#sea lion is the angel of stubbornness
unholy-boi · 10 months
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ocean angels
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
11 - Loyalties Can Change
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Part 12
The Last Velaryon
Tag list - @kmc1989 @cdragons @rise-my-angel
Comments really appreciated ❤️
I had hope that Robb would have calmed down after two days and we could have an actual conversation. Chezney and I were scrolling through the campgrounds just chatting like we normally did. After the miscommunication that was shared between us I had immediately filled her in on the whole situation and she was siding with me thankfully. “I've heard rumors from people in this camp that Northerners are stubborn, especially Starks.”
“It doesn’t matter how stubborn he is. I want him to know what he saw the other night was taken the wrong way.” I responded looking at my friend while she walked beside me.
She linked her arm through mine raising a brow. “And what will you do if he still doesn’t believe you? We could be thrown out of here so easily and half the Stark men wouldn't care about us.”
“Then I’ll find a way to get Jaime out of here.”
Chezney covers my mouth with her hands frantically looking around to make sure no one had heard the words that I had just uttered so easily from my mouth. “Have you lost your bloody mind!” She shouted in a muttered tone, dragging me into the nearest empty tent.
“No I haven’t. I mean what I just said. I won’t give my support to someone who clearly no longer trusts me.” I told my friend feeling some tears welling in my eyes.
She sent me a weak look, putting her hands on my shoulders squeezing them gently. “Hael, you are my best friend for life. But are you sure the Kingslayer has good intentions for you?”
“I have to keep the memory of my house alive. He may never love, he’s told me himself. At the very least my house shall remain in Westeros because I’m now married to his family.” I sighed, slumping my shoulders under her touch.
Chezney dropped her hands to her sides questioning. “What about finding love?”
“We don’t choose who we love," he said. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to choose him and Jaime will choose me.” I did my best impression of the golden lion recalling his declaration of love so clearly that night we spoke in his prison cell.
Chezney remained hopeful though of course. “Or better yet it could be Robb who chooses you and you choose him back.”
“I’m not so certain that shall happen for me, Chez.” I mumbled back to her not feeling like that would happen. I would have to start realizing that duty is the death of love.
Perched up on one of the large rocks big enough to sit down on by the ship port I watched the heavy waves crash against the rock of Kings Landing. The wind was blowing my hair completely behind my back and I could smell the fresh water flowing up into my nostrils, almost feeling like I was back at home at Driftmark. “What in the Seven kingdoms are you doing out here, Little Velaryon?”
“Well I’m not avoiding you if that’s what you’re worried about, Ser Jaime.” I called, never taking my attention away from the water's movement. I had seen many different kinds of cargo ships pass through either picking up or dropping off supplies for the city. Wishing so dearly I could sail on one just for a few hours like I used to when I was younger.
The sound of his boots moving ended once he was standing beside the rock I was sitting on, eyeing me up there. “I was worried when I returned to our chambers and not even your friend knew where you had gone.”
“Chezney, her name is Chezney for your information.”
Jaime bent his head in understanding, beginning to climb up the rock so that he could sit beside her and he hoped she would not mind. “So why are you truly out here. Trying to escape our marriage by boat eh?”
“No, I'm not trying to run. I just - this city doesn't feel like home to me. I'm used to being surrounded by the vast sea and swimming in the waters below.” Closing my eyes I could picture the last day Chezney and I had done so before I had spoken with my father about this arrangement. “Here in Kings Landing I feel so alone even if I have my best friend by my side. I'm missing that other part of me.”
Jaime had been staring at me the entire time, finally saying something back. “You're missing the sea. You're missing the part that connects you to your house.”
“Yes!” I nearly squealed like a child until I realized I wasn't talking with an old friend but my husband in fact. Chezney’s mother had taught me that you shouldn't make outbursts around your husband unless he allows you so. Lowering my gaze to my feet I quickly apologized. “I'm sorry Lord husband, I shouldn’t have spoken of my former house now that I am a Lannister.”
To my shock and awe he didn't seem to mind. Jaime reaches over with his right hand touching my cheek and making me look into his deep green eyes. “Don’t apologize, my lady. It's okay if you speak about your old House to me?”
“It is. But I thought you'd be upset.”
He shakes his head no. “If you married my father he'd be furious. You are a Lannister now, yes. Except my sister became a Baratheon and to this day she still represents that she was born a Lannister first.”
“Jaime, are you saying I can be both?” I questioned him with a curious tone.
Jaime cleared his throat running his freehand through his hair stumbling on his words for a few minutes. “My brother is better with words than I am. Um - what I’m trying to say is - seven hells.”
“Jaime, I think I get what you’re trying to say.”
His green eyes focused on my gaze. “No, you need to head this - Your house will live on through you, through me, through us.”
“Through us? You’ll embrace that I’m a Velaryon.” A smile appears on my lips, feeling less alone in this city than I first believed.
He nodded still cradling the side of my face in his sword fighting hand. “It’s you and I against the world, Haelesa.”
The sun had finally set over the war camp. We had heard that Lady Stark was returning with information from Walder Frey. I bolted into the tent figuring I could get a quick apology to him before the others had arrived inside the tent. “Robb, can I talk with you quickly in private?”
“I’m not in the mood of talking with you, my lady.” He grumbled, eyeing the war table.
He rarely ever calls me, my lady.
Parting my lips I knew that was the first tell that he wasn’t happy with me. He would address me by my first name and barely anything else, unlike Jaime. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m just asking that you listen to my explanation of what really happened that night when you came to his cell.”
“Stop spitting lies to me. I know you’re just doing whatever you have to defend your house - your new household anyway.” Robb slightly lifted his gaze up to my face.
Hitting my palms down on the table it made a loud sound seconds before my best friend came walking in with Theon Greyjoy behind her. “Seven hells, Robb. I am not lying to you. I never have. What can I do for you to believe me?”
“There’s nothing for you to do except stand there and be quiet until my mother gets back with her news.” He responded watching his banner men lords entering the tent all gathering around the large table.
Backing up into the corner beside my best friend I had never felt so isolated since we had been staying in this camp. Of course I was aware that some of the men here only saw me as the Kingslayer’s wife. It wasn’t easy but I knew that was bound to happen. I just never imagined Robb would show so much coldness to me. I would never simply be Haelesa Velaryon ever again.
“Robb, I never meant to sour our relationship. I did kiss Jaime, but I don’t-“ The tent flap opens and Catilyn enters with her guard. She went off to negotiate with Frey - he creeped me out. He has a lot of daughters and I think only two sons from having many different wives over the years. He's a very stubborn old man, way more stubborn than me.
Catilyn steps up to the table as Robb asks frantically. "Well - what did he say?" I step up to his side eager to hear.
She quotes. "Lord Walder has granted your crossing, his men are yours." The banner men are all shocked as am I. My hand takes Robb's but he yanks his palm away from my reach as he never stops making eye contact with his mother.
He questioned. "And what does he want in return?"
"You'll take on his son Oliver as your personal squire, he expects a knight hood shortly after-" she starts putting her hands together in front of her dress and straightening her back.
My breathing slows a little seeing him give his mother a questionative look. "Fine, fine, and?"
Catilyn signs. "Arya will marry his son Waldren, when they come of age..."
A laugh escapes my lips. That girl will hate that. Robb admits. "She won't be happy about that." Caitlyn eyes the ground for a moment before looking to us again. Her eyes I see tears for some reason. Worry spreads over me once Robb asks. "And?" In his voice I can hear the worry.
"And--- when the fighting is done. You will marry one of his daughters. Whichever you prefer. He has a number he thinks will be --- suitable."
I nearly gag at her words. That old man can't decide what Robb likes. Robb can't marry a Frey girl.
"I see, I see. Did you get a look at his daughter's?" Robb quizzes out to which Theon snickers. I on the other hand want to slap him upside his head.
"I did." Caitlyn states.
Once again trying to break my heart Robb asks. "And?"
"One was..." she trails off.
Robb's eyes from the corner of his eye. "Can I refuse?"
Caitlyn's heart breaking eyes pour into mine and Robb's at the same time as she delivers. "Not if you want to cross."
"Then I consent," Robb declared as he left the tent quickly. The banned men and her stare at me.
Chezney elbows me in my rib. “Go after him.” Rather than go after him I remained standing there briefly before slowly leaving the war tent without uttering a word. I was beginning to think that he might not forgive me and that I should put my loyalty towards someone else from now on.
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inthestars011 · 5 years
what it’s like falling in love with her🦋🥺❤️
(Venus !!)❤️❤️ I did this fast so I apologize for grammar spelling mistakes xox
(I’m doing this by thinking of my friends and their methods or way of acting in romantic relationships however I will make another one doing in love with him and will touch on men with all the venuses that I’ve personally been in love with to add an even more personal touch xox)
Aries- Kisses that are short but kill you in the 5 seconds they last. Gives you forever in a minute. Always leaves you wanting more and that breaks you but fills you simultaneously. She knows that. She’s aware of her presence and that it feels like burning in all the right places. She seems naive and pure at soul, but shes well aware of the danger she holds in her hands and she uses it to her advantage. She loves the wanting, the chasing. She lives for the thrill, the game. She will run away before you can dispose of her heart and she might not let you see those broken parts but might just show a side that’s much funner, when it gets serious she may just become a runner. Sometimes, she is nothing but a machine running on fumes of lust expelling and leaving without a trace whenever she must. Some day she may realize that love might just be worth it, and that she really deserves it. But it still must consist of passion, fireworks, and all, if you plan on keeping her for the long haul.
Taurus Venus- she doesn’t want you to know she is soft, as she’s shown that side before, to many people she has lost. She’s not ready for change so her walls are built high, not even broken open by heavy ocean tides. Deep down she is melting, she is all love at the core. Filled with romance and god, so much more. She wants someone to truly share this with, but forever is all she ever asked for. If you cannot give her that she’ll retreat, become stubborn unable to make two ends meet. she might be slow at first to show her passion, she may show it through a touch that inhibits so much love. there’s nothing better than the comfort of her hug. She will heal all of you through a softness that you didnt think exists. She’s the definition of wife material, someone you’ll forever miss.
Gemini Venus- they describe her as flakey and that’s not always the case. There’s so many sides to her like differing tulips in a vase. I think she likes love but can find it in so many places, I think she can find love amongst so many faces. Maybe it’ll take a while for her to find her forever, but I do think deep down she does want forever. She won’t show all this meaning right off the jump. She’ll show something more innocent, naive and young. She is cute and pure, that, we are sure. She hides such greatness behind that coy smile, and the right person has to detect that, to truly find that. Maybe that’ll take a while. but that person will come that realizes shes more than just fun, she is the moon, just as much as she is the sun. She is eccentric and wildly funny. Her love feels like flying which is freeing but, a little terrifying, honey! It sometimes feels like, at any moment, she might let go, leaving one freezing in the December snow. Once it is true love, she is just as comforting as she is adventurous, she’ll give the whole world and expect nothing in return. Her love comes in teachings and there’s something we all can learn, from the glimmer in her eyes to her childlike hope. if she is truly in love, you will know.
Cancer Venus- her love feels just like home. The mom or dad you never had, and to play that role, she’s probably glad. every touch is enveloped with so much care. You can still smell the sea within her hair. She might be the mother or the baby or maybe even both, she always did help you unfold. When you think of her, you think of making out in your childhood bedroom, you think of the clinginess she exuded, maybe the eternal doom. The moods were never your favourite but you learned to savour it. You accepted every side of her maybe even the annoying parts too. She was your special seashell in the deep ocean blue, her love was nothing but true.
Leo Venus- Golden shimmers from above, a dramatic flair when it came to love. It was always, all show, all beauty, nothing below. Sometimes that was beautiful, sometimes you hated it. There was no in between, she served melodrama for breakfast lunch and dinner and you ate it up, there was no room for desert. Her love was like light shows and the strips of Las Vegas, entrancing but maybe too much at times. there was some innate programming she had that made her feel like she was never enough, but that she was, that she was. She was the big romantic gesture, love was extravagant and so was she. She wanted a love as she saw on the screens, the one that filled her childhood dreams. It was hard to live up to her firey passions, but it was worth it because she’d give you so much in return. She would love you till her flicker would burn out and she was all just heavy smoke and she’d continue loving you in the darkness. They called her the lion for a reason, her loyalty was fierce but her wrath was even fiercer. Her love was so lush, yet, the anger would defeat her.
Virgo Venus- Pure and awkward. The angel that was too good for you, the one that made you dream of laying and praying beside her feet. Not because her flirting skills were smooth and effortless, not because of lusty bedroom eyes, but because of the sweetness that filled her tired sighs. You could see that she wanted something real and that, pursuing maybe wasn’t her strong point, but you would do that for her. Once you got to know her, you unpeeled every layer and found more and more gold underneath, it scared her to show it, but her love grew fonder and she did it more confidently as time went on. Time is what grew our love and our passion, and it was as real as it could ever be. It was divination, it was serving a higher purpose. It was husband and wife, Adam and Eve, something so religious, something so prestiged. It may have seemed regular classic or boring. But to us it felt like our own little story. You got to know a bit more everyday and the excitement of that never did go away. I thank you for fixing all my brokenness even if it was slowly and surely, I thank you for helping me change. You are the only god to which I would pray to, the only holy ness that made the sadness go away.
Libra Venus- She’ll scare the hell out of you with her words. They’ll fall out of her mouth effortlessly, soft flower buds, blooming. She knows just what to say and she holds so much power in that. Her charm and her brilliance got you down on your knees, just a sentence, is all that it takes. Kisses sweet like strawberry shakes. But before you know it she doesn’t love you anymore, it was just a fantasy she had, merely a mirage. It wasn’t real but to you it was and it’s confusing and it’s making you insane. She didn’t mean to cause any pain, she is a fairy in the garden bouncing from tree to tree ever so lightly, taking what she can get and moving on to what’s meant for her. And maybe that wasn’t you. Maybe that’s ok. Because she’ll find someone who makes her heart beat from their touch and their words, someone that doesn’t make her want to create an imaginary world. Someone who just is pure beauty to her, someone who is nothing but real true love. Something more down to earth and better than the heavens up above. She will find it. And she will never let go.
Scorpio Venus- the tension that she holds. “Are we angry at eachother or are we so in love we can’t breathe?”She always made you feel both. Sometimes you thrived off of it, sometimes it made you seasick. She bit your lip and made it bleed as she pulled you in for your final kiss. She cried a little as she left. There was softness in her dark facade there was something light and airy. You only could touch it for a second before it slipped back underneath the oily meSs. The chaos was exciting and her loyalty was meaningful. Her jealously could kill and that you’ve seen. You smelled danger from a mile away on her shirt and you gravitated towards it for some reason. She’ll make her scar and the slice will hurt your skin, but you’ll forever want to bleed. She is what you need.
Sagittarius Venus- with her, love wasn’t hard. No, she made you think it was easy. It was giggles and being best friends. It was passionate make outs and spontaneous adventures. Love is all well and fun. Love is the horizon, a new dawn, abeautiful beginning. But sometimes it had to end. Sometimes she would run free and realize “this isn’t for me.” And sometimes she would come back as if nothing happened. It seemed like dissapearjng but to her it was just living out her honest truth. She wouldn’t wanna stay if what you felt for her wasn’t the same as what she felt for you. when it’s good it’s all passion, it’s perhaps not romantic but casual and fun. it’s two love birds on the run. Don’t know where they are going but they’re together and isn’t that what matters? They don’t know that eventually both their hearts might shatter. She loves the unpredictable and will revel in it with you, images of soaking your hands in waterfalls and late night rendezvous.
Capricorn- Her love is timid and perhaps bitter, but once she falls in love she’ll be unsure what hit her. She may laugh at romance till she is in the dream herself, she’ll then learn to fall in love with love itself. It takes a lot to serenade this girl, and she wants nothing less than what is perfect and no one can deny that she deserves it. She showed true commitment and loyalty and someone treated her like a joke and left her broken without a glint of hope. She is now careful in love and can you really blame her? But once you tear those walls down it’s impossible to tame her. She’ll want kisses in public and cuddles by the fire, she’ll believe that you are more than worthwhile. Yes it may take a while to break down the stones that she’s pilled in front of her heart, she will be more like concrete, but a soft touch and a smile that means well might just turn her into fragile glass, into running water. If you bash those walls down with steely swords and fight the dragons that protect her pretty soul than she might just believe in you, you might just help her believe in love again, and ultimately, she might believe in herself.
Aquarius- She will confuse you as she shape shifts into whatever he pleases. Sometimes, she is one full of romance and love and she gives you summer heat and sweet icecream. But sometimes the sunshine is fleeting, she is cold and detached and wants to be nothing more than friends. She is full of surprises and contradictions. She loves in a way that is strange but captivates you, you always want to know more. She is a good and loyal friend, funny and filled with adventures and a good wit. She is awkward and unsure of how to pursue true love though she does want it. deep inside she’ll never admit it, no, those feelings she hides. She’ll pull you in, and there you are falling in her wishing well, unable to climb back out and sometimes you can surround yourself in her water and drown in feelings but sometimes it’s empty and vacant, depressing, sometimes she is an endless drought. She’ll make you love her so much it terrifies you but she’s like electricity in your veins, absolutely addicting.
Pisces- She is the girl with eyes full of stars staring at you across the crowded room with a shy smile. She will not approach you but instead let herself escape to a dream in which you are the main role, she will be able to taste your lips, to smell your cologne even as she is not near you, even when she’s lying in bed at home. She will wish for you to come and save her from herself and she wishes you are as good as her heart makes you up to be, she wishes when you finally come and love her that you will never leave, because when she is abandoned, she is still left with those empty dreams. And the fantasies do haunt her, the memory of your soft kiss will taunt her. I hope for your sake you live up to what she dreamt you to be, otherwise she may be surprised, heartbroken, and she will not hesitate to leave. To chase some perfect crystallized image that dances in her head, she’ll cry and scream when people tell her Prince Charming simply does not exist, but she still believes all her past lovers were simply frogs she had to kiss and that she still awaits her soulmate. All this love and lust is only fictious for she is just the girl with eyes full of stars staring at you across the crowded room with a shy smile. Do approach her.
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rhyaxxyn · 5 years
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Nether Witch | WIP Introduction
Genre: ya | fantasy | religious fantasy
Status: planning | outlining
POV: third-person omniscient
Themes: coming of age | power and corruption | prejudice | war | self-reliance | oppression | religion | minority vs. majority
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Nemesis Macaria, Nether Witch Princess of Dhara, loves her people. So when a group of witches is slaughtered and hung in the ocean she takes it upon herself to travel north to the Angel kingdoms of Andraste–the Angel kingdoms where her kind isn’t allowed. She will have to trust an ice-hearted ghost, a quick thief, a dragon’s wife, a near-angelic nymph, and a too smart for his own good Aether witch soldier if she is going to get to the Smoldering Sea.
Nemesis will be out of her place, out of her depth, out of her damn mind, but it is a risk she must take for her people. The path to liberation lies in Crosswater. The only question is will she be able to escape north before the water rises?
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Nemesis Macaria: 18 | princess | Nether Witch | master of necromancy, evocation, and illusion |  broken childhood | passionate | impulsive
Cassius Verlander: 19 | thief | con master| key fingers | wanted in at least ten towns | survivor | selfish
Eris Lada: eight centuries | ghost | warrior | the red lion of isold’e | protector of the nether witch princess of dhara | wise | isolated
Orlaith Clearwater: 17 | Lady of Crosswater | Maiden of Tarasi | her father’s bargaining chip | selfless | obedient
Corvina Naida: 122 | water nymph | the siren of Crosswater | healer | angel’s ballad | confident | vain
Soter Adrestia: 20 | lieutenant of the Aether witch guard | good soldier | Andraste’s dove | loyal | stubborn
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Dhara: Nemesis’s home. It is one of two where nether witches and demons reign rather than aether witches and angels. The country is characterized by its extensive mountain ranges and cold weather.
Crosswater, West Andraste: the supposed holy city of West Andraste, the location where the Iron and Kestral River cross believed to be blessed by the one true. Prejudice against the Nether creatures is strong here (not as strong as Andraste). It is ruled by the Dragon Lord, Fervain Clearwater, who killed his predecessor.
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For this year’s NaNoWriMo I’ve decided to take a break from TNO and focus on my The Sun Falls and The Water Rises series that I’ve been brainstorming and developing for a while now. I’ll be saying more about my goal once we get closer to the date (I have a four day weekend that I’m going to be using to prep) but for now, this is all I am going to post. If you would like to stay updated on my progress through the month please let me know! I’d love to tag people for this project!
That being said this project will be uploaded to wattpad as I go (unedited of course), so if you would like to read it as I work you can follow me @/_nemesisrising_ or the link here will take you to my account!
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devilglow · 4 years
what's some of your fave symbolism and things you associate with Nero?
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Lions, especially young ones, with their manes and roars still developing, as well as those with snouts dripping with blood and gore, fresh from a kill 
Bird & angel wings 
Cities sleeping late at night, with only signs of neon & road lights illuminating the streets 
Churches abandoned yet with objects left behind that speak of their past 
The tale of Achilles as well as the tale of Icarus 
The ocean & sea, both wild and tamed 
A wolf in sheep’s clothing, as well as the cursed lamb of God & the black sheep of a society 
The Serpent of Eden 
Signs you drive past on seemingly abandoned roads, talking about cryptic messages you cannot seem to understand 
A child born out of wedlock, cursed from the moment it was conceived and acting as a walking, talking blasphemy to religion 
Sacrilege & blasphemy 
Fields of wildflowers in the spring, the breeze flowing through the petals and carrying with them their scent, as well as the scent of honey 
A day at the beach in the summer, skin clinging with saltwater & sand 
Sunspots on skin, especially shoulders 
A Godkiller 
A hybrid who walks in between two different worlds, unsure on which one they should lean the most on 
Bruises & bloody knuckles 
A roadtrip late at night 
The stars & the galaxies that they consist of 
The crucified hero & fallen angel tropes 
A haunted & unholy angel 
The concept of carrying someone in your heart who has long died & being afraid of losing their memory 
The concept of carrying guilt over something you couldn’t control nor change the course of 
A beast hiding right underneath the skin, as well as coming to terms & accepting it 
Tear-stained cheeks & eyes & teeth bared in stubborn anger 
A single differently coloured flower among a field of same-coloured ones
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roggling · 6 years
Request? Plance and kallura and Hunay reveal their feeling for each other on new years eve. They reflectwhen they got feeling for each other. ( of your still taking request) HAPPY HOLIDAYS !
A/N: I’m like…three months late… I’m sorry. Hopefully this 5,000+ word one-shot makes up for it. This was beta-ed by the wonderful @tressa-rose ! Thank you so much!
“Stupid Garrison. With their stupid parties and their stupid banquets,” Pidge muttered under her breath as Colleen applied a thin layer of powder on her face. Colleen chuckled at her daughter’s anger and added a thin layer of blush as well, making Pidge’s complaints’ volume raise. She turned towards her faithful robot, Chip, and begged, “Please save me, Chip!”
Colleen snapped the blush closed and chucked it inside the make-up bag, shaking her head in amusements as she watched Chip scan the area for any sense of danger to protect Pidge from.
“I don’t think the Garrison is the source of your anger, Katie,” Colleen mused as she took out the eyebrow razor. She turned towards Chip, “Don’t worry about it, Chip, she’s just being over-dramatic.”
Chip calmed down and just sat on Pidge’s bed to watch the two women.
“You’re right,” Pidge agreed with her mother’s assumption and tilted her head upon her mother’s command and shut her eyes tight, “I blame the social standards set up by men and the women who conform to them.”
“If that’s a jab at your mother,” Colleen blew on her daughter’s face to blow away the trimmed hairs, “You’re starting a war you won’t win. You asked me to help you.”
With one swipe, Colleen cut a stubborn, thick strand and made Katie yelp and grab onto her eyebrows, “I asked for you to help me pick out a dress, not shave off my eyebrows!”
“Stop exaggerating! I’m just making sure your eyebrows don’t join your hairline! You’re still going to have eyebrows.” Colleen yelled back, placing a hand on her hip and glaring down at her cowering daughter.
Katie looked up and returned the glare at full force and maybe even growled. Her mother returned the same look, the tension palpable to anyone in the vicinity. This included the two male Holts waiting for them in the living room. The stern reprimand coming from the older woman alerted Sam that something was off and he got up from his spot, being closely followed by his son.
“What did Katie do this time?” Sam asked from the doorway, Matt peering over his shoulder and holding in a laugh when he saw Pidge all dressed up. She didn’t look bad. In reality, she looked beautiful but the animalistic growling didn’t exactly pair up will with a formal dress and three-inch heels.
The two men leaned back when Colleen and Pidge twirled on the balls of their feet to look at them, amusement and frustration clearly painting their faces.
Before Pidge could answer, Colleen answered for her, “She’s nervous for her date with Lance.”
Pidge flushed and turned around to face her mother, “It’s not a date! We’re going to the Garrison banquet together because we were the only ones without a date!”
“But,” Matt began, “It’s not even a requirement to have a date to go. Besides, this dude from Olkarion asked you and you dashed out of there quicker than a bilfsnape,” Matt smirked, “You didn’t seem that opposed when Lance asked you to the banquet.”
Pidge glared at her older brother, “It’s just a friend thing. And you’ve got to stop hanging out with Coran; I’m not understanding your similes.”
Suddenly, the doorbell and silence rang through the house.
Then Matt was on the move.
A mischievous smile on his lips, Matt turned his heel and headed on to open the door to greet Lance and be able to tease him a bit before Pidge got to the door. However, before he could get too far, he was pushed down by a heavy figure and a metallic clang rang through the room when he fell with the figure on top of it. Pidge ran past her fallen brother and patted the head of her robot, “Thanks, Chip!”
Pidge reached the door easily now that her brother wasn’t set out on embarrassing her and she opened it once she caught her calmed down from the adrenaline. Lance was standing behind the door, hair slicked back and blue eyes on full display. He wore an open navy blue suit and a white button-down accompanied by a sea-foam green tie that matched with her dress. Her soft sea-foam green maxi dress made her seem taller and, thanks to her heels and the few inches she grew since they defeated Honerva, she was able to reach his eyes. Topped off with gold accessories, her look was just as formal as Lance’s.
“Wow,” Lance whispered, “You look great!”
Pidge beamed and hoped the layers of foundation, powder, and blush would block her real blush. “Thanks, you look like you came out of a high school prom movie, though.”
“Hardy, har, har. That was hilarious, Pidge,” Lance offered her his arm and Pidge took it, opening the door a little bit to say goodbye to her parents.
“Bye, mom! Bye, dad! Bye, Matt! See you later!”
Lance leaned towards the door and peered over her shoulder, “See you later, Mr. and Mrs. Holt! You too, Matt!”
Pidge soon slammed the door and Lance led her to his car, “Why was Chip pinning Matt to the floor?”
Pidge rolled her eyes, “‘Cause he was being an idiot.”
Lance chuckled and opened the door for her and helped her sit like a true gentleman, expertly dodging her flying limbs as she tried to gather up her dress in her arms and not trip on her heels as she jumps into her seat. He tucked in the dress so as to not pinch it against the door and walked on over to his side of the car.
However, at the subtle sound of a click, he looked up to see his date holding her phone and hiding a chuckle behind her open palm. He smiled and posed ridiculously next to the door, “You need to get my good side, pigeon. Otherwise, the picture is useless.”
Pidge snorted as she made sure to take ridiculous shots of her date trying to woo her camera and when he smacked his arm against the car door and winced in pain momentarily before returning to his outrageous poses. She put her phone down and she felt a wave of nostalgia slap her across her face, remembering the mini photoshoot she, Lance, and Hunk had with the sentry they programmed to “have fun”.
Lance climbed into the driver’s seat and put on his seatbelt, not without giving Pidge a look for not putting on her seatbelt, and he pulled out of her driveway. He put on some shades and announced, “Let’s go rock this night, Pidge.”
“No, Lance,” Pidge said, sliding on her own pair of shades, “Let’s rock this new year.”
Hunk should have known this would have happened. He was fine the whole week; he was even excited for this very moment. He’s a grown man, he should really stop letting it happen. He’s panicking again.
One would have thought that he would have the courage to pick up Shay for the banquet tonight. He’s a paladin of Voltron; he kicked sentry butt when he was only 17 years old and now, at the tender age of 25, he’s scared of spending a night with the most beautiful alien he’s ever seen.
No biggie.
However, he’s a man of his word and will not let this small moment of doubt stop him. So breathed in and opened the hatch to the Yellow Lion and walked out.
Shay was already waiting for him when he descended the hatch. His breath hitched and he couldn’t tear his eyes off of her. It was almost like the first time he knew he was smitten with her. The sun was setting right behind her, like an angelic halo, and she beamed the brightest, most beautiful smile he has ever seen.
He wiped a stray tear from his eyes and hugged the beautiful alien. Shay giggled and hugged him tightly, “Hunk, why are you crying?”
Hunk tightened his hold on her and whined, “You look so pretty and I missed you!”
Shay laughed, “Hunk, we saw each other this morning when we were finishing the food for tonight!”
“Yeah, but I still missed you,” Hunk sniffed.
Suddenly they heard a loud a celestial ring and looked up in time to see a wormhole disappear and the Black Lion fly through and through the Balmeran sky and towards Earth. They saw the Black Lion fly past the Balmera and they waved as the Lion entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Hunk grabbed Shay’s hand and beamed brightly, “I can’t believe they made it! That little sneaker, Keith told me they weren’t going to make it! Come on Shay, I want to catch up to them!”
Shay merely smiled softly as her date led her to the Yellow Lion’s cockpit. She tightened her hand around Hunk’s palm and let him help her step into the cockpit. Once they were both secured inside, she was holding on to Hunk’s pilot seat and he promised to not drive too recklessly, they were on their way, Hunk tailing the Keith really closely.
He opened a communications link and hailed the Black Lion. They immediately picked up the call and Hunk beamed brightly at the sight of his ex-leader after not seeing each other in three years or so. It almost caught him off guard with how sophisticated Keith looked wearing a formal Altean suit and his hair tied together in a low-hanging ponytail.
“Long time no see! Welcome back to Earth!”
Keith smiled fondly, “Hunk, we’re a minute away from Earth, you could have waited to see us once we got off.”
“Well I wanted to be the first one to welcome you two back,” Hunk huffed. Then, when he noticed the absence of a certain Altean empress he blinked and asked, “Wait… where’s Allura?”
Suddenly, Allura’s muffled voice from behind Keith asked, “Is that Hunk?”
The door opened and Hunk could see Allura materialize from behind Keith wearing a regal sky blue dress with a slit on her mid-thigh and pooling at her feet. Her crown seemed to sparkle as she approached the pilot’s seat. However, her royal, serious persona broke for a moment when she realized that it was him and she squealed and jumped over Keith’s armrest so her face covered the whole screen just so she could get a good look at Hunk.
“Hello, Hunk! You’ve changed so much! You have a beard!”
Hunk chuckled and absent-mindedly brushed his hands through his close-shaven beard. Shay was immediately at his side and she beamed, “Allura! It’s so nice to see you!”
Allura beamed as well, “Hello, Shay! How is the Balmera doing?”
“It’s been doing fine! There aren’t that many crystals being harvested thanks to the Garrison’s studies. I don’t think it’s quintessence will have to replenished until this new year.”
Allura sighed, “Well, that’s a relief.”
“Not to interrupt our reunion,” Keith interrupted, “But we need to land.”
Hunk looked down at his monitor and agreed, “Keith’s right. I’ll see you guys at the hangar.”
“Copy that,” Keith answered and shut off the communications.
“I’m surprised he was so excited to see us,” Allura mused.
“Are you kidding?” Keith chuckled, “We’ve been separated for three years now. I was half expecting them to make the party on Altea this year just to see us.”
“Well, Hunk gave us a nice surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see them so soon after arriving at the Milky Way solar system.”
“It was,” Keith agreed, “It ruined the surprise, though.”
Allura chuckled, “It’s not ruined yet. Hunk can keep a secret.”
Keith gave her a look and she chuckled, “No, you’re right. The surprise is ruined.”
Keith smirked as she shifted Black’s controls to land on the hangar and sighed, “Well, get ready to be ambushed once we touch down. I can already see Pidge and Lance waiting for us down there.”
Allura smiled as she saw Pidge and Lance waving frantically at them, giggling as Lance almost tripped on his dress shoes, and Shiro was off the side, offering them a proud smile. She felt her heart soar with happiness. They were finally together again.
Once the two descended down the Black Lion’s hatch, they were immediately enveloped in a group hug that was long overdue. Keith smiled and returned the embrace. The group released their hug and Keith suddenly felt a big hand muss his hair up. He quickly fixed his hairdo and glared at Shiro, the bespectacled older man extremely amused and happy to see his “little brother”. Allura was then suddenly tackled and the group laughed as Romelle cried about missing her best friend.
Once they all were caught up, the team went inside and gaped at the decorations, talked with other officers, and made jokes on their way to the cafeteria that was serving as a ballroom for tonight. They were immediately occupied once they stepped foot inside. The press had a holiday taking pictures of them and asking questions over their relationship with their dates. Officers shook their hands, cadets asked for autographs and advice, and old comrades caught up.
Lance and Pidge stuck together, making jokes with Rizavi and Kinkade, talking with the Olkari of the newly planted Olkarion trees in the Garrison’s newest greenhouse, evading the press behind ridiculous hiding spots and making inside jokes on Iverson’s new mustache.
At one point, the two were doubling over when Pidge played audio from an age-old meme. At the first sound of a laughing man holding his chuckles in while saying, “Look at this dude…” Lance lost his quiznak and couldn’t hold his laughter, resulting in the both of them throwing their heads back in laughter.
Keith and Allura made their way towards the two best friends laughing the night away and Keith shook his head, “Can you two be quieter, you’re bringing more attention to yourselves.”
“But…But Keith,” Lance chuckled and patted his ex-leader’s shoulder, “You’ve gotta hear this.”
Pidge frantically turned on her phone to show Keith the audio and she waved him closer and gave them instructions, “Okay, look at Iverson as you hear this. Allura, you too.”
The pair leaned into Pidge’s phone and she played the audio. Within seconds, Keith had an amused smile on his face, obviously desperately trying to keep his composure together in front of such a big crowd, and Allura was in a fit of giggles.
“Yes, that audio recording does describe Commander Iverson very well,” she admitted.
Pidge and Lance held their hands over their mouths in an attempt to muffle their laughter, but to no avail; they were still the loudest ones. Allura smiled fondly at the pair and giggled, “It’s great that you two have finally opened up about your feelings and came together as a couple. I always believed you two were soulmates of a sort.”
The stopped their laughter, smiles still on their faces. However, once they processed Allura’s words, they immediately flushed and Pidge was quick to correct, “No, Allura. You got this all wrong. It’s just a friend thing. We’re not actually dating.”
Keith blinked at the two best friends and looked at Lance pointedly. Lance seemed sheepish and scratched the back of his head. However, Allura didn’t seem to catch the implication and she furrowed her brows and asked, “What? I thought that Lance asked you…”
“Would you look at that!” Keith interrupted, immediately grabbing Allura’s hand and starting to drag her away, “Mom’s here with Kolivan! Let’s go say hi.”
Allura turned around and saw a confused Pidge and a relieved Lance. She turned and questioned the man dragging her away, “Why hasn’t Lance asked her to be his girlfriend, yet? Didn’t he tell us he was going to ask her a month ago?”
Keith shrugged, “Beats me, but he seems pretty nervous tonight. I think he’s planning on doing it tonight. I don’t know he’s taking a long time to ask her.”
Allura looked down at their joined hands and frowned, raising a disbelieving brow at Keith, who wasn’t looking at her in the eyes. She tore her hand away from his grip, “Not as long as someone I know. I’ll welcome Kolivan and your mother by myself, thank you.”
Keith was left alone in the middle of the ballroom and his heart dropped. He hasn’t seen Allura that annoyed in years. He really messed up…but in what?
“Ouch,” said a voice right behind Keith. He turned around and saw Shiro smirking behind a glass of Nunvill. Keith crossed his arms as the older man continued, “That must’ve hurt.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you do,” Shiro gave his empty glass to a caterer, “She’s mad at you for not making a move.”
Keith blinked, “What?”
“You have been working side by side with the princess for years now, Keith. I’m surprised you didn’t see a difference in how she looks at you.”
Keith turned around to watch Allura talking to his mom and turned back to face Shiro, “She’s… the same.”
Shiro sighed, “I guess she is, but not completely.”
Shiro bopped his head towards Curtis, who was talking with some old members of the ATLAS and his voice turned soft, “People change when they’re in love.”
Keith turned around towards Shiro with wide eyes, but the man continued, “I can see it in you too.”
Keith turned towards the Princess and felt a hand on his shoulder and Shiro left with a final whisper, “Go for it, hotshot.”
With a final, harsh pat on his shoulder, Shiro moved on to speak to another officer and left Keith alone with his thoughts. Keith bit his lip in concentration and took a deep breath. Maybe it was time to make a move. He composed himself and made his final decision.
He grabbed a glass of cider, he wasn’t fond of drinking yet, and he made his way towards the stunning Empress speaking with his mother. He waved at his mom and Kolivan before grabbing Allura’s arm and he whispered into her ear, “Do you want to talk on the balcony?”
Allura blinked owlishly before realizing what was happening after seeing Keith’s intense gaze and she smiled, taking a glass of Nunvill a caterer offered and looped her arm around Keith’s extended arm, “I’d be honored to.”
The duo left with a curt goodbye to the older Galrans and moved on to one of the Garrison’s balconies. On their way, they saw Hunk and Shay by the kitchen entrance, offering a wave to the cook and his helper as they left the party for a more quiet ambiance.
“Do you think they’re together, yet?” Shay asked Hunk, her voice small and hopeful.
Hunk shook his head, “Nah, I don’t think so. Keith still looks like a lost puppy every time Allura needs to leave his side.”
Shay giggled behind her hand as she watched the duo leave without anyone else noticing. She took a swig of the cider and she smiled when she saw some guests stuff their faces with a handful of Hunk’s newest creations.
“Looks like people like your créme hoisé from the Froylian belt.”
Hunk turned to face his helper and frowned, “You mean they like our créme hoisé. You helped me make that.”
Shay blinked, “I didn’t do much. I…”
“You were the inspiration for it! You always said you wanted to try hoisé as a custard. You explained it so vividly, I needed to try it out. It’s thanks to you that it’s so delicious too. I wouldn’t have known to put in more Froylian sugar if it wasn’t for you!”
Shay blinked and asked softly, “Is that really what you think of me?”
Hunk smiled, “It is. You’re the reason I continued being a Paladin.”
Shay’s eyes widened and her mouth hung open in surprise. Hunk looked down at his own plate of créme hoisé to avoid the bubble of embarrassment growing in his stomach. Then he inhaled and continued, “Honestly, Shay. You’re the most amazing girl I know. I’m so glad to have met you in the Balmera all those years ago. I…I want to know…would you…”
He was suddenly interrupted by lips against his cheek and a soft voice cheerfully exclaiming, “Yes!”
Hunk was wide-eyed in surprise but eventually shook it off and beamed brightly. He grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly, placing their foreheads together and the two giggled, safe in their own bubble of happiness.
Lance smiled, happy that his best friend finally confessed to Shay and he elbowed Pidge, “Hey, look at Hunk.”
Pidge turned and looked in the direction of their best friend and smiled, “It’s about time.” She crossed her arms in satisfaction.
“Yeah,” Lance agreed softly. He looked down at Pidge (he didn’t have to tilt his head down as much as he used to when they were still fighting the Galra) and smiled fondly at her beauty. His staring was quickly interrupted, though, when she suddenly turned around and grabbed his hand, her face beaming so brightly, Lance knows it’s something about technology.
“Do you want to go look at the robot I just finished?”
Lance knew he wasn’t going to understand the technical jargon she was going to be talking about once they walked inside and take a look, but he couldn’t say no to that face. He smiled and nodded, making Pidge’s face smile brighter than ever and she took his hand.
Together, they left the party and headed towards the lab.
Once inside, Lance saw an odd, soft looking robot sitting on a table. Pidge immediately went into “scientist mode” and swept through her lab like a hurricane. Turning on lights, monitors, and grabbing one of the holo-screens right out of the air and pressed a button.
Lance chuckled and stepped closer to his date, pocketing his hands and leaning into the holo-screen in her hands to try to make sense of the gibberish she has written on there. He was again reminded of the obvious intelligence gap between the two. He was fairly smart, but not enough to understand the engineering endeavors of the petite Italian before him.
Once she typed a few commands in, the robot was completely at her control and it came to life. Lance smiled as he watched Pidge typing up a storm in her tablet and excitedly waiting for the bot to move. It got up from its spot and moved over to an obstacle Pidge had set up. She stopped it and turned to him smugly, “Touch it.”
Lance blinked and rose a brow, “You want me to touch it?”
Pidge nodded and Lance did as told, running his hand over the hard surface of the machine in front of him. Pidge sidled up next to him, “It’s hard under there, right?”
Lance nodded, “Yeah.”
Pidge beamed, “Wait until you see this!”
With a push of a button, the robot continued on towards the obstacle with a small opening at the bottom and started squeezing through. Lance’s eyes almost bugged out as he watched. Once the bot was completely through, it returned to its regular size and Lance touched it again, almost freaking out when he realized it was still solid.
“Whoa! That’s insane! How’d you do that?”
When Pidge started to explain, Lance lifted up a hand, “Don’t answer that I’m just going to be more confused. But, jeez,” Lance ran a hand through his hair, watching the bot go back and forth between the obstacle, squeezing through swiftly and returning solid, “That’s amazing!”
Pidge beamed proudly at her date, but found herself flushing when Lance turned to look at her and he smiled softly, “You’re amazing.”
Pidge brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and she turned away, hoping to hide her growing blush from her best friend, “What are you talking about? I’ve done more amazing things than this, Lance.”
“That’s true,” Lance admitted, “But you deserve to have someone say it.”
Pidge sighed and put down her tablet and leaned on her desk, “Alright, what’s going on? What did you destroy this time?”
Lance scoffed, “What? I can’t flatter you without you assuming I ruined something?”
Pidge rose a brow and Lance chuckled and stepped closer, “I promise I didn’t break anything. I’m just… I’m trying to make you understand.”
Pidge played with her hair and asked, “Understand what?” Lance, however, didn’t stop stepping closer.
Pidge tried to move back, but as she placed her hand on the counter behind her, she had nowhere to go. Lance was almost pressed right against her and Pidge felt her face flush as Lance leaned in. Pidge blinked and looked down at his lips and back up to his eyes and whispered, “Lance?”
Lance looked down at her lips and whispered, “I need you to understand that this isn’t a ‘just a friend’ thing.”
Pidge froze and her eyes widened. Her eyes flashed down to look at his lips and then up to his eyes, gulping in anticipation. Lance placed his hands on her hips and he looked down at her with such intensity, Pidge’s mind became cloudy with emotion.
“I didn’t just ask you to the banquet as a ‘friend’.”
Pidge wet her lips.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time. Last year, actually…”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” Pidge whispered, lifting a hand to cup his cheek and her fingers dove into his hair, pushing his face towards hers.
He complied and leaned down even more, finally placing his lips on hers. It was like a long-awaited water bottle in the middle of a marathon. It was like hearing the lunch bell in the middle of a lecture. It was like heaven. Pidge, despite having grown the past few years, was tilting her head up in an almost uncomfortable position, but the kiss was so worth it.
It took a while before the two finally separated and they just stood dazed and mussed up from their small session. And although the two feared that it would somehow be awkward if they ever tried to pursue something deeper between them. But it wasn’t the case. They felt at home.
Lance laid his forehead on hers and grinned. Pidge looked up and placed another peck on his lips, beaming up at him and eventually started to giggle. Lance laughed too and they sat on Pidge’s lab table laughing the night away as the fireworks of the New Years rang in the background.
“It’s about damn time,” Pidge laughed.
“You tell me,” Lance chuckled, pecking kisses along her jaw and her cheeks.
Pidge smiled and dug her hand into his hair. She nuzzled her face on the crook of his neck as Lance left soft peck on hers and she whispered, “Happy New Year, Lance.”
He pulled away and looked down at her with a sparkle in his eyes. “Happy New Year, Katie,” he leaned in for another kiss, the two in such a state of bliss they could care less about going out to congratulate their friends on the New Year. They have denied their feelings for years, they’ll celebrate the New Year after they’ve made up for lost time.
Down the hall, there was a very different atmosphere. On the balcony, wrapped in each others’ arms, Keith and Allura were enveloped in a passionate, confused kiss. Allura contributed the confusion in this circumstance. One second, she was watching the fireworks celebrating the New Year; next, Keith wrapped his arms around her and gently placed his lips on hers.
It wasn’t like she hadn’t wanted to kiss him senseless for years now, but she was sort of hoping that the old Altean fairytales her mother told her as a kid rung some truth. Well, if this was her knight in shining armor, she wasn’t going to complain.
Keith let go after a while and got off her quickly, looking away to hide his embarrassment. She blinked in surprise and confusion, watching him look away with a guilty look.
“I’m sorry,” she could hear him whisper.
She took his hand in hers and whispered back, “Why?”
Keith turned to look her in the eyes. She almost gasped in awe at how intense and warm his gaze was, how soft it was. He looked down at her intertwined hands and back up at her.
Again, she whispered, “Why now?”
Keith decided to take a step towards her again so they could share the same intimacy they shared moments ago and lifted a hand to her cheek, brushing away her bangs and stuffing them behind her ears, removing his hand after. Her skin tingled with his touch.
“I’m sorry.”
He intertwined their other hands and leaned down to nuzzle his face on the crook of her neck. She let go of his hands and dug her hands into his scalp and asked, “Keith?”
With a sigh, Keith asked, “Would you be mine?”
Allura blinked and smiled at the man blushing against her neck. She fought against the urge to giggle. Keith wasn’t a man of many words, except when it came to speeches, but he said a lot through his actions. And this, wasn’t typical Keith behavior, so she knew he was nervous.
She nuzzled into him and whispered, “Of course I will.”
She would have laughed when she felt him smile against her neck, but the kiss that followed soon after made her forget all about her amusement. Especially after he started licking and nipping her neck.
She gasped in surprise and Keith took this opportunity to cradle her jaw with his hands and plant a line of kisses along her jaw before reaching her mouth. He pulled away and smirked, all embarrassment long gone after hearing Allura gasp like that, and was about to land the finishing blow when the balcony doors burst open and one of Allura’s advisors, Merla, he thinks, stepped in.
“Empress Allura, Commander Shirogane is requesting your presence along with Paladin Kei- Oh my!”
The couple jumped away from each other in an effort to play off the exchange as a delusion if Merla questioned it. However, Merla already saw all she needed to see. Especially since Keith’s lips were stained with Allura’s berry red lipstick and her neck was turning purple with small nicks here and there.
“I-I will take my leave!”
Merla quickly turned on her heel and closed the doors behind her. She took a moment to process what she just saw and shook her head in amusement as she remembered their panicked faces. If she wasn’t so shocked, she would’ve taken the chance to tease the empress and Paladin Keith before she left them to their own devices again.
She crossed her arms and smiled as she made her way to Dr. Holt’s lab to call Paladin Lance and Paladin Pidge to the ballroom. It was about time the two did something about the tension between them. However, she didn’t think it was going to blow up so passionately between the two.
She reached Dr. Holt’s lab and scanned her hand, waiting for the clearance to open the door. However, once it did, she found a similar view waiting for her behind the door.
Pidge was sat on her lab table, legs wrapped around Lance’s waist. Lance’s head was on her neck, something Mera knows isn’t as innocent as it looks, and his hands on her waist and her neck.
The two looked at her and blinked in surprise. Merla just started laughing and shut the door. She would have to tell Paladin Shiro that they were, ahem, preoccupied.
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lemmy-koopa-rocks · 5 years
Kwami OCs and Hero's for a fanfic.
These are Kwamis and Heroes for a fanfic. The kwamis are mine, the characters themselves aren't. If you wish to do fan art of the kwamis, let me know. And yes, Chloe is good in this fanfic. @friendlyneighborhoodborg and I are working on outfits, so you'll find those out later. Now:
Bonezz: a skeleton kwami, she's rude, but does try her best to help others. her miraculous is a skull barrett and the weapon is a bone staff. the special ablity is Bone Brigade, which repeatedly stabs the enemy. A male hero is called Bone Face. A female hero is called Miss Bones.
Juuk: A music note kwami who is shy, to the point of rarely speaking her thoughts. Her miraculous is a music note bowtie. Her weapon is a microphone, and her special ability is Sonic Shout, which can shatter windows. A male hero is called Baritone. A female hero is called Pitch.
Wishh: A genie kwami, she wll grant the wishes of whoever weilds her. Her miraculous is, well, the Genie's lamp. The weapon is the lamp itself, and the ability is Wish Granted. A male hero is called The Blue Genie. A female hero is called Wish Mistress.
UFK: A UFO kwami whose name is short for Unidentified Flying Kwami. Their miraculous is the UFK eye contact miraculous. The weapon is the eye contact, which can either perfom one of two abilities; Scan(doesn't use power) and Abduct(which does start the five minute timer and can make an enemy vanish). A male hero is UFO-Man. A female hero is Lil-UFO.
Bakuu: A Baku kwami who spends her time sleeping or helping others sleep, AKA, she's ok with normal people seeing her. Her miraculous is the Baku Cane, which is also the weapon. The ability is Sleepy, which actually puts a teamate to sleep so they can get extra time after using their special ability. A male hero is Mr. Baku. A female hero is called Drowzee-Hypno(which are Pokemon based on Bakus).
Shrimpee: A shrimp kwami who is sassy, comical, and silly. His miraculous is the Shrimp Headband. The weapon is a shrimp shaped gun that shoots....Shrimp. The special ability is Teeny Tiny, which shrinks enemies.A male hero is called Big Shrimp. A female hero is called Le Crevette(The Shrimp in French).
Ursa Major & Ursa Minor: A mother-son kwami duo, these to are exactly what you'd expect. Major is motherly and loving, Minor is tough and over-confidant. Their miraculouses are the Bear Gloves and Cub gloves. Their weapons are brass knuckles. Major's special ability is Motherly, which allows the user to heal their partners and restore their timer. Minor's is Confidant. Male heroes are called Papa Bear and Kid Bear. Female heroes are called Mama Bear and Baby Bear.
Icee & Fiire: Two tin kwamis, both are mischievous, yet friendly. Icee has a Winter Necklace for males(Icee is male), while Fiire has a Summer Necklace for females(Fiire is female). Their weapons are dual guns that shoot fire and ice. They share the ability Dual blast. A male hero is called Frosty. A female hero is Heat.
Seven Sea: The Parrot Kwami whose name is actually Parro but prefers Seven Seas which (headcanon) Anarka gave her. She is like a stereotypical pirate and was disguised as (headcanon) Anarka's parrot when she was 5. Her Miraculous is the Parrot Eyepatch(which (headcanon) Anarka unknowing stored away in a drawer, which is why Seven Seas "disappeared". Her weapon is a Cutlass. The ability is Parrot's Call, which allows a nearby hero to be called to the parrot user. A male hero is called Captain Parrot. A female hero is called Captain Seven Seas.
Ninjjii: The Ninja Kwami...Who changes gender according to their holder. Ninjii's miraculous is the Ninja Mask. Their weapon is....Normal ninja tools. Their special Ability is Smokey Clone, which creates smoke clones. A male holder is Darkness Ninja. A female hero is Shadow.
Eyezz: The Owl Kwami and the very thing the Damocles saw as a child and inspired him to be Dark Owl. He is..Well, wise. His miraculous is the Owl Glasses. The weapon is the cape itself. The ability is Wise Sight, which allows the user to see the future. A male hero is, well, Dark Owl. A female hero is Future Owl.
Hallo: A Pumpkin Kwami. She was born when A woman started the trick or treating craze. Her miraculous is the Pumpkin Hat. the weapon is a Pumpkin Bowling Ball. The ability is Trick-Or-Treat, which either trick the enemy into hurting themselves or treat the heroes with a temporary weapon upgrade. A male hero is called Pumpking. A female hero is called Lady Halloween.
Petaal: The Flower Kwami. He has a sterotypical gay accent. His miraculous is the Flower Hairclip. the Weapon is a Flower Wand. The ability is Flower Power, which makes Flowers grab the enemy. A male hero is Called Flower Man. A female hero is called Flower Queen.
Spectre: The Ghost Kwami. She's actually the spirit of a young girl who studied Kwamis and it's rumored throughout Francois Dupont that she was Ms. Mendeliev's daughter. Her Miraculous is a hood that she was rumored to have gotten form Mendeliev. The weapon...There is none actually, only her intelligence. Her ability isn't ghost related, it's actually related to chemistry(she creates nitrogen bombs, oxygen bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc). A male hero is called Paranormal. A female hero is actually called Chemistry Lass.
Hopp: The Frog Kwami. He is very sassy, and sarcastic. His miraculous is the Frog Headphones(actually Earmuffs). The weapon is a hand cannon. The special ability is Dimension Hop. Bunnyx usually has the frog holder use this for her to jump through. A male holder is called Hypno-Frog.a female holder is called Dimension-Frog.
Leona: The Lioness Kwami. She is, well, prideful and serious. Her miraculous is the Lioness Crown. The weapon is a scepter. The ability is Prideful Roar, which fills teamates with pride, nobility, courage, and bravery. A male holder is called King Lion. A female holder is called Lioness.
Faang: A bat Kwami. She is vampirc, but enjoys spending her time sunbathing and eating garlic bread. Her Miraculous is the Bat Bowtie. The weapon is a bat shaped boomerang, in reference to Batman. The ability is Health suction, where the user absorbs all nearby enemy health.A male user is called Count Vlad. A female user is called Baroness Blood.
Finn: A Shark Kwami. He is upbeat and outgoing, and loves singing. His miraculous is the Shark Earring. The weapon is a pistol. The ability is Shark Frenzy, which allows Finn himself to sing for teamates to give them a morale boost. A male hero is called Sharktooth. A female hero is called Depths.
Mummee: The Mummy Kwami. She constantly claims to have served a pharaoh. Her miraculous is the Mummy Ankh. The weapons are a crook and flail. The ability is mummify, which mummifies the enemy for a short time period. A male hero is called King Tut. A female hero is called Pharaohpatra.
Nevermore: The Raven Kwami. She is dark, depressing, and quiet, usually saying Nevermore all the time. Her miraculous is the Raven Mirror. the weapon is the mirror itself. The ability is Mirror Reflection, which reflects any attacks. A male hero is called E.A.P. A female hero is called Mirrora.
Rexx: A T-Rex kwami. She is an idiot who is all about being extreme.. Nothing else. Her miraculous is the T-Rex Choker. The weapon is a clamp. The ability is Growth. A male hero is named T-Wrecker. A female hero is Biterz.
Roboo: A Robot Kwami. It is pretty happy, and doesn't think before it acts. It's miraculous is the Robot Ring. The weapon is a laser gun. The ability is Heat Laser. A male hero is called Reboot. A female hero is called KOKORO.
Imp: The Demon Kwami. Despite being a demon, she's actually very sweet and shy. Her miraculous is the Demon Ring. The weapon is a Bow and Arrow. The ability is Demonic Possession, where a shot arrow hits an enemy and turns them against their partners. A male hero is called Incubus. A female hero is called Sucubus.
Halo: The Angel Kwami. Despite being an angel, she's stubborn and narcistic. Her miraculous is the Angel Ring. The weapon is a Bow and Arrow. The ability is Love All, where teamates affected by hat attacks are healed. a male hero is called Raphael. A female hero is called Angelina.
Midnight: The Moon Kwami. He is smart and calm, unlike his younger sister. His miraculous is the Moon Glove. The weapon is a Moon Hammer. The ability is Weremoon, which transforms the user into a werewolf. A male hero is called Were-Lad. A female hero is called The Wolf.
Midday: The Sun Kwami. She is dimwitted and overexcited unlike her older brother. Her miraculous is the Sun Glove. The weapon is a Sun Hammer. The ability is called Rising Phoenix, which turns the holder into a phoenix. A male holder is called Fire Feather. A female holder is called Flying Phoenix.
Gemi N Mini: The Gemini Kwami. These two kwamis are literally ying and yang. Their miraculous are the Gemini Bracelets. which split the holder into two completely different people. The weapon are the Gemini Nunchuks. The ability is 2x2, which splits the holder and their double into two, resulting in a total of four. A male holder is called Kid Multiply. a female holder is called X4.
Bamboo: The Panda Kwami. She's mute, but is usually very emotional. Her miraculous is the Panda Brace. The weapon is a spear. The ability is Spotty, which blinds the enemy with spots. A male holder is called Monsier Spot. A female hero is called Bamboo Stick.
Quickling: The Hedgehog Kwami. She is impatient, fast talking, and quick thinking. Her miraculous are....A pair of Hedgehog Shoes. The user has no weapon has no weapon, just her speed. The ability is Ultra Speed, which makes her user go 4 times as fast as usual. A male holder is named after Sonic the hedgehog, Sonic. A female holder is named Speedburst.
Bullhoorn: The Bull Kwami. She is a videogame lover. That's all. Her Miraculous is the Bull Headband. The weapon are two twin lances. The ability is Bull Rush, where the user can charge at enemies with no pain. A male hero is called El Grande. A female hero is called Ella Mucho.
Tentacll: The Octupus Kwami. He is wise and smart. His miraculous is the Octopus Gauntlets. The weapon are eight suction cup whips. The ability is Suction, which helps the user climb. A male hero is called Eight Arms. A female hero is called Octi.
Camma: The chameleon Kwami. Shy, naive, and innocent, she is easily tricked. Her Miraculous is the Chameleon Hat. The weapon is a mace. The ability is Blend In, which allows the user to appear as someone else. A male hero is called Look-A-Like. A female hero is called Karmeleon.
Webb: The Spider Kwami. She is elegant, ladylike, and patient. Her miraculous is the Spider Violin. The weapon is a net. The ability is Spider's Net, where the user plays a soothing song to lure the enemy near. A male hero is called Tarantula. A female hero is called Musical Web.
Grimm: the Death Kwami. Believe it or not, she's very lively and lives anything living, like plants and animals, and is scared of ghosts, zombies, skeletons, etc. Her miraculous is the Death Mask. The weapon is a scythe. The ability is Swipe of Death, which kills the enemy's ability to use their power for 10 minutes. A male hero is called Grim Creeper. A female hero is called Death Scythe.
Tussk: the Elephant Kwami. She is serious and holds grudges, due to her great memory. Her miraculous is the Elephant Lip Piercing. The weapon is the Elephant Lance. The ability is Memorize, which enhances the users memory for a short time period. A male hero is called Memoro. A female hero is called Peanut.
Puunk: The Life Kwami. She is the exact opposite of Grimm, being brave and loud. Her miraculous is the Life Goggles. The weapon is a wrench. The ability is Birth, with brings plants or machines to life. A male holder is called Life Punk. A female holder is called Steam Punk.
Borgg: The Giraffe Kwami. A lover of writing and music, he is usually found in a music shop when not with his holder. His miraculous is the Giraffe Neckband. The weapon is the Giraffe Stick(it's actually very strong).The ability is Growth, which makes the holder taller. A male hero is called Great Height. A female hero is called Madame Height.
Blaackk: The Knight Kwami. Mute, quiet, and serious, many of her holders feared her. Her miraculous is the Knight's Helmet. The Weapon is a Sword and Shield. The Ability is Knight, which turns a nearby citizen into a knight to help. A male hero is called Sir Miraculous. A female hero is called The Black Knight.
Headzz: The Hydra Kwami. She seems to have DID and seems to give it to holders only when used. Her miraculous is the Hydra Necklace. The weapons are five different railguns. The ability is Persona-Change, which changes the users personality to fit the situations. A male used is called 5-mind. A female user is called Dupli-Brain.
Hoowl: The Wolf Kwami. She's a huge fan of Plagg's, looking up to him and trying to copy him, despite being higher up than him. Her miraculous is a ring, like Plagg's. The weapon is also a staff. Her ability is Bone Structure, which rebuilds things, unlike Cataclysm. A male hero is called Chien Noir. A female hero is called Wooflette.
Seconnd, Minuute, and Hourr: The Clockwork Kwamis. Each of these there kwami sisters resemble a clock hand. Their miraculouses are the Clockwork Hand Barrettes. The weapon is a sword in the shape of a clock hand. their abilit is Past(Seconnd), Present(Minuute), and Future(Hourr). Male and Female heroes are called Past, Present, and Future.
Fissh: The Penguin Kwami. He is elegant and smart. His miraculous is the Penguin Bowtie. The weapon is a fish shaped club. The ability is Freeze. A male hero is called Monsieur Poisson. A female hero is called Femme de Glace.
Seeed: The Hamster Kwami. She is naive, sweet, and innocent. Her miraculous is the Hamster Backpack. The weapon are a wide array of weapons in the backpack. The ability is Copy Ham, which duplicates the user so they can use more than one weapon. A male hero is called Hammy. A female hero is called Fille de Graine.
Goro. She is the Gorilla Kwami of Healing. Her miraculous is a pair of bongos, which are also the weapons. The special ability is Bongo Repair, which heals teamates. When Goro enters disguise mode(which makes her look like a normal gorilla who can talk and fight.), she is called Dr. Ape. Her phrase is a certain tune played on the bongos. She can't run out of time. She also serves as the guide for the team when they struggle with a legendary miraculous.
Ventosa: The Chupacabra Kwami. She is sassy, gay, fabulous, and silly. Her miraculous is the Chupacabra Band-Aid. The weapon is a blowgun with different darts. The ability is Feral. A male hero is called Senor Tonto. A female hero is called Senorita Mysterio.
Peass: The Dove Kwami. She is peaceful, calm, and gentle. Her miraculous is the Dove Olive Branch Hair Piece. The weapon is the wand. The ability is Pacify, which briefly calms the enemy. A male hero is called Peacify. A female hero is called Aile Blanche.
Stiing: The Jellyfish Kwami. He is very fashionable and beauty crazy. His miraculous is the Jellyfish vest. The weapon is a fishing for. The ability is Sting, which is similar to Venom, but controls the victim instead. A male hero is called Piquer Garcon. A female hero is called Paralyser.
Stoone: The Cobra Kwami. She is shy, quiet, and odd. Her miraculous is the Medusa Amulet. The weapon is a phalanx. The ability is Stone Gaze. A male hero is called Petrino Agori. A female hero is called Medousa.
Coopy: the Cheshire Cat Kwami. She is mysterious, odd, and a bit creepy. Her miraculous is the Cheshire Wrist Watch. The weapon is the watch(until it scans the enemy). The ability is Copy Cat, which can grant the user the enemy's ability when the watch scans them. A male hero is called Copier. A female hero is called Cheshire.
Astral-Blue: The Astral Blue Panther Kwami. She is funny, dim-witted, and naive. Her miraculous is the Astral Blue Compass. Her weapon is the Astral Blue Lance. The ability is Astral Blue Form, which makes the user intangable for 5 minutes. A male hero is called Blue Soldier. A female hero is called Astral Blue.
Astral-Red: the Astral Red Panther kwami. She is serious, smart, and hot-headed. Her miraculous is the Astral Red Compass. Her weapon is the Astral Red Sword. The ability is Astral Red Form. A male hero is called Red Soldier. A female hero is called Astral Red.
Astral-Green: the Astral Green Panther Kwami. She is smart, kind, innocent, and cunning. Her miraculous is the Astral Green Compass. Her weapon is the Astral Green Grappling Hook. The ability is Astral Green Form. A male hero is called Green Soldier. A female hero is called Astral-Green.
Astral-Yellow: the Astral Yellow Panther Kwami. She is gluttonous, loving, and protective. Her miraculous is the Astral Yellow Compass. Her weapon is the Astral Yellow Shield. The ability is Astral Yellow Form. A male hero is called Yellow Soldier. A female hero is called Astral Yellow.
Astral-Black: the Astral Black Panther Kwami. She is motherly, generous, leading, and wise. Her miraculous is the Astral Black Compass. Her weapon is the Astral Black Gun. The ability is Astral Black Form. A male hero is called Black Soldier. A female hero is called Astral Black.
Fallo: the Falcon Kwami. She at first seems calm and collected, with a passion for classical music, but as soon as she's angered, she reveals that she is really an irrational and hot-headed metal-punk. Her miraculous is the Falcon Guitar Pick. Her weapon transitions between a violin(which prevents akuma effects) and an electric guitar(which turns akumas against their partners). The ability is Musical Transition, which transitions the weapon between its two forms. A male hero is called Punk Falcon. A female hero is called Classical Punk.
Chime: the Chimera Kwami. A gambler, she loves to gamble her own miraculous and other miraculouses in battle. Her miraculous is the Chimera Dice. Her weapon are three different dices. The ability is gamble, which allows the user or a partner to choose an enemy's ability to gamble and inherit if the user or partner wins. A male hero is called Triple Dice. A female hero is called Gamblemera.
Tricera: the Triceratops Kwami. She is very hot tempered and always has a scowl. Her miraculous is a belt buckle. Het weapon is a spiked shield. The ability is overcharge, which over charges an ability so it can be used for 10 minutes. A male hero is called Sheild Master. A female hero is called Tricerena.
Magicca: the Magician Kwami. She is a magic loving prankster who always smiles. Her miraculous is a top hat. Her weapon is a magic wand. The ability is Kadabara, which performs a magic trick against the enemy. A male hero is called The Great Magico. A female hero is called The Amazing Magica.
And the phrases:
1.: Bonezz, Let's Rattle! & Bonezz, Settle Down. (Bone Face) (Luka)
2.: Juuk, Sing Out! & Juuk, Sing Low. (Pitch) (Rose)
3.: Wishh, Grant Me Power! & Wishh, Grant Me Freedom.(Wish Mistress) (Rose)
4.: Bakuu, Drean On! & Bakuu, Wake Up.(Drowzee-Hypno) (Alya)
5.: Icee, Cool Up! & Icee, Cool Down.(Frosty) (Adrien)
6.: Finite, Blaze On! & Fiire, Blaze Off.(Heat) (Marinette)
7.: Ursa Major, Growl On! & Ursa Major, Growl Off.(Mama Bear) (Sabrina)
8.: Ursa Minor, Growl Loud! & Ursa Minor, Growl Soft.(Baby Bear) (Chloe)
9.: UFK, Blast Off! & UFK, Landing On.(UFO-Man) (Max)
10.: Shrimpee, Butter On! & Shrimpee, Melt The Butter.(Big Shrimp) (Nathaniel)
11.: Seven Seas, Hoist the Sails! & Seven Seas, Lay Anchor.(Captain Seven Seas) (Anarka)
12.: Ninjjii, Into Darkness! & Ninjjii, Into Light.(Shadow) (Kagami)
13.: Eyezz, Let Me See! & Eyezz, Blind Me.(Dark Owl) (Max)
14.: Hallo, Spook On! & Hallo, Spook Off.(Pumpking) (Kim)
15.: Petaal, Let's Bloom! & Petaal, Let's Wilt.(Flower Man) (Nino)
16.: Spectre, Time for Science! & Spectre, Time for Rest.(Chemistry Lass) (Rose)
17.: Hopp, Jump Up! & Hopp, Jump Down.(Hypno-Frog) (Kim)
18.: Tricera, Horns Out! & Tricera, Horns In.(Tricera-Girl) (Mylene)
19.: Leona, Fangs Out! & Leona, Fangs In.(King Lion) (Kim)
20.: Faang, Suck Blood! & Faang, Stop Sucking.(Baroness Blood) (Juleka)
21.: Finn, Let's Dive! & Finn, Let's Resurface.(Depths) (Alix)
22.: Nevermore, Rap Away! & Nevermore, Fly Away.(Mirrora) (Juleka)
23.: Rexx, Smash it! & Rexx, End It.(T-Wrecker) (Ivan)
24.: Roboo, Activate! & Roboo, Shut Down.(Reboot) (Max)
25.: Imp, Raise Some He'll! & Imp, Free the Damned.(Sucubus) (Alya)
26.: Halo, Up To Heaven! & Halo, Down To Earth.(Raphael) (Nino)
27.: Midnight, Full Phase! & Midnight, New Phase.(The Wolf) (Rose)
28.: Midday, Let's Rise! & Midday, Let's Set.(Flying Phoenix) (Juleka)
29.: Mummee, Mummify Me! & Mummee, Unwrap Me.(Pharoahpatra) (Alix)
30.: Gemini, Let's Split! & Gemini, Back Together.(X4) (Rose)
31.: Bamboo, Let's Cuddle! & Bamboo, Let's Stop Cuddling.(Monsier Spot) (Tom(past))
32.: Quickling, Quills Out! & Quickling, Quills in.(Speedburst) (Nino)
33.: Bullhoorn, Charge In! & Bullhoorn, Charge Out. (El Grande) (Ivan)
34.: Tentacll, Arms Up! & Tentacll, Arms Down. (Octi) (Mdme. Bustier(past))
35.: Camma, Camoflouge! & Camma, Reveal. (Karmeleon) (Sabrina)
36.: Webb, Weave! & Webb, Sleep. (Tarantuala) (Max)
37.: Grimm, Let's Reap! & Grimm, Let's Mourn. (Death Scythe) (Juleka)
38.: Tussk, Memorize! & Tussk, Forget? (Peanut) (Rose)
39.: Puunk, Spring to Life! & Puunk, Fall Away. (Steam Punk) (Alix)
40.: Borgg, Get Big! & Borgg, Get Short. (Great Height)(Adrien)
41.: Blaackk: Draw your sword! & Blaackk, sheathe the sword.(The Black Knight)(Rose)
42.: Headzz, Split Me! & Headzz, Rejoin Me.(Dupli-Brain)(Juleka)
43.: Hoowl, Claws Out! & Hoowl, Claws In.(Chien Noir)(Nathaniel)
44.: Sisters, Start Ticking! & Sisters, Stop Tocking.(Past, Present, Future)(Marinette, Alya, and Chloe)
45. Goro plays a special tune on the bongos.(Goro/Dr.Ape)
46. Fissh, Let's Skate! & Fissh, Finale! (Monsieur Poisson)(Marc)
47. Seeed, Stuff Me! & Seeed, Unstuff.(Fille De Graine)(Rose)
48. Ventosa, Suck Some Blood! & Ventosa, Stop.(Senorita Mysterio)(Alix)
49. Peass, Let's Pacify! & Peass, Calm Down.(Aile Blanche)(Sabrina)
50. Stiing, Let's Sting! & Stiing, Let's Sink.(Piquer Garcon)(Ivan)
51. Stoone, Let's Gaze! & Stoone, Let's Go Blind.(Medousa)(Alya)
52. Coopy, Fade In! & Coopy, Fade Out.(Cheshire)(Juleka)
53. Astral-Blue, Transform! & Astral-Blue, Detransform.(Astral Blue)(Chloe)
54. Astral-Red, Transform! & Astral-Red, Detransform.(Red Soldier)(Nino)
55. Astral-Yellow, Transform! & Astral-Yellow, Detransform.(Astral Yellow)(Alya)
56. Astral-Green, Transform! & Astral-Green, Detransform.(Green Soldier)(Adrien)
57. Astral-Black, Transform! & Astral-Black, Detransform.(Astral Black)(Marinette)
58. Fallo, It's Time To Take Flight! & Fallo, Let's Make A Landing.(Classical Punk)(Rose)
59. Chime, Let's Gamble! & Chime, Tap Out.(Gamblemera) (Mylene)
60. Tricera, Sheild Me! & Tricera, Release Me.(Tricerena) (Mendeliev(past))
61. Magica, Time for a Show! & Magica, Show's Over.(The Amazing Magica) (Sabine(past))
2 notes · View notes
sharkfish · 6 years
my favorite destiel fics under 10k
hello enjoy!! there’s a bunch so they’re under the cut. :) a couple are dcj which is noted after the title! 
don’t forget to kudos & comment!!! 
A Change of Scene by SurlyCat
Words: 7,606
When Dean goes over to see his Dom on Christmas Eve, he isn't expecting Cas to play naughty Santa, and neither of them is expecting how it turns out for them.
Aloft by VioletHaze 
Words: 5,271
Despite his bravado walking in, he can’t quite bring himself to sit on Cas’s actual bed, but he stands near the foot of it and takes a long pull of his beer. In silent satisfaction, he watches Cas watch him lick the beer off his upper lip.
From past experience, this should be when Cas strides forward and Dean pretends to let him take charge. For whatever reason, though, that’s not happening. If anything, Cas seems to have put a little extra space between them.
“Dean, about today,” Cas begins and Jesus Christ when he said he wanted to talk he actually wanted to talk.
Dean feels the embarrassment at being so far off base twist at his gut. The bottle he was holding loosely in his hand is now clenched in his fist as he makes for the door. “We are not doing this.”
He’s stopped in his tracks when his vision goes black, disorienting him. It takes a second or two to realize it isn’t the black of darkness or unconsciousness, but a deep iridescent black of feathers and wings.
A moving sea. by orange_crushed
Words: 3,356
It’s a pretty song but just too fucking sad, even if he doesn’t catch all the words, so Dean reaches out to change it. But Castiel’s hand meets his halfway, startles him into pulling back. He glances over and sees Castiel’s eyes watching him, glittering a little in the light from the dash. He wasn’t sleeping at all. “I like this one,” Castiel says. “Do you mind?”
"No," says Dean, and leaves it. Castiel twines their fingers together and they stay like that for the next dozen miles.
Angel-Mine by relucant @relucant​
Words: 4,274
Cas exhaled. "When an angel's wings are injured," he said to his feet, "the healing process can be augmented by… grooming, I suppose, would be the most accurate word. Removal of the maimed feathers to allow growth of healthy ones. Otherwise, they're left to fall out alone." He tilted his head towards the nightstand. "As you see."
Dean stared at him. "So… that's why I can't help?" he said slowly. "'Cause I can't, y'know… see 'em? Or touch 'em?"
"Yes," Cas said, slightly too quickly, and Dean snorted.
"You're still a shitty liar, Cas," he informed him. "What ain't you tellin' me?"
A Room of His Own (or not) by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 3,036
Dean took a deep breath and reassessed the situation. He was in bed with a guy, sure, and technically they were snuggling, but it was Cas. The guy had absolutely no reference on what was appropriate physical contact between two dudes sharing a bed in the... normal, completely unsexy, no-funny-business, way.
A Simple Touch, A Single Look by jujubiest
Words: 2,334
Something is going on between Dean and Castiel, and Sam is determined to find out what it is. Meanwhile, Castiel puzzles over surprising aspects of his relationship with Dean.
As Long as you Like by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 6,626
A few months after Cas finally comes home to Dean, the two have settled in comfortably together. It's only after a botched date that Dean starts to worry he might not understand what Cas needs.
Boys On Film by LoversAntiquities 
Words: 8,540
But maybe that’s what it is—maybe Castiel’s finally realized something Dean is too chicken to admit, despite the fact he’s been jerking off to the idea of Castiel fucking him for the past few weeks. The idea warms him as much as it pains him to think about, his friend not being able to talk to him about something like that. That has to be it—it’s the only explanation. Castiel likes him.
“Or maybe he knows you do cam shows.”
Dean chokes on his burger.
Castiel's Angel by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 5,073
The angel took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He was fidgeting Cas noticed. Usually he was so bizarrely at ease in his human form, lounging around and tossing winks and smirks at anyone with a pulse. That more than anything had Cas straightening on his stool and wishing he was a little less tipsy.
“Ineedyoutogroommywings,” Dean muttered in one long, almost unintelligible, string. He was blushing.
Casturbatus Interruptus by smallhorizons
Words: 6,118
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards."
Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
Curriculum vitae by cadignan
Words: 2,875
Curriculum vitae, n. A short account of one's career and qualifications. From Latin "course of (one's) life."
Dances With Bees by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 1,402
There is no First Blade. No Mark of Cain. No Ezekiel or Metatron or Trials or Purgatory. There is Dean, and there is Baby, and there is Cas, and all three are worse for wear.
"In which Dean is not a bee, Cas is not a flower, and the image of Cas' left hand on a radio dial and a hole in the knee of his scrubs will haunt your every waking moment for eternity. YOU'RE WELCOME."―Thank you for helping write the summary, Betty.
Days With You by omgbubblesomg @omgbubblesomg​
Words: 3,212
Dean’s almost tragically offended when he moves into a new apartment and despite his absolute best efforts he can’t win more than a smile from his devastatingly handsome neighbour.
Every Last First by Areiton @areiton​
Words: 1,514
Somewhere along the way, Cas stopped being an ally, a friend.
Now, he was simply everything.
For Science by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,105
“Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
Freeze Frame by surlybobbies
Words: 4,998
Dean's got about two minutes before Cas comes back, which is more than mildly inconvenient because Dean's just found out Cas is in love with him.
Friends Helping Friends (Telling Me What My Heart Meant) byAnnie D (scaramouche)
Words: 6,201
Dean and Cas have known each other for about a year now, and in that time, Cas has never gone into heat. So far.
He Came in Through the Bedroom Window by betts
Words: 4,725
Close to every day of every summer, Cas climbs into Dean’s room immediately after he wakes up.
He Woke Me Up Again by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 7,642
Castiel is injured at the studio, giving him and Dean time to work through their newly forming relationship.
If I Run by Anonymous
Words: 4,365
"Dean Winchester is a red-blooded American male. He lifts all the things. He aims for functional strength. He counts his macros and makes fun of curlbros. He is not a member of the Tarahumara tribe and he will not read Born to Run, no matter how many times Sam tells him to, because Starting Strength is the only book Dean will ever fucking need."
Wherein a friendly competition with the mysterious ThursdaysAngel turns into a sexy selfie-trading spree that motivates Dean Winchester to train for his first marathon.
Inhuman by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 2,098
Dean has learned that sex is different when there's an angel involved.
Just After, But Before by cymbalism
Words: 8,712
Just after Purgatory, but before whatever's next, Dean has a broken angel to put back together.
Just like honey. by orange_crushed
Words: 4,505
"Dean," Cas says. His hand is still flat against Dean's heart. "I've been- will you do something for me?"
"Sure," Dean says. He doesn't even have to think about it. Cas's eyes are starring over, gleaming at the edges with the faintest track of unshed tears, even though he's smiling again. Dean's never actually seen him cry: happy, stubborn, tireless Castiel and his bees and guacamole and perfect coffee and perpetually bare feet, Cas, Dean's hardy dandelion blooming in the middle of the sidewalk. Dean would do literally anything he asked right now, jump off a cliff or ford a river, hand to hand combat with a mountain lion, an eight-course dinner with all Cas's jerkoff fundamentalist relatives. Dean would learn Esperanto or become a bonds trader, whatever the fuck that is. Dean would die for him. Dean would do it smiling.
"Marry me," Cas says.
Kisses by Sunflower Beds by fanforfanatic @fanforfanatic​
Words: 3,299
Cas can’t bring Dean back. But he can’t be without him. So Cas leaves to meet versions of Dean he hasn’t come across before. Dean at three as a snotty toddler. At eight as a grubby child. At fifteen when he's already damaged. Cas travels through time to meet Dean throughout his life, different version of the man and Cas loves every single one.
La cucina. by orange_crushed
Words: 3,962
Dean turns around and Castiel is picking through the jars, turning them over carefully to read the labels, totally engrossed. Dean watches him.
"Is there," Dean says, "uh, anything in there you like?" Castiel looks up at him and then back at the apples, sitting in a basket on the counter in their golden skins, ripe and pretty. Castiel smiles up at Dean.
Like a Parched Land by Las
Words: 8,676
Written for the following prompt: "Reverse!verse: Castiel is the Righteous Man and Dean is the angel who drags his ass out of Hell." This is an AU version of episodes 5x01 through 5x03.
Long Nights in Cold Months by pyrebi
Words: 2,344
When you're an insomniac, you get used to the "what the hell are you doing up, man?" look. Dean just hopes the guy who's stocking the shelves will stop giving it to him long enough to help him find some damn pineapple.
Love, Take Your Toll by aileenrose
Words: 8,724
Cas sees hundreds of faces every day, but there's only one that he really cares about.
Movie Night by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 7,683
Dean invites his friends over so that they can gangbang Cas, and fun times were had by all.
Mysteries. by orange_crushed
Words: 2,542
But if God is not gone entirely, if God is not blind, then God knows about this, too. He might be the only one who can hear it: the inaudible rumbling in Castiel’s heart, restless and aching like an empty stomach.
Negotiating the Spot by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,521
"They lie there in a comfortable silence for a while, Dean on his back with his eyes closed and Cas on his side curled around him. Eventually, Cas’ back starts to hurt, and his arm starts going numb beneath the pillow, squashed by the weight of his head and the odd angle. This is becoming a common problem when they cuddle after sex, and Cas doesn’t understand why."
The wet spot on the bed often poses a problem once the afterglow subsides, but rarely does it offer solutions.
okay, cupid. by orange_crushed
Words: 4,591
"The dating thing?" Dean frowns. "Online dating is for weirdos. Robots. Dudes hanging out in their basements."
"You hang out in your basement."
"I have an air hockey table down there,” Dean says, icily.
Once Upon A Dream by jujubiest
Words: 4,899
Everybody-Dean included-attributes Castiel's awkward staring and lack of appreciation for personal space to his lack of understanding when it comes to humans. Funny thing, though: Cas never invades Bobby's personal space, or Sam's. Why is Dean different? Maybe there's something everyone is missing.
Orange You Glad by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,062
Dean hates farmers markets and everything that they stand for. However, following a conversation with a new friend, an aptly-timed epiphany, and some impromptu pie-sharing, Dean's definitely rethinking that opinion.
Perfect Symmetry by FPwoper (dcj) @fpwoper 
Words: 1,447
In which Dean gets drunk and gets lucky. With twins.
Petals by Morethancupcake
Words: 1,745
"He tells him about the bet, about how Ash had pointed Castiel out and had said "Fifty bucks none of you can't have him." Dean doesn't tell him the insults, but Castiel can guess them, all of them. They all probably laughed at how awkward he was, how out of place. How wrong."
Dean tells him about the bet. In the morning, Castiel is gone.
Physics can wait by museaway @museaway​ 
Words: 1,654
Dean doesn’t want a tutor, especially not some kid his age in a tan sweater with a tie and a freaking button-down, but his mom insisted.
Pink by museaway @museaway​
Words: 7,651
After a chance encounter at Lawrence Laundromat (at 3am, no less), Castiel is enthralled with his memory of a man in dusty jeans and a plain t-shirt with a pair of panties in his laundry basket. So Charlie Bradbury (aka Castiel's Former Best Friend) places a "missed connections" ad on his behalf, because that's what friends are for.
Queer by SeashellDestihell
Words: 1,948
A collection of times Dean encounters the word queer.
Release by lovegonestale
Words: 2,504
"Dean refuses to acknowledge his affection/lust for Castiel which backfires horridly when an angel/monster/witch strips Dean of his control and leaves only the basic instincts. The animal inside Dean wants Castiel, wants him under him, submitting, his mate/bitch and he'll do whatever he needs to get that."
Sharing Hands by almaasi 
Dean feels something strange when he touches himself, and realises Cas has been using him as a vessel ever since he came back from Purgatory.
Shopping with Castiel by Anonymous
Words: 2,126
Dean takes Castiel shopping, and the tension is just too much to handle.
Show Me by relucant @relucant​
Words: 3,069
“Huh,” Dean said again. He paused for a moment, then blurted, “Do you think you could show me?” Cas’ eyes widened, but before he could respond, Dean continued in a rush, “Like, um, a porn or something? I mean, just to, like – oh, God, never mind.” He dropped his head into his hands, the tips of his ears bright red.
It wouldn’t be the first time their decade-long friendship had gone a little beyond PG-ratings, between curious middle-school jerkoffs over the pilfered Playboys from Dean’s hidden stash to some drunken high school party games that maybe got a little more handsy than necessary. But they were seniors in college now, and Cas’ attraction to Dean had acquired a weight it hadn’t had as teenagers, and he was pretty sure watching gay porn together was a bad way to fuel that fire.
“Okay,” he said, before his mouth caught up to his dick.
Dean jerked his head up. “What?” he said stupidly.
Something Like This by AlizarinDreams
Words: 2,891
PWP continuation of Missing the Point. Really. That's it.
Steal my Breath by Sincestiel
Words: 1,991
“Tighter, Dean, please,” Cas urges throwing his head back to rest on Dean’s shoulder. Dean squeezes. He doesn’t know why Cas wants this or even what the appeal is, but he always comes harder when he’s struggling to breathe.
Study Break by relucant @relucant​
Words: 3,544
“Stop whining,” Cas said. “Finish your outline and we’ll go. There’s beer at the apartment. We’ll put on Star Wars and pretend we never set foot in the library over break.”
“Castiel Novak,” Dean said, putting his hand to his heart, “you are the wind beneath my wings.”
“Idiot,” Cas said affectionately, hoping Dean didn’t notice the hot flush creeping up his neck. He snatched his pen back and returned to his paper.
They worked in silence for several minutes, punctuated only by Dean’s occasional groans of boredom. Finally he pushed his laptop away and opened his mouth to complain when another clap of thunder shook the walls, much louder than before, and the lights flickered briefly.
Stupid with a Flare Gun by remmyme @remmyme​
Words: 3,912
“Look,” Dean grits, pinching at the bridge of his nose, “You’ve got a body. Yourbody.” (Castiel, not long ago: “Jimmy…his soul was not returned to me.”) “You’re gonna damn well learn how to use it.” The hunter reaches under the seat to jerk at the lever, sliding back the whole of the front bench and badly startling Castiel with the unexpected jolt of movement. “And, hate to break it to you, but this town’s really not that big. You just got yourself kicked out of the only joint that’s got the professionals at work.”
Dean twists to lean against the car door, pulling up a leg to lay across the seat. The moment stretches, silent and tense.
“I ain’t gonna fuck you,” he says, voice gruff, “but I’ll talk you through it.”
Support Your Local Gay Beekeeper by Powerfulweak
Words: 3,976
It’s not like Dean goes on Grindr very often, just when he’s bored and alone. The blue-eyed guy's profile reads "Beekeeper, 29, 5'10, Single, I watch the bees." Dean is intrigued. He has to send a message.
Take Me Home Tonight by Persephoneshadow
Words: 8,111
“Come on, we’re finding you someone to…engage with sexually or whatever,” Dean explains, chancing another swig of beer before going on. “Anyone in this bar, no limits, who would you would be your top choice to bang?”
“Well, you, ideally.”
Dean spits out some beer before collapsing in on himself, legitimately choking this time. “Excuse me?!”
Or the one where Cas wants to have sex and Dean is there to help.
Take Your Time by smallhorizons
Words: 2,532
Basically: Dean takes his time opening up Cas with his tongue and fingers before he finally slips inside and gives Cas what he wants.
The First Thing by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 2,609
Dean figures out what he wants.
The Occasional Sentimentality by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 7,512
Dean has the Winchester business, Castiel is an independent contractor, their penchant for violence is something they have in common. For eight months they've been meeting off and on for brief yet intense encounters, but like all things, it can't stay that way forever.
The One Thing You Can't Lose by MajorEnglishEsquire
Words: 4,955
You know what I like a lot? The thought that Dean can just tug Cas anywhere at any time and Cas, who can lift tons without effort, who can demolish things with the light of his grace, who has battled and gone to war, has defended and broken, will just let Dean do it.
The Samhain Trials by jemariel @jemariel
Words 8,068
On Samhain night, the veil is thin, not only between the spirit world and our own, but between humankind and their inner natures.
Every year, the hunt is run. Alphas and omegas brave the woods in search of glory and passion. Every year, Dean Winchester comes out alone. The soulbrand on his neck means that he has a True Mate, and what should be a blessing has only been a curse.
He hopes, and he waits, and this year his soulbrand has been itching as if it were newly risen.
It's nearly sundown.
The Sweetest Taste by habitatfordeanwinchester @cineastette
Words: 1,938
“I assure you that I can feel and taste things just as well as you can, if not more so.”
“You’ve spent centuries as a, what do you call it, fucking celestial wavelength? You can’t possibly tell me that you think you’re a greater authority on hot chocolate.”
In which Dean and Castiel argue about hot chocolate.
through hardships to the stars by museaway @museaway 
Words: 4,554
Cas showed up at Dean’s apartment six minutes before midnight with a six-pack of Ad Astra under his arm and Interstellar on blu-ray.
Times Two by relucant (dcj) @relucant
Words: 5,416
[10:50] From: Charlie
So did you find Mr. Sex Hair?
[10:51] To: Charlie
actually yeah. and dude -- there's TWO of them
[10:51] From: Charlie
… How drunk are you?
[10:52] To: Charlie
im not!
[10:52] To: Charlie
ok im lying, i am a little
[10:53] To: Charlie
but srsly, they're twins. and ofc i accosted the wrong twin abt the pic
[10:55] From: Charlie
Oh my God. Your life is a fanfic.
[10:56] From: Charlie
So… Dean-sandwich on the menu then?
To be Alone with You by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 6,248
Castiel needs a model for his new sculpture project, and Dean Winchester sounds perfect for the job.
Tush by Sales Associate Steve (Stiney) @salesassociatesteve
Words: 5,359
Dean's still not exactly clear how he got here, but it's not so bad, actually, it's pretty awesome modeling panties on Tumblr.
Unfocused, Blissed Out by jemariel (dcj) @jemariel
Words: 1,818
“You’re both so beautiful,” Cas finds himself saying.
Jimmy laughs a high snort of a laugh. “Whatever you say, asshole.”
Dean slaps him lightly on the shoulder. “Way to ruin the moment, jerk.”
But Cas just settles deeper into the pillows and around his lovers, smiling and content.
We Will Touch Our Feet Together by cadignan
Words: 7,388
Go to one hour’s worth of paid cuddling—touch therapy, whatever—and end up with a pothead moping on your couch, talking about kinky sex.
Wordplay by Dangerousnotbroken @dangerousnotbroken
Words: 2,964
“I don’t understand why talking dirty is such a big deal for you humans,” Cas complains, apropos of nothing.
You Deserve This by beansprean
Words: 2,190
Sex with Cas was never supposed to be an emotional experience, and Dean doesn't deserve to be made love to.
221 notes · View notes
chisie12 · 5 years
Dance of Silver - Chapter 9: Vampire Mayhem
Finally... Another chapter! As usual, I haven’t gotten around to properly checking everything! But hope you enjoy :D 
Monstrous roars echoed through the dead hallways before thunderous crashes boomed. The white hallways were empty, void of any lifeforms, yet the echoing roars were enough to send shivers down the spine. Heavy, slow footsteps tapped against the floor; One hand lightly tracing the wall on his left as his right hand held a giant silvery steel hammer. The weapon was nearly as tall as the robust man himself with the hammer’s head twice the size of his biceps, but he easily carried it as though it weighed as light as a feather. On one end of the hammer’s head were three holes shining a bright yellow glow; the rocket propulsion ready to fire at any moment. The scar carved on his left eye made the older man’s expression grimmer, especially since there was a smaller, petite woman crouching behind his much larger frame. In her arms was a sniper rifle but her gaze was still as sharp as ever despite only seeing through one good eye, the other covered by an eyepatch. She exhaled deeply, calming the nerves and adrenaline pumping through her veins, but more so to catch her breath.
“Meine Maus, are you okay?” Reinhardt whispered worriedly as he glanced back at her.
Ana inhaled and smiled sweetly at him. “I’m alright. It was just a really long flight.”
Reinhardt frowned and twisted around to lightly run a thick finger down her cheek before cupping her face. “If you need to rest, you should go.”
She leaned into his touch, her smile softening even more. “It’s alright, my love. I can’t let you go in alone.” The warmth on her forehead brought forth a sensation of bliss, and though it lasted only ever so briefly, his kiss was enough to invigorate her. This is worth it.
Her return back to Zurich had been rushed and the fastest flight was already over 24 hours long with a single stopover, even after hurrying through her research and investigation of the secret chamber and leaving earlier than expected. Rushing through immigration and customs declaration, she met up with Reinhardt with a heavy heart, but it wasn’t only her; Reinhardt also had a bad premonition. A quick hug and a peck, the two rushed towards the car and sped back to the Ziegler’s house which was still a good 20 minutes away. With the tap of the keycard, the couple brandished their weapons as they warily made their way in, only to be met with furious roars and snarls — inhumane roars and snarls.
Walking past the living room on the ground floor and through the hallway leading up to the medical room, they saw —
“Angela!” They cried out simultaneously upon seeing the slumped figure by the wall. Her head hung low, a streak of blood dripping from the corner of her lips and her Angelic artifacts were strewn some ways away from her.
Reinhardt took a decisive step forward and held out his arm to block Ana from moving forward when another roar shook the walls. Distraught, Ana furrowed her brows as she readied her biotic rifle and Reinhardt lifted his rocket hammer. They inched closer and closer towards Angela, their eyes and bodies facing the viewing glass panel. Despite the sunlight rising over the horizon, the house was eerily dark. When the roars came again, they felt it firsthand how the glass vibrated, how the walls shook. Ana bent down and checked on the fallen blonde while Reinhardt continued to stare at the glass viewing panel, an uneasy feeling sinking into him. He gripped his hammer tight, muscles pulling taut. From the dim emergency lighting of the medical room, he saw faint traces of the battle aftermath through the glass; Of broken shelves and broken glasses, of disorderly equipment strewn about, some fallen over, of the strong stench of medicine and drugs, and the big black block of shadow before him. Rising and falling. Rising… and falling.
With heavy pants that now seemed to echo in his mind.
Reinhardt steadied his breathing and widened his stance, arching his back downwards a little and watched the unknown silhouette warily. It was the muscles, the body's frame and some shadowy image of that unruly hair that made him hesitate, that gave him a sense of foreboding danger. He inched forward, only to jolt in surprise when the pair of bright red eyes glared at him in the darkness, sharp and piercing into his soul. The black silhouette abruptly turned around and kept staring at the large man before letting out a soft cry. Reinhardt’s subconsciously loosened his grip on the hammer when he heard that deep, slightly rough voice. His eyes traced the silhouette’s figure, from the head to the shoulders… his back, despite the danger ringing in his head, this person… There was oddly, a sense of familiarity.
Its head tilted slightly towards the unconscious blonde in Ana’s arms and then cried again, this time a rasp of words, melancholic enough to even shake the old couple’s hearts. “A-Angie…”
Reinhardt straightened his back. “Jesse?”
A mournful cry. They warily watched Jesse stand and clutch at the viewing glass. “I’m sorry… I-I’m sorry…” He knocked his head upon the glass as his back hunched in despair.
“What happened to you?” Ana spoke up as she placed a finger to Angela’s nostrils, relief flooding her system at feeling the slow, ragged breath upon her fingertips. Her hands patted at the blonde’s head, feeling the bump there and checked for any other external injuries.
“I-I don’t know… I really don’t,” Jesse croaked when a lump became stuck in his throat. Breathing constricted, eyes warm and watery, he slowly slid down the wall and curled up into a ball. What had happened? He wasn’t even sure himself. All he felt was a heavenly whilst floating before recalling a memory from six years ago when an intense pain burned and crawled up his neck. Starting from the old vampire bite mark, the pain travelled through his veins and towards his other limbs, leaving behind a path of numbing burns. His throat became parched, goosebumps littered his skin as the temperature began to drop tremendously; From mid 20’s to the 10’s, before steadily staying at the couple of degrees above and below zero. His bones started to pound and ache, muscles spazzing and writhing.
The next thing he knew, his conscience woke up to Angela’s tears above his face and her already scarred arm clamped between his jaws. Her beautiful blonde hair was dishevelled and matted with sweat, but her pained stubbornness was vivid in his memory.
Then the excruciating pain came once again as her blood started to flow into him. There was the sounds of glass shattering and something crashing into the wall, and when he refocused, Angela was already lying on the ground, as still as a corpse. Just like his step father and step grandfather.
“Did you say it was Angela’s blood flowing into you, Jesse?” Ana perked up. The couple still stood some ways away from the newborn vampire, preferring the weak barrier the glass viewing panel could provide than entering and checking up on him. Caution sailed a thousand seas after all.
“Yes, it was.” Jesse lifted his head while trying to steady his breathing. Everything still burned, ached, hurt, but he refused it. Refused to believe he was turned into a vampire. Refused to believe he hurt his own sister. Refused to believe he bit her.
“It was her Angelic blood… It’s the Angelic blood!” Ana whirled around to pull out an ancient book in her backpack she hadn’t removed. A relic she retrieved from the secret chamber in Egypt from what seemed to be a tomb at that time. She had seen and deciphered some writings on the wall, but seeing Jesse like this, recalling something from the past…
“Oh Gods…” The old woman suddenly exhaled and stared at Angela. “I think I know.”
“What is it?” Reinhardt’s steady voice calmed her nerves.
“Six years ago, Jesse was bitten by a vampire. Normally, he would have turned into a vampire when that happened, but he didn’t.” Ana turned her attention onto the young man in question. “You didn’t. Why?” The last word came out more like a whisper, a rasped word in her shock.
“I don’t know! How am I supposed to know! I didn’t know six years ago and I still don’t today!” Jesse cried agonisingly. “I remember getting bitten. I only remember a vampire biting and killing the vampire that bit me. And Angie trying to stop my bleeding!”
“But she was bleeding too,” Ana added softly, but audible enough for the two men. “Her right arm was injured that day and she was bleeding. Her blood got mixed in with yours from that bite. Her Angelic blood was the most potent in all the generations and from this, I’ve recently found out that the blood is a natural suppressant for the vampiric cells in vampires.” Lifting the ancient book, she continued, “That was all detailed in this book. From the little I could read, Angels could suppress vampires centuries ago was because of their blood. It minimised the appearance of newborns and was used as part of their weapons. But years came and went, and the bloodline thinned, making the Angelic blood weak.”
“Until Angie came along…”
Ana nodded in agreement and Jesse groaned when the injury on his neck flared with pain, his hand shooting up to tightly clutch at it.
“Barrier, activated!”
In a split second, Reinhardt tensed and swung the metallic lion’s head that hung on his shoulder forward, swiftly activating the barrier field as a light blue energy shield stood in between them and Jesse. Immediately just as the shield lit up, a large force broke through the thick viewing glass and slammed towards it. Reinhardt groaned and gritted his teeth under the immense pressure. Animalistic snarls filled his ears and he fiercely met Jesse’s crimson gaze with his own. Ana gripped onto her rifle, agilely reloading a chamber with a special bullet that dimly shone a bluish silver metallic sheen under the shield’s glow, but instead of a conical shaped tip, it had a three-centimeter slim tube with a diagonal cut tip; Just like a syringe. Jesse raised a clawed hand above his head and Reinhardt readied his hammer, the rockets lighting up as the head started to redden and heat up.
Jesse brought his hand down just as the energy barrier disappeared, with the old soldier instantly swinging his hammer out and a fiery crescent wave collided with the claws. The newborn cried out when the fire strike scorched his skin and sent him flying backward. Flipping in mid air, Jesse stabilised himself on the broken window panes and was about to lunge when there was a small prick on his raised hand. His snarls died down, confused sounds coming out muffled and jumbled as the sight before him blurred. He lifted his hand to his face, scrutinising the metal syringe sticking into his palm like a massive splinter when his blurred vision tilted.
Reinhardt was awkwardly holding the reactivated energy barrier up as he watched the young newly-turned-vampire man tilt forward and unceremoniously drop onto the floor. He flinched at the loud thump, seeing Jesse having fallen face first. “Oww.”
Ana huffed apathetically, hefting the rifle higher onto her shoulder.
Reinhardt chuckled faintly with a small shake of his head. Looking back at the medical room, he trudged on carefully as the older woman stayed by Angela’s side with the rifle ready. Slowly, Reinhardt used his hammer to push the door open. Gentle like a feather, as quiet as a mouse. Broken glass clinked as the door moved and he crept into the room cautiously. Shield still strong before him with courage still the same from his golden days, he fully opened the door. Everything was still dark before him with the absence of any windows nearby, but using the glow of his shield, he lifted it higher and observed his surroundings.
“Meine Maus! I found Altherr and Wendell!”
That day, the University Hospital of Zurich was given a surprise when they had to tend to the three Zieglers that were just admitted. The hospital was sent into a panic; Crazy rumours of assassins attacking the famous Zieglers started to spread and there were versions where vampires infiltrated the hub of vampire hunters and were about to inflict chaos upon them. The neighbours living next to the Zieglers definitely didn't help, having heard the snarls and sounds coming from the house.
When Angela finally opened her eyes, she felt a throbbing pain in her neck and skull. Turning slightly to the sides, she noticed both her grandfather and father resting on hospital beds with steady breathing
“Jesse?” Her voice was hoarse, scratchy at the throat and she couldn’t help the fits of coughs that escaped. Where was he?
“You need to rest, Angela.” She glanced at the door where Reinhardt stood with a bouquet of fresh flowers in hand. Her lips twitched in amusement at the sight before it fell. Seemingly reading her mind, the old soldier walked to her bedside and added the flowers into the vase as he whispered, “He’s a Jungspund, he will be alright.” Then with a mocking sigh, he grinned, “All the Jungspunde these days, they’re so healthy and energetic!”
Angela giggled softly, though it sounded wet and sullen. She appreciated his gesture of trying to cheer her up, but she saw firsthand, how Jesse became a vampire, became… the very monster he hated, the monster he hunted. Reinhardt smiled sadly and gingerly caressed her cheek, ignoring the wet drops that dribbled down his calloused finger.
“ The Zurich monster was last seen in the forest 40 miles from the city… ”
A lithe figure leapt off a branch before nimbly landing onto one a few meters away and quickly vaulting off once more, leaving behind only a streak of bright green that camouflaged amidst the trees.
“ Burnt corpses were found… they were the missings people from …”
He quickly arrived at the crime scene. Security tape cordoned off the area and a group of policemen surrounded the place. Hidden in the shadows high up in the forest trees, Genji watched and observed the happenings below. From the markings of the trees to the smell of burnt silver tinting the air, he knew one thing that the reporters didn’t know: The Zurich Monster’s identity.
Is she okay?
Recalling the scene that happened just yesterday, he shut his eyes as his heart thumped a dull ache.
Why do I hurt like this?
In the middle of his thoughts, a policeman’s voice sounded.
“Why do you think this is happening?”
“I don’t know. Crazy things have been happening. I heard that there’s a vampire outbreak in Japan…”
Genji flinched at the news. Japan? It couldn’t be… It wouldn’t be, right?
“Ouch! Shit, man! I accidentally cut myself!”
“Stop whining like a sissy. It’s just a cut.”
“Ugh, a vampire wouldn’t show up and suddenly eat us right?” The injured policeman darkly joked.
“Nah, Zurich’s literally the hub for vampire hunters. There wouldn’t be any vampires nearby.”
The sweet, metallic smell permeated his senses and he groaned. Swaying on his feet, his eyes flashed between red and black. His repressed instincts stirred within his veins, swimming through his nerves and his fangs tingled with the itch to bite. Just. One. Small. Bite. To drink. To feast. Oh, how long has it been since he feasted? He needed to taste that sweetness that slid down his throat, dripping down his lips as he savoured every, last drop. He wanted to – no needed — Just — !
Drink! … So! Much! Blood! You don’t need her!
The tree trunk dented beneath his claws, splinters breaking off and falling to the ground. His eyes switched between the colours faster and faster, as though a seal was about to be broken. Just how long has it been since he had a proper meal? Oh, so long…
I can’t — no — don’t —!
Why do you even care! Maniacal cackles echoed in his mind. Just drink! Driiiink!
Genji clutched at his throat, feeling it becoming more and more parched with every second, his control worsening the longer he smelled the smell.
“You don’t deserve to be hunted.”
Her voice suddenly appeared in his mental battle and he found his attention shifting subconsciously. A memory of old, yet actually still so recent, began to play. He remembered his restraint, of him holding back from wiping her tears away, and he remembered of the pain he felt at seeing her pain. But it was that one time that… Genji groaned and clutched at his head. With a roar, he leapt off the branch, further into towards the forest and away from civilisation, leaving behind a group of frightened policemen.
“Even so… Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Letting me feel like a human again.”
Peach blossoms eyes flitted open and a pair of dull onyx eyes glimmered in the ashy darkness. There was only a stream of moonlight that peaked in from the window overlooking into the dojo, landing on the silvery green hair of its tail. It lifted its serpentine head, long thin whiskers caressing the wooden bamboo flooring and the cold blood running through his veins suddenly thumped in the dead of night.
“ Awoooo! ”
A desperate howl echoed through the traditional Japanese hall. Sadness, despair. Loneliness. Those emotions rushed through the long, slender dragon, giving him the sudden urge to wake up, to live . It clawed agitatedly at the wood to the small roof of the shrine in the dojo hall, but it never left a depression on the old wood. It knew and understood how important the shrine was to itself and to —
Dark almond eyes slowly gazed up at the small meter long dragon howling atop the shrine. Calm, collected. Quiet.
Solitary, yet with a sense of sorrow in that broad, straight back.
The man wore a slim fitting waistcoat of a striped grey colour with deep navy sides and the same striped pants, emanating a firm and steady aura as his silhouette was painted by the soft halation of the dojo’s paper lanterns. By his kneeled legs were a bow and a quiver of a colour matching his suit filled with arrows. Jet black hair of his undercut was styled to the back with a strand that dangerously — attractively — hung in front of his eyes, a solemn expression sat on his chiselled face. Despite a charismatic, handsome Asian visage, he showed no other emotion in his uptight posture and straight face, but if one looked closely enough, there was a hidden pain and hurt clouded in those eyes as they stared at the green dragon.
“What is it?” A deep, silky voice with a magnetic pull.
“ Awooo… ” The howl dimmed into a soft cry as the dragon hunched and stared at the moonlight from the window. It circled once around the shrine’s roof, worry and anxiety clear in its cries. Its blood felt it, the lull of its connection. It had come and gone like the wind, a strong gust that swept at its face, the force terrifying enough to make it fall, yet it then abruptly disappeared, like an illusion; a figment of its imagination.
But it was there. It felt it.
The green dragon cried into the darkness and the man’s lips parted, the question hanging at the tip of his tongue, when the reptilian creature leapt off its hind legs and flew off through the balcony windows, leaving only the soft swish of the winds and a cold shadow of its absence.
Beneath the shrine’s roof and further down the torn, bloodied scroll displaying a strong, beautiful calligraphy was a bamboo katana holder lacquered dark and sleek. The displayed damaged katana still gave off a sharp aura as the man mentally sighed and returned to kneeling before the blade. He placed his hands on his thighs and straightened his back, his tired expression disappearing after a moment of vulnerability.
“Cold winter’s moon glow,
A dragon’s cry, hidden tears,
Genji, please, will you…?”
From behind the small pedestal the katana holder stood, appeared twin dragons similar to the green one that had flown away, but rather than a shimmery green colour, they were a soft glow of striking blue. They stared at the kneeling man, their dark eyes curved down in sadness, before walking towards him, their sharp claws lightly scratching against the tatami flooring. He ignored their affectionate nudging and remained unmoving like a boulder; Stern and upright. Like two kittens, the dragons rubbed their heads and bodies against him, but he was already immune to their shameless, cutesy actions for centuries. Hanging their heads, the dragons could only whine and settle with curling up against his legs and burying their heads into his warmth.
It was a tranquil silence, with only the occasional winter’s breeze whispering, and the slight snoring of the two dragons. A sudden cry cried out in the night, followed by a few more, and the tranquillity was broken Footsteps rapidly thudded against the tatami flooring. Unwanted visitors rushed into the Shimada Dojo. The twin dragons were jolted awake at the presence of the newborns trespassing their grounds. In the next second, the vampires were already within fifteen meters of the trio. The two dragons’ scales bristled as their hair stood in aggression. Fangs bared while growling, they circled to either side of their master. In the second, the vampires were ten meters away. The dragons crouched, ready to pounce. The third second. Five meters away.
That’s when he moved.
He nimbly got to his feet, swiping up his bow and three arrows as he turned. With the arrows already nocked on the bow upon facing the bloodsucking creatures, he let loose. The sharp arrows pierced the sides of the first three vampires’ necks, through and through to three more vampires behind them, stopping squarely in the heart of one and the necks of two others.
Fourth second. He took a step back closer to the katana holder as he kicked up an arrow, catching it easily with his left hand and nocking it. Unlike the other arrows, this was a little more special; Its arrowhead split into threes when the bow was fully pulled. The remaining vampires neared, the closest at four meters and the furthest at ten. With the arrow pointed at the closest vampire, the crosshair aim shifted from the vampire’s pale face towards the area before their feet. Wind whistled by the man’s ears as the arrow flew. He turned around calmly and kneeled again, indifferent as the arrow divided into six fragmented parts upon hitting the tatami floor. A fragment ricocheted off the floor and pierced the vampire taking point in the eye and through to its brain, the other fragments ricocheting off the walls at the sides and accurately killing the other five newborns behind it. The two dragons scoffed and huffed at the dead vampires before returning to curling up beside their unscathed master.
“Flowerbeds of blood,
Death, solitude. Forgiveness,
A dragon’s sadness…”
7 notes · View notes
dailybiblelessons · 5 years
Thursday: Preparation for the Fifth Sunday in Easter
Hebrew Scripture Lesson from The Latter Prophets: Ezekiel 2:8-3:11
But you, mortal, hear what I say to you; do not be rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. I looked, and a hand was stretched out to me, and a written scroll was in it. He spread it before me; it had writing on the front and on the back, and written on it were words of lamentation and mourning and woe.
He said to me, O mortal, eat what is offered to you; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. He said to me, Mortal, eat this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it. Then I ate it; and in my mouth it was as sweet as honey.
He said to me: Mortal, go to the house of Israel and speak my very words to them. For you are not sent to a people of obscure speech and difficult language, but to the house of Israel—not to many peoples of obscure speech and difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, if I sent you to them, they would listen to you. But the house of Israel will not listen to you, for they are not willing to listen to me; because all the house of Israel have a hard forehead and a stubborn heart. See, I have made your face hard against their faces, and your forehead hard against their foreheads. Like the hardest stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not fear them or be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house. He said to me: Mortal, all my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart and hear with your ears; then go to the exiles, to your people, and speak to them. Say to them, “Thus says the Lord God”; whether they hear or refuse to hear.
Psalm 148
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens;  praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels;  praise him, all his host!
Praise him, sun and moon;  praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens,  and you waters above the heavens!
Let them praise the name of the Lord,  for he commanded and they were created. He established them forever and ever;  he fixed their bounds, which cannot be passed.
Praise the Lord from the earth  you sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost,  stormy wind fulfilling his command!
Mountains and all hills,  fruit trees and all cedars! Wild animals and all cattle,  creeping things and flying birds!
Kings of the earth and all peoples,  princes and all rulers of the earth! Young men and women alike,  old and young together!
Let them praise the name of the Lord,  for his name alone is exalted;  his glory is above earth and heaven. He has raised up a horn for his people,  praise for all his faithful,  for the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the Lord!
New Testament Lesson: Revelation 10
And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire. He held a little scroll open in his hand. Setting his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, he gave a great shout, like a lion roaring. And when he shouted, the seven thunders sounded. And when the seven thunders had sounded, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.” Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and the land
raised his right hand to heaven  and swore by him who lives forever and ever,
who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it: “There will be no more delay, but in the days when the seventh angel is to blow his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, as he announced to his servants the prophets.”
Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again, saying, “Go, take the scroll that is open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.” So I went to the angel and told him to give me the little scroll; and he said to me, “Take it, and eat; it will be bitter to your stomach, but sweet as honey in your mouth.”¹ So I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it; it was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter.
Then they said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples and nations and languages and kings.”
¹Ezekiel 3:3
Year C Easter 5 Thursday
Selections from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings copyright © 1995 by the Consultation on Common Texts. Unless otherwise indicated, Bible text is from Holy Bible New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All right reserved.
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Episode 123: Room for Ruby
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“It's sunny now, but it can always rain later.”
Catch and Release really did change everything. I’ve already discussed it as a paradigm shift, transforming the concept of what the Crystal Gems are: before, a quartet with Steven as the rookie, and after, a fluid group where Steven has some seniority. We’re in an era where Connie, a full-fledged human, is a Crystal Gem. Bismuth, who already was a Crystal Gem but got reintroduced and then left behind, will return as a member of the modern iteration. And two former enemies, Peridot and Lapis, have joined the group (the latter unofficially). So who’s to say a ruby soldier wouldn’t fit in?
Granted, Charlyne Yi’s performs a ruby that’s a little too forgiving, and power combo Raven Molisee (of the highly expressive Molisee’n’Villeco) and Jesse Zuke (of the barnmaster duo Zuke’n’Florido) exaggerate her face and words to the point where it’s at least a little suspicious from the start. But Navy, cleverly named for the gem on her navel just as Army is named for her arm gem, has always been friendly and chipper compared to the other rubies in her squad. It’s believable, despite us never witnessing it, that the other rubies are mean to her for this attitude. And because this is a ridiculous character, it was always possible that her ridiculously jolly attitude was sincere.
That Navy is lying the whole time is irrelevant to the wonder of a show that makes us believe that she might join up. Her betrayal might be predictable, but our status quo is as capable of change as the planet our heroes love; it’s a similar sensation to Alone at Sea, where even though nothing drastic happens there’s a real possibility that Lapis might relapse and go back to Malachite. It’s so much better than an episode where we know from the start that the character-of-the-week will depart by the end of the story.
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Navy’s chipper behavior is variably cute and questionable, but I love the massive hint that is the rain sequence. Gems become Crystal Gems when exposed to water, so Navy gets her own little baptism as part of the orientation. But because she’s a false convert, we get artificial rain for her artificial reaction. Yi sells absurd joy as well as absurd frustration, but there’s a cloud hanging over this moment that becomes clearer on rewatch. 
Despite beginning with Steven and Garnet, then bringing Navy along for the ride, Room for Ruby becomes a Lapis Lazuli episode as soon as we head back to the barn. Navy is as one-dimensional as it gets before the reveal, blithely accepting everything that comes her way and seeming incapable of feeling negative emotions, so she needs an external opponent if we want this episode to have a plot. Yes, it’d be fun to see this goofball being a goofball for eleven minutes, but thankfully Steven Universe is willing to go deeper.
Peridot’s bossiness and desire to impress makes her an excellent candidate to teach Navy the ropes, and both can bond with fellow shorty Steven over a shared go-get’em mindset. So it makes sense that our wet blanket is Lapis, who first distrusts Navy and then gets fed up with how easy everything is for her. She’s trying, but seeing another foe-turned-friend have such a smooth go of it isn’t easy, and exploring those emotions of jealousy and inadequacy allows for a wonderful last hurrah before Lapis abandons Earth in Raising the Barn.
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Lapis has a tricky role to play here, as she’s straddling the line between protagonist and antagonist depending on how much you trust Navy. Our hero/villain is portrayed sympathetically, as we’re reminded of her traumas and her slow but steady recovery process; she might come across as petty, but it’s understandable pettiness when Navy breezes by in areas where Lapis has struggled. And it helps that unlike fellow Ornery Lapis episode Barn Mates, Navy doesn’t seem to get upset at the negativity; this isn’t Peridot trying to win over a stubborn holdout, it’s a spacy ruby who ignores the venom. But at the same time, Lapis is the only protester in the Navy Parade, and her clash with Steven’s goal of bringing in a new friend makes her a huge bummer. 
Which is why I love this episode’s lesson so much: that it’s sometimes okay to be a huge bummer.
It’s okay because everyone’s going through the world at their own pace, and whether you’re clinically depressed, a survivor of trauma, or you’re just plain sad, it doesn’t make you less worthy than folks in a happier mood. Lapis attempts patience and understanding despite her annoyance, and only snaps when Navy’s attitude turns sickly sweet; feelings of inferiority are hard to work through, but it doesn’t make it okay to be a jerk the whole time. Even after the outburst, Lapis is quick to reassure Navy, acknowledging that it’s an internal problem and apologizing. She wants to like the newcomer, but as soon as she senses the forced perkiness it’s hard for her not to notice that something’s off.
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A good twist is something that makes you rethink the plot, but a great twist does this duty while being enjoyable as a plot point on its own merits. The execution of Navy’s betrayal is marvelous, even as it becomes more and more obvious that it’s coming. After spending the whole episode geeking out about Earth stuff, Navy not-so-subtly suggests that she wants to go back to her ship. Steven not only falls for it, but is down to press a huge button without asking follow-up questions; it may seem inconsistent with his growing maturity, but it makes sense that an excitable kid is lost in the joy of making a new friend. The stranger area for me is his exclamation that the Crystal Gems “finally” have a pilot, as if Pearl hasn’t been successfully navigating spaceships this whole time, but again, he’s caught up in the moment.
The twist-within-a-twist is that while Navy has been plotting against our heroes this whole time, her demeanor isn’t part of the act. Yi's transition from earnest giddiness on land versus manic giddiness post-betrayal is worth the price of admission, especially as she merrily explains that she opted not to just steal the ship because she wanted to watch the Crystal Gems suffer. 
And of course, this brings about Lapis’s triumphant laughter at being proven right. Jennifer Paz is awesome throughout the episode, restraining herself when necessary for big bursts of energy to hit home, and it culminates in the sheer joy that comes from righteous vindication. We could’ve gotten a somber moment of Steven’s anguish at being tricked, similar to what we got after Peridot’s duplicity in Message Received, but Lapis allows us a sense of relief despite things going horribly. 
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In an episode featuring a character as unsubtle as Navy (being tricky doesn’t stop her from being loud and hammy), I love the quieter story we get from Garnet. We only get a nudge that Navy’s story appeals to Ruby and Sapphire, but we don’t need more than that, so I’m glad we don’t get more. Yes, it would be fun to see Ruby hanging out with Navy, but the episode’s focus is elsewhere and we don’t indulge in fanservice that would take away from the plot. The two balloons Garnet brings at the end are color-coded for convenience, so we don’t need anyone to tell us that the optimistic red message is Ruby’s hopes and the apologetic blue message is Sapphire’s realism. It’s not a novel observation that Steven Universe respects the audience enough to not hold our hands, but it’s still appreciated.
(Also appreciated is a soft moment of Garnet bonding with Steven independent of the plot as they make wishes; Steven may be growing up fast, but he’s still allowed to be a kid sometimes instead of spending every episode in teen angst mode.)
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In terms of criticisms, I’m a little torn about the pacing: Room for Ruby meanders a bit in that second act, even though I understand its purpose. Lapis needs to have her tolerance for Navy strained to a breaking point so she’s not throwing a tantrum out of nowhere, so we need multiple examples of frustrating glee. But it does get a little boring on rewatch to have the point driven home again and again that Navy is a perfect little angel, even if it’s all building up to the twist that she’s anything but.
Still, I can’t help but enjoy the nostalgia this structure provides, because major plot points aside, the episode fits right in with classic Season 1. We get a simple story that primes us for an obvious conclusion. Steven will find an unusual solution in his cheeseburger backpack. Steven will learn patience when Pearl takes a while to reform. Steven’s beach party with the Gems and the Pizzas will teach the Gems to respect civilians more. Lapis will grow to accept Navy’s differences. But instead, Steven’s improvisation only goes so far, and he’s impatient again as soon as Pearl returns, and the Gems still don’t care about Fish Stew Pizza, and Lapis’s negative outlook was correct. Steven Universe first made its mark by toying with the conventions of episodes with straightforward morals, and it’s nice to see that legacy continue so late in the series. 
The implications of Navy’s actions are soon made clear, as the loss of the Crystal Gems’ only means of space travel (stolen from the very barn where Steven, Greg, and Pearl first experimented with space travel!) makes Steven’s imminent sacrifice that much weightier. But before that shoe drops, we can enjoy one last glimpse of our favorite little ruby.
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(I’m kidding of course, our Ruby is the best ruby.)
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Charlyne Yi hamming it up and Lapis’s grouchiness paying off? What’s not to love?
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Room for Ruby
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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oatmilfcoffee · 7 years
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artbun (blog playlist)
Budapest - George Ezra // Barcelona - George Ezra // Shot Down - Khalid // Cats and Dogs-  The Head and the Heart // Let's Go - Khalid // Rivers and Roads - The Head and the Heart // From Eden - Hozier // Work Song - Hozier // Hopeless - Khalid // Like Real People Do - Hozier // Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran // Redbone - Childish Gambino // Lost in My Mind - The Head and the Heart // Bibia Be Ye Ye - Ed Sheeran // Barcelona - Ed Sheeran // What Do I Know? - Ed Sheeran // New Man - Ed Sheeran // Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran // Shape of You - Ed Sheeran // Ghost - Dotan // Stunner - Milky Chance // Flashed Junk Mind - Milky Chance // Becoming - Milky Chance // Someone In The Crowd - Emma Stone // Saved - Khalid // for him. - Troye Sivan // TALK ME DOWN - Troye Sivan // Mercy - Shawn Mendes // Running - Milky Chance // Another Day Of Sun - La La Land Cast // Coaster - Khalid // Sweet Sun - Milky Chance // Stolen Dance - Milky Chance // Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros // In the Lion - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros // City Of Stars - Ryan Gosling // All The Pretty Girls - Kaleo // Crosses - José González // into the wild - Lewis Watson // Ride - Lana Del Rey // Team - Lorde // Ophelia - The Lumineers // Hummingbird - Miss E // Hold You in My Arms - Ray LaMontagne // 363N63 - King Krule // Cocoon - Milky Chance // From the Dining Table - Harry Styles // Love - Lana Del Rey // Jolene - Ray LaMontagne // Salad Days - Mac Demarco // Paint - The Paper Kites // Dirty Paws - Of Monsters and Men // Trouble - Ray LaMontagne // Baby Blue - King Krule // Love Love Love - Of Monsters and Men // Mountain Sound - Of Monsters and Men // From Gold - Novo Amor // Cucurucu - Nick Mulvey // Don't Wanna Fight - Alabama Shakes // Skinny Love - Bon Iver // Made For You - Alexander Cardinale // Cecilia And The Satellite - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness // Fast Car - Tracy Chapman // Lou Lou - Albin Lee Meldau // The Girl - City and Colour // Georgia - Vance Joy // Mess Is Mine - Vance Joy // WILD - Troye Sivan // Lua - Bright Eyes // The Cave - Mumford & Sons // Angela - The Lumineers // Two Ghosts - Harry Styles // Dead Sea - The Lumineers // Stubborn Love - The Lumineers // Ever Since New York - Harry Styles // Meet Me in the Hallway - Harry Styles // Slow It Down - The Lumineers // Sign of the Times - Harry Styles // Only Angel - Harry Styles // Ho Hey - The Lumineers // Kiwi - Harry Styles // Carolina - Harry Styles // Heartbeats - José González // Fire and the Flood - Vance Joy // Wasted Time - Vance Joy // A Change Of Heart - The 1975 // The Only Thing - Sufjan Stevens // Honeybee - Seahaven // Spirits - The Strumbellas // Home - Dotan // Sweet Creature - Harry Styles // Home - Dan Croll // Silhouettes - Colony House // Malibu - Miley Cyrus // Mykonos - Fleet Foxes // Woman - Harry Styles // Seaside - The Kooks // Lust For Life (with The Weeknd) - Lana Del Rey // Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky & Playboi Carti) - Lana Del Rey // In My Feelings - Lana Del Rey // Cherry - Lana Del Rey // 13 Beaches - Lana Del Rey
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workingclassdan · 7 years
All albums I listened to in 2017
1. David Bowie - No Plan (ep) 2. Ryan Adams - Prisoner 3. Gone is Gone - Echolocation * 4. The xx - I See You 5. The Flaming Lips - Oczy Mldy 6. Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound 7. Japandroids - Near to the Wild Heart of Life 8. Foxygen - Hang 9. Ty Segall - Ty Segall 10. Camp Cope / Cayetana - Split EP 11. Cuddle Magic - Ashes/Axis 12. Hand Habits - Wildly Idle 13. Son Volt - Notes of Blue 14. Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light… (notable for shitness) 15. PVT - New Spirit 16. Steve Vai - Modern Primitive 17. Dirty Projectors - ST   (little bubble) 18. Middle Kids - EP 19. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy 20. The Waifs - Ironbark 21. Bruce Springsteen - (Odds & Rarities) 22. Thundercat - Drunk 23. Animal Collective - The Painters EP  (kinda bonkers) 24. Los Campesinos - Sick Scenes 25. Grandaddy - Last Place  (lost machine) 26. Methyl Ethel - Everything is Forgotten 27. Kingswood - After Hours, Close to Dawn 28. Holy Holy - Paint 29. Vagabon - Infinite Worlds 30. Spoon - Hot Thoughts  (do i have to talk you into it 31. Brian Eno - Reflection 32. The Shins - Heartworms 33. Laura Marling - Semper Femina * 34. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - The French Press EP * 35. Temples - Volcano 36. Roy Buchanan - Telemaster Live in 75 37. Real Estate - In Mind 38. Depeche Mode - Spirit * 39. Mastodon - Emperor of Sand * 40. Drake - More Life  (Passionfruit) 41. Ben Wright Smith - The Great Divorce 42. Sleepmakeswaves- Made of Breath Only - (hailstones) 43. Aimee Mann - Mental Illness 44. Jesus and Mary Chain - Damage and Joy 45. Steel Panther - Lower the Bar 46. Evyltyde - Rising 47. Spiral Stairs - Doris and the Daggers 48. Julia Holter - In the Same Room * 49. Boss Hog - Brood X 50. British Sea Power - Let the Dancers Inherit the Party 51. Anjou - Epithymia 52. The Melker Project Remix 53. New Pornographers - Whiteout Conditions 54. Future Islands - The Far Field 55. Craig Finn - We All Want the Same Thing 56. Smith Street Band - More Scared of You Than You Are of Me 57. Cold War Kids - La Divine 58. Clark - Death Peak 59. The Black Angels - Death Song 60. Arca - Arca 61. Luke Howard - ? 62. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. 63. Prince - ep 64. Incubus - 8 65. Amy Shark - Night Thinker ep 66. Mew - Visuals 67. Gorillaz - Humanz 68. Ryan Adams (b-sides) - 69. Tim Rogers - An Actor Repairs * 70. Feist - Pleasure 71. Bill Baird - Easy Machines 72. Bill Baird - Baby Blue Abyss 73. Thurston Moore - Rock n Roll Conciousness 74. Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory 75. Bob Dylan - Triplicate 76. Pond - The Weather 77. Alice Coltrane - The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane 78. San Cisco - The Water 79. Doug Tuttle - Peace Potato 80. Big Walnuts Yonder 81. Perfume Genius - No Shape 82. Penguin Cafe - 83. Mac Demarco 84. Afghan Whigs - In Spades 85. At the Drive-In - interalia 86. Slowdive - Slowdive - falling ashes 87. Dead Letter Circus - The Endless Mile - Lines 88. Nick Murphy - Missing Link ep 89. Bob’s Burgers - s/t 90. Fleet Foxes - The Crack-Up 91. BNQT - Volume 1 92. Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions 93. The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's 94. Dan Auerbach - Waiting on a Song 95. Ben Ottewell - A Man Apart 96. Bernard Fanning - Brutal Dawn 97. Roger Waters - Is This the Life We Really Want 98. Underground Lovers - Staring at You Staring At Me 99. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World 100. Half Waif - form/a ep 101. The Kills - Echo Home non-electric ep 102. Bleachers - Gone Now 103. Amber Coffman - City of No Reply 104. Marika Hackman - I’m Not Your Man * 105. Husky - Punchbuzz 106. U2 - (some bootleg of latest tour) 107. Alt-J - Relaxer  (3WW) 108. Beach Fossils - Somersault 109. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me 110. London Grammar - Truth is a Beautiful Thing 111. Lindsay Buckingham/Christine McVie - 112. Phoenix - Ti Amo 113. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister - Planetarium 114. Big Thief - Capacity Mythological Beauty 115. Kirin J Callinan - Bravado 116. The Magpie Salute - The Magpie Salute (Live) 117. Portugal. The Man - Woodstock 118. Lorde - Melodrama * 119. Royal Blood - How Did We Get So Dark? 120. Ride - Weather Diaries 121. Cigarettes After Sex - s/t 122. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana 123. Jeff Tweedy - Together at Last 124. Tara Jane O’Neil - s/t 125. Baby Driver soundtrack 126. UNKLE - The Road pt1 127. Silicon Valley soundtrack 128. Haim - Something to Tell You 129. Broken Social Scene - Hug of Thunder 130. Jay-Z - 4:44 131. Tex, Don & Charlie - You Don’t Know Lonely 132. Oh Wonder - Ultralife 133. Radiohead - OKNOTOK 134. Waxahatchee - Out in the Storm 135. U2 (live Vancouver) 136. Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet 137. DJ Shadow - The Mountain Will Fall 138. Vera Blue - Perennial 139. Lana Del Rey - Lust for Life 140. Nine Inch Nails - Add Violence ep * 141. Singles soundtrack deluxe 142. Arcade Fire - Everything Now 143. Boris - Dear 144. Perera Elsewhere - All of This 145. Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile to the Surface 146. The Murlocs - Old Locomotive 147. Dan Sultan - Killer  (fire under foot, kingdom) 148. Fountaineer - Greater City, Greater Love 149. Benjamin Gibbard - Bandwagonesque 150. Juanita Stein - America 151. Saskwatch - Manual Override 152. Kid Koala with Emiliana Torrini - Music to Draw To: Satellite 153. David Rawlings - Poor David’s Almanac 154. Damian Cowell's Disco Machine - Get Yer Dag On! 155. Jen cloher - s/t 156. Queens of the Stone Age - Villains * 157. Paul Kelly - Life is Fine I smell trouble 158. Davey Lane - I’m Gonna Burn Out Bright 159. Mogwai - Every Country’s Sun 160. Alvvays - Antisocialites 161. Ben Frost - The Centre Cannot Hold 162. Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins 163. Iron and Wine - Beast Epic call it dreaming 164. Gang of Youths - Go Farther in Lightness 165. Gold Class - Drum 166. King Gizzard and Mild High Club - Sketches of Brunswick East 167. Steven Wilson - To the Bone 168. The Preatures - Girlhood 169. Filthy Friends - Invitation 170. The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding 171. Chris Forsyth and the Solar Motel - Dreaming in the Non-Dream 172. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 173. Cloud Control - Zone rainbow city 174. Liars - TFCF 175. Neil Finn - Out of Silence 176. Deerhoof - Mountain Moves 177. Jake Bugg - hearts That Strain 178. Gordi - Reservoir 179. Meg Mac - Low Blows 180. The National - Sleep Well Beast 181. Beaches - Second of Spring 182. Chad Vangaalen - Light Information 183. Nothing But Thieves - 184. Foo Fighters - Concrete and Gold 185. Tori Amos - Native Invader 186. The Belligerents - Science Fiction (Sorry to Say) 187. Rostam - Half-Light 188. Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions - Until the Hunter 189. Ariel Pink - Dedicated to Bobby Jameson 190. Davey Lane - Back/Here/Forward 191. Lisa Mitchell - When they Play That Song ep 192. Tired Lion - Dumb Days 193. Mastodon - Cold Dark Place ep 194. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers 195. Lee Ronaldo - Electric Trim 196. Neil Young - Hitchhiker 197. The Killers - Wonderful Wonderful 198. Hyla - Osaka 199. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - The Vietnam War 200. Moses Sumney - Aromanticism 201. British India - Forgetting the Future 202. Matt Cameron - Cavedweller 203. Hammock - Mysterium 204. Ben Frost - Threshold of Faith 205. Philip Selway - Let Me Go 206. Prophets of Rage - s/t 207. Phoebe Bridgers - Starnger in the Alps 208. Pearl Jam - Let’s Play Two 209. Wolf Alice - Visions of a Life 210. Torres - Three Futures 211. Ibeyi - Ash 212. Wolf Parade - Cry Cry Cry 213. Liam Gallagher - As You Were 214. Andrew Bird - Echolocations: River 215. Bladerunner 2049 soundtrack 216. The Horrors - V 217. St Vincent - Masseduction 218. Kurt Vile & Courtney Barnett - A Lotta Sea Lice 219. Beck - Colors 220. Robert Plant - Carry Fire 221. Alex Lahey - I Love You Like a Brother 222. Destroyer - Ken. 223. William Patrick Corgan - wpc 224. Custard - The Common Touch 225. Love Migrate - Somewhere, Over the Mangroves 226. Protomartyr - Relatives in Descent 227. Polish Club - Alright Already 228. Ecca Vandal - s/t 229. Grooms - Infinity Caller 230. Lean Year - s/t 231. Kevin Devine - Instigator 232. King Krule - The Ooz 233. Portico Quartet - Art in the Age of Automation 234. Weezer - Pacific Daydream 235. Hans Zimmer et al (Blue Planet ll soundtrack) 236. Fever Ray - Plunge 237. Julien Baker - Turn Out the Lights 238. Jim Lawrie - Slacker of the Year 239. REM - Automatic for the People (25th Anniversary) 240. Angel Olsen - Phases 241. Stranger Things 2 (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) 242. Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats - Live at Red Rocks 243. Tame Impala - Currents (deluxe) 244. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Polygondwanaland 245. Sharon Jones - Soul of a Woman 246. Bjork - Utopia * 247. Aldous Harding - Party 248. David Gilmour - Live at Pompeii 249. Queen - News of the World (deluxe) 250. Stella Donnelly - Thrush Metal ep 251. U2 - Songs of Experience 252. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Who Built the Moon? 253. Taylor Swift - Reputation 254. Kamasi Washington - Harmony of Difference 255. Wand - Plum 256. Weaves - Wide Open 257. Mavis Staples - If All I Was Was Black 258. Neil Young and Promise of the Real - The Visitor 259. Pony Face - Deja Vu 260. The Orbweavers - Deep Leads
Stray tracks: Hans Zimmer & Radiohead Lisa Hannigan - Oh! You Pretty Things Jarvis Cocker & Chilli Gonzalez Jack Whiter Glen Hansard (2) John Butler Trio Ryan Adams - back in your head Brian Eno & Kevin Shields Tropical Fuck Storm (2)
2016 catchups:
Ryley Walker & Charles Rumback Alex Isenberg Lisa Hannigan Margaret Glaspy Catfish and the Bottlemen Badbadnotgood 1 Mile North Chris Forsyth Peep Tempel Tash Sultana Rogue Wave Damien Jurado Love Migrate - Luke Howard Kaleo
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Have you ever encountered someone who unexpectedly and unconditionally guides, teaches and loves you whole-heartedly in the sea of chaos of your life? No one knows how hard it is, but because of his teachings, everything changed from every little aspect of my life. He made me see and feel the chaos of the real world and I started to embrace myself. He is the male version of Malefiscent, wild and cold hearted yet if his heart is touched, anyone can see everything, an angel in disguise. Ever since, I used to be lost kitten in this universe, but when he passes into my realm; he is like a roaring lion whose toughness is contagious.
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I used to be that dream girl of everyman: smart, good-looking and optimistic. But as you go deeper inside, you'll see the misery beneath her heart. And that is how he sees me, someone he need to save from the sea of misery. Although he is know for being stubborn and hard headed man, contrast of my image, he insisted to help me. In our first year as classmates in Senior High School, I used to be head over heels to his friend. Instead of supporting and tolerating his friend in his dirty and malicious deeds, he forcefully open my eyes to the real version of the man I used to adore, a 100% percent playboy indeed.
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In the middle of our first semester, our section decided to compete in the interpretative dance organized by Ms. Samson. The tagalog song that we used was "Mahal ko or Mahal ako" where cupid tricked and tested us. When we started creating our own version of dance, Jc used to pester bill and bully other members whose thinking and visualizing our dance. But when I called him to come over so we can practice the first steps, he is like a thunder that quickly comes and obey me. Whener we had a sudden practice, he will chat in our gc that he could not come because he's not in the mood so I need to insist that he needs to come or else we will have different partners. After a long debate, he will still come in our practice. While doing the routines in the dance, we are used to have a mini play between us and that is by staring at each others eye without blinking. Guess what? He always lose because after five seconds that he will look at my eye he will laugh hardly as if it has no tomorrow.
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After how many months, April of year 2019, we started having our conversations in social media. And that was the beginning of I know the mask of a hard-headed guy in the school, a loving son to his mother and younger siblings. He would always send me pictures of him with his mother and youngest sibling Princess, smiling brightly as a sun. He always tells me his dreams for his mom when he have decent work: a simple and yet loving ambiance of a house. Despite of teachers telling him harsh accusations, i can see how eager him to reach his dreams. And it hitted me hardly that all my murmurings and dramatic problems with my mother was a huge trash. He wake up my senses on how important my mother was, in my life.
July of the same year, we are officially in relationship and that is where I can see how soft hearded he was. When I'm alone walking in the street, I ignored when there is some beggars begging for any amount. But everday that we encountered some beggars, especially if it is elder, he used to give some amount and food that he have. Sometimes, he will stop by and help others like on the side of the church was an elder who had a hard time in her wheelchair. I'm used to it and one day i saw myself helping him doing his own courtesy of showing care, respect and love to others.
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On our seven month as partners, he opened my eyes into the real world. I have developed a strong personality outside for I not to be easily broken by other people's judgement. They might be blinded by our naughty and devilish side but our golden heart will always speaks for who we truly are. A malefiscent outside but an angel in disguise for anyone who can touch his heart and know him deeply, my beloved Jc.
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jaskilon · 7 years
Should We Know Us A Little Better
A tag; not that you guys will care! finger guns followers
RULES: you must answer 89 statements and tag 20 people (oops)
Tagged by: @vminisgay ;)
The Last:
Drink: Coke, because I’m unhealthy af
Phone call: My brother James about the last episode of GoT
Text message: A friend
Song you listened to: Jaymes Young - Moondust
Time you cried: Yesterday over Taehyung
Time you dated someone twice: Never
Time you kissed someone and regretted it: Idk, when was the last time I got kissed >.<
Time you were cheated on: Never
Time you lost someone special: If you count Jason (my laptop) who I lost last week...
Time you were depressed: aLL the time m8
Time you were drunk and threw up: Never
List Your Three Favourite Colours: (<-- oh god now you know I’m British)
Light blue
Soft orange
Forest green
In The Last Year Have You:
Made new friends: I did, yeah
Fallen out of love: Yes
Laughed until you cried: Unfortunately not, I’m emotionally constipated like that
Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
Met someone who changed you: Yep :)
Found out who your friends are: Yeah
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Mhmmyeah, refer to answer 7
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them, I don’t use Facebook anymore
Do you have any pets: ..8 cats?
Do you want to change your name: Meh, I’m okay with it
What did you do for your last birthday: Watched all 3 Lion Kings (it’s a tradition okay) and then ate a load of food
What time did you wake up: 12
What were you doing at midnight last night: Jamming to music while reading
Name something that you can’t wait for: The sweet sweet embrace of death
When was the last time you saw your mom: About 5 minutes ago when she came into my room to moan about it being cold before leaving
What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My incredible procrastination skills
What are you listening to right now: L D R U - Me
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeh, he was a swell dude
Something that’s getting on your nerves: That I get really hungry and start eating a massive meal only to finish less than a third of it before I’m ‘full’
Most visited website: YouTube
Mole/s: I have a handful.. a particular set on my right arm look like a dot-to-dot of a crescent moon
Mark/s: I have a pink rose-ish shaped birthmark on my left ankle
Childhood dream: An author
Hair colour: Red-brown
Long or short hair: Medium long-ish?
Do you have a crush on someone: hA No
What do you like about yourself: My stubbornness
Piercings: None
Blood type: O
Nickname: Jas, but whatever you say goes, dearest reader
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac: Cancer
Pronouns: She/her
Favourite TV show: Game Of Thrones (\(^.^)/)
Tattoos: I want one!
Right or left handed: Right
Surgery: None
Piercings: Is this a trick question?
Sport: Movie marathons?
Vacation: Anywhere hot and close to the sea
Pair of trainers: idk dude, anything comfy
More General;
Eating: Ferrero Rochers
Drinking: Coffee
I’m about to: Watch more YouTube
Waiting for: Nothing
Want: To be something I can’t
Get married: (stealing vminisgay’s answer ;) ) I want to get married to a hot guy with a big dick (?)
Career: Author, but my procrastination will never allow it so I’ll probably work in a bookstore
Which Is Better?:
Hugs or kisses: Hugs are easy to come by for an extrovert like me, so kisses
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Shorter or taller: Taller
Older or younger: Older
Nice arms or nice stomach: Both?? but stomach if you really wanted an answer (you didn’t)
Sensitive or loud: Loud
Hookup or relationship: Depends on the situation and person
Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
Have You Ever:
Kissed a stranger: No
Drank hard liquor: I might have, I can’t remember
Lost glasses/contact lenses: No, don’t have them
Turned someone down: Yeah
Sex on the first date: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: Yes
Had your heart broken: It’s fractured but mostly intact
Been arrested: No
Cried when someone died: Not really
Fallen for a friend: Once, never again
Do You Believe In:
Yourself: Depends on the situation
Miracles: No
Love at first sight: No
Santa Claus: Mayybe
Kiss on the first date: Depends on the situation and person
Angels: Yes
Current best friends: My favourite, Ani-yah @florrah  - Love you, my little bun <3
Eye colour: Green
Favourite movie: ummmm, How To Train Your Dragon? why not
I’m gonna tag @/florrah @tamdrawsthings @fykimtaehyung @ask-new-witch-yoongi @ask-cottoncandy-tae
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hopelesslydimwitted · 8 years
au for lion rescue/refuge workers bc i havent seen one yet
ok so the cast of voltron right, but they work for an organization that rescues/takes cares of wildlife, specifically lions for the purpose of this post
the organization is called Voltron Wildlife Rescue or smth
each lion they have is harmlessly tagged for purposes of identification for medication, treatment, rehabilitation, etc
each tag must be easily identifiable from afar
thus, ear tags that won’t bother the animals are colored! there’s black, red, green, blue, and yellow (obviously)
the organization was founded by Alfor and Coran, and their daughter Allura
they were world travellers and crossed seas and continents, exploring all there was to explore
sometime along the way, they came across a man Zarkon? who offered them a job that would pay them a lot of money to travel the world with his cargo: they refused when they found out it involved trapping, harming, and illegally transporting live animals
maybe Alfor had plans to take Zarkon and his company to court, planning to ruin his business and throw him in jail? maybe that’s how he died (assassination)?
Alfor was the business side and took to finding investors and filing all the legal work needed to start it up
Coran busied himself with gathering fellow veterinarians, such as himself, and other staff to help  
Allura was probably a teenager or younger when it all started, but her adventurous little self was so enthusiastic and loves every animal that comes through with her entire heart 
her father(s) required that she finished school before she could work at Voltron full-time
Shiro has been working there the longest, save for the founder's daughter/friend, Allura and Coran
he bonded very quickly with the only lion of the pride, tagged Black
Black was the first one rescued as a cub, probably from a ring of smugglers or poachers
Black has a prosthetic front right leg, much like Shiro’s prosthetic 
he’s not as social as the others, except for with Shiro and Allura
he’s known Allura his entire life, but bonded with Shiro after spending like an hour examining every nook and cranny of his prosthetic
Shiro started working at the rescue shortly after the accident that took his arm; Alfor had approached him and offered him a job
b/c Alfor had offered him a new start on life, Shiro mourned alongside Allura and Coran when Alfor died
there have been many times when Coran or Allura is driving around the land near the HQ and they’ve caught Shiro and Black snoozing together, the lazy bastards
occasionally Shiro is propped up against Black’s side, but most of the time Black is between Shiro’s legs with his giant head on Shiro’s shoulder
Shiro constantly finds coarse lion mane hair when he showers
Keith started working there shortly after getting expelled from college or smth
he bonded with the moody lioness cub with the bright Red tag
Red was as temperamental as they come, almost always roaring/hissing/scratching at the helping hands that came her way
Keith, the poor boy, was assigned to get her into a crate so that the vets could give her a check-up. they’d probably already gotten her in a closed-off area to make things easier when she gave the scariest, squeaky roar that a lioness cub could give
he popped a squat and sat right there in the enclosure, staring at her as she paced (and eventually sat down)
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m your buddy” he says, and various versions of that
he tries again once or twice and nearly loses a finger
after about an hour or so of this, he managed to get Red to her check-up
the next time Red saw him, she bumped against his leg and purred the way she’d seen Black and Blue doing to their humans
he won’t tell anyone about the time he almost pissed himself when he was sitting on the ground, relaxing under some shade with his lunch, and Red came up and curled up in his lap
he thought he was going to die, he even gave her his entire chicken-tuna-salad sandwich as a peace offering
he also won’t tell anyone how proud he is of how big and strong Red gets each day 
Pidge is the child of a veterinary genius that befriended Alfor and Coran
they like the runt of the pride most, a curious little lioness cub they’ve dubbed Green
Green was found malnourished in a circus probably, which is why she’s so small
Pidge calls her Smol Green Pea
Green hates it, yet finds herself responding to it
Pidge isn’t really staffed at Voltron, but visits the Holt boys a lot and explores around the nearby property
they let out the most pathetic squeal when they found Green staring down at them from the tree they were under, her big eyes locked onto Pidge
they thought they were gonna be lion cub lunch
Green just wanted someone to play with, and absolutely loved the flailing straps on Pidge’s backpack
Pidge is hardly ever seen without Green at her side, even when Green is getting a check-up
Green refuses to get a shot unless Pidge is holding her paw
Pidge can explore more of Voltron property with Green at their side, because let’s face it Pidge gets lost ALL THE TIME, too busy being entranced by everything around them or nose too deep in a book they’re reading while walking
Green is the only reason Pidge can make it back to HQ each day
there’s also a little rescued lilac-breasted roller bird that Pidge all but adopted
its name is Rover, and Pidge keeps begging their father to let them take the little sweetheart home with them one day
Pidge plans on going to veterinary school (early, mind you) and getting a degree so they can help Coran and the other Holts out with taking care of the animals that come in
Hunk helps out with the vets and vet techs, preparing special diets when needed and helping Coran to fix any mechanical problems that arise
he got closest to a pregnant lioness that came in with a Yellow tag
when Yellow was rescued, she was in poor health and the vets weren’t sure if she was going to make it, but thankfully Hunk was able to specialize a diet that started to bring up her health again
after Yellow’s health was good enough, they let her onto the main Voltron property, and just made sure to keep an eye on her in case her health dropped again
she stayed close, and often cuddled or laid with Hunk on his time off
Hunk went away for a few days near the end of her pregnancy, maybe to gather stuff that the vets/vet techs needed
the vets got worried when they couldn’t find Yellow, but figured it was just time for her to give birth (and altea knows they won’t test a lioness that just gave birth with a check-up)
Hunk was in for quite the surprise when he came back to his designated dorm room to a new mother-Yellow and her cubs
due to her previously poor health, only one cub had survived
Hunk took charge of nursing Yellow back to health after her delivery
everyone agrees that the most loving lioness of the pride is Yellow, mostly because she looks at Hunk like he’s “the greatest thing in the world, her light and savior, the best being she’s ever laid eyes on” (as narrated by Lance)
everyone else agrees w/ that
Lance volunteered for a summer at Voltron, hoping that volunteering at a Wildlife Refuge would look good on his college applications (he also took pictures with Green, much to her dismay, so he could show it off the cuties he wants to woo)
he absolutely fell in love during his time there
he was with Hunk when he found Yellow’s cubs, and helped him and Yellow nurse the survivor
her tag is Blue, but she responds more readily to his many nicknames
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Baby Girl, Babe, Sweetheart, Darling, Angel, Sunshine, Lovely, Light Of My Life, the list goes on
he was one of the main ones to nurse Blue, and he’s embarrassed on how protective and possessive he was of her when she was still really little
he wouldn’t let anyone but Hunk or the vets hold her, not even Shiro or Allura
“she likes things a specific way, it’s just easier if I keep her than to explain it all again”
he was only supposed to be working there for 13 weeks, but he and Blue bonded so close they were practically the same being
Hunk sent him a video of Blue crying for him, and that’s when Lance knew that he had to go back. he hasn’t regretted it since
he and Blue are Voltron’s Power Couple
whenever they go around for fundraising or to raise awareness, Blue is always the one they bring
sometimes Lance will ask her to do things (she’ll do anything for a treat, if it’s Lance asking), but most of the time it’s Shiro or Allura being “all educational and all that quiznak” while he and Blue are cuddling it out in the spotlight
everyone loves it 
Lance always gives Keith a hard time for how stubborn Red is with her affection, while Blue is all but connected at the hip
Keith gives him a hard time when Blue starts to become too big for Lance to carry around in his arms
i just want all of the lion cuddles, i have a mighty need
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