#scouts lost but doesn't want to admit it
casually watching my father chew someone out at a fireworks festival for looking at me
Imagine getting lost at a fireworks festival of all places
Also nothin to do with this ask but can the other mercs go outside and just... Look around I'll be out there to looking to but umm yeah just look around thanks
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simp999 · 11 months
I saw that you were taking requests for tf2 and I was wondering if you could you the moment the tf2 mercs realise that they enjoy reader being around? Maybe it can be seen as platonic or romantic? Like theyre just hanging out with reader and suddenly theyre like hmm. I enjoy your presence
Thank you if advance!!
Yay my first request!! This is the exact kind of thing I like to write www thank you for swinging by, and I hope you enjoy!! I may have gotten a little carried away-
The Moment the Mercs Realise They Enjoy Being Around Reader
Total wc: 2.3k
Mercs included: All
Scout: (slight angst, whoops)
-Enjoyed being around you since you first joined as a merc buuut
-The moment he realised he wanted to be around you more was when you gave him comfort.
-Sure, he's used to getting up to shenanigans with you on and off the battlefield, but this was a different side of him that nobody really got to see. 
-And you accepted it without a problem.
-One night, when most of the mercs were playing cards or off doing their own thing, you noticed that Scout wasn't with the main crowd. Usually, he was chomping away on junk food and teasing the others when they lost a round of cards (even though he lost quite often.)
-You excuse yourself from the table, and go check on him.
-Before you get the chance to knock, you can barely hear soft sniffles coming from his room.
-You gently knock on his door, and wait a decent amount of time before carefully opening the door.
-It seemed he hadn't heard the knock, or maybe tuned it out, but his first reaction was to turn away from you and hide his face with his hands.
-It hurt to see him like this. We all have those days, but you hated to see him fighting this on his own.
-You wordlessly went and sat near him on his bed, but not too close to cause any discomfort.
-When he finally tilted his head towards you, you could make out his red face and puffy eyes. You wanted nothing more than to swaddle and hug him, but comfort comes first.
-You lean towards him with your arms semi-open, welcoming him into a hug if he so chose.
-Without a second to lose, he barreled into you and let his tears fall freely.
-You did nothing but rub gentle circles over his back and offer a few soothing words here and there, letting him get it all out.
-You would have expected him to start talking about everything, being the talkative boy he is, but he did nothing but let the tears run for a while.
-Once he finally calmed from sobs to sniffles, you gave him a small kiss on his hairline.
-"You're still special, alright? Doesn't matter what you may have gone through, people will still love you."
-But the part that got him was the fact that you asked no questions. You didn't force him to open up. You always wanted him to feel comfortable, which was.. rare, for him, to say the least.
-That's when Jeremy realised that he felt safe and comfortable around you.
-The first time Soldier realised he enjoyed you being around was when you wouldn't roll your eyes or complain like the others.
-Of course, his drills sometimes got out of hand, but you never groaned or sounded annoyed about it.
-Rather, you would still state your thoughts, but you wouldn't be an ass about it.
-Specifically, the first day that Soldier had overworked the mercs while you were around. You noticed that some of them were looking a little woozy, and Scout seemed like he was about to pass out.
-You spoke up to him before he started the next drill.
-"With all due respect, Soldier, we can't become stronger if half of us are ready to pass out. We can take a break to regain our strength then…"
-He had completely tuned you out after that.
-He's never heard that from anyone before.
-"With all due respect."
-There was no malice in your tone, either.
-Soldier would never admit it, but he might go easier on you than others, now.
-Not to mention the fact that you weren't afraid to stand up to him, even within the first few days of barely knowing him. He tends to seem intimidating at first glance.
-Also, this stays between us, but the phrase "with all due respect" can mean no respect at all. 
-but Solly doesn't have to know that :)
-Our favorite Firebug always enjoyed having you around, that's a given when new mercs join!
-But the moment that they realised they wanted to be near you more was when you didn't baby them.
-You still treated them with respect, which was rare from most.
-Of course, you would still draw with them and make pillow forts and do things that were seen as childish, and you seemed to enjoy it, too!
-But one day, they wanted to help Engineer in the workshop with a project that was a little more difficult than usual.
-Engineer knows as well as we all do how... chaotic Pyro can be. But he didn't even give them a chance to try.
-You were working on a mini project of your own in the workshop and happened to hear the conversation.
-Then, you quipped with an idea.
-"What if we watched over them? As long as they don't do anything unsafe, then there's no problem with giving it a shot."
-You then looked over at them and seemed to catch on to their awestruck expression- even with the mask on, and gave them a big smile.
-You guided them through their project, helping them out when needed or asking Engie if you needed tips for something.
-Even when they were about to do something unsafe, you carefully explained why it was a bad idea. Not in a condescending way, either. Just a quick -"Woah, hey! Wrong tool for the job, Py. Let's ask Engie for the right one."
-The moment Heavy realised he enjoyed having you around was when he noticed the others being a little less stupid around the base.
-Which sounds pretty odd to say, but he's often the voice of reason, always telling the others to "Get off the counter!" And "Stop setting everything on fire!", and the usual "Stop eating Heavy's sandviches!"
-They began to not listen when he spoke, and he's been struggling with keeping them in check when the base needed it most lately.
-If he reaaaally wanted to, he could shut the whole base up with a loud "ENOUGH!!" That would reverberate through the walls, but it would only be followed by a quick "Uh-huh, try and make me," from Scout
-But you
-Oh, you.
-You didn't need a loud voice to scare them.
-Or big muscles.
-All you needed was to be great at making them feel guilt. Like a gentle parent lecturing their kid on their miserable grades.
-You're never angry, no,no. 
-Just disappointed.
-Scout ate one of heavy's sandviches when you first got there, and the longest record of parental scolding was broken right then and there.
-Never happened again, though!
-Engineer first realised that he enjoyed your presence when you showed an open mind, and willingness to learn.
-He'd had too many people come up to him over the years claim to want to watch what he's working on, only to constantly tell him he's not doing it right or not using the proper tool for the job
-Seriously gonna question the man with 11 PhDs? Yeah, I wouldn't.
-But the worst is when he has to be paired up with other men on the same job that never listened to his ideas or thought process.
-When you came along to his workshop and asked him if you could watch over and learn from him, he was hesitant. It's not like he had performance anxiety, he was definetly confident in his skill. But he wasn't sure if he could keep it together if he has one more PhD-less person confidently tell him he's doing something wrong.
-But, he was pleasantly surprised by your questions and actions. You always asked before touching anything, and listened intently when he explained stuff. You even left a while in, only to come back with lunch for the both of you so you could continue talking about his project.
-Even the one time you did think he may have done something wrong, you asked him to explain why he did it that way instead of another. 
-The moment Demo realised that he loved having you around, was when you cared for him when nobody else did.
-Everyone else was so used to him coming back to base extremely drunk, barely able to walk on his own.
-The most they'd do anymore is give him some pain meds then let him fend for himself, which usually left him waking up sore from falling asleep on the floor.
-But when you came along,, oh boy.
-He may not have remembered much, if any, of the night before, but he does know that he woke up all comfortable in bed, next to a plushie that had not been there before.
-He also noticed a glass of water and pain meds on his bedside table, and on the floor beside his bed, a bucket incase he felt sick.
-He couldn't figure out who could have done this for him, since he never really hung out with you since you became a merc.
-A few quick introductions and that was about it.
-But when he sat around the table playing poker with the guys and one of them slips the fact that you had slung his arm around your shoulder while carrying him to his room, and that you were the one to tuck him in, he may have felt embarrassment as well as butterflies.
-Medic treated you as any other merc when you had first joined. Healing you if he could, and only really focusing on his own thing.
-But, when you started to hang around the base with the mercs to get more comfortable with everybody, that's when he noticed something.
-Your crude sense of humor.
-Sometimes even downright dark.
-It wasn't rare for you to crack a joke that had the others simply staring at you, some with a surprised look on their face, others seeming a little uncomfortable. Which is hard to do, coming from a team of killers.
-You didn't want anyone being uncomfortable around you though, so you toned it down.
-But, whenever you were with Medic, he would silently encourage it. He didn't really pay attention to the wide, almost creepy grins he'd give when you told an especially gory joke.
-They're not all bad, though! Some are just a little.. silly.
-The line that made Medic realise he enjoyed you little quips, was when Scout has given himself a paper cut.
-He immediately was frustrated with it, and had to announce it to the team right away. Without missing a beat, you immediately replied with; "Whoop, guess we gotta amputate."
-It was just so.. unexpected? He may have let out a small snort at that one.
-Sniper took a while. It's not like he's the first to go up to a new merc and ask to be friends, you know.
-Though, his moment of realisation came after you went out of your way to appreciate him, and slowly spend more time with him.
-You'd sit a comfortable distance away from him, and never forced small talk.
-You would always made sure to congratulate him on any especially nice shots,
-And eventually, you two had made it to the point of being almost comfortable enough for you to hang out in his Sniping nest.
-The reason I say almost, is because he still felt quite awkward having someone be in his space. He's just not used to it.
-But you weren't hovering over his shoulder, you simply had a book in your hand as you sat in the corner of his nest.
-His exact moment of realisation was when he caught himself info-dumping to you about animals. Especially dangerous ones.
-It was a simple question, really. You had run across an animal in your book and figured that Sniper's probably the guy to ask about if you wanted to know more about it.
-So, you quietly, as to not disturb his concentration, asked him about snakes.
-Usually his answers to most questions were single words, or a curt nod or shake of his head, but he had accidentally let himself slip as he taught you about what markings to watch out for and what snakes would be common in your area.
-When he finally did catch himself, he froze, and glanced over at you.
-You, who had nothing but wonder and curiosity in your eyes.
-Maybe he'll keep you around to keep him less bored.
-Look, Spy doesn't grow attached to anyone. 
-...Easily, that is. 
-But, he may silently gain some.. favoritism if you manage to get on his good side
-There's not much this man cares for. He wouldn't favor you any more if you bought him flowers, or wore expensive perfume.
-He'd honestly prefer it if people left him alone. 
-But there is one thing he cares about, and it doesn't even involve you interacting with Spy himself.
-That's right. Scout. Jeremy.
-The moment that Spy began to not feel more comfortable around you, but maybe feel soft- if we can even call it that- is when he caught wind of you watching over Scout.
-You often stole his Bonk cans right out of his hands, or nudged his sides when he hasn't eaten in a while. 
-You probably annoyed the hell out of Scout, but Spy could see that it was for the best. 
-It's almost as if you saw Jeremy as your own kid- just, with more of an annoying-sibling type vibe when it came to caring for him.
-It's exactly what Scout needed.
-Not that you'd notice it, because Spy's good at his job, but it sometimes seems like taking you down from behind isn't an option.
Thank you for making it to the end!! :D
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atarathegreat · 3 months
Relaxing Day Attack on Titan 1
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ft: Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman.
On the days that Armin wasn't out and doing Scout duties or training, he was trying to spend his moment's with you. In your room or following you while you complete your chores. He didn't mind terribly if your free days didn't match up, but on the days that they did he was so so happy.
Armin isn't one to simply go with the flow. He has the day planned out. Waking up together, cuddling before breakfast, maybe a nice horse ride to see the views. Neither of you are really picky, so long as you get to spend the time together without chores and duty getting in between you both. The man just wants to have you on his arm or holding his hand, hell, let him carry you. He has no issue.
But it's the moments when he wakes up and you look so precious in your sleep that he can't help throwing out whatever was planned. Kissing your face gently until you wake up and smile his favorite smile. Armin will wrap himself around you to keep you from getting up, even if you have to pee, because you're his to love and hold on to. And when you are finally free to use the bathroom, he's right there with you, telling you about his dreams or the days he spent away from you.
Jean has no such issues. He doesn't care if you're tired from being worked by the captain for days on end, you're waking up with him. Even if you don't leave the bed. He's so wrapped around your fingers that when you wake up with an angry whine he feels bad and just gets up to make you breakfast in bed. Feeling awful is one of his most prominent features, but Jean always makes it right.
A nice tray of eggs and a warm potato is placed across your lap, a tender kiss left on your head as he leaves to get his own plate and join you. Profuse apologies fall from his lips, replied in kind with yawns and "it's okay"s. He won't believe you, but he'll shut up about it so that the rest of the day can be enjoyed.
With a husband that's such a workaholic, it's hard to catch Reiner on a day off. The rare occasion that Marley isn't busting his ass, you make it a point to wake up before he can and clean and cook a nice breakfast. If it was the only day he got off, then you wanted it to be the best.
Except that Reiner was a soft sleeper and woke up to the sounds of you cooking. Or maybe it was the scent. Being a bigger guy than he was when he left, you were a bit startled when he wrapped around your torso and laid his head on your shoulder. Deeper voice, stronger arms, Reiner wasn't the same boy from when he left. You didn't mind the company as you cooked and cleaned, taking the time to talk to him and hear about the little island everyone seemed to hate.
And yet, somehow, those devil's had softened him. He was more clingy, more talkative. Things you had wished he was before.
Erwin never takes a day off. He's in perpetual work mode. Papers need to be signed, Scouts need to be kept in line, and damnit you can't cook your own breakfast because he's the man of the house and he promised to take care of you.
That was before he lost his arm.
Now he was on bed rest and he hated it. Having you lift even a single finger to help him get dressed was getting on his nerves. But you assured him each morning that you really didn't mind and, in fact, liked to help him. You were his wife, you wanted to help and make sure he was okay. Even if he didn't like it and refused to make eye contact with you.
You'd hold his papers while he signed them, stack them neatly as he liked and even hold his cup so he could get a drink. It wasn't an easy transition for the commander, but you became his new arm.
Levi also refused to take days off. Why rest when he was well enough to work? Besides, you bustled around his office with him anyway. Not like he needed your help, and he'd never admit it, but he liked having you around him. You just made things easier.
He could send you off with papers to the commander instead of calling and waiting for a Scout, and that alone had sped up a lot of things. And yet, here you were, falling asleep as he worked late once again. A small part of him felt bad, until he remembered that it was your choice to stay behind with him.
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(Full HC)
Hello! I really do love your bodyswap HCs, so how about something about what MC ever accidentally bodyswapped with their familiar and how the M6 deal with that?
(And for the purposes of this ask, I would imagine said familiar as a Scout-like little white puppy? Like a West Highland Terrier! Or if it's simpler, then just "M6 when MC accidentally transforms into a little Scout-like puppy.")
The Arcana HCs: MC and their familiar bodyswap
~ as my anon friend suggested, for headcanon purposes MC's familiar is a Scout-like puppy ^.^ hope you enjoy these! - brainrot ~
He's got the wrong formula, but he's arriving at the right solution!
All he knows is that he walked into the room after breakfast to ask how you planned to spend your day off, and while it seems like you've already left without him, there's a new puppy on the floor!
Well hello, you seem lost, have you eaten? You're such a fine looking young canine, yes you are, you look like you could use some belly rubs, what a good puppy!
You don't get the chance to tell him the truth until lunch time. Until then, you're just his new pup, who he takes with him to work so his patients have a soothing furry companion while he treats them
Side note, keeping up with strides that long is exhausting. Luckily for you he's happy to carry you if you get tired
Almost falls out of his chair in surprise, concern, and embarrassment when you manage to communicate what's happened. The dog is you?!
Keeps having to stop himself from the previous baby talk, can't shake how strange it is to talk to a puppy like it's a person
So very relieved when you poof back. ... does he want to know where your human body was???
Put two and two together almost instantly
And now they can't stop laughing (no don't worry, they're taking this very seriously, they've established how committed they are to having you present in this world as yourself)
But you're so small and cute and don't think he doesn't notice the way your tail starts to wag out of control every time he shows you affection. It's snuggles and scritches time
Quickly figures out that it'll wear off on its own and (after confirming that your familiar has your body and it is therefore relatively safe) decides you're going on an adventure!
They're taking you on a walk, wherever you want to go
Cracks up when (acting on dog instincts) you pee on a nice patch of grass and immediately afterwards give him the most embarrassed look because you did it without thinking
Faust thinks it's fantastic. She's plopping herself on your back, and the chase the two of you lead Asra on through the crowded marketplace on the way to Selasi's booth is legendary
After you turn back, they keep commenting on what your ears/tail would be doing while you talk
She can tell something's ... off
And it's not just the fact that there's suddenly a fluffy white puppy sitting where you normally do. It's the fact that said puppy seems like it's trying to communicate with her
She figures it out fairly quickly, and is rightfully alarmed
You're a dog right now! A cute one, granted, but not the person she likes to hold and kiss and talk to! If you're here, where's your body?!
This is all to cover for the fact that she's not very familiar with the care and keeping of dogs. She doesn't know what dogs need or how to provide it and she hates to admit it
... well, at least she knows what you need, and that's breakfast
She's terrified of losing track of you in the hustle and bustle of the Palace or of you getting crushed behind a heavy door, so she's carrying you down to the kitchens wrapped in silk and satin
She ends up taking most of her meetings out in the Gardens, where you're free to scamper and sniff and occasionally attempt to weigh in on state affairs (with limited success)
So, so very relieved when you turn back to normal
Didn't mind putting a collar on you as much as she expected to
He felt it happen while his back was turned
When he saw you, he wasn't surprised, just disappointed
Or at least, that's what he'd like you to think. In actuality you're so adorable like this it's overwhelming him with cuteness, so of course he has to hide that behind a facepalm
No don't scamper around like that, you'll bump into something
No don't wag your tail at him like that, you'll strain something
No don't perk your ears at him like that, it's - it's - just don't do it
Inanna is delighted to play mother wolf to you. She's loping along next to you with the fondest sparkle in her eyes, standing protectively over you anytime you stop to sniff something
And she's also nudging you in Muriel's direction every chance she gets until he relents and picks you up to save your tiny legs
The woods are so much fun in this form it's not even funny
The chickens, not so much. They are not nearly as kind and almost bully you out of the clearing when you get too close to their chicken feed
This might be the first time Muriel has beef with his neighbors
Pretends it's no big deal when you poof back
Never before have you been so deeply grateful to Pepi's retained ability to speak. It saves you and Portia so much trouble and panic
Portia, thankfully, is the type of person who gets told the words "unexpected magic" and somehow hears "cool adventure time"
But first, daily tasks. She can put off work, but she can't sit still, so you're going to help her in the garden
That's right! She points at a spot, and you dig!
What follows is one of the most enjoyable mornings of your life. Dirt flies everywhere, Portia plants three new rows of carrots, and Pepi naps on the roof of the nearby shed
The bath afterwards is ... less enjoyable. The full-body scrub you get is delightful, but shivering under the weight of wet fur is not
You have never been scritched behind the ears like this and you never will again. You also doubt it would feel nearly as good in a human body, but why look a gift horse in the mouth?
Getting thoroughly brushed is Not Fun
Portia does go out of her way to find you a meal that is dog-safe and still appealing to human tastebuds, though, and she may or may not have tried eating without her hands to see what it's like
He doesn't know what happened. He doesn't know until the end of the day when you poof back
What he does know is that right after you disappeared and he started to really panic, a perfectly adorable puppy appeared to keep him and Mercedes and Melchior company
He'll adopt you for the day while he looks for you
Mercedes and Melchior, thankfully, are quick to catch on to what happened and do a marvelous (if rambunctious) job of making sure you only get the best treatment
And oh, what amazing treatment it is. Lucio knows dogs like he knows the back of his hand
The ear scritches? Heavenly. The belly rubs? Mind blowing. Those suddenly appealing treats he hides in his pockets? Incredible
He can take one look at you and know exactly what your puppy body needs, in between his worried shrieks of your name
Mercedes and Melchior are eager to introduce you to the delights of being a dog. You learn how to fetch, chase, sniff, howl, play fight, chew shoes, and run off with Lucio's lunch!
Lucio will ask if you liked his natural musk when you switch back
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materassassino · 3 months
The Old Guard Dæmon AU
Probably done before, but I wanted to write one myself, so I thought I'd make a guide to the Guard and their respective dæmons, to go with the fic I just posted for it.
Andy: Hwehnto (Przewalski's horse)
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Yeah, a wolf or some other predator might fit, but let's face it, the supreme horse girl should have a horse for a dæmon. *h₂weh₁n̥to- is Proto-Indo-European for "wind", butchered into a modernly comprehensible Hwehnto/Hwento. He is a very serious and stoic dæmon, much like Andy, but his outbursts of emotion are striking. He is vicious in battle and will not hesitate to attack both human and dæmon, if necessary.
I did also consider a tarpan for Andy, but there is literally one photo in existence of one. I generally assume that actually it would be some European wild horse so old it doesn't exist anymore, and we've lost all modern knowledge of it. So Przewalski's horse will do.
Quynh: Minh Nhat (white-lipped pit viper)
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Of course our viper would have a viper! Small, quick and venomous. He doesn't have a name yet because, frankly, I don't speak Vietnamese and I want him to have a cool name like most dæmons have. His name is Minh Nhat, which means "bright sunlight", in contrast with Quynh's name. More outgoing than most dæmons, will talk casually with other humans, and is prone to little acts of thievery (thimbles, small nuts, little trinkets), mostly out of delight with the object than any malice. Very tiny! Likes spending his time tucked up Quynh's sleeve. Will not hesitate to bite a human should the need arise, but tucks himself in Quynh's collar or scarf when in battle.
I was torn between this and a red-headed krait, but ultimately went to an actual viper (well, pit viper, close enough).
Joe: Tayyib (scimitar oryx)
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(Oddly difficult to find a photo of one alone, with no radio collar, that hasn't been shot by some bastard trophy hunter).
Tayyib (named that way for obvious reasons and chosen by Joe's mother's dæmon) represents everything poetic and artistic about Joe, and is calm and wise. Dislikes fighting, but will if he must: watch out for those horns! Yes, he is a male dæmon, a rarity, another commonality Joe shares with Nicky. I wonder why? A very good listener who gives good advice.
I don't know why I decided on another ungulate for this hapless team (can they even go anywhere?), but I did. I figured a desert antelope of some kind would be good for Joe, and it was a toss-up between this and an addax. I admit I chose it just for the name.
Nicky: Bonamico (Luzon bleeding-heart dove)
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Geographically, it doesn't make sense. Symbolically? I had to. Bonamico is quiet, contemplative and kind, barely speaks except to Nicky, Joe or Tayyib, but is always concerned for those about him. He is far more nervous than Nicky, but stores a lot of knowledge, a trait he does share with Nicky. His favourite place to perch, other than Nicky's shoulder, is between Tayyib's horns (although occasionally he likes to sit on Joe's head). He does the scouting for the group, as the only bird dæmon.
This bird is the entire reason I made this damn AU. It's just too perfect. Look at this Catholic-ass bird!
Booker: Amandine (black rat)
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*wheezing* I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm not sorry.
Now, the problem with dæmons is that we have rat symbolism, which is of rats as dirty and sneaky, but we're also modern human beings that know perfectly well rats are cute, intelligent and affectionate creatures that make amazing pets. Amandine herself is mostly just shy and quiet, although she does like it when she gets the chance to roast Booker, but then again, who doesn't? She is their little reconnaissance expert, being sent in to buildings and small places to chew through wires and spy. She, unlike Booker, is always supremely well-groomed.
I did consider a ferret or stoat, something a little more noble, but I personally do love rats so much and so I wanted a positive rat dæmon, for once.
Nile: Dakarai (red wolf)
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I wanted to give Nile something supremely American, but she was in the Marines, and soldiers of most kinds tend to have dog dæmons, so no stereotypical birds. But Nile is also smart and quick-thinking, and family-oriented, so the red wolf made sense to me. Dakarai is loyal and far more serious than his human, a bit more cynical. Having been trained in a modern Armed Force, post-Geneva Convention, he's never touched another human being and has exclusively fought other dæmons. He is, of course, a good tracker.
Someone had to have a canine in this group. Might as well be Nile!
Bonus (under the cut for cockroach reasons):
James Copley: Vindemiatrix (common raven)
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The Odin symbolism of the knowledge-seeker raven, honestly. She perches in odd places, watches everything, and reports back. She is a secret-keeper and prone to keeping her own counsel, not interacting much with other dæmons. She, like Copley, misses his wife and her Pallas's cat dæmon something fierce.
Stephen Merrick: Unnamed (American cockroach)
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Need I say more? He deserves it.
Dr Meta Kozak: Unnamed (hagfish)
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A disgusting dæmon for a disgusting woman, who burrows into people's bodies and eats them from the inside out. She carries the horrid thing in a lightweight tank backpack, one of the many modern accomodations for people with water-dwelling dæmons.
Keane: Unnamed (Eastern black rhino)
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A beautifully noble dæmon, unfortunately wasted on a bastard.
Lykon: Unnamed (melanistic leopard)
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She was graceful, majestic and courteous, and absolutely breathtaking in battle. She would dispense affection to daemon and human alike, much like Lykon himself.
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agreyraincloudd · 2 years
Hey, I wanted to tell you that I really love your block!!! 💞💞💞
And I would love to have a prompt with Uhtred 4 and 22
Uhtred x Reader
Prompt 4. You're not jealous are you?
Words 784
Just a short one this time as I get through the hundreds of prompts you guys have requested :)
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You and the boys were celebrating. It was Blood Month and you had spent half the day with a flagon in your hand and now, as you sat in the ale house, your face ached from laugher. Finan and Sihtric were upon the table yelling and banging their feet as Osferth stood below ready to catch as the two men swayed.
"Which do you bet will fall first?" Uhtred joined you on the bench watching over his men. His arm brushed yours as the touch set you alight. You had finally acknowledged the way you felt around him a few months ago and yet you couldn't bring yourself to tell him. He was a Lord. He had so much presence and will, power and prospect, why would he waste it on you?
He laughed into his cup.
"Finan surly, he is always the first to fall after drink"
You shook your head, pointing over at the table. As the song the men were yelling came to an end, Sihtric threw up his arms and cheered - the motion sending him stumbling as he lost his footing and dropped off the table. The place erupted in more laugher.
"Told you" You stood up, his proximity setting you on edge as you feared the ale in your veins would loosen your lips around him.
"Y/N?" Both you and Uhtred looked across the table. One of Uhtreds men, a dane, was making his way over to you. You were a scout like him and had often spoken when you joined him on the road before battle.
"Fich you're back"
You felt Uhtred stand up behind you.
"You bring word of the North?"
The man looked to your right.
"Yes my Lord. The Scots remain within their fortresses but we should be wary the winter doesn't cause them to move south for provisions"
"Good. You've done well Fich, go grab yourself a drink"
"Yes my Lord"
The man hesitated before he looked your way and smiled.
"Would you like another Y/N?"
You looked down at your empty cup.
"I would-"
"We were just about to go grab another ourselves Fich" Uhtred stepped in. Somewhere along the way his hand touched the back of yours.
You turned you head to face him, whispering to each other -
"We are?"
His fingers linked with yours pulling you along.
"We are."
By the barrels was quiet. Most relied on the barman to replenish their cups so as you and Uhtred stood in the corner of the room, half cast in shadow, you smiled to yourself as the ale stirred within you.
"Fich could have got me my drink"
Uhtred shrugged, his hand on the spout of the barrel.
"I needed to fill mine too"
You looked down at his cup. I was already full before his faked topping it up.
"You're not jealous are you?"
His hand stopped and he grinned.
"Of a scout?"
You took a step toward him.
'Of his attention on me"
He avoided your eyes, brining his cup to his lips with his other hand resting on the amber hilt of his sword.
"Why would I be jealous? I'm a Lord I have everything I could ever want"
You took a step back and crossed your arms as you lent against the barrel.
"And yet you don't have me" Your gaze remained toward the floor.
He didn't quip back so you pressed further.
"Would you like me?"
He considered before tuting, smiling to himself. "You are too good for me"
"You are a Lord"
"And you are a goddess"
You laughed "In who's eyes"
Neither of you said anything until you took a step toward him.
He pushed off from where he stood.
"Forgive me lady Y/N"
"Uhtred-" He didn't let you finish as he marched toward you, his hands cupping your face when his lips met yours. You gasped into it. His lips were soft as he captured you. His thumb brushed your cheek when you leaned in further, the fire between you burning you up. Uhtred pulled back slowly as you broke for breath.
"Do you admit you were jealous?"
His smile was bright as he spoke between another kiss.
"Yes. I do."
You heard commotion on the otherside of the room as Uhtreds arms wrapped around your waist. Looking over, you both laughed when you saw Finan and Sihtric back on the top of the table dancing.
Uhtred lent to your ear.
"Finan or Sihtric?" His hands slide around your waist, his voice sending a shiver down your neck.
You considered when both of you spoke at the same time-
"Finan" "Finan"
Just as the Irish man tripped over Shitric and rolled off into Osferth laughing.
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p0pcorn-hearts · 1 month
Aphmau headcanons yay!!
(Except its just four main characters and a handful of miscellaneous headcanons because writing more than that is too much effort and also painful)
She has ADHD that's usually inattentive but sometimes is hyperactive
Both a cat and a dog person
Had a bit of an anger problem in high school but is much better at anger management as an adult
Because of her half-werewolf blood her teeth are slightly more pointy
Listens to dubstep and 2000-2010s pop music
Has chronic insomnia but can and will sleep the entire day away
Rejection sensitive dysphoria. Would do anything to make sure you don't hate her
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's sorry
Super competitive though
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract to prove she's right/better
"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" "Yes"
It gets really cold where he lived so he used to draw stick figures in the frost on his bedroom window
Has a few tattoos, nothing serious, just a moon on his back and a full sleeve inspired by his favorite band (okay so a bit serious)
Listens to exclusively rock but is fine with Aphmau’s pop music. He doesn't get it, but he loves her too much
He got the tattoos like right when he was free from his dad and now he kinda regrets them, but he has to admit, the full sleeve is fuckin awesome
Writes songs for his guitar, although he doesn't show anyone because they range from love songs about Aphmau to full blown vent songs about his PTSD from his dad
Speaking of his PTSD, he gets frequent nightmares and even when he doesn't or when he can't remember his nightmare, he'll still jolt awake in a cold sweat
Used to have a pet rock that he'd throw at kids who bothered him
His dad made sure to take care of that one
Still draws stick figures on frosted glasses, but while as a kid he'd draw his family, he now draws his friends and Aph
Actually decently friends with Garroth and Travis. They shit talk people together
There was once one time Aaron hung out with Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Travis, and they ordered pizza but they couldn't pay so they played rock paper scissors to see who would negotiate and Dante lost, so he attempted to sway the pizza guy into lowering the price while fucking 6'5 Aaron stood ominously over Dante, piercing into the guy's soul
It actually worked
It never worked again though
Hanami (Kawaii~Chan for the uninitiated)
Is the token straight friend although she acts super gay, like she doesn't like girls but she *will* kiss the homies goodnight
Bakes even though meif'wa literally cannot have sugar
She has perfected her own recipes for sugar-free, sugar, and sweetened cupcakes
When she's angry her whole body scrunches up. Like she tenses, her ears lay flat on her head, her arms are pressed tightly to her sides, and her face scrunches up
Has almost sent Lucinda to the hospital because they'd get in play fights and meifwa claws are sharp
Best girl scout in the business. Literally created her own cookie because of her love of experimenting with baked good
Would eat plain rice. Just a ball of plain white rice
When startled, she jumps like three feet horizontally
Always lands on her feet. Except for when she doesn't
Knows how to sew and often modifies her clothing to add more ruffles and bows. When Katelyn wanted to put on a play her and Cadenza worked on the costumes together
Super competitive also
Would chug a bottle of imitation vanilla extract-
Highly empathetic. It's to the point that people being upset around her can get very overwhelming very fast
Ran a meif'wa colony in high school. She was often underestimated by the other colonies but she ended up being front and center a lot of conflicts and her colony remained standing after The Jury
She only has like three people in it though. Aimi (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), Xin (OC because there aren't enough meifwa), and June
Also has asthma, ASPD, depression and PTSD
Like pick a struggle 🙄
Was in a gang in high school but luckily has a rich daddy who can afford a lawyer to get Zane out of the legal trouble
Greatly regrets it now as like his only options for work are minimum wage and Aphmau and Aaron’s business
Lacks a lot of empathy but still good at comfort. He just somehow knows the right things to say even if he doesn't really get what they're upset about
Not actually emo, he's goth. He was emo back in high school because Gene is emo but only knew My Chemical Romance. He realized that he actually much preferred goth music and had a trad goth phase in college before settling on just more casual outfits during a massive depressive episode
How much Zane dresses up is a legitimate indicator of his mental health
Is he just wearing sweatpants and hoodies? Depressive episode
Is he wearing jeans and jewelry? He's fine
Also genderfluid (he/him or she/her, depends what gender hes presenting as)
Didn't really explore that side of himself until he was friends with Aphmau
Trauma :(
Likes vocaloid (Hanami's fault)
Miscellaneous that might get their own posts
Dottie, Daniel, and Blaze were in an open relationship until, yknow, Blaze kinda died
After that, Dottie and Daniel continued dating but decided to close their relationship until they properly got over Blaze dying right in front of them
The Shadow Knights are also dating, but they specifically date after high school after they went through their character arcs and became better people
Sasha dated Michi once
You can imagine how bad it was
Canontypical first Sapphic relationship
Melissa likes Twilight but hides it
Travis is essentially one of the girls. He mightve flirted with every one of them but Aph swears on him being cool. They invited him over for a sleepover once and they had so much Travis is just automatically invited to the sleepovers and girl nights out. He is very happy
Imagine getting invited to every outing with the girls but you cannot get a single chick. Even Zane, who is an honorary girl like Travis some days and an actual girl other days, has a girlfriend
It's okay, he has Dante
Dante is like "bro I just cannot pick up chicks" and Travis is like "me neither :(" they turn to each other. "I would date you if you were a girl" Dante said. "Me too" Travis said. There's a pause. They begin making out
Dante did have Nicole but they broke up on good terms because Nicole pursued a master's in engineering and it required too much attention. They're still besties though and hang out whenever Nicole is in town
Nicole is steampunk goals
Okay that's it. You may exit the theater carefully on your right
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moonlight-tmd · 13 days
These an a.u where Bumblebee was accused of being the decepticon spy instead of Wasp.
How would you have things play out?
Oh yeah, I think I read that multi-ship fanfic- mainly for Blitzbee.
Well, if we take the same concept as the one there... I'd guess it pained Shockwave to see Bee being dragger out in cuffs. In the short time they knew each other he has grown fond of Bee, and the lack of the jolly scout was driving him with guilt he's never felt before.
I would guess Longarm, after becoming a Prime, goes for a "routine visit" in the stockades Bee is being held in. He doesn't see him at first, only after a closer look he notices a small figuring lurking on the far end of the lower bunk berth. Bee was pressed against a wall, never bothering to look at the holo-field that locked him in the room.
There wasn't any light in the cell, the corrdor and the barrier were the only sources of it. Longarm could make out something on the walls- drawings. Crudely carver and scratched into the metal with something dull. Few represented bots who Bee knew before coming here, few Long didn't recognise. There were items and words and even a big chunk of a wall carved into looking like a landscape of Cybertron. Here and there he could see some portions of the drawing have a pinkish hue as coloring- dried energon.
"Bumblebee?" Longarm's voice reached thru the barrier. He heard that the minibot held here wouldn't answer to anyone but this time, Bee looked up from his position in the dark corner. A pair of dull pink optics met the blue and red. He didn't answer at first, but after a while of silence he regocnized the mech that came to him...
Bee wasn't exactly... happy to see Longarm. He was cold and accusing him of coming here to gape at him like the locked fool he is. It was clear that his psyche wasn't in the greatest condition as he snuck in a little giggle in between sentences.
Bee was such a sweet and social mech, but in the confinement of the cell and no one to speak to he turned into something barely stable. Solitude was driving him crazy as ever and the only sound to fill his audials was the electionic buzz of the prison.
It hurt, so so much. Shockwave should've never let them take Bee. He was going to fix that. Somewhere in their brief talk the alarm sounded, Shockwave's cue to act. The cell doors began flickering off and as soon as Bee's cell powered down, he shot out his arm and grabbed him before making a run for it. Bee didn't even try to fight back, it was the most action he got in a long while.
After the two made it out in the chaos that arose in the break-out, Longarm snuck them onto a ship that departed shortly after few other prisoners came on.
He took Bee to a private room and patched up any injuries the scout might've gotten- there were a lot of poorly welded self-damage scars. It was then Longarm told him that he's been trying to find and free Bee for a long time and hw much he missed him. Bee was sceptical to the idea Longarm would really say that to him... but the longer Longarm talked the more Bee felt like he meant it
Longarm told him that the chaos in the prison was planned as a big break-out for the Decepticon prisoners. Of course, Bee got buzzed up and started asking questions- Longarm had to admit that it was he who worked with Decepticons. He expected Bee to yell and try to kill him for making him suffer, but to his surprise Bee was pretty chill. He even said he wanted to join up cuz he might as well be a 'Con if he was sitting in these for "working wiht them". Also these Autobots fraggers have lost all his respect, by his words.
After a long while of going around, consulting with Megatron and changing aspects of his frame, Bee was finally good to go as a Decepticon Scout. He asked Longarm if he really wanted to stay like this in case the Elite Guard saw him running off with Bee but the topic was quickly shut down with one switch of root-modes. Shockwave in all his glory introduced himself, Bee had only one word to say before going off to his next destination on the list; "Hot".
And so from then on Bee and Shockwave work together- or rather Shockwave sets them up to work together and Bee follows along. Even if slightly off the rocker, Bee has slowly returned to being that sweet and cocky version of himself around Shockwave. Bee wasn't surprised when Shockwave finally confessed having feelings for him even when all this time they were doing pretty much everything a couple would do. Oh well, at least it's official now.
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maple-the-awesome · 8 months
Erwin Smith & Shy! Reader Headcanons
Pairing: Platonic! Erwin Smith & Levi x Shy! Reader
Requested by anonymous: Hello! Do you think I could ask for Headcanons with Erwin Smith being a father figure towards a shy, quiet but sweet reader? Of course! I'm afraid I'm not the greatest at writing headcanons, but I did my best 💪(◡̀_◡́҂). Here you go 💜
Attack on Titan Masterlist ❤️ Fandom Masterlist
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You joined the Scouts as soon as you could, but have always tried to maintain a low profile, in fact out of everyone who has encountered you, at least 98.99% are certain they've never actually heard your voice before.
Are you mute? Do you just think you’re too good for everyone else? The world may never know.
…Alright, so that might've been an exaggeration. Some people know, notably those who don’t survive off of a single brain cell (aka Erwin and Levi, sometimes Hange depending on the day???).
Okay, let's start off with Levi's opinions of your first. What does he like about you? You're quiet. Plain and simple. You don't talk his ear off about stupid stuff. You don't make dumb annoying jokes like Springer or Braus. You don't butt heads with others like Yeager and Kirstein. You're one of those rare cadets who has decent manners and clearly wasn't raised by wolves (although a bit more on that later).
Erwin isn't as shy when it comes to giving you praise. If he notices you feeling insecure or particularly shy, you can bet he's on that shit right away the same way Levi's on dirt with a mop. Oh, and his words of support aren't just 'words'. Expect a full on speech with the same sort of passion he pours into his job.
Now, there's a reason for Levi and Erwin often encouraging you that goes beyond you simply being their favorite (which you probably are). They can relate to you. You're an orphan. They're both orphans. The difference? They didn't have anyone there for them. They each lost the only father-figures they had when they were young and know the pain well, so they'll be damned if they let you suffer the same path.
Yep, they're self-proclaimed dads. Levi, of course, won't admit it aloud because he's stubborn, but that doesn't apply to Erwin. He doesn't necessarily go around saying anything, however if someone asks if he has a kid, he'll shameless say 'yes' with a sly smirk on his face (is he lying?!).
You don't mind the attention. It may have been uncomfortable at first since you weren't used to having any parent figures, although you quickly realized how nice it could be to have two scary dads hovering over your shoulder especially whenever someone gives you a hard time for being so timid. Mind your own business or get assigned extra cleaning duty. You choose.
Added bonus? Expert advice that isn't handed down in an intimating way that could be mistake for harsh criticism like everyone else gets. Feel free to go to Erwin any time you have a question. He'll go over with you in detail, and if you don't understand his explanation, he'll try different ways to get it across, even taking you to others who might be able to explain it better. You also might just be the only scout who isn't afraid to ask Levi for critiques on your fighting skills since you can so easily see beyond his 'tough-guy' act.
Hell, sometimes you just follow them around like a lost puppy, too, just to soak in some bonding time. Erwin actually really enjoys this, liking the quiet joy that comes with having you help him with important documents. Levi may huff and puff about it, sometimes waving you off when others comment on you being his shadow, yet know that deep down he takes a lot of pride in your presences.
Yep. They're both wrapped around your silent little finger. Do what you want with this information.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Baby Shepherd - Part 7 - Jo Wilson x Shepherd!Sister!Reader
Summary: All of your siblings have children, now that Amelia and Link have Scout. After Jo spends some time with a baby left at Station 19, the two of you begin to think about adoption. Then patient Val Ashton is admitted with an abdominal pregnancy.
A/n: yes it took me over a year but I rewatched season 17 of Grey's Anatomy, cried a lot, and finished this.
"Hey, heard you caught an interesting case... well, a non-COVID case anyway."
Jo gave you a weak smile, thinking for a moment before she decided something.
"Come with me."
"This is Luna... she was growing on her mom's liver. Her mom is the patient you heard about." Jo explained, smiling softly as your eyes widened.
"She's so small... but she's a survivor." You stated, pausing as you realised.
"She can't see her mother, can she?" You already knew the answer, but you asked anyway, seeing how sad Jo looked.
"Val really wants to see her too."
"I'm going to go see Val..." You concluded, heading out of the NICU and across the hospital.
Everything had gone so quickly. One moment, your wife was trying to take Luna to see her mother before her surgery, and then, Luna's mother had coded. Jo ran the code for an hour, but you both knew she was gone. Val died never knowing her baby, never getting to hold her, or comfort her over more than a video call.
Luna's surgery went well, she was strong, but now she had lost her mother, and her father signed away his parental rights almost immediately. Jo had told you what he had texted to Val, a good luck and a baby emoji.
"She deserves parents who love her. Val loved her, even if her father didn't care that she existed... it sucks, when parents who love us get taken away so early..." you trailed off, the memories of your own father, or lack thereof, since he had died such a long time ago.
"Would you be mad at me if I quit surgery... and became an OB/GYN resident instead?" Jo enquired, rolling over in bed to face you, nuzzling into your bare shoulder.
"Well, it's not like Grey Sloan has a rubbish OB/GYN program, you'd get to work with Carina DeLuca... and you'd get to work with Addison, since I'm trying to persuade her to visit post-pandemic, if we ever get there. Plus, I think the residents were getting confused with the amount of Shepherds on the OR board... it wasn't as bad when Derek was here, since it was him and Amelia in neuro, and I was cardio. But now it's cardio, neuro and general surgery... now OB/GYN... like Nancy..."
Jo was silent for a moment as you trailed off, letting out a quiet hum before you spoke again.
"Yeah, Carina and Addison first, I think Nancy and Kathleen are still in shock over our wedding."
"Probably shocked to see you happy... but I love happy on you." Jo replied, grinning as you quickly leaned your head over to kiss her nose.
"I love how happy looks on you too... we're going to be okay. Even when everything sucks, you've got me, and you will always have me." Comforting your wife, you brought her hand up to your mouth to kiss, before she shifted so she could lean over and kiss you properly.
"DeLuca deserves a proper funeral. Not a memorial in a car park." Jo murmured, feeling you squeeze her hand as the two of you stood together, leaning into each other and trying to fight back tears as you listened to Andrew's residency application video. How he grew up stealing his older sister's game of Operation.
You were quiet during the drive back from the memorial, confusing your wife for a moment before you finally broke the silence.
"Can we- um... I want a game of Operation, at our place. For any children, doesn't have to be ours, since all my siblings have children... there's even one trying with medical school at the moment but, I-"
"Yes. I will order a game of Operation when we get home." Jo nodded, needing the joy and understanding where you were coming from immediately.
"How's Luna doing?" You enquired as Jo walked into the ER, making a beeline towards you as you waited for the incoming patient you were paged down to the ER for.
"She is a genius! She reacts to her name, even though Hayes doesn't seem to think so..." Jo replied, grinning at the thought of Luna, which made you smile in response.
"I'll go up to see her later- the traumas are here!"
"Hello, my darling wife, hello, Luna! How are we doing today?" Jo cheered, despite the fact that she was carrying OB/GYN textbooks in her arms, the scene of you stood with Luna in the NICU brightening her day.
"Well, Doctor Shepherd, Luna seems to be doing well according to Hayes, but Luna and I were having a nice chat about animals. I think she reacted when I talked about a giraffe!" you paused to glance down at Luna with a soft smile, "you talk to Bailey yet about OB?"
"Not yet. I know Webber gave me everything to say but... what do you want to watch for movie night tonight?" Jo chewed her lip, her gaze fully on Luna as you hummed.
"So, Jo's changing from surgery to OB, hoping you could give her some tips, with your extensive extraordinary qualifications... we're... we're doing okay? Does Henry know how to play Operation?" you were sat by the window, looking out onto a world void of people until hands wrapped around your waist. Your wife's chin resting on your shoulder as you talked with Addison.
"Is that Addison? Can you ask her if I can ask her questions? Carina's going back to Italy for a month... she's getting married though so she's coming back!"
"Your mum was Val. We loved Val. You are Luna, and you have a family here. Every time I step into an OR, I think about your mum, and you, and my wife. My wife thinks about you too. Every movie night for a while now, there has been a giraffe. One day you'll get to watch those movies, Luna, I know it."
You smiled as you stood in the NICU doorway, listening to Jo talk to Luna, who smiled as she spoke to the baby girl.
Jo was much more tense after she met Luna's legal guardian assigned from CPS, then every time since seeing Carmen Delgato with Luna as each week went. As Hayes put it, social worker, not a parent.
"She deserves parents who love her, not a social worker who sees her as a box to tick on a list." You whispered, having snuck into the NICU to check up on Luna, not realising that Hayes had overheard.
"I'm surprised you two Shepherd haven't put the paperwork through to become her legal parents yet."
"My wife told me about how the social worker wasn't allowing that operation... we're working on it, had to get Jo's background check cleared, and they started looking at my family too. My dad was murdered before I was born, it traumatised my family... they're being thorough." You shrugged off the look on Hayes' face, keeping your gaze on Luna instead.
"All my siblings have children, Jo and I only really started thinking about children after Jo attached to this baby left at Station 19, but it was during DeLuca's memorial that I realised... anyway, we're fighting for Luna, and... we were going to move after the wedding but the pandemic... anyway, we're also looking at moving. Jo wanted to try get Link to foster until we can get the legal stuff sorted, but it's moving faster with both of us than it would if it was just Jo alone trying to get parental rights." You explained, letting out a sigh as Hayes nodded.
"Have you spoken to your sisters or your mother about Luna?"
"Nancy will probably try analyse her case, Kathleen will say we're not ready, Liz will be supportive, Amelia is struggling with Link and Scout. She adores them both but she's struggling. Addison is struggling with the pandemic because Jake just works on model trains, and Henry plays videogames at every waking hour. My mother... I think she was concerned at first but I think she worries we'll struggle without help... but there's a vaccine, and we're doctors who understand how to take care of Luna's needs. Besides, my sisters can get their updates from the rare Instagram photo of Luna's hand or foot or something... Luna's our daughter, I'm not listening to them talk about a baby negatively."
"Y/n! You're Amelia's sister! Do you know what ring she'd like?" Jo summoned you into a patient room where Luna was staying, revealing Link and three engagement rings.
"Uh... um... right, engagement ring for Amelia... why did you get three? You kept receipts right? You don't need three of them!" you pointed out, leaving Link to nod, closing the boxes and hurrying out after asking the two of you to wish him luck.
"Jo... I don't think Amelia will say yes."
"Oh poop! Merry Christmas everyone..." Jo murmured, her eyes full of panic as you sighed, nodding nervously.
You smiled as Jo paced around on the phone, thanking whoever was on the line informing you that the adoption of Luna had been approved.
"She tell you she sold her hospital shares yet?" You enquired, leaving Bailey to pause.
"What's with that face? Bad price?"
"I still have my shares but... it's more the person my wife sold her shares to..." You trailed off, smiling at how you referred to Jo as your wife, and accepting the kiss that Jo gave you as she sat on the picnic bench with you and Bailey.
"Maybe I should just let the person who bought them tell you..." Jo paused, turning the phone around as it began to ring with a video call.
"Miranda! Did you hear the good news?"
Bailey's face fell as Tom Koracick was revealed to now have shares in the ownership of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
"Shepherd. Tell me you didn't. I offered you both character references!" Bailey hissed, whilst Jo hurriedly hung up the call, and the two of you hurried away as Bailey glared.
"Welcome home... welcome home Luna, and my darling wife!" Jo smiled, looking around the apartment that was once Jackson's, but the two of you had purchased from him for your family to grow up in.
"I found the Operation game!" You declared with a grin, revealing the box as Jo rolled her eyes playfully.
"I thought you were looking for cutlery!"
Tags: @nnightskiess @multifandomlesbianic @emskisworld @afuckingshituniverse
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strawberry wine
piggybacking off this post now on ao3
The kitchen's dark, save for the light above the sink. Steve is elbow deep in soapy dish water when the radio on the china hutch behind him clicks on, a soft country ballad trickling into the quiet space. Arms wrap around his waist and Steve huffs a laugh as he reaches for the dish rag to dry his hands.
He turns in Eddie's arms and is met with an expression that's so open and full of love. It still catches Steve off guard sometimes, still not used to being loved by someone who proudly shows all of his emotions on his sleeve.
Eddie takes Steve's hand in his as they sway in the dim light. Steve buries his face in Eddie's shoulder and closes his eyes, letting him take the lead.
I still remember When thirty was old My biggest fear was September When he had to go
The lyrics are like an arrow in Steve's stomach. He grips Eddie's shoulder tighter and presses closer to him as they continue to sway in the slow circle. Eddie just rubs a soothing hand up and down his back.
A few cards and letters And one long distance call We drifted away Like the leaves in the fall
Doesn't mention the tears seeping through his shirt or the way Steve's shoulders wrack with silent sobs. Eddie presses a kiss above his hair and holds him tighter while he croons softly.
Strawberry wine and seventeen The hot July moon, saw everything My first taste of love Whoa, bittersweet
"I don't want you to go," Steve admits against his shoulder, feeling a bit like a child throwing a tantrum. He thinks he's allowed to be a little selfish when it feels like his whole world is being ripped away from him.
Robin's transferring her community college credits to a state school after her gap year ends and the kids are a month away from graduation and starting their own college journeys.
Corroded Coffin's been noticed. Their gigs at The Hideout have been growing ever since Eddie's name was cleared and the murder charges were dropped and there was an actual scout at their last one. Talked to the band and showed them a pretty picture of fame and fortune.
And a way out of this cursed town.
And Steve? Steve has no idea where he's headed in life. He gave college a try three separate times after Vecna and dropped out each time after a semester. Too stupid to understand what his professors were talking about and unable to keep up with the workload while also working full time.
What good is he if the world isn't ending? If he isn't being the protector, the body they need when shit goes sideways (it always goes sideways.) His parents were at least kind enough to pay off the mortgage and cover the utilities for at least a year before they fucked off to God knows where, but once that's up? Family Video only pays so much and he's definitely not being paid to drive the brats around every weekend.
"I know," Eddie says, because they've already talked about it. The band's been invited up to Chicago to meet with label executives next month to let them hear some samples of their music, and that means the possibility of signing a contract and finally getting their big break.
Steve is so, so proud of him.
He's also so, so lost.
They've stopped dancing. Eddie is still running his fingertips along his spine comfortingly. Steve sniffs and pulls back just enough to look at him. His boyfriend has opted for a flannel over a band t-shirt today. Steve fiddles with the collar and doesn't meet Eddie's concerned eyes.
"But you have to go." He sounds like he's trying to convince himself. "I can't hold you back from something you've waited your whole life for." He gives Eddie a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Corroded Coffin is your baby."
Eddie cups his face and frowns. "You'll always come first, you know that, right? Even if I'm on the other side of the world, as soon as you say the word, I'll come right back to you."
Steve does know that, and it scares the absolute shit out of him. Being loved so completely and unconditionally. It's been almost three years and he's ashamed to admit he's still waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Eddie to wake up and realize he could do so much better than a washed-up has-been who peaked in high school.
For him to realize that Steve Harrington isn't actually a good dude after all.
But he wants this thing with Eddie to last longer than three years. He wants forever with him and he can only hope that Eddie wants the same. So he swallows down his insecurities and self doubt and leans into Eddie's space, pressing their noses together and taking the lead of the dance this time.
"I promise not to call too often, then."
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commander-wame · 3 months
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☼ - Wame
☾ - Eldrid
☆ - Gixi
years after dreaming up a timeline for the main three i finally made one 👍
+ more context under the cut! anything commander-y in story not mentioned is glued onto Wame
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Wame doesn't act on his Slaying a Dragon destiny for a long time. He needs a lot more guidance regaining his strength and working on his social skills than most other saplings before he can leave the Grove. Pale Tree's and Caithe's insistence just leave him feeling more pessimistic about the whole ordeal, he leaves to live in Cathal finding his calling as a ranger training Fern Hounds. His older brother Fehine is teach him in Mender skills.
Pre Personal Story
Wame and Eldrid awoke the same day. Wame first during noon, but his pod was so high up that his first meeting with the ground would've been his last if El hadn't found him slowly bleeding out 12 hours later when she awoke during night. They dreamt of each other, they recognise each other. Wame dreamt of slaying a dragon and saw Eldrid die a firey death. Due to his injuries to his spine and head he ended up Soundless against his will. Eldrid barely remembers anything save for a few glimpses, including Wame's face.
Eldrid is more adventurous and has slowly built a party of friends. Like lots of sylvari, she's obsessed with knighthood and wants to be one herself. She always visits Wame before and after an adventure. She wants a Wyld Hunt of her own, but never gets one. Neither of them admit to romantic feelings, being unable to feel each others emotions due to Wame' soundlessness.
Gixi is having a horrible teenage / young adulthood. School was a terribly rough time and the one college that accepted her booted her out after a few weeks due to 'incompetence'. Slowly cultivating mesmer skills in her spare time, but really wants to be academically succesful like an asura is 'supposed' to be.
Weeks go by and Wame is worried, and finally starts following his Hunt, but only really in hopes of finding El. During his travels he starts appreciating and caring for Tyria more. He's still pretty sure he'll be dead before reaching Zhaitan though. He joins Whispers, thinking their tracking skills and hidden knowledge might help him find El.
Personal Story + Lws1 + Lws2
Eldrid left one day and didn't come back. Unbeknowst to everyone else, her entire party was killed fighting creatures from the Mists. She was sucked into the portal the creatures came from.
Gixi turns out a pretty talented mesmer but still feels useless. Whispers ends up recruiting her, after Tibalts death she ends up becoming Wame's newbie partner. She has 0 confidence in herself. Wame and Gixi become good friends, Gixi gains Some confidence (but not a lot).
With Zhaitan dead, Wame is now fully invested in his, Trahearne's and Caithe's cause. Hasn't lost hope of finding Eldrid yet, but chances of her being alive start feeling more slim.
Gixi is now a very active Whispers agent. Wame is collecting friends (future Dragon's Watch) like pokemon. He doesn't tell them about Eldrid. The lead-up to HoT and its implications has him worrying that Eldrid ended up in the wrong part of the jungle.
Eldrid is ???.
Wame was captured and Mordrem Podded in Tangled Depths. Managed to resist and escape just about, but physically altered halfway through his Mordremisation. Finds his first pet Honeybee (fern hound) dead. Has a terribly hard time convincing Pact members and friends not to kill him on sight.
Very painful no good time. Gixi was on a crashed airship but survived. Mostly stayed in Verdant Brink scouting out survivors and getting them to camps unnoticed.
Finds a juvenile Smokescale, names her Sparkfly.
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Eir's dead. Had to kill Trahearne. Life sucks but we keep trucking for Tyria's sake.
Eldrid meanwhile popped back into Tyria, extremely confused with no memories of what happened in the Mists. All she knows is that she feels angrier than ever and there's creepy voices in her head. It concerns her greatly that they sound like her dead friends, writes this off as grief. She hears about a commander with her dear friend's name, desperately wants to see him again. Follows rumours and murmurs of his presence best she can, but with no way to contact him ends up far behind.
Lws3 + PoF before the Departing
After the events of HoT, Wame 100% thinks Eldrid is long dead. Finds solace in taking care of Aurene's egg and eventually Aurene herself, being the only creature nearby who doesn't have a reference of what he looked like before the jungle, simply looking at him with love and happiness.
Whispers remember El from Wame's description of her. They don't trust her casually popping back into existence just like that and think something's up. Gixi is tasked with tracking and observing her, and if need be to keep her away from Wame if she gets too close. Gixi knows abt Wame's desire to find Eldrid and feels incredibly guilty, but ultimately doesn't fully trust her either.
Eldrid gains a reputation as the Rosewood Knight on her travels. Noble and kind with devastatingly high skill in combat and helping those in need, fighting with a rage and strange new magic people don't want see up close.
While following Eldrid still, Gixi was killed in the desert and promptly got Awakened by Joko's forces. On the grounds of her being asura, she's sent to Rata Primus. She... actually isn't too mad about this. Someone finally thinks she's useful for traditional asura stuff, like portals. It's nice to feel appreciated in the way you've always dreamed of even though you're dead?
PoF after the Departing
Eldrid followed Wame into the desert, FINALLY catches up with him just as he's about to be barbequed by the God of War himself. Heroically gets herself barbequed instead. Wame is now tripple traumatised (Aurene kidnapped + someone he loves who he thought died, now actually dying right in front of him + being horribly burned himself). Oh wow Eldrid dying a firey death in his dream was a prophecy. That Sucks.
Wame wakes up to horrible pain, burn marks, and Eldrid rising from the dead. 1 Tender mutual confession later and they're now dearhearts. Turns out she's still too angry about dying right before properly seeing Wame again and couldn't let that go. Kills God about it (mostly to save people but also out of spite). Wame is stressed about being unable help out, but has to recover manually instead of death-resurrection instantly.
Rytlock keeps his mouth shut about having seen Eldrid in the Mists. He didn't think the rampaging incoherent entity was a person. He awkwardly tries to help her with her new revenant powers she also got in the Mists.
Gixi, after Joko's death, now a free awakened, has a personality freeing and changing breakdown. Fully a mesmer master now that she knows her full abilities and can't get tired because she's a walking corpse. Glamours herself up to look alive. Isn't sure whether she feels happier or acts it.
Wame is back on his feet. Eldrid is learning to control her rage and her powers. No time for dates all time for kicking Joko where it hurts.
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Bangar shot Wame in the face. Wame lost his eye about, seeing as it was a Dragon Killing Bow and Dragon Killing Arrow. Eldrid, being the only sylvari nearby, tried her best to fix his face while he was recovering. She wasn't very good at it. Wame loses the eye but doesn't mind, just mad at Bangar.
Wame and Eldrid were having a decently relaxed time getting to know each other again and recovering from the trauma that was. Everything. Before charr civil war broke out. No time for dates again.
Gixi joins everyone in EotN and mostly stays there to help out, fascinated by Aurene and keeping Taimi and Gorrik company. Gixi still glamours herself but finally fully knows who she is. She likes being loud and happy and pranking people where possible. Having lived all her life in anxiety, she now wants to not care about what others think at ALL.
Killing Soo-Won luckily set Eldrid free without needing to kill her, but it nearly got to that point.
Turns out the voices in Eldrid's head weren't JUST her dead friends and restless spirits. Also the Void! Yippee! She turns into an incoherent powerful corrupted mess (again. but she doesn't remember the Mists). Wame and Gixi are having a no good time trying to not kill Eldrid (who seems the most powerful and clever of those corrupted). She always wanted a powerful destiny, but this isn't what she meant.
After that ordeal it's FINALLY time for some dates.
Eldrid having been the one who died and got better, received the honour of having Peitha in her head. Sometimes Peitha will slip into Wame's mind just to mess with him a bit and freak him out. Eldrid trusts Peitha and they both might feel wlw about it.
Wame would've liked some more chill time together but they all felt the itch of wanting to do Something. Rumours of strange people and portals sounded like a nice getaway. Ah crap.
Gixi wants IN on being part of a secret wizard society. WHY wasn't she invited. She bonds with Zojja.
[more tba when the story progresses]
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hootsimedes · 1 year
¡My Relationships Dinamics Between the Mercenaries!
¡Hello guys! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ Today i'm coming to show you how I will use the relationships in my drawings and comics.
Little reminder that English is not my matern leguangue, probably I make a lot of mistakes in my writing. I'm sorry if that happen (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Here we go:
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I know it's a fricking confused spaghetti but don't worry, there's two parts for separate.
First Part:
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And The Second Part:
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Well, this part is not much better than the two combined... (It's all Spy fault, nah i'm joking xD)
Well, let me explain some things:
First of all: Medic and Sniper have a crush for each other... ¡And Spy have a crush with Sniper! And Spy and Medic hate each other for reasons, of course, the most important one is Sniper's love xD I'm sorry but two sexy veterans fighting for a inexpert Aussie is just perfect and fun for me (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (even if Sniper send Spy very badly to the friendzone unintentionally ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
The "like family" one means they see each other like a family member, for example, Sniper and Scout are like big and lil' brother; or Engie and Pyro like father and son. I love the idea of Sniper beign a good figure who Scout admires and respect (even if he doesn't want to admite it) And Pyro sees that parent figure in Engie, who cares a lot for he and of course the team! For me Engie is one of the most responsible merc and always tries to calm down the situation when things get bad... And he's friend with everyone in the team! Except Spy... But then we'll talk about Engie...
The trio of nightmares... Scout, Soldier and Pyro. This three bastards hang out to play tricks to the people. Sometimes, You can see them at 03:00 am trhowing eggs to the BLU Team's windows or letting free a group of mutant bread in the base... You never know what they'll do next... Also, Demo and Sniper are friends. They're more like, friends who met up for a few beers with Engie.
The difference between "Annoying, but still a friend" and "Annoying" is, as this one says, they think it's annoying sometimes, but they can handle that. For example, Medic, who sometimes can't stand Scout's attitude and vice versa, but inside they can't really be mad at each other (especially if he's your older brother's boyfriend(?) Same with Demo and again, Scout, but it's just for the Demo side, Scout considers him as a friend. With Sniper and Spy it's like, Sniper thinks Spy can be very rude, but deep down he knows that's the way Spy communicates. I don't know how to explain this lmao.
The Best Friends! Let's back with Engie! He's the Best Friend of Sniper and Medic, so, sometimes he help this two silly lovebirds to make a move! Like, giving some advices to Medic or telling Sniper about Medic's hints! Idk I like that they share the same best friend. Heavy is Medic's best friend of course, they like spend time talking and our Doctor looves to talk with Heavy about how he feels about Sniper, and the weapons guy just think it's adorable and want to help his pal! So, as Engie, he tried to give to Doctor some advices! Finally, but no less important, we have Soldier and Demoman! They are besties... And maybe, Soldier get little jealous with Demo 'cause he spends time with the enemy Soldier and he doesn't want to lost his bestie... But if he knew the reason for that...
Spy's relationships... Yeah, this will take a long time... Anyway, Spy doesn't have a good relation with his team... Except for Sniper, but that just happened after a discussion with Medic, before that they don't talk to each other and Spy has a very bad vision of the bushman. He respects Heavy and Engie, he believes these are the only two mercs who are still sane, but they aren't friends... Spy doesn't spend time with the team, he thinks all are annoying... And he hates Pyro for reasons I can't explain now (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) and the team thinks Spy is annoying 'cause he's attitude towards them. The relation with Medic is bad for the differents opinions, ideas and estrategy they have... But of course de most important one is Sniper! After Spy found that thing that makes Sniper soo interesting to him, he want to stay with the bushman more time (inviting him to a smoke break, or helping him to cook and giving him some pointers on that!) And, well, Medic start to see these tiny things like "oh, no no, find another yourself, this is taken ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ" and then they start fighting and nobody, even Sniper, understands what's going on xD I'm not a fan of love triangles but Damm the amount of ideas I have with these trhee!! I can't, sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)!!
Scout retains the love interest in Miss Pauling and Soldier (RED) is still in a relationship with Zhanna. This is not important, but I wanted to clarify...
And of course, as I mentioned with the case of Spy, most of the relations are not like this for now. I want to make comics or drawings exploring this dynamics (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The BLU Team has their own relations too! But I not gonna explore that for now... It's a surprise (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Oh, almost forgot to tell this won't afect the requests, at least the ppl who make them want it.
Finally, all relationships are just my vision for my comics and drawings and I don't consider any of these things "Canon" (at least the ones that are not confirmed).
Well that's all for now, wait for more things i'm going to share to you guys!
if you have questions or want to know something specific, you know where to go ;)
Thanks for your time and see you later! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
minific :) hope u like it!! it doesnt have much of canon lore applied, and its Mann Vs Machine. Spy bein a dad when its far too late :(
The team had been split up when the robots attacked, and Scout and Sniper had gotten stuck together. Not that it was any issue for Scout, though. He figured the Australian wouldn't mind sticking with him for a little while, and so far, he hasn't left. But it's too quiet, even for someone like Sniper, the least talkative member on the team.
"Hey, you think the others are alright?" Scout looks at the marksman.
"Why wouldn't they be? They've better aim when close up than I ever bloody will." Sniper glances at Scout before returning his gaze to the hallway ahead of them. Broken robots lay littered about.
"Someone was here." Sniper frowns. "They must not be far."
"No shit, Sherlock-- is that blood?" Scout frowns, the red stain on the floor catching his attention.
"Yeah. Trail o' it, too..." Sniper frowns. "You follow it. I'll make sure there's no more of the bloody boltheads comin' down the halls."
"Gotcha." Scout quickly begins to follow the trail until he reaches the end of the hallway, where the rough smell of cigarette smoke fills the air.
"Ah. It's you." The voice of Spy says from the dark, and Scout flicks the lights on. Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn't... this.
Spy's injured badly. There's blood staining his suit in multiple areas, and what appears to be a gunshot wound to his upper body seems to be the main cause.
"Holy crap...!" Scout quickly snaps out of the trance he was in, and opens the duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He digs through it, pulling out bandages. Of course he'd forgotten the medkits. Fan-fucking-tastic.
"Scout, I am no doctor, but I don't think a simple band aid is going to heal a bullet wound." Spy glares at the runner.
"I'm tryna help you, man! Cut me some slack." Scout scowls, and Spy just sighs.
"Scout. Just... stop. I'm not making it out of this room alive. My leg is broken and I've been shot four times. It's a miracle I'm not already dead." Spy pushes the bandages away, fllicking his burned-out cigarette away with his other hand.
"Well... that's just morbid. I can use comms to get Snipes to find Doc?" Scout reaches for his headpiece, but Spy shakes his head.
"I want you to listen to me, boy. I don't want to be saved. I've accepted that I'm not going to make it out of here. It's better this way."
"Shut up!" Spy raises his voice to a yell, before letting out a pained sigh, propping himself higher up against the wall. "Just... listen to what I have to say, Jeremy."
Scout's eyes widen slightly. He isn't wearing his dog tags, there's no way Spy could've known.
"This will... sound familiar, I hope. I hate repeating myself." Spy lights a second cigarette. Hesitating. "27 years ago, I met a beautiful woman. She was everything I could've wished for... and we were happy together. As Tom Jones would say, I... dropped a 'sex bomb' on her. I was young then, and I ran from the explosion."
It all sounds so familiar. Had Scout heard this before? Where? When...? He can remember someone saying this to him...
Holy. Crap.
"You... You were the Tom Jones that I saw." Scout whispers. Spy just nods.
"I... It is one of my many regrets, leaving you and your mother behind. I was a coward. I suppose I still am, since it would seem I can only admit to this on the edge of death." Speaking is getting more difficult for Spy, and Scout can tell, hesitating before lowering his headpiece.
"Snipes. Find Doc. Hurry."
"Mate-? Wha--" The Australian's cut off as Scout tosses the headpiece aside, and Scout kneels at Spy's side.
"You're my dad. I-- I can't let you just... die here! There's... so much lost time to be made up." Scout starts unravelling the bandage. Maybe it's the shock stopping him from feeling the pain in his leg from a loose nail digging into his knee, maybe it's the sudden adrenaline rush. Doesn't matter. Spy needs to make it out of this alive.
"Jeremy." Spy's voice is calm, with the slightest hint of pain in it. Scout looks up at Spy, who takes his mask off.
He looks just like how Scout's ma had always described him, just... older, with streaks of grey in his styled-back hair and dark circles under his eyes that Scout had never noticed before. But they share the same blue eyes.
"I am proud to see the man you've become. You've made good friends. Your mother did amazing raising you." Spy pulls a photo from his suit pocket, holding it out to Scout. "Here. I kept this when I left. I always have it with me."
It's a photo of 2 year old Scout, with his mother and Spy sitting beside him, watching him open his christmas present: A baseball bat.
Scout looks back at Spy, his vision blurry. Spy smiles at him, whispering something in French that Scout can't understand, and Scout can see the life leave Spy's eyes.
"Dad?" Scout's voice is small, his eyes wide, staring at Spy's motionless body. He tentatively reaches over and shakes Spy's shoulder, but the Frenchman doesn't respond. He's dead. Forcing back a sob, he pulls the corpse into a hug as the sound of footsteps behind him come closer and closer.
Scout never got the chance to learn his father's name.
The angst got to me. I'm not gonna lie. This is so amazing, Anon. If you ever start writing these on your blog (or if you already do), please let me know because I will be your number one fan, I swear 💪
Thank you for sending this in. It is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. You're an amazing writer, and I literally can't compliment you enough!!!
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redamoureux · 1 year
Hi! Could you maybe write some tf2 characters (sniper, scout, demo) x reader who has a fear of being isolated or alone from past experiences and trauma? I understand if it’s too heavy of a subject tho! I still love your blog :)
General Sniper & Scout Headcanons
• genre: romantic
• a/n: i'm not very proficient in writing these kinds of topics so i might've depict this in the wrong way ^^" and apologise i didn't add demo as it might take even longer time to write
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• Sniper has accustomed to being alone for a long time. Infact he enjoys it when he is left by himself. A tranquil and silent sphere is just exactly what he needs.
• He wasn't surprised by your blunt and open characteristic since half of the mercs were like that aswell. He must admit, it was kind of annoying thing. However that quickly changed once he finally did get to know you.
• The thing is, you seemingly wanted to stay with almost all the mercs or him at all times. He doesn't mind though, it's nice having companion from time to time.
• The more time the two of you spent time together, he feels more comfortable and opens up about a few things to you. When you revealed to him that you have a fear of being alone and explains on why and how it happend, he was a little suprised for a moment before seeing your slightly disturbed look, he reassures you that he'll always be right beside you.
• From then on when he spots you somewhat lost and sees you starting to get anxious and jittery, he'd come up to you and invites you to his sniper nest.
• He feels rather touched knowing that you trusted him enough to tell him about this. While holding you in his camper one night, he got lost to his thoughts on how he's going to confessed to you.
• Being the youngest of his family he may have gotten used of being left out oftentimes, but it doesn't remove the lonesome feeling. Sure most time he doesn't show it as it would be a "out of character" behaviour for him.
• Scout favors your approachable nature, unlike most with the others, it's lot easier to talk with you and that's just one of the many things he likes about you!
• if anyone ever tells you to shut up or straight up insults you, He's going to fight them and you're likely going to have to restraint him before getting into serious troubles.
• During a movie night, you both were laughing at a particular scene when he makes a joke about it, you quietly told him about your fear. Firstly, he thought you were just joking around before he look deep in your eyes. His face abated as he process just that.
• Scout stays quiet for a few second before asking. When you told him about your past experiences, he feels bad and relate to you too. Scout makes small vows that he'll never let any of things happen to you ever again. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable so even if you don't tell, he'll just pull you closer to him and spent the rest of the night in a secure silent.
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levmada · 2 years
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i most certainly didnt post this before it was finished and lost ur ask anon. i hope u find this😭
i thought of @jayteacups and their recent post so jay shout out to u and ur amazing writing!!!!
content/warnings: descriptions of depression, i was going thru it when i wrote this, hurt/comfort, references to death+blood, there are tears
wc: ~1.1k
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It’s not the end of the world. Not for Levi.
For some, it’s a different story. The bodies that once pumped the blood that spots his cloak now, the spray on his pant leg (a rescue too late), remnants of guts on his boots, or the congealed red-turned-brown caked under his fingernails.
Demons follow every Scout back home (the ones who make it back, that is). The more expeditions you survive, the longer the line of demons trails, the louder their clamor, the darker their silhouettes.
Someone weaker than him wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Or the choices he has to make. The ones where, no matter the outcome, he feels the same sins crawling on his back.
The storage cellar is nothing but inky blackness, so much so that Levi closes his eyes and the view is still lighter in comparison. It’s mercifully silent, piercing even, but the stone floor under his backside mercilessly hard.
The sights he has seen and couldn’t look away from, the wet metal, shit, and gore that has stuck to his nose, the acts he has committed with his two hands—
Well, by now he should have a guaranteed method of getting over this black stone sitting in his chest, spreading all throughout his veins, clenching his heart. You would think that after some point it gets easier.
It doesn’t. The feelings stay the same after they’re lured back from the shadows, where they were once at bay. At full force, they sink their claws in.
He is knocked to the ground again and again, as long as he has lived.
Today, at least it makes sense: his trigger fingers ache dully. On other days, the black feelings leer over him like looking down the barrel of a gun for seemingly no reason at all.
He will get over this, though. A thousand enemies haven’t killed him, so this feeling won’t, either. It takes time, and some forgetting, and some running away. Is all.
What is his strength for when his worst enemy is himself? he has to wonder.
And why does the idea of so much as moving from his space on the floor, tucked into himself small, feel the same as tearing down the sky? He can't bring himself to do anything.
How pathetic of him.
His stomach jumps to his chest as his tiny world of darkness is shattered by a light knock on the door.
“Levi?” your light voice beckons. “Are you in here?”
He holds his breath, and when he can hold it no longer, he exhales silently.
This dynamic, what you share, is new to him. He trusts you in a fight out there—he would not bear letting his feelings run free if he didn't—but to see him at his weakest? That fear is paralyzing.
But he can’t waste away in this room. He wants your gentle tones, reminders that he is safe even though battered and bruised, and, and to be comforted.
It’s pulling teeth just to admit that to himself.
So, he rises to his feet, unsteady, and navigates around the crates through darkness.
He mentally prepares himself for you to have disappeared. It took him many moments to rise to his feet, let alone come to a decision.
The lock clicks when he turns it, letting in an onslaught of light that turns your visage strained and blurry until he adjusts.
Your brow knits. “Hi.”
He can’t. He can't trust himself to even speak, so he retreats back to his place near the corner, leaving the entrance open for you. If you want to come in, you can.
Just as he slides down to a sit, the room is shrouded in darkness once again. His eyes shut, soothed by it, but a spiky sort of comfort sinks in as your steps approach, navigating the night.
“Where are you?”
“Over here,” he grunts, voice a rasp. He swallows, but it doesn't help.
You slump down right beside him, causing him to go rigid. There is nothing he wants more than to reach out, but he finds himself frozen. He’s never asked for such things, because they will leave him. He’s hard-pressed to think he even needs it.
“How long have you been sitting here? I’ve been... kinda looking for you.” Your voice shrinks. “I got worried.”
“Sorry,” he says, then stammers. “Sometimes, I just... do this. It's fine.”
That dark feeling presses down heavier in his chest, the one he knows too well. That he failed. He is failing.
You reach and touch his arm, causing him to suck in a swift breath.
“I can go?” you offer.
Levi blinks. Before he knows it he’s snatching your hand, and simply pulling it close. He doesn’t entirely know what to say, let alone do, or think.
“Don’t,” he tries.
You shuffle closer until your sides completely touch, and then switch hands so one arm can awkwardly wrap around his middle.
It would be so easy to shuffle around and let himself be held by you. His breath shakes.
Your voice is by his hairline. “It’s alright, it’s okay now. I’m right here, okay?”
He closes his eyes, and lets his head drift down to your shoulder. It’d be even easier to doze off like this, given how much less he sleeps than he normally does when outside the Walls. If he can’t let his guard down at any other time, it towers out there.
“I’m not leaving you... Listen to me. It’s okay to lean on me, when you need it,” you speak into his dirty hair. “We can’t be strong all the time.”
The first silent sob gently wracks his chest. Ashamed, he shifts around and, in stark contrast to his frozen demeanor before, clambers into your arms. His feet land on the floor on your other side, knees bent and his arms tucked to his chest for yours to wrap around him. His face all but buries in your neck.
Unsurprisingly, maybe, you don’t act like he’s as pathetic as he feels. With a weary sigh, you cradle him close to you chest and rub his back in slow, soothing motions.
“It’s okay,” you continue to reassure. “You did your best, and that’s all that can ever be asked of you.”
“It will always get easier. It may not seem like it right now, it might feel like the end, but I promise it’s not.”
“You can always lean on me when it's hard. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
He finds that his cheeks are sticky with tears, and what he wants, desperately, is to forget, and fall asleep with you.
“Stay with me,” he whispers through the quiet, and automatically curses himself for asking. “W-Will you stay?”
You kiss his hair. “Yes. Always.”
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