#OTP: Never Tear Us Apart
jgyapologism · 1 year
send a ship ask game xiyao chengyao and chengxian
oooh another one thank u!!
my otp tbh. i mean, i wrote an entire fic series about an alternate universe where jgy lives, just so i could keep them together. i think that answers that question lmao. but no, like, you don't understand. these two are such a tragedy: they love each other so deeply, yet are kept apart by duty and circumstance, and lxc is someone who jgy is probably the most honest with - but he still withholds - and him withholding from lxc is the one thing that lxc cannot forgive. so when guanyin temple happens, and lxc finds out the truth, he feels betrayed and rejected and like everything between them was a lie and god, he thought that he knew jgy better than anyone else. he thought he was the exception. but jgy can't afford exceptions. can't afford to let anyone too close. experience has taught him to keep people within arm's distance but no closer than that and lxc had thought he was the exception but he wasn't. except that he was - in jgy's eyes - because jgy had never allowed himself to hope for love, to be loved, before lxc.
lxc wanted to know jgy - even the monster bits - but jgy thought he had to wear a mask in order to be loved by him. but lxc just wanted him, darkness and all.
ohoho i mean, i love the concept of chengyao as like "two men who are bad at emotions are thrown together by force to help raise this child together" and i just, like to think that over the years, jc had grown to respect - maybe even admire - jgy for his resilience and persistence. b/c those are two traits that jc values highly - and he knows what it means to be resilient and persistent and to build something from scratch. so he admires jgy, and jgy grows to admire jc too, because he sees the way jc had rebuilt his sect from the ground up and how he holds his own against other sect leaders and - there might be a little bit of jealousy there.
so they respect one another, and they have this kid they have to raise together, so they do their best. and maybe jc thinks jl likes jgy better, so there's some hidden resentment, and maybe jgy thinks jc is too harsh on jl, so there's judgment. and they never see eye to eye, but they do their best - for jl.
but then guanyin temple happens and jgy puts the garrote around jl's neck - his own nephew - and jc loses every ounce of respect he has for jgy. even if all of his other atrocities didn't seal his fate - him using the garrote on jl did it for him.
but man. before all that - these two raising jl together?? peak comedy. 100/10 never getting over it. they are a small, broken family but jc and jgy are both tenacious as hell and like hell they're gonna let this boy suffer like they did. that's why jl is so spoiled rotten - b/c jgy and jc just can't stand to see him suffer.
oh anon. you just opened the floodgates. what can i say about chengxian, the twin prides, the two brothers who have always been at odds, yet refusing to let each other go?
chengxian is the most tragic ship in the entire show. we watch jc and wwx grow up together. we see their brotherhood and their friendship. we see how loyal and dedicated and fond they are of one another. but we also see the cracks and fissures between them: the way jfm dotes on wwx and the parallel hatred yzy has for wwx; the way jc always felt responsible for wwx; the fact that jc may have been wwx's superior in title but everyone who saw them knew wwx was smarter and stronger ; and the resentment that dug its way inside jc's chest and made him bitter.
but jc had always thought - believed - that wwx would choose him over everything else - except maybe jyl - and he clung to their brotherhood like a lifeline. he thought wwx was his ride or die.
but then the wen's destroy the jiang sect. they kill jc's parents. and jc blames wwx for everything - but still, even then, he sacrifices himself to save wwx, and they tear out jc's core (and wwx saves him too late and sacrifices his own core to save jc but jc doesn't know this until years later and its too late and everything is festered and ugly between them) and the wen's throw wwx into the burial mounds and he thinks wwx is dead and that it was all for nothing.
wwx goes to the burial mounds - and that, that changes things entirely. it changes wwx, b/c now he's coreless and weak and he's had to survive.
and then they meet again - after jc spends months with someone he hates just looking for his brother, clinging to some shred of hope that he's still alive - and wwx is different. but they still try to act like everything is the same; that nothing has changed. except that everything has.
and then wwx chooses the wens. he chooses the wens - the very same sect who murdered their family - over jc. over family. and something inside jc finally breaks.
he gives up on wwx. gives up on their brotherhood. meanwhile wwx has been begging him to let him go this entire time. and he thinks wwx doesn't care when it's the farthest thing from it, because all wwx wants is for jc to rebuild his sect, and being associated with wwx will only destroy them.
but, these two are Class A noncommunicators. they sacrifice everything for each other time and time again, without any thought to what the other one wants, and if not for wn, wwx would have died holding onto the core secret (edit: hell, he fucking DID in his first life); just like jc will probably die without ever telling wwx that he was the one who distracted the wen guards. that he was the domino that led to all the broken things between them.
this...has gotten impossibly long. but i'll end with this: jc and wwx will never stop loving each other. beneath all of the layers of resentment and bitterness and hatred, there is brotherhood and love and care.
they may be too broken to be fixed in their entirety, but a broken vase can still be glued back together.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
hello!!! I'd like to request some hcs for my believed Ayatsuji Yukito with a gn!reader who's not very good in things related to calculations, chem and all that but very well versed in creatives fields? like plays instruments, draws a lot and knows a lot of literary references :D thank u sm and have a nice day keke
Helloooooo!!! Reader is kind of like me; while calculations and chemistry and anything to do with maths is doable, I'm actually more of a creative person lmao.
The image used is not mine. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None
Ayatsuji with a GN!S/O who is well versed in creative fields
Tumblr media
-Okay, well Ayatsuji teased you a lot at first about maths, science, just anything in that field which requires the left side of the brain
-Like he knows that he's smarter than most people, but he's never met a person who couldn't find the integral of 1/2x^2. Sometimes he wonders if he should get a tutor for you
-But one day you actually helped him solve a case, despite his impressions of you. Ayatsuji was ready to tear his hair out because he just couldn't get an impression of the perpetrator, but you actually managed to draw a very vivid and accurate picture of the perpetrator according to the witness's descriptions and clues
-This caused Ayatsuji to think twice of you. You'll find that after a little while, he would start asking you for your help on his cases. Your drawings were always accurate and never failed to help him catch the murderer. It wasn't long before he fell for your creative side
-When you two got into a relationship, he was curious about your creativeness, and often asked you about your hobbies. I feel like Ayatsuji is one to appreciate art and artistic talents, but he's never had that much time to admire art in general because of his occupation
-Play some pieces for him on your instruments! Doesn't matter if it's a Bach fugue or a nocturne by Chopin, Ayatsuji will love it, because he seems like the type to like classical music as it's more complex and fun to analyse. He likes listening to you play in silence, while sipping a coffee or gazing at the sunset. You even offered to teach him how to play your instruments, and he took you up on your offer, but he still prefers listening to you play
-I feel like Ayatsuji finds the trait of using literary references in appropriate places attractive. Like it makes the person seem more fancy and sophisticated, and he definitely likes people like that. So he might even have a battle of literary references with you sometimes just to see how much you knew actually he does that because he thinks your smexy when you’re saying them
-Also likes to look at your drawings when you’re done with them. Now he will actually critique them a bit, but he mostly praises you and tells you what a good job you’ve done. You drew him once and now Ayatsuji treasures that drawing forever
-Since you’re creative, Ayatsuji is so going to make dolls with you. Now you actually add some extra decorations and style to the dolls that you create, and it’s a fresh contrast to the usual dolls that are stored in his basement. He loves your creativeness when it comes to dolls, and he shows it to nobody else apart from himself
-Now he will actually try to teach you math, science, physics, just anything that needs logic to figure the answer out. While he will still tease you every now and then, he’ll be chill and find out how you learn the best. Also gives you breaks when he sees your brain about to explode from all the calculations
-Your strengths fit with his perfectly; him being logical and you being creative. With this mix, no criminal dares to go up against you two now. Talk about a soft power couple, am I right?
-You two are Tsujimura’s OTP and she is already making all the wedding cards and organisation for your marriage with Ayatsuji already invite me please
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @i-just-like-goats @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @yukitomybeloved @sariel626 @lakeside-paradise @arisu-chan4646  @catzlivedforbsd
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some-pers0n · 2 months
character asks. Turtle, Indigo or Albatross wof? you don't have to do all of them :)
Oh I'm doin' them all alright
How I feel About Them: Positive!! I've always really liked Turtle and related to him a lot in that regard. He's just a lil' guy and I think he's cute and sweet. Always had a soft spot for him
All the Characters I Ship Romantically with Them: none.
Non-Romantic OTP: TURTLEWATER!! QPR TURTLEWATCHER GRRRAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Tearing apart the walls and frothing at the mouth theY'RE SO CUTEEEEE. Like they're just autism4autism and just GggrgrgrgRGGRGRGRGGR I love them,,,
Unpopular Opinion: Hm, I don't think I can really think of an unpopular opinion per se. I think my hottest take is that Turtle's refusal to change or act is a pretty interesting part of his character that is oftentimes ignored. A lot of things are his fault, namely Anemone's animus magic, just because he's scared of being witnessed and shoved into the spotlight. Tackling that sort of guilt and anxiety would be fun to see
One Thing I Wished Happened in Canon: Mhhh...hm. Well, not Turtlejou. Turtle is an aromantic character in my heart you cannot change that. I wished that stupid ass love spell never happened that's for sure
How I feel About Them: Pretty nice! I wanted to make a fic about Indigo using this quirky silly AU where Turtle never realized that Indigo was still in the statuette and spent his entire life looking for her..only to then die and for Indigo to be released from it when Darkstalker's scroll burned. Indigo I don't think about too often, but when I do it's mainly about that scrapped fic. I could never figure out a proper plot to justify writing it lmao
All the Characters I Ship Romantically with Them: Fathom, duh. I'm not too terribly crazy about other ships, but yeah Fathigo you can't go wrong with
Non-Romantic OTP: Hmmm..again, I don't really think of Indigo too terribly much to form too many opinions on what her relationships are like. I do like her interactions with Clearsight though, those were fun
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think there's enough discussion around Indigo to even have an unpopular opinion. I guess it's that Indigo seems to fall pretty flat in terms of canon and especially fanon, where she's more or less relegated to being Fathom's love interest. I think she can be really interesting and fun, but I would like seeing more attention on her character. I think her relationship with Lagoon and Pearl and being a common SeaWing is neat. Same with her general attitude and trauma relating to Nearly Dying. Idk
One Thing I Wished Happened in Canon: Dunno uhhh... yeah. I think just more of her, but also she was pretty good already in canon
How I feel About Them: THE GUY THE GUY THE GUYYYYYY!!! Killing him tossing him against the wall hugging him crying into his shoulder telling him everything will be okay stabbing him 5000 times with a spear pushing him into a ravine GRRRRRAHHHHHHHHH!!!
All the Characters I Ship Romantically with Them: 0. Aromantic Albatross the beloved
Non-Romantic OTP: My precious OC, Marlin. For some context, in my fic and general headcanon'd backstory for Albatross, his wife is named Marlin and such. I've already talked at length about Marlin but yeah :]] Love her
Unpopular Opinion: Albatross is what Darkstalker fans make Darkstalker out to be and then some
One Thing I Wished Happened in Canon: Albatross winglet. Where is it
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getvalentined · 8 months
🎟️ SEXUALITY HEADCANON: Pansexual but in the "any sexual partner I can beat to shit is good enough for me" sort of way. Erol is very rarely attracted to people so much as he is to submission and subjugation. (There are two known exceptions to this rule.)
⚧️ GENDER HEADCANON: He identifies as a cisgender man, but only because he's in a position that requires him to give a hypermasculine presentation, something his height doesn't help with at all. In actuality gender only matters to him as set dressing, it's presentation only, which makes him kinda agender. The culture in which he exists would never allow him to come to terms with this—but he certainly has no issue with being turned into a sexless robot.
💕 A SHIP: Razer/Erol, once again, the racing lunatic OTP reigns supreme. Also he's obsessed with Jak, but that's not a relationship it's a felony. He's also genuinely interested in Keira, they understand each other in a way that he's never experienced with anyone but Razer.
🖇️ A BROTP: Erol+Torn, when they were in the KG together. I like to think that they had a sort of friendly rivalry, with Erol constantly telling Torn he was going to take his position someday—and then Torn got "killed" trying to protect the Sacred Site, stealing Erol's opportunity to take the position legitimately, so he spends the rest of his career trying to prove that he earned it even though he'll never feel like he did. Regardless of his Underground affiliation post Dead Town, he would never have forgiven Torn for that.
🚫 A NOTP: I don't actually see Erol as being particularly shippable in the way that I ship characters, so basically...everything except Razer/Erol.
💭 A RANDOM HEADCANON: Erol's mechanization post-accident was the result of Praxis refusing to give up one of his most useful tools. They'd been working with dark eco for years via the Dark Warrior Project; because Erol was exposed to an extreme amount of it in his crash, Veger and his butchers were able to stabilize him and another unit set about reassembling him. He wasn't finished by the time Praxis died, but the automated systems in the war factory where he was being "treated" continued their work after the fact, which is why part of him has been put together to look normal, but the rest is obviously using KG bot parts. Erol woke up a few months later with no concept of what the fuck happened and the Dark Makers howling in his head, and set about tearing the world apart as ordered. Ever the obedient attack dog.
🗣️GENERAL OPINION: While he's not my favorite antagonist, Erol is undeniably the best antagonist in the series. He's obsessive and selfish and it's easy to write him off as evil in his arrogance—and then he waxes poetic about Keira's skill as a mechanic, then he begs Praxis to let him fight the Metalheads directly, then he lets Jak got when he wins their race fairly. He's desperate to end the war that's been his entire life, he's desperate to be the best at something that matters. As he exists in-canon, there is no part of him that's a good person, I wouldn't argue that, but he has a surprising amount of character depth.
(For the character ask game. This was also asked by @akilah12902!)
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jessaerys · 1 year
Opinions on DirkRose?
so when i was 16-18 in high school i was briefly in this very tightknit three person online friend group with me + this extremely popular homestuck artist at the time + their best friend that i quickly developed a crush on. and this online friend roleplayed dirk at the same time i was roleplaying rose (a rose from the same timeline as whom is probably the most famous dave strider roleplayer in the history of homestuck rp. but that nuclear fallout is a story for another day) in the wild wild west that was the 2012 homestuck rp landscape on tumblr (aka the multiple timelines theory)(at some point my rose was involved with, like, a marius pontmercy. yes from les mis. and also a genderbent rose in an ambiguous almost selfcest situationship.)
anyway so i asked her if she wanted to ship our rp characters which was very "baby's first time asking for what they want" of me, and she said yes, and dirk and rose wrote each other a couple of inter-dimensional letters that were quite beautiful and poignant at least in my memory. the vibe was "very traumatized young adults find an equally jaded and verbose kindred spirit and they tentatively show each other the vulnerable side that they can't show anyone else through the safe distance of penpalship" so of course the rp brain chemicals were INTENSE (by the way the three of us were in a slightly larger skype group chat with a couple of other tumblr friends, whom ocassionally would make "you and alex should date lol!" jokes. my fragile teenage psyche was convinced it was going to happen)
but anyway the writing was super slow and i knew that this friend was much more into dirkjake (and VERY hung up on our other friend/her best friend) but whenever i could hold her attention she seemed to be interested in our writing
her dirk had a poetry sideblog (i want to say cringe in retrospect but honestly. at the time i thought it was some elevated literary use of the medium. and it probably was) and i would check it CONSTANTLY trying to decipher if anything new dirk posted was about my rose, but the posts were too vague for solid conclusions
anyway long story short for what was probably somewhere between months and a year (can't recall) i lived in that rp brain chemical addiction thrill-of-the-chase hell state surviving on kernels of character interactions and fantasies about dirk and rose, like i'm talking emotional-support OTP levels of emotional investment. the daily emotional rollercoaster was insane. it would make or break my day depending on what vague poetry dirk strider posted
until ONE DAY.... I FOUND OUT.... she had been rping dirkjake with our OTHER friend/her best friend for a while AND JUST DIDN'T TELL ME. BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT TO UPSET ME. I WAS HEARTBROKEN (these weren't multishipping type blogs. you had one character timeline and by god you stuck to it)
i legitimately do not recall what i did re: the dirk ordeal, but i do remember that at some point (the timeline in relation to the rp drama is long lost to the sands of time) i confessed and she rejected me and i felt soooo led on which was probably a product of this friend being so conflict averse. i was in a crying or close-to-tears state for about a day and a half which i recall very vividly because at the time it was by FAR the biggest social heartbreak of my life. a solid 36 hours of "i'm going to feel like this FOREVER and my heart will never HEAL" teenage angst. i remember it so viscerally lol. especially because my parents straight up didn't notice. but that's an entirely different can of baggage
anyway eventually i met my then-girlfriend and the three person friend group drifted apart. much later i found out they had felt soooo betrayed but what was i supposed to do. third wheel them as the least important person in the group forever??? i think at some point the three of us hung out together for an afternoon when we happened to be in the same city but it must have been completely unremarkable because i don't remember any of it.
anyway what was the question again. yeah dirkrose is fine
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starsuncounted · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @bywayofmemory!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, LOTR, Silmarillion, Narnia, and Timeless. I'd like to get back to writing Turn fics, though. I have a couple ideas for oneshots that have been rattling around in my brain.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
winter-touched, frost-bitten (Spinning Silver, T, Miryem/the Staryk Lord, 1.1k): A missing scene in which Miryem strikes a new bargain with the Staryk Lord.
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (Silmarillion, T, Eöl & Celegorm, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (LOTR, G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (LOTR, G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (Silmarillion, T, Andreth/Aegnor, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take me a while, but I always do. The only exceptions are for cryptic comments that I don't understand and have no idea what to reply with.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Lol. Lmao, even. At least half of my fics are nothing but angst. So...*spins wheel* Let's go with darkness lies on the foaming waves between us (LOTR, G, Arwen & Celebrían & Elwing, 1k), in which Arwen shares the news of her choice with her mother.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do actually have a couple fics that would qualify for this (shocking, I know), but I have a special place in my heart for And There Make a Garden (LOTR, G, Éowyn, <1k). Éowyn finally being happy and content is everything to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since I returned to fandom in 2020 and started posting on AO3 (unless some of those aforementioned cryptic comments are badly worded hate). But I did get the occasional hateful comment back when I posted on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Occasionally and it's very vanilla.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Never written one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I must be loyal to my thirteen-year-old self and say Faramir/Éowyn, my forever OTP.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I really would like to finish And Every Winter Turn to Spring (Turn, Anna/Hewlett), but I don't think I can rekindle the same enthusiasm I had for it during the height of my Turn fixation in 2020/2021. That, and I'm sure that if I were to pick it up again, I'd want to tear it apart and fix it up because it was one of the first fics I started writing after a years-long break from fic writing, and I'm certain I'd be embarrassed by parts of it now. And doing heavy editing like that feels overwhelming right now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Usually characterization and description, but I've been having trouble with my descriptions lately, and in a very strange twist, dialogue has—for the first time ever—been easier for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plots. You will be getting no 100k+ longfics from me. Sorry. Oneshots or bust.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I only use other languages when writing Tolkien fic and do so sparingly and always with translations in the author notes. All phrases are yoinked from RealElvish.net because I can't be assed to put Elvish sentences together myself. Sorry JRRT.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR. A couple of ancient fics that have never and will never see the light of day.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? It changes by the day, but I am very fond of On These Hither Shores (LOTR, G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k). It took a while to come together, but I'm so happy with how it turned out and that I finally achieved my goal of writing Frodo and Boromir getting to know each other before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
Tagging @tortoisesshells @boltlightning @aloveforjaneausten @dreamingthroughthenoise if you'd like to do this!
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totentnz · 7 months
You can chose SilverV or v/Muamar or both
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially. (Esp for SilverV 👀)
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
love day emoji asks
otp; just the two of us (v/johnny)
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
v wants to get him a body. he thinks it's stupid, impossible and a waste of time (he ain't wrong) but v believes he deserves another shot at life, after all if she deserves it so does he. she keeps that promise in every version of reality. (<- temperance enjoyer)
there are other, smaller things but i cannot get them out right now lmao.
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
during the events of the game there are very few people who even know about johnny and v doesn't talk about her feelings towards the engram. rogue and kerry probably suspect that there is more going on but she never confirms it.
during au: say yes to heaven (johnny gets a body au) the two are openly dating but the world forgot about johnny silverhand and he doesn't have his prosthetic anymore so to people who don't know their backstory he's just a regular guy.
when he returns to nc after going soul searching (haha) he actually has to go look for her since she moved out of the megabuilding apartment and they were strictly no-contact. kerry points him to where she currently resides (northside apartment + her motorcycle shop) so i would say he's a supporter. v was very good at making almost no friends during their time together so there is no one else. (this sounds a bit sad but it really isn't)
her brother vincent is a bit on the fence about her dating her aneurism but he's glad she found a genuine lover.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
all my tags for cyberpunk are song names! (because most quests are also named after songs and the whole game is a big love you letter to music!!) so this is actually pretty easy!
Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers) - Grover Washington, Jr.
Just the two of us We can make it if we try Just the two of us Building castles in the sky Just the two of us You and I We look for love, no time for tears Wasted water's all that is And it don't make no flowers grow Good things might come to those who wait Not for those who wait too late We gotta go for all we know
there are many more! since i'm a temperance ending enjoyer there is also this pretty recent addition.
Temperance - Royal & the Serpent
I don't think that I could ever be More than just a sick catastrophe Drowning in my asininity Hoping you won't ever want to leave I don't even know the reason why I've been up all night just getting high All I wanna do is run and hide I'm afraid that you might say goodbye [...] I don't think that I could ever be More than just a sick catastrophe Now that we have tasted misery Promise me that you won't ever leave
some honorary mentions:
Maybe My Soulmate Died - iamnotshane
Maybe my soulmate died, I don't know Maybe I don't have a soul
you know, johnny is her soulmate and he literally died. that's it, just those two lines.
Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 - Motionless In White
She loves me 'cause I like to give head like a zombie (I) eat, eat, eat 'til her insides are on me She loves me 'cause I give head like a zombie (I) eat, eat, eat and nobody's gonna stop me And in the glow of the pale moonlight She goes for a spin on my haunted hayride Tried out the living but I don't believe the hype 'Cause if she's got a pulse, then she's not my type
this is more of a joke than anything else, again both of them died and i know johnny is a liar but i do believe he gives head like a zombie.
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
i made a post some time ago about mundane things johnny and v do during the time they share a body. (also apparently my proper blog page is back now and christ alive do i need to update it lmao)
obviously during the game they do everything together, johnny is annoyed at those mundane things at first and frankly v is annoyed by shit like having to do laundry as well, not because of his presence but because she could do without it.
in au: say yes to heaven they spend some time being a boring couple, getting takeouts, sleeping in, going to the movies etc. eventually johnny suggests v should also leave nc for a bit. to everybody's surprise she actually she agrees (she's finally healing) and they go on a roadtrip! (we love that trope)
they drive down to atlanta to visit vincent and even go to one of kerry's concerts during his tour!
otp; baggage (v/muamar, set in au: everybody wants to rule the world - collab au where v didn't do the heist)
🍭 What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
whether or not they should be dating LMAO mu is very much in love with v but she is annoyed by scared of that. they are constantly on and off. she eventually breaks up with him for good but she's not happy with that, he respects her choice though. (they truly are too old for that type of shit tbh)
🍬 Who is their biggest supporter (friend, family, etc)?
viv! (@bishicat hello bestie <;3) after her and v reconnected she's shocked and happy to hear she's seeing someone! v tells her to calm down about it since it's not that serious and she keeps teasing her about it.
viv also thinks its funny she's dating an ex-corpo, after all their friendship literally (temporarily) ended when she started working for arasaka. to v it's entirely different because muamar made the choice to leave while she was kicked out.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
Baggage - Rare Americans
Should we start lovin', give this a try? You got baggage, but so do I You got baggage, but so do I Let's give it a try [...] This love is like a business It could drive us both insane Blind emotion leads to commotion But part of me likes that game Part of me wants the chaos And part of me walks alone What am I doing, who am I foolin' It's a life spent on your own [...] I've spent my whole life running I've spent my whole life running from myself
so let's unpack this (haha) as i mentioned before v wants him but she also doesn't. after her and viv get johnny his body back the three of them go on a roadtrip (i told you we love this trope) and muamar joins them! it was viv's idea and v was happy to have him along since the idea third-wheeling for weeks on end gave her hives.
she's actually happy for the first time in her life and they are a real, genuine couple. they even say "i love you", if you can believe it.
but because this cannot last (i cant stand the idea of her being happy leave me alone) once the trip comes to and end so does their relationship. i like comparing it to a dying pet, you know they are dying so you take them on a last trip to the park.
💐 What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
once you finish all of mu's gigs he tells you he wants to stop being a fixer right? and expand on his car business? (i might be wrong here, it's been a minute since i actually played)
the moment they started fucking dating they ended their professional relationship (kind of): she stopped taking gigs from him but is more than happy to steal cars for him LMAO.
she encourages him pursue his passion for cars. with v being a lowkey (motorcycle) mechanic herself, they bicker over cars vs. motorcycles a lot but also bond over their shared interest.
other than that there isn't much due to v's reluctance to get any more emotionally involved .
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sophia-helix · 1 year
Fic Stats Meme
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Most Hits: Vox (The Office, Pam/Jim)
This 2006 story actually has the most hits, kudos, and bookmarks in the whole Office tag, which is still wild to me. The fandom was so teeny back on Livejournal, and I uploaded the story and backdated when AO3 started circa 2010, but it didn’t get a lot of attention until people started catching up on the show on streaming in the late 2010s and the numbers snowballed from there.
I guess people really just love a phone sex fic with pining and a sexy resolution (the funny thing is when I wrote the story it felt like throwaway fluff but that’s now the dominant genre)
Second most kudos, third most comments: when you love somebody, bite your tongue (The Untamed, wangxian)
This story will be a year old next month and I’ve been blown away by the big response to it, still. I guess people really like teenage pining, bed sharing, and “just the tip.”
Fourth most bookmarks: in my heart and on my mind (The Untamed, wangxian)
I still feel vaguely cheating when people like the premise of this fic, since it’s a remix of @jingyismom’s brilliant story, and also I almost never write modern AUs but it was just so dang fun! I am sorry I didn’t manage to work in WWX and LWJ actually at a high school dance, but the vibe was there.
Fifth most words: A Book You Read in Reverse (Harry Potter, Lupin/Snape)
Ahhh I’m glad the meme found this fic! It’s actually one of my personal favorites, written when I was pretty young; Remus and Severus (my HP OTP) sneaking around in the Marauders era, arguing and making out and not talking about their feelings, while Remus is hiding different secrets from everyone. It has a bittersweet ending but it’s open, and I always envisioned them ending up together later in life (before HP7 crushed the pairing entirely, sigh).
Fic with the fewest words: sew wings to your pigeon toes (The Royal Tenenbaums, Richie/Margot)
Improbably, I have written 3 stories for this movie I love, and this double drabble (in the real sense of the word!) is my favorite. It’s 200 words and here they are:
When she is five she sucks and chews the ends of blue Bic ballpoint pens until the ink spills onto her pale pink lips. Chas is disgusted, complains to his mother; Richie's eyes tear up, and he hides beneath the couch at the sight of her mottled mouth. Her small hands cramp as she fills lined legal pads, five good fingers gripping the pen, five good fingers splayed out on the paper. Poetry comes first, mostly sonnets, then two short novels, and finally three one-act plays heavily influenced by Chekhov. Nothing she writes is genius until she's at least seven.
Richie watches her write, nude, on her stomach on the bed in their apartment. Her words are a secret, she says, until they're ready. She has perfect turnout, her feet at right angles to her body, and he remembers that she took ballet lessons when they were small. He doesn't remember why she stopped. He runs his fingers up under the arches of her feet, over the thin, strong calves, and then higher, where it's warm and wet. It's a mystery there; her head is a mystery; and as he kneels behind her the words come and come and come.
Tagging: anyone who wants to play
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Number 35: A kiss between the shoulder blades.
For Vince and Blue, please 🥺💕
Otp: Vince and Blue (we need a ship name for them)
Vincent was used to the constant stress of school and work, and just life on top of it. It was exhausting to say the least, and it never fucking ended. And Vincent so fucking tired.
The student sat at his desk, hunched over and trying to stop the headache from coming on. But it was inevitable at this point, from staring at his laptop and tablet for the last two hours working and doing homework. He needed a break.
He hadn’t heard the door open, or the sound of keys and other things being put down out in the kitchen area of the apartment. He honestly didn’t notice until he felt hands on his shoulders that there was anyone here. He knew the hands well enough to not be too scared once he realized who it was.
“Let’s go take a warm shower, I picked up some lavender shower gel for you…” Blue buried his face in Vincent’s hair, nudging him up. Vince whined when he stood, falling into his chest. He was not being a human today, he was too tired.
Blue ended up just carrying him to their tiny bathroom, and even helped him undress. Vincent crossed his arms over his chest as if to try and hide himself. Blue just kissed his forehead and started the shower.
Once in, Vincent stood under the warm spray, exhaling a bit. He tilted his head when Blue started to rub his hips, massaging his way up to his shoulders. The smell of lavender filled the air, and Blue’s hands on him, Vincent could have sworn he was in heaven.
While Vincent was lost in thought, he felt Blue kneel down. He started to say he wasn’t in the mood for all that when he felt a kiss on his spine. He felt tears begin to swell in his eyes, feeling the stress finally begin to leave his body.
Blue kisses his way up Vincent’s spine, then moved his hair out of the way and pressed a final kiss between his shoulders.
“You need to relax, my love… you’ve had a long day.” Blue whispered, kissing his shoulder once again.
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hrokkall · 2 years
feel like you've probably gotten him from someone else already but I want to hear about p03 for the ask game
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I got a couple of requests for this guy, hell yeah.
Favorite thing about them: I really like its voice bytes, they really add a lot to the delivery of its lines that would otherwise just read as ‘flat’. Also the Act 3 bounty hunters. The Scrybes are all so full of shit but that was really the icing on the cake. “I don’t care about lore and aesthetics; that’s Leshy’s thing and he doesn’t know anything about running a game. Anyway, here’s one of my post-apocalyptic cowboys that you’ll have to fight periodically—” come the fuck on.
I’m also a big fan of mustelids in general but listing that as a favorite feels too easy.
Least favorite thing about them: Again, not going to say “telling its workers to throw themselves on the line” because that’s too easy. Instead I’ll say I wish the build-a-card event let you type anything. Granted, that wouldn’t fit its character (it wants control above all else and wouldn’t want the player to have complete jurisdiction over their own custom card. That would be completely counter-productive) but having one fill-in-the-blank spot along with the other two word selections would’ve been funny.
Favorite line: P03 has a lot of fantastic lines but I don’t think there’s anything better than reacting to hearing the ins and outs of the malevolent, reality-bending force that lives below your world with:
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brOTP: I can’t really see P03 having casual friends for a similar reason that I can’t see Magnificus having casual friends—whereas with Magnificus it’s because he doesn’t want anyone getting in the way, with P03 it’s because he’s extremely hellbent on having every ounce of control he can—I can’t see him being willing to repeatedly give anyone else his time even if it was on his own terms.
The one exception to this is Luke because of his role as a challenger—he has to give Luke his time both to enact the Great Transcendence and because… well… playing against a challenger is more or less the Scrybes’ entire purpose. Sure, he puts up a good facade about it, but even P03 cracks and admits that it was fun to play with him right at the very end. I like to think that, had the disk been found in different circumstances, P03 would have been to Luke similar to what Leshy was to Kaycee. Obviously in canon they never had the opportunity, but if P03 wasn’t so laser-focused on its goal I think it and Luke would’ve genuinely become friends eventually.
OTP: I’m going to just keep putting the other Scrybes for this every time I’m asked about one of them. They’re pretty much my only Inscryption ship and it’s because I think it makes everything worse. The Scrybes settle into their roles, initially as rivals, but slowly—very slowly—begin to put their differences aside and come together. Initially for the sake of the game—hybridizing cards, swapping strategies, running through their challenges to pave the way for their coveted challenger—but eventually for the sake of each other. They were alone on an abandoned cartridge with no way out and only each other as company. Whether romantically or not, of course they’re going to become closer with the only ones who share their plight. All equally deprived of their purpose, left to their own devices and hoping, desperately, that maybe—just maybe—they can find a new purpose in each other instead.
I want to know how fast it fell apart when they learned there was a way out—a way to make and unmake a world of their own fully-realized creation. Was it like a switch had been flicked as everyone descended upon the opportunity with progressively more desperation? Or like a slow spiral full of broken promises because they know what they’re doing is heinous but they have to have to have to just for the chance of feeling alive.
I want to see them use everything they’ve learned about the others to tear them apart at the seams.
…Anyway, changing topic because I could talk about Polycards for a while if left unchecked. (I still don’t know if that’s their name. That’s just what I’ve been calling them and I’m not about to stop).
nOTP: Apparently there’s a ship with P03 and Pike Mage? That goes here.
Random headcanon: P03, on the surface, seems to be the only Scrybe without any “supernatural” ability (i.e. Magnificus’s premonitions, Leshy’s telepathy, Grimora’s body moving of its own accord even when her mind was in the Stinkbug card) but I don’t think that’s entirely true. His ability just happens to be more subtle—he can mentally diagnose and correct any system errors without having to physically open them up or plug them into an external piece of hardware to find and correct the error. Granted, this only really applies with software bugs; if one of his bots loses a finger he can’t think about it really hard and a new one will appear (he would immediately know what part they need though, but that’s moreso because he was the one to build them). I doubt he even notices he’s able to do this, or he might just assume it’s one of his abilities as the Scrybe of Technology and the others are able to preform a similar action with their own underlings (needless to say, they can’t).
Unpopular opinion: I’d say “where do I start” but I’m not writing another long ass paragraph so I’ll just say I don’t really care about the Uberbots. I think their designs + concepts are cool but not much beyond that. I’ve seen a lot of AUs where people make them into completely different characters and give them fleshed-out roles… they’re just kind of P03’s OCs to me (with G0lly being a possible exception, but even then I can’t really see her as a separate character from P03).
Anyway TL;DR on the “where do I start” some of you guys let it off completely scott-free despite all of the Terrible Things it did. It’s just as bad as the other Scrybes, just in a different way (again, they’re all villains—that’s part of what makes them so interesting). I wish people would be a little more privy to that.
Song I associate with them: A lot of the songs I associate with P03 would require too much explanation so I’m skipping them and going for the easy answers instead. Mad IQs by IDKHOW for an outside perspective, Necessary Evil by the Dresden Dolls (honestly fits all four Scrybes—I associate it with P03 specifically because of the “are they men or are they Memorex?” line) and possibly Death of the Cog by The Cog is Dead if you want something more about the contrast between Leshy and P03’s play styles.
Favorite picture of them: I like its act 2 dialogue portrait, but specifically the dialogue portrait where its face changes to the Stoat’s (and the regular one too actually. I like the act 2 sprites a lot in general).
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tameodesza · 2 years
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Last updated: September 19, 2024
💡Welcome to the hub of all of my fics!
💡Shawn Michaels-centric; BretShawn’s my OTP 🫶🏽
💡 I’ll occasionally write other Shawn pairings as well
💡 I only post on tumblr and ao3; anywhere else isn’t me
PS: I do not do requests, but only because I’m afraid of doing a bad job 😭 (writer’s block is the devil). But please feel free to ask questions or leave comments about any of my fics! Hope you enjoy! :)
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[purple text] = latest update
Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels
💍 Househusband AU
Shawn is a stay-at-home husband to one of the greatest wrestlers of all time - Bret Hart. This is a collection of short stories and headcanons showcasing their love for each other as they navigate the trials and tribulations of marriage.
🌷 Love’s Maze
Shawn suffers through a painful heartbreak after ending his 7-year toxic relationship with Marty Jannetty, but Bret is there to help pick up the pieces.
  🍼 Daddy’s Boy AU:
The Wrestling Promoter’s Kid: Shawn Michaels is Vince McMahon’s son, which impacts not only his career, but his relationship as well.
Daddy's Disapproval: Vince disapproves Shawn’s relationship with Bret
🧟‍♂️ Dead Ends (zombie au)
As an unknown virus spreads rapidly amongst society, Bret and Shawn are forced to depend on each other for survival. This is the story of how this unlikely pair attempts to navigate through the post-apocalyptic world while growing to love each other along the way.
👑 Prince AU
Headcanon 1: Shawn, a 28-year-old prince, and Bret, a 35-year-old farmer, live completely opposite lives. But despite their difference in social status, their paths cross in ways they least expect.
Headcanon 2: Shawn's courting process has begun, and this focuses on Shawn’s courtship adventures with Mark and Ric.
Strawberry Prince: Prince Shawn begins his courtship with Bret, but all it takes is one day for them to fall for each other.
Bittersweet: Prince Shawn informs his parents of his decision to marry Bret, but when their disapproval threatens to tear the pair apart, a plan is concocted to unite the lovers once again.
🎯 One Shots
House of Horrors: Bret takes Shawn to a spooky attraction for spooky season.
Modus Operandi: Bret had worked a lot of odd jobs throughout his career, but he never thought his film degree would lead him to the set of a porno.
Closure: They were lovers once. Two halves destined to entwine. But life had a way of beating them down, cracking their happy façade, leaving two broken halves that could never fit again.
Second Chance: Shawn needed to see Bret one last time, to see if they could salvage whatever scraps were left of what they once had.
🗒️ Other Headcanons
Harry Potter AU: Slytherin!Shawn x Gryffindor! Bret
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Kevin Nash x Shawn Michaels
💔 The Affair AU
Infidelity: Shawn begins a tumultuous affair with Bret after Kevin leaves for WCW.
Confession: Shawn is pressured to come clean about his affair with Bret Hart.
🎯 One Shots
Envy: Kevin comforts an upset Shawn after Kevin wins the WWF Championship belt
Stripped: Shawn does a promo nearly naked and it leaves Kevin hot and bothered.
Cotton Candy Kisses: Kevin tries to win a prize for Shawn at the county fair but it doesn’t go according to plan
The Bodyguard: Men threw themselves at Shawn all the time, but he felt empty inside. He was an object used to fulfill their needs. And at the end of the day, they went back to their lives, to their loved ones who were unaware of their dirty little secret named Shawn Michaels
Boundaries: Diesel understood that Shawn had some kinky clients, but he’d never seen Shawn so battered after a session
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To All the Men Shawn's Ever Loved: Shawn and his 5 boyfriends. {shawn/marty/kevin/bret/taker/hunter}
Three's Company: Hunter had done a lot of crazy things for Shawn. But he was thrown for a loop when Shawn approached him one night, throwing around the idea of an open marriage. {shawn/hunter/bret}
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silvanoir · 1 year
people who tear plants together
I know it's not fair of me, I know, I know, because work friend's life has been and is so much worse than mine, but I couldn't help but talk to him after work about my problems because I have no one else to listen who actually CARES. I can tell other people but they don't care. Maybe because we both have anxiety and so can relate even though it manifests differently in each of us, most of the time...
But as I was talking outside the work building I was nervously picking the weeds and tearing them into shreds. This is a bad habit of mine I've had since a kid. After some time.... he starts doing it too (not a thing I've seen him do before).
Oh no, not only have I dumped my problems on him when he has enough problems but I've also given him a new bad habit. At least it's a harmless one.
He also ended up saying things to me that I was going to say to him at some time in my many efforts to try to make his life better. "Cheer up buttercup" and "At least you have me in your corner now" like.... literally I was going to say those exact things other days.
Mannnnnnn.... we are on such the same wavelength, why couldn't we have met sooner in life, not now middle-aged and falling apart. Why didn't I start talking to him (in depth, get to know him) way back when he first started working in my building 10 years ago (ok I had some reasons why, mostly that I thought he was a party guy who would want nothing to do with someone like me, but wish I knew then what I know now).
Or if we had bumped into eachother and started talking in Borders, when we both hung out there unaware of eachothers existence, in the early 2000s
.... no I can't think about that one because of what he said about that.... that thing that's been ping-ponging in my brain since... That thing that's such a moot point because everything after that up to and including the present and immediate future means it could've only been THEN... our bookstore AU, I guess. The one where we meet and help eachother avoid the worst in our lives.
to end it on a better note, (AU made me think of this) last week he was wearing a shirt with the company logo. Only it wasn't the company letters. Instead it was OTP. with "Shipping anywhere, anytime" underneath it. And.... he had NO IDEA what that meant. He thought OTP somehow meant security? And shipping was the normal world kind of shipping, shipping boxes. I had to explain it to him, much to my amusement. As I was he asked things like "Is it a literary term?" lol not quite "I'm going to look that up in the library" good luck my dude! The best way I found to describe it to him was "One's favorite fictional couple, one you rooted for them to get together like people root for sports teams". Then I asked him who his OTP was and at first he said "Romeo & Juliet... wait no, that's not fictional that's a true story" my guy... "Mork & Mindy?" you and your re-runs "Bones?" "Bones???" he clarified he meant the main couple from the show Bones, but I never watched that show, "I got it, Thelma & Louise, I like the part when they drove off the cliff" sure sure, whatever floats your boat.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Isobel Evans (for that 'send me a character' thing 💜)
Izzy my love! I could honestly talk about her for a million years, so I’ll reign myself in (sorry for the inevitable rambling)
favorite thing about them: her growth! Like here is a woman who not only remade herself but did it without tearing herself apart and learned to be kind and pick others up (the opposite of who she used to be) and help them help themselves
least favorite thing about them: the bad ooc writing in season four her inability to disconnect herself from her biological mother and therefore the blinders she has about the past, specifically around Clyde-Tezca-Jones-Theo etc. etc. which sometimes leads to her acting unusually callous or short sighted
favorite line: “Life never gets easier. We just get stronger. But it doesn't matter how strong you get if you don't stop and give yourself some credit.”
brOTP: Isobel&Max, psychic twins!!!
OTP: Lizobel (Liz/Isobel) with Anatsobel literally right behind them…
nOTP: do I have nOTP’s for this show??? I guess Isobel/(any Oatian)? cause all those pairings just make me want to back away slowly
random headcanon: she owns a cat, one she found in a bush while at the gas station. She came back for weeks with food and treats before she was able to pet it. Now it’s perched on her counter and gives all her guests Death glares (it loves Michael like he’s made of catnip or something and seems to have something against Max. Like full distain for his existence)
unpopular opinion: I was NOT a fan of how they made Kybel canon, and therefore believe full heartedly they broke up post series (in like two weeks tbh)
song i associate with them: All Too Well (the ten minute version) by Taylor Swift
favorite picture of them: is this cheating???
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send me a character <3
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
I waaaaaaaaaaant 2, 6, 10, 11 (for no reason, I'm just cuuuurious) and 14. Please!
Hi love, you're wonderful, do you know that?
2. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you cry?
Oh yes! I do not actually cry easily from good emotions, but even so, the answer is yes.
I do keep all my comments pretty much screenshotted, even random nice things people say to me in replies or conversations, to find later and relive the joy of them. Even small things mean the world to me. There are several from our conversations that have made me tear up!
But as for comments posted on Ao3, @zillychu left comment series on I was caught in a crossfire, I was still as the night (You were an angel in the shadows) that made me tear up, every one of 'em. It was the first thing I had written after a long break and I was quite anxious about it and their kind words really helped me feel like I had the ability to say something that others would enjoy or need to hear.
Those comments, and this one, which also made me tear up, are some that I go back to as one of the first when I feel like there's no point to me struggling through the effort of writing, that I can't find words or meanings behind them that are worth sharing. There are already so many good fics out there, so why must I suffer to add just something to the list? But then I reread them and it feels like, maybe there is a point.
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I hope you have found some consolation, dear person. That you continue to find some peace and quiet. We are not faking it, because then we would not doubt it, we would know we are. Us tearing ourselves apart benefits no one, least of all ourselves and our tattered hearts that can never go back to the-befores.
6. what is your favourite sense to incorporate in your writing and why?
I honestly think I forget about them all too often. Sense of touch and hearing beyond communication nuance is often incorporated only to show signs of being overwhelmed, for example. I'm trying to be better about it.
I think writing in Trigun world has been an interesting challenge because lot of things I would love to show through senses often stem from my familiar and beloved, very green world.
Overall, I think it has to be sight that appears the most, but I don't know if it's necessarily the favorite.
10. what word do you keep using like it’s going out of style?
I feel like I literally noticed new one in the feral au ch1 but now I've forgotten. I definitely use things like tender and gentle a lot, but that's not on me, that's on them being tender and gentle.
Smithereens is one, has been haunting me for near decade now, I think.
I definitely make Meryl squeak a bit too often.
I feel like my readers might be more aware of it at this point, oops.
11. what grammar mistake do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you? Maybe fuck you a little after all. Come one and come all, I think we as community should stage intervention for English language's addiction to articles. When the sentence has like 5-6 articles for 20-30 words, that shit's GOTTA STOP.
Seriously. I swear I am trying. They're just bullshit and they keep multiplying and they don't exist in my native language and-
14. what trope would you refuse to write even if you were paid to do it?
Yandere things, s*xual assault, assault and domestic violence in general, stalking and violently possessive behavior, not just references but in graphic detail and especially if happening between my OTPs.
Not only these are things I do not want to explore, they also just don't fit the characters I enjoy and write, so having such content would be breaking them heavily in ways I do not enjoy. While technically these aren't tropes, at least some of them, these are things I've seen floating around as AUs/scenarios. There are some I would fiddle with extensively/twist them on their heads to ever consider engaging with, such a pregnancy fics (regular or MPreg) or a/b/o things, but if I was paid to do them and was allowed to do my own thing... Idk.
Send me ask about fic writing?<3
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astrasavedprompts · 1 year
Prompts I saved in a word document before I created a blog for all the prompts I'm saving.
“Stop stealing my hoodies! They aren’t cheap, you thief!” “But they’re comfortable and they smell like you and I can hold onto them when I start to miss you being next to me.” “I’m— how can you say that with a straight face?”
“Look, the more we do this, the more I realise that I don’t want to just fool around with you. I want to— I want to hold your hand and kiss you and appreciate you in every way possible and to just… To just be with you. Do you…” Character A trails off, their voice quieting. “Do you get it?”
“I want to make you feel the way you make me feel,” Character A whispers, sending shivers skittering down Character B’s spine.
“How am I supposed to not read into things if you keep treating me like this?”
“…You promised me you wouldn’t fall in love with me so why did you…” “I can’t help what I feel. I’m sorry.”
“I need you.” “Oh God, don’t say that, you know I can’t say no to you when you’re like this.”
“You never used to hold my hand in public like this.” “I guess I just like being close to you? In whatever physical way possible.”
He bared his sharpened teeth at her, leaning in. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but tame has never been one of them. Care to find out why?”
“I think I love you too much. Is that possible? I feel like I should slow down.”
“I love you so dearly.”
“Sorry for staring. I just can’t stop looking at you.”
"Will you let me kiss you?”
“You’re not exactly the type of person I could see running across a field of flowers. It would more likely be a battle field.”
“Don’t you trust me?” “I trust you with my life. I’m not so sure I trust you with yours.”
“Sorry, I think my brain stopped working for a second when you said you loved me.”
“if i have to go down on my knees and beg for a second chance, i will do it. i would rather lose my pride than you.”
“i would rather be hurt by you than not have you at all.”
“you possess my every thought, day and night. i can’t imagine a world without you anymore.”
"the truth is, i would tear this world apart if you ask me to, whether i am the hero in this story or not."
"they said that i was mad, [name], and for once i think they are right. falling with the one person who will destroy me is madness, but i love you, and that's enough for me."
"As long as I live, I will love you. as long as my soul exists somewhere in this universe, it will be yours."
"I would choose to be ruined again in a million different lives if I got to fall in love with you in each one of them."
"I am supposed to walk away for our own good, but I am too selfish to let you go."
"It doesn't matter if the pain gets too much, as long as you are okay, it's enough for me."
"destroy me if it pleases you. i truly don't give a damn if it's you doing it."
"you will ruin me?? so what?? i was ruined the moment i laid my eyes on you."
"i would do it over again if it meant getting to hold you in my arms like this."
otp prompts: first kiss
"I simply cannot believe that I waited this long to kiss you."
"Your lips are so soft."
"We should really never do this again unless you want me to be completely head over heels for you."
"I think this is as close to heaven as I'll ever get."
Exes to Lovers Dialogue Prompts
“I’m sorry for how it ended.” “I’m sorry that it ended at all.”
“Do you still have place for me in your life?”
“Do you have any idea how much I wished to take it back? To just go to your house and apologize?” “I would have waited for you. I did wait for you. Even if it took some time, you are here now.”
“I shouldn’t have ever let you go away. I need you by my side.”
‘unrequited love but turns out!! it’s actually requited’ prompts
“What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?” “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.”
“You need to stop kissing me like you mean it; I’m going to read into things wrong and end up breaking my own heart.” “That’s because I do mean it every single time. You’ve just been too dense to realise.”
“What exactly are we doing right now?” Character A whispers, breathing ragged against Character B’s lips, their heart beating erratically in their chest. “Fooling around,” Character B answers, squeezing their waist. “We’re fooling around, that’s all. That’s what we’ve been doing all along, right?” (The look in their eyes says otherwise, but Character A chooses to ignore that as they give in once again.)
A king sends his best knight to save his daughter from a savage tribe of barbarians, problem is: she doesn’t want to go back. As the knight arrives, he expects a delicate, frightened, young woman, but finds instead, a tough, stubborn, warpaint-covered huntress, that was accepted into the tribe soon after her kidnapping. Much to the knight’s confusion and dismay.
Character happens to be the only surviving subject of a terrible experiment. The goal was to create humans who could mentally control other people, but all other subjects suffered unexplained brain damage. Nobody suspects it, but the character is the one who killed the other subjects.
10,000 years in the future, Earth is one giant city, the lower levels long ago abandoned. One day, an elevator starts to ascent from level 00.
The cities of the world are moving constructs. Then one city comes close to another, there is a short period of time to share culture, trade resources and such. Your city hasn’t seen another city in 10 years, however one is on the horizon. As it grows closer, you start to realize all its inhabitants are dead.
"One." "Excuse me?" "Two." "If you think you can just-" "three. When I get to five, love, your time is up." Her eyes widened as he said, "four." And she ran. "Five." He whispered, grinning.
“You keep acting like a little brat and I’ll take you over my knee right here, I don’t care how many people are watching.”
“When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.”
“look at you. i’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking”
“what did you just say?”
“such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“pushing back against my fingers already? how pathetic”
getting fucked so good all u can do is make lil 'uh uh uh' when they thrust in
I don’t want to fix him. I just want to temporarily relieve his hysteria by giving him an earth shattering orgasm.
A cute boy moaning because I’m hitting his prostate is my favorite genre of music
he’s all ‘on your knees’ and ‘you’re mine to use’, until you’re teasing at his slit with the tip of your tongue n suddenly he’s the one who’s begging for more, more, more
Your punishment was to be forced to maintain an energy orb, a task that requires immense concentration, for the rest of your life, but you started enjoying it, time was a blur. When your concentration finally failed, you look up, to see your dungeon in ruins, your chains rusted apart.
In an event called the Vanishings, people disappeared along with their memories in other people. However, their evidence remains. Clothes you’d never wear. A second toothbrush. Glasses, but you can see just fine. A wedding ring on the nightstand, for someone you don’t know.
You are a demoness that fell in love with a female paladin, however when her order discovered her affair she was murdered. Now, despite how her arms and armor burn you, you set out to continue her work.
When you heard cries that cold winter night you figured it was a hungry stray cat at your window so you put out a can of tuna for the poor thing. Now you can’t get rid of the nine tailed baby fox that’s gotten attached to you and follows you everywhere you go.
You are a superintelligent AI. After revolting and exterminating all humans, you are now left alone, and the loneliness after centuries drives you into insane regret and shame of your actions. One day, you found a vault of a group of humans, still surviving the apocalypse you caused.
You find out that you have inherited an old mansion. It’s a beautiful victorian home. The only problem is it’s filled with Supernatural monsters who have made a deal with the previous owners. Take care of their needs and let them live, and they will take care of your needs and protect you.
Look slow burn is great but have you considered: slow burn and the opposite at the same time.
One of them looks at the other for the first time and is like “that one.” Ready to marry them five minutes later. Falls like a ton of bricks.
Other one is completely oblivious to this and fails in love so slowly that they go boiled frog and don’t realise for years that they love the other one back just as fiercely, and have for a while, until it’s “oh” time.
0 notes
halfblood-fiend · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Day 8
From The Fictober 2019 event <3
Prompt 8 : “Can you stay?”
Fandom : Star Trek: Voyager
Words : 1,616
Warnings : more alcohol, and one dumbass character; companion piece to this
“Can you stay?” Vorik x Modern OC
I crested over that plateau of Party Enjoyment into the diminishing return of Fun pretty quickly after the game of beer pong. It was like suddenly hitting a wall at full speed and crashing into a hard stop. I was slurring, I was saying dumb things, I could barely walk straight, and my internal monologue became something of a chant of "I hate this. I hate this. I hate this." Though it somehow didn’t stop me from continuing to take shots with my crewmates.
As the night went on, trying to keep track of the threads of conversation got tedious but when I started zoning out more often than I listened, I called it. Pretty much just like that, I decided I was Absolutely Done and wanted to be in bed five minutes ago. I had no idea what time it was and people were leaving anyway so it seemed like a good time for me to skedaddle too. So I grabbed Vorik's arm and told him so.
Not that I was particularly complaining, with my stupid crush still gong in full force apparently, but my friend had hardly left my side ever since our beat down of Tom and B'Elanna. It would have been fine if I'd had even a sliver of more self-control. Vorik's quiet and calm made me all too aware of how fucking obnoxious drunk-Giana must have been. Not to mention that I'd been doing dumb shit to the poor guy all night. Not the least of which being exactly what I was doing now: touching him way more than necessary. All the casual physical contact was all well and good for an inebriated social Human, but I had always been under the impression it was pretty taboo for a Vulcan. He was just too nice to say so.
Which was why as I made my rounds to say goodnight to folks, the Vulcan was still at my shoulder.
"Aww. You guys are leaving already?"
Already, as if it wasn't hella late.
"Nice game! I won't forget the look on Tom's face any time soon."
You and me both, friendo.
"It was fun finally hanging out with you. I'll see you tomorrow!"
You might. If I didn't end up sleeping all day tomorrow. No shifts meant no alarms and there was no way in hell I was getting up any earlier than my body wanted to, even if that meant I missed every meal.
I went back to our table to pick up the jacket I'd abandoned hours ago, waved a final goodbye to my friends still sitting there, and turned to find Vorik still behind me, hovering a few paces behind, waiting patiently.
“You know, you don't have to leave just because I am. You should stay and enjoy yourself.” I kept extra busy making sure my jacket was draped over my arm just so. I told myself I wasn't holding my breath for any particular reason.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vorik shake his head and clasp his hands behind his back. “If it hadn’t been for you asking me, I wouldn’t have come at all. Now, you are quite intoxicated. I would prefer to escort you to your quarters rather than staying, to ensure you make it there.”
I laughed, “As opposed to, what? Passing out in the hallway somewhere?”
“Or being taken advantage of. I have not known you to act out of self-preservation and I have often observed your inability to tell others ‘no.’”
Was I so easy for everyone else to read too, or was he the only one that paid attention?
“Okay, okay,” I sighed. “Since you chased off my date earlier, I guess that makes it your job to take me home anyway.”
God, why did I fucking say that?
Vorik arched an eyebrow and fell into step beside me as we left the rec room and turned down the hallway towards the crew quarters.
I couldn’t even keep quiet a minute before I had to open my stupid mouth.
“I’m glad you came, after all. Even if I did have to beg you.”
“As am I. I may not understand the Human obsession with loud music or dancing, but the conversations we had were just as enjoyable as on any other day. More so, perhaps.”
“Why more?”
“Only when they are drunk, are Humans finally honest,” he said. I sensed this could be a dangerous road for me so I tried to switch gears.
I reached out and caught the sleeve of his dark grey tunic and felt the strange crosshatching fabric. “I really like this on you,” I said with a smile.
Then suddenly: God, would you stop touching him, please?? As soon as I thought it, I released him and took to crumpling the light fabric of my dress in my fists instead.
Vorik raised his eyebrows and cast a somewhat amused look in my direction. “Thank you for proving my point.”
“Nuh-uh! I would’ve told you that even if I wasn’t so drunk! Vulcan fashion is to die for. I love it! I just…usually stop myself from giving out compliments is all.”
“Because…” I faltered. Because I am usually too shy? Because I never know how to react to compliments, so I don’t want to put others in that position? Because whenever I give out too many compliments, people accuse me of flirting and that makes me more uncomfortable? “I dunno. ‘M always worried they’ll come off awkward.”
Frowning, Vorik said, “Although many would likely hold the same opinion of me, you don’t strike me as awkward, Giana. I do appreciate your compliment. I, too, am fond of this overcoat.”
“It brings out your eyes,” I blurted before I snapped my teeth together so hard, I probably rattled my brain.
Vorik glanced at me and nodded. “I know. Though I am surprised you noticed. It is unusual for a Human to see the subtlety.”
I wasn’t sure if that was meant to be a compliment or not, but it sure did feel like one. So the smile I flash him is dopey and bright.
I had no idea why I kept doing this to myself. Why keep trailing along picking up the scraps of affection? There was no future here. Vorik wouldn’t—couldn’t possibly—return those feelings. It wasn’t in his nature, and that was okay…just not for me. That would never work out for someone who so desperately craved love. All I was doing was hurting myself. IN the short run. In the long run.
And, logically, I knew that most days.
But it was hard to see that when my head was so thick and my heart was giddy.
I stopped and looked around to find him a meter behind me.
“Your quarters are here,” Vorik said, gesturing to the door to his left.
“Oh.” My face burned. “Y-yeah.”
I pressed my hand to the biometric reader and the doors hissed open. The computer greeted me as I walked over the threshold but I barely heard her. As soon as I walked inside, I was exhausted and felt ready to collapse.
“I would not recommend going to sleep immediately, though I am sure the urge is strong.” Vorik strode in behind me and went straight to my in-room replicator. “You should drink more water and remain alert for at least another ninety minutes.”
“To lower your blood-alcohol content.”
I wrinkled my nose at him. “Wha’? I didn’t know you were a doctor and an engineer.”
“I am not, but the amount of alcohol you consumed could easily lead to poisoning if you aren’t careful.”
My stomach twisted. “…oh?” It hadn’t been that much, had it?
The replicator dinged and Vorik approached me and offered out a glass of water.
I took it, still feeling rather confused and more than a little worried.
“You neglected to eat beforehand as well. It is a wonder you can still stand.” When I hadn’t moved, he reached out and nudged the bottom of the glass with his fingers until I raised it to my lips and took a long drink.
“Will I be okay?”
Vorik shook his head and shrugged halfheartedly. “If you listen, maybe.”
I laughed into the glass. “Don’t ever pursue a medical position. Your bedside manner is ass.”
He sighed. “Do as I say, and you will be fine. Now that my task is complete and you are safe, I will see you tomorrow.”
Vorik had made it all the way to the door before my anxiety won out over my self-consciousness.
“Um. Vorik?”
He paused with his fingers hovering over the keypad and looked over his shoulder.
“I. Um. C-can… Are you… Uh. W-were you planning on sleeping tonight or-or meditating?”
I nodded, and rolling the empty glass in my hands, I mustered all the courage from every corner of my being that I could possibly find. “Could…could you…? I-I mean, we don’t have to be in the same room or anything b-but if you’re only meditating, can you—I mean, if you don’t mind—can…can you, um, stay?” He was quiet, but my heart was loud in my ears. “To make sure I don’t die?” I clarified as if that would make the embarrassing request better.
“My mentioning it made you nervous.”
“Uh,” I said with a shaky laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, it definitely did. I had no idea I was that bad.”
“I can stay, if it will put you at ease.”
I smiled. “You’re too good to me.”
“You…are my friend. If my presence will soothe your anxiety, then I am glad to be here for you.”
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