#scully's birthday
randomfoggytiger · 1 year
I think MSR began in earnest after The Unnatural because:
#1. Girl had been treating herself to tofutti rice dreamsicles all day-- there's no way she's letting the party stop after it gets good.
#2. Scully always finishes what she starts, especially if that means showing Mulder that she can hit a home run of her own... with ~science~.
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danaa-scully · 28 days
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Scully's birthday The X-Files (1993-2018) | 4.17: "Tempus Fugit"
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the x files + text posts part ??? of ???
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bisexualfbiagents · 8 months
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Do you know who I am? I'm Fox Mulder. I was fighting the power and breaking conspiracies before you saw your first chemtrail, you punks. I'm Fox freaking Mulder, you punks! I'm Fox Mulder! Fox Mulder!
Happy Birthday Fox William Mulder (October 13, 1961)
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benoitblanc · 21 days
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4.17 "TEMPUS FUGIT" | 5.01 "REDUX"
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agathabridgerton · 1 year
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“Time passes in moments. Moments, which rushing past, define the path of a life, just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop the examine that path? To see the reason why all things happen? To consider whether the path we take in life is our own making, or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed? But what if we could stop? Pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes? Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life, and seeing those choices choose another path?”
Dana Katherine Scully, born February 23rd, 1964 | in/sp
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julmunne · 4 months
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Dana Scully - s4e1 Herrenvolk
(and have a bonus birthday-scully after the cut)
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deathsbestgirl · 8 months
what song is THE mulder & scully song *to you* (i'll make a playlist with all of them <3)
mine: everything i own by bread
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catharsisxf · 8 months
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kateclassique · 3 months
Today X-Files fans around the world remember the fictional birthday of the iconic Dana Katherine Scully. Because of her character, several women have joined Law Enforcement and STEM departments. Thank-you Gillian Anderson for your timeless portrayal ✨🛸✨
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television-overload · 4 months
an x-files fic for scully's birthday ♡
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Summary: Two agents, caught in the rain again. Mulder does what he's always wanted to do.
Word Count: 727
Tag List (let me know if you want added or removed!): @today-in-fic @agent-troi @baronessblixen @captainsolocide @cutemothman @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @hippocampouts @invidiosas @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @slippinmickeys @teenie-xf @whovianderson
(fic below the cut if you prefer reading on Tumblr)
It's raining.
They're standing in a forest clearing somewhere in Arkansas, where Mulder swears he just saw some massive creature vanish into thin air, but as usual, Scully saw no such thing. The sky had opened up into a torrential downpour about 30 minutes ago, and that was when she'd officially checked out. It was his fault for telling her she wouldn't need an umbrella, she said. Her boots are covered in mud, and she's standing there looking so indignant that it's adorable. She's gesturing wildly with her hands, her mouth moving a mile a minute, and he's transfixed.
He can't hear a word she's saying, because it's raining and the time feels right.
They've been here before. In Bellefleur, Oregon. In Kroner, Kansas. Something about the rain just strips back that Scully-seriousness he knows and loves, and his mind wanders. Makeup washes away, and he sneaks a peek at the woman beneath the Agent Scully mask: Dana, with a smattering of freckles over her nose and hair that curls at the ends if she doesn't straighten it.
It's raining, the time feels right, and so he kisses her.
She's in the middle of yelling at him for bringing her out here in the middle of February, never mind that he at least took her to a warmer southern state where spring had come early. But she's yelling at him, and he just thinks she's so beautiful when she's yelling at me and he kisses her, springing toward her suddenly and catching her completely off guard.
As soon as she's within arms reach, he's pulling her to him, hands slipping over her drenched raincoat and encircling her back. He dips his head without warning and crashes his lips to hers, and it's a miracle he remains standing. The ground below him may as well be shifting in a landslide brought on by all this rain, for all he's able to steady himself.
Her lips are cold and wet from the downpour, but at the same time they're soft and warm, and he's wanted to do this for so long.
He hopes he hasn't overstepped. They've been dancing closer and closer to this point for years, and he thinks she feels the same. But he doesn't know until he feels her hand travel up his arm and find purchase on his jacket sleeve, gripping the soaked fabric tightly and not letting go.
She makes a noise, adjusting the angle slightly and then she's kissing him back, and the corners of his mouth stretch upward in an irrepressible smile. She feels it, finally pulling back with a matching expression on her lips, and he can't help it—he brings his hands up to her cheeks, brushing away rivulets of water from her skin with the pads of his thumbs. Stringy strands of hair are plastered to her face by the rain, and he brushes each one back with the utmost care and attention, until he can finally see her properly.
In the rain, she looks just as she did seven years ago in a darkened graveyard in Oregon, and it's like no time has passed at all. The thought had crossed his mind, back then. Wild and uninhibited, sprung from his own subconscious regardless of social taboos and other things that made her off-limits. She had laughed at him, and he had thought kiss her, catching even himself off guard with the sentiment.
He didn't kiss her then—he had more self control than that—but he did join in her laughter, the sound bubbling up inside him in a way he hadn't felt in so long. Like a long-dried out spring being brought back to life by the rain, she revived him, gave him new life, and he'd never felt as alive as he did with her. As he did in this moment.
He hears her laugh now, a goofy little giggle he adores so much, and he finds himself grinning, his hand tangling in the hair at the back of her head and pulling her to his shoulder.
His cheek rests against her damp hair, breathing in the scent of rain and lingering notes of her shampoo, and he closes his eyes, feeling his heart leap in his chest.
"Happy birthday, Scully," he says, and he thinks maybe next time, she won't mind the rain so much.
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baronessblixen · 8 months
48 msr and/or family specifically a real platonic kiss!! None of that Chris Carter platonic bull crap!!!
Real platonic kiss! Not between Mulder and Scully - although...
Post-ep (sort of) for "Chimera", fluff: It's the Sunday morning after Mulder stayed over at Scully's and he has a somewhat awkward run-in with her mother. (wc: 1,417)
Tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
Fictober Day 16: Mothers Always Know
Toothbrush hanging from his mouth, Mulder shuffles to the door, opening it without thinking twice about it. Only to come face to face with a smiling Mrs. Scully. While she seems happy to see him opening her daughter’s door on Sunday morning, he’s so baffled that the toothbrush almost falls from his mouth.
“Mrs. Scully,” he says, toothpaste foaming at his mouth.
“Good morning, Fox,” she says, not waiting to be asked inside. She just walks past him, taking off her coat. “I’m a bit early. Traffic was light. Is Dana still asleep?” She turns to him, her eyes expectant. No “what are you doing here”, or even surprise on her face. As if his being here at her daughter’s place was an everyday occurrence. Well, it almost is. But she doesn’t know that. Doesn’t need to know it either.
“No, she’s- um… in the shower.”
“Did you have a late night?” Mulder stares at her. She has her back turned to him, rummaging in the kitchen. This isn’t the first time he’s here on a Sunday, but so far Scully’s mother has never shown up unexpectedly. He doesn’t know why she’s here, or what she and her daughter have planned, but he’s never felt so out of place. So speechless, too. And with a toothbrush still in his mouth. At least he can answer any questions with minty-fresh breath. That has to count for something.
“We- no. I- well, Dana was at a- no, no late night. I-I-I only just got here too,” he says. A blatant lie and he doesn’t know why he said it. He’s never been nervous around Mrs. Scully before but there’s a first time for everything.
“Really, Fox?” Mrs. Scully chuckles, glee apparent in her voice and her expression.
“I forgot to brush my teeth at home,” he explains. “That’s why I came here. To… brush my teeth.” It’s a miracle that Mrs. Scully has neither thrown him out of her daughter’s apartment yet or called him out on his bullshit.
“It’s nice of Dana to let you brush your teeth here.”
“Yes, yes it is. I’m just gonna, um-” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence, because Scully emerges from the bathroom, clad in a robe and a towel on her head.
“Am I that late?” she asks her mother, engulfing her in a quick hug. She doesn’t even glance at Mulder. It’s as if he wasn’t here. Part of him wishes he wasn’t. He’s still holding onto his toothbrush. Being stuck here in the kitchen with Mrs. Scully, hell-bent on lying his way out of this situation, he didn’t even get to rinse.
“Don’t worry, honey,” Mrs. Scully says. “I’m early. Fox kept me company.” When Scully finally acknowledges him, he gives a little wave with his toothbrush, causing her to knit her brows together.
“That’s sweet,” she says, still staring at Mulder. Maybe she’s trying to make him disappear. But he can’t just walk out of her apartment barefoot and wearing sweats. Still holding that damn toothbrush.
“That’s Fox for you.” Mrs. Scully throws him a smile and he tries to smile back, but it turns into a grimace. He probably has dried toothpaste around his mouth too. This is not how he imagined their morning to go.
“Excuse me, I’m just gonna…” He motions at his toothbrush, hoping both Scully women understand what he means. He rushes into the bathroom, puts his toothbrush next to Scully’s, and gulps down a glass of water before he rinses his mouth properly.
“You look positively spooked,” Scully says quietly, appearing next to him. She’s drying her hair with her towel, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
“Your mother is here,” he says, trying to calm his voice. “She saw me.”
“She’s seen you plenty of times, Mulder. What is the problem?”
“It’s Sunday morning, Scully. I opened the door with a toothbrush in my mouth. That’s not very platonic partner, is it? Why didn’t you tell me she was coming this morning?”
“Didn’t I?” she asks, unbothered by it all. “I think I did.
“Maybe I didn’t hear it with your thighs around my head,” he counters, making her grin devilishly. Not that he regrets a second of it. He called her on his way home from Vermont last night, and she asked him to come over. An offer he couldn’t – and didn’t want to – refuse. By the time he got to her apartment, it was late, and Scully had a stipulation: he had to make up for leaving her cold and alone on that stakeout. Mulder happily did both. He pleased her with his mouth, with his fingers, and finally with his all-too-eager penis. Afterwards, he put his arm around her, holding her tight, and sharing his warmth, whispering nonsense into her hair until she fell asleep.
“You don’t have to tell her that,” Scully says with a smile.
“I’m not planning to. Hell, I told her I’m only here this morning to brush my teeth.”
“That makes no sense, Mulder.”
“Thank you, I know that. I panicked.”
“I see it.” Her voice turns soft and she touches his cheek. “You have your panic face on.”
“Aren’t you worried at all?”
“About what?”
“Your mother seeing me here, finding out.”
“Mulder, I’m a grown woman and she knows about us.”
“She does?” His eyes grow wide again.
“I didn’t tell her. I didn’t need to. She, um, she guessed and I didn’t deny it.”
“She knows,” he repeats. “And I just lied to her, rambling on about how I only just got here to brush my teeth. She’s gonna hate me.”
“She loves you, Mulder. Now go out there so I can get ready. Because if you make us miss Mass, she will like you much less.” She gently pushes him and he returns to the kitchen, where Mrs. Scully has made herself comfortable at the table, a cup of coffee in front of her.
“Done brushing your teeth?” she asks without looking up.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Scully. I didn’t know you knew about… well.”
“You and my daughter seem to think I’m blind and deaf. I’m neither.”
“I don’t think that at all. It’s just- all of this is very new. For us.”
“Yes, because you and Dana are the ones who have been blind all these years. I’m happy for you, Fox. For both of you. I see the way you look at Dana. I’ve always known how much you love her. I may sometimes wish that she,” Mr. Scully pauses, sighs, “this is what she’s chosen. I know you protect her as well as you can.”
“She protects me, too,” he says. “Your daughter is the strongest person I know. The smartest, too.”
“You’re a good man, Fox.”
“The truth,” she interrupts him. He lowers his eyes and nods, refraining from disagreeing with her. He’s caused enough trouble for today.
“I’m ready to go.” Saved by his favorite Scully. She’s dressed and her hair mostly dry. He smiles shyly, watching her.
“Fox, do you want to come with us?”
“No, thank you. You two have a wonderful day together.” He takes Mrs. Scully’s hand to shake it and it’s possibly the most awkward moment he’s ever experienced. She gives him a look that reminds him of her daughter and she curls her finger, gesturing for him to come closer. She wraps her arms around him, tugging him down to her level. Mulder bends his knees, hugging her back.
“Remember what I said,” she says into his ear. “You’re a good man, Fox Mulder.” She breaks the hug but doesn’t let go of him yet. She regards him with knowing eyes and so much kindness that he almost buckles under all that love. “You hear me?” He just nods, cracking a smile. Mrs. Scully gets on her tiptoes, and Mulder, automatically bends down further, so she can press a kiss to his forehead. He closes his eyes, and feels like he’s just been baptized. When she finally lets go of him, he finds Scully’s eyes and she’s just smiling at him as if saying ‘I told you so’. He grins back at her.
“See you later?” she asks while her mother puts on her coat.
“I’ll go feed the fish and then I can come back here.”
“Hm, no. I’ll come to your place.” Scully gives him a quick kiss on the mouth and he can’t help blushing, much to the delight of both Scully women.
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jessiesjaded · 9 months
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The X Files pilot aired 30 years ago today, on the 10th of September, 1993.
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Tempus Fugit (4x17)
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The Headless Woman’s Pub was crowded wall-to-wall with red-faced employees of the Federal Government who had traveled the measly few blocks after work— despite the fact that it was a Sunday. As far as Val could tell, these people never took a day off.
Before getting this gig, he always imagined the feds drank like they were in one of those film noirs, pulling a handle of whiskey out of their desk and mulling over it after a hard case. He thought being an FBI Agent must’ve been so cool and mysterious.
“Oh shit!” a voice slurred from the other side of the room.
Val glanced over and saw that kid from the Violent Crimes Unit wiping spilled beer off of his date’s lap.
After getting this gig, he realized everything he used to think about the feds was bullshit. 
These were some of the most depressed fuckers he’d ever met. The ones that got the job for the glory would inevitably crash and burn, and the good ones would be haunted by the evils they saw. He couldn’t blame any of them for needing to indulge at the end of the day, but, Christ— J. Edgar himself would blush at the things these people said when they were drunk. He was starting to wonder if there was a single desk in that building that hadn’t been defiled. Though that was nothing compared to the guy who drank himself under the table because the ‘alien-guy’ stole his job. Val still didn’t know what the hell that meant, but he could still hear the way that guy kept muttering “fucking grey.”
“Excuse me.”
Glancing up, he saw a tall guy easing himself in between two people sitting at the bar. “Do you have a tab started?” Val asked.
“No, uh, I actually had a favor to ask,” the man clarified while his hands fidgeted against the bar’s wooden ledge.
Glancing around and seeing everyone’s drinks were full, Val stopped what he was doing and replied, “Shoot.”
Lanky started fumbling around with the pocket of his suit coat, and he began to worry the guy was gonna pull out his badge. They were too damn short-staffed to spare anyone for a twenty-minute interrogation about some drunk guy making a fool of himself after having one too many.
But agitation quickly made way for confusion when he was presented with one of those pink Hostess monstrosities. Ho Ho? Zapper? Chocodile Kazbars? Whatever the hell it was called, it should be illegal to put coconut in anything that was supposed to be called a dessert.
“I’m on a diet,” he deadpanned.
Ignoring his comment, the man tried to fluff the pink ball back into shape after presumably squashing in his pocket. “The woman I came in with— it’s her birthday, and she loves these things. I was wondering if there was any way you could ask someone in the back to put it on a plate and bring it out to her?”
Now that was a new one, especially for a shithole like this place. “Ya mean like Chili’s?”
“Well, hey, I certainly won’t say no if you have any sombreros hidden away in the kitchen,” he chuckled, looking over his shoulder as if to make sure his date wasn’t getting suspicious. Then, as if nervous Val would say no, he added, “They don’t have to sing Happy Birthday or anything. I know you guys are busy and—”
Interrupting the man’s rambling, he grabbed the pink cream ball. “What’s her name?”
Val’s eyebrows rose at that. “She related to Vin? I was more of a Jerry Doggett fan myself.”
The guy exhaled a laugh, but then he shook his head. “No, and sorry, actually.” He spared another glance over his shoulder, and this time Val looked with him. It must’ve been the redhead who was glancing around, presumably searching for her boyfriend. He watched the shy smile that spread across her lips as her eyes met the man’s, and damn if she wasn’t one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen. Her man must’ve known that too based on the nervous smirk that was on his face when he turned back around. “Dana. Her name is Dana,” he clarified, straightening out his tie.
It was common for Val to see men bring women from the office out for a drink in the hopes they’d get some. This might’ve been the first time he’d seen a fella do something thoughtful for his lady. Even if it was a 99¢ piece of garbage. “I’ll pass this to your waiter. I’m sure he can fix it up for Dana.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Dana’s boyfriend replied. Val watched as he slid a five into the tip jar and started to make his way back to the table.
“Hey buddy,” Val called out, causing the man to turn around. “Ya told her you were going to come up and get drinks, didn’t ya?”
“Oh!” he exclaimed with an embarrassed wince, rushing back to the bar. Across the room, behind the man’s back, the woman’s brows furrowed and her lips quirked into an amused smirk as she watched him fumble to retrieve his wallet. “Thanks. Uh, one water and one vodka tonic, please. It’ll go under the name Mulder.”
After he sent Mulder on his way, he watched him take long strides back to the woman who was digging into their shared appetizer. He must’ve said something funny because the redhead started laughing and shaking her head. Val was impressed with how suave the guy was being after how nervous he had just been.
“D-did that man say his name was Mulder?”
Val turned and saw a meek, blonde woman sitting at the bar, not far from where the man in question had just been.
Val shrugged while trying to flag down a waiter, “Yeah. Know him?”
She glanced at the couple over her shoulder before turning back to face him, nervously playing with the cuff of her sleeve. “He’s a friend of the family.”
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
Happy Birthday Dana Scully!
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myassbrokethefall · 3 months
IT'S SCULLY'S 60TH BIRTHDAY (made by Julie Ng)
happy 60 years of being the only one thinking it through 👑
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ariverofsongs · 8 months
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Friday the 13th of October 2023.
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