#seija posting
chubbening · 8 months
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Angles really do make a hell of a difference, don't they?
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slugpup2 · 1 year
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oooh more of them
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raymoo--hackery · 7 months
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I might fiddle around more with the colours at some point, but for now (after double checking every little detail a million times) I think she is done :)
Lineart only as well as a list of albums I'd listened to while drawing under the cut
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plz listen to Kiss Kiss btw I love the music so so much <3
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webvampzz · 8 months
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hecatialapis-lazuli · 10 months
Touhou? In MY blazblue week? Very very expected honestly.
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shinto mythology ramble under the cut but tldr there's like 2-3 degrees of seperation mythologically between these assholes
So Susano'o vomited out his aramitama/embodiment of his anger and that became a kami named Amanozako (I think I saw someone on here mention that she could be possible inspiration for Terumi), and she's associated with amanojaku and tengu. Seija is an amanojaku, though I think she's said to be more connected to Ame-no-Sagume. I'm not 100% sure if Amanozako and Ame-no-Sagume are supposed to be the same kami, since I only found one story about Ame-no-Sagume, but they both seem pretty malicious. All of that is just an excuse for this bc I just think they're both neat.
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year
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seija is a rebellious teen who thinks the world is fucked up and is really sure that the solution to fixing it is to be a minor nuisance. are you claiming that every single teenager is evil
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touhoutunes · 9 months
Title: Take a trick with a trump
Arrangement: Jerico
Album: Supernatural Observation
Circle: ジェリコの法則
Original: Midnight Spell Card
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skyshellsky2 · 1 year
Seija the shadow the hedgehog
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Aka Mobian Seija that's just a shadow recolor cause I'm lazy
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yoomtahsgf · 9 months
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chubbening · 8 months
Hi <3 <3
I put most of the basics in the blog description, but basically this blog is for online kink stuff aside from the sexy gay stories we write. If you want to check those out, we post them on DeviantArt, FurAffinity, and Archive of Our Own (new!).
Handy Links:
Also, as a note, we're a close dissociative system--basically, a lil group of identities that switch frequently, but just two of us run this blog. It's relevant to mention because we engage with sex and kink in different ways. We're going to (try to) start tagging our posts as such, for the sake of peeps who wanna interact with us.
ava, #ava posting: Ava's the one who originally made this blog. Femme lesbian puppygirl submissive feedee, loves praise and (positive) teasing, wannabe housepet and sometimes prey (if it involves fattening her up first!)
seija, #seija posting: Seija's also a feedee, but is the inverse of Ava in a lot of ways. Butch bi dyke, sexually dominant, loves to spoil a pet with food, wolf/dragon/still pinning down a sona, pred (especially if she gets to fatten you up first!) Might be a bit slow/hesitant to post at first, since, as mentioned, Ava's mostly been running this since the get-go.
We made this blog to follow cute feedists and furries, post our own pics when we have the confidence (#my pics), and make some new friends in this kink space. If you wanna chat about anything kink (not just feedism), queer, writing, furry, etc. hit us up :)
Some more general things about us:
We're both trans, nonbinary, queer, lesbian. Been on HRT for over a year now, best decision of our life.
We're polyamorous; have 3 girlfriends, all of whom encourage/enable us to gain weight, so…yeah U///U
We’ve been into feedism by some name or another for most of our life. Mostly lurked online until we started writing and posting smut as an outlet. We held off on gaining for a long time. For one, it hasn’t always been the easiest with our metabolism and neurodivergence. For two, thanks to hella dysphoria, we weren't into my body shape, at all. But we’ve made a lot of good choices in the past few years, and they’ve rewarded us with soft curves that we hoped for but never expected. We have a soft goal of 200 for now, but we're pretty sure at this stage we''ll go past that ;)
We're into a bunch of kinks besides feedism as well (see above discussion of our IDs). We're into dom/sub, bondage, pain, biting & clawing, petplay, and is generally down to try new things for the people we're into.
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k4e0n · 8 months
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'Impossible Time' ft. some thematic lighting
I remember how a lot of people made comparisons between Sans and Yukari when Undertale first came out, but I've never seen anyone point out how Yukari also served as the final boss of Seija's own No Mercy run (or as close as you can get to one using danmaku)...
Also, if the image quality is bad in the post, I think that's on tumblr since it looks better on my phone.
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shadowjackery · 1 year
The Gladdest Thing Under the Sun
I honestly thought we were supposed to wait a couple of days after the zine’s release, but, heck, everyone else is doing it, so here we are: My contribution to @gensokyozine​ . I’ve wanted to do this story for a while, so I hope you enjoy!
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Descriptive text for the visually impaired or for easy quotation:
Title: "Shadowjack presents: The Gladdest Thing under the Sun"
Yuuka Kazami, a youkai woman, climbs the cracked stone steps to the ramshackle Hakurei Shrine. She carries a parasol. Up the wooded hill, through the pines, stand the shrine gate and two guardian komainu -- one of whom, Aunn, is alive and waving cheerfully, tail wagging. The plum and cherry trees atop the hill are in bloom. Dandelions sprout as Yuuka passes.
Title: "Yuuka Kazami, Flower Mistress of the Four Seasons"
Yuuka wears a summer outfit that evokes the mid-20th century: a vest over a short-sleeved blouse with a necktie, a knee-length pencil skirt, hose and heels, a handkerchief neatly folded in her vest pocket. She also wears glossy leather gauntlets and tight sleeve garters. Her hair is bobbed and curled in 1930s fashion. Her eyes are slitted, like a snake's.
She rests her head on her hand and gazes up at Reimu, rapt. A cat with black and white fur, spotted something like a yin-yang ball, lies nearby, watching her carefully.
Title: "Reimu Hakurei, Mysterious Shrine Maiden of Paradise"
Reimu, a human woman with a long ponytail, looks down at Yuuka, sweating slightly. She says, "Um... you know..."
Reimu wears her usual red-white shrine maiden robes and ribbons, much patched and threadbare. She is barefoot on the porch, holding a broom.
Reimu: "When you look at me like that, I get the feeling I'm about to be CUT and PRESSED."
Yuuka is shocked. "Oh, my! I would NEVER. A wild flower is best viewed in its natural habitat, always!"
Reimu, smiling: "I'm a wildflower?"
Yuuka, grinning: "One of the best!"
Reimu greets Yuuka at the entrance to her residence. Yuuka bows formally. She has brought a package, wrapped in cloth with a floral pattern.
Yuuka: "Ojama shimasu."
Reimu: "Hai, hai."
Reimu: "Everything is flowers with you, isn't it?"
Yuuka: "It could hardly be otherwise, dear! I am what I am."
Yuuka takes off her shoes, while Reimu places the parasol on the weapons rack by the door. The top shelf holds scrolls, boxes labelled "needles" and "seals", and one Mk 2 hand grenade.
A large sign by the rack says in printed text, "Check ALL weapons before coming in! Including but not limited to: Swords, Axes, Bows, Spears, Guns, Wands, Staffs, Parasols, Lasers, Bombs, Poisons, Curses," and so on.
A handwritten post-it note has been tacked to it, saying, "SEIJA -- Do NOT obey this!"
Another, ripped and faded sign has been taped by the list, adding, "MARISA -- Whatever it is now: NO. I mean it."
There is a bullethole next to the sign.
A different yin-yang cat watches Yuuka.
Reimu says, "So what kind of flower is Marisa?"
Yuuka: "She reminds me of pampas grass."
Reimu: "?"
Yuuka: "One of a few varieties of cortaderia, somewhat resembling susuki."
The two women go inside where there's more shade.
Yuuka: "It's a fast-growing, invasive species that can contribute to rat infestations and dangerous wildfires."
Reimu, laughing: "A WEED!"
Yuuka: "But charming in its way."
Somewhere, Marisa sneezes.
In Reimu's kitchen, the two together prepare afternoon tea, while two different cats beg at their feet. Reimu pours hot water from a large kettle into a cast-iron teapot. Yuuka takes down bowls and cups, and opens up the Japanese-style lunchboxes she brought.
Yuuka has put on an apron that parodies the "piyo piyo apron" worn by Kyoko in the manga "Maison Ikkoku", but instead of a drawing of a baby chick on the chest, it has a drawing of a Dragon Quest slime, saying "suu suu".
Reimu: "You aren't bothered she stole the Master Spark from you?"
Yuuka: "Oh, Marisa didn't steal it from me! She bargained for it fairly."
Reimu stops what she's doing to turn toward Yuuka. "Bullshit."
Yuuka: "It's true! I was curious to learn a little magic, and in exchange for lessons I agreed to trade her a cutting."
Reimu: "Huh!"
Yuuka: "I don't mind helping another gardener to improve their art. She makes it bloom well, doesn't she?"
Yuuka carries a tray of sandwiches and snacks out of the kitchen.
Yuuka: "Besides... to cast it ONCE, she needs a device."
A surprise second Yuuka, with long hair, and wearing trousers instead of a skirt, whisks the teapot and cups from Reimu's hands, leaving Reimu with nothing to do.
Yuuka, the second: "But I by myself can cast it TWICE."
Only one Yuuka again. Yuuka and Reimu kneel on the veranda to take their tea. One yin-yang cat nearby sprawls asleep in the sun, an orange tabby circles curiously, and a third cat sulks by Reimu.
Reimu: "Okay, then how about... Alice?"
Yuuka: "Ohhh... Alice is special. With her pride and ingenuity, she bears the seed of great potential for power."
Yuuka beams with enthusiasm. She says, "Why, if one could but prune away a few of her mortal failings -- such as 'restraint' or 'mercy' -- she could make a truly MARVELLOUS youkai!"
We can now observe that Yuuka's necktie is not knotted, but instead held by a silver woggle marked with a "lily of the valley" emblem.
Yuuka blushes happily. "She might even be stronger than I. Wouldn't that be an interesting day?" A heart floats in her words.
Reimu tries to hide her concern. She thinks, "Ganbatte, Alice-san..." But only says out loud, "...er, uh... and Yukari?"
Yuuka grins wolfishly. "Yukari and I have an arrangement: She doesn't meddle in my garden, and I don't BURN DOWN hers."
Reimu: "Isn't it weird that a youkai of FLOWERS is so good at fighting?"
Yuuka: "I'm surprised to hear that from a Japanese!"
Reimu: "You say that like you're not."
Yuuka: "I am known in many lands, by many names, wherever flowers grow."
Yuuka narrates the scene from the foreground, wearing a woman's kimono and lacquered okobo sandals. She carries now a Japanese-style paper parasol. Her hair is tied up in a bun with a cherry-blossom kanzashi, and she wears a sunflower hair ornament. She is surrounded by flowers: chrysanthemum, hollyhock, and birthwort, and above her spreads blooming sakura.
Yuuka: "Did not your own samurai describe themselves as cherry blossoms, and fight for emperor and shogun under the banners of the chrysanthemum and hollyhock?"
In the midground, two armored samurai clash. The lower-status one has fallen to the ground; the richer has a bloody slash across his left eye. He swings his sword and chops the grounded man's spear in two, but the other is undaunted.
In the background, an army of horse and foot mounts the top of the hill, banners billowing.
Now Yuuka narrates wearing a huipil dress with embroidered shawl, and simple leather slippers. Her hair is done in buns, with a Mexican sunflower by her ear. A hummingbird flies near her. Growing around her are Aztec marigold, dahlias, banana yucca, and Mexican hat flowers.
Yuuka: "Across the sea to your east, the mighty Mexica gathered their 'hummingbird' soldiers to send to the 'Flower Wars' (they named them) to gather honor, blood, and sacrifices."
In the midground, the fighters are now two Nahuatl, one poor, one rich with a slashed left eye. The poorer one wears only a loincloth, and has a shield slung over his shoulder. His shield is painted with a hummingbird design, and from it hang a few feathers. The richer soldier wears a full-body jaguar costume, and wields a macuahuitl war-club. The poor soldier leaps to his feet and tackles his enemy, disarming him.
In the background, an army of Aztecs battle below a stepped pyramid and high mountains.
Now Yuuka narrates wearing men's doublet and hose, embroidered with fleur-de-lis and tulips, along with knee-high riding boots and gauntlets. Around her neck is a sunflower pendant. On her shoulder perches a falcon. About her feet, and entangling the narration boxes, are red, white, and yellow roses.
Yuuka: "And to the far west, the lords of the English struggled for a choice of kingly roses, red Lancaster or snowy York."
In the midground, the fighters are now two Englishmen, again one poorer, the other richer with the eye injury. The poorer soldier has some mail pieces and a simple brimmed helmet; the richer has plate armor, a full helm, and a shield. The rich fighter is overthrown, his foe about to stab him through the visor with his own arming sword.
In the background, mounted knights charge a line of archers behind wooden stakes. A church or fort stands on hills in the far distance.
Yuuka: "Flowers and War have always been intertwined."
We return to Reimu's veranda and cherry trees.
Reimu: "You've seen so many strange places... Do you have a favorite?"
Yuuka: "...it was in the west, in Flanders, perhaps a hundred years ago."
Yuuka invisibly narrates: "Such a war, Reimu! The men burrowed like moles, or took to the air like kites."
Above barbed wire, two airplanes spit tracers at each other. It is World War One.
Yuuka: "They plowed the earth with cannon, night and day."
Shirtless German artillerymen fire their gun amid sandbags. Something explodes close by.
Yuuka: "They slew by shot and poison, fire and blade."
A gasmasked French soldier, armed with pistol and entrenching tool, cautiously moves down a trench. An unseen enemy waits around the corner with rifle and bayonet.
Yuuka: "And for no purpose that I could see, no treasure nor slave."
Barbed wire and ruined buildings.
Yuuka, narrating: "The destruction was so maniacal it seemed no tree, no blade of grass, would ever grow there again. I thought you humans had gone absolutely mad!"
Yuuka, wearing colorful hat, coat, and umbrella, stands on a windy no-man's land, surrounded by dull mud and broken pieces. Tracer fire crosses the sky, coming from a distant machine-gun nest. She notices, but does not bother to avoid, the few bullets that land near her.
Yuuka, narrating: "But it was I who did not understand your passion. When I learned your true intentions, I was deeply humbled."
Yuuka, narrating: "Did you know, Reimu? You can find graves in the wild by how the flowers grow. (Bone meal makes such good fertilizer.)"
The corpse of a soldier lies upon the ruined earth. But near his outstretched arm, a single bluebell, and a few patches of grass, have sprouted.
Now there are no bodies, but grass and wildflowers and bumblebees cover the ground. A shattered helmet has a flower growing through the holes.
Yuuka, narrating: "I tell you that after this great war, those fields FLUORISHED with color. Rainbows spilled on seas of green grass!"
Yuuka, narrating: "And ever after, all through those lands, the people wore blood-red poppies, to remember and give thanks to their kindred who slept below, for this sight they had worked so hard to create."
Yuuka wears early-20th century men's hunting clothes: a sturdy jacket and breeches with knee-high boots and gloves. Her curled hair is in a loose pompadour. As ever, she has a parasol. The sun shines warmly. The hill Yuuka walks down is covered in grass and bright red poppy flowers, stretching on forever. The plants almost completely cover a few remaining pieces of military hardware: a broken machine-gun, a lost helmet, a twist of barbed wire. Yuuka smiles.
Yuuka, narrating: "Tens of thousands of men willingly buried themselves for nothing better than the GLORY of FLOWERS!"
We return to Reimu's veranda. Yuuka clutches a handkerchief, almost overcome with romantic tears.
Yuuka: "It was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen!"
Reimu stares at her and says nothing.
Yuuka says, "Excuse me!", wipes her tears, and takes out her compact to redo her makeup.
Reimu thinks, "Yuuka is one of my oldest friends, but she really is a monster, isn't she? I don't even know how to BEGIN to explain the truth to her... or if I even should."
Title: "FLOWERS appearing in this story."
Many cut flowers are arranged on a wooden surface, with identifying captions. In no particular order, they are: primrose, fleur-de-lis (yellow iris), common sunflower, anemone, dandelion, Mexican sunflower, tulip, rose, cempoalxóchitl (Aztec marigold), dahlia, banana yucca, Mexican hat flower, pineapple sage, bee orchid, celandine, Flanders poppy, lily-of-the-valley, bluebell, daffodil, kiku (chrysanthemum), aoi (birthwort), hollyhock, ume (Japanese plum), and sakura (Japanese cherry).
In a simplified art style:
Reimu pats Alice on the shoulder and says, "Alice, we sure attract some weird ones, don't we?"
Alice wears her usual workdress and hairband, but also has sturdy explosive ordnance disposal goggles and gloves. She is inserting a stick of dynamite into the back of a Hatsune Miku doll. Other dolls and marionettes (and one teddy bear) fill the room, all with visible dynamite fuzes sticking out of their heads, and all with glowing eyes.
Alice says, "Don't disturb me when I'm setting the explosive charges! If they went off, they could hurt the dolls."
Reimu: "...This is why she likes you, you know."
Alice: "?"
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webvampzz · 11 months
whenever i get a new favorite character, i do not only like them, but i start to think i am them
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tribow · 7 months
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Sekibanki the wanderer?
This is a page from Urin's doujin about Sekibanki just prior to the events of Double Dealing Character. This story gives Sekibanki some origins as well as a connection to the incident with the mallet.
It's a nice way to make Sekibanki more than just one of the now aggressive youkai that gets in the way of the playable cast.
Also, this doujin is actually a part of a series Urin made to adapt Seija's incident as a whole. Decently good read, the art's great, and it's all translated on Danbooru!
cw: Some gore.
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occasionaltouhou · 8 months
when gensokyo gets messageboards, who is its most prolific poster and who is its most notorious poster? (excluding sanae and sumireko (and ig renko in a continuity where she ends up in gensokyo))
seija is an easy go-to for the most notorious - but too easy. no, this is a question worth truly considering. worth savouring. what does it mean to Post? what would each resident Post to begin with? we have to consider these factors. not everyone has the Poster's Spirit to begin with. but many do. the tengu Post, certainly, but i imagine they would be ignored just as easily as their newspapers are. hm, hm, hm...
the most prolific, i suspect, would be an unexpected source. likely not a lesser youkai - perhaps one associated with one of the religious groups? they seem the right mix of opinionated and deluded to efficiently Post. in terms of notoriety, then, you want someone who randomly throws rocks into the crowd and completely derails the argument, in which case...
kumoi ichirin and izayoi sakuya, in that order. thank you for your question. i warmly await the inevitable disagreement
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eleemosynecdoche · 6 months
tell me of the flaws of... kijin seija.
Kijin Seija is "bro we are teens" come to fucking life. In the right context she'd be posting about how Napoleon was the truest defender of the French Revolution, she's got nothing but contrarianism with a thin, frail vaguely political edge. She blew up her own relationship with a horrible little brat that still has more self-preservation skills than her out of that sheer contrarianism, though things worked out after said brat got repeatedly Sumirekt. She doesn't even know who any of the sages of Gensoukyou are, yet she keeps on with her vaguely political Poasting.
The posting has probably eaten her completely. You could feel sorry for her, but then you see the middle finger come up, a slur burst out of her lips, and then- the smirk. "Sis we are teens." What an annoying little shit, so provincial and so unable to raise her eyes above the horizon line!
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