irondamsel · 2 years
[to: @semplicementerojuro]
But did SHE tell you where? She’s not going to a Jazz concert, is she -_-U?
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tenshusuto · 1 year
@semplicementerojuro : So, kisuke-san, are you finally going to stop using your sex dolls and try interacting with actual people instead?
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He's staring at Rose with indescribable look of sheer shock.
'' Excuse you?? Who said I'm—, " he protested for Gigais are not made for mating purposes, " Rojuro-san, please! You're instilling the wrong ideas into my fans! '' '' R - RUDE -- ! ''
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burdenedreverance · 2 years
The flames of a roaring campfire seemed to light up the eyes of the Pariah of the Gotei. A traitor returned to the fold welcomed by with a leash around his throat, and a gun to his head. It didn't matter to him. He saw something that none of them could, a path that only he could walk. For now he played the part of the willing accomplice. Callous fingers thrummed the strings of the guitar in his hands, a low rumbled voice singing to an audience of no one.
"A blind man lost, in the streets a pattern here, I need to see keep returning keep trying to leave got a bad feeling that I need to feel."
The slow melancholic build of the music seemed more fit for a rock song, converted to acoustic guitar. His head bobbed slightly as he began to hum the beat, his little hovel far and secluded within the Seireitei. Just far enough where he couldn't be a threat, where they could watch him like a hawk.
Such was the life of a Pariah.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
//OH COOL YOU OPENED THE FRECKING INBOX YOU GORGEOUS SOUL AND SELF-PROCLAIMED DRUNK AUNT YOU!! (lol carrying it over on this blog instead of the other one now) first of all, happy new year, and secondly i adore you. you're just one of those people that is easy to get along with. isn't kinda difficult or weirded out by someone who just happens to respond to their ooc posts even if they just followed them 5 mins ago. idk what it is but you are infectious lady. you truly are! obvs in a good way tho lol! and we love your ooc post as much as your ic ones too. i know we've briefly talked here and there but outside of that i can mess around with you and it's just not odd like that is rare vibes and i appreciate that so much about you. you're friendly, you're nice and you're just plain lovely. and i'm so glad i got to follow and know you in 2022. don't ever change. sending you lots of love, good vibes and all things sugar and spice for 2023. and hope to see more of your brand of high energy on my dash! <33
You're so cute, thank you sm for this HEhehehEHehHE, I'M //// it's so soff. I'm glad we got to talk to each other last year and this year, we'll defo get to rping together soon too. Thank you again for the soff message! Hope you have a fantastico new years and all of this years goodness stays with ya! <3 <3 <3
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
Rose: -confesses feelings for Lisa- Hiyori: LET ME HELP YOU! I’LL BE SUBTLE! (hiyori the next day with a boom box under Lisa’s window with the song ‘KISS FROM A ROSE’ playing subtly in her office)
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mccncutter · 2 years
| | |  @semplicementerojuro  | | |   ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ:   ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ   !
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               ❝   S - Shaddup  !!   As if you don’t say it like that,  Rose  !!   ❞
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
Happy new year Rishi! 🎉 it's been a real joy interacting with your renji last year. We enjoyed the brief shenanigans and love how he was all in awe of Rose. Also how you adore him so much! You've been around the rpc for ages now but it was nice briefly connecting with your blog last year. Hope for more of that this year too uvu
You seem like a really chill mun who enjoys bringing their muse to life and just writing with your various rp partners and the best thing about your blog is that you're always open to interact with any and every one. That's mighty welcoming of you and we hope you keep and not lose that wonderful spirit <3 keep shining, because you're a true star~ ✨️
Unprompted ||| Always Accepting
My goodness, Mims!! Happy New Years to you too, you amazing person! This was such an amazing message to receive, and I'm so sorry that I'm answering it so late. I don't even have the right words to say, to express how grateful I am for this ask - just that as much as you make me out to an amazing person, I want you to know that you are as well.
I'm looking forward to interacting more too!! I feel like Rose could be a great role model for Renji. Just you know, senpai stuff haha. In life, in training, almost for everything.
Before I word vomit - because I can and I will, let me just wish you the best for 2023. May it bring you happiness, good health and all that you wish for :)
Many loves to you ♥♥
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midnightactual · 2 years
@semplicementerojuro wrote:
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Oh, I think red would totally rock you too. wonderful contrast on your beautiful complexion.
Yoruichi slung her cloak aside to reveal the brilliant red dress below.
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“Well, I’m glad you agree~,” she trilled with amusement. “It’s still a pretty new change I’m trying out.”
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commandinginferno · 2 years
[ FEND ]:    sender adopts a defensive position that stops the receiver from launching an attack on them.
Sparring/Fighting Things
The war was over. For the Gotei 13, it had been but mere months. For the wrongly exiled, it had been a full century. Yet, no matter how long one had waited, it was now finally over. Thanks to the valiant efforts of one Ichigo Kurosaki, Sosuke Aizen had finally been defeated. Plans of universal conquest from an egomaniacal madman were finally brought crashing down by a yet living teenager and those who had supported him most. At long last, victory.
Now came the aftermath. With the great evil defeated and the Living World now secure, Yamamoto's priorities had to return to Soul Society. There would need to be rebuilding, restructuring. They'd need to ensure that something like this couldn't happen again. Aizen had come too close. His schemes had exposed a weakness in Soul Society that Yamamoto couldn't afford to ignore.
That being said, such a thing would take time, and before that, he had more immediate things to take responsibility for. The exiles-now calling themselves the "Visored"-had deigned to remain after the battle, if only to recover from the exaustion afflicting them all. Or perhaps, simply taking the time to let it sink in that it was finally over. Regardless, Yamamoto had words for them.
The Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 had gone to each of the Visored, swallowed his pride, and had bowed his head and apologized. He admitted that the sentencing they had received was wrong, accepted responsibility for allowing and enforcing it, and swore that it would be revoked as soon as he returned to the Seireitei. They would be free to return to Soul Society as they pleased, and if they chose to do so, they would be welcomed back to their old positions that rightfully still belonged to them. He swore all of this on his pride as the Captain-Commander.
He had not expected any of them to entertain the notion. They had been horribly mistreated by the Gotei 13; even with Aizen defeated, that would not change. It would only make sense for them to spit in his face for what he had allowed (though he doubted any of them would go quite that far). Still, the apology and acceptance of responsibility both had to be made, as did the offer to return to their old positions. The individual's justice could never outweigh the world's justice, but luckily, the world's justice had more important things to focus on than this.
As it turned out, they surprised him; Shinji Hirako, Rojuro Otoribashi, Kensei Muguruma, and Mashiro Kuna had all elected to return to their old posts. They had not come to their decision immediately, but the fact that they had chosen to return at all was still shocking to Yamamoto. He was not sure he would have been a big enough man to do the same, had he been in their position.
Even so, their return-while unexpected-was as far from unwelcome as such appointments could be. Of course, the fact that three of the returnees were Captains meant that they had to pass a Captaincy Exam. It was the barest formality; Soul Society couldn't afford to turn them away, and besides, Yamamoto had already promised the jobs to them and he would not renege on that. However, allowing them back without such a formality could create...complications if the newly-appointed Central 46 decided to be difficult later on down the line. Sometimes, one had to go through tedium in the present in order to prevent problems in the future.
So it was that Yamamoto and Captain Otoribashi found themselves opposite one another in a specially prepared facility. This exam was very simple; show that his skills had not declined, and he passed. Considering the coordination he'd shown during the battle at the fake Karakura Town, Yamamoto wasn't too terribly concerned. And, well, even if he did fall short, Yamamoto would pass him anyway. The performance didn't matter as much as the fact that he had performed at all.
The initial clash had proven Yamamoto correct when the one others closer to him called "Rose" successfully warded off his initial strike and proceeded to take a stance that made a follow up difficult.
"It is good to see that your skills with a whip have not diminished, Rojuro Otoribashi."
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) @semplicementerojuro : Kisuke-san, i hear you singing and assume you must be in the jolliest of moods today. but the words of the song did catch my attention, a certain verse of it too rather- and the men... who play for fun. -taps his chin- except, it makes me wonder, could that phrase really ever apply to you? perhaps, at times. but not always.
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ㅤ'' Oh? Was my arrhythmical cacophony that loud? '' BIG YIKES. Apparently, he was audacious enough for his singing to penetrate beyond the walls of Shōten. ㅤTrue story. His mood has been in zen(some)tune with the universe today. Albeit he was amused why Rose thought about comparing him to the lyrics -  namely, that one part. ㅤ'' If you consider me a dangerous man one should stay away from, then I guess so, '' he joked, '' but it could be my Wednesday-wisdom or just me, liking a song from a musical ... who knows. ''
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yumichikah · 2 years
//happy new year minna! i hope you were able to follow through with the plans you wished to do. and that you had a fun new year's eve. just dropping by to send you some love and adoration for you and your peacock muse of many years. firstly, i'm so glad that you're still here in the bleach rpc. you're like one of the few OGs that haven't left and moved on and that in itself is a rare sight and one to be appreciated. i'm also glad you give your boi here all the love and attention (although not lately but that's okay too since you're allowed to try out new muses too even if our muses don't like that lol) you're kinda like caleb in that regard since you've stuck to him for so many years and have developed him into the narcissistic mess he is today. he's fun, he can be dick but people still love and i'm glad that bout of nasty vibes you got around the end of last year didn't deter you. you handled that maturely and with such grace that was so admirable and beautiful which shows how beautiful your soul is. thank you for being a lovely part of my dash and i look forward to seeing many more of your content this coming year! <33
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-- WHAT IS THIS. SUCH AMAZINGLY NICE MESSAGE. I'm not deserving of such high praise! You're definitely being way too kind, dear! I really do appreciate this though - just like I really appreciate having you around even after all these years! It's such a heartwarming thing to have some oldies around for sure since it brings up such fun memories from years past gosh. I hope we can be mutuals for the rest of our tumblr lives, no matter which blogs and how long it'll be! Heck, I would definitely give you a one big hug right now if I could reach!
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chernozemic · 2 years
If this is true, then why didn't you patch him up properly, or was that too difficult for you?
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"Goodness... What a stupid question. He refused to die and, in similar vein, also refused to be away from the so-called "action" for long. If I had my way, he would've been stored in a tank for, at least, a couple more hours... but that wouldn't be at all beneficial. He was a necessary asset, so pardon me that I did not take into account aesthetics. I fixed him, I did not need to simply "patch" him up."
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
//happy new year, aini!!! we miss you and the gremlin on the dash sm! and hope you return to us soon safe and sound. i hope 2023 treats you so well and is a source of blessings and goodness for you and your family. and i'm sending special good vibes too. i'm so glad we got to get closer last year and you've been a wonderful and caring friend to me and i appreciate and adore you so much. you are a wonderful person, a great rper and an awesome hiyori! a true firework, keep rising and shining, my friend and here's to many more interactions this coming year! <33
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// Mimi, thank you so much for sending this in. I wasn't in the right space back then to formulate a reply, but this still cheered me up during my darkest days. I think you are already aware of everything that has happened to me - the main things anyway - and knowing that I still had you cheering me on gave me strength and the will to keep checking tumblr even when RL was falling apart. I have just learned to accept the grief 2023 has brought and how to move forwards gracefully. It's the only thing I can do. I pray that you have a lovely year and you are secure from calamities. ;n;
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icybreaths · 2 years
//happy new year jewel-mun! i hope 2023 treats you well both in rl and rp! <3 just wanted to send you some love and gush about you and your wonderful oc that's such a treat to see on my dash. even though we don't really interact i do enjoy her on my dash loads!!! and thank you for sending that ask last year about the clay it was so cute <3 i hope to see loads more content from you this coming year and wish you good vibes and happy feels ^^
|| Asks || @semplicementerojuro ||
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Thank you for the wonderful message!! I hope 2023 is a blessed year for you as well (for everyone!) 💙
Life certainly has its ups and downs but one positive thing I'm grateful for is getting to come on here and catch up on the shenanigans and see you all. This past year has been awesome in terms of the RP partners (new and old!) that I've gotten to interact and write with. It's been so fun and I'm looking forward to writing more with ya'll this year. :3c
I'm glad that you like Jewel! cries abt it It always brings me joy when someone tells me that they like one of my OCs, and especially Jewel because she's my personal favorite.
About the clay-- Rose is a artistic man so I felt she would most likely approach him with something artsy in mind. He has such a light air about him with a flip switch of silliness when he's bullied asdfsf.
We haven't interacted much but I definitely would like to more! I will think of something by golly.
I hope to see more content from you this year as well! Sending you light, love, and positivity. May you always find inspiration when you seek it! C:💙
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
Random Dialogue Prompts ||| Accepting!
"Noo...." Renji wailed, pointing to the shattered carafe on the floor, his precious liquid gold now wasted. He knew that it was just a cheap coffee maker, and he could easily buy another one, but right now, seeing it shattered like that quite literally broke his heart.
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"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" He turns to Rose, glaring at the captain. "Please. Tell me. Who did it? Who was the culprit? I'm gonna go hunt 'em down and they're gonna see just how much they regret breakin' it. How much they regret deprivin' someone of their much needed coffee!!"
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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@semplicementerojuro​ asked:
Are endearments offensive to you?! So I caN't call you baby or gorgeous or anything else now??  
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               “ What on earth are ya ravin’ ‘bout? ” He is baffled by the abrupt outburst from what appeared to be an indignant Rose. “ Since when did you ever call me baby or gorgeous, may I ask? ”
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