#seeing she's seen everyone else and met the newbies etc
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FNAF movie Vanessa wants to meet Glamrock Bonnie..
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years
The Buy In
For the prompt:  Mafia AU with Tony as the Boss (except he's a really good one, making the streets safe, keeping drugs away from kids etc) and Bucky as the detective sent to go undercover to catch him out but ends up realizing he's actually doing more good than harm and they end up falling in love
Chapter One: Fresh Meat
by @dracusfyre
“Hey, boss, we got fresh meat for you,” the man at Bucky’s elbow said. Bucky’s heart was in his throat, pulse racing like mad; he was the first detective ever to get this close to Tony Stark, to the Mechanic, and he prayed he would live to tell the tale. For years Stark had only been seen through the lens of a telescoping camera, impeccably dressed with sunglasses hiding his eyes and surrounded by his men at all times. Before today there had been no wiretaps, no informants, no insight into the elusive mob boss and his inner circle. But after years of hard work, Bucky was about to change that. As he was pushed into the echoing warehouse, his eyes darted around the room, taking in the classic cars, the souped-up sports coupes and half-built engines, looking for the man himself. Bucky wondered how many of these were stolen and awaiting new buyers. Men in suits were spread out guarding the exits, but he didn’t see a desk or an office, any kind of throne from which Stark ran his criminal empire.
After a moment, in the middle of the room, a man that Bucky’s eyes had completely glossed over unfolded himself from a work bench. He was wearing a tank top and low-slung jeans, and as he stood, he pulled his welding mask off and put down the butane torch. Bucky blinked, stunned as he approached; the man’s hair was tousled and messy, jaw dark with a five o’clock shadow, arms toned and tan. His eyes, when they met Bucky’s, where whiskey brown and warm with amusement. Bucky barely kept his jaw from dropping as he recognized Tony Stark, right down to the scar on his jaw he’d gotten in the car crash that had killed his parents.
“New meat, huh?” Stark asked, and he crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head and studied Bucky with eyes that seemed entirely too perceptive. “Tell me about him.”
“Wants a job,” the man at his elbow said. Bucky didn’t jump, but it was a near thing; he’d forgotten the man was even there. This was Tony Stark? The Mechanic was actually a mechanic? Everyone, from Bucky's fellow policemen to the FBI task force that had been organized to take him down, to the ATF agents and federal marshals that swapped stories over beer, had a different theory about where the man’s klichka came from: because of his well-known penchant for nice cars, because shop tools were his favorite methods of interrogation, because he was good at greasing wheels and making things happen. No one had ever suggested, even as a joke, that it might be because the man was a grease monkey. “Former military, spent time in Iraq,” the man continued. What was his name? Oh yeah, Harold. Everyone called him Happy. “Got out and a friend of a friend got him a job, if you know what I mean. His info checks out; he used to do work down at Brighton Beach then moved up to Red Hook before crossing the bridge. You said we needed new muscle down on 6th, remember?”
“I remember.” Stark pulled out a wrench that had been hanging from his belt and started flipping it from hand to hand as he considered Bucky thoughtfully. Bucky lifted his chin and met Stark’s eyes, hoping his nervousness didn’t show; this wasn’t his first undercover assignment, just the one with the highest stakes. Stark controlled most of Manhattan and had been successfully expanding his territory at the expense of the Russians and Irish and gangs from Harlem. As the silence stretched, the metal of the wrench flashed in the light from the windows as it rose and fell, his hands sure and steady. “Go away, copper,” Stark said finally, and Bucky gaped as Stark turned away.
“I’m not a cop,” Bucky protested to Stark’s surprisingly muscled back. This operation, his job, maybe even his life depended on convincing Stark he wasn’t a cop. “Look, this is the biggest outfit in the city and I just want a paycheck, ok? My last boss came up short and ran back to Armenia without paying his debts. Word is you always pay up.” 
“Sure you do,” Stark said, the corner of his mouth turning up. “We all just want a paycheck, right? Happy, remind me why we need muscle on 6th?”
“Cops have been hassling our people,” Happy said, taking a step away from Bucky and eyeing him with suspicion. “Trying to shake’em down, demanding a cut.”
“Right, right.” Stark picked up his welding mask but didn’t put it on. “What’s your name, copper?”
“I’m not-“ When Stark just raised an eyebrow and gestured like get on with it, Bucky said, “Jason. Jason Brooks.”
“That’s it? No street name?”
“My friends call me JB sometimes, but that’s it.”
“Alright, Blue Eyes,” Stark said as he pulled his mask back down over his eyes and fired up the torch again with a hiss of blue-white heat. “Get the cops to lay off my people, and you’ll get your paycheck.”
Happy put a hand on Bucky’s back and shoved him back out the door of the warehouse since they’d been dismissed. “That’s it?” Bucky said, bemused.
“Yeah, that’s it. Whaddya want, to provide a resume and cover letter? It’s not like the Boss has to check with HR here.”
“Does he really think I’m a cop?”
Happy shrugged. “Only the boss knows what the boss thinks. Guess not if he said you could stay. Come back tomorrow at 5.”
“Do you really think he’s a cop?” Rhodey asked when Tony was done welding, coming over to admire the smooth bead he’d put on the chassis of the classic car he was remodeling.
“Oh, he’s definitely a cop,” Tony said, stretching his back and shoulders. “But then I thought, we have a cop, we have cop problems, let’s let one take care of the other. Either he’ll get them to back off, or he won’t, but either way one of my problems will be solved.”
“Oh, so it’s not because he has a pretty face?”
“I didn’t know you were on the market, platypus,” Tony said with wide eyes. “I’m sure I could get his number for you, along with his bank account, social security number, and entire relationship history.” When Rhodey just rolled his eyes, Tony grinned. “He did have a pretty face, though, didn’t he? I wonder if that’s why they sent him.”
“Not unless the feds have changed their MO in a big way,” Rhodey said, handing Tony a towel to clean his hands and wipe the sweat off his face and neck.
“I’ll let him run around a bit and see what happens,” Tony said, voice turning serious. “I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
“Yeah. Like I had about Natasha. Or Natalie, whatever she’s calling herself now.” Natasha had been a plant from the Russians, trying to crack his operations so they could retake some blocks they’d lost a few years ago when Tony had taken advantage of infighting to push his boundaries out. She’d taken one look at the ladies working in Tony’s territory and taken to them like a mother cat with kittens. She’d also organized them with the ruthlessness of any NY City union boss, eliminating pimps with such prejudice it earned her the klichka the Widow. Six months into working for him, she’d flipped and given him everything she knew and was the reason why the Russians had been pushed back to their tiny toe-hold in Brighton Beach, with most of them heading back for greener territories back in the Motherland. “Put him with KT. He’s good with newbies.”
“You aren’t worried he’s going to find something?”
Because it was Rhodey, Tony gave it some thought. Whatever law enforcement sent Blue Eyes had apparently done a better job with his cover than the previous people did; so far Happy had been able to weed them out pretty early on. Tony couldn’t even say why he was getting a cop vibe from the new guy. He had short hair, little longer than military regulation, but the stubble on his jaw screamed six-day bender and he had the thousand-yard stare of an ex-soldier used to violence down pat. Hell, that part was probably true. Maybe it was the surprise in his eyes when he’d seen Tony; in Tony’s experience, most people who made their living on the streets had the ability to be surprised burned out of them long ago. “Nah,” Tony said eventually. “For the good stuff, he’d have to go through me. Anything else he’d just be nibbling around the edges.”
“Whatever you say,” Rhodey said with a shrug. 
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writers-hes · 5 years
christmas record.
hello! thank you so much for reading cherry, falling, and late christmas. if you haven’t read them yet, you could do so by clicking the link here. 
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this is a fluffy christmas fic and even though christmas is done, i hope you enjoy it! this is my longest fic yet, with 6785 words! how cool is that? anyways, read and enjoy! send me feed back and requests, i really appreciate them :) 
warning: unedited ! i was rushing to post this before christmas but i’ll be going over my fics soon to edit everything. thank you! 
you were a photographer. you liked going to free shows around town, taking pictures of everyone in it. you liked how music swayed them and made them live in the moment. photography was your way of immortalising that fleeting moment. still, you weren’t as successful as other photographers to make it as your main source of income and that was okay. as long as you get to share your art with an audience, you knew you were doing something. you were on a break from your shift at baskin robbins when your phone notified that you just received a message.
helenepamburn.photography: Hello i just want to say i absolutely love your work!!
your phone read. helene pemburn was a photographer you’ve never heard of before. you decided to look at her instagram and check out her work and damn, it is amazing. it seems as though her muse was harry styles, your best friend’s favourite male artist. you have listened to his songs before, even downloaded his first album and he was good.
35mmdiary: oh my god!! thank you so much. i love yours too!! portrait is something that i’m not entirely good at :-)
helenepamburn.photography: Im helene, by the way ! What camera set-up do you usually use? 35mmdiary: hi, helene!! i’m y/n. i usually just use a minolta xg-1 camera and i switch up on the lenses…i’m more of a film photographer than a digital one…
helenepamburn.photography: Ah! so you don’t use dlsr cameras?? 😮
35mmdiary: i do but i just take whatever photo and then edit it on lightroom…with my old presets hehehe
35mmdiary: oh im sorry i have to go i have to finish my shift!! 

the conversation ended at that at first but weeks into it and you found yourself really enjoying talking to helene. she became an instant friend, exchanging tips and tricks on photography. she would even talk about how it was touring with harry and etcetera. you wanted to meet each other soon but it was hard, seeing as your finals was right around the corner and harry releasing his new album.
“helene, who are you talking to? you’ve been on that phone for so long!” jeff azzof asked. it wasn’t unlike helene to type away at her phone 24/7. she was usually in her corner, editing harry’s photos for the world to see. “y/n,” she muttered. “who?” 
“i found her on instagram and she really has amazing shots! look,” helene said, showing your instagram to jeff. “and this is all film! no editing,” she praised. “oh wow, she is good,” jeff commended. “yeah, well…about that. i think i’m gonna take a break from work first,” helene started. jeff looked at her quizzically. “i know harry’s about to release his album and there’s the thing at the forum and etcetera but i think y/n is gonna be a good replacement, no?” 
“does harry know?” he asked. he was a little concerned that helene’s leave was a little sudden. sure, she’s been working hard, always going where harry was and taking photographs of him but still, it was abdrupt and it wasn’t quite what he was expecting. “ah, no not yet. i was hoping you could talk to him about it?” she shyly asked. harry’s been a ball of stress lately and helene knew that if something out of the schedule were to happen, harry would freak. “helene…” jeff warned. helene looked at him, practically begging him to go tell harry. jeff only sighed and nodded. “thank you!” she gushed. “i owe you one, big time,”
it was almost the holiday break, and you can already feel the christmas in l.a.—it’s not snowing, particularly and it’s not as iconic as new york christmas but you can already see christmas lights hanging downtown and at the grove. starbucks already released their holiday drinks and their holiday cups. you were finishing your last paper for the term, ready to finally get back to photography. you finished ahead of everyone else in class and begged some of your professors to let you take some quizzes and tests in advance. perhaps you were lucky this christmas because they allowed you to and you passed your term with good grades.
helenepemburn.photography: y/n I have a question to ask…
35mmdiary: sure what is it??
helenepemburn.photography: Are you done with classes? The semester?? 35mmdiary: yeah why?? helenepemburn.photography: How would you feel about replacing me as a photographer??? Im about to go on a break and I want you to be my fill-in??? You will be paid the same fee as I do during those days too
35mmdiary: What??? are you sure?? helenepemburn.photography: Yes!! The team will be in l.a. next week for a couple of interviews and etc so would be able to meet you and show you the ropes and hang out!!
35mmdiary: sure!! send me the details…i’m free until christmas anyway :)
helenepemburn.photography: See you then !! Im so excited to finally meet you !!
it’s been a few days and your best friend was absolutely ecstatic to know that you were harry styles’ photographer for a few weeks. you’ve been thinking about backing out but from your conversations with helene, it seems like she was really craving for a short break. she told you about going to japan and malibu with harry to take behind the scenes photographs. she loved it, of course but she was getting drained. besides, you will be paid a good amount of money for your services, unlike some of the previous bands who told you that you will have a shoutout for the ‘free’ photos you would give them. artists who don’t support artists suck, don’t they?
“i can’t believe! harry fucking styles!” your best friend, gina, exclaims. she was a harrie, the biggest one you’ve seen. she went to the forum, the closing venue for his first solo world tour, bought merch, and runs a fan account on twitter. “shh! keep it down, gina! it’s just a temporary job. i just took it as a favour to helene and also because it pays well. i can pay a little more to my college debt,” you muttered. “still! once you’re on tour with him, don’t you ever forget me,” she fake cries. “i just want a video greeting for harry, okay? like the one that i got you when i met adore delano,” she told you. you nodded and she squealed, jumpy in her seat because she was about to receive a personalised video from harry styles.
helenepamburn.photography: Im free right now if you want to meet up!! Im in la and i forgot how much i hated la traffic ://
35mmdiary: sure! where do you wanna meet? helenepamburn.photography: Harry rented an airbnb for all of us in beverly hills…would you like to meet in a coffee shop near it?? Im really craving for american starbucks right now 35mmdiary: sure! i’ll meet you there at 2:30? helenpamburn.photography: Ok and then we can go to the airbnb to meet up with jeff so he could walk you through the details sound good? 35mmdiary: okay…i’ll see you in a bit! be safe ! 

you immediately went inside your shower to take a bath. you were finally meeting helene! you didn’t know who jeff was but you decided to dress a little nicer today just in case this jeff guy was a little strict. opting for minimal make up, your favourite floral pants, white shirt, and your boots, you decided to head out with your iPad and film camera to show helene some of your photos.
it’s almost 2:30 when you arrived at the coffee shop. helene was already there, waving at you excitedly. you smiled and jogged up to her. “helene!” you called as she greeted you with a hug. “y/n! i’m so happy i get to finally meet you!” she laughs. “i hope it’s alright, i already ordered for you,” she says. “oh! thank you. how much was it? i’ll pa—“
“don’t be silly now! it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it. now, tell me, how have you been?” she asked. you chuckled. “i’m good! i finished all my papers early to focus a little bit on my photography,” you tell her. “college is really sucking the life out of me! i worked part time in baskin robbins too so the stress is just too much,” you grumbled. “ah, well, i promise photographing harry isn’t that stressful. he’s quite chill with whatever you present him as long as it’s in black and white,” she joked. “kidding aside, harry’s whole crew is kind. very approachable and very good people,” she informed you. her words brought comfort over you as you were worrying about how they would treat a newbie. “i’m just really taking a break because i’m so tired! besides, my best friend will get married on christmas and i wanted to be there and take some pictures,” she says.
“you did mention that you like wedding photographs too,” you told her. “i love them! they’re so fun and the vibe is so different. i’m a bridesmaid so i just have to be there, you know? i’m wearing a really cute dress too! here, i’ll show you,” she gushed. she took out her phone and opened the picture. it was a great dress. it was a long peach dress and helene said that all the bridesmaids had dresses inspired by the colours of the sunset. “that’s so cool! i wanna get married someday but then again, not really,” you shared. helene nodded at that. you both spent the afternoon together, walking around beverly hills and just talking.
“hey, let’s go back to the airbnb so i can introduce you to everyone!” she gushed. she booked an uber and then immediately dragged you to the car. you loved how chatty and enthusiastic she was, basically telling you her life story and her friend’s life story in just a few hours. you rode the car once it arrived and it zoomed past the fancy beverly hills neighbourhood. it was a few minutes after when you arrived at a big house. “we’re here! i’m so excited for you to meet jeff, mitch, sara, claire, and everyone else!” she squealed. she beat you into paying for the fare and then dragged you again to the main, where she knocked and cursed at jeff for not opening the door immediately in french.
“fuck’s sake, helene! hold on!” a man called from the inside. “that’s jeff, he’s the oldest in this house but doesn’t seem like it,” she snickered. you were about to reply to helene when a friendly-looking man opened the door. he was scowling at helene, a facial expression she only chuckled at. “hello, jeff! this is y/n, y/n, this is jeff,” she introduced. “hi, it’s nice to meet you,” you told jeff. “same here,” he brushed off. “come in, enter,” he said cooly. you frowned, helene said that they were nice people but jeff seems so intimidating. “give the poor girl a break, jeffrey!” helene said. she guided you to the living room and made you sit on the the couch. “so, i take you’re helene’s replacement while she’s away?” he asked.
“uh—yeah,” you replied, picking on the loose thread of your white shirt. he chuckled at your nervousness. “you dress like harry,”
“sorry?” you asked. helene laughed, noticing how similar you dressed with the star. “she does! i just noticed that!” your friend exclaimed.
“anyways, i’ll be fetching some papers and documents you have to sign. harry’s a big star after all, we can’t trust everyone,” he said before going to god-knows-where. “i’m sorry! he’s not really like that. it’s just that many people before you came here with me as an intern or something but they always end up leaking photos, putting harry in trouble and all that,” helene apologised. “oh, i totally understand. it’s no problem,” you reassured. you were fumbling on your shirt, once more, when jeff arrived. “here,” he put the folder on the coffee table. “read the document over and sign it if you agree, of course…it’s just about harry’s privacy and all that,” he said. “call me when you’re don, i’ll just make us a drink,” he left the room again and probably into the kitchen. you read over the document a few times before signing on the required pages. it was basically concerned with harry’s privacy and how you couldn’t sell harry’s photographs to the tabloids. helene was there with you to explain the whole contract and how the ropes would work.
“she’s done, jeff!” she called. jeff emerged from the kitchen with a tray of iced coffee and some fruits. he laid the tray down on the table gently and took the folder from your grasp. you watched as he made sure that you signed all of the pages on the papers and smiled. “welcome to the team!” he suddenly beamed.
“thanks,” you smiled at him.
“i’m sorry for being rude earlier. it’s just that some photographers and ‘newbies’ take this job for granted. so, anyway,” he coughed. “help yourself to some coffee and tell me about yourself,”
“well, uh—i’m y/n y/l/n. 21 years old and i’m currently taking up business ad. i really love photography but my parents aren’t really set on supporting me have it as my profession in the future. i, uh, also take photographs of artists in free shows but i mostly do film, if that’s okay? harry’s photos will be developed after four hours if we’re here in l.a. but probably more than that if we’re not here, which i’m assuming won’t happen? i have a friend from one of my electives who knows how to develop film,” you told him.
“it’s worth the wait, jeff! do you have some photos, y/n?” helene interjected. you nodded and took out your iPad.
“uh, you can just swipe through the images of the scenes and people i took,” you told him, opening the photos app and into your digital portfolio. you handed jeff the ipad and waited anxiously. “wow, these are good. helene actually showed me your instagram already and i’m impressed. now, we will give you some money for the films and the development process when you start working, which is tomorrow—“
“ah, it’s okay.  the salary is enough to cover for everything,” you reassured. “no, no. i insist. helene also had the same budget. besides, you’re doing us a favour for agreeing to this job instantly,” he said. you nodded shyly. “anyways, you could stay here in the house or something since helene will leave the day after but that’s your choice, completely.” he said. “i’ll just stay in my apartment,” you told him. he nodded and looked at the time. “well, dinner’s about to start. i suggest you attend so you could meet everyone,” he smiled. you nodded, not really wanting to piss your new boss. “i’m sure everyone’s excited to meet the baby of the team,” he chuckled.
“ah! i’m so excited for you to meet claire and sara. you’re gonna love them!” helene squealed. “wait here, okay? i’ll just change into my pyjamas,” she said. you nodded and watched her leave the living room, leaving you alone with jeff.
“so, where did you grow up?” he asked. “i actually grew up here in california and then moved here in l.a. for my studies,” you informed him.
“that’s great,” he nodded. “let’s just wait for everyone else to come,” he said. you nodded and spent the following minutes chatting with helene and jeff. he may have been intimidating at first but he was a pretty chill guy. you liked his humour and immediately clicked once helene told him about the time some bands were lowballing you with a shoutout, to which jeff told you you should be charging more for your shots. it was nearing eight when two girls barged in the door, bringing some takeout.
“sara, claire!” jeff greeted. “this is y/n, the newest baby of our team,” he said. you waved at them shyly.
“she dresses like harry,” sara observed. “that’s what i thought so too!” jeff chuckled. he took the paper bags from the girls. “i’ll just fix this up in the kitchen while your girls chat,” he said while going back to the kitchen. “jeff is such a dad to all of us,” sara said once she sat in front of you with claire. “yeah, it’s nice knowing that there’s parental love going around here or it would be such a mess! mitch is the slobbiest person ever while sara here, hates his mess!” claire said. “so, how did you know helene was about to leave?” she asked. she wasn’t asking in an intruding way, she was just curious.
“well, helene and i are ‘internet friends’,” you told them. “i’m a photographer and i mostly use film. it was her who told me to come fill-in for her while she was away,”
“wait, youre 35mmdiary?” sara asked. you nodded. “she’s been raving about your work and harry seemed to like it too! i follow you on social media!”
“me too! i love your work! so, so good,” claire added.
“thanks, guys! that really means a lot to me,” you said. you took a mental note to follow them back once you go back home.
“where are the guys, anyway?” helene asked. “we couldn’t start dinner without them,”
“mitch told me he was with harry, buying some chinese food. they’re on their way back, though.” sara said.
“oh well, let’s just wait for them to come back,” helene said. you girls nodded and chatted for a bit until eighteen minutes later, the door opened, revealing the harry styles himself and mitch.
“i told you, haz! you should’ve bought soup dumplings instead of the fried ones,” a guy with long hair complained.
“but there might be holes in the dumplings and all the soup would fall out. fried dumplings are the safe option, honestly,”
“sarah, tell harry that soup dumplings are better that fried o—“ he stopped, just realising that there was another person in the house. “hello, who are you?” he asked, utterly confused.
“i’m the photographer filling in for helene while she’s away,” you spoke. “ah, well in that case, hello! my name is mitch,” he said. when he noticed that harry wasn’t speaking soon, he spoke again. “this is harry and that over there is adam,”
“oh yeah, i know. hi, harry,” you shyly waved at him. you also waved a greeting to adam to which he returned. harry gave you a tight-lipped smile. you always imagined this moment to be somewhat chill but right now, your cheeks were absolutely burning because of how beautiful he was. pictures didn’t do him justice, no offense to helene but it was the reality. “i’m y/n,” you added.
“hi, y/n. i’m harry but mitch already beat me to it,” he muttered. mitch only laughed and told him to go to jeff so he could set up the table.
“she kinda dresses like you, no?” mitch commented once he thought they were out of earshot.
it was less than ten minutes when jeff called you girls to go to the dining room. you were sat beside helene and in front of harry, who seemed to look everywhere but you.
“well, this was supposed to be a simple dinner but it isn’t. let’s welcome y/n into the family and bid farewell to helene,” jeff started. “everyone say ‘welcome to the family, y/n’!” there was a chorus of welcomes around the table and you only managed to mutter a shy ‘thank you’ to everyone.
“so, how did you know helene?” mitch asked. “oh we met through the internet,” you replied. “she messaged me about my work and then i looked at her profile a bit and decided that i loved he work too,”
“we’ve known each other for months but only met today, actually.” helene said. “huh, i would’ve thought that you knew each other for years but then again, helene has always been the noisy one,” adam commented.
“you’re just as noisy as i am! i cant believe this is how you treat me on my last day until i come back,” helene faked sobbed.
“let’s jusy eat dinner, yeah? poor y/n must’ve been so tired and hungry from all the talk you’ve been drilling into her,” adam said. everyone nodded and took their food. you shyly opened your chinese take-out box.
“y/n, i’m sorry if this is rude but i haven’t seen any of your work before,” mitch suddenly said.
“i’m not really a big photographer,” you started. “honestly, i just go to free shows and then offer my services for a cheaper price,”
“you should definitely see her work, babe. so, so, good! she does film and that’s like, super hard,” sarah added. babe? “y/n, show him your ipad so they’ll believe me!”
“alright...” you nodded and fished for your ipad, opening the album that contained your beat shots so far. you handed it to mitch. you stared at him for any reactions and was glad to see him focus on your pictures, zooming in on some of them.
“these aren’t filters? damn, you’re good. yo, look at this, adam! isn’t this the band you’ve been listening to on soundcloud?” mitch asked, showing adam your photograph of the vocalist of peach pit. adam looks over and gapes.
“y/n, this is so good! what’s your username on insta? i’ll give you a follow!”
“it’s 35mmdiary! i’ve been showing you gus her work for months now,” helene grumbled.
the dinner started and ended like that, with friendly banter from what seems to be a loving environment. jeff was definitely the father of the group. you liked everyone but harry. he hasn’t talked to you all night, just stealing some glances at your direction. helene booked you an uber and told you to text her once you’re home. you nodded and bid her good bye before riding into the car.
“harry, what do you think of y/n?” jeff asked once you left.
“pretty cool girl, yeah?” he commented.
“you barely looked at her! she’s quite lovely,” claire added.
“probably because he finds her cute or something,” mitch teased. “always does that! playing hard to get but really, what is there to get?”
“shut up, mitch,” he blushed. it was true. harry did sort of find tou attractive. you were so kind to everyone, taking their compliments gracefully. you got along so well with the other members and he wanted to talk to you but adam and helene hogged the conversation. perhaps he should talk to you alone, sometime?
“okay so, christmas is coming soon and once again, we will be needing to have our secret santa!” sarah said, changing the subject as harry looked like a poor fish gaping.
“should we include y/n?” adam asked.
“of course! she’s a part of our family now, even if it’s temporarily,” helene said.
“yeah and we should take you out instead...” harry teased.
“hey! that’s not nice,”
“well, she’ll be coming in tomorrow and basically everyday to accompany harry on photoshoots and to get some shots as well. we could talk to her about it tomorrow,” jeff informed. everybody nodded at that.
“gotta go back to my room, m’tired from today,” harry yawned. everybody said good night as he left tahe living room.
unknown to them, harry was actually looking theough your instagram. he decided to follow you once he reached his assigned room. everybody was right, you are good. he was so excited to have you as a part of the team.
harrystyles: Nice meeting you today, y/n. x
35mmdiary: hi hi!! it was nice meeting you today too :-)
harrystyles: Your works are lovely. I’m so excited to see more of your work.
35mmdiary: thanks ! i hope you like what you see so far. thanks for hiring me by the way
harrystyles: It’s quite alright! I loved what Helene showed me. I tried to get into film photography but it never worked out. So hard to figure out the settings. :(
35mmdiary: i actually started with dispposable cameras! they really helped me know what i like! i could teach you some of the stuff i know if you like. im not a pro or anything but i think there’s a few things i could teach you?
harrystyles: That sounds great! When are we doing it?
harrystyles: Can we do it tomorrow? I’m free tomorrow.
harrystyles: Only if it’s okay with you. :)
35mmdiary: yes of course ! i could meet you in the house tomorrow morning ?
harrystyles: No, it’s okay. I’ll just have someone pick you up just send me your address. I’m not a serial killer, I promise.
you gave harry your address and your number, just in case he needed it. that night, you looked for your spare disposable films while harry told jeff that you would be accompanying him tomorrow. jeff only teased harry but allowed it anyway.
“good morning!” you chirped as you entered the black range rover. harry smiled at you. the driver at the driver’s seat nodded at you.
“good morning, love. i got you breakfast, if it’s okay. if you don’t like it i could eat it and we could go somewhere else for breakfast,” harry rambled, offering you a brown bag. you looked into it and saw a ham and cheese croissant—your favourite sandwich.
“this will do just fine. this is my favourite sandwich,” you said as you dug into the bag to get your sandwich. “would you like some? we could share if you like,” you offered. harry shook his head no, telling you that he already ate the same sadnwich as you did.
“by the way,” you started as you swallowed the pastry. “i got some disposable cameras that you could use in my bag,”
“you shouldn’t have...” harry pouted. “i basically hogged your whole day and now you’re giving me stuff too?”
“it’s okay. i wanted to. as long as we end just in time for me and helene to say goodbye to each other,” you smiled.
“lunch is on me then! i know this place near santa monica that served the best chicken wings!” he declared. you chuckled at his etermination to get even with you. “what are we doing today, by the way?”
“well, i was thinking we could go on a classic photowalk. it’s basically just us walking and taking photos of the things we like,” you told him. “i was thinking we could take photos downtown...” you trailed off, not realizing that the paparazzi might see harry. “or somewhere else you like so we could avoid the paparazzi,”
“we’ll go downtown then!” he said, not really caring about tomorrow’s tabloids. harry liked your presence. for some reason, it made him feel at ease. he didn’t care if you’d be labelled as harry’s girlfriend tomorrow. he just wanted to have a nice afternoon walking around and taking photos that he like.
“well, for me, it’s the perfect place. if you’re into portraits, you could photograph people! if you’re into sceneries, you could do that too,” you gushed as you finished the last of your croissant. “i like sceneries and candids a lot. taking portraits is something that i’m not really good at,”
“at least you know something! i’m such a beginner,” he admitted. “drop us off here, please, thank you.” harry told the driver. the driver nodded and stopped the car. harry immediately went out, dragging tou by the hand to hide from onlookers. it’s not like he didn’t want to meet fans, he did. it was just that he’d rather be unnoticed when dealing with private matters, such as spending time with a girl whom he finds cute to gain some brownie points. he led you to an empty alley.
“you alright?” he asked. you nodded and fished out for the cameras in your bag.
“harry? here are the cameras. there are 36 shots per camera and because i brought you theee, you could do more than a hunderd. just give them back to me after you use it so i could have my friend develop them,” you breathed.
“thank you so much, y/n! you didn’t have to because i also have my own camera. just don’t know how to adjust it,” he frowned, looking down at the expensive camera hanging on his chest.
“i could take a look at it, if you like,” you offered. harry beamed at you and nodded rapidly. that day, you spent the afternoon taking photos of people living their daily lives. it was such a great day, walking downtown with cameras at hand. the day consisted of you and him talking about the most embarrassing stories you could think of when you were younger. he told you about the many times he fell onstage during his concerts, to which you laughed at, saying that you tripped on a wire once when you were photographing a gig for a local band. onlookers wouldn’t think that you were strangers at all but you didn’t mind.
that night, at the beverly hills mansion, you and the team huddled together to pick names for the small exchange gift. you left the house with a smile on your face a few hours after, really loving the group.
“alright, who picked y/n?” harry asked as soon as he walked back in from waiting outside until you left.
“why?” mitch asked. “well--” “he obviously likes her, dumbass,” adam said.
“you just met twice why would you like her immediately?” mitch asked again, clearly missing out on something. “she’s really a nice girl. besides, what’s wrong with finding her cute?” harry asked, clearly giddy about the day he spent with you. “she’s so cute especially when i told her earlier that she looked good in what she was wearing! then, she gave me these disposable cameras,” he added, showing off the cameras hanging on his wrist. “i really wanna get her something for christmas but i think it’s a little straightforward to just give her one, no?”
“what would you do for you to get her name?” sarah asked. “i’ll pay you a hundred dollars and treat you and a friend to a nice dinner,”
“i got her,” jeff said, giving the paper to harry and harry giving another piece with a different name on it. he gave jeff 300 dollars for the dinner and the monetary gift and said thank you. he smiled with his dimples showing and retired to bed.
“he’s whipped,” mitch mouthed to sarah. sarah only nodded, really finding it cute how harry found y/n cute.
you’ve been photographing harry and his band for so many days now, rarely even having the time to clean your apartment, which was fine. it was always clean, only feeling like it wasn’t because harry was at your place, going over the photographs that he would be posting on his social media. you told him that you could come by the house in beverly hills but he told you to just stay at home so it would be safer. you didn’t protest but you did stress clean for a little bit.
“i really like this photo,” he pointed at your laptop. “i think mum would really like this, yeah?”
you nodded. it wasn’t your best shot but so far, it looked like it was harry’s favourite image of himself. you were done for the night and you were tired but you didn’t want harry to leave yet. you were enjoying his company and it seems as though he was feeling the same when he decided to open a new conversation.
“so, who did you pick for secret santa?” he asked as you opened your spotify christmas playlist and played it softly on the bluetooth speaker on the coffee table. “i can’t tell you that! it would ruin the whole thing,” you replied. you were perched on your couch, facing harry.
“why not? it’s not like you got me, unless you did…” he teased.
“maybe, maybe not,” you shrugged. harry pouted but started to hum to the christmas music anyway before sipping on his hot cocoa. “you know what i would love from you?”
“what?” he asked. he’s been tearing his hair for a perfect gift for you but nothing really came up. he wanted to get you a film camera but that would be too basic. “a christmas record from you! your voice is so good,” you gushed. “it would sound so great and i’m sure you’d sing christmas classics like the one paul mccartney sang,” you mused, clearly unaware of what was going through harry’s head. he finally found a perfect gift for you. “if you ever release a christmas album, hit me up immediately! i’d stream and buy the hell out of it. i’ll even wear your christmas merch,”
“everyone shut up! i’m gonna record something in my room, don’t bother me,” harry breathed as soon as he arrived in the rented home. everyone’s eyebrows shot forward. they were huddled in the living room, playing uno. “okay, i’m sorry just don’t make too much noise!” he apologised. he ran to his assigned room after that, locking his door and taking out his guitar. clueless as to where he would start off, he decided to text helene.
harry styles: Helene! 
Helene.: Harry !
harry styles: Do you know y/n’s favourite Christmas songs?
Helene: Not really but she’d be into classics dont you think?? Why ??
harry styles: I kinda got her for secret Santa and I don’t know what to give.
harry styles: Do you really think she’d be into the classics? Helene: Yes now stop talking to me i have to attend the dinner rehearsals why do you have to rehearse for dinner?
that night, harry set up his personal microphone, a device that he could just slip into his laptop’s usb, and sang at least three songs that he would sing with gemma whenever he was home for the holidays.
it was after harry’s successful live show at the forum. you were busy capturing every moment of the tour with your camera. gina, your best friend was in the crowd too. it was your early christmas gift for her, along with a personalised video from harry like you promised. she squealed and hug you for being the ‘best best friend ever’. you laughed and received her hugs with joy. you were supposed to have a small staff-only after show party but decided not to come. you were tired and all you wanted was sleep. you told jeff about it and he nodded, hugging you and asking you if it was okay if you left alone. you nodded and wished him a good party. that night, you went home to your apartment, looking over the new photos that your friend e-mailed you so you could show them to harry the next time you see him. you took note of the pictures you liked alot.
“where’s y/n?” harry asked as soon as he greeted everyone. “oh, she left! said she felt tired and just wanted to sleep,” jeff shouted over the loud music and the loud people. the party became bigger as staff invited friends and family to come over. harry didn’t mind, he liked crowds. harry nodded at jeff, a little disappointed because he was hoping to get to you. he would be leaving for london next week for another live show and he was sure that you wouldn’t be able to come. the live show at the forum was supposed to be the big ending for the celebration of harry’s album in america. if he wouldn’t be able to see you now, he wouldn’t see you at all, probably.
it was nearing 1 am when your doorbell rang. being a light sleeper, you woke up from your slumber in the couch. you must’ve fallen to sleep while finalising images you wanted to show harry next day. you fixed the coffee table a little bit then begrudgingly walking to the door, only to reveal the man who’s been keeping you busy.
“hi, y/n. may i come in?” harry asked. you nodded and opened the door wider, the cold from your air conditioning unit greeting harry.
“what are you doing here?” you asked as you and your guest settled on your couch. “well, i was at the party and i noticed you were gone so, i decided to come by. i’m sorry if it was so sudden it’s just that, i picked you for secret santa and i wanted to give you my gift before i leave for london next week,” he rambled. he the handed you a pretty christmas box.
“thank you, harry. what about your party?” you asked. “it’s fine, they’re fine. i just wanted to be here with you more.” he smiled. “go on, open it!”
you opened the box that revealed a red sweater.
“you said you wanted christmas merch, right? that you would wear it?” he asked. you nodded and unfolded the sweater to reveal a ‘harry’ sweatshirt in red. it was the one that gina wanted for so long but in the colour pink. harry’s name was embroidered on the soft red sweater in white, and his motto ‘treat people with kindness’ was embroidered on one of the sleeves in red.
“i picked out the colours and i hope you like it! it’s not from the same manufacturer but i figured you would like it,” he said. you looked deeper into the box to find a cd and a flashdrive. the cd cover was you and harry, a selfie he took using his phone when you were out having a photowalk. “you said you wanted a christmas record and here it is,” he said. you were smiling widely and thanking harry for the thoughtful gifts he got you. “i, uh, you have to listen to the songs and text me if you liked them, alright? text me as soon as you finish it.i have to go back to the party and entertain but i’d really love to hear your thoughts on the record, okay?” he asked, standing up from his seat and kissing your forehead. you nodded and watched him go outside your door, too overwhelmed with his thoughtful gift. you inserted the flashdrive in your laptop’s usb and clicked on track 1.
track 1 was harry’s rendition for paul mccartney’s wonderful christmas time--your favourite christmas song. you casually mentioned it to him once but didn’t think that he would remember. there were 8 tracks in the flashdrive, harry’s voice and guitar playing filling your apartment. you were wearing the sweater he gave you, feeling giddy at the gifts he gave you. you just finished track 7 and waited for track 8 to play when harry’s talking voice was heard from the speakers.
“hi, y/n,” he started. “well, i hope you like my gifts for you. the truth is, jeff was actually the one who picked you and i picked claire but i bribed him so i could give you this gift. truth be told, i like you. like, i’m crushing on you and if you feel the same way, i’m waiting in the parking lot. i just wanted to say this and was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date before i go back to london for the show and the holidays. wow this feels like a goddamn movie and i sort of like it. i hope you really love my gifts. i’m waiting outs--” you stopped the audio and immediately ran to the door, opening it. it revealed harry who was sitting beside the door, waiting anxiously. once he heard you go out, he stood up and smiled at you.
“silly boy! of course i’d go out on a date with you,” you said as you hugged him. he was chuckling, thanking the heavens for giving hime a wonderful christmas.
“what about when i’m in london? how would we talk then?” he asked. “we’ll make it work, yeah? see how it plays out,” you said. you felt him put his chin on the top of your head after kissing it.
it was the perfect ending to a perfect night and as the christmas lights surround you with your wreath hung on your door, you both wished for this christmas miracle to last.
im soff
@giitterysuits / @floral-suits @bree082 @dezzym17 @bouncebackbyers @lolapuffs@belleamoree @demolition-lovers-blog
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tulipanisk · 5 years
The MBTI types as people I know (from an infj perspective)
This is based on the few people I've met in real life with these personality types. I haven't met all types so maybe yours isn't here.
INFP: So quiet. Works as a cashier with me in a grocery store. Says every "hi", "do you need a bag" etc like she has practiced in front of the mirror. Is super afraid to be left out of conversations. Asks "what are you laughing about", "what are you talking about", "what happened" all the time. Seems serious, but it's probably because she takes her role as a cashier pretty seriously, because it has to be perfect. Would hate herself if a customer was mean to her, but wouldn't tell anyone. Often says "I don't know" and is never mean. Instantly smiles when I smile. Likes to build on my weird thoughts, but it's hard to read her actual opinion on things.
ESTP: Leader of a youth organization for atheists. Loves ranting about politics. Has a strong opinion on every matter, but has no opinion when it comes to taking peoples feelings into conversation, other than what he knows is morally correct and practical. Accidentally uses master suppression techniques to win arguments. Regrets being to harsh when he accidentally hurt someone, and awkwardly tries to apologize. Has a partner who he listens to before anyone else. Loves emo punk, computer games and discussing existential, social and political issues. Reacted to his personality type by saying "I guess I'm ESTP" *sighs* as if any answer would have been a disapointment. Oftentimes asks the questions we needed to hear, like "so if this is the case, then what are we even discussing here, this is a meaningless conversation, isn't it?". Very practical. Very nice. Wishes everyone well.
ISFP: Friend of enfp. Is obsessed with this one thing, MMA. She sees everyone as competition and wants to prove them wrong. Wants to go against the big and though guys and be respected equally. Pushes people away, then says she didn't initially like them, but instantly takes them into their life again when they take initiative at all. Is a real soft girl, but pretends to be emotionless. Rants about how stupid this one guy she met at the store was. Is very spontaneous. Goes on dates with the most handsome people, because she actually takes initiative and comes off as confident. But analyses people because "what if they don't actually like her". Has a beautiful smile and everyone listens to what she says. Good story teller and manages to get people on board with her opinions quite easily. Comes off as super extroverted, but is really in her own head, likes being alone and secretly seeks intimacy
ESTJ: Person 1, a guy. He talks before thinking. Oftentimes seen as a big jerk and doesn't mind saying things like it is. Is very traditional when it comes to certain things. Doesn't know how to cope with my feelings, and might say "seems like you have a bunch of problems man", instead of saying something that helps. Potentially saying "at least you have this and that" or "people are dying". Listens to ABBA, loves cars and cats. Has never been in a relationship because he is afraid people judge him like he judges people. Will scream at you if he finds you anoying, a hypocrite or stupid. Doesn't care. Wants to care about politics, but hates all the parties. Loves my hugs but won't ever take the initiative for them. Very practical, knows how to fix everything. Could build Ikea furniture without looking at the manual. Asks me for advice he doesn't take. Jumps to conclusions. Beliefs me as if I'm God, and will hand me his phone to answer messages more emphatically if he really likes someone, so that he doesn't come off mean. Likes to annoy me because I react to it, then smiles after and make me smile to. Beautiful smile. Never talks about emotions, but has a lot when I ask him about it. Has no time for bullshit. We actually fit together, despite the stereotype that infj and estj dont have anything in common. I see it as we can learn from each other. Person 2: Has been through a lot of family issues and sick people. Listens to rap and ironically terrible music. Once went up to her boyfriend at work and yelled at him in front of all the customers because life is more exciting that way. Very fashionable, yet comfortable. Is her own mom figure. Does her chores. Will tell you to snap out of it if you're too emotional, which I need sometimes. Mom friend. Sits with the older people.
ENFP: Person 1, my roommate and boyfriend for four years. Has so much positive energy. Laughs away his insecurities. *Smirks, looks to the side, huge hand gestures and body movements without context*. Over explains everything. Everyone considers him a close friend, yet he doesn't concider anyone a close friend because "they don't know the real him, only the fasade". Insists on keeping it that way, because he knows people like that version of him. Wants to be liked by everyone, and thinks "challenge accepted" when someone doesn't instantly like him. Has really bad or dark humor. Listens to super creepy and intense music to feel something. Talks a lot, thinks a lot, knows a lot about things nobody should know about, remembers practical facts, but doesn't remember to lock the door. Oftentimes has to edit what he says as it comes out weird and people take it literally. Gets easily distracted, especially if there's animals nearby. Can't multitask. Loves children. Person 2: Never sleeps, forgets to eat but loves food, has plans every day. Has 689 friends who she actually hangs out with. Laughs constantly. Is not afraid to meet new people and instantly befriends them. Loves music, especially classical and orchestra. Plays the French horn. Very very patient. Colors her hair, cuts it short, cuts it off, grows it out, burns it. Doesn't want to hurt anyone. When she gets mad she gets real mad. Person 3: Makes music. Talks about it's so passionately. Cried when his favorite band died and everyone listened. Didn't talk to girls before he started high school. Very good at imitations. Has a lot of projects and dreams that he actually tries achieving. Talks so much, but only has introverted friends. (I know so many enfps, I'm not gonna write about them all).
ISFJ: My actual mom. Does everyone's chores. When she gets help with the chores, she will do them again "like she likes them done". Everything around her magically gets clean. Will clean your apartment if she visits. Is super patient and let people be mean to her without saying anything. Is loved by everyone, but doesn't believe it. Very good mom, she thinks you should follow your heart, not your brain. Stresses a lot, but laughs and is super happy when we're together. Everyone comes to her with their problems, my mom doesn't respond, but they still feel better after she opens her mouth. Hates making food, but is great at it. Finds everything funny, but is rarely the funny one. Has a lot of controlling people in her life and doesn't want me to experience that. Very skeptical, but still open.
INTJ: Is one year ahead of her age group in her education. Takes on the leading role in every single thing she can, complains about having much to do, but doesn't quit, and still wants more responsibility. Has perfect grades and actually reads the emails she gets. Would probably read terms and conditions to. Is very negative, and doesn't see her reached goals as anything's special, but most people look up to her for those things. Falling in love is a lot of work in her opinion, so she stresses about anyone potentially liking her. Very calm. Likes being alone. Jokes sadly about existence. Has goals. Very perfectionistic and realistic. Wants what's best for people. Very likable. Always on her phone and has streaks with everyone. Everyone falls in love with her and she doesn't understand why.
ENTP: "FIGHT ME". Is the loudest. Has an opinion about everything. Will answer your sayings with "Or DoEs It", "Or WiLl YoU", "BuT wHaT iF i PrOvEd YoU wRoNg newbie girl. Is politically active and and activist. Shitposts on social media. Both accidentally and consciously hits on everyone. Is never single. Has a lot of anxiety and deals with it by socializing. Meets new people every day. Cares about their physical presence and clothing. Isn't afraid of the dark and will probably go out in the middle of the night thinking "if anyone tries to kill me now I would fight them, or, I would die happily tbh". Knows everyone you know. Spills their feelings. Constantly points fingers. Likes new wave. Very physical. Cares about people. Will point out your contradictions.
INTP: Person 1: Has the sexiest voice. Good at imitations. Knows everything about politics both nationally and internationally. Plays video games all day long and is addicted to energy drinks. Has a really bad physical attitude. Laughs of his own jokes. Is really insecure, and self aware. Often regrets saying the mean things he thought. Acts very cold and seems to not like affection, but will hug you and let you sleep in his bed if he loves you. Beautiful smile. Rarely takes initiative, but if he likes you he will do it when he first craves social interactions. Cuts people out of his life like he's a waking pair of scissors. Has blocked me from social media 10 times I think because I mess with his feelings and because as an infj he doesn't understand my idealism. He would be okay with doing the right thing no matter how many people would get hurt by it. We have the exact same humor. Puns puns puns. Very skeptical and has allready decided what he thinks about every single matter. Is very closed minded, and can scare people off by coming off like that. Listens to synth music. Loves Depeche Mode. Could stay indoors all year long. Hates coping with his emotions. Will say "why" if you tell him you like him in a romantic way, and will get uncomfortable about having to deal with it. Wants to get married, but doesn't know how to start. In my opinion, the most attractive type in addition to enfp. There's just something really attractive about this personality, but also dangerous. The only personality I've met who can make me overthink like crazy. Person 2: She knows everything about pop culture. Loves cats. Listens to David Bowie and Cher. Only opens up to me, and that's after I've asked directly about it. Has a lot of emotions, but never shows them. Will make a face if she disagrees, but won't say anything. Loves watching dry humor programs. Loves candy. Has a whole line of generation in sims 4. Loves her family and would live at home by choice forever. Cares about social issues and wants justice. Likes extroverts because she can sit back and relax. Her interactions with other intps are unbearable as it gets so quiet you can hear crickets. Is very likable. Will laugh at all your jokes, of her own, and of her face with an ugly Snapchat filter on them. Hates group chats. Procrastinates every thing.
ENTJ: The only thing I know about her do far is that she does cosplay, makes her own costumes, says things like she couldn't care less what you thought about it, and has a lot of ambitions.
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lavendermenaceart · 6 years
Summary: You had been dating your boyfriend, Dr. Spencer Reid, for 8 months now and so far you had an easy time keeping it secret. You’re a surveillance specialist with the FBI in Norfolk, that is until you get swooped up by the BAU in Quantico. Now, you have to work extra hard to keep your relationship hidden throughout a tough case.
Warnings/Pairings: SpencerxReader, Injury, Murder, Guns, Blood, Surgery, etc.
A/N: This was a request from Anon! I hope you like it <3
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“Uh, wait, wait. What was the address?” You cleared your throat, blinking quickly as you looked at the notebook in front of you.
The person on the phone listed it again and it was the exact same as what you had down on your notepad.
“Ah, alright. Thank you so much.” You hung up and speed dialed your boyfriend.
“Spencer we have a bit of an issue.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you waited for his response.
“What is the issue? Did you get locked out of your car again?” He sounded amused and you could imagine the cute smirk on his face.
“Uh, no. Apparently, uh, I'm your new coworker.” You forced a grin, crossing an arm over your stomach as you waited for his reply.
“Wait, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I asked twice.” You flopped down on your couch. “I don’t know how it happened, but…” You trailed off, shrugging. “I mean, we were going to tell them sooner or later, right?”
“Yeah, of course. I just don’t want to deal with them fussing over us or interrogating you.” Spencer sighed on the other side of the phone.
“Babe, I can handle it just fine. I’ve been through worse than someone asking me what college I went to.” You chuckled softly.
“I know, I know. I just...I don’t want them to scare you off.” It was one of the few rare times Spencer spoke his true feelings, but that was the beauty of your relationship with him. You both understood each other.
“That’s impossible, I promise you.” You spoke sincerely, knowing he was truly anxious about it. His team would have known by now if he wasn’t so anxious about it. “We’ll go at your pace, alright? I won’t walk in and announce that I’m your significant other. We can tell them whenever you’re ready.”
“Thank you, it means a lot to me, Y/N.” Spencer uttered softly before you both said your goodbyes and I love you. You had to get ready for your new career with the BAU.
“Hello, you’re Y/F/N, right?” A beautiful woman with medium length dark black hair
asked, her head tilted inquisitively.
“Yes, that’s me.” You smiled warmly, trying to keep your eyes focused on her and not trying to find Spencer in the room around you.
“Ah, nice to meet you. I’m Emily Prentiss, your new unit chief. Sorry if this was unexpected, I just saw your credentials and asked if I could scoop you up. One of our own recently left to be a full-time mother, so we had a space that needed to be filled.” She explained as she led you to her office. You noticed the other agents turning to look at you, Spencer trying to look like he didn’t recognize you but you could see the twinkle of pride in his eyes.
“Just need you to fill out some paperwork and then you can meet the rest of the team.” She opened the door and beckoned you in before shutting it behind the two of you.
The paperwork was mainly basic FBI employment papers and you had it done in 15 minutes. Afterward, Prentiss walked you out and the team gathered around at the bottom of the stairs.
“Everyone, this is our newest member, Y/F/N.” You stuck your hand out and another woman with a dark wavy bob took it.
“Hi, I’m Tara Lewis” Her smile was warm and you felt a little less nervous.
One by one you met and shook hands with Rossi, Luke, Matthew, and last Spencer.
“Dr. Spencer Reid, Nice to see you.” You smiled as he shook your hand, feeling him squeeze reassuringly.
This garnered a few odd glances and some mumbling from Luke. Something along the lines of “I thought he didn't shake hands.”
You both immediately broke apart before a bubbly blonde came waddling in on high heels.
“Hi, Hi! Im Penelope Garcia, Tech Oracle of the BAU.” She stuck her hand out and you took it before bowing graciously.
“I am blessed by your presence.” You uttered reverently before falling into a fit of giggles with her.
“Ooh, I like this one.” She pointed at you, looking from you to Prentiss.
“I'm glad because they will most likely be sticking with us for a while.” She winked at you playfully before Garcia cleared her throat, the tone immediately getting heavier.
“I partially came out to greet the newbie but for the most part it's because, uh, we have a case.”
It was a horrifying case, you realized as soon as you saw the pictures up on the screen in the meeting room. Dozens upon dozens of skeletons and decomposing bodies splayed out on the ground, covered in dust if they weren’t in the ground. Yellowed-white bones peeking out of the earth. Some had been crushed by rocks. Spencer kept glancing your way, checking your reaction to the images. No doubt, he was worried about you.
“So, there was a mass grave found in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Salt Flat, Texas. It was uncovered after a mudslide caused by the recent onslaught of storms that came with hurricane Harvey. All the bodies are women and we’ve gotten some DNA matches that of multiple missing cases dating all the way back to 2003 from all across the country.”
“So, this person had the time and money to travel across the country and not get caught.” Luke mused, scrolling through the file on his tablet.
“Could be someone who travels for work.” Tara nodded at the map. “Either that or someone who got some kind of inheritance or settlement.”
“How old is the most recent body?” You spoke up, wanting to get the timeline banged out as early as possible.
“6 months.” Garcia clicked a button and an image of a fairly new body popped up on the screen.
5 hours later the team and yourself touched down in Texas,  your nerves a lot better than when you first got on the plane thanks to Spencer who sat next to you and read to you in whispers, even when the entire team was staring. You weren’t that used to flying and the sheer size of the case made you feel like maybe your small team of seven wasn’t big enough for a case like that.
“Have you ever had a case like this?” You asked Spencer softly as he walked next to you into the police office you would be residing in.
“Yes, actually,” Spencer responded softly, watching your face closely for a moment to gauge your reaction.
“So, you have experience with this. That’s good. That means we have a better chance, right?” You were both hovering by the entrance, Spencer nursing the same cup of coffee he had been for the past 2 hours.
“Oh, uh, yeah, you can look at it that way. We did find the guy who-” Spencer had been surprised by your response, obviously, but his sentence was cut off by Prentiss’ voice.
“Reid and Y/L/N? We need to talk battle plans.” She was glancing you over, her gaze careful but you could see the hint of disbelief in her eyes.
Spencer cleared his throat and stared at his shoes as he made his way over to the team, and you were trying your best to control your reddening cheeks.
Lewis and yourself had been paired up to go to the crime scene to work with M.E’s while Prentiss and Alvez talked to police officer’s while Spencer and Simmons stayed behind at the police station to look over the map of the crimes.
“This skeleton is 10 years old. Her middle finger on her left hand was taken off rather roughly, like most of the other bodies.”
“The ring finger…” You muttered, flipping through what would cause someone to cut off that specific finger. They couldn’t have been married women because they would have been missed. “A mass grave of this size...They all had to of been runaways or prostitutes, a married person would have been missed too much, too risky.”
“You’re right. We’ll have to wait to see after the interviews with the hits we got about the victim’s situation.” Tara nodded, before looking at the M.E.
“Right, most of them had been hit over the head from behind while others had been strangled, most likely from behind with a wire.” The M.E pointed at different bodies. It seems the newer ones had been strangled while older ones had been hit over the back of the head.
You tilted your head, furrowing your eyes.
“What are you thinking. Y/L/N?” Tara looked at you curiously, putting a hand on her hip.
“That’s two different M.O’s, and look, all the newest bodies were strangled. The older ones, mostly skeletons, had been hit in the back of the head. Is it a coincidence that two different killers used the same mass grave or….”
“Some kind of apprenticeship?” Tara finished and you nodded.
“I’ll go talk to Prentiss.” You both nodded towards each other as you turned away from the tent full of bodies to go speak with Prentiss.
“Wait, Y/L/N, Can I ask kind of a personal question?” Tara had followed you out of the tent and you felt sweat bead your brow almost instantly as you braced yourself for the question.
“Yeah, of course.” You didn’t want to step on any toes by commenting on ‘The case at hand’ or something else that could come off as insulting.
“What were you doing before this? I haven’t seen you even blink at any of these bodies.” She approached carefully, her face carefully curious.
“I thought I told you guys? I was a surveillance specialist with the FBI in Norfolk.” You shrugged, hoping that was enough. You felt a twinge of relief, escaping a question about your relationship with Spencer.
Tara nodded, accepting your question before excusing herself to go back into the tent as you continued towards Prentiss.
“Prentiss?” You stood over her crouching body as she examined some remains still stuck in the ground.
“Y/L/N, what’s up?” She looked up at you before standing straight with a grunt of effort.
“About half of the bodies have their skulls smashed, from behind, while the other half were strangled from behind with something like wire. All the bodies are missing their ring finger. Tara and I were thinking about a partnership or an apprenticeship.” You laid out the facts, quick and cold.
“If they were doing these things from behind the victim, that means they were both ashamed of what they were doing, or they couldn’t overpower them through normal means. The ring finger feels obvious….maybe two men who had been divorced?” She looked thoughtful down at the skeleton beneath her.  
“That doesn’t make sense.” You practically blurted out, caught up in your own thoughts. “Sorry.” You blushed a deep red, embarrassment burning your cheeks as you realized you might have stepped over your new boss.
“No, don’t be. What are you thinking?” Prentiss’ tone was kind and understanding.
“Well, it’s….the deaths are chronological. There is a clear cut from one M.O to the other. My bet is on an apprenticeship, maybe the first killer died or he’s too old to kill.”
“That means that the apprentice was younger, obviously. If he’s younger though, who should have easily been able to overpower most of these women.” Prentiss sighed, holding her chin in thought.
You thought for a moment, staring down at the ground until it came to you. “A genetic illness or deformity, maybe?”
“Like...a Father-son duo?” Emily looked skeptical for a moment before she nodded, “We can look into that, but I want to keep our options open this early in the case.”
You nodded, feeling a small chip at your ego before brushing it away, “I understand that.”
After hours of work, interviews, and coffee, the team finally had suspected. They were a father and daughter duo. The mother had divorced and abandoned them both after the father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Before that, he was a traveling businessman who would bring his family along with him from city to city. The daughter was homeschooled and had no social media accounts. You remember reaching out to Spencer after that had been discovered, knowing it probably hit too close to home for.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” Spencer whispered softly in the hotel hallway, leaning down to kiss your forehead before you both jumped apart as one of the doors opened.
“Do you guys know where a vending machine is?” Luke walked up to the pair of you, oblivious to the intimacy just shared between the two of you.
“Down one floor, right next to the elevators.” You responded, smiling and trying to look casual.
Luke thanked you before getting into the elevator for his midnight snack.
“We have to be more careful.” You muttered softly as you split off from Spencer and entering your room to rest at night.
Now you and your team were about to make a bust on the family at their house. You were the third of your team to go in, splitting up to go upstairs and to the attic after everywhere else had been cleared minus the room where the father was bed bound. You had just climbed up in the attic and turned when you saw her. A thin woman, maybe in her late 20’s or early 30’s, crouched on a mattress. You could see wires hanging up all around her, covered in crusted blood.  You didn’t want to alarm her any more than you already had by calling for your team because she had a pistol pointed straight at you. She was shaking badly as tears welled up in her eyes.
“Hey, look, it’s okay. We’re here to help.” You holster your gun before holding your hands up and crouching down on one knee.
“No, you’re just gonna take me away from my Daddy.” She cocked the hammer to the pistol and you felt sweat start to slick your skin in the stuffy attic.
“No, we just want to help you and your Daddy.” You spoke softly, sympathetically. “You’ve never used a gun before, come one, put it down and we can get you out of here.”
“How do you know I haven’t?” she replied, her voice quivering in fear.
“None of the bodies had been shot.” You answered her softly, holding a hand out for the gun. “Hand it over, and we’ll get you out of here, okay? You won’t ever have to hurt anyone again.”
Suddenly her face contorted, a mix between rage and sorrow as she steadied the gun. “I like hurting them, though.” And in the next second a deafening shot rung through the air, you tried to dodge but you felt the bullet burn through your arm.
Warm blood gushed out onto the wooden flood, slipping through the cracks. It must have hit an artery. The woman let out a little giggle of glee as she raised the gun again. In that split second you thought you were truly going to die, closing your eyes as a second shot rang out. You felt nothing other than the searing pain of your wound and the blood leaving your body at a rapid pace.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the woman laying back, contorted, on the mattress, a hole in her forehead.  A moment later 3 Spencer’s filled your vision, flickering and blurring as his voice distorted.
“Hang in there, love. It’s going to be alright, okay? You’re so brave, Y/F/N.” He held your hand, squeezing gently until paramedics persuaded him away.
The last thing you remembered seeing was Spencer standing over you, whispering something to himself while the rest of the team stood in awe to the side.
Soft lights penetrated through your eyelids, making you blink as the world came back. You felt the thin blankets that Spencer had tucked you under after surgery, and his warm hand in yours. You heard the soft sound of Animal Planet on in the background, an announcer with a soothing voice speaking about a rare breed of bird.
“Love?” Spencer gently brushed a hand across your cheek, moving hair out of your face. The feeling of his touch lingered and you realized you were high on pain medication and that something horrible had happened.
“What….h-happened?” You muttered softly, bringing a hand to your forehead before running it through your hair.
“You were shot. She nicked your brachial artery, but the paramedics got you here in time.” You winced softly, pain seeping through your drug filled mind. Spencer’s voice floated through and you barely registered it.
“That’s not good.” You muttered, making Spencer smile and chuckle before leaning over the arm of the bed to kiss your dry lips.
“No, it’s not. But, you’re okay and that’s what matters.” He whispered softly into your hair before kissing your forehead.
“How are you?” You slurred, running your clumsy fingers along his jawline.
“I’m good, my love.” He gently grabbed your hand, kissing your fingers as you drifted off into sleep again.
“So, are you going to tell us about...this?” It was Prentiss’ voice, in front of you.
Spencer sighed, and then, “We’ve been dating for 8 months. I met her at the FBI ball.”
“How come you never told us?” It was a different voice, Garcia’s.
Silence before Garcia spoke again, “What?”
“I didn’t want you guys to scare her off. You can be pretty intimidating.” Spencer spoke hesitantly after a moment's pause.
“Oh, Spencer.” Emily sighed softly, moving closer to Spencer, “Well, now she’s stuck with us.” Some uneasy laughter bubbled over the room before it fell silent again.
“We just want the best for you, Spencer,” Garcia explained, her voice watery. She must have felt guilty, but she didn’t need to.
“I told you, nothing could scare me off.” You opened one eye before having a coughing fit and groaning at the pain radiating from your arm.
“Welcome back.” Luke was standing at the corner of your bed, handing a cup of water to Emily who then handed it to Spencer so that he could then hold the straw to your chapped lips.
“Thanks.” You smiled before taking a handful of huge gulps.
“Anything you need, we’re here.” Emily nodded, smiling at you.
“Yeah, you’re part of the team now.” Matthew concurred, smiling gently.
You met Spencer’s eyes, a small smile forming on both of your faces. You had stopped any more murders from occurring and won the respect of the team. Your relationship could only grow stronger from there.
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prorevenge · 6 years
You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames!
TL;DR at the bottom. Sorry in advance for any formatting or grammatical errors. English is not my first language.
This is a pretty long one, so hope you're up for the challenge :)
This all happened five or so years ago while I was working for a proprietary trading firm. The company is a multinational and it had opened a new office in my city a couple of years before I joined them. For those who don't know, most prop shops (as I understood it) have a very high turnover rate. Just toss everyone in and keep those who stick. The company I worked for recruited every three months. It had space for about 120 traders but the office was never full. Out of the twenty or so who were hired every quarter, only about five managed to make it beyond the three month internship period, and of those, only one - or sometimes none at all - made it past the additional three months probation period. The company was operating in my city for two years before I joined and there were only about four people who I could have called permanent. Everyone else, about another ten, was either on their internship or on probation.
The Setup.
I and about twenty five others were recruited straight out of university. The internship period paid really well for a first job, about twice as much as any other entry level position in other financial institutions plus bonuses once we went live (regardless of whether one is on internship, probation or permanent), and I was really excited.
I first came across my boss, a really decent Indian guy, at a industry day held in our university. That was where they administered the IQ tests and I passed. The office, similar to other mid-sized operations, had a pretty flat management structure. Us traders were at the lowest level, the HR/Ops manager was above us, and the Office Manager was, well, the head of the branch. The boss gave time off pretty much whenever you asked for it as long as the day's objectives were fulfilled (that was his policy).
However, the HR/Ops manager was his opposite, and then some. This lady was a Grade-A bitch, and I mean that sincerely. Let's call her Gabby.
The Instigating Event
I first met Gabby when I went to their offices for my final interview. I was registering at the front desk when she marched from her office demanding some documents from the receptionist. The receptionist wanted to finish up with me first but she was ordered off to file storage. Our exchange went like so:
Gabby: You're one of the new ones?
Me: Yes. I'm really excited.
Gabby: Don't be. you don't look like you'll make it.
Me: Why?
Gabby: You're too soft.
A pause.
Gabby: Buut... I can put in a good word for you, if you give me a little something. ( a bribe).
Me: Haha. Very funny.
Gabby: I'm serious. Give something and I'll make it very easy for you. Otherwise I'll make sure you don't even get into the interview.
Me: No.
Gabby: Stupid idiot.
Right to my face. And she kept her word. She made me sit in a hidden corner of the waiting room where no one would see me easily, but I could hear the conversations at the desk. The only reason why I got an interview is because apparently I had impressed the boss at our previous meeting that he came to see why my CV wasn't there. Gabby said that I hadn't sent it in. The receptionist stated that she had seen it somewhere. Then I walked up to the desk at the same time the receptionist said, "Here it is. It was in the trash..." and everyone stared at Gabby.
From that moment of humiliation onwards, Gabby had a raging hate boner for me. You see, Gabby was a micromanager, more of a nanomanager really. She made us have to request access if we wanted to access sites other than those on her approved list, and for traders who gain info from wherever we could find it, her list was woefully inadequate. She would call meetings at the most inopportune times - but only when the branch manager was not around - and in her lengthy meetings, you could never leave to check on your positions. She had this annoying habit of taking my lunch and when I confronted her about it, she essentially told me to go fuck myself. That I could live with. I just started bringing in two sets of lunch and kept on doing the job that I loved.
Gabby was married with two kids, and she was pretty. I guess she liked the attention because she would have a stream of guys picking her up at the office for two hour 'lunches' and when she left for home some evening. But not on Thursday. Thursdays were the days when her husband would come pick her up towing their kids along. I think they went to have a family dinner or something.
The Mistakes Gabby Made: Round One
Our manager left about two months after I joined. I think he returned to India to get married or something but still stayed with the company. Wished him all the best. None of the other permanent traders had the experience corporate required to take on a management role (5 years at least) so they had to shop around. In the meantime, Gabby became the de-facto head of the branch despite the fact that her knowledge of futures markets was rudimentary at best.
Her first mistake was when she delayed my promotion from internship to probation. I am an excellent trader, and was easily top five in my group. Of the 26, she promoted the twenty she liked, kept me and another guy in internship, and fired four.At around the same time, another recruitment drive happened and another twentyish interns were hired. I knew this was our beef rekindled and remixed, and I was actually surprised she held onto it for so long. It was also pretty unusual since the last thing my former boss did before he left was to promote me from the simulator to a live trading account. But I kept my head down and continued learning, often going back to my former boss and the permanent employees to get advice.
Another three months go by, and in the next evaluation I was shocked that I was still not brought up to probation, despite the fact that all of the new recruits of the second group had been promoted and I was easily the best and the only one trading live. I knew I was good at the job. The permanent guys all said so. The group I initially joined with was frequently asking me for advice. To their credit, a few of them were good, but most of them were still on sim, and as a rule, no one advanced to probation while still on sim. However, you could go live while on internship if you were good which is what had happened to me. So I was a live trader and making good money but I was still on internship and passed over twice. I couldn't let go of that.
I decided to talk to Gabby directly. I approached the senior guys and made my case, though I was careful not to put her in bad light. They agreed to help me and so they did. about a month after the she passed me over the second time, she gave me my promotion and I was now on probation. At this time, she was still unsure of her power and was still afraid of the permanent traders. Those guys were like gods.
Two months after my promotion, another evaluation and recruitment drive. I was not promoted. The group I started out with was now permanent, despite having only two of them trading live. The group I was currently with on probation were all promoted to permanent status. The group behind me on internship was all promoted to probation, and another group was hired. I let it go hoping she had got it out of her system. Sadly, she had not.
Round Two
Three months go by. I'm trading live and loving it, though still on probation. An evaluation comes up again and I'm not promoted, despite the fact that, contract to contract, I was almost on a level with the permanent employees. The group that found me on probation was advanced to permanent status to a man, and none of them were live. the group behind me caught up to me and a new batch of newbies were hired as interns. I couldn't let this one go either. I approached the original four permanent employees who were now my very good buddies and planned to do the same thing as last time. Only this time, it didn't work. Gabby had grown into her sadistic power and flatly refused to even consider my promotion even after she was presented with evidence that I was worth it. Her argument was along the lines of, "I'm the boss so I can do whatever the hell I want."
But I wasn't having that, so I contacted my former boss for help. At the time he had been promoted to head of operations, Africa. He was actually quite surprised, given my performance, that I was still on probation. Needless to say, the order came down from on high and Gabby looked like she was shitting six pineapples simultaneously as she handed my letter. And I thought that was the end of it. How wrong I was.
On the next recruitment she hired this girl, let's call her Sue. Sue was an intelligent person all round, but she didn't have the emotional quotient to handle the market (trading, as I was taught, requires two mental aspects: IQ and EQ. You can't improve IQ, but you can boost your EQ to deal with the numerous stresses that accompany the career). Sue had more than enough of the IQ part, but EQ, not so much. No worries, you can work on that.
Just to recap: The office now had about seventy employees. Of these, over thirty were permanent staff (me included) but only eleven were trading live. Another twenty or so were on probation, but only three were trading live. None of the interns were live. The office needed to stay profitable if it was to stay open which means that the money the fourteen live traders were paying the salaries of everyone in the office, rent, supplies, health insurance, pensions etc etc. Needless to say, corporate was not seeing a lot of returns from our branch, and as I came to learn later from my former boss, were considering shutting down the branch and costing us our jobs. But I digress.
The Last Straw
The Grade-A Bitch Gabby took advantage of an inconsolable and desperate Sue to try and get me for sexual harassment. This is how it went down. Remember all those people still on sim? Well, they all came to the eleven of us for trading advice and we did what we could to help them. We divided up the sim traders into groups and I was mentoring about four people. Sue was one of them. As any trader will tell you, the period before profitability is usually one of losses (unless you're really good) and is filled with stress and fear (hence the need for high EQ). It's normal, and you get through it.
Sue was going through such a rough patch one evening. We were going over her trades (bad trading day all around), when she just burst out crying. I know how it feels. I had shed my own tears as well. So comforted her the best I could. I held her hand and patted her on the back awkwardly (to this day I still don't know how to comfort someone) until she quieted down. What I didnt know was that Gabby had seen us.
As I came to learn later, she approached Sue the following day and made her an offer. Gabby would make sure Sue kept her job and would get her a lot of money if she stated that I had sexually harassed her. Sue took Gabby up on the offer and what followed was a nightmare.It started with a formal reprimand from corporate, a hearing in which I wasn't present to defend myself (because Gabby 'forgot' to send me the summons).
Apparently she lobbied quite viciously to get me fired. The only reason I was able to keep my job was that my former boss came to my defence. Despite his help, I lost my quarterly bonus (about US$100,000) and half of my holdback (about US$400,000). I also had to attend seminars which essentially involved watching the same film on sexual assault in the workplace (three hours long) until I stated, in writing, that I was an abuser and it would go on my record. I knew that if that happened, Gabby would have the ammunition she needed to ruin my life forever. So every day, I got into the office at seven in the morning, watched the three hour film until ten. Refuse to acknowledge it, then get to work, leave the office at 11:20 in the evening, rinse and repeat. For almost seven months. It was tiring, and torture, and Gabby never let me live it down.
All of the people I had been mentoring were transferred the day after my reprimand. A day after that, Gabby informed me via letter that my clip size had been cut from 1000 to 20 contracts. Yeah, I had to admit, I was bloodied. I was down, but the bitch didn't know that she should have ended me.
The Revenge
Step 1: Ruin Gabby's Career.
I started compiling all the shit that was happening to me in the office. It started when I realized that when I went out to lunch, someone would open my desk drawer and mess around with my notebook, where I jotted down my trading ideas for the day. The only person who had a key apart from me was Gabby. Apparently she had mastered my lunchtime routine for the entire 45 minute break and would open my locker when I was out smoking. She would then copy down my trading plans for the day and give them to Sue. I even saw them at it once, but they didn't see me. I documented it. I let it go on for a while so that I could establish a pattern via Sue's trades. I then approached two of the permanent traders who were closest to me and told them my plan.
Remember when I said almost no money was reaching corporate? and that there were only eleven live traders? The situation had only gotten worse. The office was now full but we had less that fifteen live traders. Live trading could only be approved by Head of Operations (my former boss) and he was a strict one. Now imagine that my earning capacity had been cut by over 90%. My two friends agreed to my plan and they slowed down their trading by around 50%. This essentially put the branch in the red and three weeks later, we were told that Head of Ops and other head honchos were coming down. The next phase involved getting Sue into a corner. Pleas, a tear or two, and revealing that I could prove she had been stealing my work were enough to get a written statement from her that Gabby had orchestrated my whole sexual harassment thing.
Step 2: Ruin Gabby's Marriage
It took only a little investigation on my part to realize than all those men who visited the office were actually Gabby's lovers. She would leave for two-hour 'lunches' with her phone turned off. I took advantage of one such period. Gabby left and I snuck into her office to find her Facebook profile open. Everyone knew she was always on there and it was a sore point because she had banned it for the rest of us minions. I got into her Messenger, and voila! Explicit texts, nudes, rants about her husband and his inadequacies, the six guys or so she had cheated with, all of it. I copy pasted the data into her private email which she was logged into as well (always clear cache, you guys) and sent it to my private email, then deleted it from her sent folder. Now I had the ammo on my phone ready to send.
Step 3: Ruin Gabby's Relationship with her Kids.
Now, I'll say right off the bat I'm not proud of this step. but to bust my justice nut, it wasn't enough to just send the info to her husband. So I waited for Thursday when I knew he would be passing by the office with the kids. The Pro Revenge gods saw fit to bless me that day, because it was the same day that Corporate Head Honchos were ridin' into town.
I was at the office at seven as usual with all my documentation from my appointment letter to the numerous rejected requests for promotion, sat through the three hour sexual harassment video (yes, I was still doing that), and waited for the Moment. The guys from corporate, my former boss included, arrived and went straight into a meeting with Gabby. I was quite certain that they would call me in to know why I had been attending a sexual harassment awareness class for almost a year, and I was ready for them.
I was called in after lunch, at about two. The question was asked and before I could answer, Gabby jumped on the bit like I knew she would. She went on a long rant about how I had been insubordinate, and how I liked to touch the female employees. I could tell from her grin that she thought she was winning.
And then I pulled out Sue's letter, and the grin curdled on her face. Sue was hurriedly called in and she backed my story. She said she was sorry. She was fired on the spot and told to go wait at the receptionist for her final check. I felt no sympathy. I was on a roll.
Next I pulled out my analysis of my trades and told them how Gabby had been breaking into my locker and stealing my notes for sue. Gabby denied it. Sue was called back in. She denied it. My former boss logged into the company network, pulled Sue's and my trading data. He compared the positions taken by both of us with my notes. He said it was true. Sue was fired again. They told me they would refund my confiscated bonus and holdback, with an extra 50 grand. That was fine by me. The justice was enough.
And then I spotted Gabby's husband heading into her office as usual, their two kids in tow. I pulled out my phone, grinned at her and said,
"You're husband is here."
She turned around and saw him. She excused herself for a minute to tell him to wait.
My former boss said, "Sure."
I pressed send.
TL;DR. Grade-A Bitch tries to ruin my career because I humiliated her, I burn her life to the fucking ground.
As for the aftermath, Gabby's husband absolutely lost his shit. Her office was glass-walled and the rest was open-plan so we could all hear what they were shouting about. He finally left with their kids in tow (sorry little ones) Gabby followed him still shouting at him. Then she saw us all standing around and the look on her face was priceless as she was wondering which aspect of her life to try and salvage. She let her husband go, but about an hour later she had been fired.
My favorite boss stayed behind since there was no one left. He stayed for a month training the lady who had been with the company the longest to take over as manager. She is easily the most brilliant mind I had ever met. Unfortunately the branch was still struggling with so many employees who were not generating income and they had to shut it down. But they transferred all the performing employees to their other various branches in London (2 branches) and India (9 branches). So I guess no one undeservedly lost their jobs.
I still stalk Gabby on Facebook. There have been a lot of "I'm single because I'm too awesome" posts of late. I almost feel sorry for her, but I remember the three-hour video and I stop being foolish. From what I could see on LinkedIn, Sue bounced around from firm to firm until she found a position as a research analyst. My favorite boss is still at the firm. We talk from time to time.
I took a break from trading for a while. After all the shit that went down, I needed a break so I didn't take them up on their offer to relocate to India. Went to work with a buddy of mine who has a consultancy. When I feel ready I'll go back to the market. For me at least, there is no other job as challenging and satisfying.
Wow. That was long. I think though that's the end of my ProRevenge :)
(source) (story by AbbasKubaba)
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dropintomanga · 7 years
I’m Not A Fan and Maybe That’s A Good Thing
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2 articles caught my attention this week: One was “Answerman: Is Anime Fandom More Dysfunctional in the Past?” and “Is Fandom Really Worth It?” While the 2nd one focuses more on loving sports teams, you can make parallels to anime and manga in fandom in general. The reason I bring up these fandom articles is because I’ve felt like I’ve “quit” on most of my otaku fandom or maybe I wasn’t really a fan as much as I thought.
While I did grow up watching anime and reading manga, I didn’t know anyone at all who followed the same interests as I did. I didn’t meet any friends who liked the same things until after high school, which was around the time when the manga boom happened. I stuck around friends who weren’t into anime/manga. It was fine because I was interested in other things like sports, etc.
When I started to go to anime conventions around 2008-2009, I was excited as a teenager who finally found a place to express themselves. I had so much enthusiasm and absorbed all the wackiness of conventions. However, I’ve felt that I didn’t make as many friends as I thought I would. I mean, we all like the same things, why couldn’t we connect? 
I wonder if that’s because I’ve always felt inferior to people who knew more about me. I see anime experts on Twitter spout their knowledge on stuff I never really watch (or would bother to). I always thought I knew something, but in truth, I knew nothing. My non-otaku peers have always considered me an expert in anime, but I was a newbie who was actually chunin status.
I did watch a good number of anime over the years, but I feel little incentive to watch lately. I started to dislike Anitwitter and its much-hyped “influence.” The 2nd article I listed talks about how sports fandom does have detrimental effects on fans when their favorite teams lose. They eat unhealthy, start to become unproductive, and may wish ill-will towards rival teams. I know people love to tweet about anime while watching and I did do that at one point, but something felt so strange. I didn’t get the reaction I would get compared to other “influencers.” I wondered what I did wrong. I was starting to compare myself to them. Maybe I was envious. 
It also doesn’t help there’s not many people I can talk to about manga because almost everyone prefers watching over reading. 
There was a statement in the Answerman article that made me think about fandom then versus now,. 
“It's easy to get nostalgic about the old days. Fans used to cooperate more, it's true -- but that's because we HAD to. Anime, manga, information about them and even pictures were rare commodities, and it required a lot of time and resources to get what you wanted.”
In times when things were tough, people would all come together as one despite drama. But when times prosper, everyone does their own thing because of all the newfound opportunities that come. Modernity has a not-so-fun way of telling you that being an individual is much more highly valued than helping someone. 
The one thing I noticed is that there’s a lot of anime and manga being licensed in the U.S. than ever before. There’s something for everyone. It’s a good thing and diversity is something I appreciate, but it separates everything into sub-communities that have potential for conflict. It’s hard to come to a general consensus if there’s too many different opinions when something serious needs to be addressed. Trying to please everyone means you please no one.
Maybe that’s why I backed out of anime fandom. I thought fandom was supposed to be help me feel better about my life. It’s nice to have friends who like the same thing as me and that can help heal whatever insecurities I have in my heart, right?
I’ve gotten to know some good people associated with fandom on Twitter, but my heart still feels uneasy. I wonder if fandom is what I need right now or something else (like another fandom). I had a friend who was part of cosplay fandom for years. I met her through that fandom and I got into cosplay because of her. She later quit and left the scene without telling the people she used to associate with. She told me that it was nothing but drama and that the people were fake. While she still enjoys anime and video games, she’s happy not being a huge part of fandom and/or has gotten selective over who to talk to about her interests.
Something called to my mind when thinking about my status as a fan, it’s about delusions. And boy. fans do get delusional. You see extreme cases of them. Case in point - that picture of Kaneki and Touka from Tokyo Ghoul:re above. There were a good number of fans livid at a certain scene signifying their romance together last year. It showcased how shipping characters together can degenerate into toxic discourse.
I’m thinking that like those fans, I was becoming delusional over what I expected from associating myself with fandom. Sigmund Freud once talked about delusions and its origins related to helplessness. He suggested that no one wants to feel vulnerable and dependent. Because of that, it’s why they turn to ideas like religion to feel in control. Most people are “fans” of something (sometimes in the worst way) because of that need for control in their own lives.
But what about someone like me and other people who admit to being vulnerable? Should I have tried harder? Is basing personalities off of social media the best idea? To be honest, I wish a lot of people on both sides would just shut up on social media. I’m learning to be a lot less expressive on there.
I want to end this by talking about an experience at a local anime shop I went to last month. I talked to the owner, who I’ve known for years, that I was meeting an old friend I hadn’t seen in over 9 years. I told him that she wasn’t into anime and he was asking what was wrong with me. I simply told him that as someone who travels to various cons as a vendor, he should know that sometimes, talking to fans can be so problematic and their drama is frustrating.
I felt much more joy talking to that old friend because I have past experiences that maybe most fans don’t get - a non-geeky friend who truly cared about me. 
I wonder how many fans have close friends who are non-otaku. I had a few before getting into anime fandom and it made me see how nice life is when you’re the only nerd. I think I always wanted to be seen as the expert, which gave me a sense of pride. Maybe I need to stop feeling like I have to compete with others when I’m at cons. I feel that there’s no real sense of unity because of all the fragmented communities at cons and the presence of outsider marketing looking to play to consumers’ personalities. Fandom is NOT immune to bias.
To some of my readers who read this, fandom may not be worth it if you feel lonely and/or crave intimate connection. Core interests are not the same as core values.
I don’t know if I’ll ever find what I want from sticking around otaku fandom because I don’t constitute what is considered a “fan” in this day and age, but I feel there’s something I want to promote more of at cons - being a fan of being a 3D human and all its vulnerabilities. 
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amira-darkhall · 7 years
~ amira + relationships with the inhabitants of jorvik ~
stuck it under a read more so i don’t make everyone scroll through it but anyways, here it is! (sorry it’s SO LONG but i got into it hope you don’t mind detail)
all the other tumblr people/characters - amira gets along pretty well with almost everyone! she’s kind of shy, so even though she might be interested in getting to know people better, she doesn’t really have a best friend. elizabeth sunbeam - amira looks up to elizabeth like she would an aunt. she respects her a lot. even so, sometimes amira goes against her a bit, because she feels that the druids aren’t moving forward/making decisions as urgently as amira thinks they should be. avalon - amira’s a little bit unnerved by avalon, since she’s never seen his face and he’s very cryptic. fripp - similar to elizabeth, amira looks up to him but can get annoyed when the druids refuse to take immediate action. lisa peterson - amira doesn’t always know how to act around lisa, because while on one hand she’s famous and kind of a celebrity, on the other hand amira pulled her out of pandoria when she was weak and vulnerable. it’s hard to reconcile that in amira’s mind, so she can be a bit awkward around her, but the two get along fairly well. linda chandler - amira and linda bond over mutual interests and their similar personalities. the two are pretty close (they both love to read). alex cloudmill - amira wishes she was more like alex (confident, brave, etc.). they’re good friends, and amira has known alex the longest out of all the soul riders, so she feels comfortable around her. anne von blyssen - (is anne rescued yet?) amira doesn’t know much about anne. she doesn’t seem like the type of person amira would gravitate to, but she’s still a soul rider, so amira is curious about her. keepers of aideen - although frustrating at times, amira is proud to be in their inner circles. she takes their trust in her seriously, and hates to disappoint them. druids in general - amira wishes she knew a bit more about them. to be safe, she’s extra respectful when she has to interact with them, because she’s always unsure of what they’ll say or do next. pi - amira holds grudges for a long time, and she hasn’t really forgiven pi for turning her (however briefly) into a frog. she tries to avoid her. mrs. holdsworth - none of amira’s grandparents are still alive, and she misses them. mrs. holdsworth fills the role of grandmother, and amira often confides in her, or comes to visit. witches in general - amira is fascinated by witches. they’re quite secretive, so she’s really curious about them. ydris - amira regards him with a certain level of distrust. he’s unlike anyone else she’s met on the island, and his magic seems unpredictable. magicians in general - they’re alright. amira can’t always tell if they are capable of real, powerful magic or just really good at sleight of hand/stage magic, so she’s a little cautious around them. justin moorland - (after he’s been rescued) amira is worried about justin’s mental state, and doesn’t believe he’s anywhere near what he used to be. she’s suspicious of what they did to him on dark core. before he was taken away, the two were friendly. thomas moorland - amira will always owe him a debt for giving her storm. she stops by often to check on the stables and offer to help out. she feels tied to moorland since it was her first home on the island, and she loves the people there. conrad marsdeen - sometimes amira will hang around the forge just to chat/be annoying. she likes conrad. the bobcats - it’s been a long time since amira was a newbie at moorland, and she’s pretty friendly with most of the bobcats. she still doesn’t like julie, but she’s friends with all the rest, and she and loretta have even come to a grudging peace (loretta is not nice in my headcanon, she’ll always be her grumpy old self) josh - amira thinks he’s cool, and doesn’t understand how someone so calm can stand to be around the bobcats all day. jasper holbrook - amira actually likes jasper, and will stop by to visit/bring news from time to time when she’s in golden hills valley. james - amira kind of treats him like the little brother she never had. and even though he can be annoying and greedy, she respects the way he manages to keep fort pinta running (who put a kid in charge again??). herman - herman is amira’s trainer, since she works at jorvik stables. she has a huge deal of respect for him (is he still stuck with g.e.d.?). raptor - honestly, amira isn’t a huge fan. she likes weird obscure music and doesn’t think raptor has any talent. she doesn’t understand his cult following, and she doesn’t have a high opinion of his intelligence. the baroness - amira doesn’t know her very well, but the two are polite to each other. amira’s done her a few favors in the past, and she is always welcome at the winery. mr. sands - amira both hates him and is kind of scared of him. she’s frustrated that she can’t really do much about him, and dark core is often on her mind because of this. the dark riders - not their biggest fan. amira thinks katja is a creep and quite powerful, sees nihili as the biggest threat, and views sabine as more... human? they’re kind of antagonistic towards each other, since sabine is easily riled up, and they would probably get into petty fights. amira doesn’t know jessica very well. darko - for all the hype, amira doesn’t see him as the worst threat in the world. she thinks she could probably take him in a fight, and she’s scornful of his posturing as mr edgelord. garnok - amira’s worried about garnok, but she doesn’t really think about him directly. she’s more concerned with mr. sands and the dark riders, since they’re the people that need to be stopped in order to stop garnok. dark core - too many goons. amira knows the only reason they have any structure is the result of mr. sands’ influence. without him, they’d be useless. g.e.d. - at least they’re normal people. amira still hates them due to her love for the island, and she can’t wait until they’re gone for good. gary goldtooth - amira likes him, and wants to know more about where he came from. he seems to take good care of his horses, and that earns him another point in her books. the sunfields - if those hens get out another time, amira might physically fight filip. she thinks martina is a bit uptight sometimes, but she likes freja (and her cats). the hermit - amira likes him a lot. they have a lot in common (shy, love horses, etc.), and she spends time with him now that she’s won his trust. they mostly talk about horses. the hightowers - the adults and amira all get along pretty well, but she mostly spends time with madison. amira loves her, and understands what it’s like to be a kid with a lot of imagination, so the two are great friends and amira would probably kill for that kid (she’s never had any siblings and she’s very protective).
(extra) stein - stein and amira both work at jorvik stables, and they’re really good friends. he’s probably the closest amira has to a best friend. they often go riding together and hang out when they’re done with work.
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prorevenge · 6 years
You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames!
TL;DR at the bottom. Sorry in advance for any formatting or grammatical errors. English is not my first language.
This is a pretty long one, so hope you're up for the challenge :)
This all happened five or so years ago while I was working for a proprietary trading firm. The company is a multinational and it had opened a new office in my city a couple of years before I joined them. For those who don't know, most prop shops (as I understood it) have a very high turnover rate. Just toss everyone in and keep those who stick. The company I worked for recruited every three months. It had space for about 120 traders but the office was never full. Out of the twenty or so who were hired every quarter, only about five managed to make it beyond the three month internship period, and of those, only one - or sometimes none at all - made it past the additional three months probation period. The company was operating in my city for two years before I joined and there were only about four people who I could have called permanent. Everyone else, about another ten, was either on their internship or on probation.
The Setup.
I and about twenty five others were recruited straight out of university. The internship period paid really well for a first job, about twice as much as any other entry level position in other financial institutions plus bonuses once we went live (regardless of whether one is on internship, probation or permanent), and I was really excited.
I first came across my boss, a really decent Indian guy, at a industry day held in our university. That was where they administered the IQ tests and I passed. The office, similar to other mid-sized operations, had a pretty flat management structure. Us traders were at the lowest level, the HR/Ops manager was above us, and the Office Manager was, well, the head of the branch. The boss gave time off pretty much whenever you asked for it as long as the day's objectives were fulfilled (that was his policy).
However, the HR/Ops manager was his opposite, and then some. This lady was a Grade-A bitch, and I mean that sincerely. Let's call her Gabby.
The Instigating Event
I first met Gabby when I went to their offices for my final interview. I was registering at the front desk when she marched from her office demanding some documents from the receptionist. The receptionist wanted to finish up with me first but she was ordered off to file storage. Our exchange went like so:
Gabby: You're one of the new ones?
Me: Yes. I'm really excited.
Gabby: Don't be. you don't look like you'll make it.
Me: Why?
Gabby: You're too soft.
A pause.
Gabby: Buut... I can put in a good word for you, if you give me a little something. ( a bribe).
Me: Haha. Very funny.
Gabby: I'm serious. Give something and I'll make it very easy for you. Otherwise I'll make sure you don't even get into the interview.
Me: No.
Gabby: Stupid idiot.
Right to my face. And she kept her word. She made me sit in a hidden corner of the waiting room where no one would see me easily, but I could hear the conversations at the desk. The only reason why I got an interview is because apparently I had impressed the boss at our previous meeting that he came to see why my CV wasn't there. Gabby said that I hadn't sent it in. The receptionist stated that she had seen it somewhere. Then I walked up to the desk at the same time the receptionist said, "Here it is. It was in the trash..." and everyone stared at Gabby.
From that moment of humiliation onwards, Gabby had a raging hate boner for me. You see, Gabby was a micromanager, more of a nanomanager really. She made us have to request access if we wanted to access sites other than those on her approved list, and for traders who gain info from wherever we could find it, her list was woefully inadequate. She would call meetings at the most inopportune times - but only when the branch manager was not around - and in her lengthy meetings, you could never leave to check on your positions. She had this annoying habit of taking my lunch and when I confronted her about it, she essentially told me to go fuck myself. That I could live with. I just started bringing in two sets of lunch and kept on doing the job that I loved.
Gabby was married with two kids, and she was pretty. I guess she liked the attention because she would have a stream of guys picking her up at the office for two hour 'lunches' and when she left for home some evening. But not on Thursday. Thursdays were the days when her husband would come pick her up towing their kids along. I think they went to have a family dinner or something.
The Mistakes Gabby Made: Round One
Our manager left about two months after I joined. I think he returned to India to get married or something but still stayed with the company. Wished him all the best. None of the other permanent traders had the experience corporate required to take on a management role (5 years at least) so they had to shop around. In the meantime, Gabby became the de-facto head of the branch despite the fact that her knowledge of futures markets was rudimentary at best.
Her first mistake was when she delayed my promotion from internship to probation. I am an excellent trader, and was easily top five in my group. Of the 26, she promoted the twenty she liked, kept me and another guy in internship, and fired four.At around the same time, another recruitment drive happened and another twentyish interns were hired. I knew this was our beef rekindled and remixed, and I was actually surprised she held onto it for so long. It was also pretty unusual since the last thing my former boss did before he left was to promote me from the simulator to a live trading account. But I kept my head down and continued learning, often going back to my former boss and the permanent employees to get advice.
Another three months go by, and in the next evaluation I was shocked that I was still not brought up to probation, despite the fact that all of the new recruits of the second group had been promoted and I was easily the best and the only one trading live. I knew I was good at the job. The permanent guys all said so. The group I initially joined with was frequently asking me for advice. To their credit, a few of them were good, but most of them were still on sim, and as a rule, no one advanced to probation while still on sim. However, you could go live while on internship if you were good which is what had happened to me. So I was a live trader and making good money but I was still on internship and passed over twice. I couldn't let go of that.
I decided to talk to Gabby directly. I approached the senior guys and made my case, though I was careful not to put her in bad light. They agreed to help me and so they did. about a month after the she passed me over the second time, she gave me my promotion and I was now on probation. At this time, she was still unsure of her power and was still afraid of the permanent traders. Those guys were like gods.
Two months after my promotion, another evaluation and recruitment drive. I was not promoted. The group I started out with was now permanent, despite having only two of them trading live. The group I was currently with on probation were all promoted to permanent status. The group behind me on internship was all promoted to probation, and another group was hired. I let it go hoping she had got it out of her system. Sadly, she had not.
Round Two
Three months go by. I'm trading live and loving it, though still on probation. An evaluation comes up again and I'm not promoted, despite the fact that, contract to contract, I was almost on a level with the permanent employees. The group that found me on probation was advanced to permanent status to a man, and none of them were live. the group behind me caught up to me and a new batch of newbies were hired as interns. I couldn't let this one go either. I approached the original four permanent employees who were now my very good buddies and planned to do the same thing as last time. Only this time, it didn't work. Gabby had grown into her sadistic power and flatly refused to even consider my promotion even after she was presented with evidence that I was worth it. Her argument was along the lines of, "I'm the boss so I can do whatever the hell I want."
But I wasn't having that, so I contacted my former boss for help. At the time he had been promoted to head of operations, Africa. He was actually quite surprised, given my performance, that I was still on probation. Needless to say, the order came down from on high and Gabby looked like she was shitting six pineapples simultaneously as she handed my letter. And I thought that was the end of it. How wrong I was.
On the next recruitment she hired this girl, let's call her Sue. Sue was an intelligent person all round, but she didn't have the emotional quotient to handle the market (trading, as I was taught, requires two mental aspects: IQ and EQ. You can't improve IQ, but you can boost your EQ to deal with the numerous stresses that accompany the career). Sue had more than enough of the IQ part, but EQ, not so much. No worries, you can work on that.
Just to recap: The office now had about seventy employees. Of these, over thirty were permanent staff (me included) but only eleven were trading live. Another twenty or so were on probation, but only three were trading live. None of the interns were live. The office needed to stay profitable if it was to stay open which means that the money the fourteen live traders were paying the salaries of everyone in the office, rent, supplies, health insurance, pensions etc etc. Needless to say, corporate was not seeing a lot of returns from our branch, and as I came to learn later from my former boss, were considering shutting down the branch and costing us our jobs. But I digress.
The Last Straw
The Grade-A Bitch Gabby took advantage of an inconsolable and desperate Sue to try and get me for sexual harassment. This is how it went down. Remember all those people still on sim? Well, they all came to the eleven of us for trading advice and we did what we could to help them. We divided up the sim traders into groups and I was mentoring about four people. Sue was one of them. As any trader will tell you, the period before profitability is usually one of losses (unless you're really good) and is filled with stress and fear (hence the need for high EQ). It's normal, and you get through it.
Sue was going through such a rough patch one evening. We were going over her trades (bad trading day all around), when she just burst out crying. I know how it feels. I had shed my own tears as well. So comforted her the best I could. I held her hand and patted her on the back awkwardly (to this day I still don't know how to comfort someone) until she quieted down. What I didnt know was that Gabby had seen us.
As I came to learn later, she approached Sue the following day and made her an offer. Gabby would make sure Sue kept her job and would get her a lot of money if she stated that I had sexually harassed her. Sue took Gabby up on the offer and what followed was a nightmare.It started with a formal reprimand from corporate, a hearing in which I wasn't present to defend myself (because Gabby 'forgot' to send me the summons).
Apparently she lobbied quite viciously to get me fired. The only reason I was able to keep my job was that my former boss came to my defence. Despite his help, I lost my quarterly bonus (about US$100,000) and half of my holdback (about US$400,000). I also had to attend seminars which essentially involved watching the same film on sexual assault in the workplace (three hours long) until I stated, in writing, that I was an abuser and it would go on my record. I knew that if that happened, Gabby would have the ammunition she needed to ruin my life forever. So every day, I got into the office at seven in the morning, watched the three hour film until ten. Refuse to acknowledge it, then get to work, leave the office at 11:20 in the evening, rinse and repeat. For almost seven months. It was tiring, and torture, and Gabby never let me live it down.
All of the people I had been mentoring were transferred the day after my reprimand. A day after that, Gabby informed me via letter that my clip size had been cut from 1000 to 20 contracts. Yeah, I had to admit, I was bloodied. I was down, but the bitch didn't know that she should have ended me.
The Revenge
Step 1: Ruin Gabby's Career.
I started compiling all the shit that was happening to me in the office. It started when I realized that when I went out to lunch, someone would open my desk drawer and mess around with my notebook, where I jotted down my trading ideas for the day. The only person who had a key apart from me was Gabby. Apparently she had mastered my lunchtime routine for the entire 45 minute break and would open my locker when I was out smoking. She would then copy down my trading plans for the day and give them to Sue. I even saw them at it once, but they didn't see me. I documented it. I let it go on for a while so that I could establish a pattern via Sue's trades. I then approached two of the permanent traders who were closest to me and told them my plan.
Remember when I said almost no money was reaching corporate? and that there were only eleven live traders? The situation had only gotten worse. The office was now full but we had less that fifteen live traders. Live trading could only be approved by Head of Operations (my former boss) and he was a strict one. Now imagine that my earning capacity had been cut by over 90%. My two friends agreed to my plan and they slowed down their trading by around 50%. This essentially put the branch in the red and three weeks later, we were told that Head of Ops and other head honchos were coming down. The next phase involved getting Sue into a corner. Pleas, a tear or two, and revealing that I could prove she had been stealing my work were enough to get a written statement from her that Gabby had orchestrated my whole sexual harassment thing.
Step 2: Ruin Gabby's Marriage
It took only a little investigation on my part to realize than all those men who visited the office were actually Gabby's lovers. She would leave for two-hour 'lunches' with her phone turned off. I took advantage of one such period. Gabby left and I snuck into her office to find her Facebook profile open. Everyone knew she was always on there and it was a sore point because she had banned it for the rest of us minions. I got into her Messenger, and voila! Explicit texts, nudes, rants about her husband and his inadequacies, the six guys or so she had cheated with, all of it. I copy pasted the data into her private email which she was logged into as well (always clear cache, you guys) and sent it to my private email, then deleted it from her sent folder. Now I had the ammo on my phone ready to send.
Step 3: Ruin Gabby's Relationship with her Kids.
Now, I'll say right off the bat I'm not proud of this step. but to bust my justice nut, it wasn't enough to just send the info to her husband. So I waited for Thursday when I knew he would be passing by the office with the kids. The Pro Revenge gods saw fit to bless me that day, because it was the same day that Corporate Head Honchos were ridin' into town.
I was at the office at seven as usual with all my documentation from my appointment letter to the numerous rejected requests for promotion, sat through the three hour sexual harassment video (yes, I was still doing that), and waited for the Moment. The guys from corporate, my former boss included, arrived and went straight into a meeting with Gabby. I was quite certain that they would call me in to know why I had been attending a sexual harassment awareness class for almost a year, and I was ready for them.
I was called in after lunch, at about two. The question was asked and before I could answer, Gabby jumped on the bit like I knew she would. She went on a long rant about how I had been insubordinate, and how I liked to touch the female employees. I could tell from her grin that she thought she was winning.
And then I pulled out Sue's letter, and the grin curdled on her face. Sue was hurriedly called in and she backed my story. She said she was sorry. She was fired on the spot and told to go wait at the receptionist for her final check. I felt no sympathy. I was on a roll.
Next I pulled out my analysis of my trades and told them how Gabby had been breaking into my locker and stealing my notes for sue. Gabby denied it. Sue was called back in. She denied it. My former boss logged into the company network, pulled Sue's and my trading data. He compared the positions taken by both of us with my notes. He said it was true. Sue was fired again. They told me they would refund my confiscated bonus and holdback, with an extra 50 grand. That was fine by me. The justice was enough.
And then I spotted Gabby's husband heading into her office as usual, their two kids in tow. I pulled out my phone, grinned at her and said,
"You're husband is here."
She turned around and saw him. She excused herself for a minute to tell him to wait.
My former boss said, "Sure."
I pressed send.
TL;DR. Grade-A Bitch tries to ruin my career because I humiliated her, I burn her life to the fucking ground.
update: As for the aftermath, Gabby's husband absolutely lost his shit. Her office was glass-walled and the rest was open-plan so we could all hear what they were shouting about. He finally left with their kids in tow (sorry little ones) Gabby followed him still shouting at him. Then she saw us all standing around and the look on her face was priceless as she was wondering which aspect of her life to try and salvage. She let her husband go, but about an hour later she had been fired.
My favorite boss stayed behind since there was no one left. He stayed for a month training the lady who had been with the company the longest to take over as manager. She is easily the most brilliant mind I had ever met. Unfortunately the branch was still struggling with so many employees who were not generating income and they had to shut it down. But they transferred all the performing employees to their other various branches in London (2 branches) and India (9 branches). So I guess no one undeservedly lost their jobs.
I still stalk Gabby on Facebook. There have been a lot of "I'm single because I'm too awesome" posts of late. I almost feel sorry for her, but I remember the three-hour video and I stop being foolish. From what I could see on LinkedIn, Sue bounced around from firm to firm until she found a position as a research analyst. My favorite boss is still at the firm. We talk from time to time.
I took a break from trading for a while. After all the shit that went down, I needed a break so I didn't take them up on their offer to relocate to India. Went to work with a buddy of mine who has a consultancy. When I feel ready I'll go back to the market. For me at least, there is no other job as challenging and satisfying.
Wow. That was long. I think though that's the end of my @prorevenge :)
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