#seitarou x hajime
nu-asya · 1 month
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tummyache is a really hard time, espesially for him, ngl (。╯︵╰。)
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silvertrashpanda · 3 months
Seitarou: I have to find my darling husband, I’m so worried about him!
Hajime: Seriously, what do you see in that guy?
Seitarou: He makes me laugh.
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ljdoublecc · 1 year
“Wanna kiss?”
Seitarou X Reader
Nickname- (N/N)
Seitarou was just humming along the corridors of building 13 with a small stack of papers alphabetized in his arms. Today was the first day in a very long time that he has gotten a break from being bullied by the inmates of building 13 and it was all thanks to one guard, (Y/N).  
“I hope they're not busy later,” Seitarou smiled in thought, “I want to thank them for all they've done.”
He thought dreamily about the new guard that was ever so handed to him by the warden. The new guard was an angel in a Nanba uniform to him. He has it so bad for them that he once drooled in front of them but they had just assumed it was over the delicious looking bento they had in their hands. He flushed thinking about that memory and Mitsuru's narration about his sad attempts at flirting.
He sighed with a dejected look as he continued his way to the main office in his sector. When he arrived at the main office and was reaching for the door he paused. He stared at the door for a moment to confirm what he had just heard. And there it was again, a muffled conversation. He was perplexed by this, no one was supposed to be in the office but him and (Y/N). He continued to stare until a disrespectful idea popped into his head.
He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it, he was curious, so he pressed his ear against the door. While the conversation wasn't crystal clear he could still make out who was talking. He stayed there and listened.
“No, you can't,“ He heard their voice say demandingly.
“Come on, (N/N)! Please,” Rock whined.
“No,” they said firmly, “Hajime told me I wasn’t allowed to give you guys anymore.”
“Awe but (N/N)-chan,” Nico fussed, “We want kisses! Please, can we have some!”
Seitarou nearly choked on air when he heard that. 
“Yeah,” he heard Uno's smug voice interject, “You ALWAYS give the best kisses.”
He heard Jyugo hum in agreement.
Seitarou's heart was beating a mile a minute as he awaited their answer. He clenched his papers tighter hoping you wouldn't give in to them when his heart shattered.
“Fine,” they sighed, “You can all have a kiss but just one.”
While the four inmates cheered inside the office, Seitarou clenched the documents in his arms more aggressively than before. He felt this surge of new found energy and courage to burst the door open.
The slamming of the office door caused the four inmates to jump thinking it was Hajime but physically relaxed when they turned and saw that it was just Seitarou. They all smiled at him from the couch facing away from the door.
“Ah, it's just you Seitarou,” Rock sighed.
“Yeah, thank goodness,” Nico chirped.
Seitarou was not smiling instead it was a frown and tear-welled eyes. The inmates all looked at each other as if silently asking themselves what was wrong with him. 
“Hey, you okay, Seitarou?”  Jyugo spoke up when nobody else would.
He continued to wear the same expression and refused to answer the question in fear of his voice cracking. The inmates started to feel uncomfortable while (Y/N), who was silent the whole time, decided to say the first thing that came to mind.
“Wanna kiss?” They asked.
“What?!” Seitarou stuttered in shock.
“Yeah, do you want one?” They asked once again.
Seitarou didn't know how to respond but he knew that he couldn't let this opportunity slip through his fingers. So with that thought in mind, he swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded his head hesitantly. 
He watched as they got up and started walking towards him. He froze with a huge blush that covered the tips of his ears as they came nearer. His heart hammered away in his chest as they stopped directly in front of him. They were so close, he can practically smell their shampoo. Seitarou had to close his eyes to keep himself from fainting.
“Okay, here it...is?” They questioned as they saw him on the, now, messy floor with a red face.
The five of you stared at the unconscious guard before Uno started laughing at the poor blue-haired male with the others soon joining. The conscious guard rolled their eyes as they picked up the male with ease and carried him to the bed in the monitoring room for more comfort.
When they came back the inmate’s laughter had died down a bit.
“How can someone faint being offered a kiss?” Jyugo asked in confusion.
“I don't know but it looks like pretty boy found a way to,” Uno teased.
(Y/N) shook their head at the inmate with a soft smile. 
“Alright, you boys have had your share, now back to your cell you go,” they ordered with a soft smile.
The inmates whined as Nico walked up to you with a bright grin.
“Please, (N/N)-chan, can I have another kiss?” Nico gave the puppy dog eyes.
“Hm, fine,” they gave in reaching into their backpack to retrieve a bag.
They pulled out the bag and Nico cupped out his hand expectantly. The guard shook their head once more with a grin and placed a tear-shaped chocolate into their hands.
Once Nico had gotten it he unwrapped the chocolatey goodness and popped it into his mouth, savoring the flavor. His friends started to whine again over not receiving another kiss so (Y/N) just gave them all another piece and escorted them back to their cell.
Poor Seitarou! He was so fixated on his desire to win the affection of his angel that he completely forgot that there was a candy named after the loving gesture.  
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thenanbakacorner · 30 days
✨ Writings Masterlist Pt 3 ✨
3rd Masterlist! Be sure to check the 1st and 2nd one for more!
• Found family member with motherly instincts comforting them (Cell1 3)
• S/O with endometriosis reaction headcanons (Cell 13)
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• Found family member with motherly instincts comforting them (Cell1 3)
• S/O with endometriosis reaction headcanons (Cell 13)
• Uno and Tsukumo discover their S/O is transmasc headcanons
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• Found family member with motherly instincts comforting them (Cell1 3)
• S/O with endometriosis reaction headcanons (Cell 13)
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• Found family member with motherly instincts comforting them (Cell1 3)
• S/O with endometriosis reaction headcanons (Cell 13)
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• Uno and Tsukumo discover their S/O is transmasc headcanons
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• Samon x Reader big n' little sib relationship headcanons
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
59."Wow, i didn’t realize you were that…flexible.” for hajime x Seitarou if its ok with you?
honestly idc lol i’m just glad to write nanbaka again!
smut prompts
“Wow, i didn’t realize you were that…flexible.”
“hhajime yyour still bus-” sei started, pausing as he opened the door to find the supervisor in their bedroom lifting his leg high onto his shoulder with ease as he balanced on the other, causing the bluenette to blush rather hard at it.
“wwow, ii didn’t rrealize you were ththat...ffflexible.” he stammered as hajime looked to him confused. “gotta be to keep up with those brats.”
“rright.” he mumbled as he took a seat on their bed, watching him move to head balancing on his yoga mat, moving his legs as far as they could, in different positions he could make them, making the star guard’s mind wander into what he could do with that kind of flexibility. 
once finding the legs gone he moved to look down on the floor, nearly gasping seeing him with both legs on his shoulders and eyes closed. immediately he ran off the bed and into the hallway, nearly smacking himself with the bathroom door as he took a seat on the floor’s rug.
looking down his blush grew at the growing tent in his shorts. slowly pushing a hand down to them he just thought of hajime performing more stretches, some without his boxers on that lead to the bluenette staying in for a little longer~.
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//If you’d like to RP Seijime with me, reblog and/or send me a message!
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nanbakaweek · 5 years
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Day 2: Love
Seijime! By far, my favorite ship in this series, they’re just so cute together! The hardened tsundere supervisor and his crybaby subordinate that begins to melt his icy shell! Just think about it, has anyone besides Seitarou actually made Hajime look happy?
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nu-asya · 1 month
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muscle soreness after all day filling out reports🤕
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a-lesnikova · 7 years
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Nanbaka Halloween Week | Day 3
Honey promises to help Qi with his book if Qi will be able to entertain him. Qi tells him the story about a young man who gets lost in the woods and befriends a werewolf (Hajime). Honey is not amused (he hates stories with happy endings). Qi begs for a second chance. TBC
part 1 | part 2
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ljdoublecc · 1 year
Friends from now until forever 
Momoko X Reader
Off the shores of Japan, there lies a prison whose exact location is unknown to the world. The prison is known for housing the most dangerous criminals and the top guards in the worl-
“Hajime-chan, I can't believe you fell for that again!” Uno laughed hysterically, along with his three other friends, at the frozen guard in front of them before running down the hall to their right, still laughing.
“Supervisor, are you alright?!” You yelled frantically, after seeing him in the distance. You were helping Hajime recapture the convicts but had, unfortunately, fallen behind due to running into a wall. You, wanting to Hajime faster, decided to run faster, huge mistake. You wound up slipping on a piece of ice, yelping, you basically ended up giving the wall its first kiss, and hard.
- Never mind. I retract my statement.
****After capturing the inmates****
“Here (Y/N)-chan, some ice for your head.” Seitarou said with a smile, holding out the ice pack for you to take.
You gave a smile before replying,“I would love too but I think the last thing I need is ice, especially after such a betrayal!” You exclaimed, dramatically posing, while laughing, along with Seitarou joining in with his own chuckles. Too bad the moment was ruined by a fist being slammed on a desk, startling the both of you.
“What am I going to tell the warden about what happened to the liquid nitrogen?” Hajime asked frustrated. He looked about ready to murder someone who even talked to him, even though he looks like that all the time.
You offered a reassuring smile as you answered,”Well, supervisor, if you want, I know someone who owns a supply shop and they so happen to have a ton of liquid nitrogen. All I have to do is use the favor they owe me.”
Hajime looked at you with a relieved sigh leaving his lips before agreeing to your offer,”Yes, (Y/N), call them and tell them to bring it in by this week, I'm counting on you.” To which you replied with a smile and a salute.
You got right to work, fishing out your phone from your packet ready to dial the person that was going to save your supervisor from the wrath of your friend. That was the plan, until the door slammed open causing the ever so clumsy you to fumble with the phone, dropping it to the concrete floor of the guards office, breaking it for the 4th time this month.
“Yo, b***hs!” Yelled a very happy Mitsuru, completely ignoring your sulking form on the floor mourning the loss of your 4th phone in one month as Seitarou was kneeled down beside you to comfort you. Curse you and your clumsiness.
“Damn it, Mitsuru! (Y/N) was my savior from the wrath of the she devil!” Hajime yelled at his ‘best friend’ as he too started to sulk.
“What?” Mitsuru responded with confusion, what had he just walked into? You stopped sulking a moment to gather yourself before getting up quickly to, hopefully, help your supervisor from having to explain himself.
“Never mind him. So, why are you here, you're normally at headquarters running the monitor room there or bothering the warden?” You asked with a smile to hopefully distract him long enough to forget what Hajime had said.
“Ah, right, you are little lady,” Mitsuru exclaimed with his own smile your way, once again, thankfully, ignoring the sulking person being comforted by Seitarou,”I’m actually here to take you back to headquarters, the warden's orders!”
“Well then, what are we waiting for, lets go!” You yelled with your own enthusiasm, pushing him out the room,”Lead the way!”
Leaving Seitarou to deal with the sulking supervisor.
“Sir, I’m sure (Y/N) has their number memorized, after all, she said they were friends,” Seitarou tried comforting a sulking Hajime, “Hopefully?”
****With you at HQ****
‘I wonder what she wants to see me for? Is this about what happened a couple of days ago?’ You pondered to yourself as you waited for Momoko to finish speaking to one of the supervisors. It was pretty quiet in the waiting area, which was unusual because you weren't the only person in the room. There were two other supervisors, building 3's and 5's to be exact.
The very colorful, mother-like guard himself and the popsicle-loving , sometimes, oblivious, supervisor sitting right next to him. You started thinking, they both kind of reminded you of your parents. Kiji was always fussing over you and wished for you to be more girly, to which you always politely decline, just like your mom, but you still listen to him rant on about make-up or anything for that matter, making him happy that he has someone to rant to. Samon was oblivious sometimes and loud just like your dad was. At times, when you start feeling home sick, you will often excuse yourself from building 13 and go find one of them or your friend from now until forever.
"So darling, tell me," Kiji inquired as you were thinking about them and home,"what did you do for Valentine's Day? I know it was a while ago but I'm curious about what you did because you're married and I wanted to know how it feels having someone to celebrate it with?" Kiji finished with a warm smile, even if you did not return it.
"Well, I wish I could say it was romantic," you said with a sad sigh, catching Kiji and Samon's curiosity,"I made them dinner, even if I did accidental burn my hand, and waited for them to come home, only for them to return at mid-night and say they didn't want to eat anything because the warden had taken them all out for Valentine's Day. So that is how I spent my Valentine's Day, alone, as if I weren't married at all." You finished, but by then you had fallen almost as quiet as a mouse.
The both of them looked at each other and then at you with sadness. How could your own husband do that to you, was what they thought. You were a very amazing girl, who was a guard at Nanba Prison, the top prison in the world, if that didn't prove to a guy or anyone for that matter that you were a unique catch, then I don't know what will.
"Oh, darling, I'm sorry you felt that way!" Kiji exclaimed dramatically, getting up to in gulf you in an overpowering perfumed filled hug that would disgust people with a nose, but apparently not you. "I'm sure he is planning something amazing for you, after all, do you know how hard it is to find a girl that is willing to let you rant until you've basically melted their ears off, you are a unique catch darling!" Kiji pulled away from the hug to smile widely at you, with Samon nodding in the background for added support.
After hearing that statement with such confidence, you couldn't help but laugh. Those two really reminded you of your parents and it wasn't a bad thing.
"Thank you Kiji, Samon," You said happily to the both of them, sending them smiles as well before being called into the warden's office by Mitsuru,"I have to go but thank you again, both of you, I feel so much better now."
You sent them one last smile before walking into, what your supervisor likes to call it, the she devil's lair.
****In the warden's office before you entered****
The warden sat at her desk with her arms folded over her chest and a thoughtful expression on her face. She also had a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart on her desk along with a well written apology letter filled with...well apologies but also love towards the person she was about to hand it to.
'I need to calm down.' the warden, Momoko, thought as she continued to talk to herself in her head,'she will not be upset with you if you give her the chocolates and an apology for making her feel that way on a very special day.'
But as she started to think more and more, it suddenly hit her. She left her precious friend from now until forever to her lonesome on Valentine's Day for what, a party that her friend couldn't even go to. She started to panic, and I mean really panic, she started thinking the worst case scenarios.
'What if she never wants to see me again or she...?!' Momoko didn't want to even think about the worst of her thoughts coming true and thankfully she didn't have to when someone from behind her spoke.
"You know you don't have to panic, just talking to her will do," Mitsuru grinned like a cat when he affectively scared the warden,"she is very understanding, I'm sure whatever worst case scenario you were thinking about won't come true, after all, how can anyone stay mad at you if you give them chocolates in such a cute box?" Mitsuru, keeping that gin on his face, said while holding the box up.
"Give me that!" Momoko yelled, red faced, at Mitsuru before snatching it from his grasp. "And I know how understanding she can be but what I did to her on Valentine's Day was unforgivable even for her to accept my apology or if my apologies are good enough to make her forgive me." Momoko answered looking down at the heart she had higher to her chest.
"Well, you better think of something to say," Mitsuru, still grinning, started while turning towards the door,"Because she is right in front of us."
This caught the woman off guard and when she looked up, you were in front of them. Your presence making her already twisted nerves twist themselves even further and having Mitsuru there wasn't helping either. She looked at him for maybe a little help but instead he walked, backwards, towards the door to give her a cat-like grin and a thumbs up before shutting the door behind him, completely isolating the two of you from the rest of the world.
As Momoko started to panic because she wasn't ready to talk to you yet, you took the opportunity to walk closer to her. Once you were a good distance from her, you bowed your head, catching her attention, and began speaking.
"Is this about what happened a couple of days ago? Because if it is I understand, you're the warden and I can't expect you to be glued to my hip 24/7." You, now looking up but with a smile, asked at the beginning before giving a reason for your understanding of the situation.
"Oh, (Y/N), even if what you said is true, about me being the warden, that still does not give me the right to leave you alone, especially on Valentine's Day," Momoko stood up from her chair with an apologetic look and voice as she held out the box of chocolates,"so that's why, I want to make it up to you and I'll start by saying Happy Valentine's Day, my love."
The nice gestures made your heart swell, she went through the trouble of apologising to you and giving you chocolates, how could you not forgive her? You smiled up at her, because you were shorter than her, and took the heart shaped box of chocolates from her hands before placing them on her desk. This confused her until she saw you get on your tippy-toes, to which she met you halfway to capture your lips in a tender and love filled kiss.
The kiss lasted a couple of blissful moments, until a light flashed causing you both to pull away and look at the source of the flash. It was a camera and let's just say the person behind it was not the person you want taking pictures of you.
"Aren't you glad we waited a year for that Valentine's Day special now!" Mitsuru exclaimed, once again, ignoring something very important, that the warden was very annoyed that he interrupted such a lovey-dovey scene between you two. She let go of you and processed to grab her club, the one you bought her for Valentine's Day because the other one ‘broke’, and ran after Mitsuru, who in turn also ran.
"Can't you see we're having such a lovey-dovey moment and delete that photo now before I kill you with the club my (Y/N) gave me!" The warden screeched as she chased after him, waving the club around. It was such a daily scene to you that it didn't faze you when your wife ran after Mitsuru. You just laughed at their silly behavior, took the chocolates, and walked out of the room but not before sending Momoko one last loving smile, which she returned simultaneously as she was chasing Mitsuru. Laughing once more, you turned towards the hallway leading back to the waiting room, but this time with a dreamy smile plastered all over your face about the events that will unfolded later today.
Nobody in Nanba, except for Mitsuru, know that your 'husband' was actually the warden, Momoko Hyakushiki. That's also the reason you've kept your last name a secret, because people would figure it out in a heartbeat. You both saw it best to keep it a secret because she saw how scared people were of her, she didn't want the same happening to you. Another thing that people don't know, is that when you both refer to each other as friends from now until forever, you both mean that you're married to each other, after all, the person you marry is the person that knows you best and who knows you better than your best friend?
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thenanbakacorner · 9 months
✨ Writings Masterlist Pt 2 ✨
2nd Masterlist! Be sure to check the 1st one for more!
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Fem!Reader who is strong and controls lava reactions (Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko, Upa)
• Trauma/Abuse Comfort (Cell 13)
• "You're not Alone." (Musashi and Jyugo comfort Ice Powers Experiment Reader)
• "You asked for this.." (Jyugo x F!S/O, "Risky Fun" Scenario Continuation, NSFW Scenario)
• Near death experience during triplet childbirth headcanons (Uno x Jyugo)
• "Please.. let me..!" (Male!S/O x Jyugo Edging Session NSFW scenario)
• S/O that constantly forgets their glasses and cant see without them (Cell 13)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Yandere!Mafia Rock, Upa and Uno x one-night-stand Fem!Reader
• Trauma/Abuse Comfort (Cell 13
• Near death experience during triplet childbirth headcanons (Uno x Jyugo)
• S/O that constantly forgets their glasses and cant see without them (Cell 13)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Yandere!Mafia Rock, Upa and Uno x one-night-stand Fem!Reader
• Trauma/Abuse Comfort (Cell 13
• "You're Mine-- Mine Alone." (Rock x Reader Suggestive Scenario)
• Rock x Nico Mpreg + Nico having a fear of the baby being born with his illnesses Headcanons
• S/O that constantly forgets their glasses and cant see without them (Cell 13)
• F!Autistic!S/O with social anxiety but still loves being around people SFW + NSFW headcanons (Rock)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Trauma/Abuse Comfort (Cell 13
• Rock x Nico Mpreg + Nico having a fear of the baby being born with his illnesses Headcanons
• S/O that constantly forgets their glasses and cant see without them (Cell 13)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Tall, Powerful Reader they're Scared of at First (Enki, Mitsuru, Yamato and Honey
• Fem!Reader that has a soothing, sleep-inducing voice to help with stress (Liang, Honey, Trois, Kiji)
• Former cook inmate (Honey and Trois)
• "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" reactions (Kiji, Trois, Honey, Seitarou)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Fem!Reader that has a soothing, sleep-inducing voice to help with stress (Liang, Honey, Trois, Kiji)
• Former cook inmate (Honey and Trois)
• "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" reactions (Kiji, Trois, Honey, Seitarou)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Yandere!Mafia Rock, Upa and Uno x one-night-stand Fem!Reader
• Fem!Reader who is strong and controls lava reactions (Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko, Upa)
• Friendly and sweet S/O as strong as Hajime standing up for them (Upa, Liang, Samon, Qi)
• Cell 8 + Inori react to Samon having a daughter headcanons
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• I'm not Cute! (Liang x F!Reader Scenario)
• Fem!Reader that has a soothing, sleep-inducing voice to help with stress (Liang, Honey, Trois, Kiji)
• Friendly and sweet S/O as strong as Hajime standing up for them (Upa, Liang, Samon, Qi)
• Cell 8 + Inori react to Samon having a daughter headcanons
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Friendly and sweet S/O as strong as Hajime standing up for them (Upa, Liang, Samon, Qi)
• Cell 8 + Inori react to Samon having a daughter headcanons
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Fem!Reader who is strong and controls lava reactions (Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko, Upa)
• "You're not Alone." (Musashi and Jyugo comfort Ice Powers Experiment Reader)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Little prisoner partner taking over during their absence (Hajime, Kiji, Samon, Kenshirou)
• Partner spending more time with their cat than them (Hajime, Shiro)
• Love triangle between Kenshirou, Warden's Secretary!Reader and Hajime headcanons
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone
• Cold and unaffectionate partner becomes affectionate (Momoko, Hitoshi, Enki)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" reactions (Kiji, Trois, Honey, Seitarou)
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Tall, Powerful Reader they're Scared of at First (Enki, Mitsuru, Yamato and Honey
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Tall, Powerful Reader they're Scared of at First (Enki, Mitsuru, Yamato and Honey)
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Little prisoner partner taking over during their absence (Hajime, Kiji, Samon, Kenshirou)
• Fem!Reader that has a soothing, sleep-inducing voice to help with stress (Liang, Honey, Trois, Kiji)
• Kiji with an ugly criminal sister who's escaped her cell headcanons
• "You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!" reactions (Kiji, Trois, Honey, Seitarou)
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Little prisoner partner taking over during their absence (Hajime, Kiji, Samon, Kenshirou)
• Love triangle between Kenshirou, Warden's Secretary!Reader and Hajime headcanons
• Samon and Kenshirou with guard reader that looks up to them
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Little prisoner partner taking over during their absence (Hajime, Kiji, Samon, Kenshirou)
• Friendly and sweet S/O as strong as Hajime standing up for them (Upa, Liang, Samon, Qi)
• Samon and Kenshirou with guard reader that looks up to them
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Cell 8 + Inori react to Samon having a daughter headcanons
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Daisen Brothers x Fem!Partner first time reactions
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Daisen Brothers x Fem!Partner first time reactions
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Daisen Brothers x Fem!Partner first time reactions
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Cold and unaffectionate partner becomes affectionate (Momoko, Hitoshi, Enki)
• Tall, Powerful Reader they're Scared of at First (Enki, Mitsuru, Yamato and Honey
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Cold and unaffectionate partner becomes affectionate (Momoko, Hitoshi, Enki)
• Fem!Reader who is strong and controls lava reactions (Jyugo, Musashi, Momoko, Upa)
* * *
• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• Partner spending more time with their cat than them (Hajime, Shiro)
• Shiro proposed to by prisoner!reader with handmade chocolate headcanons
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• What Lingerie they like on their Partner (Everyone)
• "What's the Matter, Dearest?" (Elf x Fem Reader Scenario)
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
18 for hajime x seitarou pls
holy shit i almost forgot i had requests! also uh...i forgot what this was for. yeah next time pls put the name of the prompt you want me to do here too pls and thanks? i’ve been binge watching an old show and forgot what this was for. think it was for smut prompts so i’ll do alright but yeah.
also sorry, not feeling this one. i got a whole tag tho of seijime that has more lemon-y stuff you can look in...and maybe check out, cause i got alotta pages of this couple lol.
smut prompts
18. “You’re in trouble now.”
“seitarou!” seitarou yelped as he heard the scream of the supervisor, his heavy boots walking towards him as he moved to the wall, holding his checklist closer as he planted his hand above his head and his knee between his own.
“you’re in trouble now.” he growled as the guard shivered lightly. “yyes sir?” he clucked out as he got closer.
“HAHA SIR!” both looked to find yamato riding his horse into the room. “i have returned!”
“...great.” he grumbled as he moved away. as sei sighed in relief he looked to find the supervisor staring at him, his club in his hands lightly moving it. “meet me after work.” he growled as the bluenette blushed a shade of pink nodding in response.
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rhenuvee · 2 years
Hey there could you possibly do some Nico x male! Reader general dating HCs? I’ve recently gotten into the fandom and Nico’s already stolen my heart lol hope you have a fantastic day/night
A/N: Hi new Nanbaka fan! I'm going to assume you read the request rules about male!reader. Let me know if this is ok? Also sorry for the super late response!!
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Nico x male!reader Dating HCs 
- well the good thing is, if you wanted to be an inmate!reader you won’t have any problems seeing him since it’s the male prison
- Nico loves including you in everything
- emphasis on watching anime with him, playing at his arcade, you name it!
- he hopes you have an interest in them too, or at least don’t mind his rambling
- though he is mostly used to it at this point, he likes having you stay with him during his medical exams
- hopefully Dr. Otogi lets you stay
- if he doesn’t, you bet Nico will have the cutest pout on his face
- id say nico likes holding your hand/arm the most
- not only as a romantic gesture, but when he does things like excitedly point out something in the anime hes watching (for example), he likes to get your attention by holding onto you
- theres not much of a dating environment in a prison so Nico mostly brings you to his arcade
- of course you guys play games, but he begged Seitarou to make a plushie in the claw machine of you so you both could have plushes of yourselves 💜
- other than that, he just cherishes the moments he has with you
- if you are visitor!reader, you bet he gets super happy when you visit (visit him often pls)
- he feels very special when you visit, and you often exchange gifts (mostly manga or other cool trinkets)
- if you are guard!reader, youd probably have to keep your relationship a secret
- no doubt Hajime would get really mad knowing one of his staff was dating an inmate.. oh how his stomach hurts at the thought
- Hajime aside, Nico still feels loved by you no less, through the sneaky kisses and secret dates in the arcade
- Nico will introduce you to Cell 13, and hopes you guys get along
- he’ll also introduce you to his Master Upa (Upa would probably scoff but dont take it personally, on the inside he thinks you both are cute together)
- Nico feels bad when you sometimes catch some of his weird diseases
- pls comfort him, hes afraid it will drive you away
- other displays of affection include him nuzzling in the crook of your neck
- he likes kisses, however he does get flustered if you make out
- when he’s excited, he’d do the thing where he runs and jumps on your back and hugs you (be prepared)
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rosalind-hawkins · 7 years
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banzaitaka · 2 years
wOah,,, could i request for uno and hajime (separate-) with a male s/o that's like jotaro from jjba?
This. I like this.
I got a bit carried away in Hajime's part, so the parts are each in a different writing style
Nanbaka Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Tips are very appreciated!
Hajime Sugoroku x male! reader
Uno x male! reader
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Two peas in a pod
They both knew what they have gotten themselves into when they decided to get married, a choice neither of them seriously regretted to this day. Though, the two would say it jokingly in their rare moments of playfulness. They were too much of a perfect match, both strongwilled hard workers with not much of a need for physical affection, if any at all.
(Y/N) had incredible strength, both mentally and physically. He could not be persuded to do anything, could not be distracted, and could not be escaped from. Those points made him qualified for the work of a prison guard, Nanba prison being no exception, even with the escape artists and supposed dangerous inmates being kept there.
The inmates of building 13 didn't appreciate this fact as much as Hajime did.
Hajime and (Y/N) could go hours or days without interacting or seeing each other without feeling guilty for not paying attention to the other, or upset over the lack of attention. Being a prison guard includes long and exhausting working hours, and even though they were working in the same building, even had their office desk in the same room, they couldn't just act like a couple. Work wouldn't allow it.
It felt like the most scandalous thing when Hajime leaned in to kiss his husband's temple during one of their breaks. They were lucky they were the only ones in the room or they wouldn't have heard the end of it from the other supervisors. Physical affection certainly was rare between the couple, but not completely absent. And seeing the two stoic giants display an uncommon occurance like that would've shattered their image as building 13's gorillas, until they present the reason why they got called that in the first place.
He overheard Seitarou and (Y/N) talking in the office, an opportunity he simply couldn't walk past. Not only because he was bored out of his mind, but also because he rarely heard (Y/N) talk in a calm voice at all.
And god forbid anyone from cell 13 to even hear about their marriage...
But we all know how sneaky Jyugo can be when he's bored and wandering around the building.
"Oh, right! Yours and the supervisor's wedding anniversary is coming up, right?"
Hell broke loose, and so did two certain people's tempers.
If cell 13 didn't know not to mess with (Y/N) before, they certainly do now. It was like he was an exact copy of Hajime, just with a fewer words maybe. That, however did not stop any of them to continue with their antics. Their shadows will make them look like Mickey Mouse because of the bumps on either side of their heads.
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Human shield
Another lighthearted escape attempt ended with Hajime giving the crew one last chance to turn back and return to their cell. Cell 13, minus (Y/N), might've lost one too many braincells from the past ass whoopings, looking at their smug looks as they just kept on walking further away from the prison. What made them think they wouldn't get beaten up this time?
Hajime and (Y/N) both really wanted to know the answer to that question. The (Y/HC)-haired kept being dragged along by his cellmates, his boyfriend, Uno in particular. Uno knew (Y/N) had no desire to escape prison and would rather just wait out his sentence, but they never planned to really escape anyways. It was all for sport, for fun.
And honestly, they all thought it would be less painful with (Y/N) around because of his strength. To their dismay, he didn't even keep walking once Hajime gave them that one last chance, he didn't want to get punished unnecessarily after all.
He just watched his friends and boyfriend walk straight into their doom. Their smiles quickly faded from their faces as soon as Hajime began his work with them.
"Good grief..."
"Don't think I will let you run, inmate #11!"
Within the blink of an eye, Uno was back at his boyfriend's side, teary eyed, "Don't let him ruin my handsome face!"
(Y/N) just stood still and watched Nico faint next to Rock who was already laying on the ground.
The blue-eyed didn't see the lack of response as a good sign, "Come on! You can't let him hurt your boyfriend!"
A glance from the taller one made him flinch in horror, "You won't let him hurt me, right??"
Uno quickly hid behind his boyfriend, clutching on his top, shouting at the top of his lungs, "PLEASE, BABE, I PROMISE TO STOP SLAPPING YOUR ASS WHEN PEOPLE ARE AROUND, PLEEEAAAASEEEEEE!!! PROTECT MEEEEEE!!"
Now, that was actually a pretty good offer...
But (Y/N) knew better than to face Hajime head on, he was strong, sure, but the prison guard was still on a higher level. So he just turned around and threw Uno over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The male let out a startled yelp, "Wha- What are you doing?? AH- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE ME AS A WEAPON, ARE YOU??!!"
"Shut up, you're too loud."
A rather painful human shield, Uno had to say, but it worked out in his favor everytime.
"Inmate #(...), what are you planning?", Hajime halted a few meters away from the couple, glaring him down.
(Y/N) just scoffed, "Getting this dumbass back to his cell. I don't need him to loose more of his braincells from your beatings. I don't wanna know what kind of dumb shit he will do then."
Uno, however, always ended up pouting and whining because of the half-hearted insults from his supposed lover, hmph!
(Y/N)'s soft spot for the male helps him forgive him fairely quickly every time, though.
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❧ Be Mine (Liang) Confession
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��� Table of Contents
Genre: Valentine’s, Fluff, Comedy ☁
Word Count: 1,667 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Liang ☁
World: Anime, Nanbaka ☁
Hajime tapped your shoulder, an annoyed look marring his face. “I need your help,”
“Did cell thirteen escape again?”
“No, I need help checking mail for my building.”
“Oh, umm, sure thing.” You followed him to building thirteen’s office. Sorting mail was an easy task, so why in the world did he feel the need to ask you for help? Maybe he was just stressed out lately and needed a break. You noticed a small stack of letters sitting neatly by Hajime’s desk. “These?”
“No,” He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around. “These,”
“Holy mother of…” Your eyes widened in shock at the sight that lay before you. A mountain of pink and red letters stood so tall that they were being squished against the ceiling. “I… I didn’t know building thirteen was so damn popular.” You grabbed a card from the pile, stepping back as it caused a small landslide of paper.
“It’s not building thirteen, it’s cell thirteen.” Hajime pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Mostly for inmate eleven.”
“…EH?!” All of this mail for one cell? You’d never heard of something so crazy.
A hand shot out from the pile, grabbing your ankle. You stepped back in surprise, pulling the arm with you. Seitarou’s head popped out of the pile, taking in a big gulp of air. “Th-Thank you! You saved me!” He cried, clutching tightly onto your leg. “I thought I was going to die!”
You sweatdropped, patting his head awkwardly.
“Let’s get to work!” Hajime ordered. “We have to check every single letter!”
This was so not how you planned to spend your Tuesday night, but that’s exactly how it went. Even with the effort of three people, it still took almost eight hours to finish going through all of them for contraband. It was exactly five-thirty in the morning when Seitarou set down the final letter, letting out a relieved sigh.
Hajime sat two separate stacks on the coffee table before leaning back on the couch. “These were mixed in with our pile,”
Pile was hardly the right word to use.
“One stack goes to building five, the other goes to building three.”
You heaved a tired sigh. “I’ll take five,”
The prison was almost completely silent. The sun hadn’t risen yet, so most of the inmates were still sleeping while the guards were taking it easy. As you made your way past building five’s courtyard, you noticed Liang training. He was being watched over by Rokuriki. Well, technically, the guard in question had fallen asleep. You couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous.
You paused to watch Liang train. Did that boy ever rest? It seemed like every time you saw him he was busy training. It was kind of endearing how hard he was working given his situation.
Feeling your stare, his magenta eyes locked onto your own. Jogging over to you, he glanced over at Rokuriki. “I can wake him up if you need…”
“Nah, he looks pretty exhausted. Let him rest, but make sure you wake him up if you see Gokuu coming.”
“You look quite tired, as well.” Liang mused, resting the back of his hand against your cheek.
“Ah,” you rubbed the back of your head. “I was up all night helping Hajime check Valentine cards. I had no idea that Uno was so popular, my god.”
“Did he really get that many?”
“It was a literal mountain.” You laughed. “It reached the ceiling!”
He smiled automatically when your laugh reached his ears. “What brings you over here?”
“Oh right,” you held up the stack of letters. “These got mixed in with the ones delivered to our office.”
“If you’re willing to trust me… I can make sure the guards get them.”
You smiled. “That’d be great! I really need a nap…”
“I’m happy to help.” He smiled softly, pecking your cheek. “Sleep well… Y/N.”
A yawn passed your lips as you lay on the couch in building thirteen’s office. Hajime was off to a meeting for the supervisors and Seitarou was making his rounds, so the office was silent. You had almost drifted off to sleep when the door slammed open, making you fall off the couch in surprise.
“Are you okay?” A familiar voice filled with concern reached your ears.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you noticed Liang kneeling next to you and Gokuu standing in the doorway. “I’m fine, no worries. What can I do for you both?”
Gokuu folded his arms over his chest. “Liang said he has something important to talk to you about. Bring him back to building five when you’re done – I have a meeting to get to.”
Liang waited until Gokuu was gone before addressing you. “I apologize, I should have waited for you to get some rest.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You patted his shoulder, situating yourself back onto the couch. “What did you need to talk about?”
His cheeks darkened and he averted his gaze. “Today is Valentine’s day…”
You shifted so that your back was against the couch, legs stretched out in front of you. “It is, but after dealing with Uno’s fanmail, I’d be happy to never see another pink or red envelope again.”
“Did you receive anything?”
“Aside from Uno’s pickup line, no.”
“Pickup line?”
You hummed, letting your head fall back onto the cushion. “It’s an everyday occurrence, so it’s nothing special.”
“I see…”
“What about you, Liang? Any love letters, hmm?” You grinned, poking his cheek. “I bet you’re popular with the ladies, as well.”
“Why would you think that?” He flushed.
“Because you’re gorgeous,” you murmured softly, gently tugging on his earring.
His cheeks darkened until they matched the shade of his outfit.
Realizing what you had said, you quickly pulled away and straightened yourself out. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It was out of line.”
Liang took a deep breath to steel his nerves. “If that’s the case, then I must apologize in advance. I came here to confess my feelings to you. I’ve been in love with you for a while now. I treasure every moment spent with you and I hate that you work in building thirteen. I wish you were part of building five so I could see your beautiful smile every day.”
You were surprised. “So the rumors were true, then.”
“Rumors? What rumors?”
“Rock told me that Qi told him that you like me. I guess there’s not much else for the prisoners to do but gossip.” You chuckled, turning your body to face him. “I have to admit, I’m surprised it’s true though.”
“Damn him,” Liang muttered, eyes narrowing at the ground.
You reached out, gently holding his cheeks between your palms. “It’s a good thing he did it. It gave me hope that you felt the same.”
Before he could respond, you pulled him forward and claimed his lips as your own. His slender fingers wrapped around your wrist as he pushed himself closer to you. A few minutes passed before he broke the kiss, unable to control the bright smile that spread across his face.
“I wish this moment could last forever…”
“Nonsense. There will be many more moments to come, Liang. Don’t fixate on just one.” You returned his smile, resting your forehead against his.
As your fingers intertwined, you knew this was the start of something special.
Gokuu rounded up the prisoners and guards of building five. It was sudden, without warning, and had everyone on their guard. Meetings among the guards were a normal occurrence, but they rarely ever included the inmates. His eyes scanned the rec room to ensure that everyone had assembled. Once he was satisfied with the numbers, he cleared his throat and folded his arms behind his back to make himself look as official as possible. “We have a new guard joining building five today,”
“A new guard?” Kokoriki put his hand on his hip and scowled. “Do they think we can’t handle ourselves?”
“This is a prison full of sneaky and conniving inmates. There’s never enough guards around.” Gokuu stepped to the side. “This is Y/N, formerly a guard for building thirteen.”
Everyone was left speechless. They all knew you quite well since you visited many times in the past and they were confused as to why you suddenly decided to transfer.
“Why did you decide to transfer?” Rokuriki asked with concern, voicing what everyone was thinking. “Did something happen?”
“Ah, well…” you rubbed the back of your head. “Thirteen is quite hectic. There’s never a moment of peace to let you stop and catch your breath. Too much excitement for my blood.” You caught Liang’s gaze and winked at him.
The shock and surprise disappeared from his face, replaced by a beautiful and radiant smile. He was ecstatic at the news.
It took you a while to dodge everyone welcoming you and asking you questions, but you managed it by hiding in a dead-end corridor off the main hallway. Crowds had never really been your forte – that’s why you asked to be assigned to thirteen in the first place. Sure, cell thirteen was a pain, but the rest of the inmates kept to themselves and there were only two guards you had to interact with. It was the perfect situation for you.
“Are you okay, love? You seem stressed.”
You whipped around, ready to put on the cheerful guard act when you realized who it was that was standing in front of you. Your body relaxed and you smiled softly. “I didn’t expect such a reception, is all.”
Liang smiled, resting his hands on your hips. “Everyone loves you,” his lips feathered over your own. “But none more than I.” You shared a long, chaste kiss that made your heart skip a beat. “I can’t believe you actually transferred for me.”
You chuckled, tugging at his collar. “You’re stuck with me now, Liang.”
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
If you enjoyed this fic, please take a moment to like and reblog! Thanks so much ^-^)/
Not gonna lie, I completely forgot I hadn’t posted this set and it should have been posted leading up to Valentine’s but oh well lol 
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