kigozula · 3 months
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"Always. Everything… for Azula"
Sokka breathed deeply, closing his eyes… knowing he had held back with Iroh, whom he despised deeply. Knowing, too, that Ozai merited a hatred and resentment he'd never be able to withhold. If Ozai survived… even if that happened, Sokka would never be able to exist anywhere near him without feeling an unstoppable surge of rage, urging him to hack the bastard's head off.
And yet…
The thought of Azula stilled that fury. The thought that ever stopped him, back when life had been so much simpler… the knowledge that she would be anguished, destroyed, should the man she loved do something as painful, if necessary, as killing her father. She had wanted any other choice, too… in that, she was alarmingly similar to her mother. Even if her heart had changed across the year they'd been apart, there was a chance that Azula would still harbor some misplaced, undeserved affection towards her father… if she did, Sokka's hand would be certain to waver. Inflicting more pain upon her, more reasons for her heart to break? He would never want that. Perhaps Ozai would make it necessary, yes, but if he didn't…
He couldn't keep hurting Azula. She had been hurt far too many times as it was.
His stricken expression, the trembling of his fists, confused Ursa as Sokka breathed deeply and met her gaze earnestly.
"If… if a possibility exists, I'll honor your wishes," he said. Her eyes widened, tears spilling down her cheeks in shocked relief. "Not for his sake… not even for yours, I'm afraid. But…"
"For hers," Ursa said, with a heartfelt, broken smile. "For Azula."
"Always. Everything… for Azula," Sokka said, firmly, eyebrows drawn into an emotional frown as tears bloomed in his eyes as well.
-Gladiator Chapter 335
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sokkazula · 4 years
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Sokkla in The Day Of Black Sun
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kigozula · 6 days
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"That's right, Zuko," Sokka said, his voice charged with purpose and determination. "Whatever comes our way next, we're going to win every battle ahead of us… and we're going home." - Gladiator Chapter 348
"Beyond the final battle… I can't help but think that I'll be coming home."
Sokka eyed him with uncertainty, his heart churning upon realizing he understood Zuko's feelings all too well: but where the Fire Nation Prince found his home was in the Southern Water Tribe, the Water Tribesman knew his own was in the Fire Nation, simply because Azula was there. His chest tightened at the thought… whatever needed to be resolved between them, they'd take care of it in due time. But he'd return to Azula soon, that moment was closer at hand than ever before… and that realization brought a genuine smile to his face.
"That's right, Zuko," Sokka said, his voice charged with purpose and determination. "Whatever comes our way next, we're going to win every battle ahead of us… and we're going home."
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kigozula · 2 months
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"Who the hell knows, huh…?" Azula said, with a sigh. "At any rate, you little restless firefly… you've been awake for much longer than you usually are. Time to go to bed, isn't it" - Gladiator Chapter 345
I wonder if you have any clue of what's wrong with your terribly emotional mother," Azula said, stroking the girl's hair as the child poked at her clothes again, letting out soft sounds as she looked at Azula intently. "Oh, Hotaru… he knows about you. He wants to come back as soon as he can and hold us both. Aren't you lucky to have such a loving father?"
Azula smiled… and so did Hotaru. The Princess's grin strengthened over the sight of that expression on her daughter's face: surely she was only mimicking what she could see, but she wanted to believe, instead, that her daughter was genuinely excited over the prospect of one day meeting her father.
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kigozula · 7 months
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By Your Side: Sokkla Saturdays 2023
Day 4: Winter
AO3 & FF.Net
Lovers liked asking questions they knew the answers to. Only to hear their loved one say it out loud.
Continuation of last week
Another Sokkla Saturdays is coming to an end. This year things turned out slightly different for me, but as every year, I enjoyed taking part! Thanks @sokklasaturdays for holding this event! Already looking forward for next year!=)
All day wanted was for this moment to last forever. Enjoy the warm embrace longer. However, luck wasn’t on their side which was to be expected. When Katara went into Sokka’s room, alarmed, Azula had an idea of what happened.
“Prince Zuko and Prince Lu Ten are here!” Katara said.
“What does he want?” asked Sokka rubbing his eyes.
His question caused both girls to look at him unbelievably.
“Oh, yeah…” he said.
Sokka took Azula’s hand.
“No matter what happens, I will always be with you Azula. No one can force you to anything.”
They walked out to see Zuko and Lu Ten in the living room.
Lu Ten gave his cousin a meaningful stare but smiled.
“Maybe we should leave brother and sister alone.” Kya said.
Sokka held Azula’s gaze  while walking out. She gave him a nod and only then he left the igloo.
Once everyone was out Zuko talked.
“Being reckless doesn’t suit you Azula.”
Azula folded her arms narrowing her eyes.
“Says the Prince who keeps pulling reckless stunts for Mai.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow. Did his sister really admit that she felt as strongly towards Sokka as he felt for Mai, his wife? He knew about Azula’s feelings but hearing her indirectly admitting it was another level.
“I will cut this short: I support you.” Zuko said.
“You?” Azula asked skeptical.
“Yes” he replied, “Do I never?”
“Yeah, sometimes you do.” she said.
“Chief Hakoda, Uncle Iroh and Lu Ten are all by your side. Father was forced to come to Kyoshi Island.” Zuko said.
“Wait! Support what exactly?” Azula asked.
“You are marrying Sokka.” Zuko said.
“What…” Before she could continue her sentence, Sokka ran into the igloo.
“Azula! Did you hear that?” he gave her a powerful hug and swirled her around, “Father told me we can finally marry.”
Azula was confused, happy, excited, and scared at the same time. She looked at her brother and he smiled.
Fire Lord Iroh made efforts to convince his stubborn brother to put an end to bad blood with the Water Tribe and finally aligned. Hakoda was ready for it. Everyone else was except for Ozai. He went mad in the Fire Nation first. Yet it was worth it in the end. After a long discussion, Ozai halfheartedly agreed. Ursa tried to calm him down so Azula wouldn’t see his anger once they met.
Azula entered his room on Kyoshi Island along with Sokka. Ozai looked disgusted at his soon to be son-in-law, already disliking him. All these years they never got along well.
“Out with you. I will speak to my daughter alone.” He said harshly.
Again, Sokka looked at Azula first and left the room once she assured him she would be fine with her eyes- He made sure to graze his knuckles at Her’s while walking out.
Despite it all, the talk between father and daughter went well. Ozai said, she could marry Sokka, but he wouldn’t truly see him as his son. That was enough for Azula. As long as she wouldn’t have to choose between her family and the man she loved, all would be fine.
Before another fight could escalate, Azula and Sokka told their families, they would marry on Whale tail Island. It was a beautiful place without habitants. And it was near to Kyoshi Island, where they all stayed during meetings. They would mix both nations traditions.
A dream was coming true. Evening arrived, candles were lit. Whale tail Island was about to witness the most beautiful day, the reunion between two lovers.
Azula and Sokka deserved it. Years of struggle and heartache was finally coming to an end.
Their respective families were already there. Close friends were arriving one by one. Uncle Iroh was the only royal missing from Azula’s family. Since he was Fire Lord, he couldn’t just sail half of the world. He made sure to send the pair a luxury gift with congratulations letter.
Admiral Zhao arrived, his distaste towards Sokka clear in his eyes.
“Congratulations Azula. You certainly could have done better. But we will support our Princess anyway.”
Sokka scowled at the comment.
“You are right Admiral.” Azula replied smirking sideways at Sokka.
“What the?!” Sokka squeaked.
Zhao chuckled and walked to take a seat.
“Azulaaaaa!” Sokka said.
“What? He is right. I could do better.” she said, acting innocent.
Sokka stopped and thought about it.
“Yeah, you truly could.” he said looking down sadly.
Azula laughed and hugged him, giving a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you Sokka. You are perfect for me dummy.” she said.
Sokka already lightened up when she kissed him, smiling and looking at her.
“I love you, you are the one who is perfect Azula.” he said giving her a peck. “Even if you like messing with me.
Many of their family members congratulated and hugged them. Lu Ten gazed at his cousin. Katara gave them both a short speech with teary eyes.
Mai and Ty Lee arrived too. Zuko never left his wife’s side. Ever so careful. Azula’s eyes went to Mai’s visible bump.
After a hugging session Azula asked how Mai was feeling.
“I’m faring well. Can’t wait for the baby to arrive.” She said with a smile.
All of them smiled. Mai suddenly smirked her eyes set on Azula and Sokka.
“Well, seems like Azula will grow a baby bump too soon.”
Zuko gasped and looked unpleasant.
Azula was slightly taken a back and Ty Lee clapped.
“Well, well!” Sokka was smirking too, side eyeing his soon to be wife.
Azula blushed and Sokka chuckled.
“You two deserve happiness. Finally, all of us can have a peaceful rest not that you guys are marrying.” Mai told them earnestly. Which made Zuko smile fondly too.
Soon the ceremony began, and they finally married. Clapping and laughter filled the island.
The first dance was romantic only for Azula and Sokka.
Soon Hakoda danced happily with his wife. Ursa urged her husband to dance too, but the prominent scowl on Ozai’s face while he watched his precious daughter dancing with her husband couldn’t make her enjoy the dance fully. Yet she still smiled hugging her husband.
Although Sokka’s eyes never left Azula, he saw a sight that made him wince. His sister was dancing with Aang.
It didn’t last long, and he was gazing at his Azula again. Her arms around his neck, his firmly on her back, foreheads touching they danced away as a married couple…
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kigozula · 4 days
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From now on, Captain Chan… you’re stuck with us. And you will be for a long time,” Azula said, with a dry grin. - Gladiator Chapter 353
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kigozula · 1 year
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It didn't mean, simply, that he'd love her while he stood beside her. It meant he'd love her for as long as they lived, no matter what: his love for her was unconditional…
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kigozula · 2 years
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„Azula's bangs were waving from the wind. The fierceness in her eyes vanished after what Sokka said. She was... beautiful. Breathtaking.“- Kigozula
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kigozula · 2 years
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Where you are, there I am - Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 8: "What do you care if I'm safe?"
You can also read here & here
She dabbed the cloth gently on the small wound above his eyebrow. Sokka gasped on the chair at the sudden pain he felt on the wound.
"I'll put the band aid on now. It's over soon." Azula said.
Although she tried to hide it, she had worried when she saw his brow bleeding. It had looked worse than it was. The wound wasn't as deep as she thought, so she stood next to his chair to tend to it. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped.
"Does it hurt badly?" she asked, sticking the band aid on his wound.
"What do you care if I'm safe?"
Azula slowed down her movements. His question did hurt her in a strange way. It didn't sit well with her.
Sensing her silence and the tension Sokka realized the mistake. He meant it as a joke, but somehow the words sounded more serious than intended. He had to admit though, deep down he wondered if she cared for him as desperately as he did care for her.
When he looked up to see her face, he worried and felt bad. Before he could say anything, she did.
"I do care about you and your safety Sokka." Azula said. While speaking, she put a hand on his cheek softly.
Admitting and expressing her feelings were never easy. She knew Sokka valued her. He was caring with her. Yet a part of her was unsure sometimes.
The way his face looked with the band aid on his eyebrow, was something she didn't like at all. It was something small, but he was hurt. So, she tried to overcome her insecurity for him.
"Maybe you feel like I don't care for you. But trust me when I say that you are the most important person for me in this world. And I surely don't like seeing you looking at me hurt."
She talked with a sad smile. Tender and slightly blushing. Sokka's eyes sparked at her words. At the same time, it broke his heart to see that fragile smile on her beautiful face.
Azula turned around to leave.
"No!" Sokka said. He reached for her arm and held it, so that she turned around. When he stood up, his head hurt because of the abrupt movement. "Ahh!"
"Sokka, if you make sudden movements it will hurt!" Azula said forgetting her overwhelming feelings shortly.
But Sokka ignored the pain, since nothing was more important than her. 
"I'm sorry Azula, I meant it as a joke." he said.
 "Really?" Azula asked. 
"Yes! I know you care for me. You may not show it openly all the time, but I know. You are the most important person for me too always remember that okay?" he said smiling. Clear words gently spoken.
She nodded slowly, many emotions in her eyes.
"Come here." Sokka stretched out his strong arms.
Azula neared him and they hugged each other at the exact moment. He put his arms around her shoulder, caressing her hair and back. A smile spread over his face. She put hers on his broad back, under his arms and rested her head on his shoulder.
She felt the safest in his arms. He felt the happiest in her arms.
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kigozula · 2 years
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Sokkla Swooning over each other part 4
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kigozula · 2 years
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Where you are, there I am - Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 6: Azula joins the Gaang in DOBS
A sequel from last year this time! You can find the first part HERE
You can also read here & here
The western air temple was truly extraordinary. Aang led his team here, since it would be a good hiding spot from the fire nation. Not only were they enemies with different goals, but now they sort of kidnapped their princess.
"We should keep her hands cuffed." Toph said, as Sokka was laying Azula down on his sleeping bag he set right after they entered the center of the temple’s area. He took the cuffs away for a while, so that it wouldn’t injure her wrists.
Normally, he would agree to cuff her hands anew, since she stirred every now and then. A signal she was slowly waking up. But he told them she wasn't their hostage. He couldn't place it, but he didn't want her to be treated... like a dangerous enemy.
Yes, she could be dangerous since she was a fascinating firebender and tragically for his team, a mastermind. She informed her father about their plan because she somehow found it out.
But nevertheless, he wanted her to be on their side. It sounded foolish he knew, but something in him made him want it.
"I think we shouldn't." he replied to Toph, while watching Azula's still unconscious figure.
Katara, whose arms were crossed against her chest gave an ironic laugh.
"And then what?!" she said angrily. "What's the problem Sokka? Why did you bring her here in the first place?"
"I also think we should treat her with dignity." Aang interrupted before Sokka could answer.
"With dignity?!" Katara said, still angry.
"I had a dream several times." Aang said seriously.
"What kind of a dream?" Katara asked annoyed.
Sokka focused on Aang, eagerly waiting for his response.
"Azula was our friend. And to Sokka she was more."
He turned to look at him as if trying to send him a message through his eyes. Sokka looked warily.
"Uhm, guys" before Toph could finish her sentence, Sokka fell to the ground after a blast of fire flew besides him.
Blue fire.
"Friends you say? I would have laughed at this lame joke if it weren't for this unbelievable situation!" Azula wasn't at her best, since she still felt the headache Toph caused in the tunnels. But she was on her feet regardless, ready for a fight. Ready for revenge.
A fight escalated then. While Katara was more focused on taking Azula down, Sokka and Aang focused on protecting themselves.
Toph on the other hand shook her head and abruptly turned around to get ready to take down their new guest. Said guest bent his own fire to the center of the fight, causing everyone to stop, all eyes on him.
"Zuko? Are you here to... save me?" Confused as she was, the words sounded weird once Azula uttered them she thought.
"I didn't even know you were here until I saw you guys climbing off of Appa." he answered to his sister.
Puzzled. Everyone was puzzled including Zuko himself.
"Then why are you here?” Suddenly, Azula grew wary of her brother.
No one said a word, letting the siblings fill in the silence.
„I’m here because I turned my back on father. I want to teach the Avatar firebending.“ Zuko said while he closed his eyes. He didn't want to fight with his sister.
Anger and shock were what Azula felt in that very moment. She looked frozen.
Katara let out another laugh out of anger. „Is this all a bad joke?!“
„He is telling us the truth Katara.“ Toph said.
„You… are you out of your mind Zuko!?“ Azula walked up to him, brows furrowed.
Sokka’s gaze didn’t leave her figure. And then everything went too fast. Zuko took Azula down with him when a blast covered the air with dust disabling them to see who was responsible for it.
But Toph knew very well who it was "Sparky-sparky-book-man!"
All eyebrows furrowed with fury. This was the last thing they needed.
"What?" Azula asked as she stood up from the ground.
"Stop! I will give you your money, but I don't want you to hunt down the Avatar anymore!" Zuko looked up to Combustion Man who was standing a few feet away from them.
"What?!" everyone said in union. Angry eyes were fixed on Zuko now.
Though one person's anger was from different nature then the rest. Azula wondered if this was all a dream. Or a nightmare. She surely hoped so.
First, Sokka held her waist inappropriately, then she was kidnapped, then the Avatar told of his weird dream, then her brother came out of nowhere telling her he was here to teach the Avatar he chased for years firebending, only to find out he hired a bounty hunter to kill him? And the most shocking part was, that Zuko literally jumped on her to save her from the explosion. Since when did he care for her?
Before Combustion Man could cause another explosion everyone except Azula attacked him. The scene in front of her was odd, yet familiar. Once they attacked her all together, now they were a team against another enemy.
Although Katara seemed to have more sense than the others. She bent her water and aimed for Zuko this time. Right so. He was their enemy not friend.
"You're paying this man to hunt us down?! You... you have no honor!" Katara yelled and kept attacking Zuko, who fell on the ground for the second time today.
In that moment Combustion Man was preparing another immense fire. Did the guy not know Azula was the princess? Seeing how driven he was right now she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't care. Because with that aim his fire would reach Azula too.
So, she bent her own fire against his attack. The fires collided and caused Azula to fly away... and fall down the cliff.
"Azula!" Zuko's voice was the last thing she heard and Sokka's worried face was the last thing she saw before her tragic fall started. She was too weak right now.
She was falling and falling. Until she heard a roar. The roar sounded familiar. Was it the bison of the Avatar?
"Azula!" before she could process whose voice called her name this time, she felt a strong hand pull at her arm and into the saddle on Appa’s back.
"I got you!" the voice said.
She couldn't see him but felt his chest pressed against her back. His arm firm around her waist.
An arm that held her often today.
Sokka's arm.
"What..." she parted from him immediately. "Get off me!"
"Azula wait!" He showed his palm to stop her from attacking him. "I saved you!"
"Why?!" she asked.
"Because you were falling!" he replied.
He looked different though. His hair fell all over his face. Azula never gave a thought about his looks, although she already noticed on various occasions that Sokka looked handsome, but right now she couldn’t oversee how attractive he was.
No, her mind refused to let his attractiveness get the better end of her. So, she let out a growl and prepared to strike him. To push him out of this saddle and get rid of him.
But he was faster and held her wrists tightly before she could move any further.
"You can choose to join us, or you can walk back to your palace, if the latter is even possible!" he said.
She could easily bend fire. She could free herself.
But she didn't make a move. What would happen if she pushed Sokka away? The bison would throw her away anyway. And if not, everyone on the temple would chase her. No matter how good she was, she wasn't overconfident to think she could defeat a strong warrior, a waterbender, an earthbender, the Avatar and his bison at the same time. Even if, what would she do then? Wait until her father send soldiers to get her? Did it even come to his mind about where she could be? And what would Zuko do?
Yet these were not the only reasons she didn't pull away.
The intensity of Sokka's eyes was. He looked at her with his brows furrowed. Lips pressed together. His hair down. Determined. But why? Why did he want her to join them this badly?
"Why would I come with you? Give me one logical reason Sokka." she said finally.
She didn't miss the way his face softened upon hearing her say his name.
Appa landed on a space that looked out from the cliff. The fight on the temple forgotten.
"Because your father is evil!" The words were spoken confidently, but not harsh or angry.
She finally pulled her wrists free and shook her head before looking at him again.
"Who says that?" she asked.
"Who? He is leading a war! He is taking lives every day and steal people's homelands!"
"You are wrong! I conquered Ba Sing Se as you must remember, and I didn't hurt anyone... except for the Avatar of course."
"True. You really didn't." Sokka said softly and stopped for a moment.
"And?" Azula said next.
"This is exactly the reason why you should join us. Not only do we need help, but you aren't like your father and..."
"Don't you dare! You know nothing about me and my father!"
"Your father is nothing like you! Nor is your grandfather and his father! You didn't kill anyone or hurt anyone for sports, but they did! They took lives!"
"They did their best to make our nation successful!"
"By killing innocent people?"
"That's not..."
"My mother was murdered brutally by your soldiers!"
Azula was taken aback. The rage in her eyes vanishing.
"Do you truly believe she deserved to die? A woman, a mother in the southern water tribe who did nothing but tried to lead a peaceful life, with her husband and her children?"
Azula was lost for words "No... I... no of course not."
"And this is probably one out of thousand others..." he replied looking down for a moment.
Why would they kill an innocent woman? As far as Azula knew, the southern water tribe has never been "worthy" enough to be conquered in the eyes of the council. They had nothing of value to give the fire nation.
But that was when her grandfather Azulon was fire lord. She and her father hadn't anything to do with this. And yet...
Azula's bangs were waving from the wind. The fierceness in her eyes vanished after what Sokka said. She was... beautiful. Breathtaking.
"Listen, I will not let you go. So don't make this hard and come with us. See things from another perspective."
"Didn't you kidnap me to get information out of me?"
"Yes... no!"
Azula gave him a questioning look.
"What I mean is, yes I need some information from you it's true. But I also want you to join us. To not keep doing what your father is doing.” Sokka said “Appa, yip yip!”
Appa flew back to the temple.
The moment they landed, Azula didn't say a single word to anyone. Combustion Man was gone. But due to her mind's fullness she didn't hear what happened. She only saw another earthbender and two other people.
She just stood at a wall and waited.
Zuko gave them a talk, about what happened and how he wanted to join Team Avatar. He and Azula gave each other looks every now and then but Zuko seemed unsure to approach her.
She felt Sokka's gaze on her often. When he was looking somewhere else she gazed at him. She wondered if he knew she was looking and didn't look back to give her freedom to stare at him as long as she liked.
Two nights passed.
She slept in a room alone, with Sokka on the floor in front of the entrance.
Two nights she considered what Sokka said. She tried to work things out in her mind. No one in team Avatar seemed to have a feud with fire nation people for fun. They haven't treated her and Zuko bad.
She also saw how loving they were with each other. How much Sokka cared for his sister. Watched out when Toph needed help. Looked for Azula herself if she needed anything.
Katara cooked for everyone and shared. She wasn't fond of her or Zuko, that much was clear. Yet she still shared their food with them as well.
Aang... he sometimes acted like everything in the world was perfect. As if no one had problems. He laughed a lot and tried to make Azula smile by telling the weirdest jokes ever. She dismissed him every time.
Sokka must have talked with them. Told them to give her space. To not treat her as hostage. Azula also knew that one of them was always awake to make sure nor she or her brother would do anything. Mistrust.
Azula would be lying if she said their friendship didn't touch her at all. Because it did. They cared so much for each other. And even if she never wanted to admit it, she felt much more like a normal person who was respected with them than anywhere else.
In the night, Sokka gave her his sleeping bag again and slept on his clothes on the floor. He watched her and she watched him. Then, he said something else that touched her again...
"We had to leave my father and friends on the capital. Do you have an idea of where they could be?"
The emotions in his eyes when he talked about his father was that of sorrow. It hit her. She no longer tried to pretend his team wasn't justified at all to try to stop her father. They didn't want to fight. They were forced to...
When she saw Aang and Zuko training she had to fight the urge to push Zuko away and teach Aang herself. Her brother wasn’t a bad bender, but his bending was too simple.
Sokka joked saying Azula should replace Zuko, since he was pathetic, which made Zuko angry. Azula couldn’t help but smile every time.
The next day they decided to fly to an island for safety reasons.
Everyone packed their things and some already climbed on the back of Appa. Azula just stood there.
Zuko looked at her as if to approach, but Sokka was faster. They stood there for a moment.
"And? Are you coming with us princess?" he asked.
Azula looked at Zuko, then again to Sokka. She just gave a slight nod and Zuko climbed on Appa.
A hand showed up in front of her. She looked at it and then to its owner.
"Trying to be gallant?" she asked, a little smile on her face.
"Well, always for you princess." Sokka replied with a smirk.
She took his hand and climbed on the back of Appa with his help. He pushed her on the back which made her blush and get mad at the same time. But she said nothing. Just sat on the saddle near Zuko.
But Sokka had the perfect idea to sit right next to her.
Appa began flying and Azula's topknot fell apart. Making her hair wave in the wind. She looked at her left to where Sokka sat, already feeling his gaze on her. It looked like he wasn't able to tear his gaze away from her. A smile spread through their faces while looking at each other, while Appa flew towards a sunset...
Zuko on the other hand observed the scene annoyed.
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kigozula · 2 years
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Where you are, there I am - Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 9: "Blue looks good on you"
You can also read here & here
Sokkla Saturdays 2022 ends! It was fun! Thanks to everyone who organized this event, I enjoy it every year! I've read some very nice and fun stories.
Sokkla Saturdays also give me the opportunity to write more which I am happy about.
My entry today is inspired by Kim Possible Season 3, Episode: Emotion Sickness. I had mixed feelings about this one honestly. Anyway, hope everyone who reads it enjoys it!=)) Thanks for the support!
"This will be one of my riskiest inventions. If one drop comes in contact with fire, the smoke will cause people who breathe it in transient emotion sickness."
The Mechanist put his new invention on the shelf and went to class. The Fire Nation Academy was full of students from all over the world. Since he was an important inventor for the Fire Nation, the Mechanist got a job as teacher.
One of the classes he was heading to was very famous for its different students. No week went by without a fight.
"Hey Azula, mind if I borrow your royal pencil?" Sokka leaned towards Azula.
"What?" she gave him a distasteful look.
"The one Lu Ten gave you. With the gold color."
"Royal ... ugh here just take it." Her best friend had a habit of giving things the weirdest names.
"Thanks!" Sokka patted her back.
This was the school they met for the first time as children. Since then, they were inseparable best friends.
"Good morning children." The teacher entered the room, and everyone stood up to greet him.
"Another boring day." Mai said silently.
"Yeah." Zuko replied. His place was next hers.
"Really Prince Zuzu?" Azula turned around and teased. "Your lover needs entertainment, not your agreement."
Sokka chuckled at Azula's words. Zuko just glared at his sister.
"Shhh, we're in class." Katara warned them.
"Shhh, who are you to remind us?" Azula replied. "You should turn back and entertain your lover too."
Sokka didn't like the word lover when it had a connection with his sister and a guy.
"He is not my! Ughhh!" Katara was annoyed. She never got along well with Azula. They were known for their daily fights.
After the lesson was over the Mechanist asked Azula and Katara to carry some books to his room. Entering the room Azula took notice of Katara's bad mood.
"Seems like someone is frustrated." she said.
Katara just rolled her eyes.
"Did your lover break your heart?" Azula asked.
"I already told you Aang isn't my lover." Katara said.
"Well, we all know how he looks at you. That poor boy fell hard for you." Azula said.
"Well, at least boys like me and have crushes on me. Where are your admirers?" Katara teased.
"I won't settle for something simple. There are no boys that are worth my precious time." Azula said confidently.
Their talk grew heated and one argument lead to another, which resulted in a physical fight. Azula used her firebending and the bottle with the new invention of the Mechanist exploded causing both girls to breath it in. Coughing they left the room.
"Are you two okay?" Jet was walking by and offered his help.
Azula stormed away leaving him alone with Katara on the hallway.
Sokka was sitting on the stairs of the garden chilling away break time. After paying a short visit to the classroom, Azula walked up to him.
"Hey, did you and Katara manage not to fight today?" he asked smiling.
"Where is my pencil?" Azula asked angrily.
"What? Ahh, you mean the royal pencil? I don't have it." Sokka replied. "Did you lose it?"
"Did I lose it? You took it away and never gave it back!"
"I'm sorry, I put it back on your side of the table."
Something snapped in Azula's eyes. Sokka took notice of it. The anger turned into sadness, and it didn't take long for Azula to start crying.
She crossed her arms over her knees next to him on the stairs and cried. Sokka was in complete shock. He knew his best friend since childhood. She would never ever cry because of a lost pencil.
"Hey Azula, don't cry I ... I can search the whole building if need be."
"It was a gift from cousin Lu Ten." she said sobbing.
Sokka gently held her fingers in a soothing motion. He felt bad but had no idea what to do.
Suddenly she stopped crying and stood up. Again, something snapped in her eyes.
"Are you feeling better?" Sokka asked confused.
"Better? I am wonderful! My best friend keeps losing my stuff! How can I not feel better." Azula said sarcastically, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Come now!" she took Sokka by his shirt and pulled him with her inside the academy building. Swearing she went to their locker.
"Woah Azula, do you really need to be this angry?" Sokka asked her.
"I think you just ripped my shirt." Sokka examined his shirt.
Something snapped in Azula's eyes again. This time she smirked. Her eyes sparked when she looked at Sokka intensely. He was so so attractive. And oh, how handsome he was she thought.
Confusion was overloading Sokka's brain. She neared him and put her fingers on his chin.
"Blue looks good on you Sokka!" she said.
Sokka looked at his shirt. It was red right now. Was Azula hallucinating?
"As much as I enjoy this red, I want you to see in blue this evening when you dance with me at the school party." Azula told him.
"Uhm, okay." Sokka blushed deeply and scratched the back of his neck. What was happening to Azula? She was unusual.
The ring bell in that moment and Azula took his hand.
"Come now boomerang boy, we need to go to class." she said and urged him to walk with her.
Entering the chemistry lab, Azula needed to sperate from him to go to her group.
She put one hand over his chest looking lovingly at Sokka.
"I will miss you!" she said and unlinked their hands.
Mai and Sokka took eye contact just then. Sokka just shrugged his shoulders and Mai shook her head and turned to her work. It was Azula and Sokka after all, they were anything but normal.
After an hour of Azula being all flirting and giggles, she and Sokka walked to their lockers to gain their stuff.
Azula took Sokka's hand and played with his fingers.
"Will you pick me up in the evening Sokka?" she asked him smiling.
"Uhm, sure." he replied. Still not sure if he should ask what's happening with her. Something seemed off with her. Or maybe something was off with him?
Before he could give her behavior more thoughts Azula closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his, surrounding his neck with her arms. Sokka's eyes grew wide, and he gasped.
Azula was kissing him. His childhood friend was pressing her lips to his.
Jet was walking through the hallway in that moment and spitted his drink, when he saw them.
Sokka couldn't help but enjoy the feel of her lips and calmed after a while. Before he could do more, Azula broke the kiss.
"See you in the evening Sokka." she whispered against his lips and went out of the hallway.
"What... what's happening now?!" Jet asked perplexed.
Sokka with a wide smile and starstruck as he was, ignored Jet's shock.
Sokka walked to school before he went to pick up Azula. He forgot his bag in the morning. After Azula kissed him he felt like he was flying the whole day, his mind gone.
"Sokka, what are you doing here early?" Song approached him. She was checking if the plans for the the party that would take place in an hour went fine.
"Forgot my bag." he replied friendly.
"Shouldn't you be meeting Princess Azula?" she asked smiling.
Sokka turned to her. Knowing well what she was asking.
"Alright, maybe it's good you ask, it was eating me the whole day. I don't know who I should talk to honestly. So, Azula has... ehhmm a crush on me?" he explained.
Song raised an eyebrow.
"Don't look at me that way, she was different the whole morning. Flirted with me and took my hand. And then... she kissed me." he smiled at the last part. As weird as everything was right now, he still enjoyed the taste of her lips very much.
"And that's bad?" Song asked.
"I don't know. I mean, we're best friends but it's not like I never thought about it. I mean how could I not, she is... she is the most amazing woman and person!" he said.
"Listen to your heart Sokka and talk with her openly. This is the most important advice I can give you." Song said smiling. "I need to go check the kitchen now. See you guys later."
"Sokka! Sokka!" the Mechanist came rushing to him.
Where is Princess Azula and your sister?" he asked.
"At home." Sokka replied.
"Something horrible happened..." the Mechanist continued.
He explained that he found the glass bottle with his newest invention broken in his room. And that the last two people that were inside were Azula and Katara. After a short panic, he told Sokka to watch out for them both and that the effect should be go away soon.
Sokka was even more confused now. No, he was sad.
Busy as he was with his own thoughts and feelings, he didn't notice much with Katara at home. Though she brought Aang with her and acted very happy. The thought didn't make him feel better.
But Azula? Does that mean she didn't like him the way he thought she did?
"I have no idea what got into me. I was just very angry, then sad and then very happy for no particular reason." Azula told her brother on their way to school. She decided not to wait for Sokka. How must he feel now?
"I can't believe you kissed Sokka! How could you do that and then in the middle of the hallway!" Zuko said angrily.
Mai rolled her eyes and just walked beside the siblings.
"At least you could have told me yourself. If it wouldn't be for Jet to tell Mai, I wouldn't have known." Zuko said.
"Could you maybe shut up! It's enough now!" Azula replied back.
Sokka was walking out of the school building when their ways crossed.
Zuko stopped on his heels and growled at Sokka. Then he just walked past him.
"Sokka, I..." Azula started.
"I know, the Mechanist told me what happened." Sokka said. He explained her everything and Azula wanted to punch the man in the face.
"Well, I'm sorry for acting weird the whole day." she said.
"It's okay." Sokka said smiling. "I..."
"Azula, Sokka what are you waiting, get inside." Ty Lee ran into them and pulled Azula on the school grounds.
Sokka wanted to talk with Azula. But was it a good idea? He always enjoyed his time with her, but right now, after what happened, he felt like he needed to be closer to her than ever.
They got time didn't they? He would give Azula time to regain herself after what happened today. They spend most of their time in each other's company. They got time. He got time...
He watched Azula from afar, smiling. His feet started to move but suddenly he stopped.
Katara! Was she with Aang? How was she feeling.
"Sokka, come now." Azula yelled. "I have bad news for you." she said smirking. He already knew what she was going to tell her. The triumphant smirk on her beautiful face told her, he was about to find out his sister was in a relationship with Aang.
Still, he went to Azula's side and enjoyed his evening next to her. No matter what happened in his life, when he was next to her, everything was better. It's been always like this, and it would stay that way.
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kigozula · 2 years
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Sokkla swooning over each other Part 1
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"Yes, that's the plan Sokka"
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kigozula · 2 years
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"Azula!" he screamed from his heart.
For he missed her dearly...
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Sokkla - TDOBS
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