morrigan-sims · 6 months
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And I forget sometimes I'm just flesh and bone.
As he stands in the ruined bathroom, all Rook can think is, At least now I can breathe.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 1 month
i am not immune to launchpad sol and albin thoughts
#ramble tag#its so like. okay.#launchpad was when they 'peaked'. best years of their lives#the . i think what we canonically know happened at launchpad was like.#laquidditch (fun!) christmas special adventures (fun!)#and then . also#getting deeply bullied. sol lightly kidnapped to launchpad. lizer. claudius. 'you made us run until we threw up' 'im pretty sure he got off#on torturing kids'. literally what the fuck was their deal#getting stuck in a spiders web ???? for a semester ?????#......??? getting chased down by a vaccum cleaner ..........#'it got a lot darker near the end' ... fun pretend child endangerment#like . man.#not to sound CRAZY or anything. does anyone get the impression launchpad was like. a bad ? time ? for them ?? like. it just straight up. bad#by god does it rlly sound to me like#the feeling of when high school was so bad it made ur life a living hell to be in. and u were truly just. surviving#but then youd b goofing off w ur friends in a little dorm. and the stress and the exhaustion seems to color everything that isnt that.#in a beautiful hazy rosy golden film#it hurt but the hurt was monotonous and dull. so all u remember were those shining bright in betweens#sol and albie sneaking into the kitchen and enchanting the self moving cookingware and just seeing what happens#and watching mothership approved saturday morning cartoons in bed#and studying together late at night n sol tucks albin in after hes crashed from hiss allnighter#and passing notes in class#and all that free time over crittermas breaks to do stupid dares and long rambling conversations abt nothing#sol knits albie his first sweater#they have their first beer together#they come back after a really bad day for the both of them and lie on the floor and talk abt anything but that#albin practices spells on sol and its not a good or safe idea but its probably fine#albin pettily bitching about his assigned partner for an arcana class project and sol blindly tsking his side always#only wizards can check out library books and albie checks out all sols books for him#...... anyway
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
Something I love about Yiddish is being able to pick out some word or phrase that's intelligible to me, which is cool considering I haven't touched german in over three years
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thanksvideogames · 3 months
its literally only been four months and a writer at ATLUS has already made it painfully obvious that they recently learned about car crash statistics and now intends to use them as a go-to for making a morally ambigious character's viewpoint sensible (not that it works)
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persona 6's core theme will be convenience over sustainability and it will be backed up by facts obtained via clickbait articles and arguments amassed in anti-motorist subreddits
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quintins-mittens · 9 months
Note to R&D Elves
I know that dangling bells are a very big fashion trend this year, but this is your reminder that they are high flammability risks. Please keep your bells as contained as possible while you work.
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0zzysaurus · 2 years
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I hope every single man on TikTok with a “wildlife education” account that actually just encourages the general public to engage in reckless physical contact with big cats, hyenas, wolves, bears, hippos and other predatory/dangerous exotic animals gets mauled to death.
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o5-the-daughter · 1 year
Yes! Please touch it! For science!
Heavy TW for reckless behavior/self endangerment.
[Media: a video recording lasting approximately two (2) minutes.]
For the first few seconds of the video, Eight simply stares at the camera with a completely blank expression, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Then, he pushes his chair back a bit and reaches somewhere under the desk he's sitting at, followed by the sound of a drawer being pulled open, then closed; as he pulls his hand back into sight, he briefly shows the old-school revolver he is now holding. He empties the chambers without comment - holding up the six bullets for the anons to see for a short moment - before putting one of them back in place.
With a concerningly bored expression, he pushes the cylinder back in place and spins it, all while leaning back in his chair. He holds eye contact with the camera for a few seconds longer, then tilts his head back and, with the weapon under his chin, pulls the trigger; the quiet click of the empty chamber is by far not loud enough to drown out the startled noise from another person somewhere in the room, presumably Experimenter.
Another pull of the trigger. Another quiet click.
After the fourth time, Eight sighs and pulls the weapon away, placing it safely down on the table and out of sight; something between amusement and half-mad mania seems to glitter in his eyes, though his expression remains neutral otherwise.
"There you have your game of chance."
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumotober day 11: 911 Whats Your Emergency?
Fandom: Descendants
Sloppy Bandages
Self-done first aid
Makeshift Splint
Im revisiting fandoms, long after my original head cannons have been squashed. But thats what AUs are for!
Its dark, and everyone on the isle knows if you cant defend yourself, you dont go out at night. And Carlos would love nothing more than to be in his room, however small and bare it may be, but he'd been kicked out after...
He limps into another shadow, curled in on himself, to hide from another goon. He was a VK, he could use his reputation to walk around at night, but he wasnt in the best of shape- he know hed be sniffed out immediately. Hes already probably considered the weak link, and while this could be considered cowardly, he'd rather not have to deal with any more injuries.
He moves through the streets and alleys, drawing closer to their hideout. It should be empty tonight, he could treat his injuries and get some rest, then sneak back home in the morning when his mother would hopefully be in a forgiving mood, and before the others saw him. It was the only plan he had, sleeping on the streets as he was now would only guarantee trouble.
He stumbles over a rock and jostles his aching ribs, wrapping an arm around himself in the hopes of calming them down, though he knows its useless, the action only pulls at the burns on his shoulder and no amount of holding will stop the aching. In the low light of a flickering lantern he catches sight of his hasty first aid attempt on his ankle. The splint is barely hanging on, and blood has completely soaked through the rather sloppy wrap job hed done. He'd been in a hurry, but he'd need to do better to hide it from his... friends? Crew? Toleraters?
Whatever they were. It didnt matter, hes done this before, it was nothing new, he'd be fine... hopefully. He supposed it was kinda new, the situation had happened before, but the injuries were... a little worse this time, maybe... he was no doctor of course, but he'd had to get at least effecient at first aid, even if this attempt was rushed and disgraceful.
The entrance is finally in his sight, his relief is practically palpable, even as throwing the stone pulls on just about everything. The stairs too, are torture, having to hop a bit to keep pressure off his ankle only hurts everything else, but its the lesser evil he supposes. When he finally reaches the top he practically falls into the door there, trying to catch his breath before continuing.
Carlos is so ready for some sleep at this point, but he really needs to take care of everything. He's just managed to get his breathing somewhat under control, and opened the door, only for his senses to spike and cause him to lurch backwards as a bat comes at his head. The bat thankfully misses but his balance is shot as pain wracks his frame, hes teetering backwards towards the stairs when a hand snatches his shirt and pulls him into the hideout.
"Carlos! You almost lost your-"
Carlos can barely hear them, his body is trembling as pain shoots from his ankle to his hip to his toes and back again.
"Okay buddy, gonna need to relax bro, we got you."
"Its okay Carlos, youre safe now." Cool hands cup his cheeks, his head pillowed as blury eyes try to make out the three heads above him.
"This is a shabby job C... what the heck happened?"
Carlos is supposed to be cleaning his mothers furs. Hes done it enough times, he could complete the task in his sleep. But shes mad about something- shes always mad, runs on it- she kicks him and he stumbles, stumbles right into a bear trap.
Blood splatters, a single drop lands on the hem of the nearest coat, and his mother loses it. The beating is familiar, though awkward with his leg trapped as it is. Her cigarette ash burnes holes through his thin shirt, into the skin beneath. His ribs creak under her kicks, and when she stands heaving after shes had her fill, she puts the cigarette out into the same shoulder.
"You will get out of my sight! Do not return!" Her voice is shrill and he shrinks away.
It takes him some time to work the trap open, to tear pant legs and wrap spare scrap metal around his leg until he can determine if it needs setting or rest. There isnt much he can do about everything else, not before his mother comes back and gets her anger renewed. So he takes his leave quickly instead, as fast as he's able. He'll clean himself up at the hideout, be fine by tomorrow. He'll be fine, he can be strong, hes a VK, he'll be fine.
He'll be fine...
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ceceliaknowsbest · 1 year
Setting: Capitol interrogation room TW: oxygen deprivation, brainwashing, child endangerment violence, psychological torture, President Snow, beating TLDR: President Snow comes to visit Cecelia and reveals that Sterling is a rebel and that he supposedly has her son in his custody. Unbeknownst to Cecelia this is not true and using Capitol magic, Cecelia has a phone call with her 'son'.
Cecelia had no idea how long she had been waiting in this room, shackled to a table so she couldn’t walk around to kill time. She kept looking around the room trying to figure out what horrors this room held but besides the two chairs and tables, it was empty. But that didn’t mean anything. The other room, her room of horror, looked simple with a chair that they would strap her down to, and then…she didn’t know how they did it but suddenly it felt like she couldn’t breathe and it would last for what felt like forever. Over and over again until she was so sure she was going to die with her head spinning and gasping for air. 
The anxiety pricked in her chest as she waited, so sure that at any moment they would cut the oxygen and it would begin. The cycle of questions and her swearing that she didn’t know anything and not being able to breathe. 
The door opened and Cecelia suddenly couldn’t breathe. Not because of the room but because President Snow walked in. She hadn’t seen the man since that day in the tribute center, and even though she knew that he was the reason she was here she had doubted she would ever see him again. Was this it? Was she going to die? Her family? President Snow never meant anything good in her life and seeing him now made her quite sure that she was about to die. She just hoped that her children and husband had escaped.
She watched him as he took a seat across from her, refusing to look away from him. You didn’t look away from a poisonous snake. Cecelia felt like she was under a microscope as he said nothing and just watched her. What did she look like? She hadn’t seen herself since she had been taken and she had no idea how long they had all been here. When had the arena exploded and the Quarter Quell ended? Five days ago? Ten? She had no idea and it was torture the never knowing if it was daytime or nighttime, going without food and sleep, being brought to her torture room or being forced to listen to the screams of someone else.
“Mrs. Whitvale,” he finally spoke.
“President Snow,” she replied, her voice hoarse. 
“This is quite the predicament you’ve found yourself in, isn’t it? How does it feel knowing that your traitorous husband has abandoned you for the rebellion that he champions?” Confusion flooded her features. Traitorous? Rebellion? Sterling? He wasn’t a rebel. He hated Snow, sure, but he would have told her if he had joined the rebels. He was lying. Snow was lying. A smile formed on the President’s lips. “Oh, you didn’t know? Your husband is off in District Thirteen with the rest of the traitors. Your husband is a traitor to Panem.”
“You’re lying,” Cecelia finally said. She didn’t believe him. Sterling wouldn’t leave her here. She knew that. 
“Am I?” He asked, glancing at the Peacekeeper that was standing by the door. He walked out of the room and returned with a hologram that he placed on the table. “It’s a shame that after everything I’ve done for you, Cecelia, you don’t believe me.” 
The guard pressed a button on the hologram and through the grainy footage that played, she watched as a group of people made their way to a waiting hovercraft. The clip was maybe thirty seconds, but then they played it again, this time in slower motion and zoomed in. She didn’t need to see it zoomed in, she would have recognized her husband and daughters anywhere. It was undoubtedly Sterling and the girls. Something didn’t seem right about the image, something was missing, but she was so overwhelmed and confused that she couldn’t place it. She couldn’t see Sterling’s facial expressions, but confusion and grief filled her. Was Snow right? Did Sterling leave her behind? When had he left the Capitol? And why…why hadn’t he brought her too? Why had he left her here, with Snow? She was flooded with memories and conversations with her husband, had he been trying to warn her? All of those late nights at the factory…could it be true? Was her husband a rebel? She could believe that. He didn’t love the Capitol or President Snow and his thoughts, especially lately, had been dangerous. But she couldn’t believe that he would ever willingly leave her behind. He loved her. She knew that he loved her.
“I…I don’t believe it,” Cecelia whispered.
“I take no pleasure in your pain, Cecelia,” President Snow said. Cecelia didn’t believe him. “Your husband took your daughters with him and left you and your son to me.”
Your husband left you and your son to me. 
Her blood ran cold and she couldn’t breathe. Snow had her son.
Snow had her son.
Snow had her son.
The words kept bouncing around her brain. Snow had her son. Snow had her son. Every single part of her wanted to scream or throw something or die because Snow had her son. It suddenly hit her, in the video clip Jax hadn’t been with her husband. Sterling had left her and Jax behind. How? How could this have happened? She had left Jax with Sterling…how had…how had this happened? 
“How?” She whispered, tears streaming down her face. “Please, don’t hurt my son. He didn’t do anything. He doesn’t know anything. He’s just…he’s just a child. President Snow, please, do whatever you want to be just don’t hurt him.”
“I have no desire to hurt the children of Panem, Cecelia. Your son is being taken care of and is wanting for nothing.” He paused. “So long as you cooperate your son will be unharmed. You can even talk to him if you would like.”
“Please,” Cecelia begged, her tears falling freely. She needed to hear her son’s voice, to believe that he was okay. Snow gestured for the guard again and he returned with a phone. 
President Snow held the phone in his hand. “Please put Jax Whitvale on. I have his mother here, she would like to speak with him.”
He pressed a button and suddenly, her son’s voice was in the room. “Mommy?”
“Jax,” she breathed out, panic rising in her chest. She had wanted to believe that Snow was bluffing, that Jax had been somewhere else but had gotten onto that hovercraft. But that was her son’s voice. Undoubtedly. That was Jax. Snow had him. She wanted to weep harder, but told herself she had to stay strong for her son. “Jax, baby, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, mom.” A smile formed on her lips and she laughed. “Mom, I’m scared. What’s happening?”
Hearing her son say that he was scared broke her heart. She did everything in her power to make sure that her kids were safe and happy but she had failed them. Her and Sterling had failed him. “I know, baby, but you’re okay. Listen to me. You are going to be just fine. You’re okay. Do whatever they ask you to do, okay? Are you eating?”
“Of course! They have all my favorites.”
At least he was eating. She would give up not eating if it meant that they fed her son. She would give anything up in order to make sure that her son had food. “Good. You know that I love you so much, Jax. You are such a brave boy.”
“Where’s dad?”
Cecelia paused as Snow raised his eyebrow and waited for her expectantly. It felt like a test. What was she supposed to say? She had never lied to her son before, at least not about something as important as this. She wanted to believe that Sterling was going to come in and save both of them. She wanted to believe that he hadn’t forgotten about her, that there was an explanation for why he had left her and Jax alone. She knew her husband, knew that he would have only left if he had intentions to come back and get them. But she couldn’t tell her son that. As much as she wanted to give her son hope that Sterling was coming, if she said that what would Snow do to her son? He had Jax and she needed to be careful. 
“I–I don’t know, Jax,” she finally said.
“Wrong answer,” Snow said coldly, hanging up the phone without a second thought.
“What? No! Jax,” she screamed, fighting against her shackles. “Let me talk to my son, you bastard.”
The first blow took her by surprise, and she cried out. President Snow held his hand up. “It seems that Mrs. Whitvale needs some more time being reeducated. Cecelia, I’m disappointed in you. It would be a shame should some harm come to your son.” Her head throbbed as he walked to the door and paused. “I will be seeing you again soon, Cecelia. I hope you aren’t such a disappointment next time. Your son’s life may depend on it.” 

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staysaneathome · 2 years
The Self-Preservation Society (2)
Des is tired.
The Thing’s been carrying him on its back for ages since they got out of the Underground station.
Des would fall asleep against it, but all the flashing lights and loud people and the backpack jostling against him keep stopping him and the Not!Daddy and poofy teenager are still out there chasing them, and Des is so tired and he wants to go to bed.
The Thing shifts him slightly higher on its back as it hoists itself over a wall.
It puts a finger to its lips to hush him as it gently brings him around, running bent double with him clutched against its chest until it enters a large building with lots and lots of books, ducking in and out of rooms until it reaches one with a computer. Then it stops and lets him down, at long last.
Des yawns widely, plopping down onto the floor almost as an afterthought, his family crawling out of him with tired, slow-moving wings. “M tired. ‘N thirsty. Can I have a Fruit Shoot? Or a Freddo?”
The Thing pauses, then holds up both it’s hands in a “wait” gesture that Des recognizes from Mama whenever he’s trying to ask her something while she’s on the phone or cooking. It leaves the room.
He droops, head tilting forward ‘til it’s almost hit his chest and he jerks more upright again, eyes so heavy it’s hard to keep them open for more than a few seconds—
Then a thumping of disjointed footsteps startles him up, the fear helping to keep him awake as the Thing enters the room again, brandishing a purple Fruit Shoot and Cadbury’s chocolate bar victoriously in its hands with a wide smile.
Des prefers Freddo Frogs, or Fruit and Nut bars, but he remembers to not say so as he wolfs the chocolate bar down and pulls the nozzle of the Fruit Shoot out with his teeth so he can eagerly suck down the juice inside.
“Aa-a-ah.” He feels a lot better, afterwards.
His family look better too, crawling back in and out of him with growing energy, flapping prettily like they’re meant to. “That was suuuper tasty. Thank you…? I don’t know your name.”
The Thing, which has been sitting at the computer and clicking at things on it, jerks again. It glances at him, still smiling, then away.
It reaches for the backpack on the floor, unzipping it and pulling out a notepad like the ones Mama keeps around the house for shopping lists.
It’s now got a pencil and is writing something down.
Des hopes it’s not anything too difficult. He’s one of the level B readers in his class at school, but he still needs Mama’s help with the harder words in English books.
The Thing eventually holds the pad out for Des to read.
“I-don’t-ha-ve-a-name.” He sounds out carefully. “It-was-tay-ken-from-me-by-the-Cir-cus. The Circus? But the circus is fun, it, it has clowns and elephants and lions and things! How can a circus take your name?”
At Des’ confused stare, the Thing grabs the pad back and begins writing. Once it’s done, it presents the paper again.
“Not-a-hu-man-Cir-cus.” He reads. “A-Cir-cus-for-things-that-pre-tend-to-be. So-they-can-catch-and-eat-them.”
“Things that pretend?” Des asks. “Like, like the man who’s not my Daddy?”
The Thing nods, eyebrows furrowed, its smile still there, but…unhappy, somehow. It reaches out slowly and puts a hand on Des’ head again.
He lets it, something inside his throat feeling cold and hard.
His Daddy got eaten by the Circus that pretends to be human but isn’t. He’s not here anymore, and Des isn’t sure he will be ever again. He sort of wants to cry, but for some reason his eyes aren’t getting wet.
Mama is going to be so sad.
His family flutter around him, whispering it’s okay, we’re here, we love you, even as the Thing keeps patting his head. It feels weird, but it’s…it’s kinda nice? Like the Thing’s trying to say that it’s sorry, even if it doesn’t have any voice.
“Is that what he was going to do to me?” He has to sniff a bit so his question isn’t all croaky. “Steal my name and voice too?”
The Thing bobs its head from side to side a bit before shaking it, leaning over to write something new for Des to read.
“No. The-Yuh-ee-er-k?-wa-n-ts-to-eat-up-your-li-ife-may-ke-you-not-you.” Des squirms unhappily, feeling his family flutter around him with whispers of beloved, ours, won’t let it, protect, care, love. “That’s scary. Did he take away your mouth too? Is that why you’re all bendy?”
The Thing shakes its head again, propping the pad on its knees so it can write and Des can see.
“Some-bo-dy-else-did-that-to-me.” He reads as it writes. “Took-my-name-and-my-voice-and-my-mem-or-ees-and-ev-ry-thing. But-I-ran-a-way-from-the-Cir-cus-be-for-they-took-what-s-left-of-me. I-wan-ted-to-help-you-so-they-do-n-t-hurt-you-like-they-hurt-me.”
“Thank you.” Des says slowly, because Mama’s taught him it’s important to thank people when they help him. “But I still need something to call you. I don’t like calling you ‘The Thing’ in my head all the time. ‘S mean.”
The Thing fidgets, drumming its fingers against its neck, before scribbling something else in smaller writing that’s hard to read.
“I-m-so-ree-but-I-do-n-t-have-one. I-am-12-years-old-if-that-helps.” Des gasps. “You’re twelve?!”
Twelve is—that’s five years older than him, at least. You can do so many things when you’re twelve that you can’t when you’re eight. You can stay up late and go to the shops on your own and drive a car and do taxes, and, and—!
“You’re so old.” Des tells the Thing. “Like, super suuuper old.”
The Thing jerks upright, a funny look on its face as it points at itself.
Since it’s so old, Des reasons, it needs to have a proper name. A respectable one, like Abuelita always says.
“I’m gonna call you Benjamin.” He decides with a nod. “That can be your name now.”
The newly dubbed Benjamin looks around, as if searching for something. Des doesn’t think they find it, because they slump over a bit and give a shrug.
It begins writing out another message along the very top edge of the paper, where there’s still a bit of space.
“Do-you-k-now-your-home-add-dress?” Des reads. “Yeah! My house is 4 Little Newts, Bishop’s Stortford.”
Benjamin gives a little nod, turning to the computer, tapping on the keys with one finger on each hand.
Des cranes his head to watch the screen with interest. Two of his sisters and one of his brothers land on it and begin to wander around, dazzled by the bright light.
The computer ends up on a bright blue screen, and Benjamin flips to a fresh page in the notepad, copying down things on the screen, words and numbers and weird, sketchy lines, faster than Des can read them.
“I-am-go-ing-to-get-you-ho-me. The-se-are-di-rect-tions” Des reads. “Really? You will?”
Benjamin nods, drawing a small cross over its chest with a finger.
Des throws himself at it in a hug, his family filling the air with their pretty colors as they dance with the joy that’s filling Des up to bursting.
Home! Home with Mama, and his family, and Abuelita, and his bed and his toys and Mr. Easto and Diya and Kayleigh and Milo at school and Maisy and Hugo at the playground! “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!”
Benjamin doesn’t seem to know what to do with a hug, because it’s arms are raised in the air.
Slowly, hesitantly it comes down to give Des another rub over the head. It’s smile seems a little smaller than before, but more…real? If that makes any sense?
There’s a crash that sounds like the time Des accidentally knocked Daddy’s favorite glass out of the dishwasher.
The Thi—Benjamin goes rigid, one arm locking around Des’ back and hoisting him up against its chest. The other arm slides the notepad back into the backpack and zips it up, slinging it over its back.
It’s smile has gotten big and scary again.
“Des~” Comes the voice of the thing that isn’t his Daddy. “I know you’re here, Des. Come out, come out, wherever you are~”
It feels like he can’t breathe.
His family cluster close, whispering intruder, predator, danger, watch out, be careful, protect beloved, protect, defend, protect.
“I know you’re here.” The Y-ee-rk that’s pretending to be his Daddy calls, it’s voice sounding echoey and wrong. “ I can feel how scared you are, Des. You are scared, aren’t you? So scared, to be stolen away by a Stranger. Taken faaar away from your Mama and Daddy. It is very scary, isn’t it?”
Benjamin is standing, clutching Des close as it edges out of the room and into the dark corridor on silent feet, despite how much Des very much doesn’t want them to, doesn’t want to leave the safety of the computer room even to get away from where the Not-Daddy-Yeerk is crooning, “But it’s alright, Des. I can feel your fear. I can taste it, on the back of my teeth. I’ll find you. I’ll always find you. And then we’ll fix you up, get all those nasty pests out of you. And you’ll be able to love your Mama, okay?”
Des can’t help it.
A small whimper escapes from him.
Benjamin stares down at him with wide eyes, even as he claps his hands over his mouth.
“There you are.” The Yeerk that ate his Daddy coos over Benjamin’s shoulder.
Des isn’t quite sure how Benjamin does it, but one moment they’re standing upright and the next one of their feet is slamming into the monster’s face, hard enough to send it spinning into the wall.
Then they’re running, going almost faster than a car as they tear down the corridor away from what isn’t Des’ Daddy.
The monster that, from his position looking over Benjamin’s shoulder, Des can see getting up, his body shifting and bubbling, face melting and limbs splitting and growing, chasing after them with too many faces, too many arms and legs and bodies, human and animal and toy and, and, and—!
One of Benjamin’s hands comes up to the back of Des’ head and pushes it down gently until all he can see is it’s shoulder.
Des doesn’t try to lift his head, burrowing closer to the nasty-smelling, scratchy fabric trying hard to forget what he saw, to not cry as the Yeerk-thing’s voice echoes around them as it howls, “GET BACK HERE, YOU TREACHEROUS LITTLE THIEF!!”
Des is beginning to feel sick with how scared he is when Benjamin shifts him around its body. He’s terrified for a moment that it’s decided to drop him to save itself.
Instead, Benjamin charges through the glass doors at the front of the building, head down and the backpack held up to act as an extra shield.
From his position practically on its back again, Des only feels small stings on his feet and hands. Benjamin shakes itself and the backpack, blood dripping down its head even as it shifts him back to the front, and keeps running.
The concrete garden area outside the front is pale in the moonlight. There are two big metal doors blocking them off from where Des can hear streets and cars and people.
Benjamin doesn’t even stop. Like a magic trick, it springs forward so Des thinks for a moment that they’re falling before it catches itself on one hand, flipping over and over and over, higher and higher until with a last push they’re flying, properly actually flying through the air, high above the gates and the cars and the people, and, and everything.
They land hard on the pavement, Benjamin rolling around Des like how he thinks Milo’s hamster must feel in its ball, rolling, rolling until it suddenly stops and Des is dizzy and terrified and tired with it all.
“H-hah!” Comes the voice of the poofy teenager in front of them. “I’ve, I’ve caught up with with you! Now, now let that little boy g—!”
Des promptly throws up.
His family pour out of his mouth onto the teenager’s shoes, almost all of them at once, so many that the floaty stuff goes away and he can feel his older brother again.
The one he’d thought was gone forever, crawling up his arm and inside his shirt to join all the others, leaving Des struggling not to cry with feelings of welcome back, you’re home, we’re home, together, all together, beloved—
The poofy teenager hops backwards as Benjamin scoops Des up again. “Urgh! Wait, what? But, I thought, you’re also—?”
The gates across the road SLAM open as the Yeer-not-his-Daddy-thing bursts through them with a roar that no one seems to notice.
“SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST!!” The poofy teenager screams.
Des gasps even as Benjamin begins running again, his family following along with them. “NO! You can’t say La Virgen’s name like that! It’s rude!!”
The poofy teenager, running next to them, shoots Des a wide-eyed look. “IS THAT WHAT WE SHOULD BE WORRYING ABOUR RI-hff, riGHT NOW?!”
The poofy teenager doesn’t seem to be as fast as Benjamin, panting and sweating and slowing as the Yee-monster chases them all down the street and through several alleys.
Des thinks they should leave the poofy teenager behind, if they’re going to be so rude.
But Benjamin reaches out when the poofy teenager trips one more time, does a complicated catch-their-hand-spin-and-lift that ends up with the teenager sitting on Benjamin’s shoulder and clutching at their head.
It’s weird when they come to a stop outside of a big building with tall, big doors.
It’s not another train station which they can use to escape like last time, and the not Daddy is still chasing after them through all the winding streets and alleys, even if it is a bit farther away than before.
“A warehouse?” The poofy teenager asks, staring down. “Wh-why are we stopping outside a warehouse?! That thing’s still coming, we need to go.”
Benjamin raps four times on the door, then two times in rapid succession.
Des hears something shifting and moving behind the door, the rasp of brick on brick like when he, Hugo, Diya, and Maisy played at the abandoned building place behind the playground before Maisy’s mummy found out and yelled at them all to never do it again.
“Ready or not, Des~” The thing that isn’t his Daddy sing-songs, closer than Des wants him to be. “Ready or not,”
Benjamin knocks in the same way again, eyes wide and slightly wild.
“Ready or not,” And Des isn’t looking, hasn’t looked, has tried his best not to look since Benjamin pushed his head down, but the way the poofy teenager twists and gasps with big, frightened eyes tells Des he’s here, he’s here, he’s going to get him. “Here I COME!”
The doors in front of them BANG open.
Des jerks as Benjamin bursts into movement, racing inside.
His family cling to his nose and ears, whispering danger, danger, predator, enemy hive, blood, death, violence, predator, danger.
He doesn’t understand why they’re saying that, there’s nothing in here, just a big rubbishy room—
Something flies over Des’ head, past Benjamin’s ear.
There’s a yell of pain from the thing that isn’t his Daddy.
Des twists, trying to see what it was, where it came from, who threw it, when another flashes past the poofy teenager, making them yelp and lean away and almost fall off of Benjamin’s shoulder.
Des thinks that was, was a bit of metal?? A pipe or something, like when the radiator broke and the strange men had to come to the house and pull long metal things out of the walls.
Something else whistles on the other side of him and he twists in time to see his reflection in a bit of broken glass.
It’s shooting past him exactly straight, like an arrow in cartoons, not in the curvy way that the balls and frisbees thrown at the park do.
“Benjamin, what’s happening??” He yells. When Benjamin doesn’t answer, he frowns and slaps its chin. “Benji!!”
Benjamin still doesn’t answer.
But its eyes dart up to look at something behind Des, and leans forward, tucking Des and the poofy teenager as close as it can and going faster.
Des turns back around—
Glass and brick and pipes and metal and all the other rubbish on the floor of the large room are floating, lifting up and then flying through the air past them, at what’s not his Daddy.
In the air, there’s a boy hovering in place, sort of faded and see through.
His face looks so, so angry.
Worse even than Des’ Daddy when he was mad at him. The sort of angry that means someone’s definitely getting hit, instead of just yelled at.
The boy swells, sharp and hard things flying around him like the halo around La Virgen.
“GET the HELL OUT of MY GRAVE!!” He screams.
The lights explode, all the flying things shooting like arrows, all so, so, sharp and deadly and angry.
Des can’t help yelping, turning his face to hide in Benjamin as they run and run.
The poofy teenager’s screaming sounds silly.
The monster that ate his Daddy just sounds furious.
There’s the sound of doors slamming shut behind them, all the anger and hate muffled behind them as Benjamin keeps going, the sounds of the streets and the people almost quiet after everything in there.
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writedisaster · 2 years
        I think part of the reason Lip is so hesitant to accept support from others, even when it’s freely and insistently offered, is, like... they feel like they’re going to need that support for much, much longer than anyone would be willing to offer it.  If they let you hold them while they cry tonight- they’re still going to want to cry tomorrow night, too, and the night after that. If they let you help them tend to their wounds, there will still be more wounds coming before the end of the month.  Sure, you want to help them, sure, it might even feel better for a little while, but deep down, they feel like all these things will not and cannot stay helped.  And Lip doesn’t want anyone to lock themself into being the one who tries.  It’ll only end with the other person exhausted and Lip alone again.  It’s better not to start.
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universestreasures · 6 months
Release: Future Force! (Drabble)
(Note: This drabble is a 'canon' event for my Mokuba (both anime and manga wise, though it is written in the context of the manga for this drabble) as well as Tasuku and Gao's Yu-Gi-Oh! verses. What that means is this event might be referred by all three of them during interactions they have in these verses. This, though, as with my other headcanons or elements involving Mokuba and his friend group, can be discussed on the individual level if it is something my writing partner is not comfortable with having occurred for whatever reason)
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Man, he didn't expect to be so busy. While Mokuba expected the disputes between Battle City competitors to be a moderate occurrence, mainly due to the ante rule his brother imposed, he wasn't prepared for just how many he'd have to do back-to-back not too long after the event started. It seemed like left and right he was running into issue upon issue. Did these duelists have no honor?
Regardless of his slight irritation, he does his job well. His elder brother trusted him with this position, and he wasn't about to let him down. Not only that, he felt a sense a pride being able to have such an important part in the tournament despite not being a competitor himself. He was helping make sure his brother's hard work wasn't going to be ruined by some sore losers or cheaters.
Mokuba now finds himself in one of the many alleyways of Domino City, places that he had quickly noticed became somewhat popular dueling spots for duelists looking to cause trouble. After all, being away from the central areas of the city meant there were fewer eyes on them. Well, as far as they knew, anyway. Kaiba Corporation had security cameras placed all throughout the city, something not just for the tournament but also so they could monitor anything in the future since his brother was now the city's official owner.
It doesn't take him long to find more duelists, or rather, a group of them. Weirdly enough, all of them were dressed in what appeared to be black robes, the group giving off a pretty creepy vibe if you asked the kid. That's when it hit him though, the realization that he might have just found who his brother had intended to lure with this tournament in the first place: The Ghouls.
They certainly matched the vibe of what had been reported about them through the media, and looking at their faces, Mokuba didn't recognize any of them from the registration list. He personally reviewed each and every duelist they invited to ensure he could recognize them while in the field. These guys didn't match up at all with anyone he reviewed, and yet, they had duel disks on their arms anyway. Seems like he hit the jackpot.
Mokuba moves then to take out his phone, fully intending to contact his brother that he found who he was looking for. Sadly, his idea is interrupted as soon as the group finally turns around and spots him. Seeing their creepy eyes made the pre-teen groan in disgust, all his instincts telling him it was time to get out of there now.
"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba's bratty little brother?"
"What's he doing alone out here?"
"Who cares!? That kid's our ticket to one of our biggest targets! We can use him to lure about his brother!"
"Get him boys!!!"
Without delay, the group of five immediately begin to charge forward towards the younger Kaiba, who then starts to give chase himself. As he is running, he attempts to call out for help through Kaiba Corp's security team, knowing even with his recently taught self-defense skills, he wouldn't be able to fight back effectively, especially with a group this big.
Sadly almost before he can exit the alley and go back into the open streets of the city, a few of the men manage to block his view, having managed to pass him. In the shock of being stopped in his tracks, his cell phone drops his hands. Mokuba quickly tries to grab it before the effort is in vain as one of the Ghouls crushes it under his foot. This meant his location could no longer be tracked and he had no way of calling backup.
Oh, he really was in hot water now...or so he thought.
"Hey! Isn't five against one just a little unfair, guys?"
The group, along with Mokuba, then look over in the direction of the voice. The new individual on the scene was seemingly being framed by the harsh sunlight overhead, its light almost overpowering their sight. However, it didn't take the youngest Kaiba long to figure out who it was, for the voice and that silhouette he'd know anywhere by now.
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"Whose this bratt? One of your little friends trying to play hero, huh?"
"Keh...Not quite..."
The confidence brimming off of his friend's voice and his sharp grin was striking, one that reminded the younger kid of his big brother. That confidence of Gao's was soon followed by him starting to remove his jacket, an action that seemed to cause a slight gasp of joy to escape his lips before it turned into a grin of his own. For he knew exactly what was about to go down.
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"Eclipsing the darkness with flames...and brightening the hearts of the mistreated..."
"Oh, you guys are so in it for now..."
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"The Mighty Sun Fighter is here...!!!"
"Now then, why don't I even things up a bit? After all, it wouldn't be fair to expect my pal to fight a whole mess of thugs at once, right?"
Mokuba could see the Ghouls getting no doubt annoyed by his friend's speech and 'theatrics', certainly underestimating him. Well, they were going to be in for a surprise for their foolishness, then. Since it was clear they did not know they were dealing with a martial arts national champion who had competed and won against adults countless times. If they did, they surely would have run off by now.
"Alright, you're asking for it, tough guy!"
That's when two of the five members then carelessly charged forward, preparing to grab Gao and no doubt subdue him. This, of course, the Mighty Fun Sighter saw coming, for he caught both of the men's arms, one in each hand, before flipping them both to the hard concrete ground.
"Nice one, Gao!" Mokuba exclaims as the rest of the creeps looked on in absolute shock. The younger Kaiba decides to take this chance to make his move, setting his sights on the two card hunters in front of him. He remembers what Gao's mother, one of his self-defense senseis, told him about dealing with guys like this. That one must be smart with what they use to attack with and where and when they wish to strike.
He then rushes forward towards one of the two thugs, lashing out his leg to kick him in the most sensitive spot he can think of: the crouch. His hit was hard, so hard that it caused the one Ghoul to stumble and crash into the other one, both falling to the ground. Mokuba smirks a bit in victory before heading over to join his friend, the two standing back to back.
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"Keh. Guess you Ghouls ain't so tough, after all! If you think we're bad, just wait til my big brother finds you guys! He's going to eliminate all of you with his new power!" He then turns his head back towards his friend. "Come on, Gao! Let's get out of here!"
"Don't think you've won so easily, bratts!"
That's when, out of nowhere, a whole horde of Ghouls appeared on the rooftops, causing both kids' eyes to widen in shock. They quickly slide down the walls and surround the gaming duo, the entire group seeming to have tripled in size. Seems like during the commotion the two kids caused, the leader called for backup. Guess they really did speak too soon and should have just made a run for it the second they cleared the way forward.
"Got any bright ideas, Gao?"
"N-Not yet...but don't worry, Mokuba. We just gotta keep our cool and figure out how we can beat these guys!"
As the horde of hunters starts to take steps forward, both boys start to sweat. Mokuba tried to think of a way out of this, but he just couldn't. Not with this many people! Maybe he should have taken his brother's advice to have a bodyguard or two with him.
Suddenly though, as if answering the two kids prayers, the entire alley is cast in an orange barrier, one that seemingly blocked the only exit out of there. The forcefield not only seemingly trapped them all, but also caused all the security cameras to go temporarily offline, so what happened next could not be recorded. Everyone, including the two kids, looked to the sky, confused as to what was going on. Though, it didn't take a certain Buddyfighter too long piece it together.
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"Hey...I know what this is. This is a Buddy Police Barrier!"
"A Buddy Police...Barrier? Then...does that mean-"
"Mind if I step in?"
That's when, as quick as the wind, Tasuku Ryuenji descends from the sky on the green rings from Jack's Buddy Skill, the sight causing the two boys to grin and the Ghouls to grit their teeth in anger. The Buddy Police had been the leading organization investigating the Ghoul's activities for some time now. So, it's only natural they'd show up at some point during the tournament. Mokuba was just surprised it was so soon. He certainly didn't leak his brother's plan to his friend. Did someone on the staff did, or did they figure it out from their own intel?
Speculation on that would have to wait as they had some creeps to deal with. The officer landed in front of the two boys, the Star Pulsar floating near him as well. Mokuba looked at the device with some curiosity, it seemingly having been upgraded since the last time he saw it. Was it because of the collaboration between the Amanosuzu Group and Kaiba Corporation? More questions he'd have to save for later.
"Tasuku Ryuenji...The Buddy Police Boy Wonder...Should have figured you'd show your face around here and use this cheap trick of yours..."
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"My Buddy Police Barrier is no trick. You criminals can't run now." As the foes try and fail to escape the area, he then glances over his shoulder to his friends. He provides them a reassuring nod before looking back at the group's current leader. "As I see it, you Ghouls have two options before you. Surrender yourselves or else...accept my gaming challenge! I'll fight each and every single one of you if I have to!"
The Buddy Cop's words, accompanied by the serious glare of his ruby hues, are met with laughter by the group of Ghouls. Mokuba and Gao, in contrast, could only look at the other in admiration. The youngest Kaiba could feel the raw power of Tasuku's strength in the air, similar to how he could feel his big brother's. It made him wonder what would happen if the two of them clashed in the gaming area.
"You sure are bold Buddy Cop. I'll give you that...but...I think I got another option that's much...much more fun..."
Without any warning, that is when both Mokuba and Gao are grabbed by two pairs of hunters, strong-armed with guns pointed at their heads. Both of them attempted to break free, but the other's grip was just too tight. They made sure especially to be tight on both Gao's arms and Mokuba's legs, the two body parts they used in the earlier fight.
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"Gao!!! Mokuba!!!" Tasuku shouts as he turns around and notices his friends' current conditions, his eyes widening as soon as he sees the weapons in their hands. "You...You bastards! Leave them out of this! Your battle is with me!"
"One of the first rules of gaming is that you should never play by your opponent's rules. Even if you'd stand no chance, we don't have time for you to battle every single one of us! So, be a good little boy and lower that barrier and hand over your Jackknife Dragon, or else these bratt's blood will spill!"
The sound of the gun's trigger being slightly pulled, but not enough to fire, causes Mokuba's heart to race in his ears, his breath increases, and his palms to start to sweat. He remembers that sound, it was the sound Pegasus' men had when he was kidnapped. Being restrained like this by the enemy reminds him of that instance too. It was happening again, he had allowed himself to get foolishly caught off guard and held hostage, but this time...he had no key, no 'saving grace' to prevent him from being kept alive.
He was...in true danger, at gunpoint with no Seto in sight or way to contact him. He was...He was going to...
"I..won't forgive you..."
The youngest Kaiba looks up then, the voice of his friend seemingly overlapping with the voice of his elder brother. It wasn't just his voice that was off. Mokuba can visualize it...visualize Seto's image overlayed with his friend's. Was his mind playing tricks on him because he was so stressed, or was it that Tasuku's strength was truly similar of that to his elder brothers, akin to that of a mighty dragon?
The boy's contemplation, along with the criminal's movements, was paused soon as a strange light noise began emitting from the Star Pulsar. The sounds were akin to that of locks being released, the clicking sharp. Then everyone in the area bore witness to the device slowly changing its appearance, with its inner machinery being revealed.
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"What the..?" Mokuba thought to himself as he watched. "His Core Deck Case...is transforming?"
The green and blue electronic panels that were once hidden beneath the yellow exterior of the Star Pulsar soon began to cast a golden light. The glow not only blinded everyone around them, but also began radiating from Tasuku as well. With squinted eyes, both Gao and Mokuba see what happens next, a sight that seemed...impossible. For Tasuku's hair began to grow long, and his Buddyfight cards turned into light and were now floating around him on their own, similar to how they were in Lady Suzuha's live demonstration of the Core Deck Cases' holographic technology not too long ago. The cards then went back into his deck, as if they had just been shuffled for battle.
Though, as they would all soon find out, this wasn't a mere light show. Instead it was a miraculous power Tasuku has had dormant inside of him, a power hailing from the potential and strength of his future self. He just wasn't ready to awaken it until this moment, the moment he truly needed it to save those he cherished now in the present.
The blinding light begins to wane, and as it does, the Ghouls all stare in shock at the boy's power and change in appearance. They all started mumbling to themselves, wondering what this was, but they soon would have their answer. They would all bear witness to the full capacity of the power the young boy dubbed 'The Boy of Destiny' possesses: The Future Force.
"This...is..." Tasuku goes to draw one of the cards from his deck. The card soon vanishes and becomes replaced by a much larger object. A large halberd sword with a golden hilt manifests before him, along with silver armor for his arms and legs. With the Buddy Cop now equipped with protection, he grabs the blade in both his hands and picks it up with ease. Moving to swipe the sword causes the Ghouls to jump back to dodge, a massive gust of wind being felt with the huge blade's motion. The sight of this elicits shock from everyone around them, but especially Gao and Mokuba who also recognized the weapon itself.
Their friend wasn't using just a random sword. Rather, it was the Buddyfight card...Dragonblade Dragobrave, the item card Gao gave to Tasuku upon the Sun Figher's victory and as thanks for Tasuku giving him his rare and one-of-a-kind Gargantua Punisher impact card.
"Did Tasuku just..."
"Make the cards real? B-But that's impossible! Not even my big brother's Solid Vision technology could do something like this!"
"Then maybe it's not tech at all, Mokuba...Maybe it's...magic."
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That word immediately elicits a flashing image in the boy's mind, of the golden eye of Pegasus had and the blinding light he was exposed to before everything for him went blank. He never quite learned just what had happened to him in between being in the cell and waking up in that room in the castle surrounded by Yugi Muto and his friends, but whatever it was wasn't natural. The same went for when he was put into a capsule by his brother's rival after having lost to him in a game of Capsule Monsters Chess. Could there be a connection somehow?
Tasuku then points his blade at the Ghouls holding the two younger gamers hostage, his teeth gritted intensely. The fierce glare of his ruby hues sends a shiver down the thug's spine, as it should. It felt as if a dragon had descended and was ready to tear them limb from limb.
"H-Hey...! Don't forget we're the ones with the advantage! One wrong step and we pull-"
"I cast, Dragon Crush!!!"
Before the miserable Ghoul holding Mokuba can finish his sentence, Tasuku has already taken another one of the cards and seemingly activated it. A blue dragon manifests from the card and quickly bites the hands holding the guns of both Ghouls one after the other. The humans were unharmed but the same could not be said for their weapons. The guns broke and turned into scrap metal on the cold stone ground, the sight causing the two Ghouls holding the two boys to loosen their grips on them somewhat.
Quick to notice the opportunity for escape, both Gao and Mokuba land kicks on their foes that cause their grip to be fully released. They then run back towards Tasuku, all three of them standing back to back to ensure none of them would be snuck up on again. All of their hearts were racing, since they were not entirely out of the woods just yet.
"You little bratts...! Don't think we're done with you yet!" That's when the kids see all their enemies take out their guns, the size of them seemingly bigger than the small handguns the other two had. They were all pointed right at them, with the sounds indicating they were locked and loaded.
"'When you play with fire, you're gonna get burned'. Seems like it's time someone teaches you that lesson..."
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"Get down!!!"
Tasuku, dropping Dragobrave which makes it vanish into light particles, grabs the shoulders of the two boys and pulls them to the ground. The Star Pulsar flies in front of the eldest, so Tasuku can draw another card he can use here to hopefully end this little charade once and for all, since it's obvious they don't want to fight with cards anymore.
"I cast, Red Dragon Shield!!!"
Just as the bullets are fired, unrelenting in their assault, a card in Tasuku's hand manifests in the form of a giant red shield with a dragon's head on it. The shield is placed over the kids like a dome, protecting them from the blasts. However, that was not the only thing the shield did, for in the game it has another ability than just 'negating an attack'.
Once the bullets hit the shield, they reflect off of it and start heading in the direction of the Ghouls who had no type of protection. Their own dirty weapons, which they unleashed on mere children, were now being used against them, the opposite of what they intended. Some of the stray bullets hit the ground or the walls, causing minor damage. Others hit some of the Ghouls themselves in non-lethal wounds, and were starting to drop to the ground like flies. Served them right for what they did.
"Remember it well, you outlaws. This is the blade of justice that terminates evil!"
After the commotion dies down, the shield dissipates. Gao helps Mokuba stand to his feet, with the two watching over Tasuku who was now standing above their fallen enemies. They all, including the group's head, cowered before him, as if they were frightened animals. Ruby hues with nothing but contempt stared them down as he made his final statement.
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"What was it you were saying about 'playing with fire'? Seems like us 'bratts' just taught you guys that lesson." He then looks to the entire group of them, his anger-filled eyes being clear for all to see. "And just so we're clear. If you or your allies ever go after my friends again, you will regret it."
After his last words had been spoken, the Buddy Police Barrier finally dropped as several helicopters and police cars flooded the scene. The floating Core Gadget then turns off, as does Tasuku's powers, resulting in his physical appearance returning to normal. He then looks over at Gao, his expression having softened since talking to the criminals.
"Gao, get Mokuba out of here and somewhere safe. We'll take things from here."
"You got it, man." Gao nods, understanding his friend's wishes and agreeing it be for the best. "Thanks for saving our hinds."
"Yeah, thanks...We owe you one big time." Mokuba says just before the Buddy Cop starts walking off, which is when he then speaks again to interrupt that motion. "Tasuku, wait! I need to know how you did all that! How did you make the cards-
"It's better you don't know, Mokuba."
Tasuku stops and turns to face the pair again, his eyes conveying his conviction on this matter despite not being fully able to answer the other's questions. He did not exactly have the full information as to how this happened either, but he is certain Jack would be able to provide some answers. The dragon always seemed to have one at times like this.
"Gaming is supposed to be fun. I don't want that to change for the both of you. Besides, you two have been through enough for one day." He pauses then before continuing on, the two kids seemingly understanding they won't get an answer out of him. "Now, please, don't tell anyone what happened here today, and be on guard, especially you, Mokuba. I wouldn't be shocked if more of these Ghouls come after you."
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"I know. I'm going to try and find Seto as soon as possible! With him around, no one will dare try to mess with me!"
"Sounds good. Take care you two. I hope our next meeting will be under better circumstances."
With that done, the boys take their leave. Gao, as Tasuku instructed, guided the younger to the safest location he could think of: Kaiba Corp HQ. It is there that Isano greets Mokuba and his friend, with the VP introducing Gao to his brother's right-hand man for the first time. The Kaiba's broken cell phone was then the topic of conversation, with both boys making up a story of it being accidentally stepped on after having dropped it while in the street. It was enough to be convincing, and Mokuba is provided a new phone right then and there, much to Gao's shock.
Mokuba then bids farewell to his friend, saying they'll hang out sometime after the tournament is over. Gao nods and gives him a high-five before running out to make it in time for his mom's class, something he was reminded of by the woman on the phone. It isn't too long before Mokuba himself heads back out in the city, making sure to grab a snack along with a pocket tazer and pepper spray before heading out. He made sure to bring proper safety equipment this time, even if he was proud of being able to implement some of what he learned from his self-defense classes today.
What transpired that morning would be something the gamer wouldn't ever forget. How could he after how insane it was? Keeping this under wraps from his brother was going to be tough, but knowing about it would just worry him more. He had a tournament to focus on that they both worked so hard into organzizing. Who was he to ruin that right out of the gate?
However, that doesn't mean his mind isn't curious as to the nature of both Tasuku's new ability and why he saw his brother's likeness in him. They would be questions he'd eventually get the answers to, but for now, he vows to continue to do his best as the Battle City Committee Chairmen, a job his brother especially assigned for him and him alone to do.
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von-eldritch · 6 months
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"Feeling cute, might wrap my car around a streetlight later~"
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callings · 8 months
the funniest thing about genetic mental illness is finding out your siblings have a a lot of the same intrusive thoughts as you and debating whether or not it truly is a blood curse
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thechiton · 9 months
Was thinking about how frequently i get minor burns (i had fairly severe ones on my hand after i got in a car accident a year ago but they healed well and otherwise theyve all been cooking/hot instrument minor occurences, however its like one a week) and then i remembered how often i used to cut huge gashes in my hands as a child BUT the cause of this was that my dad would just give me his multitool to play with pretty often starting when i was three or four, which had knives and pliers in it. Usually he did this in places where I could not get immediate medical attention (backpacking) so I'm honestly lucky im not dead
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nosecondivelived · 9 months
tw sh but im in a good mood so it’s not that serious lol. lmao, even.
may the elder ones strike my father down for not leaving his shaving razors in easy reach of children. may good fathers be cursed everywhere
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