#sell real persian
felinefractious · 5 months
Do you consider brachycephalism in cats as serious as in dogs? I'm in veterinary medicine but I don't encounter many brachy kitties and would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Brachycephaly is a problem.
Schlueter et al (2009) categorized brachycephalic head shapes into four categories randing from mild to severe.
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Moderate brachycephaly is where we begin to really see problems and profound or severe brachycephalic cats are going to have a real issue.
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The British Shorthair (left) is a breed where mild brachycephaly is part of the standard compared to an Exotic Shorthair (right) where profound - severe brachycephaly is desireable.
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On the left with have a British Shorthair, in the center an Exotic Shorthair and on the right a Persian.
One of the problems we see with brachycephalic breeds is stenotic nares, which are narrow nostrils. You can’t even make out the nares on the Persian shown above and, as one may expect, this affects how much air they move through them.
We can see similar obstructive effects in cats with nasopharyngeal polyps, masses or reconstruction due to scarring from chronic rhinosinusitis problems.
Due to their inability to breath normally through their nose these cats tend to be heat and exercise intolerant and can run into trouble more quickly during high stress events.
Stenotic nares can be surgically corrected but I don’t think this is as common in cats as it is in dogs, at least I haven’t encountered many cats who’ve undergone the procedure. I don’t know if it’s not as necessary, if cats don’t respond as well or if cat owners are less likely to seek treatment.
Or maybe it is as common and my lack of experience is the outlier.
Brachycephaly is also associated with malocclusion and dental disease, chronic epiphora, facial dermatitis related to the chronic tearing and ocular issues such as conreal sequestrum or entropion related to the protruding eye structure.
I know globe proptopsis is a problem in some brachycephalic dog breeds like pugs but I haven’t heard of this specifically happening in brachycephalic cat breeds.
Exotics and Persians are obviously the worst when it comes to brachycephaly in cats but the Bombay and (American) Burmese are also offenders.
There are other breeds which don’t call for a brachycephalic head shape (or even default it) or call for only a mild version but certain breeders are selecting for extreme typeing anyways because even though their cats might not win any shows they can sell them as designer variants for more.
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On the left we have a Sphynx and in the right we have a Devon Rex both with an extreme head type contradictory to the breed standard.
So yes, unfortunately the brachycephalic head type is a problem in cats. Some try to argue that brachycephalic animals often live long lives which means the abnormal structure isn’t a problem… but longevity is only one measure of a breeds ethical soundness, quality of life and history are also important in my opinon.
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toasttt11 · 7 months
maleah barzal
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Malakai Elise Barzal
Career: Business Owner
Height: 5”6
Hometown: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Harvard University
Accepted in 2015 when she 16.
She got her Major Degree in Business Administration and her Minor in Fashion.
Received the Lucy Allen Paton Award in Humanities.
Received the Detur Book Prize.
Received the Louise Donovan Award.
Received the Artist Albert Alcalay Prize.
Received the Richard Glover Ames and Henry Russell Ames Award.
Received the Helen Choate Bell Prize.
Received the Carl Schurz Prize.
Received the Joseph Barrett Award.
Received the Harvard College Women’s Leadership Award.
Received the Sophia De Mello Breyner Andersen Prize
Received the Jeremy Belknap Prize.
Graduated the top of her class of 2020.
Languages she can speak
Swish German
Ancient Greek
She first sold a pieces of clothes when she was young at little set up shops, when she 15 she started her online business and started to sell clothes more often and had her first warehouse, she had pop up shops and eventually got her first real shop and it blew up even bigger and it she quickly needed more locations. Within in a few years she had hundreds of locations and skyline in New York City. By the time she was barely 19 she was already proffering millions of dollars. By 2021 she had one of the biggest companies in the whole world.
Her business name has always been τόλμη which means darling in Greek.
Born July 31, 1999
Daughter of Mike and Nadia
Has two siblings Matthew and Liana
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kenora-pizza · 2 months
Here is "Duck Takes Charge" destroyed by Google Translate for @the-quackeroos / @90sdiablo
The defendant is an adult
"I know," Percy said. "Yes?" "I know" "Beautiful! I don't know why?" The manager said I was too heavy and sent me to the truck. "Yeah," James said. If you keep trying to progress. You will feel more confident and happy. Percy went to his teacher. "Old fool!" he thought about it. Make sure he reads the letter before he turns around. "Look, I think I'm crazy. You taught me and I am here to prove it. But he didn't know what to do. I was tired and cranky at night. I have to drive a lot to work." "Yes, Patsy," said the Customs officer. "Weak." "Great." "It can't be that bad," the singer joked. It’s so easy. This new car is too much for you. You can use it yourself. Can you fix a new sofa? Tom and Toby watched. "Yes, I'm happy." Buy a new car. "What is your name?" the commander asked. "This is Montague, but my tongue is black." "Yes, you stay." Both engines work. Immediately he said. James, Gordon and Henry notice something strange about Buddy. We respect it as a tool and hope it works. (3 times) "I want to know!" The wind was blowing everywhere, Percy was laughing, Kai didn't notice… "Annoying what are you doing Percy?" "Yes Ron," Percy said. "Both," Hawkeye said, "we'll open soon." This man is very tall. "I'm going tomorrow. The host will prepare fresh rice and tea for you. The heart is now. Wake up! (quiet) "This is so painful! Go back to." Buddy and Percy are also sitting at home as the machine fails, much to Gordon, James and Henry's chagrin. (Gordon, James and Henry laugh) "Don't be afraid," the man said from above. "Don't go," Gordon said. "Yes, tell me!" "Sorry, I'm the biggest car in the west, we're doing fine, but sorry, if you buy more Persians, I'll sell it to you." (James and Gordon laugh) "That's better. He started as a paymaster." "Douglas' Percy". But unfortunately today it is not enough. Gordon, Henry and James laughed. “Because you…” said the great king. "…it's worse. You could be wrong. It's a real shark. It's my job. Can you do it?" When Percy left Bart, he was alone. It’s so easy.
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mariacallous · 5 months
A number of elected officials, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, law enforcement officers, right-wing media outlets, and far-right extremists have boosted a baseless conspiracy theory that Jewish Hungarian billionaire George Soros or some nefarious shadowy organization is helping to fund the pro-Palestinian student protests at universities across the US.
They are promoting the well-worn antisemitic trope that a puppet master is behind the protests, based on the fact that many of the students at universities like NYU and Columbia erected tents of the same color, make, and model at the same time on their encampments.
But the real explanation for their proliferation is simple: They are cheap, and easy to find. As online publication Hell Gate NYC pointed out, the tents seen being used at the NYU campus encampment are being sold for as little as $15 at the retailer Five Below, while the green model seen at the Columbia encampment is available online from Walmart for as little as $28.
The tents being used by the students are among the top results on Google Search, and students searching Amazon for “tent” would have been prompted to buy the green Camel Crown tent for $35, listed as a best-selling item by the online retailer. It is also available with one-day shipping. Another popular tent seen at the protests has been discounted in recent days, and now costs less than $20.
On Facebook, WIRED uncovered dozens of accounts posting an identical message accompanied by the same picture of the Columbia encampment. The posts had all been published since Wednesday morning, and new posts with the same messaging were still being shared on Thursday morning. “Something odd about those campus tent encampments,” the posts read. “Almost all the tents are identical—same design, same size, same fresh-out-of-the-box appearance. I know that College students are not that rich or coordinated.”
The conspiracy constitutes one of the latest moves in an angry backlash against the peaceful protests, which began earlier this month. The backlash has included calls for strong-arm tactics to dissolve the protests, which have inaccurately been labeled “pogroms” by some.
In many cases, pro-Israel voices have sought to portray the protests as something other than students expressing their First Amendment right to free speech, claiming someone or some group was controlling them. The conspiracy began to take hold on Tuesday, when New York City Police Department’s deputy commissioner of operations, Kaz Daughtry, told Fox 5 NY: “If you look at the tents, where did they all get them from? The same place, the same person? Somebody is behind this, and we're gonna find out who it is.”
The conspiracy grew legs later that same day when Adams echoed Daughtry’s comments: “Why is everybody's tent the same? Was there a fire sale on those tents? There's some organizing going on, there's a well-concerted organizing effort, and what's the goal of that organizing? That's what we need to be asking ourselves.”
Then it made its way to the Fox News airwaves, where host Bret Baier repeated the baseless allegations. Meanwhile, on NewsNation, Republican representative Virginia Foxx, who chairs the House Committee on Education and Labor, said: “It’s obvious that someone is funding them. They were well prepared.”
On Wednesday, the conspiracy began to take hold online, with numerous blue-check accounts on X pushing the conspiracy. “Why are all of their tents the exact same make, model and color?” a blue-checked X account called The Persian Jewess wrote, alongside a picture of the encampment at Columbia. “Still think this is a grassroots movement? Hint: It’s not.” The post has been viewed almost 2 million times.
Dozens of other posts on X echoed these sentiments, many of them racking up millions of views and many of them pushing Soros as the source of the funding. “I’m sure this is all just a totally organic protest with their little matching tents and all,” wrote Sean Feucht, a prominent Christian nationalist who is planning a pro-Israel march at Columbia on Thursday. Meanwhile, far-right troll Matt Walsh took the conspiracy one step further by declaring that “the ‘Free Palestine’ movement is just BLM [Black Lives Matter] repackaged.”
In a statement this week, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine said that its members have been “misidentified by a politically motivated mob.”
So have their tents. Most of those claiming a conspiracy have shared the same single image showing only one type and color of tent at the encampment, but a quick online search of images of the encampment shows the reality is that a wide variety of sizes, colors, and models of tents have been erected.
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god-infected · 10 months
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@ruegracieuse She was the luckiest girl alive…
Before the age of twenty, everything was as simple as they could be. She would attend the house, do her readings, sometimes help her father. She used her imagination to create toy houses for her father, he would carve the house and she would make the tiny little decorations for the houses, they started with tiny houses and then they would soon be selling houses that were inspired by royalty, houses only a princess can get to live in… her life was spent watching her father melt away as they built these houses together, it was enough to put a soup on the table but they would never be able to afford Chinese porcelain, Persian carpet or silk shirts…
One day came when she saw her father struggle to keep a long walk, she knew she had to take the hay carriage to the city now… so she started traveling to city, she'd be ashamed of her moth-eaten skirt amongst all those women in their finest clothing, but she still kept going, knowing someone had to do this… on a fine day she met him at the toy shop… David… he was buying a doll for his niece. Even though she was unaware of her beauty David saw it at first glance… every time she came to the city, he was waiting for her at the shop… after a few months he became bold enough to give her a flower, and after a year he was bold enough to speak to her father. It was a wedding she can only dream of. She adored everything he gave her and David adored her enough to marry her against his family's wishes… 
Slowly she transferred her passion for decorating into a real house… every guest would appreciate the details, but it would be lovely if they didn't touch everything… this house was hers, it was not for sale like the others… she managed to convince David to host less and less people, the house must be kept in order, the house has to be proper… but one day David's sister Jane came to live with them, her husband's demise has taken a toll on her, Jane needed company; Jane needed help with her children… with their greasy fingers, touching everything, pulling her curtains, staining her Persian carpet. It was all Jane and those children, but she never had a house of her own, does she have to share this one too?
It wasn't long after Jane's arrival that she had a breakdown, slapped David's niece, pulled down the curtains, screaming… they were all forgiving but Jane kept being kindly insulting...
Then came the second breakdown, she never meant to harm Jane but the way Jane talked so dismissively at the table indicating she can't keep the house… she threw the hot soup all over Jane's lap, not knowing it was almost boiling. David was left with no other choice… 
She has the most beautiful room in the Asylum… and although David stopped visiting long ago he still send her a bouquet once every month.
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whileiamdying · 7 months
Googoosh: the rise and fall of Iranian pop music
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Ben Forrest Sat 10 February 2024 23:00, UK
Pop music and Iran are not things you would immediately link together, especially not if your frame of cultural reference is based in the Western world. In actuality, the country of Iran has an incredibly rich music history dating back thousands of years. The output of Iran was incredibly influential on surrounding areas across West Asia and the Middle-East. In more recent times, Iran witnessed a blossoming pop music scene, with the pioneering sounds of Googoosh blazing the way.
Born as Faegheh Atashin in 1950 Tehran, Googoosh began singing at a very young age. After starring in various Persian films during the 1960s, her twenties saw her devote herself almost entirely to pop music. Blending the traditional sounds of West Asia with a kind of 1960s pop sensibility, Googoosh quickly became a cultural icon in Iran; women across the country rushed to copy her hairstyle and fashion sense, characterised by mini-skirts and bright colours.
Constantly pushing the boundaries of pop music and wowing audiences with her incredible tones, Googoosh reached the peak of her popularity during the 1970s. In addition to her legions of fans inside Iran, she became notable worldwide, with tracks like ‘Talagh’ earning her acclaim throughout much of West Asia and parts of Europe. Her chanson-style of performing, evoking images of Edith Piaf, often centred around themes of love and loss, proving to have universal appeal even among non-Persian speakers.
Tragically, the success witnessed by Googoosh during the 1970s would not be long-lasting. In 1979, the Iranian revolution saw the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty, to be replaced by an Islamic theocracy, a ruling government which prevails to this day as the Islamic Republic of Iran. Under this authoritarian regime, female performers were outlawed. While music is not inherently haram, music which may cause temptation is seen as an evil – leading all female voices to be banned. A common phrase used to justify the performance ban was the Arabic “sawt al-mar’a `awra,” or, “the voice of a woman is a shameful thing”.
Rather than fleeing her native lands in favour of a country with more accepting cultural scenes, Googoosh remained in the Islamic Republic of Iran, “out of love for [her] homeland”. In many ways, Googoosh acted as the perfect encapsulation of everything the 1979 revolution sought to banish: she was a fearless woman performing Western-inspired pop songs while bedecked in mini-skirts and vibrant colours. Nevertheless, she remained in Iran following the events of 1979. Retiring from performance – though, not by choice – Googoosh remained under the authoritarian rule of Iran until the new millennium, when she left the country for Canada, permitted to tour by the reformist presidency of Mohammad Khatami.
Recording material and performing live for the first time in over 20 years, the comeback of Googoosh was glorious. Selling out venues across the world in testament to her universal appeal, her 2000 tour came to a close with a date in Dubai on the eve of Nowruz (Iranian New Year); much of the audience had traversed the Persian Gulf from Iran to see their country’s cultural hero perform in the flesh.
For many, Googoosh is the singer of countless ear-worm pop tunes from the 1970s, but the Iranian singing sensation represents so much more. Googoosh represents the vibrancy and empowerment of the pre-revolutionary period in Iran, a time of real excitement among the country’s youth, characterised by trailblazing artistic movements which were later destroyed by the revolutionary state. Remaining active to this day, with a date at Wembley Arena due next month, Googoosh remains a beloved figure around the world, and an important point in the rich timeline of Iranian music.
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dangara2610 · 10 months
(4/10) Teenager and Young adult Ulla- Part 5
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Have a nice day you all 🧬🍁🍎🖼️🧫🍎🧭🧭🍁🍎☀️🧪🍇🧭🍁🧫🌾🍎🍁🧭☀️
Here I am, once again, trying to get this done before I get distracted again, but as you can see I am easily distracted.
Right now, I mean, two weeks ago, I used that feature "voice to text converter", so you might see some words wrongly chosen.
I'll try to correct everything before posting, but if I am in a hurry, it will get confusing as always.
Back to the post 📯👾⚗️🧪
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Next thing I imagined was all these happening :
Donella on her own - Part 1
A.1 Donella finished her school regulation with great success, no graduation , also she was sick and tired of the environment she got, so she thanked the Faber family and got back to her native land Ingvarr.
Now being older and wised , she noticed the actual state of this place.
A.2 I kind of imagined this Kingdom fell into a vicious economic cycle because of the following factors:
A.2.1. Maybe Ingvarr is supposed to relate to real history of England colonizing Iran, but the great difference that the native Iranian Royal family survived the wars and won. (On a post, there was told how Ingvarr was inspired on Persian culture)
So instead of getting a colonization by europeans with overexploitation of minery and land, we got a kind of "Mercy agreement" about letting english kingdom to stay, but not as slaves or war prisoners, but as employs.
A.2.2 Yet ,they still got some wary sentiment, becoming racists, so they didn't let these people to afford too much, they would work a lot but earn little.
Ingvarr royals rised the prices of the school materials, building materials and groseries on purpose, it would look fair because they would actually bring the best of the best from far away lands, cheap things were not on sale.
Only the owners of the mines, of the lands, war veterans, teachers and birth certificated original families of Ingvarr would be able to buy these goods.
A.2.3 Then, what would the citizens/migrants habitants of Ingvarr would buy with their payment?
After each shift of work they get their meals, so no hungry at the streets (unless you got unemployed ) , as well the work uniform, the money would be for paying the entrance and exit of the big doors, outside each town, specially outside the kingdom, buy your way out and way in.
A.2.4 Mothers and kids usually had not an employ, so, forgotten by the royals, the payment would be saved for them, the workers would hide some food and sell it, get some old clothes and adapt them.
That's why they had too much hurry into making kids have a skill to join the mines, children labor became a common thing.
A.2.3 Kids who wanted to play and have some freedom would get expulsed from the mines, having to face the fury of their parents, what would happen next?
Them trying again but stopping playing around to help the family finances, or maybe get away, becoming children of the streets.
A.3 After looking around a while, Donella entered the Royals section, so fancy and full of military, mostly women, children playing on the park, scholars getting out from their building, a colorful market, lots of houses with unique architecture, until reaching the palace.
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A.4 She asked for a meeting with the head of maids, she wanted to join, the guards asked her to wait , the call would be sent, they followed protocol, after some hours she got invited in for a work interview.
Donella presented herself, showed her certificate of studies and named her skills, of course, the head of the maids made racists comments, thankfully, those got drowned down after she made intelectual comebaks, impressed, they would welcome her to the maids team, along with warnings about harsh punishments in case of bad behavior.
She as the reserved and hard faced woman she is, agreed with a humble speech and a promise of hardwork.
A.5 She had a plan and she was going to follow it
5.1 Endure, no need to make friends or earn someone else's trust, just be the one doing a good job, so she won't get fired.
5.2 Hide trinkets, coins and anything valuable, hide it on the trash and save them for later, as a way to do "ant robbery" , unnoticeable and slow.
5.3 Once she gets to clean military gear, memorize designs, so she would make a imitation of them, next, improve them, then, sell it , to the royals or to other kingdoms, that depends on the future circumstances.
A.6 Her first big mistake, not getting true private storable spaces, so she would need to get a lock to shut her notebook with the designs, materialize the improves would have to wait.
A.7 Of course, the racism and commenting behind her back were stressful, so she lost concentration and talked back, getting caught on a cat figth with another maid, of course, she wouldn't win, she knew she was bound to apologize but decided she wouldn't add to the humillation and let them decide a punishment for this unsubordination
A.8 Work on the stables for a whole week, of course she made a great job on the castle staff doing the cleaning chores, but people here were loyal to their warnings, she would meet here lots ....
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Oups , I run out of time, let's be faster :
Donella met lots of male Persian/Iranian guys
One of them was Cyrus
Both wanted more money and power
Cyrus was supposed to be one of the grandsons of the veterans, a live of riches not as secured as the grandsons of the owners of the mines, so , he needed to start his own business
He liked Donella plans, so he would make her his business partner in secret
He was the one presenting the improves to the weaponry house, so he got the credit and the payment.
Donella and Cyrus got their first salary, she wants to go to the market but Cyrus insist he must be the one saving the money or , it would be suspicious if a maid of the palace suddenly has a lot of coins or new products on her bedroom or pockets.
Donella feels robbed and untrustful , but each time Cyrus carry her to his place to work, he showes her how her money had been untouched, reminding her about how , once they have enough, they're going to move from this kingdom somewhere they can be richer and more free.
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Her punishment finished and she came back to the indoors chores
Some other Persian guy from the stables came to the headmaster of the maids and asked for Donella, eager to buy the "adote" of her and marry her.
The maids in the castle divided into the ones congratulating her and wanting to be friends as fast as possible, so they could get invited to the wedding, and the ones who would get angry at how unfair this was and how she doesn't deserved this, so they would secretly sabotage her way, scare her with the disvantages of being the wife of a Ingvarr men, and tell the soon to be bride how a bad woman she was.
The headmaster of the maids, as protocoled, started an investigation about who were Donella parents, so this guy could pay his adote to them.
Donella of course was furious, this guy was going to ruin her way to a live of riches and freedom... Or what if not? Maybe she would take advantage of this.
Cyrus contacted her on the night, informing her about how this guy spyed them and wanted to steal her away from him, so he would be the one getting the new business afloat, that guy is no a dumb searching a pretty woman.
Donella tells Cyrus that, as far as it seems, she can get her objectives with this new guy as with Cyrus, so , what can he offer for her to choose and get more benefits?
He added he would make sure she would not only work for this business and then get locked like this other guy like to do with his employees, total freedom for going all the Seven Kingdoms if she likes, as long as both get their money
She liked it, both knew they couldn't say "no" to a men buying a wife and stay as they were, so, both played dumb while making preparations to move.
Cyrus buyed her a uniform similar to the one he usually wear, so she could leave the maid one on the bedroom, the clothes were expensive and she could get an unnecessary problem with the local police if she didn't give it back to her boss.
She payed her way out to the door guard, leaved a letter about quitting.
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Now, Donella and Cyrus would-
Oups, I have to go, seee you next time , thanks for reading 🍎🌲🪷🌿🎊🥝🌀🌷🍡✨❄️🌸🍡❄️💐🧬✨🌤️🪩🌤️🧬🧪🌤️🧬🎹🍎❄️🍡🎹🧬🎹🌤️🍊🧪🧬🌤️🍊❄️🍡✨❄️✨🍡🥝🥭🍉🥭🌠🎊🌠🎊🌀🌿🍓🌳🧬🍎🧬✨🍒🍒✨🧬💐
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theadventurerslog · 8 days
Quest For Glory II: Trial by Fire | Part 3
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The Adventurer's Log
Day 3 in Shapeir here we come! It was a bright new day full of possibility. Except I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do next as I loaded up.
After eating breakfast I set out only to be paused by Shameen to let me know the Poet Omar will be performing this evening. Always a reason to return at night.
I decided to set out into the desert and find the Dervish to get the beard bit for Keapon. So I also got to ride my saurus.
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Keapon's directions were to keep going south and a bit east. I'm glad I had a compass because the perspective flips part way.
I continued south until finding a stone dragon head pointing east and started going east.
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I also got attacked by a bandit and my saurus ran away. I won the fight and had to leave the screen and come back to him having returned shamelessly. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. Weirdo.
But shortly after I found the oasis and the Dervish.
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I asked him about the saurus and hmm...
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"Seem" to be real, huh?
I tried to be polite and ask him for a piece of whirling beard, but nothing came of it, so I just took a bit. I tried asking him about some other stuff too, but not much came of it.
It was time to head back and I forgot I could have just told my saurus to go home and saved a trip. However, it was a slightly eventful one.
I forgot to mention the silly clowns function. Turn it on and get silly things. I encountered one of those silly things.
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Persian golf session!
And then my peaceful Persian Golfer watching got interrupted by another brigand. I fought him off, but of course my saurus ran away again... I tried leaving and coming back and he was still nowhere to be seen. Turns out I was close to the city gate though so I returned and was told they find their back to the stable. I was still a bit worried though, so I left and came back, and sure enough, he had returned. Silly thing.
In that muddling I think I also saw a plane go by in the sky. Those silly clowns.
I sold my whirl of Dervish beard for 15 dinars. I also tried casting magic to see what would happen.
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It was only a Detect Magic spell, but I suppose trying to cast one in a magic shop might be considered rude...
And in quite a contrast from QFG I have lots of money I don't know what to do with. But, I realized I should probably buy some healing pills. So, apothecary next. Pills come in sets of 3 which is nice. I got healing, magic and poison cure.
...I forgot to bargain for them :/
By this point it was midday. I decided to go back out into the desert to explore more and get in some magic practice.
I found a tree.
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A tree woman.
I couldn't do anything and detect magic didn't detect anything. You'd think it would. But, no, nothing strange here at all. Nothing.
So I practiced some magic, went back to town, and did a practice round against Uhura with my remaining stamina. Rakeesh and Uhura's baby, Simba, were outside hanging out. It was cute. Nice of Rakeesh to give Uhura a break. Then I took an hour nap.
I still had some day left and I realized I'd never checked out the palace plaza on the map. There was a blanket seller and a jewelry seller but nothing I could buy, although the jewelry seller tried to sell me a 500 dinar pin. That did not go anywhere.
Then evening fell and it was Poet time back at the inn.
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Prophecy time of all to come? He continued:
Comes a hero from the North, riding on the very air, And this is sign the first to then beware, For Darkness soon shall fall and shadow cover all, The city and the ones now living there. The first Doom shall be Fire, which shall burn the very stone, The next is Air, and rocks are overthrown, Earth shall be the third, then the final Doom is heard, The Water is gone, the city parched like bone. Unless the one called Hero is a Hero true indeed, Who comes to help the city in its need, Then will face the depths of Doom in the darkness of the Tomb, From the Elemental's Master, we are freed.
Trouble comes!
But in the meantime, I chatted with Omar and his translator Ja'Afar, who puts all of Omar's poetry into plain speak such as:
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I tried asking about a bunch of different stuff but didn't really learn anything I haven't already though it was fun to see how Omar would respond and Ja'Afar translate. Waxing poetical - one liner.
It was bedtime and onto day 4. I was greeted by Shameen informing me there was a strange fire outside. So Omar spoke, so trouble has come.
But a hero's gotta eat, so I ordered breakfast before going out to investigate and was further informed by Shema that the Katta merchants couldn't set up due to the fire.
And yep... Only Alichica remained and his stand got burnt, but his spirit still smoulders!
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No sign of the fire elemental itself though. I asked Keapon about it. It has a weakness for water. I'd have to get him 'restrained if you want to make him remain, so that you can get him contained.' But how, ask another. Not terribly helpful, but that's okay, because there was always my next stop: Aziza. Aziza help!
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Basically her advice amounted to: drive or lure it away from the plazas where there's lots to burn to a more confined area where water could be used to capture it and then it can be contained with an appropriate container where it will behave as a magical flame. She also gave an example of a waterskin for a water elemental. Brass lamp for fire elemental?
I had one last stop for help: the apothecary. He was quite taken with the fire elemental, imagining the pills he could make if he could harness its power. Not for you, my dude, but the conversation gave me the information that incense would lure it as fire is attracted to things it burns because it is very vain.
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I bargained for the incense (70 centimes) which he then just gave to me for free because it was for the good of the city. More merchants in games could stand to learn from that...
Time to go elemental hunting.
Well, that was the plan... It didn't seem to be around. Caused some trouble and swooshed off.
I then remembered I wanted to ask Aziza about the tree that looked like a woman. So I did that instead.
Aziza help!
Aziza, of course, had information about the tree too.
Long ago there was a woman who wanted to be a healer and continually asked her father to be allowed to do so.
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It wasn't easy. Many men distrusted her or would only try to take advantage of her. Then one day a man came to ask for help for his brother dying in the desert. She didn't trust him, but couldn't refuse to give her aid and so followed. It was a trap, and he'd led to her a brigand camp where Aziza refused to elaborate further which says more than enough on its own... She managed to escape but they chased after her. When they almost caught she called for help and a Djinni heard her and transformed her into a tree.
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There are three things to give her to save her soul: a gift of Kindness, a gift of Magic, and a gift of Love.
Kindness: What you would give to someone who has been in the desert far too long. Tell her about yourself. Remind her of what it is to be human.
Magic: a gift of sacrifice. It has to be something gained through hardship and from aiding others. It also has to be something from which a plant can gain strength. She straight up told me I don't have a suitable gift for this yet.
She didn't tell me about the gift of love.
I tried to go to the tree and tell her about myself, but it didn't work, so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Maybe I need more deeds to discuss. Maybe I've missed a step. Aziza seemed to think I could do it now though...
But I went back to town after some magic practice and slept to day 5.
And theeere's my fire elemental.
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But first. Of course. Breakfast. As I said, a Hero's gotta eat. Shema seemed think to so too; she was worried for me. Aw.
Oh, yes, there it is. One roasty toasty fire elemental.
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But pretty easy to handle. I lured it with the incense into the alley.
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Then doused it with water from my waterskin.
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Then put down my brass lamp for it to flee into.
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And I got myself a magic lamp. Rub it to make a small flame appear. Rub it again to make the flame go away.
Everything returned to normal. Except, sadly, our dear pal Alichica is gone.
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No more getting advertised at every time I walk out the door.
All in an early morning's work. What I'll do with the rest of the day I do not know. Perhaps try the wizard exam at WIT again. And maybe attempt the tree one more time.
Next time...
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deluxewhump · 6 months
Erik's Journals pt 11 (2024)
21. Fait Accompli
January 2024
With any luck, this will be among my last entries.
Carlo. Where do I begin with you? And more importantly, where does it end?
I fully intended to leave without telling him exactly when I was going to the airport. I didn’t want a goodbye, didn’t want to see his tears, or his anger. But this was another of my proud, silly sentiments, because he left me first.
Though it stung my pride, this is how I can be sure I am right. That I did a good job with him.
He fought with me in the study the second to last time I saw him. He picked the fight, though he’d say it was my leaving that started it. I am retiring, selling my property in the Valley and possibly the lake house in Virginia. I’m going to spend some time in Stockholm, and then to warmer climes. I’d told him earlier that day. 
He could wrap his head around my going to Europe, I had been to Europe and South America many times since he’d known me, and I think if that’s all it was he’d assume I’d be back. But when I told him I’d sold the house and the land, it became too real.
The weak winter sun had set an hour ago, and with the early night he became restless. He came into my well-lit office and sat down, bouncing one leg on the ball of his foot, then stood up again. 
“So, all of it,” he said, looking around. “What about your stuff?”
“Much of it will come with me. I’ll sell the rest. Take anything you want.”
He huffed. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, Carlo. Books, records, any of the plants. Anything you considered yours.”
“The piano?” he asked
“You want it?”
“I have nowhere to put it. I mean are you selling it?”
“Yes. Far too much trouble to ship overseas. I don’t play anymore, anyway. Do you still play?”
“No,” he answered absently, like one would respond to the comment ‘it hasn’t rained in a while, has it?’ 
After that he was quiet. I stopped separating and organizing the contents of my desk drawer and looked up at him. He was contemplating the amber paperweight that used to sit on my desk, collecting dust on a shelf now. There was a rare Eastern beetle in the center, preserved and crystallized in the resin. He picked it up, let the weight of it bend his wrist back, and let it fall to the floor. It dented the soft pine floorboard and chipped, a shiv of amber skittering over the floor and onto the faded Persian carpet.
“Carlo,” I hissed at the deliberate act.
He turned his head to look at me. “Were you gonna bring that?”
“That belonged to my grandfather. Pick it up.”
“Oh? Did he steal it while colonizing some province in India?”
“Don’t be childish.”
“Why not?”
“Breaking things in anger? I raised you better. Did you ever see me throwing things around when things didn’t go my way?”
“My way,” he echoed mildly. “I don’t know what ‘my way’ is.”
“Well I suggest you figure it out.”
“How?” he asked, a little louder. “How am I supposed to do that? You made sure I’d never have anything of my own. Not really. Just like you don’t.”
I rounded my desk to pick up the glittering chip of amber from the carpet. One edge was soft, the outside of the globe. The other was broken and sharp. I pressed the pad of my finger to the point to see if it drew blood easily.
“I have everything I want. Trust me. I saved your life that night I took you with me. You know this as well as I. And now I have given you not just your life, but your manumission. I gave you everything. If you’re unhappy now, it’s your own doing.
“Nothing is my own doing. That’s the problem.”
“Who told you that?” I asked in a tone I knew was venomous. “Max? Your liberal arts degree? Take some responsibility, Carlo. You traded a comfortable life with me for a comfortable life with someone else who feeds you, clothes you, sent you to college and bought you a new car. Aside from your stint in that state home you have always been wanted, and loved, and amply provided for. And you come back to me willingly with what, self pity? Self pity is the worst thing in the world. It’s beneath you, and it’s certainly beneath me to give you an audience.”
This only fueled him. I was giving him what he wanted— something to brush up against. “I didn’t trade my life with you. You did. When you gave me away.”
“That again?” I tossed the amber shard into the wastebasket. The whole it had chipped from still lay on the floor near his feet. “Pick that thing up, Carlo.”
He ignored my request. “That is the axis my entire existence has rotated on ever since that night! It’s not nothing! It’s not trivial. Stop fucking trying to gaslight me that it is!”
“Now I’m gaslighting you? Always the villain with you, though I went to great lengths to never harm a hair on your head."
“Yeah. As you love to remind me. You act like I did this. But I didn’t leave. I never betrayed you.”
“What do you want? Not on paper. In that bleak little heart of yours— what do you want?”
“Bleak,” he laughed sharply. “You’re fucking bleak. You’re a fucking… two-way mirror. Can’t see in, not really. Just yelling at my own reflection.” He kicked the dense amber globe so it jumped across four feet of floor and landed with a sound like a bowling ball. It glanced off the coffee table and rolled under my desk. He stared after where it had disappeared and then back at me, dark eyes burning like jasper.
“What. You want me to react?” I asked cooly. “To throw something across the room? Do you want me to pin you down and force myself on you, begging for forgiveness into your ear while I prove myself to be the monster you so desperately need me to be?"
“I don’t want that.”
“Sure you do. You have for some time.”
I could see the gears turning, rending through my accusation with mechanic industriousness. “But you won’t,” he said with a bitter confidence. “You’re not a good person, but by your standards you’ve been good to me. And now I’m a sunk cost. You need me to like everything you do to me. That’s your thing.”
”You would twist even my respect for your consent against me?”
He shook his head. “That’s not what it really is. It’s respect for your own ego. But it still might be better than this."
I decided to switch tactics. Affection was always the sharper instrument with this one. “Better than what, angel?”
He closed his eyes. “Don’t call me that.” When he opened them, the fire was doused. “Better than this. Your apathy.”
“I have been many things toward you, Carlo Svenson, but never apathetic.”
“Then take me with you. Want me with you. Don’t just tolerate me. I can’t take any more of your tolerance.”
“What about your Masters program? Max? That boy you’re seeing? What about the life my influence supposedly kept you from?”
“I can drop out and study abroad,” he said, like he halfway meant it. He said nothing of his lover or of Max. 
“Mm,” I doubted. I took a step forward. He took one back. I tilted my head at him, and he stopped. He let me come closer, and I took his shoulders in my hands. “Think about it. Really think about it. Then come back and tell me, Lo.”
He blinked away a threat of tears, unwilling to let them show in my presence, perhaps afraid I’d thumb them away and he’d be a boy again, afraid and in awe of the master of his known universe, the closest thing to God he’d ever been exposed to.
“Fine,” he said defeatedly. Arguing with me always took something vital out of him. “Okay.”
I called Tatiana over when he left. Because Carlo was everything I had once hoped he’d be. And I wanted a simpler creature.
22. A Far Sea
March 2024
What is there to say? These records are an account of events having to do with my pet, Carlo, though he has not been my pet since 2018 and he has not been anyone's pet since 2019. Still, I keep a record. It's for myself, I realize.
I sent the pre-2018 originals to Max Svenson, but I scanned them first, so I still have them in a file in my desk drawer. The Baltimore house has a buyer, and that process is being expedited. It's strange, the things we allow to become part of our identity without meaning to. That estate, for one. Seeing it empty and bare felt like a shock, like I had lanced off a large swath of my own skin. My job felt that way once, but no longer.
Prison never felt like a part of me, thankfully. Perhaps because my tenure was relatively brief, I always felt like a visitor. Now it seems like it happened ten years ago instead of only a few, like an expedition I’d been on as a much younger man. 
Losing Carlo will haunt me, I think, once I leave for Europe with no intention of returning. He has been at my side for so long, even now, with such different circumstances. It will be a deeper lance than my house. I am at peace with being haunted by the loss of my only pet. I’ve learned there is no such thing as sin, or karma, but losing the only joy that remains to me feels like both. Love is such a liability. 
He came over only once more.
It was terrible timing, but it was probably for the best, as I will explain here. I had to leave my guests to talk to him in private. He offered to leave and come back. I wouldn’t let him. I could tell he didn’t want to be in their company, which didn’t surprise me. He knew their ilk all too well from his days in my warehouse. I pulled him away and into my study, shut the door.
“Don’t worry about them,” I told him.
“Those aren’t O&H execs, are they?” he asked knowingly.
“What’re they, the mob?”
“Not exactly, no. Does it matter? I’m much more interested in what you have to say than I am in them.”
He took a deep breath. “I’m not leaving.”
I admit part of me had been expecting this. Had Max gotten to him? Had it been my own words about leaving behind so much? Still, another part of me was sharply disappointed. I had started to think of him when I looked at real estate outside Madrid, making sure he’d have a spacious room with a balcony. I had started to factor him in when I thought of how long I should stay in Stockholm, places I wanted to show him in my family’s ancestral city.
“I see.”
For a moment I wished I was sick of him. I wished I resented him and I wished he hated me. It would have been easier that way— I never would have offered to free him from the legal bonds of pethood, I would’ve left Max Svenson to his own devices. I’d never think of him, and he’d think of me all the time. But he didn’t hate me. He loved me, and I had always found him loveable despite myself. And so I went on loving him. 
“It’s hard enough as it is,” he whispered, not quite daring to look at me. “Please don’t be mad at me. Please. I can’t stand it.”
As he has a way of doing, this deflated any sense of irritation or any lingering desire to change his mind that might have been in the back of mine. I went to him, pulling him into my arms before he had a chance to stiffen or doubt me. “No, Lo. I’m not.”
After a moment, he returned the embrace, laying his cheek on my shoulder. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest, hear the distant din of the men down the hall, voices punctuated by bursts of laughter.
”Are you going to ask me to reconsider?”  “I will miss you bitterly,” I told him, feeling the hot nape of his neck in my palm for the last time. “But I understand why you need to stay here. I care for you too much to try and dissuade you.”
“Please stop,” he whimpered. “I’ll change my mind.”
I pulled back and held his face in my hands, smiling though I felt a profound loss opening in my chest, a new chasm in a valley of canyons and craters. “Don’t.”
“I can’t leave them,” he explained desperately, as if trying to convince me, or perhaps himself. “My program, or Max, or Jude. Max's fiancé is eight months pregnant now. They keep… Max keeps calling him my little brother. If I leave I'll never know if... If I could've belonged here. If I could've had a life here.”
“Shh. I know. I’m not angry with you.”
”I guess that’s good news for me. Coz if you were, you could just hand me over to the mafia guys hanging out in your living room.”
“I’ll miss your perverse sense of humor.”
”Would it help my case if I tell them I’m probably Italian?”
”They're not the mafia, Lo.”
When joking could no longer hold his distress at bay, he wanted to be held a little longer. I indulged him, and myself. I shushed him and kissed his hair. I felt the familiar shape and weight of him in my arms, the boy pet I’d grown to love and ultimately fail, betray, mistreat. Was it all bad?
I rocked him side to side and called him all my old pet names for him into his ear. He muffled a few razor sharp sobs into my shoulder, and clung to the back of my shirt.
”I’m sorry I broke your paperweight,” he choked. “The amber one.”
I laughed into his hair. 
Eventually, I knew I had to get back to my guests. I had called them here to settle affairs, to shake hands, to leave with goodwill. And I think Carlo knew if he didn’t leave now, he never would. He’d let himself slip back into my influence, into the drugged, complicit fairy tale of pethood.
He ducked into the bathroom in the hallway to compose himself, and when he was satisfied he didn’t look like he’d been crying minutes before, I walked him through the living room towards the foyer, my hand pressed into his back.
“Hey Erik, is this a loose end?” Shep Bailey half-joked about Carlo, drunk and bright-eyed.“Business or personal?”
His drunker compatriot added that if anything needed tying up for me, they were the ones to do it.
Any of the more serious men in the room who would actually do something like these two were suggesting would never joke of it out loud. I noticed Carlo was unfazed, barely even bothered to look at them.
He retrieved his jacket from a hook by the door. I took his keys from the next hook and followed him out to his car. It was a late spring evening, balmy and smelling of jasmine and wet earth. The deepening blue sky was not quite dark. Sparrows chirruped and flitted from tree to tree. The crushed white rock of the driveway seemed loud beneath our feet, like the crystalline evening had sharpened the acoustics of the world.
I remembered the first time I brought him here, in 2011, after a long quiet ride from BWI airport in the Mercedes I drove at the time. The sun was setting and there were crickets and cicadas singing in the hedges. The sky was the color of split grapefruit, and soon there would be fireflies in the dark grass.  He’d been reluctant to get out of the passenger seat and step foot on the grounds of his new home. His new masters home, that is, which for every pet is part prison. 
I’d come around to his side and stood patiently. I still had hounds, then. You could hear them barking and baying from the kennels out by the warehouse. 
I’d held out my hand and waited for him to take it. He hadn’t moved. I was aware he was small, alone, on the opposite end of the country with a stranger who held his entire world in his hand like a toy.
I think I was less sentimental, then, and certainly about the feelings of little pets, but this one’s big dark eyes and stiff new backpack I’d bought him to carry his meager belongings on the plane (so far a change of clothes and a toothbrush) was too much for me to be impatient with even then. He was correct, the other night when he told me I was not a good man, but that I’d tried to be good to him. Had I always thought of him as my penance?
“Welcome to your Baltimore manor, Prince Carlo,” I’d said, affecting a stuffy Jeeves accent and pretending to take off a hat and hold it at my chest. “Would you like to dine or tour your new rooms first?”
That got him to look at me. An uncertain smile tugged at his mouth and I smiled back. He took my hand and let me lead him out of the car. 
Tonight, in the same drive, we stopped at Carlo’s car. It was much too early in spring for fireflies. 
“Why do I have the feeling this is goodbye?” he asked.
I tucked a cinnamon curl behind his ear. He blinked sharply, dropping his eyes to the ground. He reminded me so much then of the frightened boy I had seen being pulled up to the card room in Palo Alto. I reached under his chin and tilted it upward. “Don’t be afraid,” I said, as I’d said the first night I’d taken him to my hotel room. “Everything’s going to be alright now.”
He tried to smile, but it only made it harder for him not to cry. He laughed in a sharp exhale, eyes welling up. I knew he remembered.
“Drive safely, Lo.”
He nodded wordlessly, taking the keys I handed to him and lowering into the drivers seat. The car revved quietly to life, halogen lights spilling over the driveway.
I watched him go, a slow circle around the fountain and out to the gate. His brake lights glowed red and then released, and then he was gone.
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docluna · 11 months
Ch. 3: The Handshake
Three days after Luna had met Giovanni, she stepped back into his office with the envelope of signed papers in her hand. He sat at his desk, stroking the head and neck of a large Persian with his left hand, his right once again holding a cigarette. Before she even crossed the room to him, he crushed the cigarette out and waved away the smoke.
“Luna. Welcome back.” He said, rolling his hand around to stroke the Persian’s chin along the jawbone. “I hope you’re here to accept my offer.” Luna pulled over the chair she’d used previously, sitting down across from him and placing the envelope on the desk. She glanced at the Persian, which was entirely too occupied with the attention it was receiving to give her even a cursory look. “I hope I am, too. There’s just one thing in here that I wasn’t comfortable with.” “Oh?” Giovanni pulled the envelope over to his side of the desk, opening it one-handed and sliding the contents out before him. “I’m listening.”
The doctor crossed her arms, inhaling deeply. “It’s section five. You want commercial rights to the things I create using your equipment.”
“That is hardly abnormal,” said Giovanni, furrowing his brow. “What’s your objection?” “Most organizations that ask for that kind of thing aren’t involved in cloning living beings.” Luna replied. “I want some limitation on that part of the contract.”
“Ah, yes.” Giovanni sighed, shaking his head. “I see your point. Allow me to edit this.”
He reached into his desk drawer, producing a pen with a red cap. Without ceasing petting the Persian, his steely eyes locked on Luna, he managed to flip to the fifth section of the contract and start writing.
“I take it this will do?” He asked, handing the paper back to her.
“All non-living developments?” Luna frowned, going over everything that could possibly mean in her head. After a minute of intense thought, she nodded, taking a black pen from the desk and scribbling her signature on the line. “I think that’ll do.”
“Excellent.” Giovanni said. He stood, the Persian grumbling a mrowl when the petting stopped, and offered Luna his hand. “Welcome aboard, Doctor Wenhouse.”
Luna stood and shook his hand, taking a deep breath to settle her nerves. Giovanni could’ve told her to simply leave if she had objections, or decided she’d taken too long in the first place, and then where would she be? The idea had been terrifying, of blowing this opportunity. But she knew full well what kind of damage selling a living clone could do, especially one of this magnitude, even before the moral objection she had to the idea. “Thank you, Giovanni. I’m looking forward to working on this.” “And I look forward to your contributions.” Giovanni sat, his hand returning to the Persian’s head. The cat gave Luna a jealous glare, then settled back against its master’s leg. “Michael will show you the facility. I felt optimistic that you would join us, and took the liberty to furnish your lab with some artifacts and curiosities that you may find useful or interesting.” “Alright. I suppose I’ll see you around, then.” Luna said. She turned to find Michael already standing at the elevator, arms behind his back. As she approached the doors, he stepped aside to wave her in, the doors opening as though at his command.
“I’m glad to hear you’ll be staying.” Michael said, entering the elevator car behind her. It started for the second basement floor on its own, and he settled against the wall. “The boss was convinced you would, of course, but you seemed troubled when you left previously.”
“This is,” Luna inhaled, gesturing widely with her hands. “Quite an ambitious project. If Giovanni hadn’t shown me what he did, I wouldn’t have believed it was real, and even now it feels hard to believe.”
“Ambitious is the word.” Michael nodded, slowly. “I’ve been with the boss for the last ten years. He has always been an ambitious man. But not a foolish one. To invest what he has into this project, and into recruitment specifically, speaks to an unshakable belief that it will succeed.”
“Mhm. He seems intense about it, makes it hard not to believe in his goals yourself.” Luna sighed, then smiled. “So, now that we’re going to be working together, what do you do around here? Other than standing at the door waiting for me.”
Michael chuckled, stepping out as the elevator door opened. “Would you believe I do tech support?”
“Is there a reason I shouldn’t?” Luna asked, following him into the hallway. This hall looked much like any normal office building’s might, though it ended abruptly after twenty feet in another unmarked steel door. There were single doors to the left and right, one labeled Lab A, the other Lab B, and each featured an RFID card reader. In an effort to counteract its emptiness, the hallway was also adorned with a variety of small plants in pots.
“No, sorry. Inside joke. It’s close enough to my official title… ah, I’ll explain later.” Michael shook his head, leading her to Lab A’s door. There, he turned and crossed his arms. “This will be your workspace. Everything within is yours to use as you see fit. If you require anything else, you just need to ask me, and I’ll ensure it gets procured for you. Once you’re across the border to that lab, the only people who do not answer to you in all regards are the boss, myself, and your counterpart from across the hall. Similarly, the well-being of every individual you may bring in to help you is also your responsibility, though I imagine you will have significantly fewer safety concerns than the technical engineering lab does.”
Luna’s eyebrows rose, and she glanced behind her at Lab B’s door before turning back to face Michael, tension in her shoulders. “I suppose Giovanni did mention something along those lines. I wasn’t aware I was going to be fully in charge of a lab, though.”
“Don’t get too concerned.” Michael offered her a warm smile. “You don’t have subordinates yet. If you need them, the boss will find candidates and run them by you.”
Luna couldn’t hide the way her posture relaxed, and she gave Michael a small smile in return. “Well, that’s a relief. How’d you know that was my first worry?”
“Call it a lucky guess.” Michael said. “Now, there is one other thing. As you’re aware, the contract stipulates room and board. Dormitories provided on the floor below us, furnished and comfortably-sized. While you are welcome to stay elsewhere, the boss believed that the sensitive nature of what you’re doing here would be better suited to facility-based housing. If you find it suitable, we’ll arrange for your belongings to be brought here, pay to end any remaining housing costs you might have, and you’ll be given unit two. You don’t have to decide now, obviously, but it bears some thought.”
Luna’s eyes widened, and she crossed her arms. “That, ah, certainly bears some thought. For now I’m just going to check out the lab.”
“Of course. If you need me, the computer inside has an easy messaging system. You’ll see it.” Michael stepped aside with a sly grin, offering her an ID card on a lanyard. It had her name, though no photo as yet. “Have fun, doctor.”
“Mm.” Luna nodded, taking the card and tapping it to the reader. “I’ll do my best. Thanks, Michael.”
And with that, she stepped inside.
Lab A was kitted to the brim with equipment, the kind Luna would’ve killed to get her hands on back at the university. Where the walls weren’t occupied by some form of equipment, they had shelving, cabinets, freezers, and a workstation with a laptop. Two additional doors adorned the far wall and the far right, one labeled Storage, the other Specimen Holding. And there, in the corner, a large device made up of two human-sized cylindrical chambers that she swore was familiar.
Her anxiety over the choice of moving in at the facility faded in the face of giddiness. She ran over to the glass-and-metal cylinders, dropping the ID card on the counter nearby, and grabbed the note taped to the front. Giovanni’s handwriting.
I know from skimming your paper that you based some of your work on the DNA encoding efforts of Bill Blaustein. While I only know Bill in passing, I was fortunate enough to pick up this teleportation unit prototype at a charity auction. I lack the knowledge to use it, but it appears to power on and Michael assures me it is undamaged. While I doubt it will be integral to your work, consider it a good-faith gift.
- Giovanni”
Luna gently set the note aside, grinning from ear to ear. A good faith gift of one of the most notable artifacts in the history of Pokemon genome sequencing? The infamous teleporter prototype that eventually led to the Pokemon Storage System being accessible from nearly anywhere?
“Hell of a gift.” She whispered, tapping the control unit on the front. The cylinders let out a hum as the machine came to life, and the left side door hissed as it slid open, the unit’s simple readout showing ‘READY’ in blocky LCD letters.
She hesitated, biting her lip in thought, then tapped the cancel button and let the machine power back down. No, not yet. She wanted so badly to test it, knowing that Bill had successfully teleported himself using it at least once, but it could wait.
Instead, she walked over to the laptop and opened it up, examining it. A fairly modern business-focused unit. No frills. Web access via wifi, all the scientific programs she could ask for, and the messaging application that Michael had mentioned. It seemed to be an open connection. She kept an eye on it as she took stock of the rest of the room’s equipment, humming softly to herself.
This job was already full of surprises. (Luna is now available for >asks!<)
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ninacarstairss · 2 years
i have too many things to say and i don’t even know where to start
that battle at westminster was epic. if there’s one thing cc never misses is the epic final battle in a series
thomas coming out to his parents and eugenia standing there being the captain of the thomastair ship, ready to be disowned and move in with thomas and alastair
alastair finally allowing himself to be happy but still needing thomas to kiss him for about an hour to convince him that yes, he really does want to move in with him
alastair being part of the group, part of the family, for real
matthew finally accepting the help he needs and facing the truth. he can’t be okay just with the snap of a finger, he has to really want to get better, he has to forgive himself and allo himself the time to heal. i had my doubts as to how cc would treat his alcoholism, but i’m really glad she showed that it is a process, that you can’t defeat the urge to drink in a day and you have to want it, it is not enough for the people around you to want it.
ari getting her mum back, despite everything. ari getting to choose her own name and getting a chance to go back to india as her true self
matthew finally getting the chance to be a big brother
alastair giving baby zachary all the love he has to give, making sure he doesn’t have to suffer what he had to
anna and ari eventually adopting a child, and thomas thinking about himself and alastair raising baby zachary and building a happiness they never thought possible
alastair spoiling baby zachary arash <3 (as he should)
alastair teaching winston bad words in persian
oscar being given a medal for being the best dog
james finally getting to wake up with cordelia every morning, and hopefully never needing to shoot at a lock again
herondaisy traveling the world
lucie and jesse waiting to be married until lucie can sell her first novel
all the parabatai and siblings moments. matthew following james to edom, cordelia watching lucie struggle to edom and still make it through, james and lucie talking about how belial had hurt them, alastair and cordelia finally knowing each other, letting the other see for real. grace and jesse working through the trauma of tatiana together, in any way they can
but also, cassie where was the lucie? lucie is that you? or cordelia? cordelia is that you?. we were robbed
christopher. i don’t even know where to start. he was always left in the background, barely given a story, and somehow we all knew this was his fate. but it doesn’t sit right with me that no one really mourned him. of course there was no time in the middle of battle, but then we only saw glimpses. anna willing to follow him in death fighting the watchers, matthew thinking of him at the river, thomas having more lines on his face. but we didn’t even see cecily or gabriel mourn him. it was too cold, too little. grace was the only one who really got to say goodbye in the lab.
will and tessa with their arms stretched out for jem, as always
james drawing iratzes on matthew for hours in edom, making them work by his sheer force of will
lucie and jesse being cockblocked by will and tessa
james’s try me as he and cordelia faced lilith for the last time
jesse getting a rune for home
matthew going abroad. i’m going to need a novella about his travels right this moment. and possibly a companion novella about lucie and jesse’s wedding. and thomastair moving in and getting a dog for zachary. i will need a lot of novellas to survive
the gang locking away parts of the past in jesse’s old coffin. alastair throwing out the hair dye, matthew the bottle of liquor, grace the bracelet, ari that letter. it was perfect.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Morning Songs
Yesterday's Boytoy
(The Handler)
Mahalo My Lord- Trinity
Why'd You Have
To Defend
Your Baby Boy-Toy
Why'd You Have To
Yesterday's Boytoys
Why'd Your Octopus
Around All The 
Boys Necks
If You Don't Like
What They Say
Filmed By Cellular
You Pull The Ropes
Go Mamma Go
I Said
Tell The Truth
Don't Appease
The Attys
With A Happy Ending
For What
They Do
It's Probate Fraud
Real Estate Law
Tenants Rights
By Murderers
Yeah We Know
What We're Talking 
From Little
Drunk Fools
Putting Out Their Hands
We're The Bribes
At Idyology
From Stirling Bros
Did Atty Bill Whitman
Assure You
He Was A Good
Muir Brokers And Sons Begged
Him To Help
My Kids
And I
Michael Villanueva
After Neighbors
Militia Murder
On Country Club
You Witnessed
However We'd 
He Don't 
Go To Ukraine
And Adopt Baes
From Surrogates
Down On Their
Raped By Government
His Allies
He'd Rather Go To
With PDs
Pick Up Some Baes
A Babies
Anonymous Factory
For Sterile
Invitro Gay Attys
No Harm Done
You Say
Then You Won't 
Mind My Song
My Words
My Pen
My Metaphysical Sword
For Children
My Disclosure
It's Only Weapon
I Have
Are The Boytoys
Afraid Of The Cougars
Militia Beg
Don't Tweet
OK My Little
Nazi Lambs
Proud Boys
Uh Huh
I Won't 
I'll X You See
Call Me A Snitch
Drunk Snarling
Civil War Activist
Hello Angels
Wanted Our Royal
Some Piece
Of The Princesses Pie
Harley Davidson
Stalking Bob Bernard's
My Dad's BFF
Business Partner
They Ate A Chunk
Or Two
Attempted Murder
With Real Estate
Attys Too
So I'm Pretty 
I Got Boundaries
From The Snakes
Of Sandiego
Iowa Judges
Roxanne De Palma
Idy Poser Yoginis
I Got Boundaries
Josh Radnor Said
He Had Boundaries Too
When He Saw My
Trying To Pimp
Me Out
We Got Boundaries
Civil Activists
You Work For Free
On Commission
For Civil
We Got Boundaries
Pure Souls 
We Got Boundaries
Prudent Boundaries
We Got Boundaries
And I
On Dear Prudence's
Song Date
Always Did
A Little Faith
For The Breeders
Who Made Einstein
A Little Faith
For Community
Like Montessori
By Moi
Helping Real Estate
Sold Out By
Fundamentalist Pasteurs
Village Farm School
Sold Out By
Our Idy Encinitas Families
We Appreciate
Innovation School
Just Not The
Julian Charter School
Umbrella'ing It
Who Stole My Family
With Texas Marines
Hand Jobs
Posing As Moms'
Spreading Disease
In A Pandemic
Priests Selling Out Our 
To Scramble Under
Cellular Towers
Didn't Appreciate 
Restraining Orders
From My Beach Homes
HomeSmart Realty
Didn't Appreciate
Lawyers Beatings
At Clark- Viviano Law 
In The Night
Or Ticks Planted
On Me
And My Rockstars
Nearly OD'd
On Lithium
Planted Handlers
We Want To
Know Price
What Does
Sammy June Get Paid
On #FreeBritney Heads
For Being
His Persian
Kite Runner
How Did Lou Taylor
Another Victim
Call Justin Bieber's
Magistrate Judges
Charge Them For Treason
Already Ordered
Lou Taylor
Tri-Star Prosecuted
We Want Her In 
A Cage
Not Brit's Dad
In Prison
Charge Lou Taylor
Attys To Clerks
Deputies Dicks
Even The Chopped
For The Defense
This Kink
Of Court
Charge Them For
For They Tromped
On Trinity
And My
Gals At Chowchilla
Every Single One Of
Says Nina's
"Been Waiting For
She Jokes
Been Writing You
Gavin Newsom
Jerry Brown 
Sheriff Bianco
DA Senator And VP
Kamala Harris
DA Summer Stephan 
Deaf Ears
Pushing Defense Gay Man's
We Wrote You
Now #TimesUp
3 Warnings
You've Had Dozens
3 Red Flags
No More Warnings
7 Years 
Of Holocaust
Mother Nature Is Screaming
PDs Inconsistencies
For Constipated
Dr. Gardner
Not Handing
Call It Rude
I'm Allergic To Your
Poly Crew
Seems I Need
Another Tribe
To Tell Another 
At Every
20 Residences
Plus Camps
To Back Off
On Smear Campaign
Or They'll End Up
In A Defamation Trial
Like Johnny The Pirate
As A Gypsy
Grew Up In The
Born In Chicago
Schooled In Iowa
Writers Capital
Seems Your Attys
And Officers
Think I'm Chattel
Not True
Never Was
Sacred Autonomy
My Dear
They Probed
My Who-Who
For Proud Boys
Like You
And Your Bros' Smears
And No
I Never Did
Like Your Hookers Of Court
But Somehow
They Got Us
Mixed Up
They Got
18 Months
Of Free
Naked footage
For Dark Web
Nothing Is Free
You Know That Now
For Perverted
Spin Dr's
Like Carmel Benson
Dr. Queresheri's
Dr's Discriminating
On Bribes
Riverside Healthcare 
Breaking Hippa Laws
Gossiping Nurses
Drm Natalya
Can't Get Pathology
Therapist Tima
Ivanova Bickers
Hiding Property Manager
Emily Pearson's Fentanyl Fairy
Double Agent Oath Keeper
Sheriff Coroner Bianco 
Ghosts Us
On Probate Cons
Mommy Haters
Somehow They Sold Me
And I Didn't Want
To Be Bought
So I Whistleblow
For Poppy
Since You're Not Present
And Anjali
My Daughter's
Always A Nanny
An Auntie First
Praying DA
Gets Arrested Before
You Two
Because Once
A Relationship
The Community
Because Boy Toy 
"Hit Me,"
It's Never A Secret
By Sheriff Conspirates
Never A Hells Angel 
Gag Order
Some Of Us Say
Said "No!"
And Fought
For Autonomy
Long And Hard
For Our Civil
Activist Rights
You See
On Nitya X
Britney X
Civil Activists
Malcolm X
Anne Heche 
Didn't Make It
A Punch In The Gut
When They Cut
Her Oxygen
At 911
Con With Fentanyl
Probate Fraud
By Brokers
Naya Rivera
Didn't Make It
By Divorce Court
My Glee Love
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
Bad news about Iranian  Animation(:
This real BAD news,that concerns not only the Present,but the Whole Future  of the Iranian Animation Industry.While the occidental news outlets are going with the approach about “the rights of women”,”equality” they don’t care about an awful news.
Iranian animators attracted to foreign studios over weak local currency: expert. December 4, 2022 - 18:37
Photo below: This file photo shows Iranian animators working at a studio of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults – Kanoon. (Kanoon/Hamid Tavakkoli)
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“Due to a sharp decline in the value of the local currency in comparison to the dollar, Iranian animation studios are willing to work for other countries,” Ali Azizi told the Persian service of MNA.
“These studios were previously selling their productions to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), but I’ve heard that IRIB has not paid them as a result of the precarious circumstances surrounding its funding,” he added.
“Moreover, strict IRIB rules and regulations impose certain restrictions on animation works, while animators want to have a free hand to let them use their creativity. As a result, they are reluctant to work with IRIB,” explained Azizi who was formerly a manager of an animation school.
He has recently quit his job to direct an animation project.
Azizi said there are animation studios in Turkey that are working with Iranian animators who are even allowed to work remotely. Their projects are totally or partly done by Iranian studios.
The Turkish studios pay the Iranian animators less than they pay their local employees. Nevertheless, the wages paid to them are still higher than what they receive in Iran.     He said that some Iranian animators have also been duped and have failed to receive their wages from the Turkish studios.
The animation industry has developed in Iran over the past decade, but the country has failed to exploit its commercial potential.
Ashkan Rahgozar, the director of Hoorakhsh, a major animation studio in Tehran, has frequently warned about the emigration of skilled and even semi-professional people working in the country’s animation industry.
Images below:from the iranian,epic,animated movie “The last Fiction”.
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In an interview conducted last year, he said the financial motivations are the key factors in these migrations.
“Iran has not done well on efficiently training human resources in this field, and the professionals’ migration issue has really become serious. We are seeing them going to foreign companies for higher salaries. I see no bright prospect for improvement in human resources here, because even semi-professionals are easily attracted by overseas companies,” said Rahgozar who is the director of the acclaimed animated movie, “The Last Fiction”.
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My Understanding
This is the Real Significant news.I fear that the iranian animated movie “The Last Fiction” might be a Swan Song!(: “Who’s fault is this?” Not of the iranian regime.It’s of others, who fill us with the unessential claims(yes,claims isn’t the real thing)about human rights,and they passby that the strict sanctions make life harder for the creative people,such as Iranian animators.
Source: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/479368/Iranian-animators-attracted-to-foreign-studios-over-weak-local
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nikithakavali · 2 years
Where do citrus fruits come from?
All of the citrus fruits are from the family Rutaceae. This family is also known as the rue family and contains flowering plants that generally have a strong scent. The genus Citrus includes oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. These fruits have been cultivated since ancient times. They have probably originated from Australia, New Caledonia and New Guinea, although some research points to them originating in Southeast Asia. Many of the species are hybrids and there is speculation that even the wild true-breeding species are actually hybrids originally.
What do citrus fruits do?
All of the citrus fruits are noted for their fragrance. This is due to limonoids and flavonoids (both of which have strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties). They can help prevent kidney stones, as they contain high levels of citrate. Lemons are the highest, drinking diluted lemon juice daily has been shown to decrease kidney stone formation.
The vitamin C content of citrus fruits is legendary, and regular consumption has been found to decrease your cardiovascular and heart disease risks, whilst increasing life expectancy. Vitamin C is also a natural anti-histamine, preventing histamine release and aiding in its detoxification.  Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress.
How do I use citrus fruits?
Use the peel! It’s full of antioxidants and can help fight free radicals, balance blood sugar levels and support thyroid health. You can buy candied peel for desserts here.
Juice, have a look at our smoothie and juice recipes.
Mix with water, a slice or 2 of a citrus fruit in hot water first thing in the morning will help to alkalise your system and aid in cleansing.
What fruits do Real Foods sell from the citrus family?
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Lemons are probably a hybrid between a bitter orange (C. Aurantium) and a citron (C. Medica). Although it could be a hybrid involving limes! They contain high amounts of citric acid, around 5-6% of total weight. Initially discovered in India, lemons were avilable during the Roman Empire's heydays but were not widely cultivated until the Arabs introduced them into Italy in the 8th century.  Colombus took them to America and it was then that their amazing effects on scurvy were noticed. They are highly valued for their juice and high vitamin C content.
Limes - C. Aurantifolia are so called because they have long been confused with lemons. The name is derived from ‘limun’. The 2 most popularly cultivated limes are the Mexican or key Lime and the Persian lime. Limes were unknown in Europe before the crusaders and were probably imported from Palestine after Arabs had introduced them there. Their incredible flavour and high essential oil content is used widely in cooking and is popular for marinades.
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Tangerines – C. Tangerina is probably derived from C. Oculata. Less sour and sweeter than oranges, the name is derived from Tangiers which grew them widely at one time. The red-orange skin is usually what separates them from mandarins.
Satsumas – C. Unshiu are probably of Japanese origin and are very easy to peel. Sweet, their nickname the “Christmas orange”  is because they are very popular as Christmas treat in the U.K.
Sweet oranges are known as Citrus Sinensis and are a hybrid between a pomelo (C. grandi s or C. maxima) and a mandarin (C. reticulata). There is no history of the orange being grown in the wild and it’s thought to have been selected in China or northern India from their cultivation of mandarins and pomelos. Oranges have been grown from at least 2500 B.C.E in China.
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Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) are a hybrid between lemons and oranges (it’s why they’re sometimes called orange  bergamot and others  call them lemon bergamots).  They are relatives of sour oranges and are famously unpalatable. Similar to Seville in the sense they are prized for their zest, their flavour and pith for marmalade making and their scent. They do not taste very nice however! Bergamots are only available occasionally through the year. 
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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33 Flavors Day
33 Flavors Day is celebrated on March 3 every year. Though the reason for this particular date is not known, many believe that it is when the famous Baskin-Robbins ice cream company was founded. Whether that is true or not, people love to celebrate this day as they try out new flavors that they have not tried before. They can celebrate this day by treating themselves to a well-deserved treat or by taking their friends and family along to their nearest ice cream shop. The timing of the holiday, which falls right in the middle of spring, makes it perfect for eating ice cream.
History of 33 Flavors Day
Ice cream originated in China. From there it was brought to Italy by the famous explorer Marco Polo. He went to China with his father and brother in 1271 on a trading expedition. He was surprised to see frozen food being sold from handcarts on the streets of Peking. It was frozen milk, sometimes flavored with fruit juices. Marco Polo was offered it as a gift. He took it with him to Italy.
From Italy, the idea got across France. In the year 1533, Catherine de Medici of Italy went to France and married the second son of Francis I of France. Catherine took with her a large retinue of cooks. It was they who introduced the new delicacy to the French, who soon discovered how delicious it was. Interestingly, it was again a bride who later brought it to England. This was Henrietta Maria of France, who married Charles I in 1630. The secret of ice cream preparation was brought to England by her cook.
Soon, ice cream spread all over the world, including the U.S. The first wholesale factory for ice cream was in Baltimore. The real development of ice cream, and the ice cream business started flourishing only after 1900 with the development of refrigeration. The basis of all ice cream is milk, cream, sugar, and sometimes even eggs. Vanilla, chocolate, berries, fruit ingredients, and nuts are added as flavors. The ice cream usually contains 20% to 25% cream and milk products, 15% sugar, flavor in small quantities, and a small amount of stabilizer. The stabilizer is used to retain the smoothness of the ice cream by preventing the formation of coarse ice crystals. Pure food gelatin is typically used for this purpose.
33 Flavors Day  timeline
500 B.C. A Popular Persian Dessert
Ice cream made with ice and ingredients such as saffron becomes a summer treat.
400 B.C. Persian Ice Cream
Luxury ice cream is invented for Persian royal families — a sorbet made from vermicelli noodles, cherry syrup, and rose water.
1846 The First Mini Freezer
Nancy Johnson invents a portable freezer for ice cream — a manual device cranked by a handle — before fridges are invented.
1851 Ice Cream in Quantity
Jacob Fusselman, a milkman, starts selling ice cream in bulk in Maryland, leading to Maryland’s reputation for some of the best ice cream.
1945 Lovely Flavors
Baskin-Robbins ice cream is created and currently has 2,500 branches in the U.S. alone.
33 Flavors Day FAQs
How many flavors of ice cream are there?
There are over 1,000 flavors of ice cream and many more keep getting each year.
What are the strangest flavors?
Some strange flavors of ice cream include avocado, crocodile egg, octopus, caramelized brown bread, garlic, and licorice.
What are some creative flavors that have been invented?
Some delicious ice cream creative flavors that have been invented are raspberry, coconut, caramel, butter pecan, shrimp, bacon, and pizza ice cream. There is also goat cheese beet swirl and sweet potato ice cream.
33 Flavors Day  Activities
Visit your local Baskin-Robbins
Make your favorite ice cream at home
Share ice cream with your loved ones
Celebrate 33 Flavors Day by visiting your nearest Baskin-Robbins outlet. Try a new flavor of ice cream that you haven't tried before. You can experiment with new flavors, toppings and even try a combination of two or more ice cream flavors.
Nothing tastes better than traditional home-churned ice cream. Celebrate this day by making ice cream at home. You can prepare the ice cream using a mixture of salt and ice to churn the ice cream or use an ice cream machine to speed up the mixing process.
Make your loved ones feel special by sending them a box of their favorite ice cream. You can handpick ice creams from your local grocery store or order them online. Leave a special note with the ice cream and if you want, you can even send them some unique ice creams such as gold and charcoal flavored ice creams.
5 Facts About Ice Cream That Will Blow Your Mind
A healthy dessert
Chocolate coated ice cream
Ice cream and WW2
An expensive desert
Vanilla ice cream
Ice cream contains calcium, proteins, and vitamins A and B.
‘Eskimo pie’ is the world's first chocolate-covered ice cream.
During WW2, the U.S. Military gave ice cream to the troops — for caloric value and morale building.
You will need 12 pounds of milk to make one gallon of ice cream
Vanilla is the most loved ice cream flavor.
Why We Love 33 Flavors Day
We explore different ice cream flavors
You can share your love of ice cream with others
The efforts of local ice cream vendors are appreciated
Whenever we visit our favorite ice cream or soda shop, we try to play safe by ordering those ice cream flavors that are common or have already been tried before. However, on 33 Flavors Day, we are motivated to try out more exotic and unique ice cream flavors that people don't know or don't feel like trying otherwise.
On such occasions, we get an opportunity to share our love for ice cream with others. We can send a surprise package of ice cream to our loved ones or enjoy it with coworkers or at home after a busy day at work.
When it comes to enjoying ice cream in its true essence, nothing beats having ice cream from a local ice cream truck. With more high-end ice cream brands and cafés entering the confectionery market, the consumers must support small-scale ice cream vendors. And 33 Flavors Day is one such opportunity to support local ice cream shops by buying ice cream from them and promoting them online through positive reviews and ratings.
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robertnelson2-blog · 9 months
Dubai Real Estate Market: The Epicenter of Luxury Living in the UAE
Have you ever dreamed of living a lavish lifestyle surrounded by opulence and extravagance? Well, look no further than Dubai, the cosmopolitan capital of the United Arab Emirates. This glittering city has cemented its status as a premier luxury destination, attracting the wealthy and well-heeled from around the globe. At the heart of Dubai’s allure is its world-class real estate, from penthouses with private pools to beachfront villas and exclusive gated communities. If you’re searching for a prestigious new address or an investment property with solid returns, the Dubai real estate market is ground zero for luxury living in the Middle East. With stunning properties ranging from sleek high-rises to sprawling mansions, Dubai has an elite option for every taste. From the palm-fringed shores of Palm Jumeirah to the skyscrapers of Downtown Dubai, discover why Dubai tops the list of most coveted places to live lavishly. The emirate’s largest property portal is your key to unlocking the best addresses this glittering city has to offer. Buy apartment in UAE
Dubai's Booming Real Estate Market
Dubai has become synonymous with luxury living and for good reason. The city’s real estate market is booming thanks to an influx of wealthy foreign investors and an insatiable appetite for lavish properties.
Dubai’s population has exploded over the last 20 years, growing from just over 1 million in 2000 to nearly 3.5 million today. To keep up with demand, Dubai has undergone a massive construction boom, building hundreds of residential skyscrapers, mega-projects, and entire neighborhoods.
The city is home to some of the most extravagant properties on the planet. Take the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago in the shape of a palm tree that features posh beachfront villas and high-rise condos. Or the World Islands, an artificial archipelago of 300 islands arranged in the shape of a world map. Properties here start around $15 million.
Luxury apartments with private pools, gyms, and 24-hour concierge service have become commonplace. Penthouses with 360-degree views of the Dubai skyline and the Persian Gulf frequently sell for over $10 million.
Demand remains red-hot, especially for properties near downtown Dubai or on Palm Jumeirah. Rents and sale prices continue to increase year after year.
If you’re interested in becoming part of Dubai’s luxury living scene, the city welcomes foreign buyers and has no income tax, capital gains tax, or inheritance tax. But be prepared to pay a premium—living lavishly in this desert oasis doesn’t come cheap! With the right property though, you’ll be living like royalty in one of the most exciting and extravagant places on earth.
Dubai Rent Prices and Sales Trends
If you're looking to rent or buy property in Dubai, it's important to understand the current market trends. Dubai's real estate market has been on an upward swing for the past couple of years, with rent and sales prices increasing across the board.
According to Dubai's largest property portal, Bayut, average rents in Dubai rose around 3% last year, while average sales prices jumped by over 5%. The most in-demand areas in 2020 were Dubai Marina, Downtown Dubai, and Palm Jumeirah, where rents have increased between 5 to 10% and sales prices are up 10% or more.
Dubai Marina remains one of the most prestigious addresses in Dubai, with its picturesque waterfront skyline and upscale lifestyle. Rents for a one-bedroom were around AED 70,000 last year.
Downtown Dubai, home of the Burj Khalifa, is always in high demand. Expect to pay at least AED 90,000 per year for a studio and over AED 150,000 for a one-bedroom.
Palm Jumeirah also attracts a premium due to its man-made island status. Rents start around AED 80,000 for a small studio up to AED 250,000+ for a three-bedroom villa.
If your budget doesn't stretch to those coveted areas, consider other fast-growing communities like Dubai Hills Estate, Dubailand, and Dubai South where you'll find relatively lower rents and lots of new projects being built.
Overall, Dubai's real estate market is thriving and showing no signs of slowing down. Whether you want an upscale apartment with a sea view, a spacious villa, or an affordable studio, Dubai has options for all budgets. The time to invest in Dubai property is now.
Tips for Buying Property in Dubai
Do Your Research
Before buying a property in Dubai, do extensive research on locations, developers, types of properties, and market prices. Check sites like Property Finder, Bayut, and Dubizzle to compare listings and see what’s available in different areas based on your budget. Read reviews from other buyers and research developers’ track records and reputations. The more you know about the Dubai real estate market, the better positioned you’ll be to find a good deal.
Set a Realistic Budget
Properties in Dubai span a wide range of prices. Set a budget that fits your needs and financial situation. Keep in mind additional costs like agent fees, transfer fees, maintenance fees, and utility bills. As in any real estate market, higher-end, luxury properties will hold their value well over time compared to mid-range or budget-friendly options. Think about your timeline for owning the property to determine if potential appreciation and resale value are important factors.
Hire a Reputable Agent
Work with an agent who specializes in Dubai real estate and has a proven track record of satisfied clients. They can guide you through the buying process, negotiate the best deal on your behalf and help avoid potential pitfalls. Ask friends or family members for referrals or check sites like Bayut and Property Finder for top-rated agents. Meet with a few agents to find one you feel comfortable with before officially hiring them.
Get Your Financing in Order
Most Dubai properties are purchased with cash, so you’ll need to have financing in place beforehand. Meet with banks in both your home country and Dubai to compare mortgage rates and terms for expatriates. The general rule for expat mortgages is that you can borrow up to 75% of the property value. Be ready to provide detailed financial records to show your income and creditworthiness.
Negotiate the Best Deal
Work closely with your agent to review contracts, negotiate the final selling price, and include favorable terms before signing official paperwork. Don’t feel pressured to rush into a deal or pay the initial asking price. With luxury living also comes luxury price tags, so every bit of savings can help. Be willing to walk away from a deal if you don’t get a price you’re comfortable with. Another opportunity is always around the corner in Dubai.
So there you have it, an inside look at the luxurious real estate market of Dubai. Whether you're dreaming of an opulent beachfront villa, a sleek high-rise apartment, or your private island, Dubai seemingly has it all and then some. The city is constantly reinventing itself and pushing the boundaries of architecture and design. If you've got the means, Dubai provides a playground for the ultra-wealthy to live out their wildest real estate fantasies in the lap of luxury. For those still building their fortune, Dubai offers inspiration and a glimpse into the lifestyle of how the other half live. Love it or hate it, you have to admit Dubai does luxury living on a truly epic scale.
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