stil-lindigo · 1 year
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floor _
a short comic about struggling to find yourself.
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hearties-circus · 1 year
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She is literally so pretty who gave her the right
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canisalbus · 8 months
I love how Vasco and Machete are absolute visual opposites! Machete is so sharp and cold while Vasco is warm and rounded, it makes the pieces where they are together so good for the soul
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columboscreens · 3 months
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jaredhopworth · 5 months
God in relation to the last post sometimes I see posts from this fandom and I feel like I’m insane.
You guys do understand the difference between a canonical brown character with an ethnic name and a Pakistani voice actor, and a ‘raceless’ character with an English name and a white voice actor that the fandom simply headcanons as Ambiguously Brown right??? We didn’t get “another” brown main character, we got A brown main character.
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
Looking for the Stolas boyfriend tweets and boy does your girl feel validated as fuck right now seeing these I didn’t know about. My entire thing has been that the show was being developed as it went in Pilot/S1.
Stolas in particular was a character that started very differently but Viv realized he could do much more, especially as it relates to Blitzø, but the Pilot was already out. Which is why some people are so angry holding on to those initial concepts.
The Circus laid out the real story they want to tell going forward, but LooLoo Land was the foundation for all of it. I’ll get to the importance of Truth Seekers (prob my fav season 1 episode other than Ozzie’s) and Harvest Moon as well as I have so many thoughts about those and so many connections to show you.
I probably would have included Ozzie’s in the list but I’ve always thought based on that episode and how it plays out and the tone that by that point she was already plotting S2 and that’s why it’s the episode of S1 that ties so directly with S2 as to almost feel like S2.
I just love this because you can literally see it HAPPENING in the episodes, and Charlie voice: “That’s what THE FUCK I’ve been saying”. So yeah, I feel really personally vindicated and like I AM on the right track. There’s always a sense of anxiety being so passionate about your views to the point you write an entire novel length essay series about them and post them publicly. What if you were *gasp* WRONG?
Every time I’m always like “Am I being delulu?” Or. “am I giving this too much credit?” And look, look! I wasn’t.
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snugglesquiggle · 3 months
gah i have so many writer friends with so much good work and all of them deserve attention but i am so small and only have so much time and energy
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scribbleymark · 10 months
It's wild that you can say something like "The reason why fan artists draw Cody as taller than Obi-wan is because current canon has their heights listed as 6' and 5'10 respectively", and you'll get a bunch of big-brain try-hards accusing you of "fetishizing Maori men" unless you headcanon Cody as The Short One and Obi-wan as The Tall One. It's just convenient that the Right and Moral choice is the one you've crafted to echo your preferred shipping dynamic. Weird!
Yall really pulled out the 'you're fetishizing this guy but I'm NOT 'cause I'M MORALLY PURE and headcanon things the Correct & Right way' schtick with aplomb.
Great job, fandom! A++ "Do my headcanon or else you're a bad person!" Real cute. Never change. Who am I kidding? You never will.
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
Fewer posts about how nobody on this hellsite has any reading comprehension and more posts about how many grown adults who apparently subscribe to the Middle School Bully Model of Coolness (making fun of people is the height of wit and also in-group bonding) willfully misread posts for the sake of making a snappy mocking quip in response to some fantastical strawman version of what OP actually said
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sunshinedaysforever · 1 month
you know what, it was on me for expecting anything different from mr russell t 'all the information i ever need about anything happening in the world i get from the front page (and *only* the front page) of the guardian' davies but. the nuclear winter caused by *checks watch* No Piano really. really broke me.
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bigothteddies · 2 months
to be honest people are always telling me to play it cooler, to stop caring so much, to stop apologizing so much, to stop being so patient, to stop being so ready to take responsibility, to stop always being the bigger person and take it upon myself to fix things instead of letting them lie, even if they aren’t my fault or my problem. And I hate it. I hate the idea of not being myself. I hate the idea of not being as genuine and caring as I want to be. I hate the idea of not telling someone when I love them and hate the idea of saying goodbye to people I care about just because I want to be more right more than I want them to be in my life. I hate the idea of presenting myself as cool and suave and aloof just to get more people to like me. I’d rather be as genuine and honest about who I am and my intent and care than hide who I am as a person. Who cares if I’m less successful that way. I want to be liked for me, not for some other version of myself other people want to see.
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the-real-obby · 3 months
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I assume this is what has happened over the last 24 hours right?
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fearfylsymmetry · 3 months
less of an ask and more of a compliment i love the way your tags are organized…”decay as a commodity” “bodies shifting in narrow spaces” etc is it your own original work or quoting from a song/poem/or something?
helloo angel and welcomee to the show, its always such a joy when people appreciate my silly little tagging system. they're all just random sentences i thought up ages ago, , just to make sense of the mess in front of you etc y'know how it gets love. i couldn't really get behind tagging things as "art" "people, faces places things" etc. i needed to inject a bit of flavour to the whole thing (let this not be read as a subtle jab towards any new york based tumblrinas , we're above that c'mon now). i wouldn't say these little phrases are "personal" by any means but they have been motifs i wanted to actively explore in the art i make so no harm putting them up here i guess haha
for posterity's sake i thought i'd just copy an explanation of my tags from an old ask
decay as a commodity : okay so i envisioned this as a way to just summarize modern living? i think of a whole blueish neon color scheme with this one. my line of thinking was,, with the world slowly rotting away and living becoming so expensive and exhausting, whats the one commodity we all share? wouldn't it be decay? aren't we all slowly fading together etc etc. i use this for images with cooler muted tones and anything with a futuristic vibe,, along with some grimey, monochrome photography
the setting dawn: this is the polar opposite of decay, i think of it as "hope beyond hope" a la Prior Walter's line in Angels in America. i know "the setting sun " might sound more natural but i think of it as,, dawn , when the sun breaks through - in this short period the world starts to wake. qs the dawn sets the day kicks in, with all its routine misery. Dawn i think, is the only time the sun is kind to you, because its still hidden away at least slightly. But the day truly starts and itbeats down on you. And yet we continue to live, past the boredom and the pain, we live past hope, past the quiet comfort of dawn. I use this for pictures with earthy tones and things on the more uplifting side
bodies shifting in narrow spaces: this has some overlap with the decay tag, im not as organized as i need 2 be. i use this for figures & portraits ill want to draw or just really any photography i like that features a human presence. think of it as people so dependent on an outside gaze they constantly try to reinvent themselves, or just, everyday people, getting less and less time to live, having to work and forcing themselves into relationships with any real connection
original sin and other contingencies: im trying to fit this in for more risque photography and maybe things on the more gory side. how do i explain this.. okay so... when there's nothing left to do you'll always have sin to turn to just yo keep yourself occupied, along with other methods/contingencies u get the jist
linen that lingers: my fashion tag nothing more 2 it
the canvas as testimony: for art that is made for the gallery or art that is held in higher regard i guess, more high culture. it includes painting, sculptures,along with architecture,, but maybe i should make an architecture tag. i think of the things here as more personal efforts
motion on a still surface: for art that is energetic and really pops off the page. includes comics, manga, fanart, animation. stuff here may be more low culture but really its not. i just differentiate these art tags as ,,one is stuck to the canvas whatever that canvas may be, while the other leaps off the page
word on a wing let me soar: books, poetry, articles, journals , all words that i adore
a conversation with the self: i wanted this to be for things that are very personal to me but i just use my other tags
angels in descent: my little funny haha tag for yknow ,,, funny haha. yknow the "devil's rejects" the movie? like its a way of saying people so horrible no even the devil would take them. okay so i thought " god's rejects " but that's lame. so i landed on this, like idk...imagine angels falling from grace
arcade shuffle: for my little viddy games lol. sorry for being a #gamergirl but yes it happens sadly ,,moving on
jet jump jive: for songs
at the pictures: for movies,, like imagine im going "cant talk im at the pictures wheee ^_^"
there is such a great distance between now and later: to track my art and writing progress but i barely use it cause it barely draw or write these days i blame the wave of despair that washeth over me
proof of concept: photos i took but there's like almost nothing here
misc that are just funny 2 me like i do it 4 a little chuckle i deserve it:
screw it posting hole - for hole the band
bowies in spaaace - for bowie, after the flight of the concords song cmon its a little funny at least cmon now
twink speaks- for twin peaks lol
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devilsskettle · 7 months
i’m convinced the “soft is also strong” rhetoric that is so popular in fake deep rupi kaur-esque instagram poetry is designed to keep young women complacent
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columboscreens · 1 year
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thejugheadparadox · 6 months
im gonna be honest - and to preface i should say i really did love the episode and ncuti gatwa has literally unmeasurable charisma and talent and i love how the new doctor is characterised and i love how it just felt like an episode of a tv show in a way the specials didnt, it was so pleasant to watch - the christmas special did kind of make me yearn for how just intensely satisfying a particularly convoluted moffat episode/arc could be with all the twists and turns culminating in that "aha" moment when it all makes sense even if its just for a second before you realise how twatty and pretentious it is it feels so good when you understand what the story wants you to understand. and ultimately it felt to me like that special was trying for that through the doctor Telling us there was smth interesting and mysterious going on with the goblins and their motivations and inner workings and through it being stylised as though there would be a culmination of everything said but it didnt come in quite a satisfying enough way for a monster of the week scifi show. and yes it was a christmas special i know it can be silly and messy i allow it to be silly and messy but 1. i continually resent the sentiment that we shouldnt hold any standards to doctor who because "its always been corny and stupid!!!" its wildly reductive and counterproductive, it actually is and has been a good show for real. coming from guy whos watched almost all of it ever and 2. my issue is that it CLAIMEDDDD to be neat and cohesive it kept giving us the doctor has smart realisations moments and not adequately sharing them. i love the sillystupid campiness of it i understand whats being done but dont just give us fun give us cohesive smart interesting fun let yourself make something really great like you keep getting so close to doing...and to be perfectly honest i feel the same about wild blue yonder and potentially the star beast and a tiny bit the giggle but i mostly diagnose the latter with i hate the bigeneration so bad it makes me want to kill someone disease. and also i think ruby road wouldve been much effective if gatwa had been able to have a proper introduction in the giggle. disease. and one more thing i fucking hate the new sonic with a passion why is it FLAT. love the tardis though. and i am genuinely so excited for the rest of the season i think he might be the perfect doctor. i just hope it works i hope it isnt just a fun silly romp i hope its a cohesive season of scifi too. i know it can be i do really feel like it will be
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