#screw eve
annamatix · 6 months
i've said this once and i'll say it again
toby should've pulled out
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spiderbeam · 2 months
i’m a firm believer that a younger fernando alonso would’ve decked brad pitt after all the shit he’s been put through with the filming of that movie
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 5 months
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The Librarians S04E06 And the Graves of Time.
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childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
I know mahiru is often seen as not smart (his official stats from the guidebook give him a 2 out of 10 for tactics and I think the mental stat is more about mental stability?) and sure he's not a tactical genius like mikuni or touma (both have 10/10 in tactics) but mahiru is extremely socially/emotionally intelligent, which is an intelligence often overlooked in favour of "classic" intelligence (like being good at math or things like chess).
But unlike other characters mahiru knows when to stand his ground and when to lay low and change a person's view slowly over time.
Misono wasn't on his side in the beginning, even saying mahiru could be his servant when mahiru agreed to work with him, but mahiru quickly picked up on the fact that misono was lonely and offered to be his friend. Now misono trusts him completely and recognizes that mahiru's strength lies in gaining allies.
Shuhei openly hated vampires and treated them as things and mahiru responded by humanizing them, listing examples of vampires acting just like normal people, laying the first stone for shuhei to stop wanting to kill all vampires.
He was the one who proposed the idea that tsubaki would come to rescue lilac because tsubaki sees his subclass as family and he was right.
Neither lawless nor licht were overly impressed by him when they first met him, but by the time he asks them to rescue tsurugi especially lawless is one of his biggest supporters.
In C3 he understood that he wasn't going to be able to move if he opposed them and joined them instead, allowing him and the other eves to meet. He also correctly concluded that getting tsurugi on their side was key because he was central to C3's/touma's plans and in the end it saved his life and allowed him to stop touma.
Mahiru consistently trying to protect tsubaki's subclass might also come in handy soon. They might not like C3, but both lilac and sakuya can vouch for mahiru as a person they can trust not to kill them and to aid them in stopping tsubaki from destroying himself.
And stopping tsubaki by convincing him to stop is perfectly logical. A servamp can't be killed as far as we know. Combat only gets you so far. If C3 want to create a lasting co-existence between vampires and humans getting both sides to stop killing each other and to learn to forgive is the only way.
Trying to solve this conflict through conversation and not violence is neither shortsighted nor childish, it's the only reasonable solution.
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flowerytale · 2 years
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Henry James, from “The Turn of the Screw”
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gritsandbrits · 7 months
I'm thinking of another au but this time it's one of those "adam gets a 3rd wife" stories. The difference being instead of making one for him, Heaven decides to recruit an existing human from earth to try teach adam relearn humanity and to see if they can redeem someone before they become a Sinner.
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ask-the-usa-manor · 28 days
Has anyone else noticed how Iowa basically makes everything, or it least grows the corn for it. Seriously, what doesn't contain corn?
“Nothing doesn’t contain corn!” Iowa smiled, sitting in the comfort of his own hou— Heyyy, can we even do that? This is ask-the-usa-manor, isn’t it against the rules to leave said manor?
[Various sounds of page turning.]
…Okay, so the rule book is actually an Olive Garden menu. Thought I would’ve noticed that sooner, but here we are. We’ve busted Tennessee out of prison before though, among other things. This should be fine.
“Have you seen those hyperrealistic cake videos?” Iowa continued, “I’ve been doing those. With corn. Only in my own home, of course. Mostly. Nothing too big.”
In the background, Nebraska went to the fridge for a drink. The second he pulled the door, the handle came off and reduced itself to a pile of corn kernels.
Nebraska looked down at the pile of corn on the floor for a long, long moment. Eventually, he made direct eye contact with the Anon.
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twilightarcade · 8 months
I HATE finding beauty in the mundane is there a way to turn this off or something. I will be sitting there living like wow guys are you seeing this shit. The sky is blue. Yeah I know it's always blue. Isn't it pretty though? Come look at this cool Crack in the sidewalk. I think it's new.
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justreckin · 11 months
Side note: the more I think about those first couple episodes the more it’s clear that Ezekiel was always meant for Eve, Cassandra is Flynn’s, and Jake is very much the big brother (mostly Eve’s but he’s there for everyone).
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sixminutestoriesblog · 9 months
Christmas ghost stories
I hope that you are, each and every one of you, having a special day today, whether you celebrate anything or not. I hope that you get to spend today with people you care about, doing things that make you happy. I hope you get what you need, whether it can be wrapped or not and I hope that when the night falls, it falls with peace for you. If I was a magical saint I would make sure those were the gifts I gave today.
But, since I'm not a magical saint, just a blog on tumblr, I'll give you a small thing instead and hope for the bigger ones.
We all know the Victorians had some weird ways of celebrating things, from spending parties setting up macabre scenes for a photo shoot to trying to talk to the dead complete with slime trails to adults playing hide and seek so well that they'd got a story about a bride getting locked and lost in a storage trunk, the Victorians certainly had a Halloween kind of bent to a lot of their celebrations. And Christmas is no different. Sure, Christmas trees were coming into vogue thanks to Queen Victoria's German husband and, by now, we've seen what they considered festive holiday cards but there were still a lot of traditions they celebrated back then that didn't make it into modern day holiday traditions. And while I am very glad that we don't regularly participate in putting flaming raisins in our mouths anymore as a party game, I do miss one of the 'round out the night' traditions most Christmas gatherings had way back in the when of Victorian times.
"There'll be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago."
One thing the Victorians did that we do not was to end Christmas eve with a proper ghost story. After the festivals had slowed down, and everyone that had needed medical care was treated, it was time to gather around the fireplace in comfortable chairs and settle in for a story designed to set your hair on end. We think Dicken's A Christmas Carol is a Christmas story that happens to have ghosts in it but originally, it was a ghost story that happened to be a Christmas one. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James even prefaces the actual ghost part of the story by starting things off as a tale told between friends on Christmas eve. Telling stories around the fire, surrounded by the cold dark, has to be one of the oldest human traditions and it certainly was a part of any truly memorable Victorian holiday gathering.
Merry Christmas eve if you celebrate it and merry greeting in the dead of winter if you don't. Let's gather around a fireplace together, with out tasty cups warm in our hands, the thick blankets tucked in soft around us, the steady back of a cushioned chair to keep up safe and someone's familiar, welcome voice in our ears. My Halloween ghost story is here
but maybe we also want to hear our story tonight.
From a familiar voice on this darkest of nights.
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illumiiiz · 10 months
ooohh mannn when that protective rage hits…
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edenpoise · 4 months
“I will never let you go.”
⁽ @metaladam ⁾ ― : meme ( accepting ) from here .
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E . ― YOU HAVE PARK-TAKEN IN THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT- AND SHALL BE CAST FROM EDEN. Cast from Eden. Cast from EDEN- CAST FROM EDEN- The bile that had risen to her throat as the consequences of her foolish actions begin to play out in front of her. The words haunting and echoing through her ears- the once INNOCENT &. CHEERFUL woman having faded - the realization that this wasn't a g a m e anymore. That the ANGEL dressed in white and gold wasn't around to use his SERPENT tongue to surprise her- to tell her that it was a j o k e. That she hadn't just ruined PARADISE.
But nothing like that came- there was no g e n t l e words that promised her freedom. There was no redemption for merely allowing her curiosity to rule over her choice.
In bitter sense, she could still taste the sweetness that cursed APPLE was drenched in. She could still feel the overflowing of KNOWLEDGE that suddenly overcame her- the once excitement to tell her p a r t n e r- to give him the gift of choice. All of these emotions were no longer.
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Fearful. Scared. Sick. Embarrassed. Defeated.
Those words described her now- as her legs trembled and eventually gave out beneath her- knees crashed against the grass. Her arms gripping her bare shoulders as she nearly slid into a hunched over ball- her breathing never felt so hitched before- like she couldn't even take in something as simple as a breathe. Everything she use to find so easy, now was more difficult to do. The thoughts that rushed through her mind- the temptation to scream, to beg, to simply plea that she had done was a simple mistake. A mistake that she could fix- that it hadn't been her fault- ! That she never would've broken the ultimate rule if it hadn't been for- ! That she was innocent in all of this, that she didn't want this !
Despite the still warmth of Eden surrounding her- she had never felt more cold. Despite the bright gardens that surrounded her- promising a Paradise, but no longer for her. There was a simple thought that crossed her mind now, ' How can I continue ? '
Suddenly it was warm again- as a body much bigger than her own suddenly wrapped around her- nearly bringing her back life as a gasp escaped her. Her head tilted up, vision blurry from the tears that no longer threatened to fall ( for she had no strength remaining to keep them from her cheeks ) - even with blurry vision, she could see his gold eyes. She could see the disappointment, the anger, the ... f e a r. But there was something else, something that caused her to hiccup in pause- her body continued to shake as realization came down upon her. Her punishment was no longer hers to bare alone. And as she came to realize this, Eve felt her world shatter and rebuild itself around her, eyes widening in the brief moment as his voice broke through. Almost instantly vanishing her troubled thoughts-
" I will never let you go. "
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She stared in disbelief- for how could she imagine someone willing to say that to her now. For someone to look at the ORIGINAL SIN and dare to speak like that- to give up a life of PARADISE- Eve finally found her voice, shaking as her tears feel rapidly, " I've ruined us ... " She uttered, voice broken as her body leaned forward- closer to the embrace. Closer to h i m. " I've ruined us ... Adam ... " Eve cried to him, her guilt overwhelming her as she had come to her senses. Her actions would ruin them both, her actions would punish them both. She was dragging Adam down with her, and she never felt more horrible than she did now. Face burying deep into his shoulder as she sought the only comfort she could now gain, the only person that would continue to be by her side- even in the face of demise. Even as HEAVEN condemned her- even as the last sight of Eden would fade from her vision- that the once warm and comforting lands of a garden would no longer be hers to ever see again. The cold and r e a l world that would instead be forced to face.
Even as they were cast from Eden, the brilliant golden light replaced with the darkness of a slumbering earth- Eve still found herself being selfish a last time- even as her body would succumb to morality- she held him tighter, begging with ever part of her person that if she was to be damned, that she wouldn't be looked at with hatred. That he won't r e g r e t choosing h e r. Her lips opened, a plea falling from them-
" Please don't let me go. "
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samasmith23 · 10 months
Content Warning: Mentions of CSA
EVS truly is a monster on so many levels! I recently just learned from comic artist Mark Brooks that EVS literally stated on one of his AWFUL livestreams that he, “wouldn’t mind p*dophiles going after Mark Brook’s children.”
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Sadly though, this is not at all surprising to hear from EVS considering that when he once hired Cerebus creator Dave Sim to work on his AWFUL Cyberfrog indie comic and when people pointed out that Sim had previously openly admitted to having groomed a 14-year-old girl, EVS stated that he “didn’t care” and tried to downplay Sim’s predatory behavior by comparing it to Elvis & Priscilla. Plus, EVS and Comicsgate welcomed “SlickJimmyLove” (aka,James Randall Adams) into their movement, who was not only arrested in 2021 for possession for CP but also created a disgusting p*do comic titled “Little Girl Lethal”…
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So EVS is not only a Neo-Nazi bigot and hate monger, but is also a apologist for LITERAL child predators!
I’ll let both Ms. Marvel & Chris Hansen summarize my disgust towards EVS and everything he stands for right here:
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nimue-hidden-lake · 6 months
I'm growing more desperate...
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I saw both unevolved and evolved artworks... I'm getting beyond desperate here! I need this card augh! Please Gentaro, just come home!
It wouldn't be so bad if this had not happened yesterday...
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jagi11 · 1 year
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I’m expanding this AU in reverse chronological order just because. The novel implies that more time has passed that the song suggests and I’m using that to my advantage by making them do stupid things
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MEET MIKU! Miku’s my equalivement of Lily, who’s Himitsu Miku’s maid but here Maria is Miku and you can see where this thing starts to be confusing. Either way, she was serving Maria and now she’s serving Maria at her new place with Basa! Agressively third-wheeling with a broom. But she likes it!
I was thinking about this AU in particular very much recently and I thought that maybe it’s a good moment to finally solidify it a bit. Like, assign roles to everyone and whatnot! Season 1 cast are angels and all the FIS additions are humans. Well, Miku is an exception to that rule, but to be honest that maid has always been sus either way -,-
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