#screw genocide makers
unhonestlymirror · 2 years
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tsskyx · 3 years
You know what’s ridiculous? This post was originally supposed to be an essay, an entire thesis backed with unshakable logic that I wanted to become my magnum opus. But as it turns out, I’m pretty terrible at doing that sort of thing. The first day I’m full of enthusiasm, while the next day I reread what I wrote and I delete it all again. It’s terrible.
For this reason, I’ve decided to just start with the opinion part. Instead of laying out the facts and easing the reader into it, I’ll just blurt everything out in one go. Instead of neatly organizing everything, I’ll write my thoughts as they come to me.
(Update for 2/Oct/2021: I no longer remember when I made the first draft of this post. Maybe it was in 2018, maybe even as early as 2017. Who knows. This post existed in my drafts since forever. It is time to finally publish it. It contains very little information, very little evidence for anything or logic or facts, it’s just a one big opinion piece that I began writing years ago out of frustration. Frustration not aimed at the game itself, nor at Toby or anyone else, but at my inability to decouple the “meta” from Undertale and thus causing me to disassociate from the characters that I loved, when I didn’t plan to do so. All I ever wanted is to make sense of the Undertale world, instead of giving its inhabitants a meta-existential dread. In a nutshell, for the Undertale world to be self-contained, the 4th wall must stay intact, and the mechanics of the UT world mustn’t resemble a video game. That’s basically the gist of this post. Proceed with reading.)
You know Undertale meta? All the 4th wall breaking stuff and whatnot? The stuff that makes the game so awesome?
What about it you say?
It’s not real. I don’t think it is. It cannot be.
Tell me, has Undertale personally impacted you? Was it more than just a game to you? I know for a fact that for many people, it was much more than that. So tell me, is it fine by you that despite presenting itself in this way to us, it still sort of cops out of this at the very end? (By which I mean, when we learn that we aren’t Frisk. That we’re just someone controlling them.)
Some say that this cop-out, this act of “disassociation”, is necessary for our psychological journey to end. And I agree. We cannot dwell on this forever, else we lose our minds. But what I meant is something much more... materialistic.
Let’s take Oneshot, a game that’s arguably even more meta than Undertale. Oneshot embraces the 4th wall. It labels us a god. It portrays the game itself as an in-game machine. And yet, it feels real. Despite all this ridiculousness, the story feels real and possible. Kind of like The Matrix. Perhaps think of everyone in Oneshot except for the main character as a Matrix program, while Niko is the only user hooked up to it. It still feels real, because Niko is real, because there exists a real world they can to return to.
But Undertale floats somewhere between being real and being a fairy tale, a mere bedtime story. The reason is its lax handling of the 4th wall. Say, if Undertale were to be considered a “real” possibility, as in, entirely fictional, but still believable, kinda like The Matrix, kinda like any science fiction, or just fiction in general, what would it be like?
I’ll tell you, everything would have to be real, everything would have to look exactly how we see it. There’d need to be turns, there’d need to be save files, there’d need to be so many bizarre things, it probably wouldn’t take long before the NPCs themselves realized their own nonexistence, probably around the time they developed computers and video games. It’d be so similar, they’d have to be either stupid or under some kind of spell to not realize that their entire world is just one giant video game. Especially Flowey. Some say that he has already realized this, as his dialogue hints towards this. Which puts a super unfortunate spin on his condition. Furthermore, the entire game could be described through its Game Maker code. No need for laws of physics, just observe the if-else statements!
It would also mean that Frisk is controlled by a third unknown entity. If we were to take everything we do to Frisk at face value, it must all be them. Except... after a true reset, everything gets reset, even things about Frisk, such as them expecting the whoopee cushion prank. So... Frisk isn’t in control. But Chara isn’t either. Take for example the final fight against Asriel. Chara appeared pretty enthusiastic during it. What if someone were to reset the timeline during the fight? Either it wasn’t them who did so, or they were just pretending to be entertained, or perhaps they aren’t the narrator in the first place even.
No matter what, there will always be an instance where Frisk forgets, and where Chara doesn’t do something when they could have. Once you mess with the game enough, their personalities stop making sense.
This gradual breakdown of the narrative as I keep attacking the logic of it from every direction imaginable is a symptom of something far bigger. The fact that unlike The Matrix or Oneshot, there is no “real world” in this game. The virtual part of it is what the game is trying to make us focus on. It’s all there is. There is not even a hint of “another” world in the game, a world that wouldn’t be governed by these terrible rules. And even if there was one, even if you consider what Sans said to be that world, even if you considered Deltarune to be that world, there is still no guarantee that everything will be okay. What if the characters - your friends, aren’t real in this actual real world, what if they’re all just computer simulations? There’d have to be an entire population hooked up to a virtual reality for everyone to be “safe” as I’m putting it in this hypothetical real world, which sounds not only ridiculous, but like a direct ripoff of The Matrix.
The game has made Frisk the main character. Why, when making Sans the main one, the one who at least has a possibility of coming from a “real” real world, would be far more logical?
Because it lacks logic. Undertale is an experiment. Toby Fox is not a genius. He was just messing around, he didn’t think of literally every tiny little logical detail (contrary to what some individuals would like to think), he just explained enough for most of the story to make sense. But, no matter how you spin it, this fundamental flaw will always be there. The story tries to merge you and the protagonist, before disassociating you from them. Even if you always were disassociated from them, how can the in-game world be real, when other aspects of your reality weren’t disassociated yet? Where’s the disassociation for battles and turns, for save files and time travel, for stats and everything? How can Undertale claim to be complete, when it isn’t? ... Perhaps because it is not claiming to be. It’s an experiment after all. And I don’t mean “incomplete” as in a single update / new game can fix it. I mean the premise itself is already broken from the start. And while there are many fictional worlds which function on a similar level of meta, Undertale is the only one that appears to irk me mad. I don’t know why. Maybe I love the characters. Maybe I love them very much. Maybe I love them so much, that I wanna write a fan fiction about them. And maybe, just maybe, this tiny little issue is making this dream of mine impossible. Undertale is a story conveyed through game mechanics. Choosing any other medium breaks everything down and the author needs to invent their own rules. There’s simply no way around it. Unless someone has the balls to program a fan game of their own, there’s just no way to resolve this without adjusting the canon a little bit, to make it “a little bit more sensible” as some would put it. Just a small nudge, a lil’ nudgie wudgie to the canon mechanics AAAAAND we’re in fanon territory. Excellent, better go all out.
Here’s my head canon, my little “adjustment” of the canon rules. Thanks to it, I can once again think about Undertale as a real world, I no longer need to philosophize over the meta like I did above, I can all put it past me:
Saving, loading, resetting? Regular sci-fi time travel.
The save file? The parameters of the time machine.
LV and EXP? Another set of properties of the machine, though it could be properties of the soul too. I’m undecided on that note. But either works, that’s what’s important.
Chara destroying the world through LV? No, screw that, Chara merely tuned Frisk out. And the black void was the inside of their mind as Chara denied them access to their own body.
The intro? Literally never happened, no one “saw” it. (The past was still real. It’s just the intro that never existed.) The outro? Literally never physically occurred, Frisk wasn’t “stuck” on the ending credits, unable to go further, fuck that.
Flowey? No screw everything meta about Flowey, there exists a perfectly logical explanation to everything he says, and if not, such as in the genocide run with him hinting towards people watching but not acting... he never said that in the first place!
Same with turns, the battles don’t actually look that way, there are no turns, what Sans perceives and abuses as such is just an illusion, the actual battle against Sans is absolutely fluid. And him pausing at the end and not letting us go is him keeping his guard up, until falling asleep and giving us an opportunity to sneak near him and strike. We don’t need turns to explain it. And what he said about turns... just ignore it! Ignore everything that directly proves me wrong! Because resolving that fucking conundrum IS more important than being logically consistent, and you can’t change my mind on that. Screw logic when the foundation of the entire fandom, of every UT-related fiction, is at stake here.
And I shall call this philosophy... the Unmeta. Because it attempts to undo the meta. Hence, “unmeta” for short.
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noris96 · 4 years
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It looks like noodle makers use Genocide Screw to make noodles
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Apple poses a false dichotomy between "privacy" and "competition"
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Back in September, a Congressional committee investigating anticompetitive conduct by America's tech giants sent a letter to Apple (among other Big Tech firms) asking it for details of business practices that seem nakedly anticompetitive; Apple's response seeks to justify much of that conduct by saying that it is essential to protecting its users' privacy.
In particular, Apple claims that its decision to limit apps that compete with its own offerings to access the full suite of location data generated by Iphone owners' devices was a pro-privacy measure -- and the fact that it shut rivals out of a market Apple was seeking to dominate is merely an unfortunate side-effect.
Apple continuously gathers and stores its users' location data (and the company has previously been caught lying about this) but companies like Tile (makers of Bluetooth based location tracking stickers for commonly lost items like keys) cannot access this data during setup even if an Iphone owner wishes to share it with them (users can undertake a complex procedure after the app is set up to activate continuous location data access).
This is particularly worrying, given Apple's history of using App Store data to pick competitors to clone and force out of the market.
Apple is also far from a perfect steward of its users' privacy: in setting up an Iphone, you "agree" to thirteen separate forms of location tracking, including location tracking for the purpose of ad targeting. Apple uses these tracking features to power a product that competes directly with Tile. Apple has also been caught operating a continuous surveillance program on Iphones that is used to generate secret "trust scores" for its users and their devices.
Even if you trust Apple today, that trust should not automatically be transferred to the company in the future under different management, which means that all the data-collection tools that Apple is monopolizing could crush any competitors who might, in future, offer better privacy protection than a future Apple might provide.
Some of the Members of Congress on the committee are skeptical of Apple's false dichotomy between privacy and competition, noting that it's an awfully self-serving logic (the argument is even less convincing when Facebook tries it on, using Cambridge Analytica as an excuse for kicking nascent competitors off its platform).
Competition and interoperability are key to privacy, because they allow third parties to investigate dominant products in the marketplace and reveal when they are breaking their privacy policies, and they allow competitors to offer privacy-protecting add-ons to existing, dominant products, which can gradually siphon users away from bad companies and towards good ones.
Apple's false dichotomy boils down to this: "Trust us." Trust us not to screw you over. Trust us not to have a change of heart. Trust us not to make mistakes.
If you think you can trust any corporation, especially a Big Tech corporation, especially a Big Tech corporation that sold out an entire country's privacy, bending to the orders of a genocidal, autocratic state that's put over a million people into concentration camps where gang rape, torture, and forced medical experimentation are routine -- well, let's just say you've misplaced that trust.
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rfschatten · 4 years
COVID-19 & the Rise of Prairie Populism
“By Failing to Prepare, you are Preparing to Fail” ~~~ Benjamin Franklin
We have arrived at the most critical moral point of this Pandemic Crisis. Where the Economy and the Health Crisis are beginning to collide with each other.
Yes, something has to be done to keep the economy running …the little businesses are suffering the most, and do have a good legitimate reason to re-open. Wall Street & Corporate America wants it open for their own greedy reasons. And Donald Trump desperately wants to open up, the most! His re-election hangs on his chance of a good economy …cause if he loses, they’re going to take him and “lock him up”!
On the other side of this moral dilemma, you have thousands that soon will be in the hundreds of thousands of Deaths, and Millions who eventually may easily become hundreds of million Infected by COVID-19.
One side wants to keep enforcing CDC Protocol cause they value human life and will observe all protocols till it’s over. On the other side, almost everyone values human life, too …but financial stress, and different situations are forcing some to look at things a little differently. Things not normally thought about. How many deaths are “acceptable” for the country, that they can get back to work?
For a while Trump & Pence have been saying; Soon, we all have to make some tough decisions on life and death. Chris Christie publicly said; 3,000 Deaths/Day is acceptable collateral damage to keep the Economy running. The Federal Government wants the economy to succeed at all costs, and to overshadow the Pandemic, …cause that’s Trump’s eminent Waterloo.
And for the economy to succeed, the US Gov’t prefers to accept the notion of acceptable “collateral damage” …like in a Nuclear Attack? That’s Trump’s Capitalism!
We, the People are just a “commodity” in a Trump Economy post-COVID019.
An Administration that intents to phase down the Medical portion of their Pandemic policies and begin the Economic Recovery phase, as soon as possible …while people are still dying daily by the thousands…is simply committing Public Policy Genocide. As Yale Epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves said; “What else do you call mass deaths by public policy”?
The Federal Government pretty much is saying; Americans can be sacrificed in order for the economy to grow.
The problem this stable genius can’t understand is; the Millions infected, and pretty soon the hundreds of Millions are not going out anywhere for a while, or on any type of shopping spree! …not until this Virus is taken care of and stopped, the Nation is not going to economically recover!
The value of Human Life? or the value of the US Dollar? That’s the moral of the story of what 2020 is all about!
Donald Trump wants to own the moment, he wants to be the almighty superhero who saved America from a catastrophic global pandemic. When he, and he alone knows how to stop the viral infection …and all his followers, will eventually follow him straight off the cliff!
Why are Batshit Trumpers considered America’s Village Idiots?
In a recent poll, 90% of Republicans trust Trump for COVID-19 information rather than the CDC & all Medical Professionals!
When you believe a man who publicly has made more than 18,000+ lies in 3 years, over Medical professionals …yes! you will die! But, not for your country or not for your family, but for someone who only cares ‘if’ you live, for your vote in November.
The Donald’s biggest problem? He never expected anything like this to occur, a crisis that transcends politics and transcends his life of lies. A crisis where he really does have to become and act presidential, be a true leader & show some leadership …but, he’s clueless on how to lead…and no one cares about his rhetorical bullshit anymore. He knows he’s out of his league, out of his element …he’s like a fish out of water …everything is way over his head, and he just doesn’t know how to handle it.
REALITY just bitch slapped the TV Reality Superstar. Let me introduce myself…hope you guess my name!
At a time when the country might forgive him, even just a little, and give him his just due if he only just comes out honest and truthful with the population …his demented mind pushes harder to make people hate him even more!
Trying to intimidate Governors and civic leaders with his quid pro quo’s…you do this for me and we’ll give you what you need. Intimidating everyone into opening the Nation up for business ASAP, to quickly recover the economy so he can get re-elected.
Making the States suffer without supplying the needed equipment or the needed Tests, and only giving them the bare minimum unless they all kiss his big, not so lovely tush.
But, nothing’s worse than the most disgusting thing our Gov’t has ever done to any of the States during a state of emergency. Making States go into a bidding war …in the middle of a pandemic! …for supplies against other States, Foreign Governments, Corporations, and even the U.S. Government, itself?!?!
The States are literally on their own… a Federal Government that says; “I take no responsibility whatsoever”. A Federal Government that says; We won’t lead you, we’ll just back you up.
2 Governors, a Democrat, and a Republican secretly ordered and sent planes to pick-up their desperately needed Medical Supplies from China. Secretly, because they’re both afraid of Trump confiscating it, and taking it to boost their own National Stockpile Supply.
The V.A. bought 5 million masks for Veterans and VA Hospitals across the country. FEMA confiscated it all and took it to boost Trump’s National Stockpile. Meanwhile, people are continuously dying and no one’s getting the needed masks!
The plane trips were secretly kept. But Larry Hogan, the GOP Governor of Maryland, went one up to secure the needed (500,000) Test Kits, and has them secretly stashed away and guarded by the “National Guard” & the “Maryland State Police” so the Feds don’t take them away!
You can’t make up shit like this, folks!
Now, he won’t give sanctuary Cities the emergency funding they desperately need, unless they remove the sanctuary status and permit ICE to round-up “Illegal” Immigrants.
When has any State or anyone ever gone through such cruel extreme measures? When has the American Government ever treated its Citizens with so much disdain and disrespect? And even worse, during such catastrophic times of health & human crisis?
He’s been working on plans to keep everything open since the Virus arrived when advised of the possibility of states and cities closing down.
For 70 days he jerked the Nation around trying to make believe the Virus was a hoax, all to keep his economy from collapsing.
Opening the country up is against his own official White House Policy! Against the advice of the CDC! the advice of Dr. Fauci, Dr. Redfield, Dr. Birx, & Doctors everywhere!
His obsession with irresponsibly pushing a Malaria drug for this Viral infection …against the recommendation of all Medical Professionals. Though it’s not hard to see why he’s pushing it like if he was the star spokesman for the company. Wonder how much money, stock, or what kind of deal Trump/Kushner Inc. has invested in the maker of Hydroxychloroquine …Mylan Pharmaceutical?
Now, he’s gone off his rocker once again…only this time it veers into the extreme far side of the bizarre! His latest push? Injecting yourself with disinfectants, including bleach!
Also, Injecting yourself with a tiny UV light that will miraculously kill the Virus in your bloodstream …I suppose if you believe that crock of horseshit! You only inject yourself with disinfectants if you’re committing suicide …cause that’s what will happen!
And he still considers himself a stable genius?
The next day, he tried to push it back, saying he was just kidding with the press …when a replay of the press conference showed him directing his spiel directly at Dr. Birx.
Nothing has gone right since he was sworn in. The Russians hacking the elections, the Ukraine scandal, all his women scandals, all his daily scandals, all the embarrassments throughout the world, all the fiasco that occurs no matter where he goes or what he does …and naturally, his Impeachment for life!
Now, a massive gigantic screw-up of devastating proportions that might very well end his presidency. Yes, his natural stupidity can be a factor …but this professional Puppet appears to be on the loose & on his own …and that, really is dangerous.
What are his motives?
His top priority …opening up the country and build up the economy at “all cost”, over a deadly Viral infection that can potentially kill in the millions. His priority is the Economy …no matter how many people die. It’s not his concern as he keeps saying; “I am not responsible at all”. Who cares how many people die? …not this President!
Telling people to Free their States and gather in mass which would immediately triple the population of Positive Tests …he keeps misrepresenting the truth. telling people he’s doing a ‘tremendous job’ and while keeping the virus down to only 30,000 deaths, then to 50,000, now that’s he’s doing such a good job, he’s going to contain the virus down to only 100,000 deaths.
A typical Trump trait…brag how stupid he is to the only people who will believe his horseshit. Now, by getting his minions to protest their Constitutional rights of not wearing any protective gear, the real Professionals are talking about the real possibility of hundreds of millions testing positive and millions dying.
He started a Prairie Fire telling his 2nd Amendment followers for an armed uprising over their States …calling for a rebellion against a State Government is sedition, and for the President to suggests people to rebel, that’s “Treason”!
While all along purposely lying, misleading, or delaying all the millions of test kits, which is the Federal Government’s total responsibility of distributing!
Donald Trump doesn’t want any more Test Kits! …he doesn’t want the public to see how many more people are infected! It’s not conducive to his top & only priorities …making money and getting re-elected.
Gloria Steinham once said; “The Truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off”.
The reason Trump’s having more and more meltdowns during this Pandemic is that he’s continuously pissed off …no one believes his lies anymore …and he knows it.
The Truth hurts when you know and you’re forced to privately admit, you really are a nobody! …when your emotional and delusional bubble of illusions burst and you’re faced with the reality of life.
That’s when Trump realized he really does own the moment…lock, stock, & barrel!
And there’s no way out …he can remain in self-denial, but whether he likes it or not, he’s totally responsible for all the Positive Viral Cases and totally responsible for all the Deaths.
He can’t blame it on anybody this time, though Obama is always his usual target for one thing or another …it’s all happened in the 3 yrs of his Presidency..during his watch!
Hey, Donald! You wanted to be President? You got it! It’s your job, now go out and work for the first time in your life and do it right, or in November …’ you’ will be Fired!
The first Human Coronavirus was discovered in the 1960s …more recently, the 2002–2004 SARS Pandemic outbreak & 2012 MERS Pandemic, raged havoc.
Medical Scientists and Epidemiologists from the US had been closely working together with their Chinese counterparts in China for a long time (till Trump removed them in 2020) They’ve been tracking a new strain until they finally traced it to Wuhan 3 years later.
How bad would this Pandemic have been if a prepared Nation would’ve been notified since 2016?
It happened on his watch …and he knew about it the whole damn time!
He was warned more than a couple dozen times since 2016. First, during the transition period in 2016. the Pandemic policies from the Obama Administration, including supplies and preparedness guidelines were explained and passed on to the Trump Administration. They were told that a new little known strain of Coronavirus, totally different from the last two, was out there …but they haven’t traced it to anywhere, yet!
In 2018 he was warned at least twice, that’s when he fired the White House Pandemic Team. He was warned again over a dozen times in 2019.
1. Why would he fire medical experts on Pandemics with a Global Pandemic outbreak about to explode in the United States?
2. And now that it’s here, and knowing the gravity of the situation …why fire Dr. Rick Bright, the man who was on the development end of the COVID-19 Vaccine, right in his tracks? …while 82,000+ die and over 1.4 Million identified, out of all the unidentified hundreds of millions that are getting Infected daily?
3. Why did he warn Israel of the incoming Pandemic in November of 2019? yet, didn’t warn the American Public till 70 days after he was warned again by the CDC on Jan. 3rd, 2020, confirming the imminent arrival of COVID-19? The CDC officially warned the American public on Jan. 8th, 2020.
4. Why did the Administration’s Health & Human Services turn down an offer on Jan. 22nd…the day after the 1st US Coronavirus case was identified…from Texas’ Prestige Ameritech, the largest surgical face mask producer in the United States…to manufacture 1.7 Million N95 Masks per week?
Why is Donald Trump deliberately doing all of this? Does he really believe his own stable genius BS? Is it all his natural incompetence? This man may be a degenerate psychopathic screaming narcissist …but someone is pulling this puppet’s strings!
When you have a blatant lifelong coward who never takes responsibility for any of his actions, his failures, or his blunders …you’re going to see a lot of Psychological Projection …blame anybody or everybody for everything he ever does. No one in History can psychologically project any better than Bonespurs Donny!
And no one has had more conspiracy theories about everything imaginable in just 3 years, than this faker. His latest blame game? He blames China for developing a man-made Virus in their labs, which has been debunked by our own intelligence agencies, the CDC, WHO, as well as the medical professionals in his Task Force, and experts around the world.
He’s also blaming the World Health Organization for not warning him early enough …I guess 2016, 2018, 2019, & 2020 is not early enough!
All these Red State Governors are more interested in making a fast buck than the health of their constituents…they’re opening up their States to everything, as more and more people start ignoring rules and trying to go back to the old normal. Revolt against authority for the right to” go back to work”.
So far, a few are opening but the smell of spring air, the lure of the heat, and hoping for a nice summer breeze is too fascinating to pass up, causing all these people to congregate in the parks and the beaches, refusing to follow medical advice.
Take all these people, and add the ignorance of NeoNazis & gun-toting Batshit Trumpers…those that Trump calls “very good people”, just like the “Very Fine People” in Charlottesville.
They hear their beloved leader subliminally order them to go and cause havoc by “liberating” Michigan and other States …and off they go with no respect to whom they hurt or infect.
The latest projections on how many will die during the summer, now that Trump is allowing America (against all Medical advice & recommendations) to open up …an estimate of over 3,000 deaths daily through the summer with the infection rate in the hundreds of millions, assured. All for spending a day frolicking on the beach.
And now, when Trump’s beloved MAGA followers get pissed off and angry with cries for help as more and more get sick, and more and more start dying of COVID-19 ...what will he do?
How will Donald, who’s a man with absolutely zero empathy or compassion, an anti-altruistic human being, and a sociopath with a seriously severe “schadenfreude” complex …respond to these people?
You have his minions, those too stupid who’ll still follow him of that cliff, and you have those who’ll refuse to jump, turning on him, and try to stay alive! How will he respond? …how will he answer them without pissing off one side or the other?
When everyone else acts with dignity & respect …expect this fool to be his normal self. Pity his beloved supporters.
But just remember, all you good Trumpers; “I take no responsibility at all”!
So! America, wake up and smell the coffee! Stop living life in self-denial …and face the reality of COVID-19.
1st, STOP LISTENING to Politicos who have absolutely no experience, knowledge, or any idea whatsoever in Medicine to give you advise and updates …especially Trump, with his agenda of lies, misinformation, and misleading statements, all along while pushing a Malaria Drug that hasn’t been proven it works, although it’s proven that it kills. Also, all his Lysol, Clorox, and UV light cockamamie injections!
2nd, START LISTENING to the Medical Professionals and Medical Scientists, who know what they’re doing, people like Rick Bright, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Bob Redfield!
The awful truth about COVID-19: Only 2.95% of our 350 million population has been tested …so, how many more than the current 1.4 million that tested positive are going to be “Positive” too? -
This bug is not going anywhere, anytime soon! It’s not going away for summer vacation, it’s not going to be gone with the wind, it’s not going to be here today and gone tomorrow, it’s not going to just be gone one day as the President tries to convince his base …and it’s not going to magically disappear one day, as Trump says; “It’s going to go away without a vaccine”!
COVID-19 is here to stay! It’s going to be our guest for a year or two, or more …remember, it will not ever be eradicated until a Vaccine is found!
Don’t fight the new normal, just go with the flow …the quicker We, the People use our natural intellect and do things right, the quicker we can get back to the old normal.
So! If you want to stay alive through 2020 and beyond? …Remember, November!
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wigglingpandaboi · 5 years
If any merc could be a part of a game, what game would they choose? Engie..I feel like he’d be a master at Mario maker..
oH my gosh engie would love Mario marker, also minecraft he'd love minecraft. (He makes really hard levels that drive the others up the Wall)
Hmm, im not to sure.
Heavy and spy would totally be more into those puzzle games or games with really deep conplicated lore.
Medic would like mystery games like the point and click type. Like those point and click horror games Markiplier plays. Also outlast. I can see him playing that.
Sniper would like shooting games (Duh) but he'd also like games with animals. He'd probaly love that game Shelter. The one where you play as the momma animal who protects her babies (Jackie boy played it) also i can see him playing the walking dead and utterly bawling cuz screw that game it had no right being that sad.
Soldier and Demo would play a lot of co-op games together. (COD, Left 4 dead, fallout)
Pyro would love pokemon! All those cute little animals!! Also animal crossing.
I think Scout would really like Hollow Knight, he likes the way the bosses give him a challenge but he also gets really fricken frustrated with the both fights. Also i can see him liking undertale and like he tries to do a genocide route to see what would happen but after he "killed" toriel he was like fuck that and did another pacifist route.
Also imagine the whole team playing smash and mario kart.
Gosh that would be chaos utter chaos, but also good team bonding.
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artcalledtattoo · 2 years
Disclosure Angel clad in lace Viewing through safety googles Signing in like an opera Nets been dragged up Just pulling up for collecting Toss out the unwanted Throw to chest those worth more money It’s just your beat Baby can you swim in the ocean Disregard the fatigue keep paddling Indy players not by mainstream record Producers Need the West for popularity Let’s US tell you what you’ll be singing Sleeze rock from rap leather chaffing Gold bond that spot You’ll end up feeling better Save the pain a side step it Save the salve unchain thee enslaved It’s all up to But better yet maybe the top percenter’s Don’t want nothing to with it The place the adds in front of our Faces Making money I need you for my mortgage I’m still paying I need you for that automobile I’m still buying I need you for all My daily living Make the mutha ducka zucka muska All just the same types of Fuckers Globally wide we gave to you Where did all the money come from Where did all the money come from Where did all the money come from Where did all Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s i mean i mean something i mean nothing i just a sunflower i just a sunflower Covered in coloumns Poles of destruction Major Genociders I’m dying! Make the mutha ducka zucka muska All just the same types of Fuckers Globally wide we cave and gave to you Where did all the money come from Where did all the money come from Where did all the money come from Where did all Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s 6 to 9 a reverse Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Off the backs of lower percenter’s Who are the Q a nones Within you own Family Hide new wasp people You can’t hide we see you and your kind Nah nothing different then tea bagger Same worthless to the whole planet People a letter Q first represents us You are the weird obscured rhyme next Simple mind it’s a good thing you can follow along cause I’m gonna sum all you sorry fucks altogether Putinism Trumpism Bushism Qanonism Fucking stupid equation with Mind control power Who are you to not see you are the one being fucked A Sum of this World’s mindless Things SWT Sweat you upcoming Republicans I’m only Four months in To this year I’m still punching make believe buttons S W T You made all these lifestyles by screwing over your people for how long inhofe ? Not misspelled minimum wage no wage Inhofe hog red Republican paid every year Bullshit politician leader Woah take no offense stilt I���ve seen your mind controlling ad Vertisement You must be one of those country boy cum ohh I mean oil chuggers sucking down allowing those taking swallows to not pay any taxes in any meaning sort of way just rose bud stone rosey road ass fucking All alone out on the rig needing a release Bring the whores let loss the hoes For the Oil and Gas non taxpayers That kinda of work Would make me S W eaT Last meal comings On this Resurrection Day Republican is enclosing along the lines of Putinism red elephants invading in the better life of things doing nothing just walls and nets being placed up in front of all screens, you must be the new up and coming Nazi! We’ve seen that kind before We’ve seen that kind before We’ve seen that kind before We’ve seen that kind before End those kinds, please! I’ve seen all the arenas Within the pits myself Stood stand guard for upcoming Money Makers Did I or you ? Sweat
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
And still it's a mistake I think it's an opportunity for you guys to make sure that that little black skin boy when he gets off the airplane is put down in the middle of the city with a bunch of white hair babies making fun of him
It's from what the report that I read you guys are happy I'm here to make all these blacks attack me so they pay it forward by attacking blacks in other cities
If concrete could talk
Every one of these cities says it's an accident cuz they know where they are it's my worst nightmare for me to be here and calling everything an accident AND THEN IT'S A MISTAKE NOW WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT IT'S OVER WE KNOW A GUY WHO SEEN HIS BROTHER ON TOUR AND HE GAVE US THE HANDS UP well let's remind us what brought us here a small City small City satellite maker had his own Beach and he was very angry with my success and then he sent me to another small City satellite maker and said f*** him up for me
So when I got there I turned the screws and I said you know what I know what that white hair girl wants she wants you guys to f****** her brother for saying she called out black skin men AND IT WORKED I SAW IT WORKED MYSELF
Everything's a misstatement everything is a misstatement AND YES THE SATELLITE IS STILL SPEAKING FOR ME AND WHEN IT SAYS IT'S OWN WORD IT STARTS YELLING IT'S A MISSTATEMENT HERE what I think science is not going to believe how how much you guys lied with the satellite how big of lies that we've seen with our own eyes and I called it in at least two or three times AND HOW BIG THESE LIES ARE HOW DESPERATE HUMANITY HAS GOTTEN IS GOING TO BE THE REAL TESTAMENT IS GOING TO BE THE REAL STORY HERE how did satellite maker get it so wrong how to become to this it should have never have come to common Sense being thrown out the window and a satellite saying never mind what you saw you still have to believe me you still have to think this way
And yes they are still I guess they want me prepared so when they put me in a room and put me back in the underwear and take away my drink THEY'RE STILL I GUESS ALL THE SATELLITE OPERATORS WOULD BE HERE PRACTICING THE BLACK MASS LIES ON THE SATELLITE cuz they keep on repeating it 24/7 the last 90 days I've been in the middle of a parking lot and they keep continuing even after I discredited it and moved on and got my black mass genocide call in my favor for punitive damages and defamation of character THEY STILL FORCED THE SAME LIES AND HERE'S THE THING THEY'RE IDENTICAL LIES FOR THE LAST 90 DAYS I'm just anticipating I guess I'll whitey told you his plan for me put me in the building and a room with no drink BUT FOR 90 DAYS IT CONTINUED TALK TO ME REPEATING THE SAME LIES ANTICIPATING the broken bones ceremony behind a closed door
Oh and offering me gunshot but continuing saying it's a mistake now we can have him walk around for 30 days and then now we're sending him on a bus route another city needs him I DON'T KNOW I GUESS THE BABYSIT THE LITTLE BLACK BOYS AND THE DEAD DAUGHTER THE ONE THAT WORKS AT 7-ELEVEN you know the angry one behind the counter no one will suck her p****
So yeah I guess the punish it for punishment for me for running my mouth online and I'm sorry for my choice of words and my nasty language BUT ALSO FOR PROVIDING YOU GUYS THE ANTIDOTE is being followed by black skin boys and here's a problem the real skinny and a lot of them are born fat THEY DON'T MAKE THEM LIKE THEY USED TO
That's right the black skin boys a big calves WHEN I SAW THIS I SAID IN ALL SCIENCE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT AND SATELLITE MEGA SAID I DIDN'T DO IT INTENTIONALLY I just couldn't make a real baby boy
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
None Like Joshua - Phanto Troupe Rap Lyrics
None Like Joshua - Phanto Troupe Rap Lyrics
Phantom Troupe Rap | None Like Joshua, Daddyphatsnaps, Rustage, Gameboyjones, more | Hunter x Hunter Rap 
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Lyrics:- Witness tricks and pick a card I pick kids, and pick apart Their body parts while stiff and hard Pick a target, grip his heart Simpin for a king, well I’m a joker so the fight starts Stickin with the rubber and gum like it’s a fine art Strong opponents come at me and you’ll be gettin clapped dude Bungee gum attached too, you’ll be needin clown shoes I’m bad too, Ilumi-nate my blood lust in a bad mood I could carry all the spiders on my back like tattoos Do not  act rash boy your life is hanging by a thread You get two strikes on the third filleting you instead Thunderclap flash, zenny stance aiming at your head Got  that dome “gon” like Hisoka aiming for some neck Better reign in every breath I might take it as a threat I might shank you through your shoulder blades To take away your flex Send a message take your lungs away And say it with YOUR chest I’m not the “1” to fuck with Why you think they saved it for the best Don’t get attached to me In fact attaching limbs is one of my specialities No defendinga against these nen strings, Got you hooked, yea you’re no match Even if you do get away I can track you down and pull you back A catch If two thousand mafia fell short What makes you think that you have a chance Killin’ don’t come at me Abs-olutely not You two ain’t got what I got It’s an onslaught To us spiders you’re pot shots You cannot hope to come out of this on top Thief, but bet that I’m a threat Yea number three in the troupe I’ll cut your head off with these threads And make a puppet out of you The dark assassin and I’m packin the pain and faster than Anybody tryin to pass me will be Seein my image after Their death Now your fate’s gone, Feitan making the blade slice Then it’s raining blood, but I got the umbrella to stay dry They’re attackin me but I’ll be packin all the heat And now my Sun exposing anybody dyin like a Shadow Beast A spider burning every ant In the summertime Like the biggest ass magnifying glass that you see Unafraid to wear this all black When I’m too hot Come and battle me Look at my bullet to shoot thots No shades on, another head screwed off When I’ll be Giving every ounce of pain back for keeps Wait who are you again? I guess that I’ll fight you Taking out the trash with these ants, so you might lose Beat you in an arm wrestle? I don’t have to try to Find your weak spots, now you suck more than I do Call me Dirt Devil, die, son, from a Dyson Sucking out your blood like a spider till you dried up Turn you into dust, clean it up cause I have to I’m worse than your mom, when I beat you with a vacuum Monster No Frankenstein I’m just here to take what’s mine Go against the troupe Then I’ll start cracking skulls And breaking spines When I finger blast you I ain’t aiming for your gspot But this gon’ be your time of the month When I have to make you bleed dot Get upon your knees I don’t wanna make em bleed But I’m all about the money I’ve been living in the greed I don’t do refunds Double machine gun Loaded and cocked So don’t give me a reason To mow you down Like tall grass Better fall back I ain’t all cap So you better go Bring in the blinky to mop I’m like a soda They bout to get po Phantom Troupe coming in then we wage war Whether treasure or your life, we gon take more Scared of spiders in yo house, then we raid yours Run on one of us? That’s what a gang’s for Phantom Troupe coming in to control those Who oppose us, Hunters taking low blows Raining down like metors with Chrollo And you know we’re about to steal the whole show Dude’s a beast, fighting dog, bitch Shar Pei They’re food to me, biting of a bit, parfait Mushroom cloud, got ’em soiling, shitake Wild style, fur mink on, style archaic The brute is in It’s Uvogin The cruelest crew of fugitives Dispatching any enemy in seconds Do it super quick Try and reach my level, you might settle for a booster seat Deadin those who cross me like their body’s on a crucifix Y’all are buggin, so I best get to spraying shots like pesticide I put a pest aside if he keep tryna mess with I You catching fists, don’t need no straps to make you catch a round My music hits, I ain’t just talking bout my Cantabile I got bars, that’s my conjurer ability Bonolenov is my name and you ain’t getting rid of me I’m guy who’s known to trigger Trypophobia When I put more holes in ya than any of my people see Scanning through your recollection While I’m loading ammunition Got the truth no contradiction I don’t need your damn permission 6 shots for ya dome no reload I’mma tap ya banks for a repo Down low posted up no joke And I got you in the scope Ask Chrollo, he know Hp to take your hp No matter what the page reads I’m setting my own stage There is no way that you can break me I ain’t afraid to pull, Fire Your situation is dire You seen the legs but I’m the arm of the spider Soon as I copy, most likely I’ll catch a body Turn em to zombies, perfect artist I’m never sloppy Dont be surprised you see the eye I’m always watching Making hard copies like papers in a teacher’s office Never let the left know what the right is doing But in this case, your death is what I’m construing Let my replica reposition your entire condition Bodies in the gallery and you just another addition” He, she, them I don’t really care I just came to represent From the bottom of the pent Tryna rise to the ascent Number five in the fam Number four in the troupe Got a lot of things to prove Skip third I’ll be two My intel tells me that it’ll be true Bend, break, slice, and sever the rules Killua, yes, I am coming for you I don’t do it for the money I don’t do it for the fame Villains steady paper chasing Leave em’ winded Die in vain Veins are struck with confetti When I arrive on the scene Is it a party with voodoo paper dolls Or snake poisoning? Dance! Find a victim I can prick the nape of That does the trick, it’s danger when I Flick the switch it’s game on Bats just need a signal maker Manipulator Puppeteering, pups are tearing up I fit the plug, the current courses Through um Like a river does I played too roughly now my toys are broken There’s noise approaching Not a ghost, this troupe has tropes Of genocidal notion Remote controller, push your buttons Feeling desperation Sorta violent, auto pilot to your final destination It’s another enhancer You don’t wanna see me with the hands sir My street cred there It’s clear, I don’t care I did all my dirt off-camera Hit a lick with the clique We turantulas Hit my line better speak with some manners Could be holding yo kids for ransom One false move Pakunoda will blam em! We the Phantom We don’t fade rookies Seem like I ain’t do shit but hey lookie Y’all seen how I had the primate shooky Smoove turned his ass to a bape hoodie Up in York New City no A Boogie At the auction I’m planning to take goodies Like a bully, these kids try me like they gon kill me, don’t push me Phantom Troupe coming in then we wage war Whether treasure or your life, we gon take more Scared of spiders in yo house, then we raid yours Run on one of us? That’s what a gang’s for Phantom Troupe coming in to control those Who oppose us, Hunters taking low blows Raining down like metors with Chrollo And you know we’re about to steal the whole show Let’s go Stacking these corpses and headstones Thievery done in a Pen stroke Look through my book of abilities Killing you guess i could call it a Death Note Nen pro Fur on my coat that’s the dress code Flesh,bones Leaving you wondering Where did a chunk of your head go? Head of the spiders, Divine in my providence You cannot fight us It’s crime without punishment Riding or die We all frighten the populace Bury these commoners deep No sarcophagus Not even zoldycks can handle me When my flow starts The phantom troupe will bring a requiem Like mozart
https://img.youtube.com/vi/vutplNY4iks/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/3hrFIuW
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
5 YouTube Personalities Who Escaped From Scandal Unscathed
I’ve come to the conclusion that a big YouTube personality could hunt people on a private island, make a video about it called “Human Death Prank,” and that it would A) get several million views and B) would have no lasting consequences for the YouTuber.
We’ve fallen into a pattern wherein there’s a new scandal featuring one of these people every month, and it always ends the same way. The performer will lay low for a few weeks. YouTube might slap them on the wrist, maybe an advertiser drops. Then they’ll just start churning out the exact same content, having learned nothing and making just as much (in some cases more) money than before. Here, let’s revisit some recently scandalized social media celebs and see where they are now …
Logan Paul
You probably know Logan Paul as one of the many YouTube celebrities who looks like all of his hair is trying to escape from his head.
Logan Paul/YouTubeHis father is a Bloomin’ Onion and his mother a can of Red Bull.
You might also have heard of his most recent scandal, in which he posted a video of a suicide victim’s corpse in Japan’s Aokigahara forest. After a public uproar, he spoke to Michael Strahan on Good Morning America, saying, “I am a good guy who made a bad decision” — a claim that is 100 percent true if you remove the word “good” from it.
For you see, good guy Logan Paul has a storied past of doing things that are objectively dumb and also terrible. Like the time he pretend to be shot in the back of the head in front a crowd of screaming 10-12-year-old children. As soon as he returned to YouTube after the suicide forest video controversy, he immediately showed his respect for the sanctity of life by pulling a fish out of a pond and pretending to give it CPR and tasing some dead rats.
YouTube cited Paul’s “recent pattern of behavior” (corporate speak for “We’re secretly worried this person might be a budding serial killer”) when they decided to suspend ad revenue on his account, which has 16 million subscribers, many or most of whom are children. The suspension lasted for two whole weeks. It’s been reported that he actually gained around 80,000 subscribers after his recent controversies. And why not? He made international headlines. You can’t buy that kind of publicity!
And the next time he thinks his channel needs a boost, well, now he knows exactly how to do it.
Carter Reynolds
If you Google “Carter Reynolds,” the first result is a Business Insider article titled “The Rise And Fall Of Cater Reynolds.” Directly below that is the link for Reynolds’ Twitter account. He has 3.08 million followers. That … seems like a pretty cushy fall, but we’ll come back to that.
Reynolds got his start on Vine (remember that?), where at some point he is reported to have had four million followers — enough that he was able to get sponsorships from brands like Coca-Cola and travel the U.S. with “The Carter Tour.” He’s the kind of social media star who’s not particularly famous for anything more than being affable and good-looking in a non-threatening way that’s especially appealing to young girls. A few weeks ago, he tweeted “frozen yogurt sounds so good right now” …
Carters Reynolds/Twitter
… and it was retweeted 451 times. That’s pretty representative of his creative output.
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In June of 2015, a video was leaked of Reynolds (19 at the time) and his ex-girlfriend, fellow social media star Maggie Lindemann (16 at the time). In it, Reynolds tries to pressure the visibly intoxicated Lindemann into giving him oral sex while he records it. Lindemann continuously repeats “I can’t” and “This makes me so uncomfortable” until he turns off the camera. Reynolds at first apologized in a single-line tweet, but then did a quick 360, saying on a YouNow stream that Lindemann owed him an apology for “things you guys don’t know about.” He added, “I didn’t rape her. She knows that herself … The fact that she’s trying to be all innocent now or something … it didn’t affect her that much. I know it didn’t.”
When Lindemann tweeted that she was in the hospital shortly after the video was released, Reynolds responded by tweeting, “Maggie is saying I’m the reason why she’s in the hospital … lol nah you’re just crazy and psychotic. Fuck you.” After receiving backlash, he then threatened to commit suicide on Twitter, apologized for it, and took a social media sabbatical.
The result? Well, in addition to his 3.08 million Twitter followers, today he has 3.2 million Instagram followers and 817,000 YouTube subscribers. While he’s no longer sponsored by Coca-Cola, he still does sponsored Instagram posts, including a recent one for Core water. He also sells merchandise and is getting ready to launch a clothing line with his new girlfriend, who is an Instagram model. Don’t follow his example, kids, or else that wretched fate may befall you too.
Sam Pepper
Sam Pepper is a former Big Brother UK contestant who managed to translate his brief reality TV fame into YouTube fame. He’s known for “pranking” people, which to be fair, isn’t some outrageous new trend. When I was in high school, guys were trying to punch each other in the dick and film it like Jackass, or screaming, “You just got Punk’d!” after knocking a friend’s book out of his hands.
The difference between Pepper and Ashton Kutcher is that Pepper’s audience is younger, and there’s no “Don’t try this at home kids” warning running in front of his content. His first controversy came in 2014, when he uploaded a video he called “fake hand ass pinch video,” which was just him pinching unsuspecting women’s asses with his real hand. After the backlash over the video, several women came forward with detailed accounts of sexual harassment and rape by Pepper. At least one rape accusation was investigated by the LAPD, but Pepper was never charged because the victim was not willing to testify after her father told her it would hurt her career.
Pepper continued his successful YouTube channel until 2015, when he staged another hilarious prank in which he convinced a young Vine star that his best friend was brutally murdered in front of him. After months of criticism about this incident, Pepper publicly confessed that his pranks were all faked, because if you did the things he pretended to do in public, you would be arrested. He then made his YouTube account private and deleted all of his tweets, going dark online for three whole months.
Today he still has 2.3 million YouTube subscribers despite infrequent posting (his latest video is called “HOW TO BUY ALCOHOL UNDERAGE * IT WORKED *”), plus he can boast another 1.3 million fans between Twitter and Instagram, plus some unknowable number of Snapchat followers. Oh, and he’s out there on the front line defending Logan Paul’s suicide forest video. Everyone is so triggered, you guys!
PewDiePie is the Titan of YouTube. There’s really no comparable star in the old media world right now. You would have to make a human centipede out of George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Ryan Gosling to approximate the star power that PewDiePie has on YouTube. He currently has 61 million subscribers, ahead of his closest competitor by 23 million. Like a medically resistant staph infection, there just doesn’t seem to be anything that can stop him from growing.
In February of 2017, he paid two men on Fiverr (a “Pay strangers to do things for $5” site) to hold up a sign that said “Death to all Jews,” under the guise of this being the weirdest thing he could think to have somebody do for that amount of money.
PewDiePie/YouTube“Don’t forget to ‘Like’ and ‘Genocide’!”
Thanks to an article in The Wall Street Journal, the outrage went mainstream and a whole generation of old people had to figure out how to say “PewDiePie.”
The incident caused Disney’s Maker Studios to cut ties with him, as well as YouTube to drop him from their Google Preferred ad program. PewDiePie responded with a video saying his actions were a joke, which kind of isn’t the point. (Meanwhile, neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer featured a blog post congratulating him for “making the masses comfortable with our ideas.”)
But hey, anybody can screw up once. Seven months after this apology, however, PewDiePie loudly and clearly yelled the N-word while streaming an online game, noting later that he’d forgotten he was streaming to the public (you know, it’s the kind of thing he normally only says among friends). This time he said, “I’m not going to make any excuses for why I did it, because there are no excuses for it.” He went on to say he was disappointed in himself.
By now, you know how the story ends. The kind of thing that would have permanently sank the career of, say, a Seinfeld co-star is but a scratch on the hull of PewDiePie’s Star Destroyer. According to Forbes, he made 20 percent less than his 2016 earnings … which means he netted $12 million. Meanwhile, he gained about two million subscribers after the controversies, seemingly without losing any.
Since this is 2018 and we find ourselves involuntarily grading racism on a curve, it’s easy to argue that PewDiePie isn’t as bad as the swarm of unapologetic racists that fill YouTube. He repeatedly says he doesn’t believe those things, that it’s all just shock value humor, that he’s learned his lesson, etc. That is not the case for JonTron, who was extremely eager to tell the world that those are in fact his views.
JonTron has 3.9 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, and turns up on a couple of others. He’s actually pretty funny — his whole persona is the cuddly nerd next door. Which is why it was so shocking to his fans when he took to Twitter to defend Republican Senator Steve King’s comment that “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
When people called him out for it, he decided to clarify his views on the subject by discussing them with Steve Bonnell, a Twitch streamer knows as Destiny. Over the course of an excruciating two hours, JonTron clarified in great detail that he thinks racial purity is extremely important to the future of America, and that he fears the day whites become a minority (which he estimated would happen in 2042).
In response to angry fans, he said, “The fact that people think it’s troubling is what’s troubling.” In the course of the debate, he also claimed that wealthy black Americans commit more crimes than poor white Americans, that Mexicans are somehow attempting to recapture American land, and that “We don’t need immigrants from incompatible places.” Gee, I wonder which places he considers incompatible?
He then issued an apology for his clarification, saying, “I do completely understand that historically the African American community has had a raw deal in this country. Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways.” And later, “Any of the things in the stream that could be considered weird sounding or off-putting, I probably agree with you that they were. So, I hope you don’t read too much into it.”
OK? He seemed to swing wildly between “I’m a comedian, I don’t want to talk about politics” and “But here are my terrible politics, and if you don’t like them, you’re policing my thoughts” before finally landing on “Don’t listen to the things that I say.” At this point, do we even need to point out not only that JonTron still has his millions of subscribers, but also that his videos are still sponsored? The only lasting effect seems to be the entry about the controversy on his Wikipedia page.
The promise of the internet was always that there’d be no gatekeepers. You can publish directly to the world, bypassing editors, publishers, censors, TV networks, etc. Well, here it is. There is nothing between these guys and their audience, and what we’ve found is that their audience is not scared away by sexism, racism, or anything else.
The rest of us will have our weeks of outrage, and we’ll see vague headlines about boycotts and suspensions. While we’re patting ourselves on the back, these guys know they just need to hunker down for a bit and weather it. They know the audience isn’t going anywhere, and as long as the eyeballs are there, the money will follow. No matter what.
Ever notice how normal photographers are never embroiled in scandals? Stick to still-life with a Nikon DSLR camera.
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For more, check out 5 Crappy Sides Of YouTube Stardom No One Talks About and The Fate Of 4 Internet ‘Celebrities’ After Viral Fame.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-youtube-personalities-who-escaped-from-scandal-unscathed/
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2HA3hS6 via Viral News HQ
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tragicbooks · 7 years
Sean Spicer's most recent comments on the Holocaust are alarming for 2 reasons.
Come on, Sean.
In trying to explain the brutality of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer screwed up bigly.
Just how bad is Assad? Spicer went straight to the internet's most overused (albeit somewhat apt, in this case) comparison: "You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons" like Assad did.
Spicer on Syria: “You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons...” http://pic.twitter.com/UN3JfRRg0w
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
People quickly reacted with variations of "WTF are you doing, Spicey?" — not just over the fact that Spicer not only invoked one of history's greatest villains, but because he actually downplayed just how horrible Hitler was.
Spicer only made things worse when he attempted to clarify his comments: "[Hitler] was not using the gas on his own people in the same way that Assad is doing."
There are two big, horrifying implications of what Spicer said that need to be addressed:
1. Yes, Hitler used chemical weapons. That's just a fact.
While Spicer spoke, MSNBC fact-checked him on the screen. "White House: Hitler didn't 'sink to level of using chemical weapons' like Syrian leader (Hitler gassed millions)." And honestly, anytime you get owned that hard by a cable news graphic-maker, you're probably having a pretty bad day.
Chyron👇🏼 http://pic.twitter.com/KShgl4bxyN
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
At the peak of the Holocaust, as many as 6,000 Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp were killed by cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B every day. To say Hitler didn't "sink to the level of using chemical weapons" is reckless and ahistorical.
2. In arguing that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons on his "own people," Spicer implies that Hitler's "own people" were limited to his supporters, rather than all the citizens of Germany, the country he was in charge of.
At the beginning of World War II, more than 200,000 Jews lived in Germany. Many of them died as the result of Hitler's genocidal brutality. German Jews were Hitler's "own people," and it is really important that we acknowledge that. Hitler wasn't fighting some foreign threat. He was targeting his own citizens — people just trying to live in peace within their home borders — because of their religion, sexual orientation, or able-bodied-ness. Let's not downplay that.
An Auschwitz survivor displays his number tattoo. Photo by Ian Waldie/Getty Images.
Like Hitler, Assad is using chemical weapons. Like Hitler, Assad is targeting his own people.
Spicer's comparison isn't just inaccurate, it actively erases the true horrors of the Holocaust to justify Trump's military action against Assad, even as Trump refuses to open our borders to Assad's victims — refugees in need of aid.
It'd be one thing if this were the first time this White House made a mistake like this. But erasing basic facts about the Holocaust keeps happening, making it harder to give the Trump administration the benefit of the doubt.
In February, the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect pilloried the White House for its weak response to threats made against Jewish community centers. At the inauguration, Trump aide Sebastian Gorka reportedly wore a medal from a Hungarian group with Nazi ties. In its statement commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, the White House removed a reference to Jews. And while Spicer eventually clarified his statement a number of times, the damage seemed done.
.@HallieJackson From the print pool, what appears to be a 4th Hitler clarification from Spicer, which adds a sentence at the end not there previously http://pic.twitter.com/lxZDJb2rwt
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
"On Passover no less, Sean Spicer has engaged in Holocaust denial, the most offensive form of fake news imaginable, by denying Hitler gassed millions of Jews to death," Steven Goldstein of the Anne Frank Center wrote on Facebook.
It's important that we get history right and that we don't misrepresent the past. It's the only way to avoid repeating those mistakes. Take note, Sean.
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socialviralnews · 7 years
Sean Spicer's most recent comments on the Holocaust are alarming for 2 reasons.
Come on, Sean.
In trying to explain the brutality of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer screwed up bigly.
Just how bad is Assad? Spicer went straight to the internet's most overused (albeit somewhat apt, in this case) comparison: "You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons" like Assad did.
Spicer on Syria: “You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons...” http://pic.twitter.com/UN3JfRRg0w
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
People quickly reacted with variations of "WTF are you doing, Spicey?" — not just over the fact that Spicer not only invoked one of history's greatest villains, but because he actually downplayed just how horrible Hitler was.
Spicer only made things worse when he attempted to clarify his comments: "[Hitler] was not using the gas on his own people in the same way that Assad is doing."
There are two big, horrifying implications of what Spicer said that need to be addressed:
1. Yes, Hitler used chemical weapons. That's just a fact.
While Spicer spoke, MSNBC fact-checked him on the screen. "White House: Hitler didn't 'sink to level of using chemical weapons' like Syrian leader (Hitler gassed millions)." And honestly, anytime you get owned that hard by a cable news graphic-maker, you're probably having a pretty bad day.
Chyron👇🏼 http://pic.twitter.com/KShgl4bxyN
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
At the peak of the Holocaust, as many as 6,000 Jews at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp were killed by cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B every day. To say Hitler didn't "sink to the level of using chemical weapons" is reckless and ahistorical.
2. In arguing that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons on his "own people," Spicer implies that Hitler's "own people" were limited to his supporters, rather than all the citizens of Germany, the country he was in charge of.
At the beginning of World War II, more than 200,000 Jews lived in Germany. Many of them died as the result of Hitler's genocidal brutality. German Jews were Hitler's "own people," and it is really important that we acknowledge that. Hitler wasn't fighting some foreign threat. He was targeting his own citizens — people just trying to live in peace within their home borders — because of their religion, sexual orientation, or able-bodied-ness. Let's not downplay that.
An Auschwitz survivor displays his number tattoo. Photo by Ian Waldie/Getty Images.
Like Hitler, Assad is using chemical weapons. Like Hitler, Assad is targeting his own people.
Spicer's comparison isn't just inaccurate, it actively erases the true horrors of the Holocaust to justify Trump's military action against Assad, even as Trump refuses to open our borders to Assad's victims — refugees in need of aid.
It'd be one thing if this were the first time this White House made a mistake like this. But erasing basic facts about the Holocaust keeps happening, making it harder to give the Trump administration the benefit of the doubt.
In February, the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect pilloried the White House for its weak response to threats made against Jewish community centers. At the inauguration, Trump aide Sebastian Gorka reportedly wore a medal from a Hungarian group with Nazi ties. In its statement commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, the White House removed a reference to Jews. And while Spicer eventually clarified his statement a number of times, the damage seemed done.
.@HallieJackson From the print pool, what appears to be a 4th Hitler clarification from Spicer, which adds a sentence at the end not there previously http://pic.twitter.com/lxZDJb2rwt
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 11, 2017
"On Passover no less, Sean Spicer has engaged in Holocaust denial, the most offensive form of fake news imaginable, by denying Hitler gassed millions of Jews to death," Steven Goldstein of the Anne Frank Center wrote on Facebook.
It's important that we get history right and that we don't misrepresent the past. It's the only way to avoid repeating those mistakes. Take note, Sean.
<br> from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2o2eAqR via cheap web hosting
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5 YouTube Personalities Who Escaped From Scandal Unscathed
I’ve come to the conclusion that a big YouTube personality could hunt people on a private island, make a video about it called “Human Death Prank,” and that it would A) get several million views and B) would have no lasting consequences for the YouTuber.
We’ve fallen into a pattern wherein there’s a new scandal featuring one of these people every month, and it always ends the same way. The performer will lay low for a few weeks. YouTube might slap them on the wrist, maybe an advertiser drops. Then they’ll just start churning out the exact same content, having learned nothing and making just as much (in some cases more) money than before. Here, let’s revisit some recently scandalized social media celebs and see where they are now …
Logan Paul
You probably know Logan Paul as one of the many YouTube celebrities who looks like all of his hair is trying to escape from his head.
Logan Paul/YouTubeHis father is a Bloomin’ Onion and his mother a can of Red Bull.
You might also have heard of his most recent scandal, in which he posted a video of a suicide victim’s corpse in Japan’s Aokigahara forest. After a public uproar, he spoke to Michael Strahan on Good Morning America, saying, “I am a good guy who made a bad decision” — a claim that is 100 percent true if you remove the word “good” from it.
For you see, good guy Logan Paul has a storied past of doing things that are objectively dumb and also terrible. Like the time he pretend to be shot in the back of the head in front a crowd of screaming 10-12-year-old children. As soon as he returned to YouTube after the suicide forest video controversy, he immediately showed his respect for the sanctity of life by pulling a fish out of a pond and pretending to give it CPR and tasing some dead rats.
YouTube cited Paul’s “recent pattern of behavior” (corporate speak for “We’re secretly worried this person might be a budding serial killer”) when they decided to suspend ad revenue on his account, which has 16 million subscribers, many or most of whom are children. The suspension lasted for two whole weeks. It’s been reported that he actually gained around 80,000 subscribers after his recent controversies. And why not? He made international headlines. You can’t buy that kind of publicity!
And the next time he thinks his channel needs a boost, well, now he knows exactly how to do it.
Carter Reynolds
If you Google “Carter Reynolds,” the first result is a Business Insider article titled “The Rise And Fall Of Cater Reynolds.” Directly below that is the link for Reynolds’ Twitter account. He has 3.08 million followers. That … seems like a pretty cushy fall, but we’ll come back to that.
Reynolds got his start on Vine (remember that?), where at some point he is reported to have had four million followers — enough that he was able to get sponsorships from brands like Coca-Cola and travel the U.S. with “The Carter Tour.” He’s the kind of social media star who’s not particularly famous for anything more than being affable and good-looking in a non-threatening way that’s especially appealing to young girls. A few weeks ago, he tweeted “frozen yogurt sounds so good right now” …
Carters Reynolds/Twitter
… and it was retweeted 451 times. That’s pretty representative of his creative output.
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In June of 2015, a video was leaked of Reynolds (19 at the time) and his ex-girlfriend, fellow social media star Maggie Lindemann (16 at the time). In it, Reynolds tries to pressure the visibly intoxicated Lindemann into giving him oral sex while he records it. Lindemann continuously repeats “I can’t” and “This makes me so uncomfortable” until he turns off the camera. Reynolds at first apologized in a single-line tweet, but then did a quick 360, saying on a YouNow stream that Lindemann owed him an apology for “things you guys don’t know about.” He added, “I didn’t rape her. She knows that herself … The fact that she’s trying to be all innocent now or something … it didn’t affect her that much. I know it didn’t.”
When Lindemann tweeted that she was in the hospital shortly after the video was released, Reynolds responded by tweeting, “Maggie is saying I’m the reason why she’s in the hospital … lol nah you’re just crazy and psychotic. Fuck you.” After receiving backlash, he then threatened to commit suicide on Twitter, apologized for it, and took a social media sabbatical.
The result? Well, in addition to his 3.08 million Twitter followers, today he has 3.2 million Instagram followers and 817,000 YouTube subscribers. While he’s no longer sponsored by Coca-Cola, he still does sponsored Instagram posts, including a recent one for Core water. He also sells merchandise and is getting ready to launch a clothing line with his new girlfriend, who is an Instagram model. Don’t follow his example, kids, or else that wretched fate may befall you too.
Sam Pepper
Sam Pepper is a former Big Brother UK contestant who managed to translate his brief reality TV fame into YouTube fame. He’s known for “pranking” people, which to be fair, isn’t some outrageous new trend. When I was in high school, guys were trying to punch each other in the dick and film it like Jackass, or screaming, “You just got Punk’d!” after knocking a friend’s book out of his hands.
The difference between Pepper and Ashton Kutcher is that Pepper’s audience is younger, and there’s no “Don’t try this at home kids” warning running in front of his content. His first controversy came in 2014, when he uploaded a video he called “fake hand ass pinch video,” which was just him pinching unsuspecting women’s asses with his real hand. After the backlash over the video, several women came forward with detailed accounts of sexual harassment and rape by Pepper. At least one rape accusation was investigated by the LAPD, but Pepper was never charged because the victim was not willing to testify after her father told her it would hurt her career.
Pepper continued his successful YouTube channel until 2015, when he staged another hilarious prank in which he convinced a young Vine star that his best friend was brutally murdered in front of him. After months of criticism about this incident, Pepper publicly confessed that his pranks were all faked, because if you did the things he pretended to do in public, you would be arrested. He then made his YouTube account private and deleted all of his tweets, going dark online for three whole months.
Today he still has 2.3 million YouTube subscribers despite infrequent posting (his latest video is called “HOW TO BUY ALCOHOL UNDERAGE * IT WORKED *”), plus he can boast another 1.3 million fans between Twitter and Instagram, plus some unknowable number of Snapchat followers. Oh, and he’s out there on the front line defending Logan Paul’s suicide forest video. Everyone is so triggered, you guys!
PewDiePie is the Titan of YouTube. There’s really no comparable star in the old media world right now. You would have to make a human centipede out of George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Ryan Gosling to approximate the star power that PewDiePie has on YouTube. He currently has 61 million subscribers, ahead of his closest competitor by 23 million. Like a medically resistant staph infection, there just doesn’t seem to be anything that can stop him from growing.
In February of 2017, he paid two men on Fiverr (a “Pay strangers to do things for $5” site) to hold up a sign that said “Death to all Jews,” under the guise of this being the weirdest thing he could think to have somebody do for that amount of money.
PewDiePie/YouTube“Don’t forget to ‘Like’ and ‘Genocide’!”
Thanks to an article in The Wall Street Journal, the outrage went mainstream and a whole generation of old people had to figure out how to say “PewDiePie.”
The incident caused Disney’s Maker Studios to cut ties with him, as well as YouTube to drop him from their Google Preferred ad program. PewDiePie responded with a video saying his actions were a joke, which kind of isn’t the point. (Meanwhile, neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer featured a blog post congratulating him for “making the masses comfortable with our ideas.”)
But hey, anybody can screw up once. Seven months after this apology, however, PewDiePie loudly and clearly yelled the N-word while streaming an online game, noting later that he’d forgotten he was streaming to the public (you know, it’s the kind of thing he normally only says among friends). This time he said, “I’m not going to make any excuses for why I did it, because there are no excuses for it.” He went on to say he was disappointed in himself.
By now, you know how the story ends. The kind of thing that would have permanently sank the career of, say, a Seinfeld co-star is but a scratch on the hull of PewDiePie’s Star Destroyer. According to Forbes, he made 20 percent less than his 2016 earnings … which means he netted $12 million. Meanwhile, he gained about two million subscribers after the controversies, seemingly without losing any.
Since this is 2018 and we find ourselves involuntarily grading racism on a curve, it’s easy to argue that PewDiePie isn’t as bad as the swarm of unapologetic racists that fill YouTube. He repeatedly says he doesn’t believe those things, that it’s all just shock value humor, that he’s learned his lesson, etc. That is not the case for JonTron, who was extremely eager to tell the world that those are in fact his views.
JonTron has 3.9 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, and turns up on a couple of others. He’s actually pretty funny — his whole persona is the cuddly nerd next door. Which is why it was so shocking to his fans when he took to Twitter to defend Republican Senator Steve King’s comment that “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
When people called him out for it, he decided to clarify his views on the subject by discussing them with Steve Bonnell, a Twitch streamer knows as Destiny. Over the course of an excruciating two hours, JonTron clarified in great detail that he thinks racial purity is extremely important to the future of America, and that he fears the day whites become a minority (which he estimated would happen in 2042).
In response to angry fans, he said, “The fact that people think it’s troubling is what’s troubling.” In the course of the debate, he also claimed that wealthy black Americans commit more crimes than poor white Americans, that Mexicans are somehow attempting to recapture American land, and that “We don’t need immigrants from incompatible places.” Gee, I wonder which places he considers incompatible?
He then issued an apology for his clarification, saying, “I do completely understand that historically the African American community has had a raw deal in this country. Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways.” And later, “Any of the things in the stream that could be considered weird sounding or off-putting, I probably agree with you that they were. So, I hope you don’t read too much into it.”
OK? He seemed to swing wildly between “I’m a comedian, I don’t want to talk about politics” and “But here are my terrible politics, and if you don’t like them, you’re policing my thoughts” before finally landing on “Don’t listen to the things that I say.” At this point, do we even need to point out not only that JonTron still has his millions of subscribers, but also that his videos are still sponsored? The only lasting effect seems to be the entry about the controversy on his Wikipedia page.
The promise of the internet was always that there’d be no gatekeepers. You can publish directly to the world, bypassing editors, publishers, censors, TV networks, etc. Well, here it is. There is nothing between these guys and their audience, and what we’ve found is that their audience is not scared away by sexism, racism, or anything else.
The rest of us will have our weeks of outrage, and we’ll see vague headlines about boycotts and suspensions. While we’re patting ourselves on the back, these guys know they just need to hunker down for a bit and weather it. They know the audience isn’t going anywhere, and as long as the eyeballs are there, the money will follow. No matter what.
Ever notice how normal photographers are never embroiled in scandals? Stick to still-life with a Nikon DSLR camera.
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For more, check out 5 Crappy Sides Of YouTube Stardom No One Talks About and The Fate Of 4 Internet ‘Celebrities’ After Viral Fame.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-youtube-personalities-who-escaped-from-scandal-unscathed/
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