#search and rescue fanart
spring-vibes-only · 4 months
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I wanted to draw a rescue squad kid then I remembered they're all ANNOYING /j
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carbonatedbexxer · 4 months
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 "Now K.D firmly believes in Bigfoot, so she gets all excited and asks what he means by fuzzy.
Was he hairy???
But the kid says no, he wasn't hairy.
He was a 'fuzzy man', and he describes a man that's blurry, 'like when you close your eyes but not all the way closed.' "
From searchandrescuewood's original nosleep story 'im a search and rescue officer for the us forest', illustration by me.
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chacerider · 2 years
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(*strolls in 19 years late with starbucks*)
so, nexus is wild
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cacciocavalloblu · 1 month
I Tried to draw the whole inventors club
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Seriously Why there is no fan art of all ten together?
I need of all 10 together
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auroras-patch · 2 years
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Those are some illustrations i did for that amazing creepy pasta about stairs in the woods. It's one of my favorites out there
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jaskersneakthief · 7 months
thisgs is canon.....if u even care...,.,..,...
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spookylinguini · 2 years
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inspired by the fuzzy man from the search and rescue stories
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totesnothere04 · 2 years
Unexpected Turn of Events Pt. 1
Tonowari x Fem!Reader
I do not own ANY of the fanart I use for my fics.
Pt. 2 here.
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You slid off of the back of Jake's Ikran and looked all around you in pure awe. Awa'atlu was a place you'd only heard stories of its beauty. The never-ending expanse of the sky, the sound of the waves crashing, and the sounds of the villagers coming to check your group out. Being human you stuck out like a sore thumb among the extremely tall natives. Many of the villagers that had gathered were obviously not fans of your presence. You stayed still as you observed Jake for instructions, but he was more focused on showing the group wasn't hostile. Neytiri seemed to grow in height as she looked down her nose at everyone. Neteyam was already trying to befriend two of the Metkayina boys, and Lo'ak decided to try to follow his big brother's lead... For once. Kiri kept her arms crossed as she didn't seem pressed to be inviting. Tuk was nervous from all of the attention on the family which was evident from her shuffling to be hidden behind someone.
The sound of approaching Tsurak caught your attention and you turned that way. You'd always wanted to see one since you arrived on Pandora nearly 20 years ago. You let out a quiet exhale of breath as you remember your age, and chuckled at your thoughts. A very tall, teal-green skin and ordained in intricate garb. It clicked that this was the Olo'eyktan and you suddenly felt small. You had only befriended a couple of other clan leaders after the war due to Jake wanting a semi-diplomatic leader for the humans. From what Jake had told you of Tonowari he was a difficult leader to get used to. As the larger Na'vi approached you tried to make yourself unseen since he was slightly intimidating to you. Unfortunately, you were the closest to him as he walked out of the water and he immediately took notice of your presence. He took long strides toward you and stared down at you when he was directly infront of you. You took a deep breath and looked up to meet his eyes.
"Oel ngati kameie, Olo'eyktan Tonowari." You say and somehow keep your voice steady and strong.
"Oel ngati kameie, Tsahík (Y/n) of the good Sky People." Tonowari says and your eyes widened as you quickly cast a look to Jake who was just as confused as you.
"No disrespect Olo'eyktan, but I am not a Tsahík. I'm only a doctor that tends to wounds for the Omatikaya and Na'vi supportive humans." You clarify and he shakes his head.
"Your search for answers, connection to our planet, and extraordinary healing abilities earn you that title for your people." Tonowari states with a low voice that seems to vibrate through the very ground you stand on. He had heard of your exploits even all the way out here past the forest. Not only your strong stance next to Toruk Makto but your seemingly natural ability to adapt to your environment, despite your disadvantages. Unbeknownst to both you and the Olo'eyktan he had stood there looking you up and down. You didn't dress like a demon, you didn't act like one, and you seemingly didn't want to be associated with them. Jake senses your distress under the intense stare of the taller Na'vi and finally jumps to your rescue.
"Oel ngati kameie, Olo'eyktan Tonowari." Jake said as Tonowari finally tore his eyes away from you. You released a breath you had been unknowingly holding and tuned into the conversation between Jake and Tonowari.
"Oel ngati kameie, Jakesully. Why have you come to us?" Tonowari asks.
"I seek uturu for my family." Jake says as he picks up Tuk.
"You family?" Tonowari says as he looks at everyone but stops at you. "I was unaware you had two mates Jakesully." Tonowari said and you involuntarily cringed and Jake looked confused.
"I don't." Jake says with confusion.
"Ugh Jake he thinks I'm your second mate. I'm not his mate Olo'eyktan. I'm a family friend." You told Tonowari.
"More like overprotective Auntie." Lo'ak mumbled loud enough for you and Tonowari to hear. Your head snapped in his direction and sent him a light glare.
"Lo'ak... Show some respect we might be in the presence of friends, but they are to be shown the utmost respect. Especially your elders." You scolded him lightly and Neteyam nudged his side with his elbow with a snicker.
"I apologize for my son's behavior." Jake is quick to apologize but Tonowari looks like he was holding in laughter.
"Aside from that you are forest people, we are reef people. Your skills will be of no use here." Tonowari says.
"We can adapt. Right guys? We can adapt." Jake says and asks his family. Tonowari looks to his children and thinks for a moment.
"Toruk Makto and his family will be staying with us. Treat them as our brothers and sisters for they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." Tonowari announced to the gathered people. He stepped closer to our group. "My daughter Tsireya and my son Ao'nung will be showing your children what to do." Ao'nung stepped forward to complain to his dad and you rolled your neck to look at Neytiri. She looked at you and coughed to hide a chuckle. "It is decided. Tsireya will show you around, and I will show (Y/n) around. She is a healer is she not?" Tonowari asked.
"I am." You say and grab your few measly items and your bag and follow the giant man. He stops at a marui that was slightly isolated from the others and motions for you to enter.
"This is your new home." Tonowari says and you nod. "I must attend to training Jakesully." He says and you grab your med bag and move to follow him. He looks at you amused and slightly confused.
"If there is one thing that Jake is, it's clumsy. At least with new things, once he's used to it it'll be second nature to him. Until then I'll be on standby for any incidents." You say and Tonowari chuckles and leads the way.
~About a Month Later~
You finished patching up a spear wound from a hunting accident and sent the poor boys on their way. Kiri and Tuk ran into the marui and you grabbed your med bag.
"Which one is it this time?" You asked and they shook their heads.
"We wanted to see if you wanted to come with us to the Cove of Ancestors? It's their version of the Tree of Souls." Kiri said and you thought about it.
"Alright I'll come. Only because I haven't left this pod since yesterday." You said and slung your bag over your shoulder.
"Do you really need to bring your healing supplies?" Kiri asks.
"Yes. There is a good chance that one of you could get hurt and I refuse to not be prepared." You say and follow the two girls to their siblings and friends.
"Yes! Auntie is actually doing something for once." Neteyam pokes at you.
"I do alot of things Neteyam, but you wouldn't know what they are. I heal people all day, everyday." You say and he groans.
"Sorry Auntie." He says and you chuckle as you sit behind him and grab his waist. The ride there didn't take as long as you thought it would and you were floating infront of the tree with the kids. You watched it sway with the current as you stated in awe. It was magnificent. Matching the beauty of the Tree of Souls back in the forest. The kids all started attaching their queues to the tree, and you watched them with fondness. When Kiri attached hers the leaves surrounding you moved and you looked at them curiously. Then they moved again but this time reaching out and grabbing ahold of you. You let out a sound of surprise and this caught Neteyam and Tsireya's attention. They started to make their way to you, but as they grabbed your hand one of the leaves pushed your mask off of your face to drag you into it. They couldn't focus on trying to reach you for too long since Kiri started to seize. Neteyam and Tsireya switched their attention to Kiri to get her above water. Once topside Lo'ak and Tuk looked around for you frantically.
"Where's (Y/n)?" Lo'ak asked them.
"The Tree took her." Tsireya said in a rush.
"Okay. Tsireya and I will take Kiri back. You two look for (Y/n). We'll send either Mom or Dad back to help." Neteyam said then he and Tsireya left. Lo'ak turned to Tuk who was just as panicked as him. They started searching around the tree, but they couldn't find you. They stayed at the top for a short break then dove back down. Tuk went back up as her panic started to cause her breath to leave faster. When she surfaced she saw her Dad and Tonowari. When Jake saw her he made a b-line right for her and scooped her up.
"What's going on Tuk?" Jake asked his youngest.
"I don't know. We were all enjoying the Cove of Ancestors and were connecting with the tree. It took (Y/n)." Tuk said quickly and as she finished Lo'ak surfaced.
"I can't find her she's just gone." Lo'ak said and Jake looked at Tonowari.
"The tree took her?" Jake asked his son.
"Yeah. I thought Neteyam was going to explain the situation to you." Lo'ak said somewhat frustrated.
"He did. Alright I need you to take Tuk back home. Tonowari and I will search for her. Assist Tsireya with Kiri as much as you can." Jake said and Lo'ak nodded then took Tuk back to Awa'atlu. "Has the tree ever done something like this before?"
"No. I'm just as confused as the rest of you." Tonowari admitted. They both dove down and started searching the far side of the tree thinking you might've escaped to the other side. On the way back to the front of the tree Tonowari went up toward the leaves, while Jake continued looking near the base. He noticed a body floating down from the leaves, but it was a Metkayina Na'vi woman. Her queue was attached to one of the leaves as she seemed to pulse with an unheard heartbeat. Jake surfaced to catch his breath and Tonowari followed behind him. When they caught eyes Tonowari presented your exo-pack to Jake.
"I think I found her. I'm not completely sure." Jake said and Tonowari looked at him confused.
"How can you not be sure?" Tonowari asked and Jake just dove back down with his friend following behind him. The closer they got they noticed the mysterious Na'vi was wearing your clothes and carrying your med bag. Jake and Tonowari grabbed what they believed to be you and dragged you to the surface. The moment your face hit the open air you started coughing up water. While still recovering from your coughing fit you felt the face of the person holding you.
"Jake. Are the kids alright?" You asked and he nearly dropped you. He still wasn't expecting this to be you.
"Kiri had a seizure under water, and (Y/n)... You aren't human anymore." Jake spoke and your hand immediately went to your face to try and find your exo-pack. You saw your hands and arms and became very confused.
"What happened?" You asked the two men, but they were just as confused as you. "Nevermind that Kiri needs me. Would one of you gentlemen mind giving me a ride back?" You asked and Tonowari almost instantly invites you onto his Tsurak. The three of you take off fast from the area and back home so you can care for Kiri. You can focus on this odd transfiguration later, your niece matters more. The moment your feet hit the ground you were running to your marui to grab your stuff. You were basically throwing things into your bag and sorting through what you didn't need.
"(Y/n)?" You heard Tsireya behind you so you turned to look at her.
"Any update on Kiri?" You asked her but she stood shocked staring at you. "Tsireya?"
"Sh-she stopped seizing, but now she is unconscious and unresponsive." Tsireya said and you nodded your head once then grabbed your bag. "Some of Jakesully's friends arrived and are currently trying to figure out what happened to Kiri."
"They will not be able to figure it out. They are not actual doctors and Kiri seized attached to the tree yes?" You asked her and she nodded. "Then there's a good chance that this is spiritual." You finished grabbing your stuff and started to rush to the Sully's marui.
"How... What happened (Y/n)?" Tsireya asked.
"I'm not sure, and right now it doesn't matter. Kiri matters." You said and sharply turned toward your location. As soon as you were in the doorway you were met with the sight of Neytiri pacing anxiously, Norm trying to figure out what was wrong, Jake talking to Norm, and the rest of the kids next to you outside.
"Auntie?" Neteyam asked as you marched inside.
"Norm get out." You said somewhat harshly and he looked up at you confused as to who you were. "I said. Get. Out." You said to him and realization seemed to dawn on him.
"(Y/n) what-" Norm started but you cut him off.
"Not the time. Go." You said and he started packing everything away. You started to unpack things and let your hands hover over her. You finally let your palms settle on her head and chest and turned back to your bag. At this point, you were allowing the information implanted in the back of your mind to guide your hands. This caught the attention of Neytiri, Jake, Tsireya, and Tonowari. They were all watching as you performed a ritual that you had never even witnessed. When Kiri stirred awake you collapsed back being caught by Tsireya and Tonowari.
"How did you know to do that?" Tonowari asked quietly.
"When I was attached to the tree Tsahík Ronal implanted her wisdom in my mind. I'm still confused why I was... Evolved." You told him and he started to help you up.
"We need to get you some food and back to your marui so you can get rest. A ritual like this one takes alot of energy, both spiritual and physical." Tonowari says and turns to Tsireya.
"Daughter. Would you be so kind as to pack her things and take them back to her pod?" Tonowari asks his youngest. She nods and starts collecting your things. As you went to exit a hand shot out and stopped you.
"Thank you (Y/n). You don't know how much this means to me." Jake says and you make eye contact with him.
"After Grace... I think I do. Go and be with your family Jake. Kiri needs you and Neytiri now more than ever." You said but he stopped you again.
"What exactly happened out there?" Jake asked and you looked over to Neteyam and motioned for him to come over. He came up to the three of you and looked up at you.
"This is weird Auntie." Neteyam says and you chuckle.
"You were a witness to what happened earlier Neteyam. Whatever I can't fill in could you possibly do so?" You asked him and he nodded. "Well, I was happily watching the children bond with the tree and started to watch as Kiri bonded with it. She always gets this serene look on her face as she attaches to it. But when she attached this time there seemed to be some kind of reaction from the tree to me. The leaves started moving and I thought it was the current so I looked at them. Then they started to move toward me and grabbing ahold of me. Neteyam and Tsireya tried to reach me and pull me from its grasp, and that's the last thing I remember with the group."
"Right after the tree took her Kiri started to seize so we had no choice but to leave Lo'ak and Tuk to search for her." Neteyam finished and Tonowari looked at Jake.
"(Y/n) said that Ronal implanted her wisdom in her mind while she was being changed. What if the Great Mother knew Kiri was in trouble and provided a solution? The only mind in the group that could handle all of the information and change." Tonowari said and he motioned to you, who was still leaning on him for support.
"If you will excuse me, Jake. I'm exhausted and starving. I need to go restore my energy." You said and he bowed out of the conversation.
"I concur. I will prepare some food." Tonowari said.
"That's unnecessary Olo-" You started but he cut you off.
"Call me Tonowari. Please." He says and you nod. "And I insist." You only nodded knowing you weren't going to get anywhere fighting against his generosity.
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anartisticalniche · 9 months
Pirate AU (A Corsair Freebooter) Masterpost
(Name for the AU credit goes to @lizaluvsthis)
Mario, a famous actor in the theater image of the Mushroom Kingdom and "bodyguard" to its ruler, seemingly disappears from the land overnight.
SMG4, a screenplay writer for a theater and his friend, is asked by Princess Peach to go search for him alongside his brother Luigi, and to bring him back to her.
They find out that he has apparently been taken by pirates roaming the port, and they depart for his search in the seas on the Skybreaker vessel, guided by Captain Tari and her righthand Saiko Bichitaru.
During their voyage they encounter one of the most notorious crew of pirates that roams the waters of this sea: Captain SMG3 and his followers, on board of the Black Bomb vessel.
Forced to join their crew, a great adventure and destiny awaits them, between curses, magical beings, sea monsters and creatures, and a war between land and sea inhabitants.
-Introductive post to the AU
-Doodles 1
-Brewing Romance XOVER!
-Luigi Doll
-Saiko/Tari/Peach designs
-Coatless Three
-Four and Luigi Bi talk
-Assorted SMG34 doodles
-Inkopolis and SMG4 studies
-Dancing with your captain
-Four to the rescue!
-PDA couple SMG34
-Four in a Victorian dress
-Assorted crew doodles
-SMG4 meets the Mario Bros
-Four being an ass
-Fic: Prologue
-First encounter (SMG34) by @lizaluvsthis
-Flirting with a blade to the neck by @lizaluvsthis
-KAR-KEN?! by @anonymousfudanshi
-Fighting side by side by @k1ra0nloose
-Pirates designs by @chaoticlad
-Tari design by @anonymousfudanshi
-Where do you think youre going mate by @merp0515
-Merchant Karen design by @chaoticlad
-Xover of aus meeting Normal Four by @lizaluvsthis
-Bi awakening SMG4 by @hamlos
-Smg3's ship by @marasiatheferret
-Interpretation 2.0 by @marasiatheferret
-Switch + Pirate by @hamlos
-SMG34 Pirate au + other aus doodles by @lizaluvsthis
-Bday gift for me :3-SMG34 suspenseful moment by @lizaluvsthis
-Various trivia (Crew and Kidnapping of Mario)
-Story or fic?
-Folklore and such
-Do they speak pirate?
-Name of AU
-Mario Appearances
-Nintendo Mario and Pirate AU
-Main Timeline
-Where you can find the AU
-Romantic ships in AU and age info for some of the characters
-Does Meggy turn human?
-Oh hellos and pirate au
-Pirate outfits for Axol and Boopkins?
-Who wears eyepatches
-Four hurt?
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cloangi · 2 months
I see you posting a lot about rainbow six seige. What's it about? It looks interesting :D
Well, Anon, Rainbow Six Siege is a videogame that was made in 2015 or sum. I don't think it's as popular as COD, judging by the amount of fanart/community I find of it, but tbh it's a pretty good game (I've never played it since I'm not able to, but I watch gameplays of it and it's a game of my type)
For more info, R6 is kind of similar to Search & Destroy gamemodes that you may find in COD and other shooter games (so if you die, you can't respawn and can only specate. One life type shii).
It's a 4 v 4 type of game, defenders (who defend the bomb that's planted on the site, or a hostage) and attackers (it's their job to defuse the bomb and rescue the hostage or whatever objective there is). Basically, counterterrorism type groups.
So if you like to be stressed and be super duper sneaky with the risk of dying every corner, and being competitive, that's the game for you (or you can always switch to the multiplayer - death match - gamemode where you can respawn, pretty sure that does exist in R6)
So that's basically the best way I can describe R6S. So yes, I can safely say it's a pretty good/interesting game with its own special operators and mechanisms :D
Fun Fact: R6S was based on a book created by Tom Clancy (which is why R6S has Tom Clancys name next to it to give credit). The book was called "Rainbow Six," something I'm reading right now, and I can see the main resemblance of it present in the game.
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spring-vibes-only · 8 months
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Search and rescue kids as alice in wonderland characters ❤️‼️
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carbonatedbexxer · 1 month
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hanleiacelebration · 1 year
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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beannary · 7 months
GUH. BEANNARY. ARE YOU A TMA FAN???????????? 📼📼📼📼📼📼📼
YEAH I AM!!!!! I know I havent like talked about it at all recently but man its wild to me that people dont know how obsessed I am with tma lol the last fandom I was in (Tales of Arcadia) I wrote what was supposed to be a massive tma au fic and that I had planned extensively till the turtles consumed me and before that I was super into the tma fandom and drew a bunch of fanart
I dont have much of my tma fanart anymore since my last laptop like completely imploded and i couldnt salvage my art from before 2020 from it but heres some of the tma fanart that I still have!
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(plus a bonus ghoulia from monster high)
I also had some tma ocs!
I cant remember their names but i had one oc who was an avatar of the web who I think had been partially paralyzed by some accident that led her to being an avatar of the web? I remember drawing her in a wheelchair and posting a picture of her in a tma discord server sometime in 2020 or 2019 but I dont have that picture on my laptop so she has been lost to time unless someone from that tma discord server happens to have that pic saved but i highly doubt that i would be that lucky
But I also had another who I still have a drawing of! Her name is valentina and shes an avatar of the buried who is a snowboarder and works as a search and rescue volunteer to help recover people after avalanches! (She doesnt you know actually help any of the people that she finds but you know she avatar of the buried them)
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i havent listened to the magnus protocol yet so NO SPOILERS I'm waiting till spring break when i have more mental energy for it but i do plan to listen to it and i am very excited for it
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ultfreakme · 4 months
I am desperately search for this multiple part Stucky canonverse fic with incubus Bucky. The whole incubus thing happens because HYDRA in the fic are full whacko mode doing demonic rituals, and they find one to make Bucky into a demon. Steve rescues him, obviously, but Bucky's now a freaking demon and going through the war with all these demonic changes happening to him and he's like "ah fuck, I'm tangibly, literally evil, there is no going back from this". He's specifically also an incubus so he's dealing with THAT and learning he fights better after the....if he uhhhhh.....does the incubus thing, cue internalized homophobia. There's an entire second part of the fic series which is just detailing his time post-fall off the ravine with HYDRA. He loses his arm and it grows back all demon-like with scales. Like we're talking full demonic shebang, there was even really great fanart of it out there. There's a final fight with demon bucky and another demon it was awesome.
is ANYONE knows this fic I'm talking about PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply with a name or drop a link I'm on my last straw ;_; I am DYING without it. It was so popular
EDIT: I FOUND IT!!! I FUCKING FOUND IT!!! It's still here it's not deleted ;_;
If anyone else is interested it is the Falling's Just Another Way to Fly series by AraniaArt, Kamiki
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Imagine Nicholas Saving You From A Group Of Vampires (Vampire Hunter AU)
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Nicholas D Wolfwood X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood, horror, knives, y’know all that good vampy stuff
Word Count: 967
(A/N:) I saw some fanart of Nicholas wearing a hat and a long cloak and I got slammed by the idea of a vampire hunter AU. Cause that’s exactly what he looked like. So I had to explore the idea, that’s where it came from and now I’m a little too giddy about the thought of Nicholas hunting vampires. I hope y’all get as much enjoyment out of it as I did! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You grew up with the warnings being pounded in your head over and over. Do not go outside in the dark, don’t open the door at night for anyone, and don’t go looking for trouble with anyone to do with the night. Those rules played over and over in your head as your feet pounded against the sand. The snarls and beastly growls hot on your trail as you tried your best to escape. Vampires hunted the sands at night for hapless victims who found themselves lost among the land at night. You were now one of those hapless victims as you struggled to escape a gruesome fate. If you couldn’t shake the group of vamps on your trail, the scavengers would find your drained remains abandoned in the sand in the morning.
There were people in Noman’s Land that hunted the vampires during the night. They were ridiculed for their occupations and ran out of every town, as the townspeople were afraid of incurring the vampires’ wrath for harboring their enemies. You weren’t sure how you felt about them yourself as; yes, they could bring doom to any village that boarded them but they were also out protecting people from the monsters that were vampires. 
Your lungs began to burn as you prayed for a hunter to come to your rescue. There was no other being to be seen around your surroundings and all you could hear was the group of vamps getting closer. You know they could overtake you at any moment, but they were enjoying toying with you until your demise came. Crawling under some sparse brush you tried to calm your breathing as the sounds of the hunting party grew closer. Tears suddenly flooded your eyes as large shadows overtook your hiding spot. Your breath still ragged, you tried to bite back a whimper as the glowing red eyes searched your hiding spot. The creature began sniffing, smelling your adrenaline and the blood flowing swiftly through your veins. It hissed, sending shivers down your spine as your blood froze. With no other options but sit and pray that the brush kept you alive for a little longer. It lunged towards you, claws outstretched and hot drool splattering across your face. Hearing their fellow monster making it’s move on you, the rest of the group followed suit. The brush cracked and broke into splinters, claws raked across your skin bringing forth blood that soaked quickly into the dry desert sand.
You closed your eyes, waiting for the end when one vampire was ripped away and slung away with a howl. A silver knife embedded in it’s chest, it disintegrated, it’s pained screams echoing through the dark sky. The others quickly turned to see their attacker and despite the blood in your eyes you could see the outline of a man in a long trench coat and hat. A hunter. You breathed in relief, hoping that you weren’t celebrating too soon. Pained screams, cries, and grunts sounded in the air, but you couldn’t bring yourself to come out of your hiding spot. You shivered in shock and refused to budge even after the sounds had quieted. You heard footfalls sound across the sand before a large silhouette leaned over you, blocking the little light provided by a few flickering worms. Then the remaining branches cracked and a hand reached out. You flinched cowering back until a low rumbling voice spoke, calmly.
“It’s okay now.”
It was the hunter and the relief overwhelmed you, you began to cry. He stumbled back, unsure of how to calm a crying woman. But you still took his hand letting him lift you from the brush.
“I thought I was done for,” you sobbed.
He patted you awkwardly while letting you cling to his hand tightly, “If I hadn’t of heard the commotion you would have been. I’m glad you’re okay.”
You sniffed, “A little scratched up but that’s better than the alternative.”
He chuckled, readjusting his large cross shaped weapon. “What were you doing out so late at night?”
“I was out of my village for a little bit and it got darker faster than I thought it would. So I was caught out here, alone. I’m so close to home too.”
The dark figure nodded. He looked around to see if anymore danger lurked within the surrounding shadows. He didn’t want to take more time out than he already had, but he couldn’t leave you alone to be a feast for the blood suckers.
“How much further to your village,” he asked with a serious tone.
“Maybe a couple miles,” you replied.
He nodded holding out his arm which you took as your legs were becoming weak as the adrenaline left your veins.
“I’ll make sure you get home safely,” he said. “Just be more careful next time. A hunter may not be around the second time.”
“I will,” you nodded your head, the howls and pursuing vampires replaying in your mind. If it hadn’t been for this man, you wouldn’t have been able to go home to your family alive. You wished it was a little lighter so you could see your hero clearer as his strong arm that held you upright made you giddy. Or you were going crazy from the exhaustion that was now taking over. You wished greatly that this wouldn’t be the last time you would ever see this hunter. You tried to remember all you could in case your paths ever crossed again. As he released you to go back you quickly kissed his cheek, thanking him again before disappearing into the safety of your home. Nicholas chuckled, rubbing his tingling cheek before making his way back into the waning night to punish the undead for ever setting foot in Noman’s Land.
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