#see what the lack of KT does? lol
randomnameless · 2 years
Disengage and Billy anon!
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Good then, given how SS is the "Billy route", it'd make sense if any Billy in a crossover game treats it as "canon", even if the lack of Rhea is glaring, but I guess you can't have Rhea and Supreme Leader on the same level, else things will become nonsensical.
(even if the crossover game tries to retcon Supreme Leader!)
Usually, I'd be okay with the message, just like FE16 and FE in general isn't a story about how nobles came to be or how they should be born, but how they should use their power, and in general, the true'n'tried "it's what you do that defines you, and not who you were born as".
Given Supreme Leader's inclusion and general, uh, aversion to Nabateans, Billy's going all "it doesn't matter how I got this power" kinds of suck, for reasons the devs clearly said they dgaf about, re:Nabateans.
Billy was born as half-human, got magic blood from his papa and mama, and a magic rock standing for his heart from Citrus's own wishes. In a way, Billy not caring about how he got his powers would ignore how he actually got them, i.e. Citrus deciding to save her child!
But giving spotlight to Citrus would give spotlight to the Rez Sothis plan, which would, uh, actually means giving some spotlight to Rhea and we can't have that - as we saw, no bond ring, relics were retconned, etc etc etc. Indeed, Billy still sad to fight people he used to know, Supreme Leader (Flamey who?) etc etc.
However, as you pointed out, it completely destroys the general Fodlan scapegoat of "crusts bad and the reason why people are evil" and finally poor Billy got his game follow the "traditional" but imo only acceptable narrative of "power not inherently bad, it's what you do with it that counts".
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mianmimi · 2 years
German people's lack of nudity taboo is well-known by now, but I'm always shocked anew when I visit relatives lol and now I'm thinking of Mordo disrobing in KT's courtyard for a sunbath like it's the most natural thing in the world. While prim and proper 838 Mordo is on Earth 838 thinking that his variant is a hussy. Mordo having zero nudity taboos and Stephen being wait hol up what are you doing oh my god 😳👀🥵😭🙏
With all the different cultures coming in to KT I’m sure people grew accustomed to things like that 🤣 And poor Stephen had such a sharp learning curve when he first got in that I’m sure it was shocking to him too. Until of course other people joined in the sunbathing and made small talk like nothing out of the ordinary was happening hehhee. I just imagine Mordo inviting Stephen over. He could use a little more sunshine ☀️ And let me imagine Mordo being a thoughtful friend and ummm insuring that Stephen gets covered in sunblock 🤣
Hehehhee also the thought of 838 Mordo seeing this and being absolutely scandalized. Like yeah I sunbathe with my Stephen too but it’s in a private area not the freaking courtyard where people spar, eat, and study, what the hell is wrong with that world? And why does my variant parade his body like that? Say it ain’t so! 😭 Meanwhile 838 Stephen would just find it all humorous and sweet. Like our variants are enjoying being heathens, let them have their fun and we’ll have ours 😘
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sibunaranks · 3 years
HOA characters and the sports they would play
Frisbee No repeats edition
Mara - Billiards - Mara hates traditional sports and chess doesn’t count but i looked it up and pool does! It’s all about angles and math and she’d enjoy the lack of sweat. 
Willow - Yoga - Willow would not only do yoga but i could imagine her getting licensed to teach. she’d be all about it of course. 
Mick - Track - We’ve seen him run a lot. he’s sporty. running. sporty guy. makes sense. lol idk what to say he’s just track and you know it. 
Patricia - Football (soccer) - We all know she was captain and this is why i didn’t give football to Mick. 
Amber - Cheer - We saw how she can cheer and do stunts in season one. no brainer here. 
Kt - Dodgeball - we saw how hype she was about this. Eddie said she’d be the best player. She’s American, it’s our thing. She crushes. 
Eddie - Swim - So many of you have this swimming headcanon for Eddie so imma let it be. no arguments here. It’s way more realistic than other things. 
Jerome - Ping Pong - he was surprisingly good at it and i could see him doing it after the torunament.
Alfie - Dance team - NOW LISTEN i’m not saying he’d be the best. I’m saying he’d give it his all. we’ve seen him dance a lot and he’s got the spunk and the dazzling smile. 
Fabian - Basketball - HEAR ME OUT. i’m not saying he’d be a great defense, i’m saying based on math and how we saw he has good force in dodgeball he could get it into the net if unguarded and near enough. He was the hardest but i believe he could make hoops using his math. 
Joy - Volleyball - This girls got some anger in her. she’d use it in her spikes. She’d do well honestly i think. 
Nina - Frisbee Golf - I don’t know why but i see her being good at this. it’s also something simple and mostly sweat free which i vibe for her.
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cadopan · 3 years
i don’t think conceding through crosses is a big problem for us because while our cbs aren’t fast they are damn tall. so far our goals haven’t been conceded through crosses but pure lack of pace in defence that leads our opponent to literally outrun us to goal (it’s embarrassing)
i’m hoping with the sort of double striker/playmaker swedish style our midfield can hang back a bit and have more numbers in our own half so we don’t get caught on the counter. and attack through the wings. also cait has quite the pace as well iirc from matildas games, so i think we have good wingers for the job. matildas play a bit on the wings as well, not to mention steph has excellent pace too.
and yeah our left side is honestly depressing for the amount of talent we have. i mean cait and steph work beautifully on nt yet we rarely see them on arsenal which makes 0 sense, because this is a partnership that has been going on for years. katie was great last season but very meh this season tbh. also the fact that neither kt nor steph can work with beth is a problem. noelle and beth have this great partnership but steph-beth does not for some reason.
i do hope jonas tries out new formations, including rotating viv and stina like the other anon said as playmaker/striker in the game. stina can also grow her play making abilities as well, she’s young so room to grow! i think having multiple formations can spice things up when we can’t break through a low block (birmingham) and really change the game for us by being able to attack through multiple channels.
okay it is getting late and my words are largely incoherent but these are my thoughts. thank you for always replying haha always love to know i can chat tactics here
True, Jen for example is great at winning balls in the air. But our defenders’ positioning and dealing with low, hard crosses... I'm not optimistic (our 2nd goal conceded to Birmingham) 😥
Yeah so true about the midfielders bit. Whenever we get caught out recently it immediately looks like 2 CBs vs the oncoming attackers; like our midfield, even the deepest holding midfielder is nowhere lol.
And I totally concur with your whole chunk about the left flank. Jonas really needs to give Cait a run of games at LW! Wonder if he knows about the Steph-Cait linkup? Does he (or the analysis team) watch the players' international games properly? Because watching how a player is used in their NT set-up really offers so much more insight as to what they can do/how to maximise their strengths, beyond what they may show in training.
I too would like to see multiple formations or something daring when things clearly aren't working, but I don't recall Jonas has strayed from the 4-3-3 even once this season... :/
Yeah no probs! :)) I really enjoy our discussions, it makes for more fun beyond just watching!
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twyt-podcast-blog · 5 years
❝tea with yours truly❞
—grab your cups and let me serve you some hot pipping tea.
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today’s episode: the mgas.
unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what time it is. it’s been five seasons now. it’s the freaking mgas. mnet global auditions that never feel global but who cares? am i late to start talking about it? no. why did i decide to wait? because, i’m over it. i’m over survival shows. i’m over having a heartbreak and being an emotional wreck when my faves are eliminated. that’s why i decided to wait and to stalk. lol. i binged watched freaking four episodes of it. even then, i did not miss the entire season. i was a bit impatient. everyone’s talking about it. everyone’s balls and ovaries are bursting left and right. my bad, if you thought that this podcast is suited for work, you’re listening to the wrong podcast.
before anything, i just want to say that i’ve caught myself listening to luxe’s every night. it was really a good song. y’know, royal, trc, sphere, kt and...nova...are going to recruit new trainees for their companies, but what about the groups that they already have? see, royal’s luxe haven’t been around since march. their main rivals are still fresh in the memory. i’m talking about trc’s k.arma and kt’s eclipse. eclipse even got a summer comeback. the best time to come back honestly with all the festivals. sphere’s convex came back in april. that’s not too long ago. then, you have nova ( /sighs;) i guess that nova is in need of trainees so that they can one day debut something. anything. didn’t i ever tell you guys that, as a little child, was obsessed with jewelry. i didn’t have their talent though.
anyways without further ado, here’s my opinion, as if anyone really cares about it honestly, about the first four episodes of the mgas. i got my notes. it’s all opinions. my opinions. yes, i’ll be biased; however, i expect y’all to bother to check the episodes and performances to make your own opinions and faves.
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oh, i almost forgot, today’s drink is starbucks’s matcha frappucino. it’s summer. we drink our tea cold, but doesn’t mean that what we are spitting isn’t pippin’ hot.
episode one started with a nice little shot of the places where the auditions were taking place. cute. there’s a lot of hopefuls. then, we get to see the ceos that we love so much ( /chuckles;) then, they do some lowkey scripted chitchat. you know “oh, it’s a new season again” “i know right.” “i can’t wait to meet the contestants and sign trainees who will probably never get the chance to debut” lol. speaking of contestants, there are 100 people. let me tell you who caught my attention. first, there’s this one named kim seungmin? seunghun? legit, he was imitating animals. like, top pick of the episode. yes, i’m weird like that. to be honest, the entire episode, the ceos were savage. but, i don’t blame them, because sweeties it’s freaking season 5 so you’re supposed to bring it. period. you’ve seen the show at least once, you should know. lot’s singing, dancing, rapping. y’know. it’s what you expect. by the way, an ex-member of convex freaking showed up. i was shook. like, i remember that there were redemption stories since mga season 1. but, it was usually former contestants given a second chance or trainees. a freaking ex-member. it’s freaking romeo under a new alias? i mean you guys know the rumors...but he left allegedly for personal reasons. i have the highest of expectations on him. like, i feel for his fans from back when the season two of the mgas happened. the rollercoaster ride of emotions. i feel for y’all. i’m not gonna lie to y’all. the first episode...i mean...i’m binge watching so i didn’t really take the time to really find my top picks.
let’s move on to the next episode.
episode two: the way episode two started was weird. i mean i can’t be the only who watch that little moment involving...let check my notebook for the names..ah yes, choi yena, wang jackson and son hyejoo. it’s been five seasons... doesn’t the mgas have the budget for seats for all the contestants? as for the skinship moment, y’all know that the fans are out there being like “i ship hyena or yejoo”. anyways. moving on. episode two is, in a nutshell, more singing. more dancing, more rapping. it’s also leads to the first round of eliminations. as i mentioned before, i’m not here for the heartbreak. i know that through binge-watching, i’m not getting emotionally attached to nobody. i’ll cry moving forwards from episode four and onwards. rappers who come up and perform their own stuff. i support you. i kinda expect rappers to be able to pen and to have the courage to take the stage with their own work. does that discredit the other rappers? no, i just happen to love the creative rappers and we all know tiger jk love them too. over the years, the rappers with creative genius had more chances to land in trc. it’s just how it is. so, yeah, choi yoona caught my attention. the whistling rapper, na jaemin too. i like him. recycle boy, hwang minhyun seems to have left an impression because they replayed his clip. oh, and, see, the girl hyejoo who had a moment in the beginning of the episode had another highlight moment. she switched from dancer to rapper and promoted a self-made song. should i make her a top pick? i mean she fits what i like. maybe, if she’s still around in episode four. i’m just gonna say one thing...that guy...park jinyoung. yes. biased? maybe. i mean give me a man with a guitar and that voice. mhm. so, at the end of the episode, they go through the elimination. they also reveal the top three for each category. who am i not surprised for? freakin’ minho.
up to this point, the people i got my eyes on are still alive. there are two episodes left tho. like i said, i didn’t dive into everything. i’m playing catch up. on top of that, i had to have my eyes on my picks. anyways.
i’m taking this moment to take refresher but also talk about our sponsor. so, we are sponsored by this lovely game reminiscent of that one otome mobile game that destroyed our sleeping patterns. if i love you is nice f2p game where you decide to use a dating app. you will be texting, chatting, going on dates and receiving phone calls from waifu or husbando. the upside is that you don’t have to set alarms and to miss on work or school. now back to the mgas.
episode three: so, isn’t just me or interviews are meh. i mean maybe it’s because i just want to reach episode four as quickly as possible so that i can get into the social media aspect, but, some of these interviews...chile. y’all sound so cocky and cocky isn't cute. i could also blame the editing, because it’s mnet. you can’t expect a snake to be nice. it’s the duo performances. man, it’s a staple since the first mgas. i am watching and i’m loving every single second that i am given. the groups overall are really strong. i already brought up names and they didn’t disappoint me. i’m not going to go to deeply on episode three, because episode four is right down in the corner. i kam already seeing myself getting attached, but i can’t deal with a double heartbreak back to back. i need to calm down. i am betting after watching this top 3 that minho is simply gonna ride smoothly. he was in the top in season 2. he bet it’s gonna be the same for season 3. like, everything he did was great. it’s like everything he touches turns to gold. also, two of my picks were eliminated. i’m talking about jinyoung and yoona. see, i should have waited until i reach episode four before i freaking choose the people i’m rooting for. anyways.
all this binge-watching without a chance to really watch highlights on naver as led to the last episode to have aired.
episode four: my children, we made it. all caught up. it’s essentially the second round of the duo performances. they were nice. i want to say that i feel genuinely bad for the contestant lee nakyung. so, first, the ceos commented on how she had been throwing away her jacket every performances. i got to admit that you can’t use the same trick over and over and over again. then, they said that she had better chemistry with minho? that was sad. the way it was edited it pretty much gave the vibe that nakyung is nothing without minho. he was the partner. i feel like everyone who will partner with minho, who’s a vet, might get similar backlash that minho is their saving grace. the girl’s talented. mnet, i know that the comment was about her lack of chemistry with her new partner, but your editing really sucked. sorry, i had a lot of feelings about this above all. anyways, like the hopefuls are very good this season. like, i see no holes. at the end of the day. it is still a competition. then, my friends, they panned on two empty seats. so they brought back the people who were eliminated, bitch. my eliminated faves were separated, but, y’know what, i’m okay. also, i’m sorry that wang jackson was not on list, but then, he did that with park jinyoung. they did that. also, i didn’t give ryujin or sia the attention they deserved. i had to go back and watch their performance to understand why they were top three. ladies, yes. yes. YES. i hope i conveyed my opinion well. minho, again, top three. no surprise there. so, back to the returning kings. they are my picks. y’all know that i’m jinyoung biased at the moment. i got other people on my radar. i’m sad that hyejoo was eliminated. was rooting for her. nakyung, i’m gonna shield her and protect her from harm. i will fight. now, i can finally get into it. maybe some of you were expecting your names to be shouted out. moving forward with episode five, i will be able to really go in-depth with the performances and the people. i also get to check their social media and to see what kind of people they are. 
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fossadeileonixv · 3 years
Milan 1 Empoli 0
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3pts is 3pts...
Brief ratings and then some discussion. Let's go!
MAIGNAN 8 Yes, I'm giving him an 8 because while he wasn't called on very much in this game, when he was needed he was fantastic. He also helped set up the game winning deadball, LOL
CALABRIA 6.5 Average game for the Captain. Hasn't been bad but isn't standing out like late last season and earlier this season
Kalulu 8.5 MOTM This should probably be a 10 but this kid is the truth. More on him below
Tomori 8 Pinamonti is a tall guy but you wouldn't know it by how well Tomori played him. Tomori was routinely winning aerial duels and when Pinamonti did get the ball he was immediately dispossessed
Florenzi 6.5 Another solid game from a guy slowly becoming a vital piece during this stretch run. Playing out of position and yet kept his side locked down and was more involved offensively than Calabria
Tonali 7.5 Even barfing 30min into the game couldn't slow our guy down. I thought for sure he would come off at the half or at some point and dude played the whole game. Oh, and he was his usual badass self
Bennacer 7.5 So good again. With Kessie playing the #10, Bennacer seemed to be the one trying to bridge play from the back to help Milan push forward in attack. While this only had limited effect it was not because of Bennacer not being outstanding, because he certainly was
Messias 6 Almost gave him a 5.5 but he did put in the work while he was in there, hustling up and down the flank. He was better than Saelemaekers, who he got taken off for, but that's not saying much
Kessie 5 FOTM Has he been any good in this role aside from those 2 goals at Empoli in the reverse fixture? My answer is no. Shit, I'd even go as far as to say Krunic is the better play there if Diaz isn't going to start
Leao 6 One of his worst games of the season. Seemed to run into traffic all game and wasn't reading the game as well as he normally does. But, he's the most explosive threat on the ball Milan has and teams have to account for him and that's not nothing
Giroud 6 Uneventful day for our #9. He did what he was supposed to, worked hard, held up play. Oh, and was a champ for playing after that nasty gash from last week. But he suffered like the rest of the forward players by a lack of offensive prowess on the pitch due to squad selection
Saelemaekers 5 He played
Diaz 6 Worked hard but was chasing the game since Empoli was gunning forward trying to equalize
Rebic/Ibrahimovic/Krunic N/A Seemed more like time-killing subs than anything else
PIOLI 6 Getting the 1-0 win is important but I don't know how much of that was because he was standout in his selections, gameplan, or subs...because he certainly wasn't that. More on this below
So you may have noticed I was kinder to the guys in the back than I was to the forward players in these ratings. Let's start with the guys at the back...
Maignan's save on that header was god-like. Magic Mike isn't just the best keeper in Serie A, he's getting mighty close to top 5 status in the world. Both fullbacks had solid games, as did the guys in the double-pivot, but I want to focus on the CBs. Without my boy Diaz in there, not only was I less inclined to pay attention to the attack (I didn't think there'd be much of one), I wanted to watch Kalulu and Tomori work and try to see what was the key to their success.
Granted, these observations are limited to what I could see on screen but the interchangeability of KT (does this work? They really need a nickname) was truly remarkable. I counted at least a half dozen times they switched the side of the field they were defending, meaning that either one of them can stay back or selectively bomb forward to get involved in the attack or to break up play and not sacrifice anything on the back end. The amount of ground these two guys can cover is simply insane.
Tomori being the bigger of the two (which isn't saying much), seems to be the guy sticking to the striker more times than not but Kalulu did just as well, albeit very differently. Kalulu seems to stay off the guy he's marking whereas Tomori is tied to the guy's hip. For Tomori this means he has to defend more aerial balls as the opposition tries to use the striker's height to get him the ball since Tomori is glued to him. This isn't a problem because Tomori has got some hops and can challenge for those balls. In those cases the striker does win, Tomori is fantastic as dispossessing and winning the ball back. Kalulu, on the other hand, likes to stay off a little and baits the opponents into thinking they can get their guy the ball. Not only does Kalulu read the game extremely well, he has the speed and athleticism to intercept passes and keep the opponent from building their attack. Simply put, this needs to be the starting pair for the rest of the season as they are just too good together.
A few more words on Pioli: I was talking to Mike last night about the game and we landed on different critiques of Pioli's matchday plan. Mike wasn't very thrilled with the subs since Milan was holding a slim one goal lead and Empoli was pressing to equalize. Mike's concern was that taking off Leao and Giroud (less so Messias and Kessie) would leave Milan vulnerable and unable to score should Empoli equalize.
My critique was with the starting selection, namely the DM in the AM role...again. Clearly Milan's defense has improved at least in part by this more defensive lineup of the last month or so. But what Milan is sacrificing on the offensive side of the ball is VERY concerning for me. The last two games Milan has scored 2 goals on chaotic deadball situations with the ball kinda ping-ponging around and thankfully finding a Milan player who then found the back of the net. They have had toothless offensive possession in the opponent's half and especially in the opponent's 18yd box and I'm worried this is going to bite them in the ass down the stretch.
Lots of people are ok with this Allegri-ball approach but don't count me in that group. But, BUT! Pioli has worked wonders the last 2 seasons and has this team in contention for a Scudetto. So, while I am critical, I will still proudly say In Pioli I Trust! #IPIT
Forza Milan
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wxbythemar · 5 years
Monday Cold Front
***** DISCLAIMER ***** This was written on the morning of 10/19 and is being posted on 10/20. It has not been proof-read, so it may read like the ramblings of a meteorologist... That’s because it is, LOL.
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Looking to the EURO, there are several distinct drops in temperature over the next 10 days. It’s the time of year when we can expect several cold fronts back to back, but take it with a grain of salt. Though we’ve already seen several cold fronts, none of them have been particularly severe. That would be because we were lacking some ingredients needed for severe weather to occur. Monday will likely change that, which is what we will be discussing here. 
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Later this weekend it looks as though a trough will be swinging down out of the Pacific Northwest, bringing with it a fairly strong punch of energy. It takes on a negative tilt fairly early on, which is what we like to see for stronger, more mechanically driven systems in the southeast. This is one gif from the EURO, which is my preferred global model to use, but in this case, the GFS and GEFS are in fairly consistent agreement about the strength and location of the trough through the period we’re concerned with. 
Taking a look at things from a global perspective:
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I’ve taken one image from the gif above; this is Monday morning. We can see the strong negative shape of the overall trough. The strongest portion of the low is situated right over NE Nebraska and SE South Dakota, but what I want to pay attention to is the area just west of Mississippi. The leading edge of upper trough axis begins to enter MS Monday morning, so this is about the time I expect to see a lot of variables fall into place. 
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High pressure over the western Atlantic can be seen interacting with the STJ’s approach via 300mb winds. Monday morning it begins to enhance upper-level flow, but by Monday afternoon, the two combined generate a strong jet streak over MS, which will only lead to further destabilization later in the day and increase deep layer wind shear and vorticity.
Now, there does seem to be a decent amount of mechanical forcing involved here, but what about the dynamics of the system?
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We are still relatively dry and cool in the southeast - sans Florida - due to a cold front earlier in the week and then reinforcement of continental air from TS Nestor. It’s going to take strong forcing aloft to re-moisten and ultimately re-energize our atmosphere. Luckily, it seems that’s what will happen. Using the dewpoint gif below as a proxy for temperature, moisture, and energy, we can see a surge of heat and moisture take place overnight Sunday into Monday morning. While there will be some energy available, but this still looks to be a low-CAPE, high-shear event. 
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Bulk shear vectors hint towards this being a squall line event, which is very common with our typical cold frontal passages. Grabbing a sounding from central MS just before the line reaches the area, there is great directional shear as well as speed shear with height. Helicity values are decent for rotational storms, with the best values found with EHI. Lapse rates are lacking for what I’d like to see for large hail, but they are decent for some small hail. 
Another key factor in this system is the possibility of strong winds. The 850mb jet will be actively running along with this system, and so we see wind max values near 50 kts very close to the surface. With strong precipitation, it won’t take very much to drag those wind values down to the surface. In the strongest thunderstorms, 50 - 70  mph wind gusts cannot be ruled out. 
As for the location of greatest impacts... 
This large cold front will likely make it all the way through the state, and so strong storms will be likely for almost everywhere. A possible MCS could form along the coast of Louisiana, running just ahead of the main line which would greatly limit storm intensity in the SW portion of the state. North MS will be the first to see the cold front Monday morning. It could be strong up there from the overnight surge of moisture and strong forcing, but I believe impacts there will be less than those seen in central MS. This area will be the one to see the most day time heating before the line arrives, so more energy will likely be available. Gulf moisture will be arriving from the SE, so the MCS won’t be able to cut that fetch off ahead of the line. And the way the pressure gradient looks to be setting up, surface winds in the center of the state could be sitting at about S or SE when the front hits which would drastically increase storm helicity. 
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randomnameless · 1 year
I don't know why so many people are so persistent with this idea that Fodlan's worst mom (using your terminology) dislikes Rhea, just because she criticizes her decisions? For crying out loud, she criticizes Billy for their decisions especially when they get stuck in Zaharas, but was willing to fuse with Billy so that they could save the day. They really be trying hard to make it all about Rhea bad.
No worries lol
Sothis is an... odd character, to say the least.
Given how volatile FE16 is, especially since uwu and nightgowns, you cannot shed too much light on the Nabateans, and Sothis cannot be a likeable gremlin but also the same gremlin Supreme Leader vows to terminate, else Supreme Leader won't sell nightgown Cipher Cards (or not as much).
As a result, we end up with Sothis not reacting to the Nabatean plot and story (in FE16, we have the amnesia excuse, and when it falls, we have the "yeeted away by the plot" excuse) because Fodlan doesn't really want to tackle the "and those people were genocided and turned into shinies and saying Crust BaD is akin to saying "blood from this race of sentient beings BaD" else no turf war, no "maybe they're all fighting for their ideals" without spending 0.3 seconds wondering if one of those "ideals" isn't nauseabond, etc, etc.
We know Nopes!Sothis really doesn't like Agarthans, and from her battle quotes, thanks to voiceline anon, we know she plans on toasting their asses and even if she's rekt'd, she goes full Terminator "I'll be back" on them when the "time will come".
Story!Nopes!Sothis sort of weeps about her children turned into relics, and extra battle lines!Nopes!Sothis seems rejoiced to see her kids grown up (even if the lolcalisation lolcalised the crap out of her lines with Flayn.
Which makes... Story!Nopes!Sothis's lack of involvment in Supreme Bullshit or even Golden Shower all the more glaring - KT added and wrote lines where Sothis gives a crap about her kin, but in the canon, because player pandering is the way to sell subpar games, she can never oppose the player - on that grounds, no, if she opposes them, it's on the pseudo rivalry sold in the trailers between Billy'n'Barney.
We have a Sothis with her memories, who is able to be pissed bcs her children were killed, who remembers her bitter enemies, who shares her host's grief...
And yet, who doesn't move the little finger to protect or at least avenge her family members.
And I typed Rhea because it's always the best way to fish trolls, but it's the very same thing with Flayn and Seteth - Sothis knows who they are (or thinks she does for Flayn!) and yet will happily chill in Billy's brain as they hack them to pieces using her spine.
Really, the only thing I genuinely wonder about her is why KT bothered to add her battle lines/quotes depicting as, well, someone who at least cares for her family, if it's to ghost them in the main game for no plausible reason ?
Were they planning to sell a DLC with the assets we've found in the datamine (golden rhea sprite!) ? One that could and would shed more light on Sothis, her relation with her "creations" and with the Agarthans and Humans?
IDK, but imo Nopes is an example of a trainwreck, you can't sell a product that is so unlikable that your home fanbase disses it everywhere mere hours after its release, and hope to patch everything with a DLC.
Imo, Nopes getting no DLC and no further traction isn't only because Engage was on the way, but it might be because IS saw this, and went "okay stop we're taking back our franchise, fig off" to KT. It might have sold a lot for a musou, and reached the 1mil sales, that reception from the home market was something unplanned.
Tl; Dr : while the games play coy about what Sothis really thought about her children because Hresvelg Tea and whatnot, the Fodlan OST artwork is telling enough to reveal that, for some reason, as we're told but not shown especially not in the games, Sothis seemed to have cared a lot about her children (and also played the harp?).
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mianmimi · 5 years
LONG-ASS POST AHEAD! (Also, spoilers for a novelization no one read lol)
About the DS novelizations... How many are there? lmao I just read one published by Little, Brown and Company, adapted by Alex Irvine and based on the script by Spaihts, Derrickson, and Cargill. And it is nothing like the one you read. I feel ripped off, yours sounds way better!
The novelization I read does cover the entire film, as opposed to the one you read, though it doesn’t do much with it. Yeah, a book for kids, I know, I wasn’t expecting ten pages of Stephen, Mordo, and Wong in the greatest threesome that actually ended racism and homophobia. But it’s still really uninspired, is what I mean.
It’s almost exactly like the film, except in some places that seem devoted to fix certain plotholes (for example: Why did Kaecilius take just the pages he needed and not the whole book? Because he enjoyed the idea of people seeing the book incomplete, as evidence of what he’d done) or add inconsequential details (the weapons the zealots use are called Space Shards). There are parts that I can see why they weren’t on the film itself, likely because they went over the budget (Kaecilius and the zealots fight against several sorcerers + the librarian, they don’t just walk inside and decapitate the poor guy).
Curiously enough, most differences between the final film and the novelization are due to lines that were add-libbed by the actors on set, lines that must have the cusses removed, or lines that must have names of songs and artists removed because I guess they don’t have the rights to Beyoncé’s name lol
  Random vaguely interesting stuff that I remember:
  Kaecilius spent years away from KY. It doesn’t say how many years, just “years.”
  Stephen really fucking hates Nic West. It’s not even that kind of hate filled with sexual tension. It’s sitcom-nemesis levels of “fuck this pathetic waste of sperm, seriously.” It’s hilarious.
  Stephen is genuinely hurt when Christine comments she no longer dates colleagues because of him.
  Christine comes across as someone who has moved on 110% from her relationship with Stephen. She reads as exasperated and extremely disappointed around him.
  Stephen loves to drive, and he drives like he’s on a racetrack... and we all know how that ends.
  Before he passes out, he sees his hands covered in blood.
  He proves the old saying of doctors being the worst patients true. He really dislikes being a patient.
  What Christine’s bringing to Stephen the night of their big fight is a care package. Awww.
  Stephen’s physical therapist sounds like a sweetheart, tbh? Stephen describes him as being a huge optimist that always wants to make his patients see the brighter side of their unfortunate situations.
  Stephen considers apologizing to the physical therapist after the man actually gets him Pangborn’s file. But he doesn’t because, as he says, he’s not the apologizing kind.
  Stephen finds Pangborn by himself. How? Who the fuck knows. And Pangborn doesn’t tell him where Kamar-Taj is, he just gives Stephen the name. Stephen finds mentions of KT on books on mysticism, and these books mention it is located somewhere in Kathmandu.
Stephen spends days wandering in Kathmandu, probably sleeping on the streets, since there’s no mention of a hotel.
  This novelization doesn’t have the scene you mentioned in that other novelization, the one with the boy asking for Stephen’s last dollar, the one that gives him directions to KT and then replies to Stephen that Stephen is the one doing badly and not him. I wanted to read that part :(
  In this novelization, four men attack Stephen, not three like in the film.
  Stephen thought he could talk his way out of the mugging, and when he realized he couldn’t he was willing to give them the watch, then he snapped and thought fuck no I’m no stupid tourist and punched that motherfucker in the face. The watch is not really as important as in the film, or at least it doesn’t feel that way, it’s almost an afterthought.
  Stephen thinks Mordo’s epic smackdown to the muggers is “like something out of a movie.”
  Stephen describes Mordo as a “young man” which is cute, and probably means that Mordo is younger than Chiwetel (Mordo the grown up twink and Stephen the chickenhawk theory confirmed? lmao). He notices Mordo’s forehead scars. Also, he doesn’t recognize Mordo’s accent, which means that it isn’t British, because Stephen would definitely recognize a British accent. Come to think of it, Chiwetel’s accent in the film is not entirely his own, and at times feels like he’s trying to give Mordo’s accent an Eastern European feel. Mordo is a Romanian/Bavarian aristocrat confirmed?
  Mordo is very serious business here, unlike the film. This confirms Chiwetel saw the script and said nah fam how about if he’s sweet and gay
  Stephen thinks of Mordo as “his rescuer” until he finds out his name when TAO says “Thank you, Master Mordo.”
  Stephen actually hears Mordo’s voice in his head when he says that Stephen’s heart-rate is dangerously high.
  In this novelization, Mordo is the one that grabs Stephen and throws him out after TAO says she won’t teach him. But in the film it’s Master Hamir. Seriously, I screencapped the scene, you can briefly see Master Hamir as the only person at the door when Stephen’s thrown out. TAO told Master Hamir to handle the white trash and he fucking handled the white trash. I love that dude lol
  TAO was debating with the sanctum masters about whether she should let Stephen stay, but she remained unconvinced. Mordo convinces her.
  TAO is the one that tells him to go to the library. The library is Stephen’s very first stop after his first real talk with TAO. It’s on his second trip when he meets Wong, which would mean he read all those books in one fucking sitting???
  “Mordo stopped next to him. Strange concentrated harder.”
  He really wants to make a good impression :’)
  Stephen doesn’t know Wong knows he’s been conjuring portals on the library to take the books Wong forbade him to read. He’s genuinely surprised when TAO tells him she knows.
  Mordo is angry during The Sparring Scene™ like, this dude is always angry, no wonder Chiwetel thought nah fam he ain’t angry he just very gay and can’t find a good white top
  ““What’s that?” Strange asked.
  “That’s a question,” Mordo said with the smallest of smiles. A joke, Strange thought. He was starting to like Mordo.”
  Film: Mordo gives Stephen a soft punch to the shoulder. This novelization: Mordo straight up kicks Stephen in the chest like he’s auditioning for a Hong Kong martial arts film.
  Stephen e-mailed Christine twice. He missed her and wanted to apologize to her face-to-face.
  Stephen stops writing that third e-mail to Christine and jogs to the library to learn spells specifically from the Book of Cagliostro because he wanted to see if it was possible to go back in time and fix his mistakes. Stephen, you motherfucker, didn’t you pay attention in Natural Law 101?
  Stephen’s stomach gets the rumblies when he studies :’)
  Magic is shown to be kind of addictive and seductive. Stephen is pretty much seduced by the Eye and the book to continue fucking up after he does the thing with the apple.
  He doesn’t believe (more accurately, doesn’t want to believe) TAO could lie and use the Dark Dimension to live indefinitely. At least not at first.
  Wong is fucking pissed off when he sees Stephen with the Eye. In fact, some of Mordo’s lines in the film are Wong’s in this novelization.
  “Mordo was looking at Strange in a new way. There was anger still, but also some respect… and maybe even a little fear.”
  Wong and Mordo stare at Stephen with pity and disgust when he says he doesn’t want to fight in their mystical war and is gonna bounce thank you ‘cause he just wants to go back to his previous life.
  Stephen learned the Shield of Seraphim spell from Mordo. Mordo was his spellcasting tutor, apparently.
  Stephen actually notices that his fight with Lucien in the astral dimension gave Nic West extra chips and he comments oh what a lucky day for Nic with the bitterness of a man who still thinks Nic West is banging Christine. He isn’t, Stephen, leave the poor man alone lmao
  In the film, Christine is more mildly exasperated/relieved when she’s stitching Stephen up. In this novelization she’s got no time for his shit.
  Stephen thinks she’s a “phenomenal doctor” :’)
  Stephen thinks it feels good to apologize now and feels like a changed man :’)
  Mordo has a sword-like relic that is strapped to his back. A concept that never made it to the film itself, it seems.
  Stephen thinks he isn’t ready to become a master, feels like he’s just begun studying magic. Masters he respects and thinks are better than him? Wong and Mordo and literally no others.
  In the film, Tilda does a wonderful job at portraying TAO just simmering with rage on the inside at Stephen’s fuckery but keeping a cool outside, because that’s exactly what happened. She’s so pissed Stephen actually thinks she will hit him before she changes the subject and leaves to get reinforcements.
  During their you lack imagination/a spine thing, Stephen is ready to take a swing at Mordo (lmao good luck with that) but the zealots interrupt what would have been the world’s shortest fight.
  Mordo cries in shock when Kaecilius stabs TAO ;__;
  Stephen briefly acknowledges that Nic is a good doctor (but only because Christine said so) because fuck Nic West lmao
  ““Mordo won’t see it that way.”
  “Mordo’s soul is rigid and unmovable, forged by the fires of his youth. He needs your flexibility, just as you need his strength. Only together do you stand a chance of stopping Dormammu.”
  She was right. Strange knew it.”
  Stephen knows he needs Mordo. He knows y’all.
  This novelization only mentions that Christine kisses Stephen, but it doesn’t mention where? She still leaves to “her responsibilities” but without saying where is she kissing him it makes more ambiguous. Did they mean for her and Stephen to go back together at first and then said nah fam Christine deserves better in the actual film?
  Stephen calls the Cloak a “good cloak” and that is very important ok
  Wong’s relic is explicitly referred to as the Wand of the Watoomb.
  Mordo is waiting for Stephen in the ruined library of KT, it’s not the NY sanctum. This was sort of clear in the film but still kind of ambiguous. But nope, it’s KT, where the doors to the sanctums are.
  “His last conversation with her rang in his head again. The Ancient One was right. Strange needed Mordo’s strength and single-minded belief in right and wrong; Mordo needed Strange’s flexibility and ability to see different solutions to a problem.” :’)
  ““The bill comes due,” Mordo said. He sounded almost like a preacher, warning of the wages of sin. Strange wondered what had happened in Mordo’s past to harden him this way.
  “You told me once to fight as if my life depended on it, because one day it might,” Strange reminded him. He could still see Mordo dancing through the air with the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr. “Well, today is that day. I cannot defeat them alone.”
  Mordo looked at him quietly… and nodded. As Strange had known he would. He was a soldier who believed in his cause even when he no longer believed in his leaders.”
  This is all sweet and all but the fact that Stephen refers to Mordo’s fighting as “dancing” just takes my brain to Mordo poledancing for Stephen and I am not ashamed.
  In HK, the spell of the time stone/eye doesn’t work on Kaecilius and zealots for long because the dark dimension is too close and is interrupting the spell’s effectiveness. Nice plothole fix, there.
  It’s unclear whether Wong is dead or not. Is he dead or just under the rubble, not dead but dying and agonizing? Up to you to cry about :(
  Mordo calls after Stephen, and Stephen wishes he could explain what he’s about to do but there’s no time :(
  Kaecilius’s eyes are actually sinking into his skull and more and more of his face is gray and peeling, btw. Would’ve been cool to see that in the film.
  Stephen gets the idea of the Dormammu loop by remembering what Mordo told him about dimensional openings, spatial paradoxes, and time loops. Technically, Mordo can't get mad, Stephen got the idea from him lol
  In this novelization, Kaecilius doesn’t say “He’s gone. Even Strange has left YOU and surrendered to his power.” He says, “He’s gone. Strange has left to surrender to his power.” So... what’s up with that? Is this a confirmation that Mordo is meant to be gay in the film? ‘cause I’ma take it as such.
  Stephen thinks he saw something moving on the edge of the dark dimension, he thinks its living forms, citizens of the dark dimension. Shame we didn't get that in the film, it would've been a perfect way to tease Clea. It'd be sort of like in the comics, with Clea being impressed by the fact that Stephen dared to oppose Dormammu.
  Stephen knows Mordo is hurting badly, because TAO was all he believed in and now he has nothing, but he doesn’t know how to make it hurt less :( (Stephen, you could have used your dick)
  Stephen looks at Wong after Mordo leaves, but neither of them know what to do/say, so they just return to KT. And then they never regretted not talking Mordo out of his misery. Oh wait. Whoops!
  Stephen is seduced by the Eye (or the time stone) again, it’s Cloaky who convinces him to put that shit down on its pedestal before you doom us all you fool.
  “Mordo always had been a bomb waiting to go off, Pangborn thought. He was a black-and-white kind of guy. Either your best friend or your worst enemy.”
  Mordo removes Pangborn’s “essence of power” whatever the fuck that means.
  ““Too many sorcerers.”
  It was an argument he planned to have with Stephen Strange.…
  Except it’s been like 5 years by now, so Mordo’s definition of “soon” is not really like ours.
  And that’s it. That’s that novelization. Like I said, uninspired as fuck. I wish I could find the one you read :(
Whoa Nonny! Thank you for this! I haven’t gotten my hands on the novelization you read yet, but I’m hoping to get it on kindle. That’s where I got my version. It has the same publisher as yours, but with a different author. It looks like this.
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Thanks for writing the post describing the novelization you read Nonny! I appreciate you taking the time and effort for sharing that with us :) Especially when not everyone can get their hands on that info. It’s pretty fascinating to me how much changes during the production of a movie, and honestly I’m pretty happy we got what we did. Especially in terms of Mordo. They significantly softened and warmed him up from the initial plan it seems. And I love that so much *swoons*
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