girlcavalcanti · 2 years
the secretum is gen z kids when you give them a leafy thing and a piece of parchment
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upennmanuscripts · 1 month
Coffee With A Codex is an informal lunch or coffee time to meet virtually curators and talk about one of the manuscripts from Penn's collections. Each week we'll feature a different manuscript and the expertise of one of our curators. If you miss an event, no fear! CWAC is recorded and posted to our YouTube channel. Check it out and see what you've been missing!
Here's a clip from the CWAC with four copies of Secretum secretorum, in Arabic and Latin. Secretum secretorum is a popular treatise presented as a letter from Aristotle to Alexander the Great on statecraft, astronomy, astrology, magic, and medicine. Two of our copies are in Arabic, dating from the 12th and 14th century, and the other two are 15th century copies from Germany. The one in the clip is LJS 459.
🔗 watch the full 30-minute video: https://bit.ly/3SRafbc
🔗 find out more about CWAC: https://bit.ly/3zsqip2
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fuoridalcloro · 8 days
“Sento qualcosa di insoddisfatto nel mio cuore, sempre.”
Francesco Petrarca - Secretum
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marvelshifter111 · 30 days
Superhero names - Eldritch magic
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Secretum - "secret knowledge" in Latin
Arcana - "secret" in Latin
Runa - "rune" in Old Norse
Summons - "summoning" in English
Gateway - "gateway" in English
Incantatrix - "incantation" in English
Runic - "related to runes" in English
Eldritchus - "eldritch magic" in Latin
Porta - "gateway" in Latin
Mahemio - "mayhem" in Latin
Vouto - "void" in Italian (male)
Vouta - "void" in Italian (female)
Inanis - "void" in Latin
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Eldritch magic superpower pack
I haven't been posting my usual stuff for some time, sorry about that
I'm gonna do the superhero names for the packs i made before
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mclalan · 3 months
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Excerpts from the book 'Secretum' by Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374). Definitely not doctored to include Lemma Info!
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Hermes Trimegistus. The Seven Steps. Secretum Secretorum. 1140. Spiritus Hermeticum, Hermes Trimegistus. Cave of the Ancients. https://www.rosicrucian.org/rosicrucian-digest-hermetism?fbclid=IwAR2irbuIRm6NyG1yc1-HqR1IA0Uhv2BCnZ9xq2Gc7FBqabZdJufikw3l6JA
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girlcavalcanti · 2 years
Petrarch: I don't wanna feel this unhappy anymore but I can't, I need help,
Agostinus: you're ENJOYING it! STOP enjoying it! You're not even TRYING! You have to follow God and NOT your earthly ambitions! You CANNOT be unhappy if you really want it! You're not wanting it ENOUGH! Use some force of WILL! You fucking PUSSY! You like to ROT in your unhappiness, that's why you're unhappy!
Petrarch who just needs a good therapist and some heavy antidepressants but sadly not therapy nor antidepressants have been invented yet:
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dale-gekarios · 8 months
Latin Spell chants for BG3
I did not make this list! It was made by ExoZilla in r/BaldursGate3 but I wanted to share it here! This list is from early access, so it only has up to level 2 spells, but honestly the chants stay similar for higher level spells. Some of these might have also changed since EA so take that with a grain of salt, anywhere here’s the original post:
Disclaimer: I do not speak Latin. Some of my spelling/translations/syntax are going to be wrong. Most of them are from Wikipedia, random websites, and context clues. Also, if anyone knows the chants I wasn't able to translate/translate correctly, feel free to correct me.
Fire Bolt- Ignis (Fire)
Ray of Frost- Glacies (Ice)
Acid Splash- Acido (Acid)
Blade Ward/Guidance/Thaumaturgy- Maior et Fortior ("Greater and Stronger")
Chill Touch- Timere ("Be afraid!")
Dancing Lights/Light/Produce Flame- Fiat Lux/Sol Invictus (“Let there be light”/“Unconquered sun”)
Eldritch Blast- Dolor* (Mental/Physical Pain)
Mage Hand- Veni et iuva me ("Come and help me!")
Poison Spray- Venenum (Poison)
Resistance- Resisto ("I resist")
Sacred Flame- Incende ("Set fire!")
Shillelagh/Flame Blade- Para bellum/Canto te ("prepare for war"/"I enchant you”)
Shocking Grasp- Fulgor (Levin or flash)
Thorn Whip- Flagellum, Flagello/ ?? verum (to flagellate, whip/"?? sweep")
True Strike- N/A
Friends- N/A
1st level Spells:
Armor of Agathys/Barkskin/Bless/Enhance Ability/Jump/Mage Armor/Shield of Faith- Macte virtute ("Be blessed with virtue")
Arms of Hadar/Inflict Wounds- Morere ("Die!")
Animal Friendship- Obedi me/Obeus temeum lupum ("Obey me"/??)
Bane/Ray of Enfeeblement- Tu est nihil (“You are nothing”)
Burning Hands/Scorching Ray- Ardere (To burn)
Charm Person- Impero te/Tempora muntante ("I rule you”/“Temporary change”?)
Color Spray/Blindness- Te occludo oculos/Caecus te("I blind your eyes"/"I blind you")
Command/Ensnaring Strike/Sleep- Impero tibi (“I rule you”)
Create Water- Lues/Aqua pura (Plague, pestilence?/“Clean water”)
Cure Wounds/Healing Word- Te curo/Vis medicatrix* (“I cure you”/"healing power")
Destroy Water- Arescere/Arere decimos ("Become dry"/"Become ten times as dry"?)
Disguise self- Mutatis mutandis/Omnia mutatio (“With things changed that should be changed”/“Change it all”)
Dissonant Whispers- Dolor ("Mental/Physical Pain")
Entangle- Voco vinae/Vinum est et gloriat ("I call forth vines"/??)
Faerie Fire- Te video/Ubi est ("I see you”/“Where are you?”)
False Life/Aid- Vitae extollato/Dum vita est spes est ("Life raised"?/"While there is life, there is hope")
Feather Fall- Non fit injura/Se neme ("There will be no injury/harm"/??)
Find Familiar/Goodberry/Moonbeam- Ex textura (“Weave from the outside”?)
Fog Cloud- Voco nubes ("I call forth clouds")
Grease- Voco arvina ("I call forth grease")
Guiding Bolt- Facula/Flagra ("Little torch"/"Blaze/be inflamed")**
Hail of Thorns- Dia denum (??)
Hellish Rebuke/Flaming Sphere/Spike Growth- Ira et dolor ("Wrath and pain")
Hex- Maledicus/Te exsecror (Abusive, scurrilous/“I curse you”)
Hunter’s Mark- Est praedae mae/Mos certa (“You are my prey”/"Certain death"?)
Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat- Proprae/Ocior/Citium (??)
Magic Missile- Tormentum (a piece of artillery/missile)
Protection from Good and Evil- Tueor/vincit qui patitur (To watch over, protect/“he conquers who endures”)
Ray of Sickness- Inficio ("Infect")
Speak with Animals- Amicus animales/Loqui ut tibi placet (“friend of animals“/“To speak as you please”?)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter- Rezum teniates??/Reza sabuntat?? (??)
Thunderwave/Shatter- Detono (Thunder/"Expend one's thunder")
Witch Bolt- Harures (??)
*Non-Tav/NPC exclusive line
2nd level spells:
Blur- Incomodo?/Nullus sui ("Inconvenient"?/"None of him/her/them")
Darkness- Tenebrum/Umbra (Darkness/Shadow)
Darkvision- Lux en tenebra/Secretum curaro (“Light in darkness”/??)
Detect Thoughts- Video veritatem/Virtus est scientia (“I see the truth”/“Virtue is knowledge”)
Hold Person- Non movere/Ad lapide (“You do not move”/“To stone!”)
Invisibility/Pass Without a Trace- Evanesco/Invisibilis (To vanish, disappear/ self-explanatory)
Lesser Restoration- Te absolvo/Vincere est vivere (“I absolve you”/“To conquer is to live”)
Melf’s Acid Arrow- Dissolvae (Self-explanatory)
Mirror Image- Fronte nulla vides/Mundus vult decipi ("No faith in the front"?/“The world wants to be deceived”)
Misty Step- Inveniam viam/Ad alibi (“I will find a way”/"To elsewhere")
Prayer of Healing- Fiat voluntas Dei/Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (“May God’s will be done”/“For the greater glory of God”)
Protection from Poison- Résistance venenum (“resist venom/poison”)
Silence- Silencio (Self-explanatory)
Web- Voco arenea ("I call forth a spider's web")
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nyxshadowhawk · 1 month
I asked cryptotheism for some research tips and they pointed me to you. Know any good late medieval, especially 15c middle english texts on magic?
I've got this one: https://search.library.yale.edu/archives/11743426 Takamiya MS 33. It's a Middle English edition of the Secretum Secretorum and other related works, dated to ca.1475-1499.
George Ripley was also a fifteenth-century alchemist who wrote in Middle English. The Ripley Scrolls are all from the sixteenth century and later, but written in Middle English.
That's what I've got off the top of my head. There's not a lot of occult stuff written in Middle English over Latin, at least not that I know of. This may be a little too obvious (and not English), but definitely look through Agrippa if you haven't already. His work synthesized all the occult material of the previous centuries into a unified system.
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butternuggets-blog · 2 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fifty-Five
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
...I caught a flash of red hair today and thought of you. Sept Tours is so close and yet hundreds of miles away...
...a tobacconist opened up opposite the fruit shop that sells apricots now they are in season. I am forced to walk betwixt them to reach my place of work. It is agony...
...I keep coming upon new fancies that I know would make you laugh. I hate how I cannot share them...
...I see you in my dreams and when I wake it is rotten that I wake alone...
Yvette was a Looker. She had learnt, at a very young age, the useful skill of taking up as little physical space as possible, watching and listening to the world passing by around her. Children were to be seen and not heard; Yvette happily made sure neither verb applied to her when she didn't want them to.
Watching her father, for instance. She had always been encouraged to be inquisitive, and she took a keen interest in learning how her father held himself when he was conducting business, the ticks and tells he affected to put people at ease or push them into tripping over their own lies.
At Sept Tours she watched her uncle put on similar masks, wielding anger like a surgeon's knife to get at the root of a problem. She stood half-hidden in plain sight while grown men were reduced to blubbering messes beneath her uncle's unwavering glare.
She watched when they were alone. When her father supped wine at the windowsill or played cards by himself on the hearth. When her uncle went out riding or hawking, or stayed up late looking wistfully at old maps as they stirred up memories.
She had also been watching when they were together. The long glances full of hopelessness at each other's backs. The warmth in their smiles when the other one laughed loudly, eyes shut or blurred with tears. The stillness that resulted whenever fingers accidentally brushed; the way they curved towards each other, unconscious of the movement.
And Yvette was watching now as Philippe called for her uncle and Baldwin jumped up from his chair, stashing an unfinished letter in a desk drawer before speeding off. She had been exploring the servant's hallway in the wall, peeling back the doors cleverly concealed by the woodgrain to look in on various rooms.
She waited a moment to see if Baldwin would come back; when he didn't she ventured forth from her hiding spot and crept up to the desk.
Yvette plopped herself down in her uncle's chair and felt along the bottom lip of the desk with both hands until her fingers brushed a tiny lever tucked up into the frame. She smiled and pressed it; there was a dull thud as something unclicked and she opened the drawer her uncle had just closed.
She hadn't meant to read the letter. She had been focussed on the brass seals wrapped in leather that Baldwin had plucked from their hidden compartment and shown to her mere days ago. He had made her close her eyes when he'd used the mechanism but her ears were sharp and she'd figured out what he'd been doing.
Her father's seal for the Knights of Lazarus was also made of bronze, with a pair of glassworking shears set above a knight kneeling in prayer. On the opposite side was a cross, with a tiny boar's head and a torc set above and below it, and Secretum Lazari stamped around the edge.
Her own name caught her eye. She looked at the letter.
-Yvette arranged the cups precisely as Marthe instructed her and the countess spilt wine down her front exactly as they had hoped! A braggart taken care of, and no one the wiser that anyone was to blame but herself.-
Yvette grinned. The woman's loud squawk of surprise had been hysterical, and her face! The servants had been laughing at it for days.
-I miss you.
Yvette froze. She read from the beginning again.
I miss you. I wish I could find the courage to tell you in words what I happily commit to paper but I do not want to ruin our friendship. I will hold back my heart for both our sakes.
A light breeze stirred the room, as if a ghostly presence was leaning over her, reading over her shoulder.
'..I have two pères, do I not?' Yvette whispered, a smile on her lips.
The breeze stirred again in agreement.
Author's Notes
Boars were a Gallic symbol of battle
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alonewolfr · 3 months
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Me ne ricorderò sempre. (…) il vederla e l’amarla fu per me un punto solo.
|| Francesco Petrarca - ‘Secretum’
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thank-god-and-you · 1 year
[Read Secretum Lingua Caritate on FFN]
Probably requested by @annambates or @awesomegreentie
John’s irritated curse resonates through the cottage. Anna winces as Johnny giggles, clapping his sudsy hands together in the bathtub.
“John!” she calls in return, exasperated herself. “Don’t say that!”
She hears the echo of her husband’s cane as he makes his way towards the bathroom, and he pokes his head around the door.
“Sorry,” he says gruffly, not sounding as apologetic as he should. “Johnny’s left one of his bricks out. I didn’t see it and stepped on it.” He gestures down to his foot.
Since she can’t assess the damage through a sock, Anna’s compassion remains limited. “Even so, I don’t want you saying such words in Johnny’s earshot. You know what children are like, they’re sponges at this age!”
Johnny splashes water as if in agreement, sending his little boat spinning as if on a tidal wave. Anna keeps a hold on him to stop him from lurching after it, expertly pushing it back into his tiny hands as she turns back to her husband.
“Next time, watch where you’re putting your feet,” she scolds him gently. “You might need glasses if you didn’t see it.”
John scowls at her, more wounded pride than irascibility. “I don’t need glasses. We need to start teaching Johnny to put his things away when he’s had them.”
“He can’t walk or talk,” Anna says, rolling her eyes. “He’s hardly going to clean up after himself.”
“You don’t sound very sympathetic,” John pouts, sitting himself on the lip of the tub.
“That’s because I’m not,” she says, reaching across for the flannel to soap Johnny’s back. Their son giggles, throwing suds up in front of him.
“Is that what life has become now? Can a man no longer get pity from his wife?”
“Not with injuries of his own making.”
“Well, if that’s the kind of reception I get, I’m going,” John grumbles, but he belies his words by bending down to drop a kiss into her hair, nuzzling against her temple for a brief moment.
“We won’t be long,” Anna tells him, and watches him leave the room with affectionate impatience.
She finishes bathing Johnny and gathers him into her arms to return to his little bedroom.  He babbles happily, his blond hair tufting on his head with the gentle towelling it’s received. She tucks him into snug bedclothes before he can get too cold, no easy feat with his flailing arms and legs, and rewards him with a tickle to his round tummy when she’s done. Johnny giggles loudly, his fat little appendages waving more enthusiastically in delight.
“Mamamamamamamam,” he squeals, reaching out to grab at an errant curl of her hair.
Anna doesn’t know if she can count that as his first word or not. There’s no doubt that he’s getting closer to it every day that passes, but she doesn’t think it’s distinct enough yet.
At that moment, John appears in the doorway. He’s divested himself of his jacket, his shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbows.
“Mamamamamamamam,” Johnny squeals again upon seeing him.
“No,” John corrects, venturing further into the room to sit on the edge of the bed beside him, “I’m Dada, remember? Da-da.”
“Stop trying to confuse him,” Anna scolds. “We both know he’s supposed to say Mama first. Isn’t that right, my darling?” she goes back to tickling his tummy. “Ma-ma!”
“I see that’s going just as well for you,” John smirks. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed the lack of a proper greeting.”
“Honestly, men. So insecure the moment a woman’s attention is elsewhere for even a moment.”
“Honestly, women,” he counters, “forgetting all about their men once they’ve got the baby they wanted.”
They laugh at each other, and Anna stretches up on her knees to plant a soft kiss onto his mouth. He steadies her with a hand on her waist, inviting her closer. She doesn’t resist him. Any mild irritation that might have been lingering before with his liberal use of colourful language around their son’s delicate ears melts away with his careful passion.
“How’s work?” she asks when she pulls away.
John sighs. “Nothing new to report. Thomas has been giving me a headache, as usual. I’ve missed having you there.”
“I’ve missed seeing you too,” she admits. She’s taken a couple of days off to stay at home with Johnny, who has been a little grizzly with a cough. Nothing to worry about, Doctor Clarkson had reassured them, but Anna doesn’t want to leave her son in the care of Nanny. Lady Mary agrees with her, knowing how she struggled to conceive, and has granted her the time to be with him for her own peace of mind.
“Johnny looks brighter,” John observes, moving his large hand to rest gently atop her own on Johnny’s stomach.
“He is,” she agrees. “Another day or two and I should be back at work.”  But she can’t pretend that she hasn’t enjoyed her time being at home with her son. She loves her work at Downton, of course, but sometimes she wonders if they should revisit the old idea of the hotel. It’s been put on hold time and time again for one reason or another, but now could be the perfect moment to give it proper consideration again. Johnny is getting older, they could work their schedule around their own needs instead of the family’s, and it would give them more time to spend together. Anna would miss working for Lady Mary, of course she would, but her priorities have changed over the years, especially in the more recent one with the birth of their son.
She makes a note to bring the subject up to John on their next half-day, when they have the time to have a proper discussion about it.
“Come on,” she says gently now, pushing that stubborn strand of hair away from her husband’s forehead. “Let me put Johnny to bed and I’ll get supper out of the oven for you.”
“No, I’ll do that,” he says. “I haven’t seen him all day, I’d like to.”
Anna nods in understanding, standing. “Well, don’t be too long. You must be hungry.”
She watches as he scoops their son gently into his arms and carries him out of the room, cradling him with devotion.
Yes, they need to have the discussion very soon indeed.
-- --
The following weeks pass smoothly. Anna returns to work and Johnny returns to the nursery alongside the Crawley children, and they fall into the same routine that has governed their lives since Johnny’s birth. They collect him each night once their duties are done and make the walk back down to the cottage with him tucked tight into his pram. Sometimes he is grumpy at being disturbed from his warm and cosy cot in the nursery, and Anna always feels a stab of guilt at his fussing. A reproachful part of her that is growing increasingly difficult to ignore tells her that he should have been tucked up in his own bed many hours before.
They still want their old dream, of course. The image of the hotel has been a constant in her picture of the future, perhaps only dimming briefly through the darkest period of her life. The timing just never seems to be quite right.
But perhaps now is the time to make the timing right. She feels the tug of exhaustion at the end of a long day, and hasn’t failed to notice the weary lines on John’s face, or the way he drags himself up the stairs at night. He hates to acknowledge it and she feels disloyal for thinking it, but he’s not getting any younger, and while running their own business would be very hard work, it’s nothing they aren’t used to already and they could at least be finished at a reasonable hour every evening, giving them more quality time to spend together and with their son. A half-day every fortnight hardly seems adequate when she thinks about all the struggles they had to bring him into the world.
And so she broaches the subject first, knowing that John will always go at her pace, wait for her to make the choice, as he has done ever since that awful, dark night all those years ago, making sure she does it as John settles himself in bed beside her.
“I think it’s time,” she says.
John pauses in the middle of settling on his side, twisting his head on the pillow, a frown on his face. “Time for what?”
She clarifies, “Time to start looking for our hotel. I want to. This is the right moment now.”
For a moment, John stares at her uncomprehendingly. “What?”
She rolls her eyes at his obliviousness, but supposes she’ll let him off. After all, it’s been a long day, and she’s voiced her wishes quite out of the blue. “The hotel,” she repeats. “Our future. It’s time we started planning. I don’t want us to delay any longer. We’ve done enough of that already.”
The smile that spreads across John’s face, slightly disbelieving, deliriously happy, makes her heart contract in her chest. She knows he would have liked to have pursued that dream a long time ago, but had never pushed her on the subject, giving her full control over their future. She had always felt slightly anxious at the thought of leaving everyone she knew behind, especially after the support she had received during the most awful times in her life, but now she feels regretful. Guilty for making John delay.
He deserves the chance to be included in all of the special milestones in his son’s life, not hearing about them second-hand from Nanny. He’d already been denied the opportunity to be there for her when she had miscarried before, when she’d been so terrified that she was losing Johnny.
She doesn’t want to miss out on those important milestones. How jealous and upset would she be if it was Nanny who witnessed his first steps, and not her, his mother? Nothing is more important to her than her son, her family, and it’s time that she made that clear once and for all.
“Our future,” John breathes, his whole face aglow with boyish delight. “Do you mean it, Anna?”
“I do,” she reassures him. “It’s time.”
John reaches across for her, his arm warm and heavy across her stomach as he leans down to kiss her with breathless delight. She smiles against his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
At that moment, they are interrupted by a distinctive voice.
“Damn! Damn!”
For a moment, they’re both frozen; then Anna pulls away from her husband’s mouth, wide-eyed, to peer into the cot at the side of their bed.
“Was that…?” she asks faintly.
John’s expression is caught somewhere between confused and amused. “I think so, yes.”
As one, they scramble across the mattress to peer into the cot. Johnny pulls himself up onto stocky little legs, peering up at them with reproach, as if he’s quite tired of not being the centre of their universe.  Noticing that he now has their full attention, he breaks into a toothless smile, reaching up for them.
“Damn!” he repeats.
“…His first word,” Anna says, horrified.
“Bloody hell,” says John, and she elbows him in the stomach. “Ouch! What was that for?”
“You know very well, John Bates! This is your fault!”
“My fault?”
“Well, he hasn’t heard that language from me! How many times have I told you that babies are like sponges at this age? Oh, John, I could swing for you! Nanny will have a heart attack if she hears!”
Johnny reaches up beseechingly. “Damn! Damn!”
Anna reaches down for him, but he falls down on his bottom, his face reddening in that tell-tale way that tells a tantrum might be on its way.
“Damn!” he insists.
Anna freezes, comprehension trickling through her veins in a cool.
“Oh,” she says softly. “I understand now.”
“Understand what?” says John at her back. “Anna, what is it?”
“Damn! Damn!”
“Johnny wants you,” she says.
“It’s what he’s calling you,” she says faintly. “Like Miss Sybbie calls Lord Grantham ‘Donk’. He’s heard you say it and now he thinks it’s your name. Look, he’s reaching for you.”
On cue, Johnny lifts his arms above his head, grasping fruitlessly at thin air. There’s a tell-tale hitch in his voice this time as he repeats the dreaded word. If John doesn’t pick him up now, a full-blown tantrum will explode, and that’s the last thing they want after an exhausting day.
“Oh, good God,” he groans, capitulating. Johnny’s displeasure evolves into satisfied coos as John hitches him against his shoulder. John bounces him slightly as he casts Anna a sheepish look. “I suppose all I can do is apologise?”
Anna groans, burying her face in her hands. “This is unbelievable. We’re not going to be able to take him into polite society again if he’s going to shout obscenities at people. Poor Nanny will be absolutely mortified, and I don’t know how I’m going to face the others. It’ll probably finish Mr. Carson off once and for all. And as for you, well, I’d probably leave the country now if I were you. He’s going to be giving you a very stern talking to.”
John is quiet for a moment. And then he raises an eyebrow, fixing her with a beseeching look. “What do you say to us leaving for our dream hotel right now?”
She can’t help it. She laughs. Snugs her arms around his waist and nestles against his side as he pulls her closer. Johnny continues to gurgle happily.
It might have been an unexpected and unwanted end to the day in many ways, but she can’t deny this: she wouldn’t change a thing about her beautiful little family for all the tea in China.
Even that pesky first word if it means that she gets to witness one of the most important milestones in her cherished son’s life.
She’ll just have to come down extra hard on John as punishment.
After all, the last thing they need is for his second word to be something like ‘hell’…
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Hermes Trimegistus. The Seven Steps/Cave of the Ancients. Secretum Secretorum. 1140.
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altri-menti · 1 year
..trascinato da una perversa abitudine, sento che dentro di me c'è sempre qualcosa di insoddisfatto
(Francesco Petrarca, Secretum)
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stephanie-roberts · 9 months
A list of Latin spell chants collected by ExoZilla on r/BaldursGate3
Useful recourse for RP and fanfiction writers
Disclaimer: I do not speak Latin.
Fire Bolt- Ignis (Fire)
Ray of Frost- Glacies (Ice)
Acid Splash- Acido (Acid)
Blade Ward/Guidance/Thaumaturgy- Maior et Fortior ("Greater and Stronger")
Chill Touch- Timere ("Be afraid!")
Dancing Lights/Light/Produce Flame- Fiat Lux/Sol Invictus (“Let there be light”/“Unconquered sun”)
Eldritch Blast- Dolor* (Mental/Physical Pain)
Mage Hand- Veni et iuva me ("Come and help me!")
Poison Spray- Venenum (Poison)
Resistance- Resisto ("I resist")
Sacred Flame- Incende ("Set fire!")
Shillelagh/Flame Blade- Para bellum/Canto te ("prepare for war"/"I enchant you”)
Shocking Grasp- Fulgor (Levin or flash)
Thorn Whip- Flagellum, Flagello/ ?? verum (to flagellate, whip/"?? sweep")
True Strike- N/A
Friends- N/A
1st level Spells:
Armor of Agathys/Barkskin/Bless/Enhance Ability/Jump/Mage Armor/Shield of Faith- Macte virtute ("Be blessed with virtue")
Arms of Hadar/Inflict Wounds- Morere ("Die!")
Animal Friendship- Obedi me/Obeus temeum lupum ("Obey me"/??)
Bane/Ray of Enfeeblement- Tu est nihil (“You are nothing”)
Burning Hands/Scorching Ray- Ardere (To burn)
Charm Person- Impero te/Tempora muntante ("I rule you”/“Temporary change”?)
Color Spray/Blindness- Te occludo oculos/Caecus te("I blind your eyes"/"I blind you")
Command/Ensnaring Strike/Sleep- Impero tibi (“I rule you”)
Create Water- Lues/Aqua pura (Plague, pestilence?/“Clean water”)
Cure Wounds/Healing Word- Te curo/Vis medicatrix* (“I cure you”/"healing power")
Destroy Water- Arescere/Arere decimos ("Become dry"/"Become ten times as dry"?)
Disguise self- Mutatis mutandis/Omnia mutatio (“With things changed that should be changed”/“Change it all”)
Dissonant Whispers- Dolor ("Mental/Physical Pain")
Entangle- Voco vinae/Vinum est et gloriat ("I call forth vines"/??)
Faerie Fire- Te video/Ubi est ("I see you”/“Where are you?”)
False Life/Aid- Vitae extollato/Dum vita est spes est ("Life raised"?/"While there is life, there is hope")
Feather Fall- Non fit injura/Se neme ("There will be no injury/harm"/??)
Find Familiar/Goodberry/Moonbeam- Ex textura (“Weave from the outside”?)
Fog Cloud- Voco nubes ("I call forth clouds")
Grease- Voco arvina ("I call forth grease")
Guiding Bolt- Facula/Flagra ("Little torch"/"Blaze/be inflamed")**
Hail of Thorns- Dia denum (??)
Hellish Rebuke/Flaming Sphere/Spike Growth- Ira et dolor ("Wrath and pain")
Hex- Maledicus/Te exsecror (Abusive, scurrilous/“I curse you”)
Hunter’s Mark- Est praedae mae/Mos certa (“You are my prey”/"Certain death"?)
Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat- Proprae/Ocior/Citium (??)
Magic Missile- Tormentum (a piece of artillery/missile)
Protection from Good and Evil- Tueor/vincit qui patitur (To watch over, protect/“he conquers who endures”)
Ray of Sickness- Inficio ("Infect")
Speak with Animals- Amicus animales/Loqui ut tibi placet (“friend of animals“/“To speak as you please”?)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter- Rezum teniates??/Reza sabuntat?? (??)
Thunderwave/Shatter- Detono (Thunder/"Expend one's thunder")
Witch Bolt- Harures (??)
*Non-Tav/NPC exclusive line
2nd level spells:
Blur- Incomodo?/Nullus sui ("Inconvenient"?/"None of him/her/them")
Darkness- Tenebrum/Umbra (Darkness/Shadow)
Darkvision- Lux en tenebra/Secretum curaro (“Light in darkness”/??)
Detect Thoughts- Video veritatem/Virtus est scientia (“I see the truth”/“Virtue is knowledge”)
Hold Person- Non movere/Ad lapide (“You do not move”/“To stone!”)
Invisibility/Pass Without a Trace- Evanesco/Invisibilis (To vanish, disappear/ self-explanatory)
Lesser Restoration- Te absolvo/Vincere est vivere (“I absolve you”/“To conquer is to live”)
Melf’s Acid Arrow- Dissolvae (Self-explanatory)
Mirror Image- Fronte nulla vides/Mundus vult decipi ("No faith in the front"?/“The world wants to be deceived”)
Misty Step- Inveniam viam/Ad alibi (“I will find a way”/"To elsewhere")
Prayer of Healing- Fiat voluntas Dei/Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (“May God’s will be done”/“For the greater glory of God”)
Protection from Poison- Résistance venenum (“resist venom/poison”)
Silence- Silencio (Self-explanatory)
Web- Voco arenea ("I call forth a spider's web")
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Observe Command Accepted Nearest living person Command Accepted
The view changes. It feels less... physical. As if you were simply observing from a point of view, you were never meant to see. The... camera if you could still call it that... moves to the living room. To the source of the noise. There's a group there. A trio of a Human. A Flower. and a Monster. They seem to be discussing something. "So... where did you go that night? You just kind of dipped on us at the resort." The Flowe asks, glancing at the Monster. She seems sheepish at first as the Flower and Human focus on her. The Human looks as curious as the Flower even if they try to hide it with that blank expression. "I was just... letting you two be on your own." She tries to avoid the topic. "I didn't... feel that I needed to keep guard or anything." She shrugs taking a bite out of something inedible. "You were gone for like a week!" The Flower yells in annoyance. Sighing as he wipes his annoyed expression off with his vines. "It was... Well it was damn weird. That's all I'll say." She admits as she looks down. Sighing as she chews away at that object.
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Frisk: "Bingo! We found Suzy! Looks like we're definitely friends with her, especially if you're concerned about where she went,"
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Flowey: "Yeaaah, that's... nice and all, but don't you think this is kind of... risky? That Flowey and Frisk obviously share a similar timeline with us. What if she y'know...knows nostrum secretum? What if they talk about something that we don't want people to hear about?"
Frisk: "Huh?"
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Frisk: "Oh! Oh that would actually be pretty bad, especially since my Resets don't completely work on the website!"
Flowey: "Now you're getting it, maybe...we should look at another world?"
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Frisk: "Let's not get too hasty, I know this is pretty risky, but what if we bank on the chances that she doesn't know?"
Flowey: "I'm never ever letting you go gambling, ad alium mundum, obsecro, ad alium mundum," *Silenty hopes that the Survey Program is listening in and changes to a different World*
Frisk: "What are you saying? Are you okay? Because it's okay, Azzie, I promise I'll figure out how to fix things if someone says something,"
Flowey: "Yeah, I know, you're right, we can handle this if things get out of hand, I don't think anyone we care about is paying attention to us right now anyway, but...you know me, I just thought saying a little Latin prayer might help out,"
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