octopuscato · 4 months
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💙
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Ahhh I want to ask about all of these! But don't feel pressured to answer all- or any if it's too overwhelming :) (Also these are such great titles)
and then, up above, the blinding sun
decapitate me like one of your wildling girls
Dog eats dog.
rib rip
The past is a grotesque animal
They will take their grievances with them; to their graves
Tiberius my poor little son of a bitch
Again, thank you. This is very kind. Embarrassing, but sweet.
and then, up above, the blinding sun A continuation of another thing I wrote a little more than a year ago. Basically, it's Jeyne P reuniting with some people who seem to have played (in my opinion) interesting roles in her storyline, that is Arya, Walda, Sansa, Sandor and Beth + her relationship with Theon, this time more resentful, but still loving. The political plot lacks credibility and most of the relationships are conflicting. I know most of us want Jeyne to have a happy ending, often pictured with Theon or Sansa, but I think that she has the right to feel very conflicted about those two persons in particular and could eventually develop some misplaced anger. A friend has been reading it and she said it felt a bit like a coming-of-age story.
decapitate me like one of your wildling girls Stupid name for my take on Jon meeting and intending to behead Theon, but narrated and witnessed through Qarl the Maid (who isn't very fond of Theon but knows Asha loves him), Alysane Mormont (who also doesn't like Theon but is concerned about "Arya's" wellbeing ) and Justin Massey (who feels ambivalent but thinks keeping Theon alive might be useful). The three POVs are supposed to try to advocate for Jon to pardon Theon, but it's difficult when the only attachment they feel to that cause is as a proxy for other affections/political plans.
Dog eats dog. Character study type of thing about characters associated to dogs who are somehow involved in Theon's narrative. I don't know how to explain this very well but I just really love how the dog theme plays so ambiguously in ASOIAF's northern/Theon plot. On the one hand, you have Ramsay who has been referred to as a "Mad dog" and seems to want to spread this diagnosis by hunting and raping women and then also letting them be practically reborn as hounds that will perpetuate that circle of violence. You have him incorporating Theon & Jeyne into his bitches, Jeyne's life is saved both times by people who have dog imagery associated with them, Theon beheads Farlen, the kennel master, only to then be made to sleep with the dogs and also remark on Ramsay's kennel master, Ben Bones, in a somewhat sympathetic way and there is even more. So essentially, character study fanfics about Farlen, Palla, Ramsay's girls, Ben Bones, Jeyne, Sandor and Theon.
rib rip I feel like I'll get in trouble for this one, so I want to clarify: I DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN IN CANON AT ALL. With that said it's about Jeyne dying from her broken ribs on the way to the Wall. Theon's story already has a lot of women suffering for the sake of his narrative and I wouldn't want to add even more of that, but I wrote this while mourning and it was somewhat cathartic.
The past is a grotesque animal TheonJeyne (interpretative dynamic) and Theon's paranoia over not confronted guilt, all the things that lead to his downfall and Jeyne not knowing any of it, but beginning to show curiosity. Mild psychological horror over fear of abandonment.
They will take their grievances with them; to their graves Barbrey, her grey-eyed lords, her centaurs, and her fellow wannabe starks through the years. Just her life. Those big semi-biographical one-shots that are just a large character study with a bunch of headcanons camouflaged as a fanfic.
Tiberius my poor little son of a bitch I think I mentioned how GRRM based Stannis of Tiberius, but Tiberius is a much darker character. After the only two people whom he felt loved by (his brother Drusus and his wife Vipsania) are separated from him, he becomes despicable and ruins every single other relationship in his life. This is supposed to be about three other people who actually loved him, even if he became a monster, and were pushed aside by him. His mother, Livia, whom he begrudged for having pushed him into becoming emperor and suspected to have killed Drusus. He refused to see her on her deathbed. His son, Castor, whom he resented for reminding him of Vipsania and refused to listen to him about Sejanus (who was planning a coup against Tiberius). Castor is poisoned by Sejanus after being rejected and mocked by his father. His nephew, Germanicus, Tiberius' true and loyal military commander, whom he envies terribly because he is extremely popular while Tiberius is hated. His envy turns into paranoia into plotting and allowing his death.
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janiedean · 9 months
@selkiewife replied to your post “god hello some news ig?”:
So great to see you back!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
​aah thank you!!!! T_T it's nice to be TT
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theonsource · 9 days
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There was no safe anchorage at Pyke, but Theon Greyjoy wished to look on his father’s castle from the sea, to see it as he had seen it last, ten years before, when Robert Baratheon’s war galley had borne him away to be a ward of Eddard Stark. On that day he had stood beside the rail, listening to the stroke of the oars and the pounding of the master’s drum while he watched Pyke dwindle in the distance. Now he wanted to see it grow larger, to rise from the sea before him… Above the Sea Tower snapped his father’s banner. The Myraham was too far off for Theon to see more than the cloth itself, but he knew the device it bore: the golden kraken of House Greyjoy, arms writhing and reaching against a black field. The banner streamed from an iron mast, shivering and twisting as the wind gusted, like a bird struggling to take flight. And here at least the direwolf of Stark did not fly above, casting its shadow down upon the Greyjoy kraken. Theon had never seen a more stirring sight. ~ A Clash of Kings, Theon I
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
@selkiewife it's admittedly a little vague (i don't want to make it seem like this is an iron clad theory like r+l=j or something alsdjf). BUT. we know a little bit about the ship:
The Myraham was a fat-bellied southron merchanter up from Oldtown, carrying wine and cloth and seed to trade for iron ore. Her captain was a fat-bellied southron merchanter as well, and the stony sea that foamed at the feet of the castle made his plump lips quiver, so he stayed well out, farther than Theon would have liked. An ironborn captain in a longship would have taken them along the cliffs and under the high bridge that spanned the gap between the gatehouse and the Great Keep, but this plump Oldtowner had neither the craft, the crew, nor the courage to attempt such a thing. So they sailed past at a safe distance, and Theon must content himself with seeing Pyke from afar. Even so, the Myraham had to struggle mightily to keep itself off those rocks.
In ASOS, Catelyn V, we see the ship again:
Robb waited for Ser Raynald to close the tent flap. "The gods have heard our prayers, my lords. Lord Jason has brought us the captain of the Myraham, a merchanter out of Oldtown. Captain, tell them what you told me." "Aye, Your Grace." He licked his thick lips nervously. "My last port of call afore Seagard, that was Lordsport on Pyke. The ironmen kept me there more'n half a year, they did. King Balon's command. Only, well, the long and the short of it is, he's dead."
Then in Samwell V in AFFC, we get literally a one off line here:
At the Weeping Dock, he watched two acolytes help an old man into a boat for the short voyage to the Bloody Isle. A young mother climbed in after him, a babe not much older than Gilly's squalling in her arms.
We know the Myraham is a merchanter who works out of Oldtown
We know the captain's daughter is like, young ish, and that he himself is old (and fat)
We know they were kept in the Iron Islands for about six months
We know Gilly has her baby/Dalla has Aemon like beginning to middle of ASOS. Timeline wise, if the Myraham was kept at the Iron Islands for six months, then went to Seaguard and back to Oldtown once again, any baby the girl has would be roughly the same age as monster and Aemon Steelsong.
Sam makes sure to note that the mother is young, the baby is around the age of aemon steelsong, and that the old man needs help getting into the boat
IT'S JUST A LITTLE THING. Maybe even what you'd call a reach lmaoooo BUT unlike the other big "theon has a bastard theory" (being the miller's sons), the timeline actually fits here. I keep wondering if it's here as way to make the world seem bigger - ie, this woman theon doesn't see as a person, who he just kinda offhandedly fucks over without even trying, is still moving about the world, still attempting to live her life as best as she can - OR if it's there for a specific reason, with the reason being she/her baby are going to be plot relevant to Theon's emotional arc or perhaps even theoretical upcoming kingsmoot that I'm almost positive Asha is going to push for, with Theon - or his bastard? - as her proxy.
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theghostofpyke · 7 months
I’m new to Theon but I used to lurk on your old blog but the brainrot took over this year so I want to get more into him and wanted to know if you had any meta or blogs whose theonposting you like.
Thanks I love your art and I’m so happy you’re back 💗💗💗
i haven't been keeping up with fandom or the theon tag much, only talking theon with the same few theon/ironborn enjoyers: -hell-heron, co-organisator of the theon exchange which ran its third iteration last year. specialises in baby theon escape fics and ironborn minutiae, but interested and appreciative of theon everything. awesome to talk fic and theon daydreams with, full of fun ideas.
-dontbotherwiththepronounciation, fellow enjoyer of the classic painful post-adwd theon sufferings and bad and elating theon moments. rare ironborn enjoyer. brought genuinely new ideas and views for me just at a time where i felt i wasn't seeing any more of that, as well as validating some of my irregular relatings.
-vivacissimx, writer of some of my favourite theon fic. as well as of theon metas that literally made me cry. pioneer in blogging about theon gender before anyone else was doing it and before that talk got flanderised into what it became.
-feed-me-a-penny i'm noticing hasn't actually much written down theon thoughts on the blog that i can see, so you'll have to believe me about the good theon tastes, but has posted art & fic.
-i'll also mention selkiewife which was the first person to welcome me into fandom and one of the most open-hearted person in this fandom, able to find the interesting in nearly every asoiaf take and spin it into playful daydreams and fic talk. multi-talented with fic, meta, gifsets, edits and encouragements.
before i deleted i remember liking the theon posts of redrikki and kingsmoot. this list is obviously not exhaustive of everyone who ever had anything good to say about theon.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 1 month
Hidden Pains - Isabella Fitzwilliam/Nancy Birch
A/N; More Alt fic for @augustofwhump. (Tagging @selkiewife as usual)
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Isabella had always promised not to judge, and she didn’t, not truly. Her touch lingers when Nancy finally dares share the wounds on her back, the touch light, gently cautious in ways that make Nancy feel more than a little understood. The whipping that lead to more, then the flogging, had left her skin tender to even the gentlest of pressures, Isabella’s touch is so butterfly light that Nancy can feel tears sting her eyes, it’s rare, horribly rare, to be so loved. Isabella’s voice is soft when she finally speaks. “He should pay… they all should.” “They did… most of them.” Nancy’s voice is still thick with pain even as Isabella moves closer, brushing hair from where it covers wounded skin, soft lips brushing the wounds and dragging a soft sigh from Nancy. “Good, then I shall stay and tend to you.”
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tyrionsource · 9 months
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Thank you so much for Tyrion’s Seasons of Love, Part 3: Winter! 
There is a masterlist of all the fanworks created for the event under the cut. Late submissions will be added to the list as they are posted and information about the last part of our celebration (Spring!) will be announced very soon. Thank you again to everyone who participated or supported!
Daenerys/Tyrion Jane Eyre AU by @blogforasoiafevents
By the fireplace by actuallysango (Tyrion/Daenerys. You will have to be signed in to view)
with moonglow in his hair and a laugh upon his lips (Tyrion/Theon) by @selkiewife  
Winter Dragon Dreams of Spring by @selkiewife
Three Hearts by @selkiewife
storm and war and childhood’s end (Tyrion/Yara) by @ironbornsource
Tyrion/Sansa Aging Together by @tyrionsource
Tyrion/Daenerys “Madly” by @selkiewife
Tyrion/Tysha “Annabel Lee” by @selkiewife 
Dany Introduces Tyrion to Viserion by @selkiewife
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st-clements-steps · 3 months
I was tagged by @rainhalydia , thank you, ♥️♥️♥️s! Don't name the names, post gifs of your 10 favorite show and tag 10 people.
I don’t really do favourites so I went with 10 that infested my brain
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Must at others arghhh @thistlecatfics @thistle-and-thorn @luna13e-blog @just-like-that-butmakeitgay @attonitos-gloria @selkiewife @owlsinathens @lemndrps @siriusly-sapphic @lemonlans and whoever I’ve missed.
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meerawrites · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? going on 50+.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 49,173.
3. What fandoms do you write for? my most written for fandoms are in order 1) my original work. 2) Vampire Chronicles (books by Anne Rice). 3) TURN: Washington's Spies (blame @musicboxmemories for that one), and 4) Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Dave Malloy)/War And Peace(Leo Tolstoy).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Anti-hero (Multifandom - Original Work, TURN, Vampire Chronicles, and VTM)
Rainy Night & Sister Death (Vampire Chronicles)
July 12, 1804 (TURN)
They Build Coffins (Multifandom - original work, TURN, Vampire Chronicles, and VTM)
Best of Our Circumstances (A Song of Ice and Fire)
It is so random and it feels perfectly on-brand for me. But, I am really proud of Anti-hero and They Build Coffins!
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! But I can be slow at times.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?... They Build Coffins, Sacrilegious Marriage , Hey, Little Songbird and Once the sun sets no candle can replace it - pain is fun!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Best of our circumstances is pure AU fluff, and Anti-hero isn't all doom and gloom.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, cause I don't permit it.
9. Do you write s.mut? Yes, but I prefer with plot and themesTM.
10. Do you write crossovers? *stares at Anti-hero* I have a few, and if you count my own characters... a lot. Anti-hero/they build coffins was a stroke of genius, I don't take criticism. So thanks for that, @musicboxmemories, for RP and editing obviously I do.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I've had poetry stolen without credit but thankfully no. Media doesn't exist in a bubble. Don't be rude, lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, not opposed though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'd love to! I did turn RP plots into all-out fics though. I should probably give @honorhearted / @musicboxmemories co-writing credits for the first 3rd of Anti-hero, but unless she asks, I won't. I am not pushy.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Loustat (Vampire Chronicles), or all my oc x canons. Loustat will always be famous for a reason. Dysfunctional bi4bi vampires!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? N/a, I am a completionist.
16. What are your writing strengths? My high school writing teacher said I was well-versed in all aspects of writing, but if I had to pick one, character creation/research for worldbuilding.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Editing. But I manage, it helps I speak well and (usually) have good grammar.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'd try for the sake of trying. I put French and Hindi in my fics cause those are my strongest (not English) languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Dave Malloy)/War And Peace (Leo Tolstoy).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Anti-hero, at least for now.
Borrowed from: @musicboxmemories (thanks Maddie <3)
Tagging: @malicious-compliance-esq, @covenofthearticulate, @selkiewife and @the-bar-sinister (if you want).
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selkiewife · 6 months
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Relationship: Tyrion Lannister/Tysha Summary: Tysha Lannister remembers the seasons of her love. This fic will follow Tysha's POV from the aftermath of her brutal rape to her journey to Braavos where she becomes known as the Sailor's Wife. Please heed the warnings as there will be a lot of triggering subject matter. However, I promise a happy ending. (It is the reason I began writing this.)
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ship-ambrosia · 9 days
Tagged by @lavenderfroggy thank you I love these!!
Last song: Last Resort - Papa Roach
Favorite color: green 💚💚💚
Currently watching: Link Click (RIP me, fam 😭)
Sweet spicy or savory: Sweet
Last movie: uhhhhh trying to remember if I’ve seen one since the Sengoku Basara movie. I don’t think so LMAO but lemme tell you I LOVED that movie
Relationship status: single and recently the last one in the friend group yall, it’s great 🤪
Current obsession: Star rail. In case yall didn’t see my Luka posts lately
Last thing you googled: insomnia cookies near me
Tags (only if you feel like it): @grey-joys @selkiewife @ginnxtonic @ophelias-lamentation 🥰
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theonsource · 8 days
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This was never my home. I was a hostage here. Lord Stark had not treated him cruelly, but the long steel shadow of his greatsword had always been between them. ~ A Dance With Dragons ↳ TWO WEEKS OF THEON: Lovers, Friends, Family, & Foes
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queerquaintrelle · 8 months
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
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In no particular order:
Benjamin Tallmadge (TURN)
Lestat de Lioncourt (TVC - all media)
Ellaria Sand (ASOIAF - books)
Kathani Sharma & Edwina Sharma (Bridgerton - TV)
Clarice Starling (Silence of The Lambs - Thomas Harris book, and the film)
Alana Bloom (Hannibal NBC)
Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal NBC)
Margot Verger (Thomas Harris book & Hannibal NBC)
Charlotte Wells and Lucy Wells -> the bi icon bawds of all time... (Harlots on Hulu)
Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow (The Hunger Games - all media)
Tagged by: @voidfromouterspace ~ thank you <3
Tagging: @musicboxmemories, @rococo-loca, @aristobun, @mycupofstars, @malicious-compliance-esq, @420sadnoodles, @selkiewife, @xxgothchatonxx, & @fandomele ~ if you want!
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weirwoodsea · 1 year
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Thank you so much for all the submissions to the Soupversary! I was so touched that this mini event got so much attention and love. I will leave the A03 Theonsa Soupversary Collection open for late submissions and for future Soupversaries. (I will definitely be posting my fics late I feel so guilty) Again, thank you so so much to those who created such beautiful fanworks yesterday! You Theonsas and Theon & Sansa enjoyers are my pocket of warmth in the darkness and I can't thank you enough for meeting me for this soup date. Let's do it again next year! Same time, same place! There is a masterlist of the 2023 Soupversary under the cut:
I would have died to get you there by @greywoe
Theon & Sansa by @palominojacoby
Better than the Songs by @grey-joys Collar by @selkiewife Thaw by @selkiewife The Shattered Remains of Theon Greyjoy by @ship-ambrosia to fill the hungry with good things by @gingersprites When the Night Ends by @alleyskywalker
Forget your perfect offering by @weirwoodsea Just a Dream (requested by Anonymous) by @weirwoodsea
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baubeautyandthegeek · 10 months
Between Then And Now (Our World Has Changed) – Nancy Birch/Isabella Fitzwilliam
A/N: Day 24 for @comfortember, another one to tag @selkiewife for.
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Then: Nancy is silent as she settles herself onto the long seat. She would never learn the name, she thought, there was no point. After tonight she would never see Isabella again. Still, for now she can accept the comfort. Her head rests on a pillow in Isabella’s lap, Isabella’s fingers combing through loose dark brown hair, soothing her in ways she still didn’t understand. When she had first arrived she had trembled, allowing Isabella to pull her into a tight, reassuring, hug. Now, as Isabella soothed her nerves, she felt all fear leave her. She was safe, chosen and wanted. Sleep steals her away even as Isabella tucks her tenderly under a few blankets. Come the next day she would only have one, the others pooled on the floor. Now: Isabella wakes first, taking in the quiet confidence and calm in Nancy’s face, she’s soft like this, at rest. The years have been horribly unkind to them both but now, with Nancy in her arms, it doesn’t seem to matter. Nancy nestles closer, resting her cheek against her chest and Isabella smiles, smoothing her hair tenderly, pulling the blankets higher to cover them both as Nancy sighs and settles. They no longer care what people think. On Nancy’s arm is a safe place to be, the woman walks with surety that makes Isabella feel like nothing can harm her. She, in turn, refuses to let Nancy’s past, her scars and fears, her tears, keep them apart. Nights now are spent with one another, Nancy’s gentleness is a balm to a fragile heart and she will do all she can to be the same for Nancy.
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