#selfie warning there is a nat here below
wri0thesley · 8 months
on my retro bullshit again
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29 notes · View notes
dawnoftime22 · 5 months
for the loss of my life.
| W.M -> N.R
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 11
Chapter Warnings: One swear word, overthinking.
Summary: Making yourself at home with someone else's heart but holding no communications of the love clear between you two, has a chance for consequences to happen. What will the outcome be if you speak up about it?
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 3.3k
Category: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
A/N: I hope you're all taking care of yourselves <3
Series Playlist
| Started on 07/05/2024, 2:02 PM |
| Finished on 11/05/2024, 10:53 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
"Run yourself in a circle, bury yourself a deeper hole, but it won't end unless you stop and take control."
Started with a kiss, oh, we must stop meeting like this!
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was an early day at Nat's place. You were hanging out in her room, taking a look through physical photos she's taken that had been retrieved from a dusty box, sitting under her bed, along with some cassettes.
Meanwhile, she was going through the photos on her digital camera and clearing some accidental takes. her lips raises up when sees the photo you had taken of her, the day you first came over to her apartment. She didn't ever delete the picture.
"Hey, you have any batteries?" You ask, gently breaking the comforting quietness that had overcome the two of you. She looks up, taking her gaze off the camera screen.
"Yeah, there should be some in the top drawer." She nods towards her chestdrawer, and you get up, going off to open the top one, inside holding a small pack of batteries.
You grab two, then slide them into the battery slot for the cassette player, making sure it was properly inside before closing it and turning back to her.
Her eyes watch you as you picked up a cassette tape, placing it inside to play it. You already had your headphones on your head and connected to the output.
With some faith and a miracle, the player works after you heard some white noise. You hoped it'll last that way.
Nat tilted her head, and peeks to see the wheels of the player spinning, a clear indication it was working. When you turn up the volume a little, she could hear the music coming out from the old headphones she kept.
Thank everything the dust hadn't gotten into the box. Although there was a dead black spider within it just earlier and you had jumped when you saw it. She took care of it though, after also making sure there wasn't anything else, especially things such as...spider eggs.
You nod your head to the music as you sat back down on the bed, your hand going back through the photos scattered in a pile atop each other and every now and then petting Liho, beside you. It was all indeed scenery, and no portraits, selfies, or even people at all.
A specific one that was a bright glow of a sunset with water reflecting its own beauty had caught your attention, your eyes focused on it before your hand reached out.
"This one's pretty," you said, holding it up before leaning closer to Nat and tilting it to show it to her. She looked at it, and her eyebrows raised.
"Oh, I took that one a while after I saw the orca." She pointed out, and you realize how familiar it did look. The grass below, the rocks just ahead. It was the same spot as the pictures and videos she had showed you before. You guessed she wanted a physical memory of it too.
"There should be a picture of the orca here somewhere, but I think the film got a leak..." She murmured with a tinge of sadness as her hand ruffled through the pictures slightly, some with dates on them and some having nothing.
"I love that you waited for the sunset," you said, still staring at the shot she took in your hand. The sun was a bright orange, nearly similar in color as her hair.
"Well, the view was too pretty not to." She looked at you. You were also too adorable for her to not further fall in love with you as she saw you admiring the photos she took. That's what she thought, but it was never said out loud.
Liho, was laying down and purring between the two of you. She was quiet, and unmoving, too comfortable to do anything else but sit with the two people she liked the most.
When Nat's eyes went down to the pictures closer to your crossed legs, she spots the photo that had the orca, although just barely visible through the orange light leak that covered nearly the entire photo.
"Here it is," she said, her hand carefully taking ahold of it to give to you. You gently grabbed it, rotating it when you realize she gave it to you in the opposite way.
You raised your eyebrows, taking in the picture. It took a few seconds, with some squinting, but you soon see the orca jumping from the water, although small. "I think it looks prettier with the light leak."
She hums, taking another look to the picture in your hand. You smiled softly, and her eyes flickered up to your lips for a small moment before she turns back to her camera.
You notice the way she goes back to her camera, almost as if she was distracting herself, but you hadn't seen the flicker in her eyes. Tilting your head, you check the cassette player for a bit before looking up at her.
"You wanna listen?" You asked with a soft gaze, taking off the headphones on your head and holding it out to her.
She raised an eyebrow, but took it from you, putting it on. "Sure." the music was already flowing through her ears. 'American Pie'. She remembered this album. It was what she had listened to whenever she was alone, in the car peacefully. But it was different with the headphones-- capturing more details she hadn't noticed. Or, maybe, she just hasn't listened to it in a while and had forgotten.
You smiled as you see her involuntarily moving her head to the song, her attention going to inspect the cassette player, either watching the wheels turning or putting the volume up.
Soon after, you finish looking at every photo and get out of bed, deciding to walk towards the bathroom, but was too close to the bed, causing you to accidentally hit your hand against the wooden bedframe, it making a loud sound echo through the room.
"Ow, fuck!" You winced and cursed, grimacing at the pain. Both Nat and Liho looks at you, shocked. You were focused on your stinging hand though, shaking the pain away. It took everything in you to not crumple up like a shrimp to the floor.
"Are you okay?" she asks quickly, her eyes filling with concern. But you nod repetitively, unwilling to admit it still hurt. Your other hand was firmly gripping your wrist, as if it would help.
"I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!" you say, most probably trying to convince yourself, too. She lets out a small laugh when she sees you wave her off and struggle as you moved to take a step forward.
"Sure you are. Come here." She says quietly, but you still heard her. You purse your lips and your eyes travel to her, but you follow nonetheless, two pair of eyes watching you.
"Which hand?" She asked gently, looking at your hands. You hesitate for a moment, but stepped closer, holding it out.
"Right." She grabs your hand and rubs her thumb on the skin slightly to where you held it, knowing thats where the pain is. She blows a little, as if you would magically take pain away from a child.
"There. Better." She says, and a red tint goes over your face. The redhead cheekily smiles. Just when she was about to pull her hand away from yours, the cat sitting in her lap had been looking at you two the whole time, and it decides to lean up, going up to your hand.
Both you and Nat watch curiously as to what it was doing. Liho's yellow eyes were focused before a paw gently lands on your wrist, her face going closer to lick on your skin, making the pain slowly go away even more. You chuckled, both at getting your skin tickled and the fact the cat tried to help ease the pain.
Then you see Nat's eyes travel to her cassette player, concern growing in her face as she heard some warbly music. She takes off the headphones, feeling uneasy at the sound.
"I think it's breaking." She said, looking at the headphones in her hands that you now heard the messed up music from. Pulling your hand away from the cat's face, your eyebrows furrowed as your attention moved to her.
"Why, what happened?" You check on the cassette player, seeing that it was slowing down or speeding up, changing its pace however much it wants.
Nat stops the player with a click and hands both items back to you. The feel of her skin brushing with yours glided over for a mere second, but you try to focus on the player in your hand. Changing its batteries after taking the tape out, rewinding or fast forwarding a bit. But nothing other than a broken noise.
You sighed softly, knowing you'll need to open it up to check its insides. "It probably needs a new belt..." You murmured, turning around while Nat blinked at you and tilted her head, probably unfamiliar with the workings of a portable player.
"It's what makes the wheels spin. I'll search for one," you explained, then left the player on the chestdrawer to deal with later before storing the tape and sitting down on the bed once more, helping her sort the pictures. Nat nods, leaning closer to show you some things on her digital camera.
|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
It was one of the many times once again, you were sitting in Natasha's apartment, and it was the beginning of something you were starting to get lost in.
The city bustles. Sounds of car tires, motorcycles revving, a nearby cat somewhere in an alleyway, and most of all, the birds chirping in the skies.
The wind was gentle as it glided against your skin, the chair you were sat in being a wooden one. You should get up from it. It was starting to make your body sore. But you couldn't help but stay, the balcony being peaceful.
Every thought in your head floated on by, with some sticking, being nothing but damaging. You still haven't gotten a belt yet for the cassette player. Kate's been just here and there, keeping a natural presence in your life. You haven't seen Wanda at all since. But your mind questioned if she was still waiting on you, lost too, or had moved on after your rejection.
A sigh leaves your mouth. To put a pause on all of it for however long you'd want would make you be able to relieve your body of any exhaustion it held. But would it really? Perhaps for a moment. Moving forward would have you release the things from before and have the opportunities to experience things in a better way.
And what about Nat...? You've been growing close, closer to going over the line you weren't sure you were ready to cross. And it seems like she wasn't either. The many touches you've shared, the months and months that held the many times you've visited her. And the kiss that you couldn't shake off...were you actually falling in love with her?
You shook your head, not wanting to even think about it. But you should. The longer you leave it be the more it could lead to torment and perhaps worser consequences. Problems don't fix themselves...most of the time.
Suddenly, you feel arms go around your waist, and you take a breath in, gasping softly in surprise, then turning your head to look behind you. The familiar touch was recognized soon enough, but seeing the redhead you cherished dearly makes you relax and lean back into her.
"I'm home." She said, resting her head on your shoulder as she gazed at you from behind, looking adorable. How can you not absolutely fall for this woman? You smiled softly, feeling your heart grow a little lighter, now that you weren't alone.
"Hi," you whispered, your hand gliding to your front to put over hers that was still on your waist. You hesitated on your next words, but the connection you felt with her urged you to. "I missed you."
Her eyes went to yours, but she didn't question it, replying back quietly, "I've missed you, too, любов." There it was again. You weren't imagining things when you had gotten drunk just a few days ago.
Wanda always said things in Russian, such as малыш (baby), but you've never heard of that word. Or maybe it wasn't Russian at all, and you were mixing up languages, but the accent made it lean towards being so.
You were going to ask her what it meant, but she spoke first. "You been okay?" She asks, her hands slipping off your waist as she pulls herself away from you and stood beside your standing figure. You watched her, seeing her gaze off to the view you've been staring off at the past hour.
"Yeah...I..." The words utter from your mouth quietly, then you licked your dry lips, diverting your own gaze. Should you tell her about the encounter you had a few days ago?
There was no harm in it, but your fingers fiddle with your pocket, the jean fabric rough against your skin before you slid your hand in the pockets. A sound of an ambulance siren sounded out distantly from the city, and you wait until it fades further away before talking.
"I saw Wanda a few days ago," You said, within a breath that could be counted as a sigh. At the mention of your ex's name, her eyes flash with surprise for a moment as she looks back to you, but she regains her composure fast enough.
Nat's head goes through her own thoughts, wondering if you meant intentionally or accidentally. Surely, accidentally. Or she hoped so. Why was she hoping so? She didn't know. Maybe simply because she was worried you'd fall into a dark hole, and not because her own heart was aiming for you...surely.
"Anything happen?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. The redhead also leaned on the balcony rails beside you, feeling the gentle wind. The sun was falling down, so the skies were colored with gentle hues of orange and purple.
You didn't say anything back for just a few seconds, staying quiet as you were lost in decision, your eyes focused on a space elsewhere that wasn't her own eyes. Her face soften when she notices, and her voice was somehow gentler. "...That you're comfortable of sharing?"
Your lips raise up in the smallest smile for a moment, the swell in your heart obvious due to her thought to care in such a way. But the smile slowly fades as you remembered the memory.
"She wanted to get back together..." You start. Already, Nat raised a brow, a frown on her face. The metal rails of the balcony was cold on your skin when you stepped forward to lean against it.
Your shoulders were tense. When you realized they were, you let them relax and fall down just slightly with a quiet breath. "I didn't want to though." You whispered.
"I just can't get it out of my head." She didn't really know what to say to anything of it, afraid to touch on the sensitive subject. For you, it did some small damage, your head possibly going overboard with its roaming thoughts.
You can tell she had hesitancy to respond, but you didn't mind. Who could ever come up with a reply to that anyway? But Nat was kind, that was for sure. She just has some walls you just can't yet break through. Yet, how caring she's been, and gentle...you almost couldn't help but feel you're not half as decent as her.
You inhaled. "...What if she was just too good for me?" The words were under your breath, your gaze distant as you watch the city lights turning on with the growing darkness of the skies. The shops had a glow to them, almost alluringly.
"What if I don't deserve any of it?" Your hands gently gripped the metal it was against, but it slowly loosened when you feel the cold going too much against your skin. Nat's breath gets caught in her throat at your sentence, and she kept her eyes on you.
"What do you mean?" She asked, her voice gentle as her concern grew. She knew exactly what you meant, but she hoped she just imagined it. You turned to look at her, worry deep in your eyes that had her heart clenching.
"This. You...anything good in my life." Your volume lowered to a slight murmur, your hands going to run down your face when you rested your elbows further on the rails.
"I mean-- I've...done some good things but so...many horrible things." You said slowly, and she analyzed your movements and words. She knows it herself. She's accused herself of such a thing too, having gone through the same thing your mind is going through.
"Y/N." When she says your name with a serious tone, everything stops, as if the world freezes along with your mind, and only she was the living thing beside you. She had put one of her hands on your shoulder nearest to her, making you look at her again.
"You deserve everything. Please, don't think any less." She shook her head lightly, honesty in her eyes. Your heart stutters at her words as you swallowed a lump in your throat.
"She didn't..." she trails off, thinking her words carefully. She was going to say Wanda didn't deserve such a love like yours, but it simply sounded...wrong.
"You deserve a love that makes you happy and...makes your world feel like sunshine or just...takes the weight off your shoulders after a long day." The redhead explained slowly, making sure you were hearing her. Really, she was speaking a description of you. Even if she wasn't trying.
She had gotten home, saw you in her apartment, and any heaviness in her body had lightened, even if just slightly, your presence did a great deal.
Nat took a moment, gathering her words. "And if you're not enough for her, then she's not enough for you," she gently added, but anxiety was creeping in her heart.
You processed her words, your heart surprisingly steady, but that may be the cause of her very own calm presence beside you. At least, on the outside. She was right. The situation of the brunette was basically done and over with. You had to focus on yourself. But now stood the question right next to you.
"...And what are we?" You asked slowly and quietly, looking up at her. Your eyes met her green ones, the ones that look like a forest, but inviting, soft, as if they'd keep you safe.
She searches your pupils, taking a deep breath as her eyebrows furrowed, trying to think it over. Her mouth opened to speak, but she only ended up taking another breath in.
"I don't know." She whispers. Sounds of birds were heard flying over in the distance. She was right there. She was so close. But she couldn't say it. Not yet, not just yet. The light and hope in your eyes dimmed, a breath slowly and quietly exhaling out your lips.
"Well, it's getting late," you said. You weren't really disappointed, more so just...sad. You pushed yourself back from the rails. She saw the words that was coming next, but she almost didn't want to hear it.
"I should...probably get back to my place." You whispered under your breath, turning around to face the entrance of the balcony, where you could see her familiar furnished apartment. She nods.
Steps were taken, shots in the dark had gone, the only thing left was to sit and think. But you were getting bored of doing such a thing. Just as you stepped a single foot inside again, she turns her body calmly.
"Text me," she said suddenly, her eyes hesitantly traveling to yours. You stopped in your tracks and looked at her from over your shoulder, a somber look in your eyes she could just barely make out.
"...When you get back home," she continued, her voice quiet, but it held care. Your shoulders went down. Your home was her, where her heart was. There was something else, but you couldn't quite reach to whatever it was.
"I will." The words left your mouth softly, but it seems no tears had pricked your eyes at all. Maybe it was because you couldn't seem to form any at all anymore, or was it the fact she even cared to know you arrived home safely?
Your steps were quiet as you went out the apartment, Liho meowing softly before you closed the door. You don't want her like a best friend. Or just someone you could love without anything connected. You wanted more.
And you wondered if she thought the same.
end of chapter 11. <3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 10 Final Chapter ->
to mend a broken heart is to restart.
"I don't truly deserve a love like yours." W.M
"She doesn't deserve a love like yours." N.R
"What if I...don't deserve anyone's love?" R.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @slutforabbyanderson @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @animealways @may-z3 @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @natsbiggestfan1 @fawnedolly @blacklightsposts @canvascoloredin @autorasexy @taliiiaasteria @wandanatlov3r @glorioushamsterqueen @shaniaauld03 @yvungmxshroom
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
The Perfect Play
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1,318
Summary: You and Bucky are part of the bridal party at Nat and Sam’s wedding, it’s been a busy couple of days leading up to it...Bucky started playing dirty so it’s time for payback. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the sexy prompt below from @buckys-henley Thank you and I hope you like it! Thank you all for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Fluffy fun, LOTS of teasing, light dirty talk, foul play in the best way, implied smut ;) AND BUCKY IN A BOW TIE! 
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Your phone dings with another text from Bucky, this time a goofy selfie with Sam in the background looking disgruntled. You can’t get over him in his tux, the bow tie sitting perfectly at the base of his long and muscular neck and his hair perfectly styled. “Fuck,” you breathe out.
Nat raises a perfectly arched brow, “you ok over there?” You look up, suddenly feeling too warm, “I’m fine, thanks, excited to see the boys.” She rolls her eyes but smiles, “ok ladies, let’s get this dress on.” You and Peggy successfully get Nat into her dress and she looks perfect. With one last check to everyone’s appearance you’re ushered out to the hallway, the first note of music making your heart skip a beat as you watch Peggy start walking.
When your turn comes you take a deep breath and place your heeled toe onto the runner, at first focusing on putting one foot in front of the other but then you lock eyes with Bucky and everything else melts away. Bucky’s tongue darts out to wet his lips as he gives you a once over, finally settling his heated gaze back on your face.
You make it up the small steps and stand in front of Peggy, dragging your eyes from Bucky to see Nat coming down the aisle toward Sam. It doesn’t last long, his stare like a blanket of heat over your body and when you look back his way he mouths, “you look incredible.” You smile and blow him a small kiss, letting your own eyes wander down his torso and long legs, hoping no one can see you squeeze your thighs together.
After the ceremony you’re pulled into a whirlwind of photos, greetings and smiles, only getting to talk to Bucky in some fleeting moments. You haven’t seen him for almost two whole days, having spent most of the day and night with Nat and the girls. Between his borderline sexting last night and this morning, you’re feeling some sort of way and decide it’s time for payback.
The photographer asks the wedding party to get together for some group shots and when you get yourself close to him he leans down to whisper, “I thought you weren’t supposed to look more beautiful than the bride.” You give him a coy smile, tracing your hand along his jaw and pretending to fix his bow tie. “Thanks baby, I do love this dress. And…” you pause, lightly brushing your lips to his, “it’s really comfortable, especially since I don’t have underwear on.”
You pull away and get into position, smiling smugly when you hear him groan next to you. They snap a bunch of photos and you have to split up again, throwing him a wave over your shoulder as you saunter off with an extra sway to your hips. Your phone buzzes in your small bag and you pull it out quickly, gasping at his words, ‘you better behave baby girl, or I’ll fuck that sassiness right out of you.’
Cocktail hour arrives and you’re famished so you fill a small plate with food and grab a glass of wine. Bucky slides up next to you, his own plate in hand, “hey beautiful.” You bring the glass to your lips, eyeing him over the rim while you take a sip, “hey handsome, I’m starved.” Grabbing a bite, you bring it to your mouth, moaning over the taste and tracing your tongue over your lips. “Delicious.”
Bucky’s eyes are dark as he watches you, “yea I bet.” He takes a bite of his own, some sauce dripping onto his chin. You take a finger and swipe if off, bringing it to your lips to suck it clean. “You’re asking for it aren’t you?” With another sip of wine, you shrug your shoulders and crowd him against the table. “Asking for what Buck?”
Your chest is pressed to his and your hand slips inside his tux jacket. His hand settles on your lower back and he lightly drags his fingers back and forth over your bare skin. Your fingertips dance along the waistband of his pants and you carefully press your hips into his crotch. Neither of you have said a word but you can feel the heat of his skin through the material of his tux, the front becoming tighter by the second.
He finally breaks the tension, “don’t tease me doll face, we have a long night ahead of us.” Thankful for your heels you kiss along his jaw to his lips, lingering for a moment in a soft touch, “mmm I’m looking forward to it.” With that, you catch Peggy’s attention and head in her direction, bending over to ‘fix’ the strap of your shoe. You twirl around with a smile, grinning wider when he discreetly adjusts himself in his pants.
The reception is in full swing and you’re seated with Steve, Peggy and the rest of the group. Your hand rests on Bucky’s thigh and you gently massage the thick muscle. His legs are spread wide under the table and you easily move your hand up and down his leg. As you slowly inch upward, Bucky closes his legs in a warning, but it doesn’t deter you, your hand already close enough to brush a finger over his crotch.
He sucks in a loud breath and you giggle into your glass. “You ok, Buck?” Steve asks, eyeing him warily. “Fine, I’m fine, thanks,” he mutters, grabbing your wrist. His cock throbs beneath your fingers and you shift closer to him, your voice husky, “are you having a good time baby?” He growls low, sending a shiver down your spine and it only fuels you on.
“I’m going to grab some more wine, anyone else want?” Pulling your hand free you walk to the bar and lean against it, getting the bartenders attention. Suddenly, Bucky’s large body presses against your back and you can feel how hard he is. “Do you see what you’re doing to me? I’ve been hard since you walked down the aisle.”
You softly suck on the skin of his neck, not caring if anyone sees, “I love it.” You turn your head to retrieve your drink and his lips close around the shell of your ear, “I know you do and you’re gonna love when I punish you for it even more.” With a wicked smile you rub your ass along the bulge in his pants and stroll back to the table.
With Peggy in tow you head to the bathroom to freshen up. When you return Bucky is standing at the far end of the hall talking with Clint. You make your way over and say hi, running your hand down Bucky’s chest, “what are you guys doing hiding over here?” Clint explains he needed a break from the Science Bros before leaving you two alone to get another drink.
You turn around in Bucky’s arms and bring your fingers to his lips, pushing them slowly open and watching his eyes widen when he tastes you. Sucking on them hard he closes his eyes, swirling his tongue around before releasing them with a moan. “Fucking hell, baby girl. You are in so much trouble.”
His fingers close around your wrist and he draws you into his chest, his lips devouring yours in a searing kiss. When you finally come up for air, he nips the swollen flesh, tracing over it with his tongue. Covering your body with his, he hides you from the wedding guests as his thick fingers part the silky fabric of your dress. He spreads your legs, collecting your arousal and circling your clit. Your head goes dizzy and falls to the crook of his neck, your breath hot on his skin. He abruptly pulls away and gives you one last scorching look before adjusting his bow tie and walking away.
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @buckys-minty-breath @bucky-on-my-mind @buckstaybucky @buckosawrus @breezy1415 @buckys-henley @chuuulip​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @imgaril-lindru​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @survivor-reborn​ @lookiamtrying​ @loricameback​ @lokilvrr​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @lorilane33​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
A Year in Reading: 2019 - Blue
So real life kind of kicked our asses in 2019 and we weren’t able to keep up with the monthly Mods’ Reads posts. We’ve gotten some questions about them and we still intend to keep them a thing, hopefully, in 2020. But for now, this will have to do. Below the cut is everything I’ve read in the past year:
(It’s a long list and I may have missed some things we try and warn for, so make sure to check tags and warnings on any fics that catch your eye <3)
Slainte mhaith by Speranza (oneshot | 1,180 | M)
Under the Bridges of Fame by alby_mangroves, notlucy (complete | 89,678 | E)
For better or for worse (usually worse), Steve Rogers has been the most famous guy in the room for a while. And though newsreels have given way to YouTube, people’s reactions haven’t changed much in seventy-some years. Steve’s become an expert at keeping his head down and getting on with his life.
A head-on collision on a busy street sends books flying and sweeps Steve off his feet. The point of impact has a name: James. A charming mess of long hair, thick glasses, and a crooked, not-quite-smile. If he recognizes Steve, he chooses not to comment, placing him firmly in Steve’s good graces.
As far as Steve can tell, they might be Bogie and Bacall all over again, save for the group of idiots with selfie sticks who surround them. But for once, the request isn’t for Steve.
Which begs the question: if James is James, then who the hell is Bucky?
So, You’ve Adopted a Fruit by Nejinee (complete | 17,769 | E)
Steve knows that Bucky’s trying his best to stay whole in this new modern world. Then Bucky finds a struggling little scraggly creature and decides immediately to wrap it up in his open heart and take it home. It’s a bit bizarre seeing a former assassin taking to something so small and helpless, but to Steve it all makes sense.
Part 1 of 2 lovestruck idiots and a dog
Sandy Cheeks by Nejinee (oneshot | 4,227 | T)
A day at the beach with Steve, Bucky and Blueberry.
Part 2 of 2 lovestruck idiots and a dog
The Job Between Here and There  by Pohadka (series, ongoing | 182,404 | M)
He might be free from HYDRA’s command and making his own life now, but James Buchanan Barnes is far more lost than he’d ever been before. Nothing matches the vague memories he’s recovered so far, and the world has progressed far beyond needing soldiers. To find out what he wants, and how to get it, he just needs a little… Leverage.
all systems snot by galwednesday, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt (oneshot | 2,962 | T)
They don’t let you suck dick in quarantine.
A Hatemance For The Ages by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (series, ongoing, restricted | 28,750 | E)
This is what happens when you find your soulmate… and instead of birds singing and roses blooming, you discover they’re an insufferable jerk. But an insufferable jerk that you low-key really want to bang, if nothing else because MAYBE THEN THEY WOULD SHUT UP.
Features the worst, most annoying iterations of Cap!Steve and Modern!Bucky. There is nothing these two wouldn’t do for each other… out of spite.
[A series of occasional short fics that I write when I just want snark and hate sex]
The Department of Special Collections by alby_mangroves, Speranza (oneshot | 4,867 | T)
It was a messy thing of leather and papers and rope. It looked like Phillips had carelessly thrown a bunch of documents onto an old piece of black leather and then rolled the whole thing up and tied it … The papers inside were all different sizes, everything out of order and haphazardly stacked, like someone had been in a hurry and just grabbed it all.
love is blind (steve and bucky are just dumb) by talkplaylove, wearing_tearing (oneshot | 4,409 | T)
“You shouldn’t have interrupted their date, then,” Natasha pipes up, finally showing her face as she gives Bucky a wave and a tiny smile. “I like the hair.”
“Thank you.” Bucky preens a little. He ignores the teasing about this being a date; Nat and Sam somehow got it into their heads that Steve and him were dating via Skype calls. They’re not. They’re just friends who video call sometimes. Friends do that.
Part 3 of Happy Steve Bingo
Part 1 of men with no plans
i love him and our goat children by talkplaylove, wearing_tearing (oneshot | 5,526 | T)
“Bucky, why does Sam have a photo of you surrounded by goats and the words “Always be happy with Jesus” on it?” Steve asks, looking at him on the screen.
Or the one where Steve and Bucky move in together, adopt some goat kids, and live happily ever after.
Part 2 of men with no plans
Part 4 of Happy Steve Bingo
Treasured by Dira Sudis (dsudis), Sealcat (complete | 24,609 | M)
When everyone in town became convinced that a dragon really had come again to the Old Lair, and that the town would have to offer it tribute, they all looked at Steve.
Honestly, he was relieved.
The Joy of Little Things by obsessivereader, Sealcat (complete | 29,744 | E)
"Do you want me to eat you?"
“No, but—” Steve broke off his instinctive response. All his life, he’d believed in doing what was right… he was not about to stop now. Wincing at the prickling pain in his feet, he straightened up to his full height. “Yes. If it means you’ll leave this place.”
"But you don’t look very filling." The tip of the dragon’s tail twitched. "I don’t suppose you’re a virgin?" he asked hopefully. "I’ve heard they taste better."
Steve gritted his teeth and refused to answer. The dragon could very well find that out for himself. He stared at the dragon. The dragon stared back. Then the dragon got up, turned around, and went back into his cave.
"Well? Come on, tribute."
or, how Steve ends up working for a dragon with a very odd sense of humor
It's A Funny Story... by perfect_plan (oneshot | 6,009 | M)
Bucky just had the most mind-blowing sex of his life with a handsome stranger and nothing can ruin his day. That is until he goes out to breakfast with his room mate to meet Sam's best friend who just moved to town.
total eclipse of the bark by Deisderium (oneshot | 2,627 | T)
Steve's first day at the flower shop, he walks into the break room to find an extremely large and muscular man having a breakdown because his dog is sick. Only an asshole wouldn't try to comfort that large and muscular man.
Karma's A Fake Orgasm by gracie137 (complete | 51,653 | E)
There’s another abandoned mug, festering with mould in the living room — Steve offically has the world's worst roommates. And complains about them. Often. Bucky, tired of his lack of action, decides it’s time to avenge Steve's sleepless nights and unsanitary conditions once and for all. They’ll pretend to be the world’s most annoying couple: excessive PDA, loud fake sex, and general repugnance. The plan sounds easy enough; it will be strictly platonic. Or will it?
Part 1 of Revenge Is Best Served Horny
A minor misunderstanding, solidarity, and reunion by owlet (oneshot | 2,456 | T)
Barnes should know better. Lidia should charge her phone.
Part 8 of Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail
Licence To Thrill by roe87 (oneshot | 4,153 | M)
James is a Russian spy, ordered to take down American agent Steve Rogers.
Steve is an American agent, ordered to take down Russian spy James.
But when they first meet, things take a different turn.
(Or, a spies meet cute)
You Can't Take the Sky from Me by LeisurelyPanda (oneshot | 6,259 | M)
Captain Bucky Barnes and his crew were flagged by an Alliance ship after innocently minding their own business during an illegal salvage operation. It's not Bucky's first scrape with the oppressive, bureaucratic Alliance military, and it won't be the last. However, most Alliance vessels don't send someone so... adorably susceptible to Bucky's charms to interrogate him.
Steve was conscripted into the Alliance at a young age. He's been around long enough to know that it's not what everyone said it was when he was conscripted. A dashing rogue in his interrogation room, however, offers what might be his only chance at escaping this life.
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year by stevergrsno (noxlunate) (oneshot | 5,186 | E)
“You should come over for a drink.” Christmas Stealing Hot Neighbor says instead of answering Steve’s very valid question.
“I really don’t think I should. Sounds like fraternizing with the enemy.” Steve says, even as he’s abandoning his tree and moving towards the gate.
“Look at is as a know thy enemy thing instead,” Christmas Stealing Hot Neighbor says before flashing Steve a smile and oh, oh no, Steve is screwed.
Aka Steve Rogers is competitive, Bucky Barnes is into his hot new neighbor, and Christmas Feelings ensue.
The New Super by gr8escap (oneshot | 3,001 | T)
Steve Rogers is trying to get comfortable in his almost affordable apartment and the New Superintendent of the building is a cruel distraction.
Part 6 of Happy Steve Rogers - [Bingo]
10-94* by gravesecret, softcorehippos (complete | 38,817 | E) *graphic violence
Late at night, when the city sleeps, they race.
Bucky Barnes owns a garage and race for pinks, Steve Rogers is an FBI Agent with a lot of people to prove wrong.
Destiny Knows Better by Polska_1999 (oneshot | 4,251 | T)
When Steve woke up after the ice with a new soulmark, and one that offended him no less, he made it his personal promise to hate the person that the universe chose to replace Bucky. Shame that the universe didn’t quite get the memo.
Part 9 of Sprint Towards Blackout (Happy Steve Bingo 2018)
Sergeant Hot Pants by cleo4u2 (oneshot | 11,798 | E)
When Sergeant Bucky Barnes is assigned to temporarily take over for Maria Hill, Steve can't quite keep his shit together. Not around Bucky, who is the hottest Alpha Steve's ever seen.
Lessons Are So Cold by herecomesbucktofuckshitup (complete | 57,575 | E)
Steve knows that he's small. He knows that someone has to go undercover at the local high school, and he knows that he was the right person for the job. He just wishes he wasn't. And Steve really really wishes that the cute boy he'd hooked up with the night before his mission hadn't turned out to one of his teachers.
Patience by cleo4u2 (oneshot | 5,073 | M)
You should never Google yourself. Steve knows that, he's been out of the ice for over a year, but he just can't help himself. After finding a gorgeous, sexy brunette thirst tweeting about calling him Daddy, he can't help himself from responding, either.
We Are The Lucky Ones by blithelybonny (oneshot | 28,563 | E)
The Soldiers will be drift compatible -- of that, there is no question. They were bred for perfect synchronicity; two halves of one whole, one mind in two perfect bodies.
But they cannot be allowed to remember. The drift may be catastrophic.
Seashore by Speranza (oneshot | 505 | not rated)
No Kind of Life by Speranza (oneshot | 1,995 | not rated)
"You know I have to do everything the hard way, Buck. It’s the fundamental fact of my nature.”
The Gentleness That Comes* by doctormccoy (oneshot | 8,566 | M) *sex work
Steve Rogers never really views the things he had to do to get by before the War with any sort of shame or embarrassment. People ask him for his opinions on modern issues in interviews, but Steve has gotten good at talking around those types of questions. Fury insists that there's no way to answer them without casting a shadow of controversy across the reputation of the Avengers, and that's the last thing Steve wants.
But then a sex tape is released featuring Tony Stark in bed with another man, and Steve can't stay quiet any longer.
Expressive Force by Avaaricious (oneshot | 3,795 | T)
AKA the "You punched me in the face while gesticulating wildly to a friend" AU
Part 1 of Meet-Ugly
Bite Your Tongue by Avaaricious (complete | 34,193 | T)
AKA the "I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I'm going to stuff it down your throat" AU
Part 2 of Meet-Ugly
Misdemeanor by Avaaricious (complete | 9,140 | G)
Based off this tumblr post by peterssquill:
Some cop, unlucky enough to pull over Captain America of all people: Sir um could I see ur... uh... license?
Steve Rogers someone who never bothered to get one: ....no
Part 6 of Meet-Ugly
P.O.W. by Avaaricious (oneshot | 20,420 | T)
AKA the "You're strapped to a table in a lab and I've come to rescue you, but you think you're hallucinating and kiss me" AU
Part 5 of Meet-Ugly
Part 1 of Fixed Points
The New Super by gr8escap (oneshot | 3,001 | T)
Steve Rogers is trying to get comfortable in his almost affordable apartment and the New Superintendent of the building is a cruel distraction.
Part 6 of Happy Steve Rogers - [Bingo]
Seashore by Speranza (oneshot | 505 | not rated)
Fan the Flame by Avaaricious (WIP | 253,880 | M)
AKA the "I thought you were a dude-bro and meant to swipe left on Tinder but I slipped. We matched and now I'm stuck talking to you" AU
Part 4 of Meet-Ugly
Heckin' Chunker for Love by canistakahari (oneshot | 2,708 | T)
On the inside of the big floor to ceiling window of the office across the street, someone has used Post-it Notes to spell out a message:
W H A T I S Y O U R C A T ’ S N A M E ?
Like Playing With Fire by GoldBlooded, LeisurelyPanda, wilfling (complete | 33,567 | E)
James is heir to his family's business, brought over from Mother Russia by his great-grandfather in 1917. In 1918, an Irish organization also moved to Brooklyn, a little too close for comfort. They've been rivals for over a hundred years, and it can get pretty stressful. Sometimes James needs to blow off some steam, and if a handsome stranger named Grant wants to do the same, James certainly isn’t going to say no.
Steve, heir to the Irish family, has never met James Barnes. But they all know that he's an arrogant, dangerous enemy without honor, as evidenced by the way the Russians are crossing lines again. On the way to a 'meeting' between the two families, Steve doesn't spare his counterpart a single thought... because his head is swimming with a man named Bucky and the earth-shattering night they've just spent together.
How will Steve and James cope when they find out they're sworn blood enemies? What happens when the 'meeting' is sabotaged by an unknown third party? Will the Irish and Russians be able to look past ancient, ingrained hurts for the sake of survival? More importantly, will Steve and James be able to ignore the ever-growing attraction between them?
I’m a Sucker for a Wild Boy by jinlinli (complete | 9,897 | T)
Steve is a vampire who’s never met a werewolf in his life before. Bucky is a werewolf who doesn’t even know vampires exist. Naturally, neck biting means two very different things to them.
In which Steve goes for a midnight snack and accidentally gets himself werewolf married.
The Very Heart of It* by merryofsoul (restricted, oneshot | 17,743 | M) *graphic violence
In which Captain America adopts a dog from Bucky and they become friends — and then more.
A Piece of Silly Affection by Reccea (restricted, oneshot | 11,687 | E)
Steve looked good, He looked hale and hearty and uninjured in his leather jacket, too-tight shirt, and jeans. He got off the motorcycle and his movements were graceful and fluid - no obvious signs of injury. He took off his helmet and --
Steve had a beard.
Bucky’s mechanical hand spasmed oddly.
Life of the Party by AggressiveWhenStartled (complete | 21,689 | E)
“You know, kids,” Steve heard from the backyard, “one of the most common threats a superhero has to face is inside an active volcano! We’re going to have to work on your evasion skills, so for the next five minutes, the floor is lava!” This was met by a sudden spike in both volume and pitch from the small children as they scrambled onto every raised surface they could find and immediately launched themselves right back off.
“I’ve never seen actual lava in my entire life,” Steve said, vaguely offended.
“You got a superhero impersonator for The Falcon’s niece’s birthday party,” Sam said, incredulous. “The Falcon, who is an actual superhero.”
#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled (Senforza) (oneshot | 4,127 | T)
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “...Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
Bad Moon Rising by spacebuck (complete | 57,533 | E)
Bucky Barnes is a lot of things:
- a nurse - the owner of a dorky dog that's too big for his own good - a lot older than he looks (by a lot more than you’d guess) - one of the last born-werewolves of his generation (namely due to point number one)
He's also one of the most powerful werewolves in New York City, not that he uses that power for more than keeping up with his work and playing with his dog.
But, when the once-in-two-hundred-years lunar event known to wolves as the Triple Moon comes along, Bucky's more than a little peeved to get to Central Park to find cloud cover blocking the majority of the power the moon is supposed to be giving him.
And then he finds an unconscious man in a clearing.
He doesn't connect the two, though in retrospect he should have - witches are sneakier than they appear.
much tattoo about nothing by Deisderium (oneshot | 14,579 | E)
Steve Rogers gets a lot of email requests, but never one like this: James Barnes wants to use his healing factor to practice tattoos.
Turns out tattoos give Steve boners.
My Arms Were Made To Hold You by portraitofemmy, rainbow_marbles (oneshot | 55,101 | E)
Tired of being kept awake at night by a screaming baby, Bucky decides to take matters into his own hands. Mostly he wants a good night's sleep, but what he gets is a beautiful baby boy with big blue eyes, a lonely father trying to move on from tragedy, and a chance at a family he never expected to have.
Part 1 of Never Let You Go
Coming Up Aces by greenbergsays (oneshot | 1,771 | E)
Bucky Barnes is a charismatic, flirty asexual man that lives with his awkward pansexual best friend, Steve Rogers.
Part 7 of Tumblr Ficlets
Don't Let the Tide Come and Wash Us Away by alittlewicked, hey_you_with_the_face (oneshot | 10,039 | E)
There was a man standing in the shop. A man with Steve’s leather jacket wrapped tight around him – or at least a jacket that looked like his seal skin.
A really beautiful, young man with a strong build and broad shoulders was standing in the doorway. His wispy brown hair framing an expressive face with beautiful pouty lips, an adorably cleft chin, and steel grey eyes that remembered Steve of the stormy seas of Ireland, of his ancestors’ home.
Steve was unabashedly staring (sue him, it was his shop).
Or: the one where Steve, the selkie with a coffee shop like they wished they had at 2 Broke Girls, gets accidentally selkie-married to Bucky, the dryad who just came back from an extended tree time, and they are both just idiots in love at first sight.
The Roommate by layersofart (layersofsilence), Niitza (complete | 28,632 | T)
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
Make My Wish Come True (all i want for christmas is you) by chicklette (complete | 27,516 | M)
Steve's spent his whole life pining for Bucky Barnes. Why should this year be any different?
A Holiday fic that begins on New Year's Eve and wraps up on Christmas Day.
Cause & Effect by Avaaricious (complete | 25,810 | T)
When Bucky falls from the train in the Alps, Steve will do whatever it takes to mount a rescue mission, consequences be damned.
One possible outcome continued from my fic P.O.W.
Part 2 of Fixed Points
And So It Goes by Avaaricious (oneshot | 9,267 | not rated)
Life goes on for Steve and Bucky as they enter a new century, but there are fixed points in the universe; things that are destined to play out a certain way no matter what.
Part 3 of Fixed Points
come as you are by silentwalrus (WIP | 10,897 | E)
Steve comes back to the States. He pursues truth, justice and the American way. Bucky comes back too. He pursues inebriation and intercourse.
Part 3 of Bucky Barnes Gets His Groove Back & Other International Incidents
Just This Once (The Everybody Lives Remix) by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (oneshot | 6,808 | T)
A way it could have happened.
Ain’t Gotta Hide This Heart of Mine by yourekindof_weird (oneshot | 3,882 | G)
“Uh, so listen, Steve,” Rebecca says. She seems nervous now and she’s biting her lip, “I don’t want to, uh, come across as rude or anything, but I don’t think a relationship between us would work out,” Rebecca fiddles with the straw wrapper from her cranberry juice, “Mr. Stark sort of sprung this on me and I agreed because I was sort of startled,” she makes eye contact with him, “but I’m actually pretty gay, so…” Steve can’t stop the sigh of relief that makes its way out of his mouth. ... Steve has been dating Bucky Barnes, an ER nurse, for over a year. None of the Avengers (excluding Sam) know about this. It leads to the Avengers (mainly Tony) trying to set Steve up on dates.
Kiss Me Once Again by ShowMeAHero (oneshot | 1,171 | T)
Steve’s quiet for a moment, then says, “I’m sorry, Buck.”
“Why?” Bucky says. “It’s been half a minute for me.”
Blood Is Thicker Than Carpet Cleaner by Alexicon (oneshot | 5,872 | T)
Just because it had been a joke didn’t mean it was a bad idea. Steve opened the phone book to the business section and searched fruitlessly for the right entries for about six minutes until he finally came across ‘Cl’ by sheer luck when a few pages stuck together as he turned them.
For some reason, his eyes were immediately drawn to a small, bleak ad in the corner, with only a few words, a phone number, and a thin black border.
The ad’s content:
“Winter’s Cleaning Services. Fees paid half up front. Specializes in blood removal.”
Well. That was. Specific.
Steve Rogers is Captain America, a superhero. Bucky Barnes is the Winter Soldier, an assassin. Steve needs someone to clean his apartment. Bucky shows up to a meeting with a potential client. Neither of them got quite what they expected.
Part 7 of marvel works
before we can breathe easy by belovedmuerto (oneshot | 22,052 | T)
No one touches Steve.
Bucky sets out to do something about that
Check, Mate? by talkplaylove-art (talkplaylove), wearing_tearing (oneshot | 1,938 | T) (reread)
A notification from Check, Mate? blinks back at him. Steve’s heart speeds up when he opens the app and then his face breaks into a blinding grin when sees what’s waiting for him.
James likes him back.
Part 1 of endgame
Part 5 of Happy Steve Bingo
Check, Mate! by talkplaylove, wearing_tearing (oneshot | 13,097 | E)
Bucky gasps and stares down at his crotch, sex-addled brain making it harder for him to focus on what the fuck is going on. Steve himself takes a second to realize what the fuck just happened, but when he does, well.
“Did you just fuckin’ knot me?” Steve asks, eyes wide and voice loud with shock.
Or the one where Steve and Bucky meet on a dating app, and everything happens way faster than anyone expects.
Part 2 of endgame
You Will Meet a Stranger by spitandvinegar (restricted, oneshot | 3,061 | M) (reread)
When the mask falls off Steve recoils.
He'll never forgive himself.
Idioglossia by hotelmichelle (oneshot | 20,434 | M)
“James and Steve. If I have to tell you one more time to stop talking, you will be separated. Do you understand?”
Bucky stares up at Mrs. Wheatley with the face that gets him out of trouble when his ma is in a good mood. Steve becomes suddenly fascinated with his correction work. It would have been convincing enough, if their papers weren’t blank.
Or: Steve and Bucky make up a secret language
Part 1 of secret language 'verse
My Arms Were Made To Hold You by portraitofemmy, rainbow_marbles (oneshot | 55,101 | E)
Tired of being kept awake at night by a screaming baby, Bucky decides to take matters into his own hands. Mostly he wants a good night's sleep, but what he gets is a beautiful baby boy with big blue eyes, a lonely father trying to move on from tragedy, and a chance at a family he never expected to have.
Part 1 of Never Let You Go
Don't Let the Tide Come and Wash Us Away by alittlewicked, hey_you_with_the_face (oneshot | 10,039 | E)
There was a man standing in the shop. A man with Steve’s leather jacket wrapped tight around him – or at least a jacket that looked like his seal skin.
A really beautiful, young man with a strong build and broad shoulders was standing in the doorway. His wispy brown hair framing an expressive face with beautiful pouty lips, an adorably cleft chin, and steel grey eyes that remembered Steve of the stormy seas of Ireland, of his ancestors’ home.
Steve was unabashedly staring (sue him, it was his shop).
Or: the one where Steve, the selkie with a coffee shop like they wished they had at 2 Broke Girls, gets accidentally selkie-married to Bucky, the dryad who just came back from an extended tree time, and they are both just idiots in love at first sight.
Super Soak That Ho by silentwalrus (oneshot | 1,434 | T)
It all starts with them going to a movie. “Let’s see this one,” Steve says, pointing to the listing for ARRANGERS: RAGE OF MEGATRON. “It’s supposed to be based on a true story.”
“Fine,” Bucky says. They go to the movies.
This is crack, guys. Expect no redeeming features here.
liquid measure by silentwalrus (oneshot | 2,594 | M)
Just a normal domestic afternoon with two supersoldiers.
sneeze disease by silentwalrus (oneshot | 5,540 | M)
Bucky starts to believe in a vengeful god on May the twelfth, year of our Lord two thousand and fucking eighteen, because that’s the day he makes fun of Clint Barton for carrying around a dainty little packetful of tissues in his pocket and honking into them like a congested donkey every fifteen minutes. “Fucking polleb,” Clint swears, wiping at his watering eyes. “Fucking claritin. Fucking zyrtec. Fucking bastards, all of dem.”
“What’s happened to your pokeymen now?” Bucky asks distractedly, not looking away from where Natasha is very slowly setting the last Joker on her vast, exquisitely balanced house of cards.
“Dat’s not - dey’re not pokémon,” Clint says, aggrieved. “Dey’re drugs. And dey don’t work for me.”
couples therapy by silentwalrus, skellerbvvt (series, ongoing | 19,275 | E)
“You can be rougher,” Bucky says. “If you want.”
They’re about four minutes post orgasm and Steve is still trying to figure out where his legs are. “Muh?”
snackfic by galwednesday, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt (series, ongoing | 12,300 | G-T)
Convenience series for my off the cuff ficlets, largely unrelated to each other or my other works unless stated otherwise
death of an artist by silentwalrus (oneshot | 2,237 | G)
our intrepid heroes take a day trip to sunny, idyllic Giverny.
ain't really quaint by quietnight, silentwalrus (complete | 44,045 | M)
Natasha stops by on a Tuesday, early enough in the morning that it would have been late by Steve’s old standards. Now, though, it takes him nearly three minutes just to limp to the door, yawning, and when he opens it he has to lean heavily on the doorframe.
“Hi,” Natasha says, over the beginnings of birdsong. She’s not alone. “Can we come in?”
Part 1 of farm hell
You Sure Are Looking Good by Defiler_Wyrm, the_genderman (oneshot | 7,002 | E)
When your boyfriend’s a werewolf, some roleplay scenarios just fall into place so naturally. Bucky’s got some fancy lingerie, a danger kink, and a Red Riding Hood roleplay brewing up. Steve’s ready, willing, and eager to play his Big Bad Wolf.
at first chance i'd take the bed warmed by the body by spacebuck (oneshot | 8,238 | E)
This close, Steve can see exactly how beautiful his hands are. He’s never really noticed before, or at least he’s never really had a reason to notice, but the man’s hands are large, tanned like he works outside all day. There’s an endearing callus on the heel of one of his palms, and Steve can’t quite work out when calluses became endearing.
Steve pauses the video. Swallows hard. Casts his eyes around for anything that’ll keep his mind off the hands on his screen, off the words inked into those hands, the delicate shape of a bird’s wing, the curling edge of a vine.
He looks down. The name of the channel is right there, blaring the man’s name right into Steve’s brain until it feels like he’s known it all along.
Bucky Barnes.
OR: the one where Bucky's a youtuber who solves puzzles on camera, and steve's smitten and horny
Chlorophyll by Plumcot (series, ongoing | 19,095 | T)
Steve Rogers doesn't have time for your fancy relaxation. He doesn't have time for your comfy pillows, or your body wash, or your chamomile tea that tastes like plant matter with a side of "why". Steve Rogers only wants one thing in life; to work until the end of days, because at least then he can say he didn't waste his time on Earth doing nothing.
Bucky Barnes has flowers in his hair and chlorophyll in his skin, and he doesn't have time to be stressed. Why would he, when there's rain to dance in, sun to bask in, and philodendrons to talk to? So he is, understandably, very worried about his (sadly) human neighbor who wouldn't stop and smell the roses if he faceplanted in a flower bed. Obviously something must be done.
Steve isn't all that happy when a green-skinned stranger shows up at his door and tries to give him a plant.
get it together by silentwalrus (oneshot | 2,089 | T)
“You wanna go out?”
Boeuf Mystère by galwednesday (oneshot | 1,230 | T)
“Quick question,” Bucky said.
Steve looked up, but didn’t stop moving passports and stacks of cash into a nondescript blue duffel, his mind busily ticking through logistics. He’d grab the glock taped behind the hidden drawer in the desk on their way out, and they could buy new clothes once they got across the border into neutral territory, so they didn’t need much else, apart from whatever Bucky wanted to bring. One duffle should be enough. “Yeah, honey?”
“What the fuck.”
Part 12 of Tumblr ficlets 2018
Part 1 of Steakout au Poivre
The Sins of Our Fathers* by inflomora, noirhound (complete | 33,943 | M) *graphic violence
His family called him Bucky.
The arenas in Athens called him the Winter Soldier.
The Spartan Brotherhood calls him Iakov. He defends the light from the dark that once coursed through his veins.
When the location of the Tesseract—a powerful Piece of Eden—is made known to the Brotherhood by a pair of Assassins from Athens, it is up to Iakov and his men to secure it before the Order of Hydra does, and it will take the cooperation of both Bureaus to succeed. His job is not made easier when he finds himself falling for his commanding officer, a certain blond Athenian Assassin who hides a powerful secret.
But they are not the only ones after the Tesseract. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, a dangerous enemy looming unseen over their shoulders, and nobody left to trust, they must find and bring the Tesseract to Athens before it falls into the wrong hands—that is, if they manage to survive the trip.
Part 1 of Death is A Debt (We All Must Pay)
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (complete | 51,540 | E)
The beginnings of a plan took shape in Steve’s mind, as clear and simple as a tactical frontal assault. He’d prove to Bucky that this was it, he was staying: Steve was retired from the fighting game, Steve wasn’t going to let anything keep pulling them apart. Maybe then when Steve finally told him he loved him, Bucky would believe him.
All things considered, Steve thought he’d handled the whole Thanos killing half the universe thing and the ensuing bitter, desperate quest to defeat him pretty well. Sacrificing his super soldier serum to use one of the Infinity Stones wasn't a problem either, not when it meant getting back the half of the universe they'd lost, and especially not when it meant getting Bucky back. But retirement and finally confessing his feelings for Bucky? Those were proving to be more challenging.
can't hardly weight by stevergrsno (noxlunate) (oneshot | 3,760 | T)
When Steve Rogers woke up in the future he was given a phone and shown how to use social media.
Well, no, in all actuality he was given a two week crash course entitled The Future And You, a six hour sensitivity course, a brand new id, and a credit card.
In which Steve gets a crush on an instagram gym thot and laments over it a lot to the intern stuck with him.
The Art Of Cooking For Two by littleblackfox (complete | 92,761 | M) (reread)
“Any questions?” “Uh. What the fuck am I doing here?” Bucky offers.
I just met you (and this is crazy) by littlesystems (complete | 41,784 | E)
After Steve gets outed by a grainy cell phone picture, it takes the media less than 24 hours to discover Captain America’s secret relationship with James Barnes: classical musician, teen heartthrob, and son of a former president.
The only problem? Steve has never met James Barnes in his life.
Part 1 of I just met you (and extras)
All of Your Love is Sunlight by canistakahari, WarlockInTraining (complete | 22,657 | E)
Sometimes the path to happiness involves bad timing turned good, a butt plant, and a little everyday magic. For Steve and Bucky, it's all that and more.
Dirty Pics by lillupon (oneshot | 3,117 | M)
There’s this one guy Bucky slept with three months ago who still sends pics of his ass whenever Bucky asks. What can he say? Grant’s got an ass that just won’t quit.
Hey, Asshole! A New York City Love story by bunnymaccool (oneshot | 14,818 | T)
Bucky's running late for the bus and he's stuck in line behind some ridiculous shoulder to waist ratio bastard who's too busy flirting with the baristas to get his frickin' order in. After he tells the dude off, completely in his rights he feels, the damn oversized puppy-faced ass keeps following him around and trying to apologize. And okay, dude is hot like burnin', but Bucky just doesn't have the time or patience for soothing the wounded ego of some gymrat wannabe with an obsession for dressing like he's hiding from the mob and .... why are you laughing, Sam?
Part 1 of New York City Assholes
Snapshots by layersofart (layersofsilence), newsbypostcard (oneshot | 18,579 | M)
Steve picks up the picture to be sure of what he saw, but there's been no mistake. "It doesn't even have a Navy stamp," he says, turning the photo toward her. "What is this?"
"Are you asking me?"
"It looks like a pin-up."
"Yes," Natasha agrees. "It does."
Post TWS: Steve is trying to find Bucky. Instead, he finds the sexy Navy "propaganda" Bucky somehow never mentioned he modeled for before the war.
I Wished On The Moon For You by stevergrsno (noxlunate) (oneshot | 14,581 | T)
“Holy shit,” Sam says, and then delighted, “Holy shit. You look like my nana’s dog. This is incredible.”
“Yeah, funny that, when they gave him the serum it only really worked on the human bits.” Bucky, whose reaction to Sam thus far has been standoffish at best, and like a wolf whose territory has been invaded at worst, sounds amused, the asshole.
Steve growls a little.
Or rather: A story in which Steve Rogers is the littlest werewolf who could and Bucky Barnes comes in from the cold and makes him his home.
Love in a Time of War by cleo4u2, cobaltmoony (complete | 20,775 | G)
James Barnes is a world renowned opera singer who has dreamed of performing in an opera composed by Steve Rogers. When his dream finally comes true, he quickly regrets what he’s always wished for. But while Steve can’t stand James, Bucky can’t stop wishing they could have some kind of future together. Will Steve realize he’s wrong about Bucky? Or is the damage from their first meeting too much to overcome?
Brooklyn by togina (oneshot | 8,749 | T)
"Captain America, what's your stance on gay marriage?"
Everyone knows that, by now. Everyone but Bucky.
I [Heart] You by writeonclara (oneshot | 1,138 | G)
“Steve’s been hit with a curse,” Natasha said. She said it calmly, so Bucky didn’t immediately go flying out of the apartment to tear apart the Tower in search of Steve. Then again, Natasha would probably be calm if New York City spontaneously burst into flames. He lowered the coffee pot and squinted at her.
“Of course he has,” he said. He felt, abruptly, exhausted. “What is it?”
“The witch kept ranting about sexual repression and archaic moral principles,” she continued blithely.
“It’s not like you to prevaricate, Romanov.”
Natasha pressed her lips together. For a moment, Bucky thought she might start laughing. “It might be easier just to show you.”
OR: Steve’s been hit with a rather telling curse.
Ruff Day by ellebeesknees (umetnica), emptydistractions (complete | 20,570 | M)
Bucky's life is a mess: The US government's been breathing down his neck ever since his trial, the Avengers are a constant pain in his ass, and putting his brain back together hasn't exactly been a walk in the park. This wasn't exactly what he had in mind when he fled Hydra.
He's doing okay, but what he doesn't need is any extra stress. And what he definitely doesn't need is for Steve to tangle with an amateur sorcerer and end up a massive, overly friendly, eighty-pound, shedding, slobbering dog. That Bucky's now responsbile for. For the foreseeable future.
But hey, silver lining. At least now Steve can't talk him to death.
This Side by brideofquiet (restricted, complete | 35,321 | T)
Bucky Barnes restores antiques for a living. Steve Rogers saves the world. Bucky has no reason to believe their paths will ever cross, right up until they do.
Or: the Notting Hill AU.
Behold, a Man by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (oneshot | 9,296 | T)
At sunrise tomorrow, Bucky knew he was going to turn into a rooster. He wasn't sure if it was better or worse knowing it was coming. What he did know was that it didn't matter where he slept: his room, Steve's room, Stark's lab—it was going to happen. The curse of the were-cock had struck and there was no escaping. As the elevator carried them back down to their floor, he started chuckling.
Steve gave him a look of concern.
Bucky waved it away. "Just thinking. Curse of the Were-cock'd probably make a lousy movie."
Steve snorted, then said thoughtfully, "I don't know. Maybe it depends on what sort of movie you're making."
Rusted Gate by hafital (oneshot | 19,677 | E)
How many times has he replayed this scene? The young private, the forest path, the rusted gate. Steve and him. This last chance to tell him. He knows what’s about to happen. Why can’t he tell him? How many times has he tried to change how it ends? Maybe this time, he can get it right.
Honestly, Fuck Brooklyn by stfustucky (iwillpaintasongforlou) (oneshot | 8,243 | E)
So, aliens are attacking and have shredded Brooklyn to smithereens, which pretty much makes it a typical Tuesday afternoon in New York. Bucky Barnes, long time Brooklyn resident, has Been There and Done That. What's less typical is the redhead who breaks into his apartment to rescue him, the underground bunker he's stashed in, and the sudden appearance of masked superhero Captain America kissing Bucky breathless and calling him baby. Good thing Bucky knows how to throw a punch.
((Or, the one where it takes yet another apocalypse for the somewhat oblivious Bucky Barnes to figure out that his dorky artist boyfriend Steve is actually Captain Goddamned America. Whoops.))
I saw you there, I saw you then by cleo4u2, xantissa (oneshot | 19,320 | E)
An accidental slide of a thumb brings Steve and Bucky back together.
Art Nouveau by voluptuous_panic (oneshot | 12,246 | E)
Steve's on the worst date of his life. At least the bartender's cute.
No One Wants Your Opinion by thepinupchemist (oneshot | 5,600 | E)
Wherein Bucky loves to cuddle Steve Rogers, Steve comes out on national television for the sole purpose of spiting conservative politicians, Tony sees things he wishes he hadn't, and Pepper doesn't know why she even bothers.
Honey Honey*  by justanotherStonyfan (series, ongoing | 544,594 | E) */others, past but explicit
The kid is maybe, oh, twenty years younger than him? Clean-shaven, and looking out of the corner of his eye at Steve in the same way Steve feels he must be looking at the kid – i.e., like he wants to do any number of unmentionable things to him.
Because boy does Steve ever want to do unspeakable things to this kid.
AKA, the Accidental Sugardaddy!Steve AU I always wanted.
Through The Woods by alby_mangroves, VenusMonstrosa (complete | 64,082 | E)
There’s a legend in Mansewood, nearly as old as the town itself, about a pack of werewolves that once lived in the forest. They say only one survives; a monstrous and snarling beast with fur like a blizzard and fangs the size of daggers. They say it guards the lands and all creatures in it, and no hunter has faced it and lived to tell the tale.
Steve doesn’t care about any of that. He only wants to know if it prefers T-Bone or ribeye, and would it please stop tracking dirt through his house? He just mopped the floor.
Part 1 of Through The Woods
streamlined by nickel710 (series, ongoing | 56,248 | G-M)
In which Bucky Barnes, Iraq war veteran and bicycle enthusiast, streams Overwatch on the side for fun under the handle President15, and one day his friend-of-a-friend FalconKnight introduces a new player to the crew, THECapRogers. It would be totally absurd for the actual Captain America to hang out in his stream and argue about baseball, right? ...right?
BuckRogers vs. the Internet by galwednesday (series, complete | 5,642 | T-M)
“Remember what I said about internet trolls?”
“Don’t feed the trolls.”
“Exactly. Did I not say the same thing to Barnes?” Tony asked rhetorically. “Were those not my exact words? I could have sworn they were, and yet.”
“Bucky’s feeding the trolls?”
“He’s throwing a goddamn seven-course troll banquet. Every time someone on Twitter asks if your relationship announcement is real, he replies. Colorfully.”
Steve opened his mouth to ask what “colorfully” meant, then caught the gleam in Tony’s eye and put two and two together. He blushed. Colorfully. “Oh.”
(Steve and Bucky announce their relationship in a very dignified press conference. Bucky then replies to every goddamn tweet asking him to confirm it with a different dirty euphemism. Things escalate from there.)
Just About Half-Past Ten by rohkeutta (oneshot | 1,978 | T)
But as he reaches Madison Avenue, Stark Tower a mere block away, the skies open with a whoosh, and he barely manages to duck under the construction scaffolding perched over the sidewalk. Thunder rumbles overhead, and Bucky frantically checks every compartment of his bag for an umbrella he knows is there.
It’s not. He does find some loose glitter, though, and a lipstick he wore for Pride and had thought he’d lost, plus a spare MetroCard he can’t remember buying.
He also gets a crystal clear flashback of leaving the umbrella under his desk to dry yesterday morning, and never picking it up again.
Leave Those Umbrellas At Home by rohkeutta (oneshot | 2,441 | T)
Bucky watches the watery snow come down and thinks about it, his mood deflating steadily. He imagines Steve going home the next morning, sitting down at his desk and opening his Super-Secret Sexcapade Journal and writing Bucky’s name in next to a carefully-thought Preparation & Performance Grade.
B+ for the effort to look nice naked, C- for being embarrassingly vanilla and wanting to do it face-to-face so he could scritch his fingers through Steve’s beard and hair. Not worth a repetition. Kinky Grade: F.
Bucky’s being uncharitable and he knows it, but Hangry Barnes can be a sad sack of shit when he wants to.
Page One Rewrite by thedoubteriswise (oneshot | 3,008 | T)
World War II enthusiasts and film geeks rejoice! Much like the Sentinel of Liberty himself, a few reels of missing Cap footage have been brought back to life.
We're All in the Gutter, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars by chipofftheoldblock (complete | 45,045 | M)
I’m sorry, sir,’ he said, and Maria looked a little appeased, though now she was gesturing for him to get off stage. And then he smiled real big and wide and sincere and said, ‘Guess I’m just real fuckin’ tired of everyone treating me like an idiot. To answer your question, ain’t a lot I really miss. Polio was pretty fuckin’ awful, and so was the food, and the racism and homophobia and hatred so many folks had for one another for dumb-as-shit differences was so goddamn stupid -’
Maria was suddenly on stage beside him, pulling his microphone away and grabbing his arm with a steel grip. Steve just leaned over to Nat’s mic with a shit-eating grin on his face and said, ‘Thank you so much for your time.’
Steve's tired of the world treating him like he doesn't know a damn thing about the future. Bucky's tired of not knowing a damn thing about the past.
They meet somewhere in the middle.
when he gets older, he might be the one* by cobaltmoony, CoraRochester (complete | 32,398| E) *underage
In which a freak run-in with the Cosmic Cube ages Steve into his fifties, and Bucky— still trying to figure out who he is after decades of brainwashing— decides it’s time to come home.
Part 1 of when he gets older, he might be the one 
crowding the hitter by rooonil_waazlib (complete | 12,917 | E)
But the trash monsters are coming closer, and Bucky’s going to be pissed if he has to get his grate replaced tomorrow.
He turns off the panini press, heads into his bedroom, and pulls his college baseball bat out of the closet, pausing only to pull on the slacks he’d just taken off. He’s going to go defend his shop, and he’s not going to do it in his underpants.
Nobody Likes Unsolicited Dick Pics (Except When They Do)* by Blondie_Bluue (complete | 21,864 | E) *chose not to warn
When Bucky Barnes accidentally sends a dick pic to a wrong number while looking for a little action, he never expected to get a positive response.
Feelings are caught, drama ensues, things work out in the end
i'm a ghost, you're an angel (one and the same) by voxofthevoid (complete | 31,133 | E)
“You fucked him.”
Bucky licks his lips and nods. Fury lets out a deep breath and leans back in his chair in a movement that’s terrifyingly controlled but spills danger out the edges.
“Twenty years,” Fury says slowly, taking special care to imbue each word with his personal brand of bone-chilling judgement. It used to make Bucky quiver in his boots back when he was a baby S.H.I.E.L.D agent with two functional arms. “In that time, I have asked, threatened, coaxed, and damn near begged this man to work for us, or at least with us, and what finally gets it done is your dick?”
“Excuse me?”
“Listen, I’m not saying any part of my anatomy is what persuaded Commander Rogers to agree to this, but hypothetically, if that’s what did it, let’s just say he would have found my ass far more persuasive than my dick.” Bucky pauses, secretly relishing the sour-lemon look on Fury’s face. “It still hurts, in case you’re wondering.”
- Steve tries to seduce Bucky over to the dark side. But the Avengers are more grey than dark, and it’s still a paler shade of grey than what S.H.I.E.L.D’s got going nine times out of ten. Bucky really should be more concerned about the seduction part.
Part 2 of i'm guilty of treason (i've abandoned control)
turn me up when you feel low by faerietell (oneshot | 13,891 | T) (reread)
Steve Rogers is a man out of time, in a city that used to be his home, a city he no longer recognizes. Through charming radio host, Bucky Barnes, he relearns his city, adopts a dog, and falls in love.
A lot of Good Omens reading happened in August.
When the Season Comes Around by theheartischill (oneshot | 34,447 | T)
The other problem is that Steve loves him, and Bucky isn't sure he remembers how to love.
Despicable by TheVagabondBoy (series, ongoing | 8,450 | T)
Bucky Barnes just wants to scavenge spaceship-wrecks and get a nice payday for it. He really wasn't planning on finding a survivor on his latest wreck.
The Joy of Little Things by obsessivereader, Sealcat (complete | 29,744 | E)
"Do you want me to eat you?"
“No, but—” Steve broke off his instinctive response. All his life, he’d believed in doing what was right… he was not about to stop now. Wincing at the prickling pain in his feet, he straightened up to his full height. “Yes. If it means you’ll leave this place.”
"But you don’t look very filling." The tip of the dragon’s tail twitched. "I don’t suppose you’re a virgin?" he asked hopefully. "I’ve heard they taste better."
Steve gritted his teeth and refused to answer. The dragon could very well find that out for himself. He stared at the dragon. The dragon stared back. Then the dragon got up, turned around, and went back into his cave.
"Well? Come on, tribute."
or, how Steve ends up working for a dragon with a very odd sense of humor
Quench by AidaRonan (complete | 9,417 | E)
This guy, he had never met. He definitely wouldn’t have forgotten it if he had. Shaggy dishwater blond hair run through with natural golden highlights, a thick brown beard, and a body like a Mack truck made out of ribeye.
“Fuck me,” Bucky gasped.
“Excuse me?” Or the one where archeology intern Bucky Barnes meets actual archeologist Steve Rogers and reaches levels of thirst scientists once believed to be theoretically impossible.
haha, jk by relenafanel (oneshot | 13,523 | T)
(A tale of Not Unrequited Love)
Steve: I love you. Bucky: oh no. (and other fallacies)
Bucky learns to never say never when it comes to the effect his best friend can have.
Like Real People Do by 2bestfriends (complete | 67,777 | E)
Seven years into an isolated retirement after the Battle of New York, Steve has carved out a place for himself in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains. He has a best friend (his dog, Lady), a frenemy (a local black bear named Rufus), and a cabin in the middle of the woods, an hour's drive from the nearest town. As November comes to a close, he heads into town to pick up supplies and ends up with a stowaway.
Bucky hasn't had much luck over the past seven years. Disaster caused his family to move from New York to Indiana, and his life has steadily fallen apart ever since. After one too many heartbreaks, he decides to hitch his way back to the last place he remembers being happy: Brooklyn. He's in the homestretch when he finds himself stranded in a half-empty tourist town in the Catskills and decides to take a chance crawling into the back of someone's truck.
AKA the "Lumberjack Steve/Twink Bucky" fic of our hearts. Bucky spends so much time thirsty as hell.
Part 1 of All That You Are to Me
Pod Bless America by Deisderium (complete | 6,13 | T)
Bucky can't believe his favorite podficcer recorded his newest fanfic AU of the show Commandos. He's even more surprised when the customer who busts him listening to fic while he's working in the office supply store turns out to be that podficcer.
* The guy—maybe bi_shield?—took his phone, looked down at the screen, and smiled. "Yeah, that one's mine," he said with no evidence of embarrassment. "It was a good one." He handed the phone back to Bucky.
"I wrote it," Bucky croaked.
Thunder and Ice* by Quarra, TrishArgh (complete | 18,027 | E) *tagged rape/noncon for mentions of sex pollen
Bucky is back with Steve in Avengers Tower and recovering well from his time with Hydra and the Avengers are working together better than ever too; but Steve still feels like something is missing in his life. At the urging of his loved ones, Steve takes up creative writing in his free time to help him regain a sense of happiness and purpose.
And his favorite subject to write about? Having sex with Bucky.
It turns out that other people seem to like what he's writing about too. So much so that Steve picks up a pen name and becomes a published romance novelist. But how long can Steve's secret smut writings stay secret, especially given who he's writing about and how public it becomes?
Be Careful What You Post on the Internet by itshysterekal (oneshot | 19,117 | E)
Bucky just wants to get on to the next mission, but the therapist he's forced to see insists he take up a hobby. Cue his writing of highly explicit Avengers RPF to make fun of Stark and his headlong dive into social media. He never expected a hobby to change his life.
THE Steve Rogers PROBLEM by relenafanel (series, ongoing | 85,015 | T-M)
Meet SSA Bucky Barnes: Hostage Rescue Team member extraordinaire. He loves his job, his body, and hooking up. He hates civilians and local enforcement officers trying to do his job and fucking everything to shit.
Meet Bucky Barnes: fan of the television show The Howling Commandos extraordinaire. He loves writing fanfic, creating fanart, and staring at Steve Rogers' ass. He hates the long journey of doing the necessary physical therapy on his arm (and also that no one told him he knows Steve Rogers).
Meet Bucky Barnes: Steve Rogers' boyfriend. He loves Steve. He hates the idea of that being his sole identity.
Green (Heart)-Eyed Monster by TheIntelligentHufflepuff (oneshot | 1,822 | T)
He shakes his head, tries to turn away. But his eyes rove back, insatiable. Steve is spinning Sam, goofily. Sam stumbles, and Steve instinctively grabs Sam to his chest to keep him up.
For a wild, petty moment, Bucky wishes he'd just fall.
[Post-Endgame, except an Endgame where nobody died. Bucky gets drunk and jealous at the after-party, but makes up with Sam and gets together with Steve the next day]
Love's Just a Feeling by fadefilter, Mystrana (complete | 26,359 | E)
Not Without You is on tour, and the lucky fans at their sold out shows are always treated to the best show: great music and excellent entertainment, courtesy of Steve and Bucky, who can't seem to keep their hands off of each other—both onstage and off.
The tour's almost over, but Steve's got a bit of a problem. Despite constantly reassuring the rest of the band that neither of them will develop feelings...
...he's pretty sure he's developed some feelings.
No Retreat, Baby, No Surrender by itsnotbleak (complete | 39,792 | T)
"You think your old army buddy is working at Subway?”
“Of course not,” said Steve, trying to sound like he thought the idea was ludicrous. “Bucky died in 1944. I just...” He didn’t know what to say, so he slapped on his best lonely soldier face and lied. “It’s just it’s nice to pretend for a bit, you know?”
“No,” said Natasha. “It sounds deeply unhealthy, but you do you.”
In which Steve finds a man that looks a lot like Bucky making sandwiches in a Brooklyn subway. Except Bucky died seventy years ago, and this guy shows no sign of remembering Steve.
The Boy With The Thorn In His Side by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (restricted, complete | 21,980 | E)
“Holy shit,” says Steve. “I’ve been knocked out twice by the same guy.”
Introduction to Fake Dating Your Best Friend 101 by crinklefries (oneshot | 24,627 | T)
Bucky stares at his best friend as though he’s absolutely lost what’s left of his dumbass mind.
“Excuse me?” he asks dumbly.
Steve sighs and sags back onto the couch, covering his face dramatically with one large, well-manicured hand.
“Dean Coulson thinks we’re dating. And gay. But like, for each other. And now I need you to fake date me so I can convince the Chancellor to fund my research.”
Steve and Bucky are a pair of professors who have to fake date for academic purposes and are real dumb along the way. It's not so much a forest of pine as a whole landscape of it. It turns out fine, probably.
Beyond the Yellow Book Road by crinklefries (complete | 30,057 | T)
Before he was Captain America, he was Steve Rogers, knobby kneed and wild-eyed, with scrapes on his knuckles and a book in his hands.
In 1942, he leaves for war and eventually crashes the Valkyrie.
That's only the beginning of his story.
In 2011, Steve's body is dragged from ice off the coast of Greenland.
In 2015, he meets a bookstore clerk.
This is what happens when a superhero loses his way home and the only way back is through the Yellow Book Road.
In The Next Life We'll Be Good by Nori (series, ongoing | 83,018 | M) (reread)
Steve is resurrected 500 years into the future. Humanity is on the brink of extinction, hostile aliens are clawing at the door, and the only thing standing in the way are Guardians. Figuring out how, exactly, to be a Guardian doesn't come easily for Steve, no matter how much he wants to protect the innocent. Luckily for him, he has friends who're more than willing to show him the way.
Breaking your hand doesn’t actually help in any way,” a voice says from behind him. Steve twists at the waist, less surprised than he probably ought to be.
“Hey,” Steve says, feeling a smile breaking over his face. “You’re all about clandestine meetings, huh?”
“Maybe I wanted to be a spy in my last life,” the scout replies breezily, drifting like a shadow to stand adjacent to Steve.
Far Strayed* by eyres (complete | 18,344 | M) *chose not to warn
They’re not going to stop coming after me,” Bucky tells Steve, somewhere in the air above Siberia.
“Let them come,” Steve replies, furious still.
After Siberia, instead of seeking refuge in Wakanda, Bucky and Steve go on the run.
The Biggest Part of Me* by Anna_Heyward (complete | 69,992 |E) *chose not to warn
Newly divorced single dad Steve Rogers moves his kids from the suburbs to Brooklyn to start their new life together, and becomes captivated by the young man who works at the coffee shop downstairs from Steve’s apartment.
Bucky Barnes is 25 years old, working part-time in a coffee shop and still living with his mom. When a handsome single dad in a pinch offers Bucky a job as his nanny, Bucky takes him up on it.
(AU of the movie The Rebound.)
Part 1 of The Biggest Part of Me 'verse
Knit One, Purl Two, Is How I Say "I Love You"* by Ignisentis (oneshot | 4,636 | T) *chose not to warn
Bucky looks up from the book he’s reading at the sound of the familiar gentle clacking of the wooden needles Steve has always preferred to use when he’s knitting. He used to knit back in the day whenever he wasn’t drawing. He said it helped calm him down, that he liked making things, especially for Bucky, that it made him feel like he was contributing more since it was hard for him to hold down a regular job.
Bucky thought it was all of those things but also that Steve Rogers was never the kind of man who could keep his hands still.
He used to knit Bucky socks and hats and scarves whenever he could get his hands on some yarn. He’d always wanted to make a sweater but never could get the same kind of yarn in sweater quantities.
Now, though. Now Bucky has a handful of sweaters that Steve’s made for him: a cable-knit fisherman’s sweater with a shawl collar; a simple pullover; a replica of Steve’s WWII dancing monkey sweater he wore on stage that Steve gave him with a smirk; a chunky Tweed cardigan with elbow patches; the lightest, most sumptuous cashmere henley-style pullover; even a Fair Isle with the Ghostbusters symbol worked into the yoke. Fuck, but Bucky loves that movie. And the sweater.
i just called to say i love you* by brideofquiet (oneshot | 7,895 | T) */others
Both times Steve makes a fool of himself in front of the soccer coach, it’s mostly an accident.
Grass, Fire, Water? My Only Weakness Is You! by powercrow (complete | 52,725 | E)
Steve first notices Bucky at a Pokémon GO raid at the local Target.
He’s immediately intrigued, but interpersonal relationships have been a real struggle since his mother’s death. Bucky’s not without his own bullshit after the disastrous end of a prior relationship. PoGo somehow brings them together anyways, and they become friends, catch lots of Pokémon, deal with their issues, and eventually fall in love.
You can't hurry love by obsessivereader (oneshot | 8,547 | E)
“Jesus!” Steve hurries forward. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Before he’s even halfway into the room, the man’s already on his feet and turning around. He has a face as perfect as his ass. High forehead, square jaw, pink lips with a hint of a natural pout. Short, wavy, dark brown hair. His wide, deep-set eyes are a clear and luminous gray. Those eyes widen as the man takes in the sight of Steve staring at him.
Something about that wide-eyed, slightly nervous look catches at Steve’s memory. “Bucky?”
Steve remembers a shy, sweet teenager, with soft round cheeks, eyes too big for his face, and a wild head of hair. If this really is Bucky, some time in the last few years, he grew into his face and is now so gorgeous that Steve’s having a little trouble breathing. The lean, toned body beautifully displayed by a black shirt and gray pants don’t help the breathing situation either.
“You… have a beard now,” Bucky says faintly.
or, Bucky finally gets to do something about his decades-long crush on his best friend's older brother...
Part 1 of Happy Steve Bingo!
Stay with Me* by em_dibujsb, maikurosaki (complete | 79,903 | E) *graphic violence
When Bucky Barnes accompanies his family to a ceremony dedicated to George Barnes' activity, he expects free food and drinks, the occasional boring speech, and watching his dad blush furiously as he gets to finally meet his childhood hero. What he doesn't expect is saving Captain America's life and getting shot in the process. What follows is a slow road to recovery, eating hospital food (still disgusting), making new friends (Avengers!!! Seriously, the Avengers!) and pining over Captain America (he won't comment on that). It sounds simple, but it really isn’t!
Anything You Ask by thepinupchemist (oneshot | 6,187 | E)
A skinny blond kid appears in Bucky's candy store, and when her frantic father comes looking for her, Bucky doesn't realize he just met his mate. Over the course of several months, he falls in love with Steve Rogers and his daughter. Fortunately, they love him right back.
Poppies of the Field* by kaasknot (complete | 63,417 | M) *chose not to warn, temporary major character death
"Thank you for purchasing a StarkTech Companion 'Bot! Please state your name for licensing."
Wherein Bucky is a severely agoraphobic combat veteran, and Steve is the android he buys out of loneliness.
So Alive by GottaSaveBucky (Cosmic_Entity_1of4) (complete | 108,978 | E)
A man wearing a light denim jacket over a dark blue shirt came into the shop, a box tucked under his right arm. Despite it being late afternoon, he was wearing sunglasses with bright blue lenses, and his long, dark hair was pulled back in a messy little bun. A few strands had escaped, framing his strong, unshaven jawline. The man looked into the café, smiled widely, and waved in Clint’s direction as he kept walking into the bookstore, and Steve’s mouth went completely dry.
Beautiful, was the only word to describe that smile; straight, white teeth framed by full, lush, red lips, bracketed by laugh lines and an adorable dimple in his right cheek, a charming little chin cleft just visible under the light stubble—Steve was struck literally speechless. And that was before he got a glimpse of the man’s backside. Slim hips and a round, firm-looking ass led to long, lean legs that were encased in snug, dark blue jeans.
“Guh,” Steve said, watching the dark-haired man continue on to the back of the store.
A bookstore AU starring our favorite OTP, set to the song “So Alive” by Love and Rockets (from their fourth album “Love and Rockets,” 1989).
Part 1 of Brooklyn Heights Books
backs treat boys by rohkeutta (oneshot | 2,570 | M)
“What? No, you’re not boring,” Steve protests, bless his heart. “It’s just—I have this kink in my back, probably from work or the gym. It’s hard to get comfortable.”
“Where?” Bucky asks, looking back down at his tablet and swiping to the next slide. He took a beginners' massage therapy course at the community college last summer to keep himself from doing something dumb, like fucking his way through the city because he was bored while Steve was on a work thing in Europe. Missing his best buddy was perfectly okay, but even Bucky, a self-proclaimed Cheerful Thot, felt it might be a little excessive to go on a one-night-stand binge just because his pal was out of town for a few weeks.
Part 9 of a pocketful of mumbles
Metallurgy by eyres, TheFriendlyPigeon (complete | 22,129 | M)
he battle quieted for the moment, the great metal giant turns, at last, and sees Steve. Dark, almost human hair frames a sharp, steel face - but, Steve is caught by its eyes. They’re bright silver, sparking in the sunlight, shot through with gray and blue, visible even at this distance. Something about them nags at Steve, calls to him, reminds him of…
Instead of making the Winter Soldier, Hydra transfers Bucky's consciousness to a metal body, locking his mind within a prison of steel and programming. However, Bucky is stronger than they could've ever imagined.
Press Play to Start by layersofsilence, talkplaylove-art (talkplaylove) (complete | 31,502 | M)
Steve still doesn’t understand; and then he does, or he thinks he does, in a burst of clarity that he immediately wishes he hadn’t gotten.
The thing is that it’s not possible. James shifts his position ever so slightly; his shoulders shift smoothly under his tac gear, and it’s not possible that Steve could be programming another human.
CA:TWS AU - in which Steve Rogers, SHIELD agent, finds out that HYDRA is not so old and defeated a foe, and that the Winter Soldier is more than a whispered rumour.
Something that Feels Like Hope by BeaArthurPendragon (oneshot | 7,669 | E)
Captain America, feeling gloomy around the holidays and exhausted from hobnobbing with the rich and famous at yet another charity gala, escapes into an empty room for some peace and quiet.
Army veteran James Barnes is the founder of the Gulmira Project, which provides high-quality prostheses to civilians injured in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and needs to find a place to practice his speech.
You'll never guess what happens next.
Eight Invitations* by alby_mangroves, RevolutionaryJo, Speranza (oneshot | 3,345 | E) *chose not to warn
Part 15 of 4 Minute Window
Cute Stitch Witch Discount by stevergrsno (noxlunate) (onesoht | 3,089 | T)
He’s barely finished with his drink when Bucky appears in front of him, a cup in hand. “Our famous cocoa,” He says, setting it onto the little table next to Steve, “On the house.”
Steve plucks the cup up off the table and cradles it close, inhaling the smell of chocolate and cinnamon. “Thank you,” Steve says, and then, “I can pay though, really.”
“Call it the cute stitch witch discount,” Bucky says with a wink before he’s turning away and disappearing behind the counter to take care of another customer.
In which Steve has magic, meets Bucky 70 years later, and as always, falls a little bit in love with him.
Part 24 of Happy Steve Bingo Fills
How to Woo the Winter Soldier* by writeonclara (complete | 21,566 | G) *chose not to warn
“I think I’m ready to date again,” Steve said.
“What,” Natasha said.
“What?” Clint said, lowering his binoculars. He blinked at the dumbstruck look on the Captain’s face, then followed his gaze to where he was staring dopily at—at the Winter fucking Soldier.
“Steve, no,” Clint groaned.
Or: Steve courts the Winter Soldier.
Ever Mine, Ever Ours by hitlikehammers (oneshot | 2,914 | E)
Steve goes back to return the Stones, for the sake of the universe.
The extra Pym Particles he palms when Bruce isn't looking, though? Those are for the heart he has now and the heart he took into the ice; those are for the loves he's known and held and lost and found, those—
Those are for the sake of his soul.
Avengers: Endgame Fix-It.
Gone, Baby, Gone by crinklefries (complete | 38,943 | M)
An entity known only by the name LEVIATHAN finds each of them, sending, initially a solitary text: Our name is LEVIATHAN. We have a job for you. You have three minutes to decide.
Well, what’s a group of bored, reckless thrill-seekers with very specific skills and long criminal histories to do? They needed the money and, well, it sounded fun.
[ or;
Steve is the head of a new criminal crew, Bucky is the getaway driver, Sam wears a LOT of bold outfits and gold jewelry, and the rest of the Avengers help too.
There's heists and fast cars in a neon-noir setting, but most importantly, Bucky wears a crop top that says be gay do crime and he is, in fact, gay and he does, in fact, do crime. ]
Home Is Wherever I'm With You by cydonic (complete | 88,570 | E)
This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
That House-Flipper!AU.
Part 1 of Flowers in our Eyes
Caramel Macchiato by littleblackfox (complete | 15,450 | E)
"You ate my bees," Bucky says. Because his own tongue fucking hates him.
Empires Fall, but Not Us by AidaRonan (oneshot | 21,611 | T)
When Steve was ten, he met a boy with a clockwork heart.
A cyberpunk tale of friendship, love, loss, and reunion; framed by the battle to bring hope and joy back to a City drowning under Hydra's rule.
No More Shame by thepinupchemist (oneshot | 3,287 | T)
“I think the Winter Soldier is going to our synagogue,” Billy said, apropos of absolutely nothing.
Or: Billy Kaplan helps Bucky Barnes find his way.
No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Pine by galwednesday (oneshot | 16,466 | T)
"Agent Rogers. We have to stop meeting like this." The Winter Soldier crouched in front of where Steve was slumped against the wall, hands and forearms glued to the stone behind him by some kind of sticky polymer. "Comfortable?"
"No," Steve lied. "My blood circulation has been cut off. I've lost all feeling in my hands."
"Oh, so I should probably cut you loose," the Soldier deadpanned.
"It's a medical emergency. You don't want to be responsible for me losing limbs, do you?"
"Tell you what, if you lose your hands, I'll make you some new ones." He held up his metal hand, smallest finger crooked. “Pinkie promise.”
Secret Agent adversaries-to-lovers AU where the Winter Soldier keeps tying Captain America to walls and sticking around to chat. Shut up, Natasha, it’s not flirting, okay? (It’s definitely flirting.)
Part 2 of The Adventures of Captain America, Not-So-Secret Agent
Proprietary Information by notlucy (complete | 85,141 | E)
Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Part 1 of Additional Information
you, the moon by dirtybinary (oneshot | 2,339 | T)
Stimulus. The sight of one Bucky Barnes, age seventeen, best friend, roommate, favourite nuisance, coming home after work. Subject’s Response. A swoop of the stomach, like when one pointed one’s bike down that steep hill beside the church and pedalled really fast, but without the inevitable sprained ankles and bloody scrapes.
Steve likes Bucky. Bucky likes food and cats and girls and maybe, just maybe, Steve.
Steve deals with this very well indeed.
Local Raccoon Befriends Angry Chihuahua by charlesdk (oneshot | 15,314 | T)
Rogers was a tiny man. Bucky was sure he easily disappeared in a crowd and became invisible. He was tiny and short and skinny and didn't look like much. But his fists were clenched to his sides in anger, his jaw was jutted out, his boney shoulders were square, and his voice held more power than his body looked like it did.
Screaming and yelling and swearing like a damn sailor and asking for a fight, Bucky found him breathtakingly gorgeous. Like a tiny ball of energy and rage and justice that shined brighter than the fucking sun, punching his way through the evil and disgusting trash of the world.
Bucky never believed in love at first sight and the way his heart warmed and pounded at the mere sound of Rogers didn't really change his mind. But it did make him stop and stare, desperately reaching out for the feeling he felt when he looked at him because it was good and Bucky hadn't had good in his life in years.
OR – in which one armed veteran, suffering insomniac, and grump extraordinaire Bucky Barnes gets turned into a puddle of goo by the tiniest, angriest, most wonderful guy in the entire universe.
Stop Dragon My Heart Around by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (oneshot | 15,127 | T)
All Bucky had wanted was gold. A few jewels. Not a king's riches, not a prince's fortune, just enough he'd never have to worry about anything ever again. It was what had sent him racing to the dragon's cave when he'd overheard the news that the Prince had killed her.
But he should have known better. Nothing good ever came from eavesdropping, and nothing good ever came from listening to men in pubs, and now instead of gold, instead of jewels, he had an egg. A dragon egg, and no idea how he was going to keep it alive.
The dragon egg wasn't all he had, even if he didn't know it. He also had a full-grown dragon on his trail, one who'd sworn he'd find the egg--and the human who stole it.
I Know the Drill by castiowl (oneshot | 4,869 | T)
Bucky says some explicit things to his dentist while under the influence of anesthesia following a wisdom tooth removal. The rest is (embarrassing) history.
Our Broken Parts (Smashed on the Floor) by This Girl Is (non_sequential) (oneshot | 11,702 | E)
Steve is sent undercover to catch an elusive Russian assassin. He didn’t want to do it in the first place; he’s damn certain he won’t be asked again.
great whales of the sea by canistakahari (oneshot | 3,002 | T)
“Whales make sounds,” says Bucky, shocked.
“They sing,” Steve says absently.
show me your insides, show me your secrets (show what you wanted, so i can be it)* by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 8,731 | E) *chose not to warn
They took down a lab full of mutated animals today. It was normal enough at first, James with his metal arm and Steve with his shield, the two of them armed to the teeth with guns and knives. But then the creatures kept coming. Steve wrapped himself around a horse-sized something that might have been a wolf in another life and broke every one of its bones with a single, heaving squeeze of his limbs. James punched through the chest of a biped taller than him with his flesh arm and ripped its heart out for good measure.
There was no pretending after that.
James smiles at Steve, a small, heated thing.
“I want you to fuck me until I can’t talk."
“And if I say no?” Steve asks.
James shrugs, and the gesture is nonchalant, but Steve can see the tension underneath.
“Then I will be very disappointed, and I will leave and take my whiskey with me.” James tilts his head to the side, an animal-like motion that’s a strange cross between predatory and adorable. “But somehow, Captain, I don’t think you’ll say no.”
- Captain America and the Winter Soldier are assigned a joint mission by their respective masters. They are strangers until they're not.
Part 1 of lay your heart into my perfect machine
Yours is the Only Ocean by seapigeon (oneshot | 6,256 | T)
"Sirens aren’t monogamous. She’s free to mate with whoever she wants.” Steve turns his head, and for the first time, he looks tentative. “So am I.”
It takes Bucky almost a full minute to understand.
“Oh,” he says, going warm down to his tailfin.
A Puppy Dog's Tale by roe87 (oneshot | 1,630 | T)
Bucky finds a lost puppy running around in the park, but who does the pup belong to?
Part 24 of Steve/Bucky modern au's
a modern feast (from one-hundred-and-two feet) by Spacedog (oneshot | 3,061 | E)
steven grant rogers is a good neighbor. he vacuums at times that aren’t ten-thirty at night. all his parties end at nine on the dot. and when he brings someone home, he’s cool about it. which makes it even more a shame that 106, the guy living across the hall from him, with the big, blue eyes and the adorable chin dimple and the ass steve can bounce quarters off of, is practically a thoughtful, neighborly, ghost.
luckily, when steve needs something from the local bodega, he strikes an agreement that 106 is more than willing to oblige.
(or: alternate universe, neighbors to hookups to lovers.)
some of them want to use you (some of them want to get used by you) by voxofthevoid (oneshot | 14,136 | E)
He’s dragged forward, his thrashing not doing a thing against the hydra’s shocking strength. At its widest, his tentacle is as thick as Bucky’s wrist. It tapers off towards the end. It’s subtly textured, not slimy like expected, but no less terrifying for it. The hydra pauses once Bucky’s under the cave’s opening, halfway between Pierce and the darkness on the other side.
“Johann is dead,” says the hydra. “I killed him.”
The words mean nothing to Bucky. But when he twists around to see, Pierce’s face is bloodless.
It’s the first time he’s seeing true fear on Alexander Pierce’s face.
“The deal you made with him is null and void, Alexander Pierce,” the hydra says. “And your people shall be better off for it.”
Pierce’s face tightens further.
“But you,” the hydra says – no rumbles, his voice making the water tremble. “You, not so much. I don’t appreciate this sacrifice.”
- Bucky is chosen as his shoal's annual sacrifice to the hydra that lurks in their territory. Things take an unexpected turn when the monster that greets him in the dark turns out to be a wholly unfamiliar beast.
Discord and Rhyme by velvetjinx (oneshot | 9,148 | E)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are werewolves. They have feelings for each other, but are too busy pining to notice that they both feel the same way. Their inner wolves have had enough, but will that be sufficient to bring them together as humans?
Rose-tinted Glasses by Niitza (oneshot | 11,215 | T)
It all started because of Becca.
All I Want for Christmas by Pineau_noir (oneshot | 8,377 | M)
We're gonna live like it's 2012! Everybody lives at the Tower and they're all happy! All the domestic fluff!
Steve is retired from action, living his best life, helping with the Avengers and gently flirting with his favorite art store employee, Bucky Barnes, at Christmastime.
Written for the incredibly kind and talented TrishArgh who won my 2019 FTH auction.
The Last Contract* by xantissa (oneshot | 29,681 | E) *graphic violence
The world was dying, at war for years with alien invaders who were slowly and methodically wiping out humanity. Steve’s hope for the future was nearly gone having fought a losing battle for so long. In what little free time he had, he looked for the dragon sleeping under an old castle that his mother had told him stories about. He knew it was just a fairytale, but at least it was something to do. He never expected to actually find a man locked in a cave filled with magic. Nor did he expect to agree to some strange bargain with him. Steve had expected him even less to actually be a dragon. In a world all but destroyed, can Steve survive the consequences of his own actions?
Once More With Foresight* by galwednesday (complete | 7,317 | T) *polyamory
Bucky left the towel draped over Steve’s head and pulled his phone out of his pocket when it chimed with a new text from Natasha. She’d sent him a picture of Sam asleep, his legs sprawled over the shield on one end of the couch and his head in her lap on the other. Bucky snorted and tilted the screen so Steve could see.
Steve shook his head, mock scandalized. “Captain America for five minutes, and he’s already using the shield as a footrest.”
“I know for a fact you scrambled eggs in that thing.”
“That was to feed my team, Buck. It was my sworn duty as field commander.”
“It was a dare from Jones.”
“So it was two things,” Steve said, and ducked out of Bucky’s half-hearted noogie attempt, pulling the towel back to use as a defensive barrier. Bucky sat on the couch beside him and leaned into Steve’s shoulder. It was sharper than Bucky remembered; Steve had lost weight since last week. Since five years ago.
If Only In My Dreams by odetteandodile (complete | 28,317 | T)
Bucky is a highly successful cooking and lifestyle blogger, the gay New England Pioneer Woman if you will. He writes all about life in his Connecticut home with his D.H. (darling husband). Only problem? It’s all complete fiction. He actually lives in a shitty Brooklyn apartment, is single as hell, and has visited Connecticut exactly one time at the age of eight.
When his agent Sam informs him that he's been offered an exclusive sponsorship deal with Stark Media and a three book contract to go with it, Bucky's forced to fess up to Sam, who's predictably...displeased. But Sam's also convinced the deal is too good to miss—even if they have to put on a little bit of a show in order to get it.
So Tony and Pepper descend on Bucky and Sam's fake home for Christmas with a devastatingly handsome War Hero in tow, and their already complicated plan quickly gets even more complicated as Bucky finds himself falling head over heels for Steve. Can he keep it together just for the holidays? Did he ever have it together in the first place?
Not Without You* by SevereStorms, wreckingthefinite (complete | 94,402 | E) *graphic violence
Six months earlier, Bucky would have said the prospect of dying back home in Brooklyn sounded like a dream. Now, faced with his own imminent demise in a Brooklyn that is almost unrecognizable, it’s decidedly less appealing.
Honestly, it’s just sort of bizarre. Survive Afghanistan and come home to die in the pseudo-zombie apocalypse. Can’t make this stuff up.
Servitum by justanotherStonyfan (complete | 42,745 | E)
Steve appears in the hallway, and James turns his head to look at him, doesn't move otherwise. Steve’s in pale blue jeans and a white button down with the four buttons open and his tag chain visible beneath, which is sexy as fuck, but it’s even sexier when he towers over James like this.
"James?" Steve says, and he's not worried, James can tell. He's on the edge of it, sure - he's bemused, and prepared for something to be amiss - but he's not worried yet, so James closes his eyes for a moment.
"Help," he says, and then looks up at Steve. "I've fallen and I can't get up."
Part 28 of Honey Honey
Wenceslas by dragongirlG, mcl4r3n (complete | 17,915 | M)
Steve is a short, skinny Brooklynite with a very stable, predictable life, which he built after losing his memories in a traumatic accident six months ago. He works from home on a steady stream of art commissions, goes to weekly trivia nights with his superhero friends the Avengers, and tries not to get bothered by the constant feeling that something is not quite right.
When Steve invites a homeless man with one arm to take shelter in his apartment during a December snowstorm, both of them enter a dreamscape that unravels the fabric of their memories and reveals the truth about their identities—and their relationship to each other.
A wintertime fic featuring dream-sharing, identity porn, and Steve in the 21st century, inspired by the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the musical composition Wenceslas Suite by Bob Chilcott. Now complete!
Scenes From A Marriage: Captain America At Home by alby_mangroves, lim, Lunate8, RevolutionaryJo, Speranza (complete | 19,239 | E)
Welcome to the 4 Minute Window Advent calendar for 2019! As always, my goal is to tell a little bit of story in this universe each day (knock wood) between the Immaculate Conception and Christmas. Explicit eventually, the rest as it comes. This year there's loads of multimedia, as you might glean from the list of contributors. 
Part 16 of 4 Minute Window
148 notes · View notes
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Only Human 
Pairing - Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary - Steve Request: For years Steve Rogers and you have been in love with each other, neither willing to admit your feelings and risk losing everything. Then Thanos’s army invades. Your best friend is stuck in space, an army is on their way to capture an Infinity Stone, and forced in two different directions, the two of you have to admit your feelings for each other before you part. Will it all be for nothing when the snap happens?
Word Count - 12,057
Warnings - Language, Smut, 18+
You had never realized that being somewhere you weren’t supposed to be could be this beautiful. 
The village reminded you of one of those old historical towns you see on the Travel Channel, simple, yet homely. Every corner a street light lit up its buildings in a warm glow that permeated through the coming darkness. They illuminated the water below you, blurry spots of yellow and orange only occasionally interrupted by shadows of the bridge you were sitting on. It was quiet for the most part, though every once in awhile you would hear a whispered conversation of a passing couple, the soft sounds of a leaf fluttering in a tree and the whistling of the wind. You could feel that the metal edge you sat on was cold, but as always your body adjusted to the temperature, leaving you in a content state as you waited. 
“Hey, I - uh, I brought you a hot chocolate.” 
A smile formed on your face as the man sat down beside you, his large legs dangling over the edge awkwardly as he tried to fit his large body in the small space the bridge allowed. “Did you?” You asked with an amused expression. 
You could see the exact moment his words and actions caught up with him, and it made your smile widen as he shook his head. “Yeah, I thought you might be cold, which I’m now realizing has never happened to you in your life.” He said, an embarrassed smile on his face as he ducked his head to avoid your gaze. 
“Doesn’t mean I don’t like hot chocolate.” You assured him, taking the cup from his hand and bringing it to your lips. “I just have the added perk of not ever burning my tongue on it.” 
Steve chuckled at that, glancing back at you as your body leaned into his before turning back to the view in front of the both of you. “Wish I could say the same.” He replied as he took a sip of his own. 
“Why do you keep drinking it then?” You asked, lifting your hand up to grip the edge of the bridge to support you so you could lean forward to look at him better. While your body didn’t react to it, you could still feel the heat as your knee rested against his. 
Steve put his cup down, twisting his body so he could look at you. “I guess it’s because we didn’t have the money for it when I was young, and by the time I could buy it myself, all we had was ration chocolate. It was made with skimmed milk powder instead.” 
A frown formed on your lips at the thought. “That sounds disgusting.” 
“That’s because it was.” He replied, his gaze returning to the water but not focusing on it, the far away look back in his eyes. 
You had noticed him doing that a lot. You figured it was because he hadn’t been back to Europe much since the War. How much of it he had seen back then you didn’t know, but it still had to bring up some memories. That on top of the constant moving from place to place, you knew he had to be more stressed than he would ever let anyone see. Your free hand rested beside his on the cool concrete of the bridge, and you stretched your pinky finger out to curl around his. Your heartbeat increased even more as his finger did the same, the small touch so reassuring and so calming at the same time. You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could, your phone began blaring AC/DC from your pocket. 
Your fingers fumbled for the device, leaning into Steve once more as you pulled it from your back pocket. Tony’s picture, a selfie with his face all scrunched up, greeted you, not that you hadn’t already known that from the song. You weren’t willing to break this moment though, and after a brief moment of hesitation you hit ignore. “Sorry,” You apologized. 
There was silence for a moment as you watched him consider your words. The pair still hadn’t spoken and it had put a strain on both of them though Tony would never admit it. Of course it made it difficult on you, loving your best friend and also loving his enemy. You didn’t want either of them to fight, but you knew this was their battle, and they needed to work it out on their own. “When does he expect you to come back?” Steve asked. 
“Tomorrow night. My flight leaves early, but . . . I think I’m going to go ahead and stay the night here first.” You replied, biting your bottom lip as you watched your legs swing back and forth over the water. “I wish you could come back with me.” You voiced, glancing over at him. 
“I don’t think Tony would appreciate that.” Steve replied, squeezing your pinky with his own. 
A sigh left your lips at his words, knowing he was right. That didn’t mean you had to like it. 
“If this is too hard on you, you don’t have to keep visiting-”
At his words you turned to him, letting go of his pinky so you could place a hand over his. “I don’t want to stop seeing you. Tony’s my best friend in the whole world, but Steve you’re . . .” What words would you use to describe how much Steve meant to you? There were so many you felt, and so many that you were afraid would scare him away. While you had an inkling his feelings were similar to yours, there was no promise he did. “You mean a lot to me. I don’t want you out of my life.” You settled on.
You felt his hand turn under your palm, his fingers spreading in between yours. His hand was so large it engulfed yours, but you didn’t mind one bit, enjoying the feeling of his calloused palm against your own. “This is all a mess isn’t it?” He asked, his shoulder brushing against yours and staying there. 
You nodded, and after a brief moment of attempting not to overthink, you laid your head against his shoulder, enjoying the comfort that his body brought to you and the way his head rested on top of your own. It was reassuring, the way his body reacted to your touch, and once again, the thought occurred to you that maybe this wasn’t as one sided as you were inclined to think. 
There was no telling how long the two of you sat there, each wrapped up in your own thoughts when Natasha interrupted. “Steve, Y/N,” you both turned to look at her, and this time your heart leaped into your chest for a different reason. The expression on her face was one you had seen before, and your hand tightened its grip on Steve’s. 
“What happened, Nat?” You managed to ask, your heart hitting overdrive in anxiety. 
The sympathy on her face stabbed into your heart. “It’s Tony. You two need to see this.” 
“This is a terrible idea.” Natasha spoke up. 
“You’re right,” you agreed. You let your eyes travel over every person in the room, Rhodey, Bruce, Wanda, Natasha and last but not least, Steve, the one hiding his emotions better than the rest of them. The tension in his shoulders, the way he crossed his arms over his chest, the hard line of his jaw, you knew he didn’t approve. Of course he didn’t. If the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t approve either. “But I’m going to do it.” You said, your eyes focused on him. 
He met your gaze, and it was impossible not to see the worry there, but also the respect. You knew he might not like your decision, but he wasn’t going to stand in your way either. 
“Tony wouldn’t want you doing this for him, Y/N.” Rhodey spoke up. “Taking an untested spaceship you made with a sixteen year old -”
“Well, Tony’s not here to stop me because I didn’t answer the damn phone, Rhodey.” You told him, crossing your arms over your chest. “And that sixteen year old is smarter than everyone in this room put together.” 
Rhodey looked at Steve for confirmation, and with a brief tilt of his head he agreed with your words. “Okay, fine, but I still don’t see why it has to be you. Bruce just got back from space -”
“And that didn’t go so well for you, did it Bruce?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. You didn’t want to embarrass the other Avenger, but the truth of the matter was, you were the only one capable of doing this. 
“I’m sorry guys, but she’s right,” Bruce admitted, looking down at his hands and fiddling with them. 
“Can any of the rest of your bodies adapt to their surroundings?” You asked, looking around the room and nodding at everyone’s averted gaze. “It’s gotta be me. I’m the safest option, and I’m not leaving him up there to die without doing something about it.” 
There was silence again, and you knew they were trying to come up with another argument to convince you this was a bad idea. No one spoke though until Steve said something again, calling you back to his unwavering gaze. “You’re going to do this?”
Without any hesitation, you nodded. 
It had taken over five hours, double checking and triple checking each part of the ship to make sure it was going to function how it was supposed to. Following that, there had been a two hour video conference with Shuri to go over the numbers again. By the time you shut the light off inside the garage, you were confident it would at least get out of the atmosphere. If it would make it all the way to the tracker you had placed in Tony’s suit? That was another question, one you didn’t want to think about too hard. 
In fact, there were a lot of things you didn’t want to think about right now. Tomorrow you would be heading off into space while the rest of the team would be going to Wakanda to take Vision to Shuri. If anyone would be able to help him, it would be her. 
The worst part was that you knew how futile this could prove to be. Tony could already be dead for all you knew, but you owe it to him to try. You couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t. So you were going to do this. Tomorrow you were going to go to space with the intentions of saving your best friend. 
Then there was the situation of the man who held your heart, but had no idea he did. 
Steve had avoided you since the moment you had answered his question. While part of you appreciated it, the other part of you had to see him before you took off. The timing was terrible. Everything was going to hell, and you had no clear indication that Steve Rogers had feelings for you either, but you weren’t about to go up into space and die without knowing. 
That was how you found yourself outside the door to his old room, the only place you could think he might be that wasn’t the gym. You hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and lifted your hand - 
You turned and found Steve at the end of the hall, dressed comfortably and handsomely in his wife beater and sweatpants that rested low enough on his hips to make you gulp. Shaking those impure thoughts from your head, you dropped your arm. “I was . . . I was coming to talk to you.” 
His chuckle surprised you, mostly because of how awkward it sounded and how uncomfortable he looked, his hands shoved into his pockets and avoiding your gaze. “I’ve been outside your room for a while now waiting to talk to you.” 
“Trying to talk me out of it?” You asked, and watched his every move as he stepped closer to you, pausing a few feet away and meeting your gaze. 
It amazed you that after years of knowing Steve Rogers he still managed to take your breath away with a look, but the intensity there was hard to ignore. “No, this is your decision. I know you know what you’re doing. I’ve made some choices people didn’t agree with at the time too, so I’ve got to respect yours.” 
An often overlooked attractive trait that Steve displayed all the time was respect. You had never met a more respectful man in your life. You wished his mom was still alive so you could thank her for raising him that way. “Like crashing a plane into the Arctic?” You teased, biting your bottom lip. 
Did you imagine the way his eyes drifted to your lips at your motion? Surely you did . . . “Yeah, that’s one of them.” 
You chuckled, and shift your weight from one foot to the other, looking around the hallway one more time. You didn’t want to confess your feelings where anyone could walk by and witness your embarrassment if he didn’t feel the same. “Well, I would invite you inside so we could talk, but this isn’t my room so -” You gestured toward the door. 
“Right,” Steve replied, and you couldn’t help but notice the slight pink tinge to his ears as he stepped forward, placing his hand on the scanner, and holding the door open for you to enter. 
You had been in Steve’s apartment, but never had you been so nervous to be there. As much as you wanted to say the words, you still couldn’t form them with your mouth even though you had rehearsed them several times on the way over here, so instead, you spoke a new question. “If you weren’t going to change your mind, why did you want to talk to me?” You asked him, picking on the end of your shirt. 
“Do you - uh, want anything first? Tea, coffee, a sandwich?” Steve asked, and to your confusion he almost seemed a little uneasy. In fact, you’d dare say he was rivaling what you felt right now. 
“Not that you make,” you teased, trying to diffuse the situation somewhat with a grin directed at him. 
It worked a little, the tension eased somewhat as he returned your smile and lead you over to the couch, waiting until you had sat down before joining you. “Can’t say I blame you there.” 
Reaching out, you squeezed his knee for a moment. “I do appreciate the offer though.” You started to pull your hand away, but were surprised as he covered your hand with his own, keeping yours in place. “Steve?” 
Silence stretched between the two of you. You could tell that he was struggling with coming up with what he wanted to say by the furrow between his brows. “I - I’m not good at this sort of thing. I’m a hundred years old and still can’t talk to a beautiful dame without getting my words messed up.” 
At his words you the heat rushed to your face and your heart rate once again picked up. While several people at this point had pointed it out to you that the two of you were oblivious to each other’s feelings, hearing it from him, especially when you had been about to do the same, made you feel as if you were in some sort of dream. His next words brought you back down though. 
“And the timing is so bad. We’ve both got important jobs to do.” Steve said, though it seemed more like he was arguing with himself than talking to you. 
“We do,” You agreed, with a sinking heart. “Tomorrow you’ll be in Wakanda, and I’ll be in space. We have no idea what’s going to happen at either of those places.” 
“It would be a distraction for both of us. Attempting to start something and worrying about the other.” Steve continued, but his grip on your hand tightened. “We need to have total focus, you for Tony and me for everyone else.” 
Everyone else. That had always been Steve Roger’s number one priority. It was noble, the way he puts others before himself, even when it got in the way of his own happiness. It was also at times infuriating for you, especially in moments like this, when he was denying himself something it seemed he wanted. “Steve, can I ask you something?” 
He nodded, but still didn’t meet your gaze. 
“What do you want to do? Not what you should you do, what’s the right thing to do, what Captain America would do . . . What does Steve Rogers want to do?” You asked, fighting the desire to hold your breath as you waited for his answer.
It came much quicker than you expected. “Be with you.” He answered, turning his head so that he could look at you, the sincerity in those bright blue eyes filling your heart so much it was about to burst. It was true. Your feelings weren’t one sided at all. Steve Rogers wanted you, and he didn’t even know that you felt the same. Now that he had spoken, it was so much easier for you to reply. 
“You’ve already got me, Steve,” You told him, an affectionate smile on your face as a hesitant hand reached up to rest on his cheek. You almost sighed at how adorable he was as his head tilted into your hand, eager for your touch. “And all the rest of that? As far as I’m concerned, we’ve got about eight hours alone with each other, and we can talk about the rest when we see each other again.” 
“It won’t be a -”
You shake your head. “It won’t. Because I know I’m coming back, and I know you’re coming back. More like motivation, so we can see where this goes.” You told him, brushing your thumb across his cheekbone. Your breath got caught in your throat as you watched his face get closer to yours. 
“I don’t want you to think I’m saying this because it could be the end of the world, we might die tomorrow, and I want to take advantage of you.” Steve said, hesitation creeping into his voice. 
“You’re not that kind of man,” You assured him, breathless as his forehead rested against yours, and his hand began making its way up your thigh, still stopping at a respectful distance. “I hope you don’t think I’m saying I want you because of that either.” 
Steve shook his head, his warm skin pressing against you and causing chills throughout your body. “You’re not that kind of woman.” 
Your hand slid down to his neck, your thumb now tracing that strong jawline of his, still in disbelief that this was happening. Eyes fluttered shut for both of you as Steve’s nose bumped against yours, and you felt the heat of his breath on your lips. Pulse racing and stomach spinning, he met your lips with the softest touch, as if giving you the opportunity to pull away if you wanted to. 
Why would you ever want to do that? His lips were smooth as silk, as perfectly formed as the rest of him, supple and full, and you were sure you could spend the rest of your life kissing them. When he pulled away, your lips still a breath away from each other, there was a moment’s pause before you met his lips again, this time more passionate. 
While your lips were busy moving together, your hands became busy as well. His large hand covered your thigh, squeezing and massaging the muscles, even dipping into one of the holes of your jeans to brush against your bare skin. The feeling had a soft moan leaving your lips and your imagination wandering to places you’d been too nervous to even think about. Dream about? Sure. But now that you were physically there? Your hands shook as they continued their path, this time moving to his strong shoulders. Never something you thought you would get to spend time touching, you took your time, squeezing and exploring every dip and line of his muscles. 
Your touch got a reaction that was for sure. A groan left his lips as his hand on you tightened, attempting to pull you even closer, though because of the way you two were sitting, it made it more awkward. You pulled away, breathless and wanting to be even closer. You lifted your leg across him, pulling yourself into his lap. “Is this okay?” You asked, your whisper loud in the silent room as you caught his gaze. 
His eyes were almost black, blown out with desire as Steve nodded, his hands gripping your hips to pull you even closer so your body was pressed against his. “I just - I haven’t done this in a while -”
“I haven’t either.” You told him with a soft smile, your hands fiddling with the collar of his tank. 
There was a slight tug on your jacket and you looked down to see Steve’s hands had moved to pull at the fabric. “Can I take this off?” He asked. 
You nodded and dropped your arms so he could tug it off easier. Your stomach clenched as he leaned forward and his lips met your neck. The delicate touch made your eyes flutter closed and a sigh leave your lips. He tugged the jacket off your shoulders slow enough to drive you crazy with want, especially when he began kissing every new bit of skin that was revealed all the way down to the tips of your fingers. “You sure you haven’t done this in a while?” You asked, breathless, your eyes opening to follow every move he made as he kissed each one of your fingers. 
Your jacket hit the floor, but your breathing was so loud you didn’t hear it. Not like you could concentrate on it anyway as one of Steve’s hands slid under the back of your tank top, his large hand pressing on the small of your back to hold you close while his lips repeated their path, this time his teeth nipping at your skin. 
A moan of his name left your lips at the sensation which caused him to pause on your pulse point, sucking on it hard enough that you were sure he had left a mark. You couldn’t find it in you to care, not when it felt so good. Your hands, searching for something to hold, found his hair, gripping it tight between your fingers and giving it a little tug. 
You actions were rewarded with a moan as his hips thrust up into you hard and suddenly. He pulled away when he did, his face flushed. “Sorry, I didn’t -”
Before he could say anything else, you kissed him, molding your lips together and parting them enough so you could brush your tongue against his lips. You didn’t let the kiss get any deeper, pulling away to let your lips brush against his as you spoke. “Steve, it’s okay. You can’t hurt me remember?” 
By the expression on his face, it seemed like he had forgotten that fact. It was strange being the only person in the world that this man couldn’t cause harm to no matter how rough he was. You could see the tension he had been holding release as he realized that. You could definitely tell it when he met your lips again. He was no longer holding back, your lips moving together as his hands roamed across your skin, squeezing and exploring, but never going farther than what was considered proper. 
Until you rolled your hips down against him. 
He muttered a not nice language word that had you smirking a bit until you felt his hand slide up to the edge of your bra, cupping your breast through it. You let out a gasp at the sensation combined with the feeling of him growing harder underneath you with your continued actions. Your stomach erupted with butterflies, not only in excitement, but in trepidation too. There was quite a bit beneath you, more than you had ever had. 
As if he could sense your nervousness, he gripped your hips to still your movement. “If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to. I just want to spend time with you.” Steve murmured, his voice ringing sincerity as his nose brushed against yours. 
God could he be anymore perfect? How the hell could no one have snatched him up? Was everyone blind to how amazing this man was? Here he was, hard as a rock with you grinding on his lap, and yet if you decided you didn’t want to do this, he said he would be fine with it. Most men would be furious, but here was Steve, still the gentleman. 
All it did was make you want him more. 
“I want to do this, and I want to do this with you.” You assured him. “In fact,” you bite your lip, looking down because you knew you couldn’t look at him as you made this confession. “You’re the only guy I want to do this with. The only guy I’ve thought about doing this with for a long time now.” 
One of Steve’s hands left your hip to touch your chin, tilting it up so that you had to look into his eyes, seeing nothing but gentle adoration in them that calmed your racing heart. “You’re all I’ve thought about since the moment I met you.” 
The corners of your lips tugged up into a smile at his words, your heart almost bursting with affection for the man in front of you, and you leaned forward to meet his lips again, no hesitation in either of you as your lips parted to explore each other’s mouths. 
For not having a lot of experience, Steve Rogers was an excellent kisser. Not only were his lips soft and in sync with yours, he was intuitive, taking note of every little sigh and groan that you made. Not to mention the way his mouth moved against yours, pulling back once in a while so that you both could breath before going in again and keeping you right on the edge of wanting to keep kissing him forever or tearing his clothes off right here. 
He seemed to be able to sense your warring mind. His lips never leaving yours, his hands traveled from your hips to your thighs, squeezing for a moment before standing up and taking you with him back to where you assumed his room was. 
Even though he knew how strong you were, he still placed you down on his bed as if you were made of glass, fragile and precious, and when he joined you, slipping between your thighs like he was made to fit there, he hovered over you so that the only parts of you two touching were your lips and hips and as delicious as it was when he grinded into you, you wanted more. 
Your hand tugged at his shirt, and he took the hint, pulling away from you lips and lingering there for a moment before slipping his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. While you had seen him shirtless, patching up an injury of some sort, it had never been like this and somehow that made it even better. The tips of your fingers trailed up his abs, admiring the way that they clenched under your touch, the skin smooth and unscarred even though you knew it should be littered with them. 
You barely got to enjoy the view as Steve slid down your body and slipped his hands under your tank top again. His fingers made slow work of slipping it over you while he continued to get distracted by the new bit of skin revealed, worshiping it with his lips in a way that had your back arching off the bed. “Steve . . .” You moaned as he reached your breasts, pulling the cup down to take one in his mouth. 
His eyes flickered up to yours, beautiful lashes that made you envious framing them, but he continued his motions until you were writhing underneath him. It didn’t help as he kissed a path down your stomach, stopping right above your jeans. You arched your hips up, encouraging him to take them off with a whine. He complied, slipping them down your legs and tossing them away before resuming his exploration of your skin. 
Slow. That was how you would describe the pace he was setting right now. How he had so much self control you would never know. It wouldn’t be too much longer, and you might have to take matters into your own hands. But at the same time, it was amazing, feeling the man you had been in love with for so long treating you with such care and devotion, not wanting to rush it. 
Your impatience was getting the best of you though. 
Knotting your fingers in his hair, you gave it a little tug, watching as the action caused his hips to grind down into the mattress. His hands made quick work of your underwear, causing your heart rate to pick up as his head made its way between your thighs. 
Steve was a giver, that became clear to you quickly. Something else that became clear to you within moments was that he very much knew what he was doing. How he knew what he was doing, you weren’t sure you wanted to know, but you thanked whoever or whatever it was that taught him. It wasn’t long before even with his languid pace, he was having to hold your hips down as he slipped one finger after another inside of you. Whether it was the build up, the way his tongue circled your clit, or his fingers hitting that spot deep inside of you, within moments you were shaking, and he was lapping everything up. 
That wasn’t the end though. He kept going, his eyes locked on you and watching your every move as he made you come undone not once, but two more times until you were a whimpering mess and shoving him away because it was too much. When he kissed back up your body and met your lips in a kiss, you could swear he was almost smirking. When you tasted yourself on his tongue, you didn’t care, even less so as he ground his hips into yours, letting you feel how much he wanted you.  
As overstimulated as you were, you still had an ache, wanting him inside of you as soon as possible. Using your strength, you shoved him off of you and climbed on top of him, pleased by his surprised reaction. It was funny how often he forgot how strong you were. He seemed to remember soon enough, grabbing a hold of your hips while you made quick work of your bra, unhooking it and sending it flying before leaning down for another kiss. The way his warm chest felt against you combined with the delicious friction created by you rubbing against him almost had you coming undone again, but you resisted, lifting your hips up enough to remove his sweats and lowering yourself onto him again. 
The moment that your lower halves connected for the first time you both groaned, and you had to pause for a moment as he guided you to slide up and down his hardness. He was even bigger than you thought, but you didn’t find yourself nervous anymore, eager instead. Reaching down, you gripped him in your hand, causing him to let out a groan and remove his lips to bite down on your shoulder. Slowly, but surely you guided him inside of you. Thankful for how he had made sure you were nice and slick it helped. His size stretched you to your limits and the farther down you go, the more you couldn’t tell whether it was pleasure or pain you were feeling. It was like nothing else, but you kept going until your hips met, and he was all the way inside of you. 
His hands tightened their grip on your hips in a bruising hold. It was impossible to miss the tension that was building up in his body and you could tell that he was holding himself back for your sake, letting you get used to him. Your forehead rested against his, eyes closed and heavy pants from both of you mixing together across your face. After a couple of seconds you opened your eyes to find his staring back at you, the most tender look in them as he nudged his nose against yours once more. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured against your lips. 
His words made you flush, but you were already pretty flushed from your activities so he couldn’t tell. “You don’t have to try to get me in bed, Steve, I’m already here.” You replied, pecking his lips. 
He shook his head, a little smile on his face. “Then I don’t have any other reason to say that other than meaning it, do I?” 
You kissed him, hands resting on his cheeks brushing across his smooth skin with the most gentle touch you could muster. It wasn’t long before you could feel his grip tighten once more and in response you rolled your hips against him. 
The words he used then were not appropriate language, and you would have said something about it if it didn’t feel so damn good. Chasing the feeling, you lifted your hips until he was almost out of you before slamming back down, letting out a gasp at the sensation of him filling you. The stretch your body made to accommodate him was amazing, and by the way he groaned you knew he was feeling the same. 
His head ducked as he once again began placing kisses around your breasts, keeping one in his mouth while playing with the other with one of his hands. His other hand reached behind you, gripping your ass and massaging the muscle there to urge you on. Your pace picked up, going a little faster as you felt your muscles beginning to tense which is something he seemed to sense. You felt a shift as he planted his feet on the mattress behind you and on your next downward thrust, he met you hard at the same time as he bit down on your nipple. 
“Fuck! Steve!” You gasped, your fingers tightening into fists into his hair to keep him there while you both moved together, him meeting you thrust for thrust while that heat built up in your stomach again, exploding when his hand moved from your ass around to find your clit. 
Biting your lip to swallow a scream you clenched around him and within a few thrusts you felt the warmth and loud groan signifying his release inside of you. He kept thrusting to prolong both your orgasms, even as you collapsed against his chest, sated and satisfied. When he stopped, his arms slid up and around your waist, holding you tight against his chest so you couldn’t move even if you wanted to, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. 
Your hand found his, and you lifted it up to your eyesight, marveling how much bigger it was than yours with heavy lidded eyes. You traced patterns on his palm with your fingertips for a moment, slipping your fingers through his and entwining them with a happy sigh. Bringing them to your lips, you kissed his hand and then brought it to your cheek. “I don’t think I can move.” You told him. 
His chest vibrated against your ear with his chuckle. “Good, because I don’t want you to.” Steve said, but then let out a sigh as he untangled himself from you. 
“Wait, where are you going?” You pouted up at him.
“To the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” Steve replied, kissing your forehead and smiling down at you before he headed into the door you hadn’t even noticed a few feet away and returned with a damp washcloth to clean you up.
A soft sigh left your lips at his gentle and caring touch and as soon as he was done you pulled him up against you for another kiss, this one much more light and tender, your lips moving together in a practiced symphony for a few moments before the kiss turned into pecks against each other’s lips and tightening grips on the other’s skin. “We should have done this much sooner.” You mumbled against his lips. 
“Yeah, we should have,” Steve agreed, shifting to lay sideways as he threw his arm around your waist, moving his lips to your cheek and letting out a sigh. “But we’re here now.” 
“And that’s what matters,” you agreed, smiling over at him. 
When he returned your smile, you realized one thing. Tony was right. He did have perfect teeth. 
You didn’t sleep that night. It wasn’t because you weren’t comfortable, and it wasn’t because Steve didn’t either. Steve did fall asleep with you wrapped up tight in his arms, but you couldn’t do it. 
Nothing about tonight was something you would come to regret. You knew that. It felt amazing to get your feelings for Steve off your heart and to learn that he felt the same. Then sharing yourselves with each other? It cemented your feelings. You were consumed with love for Steve Rogers. 
And in a few hours you were heading up into outer space to save your best friend while he was headed to Wakanda to fight in a war that he wasn’t sure to come out of. 
How could you go to sleep with all those scenarios in your head? Not to mention the fact that you were going to have to face him tomorrow morning. You were going to have to wake up and say goodbye to each other after the night you had shared. So while you knew that you didn’t regret what had happened, you weren’t going to be able to look him in the eyes tomorrow morning and leave him. You consider yourself a strong person, but you weren’t that strong. 
So you did the cowardly thing. You shifted out of his arms with slow movements, making sure not to wake him up, found a sheet of paper and wrote three little words on it. Then you brushed his hair off his forehead and left a gentle kiss. 
You didn’t look back. 
When Steve Rogers woke up the next morning, he knew that you were gone. He didn’t even need to see the note to know that, but he read it anyway. He let his thumb brush over the words that you had written there as if he could feel some essence of you on them. On the scrap of paper were words that he had felt, but had been too nervous to say knowing what might come today. You hadn’t been. 
He folded up the paper in his hands and reached over to the compass that he kept on him at all times, a reminder of the woman he had loved and lost. In front of her picture, he tucked your note, hoping it would bring him some luck over the next few days. 
If he had enough luck, maybe he would get to say those words back to you when you returned. 
Even though you had done the calculations multiple times, ran simulations and mapped out everything you could think of, you were still amazed when it worked. You felt like Thomas the Train as your ship went higher and higher hearing the voice, I think I can, I think I can over and over the more you ascended. 
Then you reached your first drop point. 
Your body was shoved against the back of your seat, and you were glad that you were buckled in. Eyes widening at the vast amount of colors and shapes flying past your window, you would have been amazed if it hadn’t felt like your stomach was climbing up your throat. 
As soon as it started, it stopped, and you found yourself plummeting towards a planet way faster than you could stop. Your hands shot towards all the controls in front of you, the smell of smoke rising around you as the ground got closer and closer along with the ping of the tracker you had set up to display of Tony’s suit. 
You knew that you should have been scared, but after looking death in the face as many times as you had, you knew it was once again just going to make you stronger. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. 
“Ma’am! Ma’am are you okay?” You heard a panicked child’s voice call out through your coughing as there was a crunch of metal and the door to your ship flew open. 
Squinting your eyes, you frowned as you recognized the suit the kid was wearing. Well, the old version of it anyway. “Spiderling? What are you doing here?” 
“Um, it’s Peter Parker actually, and there was this field trip -”
“Is this how you answer phone calls these days?” 
You let out a sigh of relief as Tony Stark came into view. “Had to get here quick. I knew if you were left alone too long you’d do something stupid.” You replied with a smirk. 
He shrugged, but you could see the relief in his face. “Offensive, but true.” 
Shoving your straps off you threw yourself into the man’s arms, hugging him tight. “I’m glad you’re okay.” You whispered so he could hear. 
He returned your hug, his arms so tight around you that you could hardly breathe. “I’m glad you’re here. We could use all the help we can get. I’m not paying you more for this though.” He added. 
You pulled back and shoved him. 
He hadn’t known what to expect when Thanos and his minions had arrived on Earth. He had been told by Bruce all that he had seen, but he didn’t think Dr. Banner had even expected the extent to which they were attacked. 
But he never gave up hope. 
Not until he saw Bucky disintegrate before his eyes. Steve dropped to the dirt, or what was left of Bucky, and his hand found nothing but dust. His best friend, once again taken from him. 
At that point, something else caught his eyesight, a gray body lying on the ground. He rushed over to it, flipping it over to find Vision with a large hole in his head, the mind stone gone. 
That meant . . . 
He collapsed to the ground in a seated position as he heard footsteps running towards him, but he couldn’t bring himself to even look up. They had lost. Half of humanity was gone. That meant half of his friends . . . 
“What is this? What the hell is happening?” He heard Rhodey say over the ringing in his ears. 
And you were off in space with Tony. He had no way of knowing if you . . . “Oh god,” he let out in horror. 
Watching people turn to dust in front of you is the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. The Guardians, which is what they called themselves, were first, one by one all of them except Nebula disappeared in front of your eyes. Next to go was Stephen Strange, one of the reasons all of this had occurred after he gave him the stone for a reason none of you understood. Then you watched with dread as Peter Parker, a kid you knew Tony looked at like his own son, turned to dust in his arms. 
Before you could move to comfort Tony, a sensation crept up your arm, a violent, painful fire moving at an agonizing pace. You looked down to see what it could be and watched in alarm as your skin attempted to almost . . . peel off before coming back together. “T-Tony,” You said, your voice wavering as you watched the same thing start to happen on your other arm. 
Him and Nebula, the only one who remained from the Guardians Group, rushed over to you. “Y/N, what’s . . .” 
“I . . . I don’t know.” You gasped, your hands grasping at dirt to relieve the pain, but they dissipated before you could get any relief to reform over and over. 
“What the hell is happening to her!” Tony yelled at the woman. 
She looked fascinated as her metallic fingers traveled over your arm, watching it reform over and over. “Her body is attempting to resist the stones. I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
You couldn’t get any air into your lungs. The fire was all throughout your body now, and if you glanced down you could see your whole body turning to dust and gathering back together, each time more painful than the time before. “Stop it! Please, just fucking stop it!” You gasped out, burying a scream in your throat. 
Tony’s face was out of your field of vision with your eyes clenched tight, but you could feel his grip on you become almost painful. He had never seen you act like this because you couldn’t ever remember being in this much pain. 
“You said that her power is to absorb the trauma caused on her body to make her stronger?” You heard Nebula ask Tony since you were incapable of answering anything at the moment. 
Tony’s voice sped up in panic. “No, it’s like if someone tried to burn her, her body would somehow make itself unable to be burned.” He explained, a frantic tone in his voice. 
A whimper left your throat though you tried to hold it back. You didn’t want Tony to worry, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop it. Everything hurt, everything was burning white hot in your veins, and you wanted it to stop. 
“Infinity Stones are the most powerful weapon in the Universe.” She said. 
“So her body is trying to fight off the hardest thing it will ever have to face?!” Tony said. 
“I imagine she will be quite indestructible -”
 The scream bubbled out of your throat before you could stop it and everything went quiet except for the ringing in your ears. 
“You’re overworking yourself.” Natasha’s voice rang out in the quiet room. 
Steve let his eyes glance over at her for a brief moment. “There’s work that has to get done. Someone’s gotta do it.” He replied before turning back to the computer screen, watching through the videos captured on various street cams while an endless loop of your take off played on another screen. That video always caught his eyes every few seconds. 
“It doesn’t have to be you. I know you want to find her, but this isn’t doing her or Tony any good.” Natasha told him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “We’re doing everything we can.” 
“It’s not enough,” he replied, shaking his head. “She made it out. There’s been no suspicious aircraft crashes reported that match the description of her ship. She’s in space somewhere, and there’s no way to -” Steve’s hands clenched into fists on the keyboard, unable to even imagine the next words he was planning to say. 
“Steve,” she said, sitting down beside him. “We don’t know for sure if they got snapped. For all we know they’re in space somewhere on their way back home.” 
Her words echoed in his head, but he couldn’t bring himself to believe them. He had already lost his first love in the ice, why would the world grant him his other one? “You know, the optimism is usually my job.” He replied, not confirming or denying what she said. 
“Well, someone’s gotta do it.” Nat repeated back, a teasing smirk on her lips as she leaned back in her chair. “So, did she tell you, and that’s why you’re so upset?” 
Steve turned his head back to the screens in front of him, knowing the super spy knew him well enough to be able to read his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
It seemed his avoidance did no good because Natasha gasped. “She did! Or you did! Well all knew, you know. I’m proud of you, Cap.” 
Once again he shook his head, not feeling the least bit proud of his actions. “Proud? If I hadn’t been such a coward and told her sooner we would have had more time.” 
She frowned, reaching out to comfort him again, but before she could say anything, the door opened and Rhodey entered the room. “Hey, so that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing.” 
Steve and Nat exchanged glances. 
Nineteen days. 
It was nineteen days when your body stopped aching, and you could take a deep breath. 
At least that was what Tony told you when you were coherent enough to sit up and understand him. His body was even worse shape than yours. You could see the bones in his face, sharpened with hunger and thirst, the bags under his eyes and the paleness of his skin. He told you that they had gotten the fuel line repaired, but it hadn’t lasted, and now you were all floating in unknown space. 
You talked to Nebula while Tony slept. She told you he might make it a couple of more days, but soon oxygen was going to run out even with neither of you needing it. She told you that they had also tethered the ship that you had come in to the one you were both now in. As far as she could tell, no oxygen was the problem. 
You knew you couldn’t just wait around and hope for the best. The others had no way of finding any of you, and if there was a chance to save Tony’s life, you were going to take it. So once again, you snuck off. This time it was Tony who was sleeping however, and you left with an affectionate ruffle of his hair. 
It took what you assumed was about two days of space travel before you realized that the oxygen being gone was not the only problem with the ship. 
Meeting Captain Carol Danvers was a shock. A superpowered woman with such strength that Fury had never told them about would have pissed Steve off in any other situation, but right now all he could worry about was you. 
“Do you think you can find them?” 
Everyone was sitting around a table, and they had finished bringing Carol up to speed on everything that had happened. She was still in the process of taking it all in which Steve couldn’t blame her for. Half the universe decimated? It was a lot. 
“You have no idea if these people are even still alive anymore correct?” She asked. 
Her words struck at Steve with a rush of pain. She was right. They didn’t know if they were alive, and Steve had his doubts. After everything he had gone through, he couldn’t imagine one thing working out right. 
He owed it to you to try though. 
“We don’t,” Natasha spoke up, “but if they are, they could be a big help at getting everyone else back.” 
Carol nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. “Do you have any idea how to find them?” 
“No, but Thanos’s daughter might. If she’s not dirt like everyone else.” The raccoon, yes, Steve was still wrapping his head around that one, laid a device on the table. With a press of a button, a complicated digital map appeared in front of them, “and the last time I saw her, she was on that ship right there.” 
There was a blinking red dot right in the middle of the screen. Carol observed it for a few moments while they all waited with bated breath. 
“So?” Steve asked, unable to wait any longer for a response. 
Carol turned to him and after a moment that seemed to last forever, she nodded. “I can try.” 
“So . . . I thought I might be in this position someday. With our line of work, danger is going to happen. Didn’t think it would be these exact circumstances though.” 
You let out a sigh, looking past the blinking red light and to the beautiful galaxy outside the window. It would have been amazing if you weren’t trapped in it hoping for a miracle. 
“I guess there’s still a chance. I know you’re not going to stop looking for me. You’re that stubborn. I imagine that even if you lived another hundred years you wouldn’t stop looking for me. Not that I want you to do that.” You felt like you had to add. “I want you to be happy. Not spend the rest of your life looking for me.” Deep in your heart you knew that, thinking about it right now though? Steve in the arms of another woman while you were stuck up here? It made you sick to your stomach. 
“What am I saying anyway? I don’t even know why I’m doing this recording. I’m going to get out of here. Either I’m going to fix the ship myself or you guys will come and save me. Speaking of, I’m going to get back to work. I’ll see you soon, Steve.” You said, touching the button and ending the recording. 
You knew Steve would never hear it, but Tony was right, for some reason it felt better saying it. 
It had been two days, and they still hadn’t heard anything from Danvers. Everyone that remained at the Compound was beyond anxious, yet no one seemed to know what to do about it. Everyone coped in different ways. 
Bruce seemed to retreat into himself. None of the others saw him much until he had something important to share, or Natasha managed to coax him out for a meal. 
Natasha on the other hand seemed to have a similar method of dealing with her nerves as Steve did. She worked. They were still in the process of collecting the names of the missing. As soon as they had a database, they would have a better idea of what to do next. Steve helped with that when he could, but the biggest help seemed to be Rhodey. 
On top of that, they were still trying to get in touch with Clint. Not long after the snap had occurred, Natasha had gotten a distraught phone call from the man where she discovered that he had lost his whole family. When she told him that they had no leads, he hung up. He had been off the grid ever since. 
Pepper just sat near the windows, always looking up at the sky in between meetings and phone calls from various government agencies. 
Steve tried not to think about it. When he wasn’t helping Natasha, or working out, he was also having to field several phone calls and requests for appearances to talk about what the hell had happened. At first he had welcomed the distraction, but now . . .  
All he could think about was you. So many of his friends had been lost. He had once again watched Bucky disappear from his sight. The other man he would consider one of his best friends did the same. He had no reason to believe the same hadn’t happened to you. 
He wanted to have hope. He had to. If not, everything that had happened between the two of you three weeks ago would have been for nothing. 
He stood above the sink, staring at his fresh shaven face and letting out a sigh. Steve knew there was nothing he could do but wait. 
At that moment, he noticed something strange. The mirror was shaking. He glanced up at the ceiling and noticed that it was shaking as well. That could mean only one thing. 
By the time Steve and the rest of the team had made it out onto the lawn, Pepper was already there. They watched as Carol Danvers landed the ship that she had been carrying onto the lawn with care. 
As soon as the steps were let down Steve rushed over, seeing Tony being helped down by a blue woman. He wrapped his arm around the malnourished and weak man, helping to support him. “Couldn’t stop him.” Tony told him. 
“Neither could I.” Steve replied. 
Tony stopped and Steve paused with him. The look on Tony’s face was full of regret, and Steve held his breath. “I lost the kid.” He said. 
Steve sighed, shaking his head as he glanced back over Tony’s shoulder to the ship. “Tony, we lost . . .” He couldn’t even finish his sentence. They had lost so much Steve didn’t even know where to begin. There was one thing he couldn’t resist asking though. “Did she . . . did Y/N say anything before she . . .” 
Steve watched as Tony’s eyes widened and a look of pure panic formed on his face. “What do you mean? She’s not here? She left on a spaceship for help three days ago. I thought that was how you found me.” 
Steve’s heart dropped to his stomach. 
“It’s been five days now, and I’ve got to admit it Rogers.” You rubbed your eyes, trying to prevent any tears from falling. “I don’t think I’m making it out of this one. Not any time soon anyway. You guys have no way of knowing where I am because I’m sure this signal isn’t reaching Earth, or you would have found me by now.” 
You bit your bottom lip, fingers digging into your thighs. “I like to think I’m strong, you know?” Contrary to your words, your voice cracked, and you cleared your throat. “I try to keep it together most of the time. After all, I’m pretty much immune from physical harm. Emotional should be the same right?” 
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, trying to gather yourself once more for what you were about to say. “But I’m scared. It’s terrible up here. All I can think about is that I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know if you’re alive, if Tony is, or Nat . . . and it’s possible I never will. If this message somehow manages to get to Earth, I want you to know something.” Taking another deep breath, you voiced the words in your heart. “I don’t regret anything. Not a damn thing, and I never will, no matter how long I’m stuck up here. Just remember that note.” 
And with that, you pressed the red button for the final time. 
They were getting ready to go find Thanos when it happened. FRIDAY informed them that Tony needed to speak with them as soon as possible. They exchanged glances, wary about another episode that would end like the last one, but joined him in his lab where he was still sitting in his wheelchair. “Tony, what-”
“But I’m scared. It’s terrible up here. All I can think about is that I don’t know what’s going on.” 
Steve would recognize that voice anywhere. He rushed over to Tony’s side, watching the light on the screen blink as it continued Y/N’s message. 
“I don’t know if you’re alive or if Tony is, or Nat . . . and it’s possible I never will. If this message somehow manages to get to Earth, I want you to know something.” 
A hand rested on his shoulder as Steve’s fingers clenched hard into the wood of the table in front of him. 
“I don’t regret anything. Not a damn thing, and I never will, no matter how long I’m stuck up here. Just remember that note.” 
How could he not? He could still feel the metal in his pocket where the note rested. “Can you trace it?” Steve asked, his voice tense. Him and Tony might be at odds right now, but you were always something both of them could always agree on. 
“Right now? No. But you better be damn sure I’m going to by the time you get back.” Tony replied, determination in his face. 
Steve nodded, the hope in his chest fragile, but renewed. If anyone would be able to do it, it would be Tony. 
They were bringing you back, if it was the last thing they ever did. 
It turns out, that just because your body could survive without nourishment, didn’t mean it didn’t crave it. No, there was a constant craving for a bowl of pasta to fill your empty stomach or some water to pass through your now dry and cracked lips. It was an ache that never seemed to go away. The longer you thought about it, the more it was all you could think about. 
You started to see why people who were trapped in mountains resorted to drinking their own urine and why the Donner party had ate their fellow pioneers. You became desperate for something, anything, to stop the ache in your gut. It was so painful, you couldn’t even sleep. 
That was why at first you didn’t see the blinking red light. It had to be fake right? You had been on this ship for days now and had never noticed it. Why would it be lighting up now? 
Even though you knew it couldn’t be real, you scrambled for it, crazy with hunger and desperation to find a message from your best friend that turned out not to be a message at all, but instead a communication link. “Tony?” Your voice came out all wrong, cracked and hoarse with scarce use. 
“Y/N!” The relief in his tone was palpable even through the shitty static. “What the hell took you so long?” 
“This is a dream isn’t it?” You said, slumping down in front of the screen. “I’ve had these over the past couple of days. It’s always you, Steve or Nat . . . It’s probably some method of coping with the loneliness.”  
“This is not a dream, Y/N.” Tony’s voice said, echoing through the speakers. 
“I can’t take it anymore, you know? It’s never ending. I want it to stop, Tony . . . Can you please make it stop?” You pleaded, your fingers digging into your skin hard enough to leave marks.  
“Listen, I’m going to need you to snap out of this so I can get you home.” Tony replied, his voice authoritative. 
 You shake your head. “You know as well as I do there’s no getting out of this for me. I’m going to be here until I can find a way to make it all stop.” God how you wished it was real. What you wouldn’t give to see their faces again. 
The angry yell forced your thoughts to pause. It had been a long time since you had heard Tony yell at you like that. Why would your mind, trying to help you cope with your situation, make Tony mad at you? 
“This isn’t a damn dream, and I need you to find some of your sanity so I can help save you because I can’t deal with these idiots without you, and if I have to look at Rogers distraught face one more time -”
“Tony?” You gasped, hardly daring to believe that it was him you were talking to and not a hallucination. 
“That’s right, it’s me. Now let’s get you home.” 
That was it. 
There were no more plans.
No more options. 
No other way to get everyone back. 
The spaceship was quiet on the way home. Everyone was distraught and hopeless knowing that the stones had been destroyed, and they had lost their loved ones for good. 
While on the first trip, Steve had been mesmerized by the beauty that flashed in front of his face in such a way that it made him dizzy, this time it seemed daunting, this wide open space that you were somewhere lost in. How could Tony ever hope to find you in this vastness? 
Steve opened up his compass and took out the little note, reading it one more time. 
“We’ll find her,” Natasha said over his shoulder. “If we couldn’t save the universe, we can damn well save her.” 
He wished he could believe it.
“You’re going to make yourself sick.” 
“That’s impossible,” you replied, your head rested on Pepper’s shoulder as you finished off another can of peaches, one of the things that had been sitting in the stockroom of Avengers Compound, a sight you thought you might never see again. 
Tony sighed, but ruffled your hair affectionately. “You know, I thought your time in space by yourself might make you less irritable.” 
“Tony!” Pepper scolded, smacking his arm. 
You smirked at him over her shoulder. 
“I’ll be glad when Rogers gets back so I don’t have to deal with you two teaming up against me anymore.” Tony replied, rubbing his arm with a frown that was now echoed on your own face. 
“There’s no way I can talk either of you out of this?” You asked, biting your bottom lip. 
Pepper shook her head. “I’m sorry Y/N. We . . . we need time away from all of this.” 
You could understand that. After everything that had happened, Tony had spent a good majority of his life trying to save the universe. He deserved some time to recover with the love of his life. “I’m going to miss you guys.” You said, your voice a whisper. 
Tony raised his eyebrows at you. “You make it sound like you’re not still working for me. We’re going to be needing your help.” 
“Which means lots of visits.” Pepper added, tugging you into her side in a hug.
That did bring a smile to your face. As much as they needed the break, you knew that you still couldn’t take being away from them for long. Before you could say anything else, you noticed a large spaceship reappearing in the dark sky outside. 
Your spoon clattered onto the table, and your heart began hammering hard against your chest. Not only were you about to be reunited with your best friends, but you were about to see him again after nothing but a note you left him. Nothing had changed, you kept telling yourself even though a small part of your heart wondered if it had. 
“Urgh, just go out there and met him where I don’t have to watch.” Tony interrupted your thinking. 
Rolling your eyes at your best friend’s dramatics, you gave Pepper a kiss on the cheek and ruffling Tony’s hair. “Thanks for saving my ass.” You whispered in his ear. 
A sincere smile formed on his face at your words. “Thanks for saving mine first.” 
You didn’t waste any more time. As soon as the door was shut behind you, you ran outside, making it just in time to watch the first person disembark. 
Nat stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she stared at you in disbelief for a moment as she came closer. “So . . . Stop for some fast food on the way back?” She asked, though you could see in her tear filled eyes how happy she was to see you. 
“God you have no idea how much I wish I had.” You replied, grinning and shaking your head at the old joke. 
She reached out and clasped you tight in her arms while you returned the embrace, closing your eyes as you felt a few of your own tears drip down your face. “Thank God something went right today.” Nat murmured, pulling back so she could look at you. “You’ve been to the Med Bay?” 
You nodded. “Just going to take a while for my body to adjust to all the trauma. Should be fine in a couple of weeks.” 
Nat nodded, and gave your shoulders a squeeze. “I’ll see you inside. I’ve got a feeling that there's someone else you want to see.” 
A shy smile formed on your face as she gave you a knowing look before walking past you to clear the view for the man standing at the end of the steps from the space ship watching you. 
No matter the destruction, no matter that everything had gone to utter shit around you, no matter that you were exhausted, you had never been happier to see an alive and well Steve Rogers in front of you. 
And from the look of complete and utter relief on his face, you could tell he felt the same. 
You rushed to him, and you both met in the middle. Within seconds you were held tight in his strong arms, your legs wrapped around his small waist with your foreheads pressed against each other. 
Neither of you said anything. You were too busy breathing him in and taking in everything different about him. He was still your Steve, a once more clean shaven Steve Rogers, but still the man who held your heart. Your hands traced his face, his forehead, the corners of his eyes to his cheekbones, the tip of his nose, to his soft lips, all the way down to his no longer hidden sharp jawline. It wasn’t until he tilted his head to press a barely there kiss against your palm that you realized your hands were shaking. “Told you I’d make it.” 
 His hands were gripping you tight enough to leave bruises. “Yeah, guess I shouldn’t have been worried at all right?” 
“Clearly,” you replied, your nose bumping against his, “but in my opinion, we shouldn’t separate again. Everything goes to shit when we do.” 
Steve’s warm hands moved to splay across your back pulling you even closer against his body. You let out a soft sigh as they ran up and down your spine, the tension leaving with ease. “I can agree with that.” He replied, and without waiting another second met your lips in a fire filled kiss.
It was different than the first kiss you shared. It reminded you of the kiss that he gave you once he remembered he couldn’t break you. Desperate and eager to remind both of you that you were here, still alive and all his. You could feel his heart pounding against your chest with how close the two of you were and smell the scent of pure Steve Rogers, fresh laundry and soap. Never had you thought that combination would be something you longed for, but here you were. 
Your kiss slowed down as your hands slid into his hair, your lips retreating from each other at a pace that made it clear neither of you wanted to, but you had to. Both of you were breathless, but neither of you even attempted to let go of the other. “You shaved,” you spoke up. 
“Didn’t think you’d notice,” he teased, but then his tone turned serious. “Have you been to the med bay? It must have been days since you ate-”
“First place I went when I realized you weren’t here.” You replied, your fingers massaging the back of his neck as you stared into those deep blue eyes, never wanting to look away from him again. 
Steve nodded, pressing a soft kiss against your lips for the briefest of moments. “Y/N . . .” 
You raised your eyebrows to show him you were paying attention as you waited for him to speak. 
“I love you too,” he replied, the most tender expression on his face.
The tears that had been threatening to spill again rolled down your cheeks at his words. It was hard to believe that over a month ago you had convinced yourself that the man you loved would never care for you that way, and today you had heard him say the exact words you had been longing to hear for so long. 
Steve Rogers loved you. 
And you loved him. 
Even though the rest of the world was in utter chaos and grief, along with the both of you, much like Tony and Pepper, at least you both had that.
@evanstush @weloveyou3000rdj
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT:no selfies in the bathroom please ; captain america
This one got buried deep on my blog too but I truly did enjoy writing for Cap. And I’m probably gonna do one hell of a lot more of it. For now, this is a start.
Roxy is on a cruise and it’s not going well at all. A phone conversation with Captain America, however, gives her something to look forward to.
Captain America x OFC, Roxy.
uhhh innuendo, flirting..
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“I’m rethinking my decision to go without sunscreen. Holy shit, everything hurts.” Roxy cringed at her sunburnt skin in the mirror. The cell phone pinged and Roxy grabbed it, scanning the text from Natasha.
← How’s Cancun?
← Meet any guys on the cruise?
Roxy bit her lip and dragged a hand through tousled deep golden brown waves. She’d have to worry about her skincare predicament later. She’d gone almost a week with no contact and she knew that Natasha texting was a passive way of her team mate pointing it out, so she figured that rather than risk Fury sending down agents and ruining what was left of her vacation, she’d better just answer.
→ Welp, I’m sunburnt so bad that I don’t even wanna think about clothes, I drank so much rum I tried to go into the wrong cabin and now there’s a storm rolling in for the rest of the week, so.. 5 out of 10. Not too bad, but could’ve gone so much better. How’s the mission going? How’s Captain?
→ Yeah, several married fuckboys. I’ve given up on the stupid mixers they hold on this cruise, it’s pointless… I repeat, how is Captain holding up?
Scrolling through Spotify, Roxy found her favorite hair metal playlist and turned it up as loud as the volume would go to keep the sound of the neighbors hate fucking from echoing through the wall separating the rooms. When Bon Jovi barely covered the moans and growls and bed creaking, Roxy glared at the wall, flipping it off before stepping close.
“Can you two knock it the entire fuck off? Some of us are trying to take a nap before the next call to port.”
“Jealous much?” the muffled reply came through and Roxy rolled her eyes, sticking her finger down her throat as she pretended to gag while muttering to herself, “Not likely.”
Which was, of course, a total lie. Because hell yes, she was jealous. Very jealous. Insanely jealous.
…. If you’d stop being a little bitch and just make a move already…. Who knows? You two might have even gotten together and maybe you’d be getting your own action right now that’s not battery operated….
….Steve isn’t that kind of guy…. But at least you wouldn’t be alone on this damned cruise….
“Did you hear anything?”
The question had Natasha smirking to herself through a curtain of vibrant red hair. She knew telling Roxy total radio silence from the team for a while might be a good thing and if her suspicions were right, Cap’s tone held just the slightest hint of concern. Natasha finally pulled herself out of the text conversation that she was having with Roxy and looked up at the man, giving a shrug as she responded “Maybe?”
“Well?” Steve’s hand raised, slowly dragging through shaggy hair. Shaggier than he’d ever worn it before, but he refrained from cutting it mostly because he was too lazy and too picky. And maybe the new team member Roxy had something to do with it, the way she was always playing with it, his mind was quick to add but he shoved out the thought before it could fully form.
That would be too weird. Despite outward appearances and overall physical health suggesting otherwise, Steve kept circling back to one simple fact. He was old enough to be Roxy Davenport’s grandpa.
He lowered himself into the seat next to Natasha and before Natasha could move her phone out of sight, he caught sight of the screen.
Of Roxy in a bikini that was… Definitely daring. Left very little to the imagination. Natasha smirked triumphantly at the fact that he was gaping like an ass and after closing the screen out, she shrugged. “She hates the cruise. First the airport lost her luggage, so she had to buy clothes. Then she spent all night above deck at one of those mixers and apparently drank so much rum she wandered into the wrong cabin below deck. Then at the last port, she got propositioned by some really questionable looking local man. And now, she apparently fell asleep sunbathing and according to her, becoming a nudist is looking appealing.”
“Yeah.. The sunburn..” Steve was still trying to make words form properly and with a cough he finished, “It looked really bad. Didn’t she have any sunscreen?”
“Yeah. Here. In the bathroom on our wing. She forgot to pack it.”
Steve shook his head, clucking his tongue as he did so. “I told her a thousand times to pack it.”
Natasha’s cell phone started to ring and as soon as she saw Roxy’s contact information and photo on the screen, she passed it off to Steve and left the room.
Staying hidden outside the door, of course. Maybe if she forced them to talk they actually would. And they’d get along just like she felt they would.
They both needed someone, and they both felt something.. Steve was just more reluctant to show it than Roxy.
“Steve?” the reception was bad. The storm was starting to roll in and due to the water being a little choppy, they were currently docking at some island port to ride out the storm before going any further. Roxy stood on her bed, peering out the porthole window. “Where’s Nat?”
“Nat handed me the phone and left.” Steve shifted around in his seat, trying to will away the image of her in black fabric scraps. But he couldn’t. “Do you send all your friends personal pictures?”
… way to go, Steve… way to make it awkward… Steve took a deep breath and shifted around in his seat some more, grabbing for the remote on the table in front of him. “Nevermind, I… That wasn’t my business.”
Roxy gave a soft laugh but eyed the phone with a raised brow. He almost sounded a little… Bothered… by the picture she’d sent Natasha so Nat could see her sunburn and how severe it was.
No, Roxy thought to herself, that cannot be it. There’s no way plain ol’ me has worked Captain freakin America up, nope.
It didn’t stop her from hoping that maybe she had though.
“Honestly, that picture wasn’t that bad. The stupid swimsuit didn’t fit but like… There’s worse on my Instagram, trust me.”
“Define worse.” Steve couldn’t help the way it just came out. He bit his lip as he tried not to say anything else. If he opened his mouth one more time, he was almost 100 percent sure that the way he felt -and how jealous it made him sometimes whenever Starlord or Thor flirted with her and she seemed to flirt right back, that was all gonna come tumbling out before he could stop it.
“You’ve seen it. You’re following my Instagram.” Roxy stifled a soft giggle. On his end, Steve took a deep breath and tried to go back in his mind, tried to remember what Instagram was and how he’d wound up following her. It hit him then.. Tony. Tony made him an Instagram and he’d followed everyone he worked with on Instagram. After the first few days, the novelty wore off and he rarely looked at it now.
Curiosity got the best of him, so while he was talking on Natasha’s phone, he took his own out of his pocket, going to the app. Going to her page and when he did, he coughed and swore to himself.
Roxy heard him mutter a quiet and almost growled “Fuck” under his breath and she raised a brow. “Everything okay there, Cap?”
“Everything is..” but he couldn’t get any words to come because his eyes were glued to her Instagram profile, snickering softly to himself when he hit play on a video she posted the night before, her singing karaoke to some song he’d heard her listening to a time or two.
“Yeah?” Roxy muttered, wondering what the hell was up with Steve. This was the most he’d said to her since the last mission they went out on together. The one where they had to act as husband and wife and maybe things got a little… Tense when they were in closed quarters.
… you walked in on him after he showered and then he accidentally grabbed your tits trying to secure the wire…
“Fine.” Steve finally managed to answer, letting out a shaky breath and continuing to scroll. That bikini made it’s first appearance further down the timeline. He tugged at the collar of his fitted white tee and took a deep breath.
“You sure? You sound like you’re not feelin well, Captain.”
“I’m fine. Just.. Hot. Yeah, it’s hot here.” Steve was partially telling the truth. “Have you done anything about the sun burn?”
“Ice bath.”
…. But the sunburn wasn’t the only reason I needed it, thanks a lot Tasha, posting a video of you sparring, sir….  The thought came quickly and Roxy tried to shove it out.
But even now, all she could see was him sparring with one of the rookies.. Or doing push ups, shirtless.
It was burned into her brain.
“That’s all? You need some aloe or somethin on that, doll. Because from that picture you sent Nat… You don’t look good at all.”
… way to go, Steve, there’s absolutely no way you could screw this up worse if you tried… you know what you’re doing, act like it…
“Gee, thanks.” Roxy pouted.
“I don’t mean like that, you look damn good, just.. The burn not so much.”
Roxy felt herself getting flustered. Everything about the tone and the phrasing… Was he flirting with her?
“Well, see, therein lies a problem, Captain. I kind of can’t reach the majority of the worst spots. And there’s no way I’m going to ask someone to rub aloe all over me.”
… unless it’s you, of course…
“If it’s still that bad when you get back I.. I mean if you need someone to rub…” Steve palmed his face, took a deep breath and finally managed to say it calmly and with a straight face, “I’ll do it.”
Roxy’s thighs tightened at the way he said it and the mental images it filled her mind with. “Oh you will, hmm?” her voice dropped a little and she bit her lip, suddenly fidgety. She settled down on the bed, trying to find some level of comfort against badly sunburnt skin. Oh god, I bet his hands would feel so fucking good against my skin… And that mouth.. He must have said something while she was on her little distracted mental tangent, because he said her name again.
“I was saying I’d do it.” Steve answered, trying to work up the nerve required to just go for it. Finally, he managed to do so. “Are you sure it’s a good idea posting those pictures you post?”
… so he’s looking at it now.. Interesting.. The thought came and Roxy gave a soft laugh, rolling onto her stomach and immediately regretting it when the thin blanket felt like prickly like a cactus instead of soft like it had before she’d gotten her sunburn. “Nobody really notices, I mean.. It’s a way to keep in touch with friends and stuff, let people see what I’m doing.”
Steve coughed a little, eyes scrolling through the comments on the black bikini pic. His breath hitched in his throat and he blurted out before he could stop himself, “I didn’t know you had a tattoo.”
“Yeah, it’s itty bitty. I lost a dare. Otherwise, I’d never have gotten it.” Roxy muttered, scrolling through her messages. “Are you sure you’re okay, Captain? You sound a little out of it.”
“I’m fine. Just tired.”
“Yeah, I saw you sparring with the new guy. Looked pretty intense.” - her giggle really did something to him, he clenched his fists and unclenched them, standing up. Maybe if he moved around, he could get rid of the situation currently on the rise.
… I had a good reason too, Steve thought to himself as he chuckled quietly and stretched, catching sight of the time. “You did, huh?”
“I did. It was… Interesting.”
“Oh?” Steve asked as he moved towards the kitchen and grabbed himself a bottled water, drinking down half.
“Yeah. Ya know, I had quite the view myself.”
Roxy wanted to punch herself in the throat as soon as she said it, but it was out, no sense in covering it up. Steve coughed a little and chuckled again quietly. She sounded flustered. No, he didn’t dare get his hopes up.  “Oh really now?”
Roxy took a deep breath. Now she could feel her face heating up and she could only imagine those baby blue eyes of his fixing on her.. That little smirk on his face and the way he rubbed his chin when in thought. She closed her eyes and imagined it almost perfectly, Steve wandering around the main room in the tower because he couldn’t ever really sit still when he had to have a phone conversation she’d noticed. Stretching his arms and the way the muscles would stand out as a result.
“Shit.” she gasped as she squirmed slightly and the thin blanket on her bed rubbed right against sunburnt flesh. Steve muttered quietly, “Language.” and Roxy retorted with a soft laugh, “Oh trust me.. If you were burnt like I am, you wouldn’t care about language.”
“I still can’t believe you forgot your sunscreen.”
“Me either.” Roxy groaned, lightly hitting her head against the mattress as she sighed and pulled herself up, sliding off the bed. “I think I packed some cooling gel though.” she rummaged through her suitcase. The neighbors were at it again, fighting as foreplay. She rolled her eyes at the wall and it must have been loud enough for Steve to hear because he asked what was going on.
“My neighbors have a makeup sex kink, apparently. They’re either fighting or going at it like rabbits.” she stopped by the wall separating the two rooms and banged loudly, “And I really wish they’d knock it the hell off so maybe I could get a little sleep.”
Steve snickered and coughed. Because naturally, given the current conversation and the fact that he felt like Roxy was definitely flirting with him and now he was attempting to do the same back, it was so much easier with the phone between them, his own mind went down an interesting path and he could imagine himself there with her.. Rubbing the aloe into her skin. Trailing his hands over curves. Pressing his chest against her back and laughing, giving her some kind of smooth remark about her ability to fall asleep practically anywhere and stay asleep not doing her any favors this time. Holding her as they drifted off to sleep.
“If you’re not havin any fun by yourself doll, why go on the cruise alone?”
“My grandma bought me tickets to this damn thing and I love my grandma, so I was not about to turn this down. She wanted me to come on here and meet someone like she did a long time ago.. But like..” Roxy laughed and Steve took another long sip of water, waiting on her to finish her sentence. Which she never did.
Steve wasn’t about to bring it up, either. But he did find himself wondering what she might have been about to say.
“Hey, Captain?”
“Yeah?” he took a deep breath.
“If you really wanna apply my aloe when I’m back at the tower, I won’t object.” almost the second Roxy let it slip out, she was instantly on pins and needles. Maybe she’d said it because she was lonely and she wished she wasn’t on the cruise by herself. Maybe she said it because she’d held in her feelings entirely too long. Maybe being on the cruise and having distance between them via a phone line made her entirely too brave. She took a deep breath and started to speak up and say it was silly, but to her surprise, Steve spoke up first.
“You won’t, huh? Well, see..” Steve wandered back over to the kitchen area, grabbing himself another bottled water. He was trying to make one last ditch effort not to say what he’d been holding back for so long, but he just couldn’t anymore. He took a deep breath, uncapping his water and drinking a little and then he continued to speak, “ The problem with this doll is that I don’t know I’d be able to just stop at rubbin aloe all over your burn.”
Out in the hallway, Natasha overheard and nearly choked on a cough. She stepped away from the door, pumping her fist in victory. It was taking everything in the woman not to burst in and tell him that she knew he had a thing for Roxy.
Steve wanted to kick himself, but then he heard her give this sexy little quiet whimper and it only pushed things a little further. “You’re a flirt.”
Roxy’s breath caught in her throat and she gave a soft laugh to cover the fact. “Yeah? And?” while she panicked internally.. Was he catching on to her subtly -and not so subtly flirting with him for months?
“Yeah. And sometimes,” Steve debated heavily on what he was going to say next, ultimately just going for it. Laying it all out there just seemed to be a good idea. “I mean, don’t get me wrong doll, I absolutely love it when you’re flirting with me. Others? Not so much..”
Roxy twisted a strand of hair around her fingertip as she mulled over what he seemed to be dancing around saying. She chose to play coy, asking instead, “ How’s this pertain to you rubbing me down, Captain?”
Steve caught the slight teasing tone to her voice and he rubbed his chin, took a bigger sip of water and then after about two seconds of contemplating it, he went for it, “It pertains because since I know I wouldn’t be able to stop with just covering your sunburns in aloe, doll… You’re gonna have to stop flirting with the other guys. Because I’m not really into sharing.”
Roxy did it again, that little whimper. If he could see her right now, she’d be as good as fucked, she was almost certain because she was fidgety and blushing all over beneath the sun burn, biting her lips and almost squirming where she stood, peering out the porthole window.
“What if I told you a little secret, Captain?”
“Oh? What’s that, baby doll?”
“I only flirt with them because you don’t seem to take hints well. So maybe I do it in the hopes that you’ll say somethin?”
Steve bit back a groan, leaning against the fridge as he chuckled quietly, dragged his fingers through his hair again. Suddenly it all made sense and he realized that apparently, Tony, Thor and Natasha were way more perceptive than he apparently was, because they’d all been telling him this for a month now and he refused to listen.
It felt freeing, laying it all out there, finally.
“In that case..” Steve’s breath caught in his throat and he went quiet as Natasha’s phone chirped, indicating low battery. “I’m gonna call you back on my phone.”
Roxy bit her lip and probably a little too quickly, she answered, “Yeah, do that. I really want to continue this conversation, Steve.”
“So do I, doll.” Steve muttered, grinning like an idiot as he hung up…
9 notes · View notes
natfosho26 · 5 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I wish I was like 5’8”
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) dinosaur lol
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Not really. Jeans and a t shirt
4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Tony hawk pro skater and gta’s
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: sex, food, and materialistic wants
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Damaged goods”
7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? You didn’t put anything lol
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] sanguine
9: Are you ticklish? Very
10: Are you allergic to anything? Penicillin, avocado, and pineapple
11: What’s your sexuality? Bisexual
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Coffee
13: Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Merperson
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? No
16: How tall are you? 5’4”
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn’t
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] under 200 lbs
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes
20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Both
21: Are you religious? A tad
22: Pet peeves? Lies, loud mouth chewing
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal
24: Favorite constellation? My cancer constellation
25: Favorite star? I don’t have one
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? What. No
27: Any phobias or fears? Moths and frogs lol
28: Do you think global warming is real? Very
29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eh
30: Favorite movie? Sweeney Todd, love & basketball, rent, all the Batman movies lol
31: Do you get scared easily? No
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Two
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] ?
34: What is a color that calms you? Blue
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Travel - Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Europe and live Colorado, Oregon, Washington
36: Where were you born? El Paso, TX
37: What is your eye color? Light brown
38: Introvert or extrovert? Both
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Eh
40: Hugs or kisses? Kisses
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My best friend
42: Who is someone you love deeply? My family
43: Any piercings you want? My nipples
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Very much so
45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? I’m smoking rn lol
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Negative
47: What is a sound you really hate? Screeching sounds
48: A sound you really love? The ocean
49: Can you do a backflip? No
50: Can you do the splits? No
51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Jason Mamoa, Dwayne Johnson, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler
52: Favorite movie? Refer to 30
53: How are you feeling right now? Pretty down
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I like my hair color
55: When did you feel happiest? When I’m conducting an ensemble or playing an instrument
56: Something that calms you down? Music
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] depression and anxiety but everyone has that now
58: What does your URL mean? My name and basketball number from hs
59: What three words describe you the most? Patient, understanding, and creative
60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes
61: What makes you unfollow a blog? Racist, sexist, homophobic, trump supporting all that shit
62: What makes you follow a blog? Stuff I like lol
63: Favorite kind of person: calm, curious, and artistic
64: Favorite animal(s): dinosaurs, whale sharks, jellyfish, octopus, and dogs
65: Name three of your favorite blogs. @thisismebeforeicomeundone @plastic-pipes @soyoumusik
66: Favorite emoticon: 🤔
67: Favorite meme: the girl yelling at the cat
68: What is your MBTI personality type? INTP
69: What is your star sign? Cancer
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No she’s a bitch lol
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Sweats and a shirt
72: Post a selfie or two? Maybe later
73: Do you have platform shoes? No
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I am double jointed in my elbows
75: Can you do a front flip? No
76: Do you like birds? No
77: Do you like to swim? Yes
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Ice skating
79: Something you wish didn’t exist: trump
80: Some thing you wish did exist: dragons
81: Piercings you have? My ears
82: Something you really enjoy doing: making music
83: Favorite person to talk to: my roommate
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I can use this in high school lmao
85: How many followers do you have? 457
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Hell no
87: Do your socks always match? Yes
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?yes
89: What are your birthstones? Ruby
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Maybe a sloth or shark
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Hmm...idk I don’t know flowers enough
92: A store you hate? Burlington
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? Like 7 lol
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Read minds
95: Do you like to wear camo? Nope
96: Winter or summer? Summer
97: How long can you hold your breath for? Like 45 secs
98: Least favorite person? N/a
99: Someone you look up to: alondra de la parra
100: A store you love? Barnes and noble
101: Favorite type of shoes? Vans
102: Where do you live? Las cruces, NM
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? I’m not lol
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Obsidian
105: Do you drink milk? Lactose intolerant
106: Do you like bugs? Nope
107: Do you like spiders? Nope
108: Something you get paranoid about? I don’t really
109: Can you draw: eh
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? If my parents were born in the states or not
111: A question you hate being asked? If I have kids
112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Love it
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Both
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: n/a
116: Favorite cloud type: the ones that looks like waves
117: What color do you wish the sky was? Sunset colors
118: Do you have freckles? Yes
119: Favorite thing about a person: their eyes or lips
120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits
121: Something you want to do right now: watch Star Wars
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky
123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet
124: Bright or dim lights? Dim
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Dragons lol
126: Something you hate about Tumblr: the ads
127: Something you love about Tumblr: the people I follow lol so my dashboard
128: What do you think about the least? Taxes and shit
129: What would you want written on your tombstone? Something with Batman
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Trump
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? How indecisive I can be
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Sometimes
133: Computer or TV? Computer
134: Do you like roller coasters? Love them
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No
136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed
137: Do you believe in karma? Yes
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 5
139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Nat or natocato
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving
144: What makes you angry? Trump. Ignorant people. Cheaters
145: How many languages do you speak fluently? Two
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Boys and girls
147: Are you androgynous? No
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: my lips
149: Favorite thing about your personality: my loyalty
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Aaron, Krystal, and Andy
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Revolution era just to hear certain composers
152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Eh not really
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] don’t have one
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Yes lol
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Yes
156: What embarrasses you? Nothing really lol
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: “I need to talk to tou”
158: Biggest lie you have ever told: that I had no marijuana in the car when I get pulled over lmao
159: How many people are you following? 583
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? Too many lol
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? None
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? Hmm idk
163: Last time you cried and why: earlier, some hurtful words
164: Do you have long or short hair? Long
165: Longest your hair has ever been: below my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? Too many rules and money hungry organizations
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Yes
168: Do you like to wear makeup? Hate it
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Yes
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes
2 notes · View notes
whispered fantasies
Part Two of the Sweet Nothings Duology
Clint Barton x Reader
Summary: two weeks after the late night call with clint, he’s finally back in town. and the balcony is just waiting for the two of you to revisit his fantasy.
Characters/Pairings: clint barton x reader, natasha romanoff, sam wilson, mentions of other avengers.
Warnings: nsfw, sexual content, hints of dom!clint, adult language, public sex/borderline exhibitionism.
Word Count: 4,145
Part One - Part Two
Tumblr media
“Relax, Y/N. Anyone would think you’d never been to one of Stark’s parties before.”
The familiar, dulcet tones of Natasha’s voice teased in your ear, and you smiled, feeling some of the tension in your shoulders release. You hadn’t even realized that you’d been holding your breath, but now, you forced yourself to release it with a soft sigh. You’d arrived late to Starks latest black-tie soiree (an evening of revelry for the two hundred biggest donors to the Stark Relief Foundation), having spent probably too much time trying to decide on a dress.
You’d finally settled on a simple, A-line cocktail dress in lavender. The soft flair of the skirt from your waist fell to your knees, and you’d paired it with a pair of simple black heels that bumped your height up another few inches. Understated, maybe, but you hadn’t been able to resist wearing his signature color. You’d been making small talk with the wealthy and generous for the past couple of hours, finding reprieve from their questions with other members of the team every chance you got.
Finally seeing Natasha created a swirl of emotions in your stomach – while there was a touch of that familiar, relaxing sensation you’d come to associate with her presence, you also felt a spike of nerves – if she was back from the mission, surely Clint was too.
The two of you had continued swapping text messages and snapchat selfies for the better part of the last two weeks, and while – thanks to his shared room with Natasha and long shifts following that guy around – you hadn’t had much of a chance to revisit the themes of the conversation you’d had that first night, it had remained easily flirty and occasionally inappropriate the entire time. Clint had a talent for skipping between innocent and suggestive with ease from message to message and you often found yourself blushing as you checked your phone.
His fantasy had been replaying in your head since that night as well, especially since you lived so very close to that very balcony. And now, standing in formalwear twenty odd feet from it, you could basically feel your entire body buzzing with the idea. You hadn’t been sure if they would make it back in time, but here Nat was, which meant he had to be back in New York too. Had he come tonight? Did he want to see you?
“Hey, you actually made it!” you exclaimed, turning and accepting the glass of old-fashioned she pressed into your hand. You met her smile with one of your own, giving her a quick, one-armed hug. “You were cutting it pretty close there.”
“A woman’s work is never done,” she replied with a joking sigh.
“Tell the truth, did you hurry back here to make it to the party, or did you just miss me?” you asked, taking a sip from your glass. “You can tell me, I promise I won’t judge.”
The corner of Nat’s mouth curved upward slightly, and she brushed a curl behind her ear. “You’d have to ask Barton.”
You paused, lowering your glass from your lips. “Oh?”
“I’ve never seen him so ready to leave a three-star hotel. They’ve never bothered him before,” she continued, her tone light. Although, you could have sworn there was an almost knowing lilt to her words. Had she already figured the two of you out? Had she caught him mid-conversation? Had he told her – what had he told her?
She stretched out her back slightly, the movement accentuating her curves in the sleek black dress she was wearing. “Although, even for a stakeout, those beds were pretty awful.”
“Still, Clint’ll sleep on anything,” you pointed out, attempting casual. “And I can’t imagine he’d be eager to get back to something he’d have to wear a tie to… Did he come tonight?”
“Oh, I’m sure he’s around her somewhere.” Nat eye-rolled good-naturedly. “You know Barton. He’s always got an eye on things.”
Your phone beeped with a snapchat message in the hidden pocket of your dress, and you fished it out instinctively. Nat finished her drink and stepped past you speaking in your ear as she did.
“You’re tense again.”
You turned long enough to roll your eyes at her – as she knew you would – before unlocking your phone.
Snapchat: Clint Barton.
You opened to see a shot of… yourself. Taken from somewhere high, behind you and to your left, in conversation with Nat. You look amazing.
You spun around, eyes searching in the direction the photo had been taken from. Seeing nothing, you shook your head in amusement, and tapped out a response without a photo.
You going to join us anytime soon?
The response was quick: Maybe. Did you miss me?
You bit your lip, casting another searching look around the room. You smiled distractedly at Bruce as he caught your eye but didn’t spot the archer. Butterflies swirled low in your belly as you typed back your response, exploding as you pressed send.
I’ll see you on the balcony later?
No reply came immediately, and your nerves almost had a chance to return until your phone finally beeped again, a few minutes later.
Snapchat: Clint Barton
It wasn’t for another few hours that the party began to wind down, and while many guests stayed and made themselves comfortable at the bar or on the couches while the band wound down, most of the guests were retiring for the evening. The rest of the team were among those who had stayed, and while Thor and Steve – both tipsy on Asgardian booze – had proved entertaining distractions for a while, your butterflies were beginning to take flight again.
You’d finally spotted Clint about an hour after his last message; he was standing by the bar, and the sound of his laugh at something Tony said caught your ear. He was actually dressed for the occasion, and it suited him; the navy suit he wore fitted him well, and the burgundy tie added a splash of color against the stark white shirt. He caught your eye for a second, his teeth touching his bottom lip for a second, and winked. You felt your cheeks warm in response.
His smiled had widened, but neither of you had approached the other all night. The tension in your belly had grown each time he caught your eye, and you’d found yourself avoiding his eye just so you wouldn’t be caught in a blush.
You excused yourself as Nat and Bruce joined the three of you, and after a quick stop in the bathroom to reapply your lipstick and self-consciously touch up your hair, headed out onto the balcony. You closed the door behind you quietly, happy to find the space unoccupied. You stepped up to the edge, off to the side where you’d be harder to see from inside, leaning on the railing to watch the distant lights of luxury cars and limousines pulling out from the Tower’s underground parking lot to join the late-night traffic down below.
“You’re cute when you blush, you know.”
You almost jumped at the sound of Clint’s voice, quiet behind you, but you were unsurprised that he managed to join you outside without you hearing him. For such a clumsy guy, he could really turn on the stealth when he wanted to. You smiled to yourself, eyes still trained on the view.
“I’m starting to get why you like this private world of yours,” you replied, tucking hair behind your ear as it caught in the breeze. “It’s beautiful.”
You stiffened ever so slightly as you felt Clint’s hand touch your waist; you hadn’t realized he was standing so close. His palm settled against your dress as you relaxed into his tough, his fingers spreading possessively over your ribs. You sighed pleasantly, your breathing unsteady as you leaned back into him, his chest brushing up against your back.
“You have no idea how much you’ve been killin’ me tonight…” Clint murmured, the fingertips of his other hand ghosting against the side of your throat. He brushed hair away from your skin, his breath warm against your neck, and you shivered against him. “…Hell, you’ve been killin’ me for the last two weeks.”
His lips touched the curve at the base of your neck and you arched under him, your hands tightening on the cold metal of the railing in front of you, like it could anchor you, keep you locked in his embrace. A whimper escaped your lips as his own moved to press open-mouthed kisses carefully up to the skin behind your ear, and you could feel his lips curve into a smile at the sound. His teeth grazed your skin as he let out a soft laugh in your ear. Both his hands now rested on your hips, and his grip tightened as you slung your hips back against his.
Clint’s forehead fell against your shoulder, his breathless chuckle muffled against your bare skin. “You don’t play fair.”
“And you do?” you whispered, breath catching as his hand travelled up your side. It traced its way over your shoulder, pausing long enough to toy with the strap of your dress, slipping it out of place before trailing down your arm. Your hand moved to cover the one he still had on your hip, and he fisted it in your dress, bunching the skirt of it up against your thigh.
“Not my fault,” he told you, lips pressed to your shoulder blade. His hand closed over yours on the rail, his palm rough against your skin. His body was flush against your back, and you could feel the heat of him through his suit. The hard expanse of his chest pressed against your back, and you leaned into him. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this… about you… for two damn weeks.”
“Me either,” you admitted with a breathless giggle, your head falling back against his shoulder. Clint’s hand slipped back up your arm and ghosted briefly over the swell of your breast and lingered around your throat before catching your chin carefully. “It’s all I’ve been able to—”
You were cut off as he turned your face towards his and finally caught your lips in a kiss. His lips were soft and wanting against yours, and they sent a yearning and a heat through you to pool low in your belly like liquid. Clint’s teeth grazed your bottom lip, his tongue slipping over the sensitive skin a second later. You couldn’t help the moan that followed, especially with his hand bringing your dress higher, his knuckles brushing up your thigh. His lips caught the sound, and he broke away to kiss your cheek… kiss your jaw… kiss your neck.
“Clint…” you muttered, voice catching at you felt your skirt reach the curve of your backside. Clint’s hand – the one not holding your dress – teased your waist before slipping down to trace that same curve, fingertips dipping once under the lacy edge of your panties.
“Tell me to stop and I will, Y/N,” he promised, sucking a mark into the skin just below your jaw. His fingers slipped underneath the lace, and you sighed headily as he grazed a finger lightly along the edge of you. By way of answer, you pressed back against him, whining as his finger slipped between your labia. His fingertip brushed over your clit, and the ache that had been building inside you fractured at that first hint of real pleasure, the first promise of release. “Fuck, you’re wet…”
Arching back, you felt the length of him press into the cleft of your ass. You could feel him harden through his pants, a suggestion at the size of him. Clint groaned, his teeth grazing the curve when your shoulder met your throat. He rewarded you by adding another finger, the two of them pressing on your clit. “Christ, baby, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
“But what… what a way to go,” you laughed breathlessly, rolling your hips on his hand. It caught in your throat as you felt his thumb find your entrance, and the sound became a moan as he slid it inside you. “Fuck, Clint…”
“Oh, you gotta say that again.” His forehead bumped against your shoulder.
“Can they see us?”
You felt Clint shake his head against the side of your throat as he slowly pumped his thumb inside you, fingers circling your clit. You shivered as he ran his tongue along the shell of your ear, breath catching as his teeth closed around your earlobe and tugged. “They have no idea what they’re missing.”
“Good,” you teased, bringing Clint’s other hand to your hip again. “Show me how this fantasy goes, Hawkeye.”
Clint’s answering chuckle was husky and quiet, a reminder of the intimate tone he’d used that first night on the phone, and you felt the laugh against your back. He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, and you bit your lip in anticipation as he guided you to lean forward, your hands gripping the cold metal of the railing again.
“You got it,” he teased your clit a moment longer before withdrawing his hand, pinching it lightly as he did.
“God, you make the sweetest sounds, you know that?” Clint told you, and you smiled, glancing back at him.  You felt your stomach tighten as you watched his lips close around his fingers, and he winked as he caught your eye. “Eyes front, baby.”
Clint’s hand travelled from your hip around to your backside as you trained your eyes obediently on the city’s skyline, tugging your underwear down your thighs. He gripped your ass, massaging the soft flesh of it, and you heard the zipper on his pants lower.
“God, you’re pretty,” Clint said, his hand tightening on your backside for a moment. His voice turned a heady groan that you echoed as he pressed the head of his cock against your sex. He rubbed it along your slit a few times, teasing your clit again, before he positioned himself at your entrance. “Shit, you’re so wet…”
“Clint…” you whined, wiggling back against him. The head of his cock slipped inside you, and you moaned. He was thicker than you’d realized, and the two of you exhaled shakily as you adjusted to his size.
“Fuck…” Clint withdrew slightly before he thrust forward again, finger digging into your hips as he corkscrewed his hips slowly. He paused when he was buried to the hilt inside you, his lips touching your hair. “Holy shit, you’re tight.”
Any answer you had was lost when he thrust into you again, and your hands tightened on the railing in front of you. You could feel yourself stretch to accommodate him with every thrust, and each one had that coil in your belly tighten. Your eyes were on the city below you; all the lights from traffic and in the windows of the skyscrapers around you. He was right, it really was like being on display, and yet still totally alone.
A little world above it all, just the two of you.
You could hear the music and laughter from inside, muffled by the glass of the doors, and if anything, it simply excited you more.
Pushing back to meet his thrusts, you whimpered as you bounced forward with each push, held in place by Clint’s strong hands. He released your hip to run a hand up your spine, and a shiver followed it. Clint’s hand slipped over your ribs to tease your breast through your dress.
Your nipple hardened against his palm, and you arched your back, encouraging his touch to grow rough and more demanding. “Fuck, Clint… oh, fuck!”
His hand had slid down your belly to find your clit, and the sudden touch made your whole body shudder. Clint echoed your sentiment as you clenched around him, the rhythm of his hips stuttering.
“Oh, God… Clint, I’m gonna… fuck, I’m gonna come…” you moaned, your thighs shaking as you felt your orgasm begin to crest, the coil inside you tight. The pressure of his fingers increased, the sound of flesh meeting flesh drowning out the muffled sounds from inside. ���Clint…”
“Come for me, baby,” he murmured, his voice breaking. “…fucking come for me…”
Your release came with a cry, and you muffled it in the back of your hand, still holding the rail. Clint’s touch became more gentle, guiding you in long, measured thrusts as he let you ride it out. He abandoned your clit to instead grip the base of his cock, groaning as you squeezed him. “Christ, Y/N…”
You giggled dizzily, your body shaking with the aftermath. He brushed his thumb over your waist, and you jerked under his touch. “Damn.”
“That’s one word for it,” Clint laughed, pulling out of you. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down your slit slowly, his fist still tight around the base of his shaft. “Turn around.”
You did so on shaky legs and squeaked in surprise as Clint immediately caught you by the waist and pulled you into a kiss. He tasted of whiskey and smelled of sandalwood, and you balled your hands in the lapels of his suit jacket. Clint’s teeth caught your bottom lip, his fingers squeezing your waist before his left trailed up your arm to catch in your hair.
You could feel the length of him trapped between the two of you, pressing against your belly. You reached between your bodies to take him in hand, and Clint broke the kiss to release a shaky breath as you gave him an experimental squeeze. He was slick with your arousal, and you pumped him slowly, swiping your thumb over the head.
“Goddamn, Y/N, you’re torture,” he muttered, his breath fanning the base of your throat as his forehead fell against your shoulder. His fingers tickled the small of your back.
“Do you want me to stop?” you teased, and you snickered as you felt him shake his head. His fingers came down to hook into your panties – still halfway down your thighs – and he pushed them down your legs. You stepped out of them, thighs slick with your own arousal, and pressed closer to him.
“God, no. But I need to see your face this time.” Clint took hold of your waist again, and you yelped as he lifted you easily off the ground. He caught the sound with another kiss, tongue pushing into your mouth as he turned. You wrapped your legs around his waist, hands in his hair and you felt your back hit the wall beside the door. You’d still be out of sight to most everyone inside, unless they were standing at the other end of the room by the window and happened to look your way. “Ready for round two?”
You grinned, tugging him into another kiss eagerly. Clint lifted you, and you took hold of his erection again, guiding him into position. He entered you slowly again, each inch another swivel of his hips. Your eyes rolled back as your hips met his, and you took hold of his shoulders, using the wall behind you to raise yourself up again.
Clint took up an almost languid pace, his lips finding the curve of your collarbone, the expanse of your sternum. You pushed his jacket down his arms, eager to feel the muscles of his arms, and he let it drop to the floor, heedless of the expensive cut.
He peppered kisses along the neckline of your dress, using one hand to carefully pull the strap of it down you arm. When it caught, you leaned into him, reaching behind yourself to unzip the back of your dress. You only had a chance to slide it down a few inches before he was tugging at the front of your dress, bringing the cup of your bra down with it. Your nipple hardened under his heated gaze, and Clint gave you a wolfish smile before he ran his tongue around it and sucked it into his mouth.
“Clint…” your nails scored his back through his shirt, your head rolling back against the wall as his hips took up a more aggressive pace. He groaned as you ran your fingers through his hair, brushing past his ear, and you did it again just, so he’d repeat the sound. His fingers dug into your ass, bouncing you on his cock, each thrust eliciting an excited breath from you.
You could feel another orgasm ready to break over you within minutes, and you brought his lips up to yours desperately. God, he felt so good inside you, every touch he gave you felt like firecrackers on your skin, and you—
You broke the kiss, panicked, your hands clutching at Clint’s shoulders. His hips stopped.
“You out here?”
Clint’s hand slipped from under you, and he winked at you, finger to his lips before he lowered his hand to your clit. “Keep it quiet, baby.” He murmured as he circled it with his fingers. He raised his voice. “Yeah, Sam. Needed some fresh air.”
You whimpered as he increased the speed, still buried to the hilt inside you. Your thighs shook, that imminent orgasm beginning to take hold again. Sam didn’t move from where he held the door open, and as long as he didn’t, you wouldn’t be seen.
“Have you seen Y/N?”
Clint grinned at you as you wound his tie around your hand, pulling his face to yours. His forehead rested against yours, his hips moving again, slowly, careful not to make a sound. “Not for a while. You check her room?”
“Yeah, she ain’t in there.” Sam replied. “Nat’s takin’ a few of us out for another round. You in?”
Clint angled his hips slightly and you felt your whole body seize, and you pitched forward as you came. You muffled your moan by biting down on Clint’s shoulder, your hips shaking as his fingers continued their ministrations. He struggled to keep his voice steady, his hips jerking erratically as you rode him. “I, uh… think I’m gonna turn in, man.”
“No problem. You see Y/N, tell her the invite stands?”
“Kid’s probably asleep somewhere.” Sam joked. “Or, hey, maybe she met herself a guy. Night, man.”
As soon as the door was closed Clint swore, his hips returning to a brutal pace. He pounded into you, fingers digging into your hips, his face buried in your neck.
Still at the mercy of your latest orgasm, you clung to him as you rode it out in waves, leaning down to capture his earlobe between your lips. You grazed it with your teeth gently, teasingly. “Come for me, Clint.”
He did with a broken moan, shuddering against you. You brought his face to yours as the two of you came down, meeting his lips in a more chaste kiss than before. His grip eased on your backside as he pulled out, and you leaned against the wall for support as he carefully set you back down on shaky legs and now regrettable high heels. “Holy shit…”
You smiled as Clint leaned into you, braced on a hand he rested by your shoulder. His lips dusted your collarbone again, and he gently adjusted your bra and dress back into place. His hand slid down your arm to catch your fingers in his, and you interlaced them experimentally.
“So.” You said quietly, as he tucked himself, one-handed, back into his pants. You refastened his zipper and belt for him, and when you continued, you tried to keep your tone measured, casual. “Was it as good as it was in your head?”
Clint chuckled lightly, straightening. He reached up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. “We didn’t have a guest appearance in my head.”
You smacked him, and he raised his hand in defense. “Hey! I didn’t invite him!”
“You know what you did,” you said petulantly, raising a hand to smack his chest again. He caught hold of easily, pulling you to his chest and catching your lips with his own.
You melted into it; it was soft, sweet… It was a yearning that was different from the heated touch of his lips from before. When he broke away, he bumped his forehead gently against yours before he straightened to meet your gaze again.
“Baby, you’re a damn goddess.”
You grinned, a blush blooming on your cheeks. “You ain’t so bad yourself.”
“Cheers…” Clint said with a grin, rescuing your abandoned underwear from the ground. He winked childishly at you and slingshot them off the balcony with his fingers.
“Now,” Clint continued, catching you around the waist. “What do you think the chances are we can sneak you into my room tonight?”
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