#scrap friendos !! <3
scrap-doodley · 2 years
FRIENDO!!!! if you still want requests,,,, can you draw the silly boys?? dave an jack of course :]
i always forget abt asks in my inbox unless I answer them right away 💔💔
uhhh I'm lazy 2 draw davesport rn but I figure this is a good excuse chance 2 show all my sillie little followers my funky paper davesport :]]
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sillie sillie fucking guys..... i made them uhhhh checks watch about uhhh just over two weeks ago now ??
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neat little dudes and jack is WAY shorter than dave lmeow (but the right height to have them hold hands slay happy pride everyone ❤️)
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I also have uhhh little faces 2 swap out :]] lots of fun and im working on making jack a suit rn 👍
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jackets done but nothing else 💔💔
anywho ueag love these guys :]] I haven't done anything with them in a bit but i'll get 2 it !!
i'll draw someday too i will [lie] /hj
bonus lol 👍
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zonked.. straight zooted /ref
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umm I'll just put this in my spam ig but uhhhh I made these 4 you guys I COULDNT THINK OF ANY FOR MY OTHER MUTUALS BUT I LOVE U GUYS 2 THIS ISN'T A FAVORITES THING /GEN, P
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i made them bc I remembered i did one 4 myself a while ago aheehee
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anyway @sumbier0 @ectopodl3 hiiii friends <3
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scrappertywasp · 2 years
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woag r you alright there friendo, /lh
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veradragonjedi · 1 year
emoji ask!! :D
⛔ 🌞 🎯
AAAAAA EEEEEE!!! Hello Friendo!!
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Oh my god 😳 🫣 I made myself a promise I would NEVER talk about H&P again but YES OKAY I HAVE SCRAPPED A FIC (and since forgotten about it leave me be leave me be 💀) I didn't get tired of writing it I just.......... started hating it lmao (and it was.... so long?? It'll never see the light of day lemme tell you. Even my closest friends dunno that it exists and I'm not gonna start right here right now ksjsksgsieg)
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🌞 Do you have a preferred time if day to write?
Actually, not really! Although, some of the greatest chapters in BBB were written at midnight after neglecting my sleep medication so.....
Nah, if it's sunny, I go outside and write cos it's nice :3 I should probably trick my brain into a specific writing schedule tho lol
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share?
Well, @kalak certainly had a theory, but so far not really! BBB is still in an embryo stage, and nothing HUGE has happened — although- things have been teased at hehe — I'm excited to see whether they will or not :3 that's if they'll stay long enough 😅 it's gonna be a long ride.
Sometimes commenters appear and guess a small character appearance or tell me about something they hope to see, and I sit there going :⁰ :' :° :/ but since the story's relatively young, for now I'll say no :3 (although- I'll come to you if someone does haha)
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kayfabebabe · 2 years
For the ask thingy: 💞 Who's your comfort character? | ⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped? | 👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! (or even if its just a small thing lmao) annnd ooh fourth one? Y e s | 🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? ~Cryptid
Friendo Chaaaaaaaase! Thank you so much for the questions! <3
Who is my comfort character? This might be a little predictable, but Mankind. He's just this adorable, squishy and misunderstood creature of a guy. (Don't tell the other Faces of Foley)
Scrapped Fic A lot of the time, I simply recycle old ideas for new characters so it's actually rare for me to completely throw away a fic. (We're not including requests here because I restart those constantly.) However, there was an Undertaker fic that I had planned out that I totally scrapped.
The basic premise of it was The Undertaker was the being that guided people's souls through purgatory and helped them to the afterlife. As you can guess, it was on the darker side of themes. I still have the outline and the final chapter saved somewhere in my many drafts so it might see the light of day, but not in the near future.
Current WIPs Chase. Oh precious Friendo Chase. As I'm writing this, I have 40 works in progress in my drafts. 4 - 0! A lot of them are half-planned ideas that have popped into my head as I'm falling asleep so I've quickly typed them out. Others are silly little scenes that I'll try to build something coherent around. Here's a snippet of something that has been sitting in my drafts for months because I don't know what to do with it.
“You’re not helping.”
The slight warning tone in your voice does nothing to dissade Mox from touching you. He always seemed to be more affectionate after matches. There was a glint in his eyes that silently told you what to expect when you had a moment alone together. 
“Was I meant to?” 
You try your best to focus on carefully placing the Steri-Strips on his forehead, but Mox’s hands are constantly moving. They slip beneath the hem of your shirt and impatiently push the material up to expose your stomach. This definitely isn’t medical protocol. Any protests die on your tongue when Mox leaned forward to mouth at the faint lines of your hipbones. Your hands still on the top of his head. 
Favourite character to write Again, this might be an obvious answer, but I've really been enjoying writing for William Regal lately. I think it's simply because I don't have to research different references when writing for him. On the other hand, I will always have time to write for Kane as he is my boi and I love him.
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🥺, ⛔, 🎯, ✅?
Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
oh yeah found family bullshit for sure. also moments that are the culmination of slow burn romance like a first kiss or a proposal or an extreme expression of devotion or etc
Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
i have a folder full of wips that i don't think i will ever finish due to my own executive dysfunction lol. they include a kennedy loser fic i started literally the DAY he got haunted and a fic that expands the entirety of s24 with lorcan smaht, brisket friendo, and rodnet as the 3 rotating pov characters
Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
this is an original fiction thing but i have a folder full of every accurate prairie song prediction anyone has ever made in the card zero press discord including kat calling the ending of book 1 in a joke literally over a year in advance
What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
oh plenty of stuff im sure. in blaseball fics specifically it tends to be the idea of being forgotten vs the idea of being Perceived (hated/loved) by the fans/your team/etc. also in the post-s24 stuff it is always how to find community and healing after the world has already ended bc surprise that is what i write about in my own time anyway (prairie song)
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austajunk · 3 years
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More misc and sketchbook scraps! For a while, my sketchbooks were really just dedicated to the ladies of Danganronpa. XD forgive the first one. I am terrible with alcohol markers. And yes, these are all my favorite gals in the series. :3 Aside from Kirumi. I actually don’t know her since I’ve yet to play V3, but I drew her for a friendo. :3
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
Fic Writer’s Round Up: 2020
I was tagged by wonderful friendos @in-arlathan, @noire-pandora, @faerieavalon, @pinkfadespirit, @tevivinter, and @serial-chillr! Thank you so much, it was so interesting to see what you've been up to this year <3 
2020 was a ride from start to finish and I considered not doing this at first because frankly, I wasn't particularly happy with my output this year, but I decided to give it a go and I was pleasantly surprised! This year has had a lot of ups and downs for me and there were plenty of times when I had a hard time putting words on the page, while others I couldn't stop. I've written primarily for Dragon Age and The Song of Achilles, and a little bit of Castlevania. In the below breakdown I've included all the fics I’ve written solo, both my published stuff as well as those that I plan on publishing in the near future  (for my lengthier works, I’ve only included the chapters written in 2020):
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Aran belongs to @oftachancer!
I don't know if you noticed the ~50k words of deleted stuff, but that was an entire arc that I wrote for A World With You, but decided it wasn't good enough so I scrapped and rewrote it. Those long gaps between updates this year? Yeah. That was it. I normally don't include deleted scenes in my overall wordcount but I decided to add this out of spite because it was a lot of hard work and it may or may not have had me sobbing into my coffee once or twice. Anyway. MOVING ON.
I also co-wrote A LOT with my friendo @oftachancer this year! It all started with a Modern AU one-shot of Aran and Tristan as college roommates, which then derailed into an epic adventure of about 250,000 words (placeholder title: Never Let Me Go) as well as a prequel of about 180,000 words of the boys before they went to college, which is currently being published on AO3 (Playground Love). We also published a smutty one-shot for Kinktober (Tea and Corsets). I love those boys so much, and I’m excited to write more of them. I have also co-written a few scenes for the Band!AU @oftachancer and @midnightprelude have been working on, which has been so much fun and I look forward to writing more! So, total wordcount for co-written stuff is approximately 445,000 words,  not including a couple one-shots that we’ve written and posted on Tumblr and I’m too lazy to track down now, or others that haven’t been published yet but will soon!
New Things I Tried This Year: 
Co-writing two massive, novel length fics was definitely a first, I had a lot of fun world-building with @oftachancer​, and it gave me the opportunity to develop some of my OCs that had been lurking in my mind for a really long time. I also started writing for a new fandom, TSOA, and that has definitely been a highlight in my year. I grew up reading the Iliad and ancient greek myths, and to see them brought to life was very rewarding. It has also been a lot of fun finding ways to integrate ancient greek lore in my works, I really love it!
Fic I spent the most time on: A World With You, although Playground Love and Never Let Me Go are close seconds!   
Fic I spent the least time on: To Build A Home. I wrote it in only a couple sittings after finishing Season 3 of Castlevania because I had so many feels! Chapters 1 and 2 of High-Flying Birds were also written on my phone in less than an hour, because again I was overwhelmed with feels after finishing The Song of Achilles.  
Favourite things I wrote: I am really proud of everything I’ve written this year, especially since it was such a stressful year and writing gave me a much needed escape! But I'm going to choose a few highlights, purely based on the satisfaction they gave me while writing, and how often I've gone back to reread them (does anyone else do that?? Lol): Viper in Tall Grass, because I enjoyed the heck out of writing in the Witcher Universe. Chapter 2: Thorn, from High Flying Birds, which was one of those scenes that practically wrote themselves and I still like the way it turned out. Lastly, Chapter 28: The Prodigal Son and Chapter 29: In Water Waist Deep from AWWY. They were both really challenging to write but in the end they were worth it and I personally feel it’s some of my best writing yet. I always get emotional when I go back to reread them.  
Favourite Things I Read: I’ve read a lot of published fiction this year, but not near as much fanfiction as I would have liked! I mentioned some of the fics I’m currently reading and loving in this post, but I’m going to make a more detailed fic rec post soon, so keep an eye out for that! 
Writing Goals for next year: My primary goals for 2021 are to finish AWWY and High-Flying Birds so I can start working on some projects I’ve been wanting to post forever, but apart from that, I have no goals other than to have fun writing, and perhaps participate in more fic exchanges and challenges! 
This post is terribly long (I’m usually rather quiet unless someone asks me to talk about my fics, and then I can’t shut up lol), but I want to thank every single person that has liked, reblogged and commented on my work, you guys are the best and there’s nothing like a comment or a thoughtful tag to make me want to create more! 
I also want to give a special shoutout to @solas-disapproves, @in-arlathan, @midnightprelude, @tessa1972 and @oftachancer​ for being the lovely, inspiring people that they are, and for gifting me with wonderful fanart or fanfic this year that made me want to melt in a puddle, as well as to @tenmeooo-thefangirltrash​ for translating High Flying Birds to Vietnamese! (Check it out here) Thank you all so much, your friendship and support has meant the world to me ;w;
I’m sure that everyone has done this already, but I’m still going to tag @pikapeppa, @schoute​, @schattengerissen, @zuendwinkel​, @elveny​, @fandomn00blr​, @dafan7711​, @dalish-rogue​, @jeannedarcprice​, @nug-juggler​, @kittimau​ and @lavellanvibes​ for art or writing, because I always love seeing what you’ve been up to! If you’ve made it to the end of this humongous post, please consider yourself tagged, and tag me back so I can see your work too!
CHEERS, AND ON TO 2021!! <3
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seacollectsrivers · 3 years
I spy 👀👀 Granada Holmes I am INTRIGUED by magic au also!!! And YES genderfluid Miranda... My life........
THIS GOT LONG OF COURSE HDFKJG thank you friendo for giving me an excuse to rant hahahaha
Granada Holmes is The Secret Fear, (trans Holmes, established relationship, he has a lil freak out), which I posted before I figured out my gender stuff (!!), and the follow-up prequel! it's been stuck on 2/3 chapters for a bit.... i do have it all planned out, the beats written down even, but here i am :U i've nothing good written for ch3 but here's some from the earlier scrapped version of the prequel! the idea is the same (confidently bi Watson comes out to Holmes, they're both crushing on each other but Holmes is trans and scared and has missed out on a lot of queer Victorian culture, so ~misunderstandings~ happen), i just scrapped the introduction.
I believe I can safely call Holmes my closest friend -- he certainly knows more about me than anyone of that title previously. Whether or not he counts me as his, I try to not think too hard on. I understand we probably view each other quite differently, if only because Holmes views everything so differently, but it does still sting if I allow myself to linger on it.
«I do believe I know Mrs. Sophie Rowe.» Holmes lifted an eyebrow, and gestured for me to continue. I cleared my throat and looked down, faintly embarrassed, although I had no reason to be. If this was the Sophie I believed it to be, our friendship was absolutely respectable. Only how we met was not. «I met her when I was younger, before the army. Lovely girl. Woman now, I suppose. I cannot quite imagine she would commit adultery.»
THE MAGIC AU. i still want to write this, but it became TOO INVOLVED. There are two versions: a High Fantasy AU and a Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell fusion.
High Fantasy AU has half-elf James Fitzjames dying of some mysterious curse, human Crozier FRETTING, an inn-owning human OR dwarf Blanky, and a vaguely defined forest-creature Goodsir hired to figure out how to break the curse. i didn't want to do a re-telling of the show but the more i planned out the more i was like... this is just a different story, this could be anyone lol. so it's up for grabs if people want it hahaha.
JSaMN fusion is a fun one! More accurately a crossover, but very few from the original JSaMN would appear, as it's set half a century before the Terror. JFJ as a magician with thirst for recognition. Crozier as someone who seems very anti-magic, but he just doesn't care for the anglo-centric view of English Magic and the arrogancy of English magicians. Possibly has some fairy-blood (i was toying with people assuming Fitzjames has fairy blood, because he's the Handsomest Man (not in the Navy in this one), and then SURPRISE it's this grumpy old teapot). they're forced to cooperate to find a way magic could help the Discovery Service. then.... plot happens hah.
YOU INSPIRED GENDERFLUID MIRANDA!! i haven't actually uh... reread it since i published it? but it's here! with a link to your post an all :D it's a pre-canon James POV! i've vague ideas to explore t more from her POV, and introduce some less rigid gender binary, but we'll see.
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halfblood-fiend · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Day 8
From The Fictober 2019 event <3
Prompt 8 : “Can you stay?”
Fandom : Star Trek: Voyager
Words : 1,616
Warnings : more alcohol, and one dumbass character; companion piece to this
“Can you stay?” Vorik x Modern OC
I crested over that plateau of Party Enjoyment into the diminishing return of Fun pretty quickly after the game of beer pong. It was like suddenly hitting a wall at full speed and crashing into a hard stop. I was slurring, I was saying dumb things, I could barely walk straight, and my internal monologue became something of a chant of "I hate this. I hate this. I hate this." Though it somehow didn’t stop me from continuing to take shots with my crewmates.
As the night went on, trying to keep track of the threads of conversation got tedious but when I started zoning out more often than I listened, I called it. Pretty much just like that, I decided I was Absolutely Done and wanted to be in bed five minutes ago. I had no idea what time it was and people were leaving anyway so it seemed like a good time for me to skedaddle too. So I grabbed Vorik's arm and told him so.
Not that I was particularly complaining, with my stupid crush still gong in full force apparently, but my friend had hardly left my side ever since our beat down of Tom and B'Elanna. It would have been fine if I'd had even a sliver of more self-control. Vorik's quiet and calm made me all too aware of how fucking obnoxious drunk-Giana must have been. Not to mention that I'd been doing dumb shit to the poor guy all night. Not the least of which being exactly what I was doing now: touching him way more than necessary. All the casual physical contact was all well and good for an inebriated social Human, but I had always been under the impression it was pretty taboo for a Vulcan. He was just too nice to say so.
Which was why as I made my rounds to say goodnight to folks, the Vulcan was still at my shoulder.
"Aww. You guys are leaving already?"
Already, as if it wasn't hella late.
"Nice game! I won't forget the look on Tom's face any time soon."
You and me both, friendo.
"It was fun finally hanging out with you. I'll see you tomorrow!"
You might. If I didn't end up sleeping all day tomorrow. No shifts meant no alarms and there was no way in hell I was getting up any earlier than my body wanted to, even if that meant I missed every meal.
I went back to our table to pick up the jacket I'd abandoned hours ago, waved a final goodbye to my friends still sitting there, and turned to find Vorik still behind me, hovering a few paces behind, waiting patiently.
“You know, you don't have to leave just because I am. You should stay and enjoy yourself.” I kept extra busy making sure my jacket was draped over my arm just so. I told myself I wasn't holding my breath for any particular reason.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vorik shake his head and clasp his hands behind his back. “If it hadn’t been for you asking me, I wouldn’t have come at all. Now, you are quite intoxicated. I would prefer to escort you to your quarters rather than staying, to ensure you make it there.”
I laughed, “As opposed to, what? Passing out in the hallway somewhere?”
“Or being taken advantage of. I have not known you to act out of self-preservation and I have often observed your inability to tell others ‘no.’”
Was I so easy for everyone else to read too, or was he the only one that paid attention?
“Okay, okay,” I sighed. “Since you chased off my date earlier, I guess that makes it your job to take me home anyway.”
God, why did I fucking say that?
Vorik arched an eyebrow and fell into step beside me as we left the rec room and turned down the hallway towards the crew quarters.
I couldn’t even keep quiet a minute before I had to open my stupid mouth.
“I’m glad you came, after all. Even if I did have to beg you.”
“As am I. I may not understand the Human obsession with loud music or dancing, but the conversations we had were just as enjoyable as on any other day. More so, perhaps.”
“Why more?”
“Only when they are drunk, are Humans finally honest,” he said. I sensed this could be a dangerous road for me so I tried to switch gears.
I reached out and caught the sleeve of his dark grey tunic and felt the strange crosshatching fabric. “I really like this on you,” I said with a smile.
Then suddenly: God, would you stop touching him, please?? As soon as I thought it, I released him and took to crumpling the light fabric of my dress in my fists instead.
Vorik raised his eyebrows and cast a somewhat amused look in my direction. “Thank you for proving my point.”
“Nuh-uh! I would’ve told you that even if I wasn’t so drunk! Vulcan fashion is to die for. I love it! I just…usually stop myself from giving out compliments is all.”
“Because…” I faltered. Because I am usually too shy? Because I never know how to react to compliments, so I don’t want to put others in that position? Because whenever I give out too many compliments, people accuse me of flirting and that makes me more uncomfortable? “I dunno. ‘M always worried they’ll come off awkward.”
Frowning, Vorik said, “Although many would likely hold the same opinion of me, you don’t strike me as awkward, Giana. I do appreciate your compliment. I, too, am fond of this overcoat.”
“It brings out your eyes,” I blurted before I snapped my teeth together so hard, I probably rattled my brain.
Vorik glanced at me and nodded. “I know. Though I am surprised you noticed. It is unusual for a Human to see the subtlety.”
I wasn’t sure if that was meant to be a compliment or not, but it sure did feel like one. So the smile I flash him is dopey and bright.
I had no idea why I kept doing this to myself. Why keep trailing along picking up the scraps of affection? There was no future here. Vorik wouldn’t—couldn’t possibly—return those feelings. It wasn’t in his nature, and that was okay…just not for me. That would never work out for someone who so desperately craved love. All I was doing was hurting myself. IN the short run. In the long run.
And, logically, I knew that most days.
But it was hard to see that when my head was so thick and my heart was giddy.
I stopped and looked around to find him a meter behind me.
“Your quarters are here,” Vorik said, gesturing to the door to his left.
“Oh.” My face burned. “Y-yeah.”
I pressed my hand to the biometric reader and the doors hissed open. The computer greeted me as I walked over the threshold but I barely heard her. As soon as I walked inside, I was exhausted and felt ready to collapse.
“I would not recommend going to sleep immediately, though I am sure the urge is strong.” Vorik strode in behind me and went straight to my in-room replicator. “You should drink more water and remain alert for at least another ninety minutes.”
“To lower your blood-alcohol content.”
I wrinkled my nose at him. “Wha’? I didn’t know you were a doctor and an engineer.”
“I am not, but the amount of alcohol you consumed could easily lead to poisoning if you aren’t careful.”
My stomach twisted. “…oh?” It hadn’t been that much, had it?
The replicator dinged and Vorik approached me and offered out a glass of water.
I took it, still feeling rather confused and more than a little worried.
“You neglected to eat beforehand as well. It is a wonder you can still stand.” When I hadn’t moved, he reached out and nudged the bottom of the glass with his fingers until I raised it to my lips and took a long drink.
“Will I be okay?”
Vorik shook his head and shrugged halfheartedly. “If you listen, maybe.”
I laughed into the glass. “Don’t ever pursue a medical position. Your bedside manner is ass.”
He sighed. “Do as I say, and you will be fine. Now that my task is complete and you are safe, I will see you tomorrow.”
Vorik had made it all the way to the door before my anxiety won out over my self-consciousness.
“Um. Vorik?”
He paused with his fingers hovering over the keypad and looked over his shoulder.
“I. Um. C-can… Are you… Uh. W-were you planning on sleeping tonight or-or meditating?”
I nodded, and rolling the empty glass in my hands, I mustered all the courage from every corner of my being that I could possibly find. “Could…could you…? I-I mean, we don’t have to be in the same room or anything b-but if you’re only meditating, can you—I mean, if you don’t mind—can…can you, um, stay?” He was quiet, but my heart was loud in my ears. “To make sure I don’t die?” I clarified as if that would make the embarrassing request better.
“My mentioning it made you nervous.”
“Uh,” I said with a shaky laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, it definitely did. I had no idea I was that bad.”
“I can stay, if it will put you at ease.”
I smiled. “You’re too good to me.”
“You…are my friend. If my presence will soothe your anxiety, then I am glad to be here for you.”
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scrap-doodley · 2 years
um,,,,, idk if youve answered my previous request but just to like,,,, give you more to draw (/pos)!!! can you draw me some silly little binding of isaac characters?? i dont mind which i wanna see your take on them :]
here doing this one first bc i finished it quicker
anyways this is literally the tbh creature what
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they look like this post. btw. /pos
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HI HI SO BASCIALLY gaster was the royal scientist of the underground before alphys and he created the core (and it's theorized he might've created sans and papyrus and some other characters too i think?? he was doing some wacky shit in the old labs) and at some point he ended up falling into the core and. dying?? i guess?? there r these eastereggs u can find in the game thru messing around with the files and stuffs that r called gaster followers and they tell u bits and pieces of info about him and one of them says that when he fell in he was shattered across time and space (or something along those lines i can't remember the exact wording) but he still seems to be around just like. in pieces!! and he's hinted at being in deltarune too!!! (i hope and pray every day that he makes a full appearance) there's a hidden place u can get to in ut (thru messing with the files again i think) where it shows wingdings text (which is what gaster talks in) and a specific soundfile plays behind it (ALSO short tangent the sound it uses for his voice is so neat i <3 it.. i've never heard anyone talk abt it but he sounds so cool <3 <3) and that specific soundfile can also be heard very quietly in deltarune if you go to the door to the underground :]]] plus other references to him being really important to deltarune and undertale!! SORRY IF I TALKED TOO MUCH i love gaster and i wanted to take the chance to infodump teehee i hope it wasn't too much </3 I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU MORE TOO BTW!! /gen feel free to talk to me about anything literally ever u are super cool & i love talking 2 ppl & making friends it's the whole reason i made this blog !!! i love luring ppl in with my silly little drawings and making them be my friend it is the ultimate scheme :]
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scrappertywasp · 1 year
hihi teehee
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helloe wgat isthis :0
aslo hiiiii meats hope u been well :] /gen
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madeofbees · 4 years
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Final holiday knitting haul!!
On the top we have Lettlopi in eleven different colors for my 2020 temperature blanket, from my dad <3
Bottom left three skeins are Malabrigo Mechita, also from my dad. The speckled ones remind me of leopard seals, one of my fave animals, and I’m prolly gonna turn them into a Stephen West shawl.
Middle golden skeins are The Fibre Company Lore in colorway Happiness that Su got me to make:
The two books are the newest Stephen West pattern books, Westknits Bestknits Vol. 3 (Su) and Hiberknitting (my dad). These should both be helpful in the No Yarn Buying Til I Move Plan because there’s tons of stripey, fair isle, and brioche patterns for using up scraps and smaller skeins.
Then on the right is Madelinetosh Pashmina in Dopamine from @robitron5000 (my sister) and Plaid Blanket from @spoonietelegraph (my friendo).
It is absolutely worth noting that my wife gave me Happiness and my sister gave me Dopamine :DD
And! This is the last yarn I buy until after I move to Seattle, which is terrifying but should be possible! We’re trying to bring less things with us, not more, but sixteen months without new yarn is a scary scary thought @.@ The only time it could be allowed is to go with the Dopamine because idk what I want to do with it yet and I may need to get something to go with it, but otherwise that’s it. The end.
All in all, an absolutely excellent collection, and I am so excited :D
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dawnblxde · 5 years
💛- How do other people describe you?
@aeristheancient - 
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/That may be depend on whom is describing me! ^.^ From my knowledge in real life - due to being a goodie two shoes in all walks of life. School, High School, College and the charity shop I work at. I am often described as either a sweet boy or a kind young man. Some of who have seen my have an autism based outburst or reaction to something. From what I can tell roleplay wise across my blogs that fandoms are active. Aka as of right now, Final Fantasy/JRPG, Marvel/DC/Superhero and Telltale Games/The Walking Dead Game. This is the same - based on what has been typed to my face in a message, sent via an ask or tagged in a positive thing directed at me. A decent amount of these lovely friends dear to me have seen my triggered and sent off into an autism related fit and still think this. I strive to be kind and make sure those around me are generally happy and happy with what we’re writing together - whatever is going on!
As far as my writing of creator of character faithful Spider-Man’s concerned.SB: !? HE DOESN’T WRITE THE SPIDER-MAN IN THE CURRENT MCU MOVIES! HOW DARE HE NOT DO THAT! This is because the MCU version of him in the current Disney films is about 20% faithful, so hardly faithful at all. If you’ve read a few Spider-Man comics, that’s enough to see the lack of care in that writing. I believe in being faithful and not doing so would be disrespectful to me, so if that is a view among anyone in the community! No skin off my nose, I’ll continue happily writing the Spider-Man that the late Stan Lee brought into this world! :)
As far as my writing of creator of character faithful Noctis is concerned.SB: HE DOESN’T WRITE ANYTHING XV AT ALL OR ACKNOWLEDGE IT’S EVENTS! HOW DARE HE NOT DO THAT!I’m more certain about this as I - remember blogs that dropped me when I made this decision after beating XV on New Years Day 2017. That things were all good with, no angst prior to release. And yet. v.v - Anyway, this is due to the fact that since that 2006 trailer, I’ve been there. Watched every trailer, read every report, note, interview. I looked at it all up until release. I saw what the wiki looked like prior to the change - I still remember it. I fell in love with/was stoked for the character that Nomura created - his character. How awesome, anti-hero, edgy and powerful Noctis seemed and was described by Nomura. I waited patiently for that. All the way up until 2013, it just kept seeming better. I didn’t mind however long I’d have to wait, it was worth it after my experiences with other Nomura made things. Then it was announced that, despite his wishes otherwise, Nomura was being pushed to focus on KH3. I tried to think positive when the guy who did Crisis Core and Type-0 took over. I thought it would be like when a comic writer or a showrunner takes over comic or TV show from it’s creator, but respects their work and continues their work, with a little touch of their own blend. Instead the 2006-2013 trailers and Nomura’s hard work was scrapped. Which was realized once the shadow of what it was meant to be was released and Nomura back lashed negatively (. I had been writing Noctis prior to this, since 2006 in fact. Not joining a proper site until 2010. 2015 for Noctis here. I just carried on what I was doing. I recite how Nomura described his character every day via his quotes, gifs and footage of Noctis. I used his lore, notes, ideas, writing and his hard work to formulate a Nomura Versus based plot for my Noctis to follow and a world to live in. The original. The one he should live in. I like to pretend the disrespect doesn’t exist. Completely abandoning XV and anything to do with it and just focusing on the creator Noct’s hard work. Every muse of mine is written faithfully and respectfully towards the creator of said characters. 
I’m sorry for the load, got carried away and passionate answering this! But this explains why I think some people may describe me the way I have said. Because I don’t follow and acknowledge any unfaithful adaptations of characters close to my heart. If people do describe me like that, it doesn’t bother me. I’m going to happily continue to do what I’ve been doing for years writing wise with my character. Be happy and just focus on those who enjoy my blogs for what they are and me for what I do - mutual or not. :)
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gathering-storm · 6 years
For the OC one: 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 12 (or more, I like to know your favorites from everyone you know :3), 16, 17, 18, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 43 and 48
1. Your first OC ever? 
 my first ever OC was Marshall, a super-badass genetically altered commando trying to save the world from a rampaging virus that turns whatever it touches into horrifying mutants.2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?that’s a tie honestly, between Ven, Casias, Jericho, Phantasm and Walter.but if I ABSOLUTELY had to pick, it’d be Jeri, simply because that partywhore bastard and his body tenants have been around longer than any of the others, and his backstory is debatably more tear-jerking.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Alexei, even though he’s very difficult to Rp as9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?if I knew they could play the muse right, and if I couldn’t find any more reason to keep them, yeah, I would, but the other mun would have to be a REALLY close friend or more.11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a "sunshine"?definitely Casias, that sweethearted Brit is caring and compassion personified.12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lotcan’t just name one here, I love the hell outta@eremophobia-kardia’s Hellia@echoing-night‘s Senka and Aideen along with her celestials and Headless Deer Friendo@onyx-rose88‘s Rau, Onyx, Liu and Lucia@healingmemories‘s Rupa and Shade/Shane@lil-brown-furred-boi‘s Harry@tatzebea‘s Finex, Contry, Quotell and all the rest@lagomorpha-hellraisa‘s  Grimmy, Bragwen and Gwen@melaniedragon‘s Melanie@red-paladin-of-marmora‘s Verona, and Vlad16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
Walter, that lethal motherfucker knows the human body inside and out.17. Any OC OTPs? 
internal ships, there’s Bio&Sy, Jericho&Chira, Daryl&Betrovsky, Barium&Oxydeexternal (with another OC blog) ships, there’s Mobian!Jericho and @lil-brown-furred-boi‘s Harry, Native!Jericho and @healingmemories’s Shade and @onyx-rose88′s Rau (technically an OT3) , Progene and @verona-of-the-blade‘s Verona, Shevel and @a-show-of-muses-deactivated2018‘s Wolfsbane18. Any OC crackships?Barium and Ca Sau, Varays and his sister, Mirais23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?there’s a few actuallyJericho’s original concept was just  mindless ass-seeking missile, but he became the complex man he is todayCasias was initially gonna be more or less a double sided assassin, thankfully that idea was scrapped in favor of the triple-personality gent he is nowRaesal was at first bound to his brother....but that got far too complicated to pull off successfullyBarium was gonna be a single-focused bot with no hope of humanizing25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)Casias, personality wise. Both of us love romance and poetry30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?Joe31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)Varays’s blog would be covered in bright neon colors, with a chaotic layout, an ear rape version of the Hamster Dance playing on infinite loop and most of his posts would either be nonsensical random minifics, pictures drawn in his own candy blood and a shitload of reblogs from the @yahooanswerswtf and @blackandwtf blogs32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?depends on what version “most suitable” you meanwill survive because they’re exceptionally badass without being superhuman- Walter, because he’s unshakably calm, very intelligent unbelievably lethalmost entertaining to play as without being superhuman-  Jeff, he’s a thrillseeker whose voice lines would be mostly him smartassing at/taunting the enemies for shits’n’giggleswould ironically become the bigger threat- Jackson Lovebite, he packs a massive punch and would end up eating the enemywould be fun to watch someone else play as in an LetsPlay- Varays, any game with him in it would end up aneurysm-iducingly weird in a heartbeatwould end up scaring more people shitless than the villains because would probably end up to BE the villain-   Shevel, he’d revel in the chance to mindfuck the player by slaughtering his own minions just to betray them when its revealed they were helping him end the world.33. Your shyest OC?Casias, despite his outward confidence he’s actually easy to frazle34. Do you have any twin characters?Shevel and Raesal, they’re paternal twins and damn near identical twins, the only difference is eye color43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It's time to confesssometimes yes, sometimes noI tend to go for the badass type, combat skilled, self reliant, heroic but I often break that mold as wellphysically, the standard versions of physically fit either thin or buff.48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureSherlock, he’s just a little bundle of hug me who loves to love and be loved, oh, and eat chocolate like its goin outta style    
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