#p.s. when do you think *I* read Wreckers?
televinita · 1 year
My mom found some folders of old schoolwork from my brother in one of her desk drawers, and you know I POUNCED on the packet for the grade 3 reading project. I want to know what the kiddos are reading always. Plus, direct comparison to my third grade reading log. Anyway, he read...
My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George (class-assigned, which, wow, that seems more like a grade 6 book? at least grade 4.)
And then four books he read independently --
The Wreckers by Iain Lawrence (that is definitely a middle school read! it would have been shelved in the teen section of the public library back then, when the teen section encompassed protagonists as young as 12 or 13)
The Islander by Cynthia Rylant (Rylant Rep!!)
and...oh shoot, I have already forgotten. It was an orphan train book but not the one by Joan Lowery Nixon, something geared toward younger readers.
EDIT: i just remembered two more titles I saw in his handwriting, though I can't remember if they were independent or assigned reads or what the context was -- Frindle and The Phantom Tollbooth
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jillianfahey · 4 months
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Realization)
I was at work today thinking what would Crosshairs reaction be to realizing that he was in love with Lyni. Thinking of with their friendship he has stopped sleeping around, quit smoking and has a few drinks to unwind one of those would go insane again. In a nutshell, he gets drunk out of his mind.
Looking at the six cups in front of him Crosshair motioned for another. Someone beside him was feeling his chest and shoulders murmuring about having fun, but he shook them off. It wasn't Lyni.
FIve more drinks in and the people around him finally realized that he did not want company. So when someone sat down beside him he turned to glare at them. Only to see, "Tech?"
His twin brother was merely looking at the collection of glasses critically, "You have gone over your usual limit." Looking him in the eye, "What is wrong?"
Crosshair whispered the answer but saw that Tech couldn't hear him. Then he spoke louder, "I'm in love with Lyni."
To his surprise Tech answered, "Yes, that was obvious." Motioning to the drinks and the bar around them, "How this was going to help is not."
Groaning into his hands, "I don't know either." Then feeling talkative because of the alcohol, "I guess i'm just doing what I always do when someone can understand me well." Swirling his latest drink in hand, "Run away from the connection."
Looking over he saw that Tech was typing on his phone before hearing a ping in his pocket, "I have sent you a list of ways knowing Lyni has improved your life." Moving on to the next thing, "I believe that they should be considered before abandoning your friendship with her."
Smiling at how his brother showed him support, "Thanks Tech." Setting down the unfinished drink, "I'll pay up and we'll head home."
"That is not necessary," Tech answered without looking up from his phone. As Crosshair tuned to him, "I have already paid and am merely waiting for you to be finished." With an almost amused chuckle Crosshair tapped his twins arm and they left the bar.
The next morning Crosshair groaned as he woke up. Pain from his hangover was lancing though him as he turned from the light that found ways to poke though the window. His eyes fell on a bottle of water and a note in unfamiliar handwriting.
Picking it up he squinted to read, I came by to see how you were but Tech said you had a rough night. I hope you didn't get sick because of me. I hope that you feel better soon. - Lyni
Then there was an additional note at the bottom, P.S. I brought some croissants from the cafe. I told Wrecker to leave some for you, hopefully he listened. Either way please eat something. -L
A smile broke over Crosshair's face as he gently touched her name on the note. As well as the request that he eat something. Drinking the water he knew he couldn't just walk away from his friend. He would be there for her and the twins until the day he died.
So, there you have it. Cross would go on a bender before Tech, his twin would pull him out of it.
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holybibly · 7 months
Let's see how I tell you this...
I was a not very innocent atiny with Yunho as my bias and Seonghwa as my wrecker until I read Pretty Flushed, now I'm a bunny addicted to your profile with... problems.
What do I do now, uh? I can't get mean dom alpha Seonghwa using the poor reader at will out of my head. Even worse when I have a breeding kink and likes to play the submissive role (a little too much I must admit).
You have to take responsibility for your actions (?)
Jokes aside, I have read almost all of your stories already and I must say that both your way of writing and your creativity are truly wonderful!!! Truly, you are one of the best authors I have ever encountered. As you say in your profile, you're my favorite, yes. Such a gorgeous writer you are.
Postscript: I hope you're doing well and thank you for taking a little time to read my message🩷
Aren't you a cute little bunny, huh?I'm so pleased to hear all your praise, this week has really been an eye opener for me and I think we're all pretty having fun at the moment, aren't we?
I never thought I'd be a writer with such a large audience. But here we are and I'm so grateful to you all.
I like my work to be detailed, well thought out and full of vicious depravity. The real world is too boring to just exist in, so I like to create the most vivid experience possible for my bunnies.
You can wish for whoever you want: evil dominant alphas, cute bunnies, sexy vixens, kinky idols, cult leaders, rock stars, sugar daddies, dilfs, pirates, princes, maniacs, yandere and tsundere, incubuses, demons, whores and needy subs. I could go on ad infinitum.
And I would have no greater honour than to make all of your wishes come true for you.
P.S. I would like to be your favourite forever.
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neyswxrld · 11 months
meeting the family
echo x reader (gn, first person)
summary: After half a year, Echo's partner finally meets his brothers, but some people just can't mind their own business.
warnings: insults, (maybe alcohol? can be read with and without) halloween & costumes, someone makes a comment about eating habits, kissing (i think that's all, please let me know if i missed something!)
words: ~2500
a/n: this is my first own post on this blog and uhmmm yeah. i'm slowly trying myself on the boys soo uhm. yeah.
here is a little spin-off, about how the boys (especially wrecker) got their costumes!
p.s. english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for misspellings! (commas are a pain in the ass.)
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"Are you ready?" Echo asked and smiled at me from the side.
"I... I don't know," I admitted, and started to chew on my lip until I felt a sweet pain and recognized the taste of blood. Disgusted, I crinkled my nose.
We were standing in front of 79s. After about half a year, I finally got to meet Echo's family: his brothers. And which establishment could have been better than the place where we met, with the small extra that it was Halloween and we were wearing costumes.
And that's how we were standing here, fulfilling a cliché with being devil and angel. Echo was wearing a white rope, a self-made Halo and small wings with feathers - and he looked gorgeous!
I was dressed in sweet, red robes, had little devil's horns on my head and leathery wings on my back.
Even though Echo wasn't that confident in his clothes at first, he had to admit that we were looking kriffing good together today.
But still - it changed nothing about the fact that I was nervous. More than nervous. My hands were warm and sweaty. I was almost embarrassed that Echo held one of them in his own hand and had to feel that. My heart was beating unpleasantly fast, and my fingertips and my chest were tingly.
I was afraid they wouldn't like me or judge me at first sight.
Were my robes too short? Would they think I'm cheap? Did I appear respectable and serious, or would they think I'm just for short-term? What if they thought I wasn't good enough for Echo? What if they really wouldn't like me? What if I wouldn't like them? Both options would be absolutely devastating. They were the most important people in Echo's life. Of course I wanted to like them!
My boyfriend seemed to notice my insecurity.
"You will do great. They're excited to finally meet you," he assured me and squeezed my hand a little bit. In contrast to mine, his hand was cool and dry. He was able to ground me a little bit again. As long as I wouldn't come across like a spoiled brat, everything would be fine. They wouldn't have a reason to not like me.
I took a deep breath, nodded and breathed a small "Okay."
With determined steps, we walked through the entrance of the famous clone bar and headed for a booth in the back of the bar.
Even from far away, I recognized the boys Echo already showed me on pictures. Of course they were wearing costumes at the moment, too.
Hunter's shaggy hair was standing out among the other clones. In addition to that, he wore wolf ears with fake fur, a red and blue checked shirt that was ripped on a few spots and a black leather jacket that looked really good on him. His black painted nails looked like claws.
Next to him sat Crosshair. He wore an elegant, black cape with red accents and a high collar. On his chest was a silver brooch that looked perfectly old-fashioned. While he was talking with Hunter, every now and then small, sharp fangs were poking out of his mouth.
I also recognized Tech relatively fast due to his goggles. He was wearing a big, pointed hat that almost swallowed his head and dark robes with silver embellishments. In front of him was a thick book, and while he was talking with Wrecker, he lively gestured with a small magic wand to defend his point: "Wrecker, I am not a witch. I am a wizard!" I vaguely heard him say, and a small smile appeared on my lips when Wrecker started to laugh out loud. "Ahw, that's the same!"
Wrecker himself was wearing a purple and yellow Onesie without a hood. It was purple on the most part of it. His tummy was a light yellow, and I could see a short tail that had some stripes in the same shade of yellow as his tummy. On his head, he was wearing a purple beanie with cute, little tooka ears attached to it that had the same pattern as his tail. It looked handmade and was absolutely adorable. Suddenly, I remembered Echo telling me about Crosshair and Tech staying up all night to craft this thing for Wrecker.
"No, there is a fundamental difference between a witch and a wizard!" Tech kept going. While Echo and I moved closer to the table, his words got clearer for my ears.
"Stop bickering, you two. Wrecker, Tech is a wizard. Tech, stop gesticulating with your stick, I'd rather keep Wrecker's other eye," Hunter intervened. Both were quiet for a few seconds until Tech started talking again.
"Hunter, this isn't just a stick-" he started, but this time, he was interrupted by Echo and me.
By now, we had reached the group, and my boyfriend cleared his throat to get their attention.
Immediately, all of them stopped talking and turned their heads towards us expectantly. I felt four pairs of eyes landing on me, scrutinizing me curiously. This time, I squeezed Echo's hand a bit tighter. He answered me with squeezing back.
"Boys, this is my partner," Echo started and introduced us to each other. I smiled and nodded at them as a greeting.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I said shyly and was glad that Echo pulled me down with him into the cozy locking booth.
I sat down next to Wrecker and Echo slid in close to me. There were a few moments in which nobody said anything. If it hadn't been for the loud music or the chatter of other clones and their dates, we probably would've been able to hear a pin drop. Luckily, Wrecker broke the silence and saved the whole situation.
"Woah, you're as pretty as the pictures!" he observed, and I felt heat rise in my cheeks.
"You showed them pictures?" I asked Echo, a little bit embarrassed. "Of course, I also showed you pictures of them," he nodded smiling. That made the whole thing a little bit better.
"Yeah, that's right... Thanks, Wrecker. You're much bigger than what you look like in the photos," I answered grinning, and Wrecker proudly puffed out his chest. "All muscles," he told me. Echo and Hunter sighed in a short manner.
"Wrecker, stop flirting with Echo's girlfriend," Hunter ordered and pulled a quiet chuckle out of me with that.
With this small exchange, the ice was broken, and all of us started one interesting and exciting conversation after the next. Crosshair took the part of the observer more often than really talk, but this was okay. Due to Echos stories, I already knew that he wasn't a big talker, especially with new people around.
While the evening went on, we drank some drinks here and there, Echo and I shared a small portion of fritzle fries and after that I still was a bit hungry, so I bought a bowl of snacks for the whole table. Especially Wrecker was happy about that and ate most of it.
To this point, the evening was a whole success. I liked Echo's brothers, and I felt like they at least thought that I was okay. We talked about this and that with so much ease, like we knew each other for many years.
Tech told me about the special wood his magic wand was made of and where to find it, and in addition to that he started to tell me everything he knew about that planet, which I found very interesting.
When a good song came on, Echo and I went to the dance floor to awkwardly shake our bodies and have fun. I was so happy that he didn't mind others looking at us or thinking about what they might think. Since a long time, he was able to let loose again. I was very sure it was his excitement about our small meeting with his brothers going that well.
After some time Wrecker joined us, a little bit shy at first, because he was scared of third wheeling, but found dancing looked too nice to not try it, and like that we enjoyed the music as a group of three.
After a few songs, we went back to the others and picked up our conversations again. Even Crosshair started to talk a little bit more after some time.
Only Hunter was a little bit distant. Although he talked and joked with us, he still was a little bit reluctant and observed me warily.
With the drinking came the urge to visit a bathroom, and I excused myself from the table.
Then it happened.
I was in one of the cubicles and straightened my clothes sluggishly, as I heard the voices of two other people.
"Did you see that table full of Freaks? The goggled one was just a smartass about shit no one wants to know about. What a waste of breath. And what he's talking too much, the other is talking too less. I thought he's mute at first, but I've seen him talking sometimes." - "Don't forget about that giant baby. How can he be so well-built but so stupid? He wouldn't be good for anything if he wasn't a clone." - "And that little, filthy devil. How could someone eat that much in one evening? A little less wouldn't do any bad." - "Yeah. I bet that little devil fucks with all of them. Have you seen that costume? It's literally calling 'take me'." This was accompanied by spiteful laughter.
Confused, I shook my head - they could only be talking about us.
Just as I wanted to step out of the cubicle and ask them what the kriff they were talking about, they started making derisive remarks again.
"Did you see that wannabe angel?" - "You mean the cyborg? Yes. He should've come as a droid." - "Droid? Would that even be a costume, then?" - "Disgusting. I've never seen something that ugly. Just the idea to come here as an angel... I thought clones like that are getting decommissioned." They were laughing again.
This time, it was too much. They went too far. It wasn't okay to talk about anyone like that. None of the boys deserved that, but when it came to Echo, I saw red.
I took an angry breath through my nose and shoved the cubicle's door open. It hit the wall forcefully.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked outraged, while the two of them let out a short yelp. They were costumed as nurse and loth-cat. Both of them looked at me confused at first, but then their glance changed to something bitchy.
"Oh, the little devil is here to save the little angel," the nurse giggled, put her finger in her mouth and acted like she would gag on it.
"Oh, and how I am here to protect him. The boys and especially Echo are the most lovable people I've ever met. He's sincere and honest and admirable and so much better than you. What the hell are you thinking to talk about people like that?" I breathed angrily and started to wash my hands aggressively while I stared at them through the mirror.
"What? We just talked about preferences. Droid just isn't on our list. Unlike yours, hm? Does he give you a good time with his scomp?" Again, this annoying, arrogant voice.
"No, this has to do nothing with preferences. Otherwise, you could just say he's unattractive. What you are doing is not okay. You're mean because of what he looks like and you dehumanize him. But Echo feels just as much as every other human. If you ask me, you're the ones who are cold, heartless droids. And if you're complaining so much about Tech's stories, then I'm asking myself how you can listen to each other. All I hear from you is 'mimimi'. I'm interested in what he says. And Wrecker? He would achieve more in his life than you ever will. Maybe you should take advice from Crosshair and just shut up," I scowled and threw my paper towels in the trash bin next to them with the last few words.
While the nurse still had an arrogant expression in her face, the cat looked a bit guilty at least. I wasn’t sure how long he would feel like that before they were harassing others again.
"Oh, and Echo gives me the best times. Better than any of your flings ever could," I growled a last time, shutting the door behind me. Stupid people.
While I stomped back over to the boy's table again, I tried to calm down my breathing, blinking some tears away that started to water my eyes, but it didn't work that well.
Echo immediately noticed and glanced at me, worried. "You okay? What took you so long?" He asked quietly.
Droid. Don't make me laugh - a droid never could be as sensitive and kind as Echo.
"Yes. Sorry, there was a long line," I murmured and sat close to him. Our knees and sides were touching. He put his scomp arm around me carefully, letting me melt in his side comfortably.
"Okay," he breathed, even though he wasn't that convinced. He knew I would talk to him when it was something important or something that was worrying me. But I didn't want his mood to be dampened. So I didn't say anything.
We looked in each other's eyes for some time, and while I was observing him, I noticed how beautiful he was again.
"You're so pretty," I mumbled, and Echo's smile grew a little bit wider while his cheeks turned pink. "Thank you. You're very pretty, too," he returned the compliment. Now, I was the one with the heated face. We captured each other's eyes again. Suddenly, there was a tension between us.
With a small, fast motion, I moved forward and gave him a small peck on the lips. Echo returned the quick kiss, smiling as we departed from each other again.
Shortly after, we took part in the heated conversation of the others again. Echo's arm was still around me, and I enjoyed the comforting warmth that grew between us.
Just before I really could dive into the conversation again, I felt something carefully poking my shin.
Curiously, I looked up and met Hunter's gaze, which held warmth and thankfulness. He nodded at me with acknowledge.
He moved his mouth, and even though I couldn't hear what he was saying, I was able to read his lips: "Thank you."
At first, I was a bit confused, but then I remembered Hunter's advanced senses. He had to have heard us talking in the bathroom.
The corner of my mouth twitched upwards. I nodded back at him.
Even though I met Echo's brothers just now, I already had a soft spot for them - and that was okay.
At that moment, I promised myself to defend them and especially Echo from everything I could.
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kamyru · 1 year
My top 10 Voltage Guys. Ordered as favorites and as most likely to get along with in real life (2023 Version)
Now that so many stories I have been waiting for are out, I can continue my tradition with this top. I can't believe it took me so long to do it. Yet, I had a hunch Togo Daimon would be a bias wrecker. So, yes. Here we are again.
P.S. In the “Most likely to get along with me in real life”, the first brackets are the comparison with the results from the last year. The second bracket shows how the characters changed places compared to their rank in my favorites.
P.S.S. You can request fics with all characters on this list. 
2021 Version; 2022 Version
My Favorite Voltage Inc Guys
Dropped out from the last year: Taro Akuchi, Takaomi Tsugaru, Toshiki Kasumi
10. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)
9. Jun Araki (-6)
8. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)
7. Suzumu Mado (-1)
6. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)
5. Hyogo Kaga (+5)
4. Hideki Ishigami (-2)
3. Munechika Takado (+4)
2. Toshiaki Kijima (-1)
Togo Daimon (New Entry)
My favorite Voltage Inc. guys ordered as I’m most likely to date/get along in real life:
10. Hyogo Kaga (=)(-5)
Don't get me wrong, I do love him a lot, especially in his newest seasons. I think he has the biggest character development out of all the characters I have read their stories for. However, he is working well with MC. He would work awful with me. I'm stubborn, independent, and bratty to rely on someone else as he wants his love to do. 
9. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)(-1)
This one is strange. If you ask me about his main story, I will struggle to answer. All I know is that I loved him the most out of all PLUST members, which was unexpected because I didn't even want to read his story. But from what I remember, he is empathetic and hard-working, with a secret soft side. However, we both are too stubborn to work well together. 
8. Jun Araki (-4)(+1)
Wanna laugh? When I started doing these tops in 2021, he was in this place. I won't change my words from last year about us two having a similar approach to work. Yet, the others are too good for this alone to make him higher. Plus, his sex-centered characteristics scare the shit out of me, considering that I don't like touches from men. 
7. Toshiaki Kijima (+2)(-5)
Toshiaki is the love of my life, and I adore him to death. Recently, I don't even remember in which story, he said something along the lines that he can also be naughty and full of surprises. And this is what made me put him higher this year. I am the biggest homebody in all my groups of friends. However, I'm that crazy friend who is up for nearly everything. So, discovering his naughty side made me want to "corrupt" him a little. 
6. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)(+4)
He is one of the characters I have the most in common. I'll say something strange, but after reading the first three MSs for PLUST (I haven't read Wataru's yet), I headcanon that all PLUST members are introverts. And here is Mikoto, the center, the flirt, the favorite. Damn, this man reminds me of myself due to how many random skills and knowledge he has. Also, his love for literature is gold. Plus, he's super empathetic, smart, ambitious, and ready to help everyone. Can I marry him? He is one of the characters I want to be most like. 
5. Suzumu Mado (-2)(+2)
I will never stop yelling from every hill that this man has one of the healthiest ideas about love and relationships I have seen. Okay, maybe only in my opinion. If I were his girlfriend, we would be a couple of lazy cats, randomly helping our friends while pretending we don't care. Can you see the pattern? If not, wait for Kuranosuke where I explain it. 
4. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)(+2)
It's pretty strange how Kuranosuke with his dominant nature is higher than Suzumu & Mikoto, who are more carefree than him. At least they don't show everyone how much they worry. And taking into consideration my personality that dislikes to listen to others' rules, it doesn't make sense, does it? Yes, because we have the same family dynamic, and both are family-orientated (in a way). That's the thing that overturned Suzumu & Mikoto. Also, the reason why these three are so high is that they are a lot like me. I can understand how they are working, their ideas, and their plans. But this also means that we have similar cons and even traumas. We would work well together, but not the best. 
3. Hideki Ishigami (-1)(+1)
Is someone surprised? Not me! During every top, he was pretty high on this list. As always, his only problem is he has a dangerous job while I'm a worrywart. But his humor, hidden kindness, and attitude towards MC = gold. Love him till death.
2. Munechika Takado (-1)(+1)
This is where you have to be surprised because for two years he was the first. He is everything I want in a man: kind, smart, funny, stoic but soft with you, serious about his relationship, supportive, and caring. Plus, Takado is taller than me and a doctor! If I met a doctor like him, I would fall for him more than definitely. Poor thing he is fictional. But you know what thing makes him fall from his 1st spot? The fact that the next one isn't as harsh with words. And my "words of affirmation"-craving heart made its choice. 
Togo Daimon (New Entry)(=)
For the first time in three years, my favorite is also the first in this top. Don't even dare to tell me that the man who loves you from the start, protects you, is a feminist (at least considering his actions), can do everything for you, can take care of the house, is cute, isn't afraid to admit his relationship in front of others, isn't perfect! But why do I think that we can work well together besides the fact that he is already perfect when I'm more than definitely not? We were the youngest kids who cared for the rest of the family while bottling up their feelings. He is more in control of this trauma than me. He may be the perfect boyfriend, and I may not be the perfect girlfriend. Yet, I'm the perfect boyfriend, too (according to all my friends). There would be a war of who takes better care of each that would be even worse than in his story due to me being a lot more stubborn than MC. Plus, I have a carefree, yet responsible attitude towards life that he sometimes lacks. 
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Tech x Reader (Fluff)
This was requested by @arsonanddoodles​ (Happy late Birthdays better late than never lol) for a Tech x Reader Fluff so here it is. I am finishing reading Republic Commandos Order 66 so my uploading is slow. I'm obsessed with the Nulls and the book. I will take requests for any of the Nulls or Commandos from Delta and Omega squad! (P.S. I will be updating my Jango fic! Slowly but surely) Warnings: Near Death Experience, Injuries, Nightmare Mentioned, Slight Panic Attack, Protective Tech and Fluff!
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Another harrowing escape from the clutches of the new empire had the Bad Batch and their newest addition exhausted. “We need to find a place to lay low before we head back to Ord Mantell” Hunter announced. “Why?”, Omega asked. “Because we need to make sure they’re not following us, and I need to put in a new transponder code”, Tech responded. “Tech’s right Omega, the empire is not going to be happy when they find out we rescued a high target prisoner”, (Y/N) agreed. 
Omega turned and went to check on Wrecker and the prisoner they had rescued. (Y/N) remained sitting behind Echo stealing glances at Tech. It was no secret that her and Tech were involved with each other. Hunter leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes to nap. It didn’t take Tech long to find a planet that was mostly woodlands. He landed the Marauder gently and opened the ramp so everyone could stretch their legs.
“We can stay here tonight and leave in the morning”, Hunter declared. Everyone nodded as they started to set up a small camp. “Tech do you need help with anything?”, (Y/N) questioned. “No not at the moment, maybe ask Hunter or the others if they need anything”, Tech stated. “Oh okay I’ll be over there if you need anything”, (Y/N) said. She walked over to help Omega scavenge for food in the surrounding area. Hunter nodded as they walked into the forest, but he had no idea what lay in that forest.
“So you like Tech right?”, Omega asked. “Well yeah I do, but I don’t think he likes me back”, (Y/N) sighed. “I think Tech likes you, he just… well he’s Tech. I know that isn’t very helpful, but he does talk about you”, Omega smiled. “Really then what does he say about me?”, (Y/N) questioned. “Well he likes how you laugh and he enjoys your jokes. He says you are the only person he can relax and be himself around. Oh and that you’re a good listener even if you don’t understand what he is saying”, Omega admitted. 
(Y/N) was silent for a while until something to her right moved. “Omega hold on something doesn’t feel right”, (Y/N) said. She looked closer at the moving foliage only for a large animal with sharp teeth to jump out and land on her. Omega screamed as (Y/N) clawed at its eyes, but that didn’t stop it from biting her left forearm. (Y/N)’s scream had Tech moving faster than his brothers. He made it to her first automatically pulling his blaster and firing into the animal until it let go and fell over dead. 
“(Y/N) mesh’la are you alright?” he asked; checking her for injuries. “I’m fine it’s just a bite”, she said standing up. Tech noticed her sway and scooped her up into his arms carrying her back to the Marauder. “I can walk”, she grumbled. “Yes but in your condition it would be best to rest”, Tech informed her. She was starting to feel light headed and she smiled up at him. “You're so handsome and smart, has anyone ever told you that”, she sighed before placing her head on his shoulder. He hummed as he tried not to look at her because if he did she would see the blush spreading across his cheeks. 
Once back at the Marauder he took her straight to a crate where they had set up camp, and sat her down on it. He worked quickly to clean the wound and apologized when she hissed in pain. She watched as he wrapped her arm and tilted her head so he could give her a bacta/pain killer hypo injection. “Thank you”, she smiled. “You’re going to feel very sleepy here in a few minutes so we need to get you to your spot”, he informed her.
He helped her to her spot beside the fire and sat down beside her as she fell asleep. He monitored her breathing and made sure that the bandages were staying clean. She screamed and woke up with a start sitting up. “(Y/N) you’re safe. You’re okay, look at me”, he told her, putting his hand on her shoulder. She slowly looked at him as he talked to her through a breathing exercise. “Tech will you.. Umm will you stay with me? I don't want to be alone”, (Y/N) said.
“Yes I can stay. In fact scoot over”, he said matter of factly. She scooted over and he lay back against the small pack she used as a pillow. “It’s been scientifically proven that the heartbeat of another person can help you sleep more peacefully”, Tech spouted. She lay her head on his chest timidly until he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “You know that was a smooth move”, she smiled. “It was not a move, it's a scientific fact”, he sighed.
She sighed as well gathering up some courage she had to know if what Omega had said was true. “You know Omega told me some interesting things about you before I got attacked”, (Y/N) spoke. “What did she say?”, Tech nervously urged. “She said that you like me and that you like how I listen to you. How you like my jokes and you think that I’m funny although I think my jokes are lame”, she mentioned. 
He was quiet and (Y/N) felt like she shouldn’t have said anything. Tech could feel her tensing, and he was panicking inside. He had no idea how to talk to women, and usually offended them when they used to go to 79’s. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable” she apologized. “No don’t apologize Omega is right I do enjoy your company and how you listen so intently when no one else does. I love your jokes no matter how ridiculous you think they are”, Tech declared.
“Wait so you do like me?”, (Y/N) observed. “Well yes I do, I thought I made that clear when I..hmph”, He was cut off by (Y/N) reaching up to kiss him. It was a short kiss that left him speechless and blushing. He felt his heart beating out of his chest as he tried to remember how to breathe. “I don’t think anyone has ever made Tech speechless before”, Hunter smirked from his spot eyes still closed. Tech glared at him as (Y/N) dissolved into giggles.
“We should get some rest so we don’t end up waking Wrecker, Omega and Echo. We all know how grumpy Echo gets when he doesn’t get his beauty sleep”, (Y/N) whispered. Tech nodded but froze when (Y/N) reached up to take off his goggles. “So you’re the one that takes them off when I fall asleep in the cockpit and work on things”, he yawned. “Yeah I know how they can cause headaches and discomfort. I also like to see your eyes even if you can’t really see me”, she sighed snuggling into him. 
He sat there realizing they both confessed to liking each other until he heard her breathing slow. “Goodnight cyar’ika”, he said, kissing the top of her head. He couldn’t believe what had just transpired earlier and he thought about it even as he fell asleep. Hunter peeked an eye open and chuckled to himself as he remembered how it was when (Y/N) first joined them and how Tech would stutter and panic when he didn’t know how to respond to her joking. He hadn’t assigned watches as Tech’s new perimeter beacons would alert if someone or something got too close and fell asleep. 
Tech woke first as he heard the others laughing, especially Wrecker as Hunter told them how he and (Y/N) confessed their feelings. “Do you all mind she is still sleeping and it's imperative that she get as much rest as possible so she can heal”, Tech seethed. “Man with a look like that you would give Crosshair a run for his money”, Echo huffed, rolling his eyes. Tech grabbed his goggles and put them on, careful not to wake (Y/N), but it was no use as he felt her stirring. 
“Morning mesh’la”, he greeted. “Mmm mornin”, she slurred still half asleep. (Y/N) stretched and got up then helped Tech up. “Come on we need to help them pack up”, she yawned. “No not until I have changed your bandages”, Tech commanded. “We can do it after we get everything packed and we are in space, and don’t even think about talking back to me loverboy”, (Y/N) countered as she started packing up. Wrecker laughed at Tech’s somewhat appalled look of being told off, but shrugged it off as (Y/N) was known to speak her mind.
They packed up and Tech noticed that (Y/N)’s bandage had fresh blood coming through it. He held his tongue until they were up in the reaches of space then went to find her as he left Echo to pilot the ship. (Y/N) was sitting on his bunk with the med kit open beside her. “I figured you would want to tend to the injury so I waited”, she grinned. Every time she grinned or smiled he felt like he was having heart palpitations, but he liked it and that scared him. 
“I’ll give you another bacta hypo and then apply some bacta salve to coat the wound”, he told her. She nodded and watched him adoringly as he carefully unwrapped her arm and applied the salve. The salve was cool but still burned as she hissed. Tech’s head whipped up as he grimaced noticing he was causing her pain. “Tech it’s okay you have to do this. It’s not your fault that the bacta stings”, she forced a smile. He relaxed some and re-wrapped her arm then grabbed the hypo.
She automatically turned her head so he could get the hypo into her neck. “Well that should get you through until we get to Ord Mantell”, Tech announced. He helped her to her feet and kissed the top of her head. “Maybe I can help you pilot today?”, she asked. (Y/N) had been wanting to pilot the Marauder since she joined the Bad Batch, but she knew how Tech felt about others piloting his pride and joy. “I think that can be arranged”, he smirked. (Y/N) squealed, reaching up on her toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek. 
(Y/N) took off to the cockpit as Tech stood there trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. He was brought out of his daze as (Y/N) called from the cockpit. It was an easy flight back to Ord Mantell and he was impressed with how well she did even how gentle the landing was. “You did well, maybe you should be our new pilot a lot nicer to look at”, Echo joked. Tech rolled his eyes as (Y/N) laughed. 
“As much as I would love to, I would rather watch Tech fly, it's much more entertaining”, she said, nudging his arm with her elbow. Tech smiled, “Well maybe we can let you fly on the easy missions”. They laughed and jeered until they were able to deliver their new ally to Rex at Sid’s bar. Sid let them have drinks on the house and Tech watched (Y/N) drink her fill and then take off back for the Marauder. 
“I think you should have an escort back”, Tech told her. He took her hand in his and she blushed, not used to it and influenced a little by the alcohol. Once back at the Marauder he let her change and then he stripped his armor off down to his blacks. “Alright bandage change and more bacta before bed”, Tech scolded. “I hoped you had forgotten”, (Y/N) grinned, swinging her legs over the bunk. 
“Not a chance”, he replied. “So Tech I was wondering”, (Y/N) started. He hummed informing her to continue as he got the bandage off and started to apply more bacta. “Well would you like to be in a relationship… you know with me? Like a girlfriend boyfriend type relationship? If so I would like to take it slow”, she rambled. He froze for a moment as he mulled over her words. He didn’t know how to be in a relationship. This wasn’t a part of his training. Should he even respond? 
She held her breath as he seemed to think about it. “I believe I would like that and taking it slow would be good since I wasn’t trained for relationships”, he responded as he started to bandage again. “Nobody is trained for relationships Tech”, she laughed. There was that fluttering feeling in his chest again, but it was starting to become normal the more it happened and he liked it. “All done, you should rest now”, he smiled up at her.
“Okay but only if you join me. It really helped me sleep last time”, she yawned. He nodded and climbed up into his bunk then helped her up. She lay her head on his chest just like before, and he waited for her breathing to slow. “Night Tech love you”, she slurred before she fell asleep. “Night love you too cyar’ika”, he yawned, falling asleep as well. When the others returned they smiled at (Y/N) glued to Tech’s side with her head on his chest and Tech’s arm holding her tightly to him.
Alright sorry it was so late getting this out, but here it is and I hope y’all enjoy it. Like I said, my ask box is open and I plan on doing a Mereel Skirata oneshot or story (not sure yet), and I will be updating my Jango fic as soon as I have time!
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I will throw 10$ (No joke) at you on Ko-fi if do a kiss and Make-Up for that Break Up post 🥺
P.S regardless if you do it I’ll give you 10$ cause honestly gotta support writers! XD
Ahh... I see reading those headcanons hurt as much as it did to write them...  Well how about that lol 🙃 Thanks though, anon, for requesting a more positive spin on the subject. I much prefer happier endings to sad ones.
(Also for the record, I'm writing this for free because it's fan-fiction and I don't own any of these characters... but if you want to give me money for other/unrelated reasons I won't complain 😅 hehe. I appreciate your support!)
First, some set-up: His ex comes to him after just a short time away, sobbing and regretful. They hadn't been in a good headspace when they left. They'd been dealing with their own issues and for some reason felt it was best to break up with their clone boyfriend in the process. It hadn't taken them long to realize what a huge mistake that was. How much they still loved him and needed him in their life. They pour their heart out, maybe even have it in a letter for him to read and come to terms with in his own time. But they are asking for another chance. They want to try again....
Kix, Hunter, and Echo are hesitant and definitely need some time to think about it. They were seriously hurt over the breakup and aren't sure they could handle something like that again. They want to be absolutely sure this relationship will last if it's re-started. Once they talk things through and come to the decision to get back together, they will take things slow and ensure stronger communication between them in order to build something that lasts this time. Their makeup kisses are cute and clumsy, like it's their first all over again.
Cody, Rex, and Tup are confused, but willing to reconsider. They'll hear their S/O out, maybe ask for a little bit of time, but they don't drag out the decision either. Of course they'll take their S/O back. They are understanding and empathetic. But they are also cautious going forward. Things won't be exactly as they were. They'll need time to rebuild trust but are willing to put in the effort if their S/O is, too. Their makeup kisses are quick and soft, like they don't want to break the peace.
Fives, Hardcase, and Wrecker are elated. Maybe they should be more cautious and thoughtful about this, but they can't help it. They had been struggling with getting over the breakup, dreaming and praying that it was all some horrible nightmare they'd soon wake up from. And now they pretty much are. They dive right back in as if it hadn't ended, though there may be a few heart-to-hearts about how the situation really took a toll on them. Their makeup kisses are eager and sloppy, like they've been starved for too long.
Jesse, Dogma, and Crosshair are irritated at first. Why did they have to endure a broken heart only to find out it was a mistake? But deep down they're also relieved. They hated being alone, hated having to get over the one person they were able to be vulnerable with. Their return to the relationship seems reluctant, and they won't actually want to discuss anything for a while. But once they do, it's very freeing, allowing them to truly start over. Their makeup kisses are heated and desperate, like they're afraid this isn't real.
Wolffe, Fox, and Tech initially turn them down. Why would they just get back together when there'd been a reason to end it? Those reasons didn't just go away. And all that work they'd put in to heal and move on? No. But as the days go by, their S/O's words really start to sink in and they wonder if maybe they could try again. They make them promise to never leave like that again, and then they're all-in. Their makeup kisses are tender and lingering, like they're making a statement.
Clone Tag List: @damerondala, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @pandora-the-halfling, @misogirl828, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbedumbaf, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @thatmultifandomdumbass, @sarahtanmarvel, @itsagrimm, @call-me-a-fool, @lackofhonor, @error6gendernotfound, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @Techie-bear, @Lottemoppie13, @salaminus
+Bad Batch Tag: @bowtiesandsandshoes, @softlymellow
(Join my tag list here)
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chaninfused · 4 years
Hey so I'm an anon who pops in sometime. I had no idea you were feeling this way. I'm a student rn so I have to pic my way through your works really slow, but I want you to know I'm here! I've been dying to read the minho fic you posted a whole back and it's new sequel bc hes my bias and we need more good minho fics. I love your world building, by the way. Like a ton. You helped my find a missing fic on here a while ago (it turned out to be eye of heaven) I loved it. I also got to read candles in the sky a while ago, it was super good too (I want to go back and read it bc jisung has been wrecking but it's been midterms). I like the whole assasin au you did as well. I first found you because of the match girl and you honestly broke my heart 😥 never moved on from that and always live under the hopeful delusion you'll write an alternate ending.
It is clearly my grief talking but still.
I think I've read every single drabble (I try to heart every time) but sometime i come back just to be sure i havent missed any, esp when a bias wrecker comes calling and I want content. Tbh you're really good. Good enough youd never have to write for us for free. But I'm grateful that you do.
I confess, I dont get to engage with your longer works as much as I want to (if you ever wanna do chapters that would be fun bc it gives you a way to find your way back to the spot you left off reading easier 🥺).
But like, your descriptions are super good, your world building is awesome. I I'm too take the time really READ it not just skim it.
But, I'm sorry you havent felt appreciated bc honestly you're more engaging to me than a lot of published novelists. If you dont want to write because its not bringing you enjoyment or positive feedback, I understand. But you deservse to at least know how amazing and talented you are. I see other blogs talk about you and tag you a ton. But even so, to be honest I feel like the best writers on here often get overlooked you among them. So I understand, but please know: you are amazingly talented. I'll honestly be really sad if you go, but we arent entitled to your hard work and effort, and I get that. And know if you ever write original fiction I'd be down for it.
Anyway. Sorry this was long. And sorry I havent gotten to see some of your longer works yet but I at least want you to know u see them, and I plan too. I know that's not a big consolation but I do love your writing and I want to partake of it when I can actually truly read it. Thank you for your time and energy, and sorry if this is ramble but its 3am here but I couldnt not adress this.
Thanks for your time and investment,
That's ok no hurry! I just wanted to be sure it was there 🥺 also I wanna add I'm sorry I dont reblog more...I have friends in tumblr who dont know I read kpop fanfic...😥 I'm thinking of getting another one at some point so I can. But I want you to know, I would reblog your stuff a ton. That's why not, and I'm so sorry if its come off as apathy. 😥
hey, bubs! ✨ thank you for taking the time to write this out, I really appreciate it 💞
oh wow, I don’t know where to begin with this 😅
let me start by saying that I’m happy to know you’ve enjoyed several pieces of my work, including my blurbs. reading this yesterday helped me a lot 💕 and don’t worry, I’ll probably never leave as long as I’m in my right mind...
I know I don’t post as often as I used to a year ago, and my content has changed a little over the time, so I’m grateful that all of you are still here. don’t misunderstand me, it’s not that I don’t appreciate the humble audience I’ve attracted, it’s that I’m baffled at the counter effect of their growth. with the uncertainty of the tumblr tags, we writers solely depend on our followers to share our work. if neither tumblr nor our readers want to cooperate with us then expect that we remain active and happy, then we’re all set for doom. 
there are solutions if you look for them. one can always create a side blog to dedicate for their different interests, in regards to the situation with your friends. a lot of people do that, and you could try it too if you’d like! ✨
once more, thank you for this 💖 
(p.s. I don’t write alternative endings :P)
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
10 Biases Tag
I think I did this once.. buuut I can't remember soooo I'll do it again! Thank you for tagging me @thatmultifandomhoe I think I do have 10 biases.... let's see:
Write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
1. Yoongi (BTS)
2. Mark Tuan (Got7)
3. Woosung (The Rose)
4. Young K (Day6)
5. Lee Minho (Stray Kids)
6. Seonghwa (Ateez)
7. Johnny (NCT)
8. Lucas (WayV)
9. Changkyun (Monsta X)
10. Choi Minho (SHINee)
1. Between 1 & 4 who would you rather kiss?
Nooooo, don't do that to me.... I hate it here... but I think I'll go with Yoongi.. or do I?! Yeah, I think I go with him... though I can't say a reason... I just.. I don't know... (sorry Young K.. still love you though)
2. Between 2 & 7 who would be your best friend?
Are you kidding me?! I hate it here!! But because I read that one fanfic where Johnny and the reader dared each other all the time and that's funny I say I want him to be my best friend! Also! He's fricking adorable! (Mark.. I'm sorry.. I love you but I feel we are too similar..)
3. Between 5 & 10 who has the better voice?
Haha!!! Haaaaahaaaaaaa! Minho! I clearly decide on Minho!
4. Between 1 & 8 who is the funniest?
Are you for real?! Seriously?! Yoongi has some advanced humour.. I really like that.. but sometimes I'm dimb so I fear I won't understand them... and Lucas.. he's just Lucas.. look at him.. one grin and I'm already laughing on the floor.. so Lucas..
5. Between 6 & 9 who would you date?
I WANT to say both.. but I can't!! And that sucks... but I guess I'll go with Changkyun.. he makes me suuuper weak.. it's insane... Seonghwa also makes me weak but he confuses me less.. so Changkyun..
6. Between 9 & 10, who would you do a collaboration with?
Minho.. he seems hardworking and fun to be around! And he has a lot of experience so I guess I can learn a lot from him as well! (sorry changkyun but we're already on a date.. you can't have it all)
7. Between 4 & 8 who is the best dancer?
Young K.. it's funny because he's in a band but he is reeeeaaally good!!!! (Sorry Lucas.. but you're already funny soooo that's good to, I guess?)
8. Between 3 & 5 who would you most likely marry?
Woosung.. he's a 93 liner... I have a soft spot for them... and I love him and he is so wonderful and mischievous and older than me.. physically... not mentally... (sorry Minho.. but you stood no chance)
9. Between 1 & 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
Uh... both? Again? Please?! Though I saw the reason Lindsay listed and I feel like Lucas would be like Jackson and be a little whiny and stuff.. which would annoy me... because damn you're sick not a kid.. so I go with Yoongi.. thinking about it that damn man needs it!!!! I will force him to rest!!!
10. Between 2 & 3 who has the better smile?
Mark or Woosung.... sigh.... Mark... I fell in love with his smile and that has never changed!
11. Between 6 & 8 who would you vacation with?
Seonghwa!!! I think he would be pleasant company! Ready for a little adventure but able to rest and take it slow as well!! (Soory Lucas but you are too hyper in my eyes... hyper people make me feel tired very quickly... I wouldn't survive that for long)
Soooo.. I still hate it here!!!!!! And to make others suffer as well!! @yoongsgguktae @birbdae @gotparadise @limjaeseven @moccahobi and really anyone who wants to suffer as well! Feel yourself tagged!
P.S. if you don't have enough biases take the wreckers as well (for more suffering)
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2idiots · 4 years
hello :D if, i'm not to late, could you answer for ateez and (because i know the feeling of ranting about what you love) n.flying?????
You're not too late at all! 💖
I'll start with ATEEZ because I think that's the one you actually want to know about!
do i already fan stan them?
yes | only for the music | attempting to | no
my bias + bias wrecker*:
So my fav was originally San, then it was Wooyoung, then it was Yunho, then it was Yeosang. I really can't make up my mind but the first name(s) that pop to my head right now are Yeosang and Yunho. Mostly Yeosang because I support savage people and he reads his members like the library is open. 📖
first time i heard of them
It was early last year, I think I heard them when they were doing that try not to dance video.
when i became a fan
See above ⬆️ they were doing that try not to dance video and San was all like "but can I do this <rapidly blinks along to the beat>" it was really adorable
favorite (and least favorite) title track
I LOVE Wave and I will fight anyone and EVERYONE who disagrees. I am willing to die on this hill (that Wave is the best title track). I'm not a big fan on their newer stuff, inception and thanxx don't really draw me in. Sorry folks 😔
favorite (and least favorite) b-side
I LOVE MIST. I love Wooyoung's like high trills in it. Mist makes my heart 💓💓💓💓. Alright I'm gonna get murdered for this one but I'm not a fan of Star 1117. It just doesn't catch for me.
favorite (and least favorite) mv
Again it's WAVE folks. Wave may be one of my favorite kpop (actual pop music kpop) things that currently exists in the world (not as much as ring ding dong but you get the point). I also really enjoy Pirate King. As for least favorite, I'm not too into the THANXX mv, I don't like the style and concept much.
favorite (and least favorite) album
I love Treasure Ep. 1. If you can't tell I really like the earlier things. 😄
a concept i wished they’d try
I really love their Halloween dances so just do more of those ATEEZ. Ok? Ok. 👌 💃
what i like most about them
I like their dancing a LOT. I think their choreographies are interesting and difficult. I also enjoy their personalities a lot. That being said I haven't kept up much because KQ photoshops them so much that sometimes it makes my eyes hurt to look at their pictures.
P.S. I'll reblog with n.flying to break up the long post 😁
Send me a kpop group
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
A Preface on What’s to Come
So I’m writing this almost a month since my home country declared a community quarantine (which has now become enhanced and will last until the end of the month) due to the current pandemic. I could’ve done this earlier, but given how everything felt (and still is) chaotic about the situation, I had to prioritize some things and compose myself first before coming here.
Now that’s out of the way, I am writing this to serve as an introduction to what’s going to unfold in this blog a few days (or weeks) from now. I don’t want you, my dear reader, to go into this blindly, so this primer will consist of three parts that I advise you read first before I get to post my fics. Without further ado…
I.  Why I Stan Who I Stan, aka Why I Love Johnny Suh
He wouldn’t be the name of this blog if I didn’t love him, right? But he wasn’t my first bias in the group at all. So let me take you back to the beginning, which was in late 2019 where I rediscovered SHINee. I was already in a nostalgic kick then, listening to my anime soundtracks and J-Pop a few weeks earlier. When I saw my friend and officemate’s SHINee compilation in her hard drive, I had to copy it since I think I’m ready to listen to them again. I don’t know if other Shawols experienced this but it felt painful to listen to the group after Jonghyun passed away. Although the rest of the boys still carried on in making more music, it took me until last year to fully move on.
Anyway, listening to SHINee led me to rediscover and love K-pop again. I became immersed in Taemin’s solo work – yes, I am almost three years late to MOVE but I would still love to perfect its choreography – and it was love at first listen to KEY’s solo album. After all, they were my next two biases after Jonghyun.
Since their solo works were not enough to satiate my K-pop hunger, I learned that Taemin was going to be a part of Super M and that opened more boy groups to me. I learned of EXO (I pretty much ignored them when I was in college because I am pretty loyal to SHINee and Super Junior at the time) and NCT because of this supergroup that was going to debut in the States pretty soon. I even set my alarm to watch their debut stage in LA on YouTube because I’m that excited for them!
So at first, Mark was my bias in NCT, followed by Ten. If you concluded that I have a thing for English speakers, then yes, maybe that’s the case why they appealed to me more than the others (except Taemin, of course, he will always be my favorite). Then one thing led to another, which means I fell into an NCT hole of watching their videos on YouTube. One of the first ones I watched was their Buzzfeed interview and Johnny’s humor struck me the most. I watched more, and then I realized that hey, I want to be friends with this guy; I think we’ll get along well.
Since I only have my childhood best friend to talk to about my renewed K-pop obsession, I told her I was going to write fics again. Being the supportive person that she is, she read them and commented on them once she was done. And yes, I am going to share those with you and I hope you’ll let me know what you think about them.
There was a line in one fic that caught her attention, prompting me to write about the character and Johnny being best friends who eventually fall in love with each other. I took on her challenge, and the more that I wrote, the more that I fell for him. I watched more videos of him too so I would be more inspired to write. That worked since I was able to write a fic (or two!) every day while I didn’t do anything at work.
I don’t want to call it a slow burn because I knew it took me a couple of weeks to fully fall for Johnny. Let’s just say he grew on me in a short period and you’ll read more about that in the fics to come.
So as early as now, I’m going to warn you guys that most of my fics will have lengthy introductions too because I like to explain myself a lot.
II.   When Y/N Gets a Real Name
The first fics I wrote started with just Y/N. My childhood best friend, who continues to serve as my audience, didn’t mind it initially but then gave me the suggestion to give Y/N a name. She added that a play on my name would be nice and Y/N eventually became Essie. Since I go by J here, I’ll leave you to assume what my real name is which will eventually be revealed anyway since that’s her real name too.
You may also assume that the fics are a manifestation of my delulu dreams and let’s be honest here – aren’t most, if not all, fics that way? Especially when there’s Y/N involved, don’t you agree? Since I have been writing these fics for almost six months now, Essie has developed into a character of mine that is similar to me and at the same time, an annoying person who irks me sometimes. I’ll get around to that but for now, I feel she is more than just a projection of a fangirl’s deepest, darkest desires.
I hope you won’t mind if she is the subject of affection for the fics unless stated. But for now, she’s had her way with the boys – and yes, the fics aren’t all about her and Johnny.  
P.S. My childhood best friend was one of the first characters to have a name in my fics and it’s also one of Kai’s many nicknames. If you are a true EXO-L, then you’d know that in a heartbeat. I find it cute because that’s also one of her many nicknames and her bias in the group is Kai, so…I live to please.
III. Purpose and Other Things You Need to Know About This Blog
The main purpose why I put up this blog is to share my works with everyone. I just don’t want to be limited to my childhood best friend, you know?
And to be honest, I have written for a lot of fandoms but my fics never got to see the light until now. I don’t know why I suddenly feel so confident to share them this time but I hope that they will make you feel things – whether that’s happy, sad, giddy, loved, or whatever – and you can let me know what you think. I would appreciate it if you can give constructive criticism, and of course, I would love it if you’ll share your favorite parts. I often re-read my fics for inspiration and most of the time, they crack me up because I would have never thought to write something about this or that.
This is also not strictly a Johnny and Essie blog since it will also feature other K-pop groups that I am a fan of. In short, expect appearances from other SM Entertainment boy groups as well. Johnny and Essie aren’t the only pairings here since I also love other NCT members but not as much as I love my gentle giant. Since you already know my first bias, then you’ll get to read about my bias wrecker soon.
The fics are also not in chronological order because I don’t work that way. I write what I think of and things build up from there. So if I post something about Johnny and Essie being friends on one day and then have them as a couple in the next, don’t be surprised. Maybe once all scenarios have been written, then I can piece them in proper order.
I may not be able to update daily because I have to focus on my day job first. But I will still try my best to post here as often as I could and interact with you guys.
So if you have further questions that you think I have not covered, then let me know through the comments.
Here’s to a fluffy, cheesy, and sometimes smutty reading experience!
Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)
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tipsytaee · 5 years
NCT 127 – “Neo City: The Origin” in San Jose (Fan Account - 190509)
Left work at 5:40pm, arrived in San Jose at 7:10, bought chicken nuggets from McDonald’s, and entered the concert hall at 7:50.
Hall feels kind of like a high school auditorium. Was expecting something a little more memorable.
I was kind of nervous and wondering if the $160 would be worth it, but I was excited about it too. Texted BFR and MKT a quick photo and both replied with excitement for me.
Concert begins.
(Cherry Bomb) Took me a little bit to get energized, but the smooth glide, backward fall, and leg split were everything.
NCT lightsticks are bright af. Every time the girl next to me waved hers to my side, I think I went just a little bit more blind lol.
(Chain) Taeyong’s absss. I was trying to fix something on my phone and, BAM! Front and center on the big screen. That shit came out of nowhere >.<
Didn’t have a lightstick this time, so I was just kinda awkwardly standing there. People around me must’ve thought I was the quietest kpop fan ever. But in my head I was hyped xD
(Ment #1) Taeyong really knows how to pump up a crowd—from his stretched out “Ohhh yeahhhh” that reclined into a sexy, throat-deep groan to his vocalized sports tournament siren after introducing his name. And his little fumble when trying to say “lifetime memories” was cute.
(Fly Away with Me) Ugh, this song put me in a mood. And Taeyong’s bouncing dance moves. He does them really nice.
(Back 2 U) Yuta’s vocals o.o And Taeyong’s soft swag throughout.
Not as many Taeyong stans as I thought, but definitely one behind me. I relate to her every time she screams for him when he does something remotely sexy and the crowd is quiet in obliviousness xD
(City 127) Slower song and Taeyong’s still not able to sit still. He was the only one who stood up and danced around for his part, and he continued to wiggle around in his chair after that xD :3
(Angel) So. Much. Skinship. Taeyong scooting his chair over to Jaehyun and being all squishy, touchy, and adorable with him. More with Yuta & Doyoung, and Jungwoo & Haechan. The line, “I’ll be your morning star” gave me all the feels. I eventually found myself swaying along.
(Jet Lag + more) Yuta’s slow, emotional hair flip and his unrelenting cuteness. If Taeyong doesn’t do it first, this kid might just kill me >.<
(Ment #2) Yuta being cute af and possibly throwing some random Japanese in there? xD
(No Longer) Definitely falling for Taeil’s voice.
So many Taeil, Haechan and Jaehyun stans.
(Regular) Taeyong’s sex faces live are killing me.
(Wake Up) The bars have come out. Hyped by Taeyong’s “Are you ready San Jose!” and subsequent ‘yeah’s and ‘whoo’s and arm pumping dance.
(Baby Don’t Like It) Taeyong literally coming in like a pimp on top of the bars. Sunglasses, posture, attitude, and all lmao.
(Mad City) The vibrations man, the fucking building was shaking.
(Good Thing) Taeyong’s outlandishly flamboyant paint-splatter suit, wtf xD Also his moonwalk is so fucking smooth. Yuta is adorably bouncy in his cute yellow sweater.
Seeing Taeyong’s sex faces in person is ridiculous (part 2).
…is Yuta my bias wrecker?
Chipmunk voices on the mic… (Started with Mark’s mic during Mad City and continued randomly throughout)
Changing lightstick colors with the music. Didn’t expect that to happen here. For some reason I thought it was only a Korea/Japan thing lol.
(Superhuman) The superior song. Always fall for that head snap in the beginning.
I was watching Taeyong for most of the concert, but I swear I saw Taemin’s face flash by for like half a second. I think the desperation to see Taemin live is getting too strong xD
(Ment #4) I fucking looked up and Taeyong had taken half of his sparkly jacket off during the ment. Guns fully loaded. Biceps at the ready. But my poor heart wasn’t >.< Haechan speaking Korean for the first time during the concert kind of made it more real that I was watching Korean idols who had traveled halfway across the world to perform in front of me. Taeyong and his backwards visor and casual black clothes is fucking hot. Taeil getting embarrassed when Johnny told him to growl and flex his muscles one more time, adorable :3 Taeyong did clapping push-ups, aegyo-ed, and fucking dabbed in the span of 20 seconds >.< Jaehyun asking if we’re ready to “get hot.” Boy, I’ve been steaming for an hour now (both literally and figuratively lol. Couldn’t find the time to take off my coat xD)
(Summer 127) The resonance and vibrations from the bass line had me shaking (in a good way). Taeyong’s front group seemed a little lost in the music when they finally went back into choreography—they kept looking at each other like “uh…” and wiggled their arms around aimlessly until it matched everyone else lol. Taeyong went HARD during this song. His panting had me thrown, and he rapped so hard his fucking vein popped out.
(Ment #5) Doyoung’s adorably cheesy fortune cookie story. Fortune cookie read, “You will touch the hearts of many.” Generic but absolutely true ^^ Taeyong’s pouty face before his ending speech. And he put his hands together, almost in prayer, when thanking his fans. It was so heartfelt and sweet.
(Pre-0 Mile) Taeyong’s switch from his soft voice when correcting the crowd’s move for “mine mine” to his deep, loud, crowd-pumping voice at the final “girl you’re just mine mine!” I love his duality. And the way he turned around to walk to the back of the stage for 0 Mile. Hot.
(0 Mile) Taeyong being a mom and picking up Doyoung after he fell to the ground trying to protect his abs xD He’s such a sweetheart <3
For the last three-ish songs, Taeyong was super energetic and hyped for the performances. It got me hyped too.
Their “San Jose is a real vibe-killer~~” xD
Someone threw a rose at Taeyong when they were walking from the left side audience to thank the right side, and he got adorably flustered. He fumbled with the rose a little bit, but he did manage to catch it.
Taeyong picked up the rose he had put down earlier to hold his members’ hands and bow. He was being such a tease with it, putting it sexily in his mouth, tango style, and turning around and pausing every two steps to pose with it. He also put on an adorable “San Jose” beauty pageant sash before posing with the rose and heading off stage. He was the last member to leave and he kept dorking around and teasing his fans, it was so freakin cute >.< (Side note: Found out later he was recently crowned “in charge” of their San Jose stop, which is why he had the sash.)
That ending^ was all I needed to make that whole concert worthwhile. I love you Taeyong <3
Concert ended at 10:40pm. Walked back to my car and drove home listening to nothing but NCT songs.
Post-concert thoughts: In the beginning, it felt like I was just watching another random concert. I was also hesitant about going even before that because I only really listened to about half the songs on the setlist. But I realized there’s something about concert settings that just makes everything sound amazing. The concert eventually evolved into something more meaningful and that I was super spazzy about and into (probably triggered by something Taeyong did lol), but it got so much more exciting after that and I loved it.
P.S. Taeyong’s shirt was sheer????
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gladioluuss · 5 years
SEVENTEEN Album Collection
The title seemed pretty straightforward...
But please do click that Keep reading and read about what I think about the albums and some fun memories that I had with these albums.
Welcome to the first post, I’ll be sharing with you what I have collected for the past 4 years of being a Carat. I’ve started being a SEVENTEEN fan aka Carat 3 days after their debut/ when the Adore U MV was released. When I started the entering the fandom, I promised to myself that every album of this group I’ll buy because I started when the debuted but guess what.. I dont have AL1 and Directors Cut also I only have one version for every album with multiple versions (oh come on I don’t only buy albums, I also have expenses for my living yah know!) but yeah the promise is broken. Well its okay because being fan doesn’t define how many album or merch you own right? Anyway, when I already work (I’m still a student) I’ll collect every album and complete it even the japanese version. Please Pledis stop making SEVENTEEN albums have multiple version because my wallet aches and that’s not good :(
Well enough of this long intro and let’s get going with my albums.
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17 Carat ; This baby over here is my very first SEVENTEEN album, well its not my very first album because I have 2 fandom before entering the Carat world so yeah. This is I think the 4th to the last copy of the physical store that I bought it to and I feel so lucky because I get to grab one before it comes out of stock in x store. They don’t stock too much album with their branches that often and it may take months and years and ya gurl here doesn’t know online shopping before so I rely on physical stores more than online stores. I got the Black Version of the 13 individual PCs that they have and its fine, its fine no worries.
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Boys Be; The start of the version expansion. When its their first comeback I was like wow impressive songs and concept. Well when you’re diving into a new world, you discover a lot and at this point its not about their singing and dancing talent that I admire about SEVENTEEN but their individual special talents like Hoshi doing Choreographs and Woozi composing songs. And I REALLY LOVE THEIR TITLE SONG AND B SIDE SONGS TBH. I even played it into our new speakers and my mom loved it she even saved (songs like rock and fronting) it in her phone! I really think Mansae is SEVENTEEN’s era but still I love Adore U more than anything else (because its their first).
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Love and Letter; ITS THEIR FIRST ALBUM! Well I can’t say no to buying both of the version even though its a great pain in the wallet. (TBH its pricey and heavy also haha) I love the letter version but I can’t say that I hate the love version because it has aesthetic content! I pre - ordered this but its not an online store, it is the store where I also bought the 17 Carat and Boys Be. Lucky Me! I had my very first Jeonghan PC.. though its not really a PC but still my baby <3 p.s They had their first win in this era in Show Champion! What a great memory <3
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Very Nice / Love and Letter Repackage; Thank God its not a 2 version repackage album. because I’ll go nuts! I don’t have money anymore because I bought 2 versions of Love and Letter right? and its a pricey album each and my mom won’t allow it(me buying another 2 version that is pricey after buying 2 albums in the first time) so there. I really like how I got Wonwoo for the first time here :D and as for having 2 Seungkwan PCs, before it was an okay only because he is a little below my bias list but now YEAH IM HAPPY <3 OF COURSE. He is one of my bias wrecker so its good that I’ve got him (mah bb sunshine <3) 
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Going Seventeen (Make it Happen); MY FAVORITE! I mean not really my favorite era but my favorite PCs <3 I got another Wonwoo and a bonus Wonwoo plus Jeonghan PC WAH <3 I ship these two and they are a very lowkey ship but I thank destiny that it exist even though only small population including me supports this ship. This is a very special album for me because so many things happened. First is its delayed for like 2 months so I’m near on giving up but when my friends (I’ll give them initials N and A) went to my house, N and A are KPop fans too like N is a die hard (BTS and SVT) and A is a little bit of a fan (2NE1 Baby); It arrived when we’re having our last day mini celebration (because I’ll be transferring school after that year) in my house. So its like we video ourselves and do an unboxing xD and it was so fun they saw first the photocards before I did. The album has 2 posters, first is the member and the second is a group poster and I GOT A WONWOO POSTER. Our adrenaline was so high that we’re screaming at the top of our lungs when they revealed it to me. Next is reading the photobook AND THE PICTURES ARGHH <3 we just screamed because of these 13 handsome princes and the last part THE PCs! I wasn’t really expecting being so lucky because I got A WONWOO AND WONWOO AND JEONGHAN PCs!!! AND WE JUST SCREAMEDDD  and after that we ate and they left but its fine because THIS MEMORY IS SO PRECIOUS <3 It occurred in 2016. 
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Teen Age; This is my least favorite album. Because I wasn’t patient enough to see what the album version looks like and order ROSE QUARTZ AND SERENITY  then when the visuals came out... its black HAHAHAHAH :( I was like not ready about the album. I expected it to be full of rose quartz and serenity and with all the aesthetic feels of it but I just got disappointed with the color and the concept is just too emo for seventeen (sorry if the one reading this loves this version but personally I don’t want to lie just because I wanted to show love) but regardless of this album visuals.. The songs in the album are bop like each and every song were unique and special. Overall its a tie I think? I have a positive and negative output to it. Next time Pledis please release version name and visuals altogether okay?.
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You Make My Day/ You Made My Dawn; I won’t elaborate what version are these 2 because so many version so confusing :( ( I h8 u pledis for making me broke). So the You Make My Day Album (on the left) was a gift to me (WAH <3) because my dad has a friend who went to Korea and I asked if he can buy an album and we’ll pay it but He gave it as a gift instead :D That’s a really nice experience hehe. I got Seungkwan Lenticular, to be honest I like this Seungkwan picture a lot. Then I got my 4th Wonwoo PC (he loves me <3) plus I had I cheol in the YMMDawn and 2 shuas for both YMMDay and YMMDawn. Then LOOK AT THAT HOSHI LENTICULAR UGH MY HEART. 
Some last words...
Sorry if some of the pics and blurred or too much white ;_; the lighting in my house was so awful that I had to put some extra lights (and some album picture had so much light in it and turned bad). Also excuse my feels (look at all the words that are in Caps Lock xD). I advise that if you’re just starting to collect albums, don’t rush it. Take time on collecting because if you collect albums too fast you’ll be too overwhelmed and won’t enjoy each uniqueness of the album that you bought. Also if you have albums, try to store it properly to avoid destroying in (well except if you received it with dents already.. we can’t avoid that kind of issue if its shipping tbh. Just be extra careful with the album/s that has dents.) Remember that collecting albums are pricey but if you think that you can handle it financially then I don’t think there won’t be a problem. Hope you enjoyed this first blog entry <3
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choibyus · 3 years
Hii! How was your weekend? c:
Did you do anything interesting the past couple days?
I rewatched beomgyu's latest tiktok after you mentioned it in our last convo fnjengk and I think I just wanna stare at his stupid handsome face all day– BUT YEONJUN'S ALSO BEEN PLAYING UP ON TIKTOK I SWEAR! THEY DO IT SO WELL OMG buuuuut I have seen that hueningkai has become sort of a bias wrecker for you nowadays? correct me if I'm wrong, but hueningkai's charisma is too charming and I getchu ✋😔 how could nobody be biased wrecked these days?! I swear ever since he turned blond that's when it started aaaa me and one of my friends have a theory that after a member goes blond then that's their era when they act up 🧎‍♀️ and now that all of txt have at least bleached their hair once it all makes sense 😭
Oh I forgot to ask, when do you celebrate christmas?! I wanna try and have it ready for you by then hehe I may already have something in mind for you <: I'm gonna try my best for it to hit you in the festive feels ^^ another question: do you have a favourite trope? or genre when reading fics? and what genre/tropes do you enjoy writing?
Honestly, I forget I’m 4’11 at times until I see how tall txt are compared to their 5’3 makeup artists and I’m just 🧍🏻‍♀️ fr I think we’re just a bit more than half of their height 😭 As for txt’s impact, they’ve grown so well and helped plenty of moas deal throughout the past two years, especially. OH THAT REMINDS ME, a very late welcome to moablr ^^ I love this place and I hope you’re enjoying it here too!
That reminds me, I’m yet to listen to more StayC songs but I 100% agree with Enha though!! What songs do you like? I’ve recently been listening to just a little bit and go big or go home a lot! the contrast LMAO but I love them 🥺
p.s sorry for missing a day of messaging you! I’ve been a lil busy, but I’ll make up for it <:
— Secret MOA 🎁
hi secret moa 🎁! how have you been recently?!?! :D
my weekend went well! just lots of studying for my finals :'-) painnn!! but i did get to hang out with a few of my friends and share a few laughs which was very fun! i also pulled beomgyu from my chaotic wonderland album SOOOO IM VERY HAPPY ABOUT THAT!
beomgyu is insanely handsome omg that tiktok HIT DIFF! and yeonjun's dances are out of this world.. seriously got me watching it like twice every day smh! AND YES!! huening kai is seriously bias wrecking me 😭😭 he pulled up with the pink hair and i was like GAH DAMN that's such a nice colour on him! omg your friend is so right tho!!
i celebrate christmas i think on the 25th of dec? i think that's when christmas is LOL omg i'm so excited!! my favourite trope definitely has to be enemies to lovers or even fake dating au's!
AHAHHAA tell me why 🧍🏻‍♀️ is the best emoji to describe us short ppl with txt LMAOO they're all just built different it's insane... and yes!! i'm thoroughly enjoying moablr! everyone's so nice and talented and it's super welcoming which i really like :))
SAME! i've been listening to their newest album recently and i reallllly like upper side dreamin' and go big or go home!
and also! no problem about missing a day! life can get super busy so i totally understand <3
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thedefinitionofbts · 6 years
Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!) 🍯💛 p.s. hope you're doing well!! I miss reading your works sdfghjk 3 more weeks until I can catch up to your mlist again :')
Rena! I hope you are having a good time and taking care of yourself 😘 Thank you so much for stopping by and spreading some positivity :) I’ll leave my answers under the cut because they unintentionally got quite long. 
1. My wide range of knowledge/interests. From the sciences to the arts, I’ve always been drawn to both despite focusing more on the sciences in college and being an engineer now.2. My awkwardness. Haha, it’s probably not traditionally something to be proud of, but I do take pride in being the most awkward person in my group of friends. Tbh, I think it does a good job breaking the ice when meeting new people who think I’m sort of cold when they don’t know me yet (it’s probably a result of me being introverted and allegedly having a resting bitch face). But after people get know me, my awkwardness sort of becomes a humorous aspect of my personality.  3. Athleticism. I’ve always been quite athletic ever since I was young, and I love being good at sports because it’s always made me feel more confident. 4. Duality. Omg, I never thought I’d use that term to describe myself, but it feels quite nice LOL. Or maybe it’s more than 2-sided, because I’m referring to the multiple sides of myself that are very contrasting. Like the cold/collected vs. awkward/silly, intelligent/nerdy vs. athletic/sporty, girly/always has my makeup on point vs. tomboyish/don’t treat me like I need protection…etc.     5. Loyalty? Idk if that’s the right word to describe it, but I tend to only truly love a select few things and put all of my focus on that. My friends call it a “go big or go home” attitude towards things, because I only ever get excited over the things I really like (i.e. BTS lol) while everything else is just meh to me. It shows in the fact that I don’t have a bias wrecker in Bangtan too. I undeniably love all 7 members, but Jungkook’s throne has never been in jeopardy (and probably never will) haha.   
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ahsirk-blog1 · 7 years
[ WARNING: This is very long. Spare your time to read this. hahaha! ]
So I've heard about the Burn the stage of Bts that is yet to be broadcasted( I dunno where, probably vlive again). In my honest opinion, I dunno what are the exact words to say this but my feelings are mixed. I'm so happy yet very anxious. I'll be honest with you, I'm so used with the boys being funny( who doesn't? ) and so extra ( dorky as armys described them. OF COURSE, TALENTED AS HELL!! ) and thought that they are being themselves. It never crossed my mind that they are also suffering inside. That they are wearing a mask everytime they entertain us, their fans. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it the bad way. Their sincerity was there alright but little did we know their true feelings. But then, I've witnessed ( you have to agree on me with this. ) from their old videos though only a part of them was revealed to the public that they've gone a lot of hardships. Everytime they cry, I could feel the pain. It's kicking me on my chest so hard. How their youth was snatched from them, as idols they need to act proper eventhough not appropriate from their ages. You can just imagine how hard it is to do something although you love it when it gets tiring that you just want to threw it out. ( I'm so glad, my boys had fun together because BH allows them to enjoy whenever their tight schedules permits them. ) I don't want to see them lonely anymore and fighting with each other. I don't like seeing them fainted because of over fatigue. I don't want them to cry. I just want to see them happy and being playful. Doing their work that they love the most. But then, I think this is being selfish. How can I restrict them from showing the real them? It is helpful to them because it could ease their stress and anxiety. Anyway, these feelings are part of growing up so they need to experience it in order to overcome and makes them strong. They are humans also as they say, but we (armys ) are humans too. So don't be surprised when you feel doubt about them. It's very hard to accept yes but is it not harder to come out and show your real self to the public? People they are risking something. A lot of people may not understand them. Some fans may come and go but real fans will forever stay with their sides. Let's be glad that they have the guts to show to us the real them. That only shows that they are comfortable and trusting us that whatever they do we will understand them. It takes a lot of courage to rip off their masks as idols. So can we guys be a little openminded and try to understand them? This is just the beginning. We can't say for sure what the guys are willing to offer for us in the near future. Our boys need to be praised for being so strong until today despite what they've gone through all these years ( I can cry a river to deserve them) so we fans need to be strong to fit in and always believe them. I myself loved and still loving them for who they are not just because of their looks but cause of their talents and personality. It's okay to get disappointed thay they weren't who we expect them to be but please don't judge their imperfection. Remember, we ourselves disappoint them also but never did they abandon us. BTS loves armys as always. Armys love BTS forever! We must show our never ending support to them so that they can love themselves. How can they love their self if we can't let them show to us the real them? That's the essence of their new theme. Love yourself love mysef! They must accept their imperfections and freely express to the whole world because that's the only time they can fully love themselves. That's called growing up. Having said these words, I love the boys that I'm willing to support them till the end of their journey ( Hope it will not last). Even if in the end they will end up all as gays ( jikook feels and all other ships hahaha) or get married to a woman. Who cares what others say? At least once in my life I got to meet seven dorks who I care more than my own crush ( poor him. lol. but we're even because he doesn't even know I exist. XD ) and kookminworld. ❤ P.S. I know it's too early to be dramatic. I don't even see the videos yet I am being defensive for the boys. What can you do? I'm an army who learns from the expert ( BTS ) being an unpredictable. Who care less for armys hearts ( in a good way ), always giving goosebumps and blows mind away whenever they drop new songs. Always giving works to armys, doing theories. Making hints which we usually overlooked. What a life? What did we do to deserve seven angels whose smartass? P.P.S. My ultimate bias is Chimchim❤ The rests are all my ultimate bias wreckers!
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