#i think i first watched the show almost 10 years ago
jessiesjaded · 9 months
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The X Files pilot aired 30 years ago today, on the 10th of September, 1993.
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guksfairy · 2 months
I’m Tired Anyways
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Jungkook x bubbly OC
playlist • original scene •
WC: 2K
In which Jungkook shows you he genuinely cares about you in his own way
💗: HEAVILY inspired by that one scene in ‘When I Fly Towards You’! If you want to see the original scene I based this fic off of I linked it above and it starts at minute 19:32 💗 !
note: I wrote this fairly quick so please excuse mistakes 🥲
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You wish you could stare at her with a genuine smile but how could you? There she was standing with your Jungkook! Maybe not yours yet but eventually your Jungkook!
You watched as they stood in front of a stand looking at all the souvenirs displayed on the table along with a variety of other objects.
“Are you aware you’re pouting like a kid who was just told no?” You stare back at your best friend of 4 years and let out a breathy sigh.
“Sua, do you think they’re still close?”
“Considering this is their first time seeing one another after 2 years…no,” you begin to smile, “but who says people can’t reconnect,” and it goes away in an instant.
“You’re not helping,” you say fully turning and staring at the variety of sunglasses on the rack in front of you.
“You know I’m only joking! You can’t seriously be this upset because Jungkook and a girl from his old school are catching up,”
You walked out of your English exam tired as fuck. You looked at the other students walking out along with you and every single one looked tired. Your exam group had to get up at 6 AM for your test which would be from 7 AM to 10 AM.
Not all 3 hours were used but if you wanted a good mark than you better use them. As you walked down the ramp to the exit you catch a glimpse of Jungkook walking back and forth clearly waiting for you at the exit.
“Jungkook!” you run to him with a completely different emotion from the prior. His group was slightly luckier with their test only being 2 and a half hours long.
“I thought your test ended a half hour ago. Were you waiting for me?” you liked to tease him. He wasn’t big on emotions but even a smile would do for you.
“Oh- uh I just came out now,” you can tell he was bluffing but let it go realizing your other three friends weren’t with him.
“Have Sua, Jimin, and Minhyuk not finished their tests?” you question as you watch his eyes trail to the left and stared at the three crouching on the floor.
“She’s so in love with him she doesn’t even notice us,” you hear Minhyuk say as you smile shyly at Jungkook as he lets a barely audible laugh.
The three walk towards you and Jungkook.
“Well I need some food in my system. Should we look up places to eat here?” Jimin’s already taking his phone out before you can all agree but all your attention is quickly taken when you hear a voice call Jungkook’s name.
“Jungkook! Is that you? I thought I recognized you!” it was an older man walking towards your group with a girl who looked your age.
“Mr. Fukutomi,” Jungkook turns and greets the elder with a handshake. He wore a green badge signifying he was a teacher.
“It’s been a while since I last saw you! You remember my granddaughter, Tsuki,” she waves at your entire group and you try your best to keep a smile.
He remembers her?
“I’m assuming you came here to take your annual science exam? How was it?”
“I did and it was fine. I enjoy science a lot,” he speaks as the four of you just watch and listen to their interaction.
“Well it’s almost lunch time. Have you all eaten?” he asks and stares at us all.
“We were just on our way sir,” you hear Minhyuk behind you. You could hear the desperation in his voice for this conversation to end so he could finally grab some food.
“You should let Tsuki show you around town and then have lunch together afterward. She practically grew up here,” the elder suggests making a hand movement towards Tsuki who just smiled.
Again. You hear Minhyuk let a quiet sigh at the thought of doing something before eating.
“Oh we wouldn’t want to bothe-” ”Nonsense! I’m sure you two would like to catch up too!” he cuts off Jungkook before wishing you all a great day and walking away.
You all wave goodbye to him and watch Tsuki walk closer to you guys.
“I know this great sight seeing area but we need to walk a bit far for it,” she says.
“You think we can grab some snacks or something first,” Jimin asks.
“Of course. We can stop at the souvenir shop around the corner. They sell tons of snacks from around the world,” she explains.
“Lead the way,” Jimin replies as she lets out a small laugh and you all begin walking.
You walk shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook before realizing Tsuki was on his other side and they were laughing and conversating so you walk slower to be with Sua who was behind you.
“What’s wrong?” she notices your head slightly down as you wrap your arm around hers. You don’t even realize when Jungkook took notice of you leaving his side as he stared back at you.
You looked upset which worried him. Maybe he’ll ask you when you guys arrive at the shop.
“Tsuki’s pretty,”
“So are you, Y/N,” she replies.
“Tsuki seems smart,”
“So are you, Y/N. Stop sulking before I tell Tsuki to leave. Besides you know how head over heels Jungkook is for you,”
No. You don’t. Often times your friend group would tease you and Jungkook and would always say how in love he was with you but you never fully saw it.
Sure he’s defended you multiple times, has come to your rescue on multiple occasions, and always walks you home but maybe that was just him being nice.
He’d have to do much more for you to feel fully confident in his feelings towards you.
“Stop it. You would never,” you say leaning your head on her shoulder following the pace of the group.
“Tsuki!” you hear her call out and immediately panic resulting in you giving her a minor hit on her arm before staring at Tsuki and smiling at her. You end up making eye contact with Jungkook who also turned around.
“Nothing! Are we almost there?” Sua ask.
“We’re here!” she says pointing the bright shop filled with a variety of snacks.
Jimin and Minhyuk run inside grabbing snacks they know your group would enjoy leaving you, Sua, Jungkook, and Tsuki outside to stare at all the keychains, bracelets, and postcards.
Tsuki drags Jungkook over to a table opposite of you and Sua before she begins picking out random items.
“Got them! Let’s go” Jimin and Minhyuk walk out of the store with 1 bag filled to the brim of snacks for the 6 of you.
Tsuki begins to lead the group once more to a different destination in mind.
This time she led you to a steep hill. Not too steep but steep enough. You felt your legs giving out just from looking at it.
“I told you guys it was a bit of a walk but I promise the sights on the way up are so worth it!” she says with desperation in her voice hoping you all wouldn’t mind.
When you got ready this morning you weren’t exactly dressing for a hike.
Tsuki smiles and begins walking up and was followed by Jungkook and wherever Jungkook goes so do Jimin and Minhyuk.
“Let’s go,” Sua says walking a slower pace then the rest yet you still felt the burn after some time.
“Up ahead is a famous landmark if you guys want to go even further. You can see further out and it’s pretty during the day. Besides it’s a weekday and not many people are around if you guys are up for it,” Tsuki told the group.
You had all been walking for about 20 minutes and had finally reached an area with a bench and a sight.
“Is it the same one that people post all over their Instagram accounts to seem adventurous? Because if so, I am in,” Jimin’s eyes light up
“Yeah I mean we’re already here,” Minhyuk says with energy received after eating a bar of chocolate.
The group begins to move again before you interrupt.
“You guys go ahead! I’m going to rest here and wait for you guys. My shoes are making it slightly uncomfortable to walk,” you voice gets audibly quieter as you speak.
You look at Jungkook whose eyes don’t leave yours for a second watching you lift your leg off the ground just slightly to ease the tension in it.
“I’ll stay with you if you want,” Sua says staring at you.
“It’s fine, really, go enjoy the view,” you say looking back at the group and realizing his eyes haven’t left your face at all.
His expression read worried before his attention was pulled by Tsuki, “Jungkook, let’s go?” she begins walking away and Jungkook stares at you one last time before following suit.
You watch as the rest of the group continues walking uphill and sit on the bench staring out.
It had been about half an hour since the group left and you were growing bored.
As you take out your phone a hand reaches in front of your face holding a carton of strawberry milk with a straw poked in.
Jungkook always does it for you.
“You didn’t go with the rest of the group?” you say smiling up at him and take the strawberry milk from his hands.
“I saw a stand of drinks when we were walking and you said strawberry milk always makes you feel better,” you listen to him as you take a sip of the sweet drink and watch him sit next to you.
“Besides, I’m tired anyways,” he looks back up to where the group originally left from before speaking once more, “…they’re probably going to take a while. Do you want to explore?” he says looking at you.
“Explore?” you stare at him as he smiles at you and begins grabbing your bag and placing it over his shoulder and allowing you to get up before walking a bit further down.
“Tsuki failed to mention there’s a cable car that takes you directly to the land mark,” Jungkook says leading you to the cable car waiting for passengers.
“Oh my god if Sua found out about this she would be so annoyed! She was also starting to get irritated with all the walking,” you say taking another sip of your drink.
He’s staring at you like you hung the stars and leads you to the cable car before the two of you sit and watch the trees pass by as the machine gets higher and higher.
“You’re not afraid?” he says looking over at you and you shake your head.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of when I’m with you,” you say with the biggest smile and he stares away before you can watch his face flush
From there you completely forgot about your friends, Tsuki, and time.
Jungkook led you to other areas he thought you’d like. He bought you both ice cream and even bought you a small plushie to put on your bag because you said it reminded you of him. Eventually you two ended up on the beach collecting shells and staring at the sunset. Afterwards you decided to enjoy the view from the pier.
You watched him staring out at the birds flying above the waters and promised yourself you wouldn’t give up. Even if it took you years for him to reciprocate his feelings you would not be giving up.
When he turned to stare at you it caused you to immediately fluster and face the sea pretending you weren’t staring.
He was the one watching you this time. He was thinking about the carnival that’s coming to your city soon. He was thinking about the fireworks they would be releasing at 10 PM sharp. He was thinking about how you would react to him asking you out.
Would you turn him down? Jungkook was well aware your feelings for him were serious but he was never sure how to make it obvious he too had them.
Would you say yes and kiss him like you had in his dreams?
He would just have to wait and hope for it all to workout.
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Alexander's phone dinged with a notification, just as he left the exam. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and he was still talking with a few other students, so, naturally, he ignored the unexpected noise. Even though Alexander was certainly a digital native, he found it rude to check his phone while in company of others. He didn't particularly enjoy his current company: He found Christopher the guy that was currently bragging about how easy the exam was slightly annoying, but that wasn't a reason not to show good manners.
Only after their ways split, Alexander unlocked his phone and saw the notification: "Your watched App, ATArena, is now available."
ATArena? Alexander didn't remember he had watched an app with that name. Still, the notification seemed genuine and lead him to the app marketplace where he could initiate the download. The description was sparse: "An epic battle with a revolutionary matchmaking algorithm that will extend into real life!"
That sounded like an AR game of some sort. Alexander had enjoyed the big Pokeman Run hype some years ago and certainly didn't mind giving this app a try.
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When he opened the app for the first time, it asked him for the usual: His real name as well as his nickname. Alexander put in the same for the latter that he used everywhere: Lex_88. A short busy spinner appeared and finally, a message box greeted him:
"Welcome to ATArena, Lex_88! A suitable opponent has already been found. Connecting now..."
After he tapped "Ok", a chat interface opened:
TopShot joined the game.
TopShot: Hi.
Alexander didn't know how to react exactly. He was socially awkward, but ignoring the unknown other player would be rude. So, he just typed:
Lex_88: Hi.
Before any of them could type anything else, a popup opened:
"Battle available! Tap to play."
Alexander tapped the button and wondered what would happen now. Was this some kind of word puzzle or quiz against each other?
What opened though, was a simple depiction of three six-sided dice. When Alexander tapped them, a roll animation appeared until they settled at 14 eyes in total. Not bad!
"Lex_88 rolled: 14. TopShot rolled: 10. Lex_88 wins!"
The screen changed to a wheel of fortune now, which was already in motion. When it came to a stop, it showed a muscled arm emoji and the sparkling word "Bicep size" appeared on his screen.
Immediately, Alexander felt a weird tingling in his upper arms, accompanied by a tightness in the sleeves of his sweater. He locked his phone and scratched his arms but stopped immediately when his fingers met unexpected resistance. His upper arms seemed to have... swollen? What was happening?
Still on the university campus, Alexander made a dash for the nearest restroom and pulled off his sweater. He could hardly believe his eyes: His biceps had grown *considerably*, straining the seams of the t-shirt he wore underneath. When he moved his arms, the muscles bulged and contracted. It was a surreal feeling for sure. Was that the doing of this game?
Alexander unlocked his phone again saw a new message:
"Challenge! Record a video flexing your guns and upload it to social media!"
When he dismissed the message, he typed a message to his opponent.
Flex_88💪: Holy shit! My arms just grew!
Alexander stopped for a moment. Flex_88💪? That wasn't his nickname. Yet, when he scrolled up, it clearly appeared that way - that was the name saying "Hi." in the message before. It wasn't that far off from his usual nickname, which was... Flex_88💪. What was he even thinking about? That was just his screen name that he used almost everywhere, because of his biceps, obviously. His last message didn't make much sense, though. He added a:
Flex_88💪: I mean, they're pretty big, as always. Never mind!
It didn't feel good to brag, but there didn't seem to be a way to delete the message. But he might as well do the challenge now. It wasn't that unusual for him to post pictures and videos of his arms on social media, so, he recorded a short clip, made sure to crop out his surroundings and his face and sent the video to his LaterGram profile.
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Just as he was done, TopShot had answered:
TopShot: Uhm, good for you, dude.
TopShot: Seems like you've won the last game.
Flex_88💪: Yeah, but it was pure luck. I'm sure you're gonna win the next one.
As if on cue, another "Battle available" popup opened. This time, Alexander's roll was pretty bad. The dice showed 2-5-2, bringing him to a meager 9, a bit below the expected value.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 9. TopShot rolled: 9. Tie! Both win!"
Apparently, TopShot wasn't having a very lucky day, either. The wheel turned and showed a drop emoji. Alexander was still thinking about what could be the meaning of the drop, when the word appeared: "Libido".
Libido? So, this was an 18+ game? Still, Alexander felt hot all of a sudden. His cock was stiffing up and he realized that it had been ages since his last jerk-off. Hornyness clouded his mind, when the next popup opened:
"Challenge! Use a pick-up line on someone you fancy."
Alexander was usually way too shy to approach another guy, but in his current situation even thinking about sending someone a pick-up line seemed like a good idea. He could just send that TopShot guy one, he had the advantage that Alexander didn't know him and probably never would meet.
He thought about his options and decided that a classic would be the best choice.
Flex_88💪: You know, my arms aren't the only thing big right now ;-)
It only took a moment for the other player to respond.
SwitchHit: I know what you mean.
SwitchHit sent an image.
Alexander hesitated only a bit before he opened the image. Yep. It was a picture of a tented boxershorts, snapped from a hastily opened pair of pants. Alexander could feel his cock throb. If he wasn't in public... No, he had to restrain himself. Even though he was still horny, which really wasn't unusual for him, he took a breather and tried to fight his boner down. He had just masturbated before he left for class, it was just amazing how needy his cock could be. His phone dinged as he readjusted himself and left the bathroom.
SwitchHit: Looking forward to the next game. I mean it's just dice rolling and stupid challenges, but it's fun.
Even though Alexander agreed, something seemed off. Had SwitchHit changed his screen name? No, didn't seem that way.
"Battle available!"
Alexander immediately rolled his dice and hardly could believe his eyes: three sixes, a solid 18.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 18. SwitchHit rolled: 15. Flex_88💪wins! Critical!"
15 was a pretty good roll, but nothing could beat Alexander's 18. He grinned as the wheel stopped on "Confidence".
"Challenge! Approach a local gym and negotiate a free trial using nothing but your charm and confidence. "
Xander grinned. Yeah, that was an awesome idea. He was originally on his way home, but finally joining a gym was long overdue. Luckily, there was one right on his way. Half an hour later, he had a full two month free trial and also a protein shaker as a gift. It had been easier than Xander had thought.
Suddenly, he remembered the game.
Flex_88💪: Hey SwitchHit, you still there?
SwitchHit: Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to message so much. Sorry!
Xander rolled his eyes. That guy needed to grow some balls. He was just about to reply, when the next battle was available. Xander really had to admit, what SwitchHit said was true: It was kind of fun!
This time, Xander rolled bad: The three dice showed a measly 8 points. Unsurprisingly, SwitchHit won.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 8. SwitchHit rolled: 14. SwitchHit wins!"
Damn, this was the first time Xander lost. The wheel landed on a brain-emoji, and, unsurprisingly, it was labelled with "Smarts".
Xander scratched his head. What did that mean? Would he have some penalty challenge now? He would see soon enough.
"Challenge! Skip reading your usual news or books for the day. Instead, binge-watch a reality TV series."
Xander scratched his head again. Did he really want to do that?
Well, of course he wanted to! That sounded like a fun evening. Why would he read books?! He didn't even own books!
Flex_88💪: Man, those challenges are really ez. I need to watch some TV this evening, not read sum bokshit.
Xander typed the message as he arrived at his apartment. He fixed himself a quick dinner and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV.
SwitchHit: I agree. I have to read some Ovid tonight, which I find rather light literature.
Flex_88💪: Whatev you say, man. Hey, by the way, what's your name?
Flex_88💪: Mine's Xander.
SwitchHit: I don't know, I probably shouldn't share my real name on the internet.
Flex_88💪: Aw, come on. As if I could find out where you live with only your real name.
SwitchHit: ...Right. I'm called Chris.
Flex_88💪: Like Christian? Christopher?
SwitchHit: No, just Chris.
Flex_88💪: K. Hey, that pic was pretty hot back then.
They chatted a bit during the evening and exchanged some more pictures of tented pants. Xander was only half paying attention to the reality show on his screen, as one of his hands was more or less constantly in his pants. Still, it was just friendly teasing, no downright cyber-sex.
Eventually, Xander had finished the season and went to bed. SwitchHit - Chris - had called it a night an hour ago, but he still had to finish the last episodes. Good thing he didn't draw the book shit. That would've taken a week, not an evening.
When Xander woke up the next morning, the next battle was already waiting for him. He rolled the dice as he crawled out of bed, again rolling abyssal. Only six eyes were visible on his dice.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 6. SwitchHit rolled: 10. SwitchHit wins!"
This time, the wheel landed on "Personality". Weird. That was a pretty vague category.
"Challenge! Show someone their place."
Xander raised his eyebrows. What a weird challenge. Anyway, time to for groceries!"
Xander drove over to the store in his old and cheap car. However, when he arrived, another visitor to the gym took the parking spot directly in front of the entrance. What an asshole!
Xander parked and got out of his car, quickly approaching the unsuspecting guy that just stole *his* spot.
"Hey, asshole! What do you think you're doing?!"
The man, a young guy with glasses and a bit on the nerdy side, looked up, surprised.
"What's your problem?"
"I'm the problem. Your problem. You just took my parking spot."
"Your spot? Don't be ridiculous."
Xander's hands balled into fists. That guy was really annoying!
"That was my spot, asshole. If you don't get your ass moving, I'll *make* you move."
"Alright, alright, chill down. Geez."
The other guy got in his car and parked in another spot. Xander nodded satisfied. He had shown him. Oh. Right, the challenge.
Entering the building (without moving his car), Xander checked his phone and sent SwitchHit a message:
Tank: Man, people are crazy today. Some asshole took my parking spot and I had to show him.
SwitchHit: Sorry to hear that.
SwitchHit: Did you change your screen name?
Tank: Nope. It's Tank, as it has always been. Because I'm a fricking TANK!
SwitchHit: Yeah. That makes sense.
"Battle available!"
Xander was collecting stuff from the shelves when he rolled the dice in-between. He rolled a solid 14, but Chris beat him by one point.
"Tank rolled: 14. SwitchHit rolled: 15. SwitchHit wins!"
Xander cursed loudly, making a few heads turn in the shop. The wheel turned and finally landed on a heart shape. "Empathy" it read. Another one of those fuzzy words.
"Challenge! Cut ties that hold you back!"
Xander scratched his head. What was that supposed to mean? He really wanted to win this game, so what did he have to do now?
As he thought about this, another message popped up, this time from the chat group with his closest circle of friends, who were planning their next meet-up. If Xander thought about it, he was really annoyed by those guys. They were all nerds and losers who always had shit ideas like board games and stuff. Without a second thought, Xander replied to the group.
Tank: I'm not coming. Those gatherings are a waste of time. Get lost, losers!
With that, he left the group and blocked the numbers of his so called friends. He had better things to do.
"Battle available!"
Like that, for example. Chris, who went by the silly nickname of CuddleBug, was at least a horny bastard like Xander himself. With a tap, he rolled the dice.
"Tank rolled: 12. CuddleBug rolled: 10. Tank wins!"
Oh yeah! The roll wasn't even so great, yet still he won. Xander smiled even broader when the wheel landed on a muscular torso, labelled simply: "Muscles."
In an instant, Xander felt his whole body swell up. No wonder. Axel basically *lived* in the gym. As he looked down, the fabric of his shirt had turned almost transparent with the sudden expansion of his muscles. It wasn't just his torso, of course. Axel didn't skip leg day, so his quads and hamstrings grew to impressive size, too. His shoulders were getting broad and wide, as well, to the point where he had difficulties reaching his back.
"Challenge! Show your gainz, buy a muscle shirt!"
Axel could have slapped his forehead. Why didn't he think of that himself - and sooner? He needed to share that thought.
Tank: Hey Chris, what ya tink? I should get a muscle shirt, huh?
Tank sent an image.
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CuddleBug: Omg, yes. That will look awesome. I wish I had muscles like that.
Axel grinned. Right. No wonder that Chris agreed, Axel's muscles were a sight to behold. Good thing he was already in a store. He quickly bought a few muscle shirts, enough to replace his usual wardrobe. After paying for his purchase, Axel put on the new shirt right on the parking lot before squeezing himself into his car.
"Battle available!"
The game was pretty fast-paced. Axel tapped to roll the dice and was pumping his fist, when one after another, all three dice ended up showing a six.
"Tank rolled: 18. CuddleBug rolled: 4. Tank wins! Critical!"
"Ha! Yes!" Axel cheered and the wheel spun until it showed "Dominance".
A surge of excitement and satisfaction rushed through Axel's veins. He felt *good* all of a sudden. And *powerful*.
"Challenge! Assert your dominance! Challenge a gym bro today!"
Axel grinned. Yeah, that was exactly his thing. He needed to get to the gym anyway. That free membership was hard earned. Also, Chri- Kit seemed to like his gains. Time to make some more.
It was still early afternoon, and the gym wasn't packed with visitors yet, when Axel arrived. There were a few regulars, as always. A short dude with a moustache that looked like a wannabe porn star and a big dude with a neckbeard were currently occupying the bench press, while a girl in her 40s did lat pulls.
Confidently and arrogantly, Axel readjusted his half-hard cock and approached the big guy.
"Yo, man. You're pretty buff. But I bet I can still take you easily. Wann wrestle?"
The large dude looked at Axel for a moment. Axel could see a vein on his neck throb.
"You little shit. You think you're better than me, huh? Fine, let's do this."
In the pocket of his gym shorts, Axel could feel his phone vibrate.
"Ha. Lead the way, I'm gonna wipe the floor with you."
As he followed the big guy to the mats, Axel checked his phone.
"Battle available!"
Great! Before he kicked some ass, he could play some more! While walking, he rolled the dice and scored a 15!
"Tank rolled: 15. CuddleBug rolled: 9. Tank wins!"
He didn't have time to watch the wheel this time, so he didn't notice that it landed on "Stamina." He also didn't see the challenge, which simply read: "Kick some ass!"
The big guy was already waiting for him on the mats, but Axel felt incredibly cocky. This was gonna be easy!
"No rules, no limits, no mercy." Axel said and the other guy nodded.
"That's the way it's gonna be. No mercy, punk."
"Bring it, tubby."
The big guy was the first to charge and he was surprisingly fast for his size. However, his speed and strength were no match for Axel's new found muscles. Even though they wrestled for a few minutes, Axel found himself not even tiring much. Finally, he was able to flip his opponent around and lock him on the ground. He tried to struggle, but Axel held his arms and legs firmly in place.
"Give up, man. You can't win."
The big guy tried to wiggle out of Axel's grip, but to no avail. He could struggle and shout as much as he wanted, but Axel was the one on top.
Finally, the guy gave up and admitted defeat.
"Ha! Loser!" Axel cheered and got up. He had a full boner now, both from the sweaty wrestling as well as from the display of dominance, but he didn't hide it. Instead, he headed to the showers and let Kit know of his triumph on the way.
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XxBeastxX: I just *dominated* some fuckin weakass in the gym. Wrestled him down and he was crying and everything.
Kit answered right away.
CuddleBug: You're awesome.
CuddleBug: I wish I could have been in this place.
XxBeastxX: Ha. Course I am.
XxBeastxX: Huh? Whatya mean?
CuddleBug: Nothing. Never mind.
Axel was about to answer, but yet another "Battle available!" message popped up.
This game was seriously addictive! Axel rolled the dice and had a 10, which was decidedly less than what Kit had.
"XxBeastxX rolled: 10. CuddleBug rolled: 11. CuddleBug wins!"
"Damn." Axel said, but the wheel landed on "Generosity." He was almost glad he lost. Otherwise, the challenge would probably have been something like "Donate to the homeless" or some shit. What did the homeless ever do for him?
Instead, the challenge was:
"Challenge! Sell something of sentimental value!"
Huh. Well, Axel didn't really have anything he would consider "sentimental". His old PS2 that he got from his uncle for his 10th birthday was a bit sentimental, but other than that... Oh! His old car would probably qualify.
Axel thought about it. On the one hand, his old car was a piece of shit, and he shouldn't care much about it, but on the other hand... It would be a shame if he would have to say goodbye to his baby. Would it? No, not really. It was a pain to squeeze into it anyway. And if he played his cards right, he would even get some good money for it.
The decision was easy, and after showering, Axel drove to the nearest car dealer. It was a hard bargain, but in the end, he managed to persuade the guy to buy his car. It wasn't a high price, but it was more than what the piece of crap was really worth.
Just as he finished the contract, his phone dinged. It was rude, of course, but he didn't give a flying shit about that and checked his phone. It was from Kit, of course.
TwinkyKit: I just donated some money to the homeless. That felt good!
Axel snorted. Of course, how pathetic.
XxBeastxX: Good. Maybe now they won't be so fucking lazy anymore and work a little.
"Battle available!"
It seemed like the game always interrupted their chats. Well, anyway. He quickly rolled the dice, while the car dealer waited patiently to return his attention to him again. The dice turned out lower than Kit's again and after reading the wheel result and the challenge, Axel looked back up to the car dealer. For a split second, the "Money" challenge was still visible on the screen: "Challenge! Buy a muscle car! You know you want it!"
Damn right he did. Jax had always wanted to have a muscle car. He just never had the money. Bullshit. He never had the balls to take on some debt to buy one.
The car dealer was more than willing to help Jax chose and set up the necessary credit paperwork. He didn't even read this shit and selected a car immediately. A shiny, silver beast with a huge engine. It was a bit pricy, but it was worth it, at least to Jax. After he received the keys, he messaged Kit.
XxBeastxX: While you were busy giving money to some crackheads, I got myself something new. Check this out!
XxBeastxX sent an image.
XxBeastxX sent an image.
The first image was the car of course. The second was a dick pic, for good measures. Jax didn't really care that he was still at the car dealer when he lowered his pants for a moment to snap the pic.
TwinkyKit: OMG. You're such a stud.
XxBeastxX: Thanks, Twinky.
XxBeastxX: By the way, show some respect!
He drove back home, feeling great.
At home, the next battle was already available. Jax grinned and rolled the dice. He could hardly believe what he saw: 3 single eyes. He rolled a fucking 3.
"XxBeastxX rolled: 3. TwinkyKit rolled: 3. Tie! Both lose! Critical!"
What a pathetic roll, for both of them!
The wheel landed on "Impulse Control". This was getting interesting. It was true, Jax was notoriously bad at controlling himself. He just bought a new car, on a whim. So whatever challenge was coming his way shouldn't be too hard.
"Challenge! Get that tat!"
Jax didn't think much about it. Sure, why not. He would probably regret it, but that was something future Jax would have to deal with. He started his shiny new car again and drove to a nearby tattoo studio.
When the artist asked what kind of design he wanted, he only thought for a second, before deciding: "A dragon, obviously!"
As the artist started working, he massaged his dick with his other hand, earning him a condescending look from the artist. He couldn't help it though. Kit... Kitty would surely love his new tat.
When he sent a pic later, he was proven right:
TwinkyKit: OMG! That's hot.
TwinkyKit: I wish I had one, too.
TwinkyKit: I mean: Sir.
Jax smiled and was about to type a reply, when another "Battle available!"-message distracted him.
He quickly rolled the dice and grinned at the result: 15! That beat Kittys sorry little ass for sure, and he was right. Kitty had a mere 7 points to show. This time, the wheel landed on "Aggressiveness."
If possible, Jax felt even more powerful and manly. The challenge read "Start a bar fight!" and that was exactly what Jax wanted to do this evening. Well, that or fuck some ass, but really, a good bar fight was probably even better tonight.
He quickly messaged Kitty.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Talk to you tomorrow. Gonna kick some ass now. Think of me when you jerk off tonight, boy!
Kitty responded almost instantly, with a picture of his uncut dick.
TwinkyKit: I will, Sir! Have fun.
Jax drove to the nearest gay bar, a shady joint called "Diesel". The music was loud, and the lights were dim. Jax didn't mind the atmosphere, though, instead, he went straight to the bar and ordered a double shot. He downed the drink and ordered a second. Just as the bartender placed the glass in front of him, he grabbed it and threw the liquor right into the bartender's face.
"The fuck?! What are you doing?!"
"What do you think, asshole?" Jax answered, his voice dangerously calm.
"You can't do this!"
"Yeah, I can. And you're going to shut the fuck up."
With those words, Jax slammed his fist in the bartender's face, who immediately fell to the ground. There had been really no reason for him to punch the bartender, but it had the intended effect: From one moment to the other, there was a barfight in full swing.
Of course, everyone tried to overwhelm Jax, but he fought back with vigor and stamina. Several black eyes and a broken nose on his enemies later, the patrons and the bar's bouncer managed to throw Jax out, but still, Jax had a great time, kicking ass and punching dudes. Before someone could call the cops, Jax went home, happy and content.
When Jax woke up the next morning, he almost didn't notice any bruises anymore. Instead, he grabbed his phone while he was doing his morning piss and checked ATArena. Yep, there was another battle available. Time to see if Kitty was already up.
He rolled the dice and only a minute later, Kitty's results came in. Easy win. Jax had rolled only a ten, but Kitty didn't beat him with his pathetic five. However, Jax laughed out loudly, as he saw the wheel's result: Dick size.
"Challenge! Show your assets!"
*That*, Jax could do. He watched as the cock in his hand grew longer and fatter by the second, instantly forgetting that it had once been smaller. No, Jax always had a big, fat and juicy cock, the biggest, actually. With a few last strokes, Jax sent a pic of his cock, the tip glistening wet.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Check that out. That's what a real cock looks like.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Jax sent several more images of his magnificent rod, both naked and wearing tight underwear. As if there was another kind. For Jax, all underwear was tight.
Finally, Kitty responded.
CrushersToyBoy: Fuck. You're so hot, Sir.
CrushersToyBoy sent an image.
Jax smirked. Kitty's own cock was tiny, especially compared to Jax' equipment. It didn't matter much, though. Kitty didn't need it, he needed to have his ass crushed.
Ass_Crusher🍆: I know, babe. I know. You know what I'll do with it now?
"Battle available!"
God dammit. This was getting annoying.
Jax quickly rolled the dice, scoring the top available score! 18 points! But apparently, Kitty was just as lucky, rolling an 18, too.
"Ass_Crusher🍆 rolled: 18. CrushersToyBoy rolled: 18. Tie! Both win! Critical!"
Jax didn't even need to read the attribute to feel it. It was "Libido, again." His already mostly hard cock surged up, becoming a firm steel pipe in his pre-cum soaked underwear. There were no pants on earth that could hide his constant arousal - on some days, even a firm pair of jeans left nothing to imagination and showed a wet patch where his cock was constantly leaking pre. He was a walking and breathing sex machine and Rex knew it. His name was fitting, too. He was a fucking king among men. And today he was going to breed the fuckable ass of that twink.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Get ready, boy. I'm cumming over and I'm gonna split open that ass of yours.
Rex closed the game and deleted it. There was no point in wasting his time with some stupid mobile game. He got back into his car and revved the engine. Oh yeah. Time to get some ass!
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What a great game! I know I wouldn't mind playing if ATArena popped up on my phone, would you?
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garfunklefield · 4 months
Chocolate roses
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18+ viewer discretion advised
fem!reader/toji fushiguro Warnings: aphrodisiac, divorced Toji, mama-guro POV, make-up sex, creampie, breeding kink, squirting, pussy eating, fingering, doggy style, nipple play, make out, fluff, a bit of angst, the reader is in her thirties and Toji is like forty :/ Word count: 4577 words DESC: Your ex-husband Toji shows up unannounced to surprise your kids after school! At 10 AM! And some things go down when he eats chocolate meant for a bachelorette party and not him.
PSA this is inspired by the lovely I Always Come Back by HXLTIC that I read at 3 AM. This is not proofread although my friend was reading along so we ball ^-^
When Toji Zenin showed up at your door, the first thing you wanted to do was slam it shut in his face. But… the father of your children? You couldn’t bear to do that to him. So instead you heard him out. 
“I wanted to surprise Tsumiki and Megumi when they came home from school,” was all your ex-husband said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. His shirt was black and too tight for his well-built body. That was one thing you missed, but it was too early to think about running your hands up his chest. 
Instead, you turned your head to the side to peer behind him on your porch. It was a sunny day and only 10:03 AM. School typically got out at 2:30 and knowing your kids they’d be doing all sorts of extracurriculars, pushing their arrival home back by another two hours. 
God! Why did he want to come so … early? It would be about four hours of pure torture with the man you once swore you’d devote your life to. But things were different. Your vows were broken on both ends and you weren’t proud to admit it but a lot of the fall of your marriage was your fault. You had decided to go back to work and force your husband to stay home and watch the kids. He didn’t mind he enjoyed spending his mornings watching little Gumi and Miki. 
But then you started coming home later and later, dodging his kisses and calls in favor of making money. You lost sight of your marriage and he left you for it. If you truly admitted to yourself, you missed him. You missed him so much. But how could you tell him that? It had been five years since your divorce and the last thing you could do was call him crying trying to mend it. 
Toji had his walls up and you didn’t blame him. If the roles were reversed you would’ve done the same thing. 
“I don’t know…” You trailed off, looking down at the oversized orange cardigan you had bought at a local shop a few years back, “They won’t be back until the mid-afternoon.” Your voice took an unsure tone and your hands took to mess with the ends of your knitted sweater.
Toji always liked that on you and you could tell he still did. While he had his walls up he didn’t exactly hide his gaze. It slowly trailed up your body but not in a sexual way this time. In more of a familiar way. You hadn’t stopped this long to talk to him in a few years. Every time you’d see each other you were too embarrassed to speak to him for more than a minute. I mean, your failed marriage was your fault, right?
“I think you’ve been avoiding me,” Toji rested one hand on the frame of the door and the other on the door itself, pushing it forward with one strong movement, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It was almost six years ago, I’m over it.”
Your eyes narrowed. Was it that obvious on your face? Could he just read all the emotions coming off of you? All the shame and regret he didn’t get to see because you were too busy waving him off. 
Without saying anything else your ex-husband pushed past you and plopped himself down on your white couch, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it to the side. He stretched out his legs and arms without looking back at you. Instead, he was focused on the decorations. It had been so many years since he was invited inside. With every year more regret and shame built up in your mind, so you stopped inviting him inside. 
“Yeah just… make yourself at home,” you sighed, walking to pick up his jacket. But then you stopped yourself and let out a breath. If he said he was over it then the least you could do was make it less awkward. Offer him something to drink?
“Do you want something to drink? Tea or lemonade?” You raised an eyebrow, motioning to the open-concept kitchen you had opted for, which differed from the one you two used to share. 
The raven-haired male glanced over towards the kitchen and one-half of his mouth turned upwards in a lopsided smirk, “You have any beer?” 
You blinked a few times as the request registered in your mind, “Toji it’s almost 10:30.”
“Fine,” he waved a hand and stood up, walking straight past you as if he had owned and built the place himself. He strolled up to the fridge and opened it, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes at the limited options, “I’m kinda hungry too… you don’t mind do you?” 
With that, a smile appeared on your face. For once Toji wasn’t very tense and for once you weren’t either. Maybe he was really over it, or at least somewhat over it. Or… maybe he was trying to move past it and make amends. Maybe coming over today so early was his way of saying “It’s okay, let’s move on together.” It was mature of him, something you never thought you’d think about Toji. He was mature. 
He noticed your smile and nodded, taking that as a yes to the fact you didn’t mind. Maybe your relationship was going to change for the better. 
“I bought Megumi and Tsumiki some rollerskates,” you began turning and walking to sit back on the couch. You didn’t want to hover over your ex-husband and he could pick his food himself. Besides, it was nice to talk as if no time had passed. 
“Am I gonna have to teach them how to skate?” Toji asked, with his head stuck inside the fridge rummaging around. There had to be something in there that he would like. After you divorced you stopped buying the things he liked, so maybe he wouldn’t find anything after all. 
You thought for a moment before nodding, like he could see you, “I think it would be a good bonding activity.” As you spoke your ex-husband came and sat down a foot away from you on the opposite side of the couch. 
He was munching on something you hadn’t bothered to glance over to inspect. Well you didn’t mind, he was the father of your children so if he ate your snacks it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the entire world.
You two sat in silence for a moment. You grabbed the remote and opted to play an old show you were both familiar with but didn’t have the energy to fully commit to. The silence was nice. It was comforting to sit next to someone who you once loved. Well… you still did love him but he didn’t need to know that. It was nice to pretend that nothing had changed and you were back to normal. 
“These chocolates are weird…” Toji murmured, wiping his mouth with the back of his right hand. Then he got up to go to the sink and wash his hands. 
Chocolates? Well, there were only a few chocolates in the fridge. Some you got as a Valentine's Day gift from Megumi, then some you had bought for a bachelorette party. But those were hidden away in the butter container on a high shelf, so none of your kids found them.
The special chocolates had some aphrodisiacs in them and for some weird reason, the bride-to-be requested you brought them for her. Something about a last day of freedom. Whatever it was you shrugged and did so. The packaging said you were supposed to keep them refrigerated and then in twenty to thirty-five minutes they would work. 
“Were they good? Megumi picked them out for me,” you looked back at him as he washed his hands. There was a different aura about your ex-husband as he stood washing his hands. His body was stiff and his muscles looked a bit tense.
He glanced back at you with a faraway expression before nodding and swallowing visibly, “They tasted a little weird, but eh,” Toji shrugged and sat down on the couch again. This time, though, just a bit closer than before. He crossed one of his legs, in a manly way, resting his ankle on his knee and bouncing the resting leg.
“Weird? Were they expired?” You frowned and stared at the TV. You never understood the hype of 1990s sitcoms but it was something better than sitting in more silence. With good silence, you always needed something in the background.
Toji blinked a few times as his lips pressed into a firm line. He took a moment to respond with the muscles in his jaw tightening. His eyes darted back and forth between the girl and the man on TV before he replied, “...Yeah.”
You frowned but said nothing else. Hopefully, you didn’t food-poison him. The one time you had your ex-husband over and he got sick? How bad would that look? You shook your head and moved some hair back behind your ear to the best of your ability, trying not to stare. He looked… different. More focused on the TV like it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
Maybe ten minutes had passed before he broke the silence again, “Can we turn on a fan? I’m running hot,” was all he said, but it was different than before. His voice was low, husky, and rasped. When he turned to meet your worried gaze, you were met with a familiar stare. 
He was… horny. 
Your eyes widened at the sudden realization as to what chocolates he ate, and why they tasted so weird. You were married to him for almost a decade of course you knew the exact look and what it meant down to the way he looked at you through a thick row of eyelashes. You knew what that clenched jaw and tightened bicep meant. He was trying desperately not to make a move on someone he swore he was over. 
You turned away and nodded, standing up to turn on the fan from the knob on the wall. As you did so, you felt those eyes penetrating your back and burning holes deep into your skin. Five years of pent-up lust was coming out and being thrown your way. You swallowed and looked back at the wall. You had to say something. Toji probably already knew he had eaten something laced and he was probably mentally freaking out, as much as Toji Zenin could freak out. 
“Toji-” You couldn’t even get a word out before he hissed and threw his head back. 
“Don’t… speak, doll,” he spoke through gritted teeth, “I don’t think these were Gumi’s chocolates, huh?” Was the last thing he managed to say before he used his forearm to wipe off some sweat forming on his brow. 
Just from sitting there for almost twenty minutes, he had looked like he had run a marathon, drenched in sweat and now … panting like a damn dog. It was so attractive you didn’t know what to do. Of course, you still loved him, we’ve established that. You’d do anything to get back with him and get one more chance to prove you aren’t money-hungry. But you wanted to do it if he wanted it, and you wanted to do it if he asked. You couldn’t take advantage of him, even if seeing him this aroused made you wet.
“They’re laced from a bachelorette party,” you explained quietly, slowly inching your way back to the couch to sit as far away from him as possible.
“That why they were in the butter dish?” He asked, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes. 
“Yes- did you seriously look through my butter dish?” A frown appeared on your lips before you shook your head, “Anyways. I’m really sorry. If you want you can go to the bathroom and … relieve yourself. I won’t judge.”
A few silent seconds passed before Toji moved his head to stare at you. It was pure lust, sure, but mixed into the lust was admiration. It was as if he was staring at you for the first time in a hundred years and seeing you for your soul. No one had looked at you like that, especially not Toji fucking Zenin. 
He blinked a few times and looked away, “Yeah… I should,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. Sweat marks lined his black shirt and you swore that they hadn’t been there before. 
“But,” a curious and sly expression came back to face you, “I’ve been missing you.”
You let out a breath, “That’s just the aphrodisiac talking.” 
He raised an eyebrow and moved his leg that had been crossed down to man spread a bit more than he had before. He was hard! Wow almost like we expected that, right audience? You glanced down at his bulge and for a moment you could picture exactly how it looked in your hands. But he cleared his throat and your eyes snapped back to your ex-husbands.
“So the aphro… whatever-s been making me miss you even before today?” 
He… missed you? Toji Zenin, the heartless man you managed to hurt… missed you? The man who divorced you because you cared more about money than your own family… missed you? 
That was the thing that made you realize you had completely soaked your underwear as you felt it uncomfortably cling deep into your cunt. You shifted around and pressed your lips together tightly. 
Of course, you missed him. Of course, you wanted him! Of course, you wanted your family back! 
“You miss me? Even after the shitty things I’ve done?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but you weren’t even sure he heard it over the throbbing of your heart. 
Your ex-husband nodded and looked down at his lap, “I haven’t been with anyone else in almost six years because I thought there’d be a chance you’d come back.” 
The puzzle clicked into your head and in that moment you felt like the most stupid person in the world. It wasn’t you who was waiting for the first move, but it was him. Toji, the one who was forward -the one who started your relationship by approaching you in that bar- wanted you to make the first move. And you were completely blind to see it. 
“I… was too scared to come back after treating you like that. I always thought if you wanted me back, you’d come back,” with that you laughed hollowly, but the laugh was cut short when you felt the couch's weight shift around. 
Within a second Toji was facing you then on top of you. His body hovered over yours with his face just watching you. It was completely different than the sex-hungry Toji you had married. Yeah you loved each other and you had romantic sex, but it wasn’t to this extent. He looked at you with five years' worth of lust and love. He hadn’t been with anyone since you, he hadn’t touched anyone, he hadn’t tasted anyone. Because… he was waiting for you. 
“I’ve been craving you, princess,” he whispered, “I haven’t been able to touch myself without thinking of you…” One of his hands slowly moved to your right side, cupping your waist and sliding to the top of your hip, “I should have never let you go.” 
You nodded slowly, letting one hand snake up to the back of his neck, “I want another chance. I want to make it better.”
Toj breathed out and a laugh followed suit. You had never seen him this incredibly desperate before. You had never seen him stare at you as if you were the only woman in the world and you never wanted it to stop. 
“Make it better and kiss me, doll,” was all he said before you did as he asked. Your lips melded together in a way that they hadn’t in several years. It was instant muscle memory, with his taste and his soft lips making your core ache for penetration. 
But it was different. He didn’t deepen the kiss at first, instead, he took his time to suck on your bottom lip. Toji wanted to taste you and savor you until there was nothing left to taste and savor. He wanted you to intoxicate him until he passed out. Even if he had never taken that aphrodisiac, his feelings would have never changed. Sure, they wouldn’t have been as sexual but where's the fun in that?
You felt a guttural moan pass your lips when he tilted his head to the right to deepen the kiss, and you heard him snicker. God you missed how cocky he would get and it seemed as if nothing had changed. His hands hadn’t changed either. They dipped into the hem of your sweatpants and traced the soft skin of your stomach. 
Toji had always loved how your stomach hung out of your body. It was a sign you had birthed two beautiful joys. And it was a sign you were capable of creating more joy with him and only him. He loved to bite and kiss every stretch mark and mole, every fiber of fat, even if he’d never say it out loud. 
Now he was too busy taking your mouth against his to speak about how beautiful your body was. One of his hands pulled down your sweatpants and the other pulled down your underwear. Your head was swimming from arousal you hadn’t noticed his hands pushing your legs open. But you did notice when he pulled away from your kiss. A trail of slobber dripped from his chin and onto your aching cunt. 
He knew exactly what you liked. I mean, you were married for almost ten years. He knew how delicate you wanted him to start, even if he’d groan and complain while doing it. Toji was always gentle when he began to stimulate your vulva. 
Two fingers ran down your slit before pulling back your lips and letting him use his tongue. Fuck, how you loved it when he fucked you with his long tongue. You didn’t know where he got that magical talent from but you weren’t complaining. Toji’s tongue slid from your clit down into your center, focussing on sliding his tongue back and forth against you. Your breath hitched at the sudden sensation. 
It didn’t take him long before he was circling back and sucking on your swollen clit. His mouth was made from gods and he used it to please you. Your hands trailed up your own body to grab onto one of your breasts. If he wasn’t going to stimulate your nipples then you were going to yourself. One hand slid underneath your cardigan to pinch the pink nub and roll it under your fingers. 
“Toji…mm-fu..fuck,” you breathed out, rolling your hips against his face which was completely stuffed into your pussy. Toji would tell you straight up he enjoyed eating you out for his pleasure, not anything else. Sure, he wanted you to cum, but he wanted to be able to taste you cum even more. 
He wanted to feel you squirt in his face and drink it up. Even if you thought it tasted bad he relished in it. And god did he miss this. He missed playing with your cunt until you were sore. He could just cum from eating you out and Toji was getting close. Just sinking in the tip of his cock in your folds at this rate would completely milk him. 
Toji pulled his face back to wipe off his mouth with the back of his hand, “Do you want me to fuck you… or would you prefer I make you squirt?” His voice was even more perfect than you could’ve remembered, and hearing it through your ringing ears made it more heavenly. 
“...Both,” you whispered, looking down at him with one eye closed and a smile pressed against your lips. 
He blinked a few times then grinned, “That’s my girl,” and he went nose-first into your center. It took him a few seconds to pry one hand from your thighs to pump inside you. At this point, you were accustomed to two fingers being the minimum for Toji, and that’s what he promised. 
Two fingers gently pushed inside of you but didn’t stay gentle for long. The last knuckle on his index and middle finger curled, followed by the second to create a motion he knew would touch your g-spot. Toji slowly moved them in and out, and in and out, and in and out. With each thrust of his hand, it got faster and you could feel a sensation rising in your lower body. 
Toji knew the only way to truly get you close was multiple ways of stimulation. So he’d typically eat you out, finger you, and massage your nipples. Thankfully you were taking care of your breasts which left your pussy to him. He ate you out like a starving man on death row whose last meal was something he hadn’t eaten in ten years with an endless supply. 
The sensation rising in your core hasn’t been talked about enough, huh? You felt it build directly inside your walls, as your G-spot was stimulated. Then it moved further out to your clit, then down your thighs and legs. Before it rushed over your head and made you throw it back in a loud moan. You were getting close and you couldn’t even verbalize it. But Toji knew exactly what to look out for to know when you were close. And he could tell when you were about to squirt. 
And you were about to squirt. 
“T-T…hah fu-fuck Toji,” you groaned, letting go of one of your breasts to grab a fist full of his hair. He didn’t say anything so as not to disrupt the magic he was brewing in your nether regions (ba dum tss). 
He bobbed his head up and down a few times and tempted fate by adding in a third finger. It wasn’t so much that you couldn’t take it, but more so that he knew exactly what it was going to do. Within a few seconds, you gasped and let out a loud moan, with a shudder running through your body. Another shudder and you felt yourself release on him. It was one thing to squirt and not feel it, but it was another to feel the sensation of releasing your liquids. 
It jutted out of your pussy and onto your grinning ex-husband's face. He laughed a bit and wiped his mouth with his forearm, before going down and licking up your juices on your thighs and a bit on your clit. 
“H-hey,” you whimpered, nudging his forehead as he started to eat you out again, “You’re getting distracted…” 
Toji blinked a few times before sitting up and looking down at your shaking body, “Shame this couch is white…” He shrugged, reaching one of his hands out to grab your shoulder. Both hands grabbed your shoulders and gently turned you around so you were lying on your stomach, with a pillow added to your front to make sure you were comfortable. 
You heard a belt unbuckle then some shifting as he undid his pants and then underwear. Toji knew you enough to know you were on birth control, so condoms weren’t a concern of his. You both had a breeding kink, who doesn’t? He loved the feeling of filling you up with his cum until he was completely dry, and it wouldn’t take him very long to finish at this rate. 
“I’m gonna go in,” he whispered, patting your hip. 
Then before you could speak, but let’s be honest you were completely gone by this point, you felt a swollen tip press against your folds. You didn’t even get a moan in before you heard a faint… whimper from Toji. He cleared his throat and thrust in fully, gasping and leaning forward against your body involuntarily. 
“I… haven’t fucked anyone in six ye…years,” he gasped again. Any other movement and he’d cum instantly. So much for hot rough sex. But still, he was determined to fuck you until you came again. 
“Me… either…” You murmured into the couch, letting your eyes close against the wet cushion. A wet cushion you would be dealing with tomorrow. 
“God. I missed you. I missed you so much,” Toji repeated a few more times, straightening his posture and fastening both hands to your hips. He pulled back and slowly began to thrust. Not for your sake but for the fact he wanted to elongate this feeling as much as possible. 
His thrusts got a bit faster and his grip tighter, “...I’m… mm gonna fill y-you with my seed. I-I want anothe…mm fuc-fuck another b…hah…. Baby.” That was all you needed to hear. 
A family, you’d be starting another family together. Too bad you were on birth control. But for now, you could pretend this would be the start of your new family. It turned you on as much as it made you happy. The man you loved, loved, and wanted a family with you. God, that was nice. And what was even nicer was the fact he was beginning to rail you. 
Six years was six years too long. You ached for him to fill you up with fat, hot spurts of his white cum. You wanted him to stuff you to the point where you leaked and cried for it to end. You needed him to impregnate you so you both would be together for the rest of your lives. 
You needed Toji to be yours now. 
Toji was getting close, it was obvious by the way he thrust and the way he cursed. It was sloppier than his typical sloppy strokes and his voice got a bit higher than normal. That’s when you knew he was overstimulated and about to burst at any given moment. You wanted to speak and scream for him to fill you up, but the only thing you could do was mindlessly beg into the air. Neither of you seemed to hear or notice each other's words as he… came. 
You never heard Mr. Zenin full-on whimper until that day. It was clear it came out accidentally from how his hips jutted forward and he pulled you instantly to him. He whimpered out a loud “I love you” and whined as his cum shot out. It filled you up more than you remembered he used to. His whimpers weren’t very high-pitched but they were pathetic. It was the cries from a man who hadn’t fucked in almost six years, and the cries of a man who missed your pussy so much.
If you ever get the chance to make a buff, deep-voiced, grown man whimper, I highly encourage it. 
Toji slid out of your cunt and flopped back onto the couch, leaving you for a moment to lie with your ass in the air. You were so tired you didn’t even notice when he grabbed you from behind and pulled you to his chest. His warm arms wrapped protectively around you and for once you felt as though everything had gone back to normal. 
Toji Zenin would be Toji Fushiguro again. 
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thatswhatsushesaid · 8 months
i have been obsessing over this extremely short moment post-sunshot campaign for weeks now trying to put together a lengthier post about it, but i think the screenshots themselves arranged chronologically speak for themselves. so i will just post them and then talk about the framing, because i’m insane about it.
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just about everyone else on this side of the banquet hall within the scorching sun palace is looking towards jin guangshan as he speaks—everyone except for:
1) jin guangyao, who is staring straight ahead with a startlingly flat and resigned expression on his face, despite being seated in a position of honour beside his brother, and
2) nie huaisang, who is obviously TRYING to pay attention, but his attention keeps wandering between looking at nie mingjue, and looking at jin guangyao
(also he gets no further commentary/acknowledgement from me but look at jin zixun back there just lounging in his seat like a smug spoiled brat. ugh. step on legos forever jin zixun.)
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the camera shifts its focus while jgs keeps talking to zero in on jgy’s expression. this deliberately highlights and provides us the chance to see his expression in more detail. and it is so hard to discern what he is feeling specifically beyond “not great,” but what stands out for me is: he isn’t wearing his usual polite, customer service mask, the one he managed to keep in place both during the introductory sequence at the cloud recesses in the face of so much mockery from the jiang sect disciples.
so what is that expression? what is going on in his head that he can’t play the part that he’s perfect for years now, when he has supposedly almost achieved everything he ever dreamed of accomplishing for himself and his mother? i mean, i have my suspicions of course, because we know what is going to happen very soon.
and then—
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—the focus of this scene changes, drawing our attention away from jin guangyao towards nie huaisang where he’s seated just behind nie mingjue. because nie huaisang is not paying attention to jgs’s speech or watching his da-ge. unlike everyone else in this banquet hall in this moment, nie huaisang is looking at jin guangyao, observing him in this moment where his polite mien has failed him, and god what i wouldn’t give to know what is going through his head!! because:
1) i don’t for a moment believe nmj told nhs the details of what transpired between him and jgy during their confrontation in the scorching sun palace. i don’t think he did this as a favour to jgy or to lxc, either. imo this decision would be consistent with nmj shutting down any discussion of what caused him to exile meng yao from the unclean realm back in… uhhh, episode 10?? when nhs, wwx and jc all converge in the unclean realm throne room to ask about meng yao’s fate. (yeah it was episode 10.) anyway for all we know this is the first time nhs has seen his old body guard/babysitter since he watched meng yao totter feebly into the wild blue yonder all those months ago, and now here he is seated in a place of honour between jin zixuan and his da-ge, looking perhaps even more miserable than he did while bleeding from a giant sword wound in his chest. it is entirely consistent with nhs’s character to be like ‘???? what is up with this??’ but not even he is bold enough to ask jgy what is up in the middle of this banquet, not with da-ge right there.
2) his expression is ALSO harder to read than it would have been when they were last together!! but there are clearly gears and cogs shifting and ticking and whirring behind his eyes, and the fact that the framing calls attention to nhs noticing jgy in this moment when it’s quite clear no one else does is one of many hints the show is dropping for us that nhs is more than just a lackadaisical and absent-minded second son. he notices things that no one else does—but, as with jgy, we are left to guessing as to what he is thinking, and what conclusions he is drawing.
well okay it looks like i managed to write a lot of words down about this after all!! go me.
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guiltysungho · 19 days
— let the light in
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genre : tags. domestic, angst, fluff, comfort, reader is in a slump
pairing. bsf!kim donghyun x gn!reader
wordcount. 726
a/n. this went a completely different direction than I intended but i still wanna put it out there, im not used to writing like this so it might not be perfect but i hope you enjoy reading it. its not too sad dw.
Once again you were stuck in your room completely shut off from everything and everyone, you hated when this happened but it seemed to have become a part of your life. You rolled over on the bed where your phone was charging right at the edge of your mattress, letting the bright led light flash in your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake after what felt like an endless slumber.
I’ll be there in 10 - Donghyun 5 mins ago
Your knight in shining armor, he had been spamming you throughout the week hoping you’d reply him more than 3 letters. He knew your moods too well to not know what was going on, after 5 years of being close you’d hope 2 letters was enough for him to read the signs.
You rolled back belly flat against the mattress, drowning in the darkness of your cave waiting for the jingle of his keys to help you out of your slump. Maybe your patience was wearing out, your eyes grew heavier as you waited, almost ready to shut, and then you heard it, the jingle.
“I brought you take out, I’m gonna come in so like don’t be naked” He called out from the other side of your room door, you somehow managed to crawl out of bed and swing the door wide open for him before falling right back on it, you loved your bed.
“Feed me.” You groaned in pain, jokingly, somehow you were able to joke.
He smiled at you, and your face muscles mirrored like a reflex. You sat up on your bed watching him walk around your room, first to the desk placing all the treats far from your reach and then the curtains, it was inevitable, your begging was in vain as he let the light in.
“It’s a really nice day out, if I feed you we should take a walk, deal?” as usual bargain, nothing came easily in this life, you shook his hand reluctantly.
When you think about it, it felt almost comical the way you’d regain life whenever he showed up, before Donghyun you hated being bothered whenever you felt this wave of utter lack of willingness. You would figure it out yourself and that could take months, but now you didn’t even have to say anything for someone to just be there.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t do these things on your own but some times were harder than others and knowing someone cared enough to help you made it easy again. You didn’t know what it made you, if it meant anything outside of your friendship, but you felt loved and that was more than enough.
“You’re doing such a good job, don’t worry too much I’m here for you,” sweet words of comfort that helped, like he could read your mind and sense your doubts just so he could reassure you later.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess” He shook his head, dismissing your comment,
“You’re not a mess baby, I’m doing this because I love you,” Your eyes glistened with heavy tears just waiting to drop, the feeling of his soft hands on your cheeks made you close your eyes, finally letting them loose as you took in a deep breath, a soft pout on your lips as you looked back up at him.
“I love your pout, and I love your smile. I’m working hard to see that beautiful smile again,” his thumbs brushing away the droplets staining your cheeks, he made you feel like you didn’t constantly have to put up a front.
That you could actually be human and he wouldn’t decide one day that he wanted a doll, his words made you wonder the depth of his love, was this just another moment that friends shared. Did he mean them the same way they sounded to you?
The weight of your worries had shifted from one thing to another, walking down the river by his side you wonder how many meanings could “i love you” have, could you be loved even more than this?
Thinking about it, made your cheeks burn up, placing your fingers on your lips trying to not get carried away, while he was right there but the smile was too strong to hide, turning your face away from him as you succumbed to the feeling.
“There it is.”
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gabbvr-dog · 3 months
Humor me dawg, it’s almost 2am an’ I’m a lil zooted‼️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Reader is male, past relationship with Graves, hinted Alerudy x reader too- use of Y/N
SFW, still a little angsty… just a thought dump… can’t actually write rn.—- too mugh grass
Basically an interest check, not canon accurate what so fuckin’ ever- lots of plot holes and typos- I’m tweakin’
Reader who is an ex-shadow. Turned cartel; Known in Las Almas as ‘Zorro’
-reader meets Vaqueros and 141 at a bar in Las Almas, he is masked at this time, hits it off with the team (even if they were suspicious of him being cartel.) says they’ll cross paths again.
- he was right.
- Soap gets sight of a man getting kidnapped by a few cartel men. Notifies Alejandro; and they go into action.
- Rudy gets knocked to the grown at one point, one of the men point to his head, and before anyone had time to blink, the guy who was kidnapped comes up behind him and snaps his neck like a twig.
- Rudy instantly recognizes the man as ‘Zorro’… the reader.
- turns into Alejandro and Rudy surprised and impressed, and 141 thankful.
- Reader gets closer with the Vaqueros.
- Alejandro ends up getting kidnapped… and they 141 figure out a bit about ‘Zorro’.
- he had been one of the men apart of a very big turning point in Las Almas. And he was dangerous.
- Rudy is also missing; the 141 thinks the worse… contacts Graves.
- Rudy went to reader for comfort… very soft moment, reader tells Rudy. “It’s Y/N now, amigo.”
- Reader pulls out his old gear… shadow company certified. Rudy didn’t pay much attention at first, thinking it was just dark colored gear…
- Rudy and Reader massacre a compound once they locate Alejandro.
-141 and the Shadows close on their heels, being notified by some of ‘Zorro’s friends.
- Reader and Rudy stumble out with Alejandro.
“what the fuck is one of our shadows doing here!?
“That’s not one of ours, Lieutenant.” Is Graves instant reply, recognizing the much older Shadow Company mandated gear.
-Graves recognizes the Reader instantly. His former right hand man, ‘Shadow 101’. His once most trusted solider… 10 fuckin’ years ago.
-“I’ll be damned.” The shadows seem extremely tense, even to the 141.
-they get the very injured Alejandro back to the Los Vaqueros base.
-Graves attempts to talk to ‘Zorro’. And he goes slick the fuck off.
-berating him for stabbing him in the back, relaying the fact he’s also already done that to the 141, ‘once Traitor always a traitor.”
-once he’s done, Graves genuinely looks hurt… emotionally.
-141 is surprised, not used to Graves ever showing anything other then his witty and cocky attitude.
-once reader, Rudy, and the 141 are sitting alone at at metal table, waiting for word on Alejandro…
- Soap pops the question. “What happened between you and Graves..?”
-Reader actually breaks down. Explains him and the commanders history, how he stabbed him in the back and heart, his blind following of Shepard… everything.
-Gaz and Ghost noticed Graves step around the corner… he had obviously caught most of it.
-again, he looks genuinely hurt… extremely uncharacteristic, and further drove the fact that reader and Graves were definitely close.
-Rudy and Soap continue to tell reader he shouldn’t blame himself for a mistake he didn’t even make.
-and praise him for somehow, after all that, still being kind- even trying to build Las Almas back up, once he beat it down with his own hands.
-reader refers to himself as ‘a beacon of hope.’ And says; ‘that’s all I need.’
-detailing, not matter how unhappy he is, how much he gets beaten and battered, that giving the people of Las Almas hope? Thats all he needs to keep going.
-After Alejandro heals, He obviously gets a well deserved leave. Rudy in tow, and Reader watching over them both like a hawk.
-Graves goes against a order from Shepard, and then Shepard turns half his shadows against him.
-Graves is in danger, and very likely might die.
-Reader… reader finds out, and seems pretty indifferent. Until he gets back to his flat… where him, Rudy and Alejandro have been spending their time.
- Rudy and Alejandro walk in on him crying silently… holding his ‘Shadow Company’ emblem.
Though outdated… it was what Shadow Company was… before Shepard put a fuckin’ collar on Graves.
-Reader explains, even if Graves did stab him in the back, even if he wanted to hate him… he didn’t want him to die.
-he still cared.
-Graves was one of the first people to see him as more then a pawn, or shield… took the time to get to know reader
-Alejandro and Rudy pull together ‘Ghost Team’. Graves was still their ally, and they had ‘Zoro’ to back them up.
-Reader finds Graves, he had made in out of the containment room… and he was loosing blood fast.
-reader instantly pulls him into a closed off area and starts to patch him.
-Reader vents to him, why, why, why, don’t think because I’m saving you that I forgive you, more: why, why, why.
-Graves shuts him up; “you are a dog. You were meant to protect and love… I just with I fuckin’ realized that sooner.”
-“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
-“I can’t… I don’t think m’ gonna be able to make it up to you, Y/N.”
-already told him to not call you by your first name… but he was definitely delirious from blood loss.
-“don’t fuckin’ say that shit.” Reader growls.
-Rudy and Alejandro locate reader and Graves, getting them back to the tarmac as fast as they possibly can.
-After Graves gets his ass saved and wakes up.. against doctors orders; he jumps out of his medical bed, and wanders around looking for reader. Finds him.
-Reader stares at him, Graves walks up to him, eyes down cast .. then Phillip, looks up at him.
-“I know… this doesn’t mean anything. But… I don’t want to be the bad guy in your world forever, Y/N.”
-“please tell me what you want me to do.”
-“for starters. Stop following the fuckin’ rat blindly-“
-“did that, an’ half my company tried to kill me.”
-“I couldn’t… I could NOT hurt you again.”
“”Shepard heard we were working with someone from the cartel. Of course I didn’t let him know who you were- wanted me to take you out.”
-“I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.”
-Phillip blinking away the tears threatening to spill.
- “I need to know… if I can do anything. Anything. For you to maybe, just even think about… even being friendly again.”
“I know I’m never going to get back what we once had… I already ruined it, and I know it… just humor me Y/-“
-“Don’t ever leave me again.”
-Phillip blinks up at reader, his heart becomes so much heavier in its already clenched state.
- Graves knows he can’t keep that promise. But it wasn’t ’Graves’ that he knew Y/N deserved.
-it was Phillip. And Phillip would sacrifice everything he had now, just for reader to look at him with anything other then anger or hatred.
- a promise.
-Graves puts his pinky out first, childish. But that is how he knows Y/N seals a deal… how he knows Y/N will realize he’s serious.
“I break this? You best break every bone in my damn body. Do you understand?”
“I’ll break more then just your bones Phill.”
-Graves heart stutters hearing reader say that. He hasnt heard it in literally over a decade… and it still has the same effect.
-Eventually turns into Alerudy x Reader x Graves- haven’t got that far tho
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munsonsmixtapes · 1 month
Hi since ur request is open 👀I would like to request Eddie X wife reader since it’s mother day . Maybe Eddie has a surprise for the reader for mother day and he really show how much he appreciates her . And even uncle Wayne is willing to babysit their child .
Aww, this idea sounds so cute! Thanks so much for the request, lovely!
husband!Eddie x wife!reader
You and Eddie had been been married together for four years, but this was your first Mother’s Day celebrating as a mother after you had your daughter, Charlotte and Eddie had insisted on making it perfect for you. You had just gone back to work and were exhausted with having to take care of a baby on top of it, so Eddie had planned a date for the two of you to show you how much he appreciated you as his wife and the mother to his child.
Wayne had insisted on watching Charlotte while the two of you spent some much needed time by yourselves. Eddie had planned for the two of you to watch your favorite movie while you snuggled up on the couch with an array of all of your favorite snacks. He didn’t think it was nearly what you had deserved, but you had been so tired that he thought that it was something you were going to enjoy.
When Eddie had told you what you were going to do to celebrate, you almost cried, feeling so grateful that he somehow knew exactly what you wanted. You knew he was going to plan something, but were wanting it to be low key and that was exactly what he had come up with. Sometimes you were convinced he could read your mind.
“What movie were you thinking, lovely?” Eddie asked as you looked over the collection the two of you had accumulated over the years. It was a mix of your collections and some you had bought together.
You were torn between a rom com and a thriller but ended up choosing the rom com because you needed something like for the mood you were in.
“10 Things I Hate About You?”
“Pick whatever you want, hon. It’s your day.” Eddie secretly wanted you to pick that one because he loved when you told him he looked like Heath Ledger.
You popped the VHS into the VCR and settled onto the couch, snuggling into Eddie’s side as the movie played. You had both seen the movie so many times that you always ended up quoting it to each other when your favorite lines came up.
Eddie turned to you while you quoted yet another line and couldn’t help but fall even more in love with you than he already had. You were so beautiful and sweet and kind that it was hard for him not to. He couldn’t believe that you had agreed to go out with him so many years ago and had stuck by his side ever since. He really was one lucky man.
“What?” You asked, turning to him, even though you knew exactly what he was going to say.
“Nothing,” he shrugged. “Just like looking at you.”
“Aww, Eds, I like looking at you too.” You leaned towards him and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before snuggling even further into him.
As much as you liked spending time alone with Eddie, you had to admit that it felt odd not having to listen out for a baby’s cry. And if you were being honest, you actually missed it. You missed rocking Charlotte back to sleep and feeling her head rest against your shoulder while you did it.
You turned to Eddie once again, not really enjoying the movie anymore since you couldn’t get the thought out of your head. You wondered if he would be okay with cutting your date short to go pick your daughter up. Maybe you weren’t ready to be alone just yet.
“What is it, honey?” His arm that was wrapped around your shoulders gave one of them a squeeze.
“I miss her.” You hated sounding like a clingy mother, but you couldn’t help it. You just missed your baby and thought you deserved to hold her with it being Mother’s Day and all.
“You want to go pick her up, don’t you?” Eddie really could read your mind.
“I guess I really am that mom, huh?”
“So what? I want to see her too.” That made you feel a lot better hearing him admit that. It made you feel less alone.
“You do?”
“Of course. I just really need to hold her.” The way he said the words was so soft and gentle and it warmed your heart. It had only been a few months and the girl already had him wrapped around his finger.
“I’ll go get her from Wayne’s.” He stood up from the couch and you couldn’t help but fall even more in love with Eddie. So grateful to have him as a husband and the father to your child. He was everything you could have hoped to have in a partner and you couldn’t believe he was all yours.
“Are you sure?” You tried to stand up too, but he just pushed you back down.
“Nope,” he shook his head. “Your job is to just sit here and look pretty. You’re not lifting a finger today, alright?” He pressed a kiss to your waiting lips then grabbed his car keys before heading out the door to go pick up your daughter for some much needed snuggles.
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the-queer-demon · 1 year
every so often i hear people talk about the "loud" queer people and how annoying they are and I always think
I think of the first time I saw a trans woman in the aisle of a convenience store. i was 8 years old and had no idea what i was but in that moment i felt like i understood her more than anyone else i'd seen.
i think of the first time i saw two men kiss in a movie. my parents wouldnt let me watch it because it was "inappropriate," but i snuck in anyway and I wondered for the first time if not all boys liked to kiss girls.
i think of the first pride parade i've ever seen. barely aware of who i was and too scared to admit it to myself, i watched thousands of people celebrate their identity, in the face of overwhelming hatred. a drag queen handed me a rainbow sticker from across a police barrier. i think she knew.
i think of when i was 15 and began to change how i presented. i dyed my hair and dressed more androgynously. it was a baby step, and i was terrified of how people would see me. and so many people looked at me differently, but there were kids that looked so familiar, who looked at me and saw a friend.
i think of when i got a roommate for the first time, and tried desperately to pass so i wouldn't make her uncomfortable. she clocked me immediately and asked for my pronouns. she was the first queer person i'd ever dated.
i think of when i was buying soda at a convenience store a few weeks ago. i was so used to dressing gnc that i almost forgot it was strange to most people. i saw a little kid an aisle over, gaping at me. not hatred or ignorance, but curiosity and questioning, and maybe? maybe a little understanding of who i really was.
and i think about all the people that are uncomfortable with these displays, who say it's not right to show in public. and i think that maybe that's the point. because for every 10 people who look at me and see a disgusting tranny, maybe there's one person who feels a little safer. and i think that's worth it in the end
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 15/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
hooo weee this is a long one. A reaction chapter part 1
A few things to clear up:
Sir Pentious is in Heaven
They do not know that yet.
He'll have a part in the sequel!
Charlie is beyond worried.
She and the entirety of Pride sat in anticipation as Hell's highest powers perform the ritual again. Her dad disappeared a month ago and in his absence, she thinks she had handled Pride rather well. Vaggie and her friends were a big help though, as well as her uncles and aunts if they could.
Charlie has not missed once broadcast ever since it aired. Every time she looks for her dad among the demons and every time she's disappointed.
She keeps watching anyway in support- no matter how busy she was. The hotel residents do the same, dropping what they were doing to all sit in the couch together and watch this 'til it ended. The first time it aired created a mass panic that Charlie had to induce a Hellshake to placate her people. It somehow worked.
After the panic, it became the biggest hit "show" in Pride, resulting in the production of legit merch and even a few parodies- like it's just a game, like this can't kill them all.
That craze lasted almost 2 weeks but even the fanatics stopped watching when it was apparent that this wasn't a quick fix. Panic again then calm then panic- over and over and over again.
Vaggie: Babe?
Charlie: Hey, Vaggie.
Charlie tried to give her lover her usual smiles but she thinks she haven't given one ever since her dad left. Worry and guilt are eating her whole and she's just trying to stay afloat.
Vaggie: Hey, come on. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?
Charlie: Flatterer.
Vaggie: Not wrong though. But don't try to change the subject. .. Is it about your dad?
Charlie: I don't think I remember a time in a hundred years when it wasn't. When did it go so wrong, Vaggie? We were so happy when I was a kid..
Something inside the princess whispered her mother's name. She shakes off that thought because there's no way. Her mom and dad loved each other.
'But then why did they split? Why did your mom leave? Why did your dad fall in love with someone again?'
The voices are making a point but there's no chance her dad was going to tell her everything and it's not like her mom is even an option.
When Vaggie told her that Alastor and her dad were something, she tried to think of every moment she saw of her dad and the radio demon together after the hotel was rebuilt. The princess of Hell trusts Alastor but she doesn't know if she can trust him with her dad.
Charlie: Dad is happier.
Vaggie: Huh?
Charlie: Sorry. Was thinking of him and how Alastor is probably helping him come out more than I am.
Vaggie: Hey hey. I know your dad would be devastated if he knew you were thinking that. He loves you and you love him, right?
Charlie: More than anything.
Vaggie: That's my girl. Now why don't we-
Cherri: Holy shit! Guys! The broadcast turned on again!
All of them rushed to the lobby upon hearing the cyclops yell. They thought it was over 30 minutes ago when the nth overlord and Goetia fainted. Guess Vox was a bit afraid he would be next and turned it off to save face.
Angel: Holy shit!
Holy shit indeed. The one on the screen is none other than her dad! And a beautiful lady in white?
Husk: Who the fuck is that?
Nifty: She looks so clean! I wanna know what products she use.
Vaggie: Do you know who that is?
Charlie: Probably who dad was looking for.
Goodie: Such words! Angel, was self-preservation not included when you gave them the fruit of knowledge? Lucifer: Apparently not.
Okay, they clearly missed out on some context because her dad just arrived and he's mad. They watch as Lucifer grabs Velvette's face hard enough to bleed. Everyone is kneeling and seem to be locked in place. Husk eyes Alastor's monstrous form in the background warily.
Husk: Something happened.
Lucifer: I can't blame you. I was not the most present ruler, after all. But I thought I made something very clear when I dealt with that moth man.... I guess one example isn't enough.
One moment Velvette was struggle and the next her fucking jaw is gone!
Angel: Holy shit!
Husk: Ugh! You keep saying that. Don't you have any other words than holy shit?
Angel: 'M sorry, Huskie. But what else am I supposed to say to that huh??
Charlie's winces but her eyes are still glued to the screen as her dad summons his flaming sword and brings it down to the pink demon.
Lucifer: So, let me keep it simple. I'm Lucifer Morningstar. The creator of the first sin. The angel that damned humanity. Í̷̫̈́́͂̒̚̕͝͝͝'̶̨̛̺̤̿̀͒͛̂̿͋̄̑͆́͘͠͝M̴̝̯̖̦͍̽̎̏͆̔ ̴̛̛̄̋̈̑̓̀̓̃̄͐͗ͅŸ̷͇̙̟͈̭̥̬̻̙͔̠̱́̽̊̊ͅÔ̵̤͙͈̬̫̪͕̼͍͌̀̔͜U̴͈̼͖̯̤͌̀̀̓̾̔͆̈́̊͑͗̕͠͝R̵̨̹͍̦͒͌̋͒͆͌̄͛̓͑̔́͜ ̸̝͑̐̀̉̃͠͝F̵̞͖̮̗̗̜̯̯͔̮͒̊͒̈́̈́́̽́̂̂͑̎͝U̵̟̙̱̙̯̤̼̙͈̳̘̫͊̈̀C̷̙̞̔̅̊͌͋K̷̖͙̼̪̠̾̄̅̾͘I̵̛̩̘̜͖̩̙̿̐̽́͊́̒͆̆̎̑͗N̴̤̏̂͝G̸͋̋̍ͅ ̵̡͈̩̹̗̹̝̻̬͍̗̬̲̳̟̍͋̽͛̒̉̍͊͑̑̋̅̽Ḳ̷̡̬͔̞̱̤̬̮͉̙͇̪͛̅͊̚I̵̤͙̪̞̝͔̱͎̜̩̖̺̟͔̙͊Ṉ̵͈̤̘͚̻̙̼̓͂̌͋́̎͜ͅĢ̸̭͔͇̹̹̳̭͋̓̒͗̈́̉̈́̂̚.
They all had to avert their eyes as a giant ball of flame came down to finish Velvette off.
Lucifer: Û̶̪̌͐́̂̆͠͠n̸̛̟͕̱͍̫̘̻̣̱͈͈͇̱̜͛̓͗̏̅̇͋̒͆͊̓͗̚͠d̷̢̢̨̼̙͈̞͈͓͈͙̂̌͋̔̂̉̍̈́͆̿̈́̕͘͜͠e̵̛͍̯̫̼̫̐͛̊̒̆̉̓̊̽̓̒̒̚͘ŗ̶̨̢̧̮̜͙̪̹̯̙̪̤̠̝̓́̒̋͆̆̓̿͐̄̓̕̚̕ş̷̛̮͖̰̝̟͇͕̟̞̳̟̪̥̂̀̈́̈͗́̿̐̔̎̕̕͠t̶̮̖̭̹͓͉̪̣̦͙̖͍́͐͂̑͒̑͂̑̾̓̍̊͝ô̵̥͓̥͐̄̏̀̾̀̽̆ò̴̜͇̣̣̳͖̗̹̟̇̓͑͝ͅd̸̨̨͈͓̠͑͑̒̎̈́͘͠?̸̟̎̈
Even the sinners in the safety of the hotel nodded in fear. Lucifer made a delighted noise and with a clap, Velvette is back in one piece, albeit trembling in Vox's arms.
Lucifer: What? Do you really think I killed her? Sounds counterproductive. We still have a situation at hand and you are no use to me dead. Goodie: Up now! My sister is becoming restless.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Angel collapsed to Husk's side, when did he even stand up? Nifty didn't move a muscle but her maniacal smile is gone. Cherri started fiddling with an ignited bomb out of nowhere which Angel had to move to throw.
Goodie: Remember, angel, if this fails, you must do what I have told you. Lucifer: Let's start.
Angel: Holy shit.
Holy shit indeed.
Part 16 will be the 2nd part of the reaction before Lucifer goes in!
Dk if I will post on Wednesday as it will be my birthday! yayy
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needyfreek · 11 days
Prom Blows
(based on a post i made a while ago about sisters fucking on prom night)
both characters are 18 or older!
It was past 10 when Luna pulled up in front of the school she’d already graduated from. If it wasn’t for her absolute wreck of a senior sister, one would think of her as some sort of creepy college girl coming to the high school to pick up underage boys.
Roxy had called her, over an hour ago, begging her to take her home. After her date ghosted, her friends ditched, and she spilled spiked punch all over herself, Roxy had sobbed to Luna over the phone. So like the “Good Sister” she was, Luna came to her rescue.
“I’ve been waiting outside for a fucking hour where have you been?” Roxy hid her tears behind a veil of aggression.
“Sorry, sorry. I was busy.”
“With what? You don’t have a life.” Roxy retorted. She wasn’t fully wrong. Ever since Luna went off to college, she hadn’t done much aside from going to class in the morning, doing homework when she got back, and sleeping. Even on weekends, Luna was more likely to go study at the library rather than do anything fun. It was the first time in years that Roxy was well and truly alone at home. Their mom was usually working late at the hospital, and their dad didn’t even bother to write letters anymore. Roxy had a couple of friends, and the pretty privilege to get asked out every so often, but it never felt as fulfilling as her relationship with Luna. At least, that’s how it was. 
Luna had started college this year. Too poor to get into one of the nicer schools she wanted to, she had to settle for community college and living at home. It was nice to have a free place to stay, but it was starting to get tiring in sophomore year of high school. This town has a way of wearing down the people who get stuck here.
“I’ve got an essay due tomorrow.” That’s all she ever talked about. Schoolwork.
Roxy didn’t respond, she just looked out the window and tried her best to hold back her tears.
“So, what happened?” Luna was the first to break the silence.
“My date didn’t show up, he was off fucking one of my friends in the bathroom. Then my other friends ditched me. Fucking whores.”
“Roxy…” Luna sighed.
”They are! Don’t take their side dipshit-”
“No, I'm just sorry. That blows.” 
Roxy blinked a couple times, taken aback at her sister’s sudden approval. She half expected her to call it “Teen Girl Bullshit” and move on but not this time.
“Yeah- It does.” Roxy leaned back to get comfortable. “I got all dressed up and pretty for him…” She fidgeted with her tight, deep red velvet dress. It was a beautiful dress, form fitting, a perfect color for Roxy. When Luna glanced over, she couldn’t help that his eyes wandered to her prominent cleavage. In most outfits she wore, Roxy’s chest seemed much smaller. She wasn’t modest by any means, but she clearly put in the work to draw attention to where she wanted. It even worked on her sister. Luna’s eyes flashed back to the road. She knew how gross it was to think of her own sister in that way, to objectify her like that. 
But she couldn’t help it. Roxy was beautiful. Long black hair that poured down her back like a dark cascade, a back now exposed by the dress. Silky smooth, pale skin, perfectly slender and clean. The way her body curved, her hips, thighs, chest, almost like a doll with how precise it was. Luna hated that time and time again, she found herself staring, whenever Roxy wasn’t looking. When Luna would be on her laptop in the kitchen and Roxy would come in for a snack, bending over to get something from the lower sections of the fridge. The way her shorts would ride up, exposing the slightest bit of Roxy’s panties underneath… Or when they watched a movie together, Roxy would lay her legs over Luna’s and she could barely focus on what was happening on the screen. 
The worst part is that she wondered if she did it on purpose. Just to get a rise out of her.
Gross. Don’t think like that.
“So what now?” Luna asked quietly.
“I don’t know… I kind of just want to get out of this dress.”
“You don’t want to stop for ice cream first?” Luna smiled at her sister. Roxy just shook her head and watched the cars go by. Luna sighed. “I think you look very pretty, Roxy.”
Roxy turned to her.
“You do?” She asked, pleading for reassurance.
“Yeah… It’s a nice dress.”
“So you think the dress is pretty. Not me.” Roxy rolled her eyes.
“No, I think you’re pretty. The dress just… uh- helps.” Luna had a hard time concealing her blush. Disgusting that she would get that way over her own sister.
“You’re just saying that because you’re my sister.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, you don’t actually think I'm pretty.” Roxy sunk deeper into the seat.
“No, I really-“ Luna stopped herself. “You’re the most beautiful girl I know, Roxy. And if the people at your school don’t see that they’re dumbasses, ok?” Roxy looked out the window again. “I really mean it, Rox. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. You’re smart, witty, you have good taste, you’re the nicest person at that shit show of a school. You’re hot- uh- from a like- from an unbiased perspective I mean.” Luna covered her mouth in an attempt to conceal her blush. “Look, I just mean that you’re… you’re so much better than all of them. They don’t deserve you.”
Roxy still didn’t look back. 
Luna brought the car to the side of the road by an old park the two used to play at. It was empty, that late at night. A place that once brought the two so much joy, now a reminder of their distance. 
“Why are we-“ Roxy was cut off by Luna’s hand, taking her arm.
“Roxy…” Her grip was soft, reassuring more than anything else. Roxy finally looked back. “I need you to know that you are the most amazing, beautiful, incredible girl I have ever met. Anyone, and I mean anyone, would be lucky to go out with you. They blew their shot, don’t get hung up on them. Ok?” Then that smile, that stupid beautiful smile of hers. Roxy couldn’t stand that look, when Luna was so close to tears, and yet looked so loving and… pretty, damn it. 
And that’s the point where Roxy decided to go for it.
“Fine… you’re right. But I still didn’t get kissed… or laid. And fuck i was really banking on getting laid tonight.” 
Luna blushed a bit, but laughed the comment off, saying something incredibly stupid as she did. 
“I’d kiss you, if I weren’t your sister.” Luna joked, sort of… 
“You’d kiss me?”
Luna panicked, she hadn’t realized she said that out loud. “Oh! I just mean that- I mean- It’s not-“ Luna realized just how fucked she was, hoping that the little bit of alcohol in Roxy’s system would allow her to forget the massive fucking blunder Luna had made. “We should get going!” Luna went to take the car out of park but was surprised to find Roxy’s hand placed gently on hers.
“W-Wait… Please.” Roxy gave a pleading look to Luna that made her hesitate. “You… you would kiss me? Even when I’m this much of a mess?”
“I mean- I- Roxy I’m your sister it’s not like-“ Luna tried to save herself, but Roxy wasn’t content to let her go so easily. 
“You mean you don’t want to?” Roxy asked, red in the face.
Luna paused. Fuck.
“I don’t- we can’t. We’re sisters… I wouldn’t- I would never even think about-“
“What if I wanted you to?” Roxy’s hand had traveled to her sister’s shoulder now. Luna could hardly think, much less string together words to make a coherent sentence. “It wouldn’t mean anything, but… Would it really be so bad? Just one?”
Luna realized she wasn’t breathing.
“Wait, you’re being serious?” Luna muttered, Roxy nodded. 
“Just… don’t make a weird thing out of it ok? It’s just a kiss.” 
Luna checked to make sure no one was around, thank god for that. Taking a deep breath, Luna turned back to her sister.
“So…” Luna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed up her glasses. Her hands were shaking. Roxy noticed, and took her sister’s hands in her own.
“It’s OK, Luna… don’t be so nervous. I’m your sister, I won’t judge.” She gave her such a sweet smile. With that last bit of encouragement, Luna nodded and leaned toward Roxy ever so slightly. Roxy caught her breath and moved in. For a while the two were too nervous to breach the gap, a comfortable distance kept between their lips. Then, with sudden eagerness and impatience, Roxy shot forward and locked lips with Luna. The suddenness of the kiss caused Luna to inhale sharply and jump in her seat. 
The kiss itself was amazing, the best either had ever experienced. Luna’s face was warm, blushing so hard her glasses could have fogged up. Roxy moved her hands to her sister’s red face, holding her tightly. Absent-mindedly, Luna started to slip her tongue into Roxy’s mouth, a gesture she was more than happy to reciprocate. Without realizing it, Roxy’s hand fell to Luna’s thigh, and inched closer to her crotch until-
“Oh-!” Roxy pulled away. Luna blinked twice, recollecting her thoughts before turning away, abashedly covering her face with one hand and her crotch with the other.
“Fuck, i- im so sorry- i don’t know what happened.” Luna did her best to conceal the very obvious erection trying to escape her jeans. “I haven’t been able to- and yknow i’m just- Fuck, sorry!” 
“No no- it’s ok Luna… Really. I take it, you liked that?” Roxy was blushing just as much, if not harder than Luna.
Luna didn’t respond.
“I’m sorry. I’m so gross.” Luna hid her face in her hands.
“What? No, it’s ok. Really!” Roxy leaned back in and caressed her sister’s arm. “I get it, you’re excited. I- I am too.” 
“Excited?” Luna removed her hands from her face.
“Yeah I mean, I assume that’s what that means.”
“No no, you’re excited?” A million terrible thoughts went through Luna’s mind.
“Well…” Roxy turned toward the window, blushing. “You’re not the only one who’s been… pent up.” She cleared her throat. “I’m- I’m a little wet right now… Well, more than a little.”
The sisters stared at each other in silence for what felt like ages. 
“I know…. it’s gross isn’t it?” Roxy tried to laugh it off.
“No! Not at all!” Luna grabbed Roxy’s shoulders. “Uh- Well I guess it sort of is… I mean we’re sisters and all, but-“
“But…?” Roxy placed her hand onto Luna’s as it held tight to her shoulder. 
“Uh- People get like this all the time? It’s fine, we’ll take care of it when we get home.”
“We!?” Roxy was both excited and mortified.
“I mean seperately! In separate rooms! Touching ourselves- not- fuck.” Luna tried desperately to hide her fucked up desires in this moment. Roxy didn’t even try to hide her disappointment. “Wh- what?” Luna asked.
“Just- I don’t know… It’s easier with help.” 
“Huh…” Luna went brain-dead. 
“Like you’ve been with girls before! Just this one time, I swear! I won’t ever bring it up again. I just need help right now.”
Luna fully realized what her sister was asking her to do.
“Are you being for real?”
“Y-yes.” There was that awkwardness again. She was too cute to resist like this.
“So you want me to…” Luna’s fingers drifted to the hem of Roxy’s dress. Roxy turned away as she slowly lifted it to reveal her now damp white panties. Luna gasped, completely unable to pull herself together now.
“Please just- do it already.”
Luna nodded, though Roxy refused to look. Slowly, gently, carefully, Luna pulled her sister’s panties down to her shins. Now, her glistening cunt was bare and Luna saw the full lengths of what she had done to her sister with just a simple kiss. 
“F-Wow, you’re really wet, sis.” As soon as it came out of her mouth, she realized how disgusting it sounded. But that didn’t matter anymore, all that did, was Luna being here for her sister.
Luna teased Roxy’s slit, tracing her fingers across it and lightly touching her clit. The full weight of the action, Luna fingering her sister, wouldn’t quite break through to her until she had already slipped two fingers inside. Roxy, who up until this point had been lightly releasing quiet pleasured breaths, let out a full moan. The sound was intoxicating to Luna, she’d fantasized about hearing it for so long, it almost didn’t seem real.
“Fuck…” Luna sighed. Roxy let her head fall back as her breaths became staggered and harsh. The two tried not to look each other in the eyes as Luna spoke once again. “Is this ok?”
Roxy nodded, unable to speak at this point. Luna kept going, now being able to smell just how worked up Roxy had gotten. Luna’s pointer and index were now lodged deeply within her sister’s pussy, awkwardly curling and shifting inside of her.
Roxy let out a quiet whimper and covered her mouth with her hands, ashamed that she was being so loud for her sister of all people.
Luna pulled Roxy closer, maneuvering so that she could better reach from behind, though the position was awkward and uncomfortable.
“Luna~” Roxy whispered through strained whimpers as her sister fingered her from behind, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Roxy wrapped her own arm around Luna’s neck and stared up into her eyes. Finally, the two made eye contact, face to face, mere centimeters apart. 
That’s when the reason they had avoided direct eye contact became clear…
The two of them kissed once again, a deep, sloppy, passionate kiss. Roxy couldn’t help but moan as they exchanged saliva, their tongues writhing around each others’ mouths.
“R-Roxy~ Please… I can’t do this.”
”What? Why?” Roxy broke from her sister’s grasp, pouting.
”I’m i- I’m too hard… do you think you could-”
Without a second thought, Roxy started unzipping Luna’s jeans. Feeling her older sister’s hard cock beneath her tight satin panties drove Roxy crazy. Luna too was losing her mind, shaking uncontrollably as her nerves took hold. Having a girl, her sister no less, touch her in such an intimate way—
The thought was interrupted by the warm, wet sensation of Roxy’s tongue tracing the length of Luna’s cock. 
Luna whimpered as Roxy fit her dick into her mouth. The taste was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, Roxy could hardly think of anything else as she took the entirety of her sister’s dick down her throat.
Luna arched her back, grabbing the steering wheel for support, shaking and blushing furiously.
“Oh my god… Roxy, please~ please don’t stop.” Luna whispered.
Roxy looked up into her sister’s eyes as she pleaded. She looked so pretty from down there. 
It didn’t take long for Luna to finish. She filled her sister’s mouth with hot cum, so much it dripped from Roxy’s lips as she pulled off Luna’s dick. Luna loudly moaned, no longer able to contain herself.
Luna fell back into her seat, still hard as she shouldn’t have been. Unsatisfied, Roxy pulled her panties fully off and climbed on top of Luna. 
“Wa- Wait!” Luna didn’t really want it to stop, but she knew if she let this happen, there really would be no going back. It was too late though…
Luna’s leaking tip disappeared into Roxy’s slick opening. Slowly, the rest of Luna’s dick entered her sister’s pussy.
“Luna~” Roxy moaned into her ear as she wrapped her arms around her neck tightly. The two sat in each other’s embrace for what felt like an eternity. 
After enough time had passed for the sisters to move past the initial sin, they made the final decision to keep going no matter how wrong it was. 
Roxy rose up slowly and slammed back down, her ass slapping against Luna’s thighs over and over. 
Roxy’s dress rose up high enough now that Luna could see the mess she had made of her sister. Wet, glistening in the light of the street lamps, freshly shaven too… 
“Roxy~” Luna muttered her lover’s name between whimpered moans. 
“Luna~” The two kissed once again. A deeper, more passionate kiss than either had ever given anyone else, like they had saved it specially for this moment. They moaned into each others’ mouths, taken by their shared euphoria. When Roxy rose, Luna pulled back. When Luna pushed deeper, Roxy buried her sister’s dick as deep inside her as she could muster without breaking. 
“Roxy~ I’m going to cum again~ I can’t~”
“Shhh…” Roxy placed a finger to Luna’s lips. “I know… me too.” She could hardly get the words out. “Let’s do it together… ok~?”
Luna nodded. The two increased their pace. Up and down, over and over. Luna felt herself building to another climax, this time trapped inside her sister, when—
The two came together, screaming out each other’s names as they felt their minds go blank for one brief moment of pure ecstasy. 
Roxy fell on top of Luna, both of them breathed heavily. They didn’t move for a full minute.
“A-are you ok?” Luna whispered. “Was that ok?”
“Yes!” Roxy stammered quietly. “It was amazing, Luna.” She hugged her sister close. “I love you so much.” Roxy kissed her.
“I love you too, Roxy.” Luna watched as Roxy rose from her cock, letting their shared liquids spill out onto her lap. 
“Thank you.” Roxy embarrassingly stumbled back into the passenger seat. Luna pulled her pants back up and Roxy did her best to clean herself up with the tissues in the glove compartment. The two drove home, not a single word exchanged between them. 
When they finally arrived, their mother still working late into the night, they returned to their separate rooms-
It wasn’t thirty minutes after they got back that Roxy snuck into Luna’s room to continue what they had started earlier…
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callmearcturus · 17 days
@vmprsm replied to your post “Raw MKV rip of Mission Impossible: Fallout:...”:
Theoretically, if one wanted their own copies of the MI movies safely on a hard drive....where would one go?
​I mean, there is a site where you can acquire a lot of movies via torrent. I tend to use (rot13) 1337k.gb and I got a heavily discounted Windscribe VPN subscription that I use on almost all of my devices.
But my thing is that... I want commentary reels and special features, and sometimes you'll download a movie but the fucking subtitles are either bad or they become desynced over time and I haaaaate it.
So I've been gathering bits and pieces over the past year to get a Plex system going in my house and it works like a fucking DREAM. But it requires some investment. If you just want to have a few local copies of your favorite movies, this is way overkill. But me, I am canceling all of my family's streaming services and pivoting to our Plex.
So what I have for actually getting the files:
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I don't have this model but it's similar to this, a Pioneer External Blu-ray Reader. It sits on a little shelf and is connected to my PC by a USB cable. (I think I got mine for around 68 bucks so you can wait for a sale.)
I use MakeMKV which will rip the big honking raw files from a Blu-ray and leave them as matroshka (.mkv) files.
Because these raw files are ENORMOUS, I compress them in Handbrake. Handbrake is wildly powerful, can convert file formats and make them super small. I have my Handbrake set up special to dump all the non-English language subtitles and audio tracks to save space.
(SUPER BONUS TIP FOR HANDBRAKE: If you have a dedicated GPU, you can give Handbrake permission to use it, and it'll compress shit literally 10x faster, love it.)
At the moment, I am using a Western Digital portable 5TB external harddrive because it was one sale and I couldn't beat the price. Eventually, I want to upgrade to two 10TB HDDs so I can keep a full backup of everything I'm ripping. Because this is a bit of a time and energy commitment and I don't wanna lose all my progress here!
At first I was running Plex off my desktop PC and that worked totally fine, but my family hates having to touch my desktop to wake it up every time, so I very recently grabbed one of these guys:
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This is a Beelink Mini PC S12 Pro. It is small enough to fit in my hand but it is a speedy little demon that runs Windows 11. (And eventually I am gonna use it to firewall out ads from our entire home network, I'm pumped for that project but ANYWAY.)
The upside of these mini boys is that instead of being a hefty workhorse like my main computer, this is small and has a low-power draw.
So I moved my Plex Media Server to the mini PC, plugged in my 5TB drive of movies, and now everyone in the house can easily stream anything I have added to the library.
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This is what it looks like, if you're curious. Any device in the house that runs Plex and is signed in can select any movie or TV show I have and just watch it like it was Netflix or something.
A month ago, I has like.... 65 movies? Now I'm ripping a few and we're gonna break 100 soon.
"But Arc, where do you get so many blurays!"
My local library.
When I lived in Broward County, FL, I had an extravagantly wonderful library system. Tax dollars at fucking WORK, y'all. Now I live in Georgia and the library system is not nearly as good, but I have still gotten my hands on a frankly ridiculous amount of blurays. Every week I'm picking up 3 to 10 movies or shows, taking them home, making good copies, and returning them.
All of this is an investment and it is work. But as someone who built my computer, built my keyboard, cracked my 3DS and PS Vita-- this is fun to me! This is what I love to do. And through doing it, I've seen more movies in the past year than the last ten years put together.
So yeah, I can't recommend this to everyone, but if you wanna get out of your subscriptions and to just have high quality shit on demand, this is what I'm doing.
Cannot stress this enough tho, if this seems interesting to you: wait for sales. All the components here go on steep sale if you wait patiently. Take your time assembling the parts and keep in mind that shit is modular, you can upgrade parts later.
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buttfrovski · 25 days
Any PC Creek headcanons you have?
tweek doesn't drink coffee anymore.
they have a nice wine collection going.
they have a medicine cabinet that overflows with tweek's prescriptions and advil. craig's had like.. two prescriptions total and they were for a surgery he had on his shoulder like 10 years ago.
i haven't really decided on headcanons for jobs. whether they both have jobs or one stays at home.. idk. i like to think craig has a cool stem job like aerospace engineering and he's kinda a big shot.
however, tweek is the one that cooks. to this day it leaves a big mess every time, but at least the food turns out good. he bakes a lot too.
for his birthday- craig got tweek a nice grand piano to replace the keyboard he had before.
craig tried using that ONE hair dye for old guys to hide his grey hairs and tweek chewed him out for it cuz he likes the grey hairs.
they watch TV shows and movies all the time. almost every night. reality tv crap, some hoity toity critically acclaimed typa movie, a disney movie, popular shows, etc. they've seen it. however, they can't watch any of gordon ramsey's shows because he makes tweek nervous.
both of them are good with mechanics around the house and such... it's just that craig tries to get to it first b4 tweek notices cuz tweek has electrocuted himself multiple times before.
craig is rlly good at wordle, connections, crosswords, puzzles, all that stuff and tweek hates him for it. (but still asks for his help)
they didn't speak to eachother for three days after trying to put up an ikea set together.
i drew this one time- but craig puts the peanut butter on the highest cabinet all the way in the back so tweek can't reach it. tweek knows he does it and just hops up to grab it- but craig denies it.
they do still have guinea pigs. many. they always have at least one named stripe.
craig is the one who drives. that's all i gotta say.
craig's a chronic blanket stealer and snores. tweek murmurs in his sleep and has never woken up gracefully in his life.
i'm gonna stop myself here. i prolly have 100 more because domestic fluff is my specialty.
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vioartemis · 11 months
Scared to lose you
(Emma Myers x fem! reader)
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Summary: Emma and you are dating, but you play Wednesday's love interest in the series, and your girlfriend doesn't enjoy it Warnings: so short it can't even be called a one shot 💀 (sorry, I ran out of inspiration for that one) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Emma and you had known each other since high school, and you started dating just a bit more than a year ago. You didn't even tried to keep your relationship secret; neither of you was famous enough to have paparazzis behind you, and you liked it like that.
You had wondered what it would be like to work together, imagining all kind of scenarios, but didn't actually thought it would happen. And here you were, both hired to play a role in the Wednesday series.
And Emma wasn't liking it. At all.
It wasn't working with you that bothered her, absolutely not. It was the fact that she had to watch you kiss another girl. A beautiful girl. She couldn't deny it.
She tried to rationalize: you played Wednesday's love interest, so the chances that there would be a lot of kisses were low. And she was right, you had only one kiss scene.
And she was fine with it; she knew it was for work, and it was just one kiss.
At least that's what she was thinking before seeing you kissing Jenna almost 10 times, as you couldn't seem to get the scene right. There was always something that 'you didn't do right'.
And your girlfriend was starting to get really pissed. And jealous. And hurt.
"Okay, let's take a break, it's not working. Both of you, get some fresh air, eat something, I don't know, distract yourselves, and in 15 minutes we'll try again" the director told Jenna and you
You both nodded, and stretched, before parting ways. You went to your girlfriend, who was clearly not doing okay.
"Hey babe, is everything okay...?" you asked as you got closer to her
"Yeah, it's just... hard, to see you kiss someone else..." Emma said, looking down, as if ashamed to feel that way
"I'm sorry, I thought we'd get it right the first time, I don't know what happened..."
There was a moment of silence, before she finally talked.
"... Maybe she just wants to kiss you over and over again..."
You looked at her in disbelief, not expecting her to say that about your costar.
"What? No, of course not. She knows we're dating, everyone knows. I don't think she'd be the type to do that"
Emma sighed. She knew you were right.
"I- I know, I'm sorry, it's just... I'm just... scared..."
"Scared? Of what?"
"... Scared to lose you... I mean look at me, and look at her... She's so much prettier that me, she has it all, and I'm just... me... I guess I'm just scared you would leave me for someone better..."
"Hey... don't say that..." you took her hands in yours "I don't care about others, okay? I love you, Emma Myers. You're the sweetest, nicest, funniest, prettiest, most perfect girl I've ever met" you said, smiling "And you're a way better kisser than her" you added jokingly
You attempt to lighten up the mood seemed to work, Emma chuckled, giving your hands a soft squeeze.
"Thank you, for reassuring me... I'm sorry, I'm just... really insecure, and I don't want to lose you..."
"It's okay to be insecure, don't apologize babe... Plus I'd gladly show you how much I love you" you smiled
"Oh yeah? And... how do you plan on doing that?"
"I'd shower you with kisses, cuddle you all night... Y'know, that kind of things..."
To emphasize your words, you cupped her cheeks, and started kissing her face; her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips. All that while Emma was giggling, her hands resting on your waist.
"Mm... I think you will have to do more to fully reassure me" she said playfuly
"Of course, my love... Just wait until we're alone, and I'll give you all the attention you need"
You both smiled, as you rested your forehead on hers.
"Hey lovebirds! Sorry to disturb you, but we need to get back to work" Jenna interrupted you, slight smirk on her face
"Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm coming" you told her, before turning back to Emma "I promise I'll try to be quick"
She smiled and kissed you softly.
"It's okay, take your time"
You nodded, and started to walk to the set again, when you heard Emma's voice again:
"Try not to enjoy the kiss too much!"
"I won't!" you replied with a smile, rolling your eyes
At that moment you were only sure of one thing: you would have to make up for these kisses this very night.
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bean-bean2000 · 2 months
The Maid - Part 11
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, depression, mentions of suicide, despair, feeling trapped. Mentions of abuse and rape.
Please read at your own risk. Your own media consumption is not my responsibility. Please read and review the warnings before proceeding.
Thank you and enjoy!
Part 10
Series masterlist Main Masterlist
You wake to the sun shining in from the small square window and the caws of a raven.
Sitting up slowly, you head directly to the bathroom to bathe. No thoughts have crossed your mind as you’re functioning on autopilot.
You look at your reflection and see nothing. In the deepest parts of your mind you can hear the locked chest rattling and moving to get out, much like Pandora's box, but you push it further.
Not anymore. Just focus on your job. I can’t do this anymore. For your own sanity, push them out.
You get ready for the day and head out to your first destination: the King’s bedroom.
As you perform your duties, it feels as though you’re floating. The world around you seems hazy, almost as if somebody else is controlling your body as you watch through your eyes.
You’re cleaning the room robotically, as you move around sweeping and dusting. You hear nothing besides this constant deep buzzing.
Suddenly you feel a hand wrap around your forearm and makes you turn around. You show no reaction as you’re turned to face Loki, staring at you with squinted eyes.
He’s saying something but you can’t hear until you shake your head out of the haze and focus again. You curtsy low and address him “Hello, my king. How may I be of assistance?”
He stares at you, searching your eyes. “Are you well?” he asks.
“How do you mean, my king?” you reply stoically.
He can’t find that fire behind your eyes that used to burn with defiance, nor that snarkiness he loves to see when you challenge him. He only sees empty eyes staring back at him.
“What happened?” he demands rather than asking.
“I'm unsure what you are referring to, my king. I am simply doing my job, as your maid. I’m doing as you said, your highness. I know my place.” Your eyes look sunken and void of anything.
He frowns at your reply when you turn around and continue your work as he stares at you in confusion and worry.
He steps in front of you “Stop.”
You immediately obey “Yes, my king.” and you stand there waiting for his next order.
He continues to search your eyes, not understanding how a woman with such strong character, the woman he met a few days prior who would rather be beaten than to obey an order, suddenly accept a command so easily.
He sits you down on a chair and analyzes you. He can’t sense any foreign or dark magic on you. There is no curse he can identify. He’s bewildered by your drastic change in character, until he notices this dark purple aura surrounding your body. He doesn’t understand how he hadn’t felt the presence of this magic before, but he quickly realizes that it isn’t foreign. It’s coming from within you.
Thinking out loud he says "You're not supposed to have magic. How is this possible?"
Then, he remembers something his mother had told him years ago when he was a boy:
"Mother, what do the colours I see around people mean? Everybody has a different one. Why is that?" Young Loki asks.
"My son, those colours are called auras. Everybody has a different aura depending on their type of magic that they have and use. Sometimes, people may have dormant magic, subdued from years of being unused. Those auras, are much different, however. They are usually a deep orange, which can eventually turn into another colour when and if they start using their magic again." The Allmother explains to her eldest child.
"But what about dark purple? I was reading a book in the library that mentioned dark purple auras but I wasn't able to find any details about it." the curious boy questions.
"Dark purple? That is a very rare aura... one I have not seen since our last Great War, centuries ago. A dark purple aura happens when somebody born with magic, has suffered greatly. As a result, their magic is naturally subdued, because the most dangerous and volatile person is one who uses and grows their magic through hate and pain. The dark purple aura reflects the pain and trauma they've endured and almost acts as a warning to others. It is well known by all experts of magic that a dark purple aura cannot be cleared without the affected person healing themselves fully from their trauma." she explains.
"How do you heal them?"
"That is where the issue lays, my sweet boy. Over the years we have learned that this can only happen one way: True love and complete trust. It has been noted that the only thing that can break such pain, sadness and anguish, is unconditional love. Very few cases have been recorded where one with a dark purple aura has found such love and managed to free themselves and accept their true aura, stemming from their true, healed, self." she grabs ahold of her sons hand and guides him through her garden.
"This type of magic is the most powerful and the most difficult to attain as it is not really magic at all. Nobody can simply enchant another to fall in love. The love must be true. This means, it cannot be influenced by any unnatural forces. It cannot be forced or tricked, which is why it is the most difficult ailment to cure, unfortunately. Even more so as times passes because true love has lost its meaning over the years. No book or magical spell can tell you what true love is because there is no singular definition. For a mother, it may be the love she has for her child, for another it may be their significant other, or their sibling...It differs from person to person. Sometimes, an act of true love by the affected person themselves or the one that they love, can break the dark purple aura. Unfortunately, at times, those acts of unconditional love, are fatal; sacrificing yourself for another. True love is a very fragile and fickle thing. Extremely difficult to attain but very easy to break." she sighs sadly as she walks through the mazes of her garden.
Young Loki remained silent the rest of their walk, mind reeling trying to understand what true love really means.
At that moment he decides to do the one thing he promised himself he would never do without one’s consent.
He places two fingers on your forehead, and you feel a tingle as he begins to read your mind and replay your memories. He starts from last night, with the intention of going back as far as possible to understand who you really are.
When he begins, he can see the box of emotions hidden deep within your subconscious, locked with chains and kept hidden well beyond. He replays your memories in your room and the bathroom.
He pulls back in surprise. “How did you do that?” he asks you.
You do not reply to him and stare blankly through him.
"But... if your magic is supposedly dormant, how are you able to dissociate yourself and psychologically lock your emotions away?... Can I reverse it?" he asks himself, thinking out loud.
He taps once again into your memories and chases after the locked chest hidden in the furthest part of your mind. As he begins to approach it, it moves again, further away every time. Finally, Loki decides to try halting it in its spot with his magic. When he tries to do so, a sudden intense wave of fire scorches around him. Confused, he touches it and to his surprise, he can feel the heat from the fire within your mind. As he tries to step through, a phoenix emerges and screams as it flies at him. He feels the power of the phoenix throw him backwards and he inhales deeply as he staggers back on the table in his room. He's breathing heavily, heart racing as stares at you in disbelief.
What just happened? Did she throw me out of her mind? How is that possible... that has never happened... Who are you?
"May I resume my work, my king?" you asks monotonously.
Loki shakes his head incredulously and waves his hand in the air "Yes, yes, continue. I must take my leave."
He quickly walks to the door and looks behind his shoulder before leaving, watching you broom the floor as if nothing happened.
Please let me know your opinions on the story so far and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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ciaonicole85 · 2 months
Part 6: What Then?
It's over kids! The longest and final chapter is done. Chris Storer & Co. are probably going to put our beloveds through it in S3, but until then let's enjoy our low-key angst and romance. Post Season 2, Canon-Compliant, swoony, girly, fluffy. A happy-ending obviously.
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After 10 years of grinding himself into dust Carm’s body began to surrender. About a month after The Bear’s opening, he came down with a cold that turned into a low-grade fever, a bitter cough with lime green mucus, night sweats, and mind-numbing exhaustion. After two days Sydney and Fak showed up to his apartment and dragged him to the emergency room. It was pneumonia and dehydration. The young male doctor muttered that his lungs sounded just like his father’s, a 40-year smoker. Yes, pneumonia was the primary reason, but a man Carmy’s age should be in better shape. He was out of commission for a whole week. The regret of letting down The Bear crew so soon after the Friends and Family fiasco motivated him to make a couple changes. First, he allowed himself only one emergency cigarette a day, which he needed less and less. Second, he went outside on Mondays, when the restaurant was closed. If the temperature was over 30℉, he took the train or walked to a park. His favorites were Humboldt and the Garfield Park Conservatory. Today he had come to the latter with his sketchbook and pencils in his backpack. Since the renovation he had continued drawing.
As he went towards to his favorite bench, he noticed a slender woman walking ahead of him. Her height, long swishing braids and jacket were identical to Syd’s. He compulsively began jogging towards her. Before he could call out her name, the woman pounced on a tall lanky man in front of her, wrapping her arms around his waist. Carmen had the sensation of being pushed off a diving board unexpectedly, his stomach pitching forward, unable to breathe much less scream before slamming into the water like a brick. The man turned and picked up Sydney up, planting a kiss on her mouth. He spun her around and…she wasn’t Syd. Thank God.
Carm made his way to the bench and hunched over, his head in his hands. She wasn’t Syd he recanted over and over until the feeling of relief gave way to self-reproach. This time it wasn’t her, but one day it would be. Would he be able to live with that? Uncle Jimmy’s warning not to be an overthinking manichino flashed in his mind. It was time to do something. He took out his sketchpad and began thumbing through it, an idea beginning to take shape. Hopefully, it wouldn’t scare Syd away.
The following Monday Sydney was in her cousin’s salon getting her entire life. Her microbraids were taken out, her hair was washed, deep conditioned, her scalp massaged, and now she was getting box braids put in. They were accented with delicate gold hair cuffs. She drowsed in the chair, with an almost empty to-go container of jollof rice in her lap, as her cousin and another hair stylist quietly discussed the latest season of Love is Blind.
“Sydney babe, would you ever go on Love is Blind?” her cousin, Ashley, asked in a louder tone.
Syd startled and rubbed her eyes.
“Never. That’s insane.”
“I got a message on IG that it’s coming to Chicago. You live and breathe your job so when are you going to meet somebody? Maybe your soulmate is in one of those pods!”
“Why don’t you apply then? You could find “love” and get more exposure for the salon.”
“Same for you and your restaurant ma’am, but I have a man.”
“Since when?”
“Since three months ago. His name is David, he’s a chemical engineer and the son of you know, Ms. Jumoke, she goes to the African church on Mackinaw…St. Paul.”
“Yeah, I remember her. Her sister used to watch me when my dad worked nights.”
“Anyways, back to you. Are you dating anyone, or should I send you the show application?”
“I don’t think love is blind. Have you seen the people they cast? Nobody too unfortunate-looking gets on. It’s so shallow.”
 “Ha! You’re one to talk. You have a very distinct type…white boys with tats and muscles.”
“Ashley, there’s been two of them. Like, that’s not a pattern.”
“No, three! This boss, no “partner”, of yours, had Sydney written over him. The family never sees you anymore.”
“I came to lunch at uncle and auntie’s last month! Besides, opening a new business is like having a kid. You know this.”
“Sure, but when I had dinner at your restaurant and you introduced us, he complimented you for five minutes and then followed you to the kitchen like a whipped puppy.”
Sydney grinned biting her lower lip and covered her eyes. Her cousin stopped braiding and hugged her.
“Aww…my baby cousin is finally going to get some!”
“ASHLEY!” Sydney groaned pushing off her cousin’s arms.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but I am happy for you. He is sexy. That neck is thicker than a tree stump.”
Sydney who had just taken a sip of her sweet tea, spat it out all over the mirror.
“That’s on you, Ashley!” she choked out between laughing and coughing.
When she was able to contain herself, she tried to reel her cousin back in. Talking about romantic potential with Carmy gave her too much pleasure. If he was content with the status quo she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“Nothing really is going on. We’re business partners and we’re pretty good friends and it’s probably best we keep it that way.”
“Yes, and he gave you an equal share in the restaurant out of the friendly kindness of his heart.”
“You know, I think he would do that, because I’ve put in so much work, but it did feel like it was something more, at least his Uncle Cicero or Jimmy seemed to think so.”
“Girl, watch out. His sister and an uncle like you!? Would you take his last name, hyphenate, or keep Adamu?”
“Ugh, I’m not going there with you! Shouldn’t you be done with my hair by now?”
“If you want it done right it’ll be 2 more hours. If you don’t…30 minutes?”
“Fine, take your time but please let me sleep.”
Sydney closed her eyes, admiring her self-control. She hadn’t told Ashley that Carmy asked her to come by The Bear this evening. He was reworking a few old dishes. The invite was made at the end of the night a few days ago while they were turning off the lights. She said yes as they pulled down the last switch and she couldn’t see his expression, but she heard him exhale loudly as if he feared she’d decline. Sometimes they meet up on Mondays to network with vendors or collaborate on menu ideas, so this wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, she intuited he was hiding something again like when he and Nat surprised her with a share in the restaurant. This time she didn’t pester him for details, knowing that it was probably worth waiting for.
When Syd arrived home at 3:00 pm she could’ve folded laundry and watched an episode of Psych, but she decided to pretend this was a date; well, like she was preparing for a date. It was a long time since her last. She had entered the Convent of Failed Dreams after Sheridan. Then The Beef/The Bear became her world. The light blue cuffed jeans and stripped white and mint green button-down shirt she was wearing was more than appropriate for a food brainstorming session. However, Carmy’s mysterious attitude might be concealing more great news. She might as well look good when and if he had some.
She took a luxuriously long shower, shaved, and rubbed in her mandarin-scented body oil. Then she entered slowly sifted through her closet considering a red jumpsuit, or just nicer jeans and a blouse when her eyes fell on her marigold-colored shirt dress. It was knee length, comfortable, but chic and the color made her complexion pop. She paired it with a brown and gold oval buckle belt and brown flats because she might be standing in the kitchen for hours. After a short struggle she decided to keep the top two buttons of her shirt dress open. It was only a collar bone, not cleavage. Then she considered makeup. She hated wearing a lot of it; her skin felt suffocated with foundation. She did her brows, applied mascara, a little mineral powder, a smidge of highlighter on her cheekbones, and finished with the Fenty “Hot Choclit” gloss bomb her cousin had given her as part of a set for Christmas. Her new braids with the gold cuffs made the look even better and Sydney couldn’t help admiring herself more than usual in her floor-length mirror. She felt so delicious that she ordered an Uber rather than sit on the train. She would take it later or maybe Carm would give her a ride home.
Just before she could lock the door Emmanuel came up the stairwell, his face lighting up.
“My baby girl, you are stunning! Where are you headed?”
“Thanks, daddy. I’m just going to the restaurant. Felt like dressing up for once.”
“So, is it a staff meeting?”
“No, just working on some recipes. I gotta go. My Uber’s waiting.”
Emmanuel leaned against the door and nodded with a sly smile.
“Oh okay, I see. Tell Carmen I said hello. Have fun!”
Sydney’s eyes widened and she ran down the stairs waving goodbye. Her voice couldn’t be trusted.
When the car arrived at the restaurant, the sky was overcast, the evening darker than usual for the time of year. She let herself in and observed the layout. The lights were low, and the back center booth was set for dinner, with a single table candlelit. She could see Carmy in the kitchen already sautéing something. She was headed towards him when he looked up, seeing her through the window and rushed to meet her in the front.
“Syd don’t-” he began before he was immobilized by the vision before him.
Sydney was similarly taken with him and marveled at how often they were of the same mind. Carm was wearing a crisp button-down blue shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, the shirt tucked into dark navy pants, and he had gotten a haircut. Somehow it made his eyes stand out more. The sides were moderately tapered, his hair on top remained almost as long as before, and one of his rogue curls was damp against his forehead. He was perspiring, apparently having been cooking for a while.
“Nice haircut”, “You look amazing” they began at the same time and laughed nervously.
Carmy started again, beating his trusty spoon against his palm.
“So, the food is almost done. Just have a seat over there and I’ll be right out.”
Sydney nodded, a little confused and excited for this change of plans. She sat in the booth and noticed the speakers were playing The Teskey Brothers’ “Take My Heart.” She leaned back and closed her eyes letting the lyrics wash over her, her emotions stirring with that sweet ache.
“Take the time to notice what you really need, 
You’ll find it’s a little more simple, than what you thought before,
But I can say for certain that I’ve got more than I ever had before,
By remembering the little things that make my heart warm.
So take my heart and cut it into two,
After all the only thing missing from me was you,
You’re all I want, you’re all I need, you’re the air I breathe,
Cause after all the only thing missing from me was you.”
“Hey, are you good?” Carmy asked  approaching the booth with their plates.
Sydney sat up and cleared her throat.
“Yes, I’m good. I really like that song. Reminds me of-“
 “Otis Redding?”
Carm carefully placed the plates on the table.
“Well, speaking of throwbacks, I made-”
“Pork confit with onions and rhubarb!”
 “Yes, and after we’ll have Milk and Honey.
Sydney bit the inside of her mouth trying to absorb what seemed to be happening.  Carm muttered something about getting their drinks and went to the bar for their club sodas. Sydney remained mute, not knowing if she should ask him what this meant now or let it play out. “Don’t get ahead of yourself”, she admonished her heart.
He returned to the booth with their drinks and encouraged her to start, rubbing his chin as she put the first bite in her mouth.
“That’s it Carmy. Maybe even better than the first time,” Syd purred the pork melting on her tongue and some of her anxiety with it.
He blushed and began eating too.
“It is pretty good. Eleven Madison Park taught me a lot.”
The meal was mostly silent except for the occasional ejaculation over some element of the dish. Carmy couldn’t help gazing at Syd, taking in each detail, and rejoicing in the whole. The dip above her collar bone that rose and fell whenever she swallowed, made his head swim. Her lovely face was absolutely regal framed by her new box braids. Syd’s brown skin glowed in the candlelight and a heavenly citrus scent emanated from her. Whenever her eyes caught his obvious staring, he was too filled with gratitude to look away. Sydney’s eyes were soft and filled with kindness for this dear, lovestruck man. He looked helpless. In moments like this she remembered her capacity to build or obliterate him at will.  “Go with the flow” she reminded herself.
After they finished the main, Carmy took their plates and returned, with dessert, Milk and Honey. Syd lit up at the sight and when she tried it a wave of surprise flitted across her face.
"Is that mango? I didn't taste it at first, but then it like...bloomed at the back. Wow!"
"I thought it could use a Sydney twist. You always grab the mango lollipops off Sug's desk."
She resumed eating her dessert. Carm noticed everything about her. She'd played the Teskey Brothers, once or twice while they cleaned after a service, comparing them to Otis.
The Milk and Honey was devoured too soon and just as she wondered what else was on the agenda, Carmy took their bowls and returned with a package tied with twine. He set it in front of her, hands trembling, and sat a little further away than before. Syd perceiving his anxiety didn't raise any questions. She untied the string, removed the wrapping paper, revealing a red leather hand-bound notebook. The cover was engraved with her initials. On the first page was one of Carmy's drawings. It was a curbside view of The Bear. Several lined pages followed, then a drawing of the grapes in bone marrow broth. This alternating of lined pages and his pictures continued throughout the thick notebook. There were more pictures of their recipes, the various designs of her head scarves, and some were of her in different attitudes. In one she was leading expo with the confidence of Napoleon, and another was a portrait, her chin leaning on her hand, with a faraway expression in her large brown eyes. There were several others, so perceptive that Sydney felt naked. Adored. The final picture was surreal. It was a profile of Carmy's head the entirety of which was filled with Sydney wearing a hopeful smile and the scarf and shirt she'd worn her first day at The Beef.
She couldn't stop looking at it, her index finger tracing the lines.
"Sy-d" Carmen croaked his voice thick.
She looked up to find red-brimmed blue eyes searching hers.
"Come here" she breathed and no sooner than she blinked he was at her side.
"Syd" he tried again. Hyperventilating.
"Say more", she gently commanded smoothing his hair back before taking his hand in her lap.
This disarmed him, and he grinned in surprise. That was his line.
"I want you Syd. I want to be with you.”
“I want to do everything with you or not at all."
Then for the first time he wanted to say the words that had been a weapon for most of his life. They either were forced on him or yanked from him. His mother thought those words meant meekly submitting to her abuse. For Mikey it was cutting him off, so he wasn't exposed to his self-destruction. He never got to say it all. Claire believed it was part of a script. If he would only play his role and ignore who they were underneath, those words would become true enough.
Now, he had a new idea about those words, and they were wrapped up in this beautiful, talented, funny, tender, generous, stubborn, loyal, woman. His friend.
Suddenly they didn't hurt. He continued leaning to rest his forehead on hers.
"I love you."
Sydney blinked slowly as if in a trance, tears dropping to their joined hands.
Carm didn't move, but his face was filled with concern.
'Syd, are you-" he started to ask. Then he was spinning.
Sydney kissed him.
His neurons habitually used to process grief, anxiety, and small doses of happiness, trembled with the unusual amount of joy coursing through him.
Sydney was delirious. Her only thought was, he loves me.
Carmy couldn't close his eyes. The curve of her soft cheek so near his made him want to cry.
Then he did, for Sydney said,
"I love you, too."
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