#second round is Fae Squad
minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
Today on AMVs That Exist Only in Rain's Head...
Dark Empires SMP Season 1 AU
I have every beat of it in my head
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 8
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Renarin Kholin- The Stormlight Archive
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay (or at least MLM).
He's canonically autistic + has epilepsy, and he's been confirmed to be gay and have a crush on a male character (which will.be explored more in future books)
Canonically gay as confirmed by word-of-god; canonically autistic and has anxiety.
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay.
Renarin is one of few characters in epic fantasy literature who's canonically neurodivergent or queer - it's rare enough to just see one of those things! He is also the best, just all around. He is so reckless and has such a strong moral compass: like he ran to help fight a giant crab monster with no weapons, no armor, and no training; he jumped into a 4vs1 duel to help his brother, with no armor, no training, and a sword that deals him psychic damage anytime he holds it.
He's autistic and gay; disability is a big part of his story; he's so much of an outcast that he was the first person to join his world's extra-marginalized order of sinister-but-not-evil magic users; and while he's quiet and self-contained, he's full to the brim with suppressed rage. Sidelined second son and quasi-cursed prophet. I fully believe he can take this tournament by storm.
Renarin is autistic, epileptic, and queer as the day is long. As a kid, he struggled to win his dad's approval due to his inability to fight as well as his abled brother -- but these days his dad's wised up and realized that Renarin actually kicks ass. When Renarin gets magic powers, he isn't "cured"; he's still epileptic, he's still autistic, and he still has a crush on the strapping young alien lad in his squad. Not only does he break down class barriers by hanging out with ex-slave humans (he's the prince of a major kingdom), he breaks racial barriers by dating an alien who's entire race was, until recently, enslaved by humans. Overall, he's a complete badass who is getting more confident, more appreciated, and more gay with every book in the series.
Loam Arnault-Entropic Float
she canonically has arthritis and chronic fatigue, and is canonically bisexual and omnigender (using all pronouns)
They're chronically disabled (dont remember their condition :() omnigender, and pan!
i don’t remember what it is (or if that’s even said) but his disability gives her trouble walking some days and on others makes it so they can’t get out of bed. bisexual &nonbinary omnigender!
Canonically disabled, nonbinary omnigender and bisexual
listen. i love him. oh my god i love aer. their disability and queerness are both central to the narrative. due to it being disabled, she is not taken seriously where he comes from. xe has given up on insisting on its gender being respected - every time thon tries, its taken as a sign he is having a bad day symptoms wise, which in turn is taken as though she has never grown up past being eight years old. through the game proper, it hides hir disability most of the time. to ask for help is to let someone know. and throughout their entire life, everyone who knew has treated him as stupid - perhaps not always, but everyone has. this is why she doesnt really want to get out of the anomaly; this is the first time fae has had friends who dont know, and therefore dont have "a reason" to infantilize it. star hides everything behind a chipper demeanour. well, that demeanour isnt entirely a lie; she is really silly and pleasant - one of my favourite things he says in the entire game is "isnt blue super bad for computers? like blue balls of death or something?". upon being asked "where do you come from that computers have balls?", they respond "well, how do they reproduce if they dont?" in conclusion. Loam my beloved.
silly guy... oh he's a lil bit fucked up actually
I’m disabled and queer and Loam makes me feel so seen. He’s an incredible character, I love her dearly, I need everyone to understand how incredible they are.
The qualifications and propaganda correspond, @prinxe-with-no-crown is the first submitter @mythologeekwriter is the fourth and there were two others.
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tenyatrash · 5 years
On Account of Rain
One-shot gen fic that I did as part of a server swap! It was fun enough that I might be dipping my toes into requests so check it out and leave an ask if you’d like. 
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18738154
Tokoyami and Ashido like scary movies, in fact, they love them. Aliens or ghosts, slashers or existential angst, it doesn't matter as long as they get to feel the terror. When Bakugo reveals that he finds all scary movies foolish, they challenge him to prove it.
It goes about how you'd expect.
Training gets called early.
There are storm clouds rolling in, dark and full of fat drops that are just itching to drench our heroes-in-training. For a moment, the kids had worried that Aizawa-sensei would make them complete their outdoor combat training anyway, but he’d apparently bowed to Principal Nedzu’s campus closure at the last minute.
So now, they were racing the rain back to their dorms, ponchos and umbrellas popping out of Yaoyorozu’s body as they swerve and dip through campus. They make it back in a straggling heap, most avoiding being drenched too badly.
As outerwear and shoes are shucked off, Mina and Tokoyami continue their latest foray into the maddening darkness of new French horror cinema. Mina normally goes more for chest-bursting sci-fi flicks, but Tokoyami’s her gore buddy so she does her best to appreciate the moodier pieces that he gravitates towards.
Especially since it’s his week to pick the flick.
“It’s a brilliant bouquet of suffering and sorrow. A mirror for our twisted souls, as if the director clawed her way out from hell to deliver this warning.”
“Slasher Central says it’s the best ghost story since ‘The Cry.’ Half the people at the premier fled in terror before the credits rolled! They gave it five screams!”
“And now such darkness is in our grasp. And on such a fortuitous day.”
The thunder claps as if to emphasize Tokoyami’s declaration. It also draws the attention of Bakugo, who is shaking his head in disgust, though whether at the weather or the subject, it’s hard to tell.
“You guys are seriously going to waste your time on that kiddie stuff?”
Tokoyami and Mina share a quick glance. Kiddie stuff?
Mina’s the one to pipe up.
“Uh, it’s totally not for kids! We’re talking hard R, serious mind-tripping here. Rumor is, the director went mad!”
Turns out, 1-A’s resident firecracker is of the baffling opinion that most horror movies are for kids, since, “You’d have to be a real baby to let that lame stuff scare you.”
Mina takes the challenge while Tokoyami mutters something about the shadows of childhood and the evil fae.
“Ha, I bet you’ve just been on that weak stuff. No way you’d make it through ‘The Final Eye.’”
Bakugo rolls his eyes.
“Come on, give it a chance! You already said all your homework is done, and it’s not like you can go anywhere in this mess.”
He’s still not convinced, but he’s wavering. It would be nice to show them how stupid they’re being about this. Maybe then they’d stop doing Deku impressions with the constant movie muttering. Tokoyami sees his indecision, and in the interest of speeding things up, gives the persuasion a go.
“Bakugo, this is a forbidden realm. A true test of fortitude. Why, we’d be kicked out if we tried to watch it in theaters-”
“Wait, is this against the rules? Because I’m sure as hell not about to get in trouble again. Especially not to prove myself to you two.”
Mina bounces into a pair of slippers and makes for the stairs before turning round to face Blasty.
“Okays, well firstly: Rude! Second, no, it’s cool. Personal use is no problem! Really! Come on, it’ll be fun. And if it’s not, we’ll totally shut up about it in front of you!”
“Like I trust you…”
Bakugo looks around the emptying foyer. Kirishima, trying to teach Denki how to lift, Sato with some new recipe, Midoriya off in the corner with his little squad playing…
Jesus, it’s All Might-branded Monopoly. Limited edition, too.
Yeah, not a lot of appealing alternatives flying around.
“Ugh, fine. Whatever. Hurry up before I change my mind.”
Naturally, they end up in Tokoyami’s room. It’s really the only respectable choice when it comes to horror movie atmosphere-setting. The darkness, the random occult imagery, the purple miasma of what looks suspiciously like a lava lamp…
Bakugo smirks. He’s totally going to show them what it means to be fearless. --- Okay, so it’s not the worst movie he’s ever seen. And yeah, the dead little girls are pretty scary. He was sure it would be all lame makeup or discount CGI, but he hasn’t even seen them yet. They’re always just out of frame, giggling and whispering and playing games.
Yeah, maybe Tokoyami’s taste in movies doesn’t totally suck. Although he still doesn’t trust Mina to pick. Not after that comment about chest-bursters and killer clowns, or whatever she was droning on about last week in class.
Mina’s enjoying herself well enough, despite the more atmospheric offering. She’s not a total wimp, even if she is clutching that pillow awfully hard and ducking behind it every time the calliope starts to play through the tiny laptop speakers. For his part, Tokoyami maintains a stoicism that could almost rival Bakugo’s.
Unless you look at his hands and realize he’s white-knuckling the poor popcorn bowl. If it weren’t for the rolling barely-audible commentary on the metaphors and symbolism and general gothic fortune cookie-ness...he’d almost be a pleasant movie buddy.
It’s Dark Shadow who proves to be the biggest (and loudest) baby.
When barely lit twin hands reach through the slats on the stairs, it’s Dark Shadow who dives into the bowl of popcorn and makes it rain kernels. When the fog rolls in during the hypnotic forest chase, he’s the one who steals a blanket and cowers. Every flash of lightning has him squawking around like a poorly-behaved parakeet instead of a fierce quirk familiar.
Even when he’s not actively fearful, he’s anxious enough to nibble on Mina’s halo of pink hair.
Bakugo has no idea how Tokoyami lives with the damn thing, it seems exhausting.
Despite the chaos, Bakugo remains unfazed. All through the movies, he stays stubbornly indifferent to the scoring and jump scares that are wreaking havoc on his companions’ nerves. He rolls his eyes at the lore building and softly “tschk” whenever a new twist is revealed. Still, that doesn’t mean he’s totally unaffected, and the longer the film runs, the more quietly invested he becomes.
Not that he’s scared. Only babies get scared.
The movie ends, and Bakugo gets all of thirty seconds satisfaction before some stupid thunder ruins it all. It’s just a misunderstanding. Nothing even to do with the movie, of course.
It just so happens that right at the end, when the door slams shut, at that exact moment…
There’s a massive spike of lightning that turns the whole room violet-white, and a near-instant clap of thunder that he feels in his bones. He doesn’t jump...but maybe he levitates a little. Maybe his palms crackle to life on reflex for just a second as his eyes re-adjust to the blackened room.
Mina bursts out laughing.
“Shut up! It was...I was….I was worried! About my electronics! A power surge could have hit.”
“Yeahhhh, okay. Sureeeeeeee.”
“We have tempted the Gods with our hubris, and now they call down their mocking wrath upon us.”
Bakugo clambers to his feet, arms clasped defensively across his chest, fingers and palms flexing with adrenaline that totally doesn’t have anything to do with the stupid movie or the stupid ghost girls or the stupid lurking dark.
“Whatever. I can’t believe you two let this little fairy tale scare you. Next week it’s my turn, and I’ll pick out something truly terrifying. Well, terrifying for you guys, at least.”
Aww, Bakugo just made a play date! And all it took was bribery, rare movies, a rain day, some wounded pride, and a bet.
That night, Bakugo falls asleep with his lights on. Not because he’s scared! He just...forgot to flick the switch, is all.
Yeah, totally.
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sneakyhomunculous · 5 years
RPT Phoenix Report: Back to Back!
Part 1: Preparation 
“How should I begin this? I’m just so offended; how am I even mentioned by all these fucking beginners?” 
Let’s back up a bit. 
I’m coming into this half season fresh off a 5th place finish in the last MC, which means I’m qualified for RPT1/2 and PTFinal 1. 
From what I could make of the shoddy convoluted details at the beginning of this year; I believed I had a serious upper hand in the Rivals race. 
Only 4 tournaments count. The 3 I am qualified for and the 2nd PT final which I’ll have multiple chances to que for as well. 
Almost everyone else has at most 1 RPT Q and a pipe dream. 
With this info, I decide I am going to go for it. I know I am still an underdog, but I believe I am one of the few people in the world in this spot to somewhat reasonably set this goal of top 12 paper rivals for myself. 
At the same time, the world we live in is an Arena dominated one. 
I hate it of course. 
Like most of you reading this; I play the game for mostly 1 big reason [the fierce competition]. Arena is severely lacking in this department.
Only standard, a mindless ladder with the only reward being a single lottery ticket into a ~15k USD 0.5% equity drawing. (that requires you to play standard for 8 hours on a saturday there will assuredly be a GP you want to play.) 
A petty, infuriating chore. 
Bc standard is so chalked and flooded with players anyway; You are forced to play casual [but ranked] drafts against the bots.  
Slamming BO1 games with 15 land decks until your eyes bleed and the mythic achievement is reached! 
Then you close the unbearable program down not to be touched again until the next time this chore is required; or the lottery drawing is happening.
Nice system! 
All that being said, I’m still not going to handicap myself, and so I decide I will go for Arena as well. 
Unfortunately I have no early advantage there, and the spots are obviously unbelievably high variance. 
There are only 2 Invys and 2 Mythic point challenges, and if you miss the first invy you are almost drawing dead at a 1-12 spot. Especially with special invites and re-ques for top finishers all factored in. 
So far I am failing on the Arena front. 
I was too attached to my beautiful Urza Oko deck (I didn’t prepare enough for the first MCQW I would be double queing along side the modern GP in Austin. It cost me as I woke up and played poorly to a swift 2-2 exit with Jetski Fires before heading over to the GP) 
I lost a win and in and got 17th there. Never have I played a tournament with a bigger edge over all non mirrors in the field! Unfortunately I played 7 mirrors and managed a lowly 4-2-1 in them. 
I can’t make it through these gauntlets on autopilot anymore. 
I’m only 27, but my seemingly rapid reduction in processing speed has made me feel like I’m somehow getting too old for this grind.  
The way I have dealt with it? 
Accepting it. 
As much as I hate to admit it; I am not the same 17 year old wunderkind anymore and the young guns have a big edge on me. 
I have to take all the necessary steps to take care of myself and do everything in my power to make sure when I’m in the trenches; inside the matches in the important tournaments; I can be as focused on the games as possible. This is just so I can make the playing field close to level. 
Otherwise I am going to be reading cards, and playing slow unconfident magic. 
This is a big one; I believe. 
I think one thing a lot of players are lacking in pushing themselves to higher levels is the confidence in their decisions. I used to struggle with this a lot (still do sometimes) and I would constantly second guess things multiple times every turn. 
Over time, I’ve learned that if you put in the work... 
You practice; 
Play actual games and learn the interactions; 
You can really lean on your instincts and exude confidence in yourself that goes a long way in winning matches of Magic the Gathering. 
(Look at almost all of the best players. They are confident in their decisions in the games, even when they end up making mistakes.) 
But enough with the nonsense; let’s get to the tournament prep so we can blaze through that boring shit and get to the sweet 16 PT rounds 
(spoilers: there may be more than 16) 
Collin Rountree is torn between testing with Me Ty Will and the Houston Slack, and testing with team 5% captained by Allen “The Process” Wu. 
Of course the choice is obvious, but Collin doesn’t want to leave all the local bangers in the dust. 
He lobbies on our behalf, and Me Ty Will and Eddie all join team 5%. 
I am not a stranger to large testing teams. 
I spent four PTs testing with team TCG/SCG and we averaged around 15 people. The difference was that we always met up in person a week or more ahead of time for an intense testing period, and also I guess we had more dueling personalities.
Shoutout to everyone on those squads those were great times. 
But when you have Steve Rubin Seth Manfield Corey Burkhart Andrea Mengucii mixed with Brad BBD Martell Kibler mixed with Me Fennell GerryT Josh Cho mixed with Ari Lax trying to organize everything for everyone..... 
Anyone who knows these people can see how this led to some logistics issues and some heated arguments about who is not pulling their weight, or who is just showing up late and mooching, or who keeps brewing decks with no mana bases and sideboards and bringing them to Brad telling them they are great and we have to play games with them (another shoutout to Fennell, hope he reads this and fires up a modo draft tonight. And shoutout to Brad for creating the no 75, no games rule. You can’t fucking say you made a deck if you don’t have a manabase or a sideboard, and some brewers out there may need to hear that again.) 
Team 5% (7.1673746%) is all online testing. 
We use a discord with dedicated channels to all the constructed decks, all the limited topics, logistics, and chalkdiesel/washed bad beat/rant rooms/RIP Rimrock Knight etc. etc. so you can see how it stays pretty clean, organized, and simple. 
But no really, having so many people gives us an edge on many fronts. 
There is usually always someone available to battle. We can cover a lot of ground really quickly. Multiple people are brewing and many people are tuning the known decks. Lots of different opinions and we end up covering all the limited archetypes quickly as the drafts pile in. 
All of this being said, my best two PT results from the past are when I worked alone. 
I usually draft infinite (75-100) times (when I lose I drop and draft again. And sometimes I drop when winning just to draft again) and I just try to play the best deck in constructed. 
This I have learned is a recipe for success for me. 
But I was happy to join this team. My intention was to just do the same thing, but have some people to talk to while I drafted 75-100 times and tuned the best deck. 
I worked with a few of these players back in the TCG days (shoutout to Ari and Corey, and again to Corey for winning the PT let’s gooooooo) and everyone that I heard was currently on this 5% team; I liked. 
So for my testing I did almost purely magic online. 
I did around 60 drafts after all was said and done. In constructed, I played a ton of UW control and small amounts of all the other stock decks, and watched a lot of streams. 
I wanted to be familiar with the format but not go too hard until the days leading up to; during; and right after the first 2 RPTs. 
What a weird dynamic, having 2 pro tours 5 days before deck submission for your pro tour. 
It really worked out in our favor because our team is so big and we were able to quickly attack the new and perceived future metagame. 
Nothing at those two tournaments made me waiver from wanting to register UW control. 
I was still beating everything, and I predicted the metagame would be 20%ish UB invertor and then spirits, red, black, and sultai delerium/invertor uro decks would be all around 10%. 
When I say I was beating everything, I was beating everything. 
Granted these were in leagues, but it was mostly all against real decks and my constructed rating was skyrocketing above my limited. 
Not a thing I am accustomed to. 
I had a 17-1 record against mono red, and no cap. I had a 12-2 record against mono black. I had a 8-1 record against UB invertor. 
I crushed Collin so badly with our teams current front running mono white devotion that he decided to add 4 Gideon Ally of Zendikar to the maindeck and try again. 
A 4-0 for me later in which he resolved 5 Gideons led to him telling the discord he is off it. “Bursavich just beat me every single game and I resolved gideon in all of them.” 
The only deck I ever lost matches to was spirits but I still won more than I lost against it. 
Around Monday our team was all piling on to the breach deck realizing how good it was, and I joined in to. 
I played a prelim and a league and immediately bought all of the cards from cardkingdom. But after my next few matches I was feeling very conflicted. 
I was very worried how bad UW was against breach, but I didn’t think breach would break 7-8% or the metagame anyway. And I can tweak UW some to have a shot I tell myself. 
The breach deck is obviously busted, but it’s a combo deck with a weird puzzle-like 3 step combo. 
First you have to get 2 lands into play and then play lotus field, then u have to play a thespians stage and copy it, and then u have to kill your opponent with ur huge amounts of mana. 
But the deck is so consistent and sort of resilient that I found myself trying to play it like a midrange deck. 
I have these faes and grazers and pores and viziers, I can block! And Fae for planeswalkers and grind people out or take all these weird dynamic lines... and then I realized I was fucking up a lot. 
The games are not always intuitive to me, and I won’t be able to live with myself if I register this and play horribly to lose games I should win, considering there will likely be some number of games my deck fails and I can’t win (or my opponent is prepared with damping sphere or one of the other 1-2 cards that do anything at all to stop this abomination of a deck) 
So a few hours after ordering the breach cards I am going to bed Monday night and I know I’m going to play UW control... 
Shoutout to the squad though! 
They really crushed it over these few days and perfected the breach list and had all the matchups figured out down to the T. 
Our limited meetings were great and I believe they really helped everyone a lot and we had an overall great showing in limited. 
I spend all day Tuesday and Wednesday with magic online open and the discord on my other monitor. 
I occasionally jam some games with teammates but for many many hours I just stare at my UW decklist while catching up on the latest breach tech. 
I just stare at the deck..... 
For hours
I went to get lunch and came back and stared some more. 
It was perfect and there was just nothing to cut. 
I wanted another hard counter in my deck but could not find the space. 
I have been moving 1 card around here and there, swapping 3rd field of ruin for the 4th Glacial, swapping back, then swapping back again. going down to 1 absorb and back to the 2/2 split back to 1. Moving around seal away D sphere narset lantern thassas intervention Mystical Dispute elspeth etc. etc. but mostly keeping the same core 73-75 cards the same. 
With a few hours left in submission and all the data pouring in, we realize that LSV Huey and a large swath of great players have all been spotted in leagues today playing breach. 
I am suddenly panicked bc the matchup is still quite bad. 
I have a few good cards, but nothing to swing it past like a 33% matchup at best.
I know damping sphere is my only real option if I want to respect it, and I’m of the mindset that doing so is normally a bit silly. 
While the deck is obviously busted, it’s been 5 days and many players are uncomfortable playing decks of this style. 
My general guess is that it breaking 6-7% of the field will still be unlikely, and I think it pushing above 10% would be crazy. 
So I can expect to play vs it once on average?? 
Not so fast. 
This is a new RPT with a wide open field, but still a lot of goats at the top. 
Turns out you almost always have to defeat multiple goats to get the trophy in PT’s... 
And I didn’t fly to Phoenix just to have a good ole time and settle for 6th place, so I man up and delete 2 Monastery Mentor for 2 Damping Sphere. 
This will hurt me in mirrors and vs Invertor, but I am confident I will be fine anyway. 
With 10 minutes left in submission I consider adding a 3rd sphere but am too lazy to open back up my laptop and know I won’t be able to cut any of the beautiful cards in my sideboard for it anyway. 
Enough with the boring shit; let’s get to the tournament!!! 
Part2 coming tomorrow!
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