#seasonal work is the most addicting fulfilling and exhausting thing I’ve ever done
clownboyskingdom · 1 year
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Road update: Made it to our first resting point at my seasonal friend’s place of residence! We’re stopping here with the cat for a few days before I head out solo (+The Captain 🐱) on Saturday, then resting back home until heading 12 hours west to the next job!!
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lizzy-c807fanfics · 6 years
Jones Family Candy Store 8. (final)
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Killian and his brother Liam inherited their Grandfather's Candy store. It was a magical place when Killian was growing up. The brothers decided to update the store and have a web page designed to increase their business. They decided to hire consultants to help get the job done before Christmas. Little did they know their hearts might get a makeover too.
This story is lots of Holiday fluff. 8 chapter story (ch7, M)
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Chapter 8
The weeks that followed were the busiest that the store had ever been. Their customers loved the new changes in the shop, especially the children. While Emma couldn’t be with him in person they kept in contact via text when they could. She and Elsa were also busy with their new client. Their work schedules made it difficult for them to get together but they made it work. They were closer than ever even though they were apart.
They each vowed to treasure the moments they could get. They grabbed quick lunches together or had late night dates. His favorite were the latter because they would end up falling asleep together out of exhaustion while watching Netflix.
The night’s he wasn’t with Emma he spent in the shop making candy. He enjoyed his work but with the internet orders coming in too he needed help. Even Liam tried to help one evening, the man was just not good in the kitchen. After Liam’s disastrous evening covered in chocolate he agreed to hire on additional chocolatiers to help fulfill the orders for the season. If Liam’s projections for the website sales were correct, they planned to keep them on full time. They were both hopeful that would be the case.  
He was looking forward to the holidays this year for two reasons, he’d get to spend them with Emma and it also meant the end of the holiday shopping season which would require less of him in the store. January was typically a lighter month, many of their patrons tried to get rid of the extra pounds of holiday weight they’d gained so they tried to avoid stepping into the shop, at least until Valentine ’s Day.
The introduction of the web orders might change this but if not they had the tourist crowd and the regulars to keep them afloat. He also knew that historically after the holidays was the best time to take a vacation. Based on Emma’s calculations, which he learned were spot on, her project would be wrapping up too. He was counting on it because he’d already booked an island trip for them.
It was something he’d always wanted to do and in fact they’d be cruising on a fantasy pirate boat for part of it called The Jolly Roger. That part of the trip even included fantasy costumes that they could wear on board to make it more authentic. That just made his decision even easier since he’d always loved Pirate lore. The thought of Emma dressed as a wench was also a plus. They just had to make it through these next few weeks and it would all play out.  
He only needed to get his fool of a brother to act on his feelings for Elsa. He couldn’t believe he still hadn’t asked the woman out on a date. He’d kept them out of the conversation with Emma for a while but one night he broke the brotherly code and asked her.
Apparently Elsa was also “frozen” in this regard. She’d also been considering asking Liam for a date but was afraid he’d think it was too forward. He laughed at the fact that his brother was such a traditional stubborn arse and that Elsa was perfect for him.
They devised a plan to get them together. He was to call Emma and tell her there were problems with the website that he needed Elsa to address right away. Emma was going to make sure they were having lunch in town close enough to the shop so that Elsa would show up in person to fix it.
Emma had to pick the only restaurant close enough to them without Wifi, Granny’s. She wasn’t having any of that newfangled technology in her establishment. Emma had also gotten Elsa addicted to Granny’s onion rings so she figured Elsa wouldn’t fight her on the choice.
He went into the shop just like any other morning. He was mid-way through the routine when Liam arrived with coffee. “Good Morning Brother. Coffee for me?”
Liam nodded. “Granny said to say Hello and thanks for the pralines. They went perfectly with her caramel cheesecake special yesterday.”
Killian smiled. ”Did you bring me a slice?”
Liam pat him on the shoulder. “She sold out in the first hour.”
“Oh well. Scarlett’s in back getting boxes ready for shipment.”
Liam smiled. “Glad to hear it. What about your new guys?”
“Lumiere is in back. He’s already mid-way done the batch of orders that came in yesterday and Nemo is due in later today. I still can’t believe how lucky we are to have found them. Their work is impeccable.”
“It is. Any word from Emma and Elsa on the project?”
He knew that Liam was really looking to hear more about Elsa, what a stubborn arse. He decided to play with him a little. “The ladies are doing fine. Emma said that there is a guy from the business next door to where they are working that keeps hitting on Elsa.”
Liam turned to face him with his eyebrow raised. “Is that so? Do you think she likes him?”
“Aye but Emma doesn’t think she is interested in him.”
Liam seemed to relax after his comment but he knew that little poke might have done the trick.  “I’m going to head in back to help Lumi. We should have those orders complete by closing so Scarlett can ship tomorrow.”
Liam nodded. “Ok, I’ll take care of things out here. “
He smiled to himself and head to the back. “Great, Thanks for the coffee.”
Just as they planned he got a text message from Emma at lunch time. He’d stayed in the back deliberately to ensure that Liam did not leave the shop. He placed the call to Emma to set things in motion. He knew that if Liam saw Elsa he’d have to make a move, especially if he thought another man might do it first.
They couldn’t have planned it any better. As soon as Elsa heard about the problem she jumped up quickly and gathered her things. Emma couldn’t hardly text him fast enough to let him know at the pace Elsa was walking.
He rushed out front to be there when they came in. “Hey Little Brother, all finished? I’m famished and thinking about going out for a bite.”
He was just about to answer when the women rushed in and interrupted him. “Liam, I’m so sorry. Let me check into this right away. Can I use your office?” said Elsa.
Liam’s expression of shock forced him to look away. He was afraid he’d burst out in a fit of laughter if he looked at him.
Liam moved from behind the counter to greet her. “Ah, Elsa. I’m happy to see you but I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Emma had joined him in the corner, not looking at the confused pair.
“Killian called and said the website was down, that the orders weren’t going through.” Said Elsa.
“Brother, what is the meaning of this?” asked Liam.
He looked at Emma and her grin was as bad as his. They turned around to face them. “Ah, well you see I just thought, well we just thought that you two might enjoy some time together.” He never saw two people get red in the face faster but thankfully his brother stepped up.
Liam turned to face Elsa. “He’s right. I’ve missed you these past few weeks. I’ve wanted to call but I was just afraid you didn’t think of me like that.”
Elsa’s eyes widened. “Liam, I feel the same way and of course I think of you like that. You are the best person I’ve ever met.”
Liam smiled softly. “I feel the same of you. I should have asked you sooner. I’m a fool and I hope you can forgive me.”
“Of course. How about we go out tonight and you can make it up to me?” asked Elsa.
Liam laughed. “Sounds good. I’ve got the perfect place.”
“Any clues?”
“I think I’ll take a page out of my brother’s book and surprise you.”
Elsa nodded.” Pick me up at 7?”
“Sounds good.”
Emma was leaning into his side with her arm wrapped around him. They’d both just witnessed the most stubborn people they know finally get together. It just felt right to have her there by his side. He looked over to his Grandfather’s picture on the wall and smiled.  This shop was truly magical just as he’d always thought.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   
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crushingonrazz · 7 years
Roommate Bros One-Shot
Rating: Mature
UL!Sans & UF!Papyrus (also background Magenta)
W: sex addiction and loneliness/depression
Roommate Bros is a fic that I co-wrote with the amazing @queenofbiscuits​ over on Ao3! It was an amazing project that we both had a ton of fun working on! I don’t feel comfortable posting up the whole thing, since I wasn’t the only one that wrote it, but I would still love it if you guys would go check it out in full!
Below the cut, I’ve added my personal favorite chapter from RB, a one-shot that I wrote to delve into Lust’s character so I think it’s okay? (Fresh if you don’t want this on mine let me know, I can take it down). Consider it a teaser trailer for if you click that link up there lol. This won’t be the only RB thing I ever post since there’s a chapter in COSOS as well, but I just wanted to post this! Enjoy!
The first time Lust met one of his alternates, he got slapped across the face.
Looking back, it wasn't particularly surprising, but at the time, he remembered being extremely confused. He had found himself, along with his brother, tossed through the void and into a world where the native version of himself wore a comfortable blue hoodie and made a habit of leaning against the nearest wall in a tired sort of way that automatically made Lust offer to help him fall asleep. Comic, as he was later dubbed, had gawked at him for a long moment, then reached out and delivered a stinging smack that left Lust reeling with the unexpectedness of it. He'd just been being nice, and it wasn't like he wasn't always down to help if it included that.
Before too long, though, he was educated, through a few more slaps and a lot of yelling on the part of the SwapFell brothers. This world, and the majority of the worlds in the multiverse, didn’t exactly have the same views on sex as his world did.
Lust wasn't sure exactly what caused it, but he remembered the moment when it finally clicked for him that his access to the activity would be much decreased. His panic attack had come seemingly out of nowhere, and his brother had been extremely concerned. The soft turtleneck sweater Pink had been wearing seemed to grate against Lust’s bones, seeming to mock him with the modesty of it, and it just drove him further into his own mind.
He needed sex. Sex was...His method of coping. He would get lost inside himself, hating the world and his place in it, unable to function unless he'd been fucked until he couldn't think any more.
He didn't know why all of the others seemed to think they were so much better than he was. He'd been drinking with Comic, and he was pretty sure that there was nothing sadder than when he got going. He'd seen Red work his way through eight packs of cigarettes in a single afternoon, and even if Blue was too naive to realize that Italian seasoning wasn't usually kept in plastic bags, everyone else knew what Stretch got up to when his mind got the best of him.
So where the fuck did they get off judging him for his coping mechanisms? At least he could remember what he'd done the next morning.
Even once they got to the surface, things barely got easier. There were more people, sure, but sex with humans didn't feel nearly as satisfying as it did with other monsters. There was a lack of connection, almost no involvement of souls. It distracted him and fulfilled his need for physical affection, sure, but it just didn't...fill him. At least...not in the way he’d grown to crave so desperately.
Even as the empty hole inside him grew deeper, his brother seemed to get happier and happier. He’d never had the same problems as Lust, his had been a different kind of loneliness. Before too long, he found himself showered in kisses and affection and attention without needing to use his usual methods, courtesy of Lust’s alternate from UnderFell.
Things really seemed to reach their lowest point when the two announced their engagement. Lust was happy for his brother, he really was! In fact, he was ecstatic!
Right up until he realized that this meant he would be left to live alone in his house.
The thought terrified him. The house, which had previously felt almost too small for his normal tastes, now seemed infinitely too big and empty, what with Pink having left to live in the Fell brothers’ home until such a time as the two could find their own space. He dreaded the wedding, having to resist begging his brother to not leave him so permanently or to not get married. But the day came, and Lust found himself going through the motions of congratulations almost as though he was watching it all through someone else’s eyes, holding back tears and the urge to go find someone to lose himself in.
“You seem absolutely overjoyed to be here.”
The voice was unexpected, and Lust jolted suddenly, glancing up at the speaker. The wedding was over, but they were in the midst of the reception, and Lust had found a table in the back to sit and pretend this wasn't happening, to pretend that he wouldn’t have to go back to an empty house at the end of the night and know for a fact that his brother was never coming back.
Red's brother stood in front of him. They'd spoken a few times before, settling details and setting up dates for different meetings and events. As their brothers’ best men, they'd been forced to interact many times, actually, despite the other's apparent distaste for him. Lust couldnt understand why the other seemed to take such great delight in being an asshole, he got on with Pink almost too well.
When Lust didn't respond, Fell continued, sitting at the table and propping his feet up on the chair that stood between them. “Seriously, if I didn't know any better, I’d think you were at a funeral.”
Lust grimaced at him and sipped at his drink, electing not to respond. The other rolled his eyes and joined him in his silence. Despite the almost prickly air that surrounded him, Lust found himself relaxing slightly. He'd been craving the proximity of another monster but none of these assholes seemed to be willing to get within ten feet of him, as though they were afraid he'd try to fuck them right there in the middle of his brother's wedding.
Screw them. He'd have at least been polite enough to meet them in the bathroom. He wasn't a fucking animal.
There was an uncomfortable silence between them, broken only by the laughter of the other partygoers, before Fell spoke again. “May I be honest with you for a moment?”
Lust spared him a withering look, then nodded slightly. Why the fuck not.
“I share the sentiment.”
Lust turned to look at him fully, surprised. Fell had seemed almost as invested in this wedding as their brothers.
Fell saw the look and shrugged. “Don't get me wrong, I approve the union. I don't think I've ever seen Red as happy as he is when he's with your brother. Pink...allows him to be more open with himself. And with me.” He paused for a long moment, picking at his sleeves and looking away. “But there is something lonely about having your brother be so completely tied to another person when it's only been the two of us for so long.”
Lust studied him carefully. Fell had hit on a large portion of his own problem, an immense percentage of the reason Lust was finding himself to be so incredibly...unwilling to let his brother go.
“You aren't even alone,” Lust found himself saying before he could really think about it. “You still have Red. Pink...he left me.” He decided to blame the drink and the exhaustion and the overwhelming emotions for his honesty, waiting for the other’s answer.
Fell snorted. “Do you truly think that my brother is any more present in my life than he is in yours?”
Fair enough. Pink and Red did tend to be a bit...involved in one another.
Lust felt his mouth moving, and words coming out of their own accord before he could stop them. “Do you get sorta lonely sometimes?”
Fell snorted slightly, but he looked thoughtful. “Yes, I do. But so do most people.”
Lust shook his head. “That’s not what I mean. It’s more...do you ever feel like you need to be around people? Like if you don’t, you’ll fall apart?” His voice broke on the last word, and he withdrew from the other slightly, his cheeks flushing in shame at letting the other see such a hidden part of him.
Fell turned and met his eyes. Lust was prepared for judgement, for the other to burst into laughter and call him a whore, but he received none of it. Instead, Fell just shook his head. “No...I have quite the opposite problem, actually. I get too much of people, and I want them to leave me alone. There are very few people I can stand to exchange more than a couple of words with.”
“Our brothers?”
Fell nodded, then shrugged. “And you, I suppose, though you are…” he smirked slightly, and Lust raised one brow in response. “...irritating, at times. There is no need to be offended, however. Most people tend to be.”
Lust just rolled his eyes, but there was a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. He sipped at his drink, rolling the liquid around in his mouth for a moment as an idea occurred to him.
Fell made to stand up, and Lust’s eyes snapped up before he suddenly reached out and grabbed onto his wrist, surprised by the panic that was accompanying the thought of seeing him go.
“Hang on, just...wait a second. I have a question.”
Fell sighed heavily and sat back down, looking at him questioningly.
Lust took a deep breath, and plowed on, pushing down the thoughts that he was being an idiot, of course the other wasn’t going to say yes.
“Do you think you could stand me enough to live with me? Because I have an extra room in my house now and I wouldn’t keep you awake at all hours having loud sex.” He winked. "At least, not most nights."
Fell laughed slightly, then seemed to realize that Lust was serious, and sobered. “Wait, really? You want to live with me? You must be more lonely than I thought.”
Lust shrugged, not about to argue with that.
Fell regarded him silently for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully for a moment. “Yeah, okay. At this point anything would be better than whatever these idiots’ honeymoon is going to entail.” He looked down slightly, then back up at Lust’s face. “You have my contact details, correct? Call me tomorrow morning sometime and we can discuss this further.” And with that, he stood up and walked away, leaving Lust to sit alone at the table.
It was only after he got into his car to go home that Lust realized that his parting congratulations to the happy couple had been more sincere than any he had given them before.
Want More Stuff Like This?
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Jones Family Candy Store :8/8
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Merry Christmas @liamjcnes from your CS Secret Santa. This is the final chapter. 
The Jones Family Candy store has been a staple of the town and families during the holidays. The Jones brothers inherited the shop and have decided to rejuvenate and renovate the shop as well as launch a web presence by the holidays. In the process these brothers get knocked off their feet by a couple of strong, kind-hearted women. Will they be able to complete this project and win their hearts at the same time?
Parts 1-4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
FF    AO3
The weeks that followed were the busiest that the store had ever been. Their customers loved the new changes in the shop, especially the children. While Emma couldn’t be with him in person they kept in contact via text when they could. She and Elsa were also busy with their new client. Their work schedules made it difficult for them to get together but they made it work. They were closer than ever even though they were apart.
They each vowed to treasure the moments they could get. They grabbed quick lunches together or had late night dates. His favorite were the latter because they would end up falling asleep together out of exhaustion while watching Netflix.
The night’s he wasn’t with Emma he spent in the shop making candy. He enjoyed his work but with the internet orders coming in too he needed help. Even Liam tried to help one evening, the man was just not good in the kitchen. After Liam’s disastrous evening covered in chocolate he agreed to hire on additional chocolatiers to help fulfill the orders for the season. If Liam’s projections for the website sales were correct, they planned to keep them on full time. They were both hopeful that would be the case.  
He was looking forward to the holidays this year for two reasons, he’d get to spend them with Emma and it also meant the end of the holiday shopping season which would require less of him in the store. January was typically a lighter month, many of their patrons tried to get rid of the extra pounds of holiday weight they’d gained so they tried to avoid stepping into the shop, at least until Valentine ’s Day.
The introduction of the web orders might change this but if not they had the tourist crowd and the regulars to keep them afloat. He also knew that historically after the holidays was the best time to take a vacation. Based on Emma’s calculations, which he learned were spot on, her project would be wrapping up too. He was counting on it because he’d already booked an island trip for them.
It was something he’d always wanted to do and in fact they’d be cruising on a fantasy pirate boat for part of it called The Jolly Roger. That part of the trip even included fantasy costumes that they could wear on board to make it more authentic. That just made his decision even easier since he’d always loved Pirate lore. The thought of Emma dressed as a wench was also a plus. They just had to make it through these next few weeks and it would all play out.  
He only needed to get his fool of a brother to act on his feelings for Elsa. He couldn’t believe he still hadn’t asked the woman out on a date. He’d kept them out of the conversation with Emma for a while but one night he broke the brotherly code and asked her.
Apparently Elsa was also “frozen” in this regard. She’d also been considering asking Liam for a date but was afraid he’d think it was too forward. He laughed at the fact that his brother was such a traditional stubborn arse and that Elsa was perfect for him.
They devised a plan to get them together. He was to call Emma and tell her there were problems with the website that he needed Elsa to address right away. Emma was going to make sure they were having lunch in town close enough to the shop so that Elsa would show up in person to fix it.
Emma had to pick the only restaurant close enough to them without Wifi, Granny’s. She wasn’t having any of that newfangled technology in her establishment. Emma had also gotten Elsa addicted to Granny’s onion rings so she figured Elsa wouldn’t fight her on the choice.
He went into the shop just like any other morning. He was mid-way through the routine when Liam arrived with coffee. “Good Morning Brother. Coffee for me?”
Liam nodded. “Granny said to say Hello and thanks for the pralines. They went perfectly with her caramel cheesecake special yesterday.”
Killian smiled. ”Did you bring me a slice?”
Liam pat him on the shoulder. “She sold out in the first hour.”
“Oh well. Scarlett’s in back getting boxes ready for shipment.”
Liam smiled. “Glad to hear it. What about your new guys?”
“Lumiere is in back. He’s already mid-way done the batch of orders that came in yesterday and Nemo is due in later today. I still can’t believe how lucky we are to have found them. Their work is impeccable.”
“It is. Any word from Emma and Elsa on the project?”
He knew that Liam was really looking to hear more about Elsa, what a stubborn arse. He decided to play with him a little. “The ladies are doing fine. Emma said that there is a guy from the business next door to where they are working that keeps hitting on Elsa.”
Liam turned to face him with his eyebrow raised. “Is that so? Do you think she likes him?”
“Aye but Emma doesn’t think she is interested in him.”
Liam seemed to relax after his comment but he knew that little poke might have done the trick.  “I’m going to head in back to help Lumi. We should have those orders complete by closing so Scarlett can ship tomorrow.”
Liam nodded. “Ok, I’ll take care of things out here. “
He smiled to himself and head to the back. “Great, Thanks for the coffee.”
Just as they planned he got a text message from Emma at lunch time. He’d stayed in the back deliberately to ensure that Liam did not leave the shop. He placed the call to Emma to set things in motion. He knew that if Liam saw Elsa he’d have to make a move, especially if he thought another man might do it first.
They couldn’t have planned it any better. As soon as Elsa heard about the problem she jumped up quickly and gathered her things. Emma couldn’t hardly text him fast enough to let him know at the pace Elsa was walking.
He rushed out front to be there when they came in. “Hey Little Brother, all finished? I’m famished and thinking about going out for a bite.”
He was just about to answer when the women rushed in and interrupted him. “Liam, I’m so sorry. Let me check into this right away. Can I use your office?” said Elsa.
Liam’s expression of shock forced him to look away. He was afraid he’d burst out in a fit of laughter if he looked at him.
Liam moved from behind the counter to greet her. “Ah, Elsa. I’m happy to see you but I have no idea what you are talking about.”
Emma had joined him in the corner, not looking at the confused pair.
“Killian called and said the website was down, that the orders weren’t going through.” Said Elsa.
“Brother, what is the meaning of this?” asked Liam.
He looked at Emma and her grin was as bad as his. They turned around to face them. “Ah, well you see I just thought, well we just thought that you two might enjoy some time together.” He never saw two people get red in the face faster but thankfully his brother stepped up.
Liam turned to face Elsa. “He’s right. I’ve missed you these past few weeks. I’ve wanted to call but I was just afraid you didn’t think of me like that.”
Elsa’s eyes widened. “Liam, I feel the same way and of course I think of you like that. You are the best person I’ve ever met.”
Liam smiled softly. “I feel the same of you. I should have asked you sooner. I’m a fool and I hope you can forgive me.”
“Of course. How about we go out tonight and you can make it up to me?” asked Elsa.
Liam laughed. “Sounds good. I’ve got the perfect place.”
“Any clues?”
“I think I’ll take a page out of my brother’s book and surprise you.”
Elsa nodded.” Pick me up at 7?”
“Sounds good.”
Emma was leaning into his side with her arm wrapped around him. They’d both just witnessed the most stubborn people they know finally get together. It just felt right to have her there by his side. He looked over to his Grandfather’s picture on the wall and smiled.  This shop was truly magical just as he’d always thought.  
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