#second favorite: 'he has a falcon; I do not have a falcon' except he spelled it FELON
televinita · 1 year
My mom found some folders of old schoolwork from my brother in one of her desk drawers, and you know I POUNCED on the packet for the grade 3 reading project. I want to know what the kiddos are reading always. Plus, direct comparison to my third grade reading log. Anyway, he read...
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George (class-assigned, which, wow, that seems more like a grade 6 book? at least grade 4.)
And then four books he read independently --
The Wreckers by Iain Lawrence (that is definitely a middle school read! it would have been shelved in the teen section of the public library back then, when the teen section encompassed protagonists as young as 12 or 13)
The Islander by Cynthia Rylant (Rylant Rep!!)
and...oh shoot, I have already forgotten. It was an orphan train book but not the one by Joan Lowery Nixon, something geared toward younger readers.
EDIT: i just remembered two more titles I saw in his handwriting, though I can't remember if they were independent or assigned reads or what the context was -- Frindle and The Phantom Tollbooth
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redheadscribe · 3 years
My Invincible Review
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Well, this is a little late, but hey, better late than never. My dad and I started watching this show when we were done with Falcon and Winter Soldier, and we wanted other shows to watch. I kept hearing good things about this show, and I have heard about the comic before. Once I watched the first episode, I was hooked, and I really want the second show to come out soon.
The story is about Mark Grayson, a sixteen-year-old boy who just started to develop his own superpowers. He is the son of Omni Man. Basically, this world's Superman, and as the series goes on, Mark learns that well, great power comes great responsibility, sorry not sorry. Aside from that lousy joke, Mark goes through the trials and tribulations of being a superhero and dealing with family drama and teen drama. This review will be heavy spoilers, and so I will go over each character and a few of the story beats. I have not read the comics, so this is all about the TV show.
Let's start with the adults of this series, beginning with Omni Man, voiced by JK Simmons, and JK Simmons excels at this role. He is terrifying, and he is a fascinating antagonist. I say antagonist because no true hero would beat their son into a bloody pulp. Anyway, he is a perfect character, and I enjoyed him. I was terrified of him whenever Deborah was trying to investigate whether or not he was involved with the murder of the Guardians of the Globe as I didn't know what he would do. Knowing that he killed the Guardians while the other characters didn't develop a lot of suspense had me on the edge of my seat. He is a monster, and I wonder what will happen in season two. Overall, I like Omni Man as an antagonist of the series.
Let's talk about Cecil Steadman, and I like him as well. I do not have that much to say about him, except he kind of reminds me a lot of all the government agents from Marvel and DC. Despite him working with the heroes, I enjoy that he would still have some dark moments like recruiting that messed-up doctor who created the reanimen. I am seeing him coming to blows with Mark and other heroes soon.
Now let's get into Eve's parents. I hate her father as almost calling his own child a bitch is not cool. Also, did he cheat as well? I mainly wonder because he was like, forgive Rex as he made a mistake and did no wrong. If he did cheat, I have a lot of questions to ask the mother. Eve was right to leave that toxic household.
Now let's go to Robot Man, and he is an exciting creep. He had to deal with a lot considering what his natural body had to go through, but he often meant well. However, when he started to have this creepy fascination with Monster Girl, I was very uncomfortable with how he interacted with her. I am not a fan of Rexsplode, but he had every right to be freaked out when Robot introduced himself in a younger version of his body. Also, why hasn't he found something to help Monster Girl? He said that he was doing this for her, but Monster Girl needs more help than him just getting a new body.
Next is Black Samson, and I like him. I was pretty happy when he got his powers back, and I love his character. I loved his interaction with the New Guardians. I apologize that I don't have that much to say about him, but I do like his character.
Lastly, I'll talk about my favorite adult character is Deborah Grayson, the best mom ever. Also, fuck you, Nolan, for calling her a pet! She is amazing. She can keep Mark human and remind him how important it is for a hero to help people no matter what. She reminds him that she is a human. I love how she took a role when she notices that Nolan is very suspicious because she knows what her husband is capable of. The poor woman had to see her own son get beaten to the brink of death by her own husband after hearing said husband call compare her to a pet and realize that all their years married were a lie. Someone needs to give this woman a hug.
Now let's get into the New Guardians of the Globe. Let's start with Shrinking Ray, as there is not that much to say about her. I mean, I loved her introduction scene, but she didn't have that much screen time. I would like to see more of her; maybe she'll get more screen time in season two, perhaps she won't. I also want to see more from Dupli-Kate(I don't know if I spelled this correctly). The only scene that stands out to me is when she was involved with Rex, and that's not cool.
Now let's get into Rex Splode. He basically has Gambit-like powers but lacks the charm and charisma and is an overall douchebag. I really don't like him at all, and he is probably the weakest member. While his powers could be helpful but he is not the best person personality-wise.
Next is Monster Girl, and I love her. I really hope that she would get her curse lifted. Aside from Mark and Eve, her story is probably the most compelling and pretty horrifying. If I noticed that I was slowly de-aging, I would be freaking out as well. I hope that she stays away from Robot.
Now let's get into the other characters that aren't really a part of a team. Let's start with William, and he is fantastic that Mark doesn't deserve some time. I would have been angry at Mark for being so obsessed with Amber and not helping find his crush, who was transformed into a horrifying cyborg-like man. Then again, I am not William, and he is a good friend.
Now let's get to Amber, and I love Amber; she is a great character and is not a bad guy. Amber wanted to break up with Mark as he was a terrible boyfriend. Also, I am glad that she didn't take Mark back when he revealed his identity. I mean, if William was okay with knowing Mark's identity, Mark should have stepped back and maybe talk to Amber about his superhero life. I feel that Amber knew about his superhero life during the college visit, and she had it with all the lies. That's just my headcanon, but she is a pretty cool person. I even loved her interactions with Eve and how she inspired Eve to go out on her own. She is not a terrible person. She is a teenage girl who is frustrated with being treated by a guy who would not leave her alone when she tried to enforce boundaries.
Now let's get into Eve, my all-time favorite character who is probably the most powerful being on earth. I know that Mark and Eve would get into a relationship soon thanks to some spoilers while surfing the web, but I am looking forward to the slow burn. She is the best character in the show, and her powers are fantastic. She is just the best; that all there is to it.
Now let's get into the main character himself, Mark. Now I just want to say is that I do love Mark. I love me, a character with flaws. I feel like he was spreading himself too thin, he wanted to date Amber and be a hero, but he was a terrible boyfriend. Mark, I love you, but when someone says that she wished to space give her space. The relationship was unhealthy, and I really wanted Mark to stop and let her go because he had so much to deal with. This is what always frustrated me. I mean, Mark caused a good majority of the relationship problems. I love him, but he had to stop.
The rant aside, I do love Mark as a character and a lead character as well. While he appears to be strong, he is a character who does not understand the responsibility of being a superhero. He has a robust power set, but he has no idea how to use it or what he is getting into. He does have the best qualities when it comes to being a hero. He is kind, always wants to help people with their problems, and just wants to be a good hero. He is an excellent lead, and the poor boy really has gone through a lot in a short amount of time. Still, he does have a great story, and his reactions to what has happened to him are pretty human. I mean, I would be happy if I learn that I have superheroes and then be a mess when I know that my father was insane.
Overall I loved this show, and when is the second season coming? I am not good at exercising patience! All of the characters are great, and the animation, from my limited knowledge, is fantastic. The plot is fantastic and fast-paced, and I cannot wait to see more of the show.
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wwitbeyondmeasure · 4 years
Summer At The Burrow - r.w. fan fiction
Previous Chapters
Author’s Note
Chapter 1: The Journey to The Burrow 
Chapter 2: Hidden Letters
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The beaming face of Mrs Weasley was one of your favorite sights in the world.
"Oh my dear!" She exclaimed, bustling towards the Ford Angelia. She wiped her hands on her floral apron before crushing you into a tight, loving hug. Glaring at her sons over your shoulder (she still didn't approve of them flying the car), she smoothed your hair down and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you so much for inviting me this summer, Mrs. Weasley," you said once she let you go.
"Of course, dear! I know Ron was so excited to have you stay with us," she told you as she gave both her sons a quirk, yet terse, kiss on the cheek. The mention of Ron's name made the twins wiggle their eyebrows teasingly as you felt your face heat up.
"Come on, dinner's almost ready," Mrs Weasley announced, "Percy is working, and Ron is out, as you know, but the rest of the family is here so we will need to set up the large tables outside." Mrs Weasley snapped her fingers at Fred and George who were hoisting your trunk out of the back of the car.
"You two," she directed, "I'll magic her trunk upstairs while you set up the tables. And remember- no funny business. I've had it up to here with your tricks and pranks and the summer's barely started!" she exclaimed.
Giggling slightly as Fred stuck his tongue out at his mother, you turned to watch Mrs Weasley in awe as she raised her wand. Your trunk started lifting gently into the air, flying towards the house. As she focused on her spell, you watched as Mrs Weasley directed your trunk through and open window a few floors up in the house.
It was astonishing to see magic used so casually around a household. You weren't allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts yet and since your parents were Muggles, this was a new sight for you. No matter how strange it felt, you found yourself excited. A whole summer full of magic and your best friends, what could be better?
"Dear, you'll be staying in Ron's room until he returns, is that alright with you? It'll only be for a couple days," Mrs Weasley told you.
You nodded quickly, "Yes that's great, thank you again for letting me stay."
After she reassured you that it was really no trouble, Mrs Weasley led you inside The Burrow. Your jaw dropped as you took in their home. Magic seemed to be pouring out of every item in the house. The dishes were washing themselves, a pair of floating needles were knitting a scarf, and a peculiar clock was hanging on the wall that had all of the Weasley's faces on it. The clock had each family member pointed to a different location. As Mrs Weasley said, all of them were facing "home", except for Percy which was pointed at "work" and Ron who was facing "Diagon Alley."
"What's Ron in Diagon Alley for?" You asked out loud in the living room. "Is he buying something?"
"It's a surprise," came a familiar voice. You spun around to see your close friend, and roommate at Hogwarts, Ginny.
"Ginny!" You yelled as you ran to her and engulfed her in a warm hug. She returned the gesture and laughed at your enthusiasm. Even though it had only been a few weeks since school let out, you feel like you hadn't seen your friend in forever.
Although Ron was your best friend, it was nice to have your girl friends as well. You always looked forward to nights staying up late in your dormitory with Hermione and Ginny where you could freely gossip and joke without the boys listening. They, unlike the twins, were very understanding of your hidden feelings for Ron and didn't try to pressure you into confessing them.
A loud thud, followed by boisterous laughter, broke you out of your thoughts as you and Ginny rushed outside to see what the commotion was. Lying flat on his back, a large wooden table pinning him to the ground, was none other than Bill Weasley.
The first time you had met Bill was when the Weasleys had come to visit Ron at Hogsmead in your second year. That day was unforgettable. It only took one look, and you had your first crush. He was tall, lanky, with long hair and a dragon tooth earring, and you were done for. You spent a majority of the next few months pestering Ron with questions about his mysterious older brother. After a while, he got so annoyed with you that anytime you even said Bill's name, Ron would threaten to write home and tell his brother that you were secretely a half-goblin.
Your crush on Bill eventually faded and from there on out your feelings for him disappeared with it. He was still your first crush, and your heart still rattled against your ribcage when he winked at you from underneath the wooden table, but you knew nothing would ever come of it.
The twins fell into another fit of laughter at the sight of Bill splayed on the ground, obvious that he just lost a mid-air table fight that Ginny said were common at the Weasley household before dinner time.
After the tables had been assembled properly and you helped lay out the plates, Mrs Weasley brought the food to the table. The sight of fresh salad, roast potatoes, chicken-and-ham pie, and meatballs with onion sauce made your mouth water as you realized how hungry you were. Once the food hit the table, forks and spoons were already digging into the delicious meal.
You were so pleased to be eating with the Weasleys that at multiple points at dinner you felt yourself gazing around the noisy crowd, beyond thankful for the millionth time that day to be staying with them the whole summer. You grinned as George put two breadsticks under his mouth to look like a walrus, which earned a laugh from both Fred and Ginny. Mrs Weasley and Bill were arguing about Bill's earring again, and Charlie and Mr Weasley were deep in conversation about the next Quidditch match between the Falmouth Falcons and Holyhead Harpies.
Once dinner was finished, you helped clear the table and went to the kitchen to ask Mrs Weasley if she needed any more help. You offered to do the dishes, but she only laughed as she waved her wand and the plates started bubbling with soap and scrubbing themselves.
The family said goodnight to each other as the sun set and you followed Ginny up the stairs, parting with her once she pointed out where Ron's room was. You thanked her as she trudged up the stairs to bed and you slowly pushed the door open. Once or twice you've caught yourself wondering what Ron's room looked like, but no amount of thought could have prepared you for the vast amount of violent orange that hit you once the door opened.
You walked into the room, spinning in a circle as you took in the decorations. Covering every inch of the walls and ceiling were Chudley Cannons posters. You knew the Cannons were his favorite Quidditch team but this was really some dedication.
The messy pile of school books and parchment shoved in the corner of Ron's room made you laugh. You knew this summer you were going to have to pester him to complete his summer work or else it will never get done.
Closing the door behind you, you set your trunk on the bed, the sheets also a bright orange color, and pulled out your pajamas. You hastily changed into them, feeling quite odd to be taking off your clothes in your best friend's room, and then put your trunk back down on the floor.
The bed sank underneath your weight as you sat down, pulling the covers over yourself. You took a deep breath in and smiling subconsciously as you realized the sheets smelled like Ron's shampoo.
As you reached to turn off the light on the nightstand table, something caught your eye. Hidden underneath the table was a light brown shoebox, labeled with what looked like your name on the side. Before you could even think about it, your hands were reaching down and pulling the box onto your lap. Sure enough, "y/n" was scrawled onto the box in Ron's slanted handwriting.
Was it an invasion of his privacy to open this box? You wondered to yourself. It's in his room, obviously hidden under the nightstand so nobody except him could find it. But it has my name on it, so surely I'd be allowed to look at it. Right?
In the end, curiosity got the better of you and you flipped the lid open.
Inside were hundreds of pieces of parchment, with black inked handwriting sitting inside. Upon closer inspection, you realized every piece of paper was from you. Every sly note passed in Charms class, every silly cartoon you drew of Snape, and every letter you ever sent Ron was sitting in this box. Your cheeks flushed as you picked up a longer letter you wrote him.
Last June, when your parents unexpectedly left for another foreign trip again, you confided in Ron about how lonely you felt. That summer, you and him exchanged long letters constantly, talking about anything and everything. The fact that Ron had saved all of those letters, just as you did in the drawer in your room, made your heart warm.
Sighing lightly, you put the letters back into the box and put it in its place under the nightstand. You turned off the light and soon were met with just your own thoughts to keep you company.
You drifted to sleep with the thought of Ron's hidden letters, wondering if this meant he felt the same way about you. Pushing the thought out of your mind, you hated to get your hopes up, you flipped to your other side and tried to go to bed. But Ron's smell was still on the pillowcase and you fell asleep with the freckled, red haired boy on your mind.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
A day at Disneyland; Chris Hemsworth x reader
*Author’s note*
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Hello and good afternoon everybody! So this is a request that I have had done for the past couple of days but I’ve been on a deadline with another request that I’m trying to get done before their bday tomorrow (I’m about half way done with it) but this one is probably my first ever Hemsworth story I had ever done (So I’ve done half of the Chris quartet). Now my knowledge of Disneyland is minimal to none cause I’ve never been to Cally so the only Disney experience I’ve had is Disneyworld down in Florida, but I hope I still did some justice for this fic.
I was packing up the car getting ready to prepare for the 2 and a half hour drive to downtown LA so that the kids and I could go to Disneyland.  My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I’ve been a single mom for three years.  My ex-husband and I were having some problems, constantly fighting until finally one stupid mistake on his part landed him in the LA prison.
Furious and disappointed, I filed for divorce because I didn’t want his bad influence to affect our children and it was hard on us, especially my eldest son Dean.  He and his daddy were close ever since he was born, but when I was forced to tell him that his daddy wasn’t ever gonna get out of prison, it was hard for him to cope.
It was tough raising not only 2 growing boys but a newborn baby girl at the same time.  My little girl, Leia will never get to know her father because of his stupidity and I don’t want to expose her to him. At first I thought I’d never get to have the father figure my kids needed because it was just me and my sister and my mom who was helping me raise my kids, my dad sadly passed away due to a stroke shortly after my second son Henry was born.
That was until by sheer luck of fate as I was coming home from the store when I accidentally dropped all my well-paid food, that a handsome blonde stranger came into my life.
I had no idea at the time who he was until Dean (whose obsessed with all things superheroes both Marvel and DC) that when we saw the second Avengers movie Age of Ultron, it was shocked to see that it was him.  Chris Hemsworth.
We kept in contact and whenever he wasn’t too busy, he’d come over for a visit and we’d have a couple of dinners.  Soon couple dinners turned into months’ worth of dinners, then starting a relationship until just recently about a year ago he moved in with me and the kids.  Right now he was busy filming “Avengers: End Game” down in his homeland of Australia.
One night as we were all facetiming with each other, Chris had given us a surprise.  He said that he and the entire cast would be in Disneyland to help promote the film and not only that, he got all four of us tickets to go throughout the park and spend an entire day at Disneyland.  The kids were so excited that they were finally gonna go to Disneyland, especially my little girl since she’s finally big enough to ride some of the rides.
Which leads us to here.  As I was putting the bags into the car I said.
“Dean, don’t forget to bring your chargers okay?”
“Yeah mom.”
“Leia, do you got your Simba plushie with you?”
“Right here mommy.” She exclaimed as she held out her stuffed Simba plushie that Chris had given her last Christmas.
“Henry you’ve got your lightsaber right?”
“Yeah, do you think I could really fly the Millennium Falcon?” he asked me.
“We’ll see. Okay Got the bags, toys, gaming consuls, DVD is all set up. Everyone got everything?” My kids all cheered out in choir unison. “So whose ready to go to Disneyland?” they all cheered and raised their hands and I continued, “Alright. Tickets are in my purse and off we go!” I started the car and started up the installed DVD player which played Leia’s and Henry’s favorite movie “Hercules”.
Thankfully with the help of a movie and Dean busy playing on his Nintendo, there wasn’t much complaining from the kids (which was perfect for me).  Finally after the long drive, we finally reached the archway of the entrance into Disneyland.
“We’re here! We’re here! Look over there I can see Woody!” All my kids were in pure awe as we drove under the archway, I could just feel from the front seat the energy these kids were about to unleash.  I was now waiting in line to pay for parking and when I had gotten up I greeted the worker and handed her my license and money.
But when she saw my picture she handed me not only my license but the cash back as well and she told me.
“No payment necessary ma’am, we’ve actually been told of a special reserve spot for you to go to.” At first I was confused but then it dawned on me.
“That Aussie I tell you what.”
“One of our workers will escort you to your special reserved spot.” It was then another worker came up and he asked if he could hop into the car so he could be my navigator. I allowed him in the passenger seat and he told me exactly where to go.
We drove around for about 5 minutes till we reached the reserved front corner entrance where standing there with sunglasses on was Chris.  He grinned and waved to us and the kids waved back to him.  I parked in the parking spot and as soon as I turned off the engine, all the kids raced out and glomped him.
 “There are my favorite three little munchkins!” Chris proclaimed as he wrapped his arms around all three of my kids at the same time and even lifted them up and spun them around, making them laugh and cheer.
“And what about me? Am I just the cabbie driver? Or just some old maid here to serve your favorite three munchkins?” I teased.  Chris set my kids down and he said.
“On the contrary, you my lady are the beautiful good witch who protects and nurtures them. A witch that has put even a god like me under her spell.” He wrapped his arms around me, swaying me gently from side to side grinning down at me.  I grinned up at his sweet talk before our lips joined together only to be disrupted when a choir of voices cried out.
“EWWW!!!!” We separated to see all three of my kids with a look of disgust on their faces.
“Ahh no it’s not gross. Be patient soon enough all of you will be doing this.” Said Chris.
“Over my dead body.” I mocked.  “I want my babies to stay this young forever! Especially my little man.” I said as I walked up to my kids before hugging my eldest son close.  I swarmed his face with kisses and ruffled his ‘lion mane’ like hair that he inherited from his father.
“Mom! Mom, you’re messing with my mane!” Dean cried out as he tried to get out of my embrace. When I finally released him he backed away and tried to readjust his hair to that sweep-over hair that looked like it belonged back in the 1980’s.
“I need to plan an appointment to get your haircut mister.”
“No!” he then raced over to Chris and hid behind him.
“No worries mate, I won’t let any barber cut this hair of yours.” Chris said as he stroked my son’s hair.
“Coming from the very man whose worn the same long blonde wig for years.”
“Hey the last few movies I didn’t have to wear one. But this meeting isn’t about haircuts, now whose ready for a full fun day at Disneyland?!” The kids all raised their hands crying out ‘me! Me! Me! Me!’ “Awesome, already got our tickets, so let’s go out there and have a full day of family fun!” We all cheered before racing onward into the park.
There were so many rides that it was almost impossible to pick just one.  However my daughter who has always favored the merry-go-round no matter whether it was a state fair, amusement park or whatever, anytime she saw a Merry go round she wanted to go on it.
So as a nice little warmup, we all got in line for the merry-go-round.  We waited for I don’t know 5-10minutes in line before they let the next several people to go aboard.  My sons went straight for the two twin black horses while my baby girl went for a white stallion with a pink saddle on it.  As I was about to get on my horse, Chris came up and he said.
“Allow me my lady.”
“Why thank you good sir knight.” I mocked in probably the worst British accent I could muster. I felt his hands go to my waist and he gently hoisted me up and I ended up rising side-saddle but then what I didn’t expect was for Chris to get right behind me.  “Uhh Chris, I don’t think we’re allowed to do this.”
“Relax love, it’ll be okay.” He assured me.  The bell soon sounded off and soon an accordion version of ‘A dream is a wish’ started plaything through the speakers and the ride began.  
All around us, kids were cheering and waving to their parents who were standing along the railings watching their kids ride all by themselves, young couples riding side by side holding hands or riding in the sleighs nonchalantly kissing each other.
I felt Chris take my hands in his and I felt his head gently lean against mine and a kiss at my temple.  I smiled and nuzzled against him as the ride continued to go on.
After the ride we continued to walk around the park riding more rides like the Mad Hatter’s teacup ride, and Toy Story Mania that was until we finally reached the famous Splash Mountain.
“Ohh mom look! Splash Mountain!” Henry proclaimed as he was now riding on top of Chris’ shoulders.  
“I see it Henry.”
“Can we go on that next, please?”
“I guess we can, but I’m not sure if everyone’s tall enough to ride it.” I teased as I looked down at my daughter who was holding my hand.
“Yes I am mama! We measured me last month! I’m big enough.” She said as she pulled on my hand.
“Ohh that’s right, well let’s get a second opinion from the official park height measurements.” We all headed over to the line entrance of Splash Mountain and Leia immediately went up to the height chart.  “Okay, now stand still baby girl.” She hummed happily as she could barely contain her excitement. “No cheating now.” I told her in my mom voice and that made her stand still.
In the end, she was eligible to ride Splash Mountain.
“Okay, everyone stick together now.” Leia cheered happily and her brothers high-fived or fist-bumped her and even Chris did a double fist bump with her as he cheered and picked her up.
“Alright that’s my girl! I told you were growing like a weed!”
“Okay everyone let’s get into the line before it gets too long.” We all got in line and we waited. After what felt like forever and the kids complaining about when the line would move faster, hanging off both mine and Chris’ hands and arms, we finally got closer to the ride.  Since there were five of us we decided to divide up the group, I took Henry and Leia while Chris and Dean rode together, being the big boys that they were.
I got in the log first with the help of the ride attendant and I told Leia to get in first so that way she would be in the middle and Henry could ride up front.  Once we were buckled in and the guy gave us the all clear and the worker at the controls gave a thumbs up and soon we were off.
We went along the trail before going up the first hill.  Hearing the ticking of the controls as it took us up higher and higher before finally dropping us downward on the small uphill.  We were all cheering and laughing as we allowed the current to push us faster than we did when we first went out.
We were now shrouded in darkness as we were now inside the mountain before we would go off the big hill that would take our picture.
“Is this the big drop yet?” asked Leia.
“Yeah Leia, and watch this, this time I’m gonna have both my hands up in the air!” proclaimed Henry.
“Just make sure you don’t unbuckle yourself Henry.” We soon saw the light at the end of the tunnel and I said as I hugged my daughter’s waist. “Here we go.” As soon as we went off the drop-off we all screamed before finally splashing down at the bottom, getting soaked with water.  Both my kids were laughing and clapping. “So Leia, was it everything you thought it would be?”
“It was better mama! We went up and up and up till we went SHOOSH!!” I smiled down at her and I saw Henry was about to get out as soon as we saw the exit point.
“Hold on Henry, wait till we come to a complete stop.” Another worker soon placed their foot on our log and she said.
“Please watch your step as you exit the log, and we hope you have a good rest of your day at Disneyland. And don’t forget about our fireworks show tonight at 8pm in front of Cinderella’s castle.”  She helped my kids out and I got out on my own with a bit of help from her.  As we collected our stuff, we waited at the bottom of the exit point for Chris and Dean.
A few minutes later we saw them coming down (well Dean was more like racing down while Chris was the one walking).
“Did you boys have fun?”
“You bet we did, and how about you Princess? Was it exciting?” Chris asked as he scooped up my daughter and she laughed giddily.
“It was soo much fun, can we go on it again?”
“Maybe later, for now let’s go see our pictures.” He answered.  We walked further down the trail till we reached the giftshop and went up to the picture booth and waited and that’s when I pointed out for Henry and Leia.
“Look there we are.” All three of our faces filled with screams or joy.  Henry as promised had both of his hands in the air and his eyes were wide.  Meanwhile I turned and saw Chris and Dean’s pictures.  Chris had covered Dean’s eyes with his hands while his blue eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his sockets, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Shall we get a copy?” he asked.
“I don’t know…..”
“C’mon this is my treat.”
“Baby I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of your well-earned—”
“You’re not. This is me treating my lovely girl and her children on a day of fun.” He pecked my cheek before turning to the kids giving them the signal to back him up.
“Please mama, please!” They all ganged up against me giving me the puppy dog eyes, Chris included as he had all my kids in his arms looking right up at me.
“Ohh…..alright.” The kids cheered and then turned to Chris telling him what they wanted.  In the end Dean got a keychain, Henry got a small picture frame and Leia got a small locket, and Chris got him and I a copy of a picture frame of our picture.
After a few more rides, we all began to get hungry so we found ourselves a nice little food court restaurant called “Mickey’s Italian shop”.  As we ordered out food, like you would see on Youtube of the characters coming up to the guests just to hang out with the customers.
So we ended up having Mickey and Pluto coming over to our table.  Pluto being my daughter’s favorite Disney dog was thrilled and gave him a big hug and of course Pluto hugged her back before using that tongue that always hangs out to give her a ‘doggy kiss’.  It was so adorable that I just had to get a picture of them together, I also got some pictures of my boys with Mickey and Chris took one with me, Pluto and Mickey.
The day continued to press on and soon it was nightfall and everyone gathered at Cinderella’s castle to grab the best spot for the fireworks show that was about to happen in the next 7 minutes.  Even with the crowd of people that were already sitting down, we still managed to get good enough seats to still see the castle’s full stature.
After waiting a few more minutes the lights went off and we all cheered as the castle first lite up a lightshow for us.  Showing images and clips from various Disney films as ‘Circle of Life’ blared from the speakers.  Chris and I looked at each other before leaning against one another watching the light show and seeing the kids stare in awe.  Then the big event happened.
A giant red firework shot up and exploded into the sky.  Everyone oohed and ahhed as more fireworks began to fly into the sky before exploding into various colors and sizes.
“Did you have a good time love?”
“This was the most wonderful time I’ve ever had at Disneyland. Even when I was a kid, it didn’t compare to this.”
“I think this might get a little more interesting.” He said.  I was about to ask him what he meant by it but he pressed a finger to my lips and turned my chin back toward the sky.  We continued to watch the fireworks but then something happened I had never seen happen at a Disney firework show.
One firework that went off created an image of Mjolnir, Thor’s famed hammer before three fireworks fired off immediately spelling out.
“YOU AR WORTHY TO ME.” My jaw slowly dropped and I felt my heart stop.  Soon another phrase spelled across the sky, “WILL YOU LET ME BE WORTHY OF YOU?” I turned to Chris who now stood on one knee holding out a small ring.  A spotlight came down onto us and I could hear everyone gasp and cry out around us.
“(Y/n), these past few years have been the best years of my life. I didn’t think I would be happy, until you came into my life. Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?” he opened the box revealing the ring sparkling under the spotlight’s bright light.  I was in tears as I was covering my face with my hands.
Everyone around me, including my kids telling me to say yes.  I nodded rapidly and kissed him with as much passion as I could muster while all around us, everyone was applauding and my kids cam around us and hugged us.
“Ladies and gentlemen we’d like to have the honor of introducing Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth and his new fiancée!” I cupped his cheeks and he kissed my forehead, down my cheek before reclaiming my lips with his.
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ducklooney · 4 years
An episode critique of Louie's eleven
This is my second time criticizing the Ducktales episode, but in a little more detail. The first episode of the Ducktales reboot I criticized was a Quack Pack episode I didn't like, and you can find out more here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/614773075886686208/my-opinion-on-the-quack-pack-episode-in-ducktales
For some reason I didn't get to comment on the other episodes, but the episodes after the Quack Pack were quite disappointing to me, even though Chip and Dale and their crew showed up (unfortunately they didn't say anything). However, today's episode was completely different. Please direct this to those who better understand the criticism and better understand the series. I recommend to younger children and vulnerable groups not to read this, which I will say next.
Before I start, which are the positives and the negatives, I have to emphasize that I really liked the episode and did not believe that the Ducktales reboot would thrill me again. After the episode Three Caballeros, Delina's Adventure and Return, Fenton's encounter with Gandra and the origins of Negaduck that I liked, the rest to this day were a total disappointment to me and I didn't like it except for some moments and characters (like Goofy and Gene the Genie which were great for me as well as the conflict between Scrooge and Glomgold with Lunaris). This episode partly gave me back the spirit of confidence that bugs can be fixed and that it can be done better, as it should. Here are my impressions and I will try to be as subjective as I can:
+ Occurrences of Daisy Duck. Although we expected, apart from looks, they also gave her the qualities that suited her. For a long time in animation, I didn't think Daisy Duck would be fantastic, especially after House of Mouse, where Daisy Duck was brilliant.
+ Caballeros are back and are with Donald again. Although it could have been without a bathroom joke, I have to say that I liked the annoyance of Scrooge, and he threw them out. Good thing they helped Donald when needed.
+ Helping by Donald's nephews (as much as they could, given that the series focuses most on them and on Webby which bothers me a bit). Given the title of the episode, it would be Lou's moment, but Dewey got involved. Huey is a bit involved. Good thing Huey became an apprentice, I mean, at least he's dressed like that (signing an ink contract).
+ The appearance of Beaks' mom. She really looks great her age. She's a bit of a wimp, but well, such are fashion designers and rich people who think for themselves. Her voice is good (the same voice that played Mirage in the Aladdin series and Sylvia Marpole, Goofy's girlfriend in Extreme Goofy Movie- Bebe Neuwirth).
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+ Falcon Graves attacks again with its mercenaries. And then there's Mark Beaks. Again, he shows that he is okay. The best scene when Falcon finds out that Emma Glamour  is Mark's mom.
+ A parody or at least a reference to Ocean's Eleven.
+ Louie's plan was good, but Dewey got involved (this reminds me of the quarrel between Huey and Dewey in the Quack Pack series when Dewey comes up with his plan, and Huey meddles in thinking his plan is better, I'm not sure which episode was. but I remember that), to come up with how his plan is better and that he is a great character. A bit boring I have to admit. For me, Dewey's best moment was when he came up with his own yoyo game and stunned Emma Glamour. Louie proved to be good in this episode.
+ I have to admit, but Emma is right in telling Louie that he doesn't have to deal with many things that he is unable to do (especially around the world of business) because he is still too small for it and has rejected it. I know that he is rude and I am partly sorry for him, but to accept such a decision better, he simply has to wait a few years. It is fascinating how a stranger gets so much worse at him than his mom and his Uncle Scrooge, but it's also somehow better to find out the bitter truth. I don't know, but maybe it's better that Louie doesn't go into the business world and start doing other things. Just better for him. Otherwise, I prefer Louie to be an athlete than a rich man, but that's how the creators of the Ducktales reboot have determined.
+ Donald's introduction to Daisy in the elevator was great. Although a little disagreeable, it was clear at the beginning that they had fallen in love, although Donald first fell in love with her, and only she. The song that Donald sang from the heart was amazing. Glad Daisy Duck understands Donald, though it should come as no surprise, given that Tony Anselmo and Tress MacNeille have been playing the same characters for over 20 years.
+ Victory in the end by Donald and Daisy. I'm glad Daisy got mad at Falcon and smashed him, I mean hit him, because that's just the nature of her. I don't know why many get angry when Daisy got angry with some of the things she didn't like before. I understand that Daisy is angry with Donald, mostly for no reason, but I have to mention that Donald is sometimes not as loyal to her as he seems. Sometimes Donald rejects Daisy (and that was in animation and comics). I agree that Daisy Duck should be kinder to Donald, but please don't, for some trifle, hate Daisy Duck just because she misbehaves on Donald. However, there is a need to understand some things. Hopefully after this Daisy Duck will be more kind to Donald and that Donald deserves Daisy as well as Daisy Donald. Quite simply, they have similar qualities and a really angry temperament. In addition, they are the best parents (Daisy is the aunt for April, May and June, and Donald the uncle for Huej, Dewey and Louie). And I hope their relationship doesn't break because of some nonsense. You should insert Daisy Duck more often after that.
+ After many episodes, I finally like something. Yes there were mistakes, but it's better than I expected. The first episode of the third season of the Ducktales reboot did not disappoint me. Much better than the Quack Pack episode, which wasn't funny to me, except for some parts. A little repair is not to waste. Hopefully there will be better episodes.
+ Finally Donald got all the justice he deserved. No more the awful treatment he had before and no longer depressing. I really don't like that kind of relationship, especially about changing my voice. Although he sang quite differently, Donald is still Donald and I am glad Daisy loves him even though he sings terribly.
+ The animation on Donald's singing (Dear my voice) was good, though I don't like the style used in the reboot. If it made me a little nicer it would be great.
+ Daisy Duck had a really beautiful dress.
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- I think in the end Donald didn't need help from Donald's nephews, he managed to do everything himself, with a heart. Somehow it seemed to me that Dewey and Louie and Webby were partly redundant, so it could be without them.
- The unnecessary interference by Dewey and too many strokes by Webby irritates me a little. I don't think they are bad, they were good, but too much focus on them is absolutely not right. It needed to be reduced a bit.
- The caballeros didn't seem as smart to me as it turns out. Okay, they're cool and their voices are great, but I miss the funny dynamics they used to have. The Legend of the Three Caballeros series shows it best. There, Panchito and Jose turned out much better and were more funny and interesting than usual. It needs to get a little better in the episode so far, but I'm well pleased that they showed up again.
- Although Daisy and caballeros understand Donald well, it's unfortunate that his family doesn't understand him. Although not shown in the current episode, it has been treated poorly in previous ones. Donald's consolation cannot only be Daisy's, it must also come from those with whom Donald lives most. It's good that the attitude and respect for Donald's nephews towards Donald has improved a bit in the current episode, but again it needs to be seen how it will be afterwards.
This episode was fantastic and became one of my favorite Ducktales reboot episodes (along with the pilot episode and the episode where Magica de Spell appeared) and I didn't think the series would improve. But again, it should be seen further, if the next episodes disappoint me again, I will be very sad. So of course, it can be done better and I'm glad Donald finally got the justice he deserves, since he barely got it in the series. In other series the focus on it as well as the treatment itself are better than the Ducktales reboot. I apologize for my comments and my opinion, but here I am to share my impressions. Just use arguments, no offense, if you want to comment or refute my criticism.
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