grow and make their own place in the world. Watching their MC gives a clearer vision of their motivations.
🔮 Every planet contained in the 1st house will manifest physically, as much close to the rising the most visible characteristics in the natives. The sign contained in the 1st will say more about the physical appearence than the rising sign, both characteristics are visible but the ones in the first are easier to see.
🔮 Mercury in water signs have an special eye for understanding other people's emotions. They are natural empaths so they need to be careful of making others people's emotional complexes their own.
🔮 Our perception of religion and the image of God is visible on the 9th house. In the 12th we see how we trascend doctrines and align with spirituality. In the 9th is a philosophic concept, in the 12th is something you feel inside.
🔮 Earth Venus tend to make responsible of other people's problems. Water Venus feel attracted to people that needs to be 'saved'.
My closest people, even me are Water Venus and our biggest problem is that we attract wounded people and many times, emotionally immature.
🔮 Moons in Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces are very tender people when it comes to their beloved ones, they are very protective but very possesive as well. They have some hard times channeling their emotions but if they learn how to do it they can become great healers.
🔮 Mars in fire houses don't take a no for answer, they love challenges and hardly get intimidated by obstacles in their path.
🔮 Men with prominent air placements or air dominant in their chart can be hard to deal with, they need time to think and clear up their thoughts before making a choice.
🔮 An square or opposition between the moon and a transpersonal planet means that in a past lifetime the emotional needs of their beloved ones weren't fulfilled. This karma can manifest in this lifetime through the relationship with the Mother figure.
🔮 Venus oppositions used their charms in a past life to get recognition and admirance from others. If Venus is bad aspected to Pluto or any planet in Scorpio they used their sexuality to get benefits. In this lifetime it manifest as emotionally dittached lovers or people that just want to take advantage of them.
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1111jenx · 3 years
Astrology Notes I🦋
Hey y'all! This is my first time writing an astrology-related post! So excited to share you guys some of my experiences with certain placements and knowledge about some fun facts based off my own observations and research<3
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🤍 Oftern times water moons are described as emotionally needy or explosive. In real life while they are emotional beings, they either understand emotions so well or completely disregard it.
Scorpio moons, in particular, are prone to shutting off at first, they have the same mentality a lot of Capricorn moon does, which is expecting others to open up entirely to them first and whether or not they choose to reciprocate it depends entirely on them.
Cancer moons, since they feel pain and feelings so intensely, are very likely to create a facade of a typical "cold-hearted" character to the world. If Cancer moons individuals have some Libra, Gemini or Aries influence, they can become true flirts or serial daters to disregard their own intense emotions.
Pisces moons, are both children and old souls. Like other water moons, Pisces moons can understand emotions really well. Hence, if the moon is aspected to too many personal planets, the native can literally FEEL other's pain and sufferings simply by listening to it. They, out of the three water moons, can actually understand the complexity of emotions. However, if badly aspected or venus is damaged, they can use this gift to their advantage to manipulate others. Pisces moons lie without blinking twice. ( I am one so trust me on this;)
💋 Virgo-Cancer, Capricorn-Libra, Gemini-Scorpio, Leo- Taurus are the placements (sun, moon, venus, mars) that are extremely attracted to one another.
☠️ Aquarius sun with water moons suffer from the polarity inside them.
Aquarius sun with Scorpio moon deeply craves a deeper, ride-or-die kind of connection despite coming off as cold or detached.
Aquarius sun with Pisces moon can be hopeless romantics and can choose to run away from problem when it becomes overbearing
Aquarius sun Cancer moon, too, can be extremely moody and will most likely to have a secret romantic side. They are naturally intense, will sometimes disappear for some spaces but will show up weeks later like nothing happened.
📍Capricorn venus people are extremely picky. Yet if combined with a Libra rising and an extroverted mars can make them flirtatious and charming, not at all afraid to meet new people while single to find their ideal "the one"
⛈Aries placements are beloved for their straightforward and direct approach. However, they sometimes work better with softer placements as their need for being the leader and the winnter is huge. They would not hesitate to call someone's out for their bs. Therefore, softer placements such as libra mars or libra sun may try to compromise and find the middle ground while placements such as Capricorn sun will not give into their authority.
🏳️ I have noticed Fixed placements tend to group up and naturally find one another. It almost seems like they enjoy and understand each other's reasons for acting the way they do. For instance, a friend group of 10 I know mostly has either Scorpio Rising, Aquarius Rising or Taurus Rising with one exception of a Capricorn Rising. Their sun signs are also mostly Leos, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio with an exception of a Libra Sun. The same thing goes for their moon signs with exceptions of Cancer moons and Libra moons! Astrology never fails to amaze me.
🍇 One thing I have noticed is that you tend to attract the sign that rules the house of your Venus/Mars or their sister signs. For example, my venus is in 12th house in Leo while my mars is in 11th house Cancer and I usually attract a crazy amount of Virgos, Capricorn and Aquarius into my life! Other placement counts too but often times, the house positions really give us an idea of what energy we give off and attract.
✨Libra sun women. Wow. Simple wow. You either love em or hate em. Often times, they are less charming than Libra rising but Libra sun women will always be noticed no matter where and who they are esp with a blend of Scorpio or Leo placements!! If well aspected and placed in a chart they can be so loved in their community. However, if badly aspected, they can be seen as extreme flirts who use their charm to their own benefit.
Well aspected Libra sun simply does not allow themselves to be hated by the public. Validation and acknowledgment is so important to them. This is the reason why they can be so controversial.
Libra rising natives are pockets of charm. PERIOD. Most Libra rising I know can act similar to Libra sun infront of strangers. However, depending on their chart, some may not have the need to be adored like Libra sun and often times can be extremely confrontational when combined with a placement such as Scorpio moon or Mercury in the first house.
🌔 This may sound crazy but I heard a lot of people talk about how Cancer and Sagittarius, the two inconjunct signs often experience soul-mate relationships. From my experience this had yet to be true. While I've met a lot of Sagittarius moons and love them, Sag sun are rare in my circle? Sag sun men and women I've met usually have very shallow relationships with me, unless they have a large amount of Scorpio in their chart.
🥀Lilith. The forever discussed asteroids. Lilith in the 7th, the 8th house and the 1st house, especially women, are magnetic and so so soooo attractive. Their aura is similar to Scorpio but very different at the same time. Not as much of a slow-burn as Scorpio but more fiery. These placements exude sexuality to me. Men when faced with these people are easily charmed and fell in lust pretty fast. However, if Lilith is badly aspected, sometimes the person can literally be seen as the "whore" or the "bad girl" and got a bad reputation for this despite in reality, some of them can be inexperienced and are so sensitive with how they're perceived. The sensuality and charm they give off is unreal. Remember, you fell for Venus but its Lilith that get you tore everything apart to run away with her. These natives can sometimes struggle internally as people may not consider a partnership with them but only wanted them for their beauty and literally, body. They may feel used and therefore, believe that people only wanted nothing with them but their bodies and sexuality. They usually attract dark and sketchy individuals too.
🍀 Last but not least, I noticed people with a lot of 7th house natives can not live without a relationship. It always seem like they are constantly looking for the one (if badly aspected) or jumping from one long relationship to another long relationship. They hate being alone and commitment makes them so happy. This is esp true when placed in personal planets.
saint jenx🪐
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virginiadre · 2 years
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(Abbott Fuller Graves, pisces venus 14°)
Venus in Pisces
Exaltation is one of the dignities of a planetary position, in fact a very preferred one. Rachel Lang says "A planet is strongest in a sign in which it's exalted. [Here] it can achieve it's highest expression and potential." So when we look towards Venus, we see it finds it's highest expression in Pisces. Why so?
How does materialism and spirituality mix? I thought I dive in deep to discover what gives such a standard then.
Let's see. What comes to mind regarding Pisces? Resolved, footless, cathartic, ethereal, joyous, idealism, emulsive, devotional, ascended, anarchic, ecstaticity, Aphrodic, Dionysian, adorned.
What is Love? Boundless, romantic, selfless, imaginative, fantastical, spiritual, rejuvenating, universal, unconditional, sacrifice, transcendence, nirvana. It is the sea of tranquility.
Rachel Lang further states that Venus is a planet that seeks harmony, balance and empathy. Further research proves that it craves freedom as well, under desired capacity to live their ideal self expression (a note as to why Venus finds it's Joy in the 5th House) . You'll find this may perfectly fit for the "mature archetype" of the mutable water sign.
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(Victor Gabriel Gilbert, venus pisces 8°)
This placement at it's best suggests that a captivating union stems from empathetic connection; a shared vision. You (native) may even seek to (figuratively) find God in them (your beloved), to submerge yourself in the rivers of love. At it's worst however? Escapism and saviour-complex rooted in selfish conduct. Self deception becoming your key drawback.
"Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it's destination, full of hope." (Maya Angelou, 21° pisces venus conjunct mercury)
Pisces is an enigma isn't it? Traditionally ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by Neptune, exaltation of Venus, symbolised by two fish. It's a mutable water sign alluding to it's elusive nature. You can't resist it's beauty either. There's an intuitive "knowing" all forseen without the need for words, thus the debilitation of Mercury itself.
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(Model attented to by designer, Christian Dior, pisces venus 15°)
Goddess Aphrodite wanting to be worshipped to return the favour in abundance; the greek deity who was deemed untouchable yet completely irresistable. Married against her wishes yet never could come to loathe her repulsive husband Hephaestus, her matrimonial union was never soiled with hate on her part. On the other neither was loyalty upheld since aphrodite's thirst for affection and romance never seemed to be quenched, thus frolicking into multiple dramatic affairs.
This would be where I've seen people, understandably, question the legitimacy of monogamy for pisces venus natives. My counter argument is plain and simple, the structure and foundations for romantic commitment is seen under Libra, the 7th house. Simple as that, marriage is just not for those who want no bounds and shouldn't be forced to uphold them either. The sign fully ruled by Venus but also the exaltation point of Saturn. Are we clear here a bit?
Monogamy, polyamory, lust, sexuality, philandering these can be seen under Libra or Leo and of course, the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Pisces has it all and yet none.
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(Frank W. Benson, pisces venus 0°)
Now this is not to say Pisces has nothing to do with any of the above mentioned traits, trust researchers when they admit it will indulge in bedroom pleasures when it wants and with enthusiasm as well. And that's it. They enjoy sensual and/or erotic attention but it is not enough for them to prioritize a specific mate or small group, it's not enough for them. What i want to inform you is the piscean's necessary need for the freedom to live with unconditional love towards birds and carnivores alike, from shrubs to the marshland insects, the sick and vagabonds.. The desire to be one with nature and love all living things included whichever holds the breath of life. It is the primary Jovial attribute where abundance is found.
In Vedic, Shukra is the most occult and mysterious of the heavy planets. What the metaphysicians call the Divine Love pervading all forms of creation, is in fact the expression of Venusian impulse. Shukra produces attraction for physical well being and social status but it is also appreciative of spiritual knowledge.
Pisces represents the calm before the storm, the repose before the beginning of the whirlwind of the next cycle of manifestation. As such it's not at all uncommon for people with this sidereal placement to go through many karmic events, in a repeatition too, and with venus in particular relationships become that prime theme. The key point to always remember about them, is how a pisces never gives up on what their love (noun), never stifle, always giving and try to enrich with it.
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(Kim Jennie, pisces venus 1°; Chester Bennington, pisces venus 7°)
~material inspired by:- Rachel Lang, SagittarianMind, Bepin Behari
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softinkshadows · 3 years
Shingeki no Kyojin Astrology: sun-moon-rising combinations
I was looking around tumblr for detailed astrology speculations of my fave anime characters, but there aren't that many! Being q well-versed in astro myself, i thought why not do my own version (very spoiler-free, don’t worry)! I followed the birth dates given by isayama:
Eren Jaeger - Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Cancer rising Aside from the fact that he can be hotheaded and impulsive, Eren's feelings of vengeance run deep and explosive. Remember that time he was chained to the bed after the attack on trost, and his eyes were wild with the need to violently eradicate all titans? He's so tenacious and emotionally stubborn too (a Scorp moon trait) to the point of being closed off from everyone else, especially towards the end where he seems to take the weight of the world's burden on his own shoulders. And all for the sake of protecting his community and ensuring the safety of his friends for the rest of their lives. His comrades and family are his motivation. This is his Cancer rising steering his life.
Mikasa Ackerman - Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Aries rising "Look that moody brat is running off on her own again." Mikasa is similar to Eren in her impulsiveness and determination, but different in two ways- what they aim to protect and their extent of fearlessness. Eren is aware of his own weaknesses and helplessness, but Mikasa's amazing physical prowess makes her act without any hesitation at all. She's hella fierce and driven to keep herself in shape too, doing all those sit-ups and chopping firewood post-injury. I think she deserves a double Aries! An Aries rising means a Libra descendant too, which is reflected her whole-hearted devotion in her close partnerships (Eren and Armin). Her aquarius moon really shines thru with her stoic independence, focus and perseverance.
Armin Arlet - Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising He's the brain of the 104th cadet corps, and is second to Erwin in terms of strategy! An intelligent planner with low self-esteem often found second guessing his own analytical abilities, Armin is a true blue Virgo moon. His emotional self stands out the most from the main three protagonists - Eren & Mikasa mostly express anger and desperation, whereas Armin is usually shrouded in fear and worry. He's a very soft bb, hence the Pisces rising, not to mention he gets so dreamy imagining the sea, the vast plains, and the magical world beyond the walled universe he knows. A spiritually-attuned and curious explorer :")
Levi Ackerman - Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising Levi is such a complex person, thanks to Isayama's brilliance. Like many Cap suns, Levi is authoritative, cold and incredibly savage. That's not to say he doesn't feel anything either. Levi is an evolved Scorp moon (maybe even moon in 11th house) because his feelings are never for himself, but he hurts so much for others - you can tell every death hits him so hard, but he doesn't show this to anyone else. He also exudes this quietly intimidating aura of natural competence, a common characteristic of this sun-moon combo. He can take things personally as well (re: height issues) but it never snowballs into more than passing irritation. The turbulence of his emotions and habit for violence is balanced out by his earthy Virgo rising, which is emotionally subdued, quite thin and delicate in physique, and super neurotic and nitpicky when it comes to cleanliness and health. Cap, Virgo and Scorp are some of the most guarded signs, and a combi of all 3 are hellish. You can tell this poor beautiful man is always caught between feeling and thinking, between maintaining his humanity and forsaking it.
Erwin Smith - Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising In another life, Erwin Smith would be the damn CEO of a global conglomerate because he oozes so much charisma. Hell if charisma were energy Erwin Smith would be its prime, eternally renewable source. His stature alone is so commanding, and I find some strong Leonine traits in his thickset physique, strong eyebrows, beautiful hair, and that way he shouted in full glory atop wall Rose in that one episode to the cheering masses below. He might be a Libra sun, diplomatic in political affairs, but his Capricorn moon is what drives his decisions. Cap moon has a rep for being cold and unemotional, but i believe they are way more than that! Cap moons rarely boast about their long list of achievements, instead looking forward to the next goal. They struggle with emotional expression, and are super driven and disciplined. Erwin is capable of making the hardest decisions, putting aside emotions to strive for an abstract ideal, and this is to be expected of the commander who takes on the role of the devil.
Hange Zoe - Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, Gemini rising All hail our favourite mad scientist!! Hange is such a breath of fresh air in the Survey Corps, balancing out the heaviness of missions with their wacky tales of titan research and experimentation. Their penchant for study and higher knowledge is typical of a Sagittarius moon, who is drawn to advanced academic study and spiritual truths. It's also a lighthearted and optimistic sign, true to Hange's upbeat personality. The Virgo in them contributes to their sheer intelligence and obsessiveness with research subjects. We also know they LOVE to talk, and once Eren asks Hange about experiments, they cannot stop (Gemini governs communication). Virgo, Sag and Gemini are the most intellectual signs, and because they are mutuable Hange tends to follow orders rather than give them, making it difficult to adapt to their new role towards the end of the series. Mutable signs also means rapidly-changing emotional states, and a whole lot of chaos, which suits our beloved squad leader.
Jean Kirstein - Aries sun, Virgo moon, Taurus rising Our third Aries on the list ohmygod. The snk universe is full of feisty hotheads. Jean is always seen clashing with Eren, fuelled by Eren's closeness with Mikasa and his own adorable jealousy. I mean, they had a full on fist fight right after dinner in the mess hall, although everything went downhill after the first few punches. Our first impression of Jean during his cadet days is coloured by his desire to work in the interior, and this favour for material safety and wealth is perhaps common to a Taurus rising. Also, Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty and harmony, and thus often figures in the charts of artists. If you've seen Jean's drawing skills in that special episode, you'll know that his artistic abilities are the finest we have seen, exceeding even that of isayama himself. Jean's strong principles such as being averse to killing people and oftentimes cynical nature, is also characteristic of the moral and cautious Virgo moon.
Sasha Braus - Leo sun, Gemini moon, Taurus rising Not all Leos are showmans. Sasha is the type of Leo who displays more of the quirky, unabrashed personality suited to her opposite sister sign Aquarius. Authority doesn't exist when food comes into play, as we see when she breaks potato with Shadis and later steals a slab of meat from the officer's warehouse. Unlike the visual artistry that Jean possesses with his Taurus rising, Sasha's Taurus centers around her love for food, and hell she can have fiery determination for it (rmb the wild night she mistook Jean's hand for meat?). I love that both of them were pitted with each other in that cooking special episode. I considered placing her as a Taurus moon, but Taurus moons are usually steadier and classier in emotion, whereas Sasha is often breezy, gets nervous and chaotic, with stellar intuition, making her likely a Gemini moon.
Connie Springer - Taurus sun, Cancer moon, Gemini rising Although not much attention is paid to Connie's growth, his character development reminds me a lot of Aang from ATLA. Cheery and happy-go-lucky at first, before the incident with his mother made him more prone to feelings of anger and vengeance, especially near the later chapters. His strong protective bond with his mother is what compels me to say he is a Cancer moon, which is a moon sign that is very homebody and drawn to family and traditions. His goofy self and him referring to Sasha as "his twin" puts him as the spunky Gemini rising, another sign he shares with her.
Reiner Braun - Leo sun, Pisces moon, Capricorn rising Aside from his natural leader personality (Leonine), Reiner likes to take on the persona of the big brother of the group. His outward stoicism, decisiveness and task-oriented nature is typical of a Cap rising, who is often serious and solemn in appearance. He reminds me of that Cap rising workaholic who does his best in a corporate organization, working 9 to 5 plus overtime as it fulfills his sense of purpose. Beyond his stoic facade reveals a more troubled personality. Like a Pisces moon, Reiner is impressionable, and it's difficult to tell if his emotions and personalities are his own, wavering and absorbing traits from those around him. His internal war with his identity and the ensuing fatigue characterises him during the second half of the series.
Annie Leonhart - Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising Annie is the kind of Aries that is so motivated to achieve her goals that everything else is sidelined, including her own emotions. She's quite ruthless in chasing her objectives, and her composure, focus and endurance is highlighted with an Aquarius moon. I'm guessing she has a 4th house influence somewhere because of her motivations to go home to her father and lead a normal life. I find the daintiness and delicateness of her features similar to Levi, who is also a Virgo rising. The Virgo effect also registers as a brutal, unfiltered honesty (also seen in Levi), and Annie doesn't hesitate to speak the truth about her own or her opponent's capabilities.
Other characters which I won't go into much detail about:
Bertholdt Hoover - Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising Bertholdt is quiet with an unobtrusive personality. His lack of supposed iniative and aggression can perhaps be attributed to the mutuability of Virgo and Pisces, which goes with the flow instead of charging forward. He keeps his feelings to himself, but reacts when the people he wants to protect are threatened.
Historia Reiss - Capricorn sun, Libra moon, Cancer rising Historia initially lives for the sake of others (esp Ymir), and is more co-dependent than many of her other squadmates. She also tends to put up a front of pleasantness, afraid of disappointing or offending people. She has a strong tie to family, and a profound sense of duty.
Ymir - Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, Aries rising Ymir is extremely astute when it comes to evaluating human behaviour. The religiosity of her background is also usually found in this sun-moon combination, which tends to attract paths of strong spirituality. She also has a bold and noble sacrificial streak for the sake of her companions.
Zeke Jaeger - Leo sun, Capricorn moon, Scorpio rising A headstrong, intelligent and radical character. In a way similar to Erwin in his ruthlessness, but emotionally darker and much more sinisterly private.
Kenny Ackerman - Aquarius sun, Sagittarius moon
Rod Reiss - Virgo sun, Libra moon
Dot Pixis - Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon
Hannes - Capricorn sun, Taurus moon
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