#scummy gross scammer
Yoo hi!!! <33 I know this might come off and im really sorry cause I know this isnt the best time to ask for help but is it okay if you could take a look on the post I pinned for my cat? I pinned it on my blog, if you have an extra time please do check it out. Im terribly sorry, i just dont know what else to do :(( hoping you'd consider to help just by even spreading the word. Please send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately and I hope you're having an amazing day! 🐈
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Scummy scammer. I usually delete these kinds of asks but trying to scam off someone's sick cat is disgusting.
Some advice: if you get unsolicited DMs or asks of people requesting money, wait a few days and search up their user. Someone will have posted about them if they're a scam.
Thank you @kyra45 for your posts!
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theangelof2fort · 3 months
You know another thing that ruins TF2? Trade scammers! They are scummy as hell!
I've never been scammed since my level of trust in people I don't know has always been extremely cautious but my friends have been scammed because they needed emergency money in desperate times!
I've seen this happen with other players too and it grosses me out that these scammers will target very vulnerable people!
Later on this year I plan on trying to help my friends get some of their stuff back. One of these items does include an aussie rocket launcher and when I can, I wanna find a good seller who won't steal from me too!
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aflyingbrickington · 2 years
Lets talk about commissioning some emotes... and what not to do as an artist.
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About an hour ago I posted this mass of keyword soup to bait some bots/scammers. More for fun than anything else but this lead to one DMing me on my private discord account. Which is why I feel this post needs to be out in the world.
First off that account isn't listed on my Twitter bio, only via my stream discord that is linked on my Twitch "About" page, right above to a blurb about how I do my own emotes/channel art.
The conversation was pretty normal, asking how I was but what got me was this.
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Pretending that they are part of my community, gross to say the least. They then hit me with their marketing spiel about emotes...
No actual artist or human would see that original tweet and think that this person actually wants emotes. A couple liked my pinned tweet in an attempt to apear legitimate as well. Most of the accounts have a name/pfp of an "attractive" woman, probably recycled romance scam accounts.
Some people might ask, "why is this a problem?"
The most simple one is they're (most likely) scammers. They steal art or use free tools to produce their commissions, often AI art. You do not own the rights if that happens and by the time its an issue they've already closed those accounts and moved on.
Second, they're taking commissions from actual artists who put their hearts and souls into making high quality work.
Some of the red flags that you're dealing with one of these accounts are:
Stolen anything on their profile. Logos and emotes are the most common to see stolen. Reverse image seach is your friend but you'll start seeing the same generic ones out there posted across muliple profiles.
Lack of a public portfolio or presence online. As well as little other engagement outside self promotion. Or an account with a ton of followers but no post engagement. Or claiming to make art but none of their own work.
Lack of any work in progress or alternative versions of pieces.
Inconsistant effort/quality or inconsistant signatures and/or watermarks on posts. Watermarks will often not share the same name as the account.
Real artists, here are some tips to help you cut through the noise these asshats create:
If your commissions are open, put that in a single pinned post along with your commission info and portfolio. Folks don't want to go hunting for that information and don't like seeing it spammed in their feed. Make sure it's clear that you're open or closed.
Post often and show your work. People will follow if you make art they like and see often. Posting WiP work will show that you actually make what you claim to make.
Look at what is popular and what folks want in a commission and adapt accordingly. Don't copy other artists but learn what people are willing to pay for.
Watermark the living shit out of everything. Dishonest folks are trying to steal your work, period. Protect yourself.
If you want to get into Twitch emotes/thumbnails, then follow streamers/content creators you like. Be an active and possitive member of the community and they will have your back.
Ignore folks asking for free art. Fuck 'em.
Streamline your process so you can produce the best quality in the quickest time. If a style or technique is difficult or longer to do, charge more for it.
Never slide into random DMs/chats to attempt to promote/sell your work. No one likes unsolicited sales. Don't do it, it's scummy.
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Imagine the chaos that would occur if MC was a baby and for some reason they couldn't send them back and get a different student for the exchange program.
Lucifer would have a headache every single day from the moment he laid eyes on MC. His brothers already act like babies and now he has a real one to deal with.
I'm sure Asmo would be having the time of his life dressing it up in cute onesies and posting pictures to Devilgram. He would absolutely not change any dirty diapers though.
Meanwhile Beel isn't allowed to be alone with the baby at first so he doesn't wind up eating it. After he gets past that, I think he would be like an awesome older brother to MC.
Poor Leviathan would probably avoid it like his life depended on it. He just has no idea how to handle the little thing. The first time he had to change a diaper he cried.
I don't think Satan would have much of a problem with it. The look on Lucifer's face when the baby first arrived was enough to win Satan over. He would never let it in his room though. There are too many valuable books in there.
Mammon would complain constantly at first because now he literally has to babysit. It would take him maybe two whole days before his motherly instincts kick in though and he begins loving the kid like it's his own. He sulked for weeks when the baby was finally sent back to the human world.
Oh and Belphie just stays in the attic. Sorry Belphie but there's no way the baby could get you outta there.
Belphie isn’t in the attic because he went to therapy in this timeline! He and baby!MC nap a whole lot together :D
MC is a Baby?!
He has a question for God… WHY?! First the exchange program happens, which was a headache and a half to set up, and now he’s holding the exchange student, who he’s pretty sure needs a change of diapers!
Lucifer makes the logical suggestion of sending the baby home, you know, TO WHERE THEY BELONG, only to find out that MC is an orphan… oh fuck…
When the baby first moves into the house, Lucifer is pawning off his duties so much that even Mammon is shaking his head in exasperation. No. Lucifer is NOT taking care of another baby. Not after Satan…
But Beel had other plans, when Lucifer was distracted, Beel just plopped the baby in his lap, and I guess the mother chemical kicked in because that’s Lucifer’s baby now. He loves this chubby little human… it’s claws are small and useless… so cute 🥺
No one dares to question why the Avatar of Pride has a baby on his lap during meetings, because what are the other nobles going to do? Screw with Lucifer? Only a suicidal demon would do that!
Lucifer is the type to try and reason with the baby with… expected results. “Stop your crying and explain to me what’s wrong.” “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” “Tears will get you nowhere, explain your problem.” “Lucifer, MC can’t speak.”
All in all, this baby is his now.
Everyone look! Did you see that?! It’s all Mammon’s street-cred… flying away…
What do ya mean he’s gotta watch this baby!? Nuh uh, babies are gross, they stink, and they’ve got really chubby cheeks-
Oh would you look at that, now Mammon’s cooing over the baby. Tsk, dumbass.
Listen, while Mammon loves sweet baby MC with all his heart and soul, he’s not the best babysitter… he’s a scammer at heart, and MC is his little partner in crime…
…for roughly two days before Asmo and Lucifer nearly murdered him over it.
Other than scummy scam behaviour, Mammon tries to teach MC how to play cards, since they’re a baby, MC just noms on the cards.
Since he’s such a wonderful big bro, he buys MC so many toys, anytime he walks past a toy store he’s like “Huh, I wonder if MC needs anythin’ else…”
NO! NO! Not in his fucking room! You know what babies do?! Spit up! Poop! Drool! Not on his merchandise, no sir! Levi will have no part in taking care of this random normie baby!
Weeeellll, there’s one problem with that, MC likes Levi’s giant fish tank, and when they wouldn’t stop crying, Belphie gave up and broke into Levi’s room and plopped MC in front of the tank.
Henry was probably delighted to have a little friend, Levi, not so much. MC was smearing yogurt all over the glass… that was going to take forever to clean…
“Fibsh!” “Shut up normie-baby…” “Fibsh!”
By the fourth happy “Fibsh!” Levi’s cold dead snake-heart melted, but only a little! He has some kid-friendly anime they can watch, right? Nothing that’ll give them nightmares.
Boom, look at the colours baby MC, this is the original 1990s Sailor Moon anime, subbed, obviously. No 4Kids dub for MC.
“This is where Tuxedo Mask and Usagi meet for the first time, but they don’t know each other’s secret identities yet.” “FIBSH!”
Huh, Satan had seen human babies before, but living with one would be an interesting experience, he could study their eating and sleeping habits, what toys they like to play with in comparison to demon babies…
Well, Satan would have studied MC’s sleeping patterns if the BABY EVER SLEPT! All they did was cry! All night long! Only Asmo could calm them down and Asmo, the selfish bastard, refused to compromise his beauty sleep! Ugh…
“Why do human babies cry so loud anyway..? Isn’t that just asking for predators to come and eat them?!” “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”
Satan does eventually warm up to the baby after he realizes they won’t cry as much if he reads them bedtime stories.
…Satan then feels like crying when he realizes that MC now cries for even more stories. Ah, history repeats itself…
*squeeeeeeeeee!* babies! So cute! Let him hold MC! Let him hold MC! Awwww, those chubby cheeks and big ol’ eyes…
Babies are just so adorable! Asmo can’t help but want to snuggle them into oblivion!
For the first time in a good long while, Asmo and Mammon work together to dress MC in the most adorable baby clothes! Nothing but the best for his new baby sibling!
Asmo likes to take MC on walks in this new fancy stroller he bought, he wants to flex the cool built-in activity features on all the other babies at the park.
As a firm believer in the importance of learning social skills, Asmo hosts baby play dates! (He doesn’t want MC turning into the next Levi…) b-but… MC is growing up too fast 🥺
…wait growing up is a good thing, that means Asmo will have a sidekick in his romantic pursuits!
… awww. A baby! …what’s Beel going to do with a baby?
Babies are something Beel is pretty unfamiliar with, he, Belphie, and Lilith were the family babies after all. But fret not, Beel’s willing to-
…why are babies so small??? And squishable??? Oh shit someone take the baby away from him before he accidentally crushes them! 🥺
Beel is way more comfortable just sitting MC on his lap so he doesn’t accidentally crush them.
Yeah so, Beel also doesn’t really know how to feed a baby. Like, are they going to eat this sandwich he made them? It’s steak and lettuce :)
Oh, the baby doesn’t have teeth. Whoops. More food for Beel though!
When MC gets big enough, they get all the piggyback rides. They can assert their dominance over the other babies at the playground by rolling up on a bordering seven feet tall Beel’s shoulders.
…what? Where’s the hu- oh. Down there. It’s uh… a little small.
Belphie is terrified of babies, like- why do they move like that? What do they want?! Please just tell him what you want, baby MC! Stop crying, this brat needs to sleep!
While Belphie is absolutely petrified of the baby, MC absolutely LOVES him. They toddle and crawl right up to him, then start tugging on his pant leg to make him pick them up.
Once Belphie, with the help of Beel, gets over his fear of the baby, Belphie can hardly be seen without them.
Fights have in fact broken out over who gets to hang out with the baby. Asmo and Belphie once got into a cat fight over who got to take MC to their first day of preschool. Lucifer swooped in and won…
Stupid Lucifer…
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
/je_somerton/status/1443838687884816389 this is the fauxpology. he's already deleted the other ones (he does that a lot) but at least one is on the wayback machine, and i found it through a twitter search for "je_somerton thumbnail"
Omg, that tweet is a fucking mess. "I was THINKING of asking permission, but then these meanies started calling me names like scammer! (forget all the times I have literally stolen content, that never happened!) But anyway, that was SO unfair, guys, because I worked in marketing and you don't ever ask permission to use stuff on the way I was doing it, so I am forced to use a screen of the show because asking permission is, like, SO HARD, GUYS, so fucking hard and I can't, I just can't. All this meanies have forced me even to be mean to people in my life, and it's all fault of twitter, guys, not mine, because something something marketing." Okay, so, as someone that actually studied marketing, I can safely say that he is full of shit because the drawing board is a private office that only the department dedicated to the art ever get to see until it's finally approved. Imagine Coca Cola publishing every draft of every redesing on social media using works they don't have the rights to already and then throwing a temper tantrum when people called them out. It sounds absurd because that would literally never happen without a lawsuit somewhere. Maybe he does have experience on marketing, I don't fucking know, but he is using for shit if he decides to use it to justify his bad choices. If he had just shared those thumbnails on his private discord or among friends, nobody would have a problem. But he decided to publish it on his social media in front of everyone before asking for permission and got rightfully screwed over. Finally, HOLY FUCK, the using the mom's cancer in the end is just so fucking scummy?? Like, my dude, it wasn't even such a huge deal. Either just ask for permission or don't use the art, done, it didn't had to be anything else but that. But nooooo, any talk against James Somerton is forbidden now because cancer and he, as a public figure who is also an adult, cannot be asked to regulate his own emotions when Twitter is mean to him. This is somehow worse than I imagined before. The "look what you all made me do, even I was an ass to someone because of this" is pure abuser's rethoric and a gigantic red flag. Gross. Fucking gross all over. I can't believe I used to like this guy.
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Seeing people complain about how much Coolur charged for most recently sold Ery in the BJD Addicts Facebook group is so fucking hilarious to me and shows show people in this community are hypocrites when it comes to her.
When doll artists like Kinok0 juicy charges $900 for her dolls, no one bats an eye because her dolls are considered OOAK so no one says anything. But the moment when Coolur decided to sell a ebony Ery (one skin tone that isn’t common) with a face up by the artist themselves, along with an An face plate, heeled feet and shoes, and will very likely may not be made again and can be considered OOAK, for $1100 it’s treated like she committed a heinous act to even charge that amount. She was accused of being greedy for her mentioning in her story of knowing your self worth, “gross” and “scummy” for charging that much for her suddenly not unique doll. Something similar happened when someone accused her of calling her a scammer for selling another OOAK Ery in a skin color that was never offered for the initial preorder for $1400. And god forbid she shows that’s she is frustrated with how rude people treating her for what she charges or will be accused of being childish and unprofessional. And you wonder why she isn’t as open with everything.
For a community that has no issues with spending large amounts of cash on limited dolls and being artist centric, y’all are so selective on who get a pass for certain things and feel have a say on how much you feel something is worth and when Coolur decides to do anything that is no different that other other artists in this hobby does, it’s like she’s not allowed to or else she’s doing something controversial when it’s not because many of you won’t let go of her past. I’m seriously surprised that she hasn’t left the community because of the literal eggshells she has to walk on to not offend you people. And this is just speculation and after the crap she’s had to deal with, but I’m pretty sure this is why she’ll never release Ery, An, Khati or any other dolls of hers any time soon. I know I wouldn’t.
(And before you accuse me of not knowing her back story in her recast days, I do and was around for it all and even against what she did, but I decided to let the past be the past since she isn’t the same as she was before. Seriously, get over the past!)
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