#after emily ofc
annamatix · 6 months
i've said this once and i'll say it again
toby should've pulled out
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armoricaroyalty · 3 months
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As the wedding planning intensified, Emily had less and less time to herself. Before she left her father's house for the prince's apartments in Blackwell Palace, she'd had nothing but time: unstructured afternoons wandering the grounds of the estate, late nights shut up in her room with her favorite TV shows and their attendant fan communities, endless aimless phone calls with Josie or with the friends she'd met online. Now, her days were taken up with unending errands. Every morning, she woke early and spent at least an hour sifting through her email inbox before someone brought her a perfunctory breakfast of toast and tea and cut-up fruit. After she ate, it was engagements and public appearances, briefings with the head of royal security, staged luncheons with the Crown Princess, and tours of royal properties which might someday be hers. All the time not spend on royal scut work was eaten up by wedding planning: dress fittings, meetings with the florists and caterers, three-way phone calls with the Queen and her mother and sundry aunties and cousins, all of whom regarded her as a living, breathing dress-up doll. She wasn't a living girl to them, just a channel through which they could express all their thwarted bridal fantasies. The only time—the only time—Emily had to herself were her stolen hours in the dance studio, and she suspected those were only permitted because 'staying trim' was an essential part of her role as bride-to-be. She lived in terror of injury, fearful every day that some Institutional busybody might use a rolled ankle as an excuse to take these small scraps of solitude away from her. She had grown bolder since her engagement to the prince, but she wasn't yet brave enough to tell anyone that she was going to start biting people if they didn't give her a little breathing room.
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zootopiathingz · 5 months
rapid fire: what would charlastor name their 15 kids
1. Beatrice
2. Arwen
3. Belle
4. Florence
5. Simon
6. Emily
7. Alastor Jr.
8. Charlotte Jr.
9. Olivia
10. Roseanne
11. Sabrina
12, Harrison
13. Bernadette
14. Madilyn
15. Timothy
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my-cages-were-mental · 10 months
in criminal minds 3x17 at the end of the episode whenever jj kissed will and then it panned out to emily standing in the background guys she looked so sad my little gay heart actually can't do this </3
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kaerinio · 7 months
okay, but emily's post has me once again thinking about the fact that . . . DANY HAS TO LITERALLY RE-LEARN HISTORY. we know for a fact that a lot of viserys' accounts are just wrong, including the flight from dragonstone itself?? the children being spirited away is recounted as happening during the day by multiple sources in asoia.f, but viserys tells dany that it happened at night, which also speaks to a potential flair for the dramatic on viserys' part. she knows her forebears, but there's some missing pieces of information there because viserys was selective and also portrayed some of the less favorable members of their house in a positive light. at night, between reading some of the stories she loves so much, which help her reclaim a bit of her childhood, she pores over books detailing the history of the seven kingdoms and of her house. she pieces together court dynamics prior to her birth and for the last couple generations of her family by talking to barristan. marwyn and tyrion will also be great resources.
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hearts401 · 1 year
flashlight duo christmas would be so sweet but i cant talk about it yet because its october
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mandarinmoons · 3 days
hi! i have an idea ive been thinking about for a while. spencer and the team (plus reader) are at a bar and reader goes off to get a drink/dance/talk to someone and either a girl or a group of girls come up to spencer and start flirting with him. the first thing she/they ask ofc is "do you have a girlfriend?" and spencer (not realizing they are flirting) is like yes!!! her name is _____ and she is amazing and i love her so much.... and he goes on like a 20 minute rant about reader. reader finally finds him talking to these girls/girl and has to recuse them/her from his ranting about herself and explain what they actually meant.
sorry that was a lot but i wanted to make sure understood what i was envisioning. thank you so much!!!
“Spence, please!”
Spencer kept pulling you closer as he tried to nuzzle his way into your neck and leave a few kisses behind your ear. He wasn’t one for PDA, but after a few shots he was puddy in your hands and everyone had to witness what a mess you made of him in this state.
“I just wanna be close to you,” you could feel him pout as his lips were pressed against your neck, his thumbs rubbing over your waist.
“Looks like you’re not getting out of here anytime soon, huh pretty girl?”
Derek chuckled as he took pleasure seeing his younger brother of a coworker finally have a girlfriend, especially with how clingy he was being at the moment. It was as if Spencer would follow you if you were to leave for only a minute, which he had done approximately half an hour ago when you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and somehow he still had enough brainpower to talk about how hand-dryers could actually spread more germs and not remove them. He’d even taken it upon himself to take some paper towels and dry your hands for you, making sure to even dry the spaces between your fingers.
You had had only one drink and you were not going home unless you had a second one. Spencer had already downed three in that time, and looking at the state that he was in, it was obvious that he wasn’t going to get served any more tonight.
“Spence, I'm going to get a quick drink, okay? Stay here.”
Prying his hands off of you, you quickly slipped out of Spencer’s grasp before he managed to put his hands on your waist again.
A few minutes later, Penelope pulls Derek to the dance floor while Emily comes across an old friend and excuses herself to have a word with her, leaving Spencer all by himself at the booth, his tongue sticking out from the side of his mouth while fidgeting with his fingers. He was too deep in thought that he didn’t notice a group of girls come over and sit next to him, their intentions clearly not innocent.
“Hi! You’re here all alone?”
“Oh, I’m not! I’m here with my girlfriend and team mates!”
“I don’t see any girlfriend around.”
“She went to get a drink. Oh, she loves an aperol spritz, she’s got great taste, in general not just in drinks.”
The girls watched in amazement as Spencer kept talking about every small thing he could come up with about you, from your favorite color and the psychological meaning behind it to your Myers Briggs personality type and how you’re both compatible.
As the endless line at the bar finally came to an end and you managed to get your drink, walking back to the team’s spot you noticed the unfamiliar girls surrounding Spencer and your stomach churned in nerves. The closer you got however you noticed their bored and confused faces and that’s all you needed to know that Spencer had most probably pulled his book smarts out on them and left them speechless.
“Oh and this one time- Y/N, you’re back!”
Spencer pulled you in for a hug, nearly knocking the drink out of your hands. Managing to put it down on the table, you rested your hand on his back as you turned your attention to the strangers, them clearly on the edges of their seats and ready to bolt at any moment.
“We’re gonna go, nice to meet you both.”
Your eyes followed them as they quickly got up and made their way to the other side of the bar, even from a distance you could see the red hue on their cheeks, embarrassment written all over their faces.
“Spence, what did they want?”
“They came over and asked if I had a girlfriend.”
“That’s it?”
Spencer nodded as he nuzzled into your stomach, “And I talked about how great you are and how I’m going to marry you one day.”
Laughter erupted from your mouth as you heard the answer, also because of Spencer’s fingers practically digging into your sides that it was tickling you.
“Sweetie, I don’t think that’s what they meant by that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Usually when someone asks “Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?”, it’s their way of asking “Are you single?”
Spencer blinked his eyes, your words not yet registering in his head.
“They were flirting with you.”
“Oh… really?”
Nodding along, the conversation was put on halt as everyone made their way back to the table.
“You guys had to leave him alone, huh?”
“Why? What happened?”
“Some girls came up to Spencer and tried to hit on him.”
“Oh, pretty boy’s got game now, huh?”
The team chuckled, but Spencer kept burrowing his head more into your embrace. It was clear that no matter how many girls tried their luck with him it would inevitably fail, as you were his home that he would come back to every time.
You can find my masterlist here!
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sivyera · 6 months
Hii! Can I make a request please? Jacob Black and the fem imprint reader. The reader is a human.~ Thanks in advance if you write <3
ofc! i don't know any specific details so i'm just gonna write headcanons.
dating headcanons
jacob black x fem!imprint!human!reader
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when jacob found out that YOU are his imprint, he completely forgot about bella
it was indescribable feeling, when his eyes met your
he of course started spending a lot of time with you and the rest is history
he's overprotective, he knows how vampires (the cold ones) are dangerous and it's also a wolf thing (yk what's his, is his)
he hesitated from the start when you suggested to see his wolf form but it took you few seconds and you had a giant puppy in front of you
he lets you ride on his back as he runs through the forest
he's extremely warm so you don't have to worry about being cold, he's always right next to you, ready to hug you and warm you up
he'd make you a bracelet with a tiny wolf attached to it from wood (ofc) it was precise and beautiful work, he put a lot's of love in it which makes it much special
you often help him with his father like when jake is not around and has to do some things like when he's out on patrol or when he's helping fix someones motorcycle, doesn't matter
so you often cook for his father (and for jacob also) or clean his house or just talk
but be prepared for a LOTS of cooking, because they eat a lot!
billy, jacob's father has a special place for you in his heart, you are very kind to him and you make his son happy, he really appreciate you a lot
others from the pack also loves you, especially emily
baking with emily every sunday became a tradition and jacob always makes sure he's first one to taste your baking
but they also tease jacob a lot, paul does it a lot and sometimes it's too much so you have to separate them
the pack is your new family, they protect you a lot, because you are a human plus much younger then emily so
jacob often finds himself drained from the night patrols he sometimes has to take, so all he wants to do after them is lay down on his bed, wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face into your neck, which also happens pretty often
overall he's a real cuddle bug, he's like a baby sometimes; more like a puppy
you are his passenger princess and whenever you two are in his truck, his hand always finds it's way to your thigh
he loves forehead kisses, it's his way of saying 'i love you and you are safe'
whenever you have a sleepover, you will make pizza and eat it while watching some stupid romantic movie like the notebook, but he secretly loves it
while cuddling his arms has to be wrapped around your waist and your back has to be against his chest, that's the only position he feels like he protects you
...and he can reach your every body part
sometimes he teases you by slightly pinching your but and it always makes him laugh when you squeak and then hit his biceps
he rides you to school on his motorcycle and always picks you up after
sometimes you two ride on his bike through Forks at night, just enjoying the moment
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rhiannswork · 1 year
hii i was wondering if u could write something about a pool party that morgan throws, so ofc bau!reader and the rest of the team goes. spencer gets in the pool and everybody is speechless when they notice the scratches on his back. unbeknown to your involvement.
the water’s fine.
spencer ᕁ bau!reader
warnings: allusions to sex, suggestive if you squint with a monocle, smart reid (i did some research for that btw lolol), private relationships, hmm i think that’s it!
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"hey, yln made it after all!" morgan exclaimed while relaxing by the pool, drink in hand. "sorry, guys. i had a bit of trouble finding a good bathing suit," you explained, not entirely truthful about the reason for your tardiness. in reality, you and spencer got sidetracked once you found the perfect suit, causing both of you to arrive late. yet somehow, spencer managed to beat you to morgan’s location.
as morgan gestured towards spencer, he reassured, "don’t worry, pretty boy just arrived." emily found it amusing, asking "who reads at a pool party?" while opening her soda can. "spencer reid does," jj responded as she sat beside the pool with her feet dangling in the water, earning a laugh from penelope who was sunbathing on a unicorn float.
"hey derek, do you have any more of those floats? i think i’m going to get in the pool." you placed your bag by the patio table and started to apply some sunblock. "sure thing, i’ll go inflate it." "thank you!" you shouted as he walked away from the group.
as you applied the rest of your sunblock, you couldn't help but notice the chatter of your colleagues. you walked over to spencer, who was deep into reading his book. "hey handsome," you whispered, making sure only he could hear you. spencer raised his head, squinting as he blocked the sun with his hand. "hi baby," he replied with the same volume. "are you planning to get in the pool, or will you stay here and read?" you giggled. "i’m going to finish this book," he said with a shrug. "suit yourself!" you walked off.
soon after, morgan returned holding a heart-shaped floatie which he handed to you before returning to his chair. you threw the floatie into the pool and gradually got in after it. descending the pool steps, you winced as the cold water rushed over your body. "why is it always freezing when you first get in the pool?" you complained as you reached for the heart-shaped floatie.
“the cold going into the pool is actually a result of conduction of heat. see, water is a much better conductor of heat rather than air. energy can flow from your body quicker than it would if you were surrounded by air at the same temperature. even if the water is much warmer than the air, you would still feel cool getting in.” spencer answered your rhetorical question.
"let’s not ask reid any science questions today," penelope giggled as she took a sip of her soda can. "my apologies," he chuckled, refocusing on the final chapter of his book. you shook your head and repositioned yourself in the float, finally finding a comfortable spot.
"spencer, come join us in the pool, the water is great!" jj exclaimed, eyeing the artificial waterfall nearby. "but I'm not finished with my book," spencer whined. "if he doesn't want to swim, that's okay," you shrugged as you started to float around in the pool.
he’s knows you, he’s caught on to what he calls the ‘yn trend’. when you say “that’s okay, it’s fine” he knows what you really mean. he huffed and placed his book down and walked over to the pool.
"i knew you would," you teased as you made your way to the edge of the pool. spencer removed his shirt and you couldn't help but keep your eyes on his body. "wow, spence! you’ve got the body and the brains," penelope commented, lifting her sunglasses for a better look.
"i’ll only be here for a few minutes," he muttered before diving into the pool. the sudden rush of coldness left him shivering, but he quickly adjusted and began to swim around. as he explored the refreshing waters, he found himself falling in love with the pool.
"spence what’s going on with your back?" jj tilted her head. spencer turned to face jj and emily, who had come over. emily commented, "it’s so red." spencer lifted up slightly and morgan asked, "pretty boy, are you allergic to chlorine? you should've told me earlier." "i’m not allergic! i don't know what you guys are talking about." he raised his voice, combing his wet hair back.
you hadn’t been paying much attention to the conversation that had erupted about spencer’s back. you looked over to see penelope inspecting him. “it looks like scratches… reid are you seeing someone?”
you could tell that spencer was caught off guard by penelope’s question. he stuttered a bit before responding, "uh, no, i’m not seeing anyone." penelope didn't seem convinced. “okay i know i’m not a profiler like you guys but this doesn’t just happen.” she traced the scratches with the pad of her finger.
you watched spencer becoming slightly uncomfortable with the questions of his dating status. “spencer, let’s go see if it really is scratches from fingernails.” you slipped off the plastic float and went to grab a towel to wrap around your body. spencer followed you into morgan’s home and slid the patio door to limit the cool air from coming in.
“jesus, did i really do that?” you spun spencer around to look at his back. “you did.” he chuckled throwing his head down. “‘m sorry…” you felt a little guilty, you didn’t mean for him to become a target of interrogation.
“don’t worry about it… i like it when i make you feel good.” he smiled with his hand on your face, his thumb slightly grazing your face. “yeah?” you slightly smiled. “mhm.” you reached for his lips until you heard the door open.
“and now we know who the culprit is.” morgan laughed with a empty glass of piña colada of his hand.
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 months
Oh my god post-prison spencer and sunshine!reader is my new favorite 🥹
Can I request how spencer would react if something goes wrong in one of their cases and reader is held hostage/taken? I imagine she would be shaken ofc and spencer would comfort her after
canon level violence, reader has dislocated her shoulder and was concussed while also trying to fight off the feelings that are rapidly developing for spencer, and spencer doesn't give a fuck about her fighting their attraction
“Unlock the door, Y/n.” Spencer’s outside your door, he has been for the last couple of days. You’d been injured in the field, a concussion and a dislocated shoulder that had come from the unsub taking you during what would’ve been his take down. 
You’d been dispatched from the hospital last week after being less than attractive to the doctor who wanted to keep you there for longer. 
You’d answered texts and calls from your co-workers, but you’d been ignoring Spencer. 
“Go away Spencer, you’re supposed to be in Nebraska.” you were consulting on a case the team is currently on, so he can’t lie. 
He doesn’t try to, like you’d suspected, “I asked Emily to stay behind, you aren’t doing well.” 
You sigh on the other side of the door, relenting because you know that he won’t leave. 
“How can I help you?” You’re a little less than polite, but Spencer doesn’t seem to care. He knows what it’s like to be sidelined from the team due to injury and be upset about it. 
“Well first, you can let me in, I may look strong but these arms were not made to hold more than five bags at a time.” he’s as tender as he always is and it softens you. 
Stepping aside, you let Spencer in. Your apartment is clean, you’ve been surviving off delivery breakfasts and take out lunches, you can’t raise your hand high, so cooking is a no. 
You’re not worried about your attire, you’re in a green tank top with ’save the planet’ embroidered in cursive with a sick earth just beneath it, and a pair of cotton shorts that hit just above your knee- the heat in the city was driving you crazy and you also didn’t have the energy to try for more clothes- certainly not without upsetting your shoulder some more.
If Spencer is surprised by your outfit, he says nothing. You’re hardly surprised by his, a purple shirt tucked neatly into his dress pants and smart shoes; you’re not sure how he’s managed a perfect outfit in this heat.
Spencer sets the bags down and begins the task of taking out all the things inside- he pulls out packages of various nuts, passion fruit juices and a mountain of those clear, plastic bowls filled with fruit. 
“You didn’t have to buy pre-cut fruit; I know it’s more expensive that way.” You say to him, finding a bit of trouble pushing yourself into the chair you have at your kitchen island. 
Spencer sets down the plastic bags and moves around the countertop to help you, “I cut them myself, they didn’t have the ones you like in the grocery store.” 
You’re stunned silent, the bowls are full of watermelon, cantaloupes, orange quarters, mangoes, grapes and pineapple. All your favourites cut exactly the way you liked. Spencer must’ve spent around a hundred dollars just getting the fruit alone, maybe even more if the number of grapes is anything to go off of. 
“Spencer, you didn't have to.” He shrugs, his eyes searching your face. 
“How’s your head? Have you been feeling dizzy or having double vision?” It’s not easy to lie to Spencer, doubly so when he’s standing before you and staring at you so intensely. 
“The dizziness comes and goes, mostly when I’m in the shower.” You say honestly, and Spencer frowns. 
“You could’ve told me,” you blow a raspberry and pull the bowl full of mangoes towards you. 
“You would’ve made me go back to the hospital; I don’t like the smell of them.” you chew on a piece of mango while Spencer carries on assessing you. 
He notes that the mottling on your shoulder has gone down significantly, now it’s just purple and a little blue. Your eyes don’t appear unfocused, and Spencer is glad for it. “I wouldn’t have.”
“So, what’s your verdict, Doc?” you ask, shutting the lid on the mangoes before you burn through the entire container. 
“You’re not concussed, I think your dizziness in the shower is from you moving your shoulder too much and agitating it.” Spencer presses a light fingertip into the bruised skin and you hiss, batting his hand away making him laugh. 
You hum, “So what? I just never shower again? In the middle of this heatwave? I’d rather die.”  
“I forget how dramatic you can be.” Spencer shakes his head, “Or, you could’ve called me, or Penelope and either one of us could’ve given you a sponge bath.” 
You make your eyebrows dance, “You would’ve liked that, wouldn’t you Spence?” He rolls his eyes, tugging on the braid your hair is in. 
“How’d you do that?” he asks, helping you off the chair and leading you into your kitchen. 
Your face is red hot, “I bribed my neighbour’s kid to do it for pumpkin bread the minute my arm is out the sling.” 
Of course you did, you might be sunshine incarnate, but Spencer knows everyone has a spot they don’t want others to see- this is yours. You don’t want anyone in your team viewing you as incapable or in need when they should see you as capable and able to do every facet of your job. 
“I can help you make the bread tonight if you want something to do when the case is over.” 
You tilt your head, watching Spencer look around your cupboards for a glass. “Top left cabinet,” you say and he nods, smiling when he finds a glass covered in stickered ladybugs. 
Spencer fills it almost to the top with passion fruit juice and passes it to you. 
“Are you staying the night, Spencer Reid?” you take a sip and sigh in delight, it’s been a while since you’ve had passion fruit juice, you’re not entirely sure how Spencer knew it was your favourite. 
“If you let me, it isn’t good for you to be by yourself and the more you strain your shoulder, the longer it’ll take for you to get back in the field.”
An impish smile tugs at your lips, your eyes gleaming with a mischievousness Spencer hardly thought you possessed, “So what you’re saying is, you miss me desperately and will sacrifice your hatred of germs and touching other people just to ensure I’m back in Quantico at your earliest convenience?” 
A call from Penelope cuts through the fat of your question, making you laugh when Spencer rushes to answer it and slides you a mock glare that you know is just for show. 
“Yeah, Penelope, what have you got? Y/n and I are here,” well, there’s no escaping his presence now. You find you don’t mind it quite so much, your beginning aims of not falling for him is shredding more and more as the months go on.
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rimunagenius · 4 months
I Could Die For you
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x reader
ʚ word count: 1.2k
ʚ warnings: RPF!! , fluff, fluff, literal fluff, so much love that it’s sickening
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: to make up for that last post about emily because what the flip!! also the first Kate fic i’ve released that hasn’t been in a series!! yay! also ofc i had to write Kate to one of my favorite love songs!!💕 if you guys do not listen to this song and love it, i’m quitting writing and reporting everyone’s blog…
| Women’s Basketball Masterlist |
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Something inside the cards I know is right
Don't wanna live somebody else's life
Kate was so happy. She knew her life was exactly where she wanted it to be. Cold mornings like this, wrapped in the bed sheets, both your bodies wrapped together to create the most perfect fit to a puzzle.
With your head resting on her body, your nose nuzzling perfectly into her neck, your soft snores and exhales ticking her skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
The way your hand rested on her chest, and the way Kate's hand rested on your waist from the way she was holding you into her body. She knew she didn't want to be anywhere else but here. Lying here, wide awake admiring you and thanking god or whoever was out there, that she was able to do this, and do it with you.
This is what I want to be
And this is what I give to you because I get it free
"Oh my god, Kate." You stood in shock in your guys' kitchen. You had a rough day at work, letting Kate know that while you sat in your office, counting down the minutes until you could come home. So when you walked through the door and wandered into the living room where Kate was watching the NBA finals, she got up to greet you and took you to the kitchen, giving you the flowers and chocolate she picked up on her way home from practice today. 
You had a new adjustments to make since leaving Iowa. Picking up your life and moving to Las Vegas with Kate when she found out she made the roster officially, after living in a hotel room during training camp. You loved her so much, and you had so much faith in the person she was and the skills she had, you knew moving across states wasn't going to be a regret you had years down the line. 
Tears welled in your eyes, the overwhelming feeling of love and appreciation radiating from the blonde who stood a few feet away. "Aw, don't cry. Why are you crying, baby?" Kate walked up to you, wrapping her arms around your neck so you buried your face into her chest. 
"Because. You do this for me just for having a bad day. Your days are full of stress with basketball, still proving yourself, and tired from your work. I don't deserve you, Kate." You were a mess. You missed a lot of things. You missed your old friends, how close your guys' family used to be, and you missed Kate while she was gone. You missed a lot of things—you've longed for those things, but you loved your life here with Kate. You two away from what you knew and grew accustomed to, to independently make what you want and need. 
You loved it but you couldn't help but long for what used to be your life sometimes. "You deserve everything. You deserve the world and more because you packed your life up just because you believed in me. This is the very least I could do for you. I will continue to show you how important you are to me and who I am. You make me better so I'm going to show you every day til I can't anymore. I love you. You work hard and you deserve to be appreciated and seen." 
That made the tears fall harder, but you looked up at Kate, and couldn't believe this was your girl. The woman you got to spend and do life with. You kissed her lips chastely, hugging her close again. You two stood there, looking at the pretty flowers and sharing some of your chocolate. 
She smiles while I do my time
It was so early in the morning. Kate waking you up for a travel day for the Aces. It was an away game to Los Angeles and you wanted to make this game so you took the days off. 
You hated getting up early, and the stress that came with traveling was truly not a great time. Kate knew it, but she loved that you were willing to do it for her.  You didn't like most things, but the look on your girlfriend's face when you watched her do the thing she loves most, play the game that gave her many of the amazing opportunities she's had, it was all worth it. 
Kate walked onto to the court, looking at you behind the Aces bench, and smiled. You already smiling right back at her. She knew that no matter how early she woke you up, or how many times she did it, you'd be there, lift her up, and cheer her on. You knew this was where you wanted to be. 
I could die for you
It was the day after Kate had won the WNBA Finals, and you two had been lying in bed since last night. You couldn't believe that she had come so far from the little girl who idolized the Iowa Hawkeyes Women's Basketball team, to a woman who's grown into the most tremendously courageous and strong woman who won her first WNBA Championship. It was so surreal. 
"You know I love you so much, right?" Kate whispered. One arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to her body, while her other hand held your thigh that lay across her hip. 
"I would hope so." You giggled softly, looking up at the blonde above you, your hand went from her chest to the side of her face, resting against her cheek. You looked into her eyes, the blue of them convincing you more by the second that they were better looking than the sky outside. 
"No, I'm serious. You are the love of my life. I would be so lost without you. I don't think I could live without you—let alone do what I've done this past year without you." Her voice wavered, you could tell her emotions still running high after the night she had last night. 
"Kate, my love." You chuckled nervously, the confession making you giddy, but also overwhelmingly more in love with Kate, if that was even possible. It brought tears to your eyes.
"You make me so happy. Just being right here, with you, is more important to me than winning another ring." 
"Oh my god Kate, stop it. You're going to make me cry. I'm so in love with you." You wiped a small tear that fell down your cheek. Kate smiled down at you, willing herself to not close her eyes and just die happy right here with you. 
"I'm so in love with you, I could die." Kate giggled softly, wiping her eyes before leaning down and kissing your lips softly. You smiled into the kiss. You smiled so hard you couldn't even kiss properly. A fit of giggles came from the both of you. 
"Ah! Kate, stop it! Oh my god, Kate!" You screamed and giggled as she left kisses and tickles everywhere she could reach, especially in your most ticklish spots. You two couldn't be anymore happier. Kate wouldn't want to be anywhere else unless you were there, under her arms or wrapped in them. 
Oh, this life I choose.
You two were just simply two girls in love and wouldn't have it any other way. 
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tired-duckling · 2 months
"She want me BAD" (WBB players x reader)
I am so sorry, but unfortunately I am not a good writer....I am simply a good idea machine so I won't be posting full-fleshed out works just yet. So till then, pls enjoy a new idea to ponder about with our girls. Idk if any of ya'll are on wlw tiktok like me but there is this trend going around with the audio all like: "She want me bad", and it's usually the mascs with their significant others just touching and caressing their face. (Might link a tiktok if i find one) but yeah, how about we try it with the girlies? (Might be a little OOC if that's fine?) Paige Bueckers Was the one who wanted to do it, paid for your nails too and everythinggg. Had you sitting on her lap, and for sureeeee this girl is all smirk and making eyes at you as she lip synced to the song, might even wink at you and tease you while recording. You would first caress her face then down her neck and shoulders before moving back up to smoosh her cheeks together to make her laugh and in the end just pull you to her for a kiss. Nika Mühl You had the idea, but she wanted to be the one caressing your face, she would just giggle the whole time alongside you as you recorded and in the end gives you a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Azzi Fudd Having a private not secret relationship with Azzi also means that you rarely post about her. She wanted to do it, but insisted that she wanted to be the one caressing your face. It was posted on your account a bit later but not many missed the iconic neon nails of Azzi Fudd.
KK Arnold It was KK who suggested it and wanted to be the one to lip sync. You both tried your hardest to keep it together but you both are just laughing your asses off. You guys had so many takes that you guys gave up and just posted one where you both tried to keep a straight face but failed. Comments were having a field day with this post, especially the team teasing how you can never take things seriously. Aubrey Griffin Was the one who suggested it, paid for your nails to have it done just the way you like it. Recording was hotttt, like you both couldn't believe how hot she looked especially since she recorded it while in between your thighs and with your superior hand placement as you caressed her face and neck. (Morgan screamed when she saw it pop up on her fyp)
Kate Martin
Ohhh I have smth very specific in mind for her, you suggested it but she had a vv different approach to recording. She sat you on the counter, stood between your legs and recorded it while looking directly at you within full view of the camera as you caressed her face and neck, not breaking eye contact even biting her lip after lip syncing for a bit because she just found you too hot.
*Newer Additions!!!*
Emily Engstler
(ik ab the controversy, but we have to keep in mind that she is doing this for work and profit, the one truly at fault here is the lack of structure and opportunities for Women Sports that forces players to look elsewhere for money, I agree it is sad that she chose to accept that deal but it is what it is)
You suggested doing the video to Emily, but instead you wanted to show off her hand tattoos so you had her do the caressing part instead. She reluctantly agreed and you opened up your phone. As you recorded, Emily might have understood the assignment a little too much. She caressed your face for a bit before moving down to enclose both her hands on your neck which moved further down and then went back up again. When you posted, everyone lost their mind over Emily’s hand placement and her hand tattoos.
Caitlin Clark
She was vv slick w suggesting this idea, she paid for your nails and asked if you wanted to show it off. And when you said yes, she suggested making a tiktok. You were ofc very much on board, she was all smiles while recording as you looked up at her while caressing her face and down her neck. You gave her a peck on the cheek after and posted it on your account. She actually reposted it on her instagram w the caption: “Wanted her to show off the nails I paid for ❤️‍🔥”
(can u tell im making a dig at the mediocre post of her bf 💀🤚)
*will add more when i think of more hihi*
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emilys-bangs · 26 days
Congratulations on 200 followers <33 you slay and i love ur fics sm!!
Could i pls request prompt 30 from orion? Maybe a case goes bad and reader gets shot but is still flirting with em and shes just so worried but so in love with reader?
also pls can i be added to ur taglist?
i love you take care<3
Tysm gorgeous!! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this lol thank you for sending it in! And ofc you can!! Love you <3
Join my celebration here
Word count: 0.7k
Cw: hospitals, mention of wound/stitching
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It’s not her who got shot, but her whole body is jittery as if it were.
Emily stands with her brows drawn, anxiously chewing on her bottom lip as her eyes travel over your body, searching for reassurance she won’t find that you’re okay.
Of course you’re not. You got shot.
But you don’t seem to share her concern. Looking up, you find her eyes and give her a smile. She sees the way it’s worn at the edges, trembling even as you try to keep it steady.
“Hey Em,” you rasp, your voice briefly breaking as the doctor pulls the needle through your skin. Her stomach lurches as you stifle a wince, then say, “I hope you know CPR, ’cause you just took my breath away.” 
Emily’s eyebrows raise, a startled laugh tumbling past her lips at the stupid pick up line. You grin, pleased at her reaction, but the smile quickly melts off your face as you curse under your breath.
Her face straightens once more. “That’s from the bullet in your arm, sweetheart.” She doesn’t mean to be snappy but her voice is clipped anyway, escaping through clenched teeth. Your eyes are glassy and a thin sheen of sweat coats your forehead, but you still persist despite the way your fingers clench around hers.
“Really?” Your voice shudders. “It’s not from those pretty eyes of yours?”
The color drains from your face as more of your skin is stitched close. You grip Emily’s hand so tightly her knuckles crack, but the way your breath escapes in short bursts destroys her more than any physical pain could.
“No,” she says, softer this time. Her anger with you is justified—after all, you did disobey Hotch’s order and run after the unsub—but it crumbles in the face of your pain.
Emily inches closer, the distance between your stretched hands shrinking as her thigh comes into contact with your bent knee.
“Could’ve fooled me,” you mumble, your head falling forward on her chest. Emily stifles a sigh as she brings a hand up to the back of your sweaty neck. She lightly rests her chin on your head, ignoring the doctor as she continues threading the needle through your skin as easily as stitching clothes.
A choked hiss leaves your lips and you tremble; your grip tightens on Emily’s fingers. Her heart clenches painfully, nausea unsettling her stomach. “Just a little more, baby.” She soothes, pressing her lips to your damp forehead. “You’re doing so good.”
You take in a sharp breath and she hears the way it wobbles. Emily threads her fingers through your hair, sweet nothings leaving her lips in murmured Spanish. The tension is obvious in your quivering muscles and she just wants it to end, wants you to be spared of the pain she can feel like it’s her own.
“Just a little bit,” she whispers, desperate as she drags her short nails over your scalp. 
You grunt in response. 
Emily turns to the doctor, her eyes pleading, and feels herself relax somewhat when she nods reassuringly as she cuts the suture.
“Hey, see, you’re all done.” Another kiss is placed tenderly on your temple. “She’s just gonna bandage you up now.”
Your grip on her hand slowly starts to loosen. Emily continues holding on, though, offering reassuring squeezes to your slick palm as the doctor wraps a bandage around the stitches. Your body grows limp against her, and soon she’s holding up most of your weight.
She doesn’t mind.
“Hey, Emily.” You mumble, your voice low and drowsy.
“Yes, mon ange?”
“Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine written all over you.”
Another laugh leaves Emily’s lips, but this time it’s genuine. Leaning back just enough to see your face, she lets go of your hand and gently brushes your sweaty hair away from your face. You close your eyes in contentment. “I can’t believe a bullet wound still isn’t enough to get you to lay off those stupid pickup lines.” She chides softly, her knuckles tracing over your cheek. It’s as ridiculous as it is endearing, and your efforts at distraction—annoyingly—work.
“My one and only goal in life is romancin’ you.” You slur; the exhaustion is starting to sink in.
Emily smiles. “You already have,” she whispers. Her heart warms, some of the tension leaking from her stiff shoulders. Unable to stop herself, she places a quick, soft kiss on your lips.
“Mmm, that’s the fucking magic.”
Emily laughs properly this time, with teeth and dimples, and a matching smile spreads across your face at the sound. God, you really are something.
“Okay, Casanova. We’ll see how long this holds up once we’re home.”
Turns out, it holds up for quite a while.
taglist: @suckerforcate @sickoherd
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Hazbin hotel theory (not circus related 🙄)
So we all know Charlie and Vaggie resemble alot of Lucifer and Lillith right?
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Lucifer is a fallen angel and Vaggie is a fallen angel. Both sacrificing so much for their lovers. Both having different ideals and beliefs aside from the majority of heaven, because of that they both end up in hell. Also literal head over heels for their wives. Lucifer still wears his ring and Vaggie has very few scenes outside of Charlie.
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Charlie and Lillith are both demons, although I guess Lillith is more human I think. But, they both fit in the other category. They both have fallen angel lovers. It's said in the opening cutscene that Lillith was an activist who sang as a way to influence. Charlie is an activist who sings in "ready for this" to persuade the cannibals to join her fight against heaven.
Personality and design wise though, Charlie and Lucifer are the most similar. Lillith and Vaggie? From what we've seen Lillith seemed loving in her pictures but calm and serious at the majority, if that doesn't describe Vaggie I don't know what does. Also Lillith wears purple and Vaggie is at this point purple coded 💀
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It's implied that Lucifer had romantic or at the least smeggsual 🤭 relations to Eve. Sure it could have been a joke/lie, but clearly Adam gets pissed and doesn't say that he's wrong. I'd like to think Lillith and Eve also had romantic ties but there's not enough shown of them to make even an evidential guess. It's obvious tho that Lucifer at least was with the both of them at some point. (Maybe even Eve gave birth to Charlie since Lillith was cursed with miscarriages. At least if Viv still wants to keep that. No. No... Lucifer did NOT give birth to Charlie... youre jst weird... /j)
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So... if Lucifer, Lillith, and Eve were once all in a polycule or at least a vee(two date one)....
who would be the one that stands in as Eve since Charlie and Vaggie are Lillith and Lucifer?
Plot twist. I'm a two and half halo shipper. It's Emily yall... 😨
In this image below, Vaggie is jealous that Charlie is holding Emily's hands(YES. CHARLIE IS HOLDING HER HANDS, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Charlie is very touchy sshh) which is kind of weird they would include that tiny scene. Sure, it could just be comedic but what's comedy except a person who looks too much into a small 1 millisecond scene. It still puts in a dynamic that at first isn't implied to be romantic but! But, having this one scene still creates a slightly romantic undertone dynamic. Even if it's not heavily implied, Vaggie sees Emily as someone who's taking moves on her girlfriend. (Which could also imply Lillith and Eve's first impression before they got in a polycule.)
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What I'm about to say is pure speculation, there still isn't much to go off of in the show at the moment with these six. But I think I have some points that maayyy just be smart for an idiot like me :3. Emily is an angel yes, but we aren't sure what Eve's fate was, where she went or what happened to her after. Maybe she stayed with Adam(after the creation of sin), and if Adam could go to heaven, a man who also ate the apple, then I believe Eve could too, it doesn't matter who started(assuming Adam did eat the apple in the show. Most likely.) What I like to speculate is that Eve went to heaven with Adam, although she didn't feel happy in their marriage and decided to make herself a fallen angel to be with Lucifer and Lillith, her true lovers.
Now the similarities with Eve and Emily? They both are against the ideas of those higher than them in heaven. Emily is against the idea of extermination in hell because she feels its unnecessary genocide. Eve went against heavens orders and ate the apple from Lucifer for knowledge. Oh also look haha their hair is kinda similar in the images below(not actual evidence but still its kinda cool) That's where the current canon similarities end. But ofc the big well known theory is that Emily will become a fallen angel because she goes against Sera's wishes. I HOPE she doesn't but in this show? Yeah, most likely. Currently Emily hasn't taken action, but maybe one day she will, which is the most likely situation. And if I'm right that Eve was a fallen angel then that would also be ANOTHER similarity. (Also. Ya'll.... the woman who picked up baby Charlie in "more than anything" was NOT Lillith. Like okay, maybe she is, but that didn't look like her AT ALL. She didn't have the same slick back mullet. But, in the image below, Eve and the woman who picked up baby Charlie have the exact same hair. Jst another thing I wanted to throw in to further evident that Lucifer Lillith and Eve were in a polycule/vee)
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BONUS!! Adam is Lillith's ex rightt??? Well Lute is basically Vaggie's ex. Sure, you could argue that- no. No girl, they was exes, I know, Viv told me herself smhhh..... not only are both Lucifer and Vaggie fallen angels because they had different ideals from heaven, Lillith and Charlie are both activists who use their voice as powers, Eve and Emily go against heaven, BUT LILLITH AND VAGGIE BOTH HAVE EXES??
Bro, Adam and Lute are also besties like? The polycules kicked them out and then they were like, "nuh uh, now we're gonna date eachother since yall don't want us" 😭
Basically what I'm saying is that Lucifer's stolen wives and Charlie's angels are Canon and no one can say otherwise because I'm so smart. If anyone says they aren't just link them to here and BOOM we got another one added to the small ship. Also. This is so underrated. Ya'll.. the potential is so crazy. And since Charlie and Vaggie are already established it would be so intense and adorable to watch Emily try to impress and date them both. Uggghh so.... hyperfixated..... I hope this isn't my special interest now 😭
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swarvey · 3 months
Can I ask for reactions to Farmer having real bad, MASSIVE, resting bit@% face. please 🙏
I don't care who you do it for, have fun with it. :3
when you have a resting bitch face | shane, haley (separate!) x gn!reader
summary -> your resting face has never been . . . the kindest, to say the least. it couldn't matter less to them, of course. warnings -> none! wc -> 502
a/n: this request is so funny and real i love it. i decided to do it with those who i headcanon to also have resting bitch faces. enjoy!! <3
"fuckin' hell — what's up with them?"
as someone who also typically does not look the friendliest, shane feels like he has the right to judge
he's barely phased tho, thinks it's hilarious watching you go around town handing people gifts with such a stoic face
it all changes, tho, the day he sees you smile
he doesn't recall what made you laugh, only remembers thinking he wished it was because of him, bc damn
any thoughts he had about your resting face are gone
now, he only cares about being the one to break it
not that he'll ever admit it, ofc
(at least, not until you and him have matching mermaid's pendants)
it starts off with awkward small talk, as stuff typically does
"hey." | "um, hey." | "..." | "... do you need something?" | "no! no. nothing." | "okay." | "okay."
no one told him talking was hard, okay?
(the chickens usually think he's pretty funny, he swears)
something he said to you must have been right, tho, bc one day, he's on the way to joja and is stopped by you
and you have a container in your hands. for him. of pepper poppers.
"i heard you liked these ... so i decided to try and make them."
your typically hostile exterior is gone, replaced with ... is that embarrassment in your eyes??
he can't say shit, tho, he can feel a flush of heat creeping up his neck
"oh, uh, thanks, i guess. i mean, these are my favorite, so, yeah. thanks."
he wants to crawl away into a hole for the rest of his life.
his antics are rewarded nonetheless, seeing that he made you laugh for the first time
(which, in turn, gives him the chance to make you laugh for the rest of his life)
"why is the new farmer looking at me like that? do they have a problem or something?"
definitely takes offense to it at first, disregarding her own major rbf
thinks you have something against her personally until emily reassures her it's just your resting face
she'll scoff and think it's stupid at first
but then she goes into the bathroom, looks into the mirror, and pretty much shrieks, scaring the hell out of her sister
"what, what?!" | "i have it, too!" | "have what?" | "the resting face! the one the farmer has!"
(emily reminds herself of inner peace before shutting the bathroom door and walking away)
after her monumental realization, haley is more understanding of you and decides to try and get to know you better
very pleasantly surprised to find your exterior doesn't match how you truly are
and when she finds a sunflower on her doorstep, along with a short letter written to her?
she's smitten.
haley's used to getting what she wants, and it's no different with you
"hey. you gave me this, right?" | "the sunflower? yeah, i heard you liked them..." | "so, wanna go on a date?" | "huh?!"
the rest is history
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