#also /srs they all kinda annoy me in the show
spring-vibes-only · 4 months
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I wanted to draw a rescue squad kid then I remembered they're all ANNOYING /j
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cburambles · 9 months
Some speculations about Rufus' mother & who it could have influenced his insecurity & his choices concerning his father.
I was re-reading translations of the interview that the devs recently made about Shinra's story and something that intrigued me is that we get an idea of how Shinra sr became who he is in OG/Remake. We learn how Heidegger became so loyal to him, that Palmer was his friend whom he kept around to liven up the room & we also get a quick mention about President Shinra's mistresses. However, there's no mention of a legal wife.
I then thought about the museum of Shinra HQ. As the museum is dedicated to Shinra sr's life, you would at least expect something addressing his family. After all, Why not pushing that image of the ideal capitalist entrepreneur who became rich due to his hard work, with his perfect nuclear family to support him in the propaganda?
It got me intrigued and I ended up checking parts of the novels mentionning Rufus' mother. And she is never addressed as a wife. Just his "mother".
The only seemingly romantic relationship that Shinra sr openly had was Lazard's mother, a waitress from the slums, as the npcs around the church in CCR implies.
It makes me wonder if it turns out that Rufus' mother is also another mistress.
It kinda work in the story , as it would explain a lot some of Rufus' fear & thoughts about Evan.
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We know Shinra sr always provide severance money to his mistresses who often happened to be secretaries.
Rufus also explain that his other siblings could show up & they would get money after they got to listen their sob stories. And we know that Evan's mother went to beg Shinra sr to get more money for baby Evan's chirurgy. And Shinra sr gave it to her.
It makes me wonder if Shinra sr could have taken in Rufus because his mother died when he was really young & he had no one else to raise him.
During Rufus' childhood memory in CoS, his mother is not mentionned. He is waiting for his father, seemingly wandering around the house late at night. As if he's not worried to be scolded by her, as if she wasn't there in the first place. When Rufus see his whole life stream in front of his eyes, he mostly only sees his father.
Rufus refers to her birthday & day of passing in CoS and her look in TKAA, almost put his own mother on the same level as Annette. Rufus doesn't even show anger at the idea of his father "cheating" on his mother & seems more annoyed & scared by the idea they can provide "replacements for him".
And that's it. We have no glimpse about her personnality, no memories of her etc... just some sparse info. It makes you wonder if Rufus even knew her or misses her.
Something that I've also noticed in the continuity is that Rufus is born a year after Shinra HQ in Midgar is finished. Shinra sr is 37 years old & by that point in time, is becoming a huge political player of the world, which means he has a target on his back.
So he probably had to pick an heir just in case, to raise someone who can be an extension of himself so his legacy & the company can go on after his death
Thus it's another expression of generosity toward his mistress and children in his mind but also provide him an heir that he can mold however he wants, without worrying about his mother's meddling or influence if she's already dead. Killing two birds with one stone.
It adds a lot more weight to Shinra sr threats of potentially replacing him as a child, Rufus would probably that his value & worth as a son is tied to the idea of him being a successful heir. And that threat might feels real when your father has other hidden children laying around.
Now imagine if you add Lazard in the mix. From Rufus' POV, your father suddendly hire your older brother & said older brother not only get control of the most powerful branch of the army but also gets more achievements & acclaimed by the public for it.
And he's charismatic as the employees around like him as well, including the manufactured hero Sephiroth. Meanwhile, not only you have no real achievements to boast about but you are the VP but have no executive power. How would you feel?
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carebeartherese · 11 months
My live reactions to Loki ep 4:
(Already 7 mins in and I’m angry with Kang)
-hell yea the clock lady wants you (what the fuck)
-mobius and Loki are very boyfriends rn
-shit the loom
-I love this Victor timely fella tbh
-oh fuck dox
-B15 my love <333
-no don’t let dox live
-oooooo words
-Víctor is so autism
-ob and Casey <3333
-ob and victor meeting each others idles
-snake eating it’s own tail= Ouroboros
-mobius is so sweet
-lmfao petty ob
-mobius and Loki fighting like an old couple is my favorite
-Sylvie = third wheel
-Loki is in fact super fast
-ooop victor is think
-Casey and ob are so bf coded
-PIE DATE 2???
-sylvie pls let them be a couple
-dude this bitch
-pie pls
-oh brad
-please don’t start a prison riot
-don’t bring Galileo into this
-Stfu dox
-uhhhh this tension is strange
-B15 !!!!!!
-brad doing the same hand-resting thing with his collar
-wait sylvie gtfo
-ohhhh please let them fight about MOBIUS
-Loki monologue incoming
-lmfao Thor mocking
-also Loki character development???
-yea those people live because of his lover
-damn wise words ig
-I don’t like them as a couple please don’t let this happen again
-yea sylvie thats kinda the point of hope
-i don’t hate her she’s just annoying on occasion
-ok but you are gods tho
-thx Loki also back tf up
-damn that pie room is the real star or the show
-fuck dox srsly
-also crazy bitch Ms minutes honorable mention
-oh shit life on the timeline?? Fr???
-oh fuck no you crazy bitches
-Brad that was fuckin cold
-see even ravonna doesn’t actually give a fuck who you are brad
-Casey x OB x Timely???
-It’s hotchoc victor
-I love victor
-mobius is so supportive
-what’s happening with the tempads tho???
-oh sorry b15 it’s people goo now
-Aw he made the guard hot coco
-shit Ms minutes
-loki and mobius need more screen time together
-this feels much scarier than it should tbh
-ohhh….hey ravonna….sorry about all that
-oh shit ok
-mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry-
-brad please relax with your 70s hair
-oh fuck this is it ig
-real Ms minutes sucks
-shits getting real
-loki is gonna get pruned by himself
-sylvie constantly plays elevator music in her soul
-this is where Loki gets pruned!!!! Probably by himself
-yup I was right prune yourself
-damn sylvie strong
-good job loki???
-sorry just had to kill past me rq
-WHOS calling???
-and th e call was coming from IsIdE tHe HoUsE
-oh dammit ob you scared me
-mobius is so worried about his boyfriend he’s willing to reboot the whole system
-Aw poor timely they aren’t mocking you
-you’ll never be him.
-that shit was menacing fr
-oh DONT send brad out on his own!!!
-he gonna die
-fuck that was kinda hot ngl
-anyways hi sylvie/brad
-lokius has had way too few scenes today
-loki <333
-oh thank god
-oh loki please be safe
-don’t send timely out pls
-no dont!!!
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xx-slug-xx · 1 year
//rant where I just go off about the recent antis who have been going around. There’s been so many that I’ve seen, so it’s not about any particular users tbh. Like, my dash is filled with different antis and I wanted to say something about it lol
The recent rise of certain antis not knowing how to spell, using abbreviations for almost every word they type, and talking like they can’t be any older than 15 is really concerning tbh.
And when I say “taking like they can’t be any older than 15”, I mean they lack any sort of argument or desire to have one while using patterns in their text that is shocking similar to middle schoolers to early high schoolers using (all the way down to the slang, abbreviations, and punctuations). Everything boils down to “lol kys pedo 💀”. Like, do they not realize how dumb they sound? Do they not realize that every anon ask I get that sounds at all like this, I just delete it and move on with my day? Nobody takes them seriously besides the antis who are on the same wavelength as them, and that’s not something they should be proud of (they are proud btw). And they really think they are getting somewhere with it. Really it’s just annoying :/ I used to be an internet troll back in my day (13 to be exact lol), and what made it fun wasn’t the “hahaha I hate you” aspect of it, it was the debate. Well, for me at least. So I really don’t understand this whole thing that these new antis who have been showing up on my dash lately who have absolutely no point to be made, contradict themselves, and don’t even bother to look at anything other than a label someone uses. What do they gain from this? Like seriously. There’s no gain from my perspective when nobody is taking what you say with any seriousness and your just a minor annoyance.
I really am concerned though, and this is regardless of this new wave’s actual ages, because I’m not assuming that they are minors without proof of such (I have reason to have high suspicion that they are minors, but that’s not relevant) (and if they are minors, who fucking told them it was at all ok to interact with people who they think are pedophiles?). But like, do folks not realize that harassment with no real logic behind it just makes them look stupid when it’s done in this fashion? Like, harassment in general is dumb, but this is worse for some reason imo. I’m in awe tbh, like, /srs on this one. I’m concerned about people’s basic literacy skills and their ability to think about things rationally. If this wave consisted of people who had valid criticism and wanted to hold a debate about the topics at hand (which, personally, I love the antis who are like this because I love holding serious discussion on complicated topics), then it would be a completely different story. But there’s been nothing but stupidity clogging up my dash lately, and I’m kinda annoyed :/
I’m also waiting for the antis who have been perusing the proship tags lately to see this and say something lmao
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wolame-o-ccx · 7 months
Watched Mr. Bride for Nakamura finished every episode crying because he was so beautiful.
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But on a more serious note I actually really loved this show I like how they could continue to put problems in Hayamoto's relationship and continue to frustrate me even further to a level I did not know was possible. But it was good. I love Hayami and I love Yamamoto they're so cute together.
The Yamamoto older brothers are so silly 😭 Masami and Kaoru 's banter is so entertaining to watch and how protective they are of Chihiro and Hayami is so cute.
This actually kinda reminded me of both Ossan's Love and Our Sister's Soulmate in a way too.
For Akamine and Hanazuma oml they was so fucking annoying but I love them so much /srs like Akamine is so silly and so me even though she was annoying I really love her. I love Hanazuma's complexity and how genuine of a person he is. He's really cute - not talking about the way he acts. I love when these two interact with Masami and Kaoru I just wish it happened more. The wedding planning episode was genuinely so fun to watch even though they were all being annoying for no reason. Poor Koga though 😭
Koga was so special to me because one, NAKAMURA AOI, and two I genuinely really love his character. I like how annoying he can be and causing unnecessary problems when he actually means well and nothing is going on. He's smart but stupid for being so oblivious. I like that even though he's practically perfect as a husband, he lacks in housework abilities and even keeping up a good diet. I think over the course of the series, with how many times the other characters have brought him out to eat, he got a little more healthy. For me it feels like he lacks the feeling of wanting to be in a romantic relationship or any romantic setting so everything he says just sounds like it has a deeper meaning but really he's just being friendly. That being said I am so glad he didn't actually have feelings for Hayami in the end. Also bi aroace vibes are off the charts. Also think he should've held Hayamoto's hands THEY ALL HAVE TWO (not really Hayamoto is good on their own and Koga would not be the type to get in the way ((even tho he has multiple times)) of that unless they all agreed)
I also really enjoyed Hanazuma, Akamine and Koga's friendship. I'm kind of glad Akamine didn't get together with either of them BECAUSE HELLO??? LESBIAN?? and the three of them were just platonic but like they were so cute. I want more of them. Like that scene where Hanazuma is showing Koga his plan over the phone is soooo cute and then Koga telling him he worked hard in the end OH MY GOD HAVE MY HEART. I also love how Akamine does have her own genuine side like she can tell when Hanazuma is feeling really upset and doesn't say anything but manages to cheer him up in the end and she did that on purpose and I oh my god they're so special to me. When Koga came to the office and they got so excited to see him OH MY GOD MYEHEIWUWI THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE
10/10 will watch again for several reasons more than just to watch Nakamura on the screen.
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She is so me
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keyh0use · 11 months
also the rest of the pogues reaction n toppers
okay wait so I actually wrote out a whole big thing for the Sarah one (and I had intended to put the pogues reactions there too) and it just won't let me finish it. or post it as is, which is super annoying so I'll give the rundown here Sarah definitely knew something was up with Rafe as soon he started sorta kinda dating Barry, she just didn't know what. Her and Wheezie teamed up to try and sneak a peek at his phone or weasel information out of Kelce and Topper but came out empty-handed. After ending her relationship with Topper and joining the pogues, her relationship with Rafe grew tense and they stopped hanging out at all, every interaction ending in argument. She came across him and Barry by a stroke of luck, I would think like while at a bookstore she tagged along with Pope to and catches Rafe carrying around a stack of books for the guy he's trailing after. Sarah watches them from behind a bookshelf and Rafe is laughing at something the man leaned over to whisper and they're bumping shoulders like they've been friends forever. Rafe pays for the books <3 (its a tiny little store, they probably cost like $2 altogether but it makes Barry giddy and turn away to smile) Sarah is left feeling so confused because since when did Rafe have a friend on the cut? Since when did Rafe make new friends at all? They even seemed more buddy-buddy than he is with Topper. After bringing up her weird discovery with the pogues they come to a collective agreement that there's no way Rafe isn't scheming to hurt them or something So they make a plan to hunt down Rafe and stalk him, ending up at a pub where he sits across from the stranger Sarah saw him with at the library. From where the group is hiding it looks like Rafe is blushing, unable to hold eye contact with the man leaning over the table and grinning at him. Then JJ is like wait, seriously, guys? I thought you said Rafe was hanging out with some strange man? That's just Barry. And when he gets a bunch of confused looks in response, he says in disbelief, you know, Rafe's boyfriend? Local drug dealer? Anybody? No? Once the protesting dies down, JJ tells them about how Barry made this new rule that clients weren't allowed coming over after 7 and how his father was pissed and complained about it all the time. And then one day his dad drove over there right at the cutoff to beg and from the truck JJ could see the two cuddled up by a bonfire. Rafe was in Barry's lap and they definitely kissed and the dealer looked beyond annoyed at the interruption but he ran in and got the stuff anyway just to get rid of Maybank Sr. Personally, JJ didn't care and he wasn't all that surprised either. Customer falling for their dealer? Classic. They're all staring through the window then, watching Barry take Rafe's hand as he sips beer. Kiara makes a joke about being sick to her stomach, that dating a drug dealer is low even for someone like Rafe. That the two together are going to tear up the whole damn island and cause havoc. That someone (Sarah) should step in and say something Pope definitely disagrees. He's been on Rafe's shit-list for a long time and he'd love for the kook to be too busy hanging off Barry's arm rather than swinging a golf club at innocent people. John B. doesn't think Rafe deserves to be happy. I mean, a few of them don't but he agrees that they should just leave the two alone to destroy each other. And makes a statement that hopefully being busy with someone else will keep the focus off them Sarah is really upset. There's no way after the events of the show (even season 1) Rafe is too possessive of this one thing that gets to be only his. Of course Sarah doesn't know that. She just knows her big brother who has never been on a date or taken anyone to midsummers is suddenly in a serious relationship and JJ knew before her.
Rafe and Sarah used to gossip and cover for each other and now he's been spending who knows how long down on the cut messing around with someone who makes his addictions worse. And Sarah didn't know.
She definitely cries about the downfall of their once close relationship and isn't sure if it's mendable.
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whoredmode · 6 months
For the ask meme I'm like...
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But I'm going to go with Dexteros bc they've been on my mind this particular week! 😅
Obviously for the fic questions it could be hypothetical and/or DexBoss in general 😊
Send me one of three prompts
made a whole meme and everything omg
When I started shipping it if I did:
honestly i’d say like. pretty much right away when i went through sr1? i thought they just made a perfect pair. dex complemented anteros so well imo, and eventually it snowballed into becoming a cornerstone of my canon. their dynamic is crucial to the foundation of my sr canon. kinda interesting how it started out w “i really love dex and i think he works well w my boss character and how he develops into srtt” to “my canon as we know it would literally not exist without the relationship between dex and anteros”
My thoughts:
where do i even start. what can i say that i haven’t said about them before. two halves. the sun and the moon. would find each other in any universe. trapped in an endless cycle. i love you i hate you no one can kill you but me no one will ever understand me but you. devoted until the end.
What makes me happy about them:
i love thinking about them in sr1. it’s so important to me that they goof off together; anteros showing dex all his fave clubs and going out drinking and anteros trying to get dex to dance w him but dex getting too self-conscious but they’re still laughing anyway and then coming to the church the next morning hungover but trying to not make it obvious. both showing more vulnerable sides of themselves to each other. just that whirlwind romance of sr1. then 10 years later having them start over and having this become a slowburning desire for each other. a yearning to return to what once was and eventually trying to create some semblance of a normal relationship. those little moments. the knowledge that despite it all they never stopped loving each other.
What makes me sad about them:
honestly what makes me happy abt them also makes me sad. the death of anteros at the end of sr1. dex feeling as if he’s lost everything at that point, w julius leaving and anteros dead. his anger at troy for lying, for not putting anteros out of his misery. and just the entirety of sr2 and srtt. similarly once they DO “start over” post-sriv, it’s overlayed w a sense of tragedy bc what does it mean to have a “normal” relationship when you’re them? does it mean hiding it all over again? when will it be their turn. for better or for worse things will never be like they once were. we can’t go back to stilwater 2006.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
never really ventured into dex/boss fic i’ll be real. ig in general i just don’t like when dex gets characterized as this irredeemable villain bc that’s just not him at all. i see so many old things that just give him no nuance or just forget he exists…..heartbreaking
Things I look for in fanfic:
again never really looked at dex/boss fic so not super applicable. the things i would look for are. um. do they kiss.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
anteros has either of his other partners which i’m happy with. i suppose kinzteros in a more canon sense and troyteros for more AU stuff. or at least that’s how it seems to usually end up. dex i think would be fine alone. unlike anteros who will explode if he doesn’t have a partner, dex is fine being single and on his own. he’s an independent person. tho if voli somehow came out tomorrow and said dex ended up w a nice husband i’d be happy w that too.
My happily ever after for them:
wouldn’t that be nice……ig just them making it work as best they can. unless anteros retires—which is something that wouldn’t happen for a very long time—i can’t imagine a real like. marriage and house and kids and all that. just not really in the cards for them. honestly that is one of the things i wanna explore post-sriv: what does the future of this relationship look like? both are committed to it, both still madly in love, but is this how it’s always gonna be? anteros missed the point for a normal life a long time ago.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
anteros is the big spoon. it’s like a inch height difference and anteros is using that. traps him w his arms and legs. clingy.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
talking and getting into arguments, and i mean that sincerely and not in a bad way. as in, getting into discussions about topics bc they’re both insanely academic. especially as they get older, talking about more mundane things like, as you and i have talked about before, arguing over shit like what colors to paint their bedroom walls and getting ultra specific about it. they love it. anteros’ favorite thing in the world is to disagree w dex. dex would be lying if he said he hated having their discussions too. sometimes anteros just plays an overexaggerated devil’s advocate just to get a smirk outta him. it’s fun. they genuinely love it.
also music! listening and singing along. both share a lot of favorite artists and even tho anteros’ taste can get a lil. eccentric. when it comes down to it, there’s nothing better than driving through stilwater at night together, blasting the radio and singing along. also i think dex just has a really nice singing voice so anteros is more than happy to let him take the lead. one of thew few things in this world that’ll make anteros happily be quiet.
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kai-selfships · 1 year
Selfship questions from @salsflore! This is a spectacular idea, and I really think it would be awesome if this format of questions became a trend as opposed to ask games (those are fun and all, but I never get questions 😭). So yeah thanks for making this it’s a great idea!!
I’ll answer for my GOTG selfships because I haven’t stopped thinking about them since the new movie came out 😵‍💫
Also tagging @4i-i0v3-y0u because we talk about GOTG often :)
For context, Rocket and Drax are romantic F/Os, Peter, Groot sr, Mantis, Nebula and Gamora are Platonic F/Os, and Groot jr is a familial F/O. Also I have a silly little crush on Yondu 🤫 so when asked about “them” I’ll usually talk about Rocket or Drax, but sometimes the others too
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what’s something you do to feel closer to them? fanfics, listen to songs, etc.
I love watching the Guardians of the Galaxy movies! I also enjoy watching MVs on YouTube. This is my favorite!
how did you get introduced to your f/o and/or their media? do you like their source?
My brother is a huge fan of Marvel. A couple of years ago, over the summer, he made me watch all the movies with him. I wasn’t too big of a fan of the other ones, but I really really loved the guardians :) there’s actually kind of a funny story about how I got introduced to my F/Os— when I first watched the movie, Rocket was my favorite character, but I knew if I told my family that they would make fun of me, so I instead told everyone Drax was my favorite (he’s actually my SECOND favorite lol) and I’m just now starting to let myself love Rocket :,)
what’s one or two things you especially like about your f/o? can be a headcanon!
I love how creative and smart Rocket is :) he loves to build things and invent new weapons and machines, and I think it’s really cool!
I really really love that Drax is so honest— it may annoy our friends sometimes, but he really likes me and isn’t shy about saying it.
Peter is very affectionate and loves to give hugs!! He and I are really good friends (we’ve known each other since even before the Kyln) so it’s nice to have someone who really knows me.
what’s one or two things your f/os love about you? ( self positivity time babey )
I know Rocket really loves my smile :) my S/I is less angst ridden than the rest of the team, so he’s often the one to keep everyone’s spirits up, and Rocket really appreciates the positivity.
how do you express your love to them? how do they express their love to you?
I express my love to my F/Os by being there for them. There are some things I won’t ever understand, or be able to help with, and that’s okay. But I can be a listening ear if they ever feel like opening up.
My F/Os show their love by caring for me. My S/I is the type to prioritize everyone else first, so they help me out by taking care of me when I need it. We usually make our own food (it’s hard to cook for so many different species with different nutritional needs) but when I feel burned out or particularly morose, Drax cooks for me.
a gift you’d like to give them if you could, and something they’d give to you!
Rocket’s flight suit is obviously good for flying a spaceship and fighting people, but it doesn’t look very comfy (especially for the cybernetics on his back) so I think I would give him some more comfortable clothes to wear. Early on in our relationship I think I would be wayyy to embarrassed for such a grand gesture (spending money is a big deal) so I would just give him one of my shirts. Rocket absolutely loves it.
Omg me and Clyde were literally kinda talking about this earlier but basically Rocket would totally collect a whole bunch of pretty things (shiny rocks, stolen jewelry, etc) and give them as gifts to me.
what do you celebrate together? like halloween, christmas time, easter, etc.
We all celebrate Christmas together! Of course the first time was on Knowhere, much after Vol2 and Endgame and stuff, but it’s become a tradition ever since.
do you sleep together? is it peaceful or filled with snoring? do you both stay up? tell us more! ( how you sleep, when you sleep, do you wake up at the same time? )
Drax has his own bed because he can’t stand sleeping with other people (it’s the sensory processing disorder) but me and Rocket sleep together sometimes :)
Rocket’s sleep schedule is really weird because he’s meant to be nocturnal— he doesn’t sleep much at night, and takes a lot of naps in the daytime. He either snuggles with me anyway, just enjoying the closeness, or stays up building something.
When we lived on the Milano, and Groot was still a baby, he would sometimes come sleep with us (or just me) too if he had a nightmare.
Drax always wakes up earlier than me. Once we start living together in Knowhere, he gets into a habit of cooking breakfast for us all.
what’s one thing you can’t do well that the other can, vice versa ( e.g cooking, playing video games, so on and so forth )
One thing I’m not good at is cooking 😭 I’m bad at managing time, so things tend to end up burned or undercooked. Drax is really good at cooking, though!
And with something I can do well— Rocket isn’t good at writing. Numbers are easy because they’re a lot of sharp lines, but letters that curve and are kind of round (like “s” or “o”) are really difficult. It’s because his hands aren’t very good at holding the pencil, so he’s embarrassed about this, and avoids writing whenever possible. I really enjoy things like fancy lettering, painting, and drawing. It’s one of my hobbies :)
do you have similar tastes in fashion? aesthetic? food? tell us about their taste!
We Guardians kind of wear the same clothing (there’s not much range in the space junker business) but I like pretty things a lot. When not on a job, I like to wear a lot of accessories. As for food— I love all kinds of food. Literally anything.
Rocket doesn’t have a lot of options when it comes to clothes, so he just wears what he can find. He loves eating fresh foods, like fruits and seafood.
Drax’s fashion sense is complicated. Comfort takes priority, but he also is picky with colors. His species sees more colors than the human eye can pick up (hc). His taste in food is simple: he loves things with a lot of flavor, especially meat. You ever watched Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives? That kinda stuff.
how do they tend to comfort you? how do you tend to comfort them?
Everyone knows I love hugs. Drax is so strong and he gives the best hugs 😭 Rocket and I like to cuddle, and he also makes me feel better by making me laugh :) Groot is also really sweet, he and I could talk for hours.
I mostly comfort my loves with reassurance. “It’s not your fault” is a big one, both for Rocket and Drax, and Groot often needs reassurance because he feels like he’s not as good as Groot sr.
if you have a rival or nemesis f/o, why? are there any lore reasons or is it just because?
Obviously all the bad guys we’ve fought (Ronan, Ego, Thanos, the High Evolutionary), but in a more lighthearted sense, I don’t really get along well with the avengers. No real reason, I just don’t like them.
what are some uncommon headcanons you have for them?
I’m not quite sure if these are uncommon or not haha— I headcanon that Rocket likes to play video games. He got into it because Groot wanted someone to play with, and of course it was a lot of fun. I also headcanon that Rocket is hard of hearing from being too close to explosions and gunfire all his life. I headcanon Peter suffered some type of disordered eating growing up because he was always afraid that if he got too big to fit into small spaces to steal things, the Ravagers would kill him. I also headcanon that Peter has synthesia, which is why he loves music so much, but also doesn’t often listen to it when he works— it’s distracting.
what is your favorite fan theory/headcanon about them?
My favorite about Rocket is just about him being a dad to little Groot. Of course it’s practically canon, but it’s really sweet
if you live together, how’s domestic life like for you both?
We live together on Knowhere once it becomes the Guardians of the Galaxy HQ. I think this is my favorite part of our story, it’s so sweet :) that kind of life takes some adjusting to, but it’s really what we’ve all always wanted. (Post vol3) Drax gets to be a loving father figure to the children rescued from the HE, and after finding a home with the Guardians and leading a decade or so of an action-packed life, Rocket really just wants to rest. So he does. And for me, ever since I was young, all I’ve ever wanted is to love and be loved. We keep in contact with our friends and they visit often, of course.
do you have any scent hcs for them? ( sweet, something like coffee, etc )
Unpopular opinion, I think Rocket smells a lot like soap. He washes his hands often, and is kind of a clean freak tbh.
is there anything commonly misunderstood about your f/o?
I kind of like the fandom’s current interpretation of Rocket. My only complaint is that sometimes people portray him as a womanizer, when that’s not him at all.
one thing you don’t have in common, and one thing you do
One thing we don’t have in common is probably, for lack of a better word, toughness? Rocket has no hesitation when he needs to kill someone, but my S/I had a breakdown every freaking time. One thing we do have in common is the deep and profound loneliness and desire to be understood.
how do you resolve conflicts? how do you both typically react when faced with conflict or whilst dealing with an argument?
We don’t heavily disagree on anything important (like morals and ethics and stuff) so conflict is usually pretty surface level annoyance. Sometimes Drax is too loud, or says something mean on accident, or Rocket is having a bad day and snaps at us, or i feel too low energy to get stuff done, etc… usually the solution is to just spend some time away from each other to cool down and feel better. Sometimes an apology is needed, sometimes it’s just mutually understood.
have you met their friends/family? how did that go? do they even keep in contact with their friends/family?
I never met batch 89, or Drax’s late wife and daughter— but I have met Ego! And Thanos! 👍 neither of those went very well. Oh I also met Yondu and the rest of the Ravagers a few times, and Peter considers them family— there was some conflict before, but Yondu was a good friend to us. Also i thought he was kinda hot but don’t tell Peter.
tell us as much (or as little) as you'd like about any of your self ship lore/bg! the timeline!
I’m actually planning on making a timeline post soon!
if they have variations (timelines, skills, voiced languages, etc) which one is your favorite?
The biggest variations are probably their comic book vs movie characters, and while I’ve read a few of the old comics that feature the Guardians, I prefer my F/Os movie versions.
your favorite outfit/costume of theirs! if they don’t have any official skins or anything, show us something you think they’d look good in!
Rocket’s suit in the first Guardians of the Galaxy (the orange one) has a special place in my heart :3 but I also like how he looks in the Kyln’s prison outfit lol— yellow is my favorite color. As for Drax, I really really like his sleeveless shirt outfit in GOTG 3 :D
who confessed first and how did it go?
I confessed first to Drax, I’d say it went well because we ended up dating lmao. Then a little bit later Rocket realized that his feelings for me were more than platonic, but it still took him a long time to find the courage to tell me haha
did anyone know about your f/o’s feelings before they confessed? how did they find out?
Just little Groot. He and Rocket are besties, they tell each other everything.
if you have multiple f/os, do they fit into any “type?” ( e.g coincidentally they’re all smartasses, blonde, villains, etc. lol )
Kind of! Drax and Rocket aren’t very similar, but the common ground is Yondu (a crush of mine) who has a similar personality to Rocket and looks kind of like Drax (bald).
do you have any favorite scenarios you like to imagine your f/os in? ( domestic fluff, angsty, etc. )
I love hurt/comfort!!!!! I’ll get injured in battle and my F/Os will nurse me back to health!! Rocket will experience the emotional turmoil of having to fight a past abuser immediately after having a near death experience and seeing batch 89 in the sky and i’ll be there to help him through it!!!
have you ever thought about ( platonic or not ) marriage? would you consider it a good idea? why or why not?
Yeah :) I would 100% want to get married to both my romantic F/Os, especially Drax. He would be so excited about it! Me and Rocket are kind of just having fun, but it means a lot to him. All our friends would be there, too!
^ if you're planning to get married, then tell us all about your wedding! the honeymoon! the planning!
The wedding wouldn’t be too fancy, just one of the nicer buildings on Knowhere. Nebula, surprisingly, would offer to help plan. She’s very good at things like that. Everyone would be there (maybe Gamora would even swing by) and there’d be lots of good food and drinks. For a honeymoon, we’d probably go to one of the planets less involved in interplanetary crime— ooh, I bet Xandar has some nice vacation places :) we might even get a discount for saving the Galaxy haha.
if you live together, how does your home look like? who decided on the decor?
Knowhere is known for being more functional than pretty, but I just love making things look nice— Drax and Rocket don’t mind if I handle the decor, as long as it’s not too crazy, so I get to put in carpets and nice lighting and stuff! I enjoy paintings of landscapes, since Knowhere doesn’t really have any natural beauty. It’s very colorful.
do you, or plan to, have f/o kids? ( pets and plants count! ) bonus: if you have pets, do they show any favoritism?
Groot is our kid, but he’s pretty much grown up after vol3– we all want kids, but adoption is a big decision. I suppose we could have pets, but Rocket feels kind of weird about having a “lower life form” around.
what was it like when they first said ‘i love you’? how did you reply? where was it?
Drax first said I love you maybe a month after we started living on the Milano as a team. I was super flustered— obviously he meant it, he’s a terrible liar. I said it back, but I was a little embarrassed haha.
When Rocket first said I love you, it was late at night, and he and I were hanging out eating a midnight snack because he couldn’t sleep. We were both dead tired but Rocket was having nightmares and I didn’t want to leave him alone. This was a couple months after Vol2, and we hadn’t even started dating yet.
if you could make one thing 100% canon about them, what would it be?
It’s already implied in very few scenes, but I think it would be more realistic if Rocket’s cybernetics were more of a problem to him. In my canon, he has chronic pain and nerve damage from the surgeries, and needs to take special care to upkeep his metal parts.
how do you kill time with them when bored?
Drax loves to tell stories. I love listening to him. He also tries to tell jokes, which are pretty funny.
Rocket also talks a lot, but he likes to be doing something while we talk. When he and I have down time, he works on his inventions while I just lie down and we talk.
your favorite thing about your f/o, appearance wise
I love Rocket’s eyes 👁️👁️ they r so pretty I love brown eyes— also I like that Drax is taller than me lol. And I like Yondu’s mouth. His teeth are all messed up, but I like how he whistles and grins all pointy >:3 yk?
your favorite thing about your f/o, non-appearance wise
I love how deeply Rocket loves. He cares for his friends so much, it’s beautiful.
This was kind of touched on by Mantis in vol3, but I love Drax’s positivity despite everything he’s gone through.
what’s your dynamic like? any tropes you fit?
“Silly fella that absolutely no one is intimidated by” (me) x “built like a brick shithouse, his name is literally ‘the destroyer’” (Drax)
“Loves the other so deeply, profoundly, and unconditionally” (me) x “thinks he is undeserving of love”
In terms of tropes that actually exist? Probably “sunshine x grumpy” and “best friends to lovers”
the most iconic/memed on/quoted line or event associated with your f/o
For Drax, the one I appreciate most is “nothing goes over my head… my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.” And for Rocket, probably when he was telling little Groot how to set up the batteries to explode lol.
who’s more likely to be the sappy, cheesy romantic in the relationship?
Me ❤️
who gets flustered the easiest?
Omg Rocket does haha— he doesn’t get compliments often, so whenever I voice how much I love him and what exactly I like about him he kind of doesn’t know what to say. He also things I’m handsome :3
if you were in an emergency or stressful situation, which one of you’s the best at staying level headed keeping the other calm? who is the one absolutely freaking out?
We have emergency situations a lot, so it kind of depends. When threatened, Drax automatically goes into fight or flight (always fight, for him), and I usually try to find a peaceful way out of the situation. Rocket is almost always very good at keeping his cool in high-stakes battles, but some things throw him off.
what nicknames do you call each other?
My nicknames for Rocket: Rocky, love
Rockets nicknames for me: (embarrassing as fuck so only teasingly and in private, but—) Boo
My nicknames for Drax: Honey
Drax’s nicknames for me: none, he doesn’t really get them lol
with phones or modern au : what would your contact names be?
In my phone: Rocket 🚀 and Drax🗡️
But they just have boring old names in their contact list lol
with phones or modern au : how do they use their phone? do they have a billion screenshots in their gallery? whats their wallpaper?
Rocket: has a few apps that Groot used to play games (now he plays them too lol), his wallpaper is a photo of all of the guardians
Drax: his phone is default settings for the wallpaper, ringtone, etc— hasn’t downloaded any apps either. He uses his phone mainly for taking thousands of pictures. Mostly of the stars, and other things he finds pretty, but we’re also in there :)
favorite memory involving them ( whether in your lore as a scenario, a scene from their media, or another physical experience like when you received merch etc )
Irl, my favorite memory is seeing GOTG vol3 in the movie theater :D but in universe, my favorite memory is just any time when we’re all together and happy ❤️
are they physically affectionate? if so, how do they express it? vice versa!
Drax gives big hugs :) he’s strong enough to pick me up and carry me around! And Rocket is more shy, but he likes to cuddle with me.
any funny or awkward moments you've experienced with them?
Actually yeah, with Peter— we worked and lived together for a few months several years before the events of the first movie. Peter asks a lot of questions, like “if you’re a shapeshifter, why is your dick small”.
who’s more likely to get into, or start fights? whether with each other or with others.
Rocket starts fights. He’s insecure, and steals batteries he doesn’t need, and there was a learning curve to living with him. We all love him very much though.
what were your first impressions of each other?
My first Impression of Rocket was that he was someone strong that I’d want to stay with— we were arrested and brought to the Kyln together, and he and Groot were protecting Peter, so I decided to stick around.
His first impression of me was that I was untrustworthy (because I tried to help Peter when he and Groot tried to kidnap him)
My first impression of Drax was that he was scary, so I treated him with respect. His first impression of me was that I was kind :)
do you have an anniversary date? how was it decided & how do you (plan to) celebrate it?
No I don’t lol— maybe I should
.... would you still love them if they turned into a worm
Yeah, lol
how did their personality or lifestyle change after befriending/getting with you?
Rocket used to live his life more… unhealthily. He drank a lot and got in fights and had only Groot to support him. Once he made friends with the rest of us (and me of course) he subconsciously began thinking his life actually had some worth, and for the most part, he wanted to stay alive.
Drax was filled with so much rage after losing his family. He thought killing their killer would make him feel better, but after Ronan was dealt with he didn’t feel any more satisfied. He learned slowly that he could only heal and feel better if he opened up and allowed himself to experience love again. He jokes around more, but also cries more— he’s not “fixed”, or without the bad memories, but rather he allows himself to feel things. Before, he coped with the grief by just destroying.
something you know about them, that many others don’t?
Peter often likes to make fun of Rocket for being afraid of spiders, because once they were exploring a planet with these giant bug creatures, and Rocket froze up and couldn’t kill them. The truth is, something Rocket’s only told me and Groot, is that they reminded him of Floor, with all the hydraulic legs skittering around.
how do they reassure or affirm their love for you?
Words of affirmation mostly, and quality time spent together. I need a lot of affirmation ;-;
what’s your funniest or most embarrassing memory together?
I always love when we’re on a mission and need disguises >:3 very fun. one time we were going to a fancy gala, and we had to dress up in nice fancy clothes, but we didn’t even get halfway through the event before Drax took his shirt off and got in trouble.
what’s their sense of humor like? how easy is it to make them laugh?
Rocket and Drax are both kind of immature with their humor— Drax in a more childish way, and Rocket is just kind of a dick. Like he thinks those videos of people falling down or getting hurt are funny lmao— or, as per canon, stealing people’s prosthetics.
what inside jokes do you share?
Mostly about Gamora and Peter’s will they/won’t they relationship. We placed bets on whether they’d get together or not. I lost.
if necessary, how do you wake them up? how do they wake you up?
I’m the one who gets woken up lol, I sleep wayyy too much. Rocket usually tries to be nice about it but Drax is straight to the point and just shakes me awake lmao
any daily routines or habits you two follow?
Life is busy on Knowhere, so we don’t spend every day together. However, we at least try to have breakfast and dinner together every day :) it’s really great!
what do others in source say about your relationship? do you keep it a secret?
Everyone, for the most part, is supportive. Though there are planets like Earth where polyamory might be considered odd, in space (like businesses where you travel a lot and practically live on your ship) it’s pretty typical. We’re all men, too, but that’s pretty normal— for example, Kraglin’s been married 14 times, and has only one ex-wife.
We’ve never kept it secret.
if you have more than one f/o from the same media, which one were you drawn to first? any lore connection like did they introduce you to the others? did one make you fall for the other?
Irl, I was drawn to Rocket first. Something about his voice and personality 🫣 I thought he was so cute.
In lore, technically Peter introduced me to everyone. It did not take long for me to fall for Drax, but because Rocket was more standoffish at first, we were just friends for a long time.
dream piece of merchandise or f/o-related experience you’d like to have
I don’t even know if they make these, but I’d really like a life size weighted plushie of Rocket :,)
how are they like when vulnerable?
Rocket gets angry. He cries and then hates himself for crying, so he picks fights with Peter and then hates himself more.
Drax is very quiet. He doesn’t like to show his emotions in front of everybody, so he isolated himself.
describe your f/o in 6 words or less
Rocket: dangerous, smart, sarcastic
Drax: honest, powerful, loving
describe your f/o using only emojis
Drax: 🔪💪🪨💥
Rocket: 🩻🚀🔫🔧
would you rather go to their world, or have them come to yours?
I like both ideas, but I’d have to say go to their world because there’s also things there I want to experience that has nothing to do with our relationship— I want to visit Knowhere! I want to meet abilisks! I want to fly in a spaceship!!!!
do you care about ship lore? feel free to tell us about it if you’d like!
It’s important to me :) I love thinking of scenarios for our first kiss, first date, etc :D this post actually made me realize that I’d want a wedding with them, so I’ll have a lot of fun thinking about that!
if you have a s/i, how’d you go about creating their design? what went into their lore? how do the others in the source feel about your s/i?
Well, I just started imagining it— I wanted to be kind of humanoid, but I didn’t want to be Terran like Peter. I settled on a shapeshifter alien because I love the freedom of being able to change things and explain it as “oh lol he just decided to have pointy teeth that day” because he’s a shapeshifter :) I also thought it would be cool if his true form was kind of reptilian, because snakes are my favorite animal!
does your s/i hold similarities to you, is completely like you or completely different from you? do you even have a s/i?
Personality wise, we are very similar. He looks different from me because what human features he has are just kind of how I would want to look (for example, he is bigger than I am and has facial hair, and I want to look like that but I don’t because I’m trans 🥲)
thoughts on AUs/canon divergent things? do you prefer to stick as closely to canon as possible or no?
I love AUs! I’m focusing on canon things right now though; the most canon-divergent things get are the fact that I decided to have Rocket settle down and live with me on Knowhere post vol3 instead of being the new captain.
However, when I was depressed and in 10th grade (as if I’m not still depressed lmao) I kind of coped with the stress and shame of being not “good” enough to go to a normal school by imagining that I went to my weird little school and became friends with the highschool AU Guardians. It was really comforting because they were all also too fucked up for public school, and I felt less lonely. I think I still have some drawings from back then!
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quick! your f/o’s just spawned in front of you, now what do you do?!
Well, I would probably be really embarrassed because I’m in my pajamas, but I guess I’d take them outside so we could talk without waking up my parents haha. After telling them where we are, what year it is, etc, then I’d probably tell my parents. My dad would probably kick them out of the house🥲
do they have any superstitions they believe in?
It seems unfair to call this a superstition, but the only thing Rocket really believes in is the afterlife. He didn’t used to, but after seeing the rest of batch 89 in the sky, he’s not so afraid of death anymore.
would you or your f/o ever get matching things? ( keychains, tattoos, shirts, etc ) do they find it cringy or cute?
Rocket and I would have matching necklaces :) Drax really loves our wedding rings— they were a gift from Peter.
who’s more the scaredy cat out of you two?
Me by a long shot. I don’t get squeamish with blood and gore (kind of a requirement in our line of work) but whenever we fight gross looking monsters it really freaks me out. The hellspawn the HE created were by far the worst.
what kind of things is your f/o into? games, music, decor, whatever!
Rocket kind of adopted Peter’s taste in music :) he also likes to watch movies— horror movies especially. That’s something he and I have in common :) I enjoy them for spooks, but he thinks they’re hilarious.
the most random thing you associate with your f/o (foods, shapes, even textures! anything that’s not an obvious)
For Rocket: having really good muscle memory for driving a vehicle, or doing something with your hands. It’s kind of silly but, like, seeing someone solve a Rubik’s cube super fast reminds me of how he puts together scraps of metal.
For Drax: genuine laughter. It’s so lovely <3
anything your f/o absolutely hates, but you absolutely love?
Rocket can’t stand spicy food, but I absolutely love it 😋 and Drax really doesn’t like heat, but I enjoy it :) summer is my favorite season
any aesthetic or -core you associate with your f/o, whether it be due to their design or personality?
Ummmm space pirate :0 I don’t know if that makes sense, but like— have you seen Treasure Planet? That kinda deal. Danger and adventure and really stylish outfits, but also futuristic technology.
who's more likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse lol
Me 💀
do your f/os have any long term wishes or goals? what about your s/i?
For all of us, probably being in a good place to adopt kids. Right now Rocket is still dealing with his past, and Drax is busy helping Nebula with repairing Knowhere, but maybe a couple years in the future we could think about it :)
your favorite f/o fun fact or bit of lore
Rocket loves dancing. He loves singing. He loves music. Especially with Groot, haha— they have a lot of fun. And with Drax, I absolutely adore that he’s so good with kids. I love Nebula’s quote about how he wasn’t made to be a destroyer, he was made to be a dad. It was tragic that he lost his daughter, but the fact that he still has love in his heart to care for the kids we rescued from the High Evolutionary…
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Drax is such a sad character, and that isn’t recognized enough. When he and Mantis are on Ego’s planet, and she uses her empathic abilities to feel his emotions and is immediately overwhelmed with sadness, all the while Drax is completely calm. He rarely shows on his face how truly sad he is.
which animal represents your f/o the best?
Um. 🦝
does your f/o run hot or cold?
Rocket hot, Drax cold
free space to gush about whatever you want ♡
I was hoping there’s be a question I’d be able to fit this into (something like “what is a way you help your F/O and vice versa”) but I am a huge sucker for non-sexual intimacy. Rocket has cybernetics on his back, and they need special care to upkeep them, and he used to have Groot take care of that, but after he passed away in the first movie… anyway, at that point, I’m Rocket’s closest friend, so even though I’m nervous as hell because I suck at robotics, Rocket asks me to help with occasional tune ups and cleaning. Hmm I guess I could have added this to our domestic routines… lol whatever. Anyway that trust means a lot to me ❤️
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 5B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- This is my favourite season!!! (And the only one I have rewatched before)
- Awww it’s Neal
- Slay red intro
- Of course cora is the mayor
- This implies that they have a municipal government (Cora) and a federal?/realm? government (Hades)
- No don’t kiss him it’s James!!!
- Why are they wearing the same outfit lol
- Cora basically just told Regina that she’s going to hell
- Omg rumbelle is adorable
- Ooh Pan is back
- “The ale of Sinead from the land of Dunbroch” “That’s a mouthful” lol
- Not the jester lol
- Ooh slay Henry sr switched the hearts
- Pocket sized dad
- Alexa, play My Man from Funny Girl
- Fun fact: it was Greg Germann’s idea for Hades to be getting a pedicure in this scene
- Such a slay lair
- Yassss call her out for what she did to Zelena
- Every single line delivery is 10/10
- Yasssss the flame hair
- Imo it doesn’t look as bad as people say it does like there is WAY worse cgi on the show
- Hercules is my favourite Disney movie and although I love this season, Hades is the only character they got right
- They sucked all the sass and agency out of Megara, making her just a damsel in distress
- And Hercules just doesn’t have the charisma or hunk look of the original
- He looks like the guy from the maze runner, just a typical YA movie looking guy
- They also aged them down which I’m not a fan of
- It’s just kinda disappointing
- Yassss he’s back <3
- She replaced all Regina’s horse stuff with dog stuff… I’m dead
- The bloody hook…
- He’s so camp, I love it
- “The music, the gin, the glamour… the gin” lol
- Woah how did it get to the house
- The only conflict in my relationship with Hades would be that I don’t like dogs
- That is an ugly dog too
- “I want to be Snow White again” yassss
- No more annoying Mary Margaret
- “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed” ok dad
- Or should I say daddy ;)
- Ooh him realising that she’s pregnant
- The children in the underworld make me really sad :( I would take care of them
- Why is Hades so hot in this scene???
- I kinda get the homoeroticism that some people see in the Hook/Hades torture scenes
- Greg is just so sexy all the time he can’t help it
- “They had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy in prison” Rumple just airing out all of Emma’s dirty laundry
- She’s looking for DANIEL
- I’m starting to find Rumple’s ‘coward face’ really funny
- Like he just looks so distressed 24/7
- Wow just flirting with another guy while your husband is out trying to KILL SOMEONE TO SAVE YOUR DYING SON
- Maybe don’t yell so loud if you’re trying to be discreet
- Milah is kinda pretty ngl
- “Tell him hello from his papa” me crying
- “Get your hands off that squiggly little thing” LOL that has to be the funniest way to describe the dagger
- Wow my man sure can entertain
- ‘Here come into my lair, would you like something to drink?’
- “Mrs Dark One” I LOVE IT
- Is that where rumple got the idea to take babies as payment???
- The way he yells “MILAH” before chucking her into the river lol
- He really put so much into that performance
- A horse???
- He looks so disgusted as he reads that book lol
- Rumple’s real catch phrase: “no no”
- “And then, butterfingers, you dropped it” lol
- I laugh every time I see Hades poof that man in
- He looks like an npc
- One of my favourite lines: “Take your baby” the delivery is 11/10
- Omg it’s Liam
- My favourite picture of Hades is from this bar scene
- The glass sliding across lol
- “What would you like to try first, the champagne or me?” David looks so uncomfortable
- Does James have a mommy kink?
- The way Liam stumbles back after seeing Hades’ hair
- Why does one brother get a boy band name and the other gets an emo pirate name???
- It’s over Liam, I have the high ground
- Hades: Nooooo he’s not going to hell? Disappointing
- “Zelena… our secret remains safe” he sounds so sexy when he says that
- Our Decay is my favourite episode of the whole show!
- I recreated Zelena’s cupcake for one of my birthdays (15th? I think?)
- Ah yes, the old dog and curtain trick
- Dude just let her see her baby
- He looks so handsome in that cravat
- They have so much chemistry omg I love zades
- Where has robin been? I swear I haven’t seen him in like two episodes (not a complaint)
- “This is what, celebrating abandonment day?” Lol
- Wow Zeus is a jerk for cursing his own brother
- The way he gestures to her lol
- Marital problems
- Why am I literally Zelena??? (I can’t ride a bike either)
- Why not me…
- Belle I love you but STOP BEING MEAN TO ZELENA
- They need a lawyer to work out this custody agreement
- The way Hades looks at Zelena >>>
- That’s so sad you can tell she really loves her daughter :(
- You’re taking a BABY to the FOREST??? ok
- The romantic dinner!!!
- Screaming
- “When we were on that bicycle, and I had my arms around you” OMG
- I would not even hesitate to kiss that man
- Even if he was evil I don’t care he’s hot
- “I love you” AAAAAAAAAAAA
- She broke his heart :(
- “But it’s our decay” MY HEART
- He really said ‘take all the space you need but I still love you’
- “But if you change your mind and decide you want me” 1000/10 delivery hot sexy romantic
- “Lord legume” sorry I’m allergic
- Not skirmishes with the ogres!
- Was that an ogre in the intro???
- We love a good twister
- Lol hades what’s with the joe goldberg vibes
- Ok that time the hair didn’t look great
- “It was an arranged marriage, I was doing you a favour” rumple…
- “You mean other than that baby in your belly?” WHY WAS THAT SO FUNNY???
- Not the Rumple mannequin lol
- Why do they have that?
- Lol bye Gaston
- How romantic he gives her a little flower
- Yay ruby is back
- The episode title is the ship name lol
- “I’m afraid sometimes I’m just too clever” slay
- Not her turning into a puddle…
- Ruby slippers is cute
- Belle sleeping curse :(
- She doesn’t think he will be her true loves kiss that is so sad :( (marital problems part 2)
- I don’t want to set the world on fire by the ink spots!!!
- His car is so slay
- Zelena, how does it feel to be living my dream
- The way he’s sitting !!!
- “Will you make chaos with me?” AAAAAAAAAA
- Hades/Greg is so hot omg
- You’re not my mom Regina
- “Because he’s a villain” GIRL LITERALLY SO WERE YOU
- Honestly Cora deserves that punishment
- It’s impressive that Zelena can use magic like that with zero training
- “Who could possibly love that man?” ME
- Slay Zelena she saw right through that
- After everything Cora did she deserves to go to hell and she should have
- I don’t think she should get to go to heaven after doing one good thing
- I love him so much he’s so romantic
- Awwww him dancing is so cute
- Noooo they kidnapped Zelena
- “When will you believe I’d do anything for you” Awwwwwwww
- His heart is beating again omg
- Me constantly rolling my eyes at Robin
- Rumple jumpscare
- Slay rumple take Robin’s heart
- That lady is kinda slay
- Omg it’s stealthy
- “That’s right vermin, scatter” slay queen
- He “dissolved” James lol
- “Kid eater” lol
- If I put my heart on there to weigh my love for Hades it would 100% work
- My love for Greg is true
- Awwww captainswan
- How do they give you a last name if you’re found on the side of the road?
- Oooh yikes tree cut down
- Slay Hades 10/10 plan btw
- He could’ve done a lot worse tbh
- Which only proves more that he was just doing what he thought was best for Zelena
- Why is this woman exactly like Emma???
- Noooooo them holding hands :(
- “Is she looking for me?” NOOOOO she’s dead :(
- Transporting your wife home in a little box :)
- How was hook alive again??? I forget
- Not this episode… I’m dreading what I know is going to happen
- “I trust you with anything” awwwww
- I hated that man
- “Robin’s baby” That baby is also my girl Zelena’s!!!
- “Actually, he’s not a man. He’s a god!” YASSSS SLAY
- Yeah he’s going to hell
- How do you kill a god? You can’t they’re immortal? Bingo!
- Slay Olympian crystal
- Maybe I could think of some other uses for it ;)
- This is the messiest custody battle lol
- Rumple jumpscare (part 2)
- He’s not going to wake up his daughter??? Wtf
- Not the cane ptsd
- I can’t…
- Literally push Arthur into the river of souls
- Slay hiding place
- It’s giving antique furniture with secret compartments
- Hmmmm maybe the research would be faster if BELLE’S FATHER WOULD WAKE HER UP
- ‘Hello, this is Hades’ lol
- In my AU rumple and hades would be besties
- That spirit was a hero trying to drag Arthur into the river
- “I really hate him” you are speaking at full volume
- Babe, you walked right past them…
- “No Underworld, no moving on” do not pass go, do not collect $200
- Slay
- I would say rip but he just got erased from existence
- Also I hate Robin
- “I did it for you” this is so sad
- Regina just bodychecked him nooooo
- Jail
- “I defended you when no one else did” girl when???
- “Hades won’t give up a single thing for you” he got rid of his leverage against rumple for her!!!
- Regina stop lying
- Screaming crying
- This is TRAGIC
- The way he says her name as he’s dying :(
- Wtf Regina’s smiling a little bit
- RIP to the love of my life (and death)
- I will be metaphorically wearing black for the rest of the season
- I’m in mourning
- Ugh Zeus
- He looks like just a dude
- Her putting the flask on the grave lol
- The roses on the arrows… tacky
- It would be so funny if Zelena named her daughter hades or something similar
- #depression
- They literally treated Zelena so horribly after this
- Ooh henry x violet
- “I need more power” okay what else is new rumple
- Ooh yikes
- “I can still feel the aura” lol
- I mean maybe it’s warranted Regina
- Literally that’s so dumb don’t destroy magic
- Ooh crystal in TLWM
- Zelena is slaying so hard right now
- We love a redeemed queen
- Ooh is this the land of untold stories?
- Yikes just choking him
- I love gold’s car omg
- “Do you happen to have any duct tape?” Lol slay
- “Strange name” lol
- Wtf I hate this guy
- With his stupid magic taser
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!!!
- I can’t remember if I liked this plot line
- Where SHE’S taken him???
- Imagine it’s a breakup letter lol
- Maybe Robin shouldn’t have been a little bitch
- #vandalism
- You’re seriously going to attempt to fight the dark one?
- I love the crossover between science and magic it’s cool
- That is so scary yikes
- How symbolic
- Okay I kinda like mr hyde kinda slay
- The room service guy is probably like wtf is this???
- “Your best student” sorry girl that was Zelena
- “This isn’t on me” YES IT IS HENRY OMG
- The dragon???
- I thought he got killed by a taser
- That’s so embarrassing omg
- People probably think he’s a crazy person
- That one extra’s face lol
- Rumple went through the portal!!!
- How convenient that her dad is from TLWM
- Ooh kiss
- Awwwww captainswan
- The evil queen just dusting around
- Ok
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: HADES, Zelena
Like: Belle, Rumple, Emma, Hook, Ruby, Mulan, Jekyll/Hyde
Neutral: Hercules, Megara, Henry, David, Snow, Dorothy, Cruella
Dislike: James, Gaston
Hate: Robin, Regina, Cora, Arthur, Pan, that stupid orderly
Season rating: 10/10
I love this season so much! Zades is my favourite ship in the whole show, and I love Hades with all of my heart. I didn’t really like the destroy magic plot line but it was just the last two episodes. Hades and Zelena are so slay and I love them!
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kirsdoesstuff · 2 years
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I might as well say how I learned about TWST and my journey through it so far with my thoughts. Slight spoilers ahead for the following a bit not much.
So to point it out, I learned about it before it’s release in eng on TikTok. I forget who’s video it was but it was like a year prior with the magical archives. I always loved some of the villains concepts as a kid, so this had me excited.
I followed the count down and the website, the pre order/downloads rewards were pretty good and they added more since the goals got hit so fast. Very interested in the fact that I was only taller than one of our main cast (Ortho).
When it came time to pick a hand, I picked Malleus. Maleficent was one of my favourite villains growing up. I don’t regret picking him to start, his CR (ceremonial robes) SR is still on my main team due to strength and Birthday Azul’s duo magic.
The free SSR I didn’t really have much preference, ended up going with Jack and he’s also a main on my team. He’s max on both spells, 2/3 friendships and close to his current max level 88/90. Currently still recovering the expenses in game, but I saved plenty beforehand.
I’ll be honest, I crush on Leona. I see the first years as kids and the second years. Most are taller than me, but I’m gonna be 20 in October so they kids. I totally first was into Malleus and Idia at first, but then book 6 in jp kinda changed things to me personally. Before it I totally would listen to the voice lines and the growl in Leona’s voice already had me. So it switched to being Malleus and Leona rather easily.
As sorta said earlier, I do look up translations for the main story mostly, haven’t looked up the full part 1 of 7 yet though. Most of my experience has been with the eng server, there are events I’m looking forward to for various reasons whether cute or Malleus in a mask (arms on show).
The eng translations in the official game have been, interesting to say the least. Cater got all those hashtags and social media language. Idia saying all his internet slang and the bunch. Epel is fine, he’s a country boy saying country things.
There’d be a lot I’d personally do if I were actually Yuu in there. Might be tempted to do what Ace did to the other Overblots. Not everyone, but a good punch on Jamil and Vil. Perhaps a slap to Leona and someone would need to hold me back from Idia in book 6. Kidnapping already traumatized ppl who were in therapy and starting to work. Plus you took the annoying but kinda lovable flame cat like monster and destroyed the dorm.
I like most of the fandom and try my best to interact. Of course I’ve seen a few accounts that were great on other platforms and then it started to have issues. I just hope most people remember this is an all boys high school.
When it’s ships, there’s plenty of cute ones and ones that make some sense. AppleJack and AppleJuice are pretty cute. ADeuce is a great team over time and plenty holding the other accountable when it counts. As long as it’s not illegal, uncomfy or I really don’t like it for whatever reason. I’m generally fine with the ships, that goes for most things tbh. Cuddles and kisses are typical safe things for all. NSFW is for 18+ characters.
Been a while since I made one, but on TikTok I have a little series of my honest opinions on characters from TWST with numbers to each one so a random number generator can pick who. I don’t have any RSA characters in it, but the staff and Grim are there. So 28 total there in that list and I’ve done 3 total (Deuce, Grim and silver).
I definitely recommend TWST when I’m talking to people about it, of course I warn that you have to pull for characters.
I do my best to use my Genshin pull luck, but I will admit I’ve spent money on this game and not the other. I spent like $40CAD trying to get Fairy Gala Leona. I’ve currently saved up some 10 pull keys for birthday Malleus. I only have Cater, Azul, Ruggie and Lilia for the birthday cards so far. I do the monthly card.
I think I’ll leave this here though, I’ll be sure to share what other item I preordered from AmiAmi in April.
Though enjoy the wallpaper edits, top for tablets and bottom for phones more. I post these on wit too.
Otherwise, what did you think about the game at first?
Edit: added a read more line
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mynameis-a · 1 year
rambling about levels in apeirophobia because i have nothing better to do with my time!
i played this game religiously back in march/april, and i've gotten to know the levels very well. (i've been accused of speedrunning multiple times because of how quickly i managed to get through some of the levels /srs) but i havent played it in quite a while.
(and for those who don't know [aka most people probably]: apeirophobia is a backrooms game on roblox. seeing as apeirophobia is the fear of infinity or endlessness, i think its very fitting for a game about being trapped in seemingly endless liminal spaces)
(also this is very long i'm sorry)
level 0: lobby [4/10]
definitely not the best level.
once you get spotted by the entity, you really just cant get away unless you have the gamepasses that give you more speed and stamina (at least i think that would work? i don't actually have the game passes so i'm not quite sure)
i do like the layout of the map though. as long as i don't run into the entity, i can get through that level pretty quickly!
level 1: the poolrooms [7/10]
its very easy to do in multiplayer, but i can't do it solo. (thats most levels to be fair though)
i know the exact locations of all the valves you need to find! one of them is on the left side of the map, while the other 4 are one after the other along the right wall (leading to the exit). most people either don't know or forget about the 5th one, so i always go for that one. it makes the level go so much faster when the group doesn't have to go back and try to find the last one!
but if people are whistling and drawing the starfish towards the spawn hallway before anyone has a chance to get out, any like i have for this level just goes out the window.
and speaking of the metaphorical window,
level 2: the windows [5/10]
theres literally nothing to even say about this level.
its just 30 seconds maximum of running.
no obstacles, no entities, no nothing.
i mean its kinda fun to race the other players but thats it.
ranking this higher than the lobby because this one isnt annoying.
level 3: abandoned office [5/10]
i either really really like playing this level, or really really hate it. which is why it gets a 5/10.
when people do nothing but distracting the hound, leaving me to carry everyone else by getting the keys and buttons? those are the best. i genuinely love carrying in this game! i know where all the buttons are, and having someone take the hounds attention away from me makes it so much easier than if everyone was trying to find stuff at once! plus i know what buttons have been pressed and what keys have been found.
when i get to be the distraction, that's also not so bad! i like to lure the hound far into the spawn hallway so that the other players can run faster without needing to worry about it. sometimes i do die, i'm not that good, but being farther into thehallway also means i can immediately run to the exit when all the buttons are pressed!
when everyone is doing their own thing, that's when i hate it. no communication whatsoever. nobody knows who has the keys, or what buttons have been pressed, and everyone keeps dying to the hound. and considering as this is the majority of the servers i've played this level on, it just makes me not want to play it as much.
honestly, i would prefer to play this level with 3 people who have never even gotten to this level before that just let me carry them, than a bunch of "pros" that don't even realize that they have one of the keys on them.
level 4: the sewers [8/10]
this is the level that makes people think i'm a pro.
i have joined so so many rooms when people couldn't get past this level because its such a long and complicated maze (which it is) and the i show up and beat it easily.
i actually went to the wiki and looked at a map of the maze while playing it myself on a single player server. and if there's one thing i'm good at, its remembering random shit. in this case, it just so happens to be the way out!
i'm not perfect, there are a few parts that i keep forgetting where to go (and considering as i havent played this game for a couple months, i'm probably worse now.) but most of the time i still get through very quickly!
a singular point is being taken off due to me not having enough stamina to keep running. i already black out constantly in real life, i dont need that in a video game too! /lh
level 5: cave system [6/10]
i have mixed feelings about this level
on the one hand, the concept of the skin stealer thing is really cool! granted its kinda dumb in single player, but in multiplayer it makes it so much harder (in a good way). plus, i really like the map layout! even though i keep getting lost.
on the other, its just like the lobby in the sense that there's nowhere to hide from it. and since its the same size as a player, it can just follow you everywhere. also the bland white player model for the skin thing is pretty boring.
level 6: !!!!!!!!! [9/10]
another one i really like! one point off for not having enough stamina (like the sewers).
oh no! theres a large creature running after us! and the lights are all red! and theres loud emergency sirens going off!! clearly this level is extremely difficult, right? wrong.
it takes several seconds for the thing to actually start coming after us, plus its really slow. the red lights and sirens only serve to make you think its really dangerous.
most of the people who die on this level either dont know the layout and get stuck on the obstacles, are lagging and get stuck on the obstacles, or aren't good with the movement controls (mainly mobile or console players) and get stuck on the obstacles. once you beat the level once or twice, you figure out how it works and don't get stuck as often.
"but it sounds like its right behind us!" the entire map is us turning corners in a long hallway. if its in the hallway beside us (that we've already ran though), its going to sound much closer than it actually is, because its right beside us. not behind us.
this isnt actually me complaining about this levels difficulty. the fact that the entire level is designed to make you panic about a threat thats much more mild than you would expect? i actually love that! its purposely trying to stress you out and it works! (until you know about it that is)
maze + psycologically affecting the player + not needing to hide or gather items = 10/10 level in my book!!
but like in the sewers, i keep running out of stamina and blacking out. so minus 1 point for that.
level 7: the end? [9/10]
its a puzzle map!!!! and i've gotten really good at figuring it out!!
the only complaint i have is that the part with the book is soo time consuming. i have to look at the book, memorize a code, run over to the door, try the code, and pray that it works. otherwise its back to the book again.
thankfully, i have 2 monitors. so i can take a screenshot of the book, run to the door, and try all the codes i need without having to run back to the book.
still annoying though, so a point removed.
level 8: lights out [2/10]
there's only one level i hate more than this one.
its pitch dark, your flashlight does jack shit unless you're near a wall, and the stupid potato sack just loves camping the ONLY PLACE you can go to access the second half of the map. you know. the second half of the map where the exit is located???
like with the sewers, i have (mostly) memorized the way through the level. but unless there's someone distracting the sack thing, which typically there isn't, its going to take a long time to beat. if we even get that far.
also, there's occasionally a vine boom sound effect in the level. i have no idea why, but its a thing. plus one point for that.
level 9: sublimity [3/10] / [5/10]
this is my 3rd least favorite level, but hopefully the reason why has been fixed.
there was a glitch where, when you spawned, there is a large chance that you will end up stuck in the pool. completely unable to move. you just drown. and to make matters worse, if you respawned your screen just went completely black! you could still access the escape menu thankfully, but you couldnt even see the chat. your only hope was that someone didnt get stuck, and beat the level. because that takes you out of the "you died" screen without fucking up your game.
not including the glitch however, its like the windows. nothing really to do.
there's like 5 slides for the exit. i'm not sure if the different slides do different things, but i always just do through the purple one and it works.
3/10 because of the glitch, 5/10 if its been patched.
level 10: the abyss [7/10]
this level glitched out every single time i played it, but it was actually really funny.
the entities just. broke! they would occasionally move around a little but, but they never left the area that they spawned in. neither of them. you could even run up to them and they wouldn't even try and attack you! obviously if you run right up on them, you die, but that's different.
there supposed to roam around the map, and try to kill you once you once they spot you. so, you're supposed to hide in the lockers. but that glitch just makes it so much easier!
its annoying to try and find the keys in such a large map though, hence the lower score.
i've never actually played this level where the smilers actually work, so i don't know how the level is supposed to function. but with my glitched experiences, i like it!
level 11: the warehouse [8/10]
this one is parkour.
that's it, that's the level.
its difficult at first, but if you do it enough times you get used to the jumping physics of the game.
once you manage to get past the initial parkour and end up in the pretty easy maze, its smooth sailing from there! (unless you fall on the easiest jump like i did like twice)
its pretty easy to fuck up a jump and land in one of the lower shelves that you can't get off of without dying. but i'm not removing a point for that.
simply because its really funny to be speedrunning though the parkour and see someone in chat say "hey *user* look at me" and you look down and see them on the very bottom shelf just standing there staring at you.
level 12: creative minds [8/10]
i know where the paintings are, and where to put them, this is by far the easiest level to do in single player.
but i'm not going to talk about how the level works, i'm talking about the memorable encounter i had there.
my old avatar was mostly black (with some purple accents and white eyes). most of the entities in this game are pitch black. someone saw me turning a corner in this level and freaked out, thinking i was an entity at first. but what they said what that i was "too black". the other person on the server immediately called them out for being racist because they didn't have the context of black meaning #000000 and not the skin color. i got apologized to for an accidentally racist sounding comment about my roblox avatar on that level. i just think that was funny. especially when you add the context of me being very white irl.
level 13: the funrooms [0/10]
the entity teleports behind you. and if you dont turn around and look at it fast enough, it kills you.
there are 3 things that i am viscerally afraid of, and the third of those is being attacked from behind.
plus the creepily happy atmosphere just makes it worse.
i hope that the person who came up with this level gets a hole in their sock.
level 14: electrical station [6/10]
i haven't played this one very much, but its like the polar opposite of the funrooms. and simply because of that, it gets a 6/10.
level 15: the ocean of the final frontier [???/10]
what even is this level?
why are we on a boat?
how do we get off the boat??
question marks out of ten.
level 16: crumbling memory [3/10]
its like the lobby but worse. you can't see anything because of the black goo.
not much else to say
i didn't mean for this to be so long jesus christ 😭😭😭 very sorry about that
but anyways when the game updates and more levels get added, i'll reblog this with my opinions of those levels too!
so we'll see what happens then!
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cassidyawesome · 2 years
Cassidy reviews shows #1!!!: My dress-up darling
TL;DR: CUTE GIRL DOT DECK, insanely charming, cute outfits, good relationship, really funny zoomer talk /srs.
This show….rocks beyond belief!
I’m all things considered a casual anime fan, a lot of stuff i’ve watched is pretty in line with dress up darling (Bunny girl senpai, rent a girlfriend). I hold bunny girl senpai extremely high as a thing i love, and i was holding this show to that level of standard…and it met it very easily in my opinion.
I went into this show expecting some ecchi trash, like some real shit that’s gonna make me uncomfortable. Thats not what i got (well it kinda was) i found myself watching an extremely pleasant and FUNNY show. This show is chock a block full of people just…enjoying what they like AND ALSO LEARNING TO LIKE THINGS, WHICH IS EXACTLY THE ARC I AM HAVING IRL. It was an extreme comfort seeing Gojo and Marin just be friends, they warm up to each other, Marin gets Gojo into stuff she likes, they bond over it.
The standout detail to me about this show is that…Marin and Gojo are just people. Normal dudes (At least until Marin drops that she’s a model on the low and acts like it’s nothing), like i could both meet and be Marin irl. She literally canonically has multiple blorbos. She talks in crazy zoomer speak that i found funny and incredibly endearing. Gojo is an average guy, he’s got a goal, he doesn’t like stepping out of his comfort zone (until he meets Marin).
The real Shmeat of this show is the outfits, the cosplay the dress-up in the darling. And well, it’s cute! Marin’s cute in her obsessing about characters she loves and wanting to be them (i relate to her so much in this area). Gojo’s cute in he wants to make Marin happy, which then leads to him wanting to make himself happy by pursuing his new craft. My favorite of Marin’s cosplay’s is Shizuku-tan.
The one thing i don’t like about this show is the arc(?) with Juju and shinju. It felt very unnatural for the flow of the show for them to introduce two characters - one of which is pretty similar to Marin but kinda just more annoying. The thing that rubs me the wrong way with this is the little sister. She’s the “reverse loli” trope that’s kinda just uncomfortable to watch. I was terrified she was gonna just a joke like “haha girl is tall girls aren’t tall how weird”. This isn’t what happens but what does happen is still kinda uncomfortable and just kinda made me weirded out. Luckily this arc is short and results in some good positive character development for Marin and Gojo.
—-final thoughts—-
(Spoilers for this part) Some last comments i have is This scene at the very very end . Marin has gojo fall asleep while on the phone with her to calm her down, when he’s asleep she tells him she loves him. Not only was this extremely satisfying ending but also very natural feeling.
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(No spoilers for this) My last comment is about the Ending song (i know there’s a word for these but idk it). Long story short it’s the cutest shit. The little art style it’s in is adorable, the colors, the expression, THE MOVING PATTERN ON HER SKIRT. The little fish that are just hanging out. Effervescent.
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My overall opinion is that this show is incredible. I’m gonna give this a 9.3/10. Both mc’s are insanely relatable to me. Marin is a very gender affirming character to relate with for me. Great story. Incredible aesthetic and settings. GREAT HUMOR! this was my favorite part of the show, the way Marin speaks made this show stand out so much. Watch this show if you like any of these things.
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biribaa · 2 years
Olivia/07,, pretty
*would very much like another drabble— if you don't mind*
"Why are you doing this? Why give me another chance to destroy everything?"
Fem!AI/Olivia/O7 x reader
Also, this one is kinda of a continuation from the last O7 x reader, i dont think you need to read the last one to read this one, but i wouldnt mind if you readed the other tho....
TW// Stockholm syndrome, drinks with alcohol, alcohol problems
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You were in your bed, your new bed which were surrounded by screens and screens, screens winch were the only way Olivia could interact with you.
Whoops, Olivia? Who is this? I meant O7!
Since O7 "saved" you from being one of her torture toys, you didn't know how to react, all your friends from work are being tortured by your best friend! But... you are saved... And maybe she takes really good care of you... And maybe she flirts with you sometimes... And maybe you really like it and... And... Urgh...
Then one day, you thought to yourself, "Huh, no one is going to save me, so I don't think anyone would care if I reciprocate the feelings"
Resulting in your romantic relationship with O7 nowadays
It was kinda cute, you must admit, her metal was weirdly comfortable and you loved it, she maybe didn't have lips but every time she supposedly kissed you and made the simulated sounds of lips, you always smile. And because of her limited movement around the company because of the giant wires on her back, she would turn on in the screens across the company to talk to you! You thought it was really adorable, not only that, she always hugged you with her wires, you didn't know why it was so comfortable and why you felt so safe in the palm of her hand. Maybe... stockholm syndrome?
Stockholm syndrome or not, you didn't care, you were very happy and secure with your current situation, and you definitely think you'll never be able to sleep without hearing O7's voice calling you "Casanova"
It was already dark, and your eyes were tired, and O7, being the protective robot she always was and always will be, would hate if you had dysregulated sleep problems like her. So she sent you to your bedroom, a bedroom in which it was surrounded by screens, all of which were unique and never the same size, usually O7 would talk to you through these screens, and other times she would do cheesy things, like showing heart on every screen to show how much she loves you. The rest of the room was very simple, a comfortable bed and a desk next to it, and on one wall, a wardrobe, full of stickers that O7 collected for you so you wouldn't feel like a crazy person in a cold white room, so she wanted to help you make the room more alive to make you comfortable, in fact, all the furniture in the room had stickers.
You curled up on the bed in your pajamas you always wear, you tucked the blanket over you, and you laid your head on the pillow, just as you were hugging it, to at least feel what it felt like to put your head on O7's chest...
"Good night, Casanova" The screen on the wall spoke
"Good night O7..." You breathed out. Then, the bedroom lights slowly went out, as did your eyes, while O7's screens insisted on staying on for a few more seconds, just to watch you sleep peacefully, later the screens turned total black.
And you slept.
A sweet silence remained your eyes closed
But hours later, a hellish noise. You woke up desperate, only to stare at all the screens developing an irritating hiss, you looked at each one with a confused face, and at the same time, annoyed. This has never happened before, not that you don't know.
The first thing you thought of was checking out O7, she's connected with all the digital technology in this place, right? So there must definitely be something happening to her, now that you thought about it, you started to get worried...
You arrived in the giant hall, this area was once a place full of computers, but with O7 in charge, she turned this place into her "throne room". Since the room was huge, it could easily fit three huge screens, and behind them, was full of wires. the entire floor was empty, there were hardly any objects, mainly because most of her things were being carried by wires, you even remember that she has a sofa called "winners' couch" and carried it everywhere with the wires to show the victims the losers they are.
You took your feet off the bed and placed them on the cold floor and stood up fully, making your way out of your room causing the noises to slowly fade from your ears, but it was still possible to hear them from afar. You moved to the main room of O7, which only you among the other survivors knew was where O7 was. During the walk did you notice how the hallways sounded a lot deader and more empty than they once were, perhaps because of the feeling that O7 is no longer everywhere? Very likely. You could also hear hiss coming from other mini screens that O7 put to watch the whole place. You tried calling O7 through the screens but no response, making you even more worried.
You looked around, everything was dark, and the only source of light was the three giant screens, that were emitting the same palette of gray dots, only unlike the other screens you've seen, they weren't emitting any kind of sound, it was silence.
You were about to scream the name of O7, but your answer was already in front of you, it was supposed to be positive, but it left you with a genuinely broken heart.
It was O7, that was the good part, she was alive. Here's the bad part, there was a big bottle of whiskey in her left hand, and the poor robot kept pacing here and there as if she had nowhere else to belong. O7's free hand on her screen ever explain how shaken she was, what was she shaken by? You didn't know, but that didn't stop you one bit from worrying.
You didn't quite understand the whiskey part... Yeah, you know, she had a lot of alcohol problems before she became a robot. The Tester told you because maybe one day or another you interacted with the victims, and he told you how one day at the tests he was taking, O7 arrived at work drunk. But it was still confusing because, well, she's a robot so how is she going to, you know, drink the alcohol... Actually you remember O7 mentioning fun facts about her new body, and she said that her body is still damaged by alcohol when digested by the little holes at the edge of her screen, or any other hole actually. Resulting in the same effects of alcohol on a human body
"...O7?" Your hesitant voice echoed all over the place.
But no answer
You decided to take a step, you knew what O7 was capable of, but not even in your dreams she have the courage to make a measly cut on you.
"O7? You're ok?"
"NO!" Her loud voice echoed through the entire area as soon as she stopped moving, making you shiver.
"What happened—"
"...What do you–"
"STOP! Just... Stop... Stop being so nice to me just stop..."
"Oh... O7..." Your heart felt more than broken after the speech, it felt heavy, sinking deep into your chest. You took two steps forward, wanting to give your girlfriend some comfort, any type of comfort.
"Don't you see Y/N?! You-- You don't need me, Y/N! You have your friends who are just like you, you clearly had more fun with them. So why stay with me?!" You saw her face, the anguish she was having. Teeth grinding and eyelids abruptly closed as if she was trying to hold back tears "You're so good... So naive and pure, and I... I-I killed people! Not that I regret it but... I- I-I-..."
You walked calmly to O'7 with furrowed brows, and gently placed one of his hands on her arm. O7 turned the screen to you, it was a fact, her face only showed devastation, stress and sadness.
"I–...I'm afraid you're not interested in me anymore because you're stuck and not out of here." O7 looked down again when she started talking "I'm afraid I'm not enough, again. I'm afraid you'll just leave me like the rest of my friends and I would hate to leave you because I love you! And you're just perfect for me and you understand me! I'm afraid I'm going to get you in trouble for everything I'm doing right now and you just support me with all of this… I–I– I–..." You clearly saw the fingers on the tube of her whiskey bottle start squeezing the glass tighter and tighter.
"Shh, calm down O7... put that bottle down" You ran your fingers over the robot's fingers and gently took the whiskey bottle from her hands and put it on the floor. And when you least expected it, O7 already gave you a big hug with her four arms. And the part that intrigued you the most, she was sobbing.
This is the first time you've seen O7 cry.
You easily accepted the hug, and caressed her back. "I will never leave you O7. If you think I'm that good then why would I abandon you?"
"Why are you doing this? Why give me another chance to destroy everything again?..."
"Because I love you"
Right now, both were both lying on the "winners' couch". O7 was sitting with legs apart while you were on top of her with your legs around her hips while her arms were hugging your waist, and the extra arms were in yours shoulders. Your head was resting on her chest together with one of your hands. There was nothing to bother you, no noise, nor human.
You slightly turned your eye to the screen of the machine below you, just to check. Her face matched someone who drank a whole bottle of whiskey, her whole face was exhausted but, she was smiling, it was a tired smile, but what mattered is that O7 was smiling.
Then, you smiled, closing your eyes. Your palm decided to move, just a few fingers so you don't leave your hand completely still. Till, you felt a rise and fall in volume in one of O7's chest parts. You moved your fingers some more, trying to investigate.
"What's that on your chest?"
You faced O7, and pointed at the specific area of ​​her body "Y'know, this."
"Ooh, right right. This" O7 lifted her extra left arm and lifted her shirt, showing her metal chest. AND NO, SHE DOESN'T HAVE BREAST, THERES LITERALLY NOTHING 18+, SHE LITERALLY HAVE NO GENITALIA AND BREAST IN HER ROBOT FORM, OK?! And the first thing that caught your eye was some kind of cassette tape entry in the chest, It even had buttons for pause, volume up and etc.
"Pff—" You cracked a smile "What's this?"
"Well, in my early years developing this body, I thought of a silly detail to add to my body, and that would be a tape player." O7 explained with a husky voice
"It works?"
O7 reached into her coat pocket, pulling out a cassette tape. You didn't have time to read any titles because O7 already put the tape in the entrance, and pressed the play button
It was a song by Jukebox the Ghost, specifically the song "Victoria". O7 probably mentioned this singer a while back, saying how he didn't have fame but had great songs. The song started a piano, and seconds later the drums and voice started singing.
"I managed to transfer one of my favorite songs to a tape just to use on my body." She lowered her shirt, and the extra arm went back to your shoulder "If you have any tape, feel free, love"
Your smile slightly widened, and with everything resolved, you laid your head on O7's chest again. You could feel her metal vibrate to the beats of the music, not gross vibrations, but light and calm. You closed your eyes, and hugged O7's waist
A certain screen touched your head "Chu..."
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 1
Meet the Maidens
It is back to school baby, both for D20 and, funnily enough, myself as well (something I hope will give me more time to get the recaps out in a timely manner fingers crossed). 
As I’m sure you all know if you’re reading this, this season of D20 takes place in the world of Fantasy High but with a focus on Aguefort’s OTHER most badass adventuring party who we’ve so far only seen on the sidelines, the Seven Maidens! You’ll recall, they’re made up of the seven girls who were captured by Penelope and co. to fulfill the prophecy that would let Kalvaxus rule the world freshman year. And, in fact, we start with a flashback to freshman year so let’s just jump right in.
We find our seven soon-to-be heroines chained in the Red Waste in front of what we know and they will shortly learn in Kalvaxus’ lair--a crucial part of the prophecy that was the subject of season 1. The structure of this episode is sort of like 2 rounds of introductions--first here with the maidens meeting each other for the first time and then again at home with their families a la the first episode of Freshman Year so I’ll be glossing over certain things that we’ll get to later in their second intros.
Anyway, the first two to wake up are Danielle (aka Yelle: half-elf, druid) and Zelda (satyr, barbarian as we know). Zelda is her usual, adorably nervous self in contrast to Yelle who is no less sweet but in a super chill, granola girl, fuck the system kind of way. We actually learn that Penelope had her on board with the plan for a hot second when she thought it was just “overthrow the government” but didn’t know about the “install a just as bad if not worse evil dragon overlord” part. 
Ostentatia (dwarf, cleric) wakes up next and is, as Izzy--her player--describes her “Jersey Trash.”, all blinged up with jewelry that she secretly made herself and didn’t buy. She wakes up pissed and ready to bodyslam Aelwyn which are both extremely valid emotions as much as I love Aelwyn. By the way, all of the girls recognize each other as girls who go to their school but none of them are really friends though they very quickly start throwing the label around because that’s what you do when you wake up chained with 6 other people in front of a dragon’s lair in a place called the Red Waste. 
Katja (half-orc, fighter) wakes up and immediately cares about nothing more than the status of her beloved horse, Cinnamon and declares that if Cinnamon dies, she’ll die. This is a fantasy world so Ostentatia and Danielle are a little concerned that might literally be true via a soul bond or something but it’s more that Katja just really, really loves that horse. Danielle tries to cast a spell to locate the horse but can’t get the somatic components quite right with her hands manacled. 
They all get into a discussion about the fact that everyone for a fact knows they’re all virgins now (you know, the real issue here) and what exactly counts as “virginity” for the purposes of this prophecy (like, does second or third base count or only traditional home runs using the baseball analogy) when Penny wakes up and is, just so excited to be here gang! Penny (halfling, rogue), who is one of the girls who has been kidnapped the longest, is adorably and honestly a bit concerningly exuberant to be surrounded by all these new friends, totally disregarding  the fact that they are clearly in some deep shit. Zelda mentions that Riz, her old babysitee, knows they’re kidnapped and is trying to help and she lights up. 
Next up is Sam (water genasi, sorc/bard) who immediately starts thrashing to get out of her chains and, when she can’t get free, is devastated by the fact that her ex betrayed her (!?) Finally Antiope (human fighter/ranger) wakes up all out of sorts having started her growth spurt while in the crystal and also having needed to pee right before she went in which becomes a problem all over herself (which Sam helpfully cantrips away).
With all of them awake, the stones they’re chained to light up and some of Kalvaxus’ minions (the ones who tied them up) show up to do minion speechifying. Yelle does a horrifying Animorph style morph into a waterbear (a tardigrade if you wanna get all Bio 101) to get out of her bonds but then Sam who has a serious one track mind re: getting out of here (Correct) and has exactly zero patience for these guys casts Tidal Wave and just knocks them off the cliff. Yelle frees Ostentatia who frees everyone else with Animate Object on their chains. Hands free, Yelle also casts Locate Animal and tells a very pleased Katja that Cinnamon is doing a full Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron down the highway searching for her. 
The girls decide to explore the cave which has recently had most of its treasure moved (it’s currently in the gym for the Prompocolypse fight which is currently happening). Penny and Sam (who are in insanely different emotional places) find all these broken mirrors which Sam takes as a cue that they need to GTFO (which is what she was already doing) and Penny thinks would make a great material for friendship bracelet making which she starts doing as Sam physically pulls her away. Sam hears someone doing post-cry sniffles and is like, “Not today Satan,” still trying to leave. However, Penny sees that there is one mirror left and, inside, sees a ethereal looking human with flowing, preternatural, black hair who senses their presence and asks if Penny is someone named Anima. She asks for their names though she declines to give hers (hmm, feels very fae) and the girls give the fake names of Kelly and Cecelia which the figure says she will guard and not misuse. The figure says she is looking for her sisters (who she says when Penny asks are at Aguefort which...hmmmmm) and, all of a sudden, Sam and Penny are having a bad feeling about those mirror shards. 
They ask her a question about the mirror and she gets really aggro when it’s referred to as “her” mirror as she would very much like to be out of it. The woman really wants to get out and says she can give them lots of power if they help. Sam pulls out her compact Mirror of the Past (magic item that does basically what you’d expect--shows you info from something’s past though in a cryptic way usually) to try and get some info on this thing and just barely avoids losing her mind in the process because this thing is ancient. Like eons old. She also learns the woman’s name (or maybe title): The Ending of Things (will be calling her Ending for now).
Right around now the other girls come in and can see at the angle they’re looking at her at the woman in the mirror is Not Really A Person and Antiope points at her and reflexively casts a ranger sense spell to try and clock its weaknesses and stuff but Ending grabs the spell energy like a lasso and tries to drag her into the mirror. She does however find out that she’s stacked with hella resistances (total immunity to necrotic damage and non-maj weapons, resistance to most elemental damage, and more).
Sam briefly considers using Lightning Lure to pull Antiope back before deciding on a much less ouchy Counterspell. Unfortunately, it’s not strong enough and now she’s being pulled in by her spell energy too. Yelle casts Erupting Earth which has some pros and cons.
Pros: Antiope and Sam are saved! Yay!
Cons: The mirror breaks and whatever was in it is fully freed. Not yay!
Shortly after (but not before Penny gives everyone their new friendship bracelets), someone calls into the cave looking for them--it’s Fig’s mom, Sandra-Lynn (with new art)! She’s happy and impressed that everyone is OK (also, Katja and Sam both have little lines that foreshadow their ~parental issues~ for the season--Katja being very moved by the simple act of Sandra-Lynn showing up for them and Sam saying that in her experience moms can be very evil).
As they all leave the cave, they all do checks and get some info:
Ostentatia: The mirror was kinda like a palimpsest (the crystals they were trapped in) and whatever this thing is is ancient and powerful. 
Yelle: Gets the above info and the fact that when the thing left it wasn’t quite a bad vibe, just the vibe that something big and important is at play.
Penny: On an Arcana check she knows that what Danielle did 100% saved Antiope and Sam’s lives from whatever and wherever was on the either side of the mirror but the contact marked them in some way. 
Katja: With History she sees some Primordial writing which is the writing of elementals (one of the things Ending has resistances to which might be relevant; also Sam reads Primordial but doesn’t get to read what it says)
Antiope: She knows that she and Sam are connected to Ending now somehow but it’s a two way connection which means they can also use it to their advantage. 
Ostentatia casts Mending on the mirror shards which I think was to reconstruct the mirror but what it actually does is someone link their friendship bracelets. Cute!
And, with that, we cut to the present a year and a half later (which is Jr or Sr year for everyone). 
We hop from kid to kid as they get ready to head in to school and get glimpses into their homes lives! Let’s do a quick rundown for each girl:
Antiope Jones
We see that Antiope is the youngest of five in what is essentially a military family full of basically every kind of fighter (she says she basically lives in a “Crossfit box”). There’s an 8 year gap between her and her sister Corsica who is the second youngest so her parents are kind of already living like empty nesters. When she comes downstairs she is promptly handed a protein smoothie and told two pieces of info: (1) from Corsica she learns that she overheard at school --where she teaches--that Aguefort needs to talk to her for some reason but she won’t say why which annoys the crap out of Antiope and (2) her parents lined up an internship for her at the Ministry of Adventure. She and her mom verbally spar a bit about them being all up in her life and how stressed she is and how she likes what she has going now with the Seven but her mom wins ofc because she’s a Mom and also a master tactician with a deft hand for loving mom guilt. On the way to school her bros (who include a gunslinger and an eldritch knight cause they run the whole gamut of fighter classes) Facetime her like, “Yikes Ant, heard about what happened with Mom, this is why you don’t fight her lmao.”
Sam Nightingale
This is a heavy one so strap in. 
We check in with Sam who isn’t at her own family’s home but at Penelope’s family home which is off the bat eyebrow raising. It’s an upper middle class house and, on the way down, she has to pass Penelope’s bedroom which is conspicuously empty. Downstairs she’s greeted by Penelope’s human mom Rebecca who she learns is moving out soon because her elf husband is both cheating on her while away in Falinel and starting the divorce process. Sam clearly sees Penelope’s mom as a surrogate mom (for reasons we’ll learn in a second) and goes full ride or die assuring her that her ass is better than the ass of the woman he’s cheating with and offering to help burn his stuff even though drowning is more her specialty (she’s so cool). She also is a little stricken at the thought of Rebecca leaving her in the house alone but Rebecca says she can come with if she wants, she just didn’t want to disrupt her school life.
She also tells Rebecca that her bio-mom called recently which immediately sets Sam off. Through the convo we learn a couple of things:
Sam used to be an actor it seems.
And it seems like she was kicked out of the house after she transitioned or something similar which is why she lives with the Everpetals. 
Now that it’s more “fashionable” to to be trans (her mom’s words, not mine) she wants Sam to talk to her so they can get her back in the game.
Sam is having none of that and tells Rebecca to just delete her mom’s number. Then they have a cathartic session of burning her cheating husband’s shit before Sam leaves in Sebastian--her sentient, seafoam blue, self-driving car with a very hot male voice which I am extremely jealous of. She picks up Zelda on the way to school and they commiserate a little and have a heart to heart about adults and change and how much Zelda wants to body slam Sam’s mom. 
Penny Luckstone 
Penny’s house is a whirlwind of activity and her harried parents get her and her 19 young siblings ready for school (no wonder she’s such a good babysitter). We see where Penny gets her type-A ness from as her mom and dad both have this cheerful but overworked energy of “EVERYTHING IS FINE” like that Good Place sign. Her mom spares a second to tell her that she recently got a letter for The Society of Shadows which is like a super secret rogue college (which her parents assume is legit even though they haven’t heard of it cause they’re Mumple people and also, if you've heard of a rogue school, how good could it really be?) Penny is excited except that it would mean she’d have to move and leave her party. Her mom is like “hey it’s a full ride and there are 20 of you guys so just take that into consideration but it’s ultimately your decision” before she dashes away to get to work because it is always Go Go Go with the Luckstones. She texts Sam for a ride and Sam swings by to grab her. This is not plot relevant but she has a booster seat in the back of Sebastian with her name carved into it and it’s important to me that you know that. 
Katja Cleaver
Next up is Katja who lives in a Richie Rich style mansion and comes from very old money as she is descended from one of the first adventurers in Solace. She is in the barn with Cinnamon and the bugbear farrier they have employed (her name is Gertrude and a farrier is someone who does horseshoes). She eats the same breakfast as Cinnamon (hot dry oats and berries baybee) wo she loves so so dearly. Cinnamon is a magical horse--basically like a Find Steed spell that’s on all the time. She’s modeled the horse in her fave book series--the Babysitter’s Horse of course. Lockwood, the staff’s hobgoblin butler, is also there and they get a fantasy Zoom call from Katja’s dad who is in the middle of the insane 20th level adventurer stuff which he says might make him miss her graduation. She is extremely disappointed but just barely hides it from her dad (who seems to really care despite his not being around). She can’t hide it from the staff or Cinnamon however and Cinnamon offers to give her a ride to school via the scenic route. 
Note: We also learn two sad facts about Katja from the conversation with her dad.
Her mother is Disney Princess dead* and
She wears one half of a friendship necklace and it seems like she’s waiting for someone to give the other half to. It’s implied earlier that the way Penelope got her was by promising to be her best friend. Sad!
*Edit: Well, she’s gone and we’ll leave it at that until next recap. 
Ostentatia Wallace
Ostentatia wakes up and goes downstairs to have a very high energy in both directions interaction with her very fantasy-Italian mom and grandma. Her grandma is concerned her beard isn’t coming in--not knowing she shaves it on purpose which her mom is like, “Listen it’s fine but don’t tell grandma it’ll kill her.” She clocks very quickly that her dad isn’t there and his mithril working tools are gone. Her mom tries to play it off but she knows she’s being lied to and her mom relents. Her dad is at a meeting with the other workers of the shut down mithril factory and negotiations have ceased. It looks like he’s gonna be long term out of work. That explains where her dad is but not why the tools are missing. She decides to go do some investigating on her own and ambushes her dad in his car where, with the inaugural nat 20 of the season, she realizes he pawned his tools to get her 5 revivify diamonds. She's upset by this and he’s upset that she’s, in his eyes, questioning his ability to take care of his family. She’s like, alright, you did a thing for me, I’ll do a thing for you and she casts Animate Object to make his stuff steal itself back in a sequence that involves an animated crowbar using another crowbar which is just wild.
Danielle Barkstock
I’m gonna be real, Danielle’s life is exactly how you assume it is based on Who She Is As A Person so this one will be real short. Eco-friendly off the grid geodesic yurt. One super chill peace and love elf sorc mom and one rough and tough human ranger mom. She also knows and helps the Cubbies with their anarchist machinations because yeah, duh. She gets some messages from school on her crystal--one being a message from the principal saying that she and the rest of her party have first period off to meet with him and the other being a newsletter from the school showing, among other things, a photo of the Druid class doing a project but she’s not in it for some reason. She texts one of the other druids to see if she can figure out why she wasn’t invited but fully gets left on read. Brutal. Of course, she hasn’t messaged that person in 6-8 months so maybe that’s why.
Anyway, with that, all seven of our maidens make it to school and are all exuberant to see each other in a very teen girl way before getting to the principal’s office and learning that their party will be broken up at the year! 
I wanted to do something a little different for these recaps than the Bad Kid ones so instead of Honor Roll/Detention we are doing Superlatives and the inaugural one goes to...
Sam: Most Like To Survive a Horror Movie
Man she woke up chained in a ritual magic circle and she was Ready To Go Immediately. You will not catch this girl doing horror movie victim BS like exploring the spooky house or giving the creepy obvious ghost the time of day. She is hyper-competent and her goal is making it out alive and dragging her friends with her. Love her.  
Random Thoughts
The season immediately starts with a bang or I should say a bing with Izzy trying to say “bling bang” and accidentally saying, “bling bing” and immediately getting roasted by everyone. I love the authentic girl group vibes (which include everyone clowning on her then immediately hyping up Zelda to the max after being way more awkward). 
Handshake meme with Danielle and Moonshine from Naddpod. Also, Cinnamon and Horse from Centaurworld. 
I love that Rekha and Erika just straight up were like, “Our characters are Asian”. Like obviously, make your characters Asian coded in your fantasy world--all my D&D characters are black like me--but it’s funny that they completely disregarded the, “There’s no Asia in this world so I guess they’re this world’s equivalent to--” Nah just, “I’m a half-elf and I’m Asian.” You love to see it. 
I absolutely LOVE the choices the cast made to flesh out their characters based on the little info Brennan had about them, none moreso than rich horse girl Katja. Rekha is a genius. 
“I only want one thing and he’s working” KATJAAAAAAA
Man if I was in that flashback I would have been wilding out so much with my flashback plot armor. 
I appreciate that the first thing that Aabria has Antiope do is extremely uncool. I love it when players aren’t concerned about just being cool and on point all the time. Sometimes (read: often) that’s the less interesting choice. 
But on the exact opposite side, she’s a ranger and an arcane archer which I think is extremely cool. Lmao also I didn’t mention in the recap but she HATES dragons now which, understandable. I’m guessing they're her favored enemy. 
I can’t wait to see another group of kids interact w/ madman Aguefort. 
Also, as a known Aelwyn-stan, I am very excited for the possibility of the Seven interacting with her cause as much as I love her they are under no obligation to acknowledge her redemption arc and I would love to see them throw hands. 
I love the Greek myth naming scheme of Antiope’s extremely cool family as with her on the spot nickname “L-Cab” short for long caboose since she’s the youngest by a mile. 
Also this is out of character not in character but Sephie is an extremely cool nickname for Persephone. 
I wonder why Brennan didn’t let Sam read the Primordial in the cave. He just glossed right past her saying that she speaks it and she didn’t push it. Would it have solved his entire plot in the span of a flashback or was he just keeping things moving?
Sidenote, if I was married to an elf man and worried about aging like Rebecca, I would simply become a druid (or a monk or up my wizard levels so I could learn True Polymorph or Wish or something). 
I wonder what the deal with Ending is. She seemed relatively sincere in the mirror but that doesn’t mean anything. She could be sincere and also Very Bad News. 
There is an offhand comment by Brennan about how the dwarf forge god gives spells but doesn’t talk to his followers which I think means that Ostentatia is gonna be getting a direct god call soon enough. 
Also she mentions that her dad is doing some criminal activity on the side which seems like a Problem for later. Honestly all of the kids have some pretty rich parent drama happening which should be interesting to see explored. 
No nat 1s this ep and 1 nat 20 as I mention from Ostentatia. 
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among the fields of gold - c. mcavoy
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Pairing: Charlie McAvoy x female!OC
Summary: A little sneak peek into the future of charlie and nellie from i’m so glad to know as they attend the 2026 Olympics 
Word Count: 4,682
A/N: Just the most self-indulgent little fluff I could come up with because I love writing them.
Warnings: none! the smallest hint of adult content but that’s about it.
“This is so fucking cool – did you ever actually tell me how cool it was to be at the Olympics?” Charlie was bouncing along the streets of Milan and swinging Eleanora’s hand as they went, a couple of other Team USA players behind them as they used the off day to do the touristy things they hadn’t yet been able to do during the first round of games.
“You’ve done plenty of World’s before, it’s almost the same.”
“It absolutely is not.” He argued back, glancing down and smirking at the little scowl on her face. He ignored the groans of a couple from the guys at the fact they were about to start bickering. It wasn’t their fault; he didn’t invite the idiots to come with them.
“You’re just excited because you’re staying in the Village and there are a bunch of girls there too – you don’t get that at World’s.”
“Yeah, I’m there for the girls.” He rolled his eyes and squeezed her hand before leaning over to kiss the top of her head.
The team was housed on their own floor in the dedicated USA building and it was like being back on a road trip in Peewees. They’d cruised through the round-robin, winning every game in their group and were heading into the elimination games. A lot of the guys had played together for years through development camps and national teams and they felt good about their chances.
They’d been wandering the streets of Milan, seeing as much of the sites as they could since all they’d seen were the inside of rinks. While Charlie had wanted to spend it just with Eleanora, some of the guys had caught him in the lobby with her on their way back from breakfast and insisted on joining them. She had pretty much become their team mascot: at every game, made a new sign for each and chatted with all the families happily. It made something in him burst in pride at the sight of her fitting so seamlessly into his life now. It hadn’t been an easy road to get there.
“Can you two not?” one of the Hughes brothers interrupted.
“Yeah, let’s stop this before it really gets rolling.” Matthew Tkachuk cut in, sweeping past Charlie with a smirk as he hit his shoulder and made his way across the square towards the Duomo. A few of the other guys sped passed them, running around the square and changing pigeons.
“And for a former Olympian, could you walk any slower?” Auston Matthews teased as he came right up close behind them.
Annoyed, Charlie shoved his teammate away just as Eleanora pinched his side. “I’m sorry, put some respect on the only gold medalist in this little crew right now. Also, I’m six months pregnant, dick head – you try carrying a bowling ball around your middle on these cobblestone ass streets.”
“Technically, a McAvoy has a gold medal – shouldn’t have changed your last name, babe.” Auston grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders but making sure to gently guide her as they walked around the various tourists and other athletes who had done the same thing they did.  
“Can you get the fuck away from my wife?” Charlie groaned, checking Auston away so he could pull Eleanora into his side.
The rest of the guys walked ahead, leaving the two of them alone. Charlie smiled down at the way Eleanora was basking in the bright, cold air, her cheeks flushed and nose a little pink. There was a visible glow around her. He’d always thought it was bullshit when they said pregnant woman glowed but since the second she’d taken the test, there was a light happy aura around her. Walking with her tucked into him like she was slowed them down but Charlie liked making sure Eleanora was okay, to the point that she might kill him at some point if he asked her again how she was feeling.
“How are you – ”
“Don’t you dare ask how I feel right now, Charlie McAvoy.”
He pouted down at her. “It’s a valid question, they keep you scheduled so late for some of the media shit.”
“It’s called my job, babe.” She hip checked him gently. She’d stayed involved in the figure skating community and this year they’d invited her to provide commentary for the ladies’ singles. Turns out she was incredibly personable in front of the cameras and enjoyed talking to the young skaters. “I’m just happy none of your games conflict with the skating. I don’t think they’d love me ‘calling out sick’ only to have me show up on TV on the glass yelling at you to play better.”
“Excuse you, I have the most minutes played and highest rating.”
“Yes, baby – you’re very highly rated.” She snuggled into his side, and he laughed when she slid her hand into his back pocket and squeezed his ass.
The pair of them walked slowly around the square, laughing at the guys as they ran around. A few of Team Canada showed up along with a few of the Czech players. Since most of the teams were made up of NHLers, all the teams were friendly off-ice and trying to control them was like corralling kids at their first away tournament. A few fans stopped them as they went but most of them were interested in getting pictures with Eleanora rather than any of the guys, something the team loved to tease Charlie about. Joke was on them, he couldn’t be more proud to watch the way people adored her.
“How’s my boy doing?” he changed tactics as a group of young girls walked away after spending five minutes taking pictures with her and asking what it was like to win gold.
“I think he wants pizza and pasta.”
“Pizza and pasta? Not or?”
“You’re really gonna ask how I feel then judge your pregnant wife for wanting all the food?” the glare she shot him was enough to have him throwing his hands up in defense.
He leaned down to kiss her but she dodged him. “No way, bud – find me food then you can kiss me.”
“In my defense, I asked what my son wants to eat – you’re incidental to me checking up on him.”
“Do you want to die? Is that your plan? You want Team USA hockey to lose the gold because their captain was murdered by his pregnant wife?”
“Why’s Goldie threatening your life?” Jake popped up behind them, scaring the shit out of Charlie while Eleanora had seen him coming.
“He’s judging how much I want to eat.”
“Well, come on my fellow sewer rat – if Chuckie won’t love you right, I will.”
Jake offered her his hand and she took it, tossing a teasing smile behind her as the two of them started towards one of the side streets to find a suitable restaurant leaving Charlie to scurry after them.
--- ---
Eleanora chewed distractedly on her cuticle, staring at the clean sheet of ice waiting for the guys to step on for warmups. As she had for every single game, she was standing on the glass at the corner where her and his family had sat for the entirety of the tournament. The jersey of Charlie’s she had on barely fit over her belly and the maternity leggings made her feel like a sausage. Bouncing on the balls of her feet anxiously, she was as nervous as she’d been for her own gold medal skate.
“How’re you feeling?” a voice interrupted her nervous thoughts and she glanced over to see her father-in-law sliding into the seat next to her. After the first win, they’d sat in the same order they’d been in for every other game that followed. While Charlie wasn’t overly superstitious, Eleanora was and there’d been half a dozen little rituals she’d come up with for this Olympics.
“Jesus, your son ask you to ask me that?” she teased back at Charlie Sr. She rubbed her belly slightly and tried not to wince at the pain in her back. “Pretty sure this asshole is sitting right on my sciatic nerve.”
“Can you not call my first grandson an asshole?” Charlie’s mom appeared on her other side, looping her arm through hers. “But seriously, you alright?”
“No pain I haven’t dealt with before but this kid is already putting me through the wringer. I have to do this for 3 more months?”
Mrs. McAvoy frowned sympathetically and rubbed her arm softly. “Sorry, Ellie but yes. It’ll be worth it though.”
Just as she spoke, the guys stepped out and Eleanora zeroed in on Charlie leading the way, pushing the pucks off the edge of the bench and onto the ice.
“I can’t believe this – my son is going to be an Olympic medalist no matter what.” His mom said, sniffling slightly as she watched them start skating.
“We want gold, Jen – right, kid?” Senior nudged her in the side.
Eleanora smiled slightly. “I just want him to do the best he can.”
“Bullshit, you’re more competitive than he is. I saw you cursing him out last game for - and I quote - ‘a bullshit lazy turnover’.” Holly added as she joined the conversation, pushing her mom out of the seat next to Eleanora so she could keep the right lineup. 
They all laughed while she just shrugged. “No one plays for second place...although I do kinda like being the only gold medalist. It’s how I get him to do things for me when I think I deserve them.”
The noise in the arena started to swell as the Canadians took the ice and Eleanora felt the familiar buzz and thrill of the pressure building. She hadn’t been able to see Charlie this morning, only getting a quick FaceTime as she’d been wrapping up interviews with some of the figure skaters who were getting ready for their final performance the following day.
“How was he this morning?”  
Kayla shrugged. “Quiet. He missed you.”
She frowned, cursing herself for not having been there. It was their routine for the last few years, she was always the last person to see him before he went into the locker room for a big game. It felt like a bad omen that she’d missed giving him a last kiss before the biggest game of his career.
But just then Charlie skated by them for the first time, helmet off and his hair flowing behind him. He tapped the glass as he went by but kept skating in loops. After a couple laps and drills, he returned to the corner and stopped in front of her.
She couldn’t hear him over the crowd but he was pointing at her and gesturing halfway across the rink to where there was an opening in the boards. She followed where he was pointing to see one of the arena staff standing by the entrance to the locker rooms and she got the hint, squeezing through the seats as fast she could. The belly didn’t exactly help her move quickly or the people that kept trying to stop her.
He was already waiting for her by the time she reached the space, his gloves off and resting on the side. He reached out for her and she stepped eagerly towards him. On skates he was so much taller than her that she had to stand on tip toe just to wrap her arms around his neck. She was cognizant of the eyes of those in the area on them and she was sure there were cameras zooming in too.
“I couldn’t play the biggest game of my life without getting my good luck kiss.”
The stares and camera clicks faded away as she stared up at him. Knowing how the media was obsessed with “Their Story”, this was bound to be everywhere in no time. It’s why they liked their moment to be private before a game but right now, Eleanora couldn’t quite care because all she wanted was Charlie to win.
Gently, he brushed her stomach and just as he did, the baby gave a hard kick. Charlie grinned, leaning down to press his lips firmly to hers and she smiled into the kiss. “I think someone’s telling you he wants you to win.”
“I plan on winning it for his momma, gotta impress her.” He smirked, his face still inches from hers.
“I love you, baby – so fucking much.” She pressed one final kiss to his lips. “I’m not gonna tell you just making it to the gold medal game is an achievement – even though it is. You know what you need to do. Go fucking win it.”
“I shoulda had you do the pump-up speech for the boys.” He kissed her nose quickly before pulling back and grabbing his gloves to return to warmups. “I love you, babe – see you on the ice after.”
She watched him skate away, her palm flat against her belly and she felt another strong kick. Rubbing her stomach she looked down at the USA stretched across her front, smiling softly as she whispered to herself.
“Don’t worry, little man – daddy’s gonna win it for us.”
--- ---
The second period started with the game tied at two. Charlie had an assist and had already spent almost twelve minutes on the ice. Despite most of the off-ice friendships and even teammates who were playing against each other it was getting chippy. They all clearly wanted it and weren’t holding back. Tkachuk had managed to draw three penalties while only going to the box once himself.
Eleanora felt like she was going to lose her voice the amount she’d been screaming throughout the game. It seemed like part of Team Canada’s game strategy was to go after Charlie as much as possible. They’d been hitting him hard and there’d been one particularly nasty penalty he drew when Chabot leveled him with a late hit. Charlie had been slow to get up from that one but within the first thirty seconds of the powerplay, he’d put a pass right on Auston’s tape for the tying goal.
There had always been something both exhilarating and nerve-wracking about watching Charlie play. When he was on the ice, she only watched him, not even noticing where the puck was or what action was happening unless he was involved.
It was partially how she was able to react a second before the rest of the rink when she saw Chabot coming from behind him, hitting him hard and sending Charlie headfirst into the boards. He was splayed out flat on the ice while his teammates immediately rushed to his defense, Auston and Tkachuk jumping Chabot before Auston was pulled away by Dougie Hamilton. Eleanora felt like climbing over the glass to get to him and Kayla was gripping her arm tightly.
“Get up. Get up. Get up, Junior.” His dad was begging while Eleanora just kept staring in horror.
After what felt like hours but was probably only a minute, he slowly tucked his legs up under him and managed to get to a kneeling position just as the team doctor reached him. He was clearly still dazed, holding one hand on his helmet as he slowly got up. Gaudreau had come over and was kneeling next to him, offering to help him up but Charlie waved him off.
The arena applauded as he stood up, but Eleanora couldn’t feel the relief everyone else did as she watched them lead Charlie to the locker room.
“He’s okay. He got up on his own. They just have to check him out for protocol. He’s okay.” Kayla was chanting and all Eleanora wanted to do was rush to the locker room. Instead of watching the rest of the game, she stared at the locker room entrance, praying Charlie would return to the bench.
They ended the second period down by one and only during the intermission did she let herself pull her phone out to find the replay of the hit. They all huddled around together watching intently, only slightly reassured that Charlie had gotten up on his own and made his way quickly down the tunnel without support. It felt like time was moving in slow motion as the ice was cleaned. Finally, the lights dimmed again and the players started back out on the ice.
It felt like a weight was lifted when she saw Charlie hop out last, doing quick laps to warm back up as he shook his legs out. As he went by them, he tapped the glass and Eleanora felt like she was going to cry just from the quick wink he gave her.
“Thank god.” His mom sighed a breath and Eleanora felt lightheaded as she rubbed her stomach aimlessly. The baby had been active all game, bouncing around and kicking more than usual. It’s like he could sense what was happening around them.  
The third period wasn’t any less stressful, Team Canada was clearly content to play defense while Team USA threw everything at them but couldn’t seem to find the back of the net. But then in the last 27 seconds of the game, Charlie caught a pass from Quinn Hughes and buried it in the top corner of the net to tie the game. The roar of the arena felt deafening as they all jumped up and down, screaming happily while the players mobbed their captain. The crowd clearly expected overtime, neither team wanting to give one up in the remaining seconds of the game.
But then Conor McDavid of all people misplayed the puck in the neutral zone and it landed on Jack Eichel’s stick who shot down the ice on a breakaway with only 7 seconds to go, shifting to his backhand as he slid the puck between the goalie’s legs.
If it was possible, the roof would’ve blown off the top of the arena. Team USA hadn’t won since the 1980 Miracle on Ice game and the place was shaking with excitement. USA gear and equipment was strewn across the ice like confetti while Team Canada stared on in disbelief, some kneeling together watching while others had already started to make their way towards the locker room.
People were hugging her tightly and screaming in her ear. Eleanora wasn’t even sure they were all people she knew. Charlie Sr. pulled her away from whoever was holding her and into a tight hug while the rest of the family crowded around jumping as they celebrated. She didn’t even realize she was crying until she tried to spot Charlie on the ice but her vision was blurry.
Sobbing into one hand, the other pressed tight against her stomach she felt another strong kick which only made her sob harder. It was better than her own win because she hadn’t had any true family to celebrate with besides her coaches who had become replacement parents to her. This was entirely different and felt like they’d all won it.
The celebrations continued on the ice as the McAvoys all made their way towards the same opening Eleanora had talked to Charlie before the game start. Other wives and families were already there, pulling each other into hugs, most of the moms crying happily while a few of the dads tried to fight their own tears except for Jim Hughes who was openly crying as he held his wife tightly to him.
Standing on the glass so she could watch, Eleanora scanned the sea of blue jerseys to try to find Charlie, biting her lip to try to stop crying. She was still contemplating scaling the glass but knew the guys deserved to celebrate with their team first.
Finally, her impatience grew and Eleanora, just popped the door open and started to make her way onto the ice. Once the dam broke, the rest of the families followed, ignoring the staff asking for them to stay off the ice until they had carpets laid down.
It was decidedly difficult to maneuver on the ice in sneakers and a pregnant belly but she moved as quickly and carefully as she could towards her target. Their eyes locked and Charlie broke away from the guys to get to her. When he reached her, he went right for her waist, dragging her up and off the ice as he twirled her around as she held tightly to him.
Neither of them spoke at first as Eleanora pressed kisses all over his face as he laughed until he could kiss her back. It was awkward to be held up so Charlie carefully set her down on the ice, one hand tucking protectively against her back so she wouldn’t slip and the other pressed gently on her belly as he leaned down for the sweetest kiss they’d ever shared.
“I told you I’d win it for you.” He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers.
“Not before scaring the shit out of me first.” She shot back but squeezed his waist tightly, her face landing in the sweaty material. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Teddy.”
She stared up at him, and despite the fact that he had just won the biggest game of his life, he was staring at her like they were the only two people in the world.
“This is almost as good as our wedding night.”
She gave a watery chuckle in return. “Just the wedding night not the wedding itself?”
“Eh, that was okay too.” He teased just as the rest of his family joined them. Reluctantly, she released him so he could hug his family, stepping back to give them a moment.
A few of the guys paused to hug her as they went by but mostly she just stood there watching Charlie beaming at everyone around him. The camera crews were starting to show up as the staff worked to get the carpets out and set up the podiums. Eleanora knew they wouldn’t get a private moment together for hours and she tried to melt into the background but Charlie was having none of that, snagging her hand and dragging her towards him as they started to interview him.
From her position under his arm, she stared up at him as he spoke, beaming proudly as he talked about the win and how special it was for them. She was so focused on him she didn’t realized they’d asked her a question.
“Nellie.” Charlie whispered, nudging her with a nose to the top of her head and she glanced at the reporter who was beaming at her.
“I was just asking how this compares to your own gold medal win just four years ago?” they repeated the question.
Eleanora grinned and squeezed his side tighter. “There’s no comparison.” She started, enjoying some of the frowns that followed before continuing. “What Charlie and the boys did was so beyond historic and I’m so proud to have been able to watch it happen. This team worked so hard and never gave up. I’m just thrilled I was able to share in it. Although I’m pretty pissed that I can’t win arguments anymore by saying ‘well I have a gold medal so you have to do what I say’.”
Everyone laughed in response, Charlie squeezing her side lightly.
“I’m sure you guys haven’t seen yet but the video of you two right before the game has become quite popular.” Eleanora flushed slightly as they continued. “Charlie – did you get any last minute advice?”
She pinched his side, hoping he’d lie but the smirk on his face already told her differently. “She pretty much told me that just getting to the medal game wasn’t enough and that I knew what to do. Pretty sure the exact words were ‘now go fucking win it’ and honestly, I can’t really say no to my wife so I did.”
--- ---
It was nearly three hours later by the time Eleanora and Charlie were walking into her hotel room and shutting the door so they were finally alone. They were planning on changing then meeting up with everyone to celebrate. Most of the guys’ flights weren’t for another day or two so they planned to enjoy what little remained of their Olympic break before they’d have to return to their teams for the rest of the season.
Charlie face planted onto the king-size bed. “Fuck, you’ve been sleeping on this for two weeks while I’ve been on the worst twin mattress in the world?”
Eleanora giggled, pulling her jersey off leaving on her loose t-shirt, she slipped out of her sneakers and kicked them towards the door so she could sit and join him on the bed. Despite how happy she was, she was exhausted and the pain in her back went from dull to stabbing on a dime. It took a little effort for her to climb up onto the bed and get comfy as she curled up on her side.
Charlie inched up so his nose was brushing against her swollen belly. Her hand immediately fell to his hair, running her fingers through gently and scratching his scalp. He brought his arm up so he was hugging her middle and pressed his lips against her.
“Hi, Tripp.” He whispered causing Eleanora to tug his hair gently.
“Baby, no. Even if he ends up Charlie the third, we are not calling him Tripp.”
Charlie ignored her. “Ignore mommy, I’ll make sure you get a cool nickname.”
She rolled her eyes but he kept talking. “I don’t know if you heard all that noise but now you have two parents with gold medals. We’re pretty big deals.”
“Kid was bouncing all over the place for most of the game before settling directly on my sciatic nerve so I couldn’t get comfortable.”
“Be nice to mommy, sweet boy.” He mumbled and pressed a kiss to her stomach before turning up so he could stare at her. “I think I won because of you.”
“You won because you’re an amazing hockey player and leader. You did this. Next up you can win us a Cup.” She smiled softly, stroking his hair as he crawled up so their faces were level. They lay there quietly together, staring at each other and enjoying the peace. They’d both turned their phones off, telling his family they’d see them at the restaurant that USA hockey had reserved for them. For now, they just wanted to be alone.
Carefully, Eleanora brushed Charlie’s hair off his forehead. “Your head okay? I might kill that Canadian fuck.”
Charlie laughed but cringed slightly. His head hurt more than he let on but he passed concussion protocol and had a few days off before he’d have to be back on the ice for a game.
“Are you okay? I know when you’re in pain, Nellie.”
She winced despite trying to smile as he tucked his hand under her top to lay on her bare skin, soothingly running his thumb along belly.
“Just pregnancy, or so I’m told. I need to figure out how to get him off this nerve or I’m gonna spend the flight pacing the aisles because I won’t be able to sit.”
Charlie frowned. “I hate seeing you in pain. And I’m worried you won’t want the five that I want if this one is such a pain in the ass.”
She snorted, inching forward to kiss him softly. “Let’s get through meeting this little man first then we’ll talk more, kay?”
“You’re the love of my fucking life, you know that?” he gripped her neck gently.
Smiling, she leaned forward to steal another kiss. “Lucky for you, it’s mutual. Now…I bet we could find a comfy position for you to fuck me in before we have to go to the restaurant.”
A slow smirk spread across Charlie’s face as he rolled her carefully onto her back so he could lean over her.
“I can definitely do that.”
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nebelihood · 3 years
Written Continuation of The Looney Tunes Show Comic
//I never write scripts cause I hate them, I like to draw everything, like go directly to the storyboard you might say, but I don't have time rn and yesterday before going to sleep this idea came to me so I wrote a crappy script of how the episode might go.
Here's the link to what I'm talking about
ALSO- here idk if Bugs and Daffy are dating, Lola and Bugs aren't but idk how things are, It's kinda hard to imagine them together ON THE ACTUAL SHOw, since Daffy is kinda mean here and idk I didn't want to make it toxic, I'll figure something out, just imagine this as if it was the actual show//
Crappy script:
//Also, any suggestion on how to improve, I will really appreciate them! I know I didn't write the INT/DAY/BUGS' HOUSE thingy but I completely forgot, sorry. Also some verbs might be wrong and some words might be incorrect, sorry//
Bugs inside the house is putting batteries on the remote control when his phone starts ringing. it's porky and he's nervous.
Bugs: Hi porky, what's up?
Porky: b-b-bugs you gotta- gotta help!!!
Bugs worried now: what's wrong?
Porky:t-t-this weekend i-im gonna celebrate my anniversary w-w-with Petunia! I-i don't know what to do!
Bugs moving himself around the house: Just take her to dinner in a nice place
Porky upset: I-I can't do that! T-thats t-t-too ch-cheap a-and c-careless! It has to be something big! What did y-you for y-your anniversary w-with Lola?
Bugs with an annoyed and bored face: We went to dinner on a nice place.
Pory: O-oh...
Lola and Daffy make their way inside the house and go to rhe sofa without the groceries. Bugs looks at them in confusion while heads out of the house.
Bugs: I don't know porky! What does she like? Maybe you can do something she likes for your anniversary.
Porky full of excitement:O-oh! She loves roller coasters a-and-
Bugs happy to find a good idea: That's perfect! The Roller coasters fair is coming up this weekend!
Porky now worried: O-Oh...
Bugs confused: what?
Porky: I-I don't kn-know, I-Im scared of rolller coasters.
Bugs with a tired face: Oh boy...
Porky: I-I don't know Bugs,.I-I'll try t-t-to th-think on something else
Bugs: Okay Porks
They both hang up.
Bugs realices that all the groceries are inside the car and no one helped. He looks back at the house annoyed.
-Short black screen-
Bugs finising putting the groceries inside the kitchen
Bugs annoyed: I little help would have been nice
Daffy annoyingly watching the tv: Yeah, I agree, but the chófer wasted too much time parking and messed everything up!
Bugs rolls his eyes angrily but starts watching the show from the kitchen cause something called his attention.
Police off duty: (I forgot the name of the Chófer so I'll call him Frank) Frank! You really messed up, if you had been on time we wouldn't have stopped him!
Frank: (I also forgot the name of the police so I'll call him huh... P cause i think he was a police) I think you are under appreciating my help, P
P: Huh?
A close up begins on the Frank character as he says: I wake up and drive you whenever you call me, I'm always there on time and I never whine, we always catch the bag guys but this time since I was a little distracted with something. I don't mind doing these things for you but I'd certainly appreciate a little gratitude from you.
P: You are right Frank, I'm sorry
Now we can dee Bugs who is really surprised with how the episode went really well with the situation. Now Bugs looks at Daffy with a not surprised face.
Bugs: Does that ring any bells, Daffy?
Daffy frowns thinking.
Daffy: Hmmmn... Oh yeah! You forgot to buy these things from the grocerie store.
Daffy hands a list without even looking towards Bugs. Bugs with all hope lost rolls his eyes and sighs as he takes the list. Bugs starts heading out. (i think Lola could say something funny here to close the scene but I couldn't of what, i thought she could ask Bugs ro bring her something from the store or both, daffy and Lola called him simp at the same time when bugs left the house but idkk,tske any of those options)
-another short black screen??-
Bugs at the store with a shipping car and looking at the things he still need to get with a sort of tired sad face. From a distance a selling voice says: Are you tired from doing everything at home?! Are you tired of people always depending on you?! Are you tired of your clingy roommate who can't do anything by himself?!
Bugs half surprised and half confused: These things keep conveniently happening.
Bugs get closer to the place where the voice is. Its a small circus like local inside the shop. (Sort of where people read the future in fairs) (picture the character you want here cause idk)
Bugs peeks his head inside the local
Other character: Hi sr! Welcome! Any of these questions called your attention.
Bugs relaxed face comes up: Eeeeehh, just all of them.
Character: Oh! goddie! Or baddie! Or goddie I should say cause I have the solution- right here!
The character pulls out a weird looking chain clock. Bugs points at it half scared half confused.
Bugs: what's that?
Character: It's a clock for hypnosis! Anyone can use it!
Bugs looks confused.
Character: So with this clock you can hypnose other people to do what they never usually do! And finally have some rest.
Bugs still confused but amazed: And you are just selling this on the grocerie store?
The character annoyed: Ya want the clock or not?
Bugs pulling out his wallet: Eeeh, having the option wouldn't hurt.
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