#closing my part with a happy ending!!
kigozula · 7 months
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By Your Side: Sokkla Saturdays 2023
Day 4: Winter
AO3 & FF.Net
Lovers liked asking questions they knew the answers to. Only to hear their loved one say it out loud.
Continuation of last week
Another Sokkla Saturdays is coming to an end. This year things turned out slightly different for me, but as every year, I enjoyed taking part! Thanks @sokklasaturdays for holding this event! Already looking forward for next year!=)
All day wanted was for this moment to last forever. Enjoy the warm embrace longer. However, luck wasn’t on their side which was to be expected. When Katara went into Sokka’s room, alarmed, Azula had an idea of what happened.
“Prince Zuko and Prince Lu Ten are here!” Katara said.
“What does he want?” asked Sokka rubbing his eyes.
His question caused both girls to look at him unbelievably.
“Oh, yeah…” he said.
Sokka took Azula’s hand.
“No matter what happens, I will always be with you Azula. No one can force you to anything.”
They walked out to see Zuko and Lu Ten in the living room.
Lu Ten gave his cousin a meaningful stare but smiled.
“Maybe we should leave brother and sister alone.” Kya said.
Sokka held Azula’s gaze  while walking out. She gave him a nod and only then he left the igloo.
Once everyone was out Zuko talked.
“Being reckless doesn’t suit you Azula.”
Azula folded her arms narrowing her eyes.
“Says the Prince who keeps pulling reckless stunts for Mai.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow. Did his sister really admit that she felt as strongly towards Sokka as he felt for Mai, his wife? He knew about Azula’s feelings but hearing her indirectly admitting it was another level.
“I will cut this short: I support you.” Zuko said.
“You?” Azula asked skeptical.
“Yes” he replied, “Do I never?”
“Yeah, sometimes you do.” she said.
“Chief Hakoda, Uncle Iroh and Lu Ten are all by your side. Father was forced to come to Kyoshi Island.” Zuko said.
“Wait! Support what exactly?” Azula asked.
“You are marrying Sokka.” Zuko said.
“What…” Before she could continue her sentence, Sokka ran into the igloo.
“Azula! Did you hear that?” he gave her a powerful hug and swirled her around, “Father told me we can finally marry.”
Azula was confused, happy, excited, and scared at the same time. She looked at her brother and he smiled.
Fire Lord Iroh made efforts to convince his stubborn brother to put an end to bad blood with the Water Tribe and finally aligned. Hakoda was ready for it. Everyone else was except for Ozai. He went mad in the Fire Nation first. Yet it was worth it in the end. After a long discussion, Ozai halfheartedly agreed. Ursa tried to calm him down so Azula wouldn’t see his anger once they met.
Azula entered his room on Kyoshi Island along with Sokka. Ozai looked disgusted at his soon to be son-in-law, already disliking him. All these years they never got along well.
“Out with you. I will speak to my daughter alone.” He said harshly.
Again, Sokka looked at Azula first and left the room once she assured him she would be fine with her eyes- He made sure to graze his knuckles at Her’s while walking out.
Despite it all, the talk between father and daughter went well. Ozai said, she could marry Sokka, but he wouldn’t truly see him as his son. That was enough for Azula. As long as she wouldn’t have to choose between her family and the man she loved, all would be fine.
Before another fight could escalate, Azula and Sokka told their families, they would marry on Whale tail Island. It was a beautiful place without habitants. And it was near to Kyoshi Island, where they all stayed during meetings. They would mix both nations traditions.
A dream was coming true. Evening arrived, candles were lit. Whale tail Island was about to witness the most beautiful day, the reunion between two lovers.
Azula and Sokka deserved it. Years of struggle and heartache was finally coming to an end.
Their respective families were already there. Close friends were arriving one by one. Uncle Iroh was the only royal missing from Azula’s family. Since he was Fire Lord, he couldn’t just sail half of the world. He made sure to send the pair a luxury gift with congratulations letter.
Admiral Zhao arrived, his distaste towards Sokka clear in his eyes.
“Congratulations Azula. You certainly could have done better. But we will support our Princess anyway.”
Sokka scowled at the comment.
“You are right Admiral.” Azula replied smirking sideways at Sokka.
“What the?!” Sokka squeaked.
Zhao chuckled and walked to take a seat.
“Azulaaaaa!” Sokka said.
“What? He is right. I could do better.” she said, acting innocent.
Sokka stopped and thought about it.
“Yeah, you truly could.” he said looking down sadly.
Azula laughed and hugged him, giving a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you Sokka. You are perfect for me dummy.” she said.
Sokka already lightened up when she kissed him, smiling and looking at her.
“I love you, you are the one who is perfect Azula.” he said giving her a peck. “Even if you like messing with me.
Many of their family members congratulated and hugged them. Lu Ten gazed at his cousin. Katara gave them both a short speech with teary eyes.
Mai and Ty Lee arrived too. Zuko never left his wife’s side. Ever so careful. Azula’s eyes went to Mai’s visible bump.
After a hugging session Azula asked how Mai was feeling.
“I’m faring well. Can’t wait for the baby to arrive.” She said with a smile.
All of them smiled. Mai suddenly smirked her eyes set on Azula and Sokka.
“Well, seems like Azula will grow a baby bump too soon.”
Zuko gasped and looked unpleasant.
Azula was slightly taken a back and Ty Lee clapped.
“Well, well!” Sokka was smirking too, side eyeing his soon to be wife.
Azula blushed and Sokka chuckled.
“You two deserve happiness. Finally, all of us can have a peaceful rest not that you guys are marrying.” Mai told them earnestly. Which made Zuko smile fondly too.
Soon the ceremony began, and they finally married. Clapping and laughter filled the island.
The first dance was romantic only for Azula and Sokka.
Soon Hakoda danced happily with his wife. Ursa urged her husband to dance too, but the prominent scowl on Ozai’s face while he watched his precious daughter dancing with her husband couldn’t make her enjoy the dance fully. Yet she still smiled hugging her husband.
Although Sokka’s eyes never left Azula, he saw a sight that made him wince. His sister was dancing with Aang.
It didn’t last long, and he was gazing at his Azula again. Her arms around his neck, his firmly on her back, foreheads touching they danced away as a married couple…
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lovesickeros · 10 days
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☆ de fontaine
{☆} characters furina {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings angst, suicidal thoughts, hurt / no comfort {☆} word count 1.4k
This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair!
She thought, for one moment, she could put the mask down and breathe – for one moment of daydreaming, she thought she could just be Furina. She thought she would finally get to live the live she should've had in the first place, the life she threw away to play God to an audience who saw her as nothing but a circus animal, dancing to their whims. Furina just wanted to be selfish for one brief and fleeting moment..and it was gone before she could even grasp it in her hand. A comet soaring past far out of her reach.
She can barely keep her hands from violently shaking as she looks down at them – broken and bloody and more a corpse then a person – and she feels so numb she can't even feel the rain pelting against her back. None of this is fair, she wants to scream, why is it always me? But her voice is silent beneath the torrent of rain. She wonders if the ocean would take her if she sank into it's depths – just for a moment, she wonders how it would feel to finally be able to sleep at ease.
Furina is tired.
But Furina is nothing if not useful, isn't she?
So she forces her feet to move, dragging against the stone beneath her heels, and drags their bloodied body into the nearest empty building, letting the rain do the work of washing away the smeared blood following her path. The smell makes her feel sick, the feeling of it sticking to her hands and gloves makes her lightheaded, but she persists. Because Furina is useful, because Furina won't let them die out in the rain, because Furina won't stand by and just let them rot on the streets like some..pest.
Furina wants to go home. She wants to sleep and she isn't she if she wants to wake up, this time. But she keeps going anyway.
Because it's all she's ever done, and the habit sticks.
An Archon she may not be, not anymore, but the expectations of five hundred years still linger like eyes on the inside of her skull. They watch her, pry and prod at her thoughts, mocking laughter and judging eyes following her as she forces herself to dance to the song they weave with glee. Furina never stepped off that stage – she's still there, she thinks, watching the crowd stare at her in disdain as the curtain call looms above her like a guillotine. She still hears Neuvillette deliver her damnation and salvation with a trembling voice, still feels her hair stand on end when electro crackled like the crack of the whip, Clorinde's blade aimed at her like a loaded gun.
She's trapped on that stage and she never left, not really.
She hates it. She thinks she hates them, but it's not their fault. They didn't ask for this, didn't ask for everyone to turn against them, didn't ask for her to save them. Neither did she..yet here they are, she thinks.
She tries to tell herself she's in control this time, though. She can stop performing her part in this horrible, bloody play any time she wants. It makes her feel better, just for a little while, if she convinces herself she's still Furina, painfully human.
And Furina has always been good at lying.
It's the believing that's the hard part.
There isn't time for her to wallow in her own self pity, though. They're still bleeding out onto the dusty, creaky floorboards of some random, broken down house and she's just standing there as the blood stains the wood. She can fix it – she's good at fixing things. She's done nothing but fix things – try to, anyway – for five hundred years. She can fix a little wound, how hard could it be? Her hands are clenched so tight they ache as she kneels down, wincing at the creak of the floorboards beneath her heels– she hesitates just long enough to wonder if she's making a mistake before she peels away just enough of the outer layer of their clothes to see the deep, bloody gash across their chest. She tries not to think about it – it's deep, too deep, and she feels dizzy just looking at it, but she's handled worse, right?
Furina can fix it. That's what she's good at.
She doesn't feel so confident when she tries to wrack her brain for..something. Five hundred years, and a little wound stumps her? No, she had to have learned something, right? She's decidedly not trying to buy time because she's panicking, parsing through hundreds of years of memories like flipping through a book. Furina isn't made for this, not really – she's running on nothing but adrenaline and she's really not sure what she's doing, but she's trying. And just like before, it won't be enough, will it?
She'll fall short again – she'll be too late to fix it before she's alone again.
Furina was an Archon..used to be. What use would she have for that sort of knowledge? Which makes her predicament all the more harrowing and bleak. What was she supposed to do?
Furina had heard it first hand, that vitriol in Neuvillette's voice. She isn't sure she's ever heard him that..angry before. She's not sure he would listen to her if she tried, either. And that scares her more then anything. All of Fontaine was up in arms about this..imposter, yet here she was, staring down at them bleeding out in front of her, and she was trying to save them.
Why? Why is she throwing away her only chance at normalcy for a fraud? Why didn't she just turn them in?
They were dying – that should've been a good thing, shouldn't it? So why didn't it feel like it?
"Why you?" Her voice breaks as she speaks in harsh tones, grabbing the front of their shirt in trembling, bloodied hands. "Why now?" She wants to scream, to demand answers they can't give, to claw back the reprieve she was promised after five hundred years of agony..and all she can do is sob into their chest, pleading for an answer that will not come. "Why me?"
Silence is their answer, and it hangs heavy on her trembling shoulders as she cries.
Of course they don't, she thinks bitterly, no one has ever answered her pleas spoken in hushed sobs. Not her other self and certainly not them.
Furina has always been alone. Furina will always be alone.
Because Furina never left that stage, never left that moment when she looked at herself in the mirror and took up a mantle too heavy for her to bear. She always finds her way back eventually. There's no one on the other side anymore – she stands alone on a stage, waiting for an inevitable end she isn't sure will come.
"Please," She pleads through tears and choked sobs, clinging to them like they are all that keeps her from sinking. "Please don't leave me, too." The words burn on her tongue – how pathetic is she that she craves companionship from the bloodied body of the imposter? Perhaps she's truly lost her mind after all these years..perhaps she's finally gone mad. She must have.
But their presence is like the first feeling of gentle warmth upon her skin as the sun crests the horizon, like the gentle lap of tides along her heels, the sway of branches and leaves as the wind blows through them like an instrument all it's own. They are the soothing sound of rain against the window as she watches the dreary skies in fond longing, the first bloom of spring as color blooms upon the landscape like paint had been spilled across the hills and valleys.
They are like the faint spark she carefully nurtures and stokes, so fragile even the smallest wind could blow it out like a candle. She cradles it within her palms, pleads with whoever will listen – prays that someone finally listens, because if not for her, then for them.
She's failed to protect too much already, let too many people with so much trust in her fall between the cracks of her fingers like grains of sand. She won't let them go – she can't.
If nothing else, if she couldn't be saved when she begged for salvation from that five hundred year long agony, even if she never got that chance..
Furina will make sure they do.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#fic tag#furina#so um. looks around. okay look. i know im like THE ts@r1ts@ dealer (censored so it doesnt show in tags. hopefully)#but the moment i saw furi in fontaine the day it released she became my fav even more then the tsaritsa SORRY SHES SO..#this is my love letter 2 furi (making her suffer unimaginable horrors)#open ended kinda in case i decide on making a sequel maybe#furi makes me feel cuteness aggression so bad i start acting like a rabid animal#furina the woman that you are. thats my girlprince meow meow id kill someone for her#playing her part as archon so well but being so horribly irrefutably human in every way..#five hundred years not even knowing what the real plan was. when it would end. knowing if she slipped up it was over.#and in the end almost no one knew what really happened. a select few people know the real weight of her sacrifice.#furina's story was always a tragedy. it was never going to be anything but a tragedy.#and thats one of the most tragic parts of it isnt it? she didnt know how itd end. she didnt know her story was always going to be a tragedy#furina never knew a thing. and still she did it for the people of fontaine and succeeded.#how do you define “yourself” when you havent existed for 500 years?#to be so selflessly human you give up “yourself” to save people who will never know of your sacrifice.#sometimes i think about the confrontation on the stage and have a week long mental breakdown#sacrificing EVERYTHING for fontaine and still. still! the people closest to you turn on you.#heavy on clorinde. she was as close 2 furi as neuvi fight me on this. i bite.#her bodyguard and friend and she ends up staring down her blade wondering if this is it. she failed. she failed them all#because even when faced with the trial. with losing everything. she still thought only about fontaine. oh furina.#do you think she has nightmares. wonders if she was never meant to win this game of g-ds. that her story was always meant to be a tragedy?#do you think she still wonders if she was ever meant to have a chance at a happy ending? a doomed tragedy from beginning to end
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babisawyer · 1 year
Jackie realizing she’s gonna have to take care of shauna and jeff’s ghost baby
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#🐇#yellowjackets#truly it’s so interesting to me how much better this season is than the first that literally never happens for me#the current timeline is finally getting interesting. Jeff is still the best part#love how fast misty took to being a cult that is so her™️#Jackie liking poppies is interesting to me both in the Jackie is gay camp and also you know the whole thing with wizard oz and her death#the ending was so fucking depressing I need a nap now#like I’m so happy they didn’t eat the baby that would have been so incredibly cheap but glad to finally have answers#like do we think shauna was dreaming or had she temporarily crossed over because like where was Jackie and the French dude#I’d say it would make sense that Lottie could be there somehow#idk it reminded me a lot of Jackie’s death of course so I have many questions#I will say the cop story line is pretty stupid like no fucking way is any of this legal and also let’s kill that creep cop shauna#I will help you girl I will drive the get away car#I was also like wondering awhile ago if Lottie’a camp is near where the plane crash was#and my best friend and I were like no there’s no way and then they tell us it’s in New York so like possibly close to the boarder?#I tried looking up cherry hill but I couldn’t find anything idk it’s probably totally unlikely and they just also happen to be in the woods#I didn’t get a preview for next week is there a preview? idk#my complaint this week is where is Jackie lmfao where is her ghost why wasn’t she in sex ed give me something I’m not ready to move on!!!!
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
what makes minedai even sadder is that we never rlly see daigo try to build a bond with anyone else like he did with mine it rlly shows how badly it effected him like yeah he reached out to shinada in y5 but that’s rlly it and he probably would wanna leave him alone after that and not involve him in any yakuza stuff so i don’t think they would’ve hung out or anything like that afterwards. All he rlly had were saejima and majima but they were more like babysitters than anything, wish we saw more of their dynamic tho like we did with majima and daigo in dead souls since that was fun and we were lowkey robbed but in canon he’s just as lonely as he was before majimas promise to kiryu. And mine is the only person he really had a meaningful relationship with romantic or not they were still really close and we don’t see that again with daigo ever (from what i recall after y3) ok sorry for rambling LMFAO
even with shinada, he reached out to him more so out of 'duty' and trying to make up for the misfortune that befell him because of yakuza than wanting to rekindle any kind of friendship they might have had in high school (though it sounds more like they were just acquaintances if shinada needing a second to remember who daigo was is anything), so yah i doubt they really had any kind of bond afterwards
dead souls really was the only time after Y3 where we got to see daigo be more sociable with someone, but its as you say majima and saejima are more like retainers than close friends
#snap chats#you can tell i was into fire emblem when the first term that comes to my mind to call majima and saejima was 'retainers' omfg#but yeah ..... depressing ....#does make me wonder who daigo was on the phone with during the rggo story though. like clearly daigo has friends#apparently. we just never see or hear of them. tho ig it is implied those were his friends from the y2 era. as mine said flarkjla#REGARDLESS yeah after y3 daigo just feels depressing to watch#i think its just because he really has to do everything on his own now#but not even have a friend to just chill with at the end of the day- like the technical work is whatever. for the most part#THATS stressful obvi so to not have anyone to really be personable with thats probably the dire part. imo.#cause yk the world could suck but as long as you have that One Person to just relax with then its ok but with mine gone. 🧍‍♂️#probably doesnt help that like. during the 'flashback' segment of y3 where we get to see daigo sitting with kiryu and nakahara#we see him all cheery and bein a lil jokester and just. A Happy Dude#granted this is barely a year or two into being chairman so The Horrors Havent Set In relatively but still ... i miss his smile ..#every time i think of daigo post-mine i think of those like. tragedies or accounts of people where its like#'after X's friend/lover died they never found another again' like thats the vibe i always get#he really packed it up and never got close with anyone else again and it makes me want to throw up#y4 widow arc still good tho it makes me chortle
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"Oh! Stanley, look! It's your co-worker, Jack! Isn't that- Oh. It... appears as if he ditched his office footwear along the way here... that's not professional at all."
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his name is jack and he is a single celled organism <3
in all seriousness uhm this is for that thing by @springbon-t-art because i wanted to also hi spring your sona is really fun to draw :)
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momijiba · 7 months
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earthyorangeaid · 11 months
Okay here’s the skinny: Beelzebub and Gabriel were able to get together with little to no disagreement because they were ON EQUAL GROUND. They were on extremely equal footing in terms of power and position in life (both in trouble with everyone bc Armageddon is off, both “the boss” of their respective systems, etc.)
Crowley and Aziraphel have been having trouble for 6,000+ years because they have never ACTUALLY been on equal footing like Beelzebub and Gabriel were. If the Lucifer theory is right about Crowley (and it’s starting to feel very likely) then that means Crowley was at one point very near the top of it all. And even if he wasn’t Lucifer, it’s still obvious he was high ranking and had significant power.
By contrast, Aziraphel has never been that. He’s always been a lower ranking officer in heaven. And you might think that the Fall would have brought them closer to equal footing but it DIDN’T, because even after falling Crowley was still seen as very successful by his new peers while Aziraphel continued to be stepped all over by his own.
Now I know that there are MORE reasons for why they haven’t worked out. Differences in loyalties to their Comand, differences in opinion of the universe, differences in HOW they think their eternities together should look. But aside from all that one really noticeable difference between Azicrowley and Beelzebub and Gabriel is their positions in relation to power and their peers. They came much much closer to being on equal ground after becoming traitors, but Crowley still has YEARS on Aziraphel of reconciling with being cast away and cutting ties with heaven. Now that Aziraphel’s about to become head of heaven however… we might be seeing some real headway in Aziraphel’s understanding of Crowley’s view point.
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ramblinseahorsey · 2 years
Everytime I see a piece of media talk about the need of an extremely powerful love, and the love ends up being platonic, my heart grows three sizes.
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yuzuna123 · 7 months
Today was the day Kirito freed everyone from SAO :') in a year this will be the day it happened in the actual story.
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skollwolf · 19 days
I know I wrote Blinding back in like 2013 but even to this day my villain origin story is when people comment that they're glad Tony has a happy ending in it
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
Idk if I'm strong enough for either canon Kalluzeb or Kalluzeb getting destroyed
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octarineblues · 3 months
not to doxx myself but ive just seen player kings (with ian mckellen!!) and uhhhh it was so good. brb gonna explode.
#player kings#christ#ok a part was scary because there was a medical emergency and it was relatively close to my row#everything ended up ok as far as i can say but it was. not looking great for a second.#i hope the person is alright#missed part of the ending because of that though - they paused the play only after the person was walked out#i think to keep the corridors clear?#and the pause itself was very professional but before when it continued to go on while the emergency was happening? jesus christ.#so i missed a chunk of the ending and i think tbh everyone around me did as well#but. other than that!! it was good!!#(not the best play ive seen this year. that goes to death of beautiful deer/śmierć pięknych saren ive seen in kraków)#(but thats a play im counting towards the best ive seen like. this decade.)#it was such a massive production and im so happy i got that experience#on my limited student budget even!#it was so well done also from a technical perspective#prince harry (toheeb jimoh) was also phenomenal#and ian mckellen!!#so many good actors actually everyone was on point#ok ok ok#last thing#the was scenes were very action movie-y and im not sure how i feel abt that#it was all very dramatic & cinematic#but ive never seen a play approach war/fight scenes like this one so that was cool#(i also think not many plays have this play's budget? idk i dont usually go for larger productions like this one.#maybe the war scenes like this arent that usual? i wouldnt know. they were unusal for me)#ok ok ok ok ok#thats it this time#im good im calm#thank you if youve read this till the end <3
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sysig · 3 months
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Perfect comedy routine (Patreon)
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They love each other <3
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#The Captain#Meme#And one more under the cut hehe#I didn't have that meme format mind until after I'd made the doodles but I'm delighted by it regardless hehe <3#I loved this scene hehe <3 Specifically Artemis' perspective lol - it was such a brief summary but so perfectly written imo#In general the way scenes move is so cool! Scaffolded improv ah <3 Such cool construction of movement!#It's so clear where the skill implementation takes place - at least how I see it hehe - of how moving your singular piece affects the others#Not of stepping over each other but of having almost simultaneous scenes that overlap agh it's cool! Very unique#Except where it doesn't but that being by design to move the scene in a specific direction I jfdlsafd it's so cool!!#Anyway lol the scene at hand! Haha#The way all the pieces fell together is so perfect ♪ So clear how everyone played their parts masterfully to such a silly end! I love it#ZEX and Zelnick off playing with each other as Artemis just watches like ''Well there went that window'' smiling all the while haha#I considered for a moment to draw it from ZEX's perspective instead closing in on the two of them to hug his Captain but this was easier#And funner to actually see the hug in action hehe#ZEX hugs forever!!#It doubly makes me happy to have that meme format because I love the original it's very funny but hhh <3#The way Mr. Momoa holds Mr. Cavill's waist is so lovely! There's another picture of his hand on his stomach and it's just ah ♪#Humans and their pretty composition interaction! I just love hugs haha#Silliness and happiness <3 My favourites ♥
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qumiiiquinnquin · 8 months
ill never be good enough at anything
#vent#events of today only proved it#im genuinely so close to giving up completely#i dont feel happy when I draw because I know its not good enough and im ashamed when others see it because I know they think the same thing#I dont feel satisfied or accomplished when finishing schoolwork because I know others will have done it better and responded better and im#the stupidest person of the entire class. some things I just dont understand but I know everyone else or lots of others did#i cant do anything right. i cant socialize correctly. i cant remember to do anything. i cant keep any stable relationships#i know if i get a job they'll ly me off or fire me within days max weeks. i dont expect to be able to hold down a job for long#i dont have the skills necessary to become what I want to be which is a meteorologist. i struggle in math and that career is a lot of math#i actually want to be an artist too but ill die a lonely death. i cant even do this class. and artists are not paid enough to survive#hell what I do right now with art in my spare time is much worse than others. a mouse and microsoft paint. both arent good enough#i cant not compare myself to others. i know that they're all better than me. and im around these people every day and see it on social medi#i really want to put my art in our shredder and permanently delete files. i want to drop out. i dont know what to do with myself because i#know that im not good enough for anything except lay in bed like the depressed piece of shit i am and end up getting kicked out#i thought about just leaving class today and throwing myself down the stairwell from the top floor i was already on#just over the barrier thats right next to the first flight of stairs that prevents people from falling off the stairs from a height#the one you can look down and see the following flight of stairs. just throw myself down from that and hurt myself significantly.#ive been thinking about jumping again. from a new part of campus thats higher than where i initially wanted to fall from#if not those then sl!t my wrist or run into traffic#i just need to d!e. There's no room for someone as worthless as me#i cried when I came home today because im just done. i cant carry on and itd be better if i didnt. itd be preferred.
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isekai is such a popular genre right now, and its taken a clear shift from 'i got isekai'd and now im a fantasy hero!' to 'i got isekai'd and now i get to live a quiet and happy life in the countryside/as a librarian/pharmacist' and obviously a lot of it is just......someone wrote this to kill time and draw boobies, but Parallel World Pharmacy was so good???? i cried so many times, and i love the shift in tone the genre has gained with stuff like that
#Maybe because i wish for the same thing but only if my dog and two best friends can come too#but that one and grace of the gods is just devastatingly gentle#its not a power fantasy its just im tired and hurt anf i want to thrive instead of survive because our society doesnt make me happy#but someone or soemthing takes mercy and kindness on them#but that one was especially profound with regards to his sister while maintaining the control of 'end this disease with a physical punch'#and we lack that kind of control we want that kind of control over literally anything in this life#also it was so pretty#not unique but still very soft visually speaking and funny but not taking away from the content#and again the characters are kind#dont get me wrong id totally like reincarnated as a slime too but thats mostly for the non gendered shapeshifting#also dragons and i wanna befriend the orcs and wolves#but id probably end up a goblin in that one....#anyway isekai when done well is so healing even when it has almost no plot#i love intense anime but god some of the gentle and beautiful ones are all i ever need#and i crave fantasy so much i adore magic and creatures and demons so much and the softness of some of these plots#but idk that one grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the bricks#i didnt actually like ascendance of a bookworm all that much i kond of found parts of it annoying and i didnt love the artstyle#but i did absolutely love the fact she was disabled whether they called it disability illness or magic#she was for all intents and purposes disabled in the same way i am and it was heartening to see how much love they had for her#and how good her family was ngl i cried about her father and i wish mine came even a little close to that but thats a DIFFERENT topic#dont ask me about yakuzas guide to babysitting#i dont like the realizations that one gave me#but the more that come out in this genre the better it is and the more representation will drop into it hopefully in all directions#for gender and sexuality as well as disabilities#because this subgenre is so well equipped for disabilities especially because its soft and slow and so full of love#ranking of kings isn't isekai but i think it could open door for fantasy in general too because its a light genre even when its serious#its just ...pure and light and ready to welcome hardships without trauma#the characters are always kind and the setting is new and magic affords accommodations other genres dont#magical mobility aids that dont erase the disability will always be infinitely more interesting to me than heavy machinery that#that you have to strap into but that also means finding other accommodations too like having bojji read lips instead of getting an implant
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heartpascal · 1 year
No pressure, but I was wondering if there would be another part of the niece!reader story?
hi lovely <3 i don’t have any plans to write a new part for the niece!reader unfortunately :( i really really love those two fics but i just don’t want to drag it out too much!!
wouldn’t be against writing shorter little like. drabbles? maybe? if you guys wanted more of their day to day lives after or even before those parts :’) if that’d be something you guys would want i’m happy for you to send in some drabble ideas even while my requests are closed <3
but yeah! sorry lovely anon :(
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