#seagulls and foxes
you dont understand how frustrating train dream is... it exists in the back of our mind but its all just concepts!!!!! Some bitch needs to worldbuild more and write the story and unfortunately i am that btich
i am your RIGHT HAND MAN bestie i did it for EL ill do it for TD. there is soooooooo much i am thinking about. i have to write email (essay) of Plead For My GPA but when im back on discord. hit me up. i am think SO many thoughts if u want ideace
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indigoatari · 2 years
purple white and green are suffragette colors. purple is for loyalty n dignity, white for purity, green for hope. (suffragette and genderqueer flags 4 comparison) so yeah ms womenarewomen3 from the italian woman post is not genderqueer 😔 just a transphobe
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AW DAMN. but shoutout to genderqueer suffragettes frfr
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shortsighted-owl · 1 year
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An update to THIS MEME FROM 6x04
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honey-bri-books · 9 months
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"To cease from loving you is beyond my power."
~Anton Chekov (The Seagull)
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lys-d-raev · 9 months
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One fox an lot of seagulls
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janeelyakiri · 1 year
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Here's where all the boys kids and Other are!
-The Doodle Tree Is Separate but also Part of the Doodle Sphere.
-Robin and Dingo don't live in Shattered's castle, just in the same AU.
-Jay doesn't know Fox and Sass left the Omega Timeline...
-Vulture and Hyena have their OWN horrortale au they return to, as does Axe. Axe's brother, Sugar, visits sometimes, and Axe and Vulture swap shifts. So Axe for a couple weeks, then V+H.
Then there's Ebott Valley AU that is completely ignored by the multiverse and they are A-OK with that.
The 'map' without skellies under cut!
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multyashka-sweet · 9 months
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softlytowardthesun · 2 years
Curious: what are your favorite type of fairy stories listed in the Aarne-Thompson enciclopedia classification?
First off, it's nice to meet you and thank you for asking! Secondly, I want to preface this: I'm not a student or a scholar of folklore as a genre, and my knowledge of ATU is limited to what I've managed to find online over the years. More often than not, it's either something I've found on JStor in college, something in a Maria Tatar book, or this website.
Still, I love seeing these stories and all their variations across times and places. Without further ado:
306: The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes: I love the mystery element of this story, and I'm forever intrigued by all the variations of the other world the women travel to, whether it's the palace of Indra, the court of Satan, or something else entirely. Many versions attribute their actions to some curse that must be broken to achieve a heterosexual happy ending, but it's in the in-between that this story really sings to me. And a not-quite-variant of it, "Kate Crackernuts", may just be my favorite fairy tale of all time; how often is the ugly (or at least, "less bonny") stepsister the hero of her own story?
310: The Maiden in the Tower: I'm a sucker for a magical chase, and Rapunzel's relatives absolutely provide. My favorites include "Snow-White-Fire-Red", "The Canary Prince", and "Louliyya, Daughter of Morgan".
311: Magic Flight: Stories of magical escapes from dire situations, like "Sweetheart Roland", "The White Dove", "The Fox Sister", and "The Tail of the Princess Elephant".
407: The Flower Girl: Plants who become women or vice versa, often coupled with an escape from an abusive romance. I love these stories purely for the folkloric weirdness factor: "A Riddling Tale" (shout-out to Erstwhile for introducing me to this one), "The Gold-Spinners", "The Girl in the Bay Tree", and "Pretty Maid Ibronka".
451: Brothers as Birds: This one's purely on my love for the Grimms' "Six Swans" and "Seven Ravens". I love a resilient heroine who draws her strength from her family. I admittedly haven't read many others, but these two mean so much to me they get a place here entirely on the strength of these two.
510B: All-Kinds-Of-Fur: The story of a woman's escape from her incestuous father who then gets a Cinderella ending. I admire the heroine's courage in face of an all too real type of monster. Grimms' is a favorite, as is "Florinda" (which could also qualify as 514), "Princess in a Leather Burqa", "The She-Bear", and "Nya-Nya Bulembu".
514: The Shift of Sex: I first came across this story when I stumbled on Psyche Z. Ready's terrific thesis some years ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since. All of these variations from all over the world -- I find it cathartic to know that we've been asking these questions about gender and sexuality forever, and a happy ending is an imaginative possibility.
709: Fairest of Them All: This I owe squarely to Maria Tatar's anthology from a few years ago. Unfortunately, this also means that there are several I can't find online, including "Kohava the Wonder Child" (a rare Jewish heroine in a genre infamous for how it absorbs anti-Semitism) and "King Peacock" (one of the few African American fairy tales I know, also included in Tatar's collaboration with Henry Louis Gates). I love "Princess Aubergine", "Little Toute-Belle", and especially "Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree" - my little bi self was elated to stumble across a princess who lives happily ever after with her kind and gentle limbo husband and her cunning and resourceful wife.
Even as a hobbyist, I love folklore and fairy tales. I love these little glimpses into other cultures, and I love the way these story structures act as magnets for so many nuances of people's lives across history. Still, I hope this answers your question, gives a glimpse into my experience with fairy tales as a genre, or (at the very least) gives you some new and interesting stories to read!
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ramblingsarah · 2 years
Hey, you like urban critters, right? Rats, squirrels, crows, etc.? And you eat trash? Of course you do, look at you, you’re a paragon of taste. You probably also like card games, adorable art, public libraries, and wildlife rehabilitators? Then I have got GREAT news for you!
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Varmints! is a game about eating trash! It’s for two players ages 10+, takes under 30 minutes to play, and will come with everything you need to start playing.
The fundraiser is now live on Gamefound! Rewards include: beautiful art prints, critter pins, tote bags, AND donation games for schools, libraries, after-school clubs, and folks who want to play the game but can’t afford to buy a copy. As a stretch goal, there are donation tiers for Urban Wildlife Renewal, a rehabilitation center in Massachusetts, USA. 
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The game was developed by David Rose, and the art is by JelArts (Jessica Lowry). Reblogs help a ton, since donation games will be raffled off once the campaign is complete!
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dollytraiter07 · 1 year
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1 on 1, the seagulls have no chance taking on the fox
But as a group, with their signature feather and a bit of bondage, there's no problem making him shriek and sternutate his lights out, for the number 1 victory royale
Commission for https://twitter.com/Chal206?t=cpFbM-_xOKVNdy4Fyig2Tg&s=09
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rockingthegraveyard · 7 months
City I live in kind of blew up in more recent years but when I was a kid there were a lot more orchards and empty plots then there are today and there use to be this huge empty space behind the McDonalds where my dad and grandpa would park their work trucks to get lunch. Occasionally they would let me, my brother and cousins tag along to light jobs and to get lunch with them. We would get our lunch and then sit in that empty plot to eat. There use to be seagulls in the city, we're about three hours inland so it's not entirely absurd, but they were only ever really in this one specific empty lot behind the McDonalds. It's since been filled up and I haven't seen a seagull in this city since.
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red lights, though that is VERY MUCH because of yalls tumblr pfp. the walten files! private school uniforms now, fuck yall for that actually, very fancy glass cups, beanbag chairs, and yknow those massive binders people used to use to keep their pokemon cards together? i see those now and i go heehoo. pokeballs
mutuals! give me a ‘<3′ in my inbox and I’ll tell you things you remind me of/your vibes
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indigoatari · 2 years
keppy i am judging you for not knowing every word to lent by autoheart
die judgemental
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shortsighted-owl · 2 years
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honey-bri-books · 9 months
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"You are mine, you are mine! This forehead is mine, these eyes are mine, this silky hair is mine. All your being is mine. You are so clever, so wise, the first of all living writers; you are the only hope of your country."
~Anton Chekhov (The Seagull)
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homunculus-argument · 4 months
It annoys me unreasonably when you want to ask people "what bird and what mammal would make the worst gryphon" as a fun thought exercise, and people with no joy and no imagination always interpret it as "a gryphon that sucks, is physically impossible, and would hate being alive", and - being predictable and lacking in imagination - always, always answer with "a hummingbird and a blue whale lol".
Like come on. Why do you have to suck the fun out of everything. Why not use a fraction of imagination and delightful whimsy. Imagine the combination of a mouse and a sparrow. That creature would be merciless, burtal, absolutely determined to get into your trash and has the power of both wings and hands to do its will. Or a crow and a cat - that thing is smart enough to fuck with people and not afraid to do it. Imagine the ungodly shriek of the noble fox-seagull, also determined to get into your trash.
A gryphon that is a combination of a kangaroo and a cassowary. The only proof we have of a loving god is the fact that those things do not exist. If hell is real, it's full of them. That thing can't fly, but it will run you down, it will kill you, and you will look stupid the whole entire time you're dying.
Why would the first thing that pops into your mind at the words "the worst gryphon" automatically be "a gryphon that hates being alive". Can you not picture a gryphon that fucking loves being alive, and has both the power and the will to make it everyone else's problem.
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