R.I.P to Dame Angela Lansbury, who recently passed away at the age of 96
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itookjiminsjamz · 1 year
hi, this is my first ever post on here but I wanted to share this here. it's a short story I had to write with my friends for my English class.
🌸White Lillies🌸
The couples danced around each other, entranced by the music and the scenery around them. They had finally come to an agreement beforehand, Samson and Semadar are now happily wed. Samson was enamored with how gorgeous Semadar looked underneath the chandeliers and candle lights. Her floral wedding dress floating along the dancefloor, her hand intertwined with his. Her smile was bright and adoring, looking up at her husband. Samson took Semadar’s hand and ran out to the balcony. 
“You look beautiful tonight, my love,” Samson spoke thoughtfully.
“You don't look too bad yourself,” Semadar replied. 
The couple smiled at one another, taking in the moment away from the crowd of their friends and families. Semadar looked up at the night sky of their small town, basking in the light of the moon. 
“The moon looks beautiful tonight, don’t you think?” Semadar said while looking at the night sky.
“Yes, you picked the perfect night for us to be wed.” Samson was too occupied with taking in Semadar to look at the moon.
The night was cool, and a light breeze was drafting onto the balcony. Semadar’s flower crown was lightly blowing in the wind, along with her hair. She was smiling from ear to ear when she turned to see Samson looking at her. 
“You’re not even looking, idiot,” Semadar says through a smile.
“I’m looking at something far more interesting,” Samson admits.  
“Oh shut up.” Semadar rolls her eyes, but can’t keep the smile off her face.
Sadly, the moment was ruined when the door opened and one of the guests entered the balcony. They looked slightly panicked until they got control of their emotions.
“Sorry to interrupt, but the newly weds are needed for the first dance,”  He muttered, motioning for them to follow him in. 
Samson nods and grabs Semadar’s hand, pulling her into the ballroom. In the lavishly decorated ballroom, guests are seen talking and drinking with each other, completely oblivious that the couple was even missing in the first place. As they make it to the edge of the floor, a soft song starts playing from the orchestra. All the attendees turned to watch the two dance together. Semadar waltzed out to the middle of the floor, holding out her hand for Samson to take. 
She looked angelic, almost as if she was glowing. Samson was just about to reach out and take her hand in his, when the unspeakable happened. The golden glass chandler that was attached to the ceiling suddenly fell. 
It landed right on Semadar, killing her in an instant. All Samson could see was blood. It coated the walls, the tables, chairs, guests, and even him. It was like a bomb went off, no it was like Semadar was the bomb, but instead of killing everyone around her, she killed herself. Samson couldn’t even process what was happening, nor could he hear the terrified screams of the people around him. All he could do was stare at his wife’s mangled corpse. He wanted to look away, he wanted to so badly, but it was like he physically couldn’t. His body was practically begging for him to look away and run. 
Feeling his throat close up and tears threatening to flow out of him like a tsunami, but all he could do was stand there, frozen like a statue.
Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, the reality of the situation seeped in. He felt his body convulse and the panic had set in. He fell to his knees, devastated and disgusted. All he wanted was to be happy, to find someone to help him be more like himself. But it was all over, everything he had ever dreamed of coming true, gone! Like a flash of lighting. Stolen away from him quicker than he had said the words 
“I do.” 
He quickly scrambled to the chandelier where his wife was, grabbing at it, screaming for someone to help him, to save her. Everyone looked at him like he'd lost it, she was undeniably dead. That didn't stop him from trying, screaming out her name in vain, his body threatening to shut down or vomit at the sight of her. She had looked so breathtaking moments before, now she lays dead, cold, and bloody. Her wedding dress now painted bright red with the blood oozing from her. The original design was barely visible. All the love and life now drained from her face.
Samson couldn't stomach the sight anymore, turning his head away. His gaze caught the flower arrangements specifically for today. In the mix of them were lilies, White Lilies. 
Oh God, of course it was them. The White Lilies. He should have known, but why go for his beloved wife? What would they gain? What good would come of this? Did they want torture him so he would stop pursuing them? 
He didn’t understand. He couldn’t understand. Why them? Why her? Why?
Why didn’t they just take him?
1 Year Later
Samson brought the bagel to his mouth. It was a few days old, it was a bit tough, but he would manage. He was flipping through the local newspaper, looking for any new information on the White Lilies. They weren’t really very reclusive, as they practically ran the town. He had been trying to find a way to infiltrate the cult for as long as he can remember. They were corrupt, bigoted, and they killed his wife. He’d tried practically everything, starting riots within the group , relaying false information to them, he even tried to join with a disguise, but nothing worked. He honestly wanted to give up, but he knew he had to keep trying. 
He huffed, setting down his newspaper and finishing the rest of his bagel. The coffee shop bell rang, but Samson didn’t bother to look to see who it was until she sat down right in front of him. He glanced up at the woman, and froze, across from him was his wife. He relived the nightmarish memories of that horrid night.
He was about to leap across the table, but realized that this wasn’t Semadar. She looked almost exactly like her, but she was definitely not her. He remembered Semadar’s soft almond eyes and crooked teeth, but this woman had hazel eyes and a perfect smile. This was not his wife.
“Who are you?” Samson asked.  
“I’m Dahlia, nice to meet you,” She said, sticking out her hand for him to shake. He grabbed her hand and shook it lightly. 
“I’ll ask again, who are you?” Samson asked once again with a rigid expression on his face.
“Oh? Semadar never told you? I’m her sister! Twin sister, actually,” She informed him. 
“Really? She never mentioned a sister..” 
“Ah, Semadar and I have never really gotten along all that well, so it’s only natural.”
Samson nodded. It was believable, as Dehlia looked and sounded almost identical to her. But he still thought there was still something off about her. 
“So, why are you here?” Samson asked. 
“Oh, um I don’t really know, I just wanted to check up on you. Semadar’s death was hard on everybody. I can still remember the ringtone of my phone coming on while I was watching Friends. It was really late, so I paused my TV and set down my remote control and answered.” She trailed off, not knowing what else to say. 
Samson stared down at the small ring on his pinky finger. It was the only thing that remained of her after they took away her body. He was about to show it to Dehlia, when she touched his shoulder. 
“Hey, do you want to get out of here, we could go to my place if you’d like.” She said, releasing his arm. 
“Sure, I’m not busy anyways” Samson agreed, getting up from his place at the table. Dehlia followed, and they left the coffee shop together. Along the way they had to turn around because they were heading in the direction of a one-way street. After some more walking, they reached Dehlia’s house. 
It was small, but looked cozy. After Dehlia unlocked the door they made their way inside. Dehlia offered to make some tea, and Samson felt obliged to say yes, so he did. 
Dehlia’s kitchen was extremely nice. It was strawberry themed, so every nook and cranky was filled with strawberry painted things. Even the tea set she was using to make the tea was littered with tiny strawberries. 
“The tea’s done!” Dehlia chimed, setting a cup in front of him.
“Let me guess, strawberry flavored?” Samson smirked. 
“Ohh, you know me so well.” Dehlia replied, taking a sip from her cup.
Samson also took a sip from his cup. He felt a small blush creep onto his face, but wrote it off as the tea being too hot. The two chatted for a while about an assortment of things, ranging from Dehlia asking Samson if he ever planned on remarrying, to the rigorous process of making strawberry lemonade. 
Time seemed to fly by, because 5 hours had already passed, and Dehlia was ushering him out through her front door. 
“We should do this again sometime!” Dehlia suggested with a small smile. 
“Yeah, definitely.” Samson agreed. 
“Well, How about this Saturday?” 
“Sure, that works for me.”
“Alright! I’ll see you this Saturday Samson, bye bye now!” Dehlia shut the door, leaving Samson in the cool night air. 
While walking back home, he looked down at the ring on his pinky. This last year had been the worst in his entire life, but maybe things were finally starting to look up for him.
Newsflash, they absolutely were not. 
He and Dehlia met that Saturday. And the Saturday after that and so on and so forth. They had been intertwined in a way that was impossible to describe. The more time he spent with her, the more she reminded him of his wife. He knew it probably wasn't healthy to try and move on so quickly, but he really didn’t care. He had just finished having lunch with Dehlia. It was beautiful outside, the sun was shining, and there was not a cloud in the sky.
   He got up to use the bathroom, trying not to be slow, wanting to take in the town they    had been in. walking back to the table, he notices a note, in perfect pretentious handwriting. 
Dear Samson,
I had a wonderful time with you today. I would love to meet up again, next Friday instead of Saturday, since I am a tad bit busy that day. I would expect that the cafe in this town would suffice at lets say 12:30? I hope you accept my apology for not telling you this in person, I was running late for a meeting with my family. 
Your best regards,
He held the note, overjoyed with being able to see her again. And he'd only have to wait 5 days to see her instead of 6! YIPPEE! He quickly gathered up his stuff, thanked the waiter and hurried out the door. 
Time passed faster than he could have anticipated
And before then it became friday. Samson was already running late, by about 5 minutes.
He hurried out the door and raced down the street to the little cafe on the corner. Opening the door he scanned his surroundings, not finding Dahlia within his view. 
“Well, I honestly wasn't expecting you to show? Yet here you are. Surprised? I made that note believable” said a man behind him. 
Samson quickly turned on his heels to hear whose voice it was, not sounding familiar to him whatsoever. 
“Who are you exactly?” he asked, quite irritated by this man already. 
“I’m Judas, I know you haven't met me yet, but I'd hope you'd stick around.” the man, Judas, had said with a sly smirk across his face. 
He was lean and tall, not much weight on him but good looking nonetheless. He had a tailored suit on that was definitely more expensive than his entire wardrobe. He had ginger hair and freckles along his cheeks and nose. He had aristocratic facial features. Long and pointy. And bright bluish gray eyes that pierced through him. 
“Right, So who are you again? I'm kinda in a rush, I'm supposed to be meeting someone?” Samson asked again stubbornly. Judas may be pretty but he doesn't have the time of day for chit chat, he had to look for Dahlia. 
The ginger stuck out his hand and said proudly “I am a part of the Lotus. We are a group who are trying to take down the White Lilies, now if you'd just sit down I’d like to discuss a matter with you.” he insisted with a bitter smile. 
“I'm sorry but I really have somewhere to go.”  Samson said, pushing his hand away and walking towards a table. 
“Yes, I'm quite aware of what you have to do, as I said before. I didn’t think my note would be that believable” he said with a cocky grin. 
“Your note? What are you on about?” he looked at him puzzled. What was this man trying to say to him? He huffed and sat down and as the man sat next to him, he scooted away. 
“The note that told you to meet me here of course, unless you really are that dense?” he said, his posh accent prominent as ever. 
“What? How do you know about that?” Samson asked confused, until it hit him… the uncharacteristic wordings, the posh handwriting. It wasn't Dahlia that wrote that note to meet him, it was Judas? 
“Mmm, now you get what I'm talking about? Took you long enough, pretty boy.” his cocky grin on display once again. 
“It was you who sent that note? How did you even find me?” he said, concerned and slightly terrified.  
“That's another conversation for another day, for now let's talk about this” he said as he pulled out a camera.
The video started playing on the camera screen, it shows Dahlia and an unknown man with long hair.
“Hey there Dahlila, How's it going with Samson, my  dudette?” the unknown man said.
“It’s going. How about you, Jesus?” Dehlia asked the man.
“It's going great man, oneself just finished a sandwich, which was amazing by the way, YIPPEE!” the man now known as Jesus replied. “ Did you convince Samson to join us?”
“I’m working on it. Samson sure is a hard guy to crack.” Dehlia told him.
“Yeah, it's too bad your sister had to get caught in the crossfire, oops.” Jesus said “It's the price he had to pay for getting in our way.”
Samson couldn’t stomach it anymore. He ripped the camera away and sulked. 
“See! I am reliable after all!” Judas exclaimed. 
“Yeah, Remarkable.” Samson growled. He was angry, sad, disappointed, and so many other things. How could she? He loved and she betrayed him. 
“So,” Judas spoke, “you know what you have to do, right?”
“Yeah, yeah I do.” Samson huffed, rushing out of the cafe. 
“Are you ready for the ball, Samson?”
Dahlia was adjusting her strawberry dress’ straps. 
“Of course. You look lovely, by the way,” Samson told her. 
“Oh, why thank you!” She giggled, twirling in her dress. 
When the two finished getting dressed and ready, they went out to Dehlia’s mini cooper. While they were getting in the car, Dehlia spoke up. 
“Samson, I'm just so glad you finally decided to join the White Lilies! We’re so happy to have you!”
“Yeah, same here. As soon as you explained the inner workings of the cult to be and how you guys are actually good guys, I was totally convinced! So glad I changed my mind.” Samson plastered a smile on his face. This was painful to enact. 
“So am I! Anyways, let's go!” Dehlia floored it out of her driveway, making it to the church in record time. When they arrived, they put on their masquerade masks and began dancing. They danced to all sorts of things, like the waltz, MJ, and even Eminem. The DJ just kept renewing song after song. At one point, Samson questioned how many songs they were going to renew. 
After the dancing was over, they started eating french onion soup, which enhanced everyone’s relaxation a ton. 
“So, how are you liking the recruitment party?” Dahlia scarfed down her soup.
“It’s been great so far!” Samson said, blowing on his soup, but never taking a bite. He looked over to the opaque windows. The sun had set long ago, so he glanced at the clock. It read 12:03. Perfect. Samson smiled at Dahlia while continuing to talk to her. 
Then, suddenly, the party erupted into total chaos. People started dropping like flies, falling out of seats and such. Some tried to run, but never got far. Even leader Jesus had fallen.
“What! What’s happeni-” Dahlia screamed, but was halted by a sudden pain in her chest. “OW”
Samson walked over to her fading body, smiling down at her. Dahlia finally realized. 
“You tricked us! You never wanted to join the White Lilies!” She yelled.
“Yeah, like I haven't been saying that for years.” Samson scoffed. “Why did you seriously believe I had changed my mind in the span of 1 week.” 
“You.. poopyhead…” Dahlia said with her dying breath.
Samson huffed. He started covering the building in gasoline, until the entire building was filled with it. He then struck a match, dropped it, and walked out to Judas’ car. 
“You did it! You killed the cult!” Judas celebrated.
“Yeah, let’s just go.” Samson said, hoping into the convertible. 
“Yeah!” Judas threw himself into the driver seat and started the car.
The two men drove off into the sunset, hair flowing in the wind. Saying “YIPPEE” together.
The car exploded. They died. The end
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Sansão e Dalila Online fácil
Assistir Filme Sansão e Dalila Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/sansao-e-dalila/
Sansão e Dalila - Filmes Online Fácil
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Sansão, um forte homem de uma tribo escravizado pelos filisteus, se apaixona por Semadar, uma devota ao reino dominante que se envolve com Ahtur, o que leva a uma guerra entre os dois povos. Na briga, Semadar acaba morta e sua irmã Dalila, que sempre amou Sansão secretamente, jura vingança. Ela planeja seduzi-lo para que ele revele seu segredo para entregá-lo ao seu líder, Saran de Gaza.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Julio Cortázar, (1962), Cronopios and Famas, Translation by Paul Blackburn (1969), New Directions, New York, NY, 1999. Cover Art: Xul Solar [Museo Xul Solar, Buenos Aires]. Graphic Design: Semadar Megged
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secular-jew · 2 years
Neot Semadar. Oasis in the south of Israel, just north of Eilat
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dollypopinspiration · 4 years
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Israel 18686 Arts Center in Kibbutz Neot Semadar
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northknot-hq · 4 years
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Hey friends! It’s time for the costume contest voting. Below the cut you will find a list of all the characters’ costumes and an additional list for couples’ costumes (both platonic and romantic). By clicking on this link, you will be able to vote for your top three costumes in five categories. You should be voting for individuals in every category except for the couples one. Please vote by the 2nd of November so the winners can be announced before the end of the event. If I’ve missed any of your characters or couples on the list, please message me via the main. Happy roleplaying!
Adelina de Salazar - Frida Kahlo
Aiden Carlisle - Skeleton
Althea Whitehart - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Astra Grimsbane - Poison Ivy (DC)
Athelstan Blackthorne - Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Atlas Laveau - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Bryce Sinclair - Maverick (Top Gun)
Caleb Findlay - Spiderman (Marvel)
Camille Severin - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Carolina Dixon - Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)
Christian Davies - Captain America (Marvel)
Clarissa Gooding - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Daniel Andreu De Costa - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Danika Vale - Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction)
Eleanor Grimaldi - Pennywise (IT)
Elsa Morgan - Black Canary (DC)
Emilia Santiago - Cruella de Vil
Erastea Morgan - Cat Noir (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
Erik Blackthorne - Peter Pan (Peter Pan/Disney)
Everett Moore - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Frida Eydis - Cleopatra 
Halliwell Brookes - Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
Honor Hudson - Black Swan (Black Swan)
James Davidson - Beast/Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Juliet Robinson - Skeleton
Kinsey Simons - Devil
Lachlan McLagan - Joker (DC)
Laurel Parks - Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)
Lucrecia Nair Rosales - Pirate 
Lukesh Virani - Tutankhamun
Marcelline Fontaine - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Margaret Grimaldi - Semadar (Samson & Delilah)
Miles Greenwood - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Miriam Blackthorne - Shego (Kim Possible)
Nadia Sinclair - Vanellope Von Schweetz (Wreck-It Ralph)
Naomi Kennington - Flapper Girl
Nate Kennington - Pinky (Pinky and the Brain)
Noah Greenwood - Spiderman (Marvel)
Nova Blackthorne - Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tales)
Olivia Bancroft - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Olve Blackthorne - Romeo (Romeo & Juliet)
Orlaith Callaghan - David Bowie
PJ Simons - The Brain (Pinky and the Brain)
Reagan Grimaldi - Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
Remington Phinleigh - Batwoman (DC)
Rhiannon Blythe - Juliet (Romeo & Juliet)
Sebastian Young - Skeleton
Seraphina Blackwell-Byers - Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Skylar Thomas - Catwoman
Sloane Carlisle - Persephone (Mythology)
Tabitha Davidson - Faun (Mythology)
Vanya Blackthorne - The Galaxy
Violette Cunningham - Angel
Xavier Barrington - Prince Charming (Cinderella)
Zehavit Ashkenazi - Wonder Woman (DC)
Aiden & Juliet - Skeletons
Atlas & Marcelline - Alice & Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Everett & Althea - Jack & Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
James & Luna (daughter) - Beast/Prince Adam & Bella (Beauty and the Beast)
Nate & PJ - Pinky & The Brain (Pinky and The Brain)
Olve & Rhiannon - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo & Juliet)
Xavier & Natalie - Prince Charming & Cinderella (Cinderella)
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artisttable · 6 years
Painting the Desert
Upon first glance the desert appears to be devoid of color and everything else that would be interesting subject for a painting. Not all deserts are the same, but there are some American artists that have given us the most amazing visions of what happens in the desert. Georgia O’keeffe, Maynard Dixon, and Edgar Alwin Payne to name a few.
(Maynard Dixon)
The ArtisTTable is going to be in a most…
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nimrodeldar · 3 years
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We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret. #שבועטוב חברים יקרים (at Ne’ot Semadar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWgM3knsItO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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margaret-grimaldi · 4 years
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“Oh dear, I suppose another year of effort is required. Tsk, any excuse to appear young again.” ~ M.G
Margaret Grimaldi | as Alice Rosewood, as Semadar (Samson and Delilah 1949), Halloween 2020 
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gentesincara · 7 years
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Dudi Hasson - Neot Semadar 
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weijcke · 5 years
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Neot Semadar http://www.packagingoftheworld.com/2019/04/neot-semadar.html
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ganorbikes · 5 years
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‏‎יצאנו לדרך תלת יומי בערבה ואילת🍻🍻🍻‎‏ (ב‏‎נאות סמדר Neot Semadar‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvjxKCqHnNY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5yvwbj61oop
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habitantes-oazj · 7 years
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"Samson and Delilah", 1949. Victor Mature as Samson. Angela Lansbury as Semadar. Henry Wilcoxon as Ahtur. Directed by Cecil B. DeMille. Cinematography: George Barnes. Paramount Pictures
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xamfra · 7 years
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Happy birthday Angela Lansbury. 
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